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Henal Jhaveri
MMS (2015-17)

It is a matter of great satisfaction and pleasure to present this report

on Comparative Analysis of Various Alternatives Available in the
Market for Wealth Management, with special focus on Bank of
Baroda. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those
involved in my summer training.

This project would not have been complete without the constant
support and guidance of my mentor Mrs. Lakshmi Usha Maam,
Branch Head, PBB branch, Bank of Baroda and Mrs. Renu Kumari
Maam, Operations Head, PBB Branch, Bank of Baroda. I am thankful
for their help, practical insights and encouragement at every step of
my summer training. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude
to the entire staff at the PBB Branch of Bank of Baroda, Horniman
Circle for patiently answering my queries and helping me throughout.

I would like to thank my Faculty guide and mentor Prof. (Dr.)

Kalpakam G for her valuable inputs throughout the span of my project
Last but not the least I would like to thank the teaching staff at KJ
Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research for making me
capable enough to undertake this project independently and for
broadening my horizons. I would like to extend my gratitude to
everyone wo has ever been remotely associated with me. As the
saying goes, We may not learn everything from someone, but we
may learn something from everyone.


Sr. No. Topic Page No.

1 Introduction 3, 4

2 Functional Areas of Wealth Management 5, 6

3 Wealth Management Process 7, 8

4 Wealth Management Services 9-12

5 Portfolio Management Services V/S Wealth 13


6 Competitive Players of Wealth Management in India 14

7 Different Alternatives in The Market for Wealth 15-32


8 Bank of Baroda-Wealth Management 33-47

9 Wealth Management Products of Other Companies 48-62

10 Recommendations 63, 64

11 Wealth Management in India- Future 65

12 Bibliography 66


Wealth Management is an all-inclusive set of strategies that aims to grow, manage, protect
and distribute assets in a much planned systematic and integrated manner. Wealth
management is an investment advisory service for high net worth individuals. It is provided
by financial institutions to help individuals protect and grow their wealth. This advanced
investment advisory discipline involves providing a diverse range of services, such as financial
planning, investment management, tax and cash flow and debt management, based on client

There are two aspects to the wealth management process:

-Protecting assets from creditors, market crashes or slowdowns, taxes, lawsuits and
other unexpected events,

-Growing asset values through methods that actively manage risk and reward profiles
to clients needs.

Wealth management is a high-level professional service that combines financial/investment

advice, accounting/tax services, retirement planning and legal/estate planning for one fee.
Clients work with a single wealth manager who coordinates input from financial experts and
can include coordinating advice from the client's own attorney, accountants and insurance
agent. Some wealth managers also provide banking services or advice on philanthropic

BREAKING DOWN 'Wealth Management'

In general, wealth management is more than just investment advice, as it can encompass all
parts of a person's financial life. The idea is that rather than trying to make sense of advice
from a series of professionals, high net worth individuals benefit from a holistic approach in
which a single manager coordinates all the services needed to manage their money and plan
for their own and/or their family's current and future needs.

The wealth manager starts by developing a plan that will maintain and increase the client's
wealth based on that individual's financial situation, goals and comfort level with risk. After
the original plan is developed, the manager meets regularly with clients to update goals,
review and rebalance the financial portfolio, investigate whether additional services are
needed and ideally, follow clients throughout their life.

Wealth managers are often part of a wealth-management firm, with access to a team of in-
house experts and services, but may also be solo practitioners who rely on their own network
of independent experts.

The client segmentation is as follows in six categories:

Ultra-high net worth, or Ultra-HNW (in excess of US$30 million)

Super high net worth (between US$10 and $30 million)

High net worth (between US$1 million and $10 million)

Super affluent (between US$125,000 and $1 million

Mass affluent (between US$25,000 and $125,000)

Mass market (between US$5,000 and $25,000)

Currently in India there are majorly four types of wealth management service providers viz.
Banks, Brokerage firms, Boutique advisory firms and Individual advisors.

Banks Banks are known to have larger investment distribution model which means
that they do not concentrate on only one investment options but on a large
investment portfolio. Further they cater also to mid-level segment clients apart from
the HNWIs

Brokerage Firms Brokerage firms focus on investing the customers money majorly
in shares and IPO which are equity market products.

Boutique advisory firms Boutique advisory firms are known to provide customized
financial solutions to the clients which are majorly the ultra-HNWIs (greater than USD
30 million) and HNWIs (USD 1 million to 30 million)

Individual Advisors An upcoming segment providing advisory and investment

services to small time investors and individuals with a relatively lower net worth.


Financial Planning
Portfolio Strategy Definition/ Asset Allocation/ Strategy Implementation
Portfolio Management - Administration, Performance Evaluation and Analytics
Strategy Review and Modification

Financial Planning

Client profiling takes in account multitude of behavioural, demographic and investment

characteristics of a client that would determine each client's wealth management
requirements. Some of key characteristics to be evaluated for defining client's investment
objective are:

Current and future Income level

Family and life events
Risk appetite / tolerance
Taxability status
Investment horizon
Asset Preference /restriction
Cash flow expectations
Religious belief (non-investment in sin sector like - alcohol, tobacco, gambling firms,
or compliant with Sharia laws)
Behavioural History (Pattern of past investment decisions)
Level of client's engagement in investment management (active / passive)
Present investment holding and asset mix

Based on the client profile, investment expectations and financial goals of the client could be
clearly outlined. Defining investment objectives helps to identify investment options to be
considered for evaluation. Investment objective for most of the investors could be generally
considered amongst the following:

Current Income
Growth (Capital Appreciation)
Tax Efficiency (Tax Harvesting)
Capital Preservation (often preferred by elderly people to make sure they don't outlive
their money.)

Portfolio Strategy Definition / Asset Allocation

After establishing investment objectives, a broad framework for harnessing possible

investment opportunities is formulated. This framework would factor for risk-return trade-off

of considered options, investment horizon and provide a clear blueprint for investment
direction. Investment strategy helps in forming broad level envisioning of asset class
[Securities, Forex, Commodity, Real Estate, Art/Antique and Lifestyle Assets (Car, Boat,
Aircraft)], market, geography, sector and industry. Each of these asset classes is to be
comprehensively evaluated for inclusion in portfolio model, in view of defined investment
objectives. While defining the strategy, consideration of client preference or avoidance for
specific asset class, risk tolerance, religious beliefs is the key element, which would come into
picture. Thus, for a client with a belief of avoidance of investment in sin industries (alcohol,
tobacco, gambling etc.) is to be duly taken care of. Likewise, for a client looking for Sharia-
compliant investment, strategy formulation should consider investment options meeting with
the client expectations.

Determination of Portfolio Constituents and Allocation of Assets

Guided with the investment strategy, constituents in portfolio model are determined, which
would directly and efficiently contribute towards client's investment objectives. Thus, a broad
level investment guidance of - "investment in fixed income in emerging market" would further
determine classification within Fixed Income such as Govt. or corporate bonds, fixed or
variable rate bonds, long or short maturity bonds, or other debt variants. Return profile, risk
sensitivity and co-relation of constituents within portfolio model would help to determine the
size (weightage) of each individual constituent in the portfolio.

Strategy Implementation

Having decided the portfolio constituents and its composition, transactions to acquire specific
instruments and identified asset class is initiated. As acquisition cost would have bearing on
overall performance of the portfolio, many times process of asset acquisition may be spread
over a period of time to take care of market movement and acquire the asset at favourable
price range.


Wealth management involves various steps. It involves preparation of financial plan that help
the client to achieve their goals and objectives. Financial Planning is a process. If the process
is strictly followed, the chances of meeting your objectives and achieving financial
independence will be considerably improved.

1. Discovery & Insights-

Creating an effective wealth management plan

starts with asking the right questions: delving
deeply into objectives, risk tolerance, liquidity
and credit needs, family and estate issues and
service preferences. The wealth manager works
closely together and defines the clients
ultimate objectives, both for lifestyle and
wealth transfer, and confirm expectations, thus
establishing a solid foundation for a
management plan.

2. Asset Allocation-

Guided by the clients circumstances, goals and comfort level with investment risk, the
wealth manager explores the appropriate mix of asset classes. They further identify the
diversification between each asset class, showing how variations to the allocation might
impact risk exposure or return expectations. The client and the manager then agree
together on the most appropriate strategy.

3. Structural Analysis-

The wealth manager analyses each entity within the clients portfolio, including trusts and
credit facilities, as well as special situations such as business interests, concentrated stock
positions or executive compensation. This enables the manager to quantify the impact
and opportunities of the current holdings and recommend appropriate strategies to
address any gaps or issues from every vantage point. In doing so, he/she is able to identify
important implications of each element, such as potential tax ramifications, liquidity
considerations or other issues.

4. Asset Location-

Building from the extensive analysis, the wealth manager apportions asset classes to the
appropriate entities to fully realize after-tax performance potential. By identifying each
entity's optimal after-tax contribution within the overall portfolio, the manager helps
construct the most efficient strategy, then submits it to the client for review and approval.

5. Implementation-

The wealth manager documents the plan's details in an investment policy statement,
ensuring a common understanding and consistent execution. He/she also reviews
communication and service plans with the client, aligning them with requirements before
implementing the strategy.

6. Active Management-

Having a well-executed plan in place is only the beginning. The way it responds and adapts
to the ever-changing market and clients dynamic needs is where its true value lies. The
portfolio manager therefore actively manages your portfolio, making investment
decisions across and within asset classes, rebalancing positions to ensure alignment to the
strategy in all market cycles, identifying opportunities to harvest gains and losses to
maximize total after-tax performance, identifying potential strategy implications of
regulatory or tax policy changes, and regularly revisiting the goals, requirements and
personal circumstances. By remaining engaged with the client and clients advisors, the
wealth manager can proactively address the evolving needs and recommend new ideas
to add value.


Wealth management offers the following services:

Investment planning assists a person in investing his/her money into various

investment markets, keeping in mind his/her investment goals.

Insurance planning assists a person in selecting from various types of insurances,

self-insurance options and captive insurance companies.

Retirement planning is critical to understand how much funds a person require in

his/her old age.

Tax planning helps in minimizing tax returns. This might include planning for charity,
supporting his/her favourite causes while also receiving tax benefits.

Estate planning helps in protecting a person and his/her estate from creditors,
lawsuits and taxes. This service is critical for every person whose net worth is high.

Business planning: This service aims at optimizing the tax free advantages of running
his/her own business.


Everyone needs to save for a rainy day. Once a person has saved enough to take care of
emergencies, a person should start thinking about investing and to make his/her money grow.
A person should plan his/her investments so that a person can reap adequate benefits and
achieve his/her financial goals.

Investment Planning Process includes:

Risk Profiling
Asset Allocation and Portfolio Construction
Creation and Accumulation of Wealth through Systematic Investment Plans (SIP)
Regular review of progress and Portfolio Rebalancing

Essentially, Investment Planning involves identifying his/her financial goals throughout

his/her life, and prioritising them. Investment Planning is important because it helps a person
to derive the maximum benefit from his/her investments. His/her success as an investor
depends upon his/her ability to choose the right investment options. This, in turn, depends
on his/her requirements, needs and goals. For most investors, however, the three prime
criteria of evaluating any investment option are liquidity, safety and return.

Investment Planning also helps a person to decide upon the right investment strategy. Besides
his/her individual requirement, his/her investment strategy would also depend upon his/her
age, personal circumstances and his/her risk appetite. These aspects are typically taken care
of during investment planning.

Investment Planning also helps a person to strike a balance between risk and returns. By
prudent planning, it is possible to arrive at an optimal mix of risk and returns, that suits his/her
particular needs and requirements.


"Insurance is not for the person who passes away, it is for those who survive, goes a popular
saying that explains the importance of Insurance Planning.

