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1. How to Shut down Raspberry Pi only using the keyboard?

Press Ctrl-alt-F1 it enters into the terminal

Then write sudo shutdown -h now.
Also you can write shutdown

2. How to enter into terminal by using keyboard

Press Ctrl-alt-T or F10

3. How to know the ip address of the raspberry pi

Sudo ifconfig

4. Restart the pi

5. How to enter the envoirnment variable for accessing the internet

Open the terminal and Go to root by following steps
Sudo su
Cd ..
Cd ..
Cd /etc
Sudo nano profile
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
export ftp_proxy=

6. How to come out from root


7. How to change to dhcp

Edit interfaces using a simple editor called nano. Enter:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

Edit the last word of line that starts with iface eth0 inet.
To use DHCP services, change the line to:
iface eth0 inet dhcp

8. How to set proxy to apt

Cd /etc
Cd apt
Cd apt.conf.d
Sudo nano apt.conf

9. How to make exe file

make -f Makefile

10.How to run exe file


11.How to set the time by using ntp server

12.How to set the time

Cd /etc
Sudo rm f localtime
ln -s ../usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin localtime

13.How to delete file

Go on that folder and write rm filename
Rm r directory name

14.How to copy file from one folder to other

Go to that folder where file is place then write
Cp filename destination location

15.How to remote desktop your pi

16.How to check pi board

17.tar -xvf yourfile.tar

18.bzip2 -dk filename.bz2 bypass proxy in git clone
git config --global --add http.proxy "" bypass curl
export https_proxy=
export https_proxy=$http_proxy
21.Check which packages are installed on python
$ python
>> help("modules")

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