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Editors Note2

Article of the Month...3

Augustus Sage4

LOL Corner..6

Interview with Nishanth...7

SIMUN ....11

Tech Section....12

Book Section....14

Poll Corner & PYP writing of the Month.18

Sports Section ....19

Movie Section .....22

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

Editors Note

W ho doesnt enjoy sweet things? I, for one, am

dangerously addicted to anything sweet. Desserts
have always fascinated me with the decadence they
deliver in just one mouthful; they flood my entire palette in
a way savoury foods never have. When we think about
the savoury side of things, you may have noticed that
what we call an indulgent experience usually means
hogging huge portions of fatty, crispy, cheesy goodness.
Take a big serving of mac and cheese for example. But
just one warm, inviting slab of brownie with thick fudge,
and maybe a scoop of ice cream to top it all off, satisfies
the stomach just as well as the pasta. Small in size, but BIG
on indulgence. Its a win-win, dont you think? Because
sweets are something most of us revel in so much, we
thought it is only fair to give you a platform to share your
experiences and talk about some favourites amongst the
incredibly large array of sweet treats. We hope this edition
was just as fun for all of you as it was to us.
Veera Varshni

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

Article of the Month

P ersonally, I love desserts. I dont love it because of all the sugar, but rather
the way eating a dessert makes me feel. There are an array of desserts
such as ice cream, cakes, candy, sweets, icings, and healthy desserts. The
unique implementation of various ingredients in different recipes allow for
richer tastes.
My favourite type of ice cream would be fried ice cream. I love it,
because the taste of warm & fried bread crumbs mixed with cold vanilla ice
cream exploding in my mouth, just to the level of making me want to jump
with joy. The taste is riveting to the point of ephemeral euphoria. The coconut
shavings add a final touch of decadence to the smooth ice cream and the
slightly crunchy exterior.
My friend suggested that I try her favourite type of cake, which is called
a torte. It is a rich multi-layered cake with some sort of filling between each
layer. The fillings are usually whipped cream, butter cream, mousses, jams, or
fruit. The one I tried was filled with whipped cream. A torte is usually cooled,
glazed, & then garnished. I loved the taste of the torte. It is a taste I will never
I believe that not all desserts have to be loaded with sugar. A healthier
dish that I enjoy is the fruit tart. A fruit tart is a combination of different fruits in
a pastry base. Fruit tarts always have different types of fruits in them. The taste
which really hooked me to the fruit tart is the taste of the kiwi. The sweet but
sour taste of the kiwi is something my taste buds havent forgotten till this very
Everyone has had a mini dessert or sweet before going somewhere.
People usually have cookies or cupcakes, but my personal favourite is the
gingerbread man. Especially in the winter season, having a warm cinnamon
flavoured gingerbread man, which just came out of the oven is a delightful
treat to pop into your mouth before hitting the road.
The handful of desserts I have listed are just a few of my favourites.
Desserts are so much more than just sugar. There are so many wonderful
desserts in the world with so many different back stories and cultures, which
most of them narrate so perfectly just by hitting the right notes on our palette.
Eating a dessert is not just something to be done: it is something to be
Aishwarya (9b)

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

Augustus Sage
Students of Grade X get Brushed and Manufactured
The students of grade X visited the Zahoransky Manufacturing
Company on Tuesday, 20th December 2016. The students learned
about the different moulds that are used in brushes and brooms.
They also visited Sakthi Auto Manufacturing Company on
Wednesday, 21st December and Thursday, 22nd December. The
students learned about how the brakes in various cars are
Grade 8 get prepped for the IGCSE examinations
The students of Grade 8 were given a presentation on the IGCSE
examinations that they will be writing in the future. The sessions
content included the exams that the students will be writing as
well as the awards and certificates they can achieve after writing
the examination.
Grade X: Cyclists for a day.
The students of grade X went on a cycling trip on Saturday 10
December 2016. The students were very energetic all through the
trip cycling trip.
Grades 6 to 9 got their knowledge tested.
The formative assessments for grades 6 to 9 commenced on 16
January 2017. A lot of students performed very well in the
Grade 8 and 9 faced their main exam.
The summative assessments for grade 8 and 9 were commenced
on, 6 December 2016.
Grade X go on an adventure
The students of Grade X went on their NAF trip to Tirumoorthi Hills
on Saturday, 17th December 2016. This trip really brought out the