It is extremely important that every person, especially the breadwinner, covers the risks to
his life, so that his family's quality of life does not undergo any drastic change in case of an
unfortunate eventuality. Insurance Planning is concerned with ensuring adequate coverage
against insurable risks. Calculating the right level of risk cover is a specialised activity,
requiring considerable expertise. Proper Insurance Planning can help a person look at the
possibility of getting a wider coverage for the same amount of premium or the same level of
coverage for the same amount of premium or the same level of coverage for a reduced
premium. Hence, there is a need for proper insurance planning.

So what are the risks that we run? To name a few - the risk on our lives that is, the worries of
replacement of the incomes that we contribute to the running of the household), the risks of
medical contingencies (since they have the capability of depleting our wealth considerably)
and risks to assets (since the replacement of these can have tremendous financial
implications). If we can imagine a situation where our goals are disturbed by acts beyond our
control, we can realize the relevance of insurance in our lives.


Retirement planning is the important task of deciding how a person will live once he/she
retires. Retirement planning involves the consideration of a number of factors, including at
what age a person hopes to retire, how much money a person will need to cover living
expenses coupled with the things a person plans to do once retired, and where his/her money
will come from.

Each person's situation is unique, and therefore, retirement planning isn't one standard plan
for every person. Saving money for retirement through one or all of the available retirement
planning options is the first place to start. Many employers have retirement planning options
available to their employees. Some companies have pension plans, even without company

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sponsored plans, retirement planning is possible for any individual who wisely invests his or
her money. A person can choose to talk to a financial planner. Another option is to discuss
investment and savings options with the bank where a person currently has his/her checking
or savings account. Many banks offer free advice to their account holders hoping to gain more
of their business through long-term savings.

Retirement planning involves more than just saving money. It's important to determine as
closely as possible what his/her potential expenses and compare them to his/her potential
income. For instance, if a person will be able to pay his/her mortgage off before retiring, that
is one less expense a person will need to cover.

Depending on what age a person hope to be when a person retires, retirement planning
should also involve tax planning. By doing a little research and talking to financial
professionals, a person should be able to come up with a savings and investment plan that
works for a person. A person can begin retirement planning at any stage in life, though earlier
is better.


Tax planning is a broad term that is used to describe the processes utilized by individuals and
businesses to pay the taxes due to local, state, and Central tax agencies. The process includes
such elements as managing tax implications, understanding what type of expenses are tax
deductible under current regulations, and in general planning for taxes in a manner that
ensures the amount of tax due will be paid in a timely manner.

One of the main focuses of tax planning is to apply current tax laws to the revenue that is
received during a given tax period. The revenue may come from any revenue producing
mechanism that is currently in operation for the entity concerned. For individuals, this can
mean income sources such as interest accrued on bank accounts, salaries, wages and tips,
bonuses, investment profits, and other sources of income as currently defined by law.
Businesses will consider revenue generated from sales to customers, stock and bond issues,
interest bearing bank accounts, and any other income source that is currently considered
taxable by the appropriate tax agencies.

There are three common approaches to tax planning for the purpose of minimizing the tax
burden. The first is to reduce the adjusted gross income for the tax period. This is where
understanding current tax laws as they relate to allowances and exemptions come into play.

A second approach to tax planning is to increase the number of tax deduction options
available to us. Again, this means knowing current laws and applying them when appropriate
to all usual and normal expenses associated with the household or the business. Since these
can change from one annual period to the next, it is always a good idea to check current

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One final approach that may be applicable to effective tax planning has to do with the use of
retirement savings plans, donations to religious institutions, donations to relief funds, college
expenses, adopting children, and several other.


Whether or not it's something we want to think about, it's important to set our affairs in order
so our loved ones won't be burdened with too many details in the event of our passing. Estate
planning is important because it ensures our assets will be transferred smoothly and
effortlessly when we're longer here to oversee them.

Estate planning includes, among other things, writing out one's Last Will and Testament,
naming a Power of Attorney and installing trusts. Estate planning isn't only for the wealthy,
either. Anyone with assets would be wise to look into it. If a person has a home, a car, a
retirement fund, stocks, bonds, or any other investments, it would be in the best interests of
his/her family for a person to meet with an estate planning professional.

The benefits of estate planning are many. The first and most important is that a person get to
designate where, or to whom, his/her assets will go. To not do so means his/her relatives may
end up fighting over everything in court.

Estate planning will allow the money to flourish even after a person is gone. A person will be
able to set up accounts and trusts for children and grandchildren which allow money to grow.
A person will be able to specify at what age the children will be allowed access to these funds.

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Even though portfolio management and wealth management are branches of financial
services industry, they are diverse fields. The two words are often used interchangeably and
are considered synonymous. However there exists a difference between the two.

Wealth management or financial planning is the act of creating financial goals and then
developing plans to achieve them. Whereas portfolio management is creating, administering
and evaluating the components of an investors products or his/her portfolio.

Portfolio management hence is an ingredient among the set of services offered beneath
wealth management. Wealth management services are targeted at high net worth
individuals, business establishments and services to shield and raise their wealth whereas
portfolio management deals with generating, managing and estimating the performance of a
depositors investment portfolio. Wealth management is concerned with investment
advisory, investment portfolio management and a range of other financial services.

Portfolio management involves doing the actual portfolio maintenance: setting up the
portfolio, rebalancing when necessary, tax implications, etc. In contrast, financial planning is
about answering questions: Can you afford to retire? How much can you spend per year in
retirement? Is your asset allocation appropriate? How can you reduce your taxes? Do you
need to buy long-term care insurance? And other things like that.

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The competitive rivalry is increasing in the wealth management sector in India as the existing
players are expanding and diversifying their operations where as there are new local and
global players wanting to make a stand here. As of now this industry is fragmented with lot
number of brokers, sub-brokers, financial advisers, insurance and tax consultants.

Financial institutions like Reliance Money, Aditya Birla Group provide these services. Private
banking divisions of popular lenders such as Barclays, Deustche Bank, ICICI Bank, HSBC and
Kotak Mahindra are already well established in this segment. Customers can also opt for
public sector banks such as Bank of Baroda, Indian Bank, Canara Bank and State Bank of India
for availing wealth management services.

The entry of public sector banks in the wealth management domain cannot be neglected.
They possess prodigious brand equity, influence, corporate affiliations which can prove as a
tough competitor for the existing players.

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Popular Instruments for investment-

Maximum Minimum
Investment Options Minimum Investment Period
Amount Amount

Public Provident Fund 500 (One FY) 15 years
(One FY)

Only applicable in case of ELSS

Mutual Fund (SIP) No Limit As low as 500
and close-ended scheme

Equity Shares No limit No limit Not applicable

Real Estate Investment No limit No limit Not applicable

Gold ETF No limit Variable Not applicable

Post Office Monthly

4,50,000 1500 5 years
Income Scheme (single)

Company Fixed Deposits No limit As low as 2000 12 months

Initial Public Offerings No limit No limit Not applicable

100,000 for
Unit Linked Insurance
No limit plans 45 years 45 years or below
and below

Bonds No limit Variable Variable

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Lets look at all the investment instruments in detail:

I. Bank Deposits
Traditionally banks in India have four types of deposit accounts, namely Current Accounts,
Saving Banking Accounts, Recurring Deposits and, Fixed Deposits.

I. Current Account

Current Accounts are basically meant for businessmen and are rarely used for the purpose of
investment or savings. These deposits are the most liquid and there are no limits for number
of transactions or the amount of transactions in a day. Most of the current accounts are
opened in the names of firm / company accounts. Cheque book facility is provided and the
account holder can deposit all types of the cheques and drafts in their name or endorsed in
their favour by third parties. No interest is paid by banks on these accounts. On the other
hand, banks charge certain service charges on such accounts.

II. Savings Bank Account

These deposit accounts are one of the most popular ones for individuals. These not only
provide cheque facility but also have a lot of flexibility for deposits and withdrawal of funds
from the account. Most of the banks have rules for the maximum number of withdrawals in
a period and the maximum amount of withdrawal. Till 24/10/2011, the interest on Saving
Bank Accounts was regulated by RBI and it was fixed at 4.00% on daily balance
basis. However, w.e.f 25th October, 2011, RBI has deregulated Saving Fund account interest
rates and now banks are free to decide the same within certain conditions imposed by
RBI. Under directions of RBI, now banks are also required to open no frill accounts (this term
is used for accounts which do not have any minimum balance requirements). Although Public
Sector Banks still pay only 4% rate of interest, some private banks like Kotak Bank and Yes
Bank pay between 6% and 7% on such deposits. From the FY 2012-13, interest earned up to
Rs 10,000 in a financial year on Saving Bank accounts is exempted from tax.

III. Recurring Deposit Account

These are popularly known as RD accounts and are a special kind of Term Deposits suitable
for people who do not have lump sum amount of savings, but are ready to save a small
amount every month. Normally, such deposits earn interest on the amount already
deposited (through monthly instalments) at the same rates as applicable for Fixed Deposits /
Term Deposits.

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Under these type of deposits, the person has to usually deposit a fixed amount of money
every month (usually a minimum of Rs. 100/- p.m.). Any default in payment within the month
attracts a small penalty.

Recurring Deposit accounts are normally allowed for maturities ranging from 6 months to 120
months. A Pass book is usually issued wherein the person can get the entries for all the
deposits made by him / her and the interest earned. Banks also indicate the maturity value
of the RD assuming that the monthly instalments will be paid regularly on due dates. These
accounts can be opened in single or joint names. Nomination facility is also available.

IV. Fixed Deposit Account/Term Deposits

All Banks in India offer fixed deposits schemes with a wide range of tenures for periods from
7 days to 10 years. These are also popularly known as FD accounts. The term "fixed" in Fixed
Deposits (FD) denotes the period of maturity or tenor. Therefore, the depositors are
supposed to continue such Fixed Deposits for the length of time for which the depositor
decides to keep the money with the bank. However, in case of need, the depositor can ask
for closing (or breaking) the fixed deposit prematurely by paying a penalty (usually of 1%, but
some banks either charge less or no penalty).

The rate of interest for Fixed Deposits differs from bank to bank (unlike earlier when the same
were regulated by RBI and all banks used to have the same interest rate structure. The
present trends indicate that private sector and foreign banks offer higher rate of interest.

II. Mutual Funds

Simply put, the money pooled in by a large number of investors is what makes up a Mutual
Fund. This money is then managed by a professional Fund Manager, who uses his investment
management skills to invest it in various financial instruments.

As an investor you own units, which basically represent the portion of the fund that you hold,
based on the amount invested by you. Therefore, an investor can also be known as a unit
holder. The increase in value of the investments along with other incomes earned from it is
then passed on to the investors / unit holders in proportion with the number of units owned
after deducting applicable expenses, load and taxes.

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Types of Mutual Funds

Let us have a look at some important mutual fund schemes under the following three
categories based on maturity period of investment:

I. Open-Ended

This scheme allows investors to buy or sell units at any point in time. This does not have a
fixed maturity date.

1. Debt/ Income

In a debt/income scheme, a major part of the investable funds is channelized towards

debentures, government securities, and other debt instruments. Although capital
appreciation is low (compared to the equity mutual funds), this is a relatively low risk-low
return investment avenue which is ideal for investors seeing a steady income.

2. Money Market/ Liquid

This is ideal for investors looking to utilize their surplus funds in short term instruments
while awaiting better options. These schemes invest in short-term debt instruments and
seek to provide reasonable returns for the investors.

