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Painting; Reflection and Critique

1. Explain how you used the following elements of art in your artwork?

1. Form/ Value:

2. Space (foreground and background):

3. Texture:

I used space by giving it a dark background with a blue foreground. A rough

texture in the buildings.

1. Explain how you used one of the principles of art in your artwork. How did
it contribute to the aesthetics or message? (The principles are: balance,
emphasis, unity/ harmony, variety, contrast, proportion, movement, rhythm,

I used unity in the buildings, by uniting them close to each other as well as
painted blue

1. What acrylic painting skills and techniques that we learned did you use to
create this artwork? How did these skills improve your artwork?

Applying water before the paint

1. What is Surrealism? Who is your favorite Surrealism artist and what is

your favorite artwork by that artist?

Surrealism is creating art about something that couldnt actually happen in real
life. My favorite surrealism artist is Salvador Dali with the Metamorphosis of

1. What is the meaning of your artwork? Was it inspired by a dream or your

subconscious? Is it ironic or humorous? Is it social commentary?

My dream was about falling from tall place so I decided to make the building
small and animals bigger
1. What is one thing you like about your artwork?

I liked how I decided to make the background black

1. What is one way you could improve your artwork? Is there anything you
would change or do differently?

I would have put more color and more objects.

1. Explain your process for this project. What steps did you take?

I started by drawing the background first then the buildings and the animals last

Answer the following three questions about one of your classmates artwork.

1. Out of all the artworks in your class, which of your classmates artwork did
you like the most? Describe the artwork and explain what you liked about it.

I liked the spider mixed with the clown because it was a combination of 2 major

1. What do you think is the message or meaning of this artwork?

Try to overcome your fears

The objective of this assignment was to examine our acrylic paintings and
see where we could have improved the use of the paintbrush. As well as to
determine all the ways we could have tweaked it for a better presentation

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