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Section One: Resuscitation 1

Section Two: Cardiovascular Emergencies 9

Section Three: Pulmonary Emergencies 25

Section Four: Gastrointestinal Emergencies 37

Section Five: Hematologic-Oncologic Emergencies 59

Section Six: Endocrine Emergencies 67

Section Seven: Neurologic Emergencies 75

Section Eight: Renal and Genitourinary Emergencies 91

Section Nine: Electrolyte Abnormalities 101

Section Ten: lnfectious Disease Emergencies 111

Section Eleven: Rheumatologic and Allergic Emergencies 131

Section Twelve: Dermatologic Emergencies .l


Section Thirteen: Ophthalmologic Emergencies .l 47

Section Foudeen: ENT Emergencies j 55

Section Fifteen: Toxicology 161

Section Sixteen: Environmental Emergencies .l g5

Section Seventeen: Terrorism and Disaster Medicine 1g9

Section Eighteen: Psychiatric Emergencies 2OS

Section Nineteen: Obstetric-Gynecologic Emergenci es 2j 1

Section Twenty: Pediatric Emergencies 223

Section Twenty-One: Traumatic Emergen cies 243

Section Twenty-Two: Orthopedic Trauma 259

Section Twenty-Three: Analgesia and Sedation 277

lndex: 281
ln A Page
Emergency Medicine
Look for other books in this series!

ln A Page Medicine

In A Page Pediatrics

ln A Page Surgery

ln A Page Signs & Symptoms

ln A Page OB/GYN & Women's Health

In A Page
Emergency Medicine
Jeffrey M. Caterino, MD
Chief Resident
Emergency Medicine/lnternal Medicine Residency Program
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsbu rgh, Pen nsylvania

Scott Kahan, MD
Class of 2OO2
MCP-Hahnemann University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

@ 2003 by Blackwell Publishing

Blackwell Publishing, lnc., 350 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-5018, USA
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permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in
a review.

ISBN: 1-4051-0357-4

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

ln a page emergency medicine / [edited by] Jeffrey M. Caterino, Scott Kahan.

P' ;cm'
lncludes index.
lsBN 1-4051-0357-4
1. Emergency medicine-Handbook, manuals, etc. l. Caterino, Jeffrey M.
ll. Kahan, Scott.
[DNLM: 1. Emergencies-Handbooks. 2. Emergency Treatment-Handbooks. WB
39 r35 20031
RC86.8.15 2003
616.02'5-dc21 2002043911

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Notice: The indications and dosages of all drugs in this book have been recommended in the
medical literature and conform to the practices of the general community. The medications
described and treatment prescriptions suggested do not necessarily have specific approval by
the Food and Drug Admlnistration for use in the diseases and dosages for which they are rec-
ommended. The package insert for each drug should be consulted for use and dosage as
approved by the FDA. Because standards for usage change, it is advisable to keep abreast of
revised recommendations, particularly those concerning new drugs. This book is intended solely
as a review book for medical students and residents. lt is not written as a guide for the intricate
clinical management of medical patients. The publisher and editor cannot accept any legal
responsibility for the content contained within this book nor any omitted information.
Table of Contents
Abbreviations xirr
Gontributors xvii
Gonsultants xx
Preface xxiii
Acknowledgments xxiv

Section Oner Resuscitation

Jack Perkins, MD
Scott Kahan, MD
Jeffrey M. Caterino, MD
1. Cardiac Arrest 2
2. Overview of Shock 3
3. Hypovolemic Shock 4
4. Cardiogenic Shock 5
5. Distributive Shock 6
6. Pediatric Resuscitation 7
7. Neonatal Resuscitation 8

Section Twor Gardiovascular Emergencies 9

Josef Stehlik, MD
8. Chest Pain 10
9. ST-Elevation Ml 11
10. Unstable Angina and Non ST-Elevation Ml 12
11 . Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter '13

12. Supraventricular Tachycardia 14

13. Ventricular Tachycardia 15
14. Bradycardia and Heart Block 16
15. Heart Failure 17
16. Cardiomyopathy '18
'17. lnfective
Endocarditis 19
18. PericardialDisease 20
19. Acute Aortic Dissection 21
20. Hypertensive Crisis 22
21. Venous Thrombosis 23
22. Syncope 24

Section Three: Pulmonary Emergencies 25

Dave Saloum, MD
23. Dyspnea 26
24. Acute Respiratory Failure 27
25. Acute Pulmonary Edema 28
26. Asthma 29
27. COPD Exacerbation 30
28. Pneumonia 31
29. Tuberculosis 32
Table of Contents
30. Pneumothorax 33
Effusion 34
31 . Pleural
32. Pulmonary Embolus 35
33. Hemoptysis 36

Section Fourr Gastrointestinal

Emergencies 37
Matthew Stupple, MD
Mehul M. Patel, MD
34. Abdominal Pain 38
35. Gl Bleeding 39
36. Foreign Body lngestion 40
37. Dysphagia 41
38. Esophageal Perforation 42
39. GERD,/Esophagitis 43
40. Peptic Ulcer Disease 44
41. lnfectious Diarrhea 45
42. Bowel Obstruction 46
43. Hernia 47
44. Appendicitis 48
45. lnflammatory Bowel Disease 49
46. Diverticular Disease 50
47. Anorectal Disorders 51
48. lschemic Bowel Disease 52
49. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 53
50. Hepatitis 54
51. Cirrhosis 55
52. Gallbladder Disease 56
53. Pancreatitis 57

Section Five: Hematologic-Oncologic

Emergencies 59
Michael C. Bond, MD
54. Anemia 60
55. Sickle Cell Disease 61
56. Platelet Disorders 62
57. Hemophilia and von Willebrand's Disease 63
58. Oncologic Emergencies-Hematologic,/lnfectious 64
5g.OncologicEmergencies-Metabolic 65
60. Tumor Compression Syndromes 66

Section Six: Endocrine Emergencies 67

Jack Perkins, MD
61. Hypoglycemia 68
62. Diabetic Ketoacidosis 69
Table of Contents
63. Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Coma 7O
64. Hyperthyroidism,/Thyroid Storm 71
65. Hypothyroidism,/Myxedema Coma 72
66. Adrenal lnsufficiency,/Adrenal Crisis 73

Section Seven: Neurologic Emergencies 75

George Small, MD
Salima Kassab, MD
67. Altered Mental Status 76
68. Migraine Headache 77
69. CVA,/Stroke 78
70. Subarachnoid and lntracerebral Hemorrhage 79
71. Subdural and Epidural Hematoma 80
72. Vertigo 81
73. Seizures 82
74. Bacterial Meningitis 83
75. Encephalitis 84
76. Multiple Sclerosis and ALS 85
77. Myasthenia Gravis 86
78. Acute Neuropathy 87
79. Nerve Compression Syndromes 88
80. Spinal Cord Compression Syndromes 89

Section Eight: Renal and Genitourinary

Emergencies 91
Adam Cohen, MD
81. Acute Renal Failure 92
82. Urinary Retention 93
83. Nephrolithiasis 94
84. Urinary Tract lnfections 95
85. Male Urethritis 96
86. PenileDisorders 97
87. Priapism 98
88. Acute Scrotal Pain 99
89. Rhabdomyolysis 100

Section Niner Electrolyte Abnormalities 101

Jack Perkins, MD
90. Hyponatremia 102
91 . Hypernatremia '103
92. Hypokalemia 104
93. Hyperkalemia 105
94. Hypocalcemia 106
95. Hypercalcemia 107
Table of Contents
96. Metabolic Acidosis '108
97. Metabolic Alkalosis 109
98. Respiratory Acidosis and Alkalosis 110

Section Ten: lnfectious Disease

Emergencies 111
Nathan W Mick, MD
Richard R. Watkins, MD, MS

99. Sepsis 112

100. Upper Respiratory lnfections 1 13
101. lnfluenza 114
102. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1 15
103. HIV lnfection and AIDS 1 16
'104. Lyme Disease 111
105. Tick-Borne lllnesses 1 18
'106. Malaria 1 19
107. Parasitic lnfections 120
108. Tetanus 121
109. Botulism 122
1 '10. Rabies 123

1 1 1. Rheumatic Fever 124

1 12. Osteomyelitis 125

113. Hand lnfections 126

114. Superficial Soft Tissue lnfections 127
115. Necrotizing Soft Tissue lnfections 128
1 16. Scalded Skin and Toxic Shock Syndromes 129
'117. Occupational Needlestick Exposures 130
Section Elevenr Rheumatologic and Allergic
Emergencies 131
Tom Malinich, MD
Ademola O. Adewale, MD

1 18. Anaphylaxis 132

119. Urticaria,/Angioedema 133
120. Acute Monoarticular Arthritis 134
121. Polyarticular Arthritis 135
122. Rheumatoid Arthritis 136
123. Systemic Lupus Erythematosis 137
124. Temporal Arteritis 138
125. Dermatomyositis,/Polymyositis 139

Section Twelve: Dermatologic

Emergencies 141
Kevin Mace, MD
126. Eczema and Contact Dermatitis 142
127. Maculopapular Lesions 143
Table of Contents
128. Bullous Lesions 144
129. Vesicular Lesions (Herpes Viruses) 145
130. Lacerations 146

Section Thirteen: Ophthalmologic

Emergencies 147
Mary Davis, DO
Jeffrey M. Caterino, MD
131. The Red Eye 148
132. Acute Vision Loss 149
'133. Eye lnfections 150
134. Glaucoma 151
135. Trauma to the Anterior Eye 152
136. Trauma to the Posterior Eye and Globe 153

Section Fourteen: ENT Emergencies 155

Serve Wahan, MD, DMD
Jeffrey M. Caterino, MD
137. Ear Pain 156
138. Epistaxis 157
139. Neck Emergencies '158
140. Dental Emergencies 159

Section Fifteen: Toxicology 161

Christopher R. Carpenter, MD
'141. GeneralApproach to the Poisoned Patient 162
142. Pediatric Toxic lngestions 163
143. Acetaminophen Overdose 164
144. Aspirin Overdose 165
145. SSRI and MAOI Overdoses 166
146. Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdose 167
147. Benzodiazepine and GHB Overdose '168
148. Barbiturate and Chloral Hydrate Overdose 169
149. Antipsychotic Overdose 170
150. Opioid Overdose 171
'151 . Digitalis Toxicity 172

152. B-blockers and Calcium Channel Blockers 173

153. Sympathomimetic Overdose 174
154. Cholinergic/Anticholinergic Overdose 175
155. Cyanide Poisoning 176
156. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 177
157. Ethanol lntoxication 178
158. Toxic Alcohols 179
159. Heavy Metal Poisoning 180
Table of Contents
160. Hydrocarbon Poisoning 181
'161 . Caustic lngestions 182
162. Hallucinogen Overdose 183
163. Botanical lngestions and Herbal Toxicity 184

Section Sixteen: Environmental

Emergencies 185
Jeffrey M. Caterino, MD
H. William Zimmerman, MD
Robert Driver, MD
Lorone C. Washington, MD
164. Hypothermia 186
165. Cold-Related lnjuries 187
166. Heat-Related lllness 188
167. High Altitude lllness '189
168. Dysbarism 190
169. Near Drowning 191
170. Lightning and Electrical lnjuries 192
17'l . Radiation Exposure 193
172. Dog, Cat, and Human Bite Wounds 194
173. Snakebite 195
174. Arthropod Bites 196
175. Marine lnjuries 197
176. Mushroom lngestions 198

Section Seventeen: Terrorism and Disaster

Medicine 199
Christopher R. Carpenter, MD
Scott Kahan, MD
177. Disaster Medicine 2OO
178. Chemical Weapons 201
179. Biological Weapons 202
180. Anthrax 203
181 . Smallpox 204

Section Eighteen: Psychiatric

Emergencies zOs
Amy Smookler, MD
182. Acute Psychosis 206
183. Mood Disorders 2O7
184. Panic Attacks and Conversion Disorder 2OB
185. Eating Disorders 2Og
186. Withdrawal Syndromes 210
Table of Contents
Section Nineteen: Obstetric'Gynecologic
Emergencies 211
Melora J. Trotter, MD
187. Vaginal Bleeding 212
l Bs. Vulvovaginitis 213
189. Pelvic lnflammatory Disease 214
190. Ovarian PathologY 215
191. Complications of Pregnancy 216
192. Ectopic PregnancY 217
193. Vaginal Bleeding in Pregnancy 218
194. Hypertension in Pregnancy 219
195. Emergency DeliverY 220
196. Postpartum Complications 221
197. Sexual Assault 222

Section Twenty: Pediatric Emergencies 223

Nihar Bhakta, MD
198. Fever Without Source 224
199. Apnea 225
200. Pharyngitis and Otitis Media 226
201. Bronchiolitis 227
202. Whooping Cough 228
203. Laryngotracheobronchitis (Croup) 229
204. Epiglottitis 230
205. Pneumonia 231
206. Congenital Heart Disease 232
207. Abdominal Pain 233
208. Pyloric Stenosis 234
20g.Gastroenteritis 235
210. lntussusception 236
21 1.Appendicitis 237
212. Baclerial Meningitis 238
213. Seizures 239
214. Kawasaki's Disease 24O
215. Viral Exanthems 241
216. Physical Assault of a Child (Child Abuse) 242

Section Twenty-One: Traumatic

Emergencies 243
Jeffrey M. Caterino, MD
217. General Approach to the Trauma Patient 244
218. Traumatic Brain lnjurY 245
219. Spinal Cord lnjurY 246
220. Maxillofacial Trauma 247
Table of Contents
221. Neck Trauma 248
222.Thoracic Trauma-Lung and Esophagus 249
223. Thoracic Trauma-Heart and Great Vessels 250
224. Approach to Abdominal Trauma 251
225. Abdominal Trauma-Liver, Biliary, and Pancreas 252
226. Abdominal Trauma-Spleen 253
227. Abdominal Trauma-lntestine 254
228. Genitourinary Trauma 255
229.frauma in Special Populations 256
230. Burns 257

Section Twenty-Two: Orthopedic Trauma 259

Carolyn S. Dutton, MD
Ademola O. Adewale, MD
Melissa McClane, DO
Amar J. Shah, MD, MS
23'1. General Approach to Orthopedic lnjuries 260
232. Pediatric Fractures 261
233. Cervical Spine Fractures 262
234. Shoulder Dislocations and Fractures 263
235. Shoulder Pain and Soft Tissue lnjury 264
236. Arm and Elbow lnjuries 265
237. Wrist and Forearm lnjuries 266
238. Metacarpal lnjuries 267
239. Finger lnjuries 268
240. Pelvic lnjuries 269
241. Hip and Femur lnjuries 270
242. Knee lnjuries 271
243. Ankle lnjuries 272
244. Foot lnjuries 273
245. Compartment Syndrome 274
246. Neck Pain 275
247. Low Back Pain 276

Section Twenty-Threer Analgesia

and Sedation 277
R. Mark Summers, MD
248. Acute Pain Management 278
249. Conscious Sedation 279
250. Rapid Sequence lntubation 280

lndex 2a1

a1-AT cr-l Antitrypsin DeficiencY CA Carcinoma
AAA Abdominal Aotdic Aneurysm CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
ABG Arterial Blood Gas CAD Coronary Artery Disease
AC Alternating Current CAH Congenital Adrenal HyperPlasia
ACE AngiotensinConvertingEnzyme cANCA cytoplasmic Anti-NeutroPhilic
ACh Acetylcholine Cytoplasm Antibody
ACL Anterior Cruciate Ligament CBC Complete Blood Count
ACLS Advanced Cardiac Life Support CCHB Congenital Compete Heart Block
ACTH Adrenocorticotropic Hormone CD Crohn's Disease
ADH Antidiuretic Hormone CDC Centers for Disease Control
(vasopressin) CFL Calcaneo-Fibular Ligament
Afib AtrialFibrillation CHF Congestive Heart Failure
AG Anion Gap CK Creatine Kinase
AH Aqueous Humor CM Cardiomyopathy
AICD Automated lmplantable CML Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Cardioveder-Defibrillator CMV Cytomegalovirus
AIDS Acquired lmmunodeficiencY CN Cranial Nerve
Syndrome CNS Central Nervous System
ALL Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia CO Cardiac Output
ALT Alanine Aminotransferase COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
ALTE Apparent Life-Threatening Event Disease
AML Acute Myelogenous Leukemia COX Cyclo-Oxygenase lnhibitor
AMS Acute Mountain Sickness CP Chest Pain
ANA Antinuclear Antibody CPAP Continuous Positive AirwaY
AP Anteroposterior Pressure
AR Aortic Regurgitation CPM Central Pontine Myelinolysis
ARF Acute Renal Failure CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
ARDS Acute Respiratory Distress Cr Creatinine
Syndrome CRAO Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
AS Aortic Stenosis CRVO Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
ASA Aspirin CRP C-Reactive Protein
ASD Atrialseptal Defect CSF Colony Stimulating Factor
ASMA Anti-Smooth Muscle AntibodY CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid
AST Aspartate Aminotransferase CT Computerized Tomography
ATFL Anterior Talo-Fibular Ligament CVA Cerebrovascular Accident
ATN Acute Tubular Necrosis CVP Central Venous Pressure
ATP Adenosine triphosPhate CAVH Continuous Arteriovenous
AV Arteriovenous Hemofiltration
AV Atrioventricular CWH Continuous Venovenous
AVM Arteriovenous Malformation Hemofiltration
AVRT AV Reentrant Tachycard ia CXR Chest X-Ray
AVNRT AV Nodal Reentrant TachYcardia D50 50% Dextrose Solution
B-hcG B Human Chorionic GonadotroPin D5W 5% Dextrose in Water
BiPAP Bilevel Positive AirwaY Pressure DBP Diastolic Blood Pressure
BMI Body Mass lndex DC Direct Current
BNP B-type Natriuretic Peptide DDD Degenerative Disk Disease
BOOP Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing DDx Differential Diagnosis
Pneumonia DGI Disseminated Gonococcal
BP Blood Pressure lnfection
BP Bullous PemPhigoid DH Dermatitis Herpetiformis
BPH Benign Prostatic HYPertroPhY DHEA Dehyd roepiandrosterone sulfate
BPV Benign ParoxYsmal Vertigo DI Diabetes lnsipidus
BSA Body Surface Area Dtc Disseminated lntravascular
BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen Coagulation

DIP Distal lnterphalangeal joint HCV Hepatitis C Virus
DJD Degenerative Joint Disease HCT Hematocrit
DKA Diabetic Ketoacidosis HCTZ Hydrochlorothiazide
DM Diabetes Mellitus HDV Hepatitis D Virus
DMV Depadment of Motor Vehicles HELLP Hemolysis, Elevated LFTs, Low
DPL Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage Platelets
DPT Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus HEV Hepatitis E Virus
vaccine HHNKC Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar
DTs Delirium Tremens Non-Ketotic Coma
DTR Deep Tendon Reflex HIV Human lmmunodeficiency Virus
DW Deep Venus Thrombosis HLA Human Leukocyte Antigen
EBV Epstein-Barr Virus HPF High Power Field
ECHO Echocardiogram HPV Human Papillomavirus
ED Emergency Department HR Head Rate
EEG Electroencephalogram HSM Hepatosplenomegaly
EGD Esophagogastrod uodenoscopy HSP Henoch-Schdnlein Purpura
ECG Electrocardiogram HSV Herpes Simplex Virus
EMG Electromyogram HTN Hypedension
ERCP Endoscopic Retrograde HUS Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
Cholang iopancreatography IBD lnflammatory Bowel Disease
ESR Efihrocyte Sedimentation Rate ICH lntracranial Hemorrhage
ESRD End Stage Renal Disease ICP lntracranial Pressure
ET Endotracheal Tube ICU lntensive Care Unit
EtOH Alcohol IFN lnterferon
FAST Focused Abdominal Sonography lgA lmmunoglobulin A
in Trauma lgE lmmunoglobulin E
FENa Fractional Excretion of Sodium lgG lmmunoglobulin G
FEVI Forced Expiratory Volume lgM lmmunoglobulin M
FFP Fresh Frozen Plasma IM lntramuscular
F'O, Fractional lnspiration of Oxygen IMA lnferior Mesenteric Artery
FOOSH Fall On an Out-Stretched Hand INH lsoniazid
FRC Forced Residual Capacity INR lnternational Normalization Ratio
FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone roP lntraocular Pressure
FVC Forced Ventilatory Capacity ITP ldiopathic Thrombocytopenic
GBS Guillain-Barr6 Syndrome Purpura
GCS Glasgow Coma Scale IUGR lntrauterine Growth Retardation
GERD GastroesophagealRefluxDisease IUP lntrauterine Pregnancy
GFR Glomerular Filtration Rate tvc lnferior Vena Cava
GH GroMh Hormone IVF lntravenous Fluids
GHRH Growth Hormone Releasing IVH lntraventricular Hemorrhage
Hormone IVIG lntravenous lmmunoglobulin
Gl Gastrointestinal Tract JVD Jugular Venous Distension
GnRH Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone KS Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca
GSW Gunshot Wound LA Left Atrium
HA Headache LAD Left Axis Deviation
HACE High Altitude Cerebral Edema LBBB Left Bundle Branch Block
HACEK Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, LDH Lactate Dehydrogenase
Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, LES Lower Esophageal Sphincter
Kingella LFT Liver Function Test
HAPE High Altitude Pulmonary Edema LLQ Left Lower Quadrant
HAV Hepatitis A Virus LMWH Low Molecular Weight Heparin
Hb Hemoglobin LOC Loss of Consciousness
HBV Hepatitis B Virus LP Lumbar Puncture
HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin LR Lactated Ringer's Solution

LSB Left Sternal Border PaO2 Partial Pressure of Oxygen
LUQ Left Upper Quadrant PBC Primary Biliary Sclerosis
LV Left Ventricle PCA Patient Controlled Analgesia
LV Lymphogranuloma Venereum PCL Posterior Cruciate Ligament
LVH Left Ventricular HyPeftroPhY PCN Penicillin
MAC Mycobacterium Avium ComPlex PCP Primary Care Physician
MAI Mycobacterium Avium PCP Pneu mocystis Carinii P neumonia
lntracellulare PCOS Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
MAST Military Anti-Shock Trousers PCT Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
MAT Multifocal Atrial TachYcardia PDA Patent Ductus Aderiosus
MCH Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin PE Pulmonary Embolism
MCL Medial Collateral Ligament PEEP Positive End Expiratory Pressure
MCV Mean Corpuscular Volume PEFR Peak Expiratory Flow Rate
MDRTB Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis PEP Post-Exposure ProphYlaxis
MEN Multiple Endocrine NeoPlasia PET Positron Emission TomograPhY
MG Myasthenia Gravis PFT Pulmonary Function Test
MI Myocardial lnfarction PICU Pediatric lntensive Care Unit
MICU Medical lntensive Care Unit PID Pelvic lnflammatory Disease
MMR Measles, Mumps, Rubella PMI Point of Maximal lmpulse
MPGN Membranoproliferative PMN Polymorphonuclear cell
Glomerulonephritis PMR Polymyalgia Rheumatica
MR Mitral Regurgitation PND Paroxysmal Nocturnal DYsPnea
MRA Magnetic Resonance AngiograPhY PPC Postpadum Cardiomyopathy
MRCP Magnetic Retrograde PPD Purified Protein Derivative
CholangiopancreatograPhY PPI Proton Pump lnhibitor
MRI Magnetic Resonance lmaging PS Pulmonic Stenosis
MRSA Methicil in-Resistant
I PSC Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Staphylococcus Aureus PSGN Post-Strep GlomerulonePhritis
MS Mitral Stenosis PSI Pneumonia Severity lndex
MVA Motor Vehicle Accident PT Prothrombin Time
MVC Motor Vehicle Collision Pr(s) Patient(s)
MVP Mitral Valve ProlaPse PTCA Percutaneous Transluminal
N/V NauseaAy'omiting Coronary Angioplasty
NAC N-acetylcysteine PTH Parathyroid Hormone
NaHCO3 Sodium bicarbonate PTFL Posterior Talo-Fibular Ligament
NF Neurofibromatosis PTT Partial Thromboplastin Time
NG Nasogastric PTU Propothiouracil
NHL Non Hodgkin's LymPhoma PTX Pneumothorax
NMBA Neuromuscular Blocking Agent PUD Peptic Ulcer Disease
NPO Nulla Per Os (nothing bY mouth) PV Pemphigus Vulgaris
NS Normal Saline PVC Premature Ventricular Contraction
NSS Normal Saline Solution PVR Pulmonary Venous Resistance
NSAID Non-steroidal Anti-lnflammatory RA Rheumatoid Arthritis
Drug RA Right Atrium
OA Osteoarthritis RAD Right Axis Deviation
ocP Oral Contraceptive Pill RAS Renal Artery Stenosis
OMFS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery RBBB Right Bundle Branch Block
ORIF Open Reduction with lnternal RBC Red Blood Cell
Fixation RDW Red Cell Distribution Width
Pc, Plasma creatinine concentration RF Rheumatoid Factor
lNa Plasma sodium concentration RF Risk Factor
PALS Pediatric Advanced Life SuPPott RHD Rheumatic Head Disease
pANCA perinuclear AntineutroPhilic RLL Right Lower Lobe
Cytoplasmic AntibodY RLQ Right Lower Quadrant