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3. Equity/ Growth

Equities are a popular mutual fund category amongst retail investors. Although it could be a
high-risk investment in the short term, investors can expect capital appreciation in the long
run. If you are at your prime earning stage and looking for long-term benefits, growth
schemes could be an ideal investment.]

i. Index Scheme

Index schemes is a widely popular concept in the west. These follow a passive
investment strategy where your investments replicate the movements of
benchmark indices like Nifty, Sensex, etc.

ii. Sectoral Scheme -

Sectoral funds are invested in a specific sector like infrastructure, IT,

pharmaceuticals, etc. or segments of the capital market like large caps, mid-caps,
etc. This scheme provides a relatively high risk-high return opportunity within the
equity space.

iii. Tax Saving

As the name suggests, this scheme offers tax benefits to its investors. The funds
are invested in equities thereby offering long-term growth opportunities. Tax
saving mutual funds (called Equity Linked Savings Schemes) has a 3-year lock-in

4. Balanced

This scheme allows investors to enjoy growth and income at regular intervals. Funds are
invested in both equities and fixed income securities; the proportion is pre-determined and
disclosed in the scheme related offer document. These are ideal for the cautiously aggressive

II. Closed-Ended

In India, this type of scheme has a stipulated maturity period and investors can invest only
during the initial launch period known as the NFO (New Fund Offer) period.

1. Capital Protection

The primary objective of this scheme is to safeguard the principal amount while trying to
deliver reasonable returns. These invest in high-quality fixed income securities with marginal
exposure to equities and mature along with the maturity period of the scheme.

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2. Fixed Maturity Plans (FMPs)

FMPs, as the name suggests, are mutual fund schemes with a defined maturity period. These
schemes normally comprise of debt instruments which mature in line with the maturity of the
scheme, thereby earning through the interest component (also called coupons) of the
securities in the portfolio. FMPs are normally passively managed, i.e. there is no active trading
of debt instruments in the portfolio. The expenses which are charged to the scheme, are
hence, generally lower than actively managed schemes.

III. Interval - Operating as a combination of open and closed ended schemes, it allows
investors to trade units at pre-defined intervals.

Best Performing Equity based mutual funds

Equity funds give the highest returns by far and are usually categorized as high risk
investments. Some of the best performing mutual funds in this class over the past 3 years
have been:
Name NAV* AUM Expense Ratio Average Returns (3
(Rs.) (Rs. Cr) (%) years) (% p.a.)
UTI Transportation and 86.72 591.39 2.78 43.34
ICICI 46.40 681.93 2.60 40.52
Exports and Other
Services Fund
SBI 30.47 492.97 2.47 38.90
Small &
Midcap Fund
Franklin 37.28 2448.89 2.35 37.39
Smaller Companies Fund
*NAV rates as on 26th August 2015. Source-

Best Performing Debt based mutual funds

Debt based mutual funds provide stable but comparatively lower returns with respect to
equity instruments. The funds listed below are across categories such as ultra-short term,
Gilt, short term etc. within the debt class of mutual funds

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Name NAV* AUM Expense Average
(Rs.) (Rs. Cr) Ratio (%) Returns (3
years) (%
SBI Magnum Gilt 19.72 1676.61 0.92 12.02
Fund Long Term
ICICI Prudential 16.88 699.89 0.94 11.93
Long Term Fund
Birla Sun Life 17.15 4315.32 1.56 10.33
Medium Term Plan
Franklin India 19.25 9337.77 0.30 9.92
Ultra Short Bond
*NAV rates as on 26th August 2015. Source-

Best Performing Hybrid mutual funds

Hybrid mutual funds invest in both debts and equities and are classified according to the
percentage of investment in each class of fund. Best performing mutual funds in this class
are listed below:

Name NAV* AUM Expense Ratio (%) Average Returns (3

(Rs.) (Rs. Cr) years) (% p.a.)
Tata Retirement 19.91 34.83 3.09 21.40
LIC 14.27 4.57 2.45 13.96
Nomura MF Children
Birla Sun Life 36.42 5.08 2.85 13.26
Asset Allocation Fund
SBI Magnum Monthly 20.78 36.85 2.44 12.13
*NAV rates as on 26th August 2015.

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III. Insurance
A financial risk management tool in which the insured transfers a risk of potential financial
loss to the insurance company that mitigates it in exchange for monetary compensation
known as the premium.
Insurance has become a big industry in India now; more than 20 life insurance companies
are offering different products in India. In order to choose the suitable policy, it is very
important to know different product offerings by all insurance companies. The Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), an agency of the Government, is the
regulatory body for the insurance sector's supervision and development in India.

Insurance policy is a contract between the policyholder and the insurance company. These
are of different types depending on the risk they mitigate. Broad categories include life,
health, motor, travel, home, rural, commercial and business insurance.

Type of Insurance Policies

Insurance can be broadly classified into two categories life and general insurance.

1. General Insurance

General insurance is basically non-life insurance, which is meant for short period of time,
ideally twelve month or less. Now a day, some companies make contracts for more than
twelve months but not more than 5 years. Vehicle insurance, fire insurance, marine
insurance etc. falls under general insurance category.

In India, ICICI Lombard, National Insurance, Oriental Insurance, Reliance, Tata AIG, HDFC Ergo
etc. provide general insurance.

2. Life Insurance

Life insurance is the most popular product in the industry. Life insurance is an insurance
coverage that pays out a certain amount of money to the insured or their specified
beneficiaries upon a certain event such as death of the individual who is insured.
The coverage period for life insurance is usually more than a year. So this requires periodic
premium payments, either monthly, quarterly or annually.

The risks that are covered by life insurance are:

Premature Death
Income during retirement

22 | P a g e
Life insurance can be classified as whole life plan, endowment, term plan, money back plan
and Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP).

Whole-Life Plan insurance company collects premium from the insured till the retirement
or the term of the policy and pays the claims to the nominees only after the death of the
insured person. This helps the family to survive better after the death of insured.

Endowment Insurance company collect premium form the insured for the certain period of
time like 15, 20, 25, 30 years. Company pays sum assured to the nominees in case of death of
the insured during the policy period or pay the premium paid by the insured with fix returns
(as per policy document) to the insured.

Money back the policy is useful for that investor who needs periodical pay-outs. The
insurance company collects premium for a certain period of time which is called premium
payment term, and pays percentage of sum assured to the insured on regular interval. If
insured dies during the policy term, insurance company pays sum assured and accrued bonus
to the nominees.

Term plan in case of term insurance, insurer pays premium to cover the death risk. Insured
does not get anything from the insurance company if he survives till the end of policy term.
The premium paid for term cover goes to the company. The good part of this plan is, insured
gets maximum death cover with minimum premium. Nowadays, companies have come up
with insurance with return of premium, if nothing happens to insured during the term of the
policy, the company pays part of the premium back to the insured.

ULIP it is a new flavour of insurance which is a mix of investment as well as insurance.

Insurance companies collects premium form client and invest the same into equity and debt
markets. The returns generated by this investment are passing on to the inventors at the
maturity. The insured person gets the benefit of risk cover as well as the investment gains.
The product also offers the flexibility of partial withdrawal after certain period of premium
payments. In case of death of Insured, the nominee gets the sum assured or fund value,
whichever is higher.

Insurance provider Grievances Claim Maximum Cover Maximum

Solved Settlement (Sum Assured) Maturity
Ratio* Age

Aegon Life 94.68% 89.78% No upper limit 75 Years


23 | P a g e
HDFC Life 93.01% 90.50% No upper limit 75 Years

Reliance Life 98.02% 83.84% No upper limit 75 Years


Max Life 99.98% 96.03% 100 crores 70 Years


Bharti AXA Life 93.80% 80.90% 10 crores 65 Years


Aviva Life 100.00% 83.07% No upper limit 70 Years


Bajaj Allianz 98.61% 91.85% No upper limit 70 Years

Life Insurance

SBI Life 99.88% 89.43% No upper limit 70 Years


IDBI Federal 100.00% 75.80% 30 crores 75 Years

Life Insurance

PNB Metlife 99.85% 92.86% 10 crores 75 Years


ICICI Prudential 99.50% 93.80% 15 crores 65 Years

Life Insurance

Birla Sun Life 99.95% 95.30% 10 crores 80 Years


Future 93.06% 83.70% No upper limit 75 Years

Generali Life

Edelweiss Tokio 93.58% 57.14% No upper limit 80 Years

Life Insurance

3. Health Insurance

Health Insurance is an insurance policy that ensures that you stay healthy. It is a contract
between an insurance company and an individual, which covers the expenses incurred for
availing healthcare or medical treatment at the hospital in the event of a medical emergency.

24 | P a g e
The contract of health insurance or medical insurance requires the insurer to pay some or all
of ones health care costs in exchange of a periodic premium. Additional benefits of health
insurance policies include regular health check-ups, cashless treatment across a network of
hospitals, pre and post hospitalization expense reimbursement etc.

Health insurance policies allow you save thousands on taxes under section 80D of Income
Tax Act, 1961. The premiums paid towards the policy reduce your annual tax liability, thereby
reducing your taxable income per year

Types of Health Insurance Policies in India

Individual Health Insurance Policies:

Family Floater Health Insurance Policies

Surgery & Critical Illness Insurance Plans

Pre-Existing Disease Cover

Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plans

Preventive Healthcare

Maternity Health Insurance

Personal Accident Cover

Lets take a look at some of the Health Insurance provider companies-

Insurance provider Coverage Pre and post Pre- Network Incurred

hospitalization existing hospitals Claim
expenses cover disease Ratio*

New India Up to 6 family 30 days pre and After 4 1,200+ 98.78%

Assurance members (2 adult 60 days post years
and 4 children) hospitalization

Star Up to 4 family 30 days pre and 6,000+ 63.96%

Health members (2 60 days post After 4
and Allied Insurance adults and 2 hospitalization years

25 | P a g e
Up to 6 family 30 days pre and 4,500+ 61.13%
members (with 60 days post After 4
Religare Health
up to 2 adults) hospitalization years

Apollo Up to 6 family 60 days pre and After 3 4,000+ 63.03%

Munich members (with 180 days post years
Health Insurance up to 2 adults) hospitalization

Max Up to 4 family 30 days pre and 3,500+ 55.16%

Bupa members (2 adult 60 days post After 2
Health Insurance and 2 children) hospitalization years

Bharti Up to 4 family 30 days pre and After 4 5,000+ 97.48%

Axa members (2 adult 60 days post years
General Insurance and 2 children) hospitalization

HDFC ERGO Up to 4 family 60 days pre and After 4 4,800+ 56.48%

General members (2 adult 90 days post years
Insurance and 2 children) hospitalization

IFFCO Up to 5 family 60 days pre and After 3 3,000+ 92.41%

Tokio members (up to 2 60 days post years
General Insurance adults and 3 hospitalization

L&T Up to 4 family 60 days pre and After 3 2,800+ 51.93%

members (2 adult 90 days post years
General Insurance
and 2 children) hospitalization

Bajaj Up to 6 family 60 days pre and After 4 3,700+ 73.59%

Allianz members (2 90 days post years
General Insurance adults and 4 hospitalization

Up to 4 family 60 days pre and After 3 5,000+ 102.22%

members (2 90 days post years
Universal Sompo
adults and 2 hospitalization
General Insurance

Up to 6 family 30 days pre and After 4 6,000+ 110.2%

members (2 60 days post years
National Insurance adults and 4 hospitalization

26 | P a g e
Cigna Up to 4 family 60 days pre and After 4 4,000+ 64.33%
TTK members (2 180 days post years
Health Insurance adults and 2 hospitalization

Up to 6 family 60 days pre and After 3 4,000+ 107.49%

members (2 60 days post years
Reliance General adults and 4 hospitalization
Insurance children)

IV. Government Schemes

There are many schemes that the Indian government has initiated to reinforce Indias
economic development and the financial stability of its citizens. These schemes were
introduced in order to provide financial support in the form of bank accounts, financial
security for education, loans, and for emergencies like death.

Let us understand some of the available government schemes-

Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima & Surakhsha Bima Yojana

This is a life insurance scheme provided and supported by the Government of India. This
scheme can be taken up by any individual between 18 to 50 years of age. It can be subscribed
to at a minimum annual premium cost of Rs 330, with a death benefit of Rs 2 lakh to the
nominee. The Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana, on the other hand, will offer a
renewable one-year accidental death-cum-disability cover of Rs 2 lakh at Rs 12 as an annual
premium. The insured will get Rs 1 lakh in the case of partial permanent disability.

