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1 Qualitative Method

The qualitative method is based off assumptions. The theoretical discussions are suitable for
this method. For example, social research. As this is a marketing research, lots of data and
statistics are required to prove a point, the researcher has chosen quantitative method over
this one (Meyer-Waarden, 2015).

1.2 Data Collection and Analysis

There will be two types of data used in the research. These are primary data and secondary
data. Primary data is the observed, collected directly by the researcher from the field
(Manlow, 2007). There are different methods for collection of primary data these are
observation, questionnaire, experiments and interviews. The validity of primary data is
greater than the secondary data. In this research, the researcher will use questionnaire method
to collect data. Because it is structured, cost and time saving (Li and Murphy, 2013). The
independence in the answer will sustain in the collection of data whereas other methods have
a chance to collect based data and the associated costs are also more than this. The researcher
will form questionnaire on the customer satisfaction and locality on fashion industry and will
form a relationship between these two.

The secondary data is all about previous journals, books, articles written on this topic. This
has helped the researcher to establish literature review (Makanyeza, 2015). The secondary
data helps to build discussion part of the research and arguments on several statements on this
research topic.

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