RMSF Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever TIA Transient lschemic Attack
ROM Range of Motion TIBC Transferrin Iron Binding Capacity
RPR Rapid Plasma Reagin TLC Total Lung Capacity
RS Reed-Sternberg cell TM Tympanic Membrane
RSI Rapid Sequence lntubation TMJ Temporal-Mandibular Joint
RSV Respiratory Syncytial Virus TMP Trimethoprim
RTA Renal Tubular Acidosis TNF Tissue Necrosis Factor
RUQ Quadrant
Right Upper TOF Tetralogy of Fallot
RV Right Ventricle TORCH Toxoplasmosis, Other, Rubella
RVH Right Ventricular Hypertrophy virus, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes
SA Sinoatrial node Simplex virus
S/S Signs & Symptoms tPA Tissue Plasminogen Activator
sl First heart sound TPN Total Parenteral Nutrition
s2 Second heart sound TR Tricuspid Regurgitation
s3 Third heart sound TRH Thyroglobulin Releasing Hormone
s4 Fourth heart sound TS Tricuspid Stenosis
SAH Subarachnoid Hemorrhage TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
SBE Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis TSS Toxic Shock Syndrome
SBP Systolic Blood Pressure TTE Transthoracic Echocardiogram
SIADH Syndrome of lnappropriate TTP Thrombotic Thrombocytic Purpura
Antidiuretic Hormone U/A Urinalysis
SIDS Sudden lnfant Death Syndrome U/S Ultrasound
SIRS Systemic lnflammatory Response UC Ulcerative Colitis
Syndrome UCL Ulnar Collateral Ligament
SLE Systemic Lupus Erythematosis u^. Urine creatinine concentration
SMA Superior Mesenteric Artery Utt" Urine sodium concentration
SMX Sulfamethoxazole UGI Upper Gl series
SOB Shodness of Breath URI Upper Respiratory lnfection
SQ Subcutaneous UTI Urinary Tract lnfection
SSRI Selective Serotonin Reuptake vfib Ventricular Fibrillation
lnhibitor V/Q Ventilation-Pedusion Ratio
SSSS Staphylococcal Scalded Skin VBAC Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
Syndrome section
SubQ Subcutaneous VCUG Voiding Cystourethrogram
SV Stroke Volume VDRL Venereal Disease Research
SVC Superior Vena Cava Laboratory
SVR Systemic Venous Resistance VSD Ventricular Septal Defect
SVT Supraventricular Tachycardia Vtach Ventricular Tachycardia
sx(s) Symptom(s) VWD Von Willebrand's Disease
TB Tuberculosis VWF Von Willebrand's Factor
TBSA Total Body Surface Area VZV Varicella Zoster Virus
TCA Tricyclic Antidepressant WBC White Blood Cell
TEE Transesophageal Echocardiogram WPW Wolff-Parkinson-Wh ite syndrome
TEF Tracheo-Esophageal Fistula

Ademola O. Adewale, MD
Chief Resident, Emergency Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Nihar Bhakta, MD
Staff, Children's Hospital
Medical Center of Akron
Akron, Ohio

Michael G. Bond, MD
Resident, Emergency Medicine and lnternal Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Ghristopher R, Garpenter, MD
Chief Resident, Emergency Medicine and lnternal Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Adam Cohen, MD
Resident, Emergency Medicine and lnternal Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Mary Davis, DO
Resident, Emergency Medicine and lnternal Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Robert Driver, MD
Resident, Emergency Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Garolyn S. Dutton' MD
Resident, Emergency Medicine and lnternal Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Salima Kassab, MD
Resident, Neurology
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Kevin Mace, MD
Resident, Emergency Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Tom Malinich, MD
Resident, Emergency Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Melissa L. Mclane, DO
Fellow, Sports Medicine
Brigham Young University
Salt Lake City, Utah

Nathan W. Mick, MD
Clinical Fellow, Emergency Medicine
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts

Mehul M. Patel, MD
Fellow Gastroenterology
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Jack Perkins, MD
Resident, Emergency Medicine and lnternal Medicine
University of Maryland Medical System
Baltimore, Maryland

Dave Saloum, MD
Resident, Emergency Medicine
Newark Beth lsrael Hospital
Newark, New Jersey

Amar J. Shah, MD, MPH

Resident, Emergency Medicine
St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
New York, New York

George Small, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Drexel University College of Medicine
Director, Neuromuscular Division
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Amy Smookler, MD
Resident, Emergency Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Josef Stehlik, MD
Fellow, Cardiology
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Mark Summers, MD
Resident, Emergency Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Matthew Stupple, MD
Resident, Emergency Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Melora J. Trotten MD
Resident, Emergency Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Serv Wahan, MD, DMD

Resident, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Lorone G. Washington, MD
Resident, Emergency Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Svetlana Williams, MD
Resident, Psychiatry
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Richard R. Watkins, MD, MS

Resident, lnternal Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

H. William Zimmerman, MD
Resident, Emergency Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Mara Aloi, MD
Assistant Director, Emergency Medicine Residency Program
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Drexel University College of Medicine

Jon Brillman, MD
Chairman of Neurology
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Professor of Neurology
Drexel University College of Medicine

David M. Chuirazzi, MD, FACEP

Vice-Chair of Operations, Department of Emergency Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Drexel University College of Medicine

Nick E. Golovos, MD, FAAEM

Assistant Director of Emergency Medical Services
Department of Emergency Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Drexel University College of Medicine

Ghristopher Deflitch, MD, FACEP

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Clinical Directot Department of Emergency Medicine
The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA

Michael R, Dunn, MD
Attending Physician, Deparlment of Emergency Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA

Michael L. Forbes, MD
Pediatric lntensivist
Medical Director of lnpatient Pediatrics
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Drexel University College of Medicine

Earlie H. Francis, MD
Attending Physician, Department of Emergency Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA

Peter Grondziowski, MD
Director, Center for Diabetes and Endocrine Health
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Dennis P. Hanlon, MD' FAAEM
Director, Emergency Medicine Residency Program
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Drexel University College of Medicine

Fred P. Harchelroad, Jr., MD, FACEP' FAAEM' FACMT

Chairman, Deparlment of Emergency Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Drexel University College of Medicine

Janene Hecker-Kli,te, MD
Attending Physician, Department of Emergency Medicine
Sewickley Valley Hospital
Sewickley, PA

Lucian L. Kahan, DDS

Central Jersey Periodontics & lmplants
East Brunswick, NJ

Pankaj Mohan, MD
Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Drexel University College of Medicine

Laurel Omert, MD
Associate Professor of Surgery
Drexel University College of Medicine
Attending Physician, Trauma Surgery
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA

Peter S. Martin' MD
Assistant Director of Emergency Medical Services
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Clinical lnstrucior
Drexel University College of Medicine

David Rottinghaus, MD
Attending Physician, Department of Emergency Medicine
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Clinical lnstructor
Drexel University College of Medicine

Mark Scheatzle, MD' MPH

Assistant Director, Emergency Medicine Residency Program
Resident Research Director
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Drexel University College of Medicine
Consu ltants
Daniel A. Shade, Jr., MD, FCCP, ABSMD
Attending Physician, Department of Medicine, Division of Respiratory Diseases
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA

Joel Spero, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Drexel University College of Medicine
Coagulation Specialist, Division of Hematology/Medical Oncology
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA

Robert Volosky, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medlcine, Temple University
Division of lnfectious Diseases
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA

Ralph J. Millen MD
Department of Urology
Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Associate Professor of Surgery
Drexel University College of Medicine

The /n A Page series was designed to streamline the vast amount of material
that saturates the study of medicine, providing students, residents, and health
professionals a high-yield, big picture overview of the most important clinical
medical topics.
ln A Page Emergency Medicine is the third book of this series. The format we
use is eipecially effective for use in the emergency setting, where the high vol-
ume of patients and short time allotted per patient dictate the need for a quick-
access, "no nonsense" handbook. lt is so essential in this setting to be able to
retrieve the most important information about your patients' conditions in as lit-
tle time as possible. We selected the most appropriate emergent conditions and
organized them efficiently for quick retrieval and study. Wherever appropriate,
we have included the latest, evidenced-based data'
As in the initial books of the series, we were constrained by the size of the tem-
plate and the need to keep each disease within a single page' We had to be
quite succinct in our explanations and descriptions and we sacrificed details in
some cases, such as drug dosages. Furthermore, we abbreviated liberally.
Since emergency medicine is not a clinical rotation for 3'd year medical stu-
dents, *" iit"d the content at the level of 4th year medical students and
interns. We are certain that the final product will be an effective resource.
Reviews from medical students, residents, and other health professionals
have been very positive. We anticipate that this book will be a valuable tool in
the emergency room, as board review, and for independent study' We welcome
any comments, questions, or suggestions. Please address correspondence to

We sincerely thank the residents, fellows, and attendings who contributed to
the writing of this text. Special thanks to the faculty of Allegheny General
Hospital emergency department, who have provided the knowledge and clinical
skills upon which the book is based.
We are grateful to the staff at Blackwell Publishing, especially Julia Casson,
Bev Copland, and Debra Lally. Their help during the course of this project was
Assembling this book would not have been possible without the support of
Jeff 's wife, Stephanie Caterino. We also must thank Guy and Joanne Caterino
and Lucian and Roberta Kahan for all the love, support, and guidance they have
offered throughout the years and continue to provide today.


1 . Cardiac Arrest
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Cessation of circulation due to ineffective cardiac function (eithet asys- . Myocardial infarction
to1e, ventricular fibrillation, pulseless ventricular tachycardia, or pulseless . Structural heart disease
electrical activity) . Hypoxia
. Results in absent pulses, blood pressure, respirations, and cerebral . Acidosis
function . Metabolic (e.g., hyperkalemia)
. Rapid restoration of organized cardiac activity and peripheral perfusion . HS.povolemia/hemorrhage
is essential . Drugs (e.g., anti-arrhythmics,
. Ventricular arrhythmias are the most common cause of arrest in patients Ca-channel/9-blockers, TCAs)
with heart disease-early defibrillation is the key to survival . Cardiac tamponade
. Recommended management of cardiac arrest is contained in the protocols . Tension pneumothorax
of the Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) course-an organized . Pulmonary embolism
approach directed by established algorithms based on the clinical . Stroke/cerebral hemorrhage
presentation . Hypothermia
. Trauma
. Electrocution

Presentation Diagnosis
. Patient may be unresponsive (or . Ifpulses and respirations are absent, immediately institute basic life
minimally responsive if arrest is support (chest compressions and breaths)
impending) . Cardiac monitoring
. Assess airway patency and ability to . Assess pulse and rhythm first---defibril1ate immediately if Vfib or
protect ailway pulseless Vtach is present
. Assess breathing (spontaneous res- . Perform primary and secondary surveys
pirations, agonal respirations, . Airway/breathing: Look for obstructions, initiate airway adjuncts if
tachypnea, adequate or shallow necessary (e.g., oral airways, bag-va1ve mask), and intubate early if
breaths, oxygenation, breath sounds) necessary (based on presentation and any future expected decompen-
. Assess circulation for pulses, blood sation)
pressure, and signs of poor periph- . Circulation: Institute chest compressions if no pulse is palpated and
eral perfusion and oxygenation obtain IV access
(e.g., pallor, cold extremities) . Administer cardiovascular medications (by IV or endotracheal tube)
according to ACLS algorithms
. Potentially reversible conditions (e.g., hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia)
must be considered and treated

Treatment Disposition
. Treat potential causes (e.g., hyperkalemia requires IV calcium) . Wide-complex tachycardia should be
. Vfib/pulseless Vtach considered Vtach until proven otherwise
-Defibrillate x 3 (shock at 200J, 300J, then 360J) . Early defibrillation of Vfib and pulse-
-Check rhythm and pulse after each defibrillation attempt less Vtach is the most effective inter-
-Persistent arrhythmias require drug therapy altemating with vention
shocks (epinephrine every 3-5 minutes, vasopressin bolus, . Proceed as rapidly as possible to defini-
amiodarone, lidocaine, and/or procainamide; consider bicar- tive care (e.g.. PTCA lor MT. correction
bonate in prolonged resuscitation) of electrolytes)
. Stable Vtach (wide-complex tachycardia): Amiodarone or lido- . Prognosis is generally poor
caine if monomorphic; magnesium if torsades de pohtes -Witnessed arrest and immediate
. Pulseless electrical activity: Epinephrine evely 3-5 minutes alter- CPR by a bystander slightly
nating with atropine; aggressively identify and tleat potential improves outcomes
causes -Reversible causes have better
. Asystole: Transcutaneous pacing (especially during the first few outcomes
minutes) and altemating epinephrine and atropine -Many who survive have pemanent
. Symptomatic bradycardia: Atropine, dopamine, epinephrine, neurologic sequelae
transcutaneous pacing, with or without transvenous pacing . Complications include death (in the
. Narrow-complex tachycardia: Cardioversion for sevete symptoms; majority), hypoxic brain injury, shock
otherwise, administer medical therapy based on rhythm and co- liver, MI, and acute renal failure

2. Overview of Shock
- Differential Dx
. A physiologic state of inadequate oirculation, resulting in :insufficient . Hypovolemic shock

tissue perfusion and oxYgenation -Hemorrhage

. organ dysfunction and damage (may be reversible or irreversible) occurs -Dehydration (e.g., dianhea)
with prolonged lack of Perfusion -Extravascular fl uid seques-
. Hypovolemic shock: Decreased intravascuiar volume tration (3rd sPacing)
. Cardiogenic shock: Decreased cardiac output . Cardiogenic shock
. Distributive shock: Loss ofvasomotor tone results in inappropriate vasodi- -lntrinsic (e.g., ischemia, LV
latation despite hypotension dysfunction, valve disease)

-Septic (infectious) shock: Bacterial toxins cause

decreased -Extrinsic (e.g., tamponade,
vascular tone PE, pneumothorax)
. Distributive shock
-Neurogenic shock: Head or spinal cord injury causes
vascular tone -Septic shock
-Neurogenic shock
. Hypoadrenal shock
. Anaphylaxis

. Early signs include orthostatic . Emergent diagnosis, supportive care, and treatment are essential
hypotension. mild tachYcardia. . Clinical recognition of inadequate organ perfusion (e.9., hypotension,
diaphoresis tachycardia, decreased urine output, altered mental status)
. Late signs include hypotension. sig- . Initial studies may include CBC, electrolytes, renai function, lactate
nificant tachycardia and tachypnea, level (elevated in tissue hypoperfusion), PT,trTT' ABG (measures
altered mental status degree of acidosis), ECG, blood type and cross
. Vasoconstriction (resulting in nar- . Workup as necessary depending on the type of shock (see individual
row pulse pressure and cool extrem- entries)
ities) in hypovolemic and cardio- . Swan-Ganz catheter placement may help identify the tlpe of shock
genic shock and guide management
. Vasodilatation (wide pulse pressure
Cardiac Outout CVP/wedge pressure SS
and warm exhemities) in distribu- J t
Hvnovolemic I
tive shock
. Signs and symptoms of underlYing
cuiaioeeni. J t 1
Neurog"enic t 't J
disease may be apparent (e.g., fever
due to infection, chest Pain due to
Septic t J J
MI, pallor due to blood loss)

Treatment Disposition
. Airway, Breathing, and Circulation-secure airway' adminlster . Outcome depends on etioiogy and rapid
supplemental 02, and establish two large-bore IVs (and possibly a restoration of adequate perfusion
. Continuously monitor for adequacy of
central line)
. Intubation with mechanical ventilation eases cardiac workload resuscitation (e.g., stabilization of blood
significantly and helps to stabilize most patients with shock pressure, improvement of tachycardia,
. Re-establish adequate tissue perfusion good perfusion on exam, resolution of
acidosis, adequate urine outPut)
-IV fluid administration is the initial treatment for a1l forms of . Admit all patients to an ICU
shock (be careful in cases of cardiogenic shock as pulmonary
. Persistent oxygen deprivation quickly
edema can occur from fluid overload)
t)?e of shock causes irreversible cellular injury
-Choice of vasoactive agents depends on the . Sequelae include ARDS, cardiac
(e.g., dobutamine or dopamine in cardiogenic shock,
dopamine or norepinephrine in distributive shock) ischemia, shock liver, DIC, neurologic
. Determine the specific type of shock and treat underlying causes damage, and acute renal failure due
appropriately (see individual entries) to ATN

-Blood transfusion and surgery for hemorrhagic shock

-Antibiotics and vasopressors for septic shock
-IV fluids and vasopressors for neurogenic shock
-Inotropes and treatment of underlying cause
cardiogenic shock

3. Hypovolemic Shock
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Blood or fluid loss that overwhelms the body's compensatory mechanisms . Cardiogenic shock
to maintain perfusion and oxygenation -Intrinsic (e.g., ischemia,
. Hypovolemic shock includes hemorrhage and volume loss from vomiting, valvular disease. LV dys-
diarrhea, third spacing of intravascular fluid, or bums function)
. Hemorrhage
-Extrinsic (e.g., tamponade,
-Ttauma: Pelvic fracture, long bone injury (especially femur), vascular PE, pneumothorax)
injury, retroperitoneal hemonhage, solid organ injury . Hypovolemic shock
-GI bleeds: Esophageal varices, Mallory-Weiss tears, esophagitis, peptic -Hemorrhage
ulcers, IBD, malignancy -Dehydration
-Vascular: Aneurysm (e.g., ruptured AAA), AVM -3rd spacing
-Reproductive tract losses: Miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, placenta . Distributive shock
previa, malignancy -Septic shock
. Dehydration/fluid loss (e.g., vomiting, diarrhea, inadequate intake)
-Neurogenic shock
. 3rd spacing (e.g., pancreatitis, nephrotic syndrome, Iiver failure, bowel . Anaphylaxis
infarction) . Hypoadrenal shock

Presentation Diagnosis
. Based on degree of blood loss . lnitial studies include CBC, electrolytes, renal function, lactate level
(decompensation occws after 4OVo (elevated in tissue hypoperfusion), PT/PTT, ABG (measures degree of
of blood volume is lost) acidosis), ECG, blood type and cross
. Mild, (<20Vo of blood volume lost): . Increased BUN/creatinine ratio and hypematremia
Cool extremities, poor capillary . Identify sources of bleeding via ultrasound (aneurysm, organ injury)
refill. diaphoresis ( BP and urine or CT scan (aneurysm, retroperitoneal hemorrhage)
output will be normal) . Swan-Ganz catleter placement may help distinguish from other types
. Moderate (2040%): Tachycardia, of shock and guide management:
tachypnea. orthostasis. oliguria.
anxiety Cardiac Output CVP/wedge pressure SVR
. Severe (>407o): Hypotension, nar- Hypovolemic .t J t
row pulse pressure, weak distal Cardiogenic J t 1
pulses, severe tachycardia, tachyp- Neurogenic J J J
nea, impending cardiovascular col- Septic t J J
lapse, absent bowel sounds, altered
mental status (ranges from confu-
sion to lethargy)

Treatment Disposition
. Secure airway, establish two large-bore IVs (and possibly a cen- . Outcome depends on etiology and rapid
tral line), and administer supplemental 02 restoration of adequare perfusion
. Volume resuscitation . Continuously monitor for adequacy of
-Rapid infusion of IV fluids (normal saline or LR)-infuse 2 resuscitation (e.g., stable blood pres-
liters or 3 times the amount of estimated blood loss (no evi- sure, improvement of tachycardia, ade-
dence has proven albumin/co1loid solutions to be beneficial) quate perfusion on exam, resolution of
-Emergent RBC transfusion for hemorrhage (O blood) acidosis, and adequate urine output)
. Inotropic support (only used after replacing volume) . Admit all patients with shock to an ICU
-Dopamhe if hypotensive (inotropy plus vasoconstriction) . Persistent oxygen deprivation quickly
Dobutamine if normotensive (inotropy plus vasodilatation) causes ireversible cellular injury
-In general, avoid vasoconstrictors as they will increase BP via . Sequelae include ARDS, cardiac
vasoconstdction but may not improve perfusion ischemia, shock liver, DIC, neurologic
. Replace elecffolytes as necessary damage, and acute renal failure due to
. Clotting factors: Give fresh frozen plasma and platelets for every ATN
5 units of blood infused
. Surgery to identify and repair the sites of uncontrolled bleeding

4. Cardiogenic Shock
- Etiology & PathoPhYsiologY Differential Dx
. Cardiac output insuffrcient to meet metabolic demands, resulting in tissue . Hypovolemic shock
hypoxia, despite adequate intravascular volume -Hemorrhage
. Hemodynamic criteria include hypotension, decreased cardiac index, and Dehydration (e.g., dianhea)
elevated pulmonary capillary occlusion pressure -Extravascular fluid seques-
. Three-quarters of patients diagnosed with cardiogenic shock have evi- tration (3'd spacing)
. Cardiogenic shock
dence of left ventricular dysfunction
. Intrinsic etiologies include MI (most common cause), valvular disease -Intrinsic (e.g., ischemia, LV
(e.g., acute mitral regurgitation), decompensated CHF, arrhythmias (e'g'' dysfunction, valve disease)
due to elecholyte abnormalities), myocarditis' myocardial contusion, ven- -Extrinsic (e.g., tamponade,
tricular free wall or septal ruptue, and dilated or hypertrophic cardiomy- PE, pneumothorax)
. Distributive shock
. Extrinsic etiologies (compressive, obstructive) include tension pneumo- -Septic shock
thorax, pneumomediastinum, pericardial tamponade, mediastinal -Neurogenic shock
. Hypoadrenal shock
hematoma, diaphragmatic hemia, and positive pressure ventilation
. Anaphylaxis

. Systolic BP <90 mmHg . ECG may reveal arrhythmias or acute myocardial infarction
. Pulse pressure (SBP - DBP) <20 . CXR often shows signs of CFIF (e.g., vascular congestion, cephaliza-
. Cyanosis, ashen skin color, tion, Kerley B lines); may show evidence of the underlying etiology
diaphoresis. mottled ertremities (e.g., wide mediastinum in aortic dissection)
. Aitered mental status . Anion gap metabolic acidosis due to poor tissue perfusion
. Tachycardia . Cardiac enzymes may be elevated in acute MI
. Tachypnea . ED echocardiogram to identify pericardial tamponade/effusion
. Complete echocardiogram may be performed at bedside to assess
. Weak distal pulses, cool exkemities ejection fraction, LV function, valvular function/regurgitation, peri-
. JVD cardium for tamponade, free wall rupture, and VSD
. Crackles in lungs . Pulmonary atltery catheteization reveals decreased cardiac
. Cardiac exam may reveal distant output/index (<2.2 Llminlm2), increased wedge pressure
heart sounds, precordial heave, 53, (>18 mmHg), increased systemic vascular resistance' and increased
Sa, murmurs (e.g., mitral regurgita-
peripheral 02 extraction
. Arterial line is recommended for blood pressure monitoring
tion, VSD)
. Oliguria . Cardiac catheterization is often diagnostic and may be therapeutic

Treatment Disposition
. Airway control with intubation or CPAP as necessary . Admit all patients to an ICU
. Fluid resuscitation as necessary to maximize cardiac filling . Overall mortality approaches 807o
and output
. Mortality in the setting of an MI may
. IV inotrope administration exceed 80% with medical treatment
to cause alone, approaches 707o in patients who
-Dopamine (p- and ct-agonist) for hypotensive patients
increased inotropy and vasoconsriclion are administered fibrinolytics, and is
to 30% in patients ffeated with PTCA
-Dobutamine (B-agonist only) for normotensive patients
cause increased inotropy and vasodilatation
. In general, the goal of initial therapy is
. Avoid vasopressors (e.g., neosynephrine, norepinephrine) as they to stabilize patients so that revascular-
may improve blood pressure, but may diminish tissue petfusion ization can be attempted
. Correct anhythmias immediately with cardioversion, extemal . Risk factors for the development of car-
pacing, and medications diogenic shock after an MI include
. PTCA is the preferred method for reperfusion in cases of cardio- increasing age, diabetes, decreased ejec-
genic shock following MI; thrombolytics are much less effective tion fraction, large myocardial infarc-
in shock states tions, female gender, multivessel dis-
. Correct electrolyte abnormalities as necessary ease, anterior wall MI, and history of a
. lntra-aortic balloon pump placement may be used as a temporiz- previous MI
ing measure to decrease afterload, thereby improving perfusion . Shock most often occurs 6-7 hours
and cardiac output after an acute MI