Atal Pension Yojana

This scheme is intended to provide pension benefits like social security, with a minimum
contribution per month. Those who work in the private sector can opt for a fixed pension of
Rs 1,000 to 5,000 that will start once they are 60 years old. Upon the death of the contributor,
the spouse or the nominee can claim the pension money and the accumulated corpus. But
this scheme is only for those who come under the low-income group or are not a part of the
tax bracket. The scheme has been put into place to help people in the low strata of the society,
like security guards, drivers or the house help.

27 | P a g e
Scheme Interest payable, Minimum Amount Salient features including Tax Rebate
Rates, for opening of
Periodicity etc. account and
maximum balance
that can be retained
Post Office 4.0% per annum Minimum INR 20/- for Minimum balance to be maintained in
Savings on individual/ opening. a non-cheque facility account is INR
Account joint accounts. 50/-.
Interest earned is Tax Free up to INR
10,000/- per year from financial year
Post Office Interest payable Minimum INR 200/- The investment under 5 Years TD
Time annually but and in multiple qualifies for the benefit of Section 80C of
Deposit calculated thereof. No maximum the Income Tax Act, 1961 from 1.4.2007.
Account quarterly. limit.
From 1.4.2016,
interest rates are
as follows: -

Period Rate
1yr.A/c 7.1%
2yr.A/c 7.2%
3yr.A/c 7.4%
5yr.A/c 7.9%
5-Year Post From 1.4.2016, Minimum INR 10/- per Subsequent deposit can be made up to
Office interest rates are month or any amount 15th day of next month if account is
Recurring as follows: - in multiples of INR 5/- opened up to 15th of a calendar month
Deposit 7.4% per annum . No maximum limit. and up to last working day of next
Account (quarterly month if account is opened between
compounded) 16th day and last working day of a
On maturity INR calendar month.
10/- account
fetches INR If subsequent deposit is not made up
726.97. Can be to the prescribed day, a default fee is
continued for charged for each default, default fee @
another 5 years on 5 paisa for every 5 rupees shall be
year to year basis. charged. After 4 regular defaults, the
account becomes discontinued and can
be revived in two months but if the
same is not revived within this period,
no further deposit can be made.
There is rebate on advance deposit of
at least 6 instalments.

28 | P a g e
One withdrawal upto 50% of the
balance allowed after one year.

Post Office From 1.4.2016, In multiples of INR Maturity period is 5 years from
Monthly interest rates are 1500/- 1.12.2011.
Income as follows: - Maximum
Account investment limit is INR Can be prematurely encashed after
Scheme 7.80% per 4.5 lakhs in single one year but before 3 years at the
annum payable account and INR 9 discount of 2% of the deposit and after
monthly. lakhs in joint account. 3 years at the discount of 1% of the
An individual can deposit. (Discount means deduction
invest maximum INR from the deposit.)
4.5 lakh in MIS
(including his share in
joint accounts)
For calculation of
share of an individual
in joint account, each
joint holder has equal
share in each joint
Senior From 1.4.2016, There shall be only TDS is deducted at source on interest
Citizen interest rates are one deposit in the if the interest amount is more than INR
Savings as follows: - account in multiple of 10,000/- p.a. Investment under this
Scheme INR.1000/- maximum scheme qualifies for the benefit of
8.6% per annum, not exceeding INR 15 Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961
payable from the lakh. from 1.4.2007.
date of deposit
of 31st An individual of the Age of 60 years or
March/30th more may open the account.
December in the Maturity period is 5 years.
first instance &
interest shall be
payable on 31st
March, 30th
June, 30th Sept
and 31st
15-year From 1.4.2016, Minimum INR. 500/- An individual can open account with
Public interest rates are Maximum INR. INR 100/- but has to deposit minimum
Provident as follows: - 1,50,000/- in a of INR 500/- in a financial year and
Fund financial year. maximum INR 1,50,000/-
Account 8.10% per

29 | P a g e
(compounded Deposits can be made Deposits qualify for deduction from
yearly). in lump-sum or in 12 income under Sec. 80C of IT Act.
Interest is completely tax-free.

National From 1.4.2016, Minimum INR. 100/- Deposits qualify for tax rebate under
Savings interest rates are No maximum limit Sec. 80C of IT Act.
Certificates as follows: - available in
(NSC) denominations of INR. The interest accruing annually but
8.1% 100/-, 500/-, 1000/-, deemed to be reinvested under Section
compounded six 5000/- & INR. 80C of IT Act.
5 Years monthly but 10,000/-.
National payable at
Savings maturity. INR.
Certificate 100/- grows to
(VIII Issue) INR 147.61 after
5 years.

Kisan Vikas Amount Invested Available in KVP can be purchased from any
Patra (KVP) doubles in 110 denominations of Rs Departmental Post office.
months (9 years 1,000, 5000, 10,000
& 2 months) and Rs 50,000. Certificate can be encashed after 2 &
Minimum deposit Rs 1/2 years from the date of issue.
1000/- and no
maximum limit.
deposit Rs 1000/- and
no maximum limit.
Sukanya Rate of interest Minimum INR. 1000/- A legal Guardian/Natural Guardian can
Samriddhi 8.6% Per Annum and Maximum INR. open account in the name of Girl Child.
Accounts (w.e.f 1-4-2016), 1,50,000/- in a
calculated on financial year. Account can be opened up to age of
yearly basis, Subsequent deposit in 10 years only from the date of birth. For
Yearly multiple of INR 100/- initial operations of Scheme, one-year
compounded. Deposits can be made grace has been given. With the grace,
in lump-sum No limit Girl child who is born between
on number of 2.12.2003 &1.12.2004 can open
deposits either in a account up to1.12.2015.
month or in a
Financial Year No limit Account can be closed after
on number of completion of 21 years.
deposits either in a
month or in a
Financial year
Sovereign 2.75 % payable The bonds are issued Interest on the bonds are taxable as
Gold Bond semi-annually in denominations of per the provisions of the Income-tax
1gm of gold. The

30 | P a g e
minimum investment Act, 1961(43 of 1961).
is 2 gms and max is
500 gms in a Capital gains tax treatment will be the
particular financial same as that for physical gold. The
year. department of revenue has stated that
they will consider indexation benefit if
In case of joint holding bond is transferred before maturity and
the limit applies to the complete capital gains tax exemption
first holder. will be allowed at the time of
The issue price is Rs.
2,684 per gram. So
the minimum
investment will be Rs.
5368/- for 2 gms.
Government Bonds bear Investment can be The bond shall be repayable on the
of India 8% interest @ 8% made with minimum expiry of -6- years from the date of the
Savings p.a. Rs.1000/- and in issue.
Bonds multiple thereof with
no maximum limit. The maturity value of the bond shall
be Rs.1601/- for every Rs.1000/-

V. Direct Equity/Stock Investments

If youre a seasoned investor or one who doesnt like mutual funds, then direct equity is best
for you. You make direct stock purchases of companies which you feel will do well in the
future. SEBI regulates the stock markets.

Equity Stocks have the best possibility to return the most returns if chosen wisely. All the
billionaires in the world are rich because they have either stocks or real estate as one
of investment options.

It has been proven world over that equity/shares in quality companies is the best investment
option for long-term returns. You dont need to restrict to Indian Equity. You can also buy
shares in US and other countries or invest in some international equity funds.

VI. Real Estate Investment

One of the fastest growing sectors in India is real estate, holding the huge prospects in major
sectors like housing, commercial, hospitality, manufacturing, retail and more. Buying a flat or

31 | P a g e
plot is the best decision amongst the investment options. The risk is very low because the rate
of property increases within 6 months.

VII. Investing in Gold in Various Ways

Gold is one of the oldest and evergreen investment products, as the value of gold increases

If you are looking for a gold investment you can simply opt for any gold investment format
like gold deposit scheme, gold ETF, Gold Bar, Gold mutual fund etc. gold investment can
benefit in the short period of time.

Top 5 Indian Gold ETF investment options, with their return rates

1 3 6
Mutual Fund Scheme 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years
month months months

Religare Invesco Gold

-1.5 13.2 8.1 10.7 0.9 2.4 5.6

SBI - ETF Gold -1.5 13.2 8.2 10.7 1.6 2.5 5.7

ICICI Pru Gold ETF -1.4 13.3 8.3 10.5 1.5 2.5 5.6

Quantum Gold Fund -1.6 13.1 8 10.5 1.5 2.4 5.6

HDFC Gold Exchange

-1.5 13.2 8.1 10.3 1.4 2.3 5.5
Traded Fund

** above returns have been calculated based on NAV as on 16.04.2016


VIII. Invest in Bonds

If you feel uncomfortable in investing in mutual funds and direct equity market investments,
then you can try investing in bonds. Investing in bonds can be one of the best investment
options since there are many good bonds which actually provide a high rate of return on
investments. There are bonds that are under the regulation of government, for example, a
bond for 10 years which is currently giving a rate of interest of 7.70%.

32 | P a g e

Bank of Baroda is an Indian state-owned banking and financial services company

headquartered in Vadodara (earlier known as Baroda) in Gujarat, India. It is the second largest
bank in India, next to State Bank of India. Its headquarters is in Vadodara; it has a corporate
office in the Bandra Kurla Complex in Mumbai. Bank of Baroda is one of the Big Four banks of
India, along with ICICI Bank, State Bank of India and Punjab National Bank.

Based on 2014 data, it is ranked 801 on Forbes Global 2000 list. BoB has total assets in excess
of Rs. 3.58 trillion, a network of 5326 branches in India and abroad, and over 8000 ATMs.

The bank was founded by the Maharaja of Baroda, Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III on 20 July
1908 in the Princely State of Baroda, in Gujarat. The bank, along with 13 other major
commercial banks of India, was nationalised on 19 July 1969, by the Government of India and
has been designated as a profit-making public sector undertaking (PSU).

This leading public sector banking major, launched its wealth management services through
select branches in October 2008. Through its wealth management services, the bank offers a
bouquet of services to its customers such as insurance and investment products and also
provide better avenues for managing their wealth. The government-run bank has formed a
team of trained investment advisors and plans to reach out to its existing and potential
customers and facilitate their investment decisions through simplified processes.

The various products offered at BoB for wealth management are explained below.

33 | P a g e

1. Fixed Deposits:

BoB offers fixed deposits products for both short term (<1 year) and long term (>1

All interest payments under FDs are subject to TDS.

Senior citizens earn additional 0.5% interest and staff members of BoB earn additional

Loan/Overdraft facilities are provided on these deposits between the range of 85-95%
except in the case of Baroda Tax Savings Term Deposit.

Premature closure of A/C brings a penalty of 1% reduction in interest rate.


15G- For Non Salaried People. Interest income is tax free up to the limit of Rs. 250,000
15H- For Senior Citizens (>60 years). Interest income is tax free up to the limit of
Rs. 300,000

TDS certificate is to be submitted at the start of the year, only then is tax not deducted
through the year.