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

adventurer in many students when they participated in the many

adventurous tasks they were exposed to.
Awards for Excellence in studies for Grades 6 to 10
The students of grade 6,7,8,9 and 10 were given awards for
achieving great scores on their Assess360. The event was held on
Saturday, 17th December.
Students of TIPS are back from a cool skiing trip in Manali
The students going on the trip were briefed about the skiing
expedition by Lt Sheshadri in the seminar hall on December, 23 rd
2016. Before they knew it, they were there and back, leaving to
Manali on the 21st of January and returning back to Coimbatore
on the 29th.
Grade 8 and 9 attend there last MRM and PTM
The students of grade 8 and 9 attend their final day as 8th and 9th
graders as the parents of the students collect the feedback from
the teachers about their childrens performances in school. They
were also briefed about some important information by our school
chairman to keep in mind when they start off as 9th and 10th
End of the 2015-16 GE Girls India programme
The third and final session of the GE Girls India programme was
held on Saturday 17th December 2016.

Yours Mysteriously,

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

LOL Corner

Q: Why did the boy bring a

ladder to school?
A: Because he wanted to go to
high school!

Q: Which Dinosaur knew

the most words?
A: The Thesaurus

Q: How does a crazy

person travel through
the woods?
A: They take the

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

Interview with Nishanth

The results of the IB Diploma Programme was solid proof that a lot of
hard work was put in by numerous students to reach the best score
they could, but one shined the brightest, achieving a mind-blowing
score of 45 of 45. But that is just one of his many accomplishments
over time. Lets look at what he has to say about it all...

1. What sparked your interest for computers and science?

Most of it came from the fact that I was taken to a lot of science
museums by my parents, he told us. However, there were other
reasons, too, like meeting professors from US, seeing how engineers
worked, and exposure towards robotic competitions like the IRO,
FLL, FTC, WRO. On a more interesting note, he and his team won the
nationals in the WRO (World Robot Olympiad) and went to Indonesia
where they, unfortunately, lost to Russia.

2. How does it feel to be the Indian topper?

Pretty cool, he said. He wasnt too surprised that he scored a 45,
but definitely wouldve been if it was anything less.

3. Youve published a book. Do you like to read? What are your

favourite books?
The first only book he has published took 3 years to write. Called the
Book of the Heavens, it was published by him in tenth grade. And
right now, he is working on a book for 4 years. As for his favourite
book, pretty much anything in the sci-fi genre.

4. What do you think got you the marks you did in your IB exams?
There were many reasons, but a few of the most important included
the fact that he took notes in a different manner than usual which
helped in answering questions in a better way. Also, he always
considered knowing more than what was just being taught from the
portions imperative. Another factor is that he made sure he revised
the mistakes he made a previous exam/F.A. question. However, the

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

most prominent reason is how badly he wanted the 45 and how

driven he was to achieve it. Part of that drive was because his
teacher, Mr. Venkat, had never had a student who had scored 45
for the past ten years.

5. Do you have any plans as to where you want to go for college and
what you want to study?
Mostly he plans to study in the US, but as of now, he hasnt decided
exactly where he would be attending college. He hopes to get into
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

6. What are your hobbies?

Writing, robotics, watching lectures (TED talk) reading books, reading
online blogs, and doing science projects.

7. Did you find your two years of DP difficult?

He told us that he in fact did not find it hard at all, but said The IB is
not hard, its just challenging. Moreover, the IB is a free environment
where its up to you to choose what you do with all the free time
you get. Its all about whether you make the most of it. The only
reason many think its so hard is because they lack in time
management and staying organized.