5. Dlstributive Shock
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Hypoperfusion due to a loss of vasomotor tone, resulting in inappropriate . Cardiogenic shock
vasodi latation despite hypotension -Intrinsic (e.g., ischemia, LV
. Vasodilatation increases the intravascular space; thus, the normally ade- dysfunction, valve disease)
quate intravascular voiume is distributed throughout a much greater space, -Extrinsic (e.g., tamponade,
resuiting in inadequate effective circulating volume PE, pneumothorax)
. Neurogenic shock is caused by blunt or penehating trauma to the brain . Hypovolemic shock
and/or spinal cord-CNS injury impairs sympathetic output, resulting in -Hemorrhage
bradycardia, arterial and venous dilatation, and hypotension -Dehydration
. Septic shock is caused by overwhelming microbial infection that rcsults in -3rd spacing
hypotension and hypoperfusion despite adequate fluid resuscitation . Distributive shock
. See related Sepsis entry (99)
-Septic shock
-Neurogenic shock
. Anaphylaxis
. HJpoadrenal shock

Presentation Diagnosis
. Hypotension . Initial sfudies include CBC, elecfolytes, renal function, lactate level
. Wide pulse pressure (elevated in tissue hypoper{usion), PT/PTT, ABG to measures degree
. Warm extremities (due to of acidosis (sepsis often has a respiratory alkalosis due to hyperventi-
vasodilatation) lation), ECG
. Mental status changes . Additional tests in cases of sepsis should include blood cultures, urinal-
. Decreased urine output ysis with culture, CXR, CT of potentially infectious areas, cultures of
. Septic shock: Hyper- or hypother- infected lines or indwelling devices, DIC panel, and lumbar puncture
mia, tachypnea, tachycardia . Additional tests in cases of neurogenic shock include head CT and
. Neurogenic shock: HypoLhermia. spiral X-raylCT
bradycardia . Swan-Ganz catheter placement may help identify the type of shock
. Evidence of underlying rnfection and guide management:
(e.g., fever, sputum production,
urinary symptoms) or CNS injury CardiacOutput CVP/wedge pressure SVR
(e.g., history of trauma, focal neuro- Hypovolemic J J t
logic deficits) Neurogenic J J .t
Septic 1 .t I
Cardiogenic J t t

Treatment Disposition
. Secure airway, establish two large-bore IVs (and possibly a cen- . Outcome depends on etiology and rapid
tral line), and administer supplemental O, restoration of adequate perfusion
. Administer large fluid volumes of normal saline or lactated . Continuously monitor for adequacy of
Ringer's solution to compensate for the increased intravascular resuscitation (e.g., stabilization of blood
space pressure, improvement of tachycardia,
. Vasopressor drips (norepinephrine, dopamine, or phenylephrine) good perfusion on exam, resolution of
. Neurogenic shock acidosis, adequate urine output)
-Maintain C-spine protection . Admit all patients with shock to an ICU
-Rapid fluid administration is generally successful in the . Persistent oxygen deprivation quickly
absence of other inlerventions causes i meversjble cellular injury
-Atropine and/or cardiac pacing for significant bradycardia . Sequelae include ARDS, cardiac
-Methylprednisolone IV bolus and infusion in cases of blunt ischemia, shock liver, DIC, neurologic
spinal cord injury damage, and acute renal failure due
. Septic shock (refer to the Sepsis entry) to AIN
-Obtain blood, urine, and sputum cultures
-Begin IV empiric antibiotics to cover likely pathogens based
on the presenting clinical picture

6. Pediatric Resuscitation
Etiology & PathoPhYsiologY Differential Dx
. Differentiate respiratory arrest (much more common in pediatric popula- . Respiratory failure (e.g.,
tions) from cardiac arrest
or cessation of breathing . Respiratory obstruction/foreign
-Respiratory arrest: Inadequate respirations
with preserved pulse and biood pressure body
activity and lack of blood . Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
-Cardiac anest: Absence of organized cardiac . Sepsis
pressure (most commonly secondary to respiratory failure with pro-
. Toxic ingestion
longed hypoxia and acidosis)
. Respiritory arrest alone hasa much better outcome than cardiac arrest-
. Congenital cardiac disease
. Trauma
prompt recognition and treatment of impending respiratory failure is nec-
. Drowning/near-drowning
essary to prevent subsequent cardiac arrest
. Anaphylaxis
. 50Vo of pediatilc cardiopulmonary arrests occur in infants (children
< 1 year old)
. SIDS is the most common cause of cardiopulmonary arrest in infants;
hauma is the most common cause in children > 1 year old

. Assess airway patency ' Airway/breathing
(smaller size, larger
. Assess breathing for respiratory dis- -Note differences in child airway anatomy
tress (e.g., tachypnea, retractions), tongue, and more anterior airway than in aduits)
check pulse oximetry. and monitor -A child lying supine will have a flexed neck (due to the prominent
for progressive respiratory decom- occiput) that may result in airway obstruction; hyperextended
pensation neck may also result in airway obstruction
generally prefered
. Assess perfusion-blood Pressure, -Straight laryngoscope (i.e., Miller blade) is
peripheral pulses, cyanosis of fut- since it better elevates the large epiglottis
gers or lips, extremities (cool in car- -Uncuffed endotracheal tube is used until age 8
diogenic shock. warm in sePtic . Circulation
depends on child size
shock), capillary refill, bradY- or -Technique for extemal compressions
of arrhythmias
tachycardia, and mental status -Cardiac monitoring is used to guide drug ffeatment
changes and asystole (see below)
. Assess heat rhythm (the most com- -Multiple IV fluid boluses if hypovolemia is suspected
mon initial rhythm is asYstole or . Check glucose in all pediatric arrests
bradysystole) . Broselow emergency tape is used to detetmine equipment sizes and
drug dosages for pediatric arrest situations

Treatment Disposition
. Immediately ensure oxygenaiion to prevent impending cardiac . If there is no response beyond 20-30
arrest---mergent inlubation if necessary minutes, continued resuscitation will
. Fluid administration with multiple boluses of 20 cckg of normal generally not be of benefit
. Isolated respiratory arrest (pulse and
saline in cases of suspected hypovolemia
. Manage dysrhythmias per PALS protocols blood pressure are maintained) has a
presenting rhythm '157o su.wival to discharge
-Bradycardia/asystole is the most common . Survival in pediatric cardiac arrests is
(often due to severe hypoxia' drug ingestion, or structural
heart disease)-feat with atropine (contraindicated in much worse than in adults
neonates) or ePinePhrine -2-13Vo survive to hospital discharge;
tachycardias the vasl majority o[ survivors are
-Distinguish ventricular from supraventricular
-{ardioversion or defibrillation of unstable rhythms neurologically devastated
-Trial of adenosine for SVT -Survival is especially poor if the
arrhythmias patient is pulseless on arrival at
-Lidocaine or bretylium for persistent ventricular
. Sodium bicarbonate for children with profound acidosis and per- the ED

sistent hypotension
. Epinephrine, dopamine, or dobutamine infusions for persislent
hypotension or bradYcardia


7 . Neonatal Resuscitation
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Infants deiivered in ED require resuscitation until proven otherwise . Prematurity
. Resuscitation is more likely needed following precipitous delivery, prema- . Infection
turity, meconium aspiration, extremes of matemal age, maternal HTN or . Meconium aspiration
diabetes, matemal substance abuse, matemal sepsis, recent matemal anal- . Narcotic depression of
gesic/sedative use, multiple gestations respiratory drive
. Newbom pathophysiology . Hlpoglycemia
-The infant has two tasks: Clear the alveoli of fluid and redirect cardiac . Hemorrhage (placental abrup
blood flow to the pulmonary circulation tion or previa)
-Alveoiar fluid is removed and alveoli expanded by the first few breaths . Seizures
following delivery . Shock (e.9., sepsis)
-Pulmonary vascular resistance decreases upon exposure of the lungs to . Congenital heart lesions
oxygen, resulting in increased pulmonary blood flow; however, persist- . Diaphragmatic hemia
ent hypoxia causes a right-toleft shunt through the ductus afteriosus . Gastroschisis
and persistent fetal circulation
. Survival of all premature infants is 30Vo at 24 wks, rare at 122 wks

Presentation Diagnosis
. Symptoms indicative of neonatal . Immediately check glucose in all patients-stressed neonates become
distress include bradycardia (heat hypoglycemic rapidly
rate <80), poor respiratory effort, . Maintain temperatue by drying and keeping under a warmer
cyanosis, lethargy, and weak cry . Maintain airway by suctioning nose and mouth with bulb syringe
. Bradycardia is due to hypoxia until . Maintain breathing as necessary
proven otherwise -1007o supplemental oxygen for all infants
. Note any presence of meconium -Aid breathing with bag-valve mask at 40 breaths/minute if infant
. Other possible presentations is apneic, cyanotic, or heafi rate <100
-Shock: Tachycardia, hypoten- -Intubate if infant does not quickly improve
sion, poor respirations, poor . Maintain circulation-treat bradycardia with adequate oxygenation,
capillary refill, cyanosis cardiac massage (encircle chest with hands, place thumbs over ster-
-Seizure activity: Tonic, clonic, num, and compress at 120 bpm), and epinephrine (if manual stimula-
tonic-clonic, or localized tion fails to elicit response)
Hypoglycemia: Apnea. cyanosis. . APGAR score (based on heat rate, respiratory effort, presence/
Iethargy. seizures. acidosis. absence of cyanosis, muscle tone, reflex response) is calculated at 1
shock, or jitteriness and 5 minutes post-delivery to evaluate the condition of the

Treatment Disposition
. ABCs and resuscitation steps as above . Hypoxia is the most common cause of
. Observe for lhe presence of meconium bradycardia
. A11 resuscitated neonates should be
-If thick meconium is present, suction nose, mouth, and
pharynx immediately after delivery of the head admitted to an ICU
-After delivery, immediately intubate the neonate, attach a . Outcomes depend on etiology as well as
meconium aspirator to the endotracheal tube, and apply suc- speed and effectiveness of resuscitation
tion as the tube is withdrawn; repeat this procedure until no . Complications from hypoxia and shock
furlher meconium is aspirated include hypoxic brain damage. seizure
-Clear airway before beginning assisted respirations disorders, SIADH, renal failure, cardiac
. Glucose to treat hypoglycemia (avoid D50 in neonates as its damage, and necrotizing enterocolitis
osmolarity is too high)
. Epinephrine (IV or via ET tube) to heat bradycardia or asystole if
ventilation and compressions are ineffective
. Naloxone administration for symptomatic neonates (apnea. respi-
ratory distress, or lethargy) who have been exposed to therapeutic
or illegal narcotics prior to delivery
. Bicarbonate is used to conect acidosis during prolonged resusci-
. Fluid replacement and blood products for hemorrhage
. Dopamine for persistent hypotension


8. Chest Pain
- Differential Dx
. Chest pain is the chief complaint in 5-l0%o of ED patients----etiology may . Cardiac: Myocardial ischemia,
be of cardiac or non-cardiac origin pericardit is. pericardial effusion.
peri- aortic dissection
-Cardiac sources include the myocardium (ischemic pain) and
cardium . Pulmonary embolus
(aorta, pulmonary . Pulmonary: Pneumothorax,
-Non-cardiac sources include the intrathoracic organs
artery bronchopulmonary tree, pleura, diaphragm, and esophagus), tracheitis. bronctutis. pleuritis.
thoracic wall (bony structures, muscles, breasts, and skin), extratho- pneumonia, pleurisy, COPD
racic structures (stomach, duodenum, gallbladdel and pancreas), or . GI: Esophagitis, esophageal
psychogenic pain spasm or perforation, GERD,
. Acute life{hreatening causes of chest pain include myocardial infarction, PUD, gastritis, duodenitis,
aortic dissection, esophageal rupture, tension pneumothorax, and pul- cholecystitis, pancreatitis
monary embolus . Musculoskeletal: Rib fracture,
. A thorough history is the comerstone of diagnosis to recognize and treat costochondritis, herpes zoster,
serious pathology while minimizing unnecessary testing and hospitaliza- muscle strain, contusion
tion . Anxiety/psychogenic chest pain

Presentation Diagnosis
. Myocardial ischemia: Pain or pres- . History should include characteristics of the pain (e.9., dull, tight,
sure with exefiion pressure-like, buming, sharp, stabbing), Iocation, radiation, duration
. Pericarditis: Pain is notably and frequency, aggravating factors (e.g., exertion, deep respiration,
decreased by leaning forward; fric- supine position, palpation), alleviating factors (e.g., immobility, lean-
tion rub is present on exam ing forward, nitroglycerin), cardiac risk factors, family and medical
. Aonjc dissection: Sudden, teanng history, and associated symptoms (e.g., diaphoresis, lightheadedness,
pain radiating to the back; unequal nausea/vomiting, dyspnea)
extremity blood pressures . ECG may show ischemia or arrhythmias
. PE: Pleuritic pain, tachypnea, tachy- . CBC may reveal leukocytosis if infection is present
cardia, dyspnea . Cardiac enzymes may be elevated in MI
. Pneumonia: Feveq dyspnea, tachyp- . LFTs, amylase,4ipase, and U/S may rule out GI pathology
nea, sputum production . Chest X-ray may show aortic dissection (mediastinal widening),
. Tension pneumothorax: Tracheal pneumothorax, pneumonia, PE, pericardial effusion, or CIIF
deviation, JVD, hypotension, . Chest CT will evaluate for aortic dissection, pulmonary embolus,
decreased breath sounds pneumoilrorax. and pneumonia
. Zoster'. Vesicular rash . V/Q scan (PE), echocardiogram (pericardial effusion), angiography or
. GI: Pain at night; related to food transesophageal echocardiogram (dissection) are also used

Treatment Disposition
. History, physical exam, and a limited diagnostic workup should . No single sign, symptom, or test is
be used to categoize patient risk definitive for the diagnosis of any of
these conditions
-Patients likely experiencing an acute coronary event
. Admit patients with acute coronary syn-
-Patient with a non-coronary, but potentially life-threatening
event (e.g., aortic dissection, pulmonary embolism, pneumo- dromes, aortic dissection, pulmonary
thorax, GI viscus perforation) embolus, pneumothorax, esophageal
-Patients with benign, non-coronary pain
(GI, muscular) rupture. serious pneumonia, or serious
. Cardiac etiologies require emergent, aggressive therapy pericarditis
Nitrates and morphine for initial pain relief . Patients in whom serious disease cannot
-Thrombolysis or emergent PTCA for ST elevation MI be ruled out (e.g., those with multiple
-Treat unstable angina/non-ST elevation MI per protocol (e.g.' risk factors for cardiac disease) should
heparin, glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, B-blockers) be admitted for observation
. Treat pneumonia with appropriate antibiotics . Other patients may be discharged with
. Treat pulmonary embolus with IV heparin or LMWH appropriate follow-up
. Insert chest tube to relieve pneumothorax (needle decompression
followed by chest tube for tension PTX)
. GI cocktail (donnatol, viscous lidocaine, Mylanta) and anti-acid
therapy for GERD or esophageal disease; however, symptom res-
olution does not rule out cardiac disease

9. ST-Elevation Ml
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Previously called "transmural" or "Q-wave" MI . Unstable angina
. Usually caused by rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque in an epicardial . Non ST-elevation MI
coronary artery resulting in a highly thrombogenic surface; subsequent . Pericarditis
formation of an occlusive thrombus obstructs blood flow to the associated . Aortic dissection
myocardium . Puimonary embolus
. Results in transmural (i.e., full-thickness) infarction of myocardium . Pneumothorax
. Less frequent causes include thrombus formation in the absence of athero- . Pleurisy
sclerotic disease, vasospasm (e.g., Prinzmetal's angina, cocaine use), coro- . Costochonddtis
nary dissection, and coronary thromboembolism . GERD
. Risk factors for coronary atherosclerosis include increasing age, tobacco . Esophageal spasm
use, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, elevated homocys- . Stress/anxiety
teine levels, male gender, and family history . Pancreatitis
. Rapid reper{usion by thrombolytic agents or percutaneous ffansluminal . Biliary colic
coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is the mainstay of definitive therapy and . Herpes zoster
should be performed ASAP

Presentation Diagnosis
. Chest pain: Dull, substemal pain or . Obtain ECG within 10 minutes arrival to the ED
pressure. often radiating to the jaw. -Cdteria for emergent revascularization therapy i-ncludes ST-eleva-
left arm, and shoulders tion of 1 mm or more in at least 2 contiguous leads or new LBBB
. May be associated with nausea, in the setting of typical symptoms
vomiting, and diaphoresis -Leads with ST elevation may identify the infarcted vessel(s)
. Unremitting symptoms for >20 min -Ischemia may also cause hyperacute (peaked) T waves, inverted
. Other frequent symptoms include T waves, or reciprocal changes (i.e., ST depression)
dyspnea, lightheadedness, loss of -LBBB or paced rhythm often confounds interpretation-acute
consciousness. and hypotension bfarction should be suspected with concordant ST elevation ) 1 mm
. Sinus tachycardia, ventricular (ST elevation in the same direction as the QRS complex), discor-
eclopy. ventricular tachycardia. or dant ST elevation )5 mm (ST elevation in opposite direction of
ventricular fibrillation may occur QRS), or ST depression >1 mm in V1-V3
. In some cases, pain may be repro- -Right-sided ECG leads may be used in the presence of inferior
ducible by palpation ischemia to rule out RV infarct (ST elevation in rV4)
. Physical exam is generally not help- . Cardiac enzymes (troponin, CK, CK-MB) become elevated within
ful (may have 53, systolic murmur, 6-12 hours-serial measurements are required
or signs of CHF) . CXR may rule out other potential sources of CP

Treatment Disposition
. Administer aspirin (160-325 mg) as soon as possible; clopidogrei . Continuous ECG monitoring is manda-
or dipyridamole for patients intolerant to aspirin tory given the risk of developing ven-
. Revascularization is the defilitive therapy tricular arrhythmias
*Primary PTCA is preferred as the iritial revascularization ther- . All patients are admitted
apy if available in a timely fashion (<2 hrs); indicated within . If thrombolytics are administered, admit
12 hrs of symptom onset in the presence of the above ECG to an ICU
criteria or with persisting symptoms > 12 hrs . Rescue PTCA is indicated for failed
-Thrombolysis is indicated if timely PTCA is not available; thrombolysis (i.e., lack of resolution of
indicated within 12 hours of symptom onset in patients with chest pai[, persistent ST elevation, or
ECG criteria and no contraindications reperfusion arrhythmias after 1-2 hrs),
. IV heparin or enoxaparin (LMWH); enoxaparin may be superior recurrent pain following successful
. Clopidogrei and/or glycoprotein IIb,{IIIa inhibitors should be thrombolysis, and cardiogenic shock
administered if PTCA is planned . Complications include arrhythmias,
. IV B-blockers given within 12 hours have been shown to improve acute mitral insufficiency due to papil-
mortality (avoid in patients with hypotension, bradycardia, or lary muscle rupture, myocardial wall
severe lung disease) rupture, pericarditis, and cardiogenic
. Nitroglycerin and morphine shock
. ACE inhibitors are indicated within the first 24 hs to improve
post-Ml left ventricular function


10. Unstable Angina and Non ST-Elevation Ml
Differential Dx
. Formerly called "subendocardial" or "non Q-wave" MI . ST-elevation MI
. Acute coronary syndromes: A spectrum of disorders ranging from unsta- . Pericarditis
. Aortic dissection
ble angina (myocardium at risk) to ST elevation MI (transmural infarc-
tion), resulting from decreased coronary blood flow (e.g., thrombus forma- . Pulmonary embolus
tion, vasospasm, or coronary ar1ery dissection) . Pneumothorax
. Unstable angina: Angina at rest (lasting >20 minutes) within the previous . Pleurisy
week, angina presenting with increasing frequency, angina with lower . Costochondritis
level of exertion in a patient with chronic anginal symptoms, 01 new-onset . GERD
exertional angina (during the past 2 months) . Esophageal spasm
. Non ST-elevation MI: Infarction of the subendocardial myocardium . Stress/anxiety
with elevated serum car- . Pancreatitis
-Diagnosed by symptoms of cardiac ischemia
diac enzymes, but lack of transmural injury on ECG (no ST elevations) . Biliary colic
. Herpes zoster
-Non ST-elevation MI can only be ruled out a"fter serial cardiac
enzymes have been obtained (i.e.,2-3 sets at 6-8 hour intervals) . Trauma

Presentation Diagnosis
. Chest pain: Dull, substemal pain or . Obtain ECG within 10 minutes of presentation to ED-ischemia may
pressure, often radiating to the jaw, be hfered by ST-segment depression and/or T-wave flattening (may
left arm, and shoulders be normal even if ischemia is present)
. May be associated with nausea, . Cardiac enzymes (troponin, CK, CK-MB, LDH) become elevated
vomiting, and diaphoresis 6-12 hrs after the onset of chest pain; by definition, enzymes are ele-
. Other frequent symptoms include vated in non ST-elevation MI but nomal in unstable angina
dyspnea, lightheadedness, loss of . CXR should be ordered to rule out other potential sources of CP
consciousness. and hypolension . Echocardiogram may be used to evaluate for wall motion abnormali-
. In some cases, pain may be repro- ties consistent with ischemia
ducible by palpation . Resting nuclear perfusion scan may be used immediately to assess for
. Physical exam is generally not help- ischemia at rest
fuI (may have 53, systolic murmul . High-risk patients generaily undergo diagnostic catheterization even
or signs of CHF) an acute MI has been ruled out (negative enzymes after 6-12
hours) and symptoms have resolved
. Low- or intermediate-risk patients with resolution of pain, no ECG
changes, and negative serial enzymes generally undergo stress testing
with imaging to evaluate for evidence of ischemia

Treatment Disposition
. Supplemental 02 to maintain saaralion )92Vo . Patients require at least two sets of car-
. Administer aspirin (160-325 mg) as soon as possible (clopidogrel diac enzymes 6-8 hours apart to rule
or dipyridamole for patients allergic to aspirin) out acute infarction (either obtahed in
. IV unfractioned heparin or subcutaneous LMW heparin have been the ED or as an inpatient)
. Low-risk or intermediate risk patients
shown to decrease mortality and thrombus progression
. IV p-blockers have been shown to improve mortality (avoid in shouid undergo cardiac stress test with
hypotension, bradycardia, or severe lung disease) imaging after enzymes are negative
. IV morphine or IV/topical nitroglycerin shouid be administered in . Admit high-risk patients (i.e., resting
palients with conlinued chest pain angina >20 minutes, 53 gallop, CHF
. IV glycoprotein IIbAIIa receptor inhibitors (e.g., tirofiban, eptifi- symptoms, hypotension, dynamic ECG
batide, abciximab) should be used in patients with elevated changes, elevated enzymes, or history
enzymes, ischemic ECG changes, at high risk for ischemia' or if of MI) for aggressive medical treatment
percutaneous intervention is planned-they have been shown to and stress testing or catheterization
decrease morlality, recurrent pain, and need for emergent revascu-
. ACE inhibitors are indicated if hlpertension persists or in the
presence of poor LV function or diabetes
. Catheterization with PTCA is indicated within 5 days for patients
with elevated enzymes or at high risk for ischemia; patients with
persistent pain require emergent intervention

11 . Atrial Fibrillati on/ Flutter
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Atrial fibrillation is a disorganized electrical activation of the atda, result- . Marked sinus arrhythmia
ing in irregular conduction through the AV node to the ventricles . Sinus rhythm with frequent pre-
. Atrial flutter is a regular, rapid depolarization of the atria, usually at a rate mature atrial complexes
of 300 bpm; conduction to the ventricles is often regular, with every sec- . Multifocal at-rial tachycardia
ond or third atrial contraction being conducted . Ventricular tachycardia
. Risk factors include hypertension, alcohol use, sick sinus syndrome, thy- . Supravenfficular tachycardia
rotoxicosis, valvular disease (MS, MR), cardiomyopathy' myocarditis, (AVNRT, AVRT)
CADMI, cardiac surgery, digoxin toxicity, and pulmonary disease . "Noisy" baseline on ECG
(asthma, COPD)
. Persistent atrial fibrillation/flutter may allow clots to fom in the atria,
which can embolize to cause CVAs (approximate risk is 6%olyeat)-rtsk of
clot formation and CVA increase after 48 hours of sustained arrhythmia

. Patients may be asymptomatic, . ECG is diagnostic in most cases
especially if the ventricular rate is -Atrial fibrillation: p waves are absent, ECG baseline has fire
controlled irregular fibriilation waves at 300-600/min, and QRS compiexes
. Palpitations are irregularly irregular
'DYsPnea -Atrial flutter: p waves are absent, ECG baseline shows regular
. Lightheadedness/presyncope "sawtooth" flutter waves at about 300/min, and QRS conduction
. Chest pain is usually 1:2 (150/min and regular); however, conducted p waves
. Signs and symptoms of CHF may may slow to 1:3 or less and this slowed conduction may be inter-
be present mittent
. Heart rate is often tachycardic but -Affial fibrillatiol (i.e., no p waves) with a regularly occurring
may be normal or even bradycardic QRS complex (regular RR interval) is pathognomonic for digitalis
. Atrial fibrillation: lrregularly irregu- toxicity
lar rhythm, variabie intensity of 51 . Continuous ECG monitoring may detect paroxysms of arrhythmia
. Atdal flutter: Rapid regular rhythm . If rate is so rapid such that atrial activity is difficult to see and the
diagnosis is unclear, a dose of fV adenosine may be administered to
transiently slow AV conduction to aid rhythm interpretation