Interest income tax free up to 10,000, over that

- 10% taxable for A/Cs with a PAN card
- 20% taxable for A/Cs without a PAN card

34 | P a g e
FD Schemes:

Items 1.Short 2.Baroda 3.Baroda 4.Baroda Fast Access

Deposits Advantage Fixed Double Deposit Scheme
Deposits Accounts Dhamaka Fixed
(Non-Callable) Deposit

Specifications A Scheme for Here the depositor This is a Term This is a prudent way
High Return on gets differential Deposit product to security, liquidity
savings for a rates of interest wherein and relief. The plan
short period of over normal FD for depositor gets provides the facility of
less than 1 deposits of Rs. more than overdrawing the
year. 15.01 lacs and double of his account up to 95% of
This scheme above to Rs. 10 initial deposit deposits.
provides for crores for amount.
overdraft foregoing
facility. premature
withdrawal option.
Minimum Rs.1000/- Rs.15,01,000/- up Rs 5,000/ up to Rs. 10,000/-
Deposit to the limit of Rs.10 the limit of Rs. 1
Amount crores. crore
Minimum 7 days 12 months 12 months
Maximum less than 12 120 months 120 months
Deposit months
Interest Quarterly

Items 5.BOB Suvidha 6.Regular 7.Capital Gain 8.Term Deposits

Fixed Deposit Income Cum Account
Scheme Recurring Scheme, 1988
Specifications A product offering The depositor This primarily Provides an increasing
a combination of gets the benefit helps to avail rate of interest with
competitive of an increasing of tax longer periods of
interests as well as rate of interest exemptions deposit.
easy liquidity. with longer from capital
gains. It offers

35 | P a g e
Unlike a fixed periods of two types of The Govt. of India
deposit, where the deposit. accounts- accepts the money
money is locked up Compound Savings and deposited in this plan
for long periods of interest ensures Term as a security.
time, BoB Suvidha that the savings Deposits.
Fixed Deposit grow faster. Tax exemption No processing fees will
Scheme is a flexible under section be charged for Loans
fixed deposit 54(F)(4) of and Advances against
option. Income Tax bank deposits.
Act 1961.

Minimum Rs. 5000/- Rs. 1,000/- Rs. 1,000/-

Minimum 12 months 12 months 12 months
Maximum 60 months 120 months 120 months
Interest Quarterly Quarterly Half- yearly

36 | P a g e
Sr. Items 9.Baroda Tax 10.Recurring 11.Baroda 12.Yatha Shakti
No. Savings Term Deposits Samriddhi Jama Yojana
Deposit Quarterly / Flexible
Half Yearly Recurring
Recurring Deposit Scheme

1 Specifications For availing Tax A basic saving A saving plan This product is
benefit plan, which helps with feature of basically a
maximum you regulate your quarterly/half Flexible Recurring
amount in a savings and reap yearly Deposit a/c with
financial year - its benefits from instalment feature of
Rs. 1.50/- lacs. time to time. which helps you Flexible Monthly
Premature regulate your Instalment mode.
withdrawal of savings. Also
the deposits avail up to 95% Maturity of
made under the of the deposit Deposit: One
scheme shall not amount by way month after
be allowed of payment of last
before loan/overdraft. instalment OR
completion of 5 Due date,
years except in whichever is later
case of death of
the depositor.
2 Minimum Rs. 100/- Rs. 50/- (rural Rs. 500/- Rs.100/-
Deposit and semi-urban) Monthly deposit
Amount Rs. 100/- (Urban amount can be
and Metro) increased only up
to 3 times of the
core instalment
subject to
maximum of Rs.
10,000/- per

3 Minimum 5 years 6 months 36 months 12 months

Deposit Period
4 Maximum 10 years 120 months 120 months 120 months
Deposit Period
5 Interest Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly/ Half- Half- yearly

37 | P a g e
2. Savings Account

Sr Items 1. Baroda 2.Baroda 3.Baroda 4.Baroda

No Advantage Super Centenary Salary
Savings Savings Savings Advantage
Bank Bank Bank Savings
Account Account Account Account
1. Minimum Quarterly Rs. 1,000 Rs. 20,000 Rs. 10,000 Nil
Average Balance
2. Non- maintenance Rs. 100 + ST Rs. 1000 + ST Rs. 100 + ST
of Minimum (M/U)
Rs. 50 + ST
3. Immediate credit of Rs. 20,000 Rs. 25,000 Rs. 25,000
outstation cheque
4. Maximum Rs. 100,000
overdraft limit
5. Issuance of Cheque 45 Free Free Free
Book leaves/half
6. Maximum Balance Rs. 100,000 Rs. 100,000 Rs. 100,000 NA
(Minor (Minor (Minor
between 10- between 10- between 10-
14 years) 14 years) 14 years)
7. Interest Payable Quarterly Quarterly

Sr. No. Items 5.Baroda Basic 6.Baroda Premium

Savings Bank Non Resident
Deposit Savings Bank
1. Quarterly Average Balance Nil Rs. 50,000

2. Issuance of Cheque Book 50 leaves/year Free

3. Non maintenance of QAB Rs. 500 + ST/Quarter

38 | P a g e
Sr. Items 7.Baroda 8.Baroda 9.Baroda 10.Baroda
No. Bachat Subh Pensioners Jeevan
Mitra Savings Savings Suraksha
Bank Bank Savings
Account Account Bank
1. Minimum Balance/ Nil Rs. 15,000 Rs. 1,000
Quarterly Average
2. Non maintenance Rs. 750 + ST Rs. 100 + Rs. 100 +
of QAB/Minimum ST/Quarter ST/Quarter
3. Immediate credit of Rs. 15,000 Rs. 25,000 Rs. 15,000
outstation cheque
4. Maximum Rs. 100,000 2 months
overdraft limit pension
5. Issuance of Cheque Free Free 45
Book leaves/half
6. Maximum Balance Rs. 100,000
between 10-
14 years)

3. Current Account

Current Deposits product is ideal for firm, companies, institutions, HUF, individuals etc., who
need banking facility more frequently. This is one of the most basic and flexible deposit
options, allowing transaction without limiting the numbers.

39 | P a g e
Sr. Items 1.Baroda 2.Baroda 3.Baroda
No. Advantage Current Premium Premium Current
Account (BACA) Current Account Account-
(BPCA) Privilege (BPCAP)
1. QAB Rs. 15,000 (M/U) Rs. 75,000 Rs. 250,000
Rs. 2,000 (R/S)
2. Maximum Balance No limit No limit No limit
3. Immediate credit of Rs. 20,000 Rs. 50,000 Rs. 150,000
outstation cheques
4. Issuance of cheque 50 leaves (First Free Free
books time)- Free
5. Non maintenance of Rs. 500 + ST Rs. 600 + ST Rs. 1,000 +ST
QAB/Minimum bal.
6. Cash Withdrawal Free
(Local Base Branch)
7. Cash Withdrawal Rs. 25,000 per day per account free of charge. In excess of
(Local/ Outstation Rs. 25,000 cash handling charges will be @Rs. 2 per
Non Base Branch) thousand + service tax or in part thereof


BoB offers customers with an opportunity to invest in the equity markets through mutual
funds. Bank of Baroda along with Pioneer Investments has come up with Baroda Pioneer
Mutual Fund, offering various schemes as shown below-

1. Equity Schemes:

Fund Name Objective Investment location Risk level

1.Baroda Pioneer Capital Investment predominantly in equity Moderately
Growth Fund appreciation and equity-related instruments High
over long term
2.Baroda Pioneer Capital growth Investment predominantly in equity Moderately
ELSS96 over long term and equity-related securities High
3.Baroda Pioneer Capital Investment predominantly in equity High
Infrastructure Fund appreciation and equity-related securities of
over long term companies engaged in

40 | P a g e
infrastructure and infrastructure-
related sectors
4.Baroda Pioneer Growth in Investment predominantly in equity High
PSU Equity Fund capital along stocks of domestic Public Sector
with liquidity Undertakings
over long term
5.Baroda Pioneer Capital Investment predominantly in equity Moderately
Balance Fund appreciation and equity-related instruments High
along with with balance exposure to money
stability over market instruments and debt
long term instruments
6.Baroda Pioneer Capital Investment predominantly in High
Banking & Financial appreciation equity, equity-related securities of
Services Fund over long term companies engaged in banking and
financial services sector

2. Debt Income Schemes:

Fund Name Investment Objective Risk level

1.Baroda Pioneer To generate income from a portfolio constituted Moderately

Short Term Bond of short term debt and money market securities. Low

2.Baroda Pioneer To provide optimal returns and liquidity through Moderately

Treasury Advantage a portfolio comprising of debt securities and Low
Fund money market instruments.

3.Baroda Pioneer To generate regular income by investing in a Moderate

Income Fund portfolio of good quality Fixed Income Securities
by maintaining a balance between Risk & Return

4.Baroda Pioneer To generate income by investing in a portfolio of Moderate

GILT Fund government securities.

5.Baroda Pioneer MIP To generate regular income through investment Moderate

Fund in debt and money market instruments and also
to generate long-term capital appreciation by
investing a portion in equity and equity related

41 | P a g e
6.Baroda Pioneer To generate returns with liquidity by managing Moderate
Dynamic Bond Fund the portfolio dynamically through interest rate

7.Baroda Pioneer The primary objective of the Scheme is to Moderate

Credit generate returns by investing in debt and money
Opportunities Fund market instruments across the credit spectrum.

3. Liquid Schemes:

Fund Name Investment Objective Risk Level

1.Baroda Pioneer Liquid Fund To generate income with a high level of liquidity Low
by investing in a portfolio of money market and
debt securities.

BoB along with National Insurance Company and India First Insurance Company offers a
variety of Insurance products. These are tabulated below-

Product Description Key Features


Baroda Considering health as a prime -Single premium covers for a family of 4- self,
Health concern for a person, BoB launched spouse and 2 dependent children i.e. family
Mediclaim Baroda Health Mediclaim floater scheme
Insurance Insurance Policy in a tie up
Policy arrangement with National -Tax benefit under sec 80D
Insurance Company (NICL). This
medical insurance scheme is -Coverage options available: 8 slabs ranging
available only to the account from Rs. 50,000/- to Rs. 5,00,000/- per family
holder of BoB. of 1+3.

-Upper age limit of primary member (first

named person) is allowed up to 80 years

IndiaFirst BoB offers IndiaFirst Guaranteed -Stay ahead of inflation with bonus in the plan
Guarantee Retirement Plan, which is a
d guaranteed financial protection for -Maximize retirement pool up to a term of 40
Retirement the investors second innings. The years
Plan plan offers the option to earn

42 | P a g e
guaranteed returns for the initial -Pay single, limited or regular in line with cash
years in the plan and an flow
opportunity to further build the
retirement corpus through bonus, -Get tax benefits on the premiums paid and
thereon. benefits received

IndiaFirst IndiaFirst Smart Save Plan offers an -Option to invest in 4 funds across different
Smart Save insurance cover on investors life asset classes, where one can choose the
Plan and additionally helps them grow proportion of your investment based on your
and develop a body of wealth risk appetite.
through market linked
investments. It helps them save -Option of switching' or redirecting your
systematically and provides premium' from one fund to another.
different options to invest the
savings in funds, on the basis of the -Under Section 80C, Income Tax Act, 1961 you
investors risk appetite. The life can enjoy Tax Benefits on the premium you
cover promises the sum assured in invest. You also get tax benefits on the
case of the life assured's demise. benefits you receive at maturity of your plan,
under Section 10 (10D), Income Tax Act, 1961.

IndiaFirst IndiaFirst Money Balance Plan -One may pay the premium(s) either regularly
Money offers an insurance cover on the or for a limited period of time or through a
Balance investors life and additionally single payment.
Plan helps earn and secure return. With -Under Section 80C -Tax Benefits on the
automatic trigger based' premium invested. Also, tax benefits on the
investment strategy, the plan helps benefits received on maturity of the plan,
saving systematically and then under Section 10(10D), Income Tax Act, 1961.
transfer the earnings in a relatively
safe fund that gives consistent
returns. Most importantly, the life
cover promises the sum assured in
case of the life assured's untimely
IndiaFirst IndiaFirst Anytime Plan is a pure -Option to pay monthly, six monthly, yearly or
Anytime term insurance plan that ensures lump sum as a single pay for the whole plan
Plan that the investors loved ones are period.
taken care of, even in his/her
absence. -Can choose a minimum life cover of Rs.
10,00,000 and a maximum cover of Rs.

-Under Section 80C -Tax Benefits on the

premium invested. Also, tax benefits on the
benefits received on maturity of the plan,
under Section 10(10D), Income Tax Act, 1961.

