Makalah Narative Text

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Praise the presence of God Almighty because with mercy, grace, and protection Whom can
we resolve the papers "narrative text" This limited knowledge and capabilities. And we also
thank our teachers who have given us this task.

We sincerely hope this paper can be useful in order to broaden our knowledge and
understanding, structure, and examples of "narrative text". We are also fully aware that in this
task there are shortcomings and far from what we expected. Therefore, we expect the
criticism, suggestions and proposals for improvement in the future, considering no means a
perfect without the build.

Hopefully this article can be simple to understand for anyone who reads it. If the report has
been prepared, it can be useful for our own as well as those who read it. Before we apologize
if there are errors words or less acceptable, and we ask for criticism and constructive
suggestions for improvement in the future.





A. The Background of the Analysis 3

Problem 3

Discussion 3

Conclusion 6

Summary 6

References 7


A.The Background of the Analysis

In English there are many different types of text, narrative text, descriptive, report, etc. In
reading the course we will discuss the different types of the text. And one of the texts which
we discuss in this paper is a narrative text.
What is Narrative Text? Narrative Text Narrative text is a text text which contains about
fantasy, fairy tales, or a true story that has been exaggerated. There is usually a moral to be
learned at the end of the story. Example of narrative text can be folk tales, animal stories,
legends, myths, short stories, comic, cartoon, and others.
Therefore, on this occasion we will discuss about the Narrative text clearly. ranging from
linguistic characteristics, sentence structure and other components.


1.what is narrative text ?

2.structure of narrative text ?
3.example of narrative text ?


1.what is narrative text ?


Narrative text is basically text that tells about something that does not really happen but only
on the reef by the author. narrative text aims to entertain, to gain and maintain the attention of
the reader / listener stories. Narrative text also aims to educate, inform, convey a reflection on
the experience of the author, and are no less important is to develop the imagination of the
reader / listener. Imaginary narrative text generally, but there is also a factual narrative text,
which tells the true incidence.

2.structure of narrative text ?


1) Orientation: sets the scene and introduction the participants (Character, place and time)
2) Complication: crisis arise.
3) Evaluation: Optional.
4) Resolution or also called solution: The crisis is resolved, for better or for worse.
5) Reorientation: the cover of the story: optional
6) Coda: changes in the figures and the lessons to be learned from the story.

3.example of narrative text ?


In a jungle, there lived four animals, they were a rabbit named Bunny, a polecat named Ruby,
a deer named Oddie, and a fox named Swiper. They were best friends and lived together in a
peace. Everyday they worked together looking for some foods and keep their place safe from
threatening and bothering.
In other place of the jungle, there lived three lion cubs. They were best friends too. They
liked to disturb others to take control the entire jungle. Their names were Diego, Leo, and
Simba. They were so wild although they were still young, except Simba. Simba was the
weakest one because beside hes the smallest one, he was also afraid to kill others to be his
meal. For a lion, Simba was the kindest one and it made his friends, Diego and Leo, fed up
and pushed him to be wild.
One day, the three lions came to the four best friends land; they saw a rabbit, a fox, a deer,
and a polecat were gathering and playing together. The lions knew that those animals could
be their meals, but they have also a plan before eating them. Then the lions came approach
the four best friends. Realize that there were three lions that will eat them, the four best
friends felt so scared and theres no chance to avoid the lions. But, the lions didnt kill the
four best friends. They just want to take the place and asked them to go if they didnt want to

be their meals. The four best friends were being forced to agree with the deal to left the
houses and looking for some new places in another side of the jungle to live.
The lions absolutely felt so happy because the tiny animals did what they said. Of course this
was not the end, they had another plan to kill the four animals and making them as their
meals because since first theyre not only wants to take the place but also to eat them. Simba
actually disagree with his two friends wicked plans. But he couldnt do anything to stop
them. Hes so scared to fight them alone.
When the lions separated to find something to eat, suddenly Simba hit something and
apparently its Bunny, the rabbit. They shocked to find each other in that condition. Soon
Bunny felt turning into scary because now he is standing in front of a lion that could eat him
and hes alone! But when Bunny was trying to escape, Simba stopped him. In fact, Simba
told him that he wouldnt kill him. Bunny still couldnt believe what hes already heard. After
a while Simba finally told Bunny how hes so fed up with his two friends and hes really
wanted to get free from the two lions.
After hearing Simbas story, Bunny decided to bring him to their new place and tell the other
friends. Bunny explained whats going on with him so that he met the lion and brought him to
them. The friends were amazed hearing the story and they worried that the lions suddenly
could eat them, especially the polecat, Ruby. She didnt trust anymore to the lions story. But
finally, they could accept the lions coming as they new friends although Ruby still got mad
because of her friends decision.
Then the lion told them about the two lions wicked plan. He started to make a plan with the
four best friends to trap the lion so that they would never bother other tiny animals again.
Simba, Bunny, and Oddie discussed the plan, meanwhile the other two friends, Ruby and
Swiper, were looking for everything that they need to make the trap.
The day is coming, Simba came approach to his two friends and told them that he knew
where the hidden place of the four best friends. The lions so excited to get them as their
meals. When they came to the place, they couldnt find anyone of the four animals. But
theres a deer came out to get some food, quickly Diego and Leo ran into her. BUMP!
Suddenly, Diego and Leo fell into the big hole which was a trap that theyve made for the two
lions. They asked for Simbas help but he just went approach to the four best friends and
celebrated their success. Finally, Simba lived together with the four best friends in their old
place in peace and happily ever after.


then a narrative text is a text that contains a story both written and unwritten, and there is a
series of interconnected events that emphasizes the existence of a conflict and the solution
while the recount is a text that contains a story which recounts both the story and the
experience that the author and the person is told.


Narrative text is a text text which contains about fantasy, fairy tales, or a true story that has
been exaggerated. There is usually a moral to be learned at the end of the story. Example of
narrative text can be folk tales, animal stories, legends, myths, short stories, comic, cartoon,
and others. If concluded, it is a narrative text is a text which contains a story in the form of
written or unwritten, and there is a series of interconnected events that emphasizes the
existence of a conflict and the solution while the recount is a text that contains a story in
which in the form retell stories and the experiences of the author and the people who


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