Treatment Disposition
. If rapid ventricular response is causing hemodynamic compromlse . Cardiology or Intemal Medicine consul-
or serious symptoms, emergent DC cardioversion is indicated tation should be obtained for most
. There are three major treatment considerations: Rate control, anti- patients with newly diagnosed or recur-
coagulation, and/or rhythm control rent atrial fibrillation/flutter with rapid
. Rate control using AV node blocking agents ventricular response
. Most of these patients wiil need to be
-B-blockers (e.g., metoprolol, atenolol, propranolol)
admitted for further workup and treat-
-Calcium-channel blockers (e.g., diltiazem, verapamil)
-Digoxin (several hours to take effect) ment decisions
. Anticoagulation to reduce the risk of cardioembolic CVA; full . Procainamide should be used if Wolff-
anticoagulation with IV heparin is indicated if Afib/flutter lasts Parkinson-White syndrome cannot be
>48 hrs ruled out; avoid B-blockers, Ca-channel
. Rhythm control using antiarrhythmic therapy blockers and digoxin iri these cases
. Elective cardioversion may be attempt-
-DC cardioversion emergently as needed; IV ibutilide may be
used to attempt rapid pharmacologic cardioversion ed in patients with <48 hours of atrial
-Non-emergent electrical or pharmacological (e.g., amiodarone) fibrillation/flutter
cardioversion should not be done in the ED until the risk of
thromboemboiic events is assessed (conversion in the presence
of atrial clot may cause CVA)
. CIIF symptoms usually improve with rate control


1 2. S u praventricu ar Tachycard I ia
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Tachycardia that originates above the ventricles . Ventricular tachycardia (treat all
. Sinus tachycardia is a SVT not caused by a primarily cardiac process; wide-complex tachycardias as
may be due to &ugs, hypovolemia, hypotension, sepsis, LV dysfunction, ventricular tachycardia until
oT SffeSS proven otherwise)
. Multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT) occurs when at least 3 atrial foci . SVT with aberrancy (wide QRS
exist; causes include pulmonary disease, stmctural heafi disease, and tachycardia despite supra-
digoxin ventricular origin)
. Atrial fibrillation/flutter: See associated en!ry
. Nonparoxysmal junctional tachycardia is caused by an impulse originating
at the AV node; due to myocarditis, digoxin, inferior MI
. AV Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia (AVNRT) is caused by a reentrant circuit
within the AV node
. AV Reentrant Tachycardia (AVRT) is caused by a reenfant circuit with
accessory pathway outside the AV node (Wo1ff-Parkinson-White syn-
drome refers to the direct atrial-ventricular connection)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Palpitations (in >909o) . ECG reveals a narrow QRS complex (<0.12 sec) tachycardia
. Dizziness (in >70Vo) . Regular rhythm SVTs
. Presyncope -Sinus tachycardia: Rate 100-180; p wave for each QRS
. Syncope -Junctional: Narrow QRS; p wave absent or follows QRS
. Shortness of breath -Atrial flutter: Atrial rate 250-350 with "sawtooth" flutter waves;
. Chest pain ventricular conduction is often 150 bpm
. Fatigue -AV Nodal Reentrant: Rate >150, narrow and regular QRS, may
. Tachycardia see retrograde p waves after each QRS
. Hypotension -AV Reentrant Tachycardia: Rate >150, QRS may be narrow or
. CHF may occur wide, may see reffograde p waves after each QRS; WPW is seen
(shot PR, wide QRS, delta wave) when rate slows
. Irregular rhythm SVTs
-MAI: 3 or more discrete p waves are present
-Atrial fib: Rate 75-200; irregularly irregular; no p waves
-Atrial flutter with variable conduction: "Sawtooth" p waves, vari-
able venfficular response (2:1, 3:1, or 4:1 are common)
. Adenosine will briefly slow the rate to aid rhythm identification

Treatment Disposition
. Immediate cardioversion for hemodynamically unstable patients . Sinus tachycardia: Disposition depends
(unless the rhythm is sinus tachycardia) on the underlying disorder
. Sinus tachycardia: Treat the underlying disorder . Atrial tachycardia and MAI usually do
. Atrial tachycardia or MAT: Treat underlying pulmonary disease; not require admission unless associated
use Ca-channel or p-blockers for rate control with hemodynamic compromise
. AV Nodal Reentrant/AV Reentrant Tachycardia . AVNRT and AVRT patients are not at
-Vagal maneuvers (increase parasympathetic tone): Ocular or risk of sudden cardiac death
carotid massage, Valsalva, immerse face in cold HrO . Admit patients presenting with a flrst
-Adenosine: Causes complete AV blockade for seconds, and episode of AVNRT or AVRT or if there
converts majority of AVNRT and AVRT to sinus is associated hemodynamic instability
. Patients with known history of blpass
-AV node blockers: IV B-blockers or Ca-channel blockers
should be used for rate control if adenosine fails to convert the hact, rare paroxysms of SVT without
rhythm hemodynamic compromise, and swift
-Caution: Ca-channel or B-blockers can induce ventricular fib- response to medical therapy can usually
rillation in a wide complex AVRT (i.e., antidromic WPW syn- be discharged home with AV nodal
drome) and are contraindicated in these patients blocking drugs
-Chronic heatment is with AV nodal blocking agents or by
catheter ablation of the accessory pathway
-Other agents for rate control include digoxin, amiodarone,
procainamide, and sotalol

1 3. Ventricular Tachycardia
- Differential Dx
. Any wide-QRS complex tachycardia (QRS >0 12 sec) is considered ven- . SVT with aberrant conduction
through nodal fibers (i.e., bundle-
tricular tachycardia (Vtach) until proven otherwise
branch block)
-Nonsustained Vtach lasts {30 sec and is asymptomatic . Preexcitation tachycardia (e.g.,
-Sustained Vtach lasts >30 sec or results in hemodynamic
AVNRT, Afi b/fl utter. antidromic
-Monomorphic Vtach: Singie stable QRS complex
axis-may have AVRT)
-Polymoryhic Vtach: Changing QRS morphology and . Ventricul ar fi brillation
normal or prolonged QT intewal (e.g., torsades de pointes)
. Ventricular escape rhythm (ven-
. Etiologies/risk factors include acute or past MI, decreased LV function,
any cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, sarcoidosis, electrolyte abnomalities,
tricle depolarizes at 30-60 bPm
pro-arrhythmic medications, congenital long QT syndrome, right ventricu- without stimulation from the
lar dysplasia, family history of sudden cardiac death atria or AV node)
. Accelerated idiovenfficular
-The majority of ventricular tachycardias are caused by ischemic heart
rhythm (rapid ventricular escape
rhythm at 60-100 bpm)
. Monitor afiifact

. Older age and a history of MI/CAD, . 12-lead ECG shows wide QRS tachycardia (QRS >0.12 seconds)
CHF, and angina are often present -Rate does not reliably distinguish Vtach from other ventricular
. Symptoms may include dyspnea, arrhythmias (Vtach is usually >130)
dizziness, presyncope or syncope, -Vtach and SVT are regular; atrial fibrillation is irregular
angina, palpitations -AV dissociation occurs in Vtach (p waves not related to QRS)
. Tachycardia, hypotension, car-
-Fusion beats occur oniy in Vtach (p wave paftially activates a
diorespiratory arrest, cannon A QRS at the same time as the ectopic circuit, resulting in a hybrid
waves (AV dissociation), and car- QRS complex)
diomegaly (on CXR) may be seen -Capture beats are only seen in Vtach (occasionally, the p wave
will conduct a nomal, narrow QRS complex)
-Extreme left axis deviation usually indicates Vtach
-QRS duration )0.16 seconds likely indicates Vtach
-Precordial (Vr-V6) concordance (QRS waves all in the same
direction) sffongly suggests Vtach
-Look for bundle branch blocks (e.g., R-S-R1 in VI for RBBB)
-Note polymorphic versus monomorphic complexes

Treatment Disposition
. Patients with ventricular escape or accelerated idioventricular . Most patients with Vtach require admis-
rhythms are dependent on these ventricular beats to maintain car- sion to a cardiology or electrophysiology
diac oulput-they should not be treated with anti-arrhythmics as service for further therapy and risk
this may terminate the ventricular rhythm, resulting in asystole stratification
. Unstable Vtach with hypotension or cardiac ischemia requires . Be sure to rule out ongoing myocardial
immediate electrical intervention ischemia
. Patients with Vtach are at increased risk
-Vfib and pulseless Vtach should be defibrillated per ACLS
protocols; if defibrillation fails, then IV epinephrine, amio- of sudden cardiac death; defilitive iong-
darone, and/or lidocaine may be attempted term therapy is usually required
with . Long-term treatment options include
-Patients with hemodynamic instability must be treated
synchronized cardioversion; if cardioversion fails, IV amio- revascularization of ischemic myo-
darone or lidocaine should be used cardium, automated implantable
. Stable monomorphic Vtach should be treated initially with anti- cardioverter-defibrillator (AICD), long-
arrhythmic medications (e.g., IV amiodarone, lidocaine, pro- term anti-arrhythmic therapy, and
cainamide.l; cardiovert if there is no response radiofrequency ablation of the focus of
. Stable polymorphic Vtach with long QT requires correction of ventricular tachycardia
electrolyte abnormalities and IV magnesium for torsades de


14. Bradycardia and Heart Block
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. A resting heaft rate <60 beats per minute . Acute MI
. Classified based on presence of p waves and their relation to the QRS . Electrolyte abnormalities
. Sinus bradycardia: Normal p waves with a slowed sinus node rate . Meds (e.g., P-blockers, digoxin,
. Junctional escape rhythm: Originates from either the AV node or bundle of calcium blockers, TCAs)
. Vagal stimulation (e.g., nausea,
His following a long period without SA nodal stimulation
. Idioventricular rhythm: Originates from the ventricle after a lack of stimu- vomiting, vasovagal reaction)
lation from the SA node, AV node, and bundle of His . Sick-sinus syndrome
. AV conduction block: Slowed conduction through the AV node . Paravalvular abscess
. Infiltrative disease (e.g., sar-
-lst degree: Slowed AV conduction without dropped beats
coidosis, amyloidosis)
-2nd degree (Mobitz type I or II): Intermittent dropped beats
. Congenital heaf block
-3rd degree (complete heart block): No electrical communication
between atria and ventricles . Increased ICP (Cushing's
. Atrial fibrillation/flutter with slow ventricuiar conduction reflex): ICH, CVA, SAH
. Causes ofbradyarrhythmias include medications, vagal stimulation, and . Myocarditis
degeneration or structural abnomality of the conduction system
. Hypothyroid
. Lyme disease
. Chagas disease

Presentation Diagnosis
. May be asymptomatic . Sinus bradycardia: Rate <60 with normal p waves, PR interval, and
. Symptoms may include palpitations, PP interval
dyspnea, dizziness, presyncope or . Junctional rhythm: Rate 40-60 with narrow QRS and absent or retro-
syncope, chest pain, and mental sta- grade p waves
tus changes . Idioventricular rhythm: Rate 30-40 with wide QRS and no p waves
. Physical exam may reveal irregular . 1st degree AV block: Prolonged but constant PR interval (>0.2 sec);
heartbeat. jugular venous distension. each p wave is followed by a QRS
cannon jugular waves (in 3rd degree . 2nd degree AV block: Irregular rhythms
AV block), hypotension, or signs of -Mobitz I (Wenkebach): Progressively prolonged PR resulting in a
heart failure p wave that fails to conduct to the ventricles (dropped beat); PP
. Atrial fibrillation with complete interval remains constant; RR shortens progressively
heart block (i.e., regular junctional -Mobitz II: Intermittent nonconducted p waves; PR interval
or ventricular escape rhythm) is remains fixed (does not prolong); PP and RR interval constant
pathognomonic lor digitalis toxicity . 3rd degree AV block (complete heart block): P waves unrelated to the
QRS; escape rhythm is regular and originates from the AV junction
(nanow QRS) or the ventdcle (wide QRS)

Treatment Disposition
. Asymptomatic bradycardia does not require immediate therapy- . Sinus bradycardia or a junctional escape
monitor for onset of symptoms or asystole rhythm may be nomal in well-trained
. Emergent treatment is indicated for symptomatic bradycardia athletes and do not require treatment if
-Atropine: Increases SA and AV nodal conduction; indicated asymptomatic
for asystole, symptomatic bradycardia, or symptomatic AV . Asymptomatic lst degrce and 2nd
block degree Mobitz I AV-block without other
-Epinephrine: Indicated for asystole and refractory sympto- conduction abnormalities do not require
matic bradycardia specific heatment
. Admission depends on comorbid condi-
-Emergency cardiac pacing (transcutaneous or transvenous):
Indicated for asystole, symptomatic bradycardia, and patients tions, etiology of bradycardia (e.g.,
at high risk of progression to asystole (e.g., Mobitz II or 3rd overdose or MI), and chance of progres-
degree heart block) sion to asystole
. Patients with 2nd degree Mobitz II AV
-Dopamine infusion may also increase the heart rate
. Bradycardia induced by B-blockers or Ca-channel blockers should block and 3rd degree AV block shouid
be treated with IV calcium and IV or IM glucagon, which h- be admitted as they may progress to
creases chronotropy and inotropy by a non-adrenergic mechanism asystole-these patients will likely
. Bradycardia due to digoxin toxicity may be treated with Digibind require permanent pacemaker implanta-
(digoxin specific antibody fragments) in cases of life-threatening tion

15. Heart Failure
- Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Inability of the heart to maintain adequate cardiac output . Cardiovascular: Ischemia, valve
disease or rupture, aortic dissec-
-Pericardial etiologies: Pericardial consffiction or tamponade
tion, arrhythmia, endocarditis,
-Endocardial etiologies: Valvular stenosis, insufficiency, or rupture
myocarditis, hypertensive emer-
-Myocardial: Ischemia/infarction, cardiomyopat\, arrhythmias
. Myocardial failure may be classified as systolic (inability to eject blood) gency
or diastolic (inability to adequately fill with blood)
. Pulmonary: COPD. pneumonia.
dysfunction (more common): Decreased myocardial contrac- pulmonary embolus, other lung
tility and ejection fraction disease, ARDS
. Renal failure with fluid overload
-Diastolic dysfunction: Impaired myocardial relaxation, resulting in
decreased ventricular fillirig (ejection fraction may be normal) . Hepatic insufftciency
. Leflsided heart failure results in pulmonary symptoms . Hypoalbuminemia
. Right-sided heart failure results in peripheral symptoms-commonly sec- . Anemia
ondary to left heart failure, but may occur alone (e.g., RV infarct) . Sepsis
. High output failure: Inability to meet abnormally high tissue demands . Thyrotoxicosis
(e.g., thyrotoxicosis, sepsis, anemia) despite a normal heart

Presentation Diagnosis
. Dyspnea (ranges from exertional . Chest X-ray shows cardiomegaly, increased pulmonary vasculature
dyspnea to severe dyspnea at rest) (e.g., cephalization, hilar fullness, Kerley B lines), interstitial edema,
. Orthopnea and possibly a pleural effusion
. Paroxysmal noctumal dyspnea . ECG may show evidence of coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, or
. Fatigue, weakness, decreased exer- changes suggestive of acute ischemia
cise tolerance . Cardiac enzymes are positive in 30% of patients with acute CHF
. Abdominal fullness. weight gain . Check CBC (for anemia), electrolytes, and renal function
. Tachypnea, tachycardia . ABG may show signs of respiratory failure (hypoxemia or elevated
.S: PCOz)
. Rales (crackles) . Serum B{ype natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a fairly accurate marker of
. Jugular venous distention heart failure (released by ventricles in response to stretch):
. Laterally displaced apical impulse Differentiates dyspnea due to heart failure (BNP >100) from dyspnea
. Hepatomegaly, hepatojugular reflux due to other causes (BNP <100)
. Ascites, peripheral edema . Echocardiography defines systolic function, wall motion abnormali-
ties, valvular function, and evaluates the pericardium
. Right or left heart catheterization may be done as an inpatient

Treatment Disposition
. Mainstay of therapy is to decrease preload (by venodilation) and . CHF results in > 1 million ED visits per
afterload (by arleriodilation and volume removal) to improve for- year
ward blood flow and decrease symptoms . Most patients are admitted for further
. Supplemental 02 via nasal cannula or face mask as needed therapy and/or workup
. Treat refractory respiratory distress with CPAP or intubation . In-hospital mortality is 1Eo
. Nitrates (sublingual and IV) are fust line treatment for rapid relief . Even "low risk" patients (mild symp-
of symptoms (act as vasodilators to decrease preload and after- toms and no recent MI, arrhythmia, or
load); however, they may cause hypotension elecholyte abnormality) may have poor
. Loop diuretics are used to lemove volume and decrease preload outcomes
(via mild venodilation) . Some criteria for admission include
. IV morphine for anxiety/discomfort and to decrease preload moderate-severe symptoms, ischemia,
. ACE inhibitors will decrease both preload and afterload hypoxia, severe medical disease,
. Systolic dysfunction may require inotropic support hypotension. no obvious precipitating
-Dobutamine will increase inotropy and cause vasodilation cause for decompensation, new-onset
only if SBP )90 as it may cause hypotension) CIIF, or poor outpatient suppofi
(use . Patients to be discharged should first be
-Dopamine increases inotropy and causes vasoconsffiction
if SBP <90 as it will not worsen hypotension) observed in the ED for clinical
. Diastolic dysfunction may require negative inotropes (e.g.' B- or improvement and have close follow-up
Ca-channel blockers) arranged
. Cardiac ischemia may require revascularization

16. Cardiomyopathy
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Abnormal myocardium, resulting in impaired function and CHF . Ischemic cardiomyopathy
. Dilated cardiomyopathy: Impaired systolic ventricular function with dila- . Diastolic heart failure (impaired
tion of the ventricles; etiologies include CAD (ischemic cardiomyopathy), LV relaxation due to HTN, DM,
HTN, infection (e.g., myocarditis, Lyme, Chagas disease), valvular insuf- or constrictive pericarditis)
ficiency, pregnancy, toxins (e.g., alcohol, cocaine, heroin, doxarubicin, . Valvular disease
lead, arsenic), sepsis, congenital heart disease, rheumatic fever, persistent . Myocarditis
tachycardia, thyroid disease, obesity, or nutritional deficiencies . COPD
. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Asymmetric ventricular hypertrophy with . Asthma
diastolic dysfunction (i.e., abnormal diastolic relaxation), resulting in . Pulmonary embolus
decreased ventricular filling, stroke volume, and cardiac output; 50Vo are . Non-cardiogenic pulm edema
familiai; carries an increased risk of sudden death . Renal failure
. Restrictive cardiomyopathy: Diastolic dysfunction caused by infiltrative . Hepatic insufficiency
diseases (e.g., amyioid, sarcoid, hemochromatosis), scleroderma, hyper- . Hruoalbuminemia
eosinophilia . Hypothyroidism

Presentation Diagnosis
. Symptoms of heart failure (e.g., . Dilated CM
fatigue, dyspnea on exertion, CXR: Cardiomegaly, pulmonary edema, */- pleural effusion
orthopnea, PND) -ECG: Non-specific ST-T wave changes, ischemic changes, abnor-
. Left heafi failure signs te.g.. respi- mal conduction, or arrhythmias may be present
ratory distress, bilateral crackles) -Echocardiogram: Dilated ventricles, systolic dysfunction
. Right heart failure signs (e.g., JVD, -Serum Btype natriuretic peptide (BNP): Differentiates dyspnea
enlarged liveq peripheral edema) due to heart failure (BNP> 100) from dyspnea due to other causes
. Dilated CM: Laterally displaced (BNP<100)
PMI, 53, arrhythmias, thrombus for- . Hypertrophic CM
mation -CXR: Normal or large heart size
. Hypertrophic CM: Increased magni-
-ECG: LVH, small septal Q waves (pseudoinfarct pattem)
tude of PMI, Sa, symptoms worsen -Echo: Asymmetric septal hypertrophy, diastolic dysfunction
with exertion (including syncope . Restrictive CM
and chest pain) -CXR: Signs of CHF, normal heart size
. Restrictive CM: Primarily right *EKG: Nonspecific ST-T changes, low voltage QRS
sided symptoms, Sa -Echo: Diastolic dysfunction, may show evidence of amyloid

Treatment Disposition
. Emergent treatment of acute CHF exacerbations . Recurrent exacerbations of hearl failure
-Intubation for severe respiratory distress and frequent ED visits are common
-Loop diuretics decrease pulmonary edema by decreasing . Patients with newly diagnosed car-
blood vessels and causing venodilation diomyopathy should be admitted for
-Vasodilators for patients with volume overload and SBP > 100 further workup and adjustment of med-
(nitroglycerin will cause preload reduction by venodilation; ications
ACE inhibitors and hydralazine will decrease afterload to . Patients with severe acute CHF decom-
improve cardiac output) pensation should be admitted to an ICU
-Morphine will improve subjective sensation of SOB . Less sick patients should be admitted to
-Consider Swan-Ganz catheter or intra-aortic balloon pump in a monitored floor
refractory cardiogenic shock . Patients with mild exacerbations of
. Dilated CM (systolic dysfunction) requires positive inotropy CHF with good clinical response to ED
-Dobutamine will increase inotropy and cause vasodilation (use therapy can be discharged with close
only if SBP >90 as it may cause hypotension) fo11ow-up
-Dopamine increases inotropy and causes vasoconstriction (use . Rule out causes of the exacerbation
' if SBP <90 as it will not worsen h)?otension) (e.g., MI, pneumonia, PE) prior to dis-
. Hypertrophic and restrictive CM (diastolic dysfunction): Negative charge
inotropes (B- or Ca-channel blockers) increase ventricular filling
time and promote relaxation to increase ventricular filling and
cardiac output

17 . lnfective Endocarditis
- Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Infection of the heart valves or other endocardial surfaces . Septicemia without endocardial
. Seeding of valves most commonly occurs during transient bacteremia involvement (e.g., line sepsis)
. Classified as acute or subacute depending on the speed of onset and sever- . Systemic vasculitis
ity of symptoms . Rheumatologic disease
. Most cases involve abnormal valves (e.g., prosthetic valves, myxomatous . Non-infectious endocarditis
changes, rheumatic valves, MV prolapse, bicuspid aofiic valve, intemal (Libman-Saks disease in SLE,
cardiac devices) marasmic endocarditis in termi-
. Other cases occur in patients with increased risk ofbacteremia (e.g.' IV nal diseases)
. Acute va"lvular dysfunction of
drug use, elderly, diabetes, poor dentition, recent instrumentation)
. Infecting organisms rnclude Streptococcus viridans (507o), S. aureus non-infectious etiology (e.g.,
(207o), Enterococcus (ljVo), gram-negative bacilli, HACEK group, and papillary muscle ruPture,
fungi (C andida, Asp erg illus'S ischemic mitral regurgitation)
. Left-sided disease is much more common (mitral > aortic ) tricuspid >
pulmonic)-IV drug abuse predisposes to right-sided endocarditis
. Consider the diagnosis in all patients with fever of unknown origin

Presentation Diagnosis
. Fever, malaise, sweats, myalgias, . Workup should include blood cultures (2 sets), ECG, and echo
anhralgias. ueight loss. back pain . Duke criteria: Endocarditis is diagnosed if 2 major or I major and 2
. Hearl murmur (new or changing) minor or 5 minor criteria are present
. Vascular phenomena: Conjunctival . Major criteria
petechiae. spl inter hemorrhages. -Positive blood culture for tlpical organisms from 2 different blood
Janeway lesions (painless hemor- cultures or persistently positive blood cultures for other organisms
rhages on palms and soles) -Evidence of endocardial involvement: New valvular regurgitation,
. Arterial emboli: Stroke, septic pu1- echocardiogram positive for vegetation or abscess, or new dehis-
monary infarcts, mycotic aneurysm, cence of prosthetic valve
renal failure or inlarct. splenic . Minor criteria: Predisposing heart condition or IV drug abuse, fever
infarct or splenomegalY >38"C, vascular phenomena, immunologic phenomena, or positive
. Immunologic phenomena: Osler's blood culture or echo that does not meet major criteria
nodes (painful nodular lesions on . Echocardiogram: Transthoracic is 8070 sensitive,98To specific (worse
digits), Roth's spots (pale retinal sensitivity in prosthetic valves); transesophageal increases sensitivity
lesions with hemorrhage) to >98Vo (findings include vegetations, perivalvular
. Signs of CHF (valve rupture or extension/abscess, valvular dehiscence)
insufficiency) and/or heart block