IndiaFirst IndiaFirst Maha Jeevan Plan not -Getting extra bonus (terminal bonus), if any
Maha only offers an assured amount but declared at the end of the plan term.
Jeevan also additional returns in the form
Plan of bonus declared by the company. -Under Section 80C -Tax Benefits on the
premium invested. Also, tax benefits on the

43 | P a g e
benefits received on maturity of the plan,
under Section 10(10D), Income Tax Act, 1961.

IndiaFirst IndiaFirst CSC Shubhlabh Plan- a -Enjoy hassle-free enrolment by simply

CSC low premium insurance plan that providing Name and Aadhar number.
Shubhlabh helps build a corpus through
Plan savings. The plan augments the -Pay premium through monthly, half yearly or
investors savings through regular yearly mode as per convenience for a period
interest additions along with of 10 or 15 years.
providing a life cover.
-Under Section 80C -Tax Benefits on the
premium invested. Also, tax benefits on the
benefits received on maturity of the plan,
under Section 10(10D), Income Tax Act, 1961.

IndiaFirst IndiaFirst Cash Back Plan -You can pay during your earning years but
Cash Back guarantees payouts at regular stay invested for longer (9/ 12/ 15 years)
Plan intervals to meet investors specific based on your requirements
needs and an assured maturity
payout. The plan will also ensure -The plan offers a death benefit equal to
family's financial security in case of Higher of 10 times the annualized premium or
the life assured's unfortunate sum assured on maturity along with
demise by paying higher of 10 accumulated guaranteed additions
times the annualized premium or -Under Section 80C -Tax Benefits on the
sum assured on maturity along premium invested. Also, tax benefits on the
with accumulated guaranteed benefits received on maturity of the plan,
additions under Section 10(10D), Income Tax Act, 1961.

IndiaFirst IndiaFirst Life Plan is a pure term -Under Section 80C -Tax Benefits on the
Life Plan insurance plan. premium invested. Also, tax benefits on the
benefits received on maturity of the plan,
under Section 10(10D), Income Tax Act, 1961.

IndiaFirst IndiaFirst Group Term Plan is a -The Plan provides the flexibility to add new
Group yearly renewable Plan that helps members during the plan year and an option
Term Plan provide the investors family to pay the premium as per your convenience
members with a life cover, thus
securing their family against -One can also opt for the Employees Deposit
uncertainties of life. Linked Insurance (EDLI) scheme under this

-Enjoy tax benefits on the premium you pay

under Section 80(C), Income Tax Act, 1961

IndiaFirst IndiaFirst Group Credit Life Plan -Benefit to family members by paying the
Group provides a risk cover that shields outstanding loan amount in the unfortunate
Credit Life the investors family from the event of the member's demise.
Plan stress of loan liabilities.
-Opportunity to cover two borrowers (joint
borrowers) under one plan

44 | P a g e
IndiaFirst IndiaFirst Simple Benefit Plan -Can plan future needs, by deciding when
Simple provides dual benefits of a life there is a need of the assured amount
Benefit cover and assured savings. The anytime between 15 to 25 years
Plan plan promises to pay out an
assured amount plus bonuses on -Instant Over the Counter plan issuance with
specific events like death or simplified underwriting for a Sum Assured
maturity. upto Rs 2,00,000.

-Loan facility of up to 90 percent of the

surrender value.

-Under Section 80C -Tax Benefits on the

premium invested. Also, tax benefits on the
benefits received on maturity of the plan,
under Section 10(10D), Income Tax Act, 1961.

IndiaFirst IndiaFirst Group Superannuation -Enjoy a minimum guaranteed return of 0.5%

Group Plan helps invest the funds set per annum on investment.
Superannu aside towards member's
ation Plan retirement benefit such as pension, -The contribution is a deductible business
during their employment. This expense in term of Section 36(1) (iv) of the
amount is paid to the member at Income Tax Act, 1961. In addition, any income
retirement or in case of early received on behalf of a Pension Fund is
separation or death. exempt from tax under Section 10 (25) (iii) of
the Income Tax Act, 1961.


Indias premier bank also provides the platform to BUY, SELL, TRANSFER ones securities
through just a 2 Step Process:

To enroll for BoBs Demat services one will have to open the following accounts:

Savings Bank \ Current Account with Bank of Baroda

Demat Account with Bank of Baroda DP

o To avail of the various services offered by Depositories (NSDL /CDSL), an

investor/ a broker / an approved intermediary (for lending & borrowing) has
to open an account with a DP.

Types of accounts:

o Beneficiary account:

45 | P a g e
An investor who wants to hold securities in Dematerialized (Demat) form and
receive or deliver securities by inter-account transfers must have an account
called beneficiary account with a DP of his choice.

o Clearing member account:

Member brokers of those stock exchanges which have established electronic

connectivity with NSDL/CDSL need to open a clearing member account, with a
DP of his choice, to clear and settle trades in the Demat form. This account is
popularly known as Settlement account or "Pool account". This account is
meant only to transfer securities to and receive securities from the clearing
corporation/ house and hence, the member broker does not have any
ownership (beneficiary) rights over the shares held in such an account.

80-90% of NSDLs operations with BoB are carried out at the Horniman Circle Personal
Banking Branch(PBB) in Mumbai.

For trading in the equity market in India one needs to have a Demat account. There are many
other benefits which encourage to have a Demat account like:

Buy and sell shares and stock of any company listed on the stock exchange of India i.e.
Make online investment in mutual fund.
Apply in IPO
Trade in Futures and Options
No threat of loss of shares due to faulty/bogus/forged delivery.
Dividend and issuance of bonus shares are directly credited into linked accounts and
Demat accounts respectively.
No share transfer fees or stamp duty.
Application can be made vide facility of ASBA (Application Supported by Blocked
Amount) wherein amount does not get debited into the account and is remitted only
when shares are allotted.
The shares trading account enables you to view live prices, watch lists and place
transactions. The deposit account is linked to the trading account for seamless transfer
of funds.

Online Trading

BoB also offers online trading; this was launched on 20th July 2012.

The site for the same is

46 | P a g e
Bank of Baroda also provides its customer with the service of investing in various Government
bonds and schemes.

The different schemes available at BoB are:

Public Provident Fund (PPF), 1968

Senior Citizen Savings Scheme, 2004

Sukanya Samriddhi Accounts, 2014

RBI Bonds

National Pension System (NPS)

47 | P a g e

Now let us do an analysis of wealth management products provided by other companies in

the market.

HDFC Bank-
The Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC) was amongst the first to
receive an 'in principle' approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to set up a bank in the
private sector, as part of RBI's liberalisation of the Indian Banking Industry in 1994. The bank
was incorporated in August 1994 in the name of 'HDFC Bank Limited', with its registered office
in Mumbai, India. HDFC Bank commenced operations as a Scheduled Commercial Bank in
January 1995.

HDFC Bank caters to a wide range of banking services covering commercial and investment
banking on the wholesale side and transactional / branch banking on the retail side. The bank
has three key business segments:

Wholesale Banking
Retail Banking

The different products for wealth management are-

Savings Account Products:

Savings Max Account A premium savings account that helps save money. Open one and save
up to Rs 4270

Regular Savings Designed for all day to day banking needs.


Women's Savings Women's Savings Account provides a complete banking solution,

Account catering to her financial, investment and lifestyle needs.

Kids Advantage This is a great way to accumulate savings for children and provide them
Account the head-start they need to succeed. It's an Account that grows with
the child and teaches them to manage money.

Senior Citizens Account This one account includes everything from health, investment to
everyday banking solutions.

48 | P a g e
Family Savings Group A complete banking solution that allows the entire family to benefit
Account from one account. Free lifetime EasyShop International Debit Card for
all members in the group.

Basic Savings Bank A zero balance Savings Account with a free ATM card, giving access to
Deposit Account one of the widest ATM networks across the country to meet all your
banking needs.

Institutional Savings A zero balance Savings Account for eligible Trust, Associations,
Account Societies, Clubs, NGOs and others. Wide range of convenient options to
collect fees, donation etc., and simplify payments.

BSBDA Small Account A zero balance Savings Account with a free ATM card

Salary Account Products:

Premium Salary A customised salary account for select corporates, backed by priority
Account service. Special offers and benefits such as a free zero balance account
for you and your family. This account comes with free Accidental Death
Cover of Rs.10 lakhs and Air Accidental Death Cover of Rs.25 lakhs.

Regular Salary Account A comprehensive salary account tailored for you; with special offers
including free Accidental Death Cover of Rs.6 lakh and Air Accidental
Death Cover of Rs.30 lakhs.

Defence Salary Account A comprehensive salary account designed to cater to Defence

Personnel. This account comes with free Personal Accidental Death
Cover of Rs 5 lakhs.

Salary Family Account Free Zero Balance Savings Account for all family members with similar
benefits as a salary account.

Classic Salary Account This salary account offers a complete range of services to meet ones
banking requirements. It comes with an International Debit Card and
access to one of the most advanced and secure NetBanking and
MobileBanking services - all free of charge.

Reimbursement To keep track of expenses by receiving the reimbursements in a

Account separate account.

Current Account Products:

ULTIMA Current The ideal current account option for businesses needing features
Account beyond even the most expansive product currently being offered.
Perfectly positioned for catering to Manufacturers/Large
Distributors/Stockists/Multi-Specialty Hospitals and Dealers. In

49 | P a g e
addition, this current account option is the ideal one for Business
Banking / Inventory Funding Customers.

Supreme Current Large traders operating across the country often grapple with high
Account transaction costs. This current account can help reduce that, and also
offer free access to one of the most advanced and secure form of Net
Banking and Mobile Banking services.

Apex Current Account Perfectly placed to meet the needs of fast growing, large business, this
dynamic current account helps derive the most advantage from a
number of value-added features. Benefit from dynamic cash deposit
limits that are proportional to 10 times the previous month AMB

EZEE Current Account Transaction costs can be a pressing issue for savvy traders operating
across multiple cities. This current account option will not only help
you reduce the same, but also provide access to one of the most
advanced and secure forms of Net Banking and Mobile Banking

Max Current Account Large businesses operating across the country often require
voluminous funds that are easily available. This current account option,
addressing that need, offers a high, dynamic cash deposit limit at any
location. Benefits also include dynamic, combined (Home & Non-
home) cash deposit limits which are proportional to 10 times the
Current month AMB maintained.

Agri Current Account Understanding the seasonal nature of business of agriculture-related

industries, this current account offers a number of features that help
ensure maximum returns.

Plus Current Account For businesses dealing with suppliers and customers from across the
country, the cost of transaction can become high. This current account
option offers higher limits for a wide range of transactions, resulting in
considerable cost saving.

Current Account for Understanding the requirements of Hospitals and Nursing Homes, this
Hospitals and Nursing current account option offers amenities like higher cash deposit limits.
Homes Other benefits include free monthly Cash deposits at home location of
up to Rs. 10 Lacs

Trade Current Account Even the shrewdest trader will often grapple with high transaction
costs. With our trade current account, users will not only enjoy a
reduced transaction cost, but also benefit from one of the most
advanced and secure forms of Net Banking and Mobile Banking

Institutional Current A current account especially designed for Trusts, Associations,

Account Societies, Clubs, Non Profit Organisations and Government

50 | P a g e

Regular Fixed Deposit Earn higher interest on your savings. Flexibility, security and excellent

Recurring Deposit Invest every month and be prepared for the future. Make investments
as small as Rs 1000/- per month

5 Year Tax Saving Fixed A tax saving investment option under section 80 c. Minimum deposit just
Deposit Rs 100/-, maximum Rs 1.5 lakhs

Super Saver Facility Enjoy a high rate of interest and benefit from an overdraft facility up to
90% of the value of your Fixed Deposit

Sweep-in Facility Avoid overdrafts while still taking advantage of your Fixed Deposits.
Choose between a Savings or Current Account to link to your Fixed

Demat Account
HDFC Bank Demat Services offers a Safe, Online and Seamless mode to keep track of
investments in Equity, Mutual Funds, Initial Public Offer (IPO), Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) -
Index & Gold, Bonds, Non-Convertible Debentures (NCD)


Transaction linked Annual Maintenance charges (AMC), from the 2nd year onwards
(The higher you transact, the lesser you pay)
No Account Opening charges
Waiver on the 1st year AMC

2-in-1 Account- HDFC Bank also provides facility for opening a 2-in-1 Account which is an
amalgamation of a Demat and a Trading Account.
Also, a 3 in 1 Account which is Savings + Demat + Trading Account.