8. What advice and tips would you give everyone about scoring well
in the IB exams?
He believes that working hard from the start, and being persistent in
your efforts will get you to the top. He also believes that 9th and 10th
grade are the most important time to prove yourself. As for free time,
never take it for granted, stay impatient and keep doing things even
if it might not be successful. He also strongly said, If you pursue
something, keep doing it, no matter what happens or what others
say. Keep your focus on one thing-your top priority- and not on
many things at once.

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

More than a 45
If the IBs full of anything, its definitely numbers (especially if you take
Math HL). There are numbers everywhere: 3 HLs and 3 SLs, 120 hours of
teaching, 4000 word EE, 1600 word TOK essay, 9 hours of class every-day,
15 papers of about 70 marks each, and of course, the final score out of
The thing Ive noticed both during and after the IB is that people
seem to only care about these numbers. How many words was your
EE? How much did score in TOK? What was your final number of CAS
hours? And of course, What was your final score? These are the most
frequently asked questions Ive got, the last one in particular- so much so
that Ive now become the guy who scored 45 to most people, as if Im
some disembodied walking number.
When I started the IB DP, I was obsessed with the numbers just like
everyone else. But looking back now, I realize IB wasnt just a set of
numbers to me. I think I speak for almost all IB graduates when I say that
its about more than just numbers.
Yes, I scored a 45: the perfect score. But that doesnt even begin to
quantify my IB experience.
When I joined the IB, I was scared to stand-up and talk to a class of
my peers. But now, I confidently teach people Ive never even met
before. Ive even delivered a speech to the whole school. Ive made
friends with people who were once strangers to me and attempted to
understand their worldviews. 45 doesnt quantify that humongous growth
in my confidence.
When I began IB, I was so confused about who I was, who I wanted to
be and what I wanted to do with my life. Now, Ive come to understand
a few things: Im driven, Im a hopeless dreamer, and I want to change
the world as an Engineer. (Im also proud nerd!) Thats at least a start, but
45 doesnt quantify that transformative self-discovery.
45 cannot represent the friends Ive made and all the amazing
discussions Ive been involved in. It cannot begin to represent the

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

projects Ive done, the successes Ive had and the failures Ive endured
in this two-year roller-coaster.
45 is not even to conveying the heart-wrenching grief I felt when my
dear Physics teacher and EE Supervisor, Mr. Venkat, passed away of
cancer. 45 says nothing of the promise I made to his memory, of the iron
determination that gripped me to fulfil my promise and be Venkat Sirs
first student to achieve a perfect score.
45 doesnt quantify what I felt when I got my results and cried with joy
because Id somehow fulfilled that impossible promise.
IB is about so much more than just numbers. Its the first time most
students (myself included) get a taste of freedom; freedom to pursue our
own ideas and experiments and do whatever we fancy with time. And
that can be scary, but its also exhilarating because were finally getting
a taste of the real-world and all the responsibility that comes with it. To
me, IB was about growing up, about understanding and learning more
and becoming a better person. And I can honestly say that it was
probably the best two years of my life.
Recently, Ive been asked by a lot of people, Why do you still come
to school? They seem so puzzled, so absolutely flabbergasted. I usually
smile at that question, because I realize that everyone who asks it still
doesnt understand. They still think IB and school is all about numbers and
that Im done now because I scored a 45.
But I dont show up for numbers. I show up to learn more about the
subjects and myself, to help others, to be in an environment I love with
vibrant and amazing people and to interact with teachers whove
become like my family.
I show up for everything else- everything mere numbers cant hope
to measure.
Nishanth (2016-2017 DP year 2)

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

Why wait? Hurry and make yourself a

part of the first ever South Indian
Model United Nations Conference before
registrations close!

To give us a feedback on this newsletter,

please visit:

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

Tech Section
This year, 2017, to be a big crunch for
T he start of 2017 was in no way
lesser than the previous year.
Inaugurating the upcoming
advanced technologies of 2017,
the Consumer Electronic Show
2017 held at Las Vegas, Nevada
from 3rd January 2017 managed to attract the launch and
introductions of technologies, ranging from local tech
companies to the worlds major tech giants. Many of the
introductions and unveilings at the event brought insight
to the many different possible technologies that could be
developed in the future.