Treatment Disposition
. In patients with suspected acute endocarditis, obtain three sets of . Overa.ll 20Ea mofialily (hcreased with
blood cultures within t hr and begin empiric therapy gram negative and S. aureus infection)
. In patients with subacute endocarditis, obtain three sets of cul- . 40-6070 moftality for endocarditis of
tures over 24 hours and then begin antimicrobial therapy prosthetic valves
. Empiric therapy (all IV): . All patients with suspected infective
van- endocarditis should be admitted for IV
-Native valve: Penicillin plus nafcillin plus gentamycin; or
comycin plus gentamycin antibiotics
. Complications include valvular insuffi-
-Prosthetic valve: Vancomycin, gentamicin, and rifampin
. A just initial antibiotic choice according to culture and sensitivity ciency with CHF, perivalvular abscess,
of the organism; course is usually 2-4 weeks conduction defects from extension of
. Indications for surgical therapy infection, septic CVA, mycotic cerebral
aneurysm, acute MI from embolism of
-CHF and hemodynamic instability due to valvular dysfunction
vegetation fragment, renal or splenic
-Paravalvular infection or abscess
-Persistent bacteremia despite antimicrobial therapy
-Fungal, gram-negative, B r uc ell a, or E nt er o c o c c u s disease
-5. aureus infection of a prosthetic valve
-Recurrent anerial emboli
-Large vegetations


1 8. Pericardial Disease
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Acute pericarditis: Inflammation of the pericardium due to viruses (e.g., . Acute coronary syndrome
coxsackievirus, echovirus, adenovirus, HIV), TB, bacteria, fungi, connec- . Aortic dissection
tive tissue disease (e.g., SLE, scleroderma, RA), malignancy (e.g., lym- . Restrictive cardiomyopathy
phoma, leukemia, lung cancer, breast cancer), post-Ml (Dressler's syn- (e.g., amyloid)
drome), postpericardiotomy, uremia, hypothyroidism, medications . Valvular disease
(hydralazine, procainamide), idiopathic . Dilated cardiomyopathy
. Pericardial effusion: Collection of fluid in the pericardial space . Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
. Pericardial tamponade: Pericardial fluid collection resulting in compres- . Constrictive pericarditis
sion of cardiac chambers and hemodynamic compromise (amount of fluid . Pleuritis
needed to cause tamponade is just 50 cc if accumulation is rapid; but the . Pulmonary embolism
pericardium can accommodate > 1 L of fluid if accumulation is slow) . Costochondritis
-Etiologies include acute pericarditis, hemopericardium (increased risk . Pneumothorax
with anticoagulant use), penetrating or blunt trauma, myocardial rup- . Esophageal spasm
ture, aortic dissection, post-cardiac surgery . GERD
. Herpes zoster

Presentation Diagnosis
. Acute pericarditis . Acute pericarditis
-Sharp, stabbing, pleuritic pain, -ECG shows progressive changes: ST elevation and PR depression
radiating to scapula, neck, back in precordial leads; followed by an isoelectric ST segment with T-
-Relieved by leaning forward wave flattening; followed by T-wave inversion (especially in leads
-Dyspnea, dysphagia, fever, I, V5, and V6)
cough -Echocardiogram will show pericardial effusion and thickening
-Pericardial friction rub on exam -Rule out other etiologies with CBC (infection or leukemia),
. Pericardial tamponade BUN/CI (uremia), ANA and RF (connective tissue disease), TSH,
-SOB. tachycardia. palpitations. and cardiac enzymes (slight increase with myocarditis)
presyncope, and/or syncope -Diagnostic pericardiocentesis is usually unnecessary
-Hypoxia, pulsus paradoxus, . Pericardial effusion/tamponade
hypotension, JVD, and -CXR may show cardiomegaly in chronic effusions
decreased heart sounds on exam -ECG: Low voltage +/- electrical altemans (variable QRS size)
-Signs of left (CHF) and/or right -Echocardiogram identifies the size of effusion and presence of
heart failure (lower extremity tamponade (i.e., RA/RV collapse, variation of transvalvular blood
edema, hepatomegaly, ascites) flow with respiration, or paradoxical septal movement)
may be present -CT scan will diagnose pericardial effusion but not tamponade

Treatment Disposition
. Acute pericarditis therapy depends on etiology . Acute pericarditis: Admit most patients
-Viral, idiopathic, post-Ml, and post-pericardiotomy require to rule out conditions requiring specific
only NSAIDs; use steroids for recurrent pain therapy and watch for signs of pericar-
-TB, bacterial, and fungal disease require IV antibiotics dial tamponade (develops in 157o of
-Uremic pericarditis requires urgent hemodialysis cases)
-Discontinue offending drug if drug-ilduced . Pericardial tamponade: A11 patients
*Avoid anticoagulation il patients with acute pericarditis due to should be admitted for at least 24 hours
possible hemorrhage into the inflamed pericardium to ensurc the effusion does not recur
. Pericardial tamponade . Pericardial effusion: Most patients with
-Administer fV fluids to increase preioad and counteract car- newly diagnosed effusions without tam-
diac compression ponade should be admitted for further
-Emergent therapeutic pericardiocentesis should resolve symp- workup
toms instantly; a pigtail catheter may be left in place . Constrictive pericarditis is due to
-Surgery to create a pericardial window may be necessary fibrous thickening of the pericardium
-Send pericardial fluid for analysis of protein, LDH, cytology, after an injuryl presents with a pericar-
cell count and differential, gram stain, bacterial and fungal dial knock, CHF, and impaired ventric-
cultures, and acid-fast bacilli stain ular fiIling; treat with pericardiotomy
. Pericardial effusion: In the absence of tamponade, treat the under-
lying disorder; pericardiocentesis may also be done

19. Acute Aortic Dissection
- Differential Dx
. A tear of the aorlic intima that extends into the media and longitudinally . Myocardial infarction
separates the two layers
. 60% of cases are Stanford type A (proximal) dissections of the ascending . Esophageal spasm
. Acute pericarditis
aorta (may also involve transvelse or descending aorta);307o are tlpe B
(distal) dissections that only involve the descending aorta
. Pulmonary embolus
. Incidence increases with age-nearly 90Vo of parients are age )60
. Pneumothorax
. Predisposing factors include HTN (most common etioiogy), atherosclero- . Cholecystitis
. Peptic ulcer disease
sis, aortic coarctation, bicuspid aortic valve, pregnancy, tertiary syphilis
(i.e., syphilitic aortitis), blunt chest trauma, connective tissue disorder
. Extremity arterial occlusion
(e.g., Marfan's), cocaine abuse, iatrogenic insult (e.g'' cardiac catheteriza-
tion, cardiac surgery), male gender
. Dissection may extend into other large vessels resulting in CVA, mesen-
teric ischemia, pericardial hemorrhage, myocardial infarction' renal fail-
ure, acute aortic insufficiency, or paraplegia

Presentation Diagnosis
. Acute onset of severe, tearing chest . Chest X-ray is 9070 sensitive for dissection: May see widened medi-.

pain that radiates to the back (107o astinum, blurred aortic knob, an aortic double density, deviation of
are painless) the trachea to the right, elevation of the right mainstem bronchus and
. Cardiac/coronary involvement may depression ofthe left bronchus, apical cap (indicating apical hemo-
ensue (aorlic regurgitation murmur, thorax), or pleural effusion
CHF, heart block, MI) . ECG may show non-specific changes (e.g., LVH, ischemia) and is
. Hypenension ( however. hypotension used to rule out MI
may occur if a proximal dissection . Transesophageal echocardiogram, chest CT, and MRI are the imaging
penetmtes into the pericardial sac, tests of choice, with sensitivity and specificity near 1007o (in low sus-
resulting in hemopericardium and picion patients, one negative test is enough; in high suspicion
tamponade) patients, 2 negalive tests are required to rule out the diagnosis)
. Tachycardia -Transesophageal echocardiogram is especially useful
in unstable
. Decreased right subclavian and patients and can be done at bedside
carotid pulses -MRI is difficult to administer in critically ill patients
. Aortography was previously the gold standard, but is now used less
frequently as its sensitivity is only 807o

Treatment Disposition
. Conffol blood pressure in hypertensive patients to decrease the . Ascending dissections have a much
shear forces on the aorta-goal is systolic BP <120 mmHg worse prognosis
(e.g.' B-blocker, Ca- . Mortality without therapy is 5O7o at
-Begin therapy with negative inotropes
channel blocker), then add a vasodilator if necessary (e g'' 48 hours
. Admit all patients to an ICU
nitroprusside, nitroglYcerin)
may . Al1 patients must have lifelong blood
-Administering vasodilators prior to negative inotropes
increase shear forces (via reflex tachycardia/inohopy in pressure control
. Postoperative complications (5-10Vo)
response to the vasodilation) and worsen the dissection
. Administer IV fluids to hypotensive patients with suspected tam- include paraplegia, MI, renal insuffi-
ponade ciency, mesenteric ischemia, and impo-
. Further treatment depends on the tlpe of dissection tence
repair (mofiality
-Type A dissection requires emergent surgical
increases by lVaftu during the fust 48 hrs)
-Type B dissection usually only requires medical
(i.e., observation in an ICU with aggressive BP control); how-
ever, surgical repair is wananted if it is complicated by contin-
ued pain, aneurysm rupture, cardiac ischemia, renal or gut
ischemia, or neurological deficits

20. Hypertensive Crisis
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Hypertensive crises are seen in both primary and secondary hyperlensive . Non-compliance with antihyper-
disease tensive medications
. Hypertensive urgency: Severe hypertension (usually diastolic >ll5) with- . CVA
out actte complications of end-organ damage (however, organs are at . Intracerebral or subarachnoid
increased risk of damage); goal of therapy is gradual blood pressure hemorrhage
reduction over 24 hours . Brain tumor
. Hypertensive emergency (includes the newer terms "malignant HTN" and . Cocaine/amphetamine use
"accelerated HTN"): Severe h)?ertension (diastolic >115-130) with evi- . Narcotic withdrawal
dence of end-organ damage (absolute BP is irrelevant-the presence of . Pheochromocytoma
ongoing organ damage is enough to make the diagnosis); goal of therapy . Spinal cord injury
is to reduce blood pressure within t hour . Renal failure
. Brain, retina, kidney, heart, and great vessels are at highest risk for acute . Aortic dissection
damage as the high blood pressure overwhelms local autoregulatory mech- . Anxiety/panic attack
anisms . Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia
. Cushing's syndrome

Presentation Diagnosis
. Signs and symptoms are due to end- . Differentiate hyperlensive urgency from emergency by evaluating
organ damage (hypertensive symptoms, exam findings, and laboratory testing to identify end-
urgency, by definition, has no symp- organ damage
toms related to the HTN) . BUN/creatinine may be elevated and urinalysis may reveal hematuria
. CNS: Headache, confusion, coma, or proteinuria in renal injury
focal deficits, seizure, intracerebral . ECG may reveal LV hypertrophy with strain and/or ischemia
or subarachnoid hemorrhage . CK, CK-MB, and troponin may be elevated in cardiac injury
. Retina: Papilledema, exudates, reti- . CXR may show pulmonary congestion and cardiomegaly
nal hemorrhage . CBC may be normal or show microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
. Cardiac: Argina. MI. CHF. aonic . Head CT may reveal ischemic or hemorrhagic changes
dissection; exam may reveal a right . Chest CT or transesophageal echo may reveal aortic dissection
ventricular heave. So. or a prominent . Urine drug screen should be obtained in suspected cocaine/ampheta-
apical impulse mine use
. Renal: Proteinuria, hematuria, olig- . Consider initiating an evaluation for secondary causes of hypertensive
uria, renal failure disease (e.g., pheochromocytoma, renovascular disease, aortic coarc-
. GI: Nausea, vomiting tation, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia)

Treatment Disposition
. Hypertensive urgency: Oral agents are generally administered to . Ciose observation is warranted as a
decrease BP over 24 hrs (e.g., clonidine, hydralazine, ACE- rapid reduction of blood pressure may
inhibitor, p-blocker, Ca-channel blocker) result in a relative ft)potension, result-
. Hypertensive emergency: Intravenous agents should be used to ing in further end-organ dysfunction
rapidly decrease the mean BP by 20% or diastolic BP to i 10 (especially neurologic deterioration)
within t hour; then gradually decrease the diastolic BP to . Hypertensive ugency: Admit to a
90-100 mmHg over 24 hours (cerebral hypoperfusion may occur telemeffy floor if serious co-morbid
with more intensive BP lowering) conditions are present or potential for
-Establish arterial line and consider central venous access decompensation exists; other patients
-BP goals vary based on co-morbidities (e.g., HTN secondary may be discharged on oral therapy if
to cerebral hemorrhage) and baseline BP follow-up can be arranged within 24
-Nitroprusside is an easily-titratable (fasron, fast-otD arterial hours
and venous vasodilator; side effects may include hypotension, . Hyperlensive emergency: Admit to ICU
elevated ICP, cyanide toxicity, and coronary steal with
-Labetalol (ct- and p-blocker) and esmolol (short-acting B-
blocker) are other commonly used agents
-Enalaprilat (ACE-inhibitor), nitroglycerin (venodiiator),
hydralazine (arterial vasodilator), nicardipine (Ca-channel
blocker), and fenoldopam (dopa-1 agonist) are also used

21 . Venous Thrombosis
- Differential Dx
. Superficial venous thrombosis involves the superficial veins of upper or . Cellulitis
. Muscle ffauma/hemorrhage
lower extremities (cephalic veins, basilic veins)
. Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) i-nvolves deep veins . Ruptured popliteal cyst
. Virchow's triad describes the factors that predispose to thrombus forma- 'Lymphedema
1i61-vnssulnl damage, stasis, and hypercoagulability
. Athdtis. tendonitis
(especially orthopedic, thoracic, abdominal, . Postphlebitic syndrome
-Vascular damage: Surgery
and GU surgery), trauma (e.g., large bone fractures), indwelling central
(swelling due to destruction of
venous catheter venous valves by a previous
edema (e g'' CHF) DVT-occurs afler 6O7o of
-Stasis: Immobilization (e.g., travel, post-surgery),
(e. g, pancreas, lung, DVTs)
-Hypercoagulability: Pregnancy, malignancy . CHF
breast), hypercoagulable states (e.g., esffogen use, factor V Leiden
. Nephrotic syndrome
mutation antiphospholipid antibodies, protein C or S deficiency)
. Cirrhosis
. Hypoalbuminemia

. Superficial venous thrombosts: . Superficial venous thrombosis: Physical exam is usually sufficient for
Swelling, erythema, and warmth diagnosis; further studies may be used to rule out a DVT
localized to the site of thrombus; a . Deep venous thrombosis
tender cord may be PalPated -Physical eram is insensitive
. DVT -Duplex venous ultrasonography has high sensitivity/specificity
May be asymptomatic proximal veins but is less sensitive for DVT of calf veins (in
patients with symptoms of DVT but negative ultrasound results, a
-Unilateral extlemity edema, erY-
thema, warmth, tendemess repeat ultrasound should be done in 5-7 days)

-Prominent venous collaterals -ELISA D-dimer is 80% sensitive but nonspecific for DVT; not
-Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
sufficient as a soie test to ru1e out DVT
(cyanotic extremity due to -MRI is used to evaluate for thrombosis of the SVC, IVC, and
deoxygenation of stagnant pelvic veins
blood) -Contrast venography is seldom used because it is invasive
-Phlegmasia alba dolens (Pale -Consider hypercoagulable workup in patients without obvious
extremity due to elevated inter- inciting events or risk factors
stitial tissue pressure)

Treatment Disposition
. Superficial venous thrombosrs . Superhcial venous thrombosis is com-
for pain mon and often self-limitilg
-Extremity elevation, warm compresses, NSAIDs . Discharge home with timely outpatient
deep veins
-Consider anticoagulation if thrombosis is near
. Deep venous thrombosis-systemic anticoagulation is required to follow-up to make sure the thrombosis
prevent clot extension or pulmonary embolism is not propagating
. DVT warants admission for IV heparin
-Begin IV unfractionated heparin or SQ low-molecular-weight
heparin therapy if signifi cant co-morbidities
exist, patient is unable to ambulate, has
-Warfarin may be started concurrently with heparin
(warfarin causes a poor follow-up, or is unable to undel-
-Stop heparin 48 hours after INR reaches 2.0
transient hypercoagulable state so patients are not anticoagu- stand therapy
. Remainder of patients with uncompli-
lated until 48 hours after the INR is therapeutic)
with an identi- cated DVTs can be stafted on SQ low-
-Continue warfarin for 3-6 months after a DVT
fied cause or a first idioPathic DVT molecular-weight heparin and warfarin
idiopathic and discharged home with close follow-
-Indefinite warfariri may be needed for recunent
DVTs or if risk factors persist (e.g., hypercoagulability) up
PE; indica- . Isolated calf DVT carries no risk of PE;
-Inferior vena cava filter may be inserted to prevent
tions include contraindication to anticoaguiation, failure of thus, anticoagulation is not needed
therapy (i.e., PE occurred while on anticoagulants), and (recheck ultrasound in 5-7 daYs to
severely compromised baseline pulmonary status detect propagation of DVT, which
would require anticoagulation)


22. Syncope
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. A brief loss of consciousness and postural tone with spontaneous recovery . Seizure
due to decreased cerebral blood flow . Hypoglycemia
. No cause is identified in nearly half of cases . Hyperventilation
. Orthostatic syncope (due to decreased relative intravascular volume): Due . Vertigo
to drugs (e.g., antihypertensives), alcohol, hypovolemia, or autonomic . Anxiety/panic attack
dysfunction (e.g., diabetes)
. Reflex-mediated syncope
Vasovagal: Stress (e.g., pain, emotional upset) -+ strong ventricular
confaction with stretching of LV mechanoreceptors -+ increased
parasympathetic tone (vasodilatation, bradycardia) --+ syncope
-Hypersensitive peripheral receptors: Carotid sinus-, cough-,
micturition-, swallow-, or postprandial-induced syncope
. Cardiac syncope: Due to afihythmia or decreased output (e.g., MI, valve
disease, PE, cardiac hypertrophy, long Q! dissection)
. Neurologic syncope: Due to subclavian steal, migraine, seizure, CVA

Presentation Diagnosis
. Loss of consciousness lasting sec- . ECG should be evaluated in all patients (note any prolongation of the
onds to minutes QT interval, arrhythmias, or acute ischemia pattems)
. Prodromal symptoms are often pres- . Cardiac enzymes if ECG and history suggest ischemia
ent (e.g.. lightheadedness. dizziness. . p-hCG in all female patients to rule out ectopic pregnancy
nausea, weakness, vision changes, . CBC and electroiytes are rarely useful
pallor, diaphoresis) . Head CT is required only if focal neurologic deficits are present
. Incontinence and brief clonic move- . Holter monitor or event recorder may be used as an outpatient for
ments may occasionally occur recurrent syncope of unknown etiology
. Mental status is at baseline follow- . Further inpatient tests may include echocardiogram (to diagnose
ing the syncopal episode structural abnormalities), electrophysiology studies (to diagnose
. Symptoms due to specific etiologies arrhythmias), or a tilt table test (provides evidence of neural-mediated
may be present (e.g., palpitations, syncope)
slow heafi rate, headache, muffnurs, . Red flags of serious underlying cardiac cause include syncope while
carotid bruit) supine, cardiac symptoms, old age, incontinence, prolonged LOC,
. Syncope without prodrome or with tongue biting, trauma following the syncope (signifies lack of wam-
associated trauma suggests a cardiac ing), headache or focal neurologic symptoms, or absence ofprodro-
etiology mal symptoms

Treatment Disposition
. Hypovolemic states should be treated with IV fluids and blood, if . Patients with cardiac syncope have a
necessary high mortality if specifrc treatment is
. Treat any cardiac arrhythmias per established protocols not instituted
. Patients with orthostatic and reflex-mediated syncope should . Discharge patients with typical ortho-
avoid the precipitating factors and may benefit from pharmaco- static or reflex-mediated syncope in
logic therapy, including B-blockers, SSRIs, midodrhe, and flu- whom the precipitating factor was iden-
drocortisone tified and no cardiovascular disease or
. Other therapies are directed at specific identified causes of the risk factors are present
syncope (e.g., heparin for pulmonary embolus) . Admit patients with identified cardiac
syncope, red flags for cardiac syncope,
or history of CHfl ventricular arrhyth-
mia, chest pain, valvular disease, or
ischemia/anhythmia on ECG
. Consider admission in patients >60,
history of CAD, fust episode of syn-
cope with unknown cause, family his-
tory of sudden death, or in young
patients with exertional syncope


23. Dyspnea
- Differential Dx
. Subjective sensation of difficulty breathing . Airway: Mass, foreign body
. Caused by a variety of pathophysiologic mechanisms that cause a dis- . Lung: Asthma, COPD, edema,
parity between work of breathing and oxygen demand bronchitis, pneumonia, intersti-
. Majority of cases are of pulmonary or cardiac etiology tial disease, pleural effusion,
. Respfuatory drive is controlled by areas of the cerebral cofiex and medul- pneumothorax
la, with feedback from central and peripheral chemoreceptors . Cardiac: CHR MI, pericarditis,
-Central chemoreceptors respond primarily to increased levels of tamponade, arrhythmia, valve
PaC02 disease, cardiomyopathy
. Vascular: Pulmonary embolus,
-Peripheral chemoreceptors (in the carotid bodies) respond primarily to
decreased levels in PaO, pulmonary HTN, vasculitis
. Neuromuscular: Guillain-B arr6.
myasthenia gravis, myopathy
. Other: Anemia. acidosis. sepsis.
prcgnancy, carbon monoxide,
fever, obesity, trauma, ascites

Presentation Diagnosis
. Presentation varies with the under- . Thorough history and physical exam to limit the differential
lying cause . Pulse oximetry may reveal hypoxemra
. Tachypnea . Peak expiratory flow rate to measure airway obstruction
. Tachycardia . Arterial blood gas may reveal hypoxemia and respiratory alkalosis
. Accessory muscle use (decreased pCOr)
. Abnormal or decreased breath -CalculateA-agradient: (713 x FIo2) - (PaCO2 x 1.25) - PaO,
sounds, wheezing, or crackles (normal gradient should approach age/10 + 10 on room air)
. Inability to speak in full sentences -Respimtory acidosis (increased pCO2) in a tachypneic patient may
. Skin may appear pale or cyanotic indicate impending respiratory failure
. Stridor (upper airway obstruction) . CXR may show evidence of causative disease (e.g., vascular conges-
. Chest pain if PE, MI, trauma, or tion in CHF, consolidation in pneumonia)
pneumothorax are present . Chest CT will identify intrinsic lung disease and may rule out pul-
. Fever may indicate infection monary embolus
. Mental status changes may indicate . ECG and echocardiogram may be used to exclude cardiac etiologies
hypoxia . CBC, electrolytes, BUN/creatinine, and LFTs are usually ordered
. Cardiac munnur, orthopnea, PND
may indicate CHF

Treatment Disposition
. Goal of therapy is to provide adequate oxygenation and ventila- . Disposition depends on underlying
tion with PaO2 >60 mmHg and appropriate pCO2 cause (admission may be required to
. Administer supplemental O, treat co-morbid conditions)
. Airway interventions . Admit patients who are hypoxemic.
-Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (CPAP or BiPAP) appear to be tiring, or require mechani-
may prevent the need for intubation in some patients, espe- cal ventilation
cially those with COPD or CHF
-Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation may be
necessary if other measures fail
. Treat the underlying cause
-Bronchodilators and steroids for asthma or COPD
-Antibiotics for pneumonia and other infections
-Steroids, epinephrine, and H1A{2 blockers for anaphylaxis
-Nitroglycerin and loop diuretics for CHF or pulmonary edema
-Tube thoracostomy for pneumothorax
-Aspirin, nitroglycerin, B-blockade, or cardioversion for car-
diac disease
Anxiolytics for psychogenic causes

24. Acute Respiratory Failure
- Etiology & PathoPhYsiologY Differential Dx
. CNS: CVA, bleed, spinal
. Failure of either oxygenation (PaO2 <60 mmHg despite supplemental Or)
trauma, encephalopathy
or ventilation (acute elevation of PaCOr >50 mmHg)
. Failure of oxygenation . Neuromuscular: Guillain-Ban6,
(V/Q) mismatch' myositis, myasthenia gravis
-Due to poor gas exchange [e.g., ventiiation-perfusion . Cardiovascular: CHF, PE, vaive
impaired diffusion capacity, carbon monoxidel
disease, cardiomyopathy
-Most commonly caused by cardiac disease, pulmonary embolus, or
. Pulmonary: Asthma, COPD,
intrinsic lung pathologY
. Failure of ventilation ARDS, pneumonia, pleural effu-
sion, pneumothorar, inhalation
-Due to inadequate minute ventilation or severe V/Q mismatch injury
abnormal neuro-
-Causes include respiratory muscle fatigue/weakness, . Toxins: Drug abuse, CNS
logic control of respiration, pieural space disease, or chest wall injury
depressants (e.g., opiate over-
dose), organophosphates
. Sepsis
. Trauma