Mutual Funds
HDFC offers a huge variety of mutual funds. The various categories and some of the funds
offered under them are:

51 | P a g e
Equity / Growth Fund - HDFC TaxSaver (ELSS)
The investment objective of the Scheme is to achieve long term growth
of capital.
- HDFC Arbitrage Fund
To generate income through arbitrage opportunities between cash and
derivative market and arbitrage opportunities within the derivative
segment and by deployment of surplus cash in debt securities.
- HDFC Index Fund - Nifty Plan
The objective of this Plan is to generate returns that are commensurate
with the performance of the Nifty, subject to tracking errors.
- HDFC Infrastructure Fund
To seek long-term capital appreciation by investing predominantly in
equity and equity related securities of companies engaged in or
expected to benefit from the growth and development of infrastructure
- HDFC Balanced Fund
The primary objective of the Scheme is to generate capital appreciation
along with current income from a combined portfolio of equity and
equity related and debt and money market instruments.
- HDFC Growth Fund
The primary investment objective of the Scheme is to generate long
term capital appreciation from a portfolio that is invested
predominantly in equity and equity related instruments.

Debt/ Income Fund - HDFC Inflation Indexed Bond Fund - (Formerly Morgan Stanley
Gilt Fund)
To generate income and capital appreciation indexed to inflation by
investing in a portfolio of inflation indexed bonds
- HDFC Banking and PSU Debt Fund
To generate regular income through investments in debt and money
market instruments consisting predominantly of securities issued by
entities such as Scheduled Commercial Banks and Public Sector
- HDFC Gilt Fund - Long Term Plan
The primary objective of the Scheme is to generate credit risk-free
returns through investments in sovereign securities issued by the
Central Government and/or State Government.
- HDFC Income Fund
The primary objective of the Scheme is to optimise returns while
maintaining a balance of safety, yield and liquidity.

Liquid Funds - HDFC Cash Management Fund - Savings Plan

The investment objective of the Scheme is to generate optimal returns
while maintaining safety and high liquidity.
- HDFC Liquid Fund
The primary objective of the Scheme is to enhance income consistent
with a high level of liquidity, through a judicious portfolio mix comprising
money market and debt instruments.
- HDFC Cash Management Fund - Call Plan
The investment objective of the Scheme is to generate optimal returns
while maintaining safety and high liquidity.

52 | P a g e
Children's Gift Fund - HDFC Children's Gift Fund - Savings Plan
- HDFC Children's Gift Fund - Investment Plan
The primary objective of the Schemes is to generate long term capital
appreciation. However, there can be no assurance that the investment
objective of the Scheme / Plans will be achieved.

Exchange Traded - HDFC Gold Exchange Traded Fund

Funds The investment objective of the Scheme is to generate returns that are
in line with the performance of gold, subject to tracking errors.
- HDFC Nifty ETF
To provide investment returns that, before expenses, closely correspond
to the total returns of the Securities as represented by the Nifty 50 Index
subject to tracking errors.
- HDFC Sensex ETF
To provide investment returns that, before expenses, closely correspond
to the total returns of the Securities as represented by the S&P BSE

Annual Interval Fund - - HDFC Annual Interval Fund - Series 1 - Plan A, B

Series 1 The investment objective of the Plan(s) under the Scheme is to generate
income through investments in Debt / Money Market Instruments and
Government Securities maturing on or before the opening of the
immediately following Specified Transaction Period.

Rajiv Gandhi Equity - HDFC Focused Equity Fund - Plan B

Savings Scheme - HDFC Focused Equity Fund - Plan A
- HDFC Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme - Series 2
- HDFC Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme
To generate long term capital appreciation from a portfolio of Eligible
Securities as specified in Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme.

Fixed Maturity Plan - HDFC FMP 1168D February 2016 (1)

- HDFC FMP 1155D February 2016 (1)
- HDFC FMP 1104D April 2016 (1)
- HDFC FMP 1107D March 2016 (1)
- HDFC FMP 1126D July 2015 (1)
The objective of the Plan(s) under the Scheme is to generate income
through investments in Debt / Money Market Instruments and
Government Securities maturing on or before the maturity date of the
respective Plan(s).
Fund Of Fund - HDFC Dynamic PE Ratio FOF
Schemes To seek capital appreciation by managing the asset allocation between
specified equity and debt schemes of HDFC Mutual Fund
- HDFC Gold Fund
The investment objective of the Scheme is to seek capital appreciation
by investing in units of HDFC Gold Exchange Traded Fund.

Capital Protection - HDFC CPO - III - 1173D January 2015

Oriented Fund - HDFC CPO - III - 1207D December 2014
- HDFC CPO-II-36M May 2014
- HDFC CPO-I-36M September 2013

53 | P a g e
The Scheme seeks to generate returns by investing in a portfolio of debt
and money market instruments which mature on or before the date of
maturity of the Scheme.
To protect the capital and generate income through investments in high
quality fixed income securities like Debt / Money Market Instruments
and Government Securities maturing on or before the maturity date of
the Scheme.

Retirement Savings - HDFC Retirement Savings Fund

Fund The investment objective of the Investment Plans offered under the
Scheme is to generate a corpus to provide for pension to an investor in
the form of income to the extent of the redemption value of their
holding after the age of 60 years by investing in a mix of securities
comprising of equity, equity related instruments and/or Debt/Money
Market Instruments.

Equities & Derivatives- HDFC Trading Account

Instantly trade & monitor the real-time price movement of stocks through a single

Create & manage multiple portfolios of all Asset classes.

Accumulate Stocks/ETFs of choice systematically, through DIYSIP in equities.

Avail innovative tools that help in investment decision making process.

8% Savings Bonds
An Individual, not being a Non Resident Indian, Hindu Undivided Family, Charitable
Institution, University can invest

Minimum investment of Rs. 1,000, No maximum limit on investment

8%p.a. rate of interest

100% risk free investment option

Sec 54 EC - Capital Gains Bonds

The eligible bonds are:

RECL (Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd)

NHAI (National Highways Authority of India)

54 | P a g e
Get tax exemption on capital gain

Maximum investment limit of up to Rs. 50 Lakhs in a Financial Year across the two
available Bonds

6% interest per annum

100% risk free payment

Inflation Indexed National Savings Securities-Cumulative(IINSS-C)

The Inflation Indexed National Savings Securities-Cumulative(IINSS-C) bonds will offer
investors a return that's 1.5% more than inflation based on the consumer-price-index.
Interest will be compounded half yearly, enhancing effective yield on investments.

The minimum investment limit is Rs. 5,000/- (five thousand).

The maximum limit is Rs. 500,000/- (five lakh) per applicant per annum.

Life Insurance - HDFC Life Click2Protect Plus Plan
Provides comprehensive protection to you and your family with the choice
of plan options. Choose from Life Option, Extra Life Option, Income Option
and Income Plus Option
- HDFC Life Health Assure Plan
Health Plan with unique benefit of 3 years premium guarantee i.e no
change despite claims in any given year. Lifelong renewability without fresh
medical declaration at each renewal if no policy alternation. Multiplier
benefit where cover increases by 50% in the following year if there is no
claim. Doubles the cover after 2 claim free years.
- HDFC Life Cancer Care
Comprehensive Cancer Care plan that offers benefit on diagnosis of Early
Stage or Carcinoma-in-situ (CIS) and Major Cancer. Inbuilt Waiver of
Premium Benefit in case of diagnosis of Early Stage or Carcinoma-in-situ
- HDFC Life Guaranteed Pension Plan
Create a retirement kitty for meeting post retirement income needs. An
option to pay premium for limited pay term (5/7 or 10 years) with no long
term commitment. Lifelong guaranteed income as annuity after retirement
- HDFC Life Smart Woman Plan
An award winning unique insurance cum investment plan designed
specifically for women. Comprehensive coverage options which covers you

55 | P a g e
against pregnancy complications and congenital conditions or for malignant
female-specific cancers

Heath Insurance - Health Suraksha

Comprehensive coverage for you and your family with 4800+ network
hospitals. Health Suraksha covers not only hospitalisation in the event of an
accident or sickness but extends to cover pre and post hospitalisation
expenses, day care procedures, domiciliary treatment, organ donor
expenses. Moreover, you get a renewal bonus for each claim-free year
- Critical Illness - Silver Plan
Your companion in critical Illness and protects you against 8 Critical Illness.
It provides lump sum benefit on the first diagnosis of the critical illness. It
provides coverages against 8 Critical Illness

Motor Insurance - Commercial Vehicle Insurance

Comprehensive cover for your vehicle with 1600+ authorised network
garages across India. HDFC ERGO has been recognized as one of the fastest
claims settling Insurance Companies among private insurers. It provides
access to cashless claim service to over 1600+ authorized network of
garages across India.
- Private Car Insurance
Comprehensive cover for your vehicle with 1600+ authorised network
garages across India. It provides access to cashless claim service to over
1600+ authorized network of garages across India. It provides discount
based on age and profession

Travel Insurance It protects your travel against any loss, delay or damage. In case of
international travel claims, emergency assistance will be available to you on
call 24x7. It provides you with a range of policies for individuals ranging in
the age group of 6 months to 70 years & Family Floater ranging in the age
group of 3 months to 60 years.

Home Insurance Policy protects home structure as well as household contents. Covers risk
against Fire, Lighting, Explosion Flood, Inundation, Storm, Riot, Strike,
Earthquake, Terrorism (optional), Burglary, Theft, etc. Coverage for 1,3,4,5
Two Wheeler Avail of our cashless claim service over 1600+ authorised network of
Insurance garages across India. Buy and renew the policy online. Personal Accident
Cover for Owner and Driver

56 | P a g e
Mutual Funds- Reliance offers a variety of mutual funds. The various categories and some of
the funds offered under them are:

Equity Funds - Reliance Vision Fund Growth

The primary investment objective of the Scheme is to achieve long term
growth of capital by investing in equity and equity related securities through a
research based investment approach
- Reliance Quant Plus Fund
The investment objective of the scheme is to generate capital appreciation
through investment in equity and equity related instruments. The scheme will
seek to generate capital appreciation by investing in an active portfolio of
stocks selected from Nifty 50 on the basis of a mathematical model.
- Reliance Focused Large Cap Fund
The primary investment objective of the scheme is to generate long-term
capital growth by predominantly investing in an active and concentrated
portfolio of equity & equity related instruments up to 25 companies belonging
to the top 100 companies by market capitalization and/or leaders in their
respective segments.
- Reliance Arbitrage Advantage Fund
The investment objective of the scheme is to generate income by taking
advantage of the arbitrage opportunities that potentially exists between cash
and derivative market and within the derivative segment along with
investments in debt securities & money market instruments.
- R Shares NV20 ETF
The investment objective of the scheme is to provide investment returns
closely corresponding to the total returns of the securities as represented by
the Nifty 50 Value 20 Index before expenses, subject to tracking errors.
However, there can be no assurance or guarantee that the investment
objective of the Scheme will be achieved.