Highlights of CES:
1. Tilt Brush
Tilt brush is a Virtual Reality app designed
by Google that lets you paint in three
dimensional space. With intuitive controls and a pick-up-
and-play design, it is an experience professional artists,
dreamers and even casual doodlers will love.

2. Cota Tile
Cota Tile is an initiative by Ossia Inc which makes wireless
power, without plugs or pads, a reality. It is designed to

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

replace the standard ceiling tile and has

the ability to charge electronic devices
within a 30-foot radius. Ossia Inc is trying to
implement it in day -to- day life in buildings such as
hospitals and offices.

3. Nigthawk X10 R9000 Smart Wifi Router

Nighthawk X10 by Netgear Inc. is a beast
of a router which has the capability of
meeting the most advanced transfer
speed of wireless transmission for the
intense manipulation of VR content and allows instant
downloads with upto 4K quality. The Nighthawk is one of
the industrys fastest router modules.

4.Snapdragon 835
Snapdragon 835 is the latest addition
to the line of the Flagship SoCs 800
series of Qualcomm Inc. It boasts
several significant boosts from its
predecessor (the Snapdragon 821) which include a 27%
improvement in performance and 30% more energy
efficiency. It is expected to be implemented in upcoming
Android phones of 2017.

Tarun Sekar

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

Book Section
Nimona by Noelle Stevenson

N imona is a short fantasy based standalone comic by

author, Noelle Stevenson.
It is set in a medieval-futuristic world
beginning with a teenage orphan
shapeshifter Nimona asking Lord
Ballister Blackheart, the greatest
supervillain of the time, to be his
sidekick. The story follows the duo as
they conspire together to exact
revenge from Blackhearts archnemesis: Sir Goldenloin. As they
get to know each other and an unlikely friendship starts to form,
Blackheart realizes how little he knows about his reckless
sidekick and starts to question Nimonas shady past and who
she truly is. Will Nimonas true nature lead to everyones ruin?
Noelle Stevensons quirky yet fun storytelling weaves an
amazing story that tests the depths of friendship tossed in with
snarky humour from the main protagonist, Nimona. The cover
art as well as the attractive art work and snippets from the
original web comic are sure to attract many a reader.
On a personal note, I believe that Nimona conveys many
deep meanings beyond all its fantasy aspects. One of the
things I loved about the book was that the author did not
portray her characters as perfect ones. They were flawed and
they were beautiful and thats what made them real. Nimona
has taught me an important thing among her impulsiveness
and heart-warming humour-Being Original.
Janakshi Balaji (X A)

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

Let all your emotions melt away into infinity while you hog on your
favourite ice-cream and the right book to go with... :)

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

Interesting Facts:
1. The worlds most expensive book ever purchased was bought
by Bill Gates for $30.8 million. It was Codex Leicester by Leonardo
Da Vinci.
2. The oldest Cookbook in the world, clay Babylonian tablet, is
inscribed in Akkadian. It dates back to 1750 BC (the time of
Hammurabi) and contains the oldest known cooking recipes.
3. The real Alice in Wonderland, was named Alice Lindell. Her
family was friends with the author and he penned the story for her
when she was 10.
4. The first book that was written using the typewriter was The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
5. Speaking of unbelievable word origins, the term Yahoo actually
comes from Gullivers Travels, published in 1726.
6. In Russia in 2009, Winnie-the-Pooh was banned because a senior
official was found to own a picture of Pooh wearing swastika-
covered clothes.
7. As a schoolboy, Roald Dahl was a taste-tester for Cadburys
-This may have been the later inspiration for Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory. Probably many a schoolchilds dream job!
8. Before settling on the pen name Mark Twain, Samuel Langhorne
Clemens signed his writings with the pseudonym Josh. (Author of
many books like ' The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn.'
9. For 164 years, Anne Bronts gravestone gave her age at the
time of her death as 28; she was actually 29.
10. The first known person to use the word outsider was Jane
Austen, in a letter of 1800.
Sai Atulya (X B)

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

Poll Corner
When it comes to taste, everyone prefers it in a different way.
What is your favourite flavour? Was the poll question.
Look at the results below!