Presentation Diagnosis
. Dyspnea . Pulse oximetry may reveal hypoxemia-saturation {927o rs asso-
. Tachypnea, bradypnea, or apnea ciated with pO2 of <60 mmHg
. Abnormal breathing pattems (e.9., . Arterial blood gas
Cheyne-Stokes) -Will show hypoxemia
. Inability to speak in full sentences
-May show either low pCO2 due to tachypnea or elevated pCO,
'Cyanosis due to inadequate minute ventilation
. Accessory muscle use -Serial ABGs should be used to monitor respiratory status and
. Thoracoabdominal paradox response to therapy; however, changes may occur late and clinical
. Diaphoresis judgment should guide management decisions
'Hypertension . CXR may reveai the underlying cause of the respiratory failure (e.g.,
. Altered mental status due to hy- pulmonary vascular congestion, pneumothorax, pleural effusion, or
poxia or hypercarbia infiltrate)
. Abnormal lung findings may . Chest CT or V/Q scan may be necessary to rule out pulmonary embo-
include wheezing, rhonchi, rales, lus
decreased air movement, decreased . EKG may show the presence of cardiac ischemia
breath sounds

Treatment Disposition
. Supplemental 02 (a non-rebreather face mask will deliver the . Admit all patients with acute respiratory
highest oxygen concentrations) failure to an ICU
. Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (CPAP or BiPAP) may . Outcomes depend on the underlying
prevent the need for intubation in some patients, especially those pathology and co-morbid conditions
with COPD or CHF . Rapid restoration of adequate oxygena-
. Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation may be neces- tion may prevent complications
if other measures fail . Labwork should not replace clinical
-Rapid sequence intubation (RSI) is a safe procedure with
high iudgment regarding management and
success rate and minimal complications need for intubation

-Orotracheal intubation is most common

-Blind nasotracheal intubation may be useful when oral access
is limited, but is associated with a higher complication rate
and a lower success rate than orotracheal intubation
. Surgical airway (e.g., cricothyroidotomy, tracheostomy) may be
necessary if other airway management attempts fail
. Once the airway is controlled, administer specific therapy to
address the underlying cause of the respiratory failure

25. Acute Pulmonary Edema
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Leakage of fluid ftom the pulmonary capillaries into the pulmonary inter- . COPD
stitium and alveolar air spaces . Asthma
. Due to elevated hydrostatic pressure in pulmonary capillaries (cardiogenic . Pneumonia
pulmonary edema) or abnormal pulmonary capillary permeability (non- .ARDS
cardiogenic pulmonary edema) . Pulmonary embolism
. Myocardial ischemia./infarction
-Cardiogenic pulmonary edema may be caused by myocardial
ischemia/infarction, valvular drsease (e.g., aortic stenosis), cardiomy- . Pericardial tamponade
opathies, pericardial effusion, pericarditis, high output states (e.g., . Restrictive lung disease
beriberi, thyrotoxicosis), volume overload, or hypertensive emergen-
-Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema may be caused by sepsis, inhala-
tion injuries, drugs (e.g., opioids, salicylates, tocolytics), renal failure,
high altitude, aspiration, seizure, trauma, CNS injury, airway obstruc-
tions (e.g., croup, foreign body), lung re-expansion

Presentation Diagnosis
. Dyspnea . Pulse oximetry may reveal hypoxemia
. Weakness . CXR is generally the first test ordered
. Anxiety -Mild congestion may result in cephalization of pulmonary vessels,
. Diaphoresis pleural effusion, and azygous vein enlargement
. Cyanosis -As congestion worsens, interstitial edema, loss of distinct vascular
. TachJpnea margins, alveolar infiltrates, and Kerley B lines (short linear
. Tachycardia markings in lung periphery) will appear
. Accessory muscle use -Congestion is usually perihilar in cardiac-induced cases
. Crackles -Enlarged cardiac silhouette may be present in chronic CHF
. Wheezing . ABG may reveal hypoxemia and respiratory alkalosis (low pCO)
. Cardiogenic causes may result in due to tachypnea (respiratory acidosis is an ominous sign of tiring
cough (may be productive of frothy and impending respiratory failure)
pink sputum), jugular venous dis- . ECG may show signs of ventricular hypertrophy, atrial enlargement,
tension, peripheral edema, and car- conduction abnormalities, or ischemla./infarction
diac murmur or rub . Serum B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) helps differentiate cardiac
pulmonary edema from non-cardiac pulmonary edema

Treatment Disposition
. Administer supplemental 02 . Discharge is acceptable in patients with
. Positive pressure ventilation for patients who remain hypoxemic known CHF who have complete resolu-
or hypercarbic despite supplemental oxygen tion of mild pulmonary edema, normai
-Non-invasive means include continuous positive airway pres- O, saturation levels without supplemen-
sure (CPAP) or bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP)- tal oxygen, and no new ECG changes
these may decrease the need for intubation . Patients with first time episodes, new
-Endotracheal intubation for those with respiratory failure ECG changes, or symptoms resistant to
. Cardiogenic edema requires medical therapy treatment should be admifted
. Patients with severe disease and/or
-Vasodilators (e.g., IV nitroglycerin or nesiritide) decrease
hydrostatic pressure by venodilation those who require mechanical ventila-
-Loop diuretics (e.g., IV furosemide) decrease afterload by vol- tion should be admitted to an ICU
ume reduction and also cause venodilation
-Morphine decreases the subjective sensation of dyspnea and
causes venodilation
-Inoffopes decrease congestion by improving cardiac output
(dopamine for hypotensive patients, dobutamine for normoten-
sive patients)
. Non-cardiogenic edema generally requires only supportive care
(diuretics are minimally helpful and steroids have no benefit)

26. Asthma
Differential Dx
. Chronic airway inflammation, characterized by bronchial hypeneactivity . Pneumonia
. Pulmonary embolism
and reversible airway obstruction
. Acute exacerbations may occur due to environmental triggers. exercise. . COPD exacerbation
infection, temperature, or medication noncompliance
. Bronchitis
. status asthmaticus is a life-threatening attack that is unresponsive to initial . Bronchiolitis
. Pneumothorax
.Immunologic reaction (allergic/extrinsic asthma) begins with mast cell . Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
activation and release of histamines, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, and
. Allergic reactiorVangioedema
thromboxane ,A.2 and progresses to bronchoconstriction, inflammation, and
. Vocal cord dyskinesia
mucus production by eosinophils, neutrophils, and mononuclear cells
. Non-immunologic (intrinsic asthma) reactions result in bronchoconstric- . Carcinoid tumor
. Foreign body
tion without inducing the above immunologic cascade (e.g., exercise'
. Anxiety attack
cold, respiratory infections, air pollutants, and drugs)

. Classic triad of cough, dyspnea, and . Pulmonary function tests are the best measure of airway obstruction
wheezing (peak flow meters are used in the ED)
. Chest tightness -Perform at baseline and before and after each treatment
. Diaphoresis -In young adults, peak flow 400-600 is norrnal, 100-300 indicates
. Tachypnea, tachycardia a moderate exacerbation, (100 a severe exacerbation
. Accessory muscle use, nasal flaring . Continuous pOr monitoring via pulse oximetry
. Wheezing may be absent in cases of . Chest X-ray
severe obstruction (due to insuffi- -Required in new onset asthma, febrile patients, patients unrespon-
cient air movement) sive to treatment, or those with a suspicion of pneumonia or other
. Severe acute exacsrbations present lung pathology
with inability to speak in full sen- -May show hyperinflation and atelectasis from mucus plugging
tences, decreased air movement, . ABG is indicated in moderate to severe exacerbations
hyperinflation (increased AP diame- -May show hypoxia and respiratory alkalosis (decreased pCO2)
ter of thorax), altered mental status -Normal or elevated pCO2 levels indicate severe obstruction or res-
(due to hypoxia), and pulsus Para- piratory fatigue with impending respiratory failure
doxus t fall in systolic BP b1 . CBC should be evaluated if pneumonia is suspected (note that steroid
10 mmHg during inspiration) use may increase the WBC count in absence of infection)

. Administer supplemental O, . Disposition depends on history
. Airway interventions may include noninvasive positive pressure response to therapy, and access to med-
ventilation or endotracheal intubation ical care
. Bronchodilator therapy via nebulizer or inhaler . Discharge patients who have a good
response to treatment (peak flow >7070
-Short-acting p-agonists (e.9., albuterol)
of predicted or personal best) and
-Inhaled anticholinergics (e.g., ipratropium)
. Steroids are a mainstay of treatment but effect is not seen for 2-6 reliable follow-up (discharged patients
hours require a 5-7 day course of oral
-Mild exacerbations are usually managed with a short course of steroids)
oral steroids . Continue to monitor and reassess
with IV patients with peak flow greater than
-Moderate to severe exacerbations are generally treated
steroids; however, oral steroids are reportedly as effective as 40Vo bfibelow 'llqo
. Admit patients with peak flow <407o al
. Magnesium sulfate is used in children with moderate to severe 4 hours (other considerations for admis-
disease (shown to decrease need for intubation) sion include significant tachycardia,
. Heliox (helium-oxygen mixture) is used in moderate to severe history of lrequenl admissions or prior
cases (may also decrease need for intubation) intubations, and concurrent pneumonia)
. Epinephrine or terbutaline injections in the critically ill . Admit patients with mental status
. Leukotriene modifiers, cromolyn, and methylxanthines are not changes, respiratory arrest, intubation,
used in acute exacerbations due to slow onset hypercapnia, or arrhythmias to an ICU

27 . COPD Exacerbation
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Progressive, irreversible airway destruction characterized by varying . CHF
degrees of chronic bronchitis and emphysema . Acute coronary syndrome
. Asthma
-Emphysema involves destruction of alveolar walls with bronchial col-
lapse, loss of elastic tecoil, and hyperinflation . Acute bronchitis
. Pneumonia
-Chronic bronchitis involves endobronchial inflammation with secre-
tion buildup (due to increased production and decreased mucociliary . Bronchiectasis
removal) . Pulmonary embolism
. Pneumothorax
-Airway edema and bronchospasm also contribute to obstruction
. Restrictive lung disease
-Patients may also have concurrent bronchiectasis and/or asthma
. Reduction of total minute voiume and increased work of respiration (due
to airway resistance and ventiiation/perfusion mismatching) result in alve-
oiar hypoventilation, hypoxemia, and hypercapnia
. Acute exacelbations may be idiopathic, infectious, or environmental in
nature and often present with significant respiratory distress
. Cigarette smoking is the major cause of the disease

Presentation Diagnosis
. Dyspnea (with exetion or at rest) . Pulse oximetry reveals hypoxemia (COPD patients may be chroni-
. Tachypnea cally hypoxic with baseline saturation below 907o)
. Wheezing . Arterial blood gas
. Pursed lip breathing -Hypoxemia may be the only abnormality in early stages
. Accessory muscle use -Respiratory alkalosis (due to hyperventilation) or respiratory aci-
. Fever may be present with concur- dosis (insufficient ventilation to exhale COr) may occur
rent pneumonia or bronchitis -Even at baseline, pCO, may be elevated and pO2decreased
. Cyanosis -Progressive worsening of pCO2 or pO2requires intubation
. Productive cough . CXR: Chronic changes include hyperinflation, hyperlucency oflung
. Poor air movement fields, bullae, increased AP diameter, flattened diaphragm, and small
. Hypoxia presents as tachypnea, hearl (may also show concurrent pneumonia)
tachycardia, cyanosis, and agitation . Serum BNP (elevated in CHF but norrnal in COPD), cardiac
. Hypercapnia presents as confusion, enzymes, electrolytes, and theophylline level
tremor. and decreased respirations . ECG is used to rule out coronary ischemia; COPD patients may have
low QRS voltage, RV strain, and RV hypertrophy

Treatment Disposition
. Supplemental O, is always indicated . A11 patients should be strongly consid-
-Titrate to PaO2 >60 mmHg (SaO2 >90%) ered for admission, especially those
-Increasing FiOt may slightly increase PaCO2 due to increased with severe exacerbations, failed outpa-
dead space (V/Q mismatch) and transient depression of respi- tient management, existing co-morbid
ratory drive disease, or inability to accomplish
. Inhaled bronchodilators should be used immediately (anticholin- activities of daily living
ergics are more effective than B-agonists, but the best bronchodi- . ICU admission is necessary for intu-
lation is achieved by combining both agents) bated patients or those with progressively
. Systemic corticosteroids may be beneficial in some patients worsening respiratory function, mental
. Antibiotics (e.g., azithromycin, doxycycline) should be adminis- status changes, or poor response to ini-
tered, parlicularly in severe exacerbations tial ED therapy
. Methylxanthines (e.g., theophylline) are not beneficial in acute . Discharge may be acceptable in patients
attacks with good response to ED therapy,
. Ventilatory assistance may be necessary access to home oxygen and bron-
-Non-invasive mechanical ventilation via CPAP (continuous chodilators, and close follow-up
positive airway pressure) or BiPAP (bilevel positive airway . Smoking cessation is essential
pressure) may avoid the need for intubation
-Orotracheal intubation for cases of respiratory failure

28. Pneumonia
& PathophysiologY Differential Dx
- . CHF
. Infection of lung parenchyma, resulting in inflammation, alveolar exu-
. Bronchitis
dates, and consolidation
. May be community-acquired, hospital-acquired (i.e'' due to residence in . COPD
. Asthma
any healthcare facility or nursing home in the preceding 10-14 days), or
. Lung cancer
due to aspiration
. The most common community-acquired organisms arc streptococcus . Pulmonary embolism
. Vasculitis
pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzrte, and Mycoplasma pneumonio e :
. Foreign body aspiration
other causative organisms incl:ude Chlamydia pneumoniae, Moraxella
catarrhalis, N gonorrhea, Klebsiella, Legionella, S aureus, and viruses
(e.g., influenza, parainfluenza)
. Gram negative rods and anaerobes are more common in hospital-acquired
. Fungi and anaerobes are less common causes
. Altered level of consciousness (e.g., intoxication, stroke, seizure, anesthe-
sia.l predisposes to aspiration pneumonia

Presentation Diagnosis
. Fever . Pulse oximetry often reveals hypoxemia
. Dyspnea . Chest X-ray may show opacities with air bronchograms
. Tachypnea -May see dense, lobar, fluffy, patchy, or diffuse infilhates
. Cough (with or without sputum) -There may be an associated pleural effusion
. Tachycardia -Findings are not specific for the specific causative organism
. Increased work of breathing . CBC will often show leukocytosis
. Pleuritic chest pain in some . Sputum cultures and sputum gram stain are rarely helpful in identify-
. Constitutional symptoms may ing the organism but are recommended in published guidelines
include rigors, diaphoresis, fatigue, . Blood cultures are positive in only 107o of patients and the results
and malaise rarely alter patient managemenu however, they are recommended in
. Pulmonary exam findings include published guideiines for all hospitalized patients
decreased breath sounds, rhonchi, . Legionella urinary antigen
dullness to pelcussion, and ego- . Serologies for Legionella, Mycoplasma, and Chlamydia have poor
phony sensitivity and sPecificitY
. Mentai status changes may be the
only symptom in elderlY Patients

Treatment Disposition
. Administer supplemental 02 . Discharge patients who are not toxic-
. Isolation is necessary if there is a clinical suspicion for TB appearing, are well oxygenated, and are
. Community-acquired pneumonia without co-morbid conditions
. Admission is necessary for patients who
-Outpatient meds: Macrolide, doxycycline, or a quinolone
generation are hypoxemic, toxic-appearing, hemo-
-Inpatients without complications: Either a 3rd
cephalosporin plus a macrolide or single agent therapy with a dynamically unstable, have co-morbid
2nd generation quinolone (e.g., levofloxacin) conditions, or fail outpatient therapy
. Pneumonia severity index (PSI) is a
-ICU patients: Macrolide or quinolone plus either a
cephalosporin or BJactam,/pJactamase inhibitor scoring system used to deterrnine the
plus either risk of mortality and need for admission
-Aspiration pneumonia: 2nd generation quinolone
clindamycin or a B-lactam/p-lactamase inhibitor -Risk class I (age <50 and absence
should receive of co-morbidities): Discharge
-Patients with underlying structural lung disease
an anti-pseudomonal penicillin or cephalosporin plus an anti- -Risk classes II-V use a point system
pseudomonal quinolone based on age, sex, coexisting disease,
. Hospital-acquired pneumonia is generally treated with a 3rd gen- and abnormal vitals, exam, or labs
eration cephalosporin plus clindamycin or with a p-lactam/p-iac- -Class II (mortality <1%): Discharge
tamase inhibitor; severg cases require coverage for pseudomonas -Class III: Discharge or short admit
and MRSA -Class IV (mortality 97o): Hospitalize
. Patients with known or suspected HIV infection should have -Class V (morlalily 30o7o):
antibiotic coverage for Pneumocystis carinii Hospitalize

29. Tuberculosis
- Differential Dx
. Caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, an acid-fast, aerobic, non-spore . Bacterial pneumonia
forming rod that does not produce endo- or exotoxin . Fungal infection (e.g.,
. Other rare causes include M bovis and M Africanum Histoplasma, Coc c idioide s)
. Transmission is via respiratory droplets containing the bacterium . Non-tuberculous mycobacteria
. Baciili can remain airborne for prolonged periods (.e.g., M kansasii, M avium com-
. Replicates within alveolar macrophages following phagocytosis plex)
. CD8 suppressor T-ceils kill infected macrophages and destroy local tissue, . Lymphoma
resulting in formation of caseating necrotic granulomas . Sarcoidosis
. 1" TB: Asymptomatic or selflimited illness causing latent disease .HIV
. Active TB: Clinical symptoms plus positive sputum or chest X-ray . Bronchogenic carcinoma
. Latent TB: Positive PPD but no clinical, CXR, or culture proof of active . Vascuiitis (e.g., Wegener's gran-
infection; active disease may occur when immune system is weakened ulomatosis)
. Disseminated TB: Systemic spread of baciili due to inadequate host . Silicosis
delense mechanisms (e.g., HIV or other immunocompromised states)

Presentation Diagnosis
. 1'TB is often asymptomatic but . PPD (purified protein derivative) skin test is a screening test that is
may be associated with mild fever read48-12 hours after injection; thus, application is limited in ED
and malaise -Exposure to TB will cause induralion at injection site (erythema
. 2' (active) TB presents with anor- alone is not considered positive)
exia, weakness, fever/chills, night -Previous BCG vaccine may cause a false positive PPD; however,
sweats, malaise, fatigue, weight the vaccine is considered unreliable, so BCG recipients should be
loss, headache, and cough treated as ii the PPD is a true positive
. As the disease progresses, symp- -Patients who are HlV-positive or immunocompromised may be
toms may include productive cough, anergic; therefore they require less induration for a positive result
pleuritic chest pain, dyspnea, and . Sputum analysis may reveal acid-fast bacilli; cultures grow very
hemoptysis slowly and have limited sensitivity
. Complications of disease include . CXR may show hilar or mediastinal adenopathy in 1'disease
pneumothorax, empyema, pericardi- -2'disease classically causes lesions (may be cavitary) in the upper
tis, massive hemoptysis lobes
. Extrapulmonary organ involvement -Miliary disease causes small nodules throughout lungs
may occur

Treatment Disposition
. Four-drug regimen (at least) should be initiated in patients with . 10-75Vo of latent disease eventually
active TB until drug susceptibility tests retum becomes active; treatment ctres >95Va
-Begin therapy with isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and . Most patients are treated as outpatients
either streptomycin or ethambutol . Hospitalization should be considered
-Treatment should continue for at least 6 months for patients who are acutely ill,
-Non-compliance with medication regimens is common and MDRTB, elderly, homeless, substance
contributes to muiti-drug resistant TB (MDRTB); directly abusers, or patients with children at
observed therapy should be strongly considered in potentially home
unreliable patients . Adequate follow-up and access to
. Preventive therapy with isoniazid should be initiated in anyone in health resources, along with clear
close contact to patients with active disease, recent PPD convert- instructions on home isolation proce-
ers (i.e., patients with latent disease), and in anergic individuals dures and drug regimens must be
with known TB contacts ensured before discharge
-6 months for adults . Patients are considered contagious for
-9 months for children at ieast 2 weeks after starting therapy
-12 months for immunocompromised . Close contacts should be screened for
. Surgical resection has high cure rates for patients with multi-drug active disease, and, if negative, placed
resistant TB and localized disease on preventative tf eatment
. A11 cases of active TB must be reported
to the health department

30. Pneumothorax
- & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Free air in the intrapleural space . Pneumonia
. May occur spontaneousiy or following trauma or iatrogenic causes . Pulmonary embolus
. Primary spontaneous PTX is not associated with an underlying lung dis- . COPD exacerbation
. Asthma exacerbation
ease (usually caused by ruptue of an apical pleural bleb); more common
. Pleuritis
in young, thin, healthy men and smokers
. Secondary spontaneous PTX is associated with other pathology, such as . Myocardial infarction
. Pericarditis
COPD, infection, or neoPlasm
. Traumatic PTX is caused by penetrating or blunt chest trauma . Aortic dissection
. May be classified as simple (closed), communicating (pleural space com- . Rib ftacture
. Muscle strain
municates with atmosphere), and tension (intrathoracic pressure increases,
. Diaphragmatic hernia
resulting in lung collapse, mediastinal shift, and impeded cardiac venous
. Subphrenic abscess
. Risk factors include trauma, smoking, changes in atmospheric ptessure' . Acute abdomen (e.g., cholecys-
and genetic predispositions (e.g., Marfan's syndrome, ot-antitrypsin defi- titis, perforated uicer)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Chest pain (sudden, pleuritic pain . PTX should be strongly suspected in trauma patients and in sympto-
localized to the affectsd side) matic patients with known lung disease
. Dyspnea and tachypnea . Chest X-ray often suggests the diagnosis
. Cough is present in some patients -Presence of a thin radiolucent pleural line
. Tachycardia -Absence of vascular lung marking peripheral to the radiolucent
. Decreased breath sounds, decreased line
tactile fremitus, hyperresonance to -Upright position and expiration may help visualize the PTX
percussion on affected side -Lateral decubitus chest X-ray with affected side up may also aid
. Respiratory distress or failure may in visualization
occur, especially in patients with . Chest CT is very sensitive and may detect very small PTXs not seen
underlying iung disease on chest X-ray
. Tension PTX: Hypotension, absent . ABG may reveal hypoxemia due to V/Q mismatching
breath sounds, JVD, tracheal devia- . Tension PTX is a clinical diagnosis and a true emergency-must be
tion (towards the unaffected side), treated immediately; diagnosis is confirmed by hemodynamic
diaphoresis, cyanosis, cardiovascu- improvement and a rush of air following needle decompression or
lar collapse chest tube insertion

Treatment Disposition
. Supplemental 02 administration accelerates reabsorption of . Healthy, asymptomatic patients with
intrapleural air (natural reabsolption rate rs -7.25Vo of volume small, stable PTX and no co-morbidi-
per day but this rate can be increased fourfold with the adminis- ties may be discharged if a follow-up
tmtion of l00%o o2) CXR (6 hours after presentation) shows
. Treatment options include observation without therapy, catheter no progression of PTX
aspiration, and insertion of chest tube
. Patients with chest tubes, large PTX,
. Primary spontaneous PTX or progressive PTX should be admitted
patients with for further management and additional
-Observation with repeat CXR is acceptable for
(1570 collapse and minimal symptoms X-rays
. Patients with poor respiratory reserve or
-Catheter aspiration may be attempted in patients with
collapse or expanding PTX; chest tube should be inserted if co-morbid conditions require admission
. Half of spontaneous PTXs may recur
. Definitive therapy (e.g., pleurodesis,
-Chest tube is required for patients with >30Vo collapse
. Secondary spontaneous PTX is more dangerous than primary thoracoscopy, or surgery) may be
PTX due to the decreased pulmonary reserve in patients with lung required to prevent recurrence
disease; most patients require a chest tube
. Traumatic PTX should be treated with a chest tube in most cases;
smail PTXs may be observed
. Tension PTX requires immediate needle decompression and inser-
tion of chest tube