Debt Funds - Reliance Floating Rate Fund

The primary investment objective of the scheme is to generate regular income
through investment in a portfolio comprising substantially of Floating Rate
Debt Securities (including floating rate securitised debt, Money Market
Instruments and Fixed Rate Debt Instruments swapped for floating rate
- Reliance Money Manager Fund
The investment objective of the Scheme is to generate optimal returns
consistent with moderate levels of risk and liquidity by investing in debt
securities and money market securities.
- Reliance Gilt Securities Fund

57 | P a g e
The primary investment objective of the scheme is to generate optimal credit
risk-free returns by investing in a portfolio of securities issued and guaranteed
by the Central Government and State Government.
- Reliance Corporate Bond Fund
To generate income through investments in a range of debt and money market
instruments of various maturities with a view to maximizing income while
maintaining the optimum balance of yield, safety and liquidity.The scheme
would focus its investments predominantly in corporate bonds of various
maturities and across ratings for the purpose of achieving regular income and
capital appreciation.

Liquid Funds - Reliance Liquidity Fund

The investment objective of the Scheme is to generate optimal returns
consistent with moderate levels of risk and high liquidity. Accordingly,
investments shall predominantly be made in Debt and Money Market
- Reliance Liquid Fund - Cash Plan
The investment objective of the scheme is to generate optimal returns
consistent with moderate levels of risk and high liquidity. Accordingly,
investments shall predominantly be made in Debt and Money Market
- Reliance Liquid Fund - Treasury Plan
The investment objective of the scheme is to generate optimal returns
consistent with moderate levels of risk and high liquidity. Accordingly,
investments shall predominantly be made in Debt and Money Market

Gold Funds - R*Shares Gold ETF

The investment objective is to seek to provide returns that closely correspond
to returns provided by price of gold through investment in physical Gold (and
Gold related securities as permitted by Regulators from time to time).
However, the Performance of the scheme may differ from that of the domestic
prices of Gold due to expenses and or other related factors. However, there
can be no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be
- Reliance Gold Saving Fund
The investment objective of the Scheme is to seek to provide returns that
closely correspond to returns provided by R* Shares Gold ETF.

Life Insurance-

Plan Name Description

Reliance A term plan offers your family protection against these unforeseen events
Term Plan that may drastically change your familys lifestyle, in your absence.

58 | P a g e
Reliance Term Plan offers a large life insurance cover, at an affordable

Reliance Reliance Fixed Savings helps you to create a corpus for unforeseen
Fixed Savings expenses, by allowing you to systematically save over a period of time.
This plan offers guaranteed benefits, including fixed additions that accrue
every year and an additional lump sum at maturity, along with a life
insurance cover to protect your family.

Reliance Get a lump sum at maturity of your Policy, equal to the sum of:
Bluechip Savings Base Sum Assured
Insurance Plan Guaranteed Additions (equal to 7% of Base Sum Assured every year
during the premium payment term)
Vested Reversionary Bonuses and Terminal Bonus, if any

Reliance's Get three Guaranteed Benefits at maturity:

Money Multiplier Sum Assured
Plan Guaranteed Loyalty Additions, accrued at the end of each Policy Year
Guaranteed Maturity Addition Your Guaranteed Loyalty Additions and
Guaranteed Maturity Addition increase with the number of years you pay
premiums and remain invested in the plan.

Reliance Choose from 5 investment funds based on your risk appetite:

Pay Five Plan 2 Equity Oriented Funds, 1 Balanced Fund and 2 Debt Oriented Funds
Pay 5 yearly premiums only
Make use of 52 free switches amongst the 5 investment funds
Enhance your investments through Top-ups
Opt for Systematic Transfer Plan (STP) to manage volatility in equity
Utilise Premium Redirection to change the investment pattern of your
future premiums

Reliance Boost your retirement savings with regular simple reversionary bonus
Pension Builder and terminal bonus, if any.
Choose your Policy Term based on when you want to retire.
Protect your family with a lump sum amount or guaranteed income in
case of unfortunate death.
At retirement, get guaranteed regular income for whole of life.

Reliance Reliance Education Plan helps you save with certainty and allows you to
Education Plan choose your payouts depending on your childs future needs.
Choose your benefit Payout Option
Self Starter: A single lump sum payout to fuel your childs ambition
Protect your childs future even in your absence

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Reliance Reliance Care for You Advantage Plan a very innovative plan for the
Care For You entire family including children, dependant parents and parents-in-law.
Advantage Plan Provides a 12-year health cover with guaranteed renewability and
guaranteed renewal discount plus a guarantee of fixed premium for 3
Also this plan covers Pre-existing illnesses after 4 continuous years of
membership. You and your family members will have guaranteed
coverage up to the age of 99 for adults and 21 years in case of children,
irrespective of claim experience and change in your health condition.

Reliance Group members get life cover for the entire term of 10 years. Extra
Group Sarv protection is available in case of accidental death benefit which is equal to
Samriddhi basic Sum Assured
At maturity of the policy, you will receive the Policy Account Value which
All invested premiums, plus Investment income through 3 different credits
to your Policy Account:
i. Minimum Floor Rate (MFR) - Guaranteed interest credit of 2.5%
per annum for the entire policy term and credited at the end of
every financial quarter
ii. Non-zero positive Additional Interest Rate (AIR), if any, which is
over and above the minimum floor rate. Additional Interest Rate
is 1.25% p.a. for this product for the entire policy term
iii. Non-zero positive Residual Additions, if any

Non- Life Insurance-

Plan Name Description

Car Insurance Reliance Private Car Insurance policy: made-to-order protection for your
Get FREE Roadside assistance worth Rs.500 with Reliance Car
Save upto 55% on Reliance Car insurance policy
Your car insurance expired? Renew it instantly online without any
Cashless facilities across 2300+ garages in our network

Two Wheeler No paperwork, instant policy

Insurance Use cashless facility across our preferred 159 network garages
Get quick and hassle-free settlement of your bike insurance claims
Two Wheeler Insurance starting at Rs.3/day*
Renew your policy instantly online without any inspection or

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Health Insurance The following are the various benefits that this health insurance policy
Reliance Health Insurance offers a 5% discount for single women
or girl child
5% Premium discount for Reliance Private Car Package Policy
Avail tax deductions upto 35,000 Rs. under section 80D
Re-instatement of base sum insured, if you've exhausted the total
sum insured on your medical policy.

Travel Insurance - Asia Travel

Get a Travel Insurance plan tailored for your vacation anywhere in Asia
- Schengen Travel
Select a perfect policy for a perfect Schengen vacation
- Overseas Travel
Get free international SIM Card with our every Travel Insurance quote
- Senior Travel
A policy especially designed for people between the age of 61-80. No
medical check-up
- Student Travel
Pick the best student travel cover and ensure your study time
Commercial Vehicle Whether you own and drive a commercial vehicle or you own the vehicle
Insurance and someone else drives it, you are responsible for it completely. To stay
safe in this situation, its always advantageous to have Commercial
Vehicle Insurance.
Coverage for a variety of situations
Quick and hassle-free settlement for your claims
Instant online policy renewal

Home Insurance Reliance Home insurance policy protects the following:

Home and its contents like furniture, fixtures etc.
Additionally, your mechanical and electrical appliances like
washing machine
Your electronic gadgets like mobile, TV, computer, etc.
Property Insurance not only covers your home but also protects
your family against unforeseen accidents
Protection against earthquake, burglary, fire or even terrorism
related losses

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Reliance offers a bouquet of financial products, including cutting-edge and innovative

products, aimed at boosting your investment returns. This helps in making informed choices
with the help of research reports, tools and up-to-date share market news.

Trading Instruments

Helping you take the right decision in diversifying your investments. Choose from an array of
premium trading instruments, including equities, derivatives, currency, IPOs, mutual funds,
bonds and corporate FDs, that best suit your portfolio.

Other offerings include-

Trading Products, Research & Smart Trading Platforms

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A small survey/interaction was done with the customers visiting the PBB Branch, Horniman
Circle of Bank of Baroda. These customers were asked various questions like-

If they invested their money? What were their investment goals, expectations? What were
their preferred instruments for investment? Were they aware about the various Wealth
Management products offered by Bank of Baroda? And so on.

The important findings of this interaction are-

- Majorly the customers visiting the branch were low or medium net worth individuals,
or persons on bank business for their companies.

- There was a very high loyalty amongst the customers for Bank of Baroda, and there
was even one individual who had been with the bank for over 60 years

- The major objective for investment was safeguarding their money in times of financial
needs. The expectation from investment was steady returns and quick liquidity.

- The most preferred instrument for investing was bank deposits, either in the form of
FDs or Savings accounts.

- They had hesitation to invest in the equity markets, and majority of them refrained
from investing in equity through shares or mutual funds. This was due to higher risk
perception of these instruments.

- People were aware of the Bank of Baroda WM instruments, but there were not many
investing in them. The reason for this was that the individuals were not well informed
about these products.


- The investors need to be made aware. The general public is still afraid of investing in
instruments like mutual funds or other forms of equity. An online survey conducted
by ET Wealth in April 2016 throws up worrying figures. Nearly two out of five
respondents (37%) have not heard of direct plans of mutual funds, and one out of five
(21%) believes that SIPs make investments in equity funds risk free. Direct plans,
launched more than three years ago in January 2013, have lower charges and
therefore, offer higher returns to investors. And SIPs help reduce, but not completely
remove, the risk of equity investments. The above shows us how unaware are
investors; and in order to expand their customer base, the Government, Banks and
other FIs are responsible for educating these investors. This would lead to smart
investors and the growth of the wealth management sector.

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- Bank of Baroda has a strong standing legacy and plenty of loyal customers; these need
to be taken care of. Bank deposits are still favoured form of investments, so BoB
should offer its customers attractive and competitive rate of interest along with other
additional services to survive in the market.

- Nowadays banks have gone from becoming mere borrowers and lenders to one-stop-
shops for all financial instruments, more like Financial Hubs. Banks provide customers
with means to invest in mutual funds, buy insurance policies, trade in equity markets
and so on.

- Bank of Baroda too provides Mutual Funds under the name Baroda Pioneer Mutual
Fund. However, these are not yet well known due to their low market awareness. The
same goes for insurance policies of BoB provided in alliance with National Insurance
Company and India First Insurance Company. These instruments hence need to be
marketed well to ensure awareness.

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The future of wealth management in India seems like a bright one. The catalysts for the same
are the favourable government policies boosting economic growth, the increasing HNI
network and volume in the country, the attractiveness of the market and so on. The total
wealth held by individuals in India grew by 8.9 per cent to Rs 280 lakh crore in FY15 over the
previous year, with wealth in financial assets growing in double digits and that in physical
assets experiencing a fall, according to a recent report by Karvy Private Wealth. Individual
wealth in financial assets rose from Rs 134.7 lakh crore in FY14 to Rs 160.5 lakh crore, growth
of 19 per cent. This figure is expected to double to Rs 326 lakh crore in the next five years.
This shows us the rising wealth and allocation of this wealth in financial assets. Hence we can
see that wealth management will soon be an upcoming sector.

Also the wealth management market seems attractive as the dominance of foreign players is
gradually dissolving. According to ASK Wealth Advisors, many foreign players have either
scaled down or sold their wealth businesses in the past few years, owing to the challenges in
their overseas markets. This is a good opportunity for Indian firms to capture market share.
To this effect, India's home grown wealth managers are hiring more staff and expanding in
smaller cities, seeking to attract rising numbers of newly minted millionaires as high costs and
regulatory restrictions drive some global rivals to scale down.

India last year was the world's fastest growing wealth management market, according to a
CapGemini and RBC Wealth Management study published in June 2015, spurred largely by
rising personal income as well as a boom in e-commerce start-ups that has also attracted
foreign investors such as Japan's SoftBank Corp and Singapore's Temasek Holdings.

So all in all the wealth management scenario in India seems to be on the rise, and up and
coming or even well-established financial service providing firms need to up their game to
survive in this competitive market.

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Bank of Baroda database, reading material, product brochures

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Thank You

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