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Tugas Personal ke 4

Week 8 - Session 9

Answer these questions below and submit it before 4th personal assignment deadline.

1. Can we do ETL process manually?

2. Do we need special hardware or software in ETL process? Explain your answering,
3. What do you know about star schema, snowflake schema and fact constellation schema,
explain each of them and figure out the example for each!
4. Snowflaking is normalized unnormalized star schema. Give explanation and
understanding for that term

5. Design TPS (Transactional Processing System) database design from figure star schema
above with UML class diagram or ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)!
6. Change figure star schema above into snowflake schema!
7. Give explanation and example about multidimensional from figure star schema above!
8. Give explanation and example about roll up from figure star schema above!
9. Give explanation and example about drill down from figure star schema above!
10. Give explanation and example about slice and dice from figure star schema above!

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