31 . Ple ural Effusion
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Excess fluid in the pleural space (normally < 1 5 ml of fluid) . Transudative effusions
. Pleural fluid is formed by systemic capillaries at the parietal pleural sur- _CHF
face and absorbed by pulmonary capillaries of the visceral pleural
. The underlying causative pathologic process must be identified-most -Cinhosis
cornmon causes are CHF, pneumonia, cancer, and PE -Nephrotic syndrome
. Transudative effusions occur in the setting of a normal pleural surface; an -Hypothyroidism
. Exudative effusion
underlying process (see DDx section) results in either increased capillary
hydrostatic pressure (in the systemic or pulmonary circulation) or -Pulmonary: Pneumonia, TB,
decreased colloid oncotic pressure neoplasm, PE
. Exudative effusions occur as a resuit ofpleural inflammation with an -Cardiac: Pericarditis, CABG
increase in capillary wall permeability (due to inflammation or neoplasm) -GI: Pancreatitis, esophageal
or disruption of lymphatic drainage (i.e., as occurs when a neoplasm rupture
invades mediastinal lymph nodes) -Other: Trauma. subphrenic
. Empyema: A grossly purulent pleural effusion abscess, uremia, RA/SLE,
. Hemothorax: Blood in the pleural space drugs (e.g., amiodarone)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Sma1l effusions are generally . Pulse oximetry may reveal hypoxemia
asymptomatic; symptoms of the . CXR will show blunting of costophrenic angles
causative condition may be present -Posterior costophrenic angle is initially affected (obliterated by as
. Large effusions may cause compro- little as 200 ml of fluid)
mised pulmonary function, resulting -Lateral decubitus films can detect very small amounts of fluid and
in dyspnea on exerlion or at rest will show shifting of the effusion if it is not loculated
. Chest pain (pleuritic or dull/achy) . Chest CT is more sensitive for effusion and will show loculations
. Nonproductive cough in some . Diagnostic thoracocentesis should be considered for unexplained
. Large effusions may cause mediasti- effusions or if patient has not responded as expected to therapy
nal shift (deviated trachea, displaced -Fluid analysis for LDH and protein identifies exudate versus trans-
PMI, hypotension) udate-criteria for exudates include LDH >200 U, fluid:serum
. Lung exam may reveal decreased LDH ratio >0.6, or fluid:serum protein ratio >0.5
breath sounds al lhe bases. ego- -Other tests on fluid are helpful in identifying the cause of exu-
phony, dullness to percussion, and dates and may include amylase, glucose, cell count with differen-
diminished tactile fremitus tial, triglycerides, gram stain, cytoiogy, RF, and ANA
-Ultrasound may help locate the best insertion site
-Post-procedure CXR to rule out iatrogenic pneumothorax

Treatment Disposition
. Treatment must address the underlying cause of the effusion . Discharge should be considered for
. Transudative effusions need only be drained if they cause signifi- small effusions with known cause, min-
cant symptoms imal symptoms, and without evidence
. Exudative effusions may require therapeutic thoracentesis of respiratory compromise
. Admission is required for unknown eti-
-Large symptomatic effusions require thoracentesis
-Large parapneumonic effusions (>10 cm) require thoracentesis ologies, underlying etiologies or co-
and possibly a chest tube to prevent development of more morbidities that require hospitalization,
complex, loculated effusions, which may require surgical plesence of hypoxia or impaired respi-
intervention ratory function, or empyema
. Severe hemodynamic or respiratory
-Chest tube insertion is required for hemothorax, empyema,
and complicated parapneumonic effusions (positive gram compromise requires ICU admission
stain/culture, loculations, glucose (40, pH <7.0-7.2, or LDH
. Recurrent effusions (e.g., in malignancy) may require repeated
throacentesis and may benefit from pleurodesis or surgery
. Hemothorax usually requires a chest tube for drainage
. Rapid draining of large effusions may cause re-expansion pul-
monary edema

32. Pulmonary Embolus
Differential Dx
- . Acute coronary syndrome
. Thrombus ofthe deep venous system embolizes to the lungs, causing
infarction of lung parenchyma and ventilation/perfusion mismatch
. 907o of emboli originate in the iliofemoral veins (may also come from . Aortic dissection
. Pericarditis/pericardial tampon-
pelvic or upper extremity veins)
. Virchow's triad describes the predisposing factors to venous thrombosis ade
(risk factors are present in >9070 of cases) . Pneumonia
paraplegia . Asthma
-Venous stasis: Immobility, pedal edema, CHF, . Pleurisy
states, preg
-Hypercoagulability: Obesity, malignancy, hypercoagulabie . COPD exacerbation
nancy, esffogen leplacement therapy or OCPs
damage: Recent trauma or surgery bums, indwelling
. Pneumothorax
-Endothelial . Musculoskeletal pain
catheters, IV drug abuse
. 600,000 tp to 50Vo of cases are undiag:osed . Anxiety attack
cases per year;
. GERD/esophagitis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Most common symptom is dyspnea . Pulmonary angiogram is the gold standard but only used if diagnosis
(present in up to 9070 of Patients) is uncertain (invasive, may miss small distal emboli)
. Other common symptoms include . Ventilation-perfusion scan (V/Q): Interpretation of results depends on
chest pain (usually pieuritic), appre- clinical pretest probability; in general, a normal scan rules out PE and
hension, cough, hemoptysis, and a high probability scan is diagnostic for PE (many patients will
syncope require fufther testing)
. Most common sign is tachypnea . Helical (spiral) CT is very sensitive for proximal PE but sensitivity
(present in >907o of patients) and specificity for peripheral PE is unclear
. Other common presenting signs . D-dimer is non-specific; only the ELISA assay has sufficient sensitiv-
include localized wheezing, tachy- ity to rule out PE and only in low-risk patients
cardia, low-grade feveq diaphoresis, . Lower extremity venous duplex scanning is used if initial test (V/Q
leg swelling, and JVD scan or CT) is unclear: Diagnostic if positive but a negative study
. 107o of patients present in shock does not ru1e out PE
. ABG: Increased A-a gradient (may be norrnal in up to 75Vo)
. CXR is usually norrnal; may show pleural effusion, wedge-shaped
infiltrate (Hampton's hump), area of decreased vascularity
(Westermark sign), atalectasis, or cardiomegaly
. ECG may show tachycardia, RV stmin, or a SIQ3T3 pattern

Treatment Disposition
. Anticoagulation is used in all patients unless contraindicated; pre- . Moftality is 2-70Vo in treated patients;
vents clot propagation but does not leverse existing clot 20-3O7o in untreated patients
. Clinical symptoms depend on the size
-Initiate anticoagulation with unftactionated heparin or low
molecular weight heparin of the embolus and the cardit-r-
pulmonary reserve of the patient
-Attain therapeutic levels within 24 hrs to reduce mortality . Al1 patients must be admitted
*Warfarin therapy should be instituted concomitantly with
heparin and continued for at least 6 months
. Stable patients should be admitted to a
. Inferior vena cava filtet is indicated if anticoagulation is con- general floor bed for monitoring of anti-
traindicated, recurrent embolus occurs while on adequate antico- coagulation
agulation, massive PE has occurred, or patient has poor baseline
. Patients who present in shock should be
cardiac/respiratory status admitted to an ICU
. Hypotensive patients requile IV fluids and vasopressors (e.g', nor- . Normotensive patients with right ven-
epinephrine); consider thromboiysis or surgery if hypotension is tricular dysfunction may need a higher
refractory level of care than is available on a gen-
. Systemic thrombolysis (tPA or streptokinase) is only indicated for eral medical floor
cases of refractory hemodynamic compromise if the potential
. Surgical consultation for possible
benefits outweigh the risks of bleeding embolectomy may be necessary for
. Pulmonary embolectomy is occasionally used in capable institu- unstable patients who have contraindi-
tions in patients with refractory shock cations to thrombolytics

33. Hemoptysis
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
- . Expectoration of blood from below the vocal cords . Infection: Bronchitis (507o of
. Degree of hemoptysis determines management and disposition cases), TB (57o), pneumonia,
. Massive hemoptysis is variously defined as greater than 100-500 cc of fungi, parasites, abscess
hemoptysis in 24 hours (patients arc often inaccurate in estimating blood . Lung cancer (10-20Vo of cases)
volumes) . Vascular: PE. ruptured thoracic
. The majority of cases are due to malignancy or non-tuberculous infections aneurysm, lung AVM, SLE,
. Bleeding from the high-pressure bronchial vessels accounts for 90Vo of Wegener's or Goodpasture's
cases; bleeding from the low-pressure pulmonary vessels is much less . Coagulopathy/anticoagulant use
common . Trauma/instrumentation
. Blood accumulates in the alveolar spaces and impedes oxygen exchange . Foreign body
. Up lo 30Vo of cases have no identifiable etiology . CHF
. Mitral stenosis
. Bronchiectasis
. Pseudohemoptysis (e.g., GI or
nasopharyngeal bleed)

Presentation Diagnosis
. May present as streaking of sputum . CBC, electrolytes, urinalysis, and coagulation studies are only
or frank blood required for cases of massive hemoptysis
. Crackles . CXR may reveai parenchymal pathology (e.g., mass, cavitary lesion,
. Associated symptoms are related to infiltrate) and will localize areas of massive bleeding
the underlying cause . CT scan provides better information on focal areas of bleeding
-Pneumonia and acute bronchitis: (shows alveolar filling) but is only performed on stable patients
Cough, fever, purulent sputum . Sputum examination (gram stain, acid-fast stain for TB, cultures, and
-Chronic bronchitis and cytology) may be helpful but has limited sensitivity and often does
bronchiectasis: Chronic cough not affect ED management
-TBand carcinoma: Fevers, . Bronchoscopy can be both diagnostic and therapeutic (via balloon
weight loss. nighl sweats tamponade or vasoconstrictor injection) but is only performed emer-
-Tracheolaryngeal mass or for- gently in cases of massive hemoptysis
eign body: Stridor . Algorithm for patients with massive hemoptysis
-Vasculitis: Associated with renal -Active bleeding requires emergent bronchoscopy
disease and hematuria -Stable patients may undergo chest CT ifthere is no active bleed,
. Massive hemoptysis may result in followed by bronchoscopy
hypotension and shock

. Massive hemoptysis requires emergent treatment . Stable patients with minor hemoptysis
-Secure airway and provide supplemental O, and normal CXR can be discharged
-Insert 2 large bore IVs and type/cross-match blood with close follow-up
-Position patient with the bleeding side in a dependent position . Patients with risk factors (age >40,
to prevent blood from draining into opposite lung tobacco use. recent weight loss. anemia.
-Intubation if necessary to protect the airway; the tube may be persistent symptoms) require follow-up
placed into the main bronchus of the non-bleeding lung to pro- with elective bronchoscopy to rule out
tect it from blood neoplasm
-Transfuse blood and platelets as necessary and correct coagu-
. Patients with massive hemoptysis must
lopathies with fresh frozen plasma be admitted to the ICU (even if bleed-
-Emergent bronchoscopy (rigid or flexible) is used to localize ing has subsided) because they remain
and control bleeding via epinephrine-induced vasoconstriction at high risk for re-bleeding
or balloon tamponade . Massive hemoptysis is a medical emer-
-Definitive therapy for persistent bleeding may require arteri- gency (307o motality); death usually
ography with embolization or emergent thoracic surgery results from asphyxiation due to alveo-
. Minor hemoptysis only requires treatment of the underlying etiol- lar flooding and hypoxemia
ogy; outpatient elective bronchoscopy may be indicated . Patients with minor hemoptysis ftom
TB, mycetomas, and bronchiectasis
should be admitted due to risk of sud-
den massive hemoptysis


34. Abdominal Pain
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
- . Extremely common (5-l0qo of all ED visits) . Gastrointestinal
. Visceral pain: Distension of a hollow organ (e.g., intestine, stomach) . Gynecoiogic
results in autonomic nerve stimulation causing poorly characterized, . Genitourinary
diffuse, intermittent pain . Cardiac
. Parietal (somatic) pain: Direct irritation of the parietal peritoneum results . Vascular
in localized. intense. constant pain . Infectious
. Referred pain: Overlap of innervation results in pain at a distance from the . Abdominal wall
true source of pathology (e.g., diaphragmatic initation from cholecystitis . Metabolic
may result in right shoulder pain) . Trauma
. Distinguish serious etiologies and those requiring acute surgical interven-
tion from non-emergent causes
-Life-threatening causes include ruptured AAA, perforated viscus,
intestinal obstruction, ectopic pregnancy, mesenteric ischemia, appen-
dicitis, and myocardial ischemia

Presentation Diagnosis
. Note location, onset, duration, qual- . Pregnancy test in all females of reproductive age
ity, and intensity of pain; similarity . Urinalysis may show signs of UTI, pyelonephritis, or urolithiasis, but
to past episodes; and aggravating is nonspecific (e.g., appendicitis may cause pyuria)
and alleviating factors . Leukocytosis is generally present in cases of inflammation (e.g.,
. Note bowel sounds. abdomhal ten- appendicitis, diverticulitis); however, a normal WBC count does not
demess, rebound, guarding, disten- rule out inJlammatory or infectious disease
sion, blood on recta.l exam, and cer- . Liver function tests, amylase, and lipase may indicate liver, biliary, or
vical/adnexal tendemess pancreatic disease
. Associated symptoms may include .Imaging
nausea/vomiting, dysuria, vaginal -Abdominal CT will often establish a diagnosis (e.g., nephrolithia-
discharge, diarrhea, constipation sis, AAA, diveticulitis, appendicitis, mesentedc ischemia,
. Atypical presentations are common obstmction)
in the elderly, alcoholics, and the -Ultrasound is the initial test-of-choice for biliary tract disease,
immunocompromised AAA, ectopic pregnancy, or free peritoneal fluid
. Hypotension may be due to sepsis. -Plain films are used only to rule out perforation or obstruction
vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss, or
3rd spacing

Treatment Disposition
. Hemodynamically unstable patients should receive rehydration . Prompt surgical or obstetric consulta-
with normal saline; consider ffansfusion for GI bleeding or vaso- tion as necessary
plessors for shock . In most cases in the ED, specific diag-
. Place NG tube in cases of obstruction or persistent vomiting noses are not obtained
. Symptomatic treatment of emesis (e.g., promethazine, metoclo- . Patients with surgical abdomens (e.g.,
pramide. odansetron) and pain peritoneal signs, perforation) should be
-Colicky pain responds well to NSAIDs (especially IV ketoro- admitted for surgical evaluation
lac) . Non-surgical medical causes may be
-H2 blockers/antacids for buming epigastric pain admitted for medical management or
-Add narcotics as necessary-there is no evidence to show that discharged home with ciose follow-up
pain control with narcotics will hinder exam findings or . Any discharged patient should be
"mask" an acute abdomen instructed to retum to the ED if symp-
-Intestinal cramping often responds to anticholinergics (e.g., toms change or worsen
donnatol) or antispasmodics (e.g., dicyclomine) . Consider cardiac causes of abdominal
. Administer broad-spectrum empiric antibiotics for suspected pain in all patients with cardiac risk fac-
intra-abdominal ilfections (cover gram-negatives and anaerobes) tors
. Serious and life-theatening etiologies
must be ruled out prior to discharge


35. Gl Bleeding
Differential Dx
. Ranges from occult, microscopic bleeding to profuse hemorrhage . Upper GI bleed
. May originate from anywhere in the upper (from the esophagus to the 1ig- -Peptic ulcer
ament oi Treitz) or lower GI tract (distal to the ligament of Treitz) -Esophageal varices
. Sources of life-threatening upper GI bleeding -4astric erosions/gastritis
-Peptic ulcer disease (most common cause of
upper GI bleeding) -Mal1ory-Weiss tear
portal hypertension and cirrhosis -Esophagitis
-Esophageal varices, secondary to . Lower GI bleed
-Mallory-Weiss tears, due to forceful vomiting
. Sources of life{hreatening lower GI bleeding -Diverticulosis
-Diverticular bleeding, due to erosion of
a diverticula into a vessel -Angiodysplasia (AVM)
(arteriovenous malformation) is common in elderly -Cancer/polyps
-Aortoenteric fistula (GI bleeding in a patient with past aofiic surgery -Anorectal disorders
should be assumed to be an aortoentedc fistula secondary to an in- -Inflammatory bowel disease
fected aofiic stent until proven otherwise-they often have a small her- -Aofioenteric fistula
ald bleed that precedes massive hemorrhaging) -Infectious diarrhea

. Symptoms may lange from occult, . Tachycardia or olthostasis may occur with >157o blood loss;
microscopic bleeding or minor hypotension occurs with )407o blood loss
blood on toilet Paper to frank . History may reveal causative factors, such as medications (e'g',
bloody vomitus or bloodY stools aspirin, NSAIDs, steroids, anticoagulants), alcohol use, liver disease,
. Signs of upper GI bleeding include or bleeding diathesis
hematemesis and melena (dark, . Blood type and cross/screen should be immediately ordered
tarry stools) . PT/PTT may be prolonged due to a coaguiation disorder
. Hematochezia (bright red biood per . BUN may be elevated in upper GI bleed
rectum) indicates a lower GI bleed . ECG should be evaluated in the elderly, patients with a history of car-
or brisk upper GI bleeding diac disease, and those who present with chest pain or shortness of
. Hypovolemia due to hemorrhage breath
(e.g., pallor, dizziness, weakness, . NG tube may be inserted to asplate and test gastric contents in order
syncope) and signs of shock (e'g., to identify if upper GI bleeding has occurred
hypotension) may be Present . Endoscopy (done by gastroenterology) is the diagnostic and often
. Nonspecific complaints may include therapeutic procedure of choice for upper GI bleeding
dyspnea, abdominal Pain, chest . Colonoscopy, angiography, and red cell bleeding scans are used to
pain, and fatigue identify sources of lower GI bleeding

. Establish 2 large bore IVs and bolus with normal salhe . Gastroenterology and surgery consult in
. Blood transfusion may be added if hypotension persists despite patients with moderate to severe bleed-
IV fluid administration (replenish platelets and fresh frozen ing
. Most patients with GI bleeding should
plasma for every 6 units of blood given)
. NG t rb" placement is controversial; often used in cases of severe be admitted
. Very low risk patients maY be dis-
active bleeding or severe nausea/vomiting
. Medication is often used but lacks evidence for efficacy in most charged (e.g., patients with hemor-
settings rhoids, fissures, or proctitis)
or H2 blockers) . Patients with normal vital signs, no
-Anti-acid therapy (proton pump inhibitors
vasoconstriction) may comorbid conditions, negative gastric
-Octreotide infusion (causes splanchnic
be of benefit for bleeding varices and ulcers aspirate and normal stool guaiac, good
vasoconstriction) medical access, and understanding of
-Vasopressin (causes splanchnic and systemic
(may result in myocardial ischemia) their condition can be discharged
. Emergent endoscopy (i.e., with ligation or sclerotherapy) is the . All patients with systolic BP <100,

preferred treatment for severe upper GI bleeds tachycardia, >4 units transfused, or
. Balloon tamponade with Sengstaken-Blakemore tube may also be active bleeding should be admitted to
used for uncontrolled variceal bleeding an ICU
. Severe lower GI bleeding may be conffolled by arteriographic
. Surgery may be required for any persistent uncontrolled bleeding


36. Foreign Body lngestion
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Ingested foreign bodies may lodge in the GI tract (potentially resulting in . Coins
obstruction or perforation) or pass spontaneously . Food
. Populations at risk include children (80% of all cases), alcoholics, psychi- . Pins
atric patients, patients with altered mental status, and inmates . Batteries
. Coins are ingested in )5070 of cases . Button hatteries
. Objects often lodge at levels of physiologic esophageal narrowing . Drug packing (cocaine, heroin)
-Cricopharyngeal ievel is most common in children-may cause airway . Dislodged esophageai stent
obstruction and respiratory failure . Bezoars (especiaily tricho-
-Aortic arch and carina (T4 level) is most common in adults bezoars in hair chewers)
-Proximal to the gastroesophageal junction
. Foreign bodies that pass to the intestine are rarely problematic and can be
managed expectantly
. Button batteries deserve special consideration as they may cause alkaline
bums and/or mpture of the esophagus within 4 5 hours

Presentation Diagnosis
. Discomfort and anxiety . Examine oro/nasopharynx, neck, and soft tissue for subcutaneous air
. Retching and vomiting (indicating esophageal perforation) and examine the abdomen for
. Coughing and gagging peritoneal signs (indicating GI perforation)
. Drooling . Direct or indirect laryngoscopy is used if the patient feels the foreign
. Retrostemal pain body is in the throat/pharynx or has airway symptoms
. Look for signs and symptoms of . Chest X-ray and lateral neck X-ray will identify radio-opaque objects
esophageal or GI perforation (e.g., coins)
. Children may have acute airway -On AP view, coins often align in the coronal plane if in the
obstruction if the object lodges at esophagus or sagittal planeif in the trachea
the cricopharyngeous muscle . Endoscopy by a gastroenterologist may be both diagnostic and thera-
. Young children may present only peutic
with poor feeding, choking, stridor . Gasffograffin swallowing study may be used if plain films are nega-
tive and endoscopy is unavailable
. CT scan is very effective at locating objects and damage to the sur-
rounding tissue (may soon replace endoscopy)
. Handheid metal detectors are effective at localizing metal objects

Treatment Disposition
. Endoscopic removal is required in unstable patients or those who . 80-90Vo of objects pass spontaneously
have ingested a sharp object . l0-20%o require htervention
. Objects in the esophagus . lEa rcqujJe surgical intervention
-Button battery requires emergent removal . Esophageal objects may be managed in
-Smooth, blunt objects (e.g., coins) may be managed expectant- the ED or admitted
ly if <24 hrs have passed or by endoscopic removal if beyond . Patients with objects distal to the esoph-
24 hrs agus that do not require removal may
-Food bolus requires endoscopic removal, pharmacologic treat- be discharged
ment with IV glucagon to cause reflex contraction of -Monitor stool and obtain outpatient
esophageal muscie to expel the bolus, or sphincter relaxing serial radiographs to ensure passage
agents (e.g., nitroglycerin, nifedipine) to allow passage of the -Objects that fail to progress after
bolus 1-2 weeks may require removal
-Avoid meat tenderizers (may cause perforation) . Immediate surgery is required if signs
. Objects that have passed to stomach can often be managed with of perforation or obstruction are present
observation alone . Body packers/stuffers of illicit drugs
-Endoscopic removal is indicated if object is wider than 2 cm, should be admitted for close observa-
longer than 6 cm, or sharp (e.g., razors, safety pins) tion; manage either expectantly or with
-Remove button battery if lodged in stomach for >48 hrs surgical removal (avoid endoscopy as
. Foreign objects in the intestines may be obserued without surgical bags may break)
intervention unless perforation is suspected

37 . Dysphagia
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Diffrculty swallowing due to oropharyngeal or esophageal etiologies . Oropharyngeal dysphagia
. Oropharyngeal (transfer) dysphagia results from abnormal transfer of a _CVA
food bolus from the pharynx to the esophagus -Sjogren's syndrome
-Due to lesions of the neurological reflex arc involving the afferent -Parkinson's disease
nerves (cranial nerves V, IX, X, XD, CNS swallowing center, efferent -Multiple sclerosis or ALS
newes (Y V[ IX, K, XII), or responding muscles -Diabetic neuropathy
. Esophageal (transport) dysphagia results fiom disordered propulsion of -Dermato/polymyositis
the food bolus from the upper esophagus to the stomach -Myasthenia gravis
. Esophageal dysphagia
-Motility disorders lead to abnormal peristalsis or esophageal muscle
tone (resulting in difficulty with solids and liquids) -Achalasia
-Obstructions physically impede transport (difficulty with solids) -Diffuse esophageal spasm
-Achalasia: Dysphagia due to a spastic lower esophageal sphincter -LES hypertension
-Diffuse esophageal spasm: Multiple areas of esophageal spasm due to -Obstructions (e.g., food
GERD, stress, alcohol, connective tissue disease, DM, or idiopathic bolus, tumor, stricture)
-Severe esophagitis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Oropharyngeal . History and physical examination will narrow the differential
-Gagging, drooling . Rule out cardiac causes if chest pain is present
. Plain imaging
-Multiple swaliowing attempts
*Head and neck tuming to faciii- -Neck X-rays to rule out foreign bodies
tate swallowing -CXR may show mediastinal mass, aortic aneurysm, or foreign
-Liquids more difficult than body in cases of obstructions
solids -CXR may show absent gastric air in cases of achalasia
. Further GI testing may be necessary to determine etiology (not gener-
-Exacerbated by temperature
extremes ally done in ED)
. Esophageal -Videofluoroscopy is the gold standard to diagnose most cases of
-Chest pain dysphagia, especially oropharyngeal causes
-Sensation of food sticking -Barium swallow will show a "bird beak" sign in achalasia and a

-Odynophagia (painful swallow) "corkscrew" sign in diffuse esophageal spasm

-Retrostemal fuIlness -Endoscopy is used to diagnose esophageal dysphagia
-Worse during stress or rapid eat- -Manometry will help evaluate achalasia and esophageal spasm
Solids worse or equal to liquids