Poll for the next edition:

Villains Are they BAD or are they MISUNDERSTOOD?
You can submit vote at

PYP Writing of the month

Children simply can't stop their urge to shop chocolates.
Sugary! Chocolaty! Yummy!
Mothers go crazy,
Children go to fantasy - THE WORLD OF CHOCOLATES!

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

Sports section
To start off an exciting 2017, lets take a look at some of the major
sporting events

M any prestigious awards are handed out to the best of the

best every year, but one of the most prestigious award
However, before we take a look at the 2016 winners, lets take a
moment to see what its about and how it works:
Since its inception in 2000, the annual Awards Ceremony
celebrates the most remarkable men and women from the world
of sport along with the greatest achievements fans have admired
throughout the year.

And as for how it works, a simple way to illustrate would be:

Now getting to the part youve been expectant about, here are
the amazing sporting legends who claimed the 2016 Laureus
world sports award

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team Category Winner name Sport

1. Best sportsman of the year Novak Tennis
2. Best sportswoman of the Serena Williams Tennis
3. Best team of the year All Blacks Rugby union
4. Best action sportsperson of Jan Frodeno Triathlon
the year


A rguably the most naturally gifted athlete the world has ever
seen, Usain St Leo Bolt, created history at the 2016 Olympic
Games in Rio when he achieved the Triple Triple-three gold
medals at three consecutive Olympic Games. Usains journey to
worldwide stardom started at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing
where he won the 100m, 200m and 4x100m, all in world record
times. Adding to that he has also won 11 world championship
medals and has even been awarded the Laureus world
sportsperson of the year award on three occasions (2009, 2010,

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

Sports crossword
Topic- famous sports athletes

Arun Venkat Guruswamy


Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

Movie Section
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
May 26, 2017 The 5th movie in the series, 'Dead men tell
no tales' is based on Jack Sparrows former nemesis, the
terrifying Captain Salazar and his army of dead ghost
pirates. Salazar plans to kill every remaining pirate on the
planet. Will Captain Jack Sparrow make it out alive?
The LEGO Batman Movie
February 9, 2017 The first actual 'LEGO Batman' movie to
come to theatres features the famous Joker taking control
of Gotham city. Batman must embark on his own journey,
where he will learn the importance of teamwork and
Other Upcoming Movies: Logan, Fate of the Furious,
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Spider-man -
o Rather than using CGI/Graphics, Tim Burton had 40
squirrels trained to crack nuts for Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory.
o In Iron Man/Avengers, J.A.R.V.I.S is an acronym for 'Just A
Rather Very Intelligent System'.
o Pumbaa in the Lion King, was the first person to fart in
o In total, Daniel Radcliffe went through 160 pairs of prop
glasses by the end of the Harry Potter series.
Mithun (IX D)

Jan-Feb-Mar 2017 Sugar & Beyond Tips Editorial Team

Movie Review: Hidden Figures

T his untold true story is set in

the year 1961, revolves
around three coloured women,
Katherine Johnson, Mary
Jackson, and Dorothy Vaughan
who all work in the segregated
West Area Computers division
of Langley Research Center in
Hampton, Virginia, a part of NASA. The Russians have
just succeeded in launching a dog into space and
the USA doesnt want to be left behind. However,
they keep facing a lot of failures and they are losing
hope. This movie delivers to the audience the inspiring
story of hidden female personalities truly responsible
for the countrys success on its mission to space and
the challenges these strong women had to face due
to their colour back in the 60s. It makes for a great
family movie and also gives the audience insight into
the genius behind this incredible achievement. It also
helps that the portrayal of the race discrimination is
supported by the right dose of humour, lightening up
an otherwise weighty topic. The film is a wonderful
interpretation of women empowerment, abolishment
of racism and the power of determination.
Veera Varshni (X C)


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