Treatment Disposition
. Protect airway if there is any risk of aspiration . Admit patients who are at risk for aspi-
. Administer IV fluids if the patient is dehydrated ration or unable to safely swallow oral
. Oropharyngeal (transfer) dysphagia require a swallowing evalua- fluids
tion to determine risk of aspiration . Most patients can be discharged home
. Acute obstructions (e.g., foreign body) with referral to a gas[oenterologist
-Glucagon may cause forceful expulsion of a food bolus . Complications may include malnutri-
-Altematively, Ca+-channel blockers and other muscle relax- tion, dehydration, weight loss, and aspi-
ants may be used to relax smooth muscle ration pneumonia
. Motility disorders/spasm
-Nitrates or Ca+-channel blockers are used to relax smooth
muscle and prevent spasms
-Anticholinergics are only minimally helpful
. Achalasia
-Medical therapy with Ca+-channel blockers
-Esophageal dilation or lower esophageal sphincter myotomy
provides defrnitive treatment
. Esophageal striotures/masses require dilation and possible
esophageal stent placement


3B . Esophageal Perforation
- Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Results in leakage of acid and non-sterile secretions into the mediastinum, . Myocardial infarction
. Dissecting aortic aneurysm
a life-theatening emergency that can rapidly lead to infection and over-
. Pancreatitis
whelming sepsis
. Perforations are iahogenic in over 807o of cases . Pneumothorax
who have under- . Perforated peptic ulcer
-Especially common in patients undergoing endoscopy . Pericarditis
lying pathologies that weaken the esophageal or gastric wall (e'g', car-
cinoma, esophagitis, strictures)
. Pneumonia
also occur with scle- . Pulmonary embolism
-Esophageal wail thinning and perforation may
rotherapy (e.g., for varices), pill esophagitis, and radiation
. Lung abscess
. Spontaneous perforation (Boerhaave's syndrome) may occur secondary to . Esophageal hematoma
. Esophageal bleeding (e.g.,
forceful vomiting or other maneuvers that increase intra-esophageal pres-
sure (e.g., straining, weightlifting, childbirth, severe coughing) Mallory-Weiss tear, varices)
. Further causes include trauma, caustic ingestions, tumors, foreign bodies,
and aortic aneurysms

Presentation Diagnosis
. Classic triad of pain, fever, and . High level of clinical suspicion is essential-suspect perforation in
any patient with pain following esophageal insfumentation (e.9.'
subcutaneous air
. Other symptoms may include dYs- endoscopy), prolonged vomiting, or coughing
. Chest X-ray should be ordered initially: Signs of perforation include
phagia, respiratory distress, nau-
subcutaneous emphysema, mediastinal widening, mediastinai air-fluid
sea/vomiting, hoarseness, and
levels, pneumomediastinum, and pleural effusion
. . Esophagography (a swallowing study that is initially performed with
25Va of patients present in shock
. Pain is the most common symptom water-soluble contrast) will confirm the diagnosis and delineate the
location of the lesion, but is falsely negative in tp to 20Vo of cases
-Severe, persistent pain . Chest CT may show abscess, mediastinal air, air-fluid collections
-Cervical rupture resuits in neck . Endoscopy is reserved for patients with high ciinical suspicion but
pain and tendemess
negative CT and esophagograPhY
-Thoracic rupture results in . Thoracentesis of associated pleural effusions will reveal a high amy-
back, substemal, or abdominai
pain lase level if the effusion is due to a perforation
. Hamman's crunch: Crunching . Leukocytosis and acidosis may signal evolving sepsis
sound due to mediastinal air during
auscultation of the heart

Treatment Disposition
. Avoid oral htake . Esophageal rupture resuits in a full-
. Nasogastric tube is generally piaced to decompress the stomach thickness tear of the esophagus (in con-
. Treat shock with IV fluids (normal saline) and vasopressors trast to Mallory-Weiss syndrome, which
. Administer broad-spectrum [V antibiotics to cover gram positives, results in a padal thickness tear)
gram negatives, and anaerobes in cases of proven or suspected . All patients should be admitted
perforation . ICU admission for severe cases and
. A11 patients with perforation require immediate surgical consulta- following surgery
tion----controversy exists regarding operative versus non-surgical
. Consider admission and empiric IV
t.reatmenl antibiotics in patients with high clinical
patients with suspicion, but negative chest X-ray and
-Non-surgical approach should be considered in
minimal symptoms, absence of shock and sepsis' and with esophagography since these tests ars
well-contained or cervical tears not definitive-furlher evaluation by
large, non- ENT or GI may be indicated
-Surgery is the treatment of choice in patients with
contained pedorations or clinical signs of shock or sepsis
. High morbidity and mortality

39. GERD/Esophagitis
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. GERD: Symptomatic reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus . Acute coronary syndrome
-Lower esophageal sphincter (LES) dysfunction is the #1 cause---exac-
. Esophageal motility disorder
erbated by alcohoi, caffeine, tobacco, fatty foods, pregnancy, choco- . Foreign body ingestion
late, hiatal hemia, meds (e.g., anticholinergics, Ca+-channel blockers), . Esophageal tear/perforation
prolonged gastric emptying (e.g., DM), scleroderma . Esophageal cancer
. Esophagitis: Esophageal inflammation . Peptic ulcer disease
. Gallbladder disease
-Most commonly secondary to GERD
. Dissecting aortic aneurysm
-Pill esophagitis is also common (e.g., NSAIDs, antibiotics, iron)
. Pulmonary embolus
-Barrett's esophagus may result from chronic inflammation of the
esophageal mucosa, resulting in replacement of columnar epithelium . Less common causes of infec-
with precancerous squamous epithelium tious esophagitis include cryp-
-Infectious esophagitis (often Candida) generally occurs in immuno- tosporidium, HSY CMY or
compromised patients (e.g., HIV, diabetes) pneumocystis carinii
-Chemical esophagitis occurs with ingestion of mucosal initants (e.g.,
alcohol, tobacco, hot fluids), alkali, acids, medications

Presentation Diagnosis
. Buming, subxyphoid pain ("heart- . Initial examination should be aimed at ruling out cardiac ischemia by
bum") history, physical exam, and appropriate diagnostic tests (e.g., ECG
-May radiate to back and enzymes in patients at risk)
-Usually occurs l0 30 minutes . After cardiac causes are ruled out, diagnosis is usually made clinical-
after ingesting specific foods ly and the patient is discharged
. Diagnostic testing may be done on an outpatient basis
-Often relieved with antacids oI
resolves spontaneously -Omeprazole challenge test: I week of proton pump inhibitor ther-
. GERD is one of the most common apy-if pain resolves, GERD is the diagnosis
causes of chronic cough -Endoscopy allows direct visualization and biopsy of esophageal
. Regurgitation, hypersalivation, and gastric mucosa to diagnose Barrett's esophagus or esophagitis
belching, and acid taste in mouth -Barium esophagram will demonstrate high-grade esophagitis.
. Odynophagia/dysphagia ulceration, or stricture formation but is insensitive for reflux
. Pain and associated symptoms may -24-horr pH monitoring correlates esophageal pH to symptom
mimic a cardiac syndrome onset to diagnose reflux
. Atypical presentations include
asthma, sinusitis, dental erosions.
hoarseness, and chronic cough

Treatment Disposition
. Lifestyle modification is the lst line therapy . Severity of symptoms does not neces-
-Eliminate/minimize alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, onions, pepper- sarily correlate with degree of
mint, chocolate, and other inciting foods esophageal injury
. Start most patients on a PPI for 2-4
-Avoid postprandial recumbancy
-Elevate head of bed 30' weeks with GI follow-up
. Patients require long-term follow-up to
-Do not eat within 2-4 hours of bedtime
-Lose weight if obese manage the condition and obtain re-
-Eliminate medications that may decrease LES tone (e.g., commended screening endoscopies if
Ca++-channel blockers) chronic symptoms occur
. Proton-pump inhibitors (most effective) and H2-receptor blockers . Refer patients with persistent symptoms
(may be better for nighttime symptoms) will block acid produc- to GI for endoscopy
tion to improve symptoms . Infectious esophagitis may require
. Promotility agents (e.g., metoclopramide) have not been proven to admission for IV antibiotics and/or anti-
be effective and have many side effecfs fungals, pain control, IV fluids, and
. Severe GERD may require surgical fundoplication hyperalimentation if unable to swallow
. Infectious esophagitis requires appropriate antifungal agents (oral
ketoconazole or fluconazole) or antibiotics
. Pill esophagitis: Avoid pil1s, use small, non-gelatin coated pills,
and take pills with fluids while in upright position

40. Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Differential Dx
. Erosion and ulceration of the gastric or duodenal mucosa . Acute gastritis (due to shock,
. Occurs secondary to a disrupted balance between parietal cell acid forma- trauma, steroids, burns, alcohol
tion and production of mucus (to coat and protect the mucosa) and bicar- NSAIDS)
bonate (to buffer the acid)
. Gastric cancer
. H. pylori infection is the most common cause of PUD . Pancreatitis
. Esophagitis/GERD
-A urease producing gram-negative rod . Esophageal motility disorder
-Disrupts the mucosal protective barrier
of gastric ulcers . Non-ulcer dyspepsia
-Responsible for 95Vo of duodenai ulcers and 857o
. Other causes include NSAIDs (inhibit prostaglandin formation, disrupting . Biliary colic/cholecystitis
bicarbonate and mucus production), gastrin-secreting fumors (e.g.,
. Hepatitis
. Aortic dissection/AAA
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, gastrinoma), Crohn's disease of the stomach
or duodenum, tobacco, stress, family history renal failure, COPD . Acute coronary syndromes
. Pneumonia
. Mesenteric ischemia
. Small bowel obsttuction

Presentation Diagnosis
. Dyspepsia (buming/gnawing ePi- . Unstable patients with GI bleeding may require emergent surgery
gastric pain without radiation) prior to the completion of a fuIl diagnostic workup
. ED workup is aimed at ruling out other potential causes of pain
-Relieved by food, milk,
antacids -Amylase/ipase (pancreatitis)
-Often worse at night -LFTs and abdomi-nal ultrasound (hepatic and biliary disease)
. Epigastric tendemess -ECG and serial enzymes (cardiac ischemia)
. Gastric ulcer pain often occurs -Urine HCG (pregnancy)
. CBC may reveal anemia due to chronic blood loss
immediately after eating
. Duodenal ulcer pain often occurs . Ulcer visualization by endoscopy or barium swallow (upper GI
172-3 hours after eating or at night series) is diagnostic; however, these are not usually done in ED
. Vomiting, chest or back pain, and . H. pylori testtng
bloating may be present (nausea -IgG serology should be ordered in patients not previously treated
and belching are notably absent) for H. pylori; since IgG remains positive even after appropriate
. GI bleeding may occur {guaiac therapy, it is not useful in previously heated pts
positive stool, melena, hemoptysis, -Previously ffeated patients require outpatient urease breath test or
hematochezia, and/or hypotension) endoscopic biopsy to determine if active H. pylori is present
. Perloration with peritoneal signs
may occrrl

Treatment Disposition
. Lifestyle changes include bland diet (e.g., low-fat, non-acidic . Eradication of H. pylori decreases ulcer
foods) with frequent small meals and avoidance of alcohol and recunence from 50-807o to 17OVo
tobacco . Admit patients with severe symptoms
. Avoid aspirin, NSAIDs, and steroids (COX-2 inhibitors may be indicating possible or imminent perfora-
less ulcerogenic) tion/hemorrhage (e.9., recent weight
. Begin antacid therapy with high-dose proton pump inhibitors or loss, persistent vomiting, GI bleeding)
H2 blockers . Majority of patients are discharged with
. Sucralfate (a mucosal protective agent that binds to ulcer and close follow-up for definitive diagnosis
forms a protective barrier against acid) may also be used and ongoing management
. Tteat H. pylori if present with triple antibiotic therapy for 1G-14 . Patients who continue to have symp-
days, multiple regimens are available toms for greater than a month despite
PPI therapy require referral for
-Bismuth subsalicylate, metronidazole, and tetracycline
Ranitidine, tetracycline, and either clarithromycin or meffo- endoscopy
nidazole . Complications may include pancrcatitis,
-Omeprazole, clarithromycin, and either metronidazole or perforation. gastric outlet obstruction.
amoxicillin GI bleed, and gasffic cancer (secondary
. Indications for surgery include intractable bleeding, gastdc outlet to chronic inflammation)
obstruction, perforation, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

41 . lnfectious Diarrhea
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Acute diarhea lasts less than 4 weeks; chronic lasts more than 4 weeks . HIV
. Due to increased secretion, decreased absorption, osmotic diarrhea, or . Malabsorytion syndromes
abnormal intestinal motility . Ischemic bowel
. Gastroenteritis: Intestinal inflammation that results in diarrhea and . Adrenal insufficiency
vomiting . Hlperthyroidism
. Dysentery: lnvasive diarrhea (d.ue to Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, . Vasculitis
enterohemonhagic E coli (O157:H7), Yersinia, C dfficile, or Vibrio para- . Inflammatory bowel disease
hemolyticus) that rcsults in bloody, mucous stools . Neopiasia
. Invasive diarrhea may occur with severe systemic effects . kritable bowel syndrome
. Non-inflammatory/non-invasive diarrhea: Due to supetficial mucosal inva- . Appendicitis
sion by viruses (e.g., Norwalk, rotavirus) and or toxin release by bacteria . Medications (e.g., laxatives,
("traveler's diarrhea" due to enterotoxigenic E coli or food poisoning due antibiotics, anticholinergics,
to B cereus, S aureus, E coli, Clostridium perfringens,Vibrio cholerae) chemotherapy)
. Giardia infection

Presentation Diagnosis
. Frequent watery stools . Both invasive and non-invasive diarrhea may be food related
. Vomiting, nausea, and crampy pain . Proper history should include travel history, woodland exposure
. Viral disease is often epidemic. (Giardia), immune status, and other sick contacts
resulting in non-invasive, secrctory . Fecal leukocytes indicates invasive/bacterial diarrhea or inflammation
diarrhea with nausea and vomiting of the mucosa (e.g., inflammatory bowel disease)
. Non-invasive (toxin-mediated) dis- . Acute non-invasive diarrhea generally does not require further work-
ease causes diarrhea and cramps up, except in toxic or immunocompromised patients, children, and
with midmal other symptoms diarrhea lasting beyond 3 days
. Invasive disease is associated with . Stool evaiuation for ova and parasites (fot Giardia arld Crypto-
fever, dysentery, seizures (Shigella), sporidium) should be considered in alrisk patients with persistent
abdominal tendemess diarrhea
. Giardiasis is chronic and associated . Stool cultures may identify Salmonella, Shigella, or Campylobacter
with foul-smelling stools and flatu- . Test stool for C dfficile toxin, if suspected (e.g., recent antibiotic)
lence . Stool osmolar gap is elevated in osmotic and malabsorptive diarrhea
. Patients may present with signs of and decreased in infectious/secretory diarrhea
dehydration. such as onhostasis.
tachycardia, or hypotension

Treatment Disposition
. Treatment is generally supportive . Admit patients with hemodynamic
. Fluid resuscitation----oral if possible or IV with isotonic crystal- instability, systemic toxicity, or inability
loid (e.g., normal saline or lactated Ringer's) to tolerate sufficient fluids to keep up
. Antimotility agents include opiates (e.g., loperamide) and with GI losses
parasympathetic inhibitors (e.g., diphenoxylate plus affopine); . Patients who are hemodynamically sta-
concems that these agents may slow the clearance of pathogens ble and can tolerate sufficient oral fluids
have been disproven il recent studies can be treated and discharged
. Antibiotic therapy is generally reserved for sevete or invasive dis- . Advise patient to hydrate with glucose-
ease containing, caffeine free beverages and
-Most authorities recommend empidc treatment with a fluoro- to avoid lactose, sorbitol-containing
quinolone or TMP-SMX in patients with severe or bloody gum, and raw fruit until symptoms sub-
diarrhea, fever, or fecal leukocytes (will shorten the duration side
of illness) . Complications include hemolytic-ure-
-If Giardia or C dfficile is suspected, treat empirically with mic syndrome (in children with E coli
metlonidazole 0157) and mesenteric adenitis
-Antibiotic therapy does increase the risk of hemolytic-uremic (Yersinia)
syndrome in children wrth E coli 0157 infection . Consider E coli 0157 in any patient
-There is no good evidence that antibiotics prolong the carrier with bloody diarrhea but without fever
sr^re in Salmonella infections


42. Bowel Obstruction
- Differential Dx
. Obstruction may be mechanical or paralytic (i.e., ileus) . Acute gastroentefltls
(most common . Pseudo-obstruction (a chronic
-Mechanical small bowel obstructions include adhesions
cause), hernia, tumor, strictme, intussusception, foreign bodies, SMA disorder of intestinal motility
syndrome, lymphoma, and gallstones due to collagen vascular dis-
cancer, volvulus, eases, diabetes, drugs)
-Mechanical large bowel obstructions include colon
. Appendicitis
diverticulitis, fecal impaction, intussusception, and ulcerative colitis
. Mesenteric ischemia
-Adynamic (paralytic) ileus may be caused by peritonitis, uremia' elec-
holytes, surgery, MI, renal colic, trauma, meds (e.g., opiates) . Perforation with peritonitis and
. lncreased intraluminal pressure causes wall dilatation, decreased absorp- secondary obstruction
. Pancreatitis
tion, and 3rd spacing of fluid into the bowel lumen and wall-this results
in volume depletion, hypotension, and possibly translocation of bacteria . Cholecystitis
into the systemic circulation with sepsis . Perforated peptic ulcer
. Strangulation may occru if the blood supply is compromised, resulting in . Pelvic inflammatory disease
bowel ischemia and necrosis

. Mechanical obstmctions . Flat and upright abdominal fi1ms are often diagnostic

-Colicky, intermittent pain -Dilated loops of bowel (small bowel has plicae circulares extend-
ing completely across the lumen; large bowel has hausfta that only
-lncreased bowel sounds with
high-pitched rushes partially cross the lumen)
. Paralytic ileus -May have air-fluid levels (stepladder pattem in small bowel)
-Crampy, constant pait -"Strilg ofpearls" sign due to gas trapping in small bowel
Decreased or absent sounds Complete obstructions may have absence of gas in the rectum
. Bilious vomiting in proximal -May also show masses and help locaiize the site of obsfiuction
. Chest X-ray is the best view to evaluate for perforation (free air)
. Feculent vomiting may be present . Abdominal CT may be used if plain films are unclear-may demon-

in obstructions of ileum or colon shate the obstruction, show intramural gas or wall thickening in
. Abdominal distension ischemia, or identify other pathology
. Constipation or decreased flatus . Labs shouid include CBC, elecffolytes, and renal function
. Tendemess is minimal to severe -Significant leukocytosis suggests bowel ischemia or infection
. Peritoneal signs in perforation -Consider lactate level to rule out mesenteric ischemia
. May have signs of shock . Gastrograffin enema may be used to diagnose colonic obsfiuction

Treatment Disposition
. NG tube decompression to decrease intraluminal pressure and . Al1 patients with complete or partial
stop vomiting obstructions should be admitted
. Isotonic IV fluids should be administered aggressively to replace . Mortality increases dramatically (from
fluid lost by vomitlng and 3rd spacing into bowel lumen and wa1l l\an to 50oot if bowel ischemia is pres-
. Correct electrolyte abnormalities as necessary ent
. Broad-spectrum IV antibiotics are indicated in complete mechani- . Adynamic ileus has a good prognosis
cal obstructions or if perforation has occuned . Complications may include perforation
and peritonitis, sepsis, hypovolemia,
and intestinal ischemia/hfarction
-3rd generation cephalosporin plus either clindamycin or
. Partial mechanical obstructions may be closely observed without
specific treatment
. Complete mechanical obstructions, strangulation, or sepsis require
immediate surgery
. Adynamic ileus may be observed for resoiution following naso-
gastric decompression

43. He rnia
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Hemiation of abdominal viscera occurs in areas of weakness or disruption . Genital pathology (e.g., testicu-
in the fibromuscular tissue of the abdominal wall lar torsion, epididymitis, hydro-
. Reducible hemia: Hemia can be repiaced to its proper location cele. varicocele. cryptorchidism.
. Irreducible (incarcerated) hemia: Hemia cannot be reduced testicular tumor, undescended
. Strangulated hemia: Blood supply to the hemiated bowel becomes com- testes)
promised, resulting in ischemia and gangrene . Lymphadenitis
. Inguinal hemia: Hemiation through Hasselbach's triangle and the exiemal . Femoral artery aneurysm
inguinal ring (direct inguinal hemia) or intemal inguinal ring (indirect); . Small bowei obstruction
more common in males: low risk of incarceration . Large bowel obstruction
. Femoral hemia: Hemiation into the femoral canai, below the inguinal liga-
ment; more common in females; high risk of incarceration
. Umbilical and epigastric hernias: Hemiation through midline fascia; high
risk of incarceration
. Spigelian hemia: Hemiation below arcuate line, lateral to the rectus
. Incisional hernia: Hemiation through a wound closure site

Presentation Diagnosis
. Inguinal hemia is usually asympto- . Detaiied history and physical exam is often diagnostic
matic -Paipate the affected area (e.g., groin, incisional area) for tender-
-May have inguinal pain ness, discomfort, and masses while the patient is supine and
-Bu1ge in scrotum/labia upright (while straining)
(increased by straining, lifting) -For inguinal hemia, place finger through extemal inguinal ring
-Incarcerated hemias may cause and palpate for hemia while asking patient to cough
pain, tendemess, nausea, vomit- -Outright pain with a simple hemia is unusual-consider incarcera-
ing, obstructive symptoms tion or strangulation in patients with pain
. Femoral: Femoral bulging/pain . Vomiting or dehydration may result in electrolyte abnormalities
. Spigelian: Anterior abdominal wall . Strangulated hemias may cause leukocytosis with left shift
pain with a mass below the arcuate . Urinalysis may be ordered if suspect GU infection
line . Abdominal CT may show herniation of bowel
. Strangulated hemias may result in . Abdominal X-ray may be ordered if suspect bowel obstruction
pain, tendemess, fever, tachycardia, . Testicular ultrasound if suspect testicular torsion or tumor
and hypotension . Inpatient studies may include hemiography, ultrasound, or MRI if the
. Children with hemia may present diagnosis is unciear
only with irritability

Treatment Disposition
. Reducible hernias may be treated in the ED . Criteria for admission
-Provide analgesia and sedation (opiates and benzodiazepines) -Any strangulated or incarcerated
if required hemia
-Place the patient in a supine position (hernia may sponta- -Bowel obstruction
neously reduce in this position) -Peritonitis
-Place consta*t gentle pressure at the site of hemiation until it -Fever
is reduced -Vomiting
. Attempt reduction of newly incarcerated hemias; however, old
-Intractable pain
incarcerated hemias should not be reduced because the gut may . Discharge if successful reduction is
already be ischemic accomplished in the ED
. Surgical consultation is warranted ifreduction is unsuccessful or . Discharged patients require close fol-
strangulation is suspected low-up, re-examination in 24-48 hours,
. Surgical repair is the definitive treatment for all hemias and surgical referral for elective repair
-Emergent repair for strangulated hemias-insert NG tube, . Strangulated bowel can become ne-
begin IV fluids and keep patient NPO, begin IV antibiotics crotic and gangrenous in as little as 6
(usually a 3rd generation cephalosporin), and consult surgery hours-rapid and accurate diagnosis is
for immediate interuention essential
-Elective repair for reducible hemias
-Some hernias (e.g., in patients who are not good candidates
for surgery) are managed expectantly


44. Appendicitis
- Etiology & PathoPhYsiologY Differential Dx
. Appendicitis is the most common abdominal surgical emergency . Gastroenteritis
. Affects 70-l5%o of the population over their lifetime . Pelvic inflammatory disease
. Most common between ages 10-30 . Nephrolithiasis
. Obstruction of lumen (due to fecalith, neoplasm, foreign object) leads to . Terminal ileitis (Yersinia infec-
distention, increased intraluminal pressure, venous engorgement and tion or Crohn's disease)
impaired arterial blood supply . Intestinal obstruction
. Bacterial invasion of appendix wall ensues, with eventual necrosis. rup- . Pancreatitis
ture, and peritonitis (usually within 36 hours) . Cholecystitis
. Multiple possible presentations are possible due to varied locations of the . Irritable bowel syndrome
appendix (e.g., retrocecal, retroiieal, or pelvic)-fewer than 5OVo of . Tubo-ovarian abscess
patients present with the "classic" history and physical findings . Ovarian cyst/torsion
. Pregnancy/ectopic pregnancY
. Testicular torsion
. UTVpyelonephritis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Classic presentation: Vague, peri- . History and physical exam generally suggest the diagnosis
umbilical or epigastric pain that -Rovsing's sign: RLQ pain upon LLQ palpation
migrates to right lower quadrant -Psoas sign: RLQ pain with right hip extension
(i.e., McBumey's point) -Obturator sign: RLQ pain with hip flexion, intemal rotation
. Low-grade fever, anorexia, N/V . CT with oral contrast is >90Vo sensitive and specific; may show peri-
. Retrocecal appendix may presenf appendiceal infl ammation ("farstreaking"), appendiceal dilatatior/
with poorly localized or right flank thickening, abscess; may also show other pathology
. Ultrasound is diagnostic ifpositive but does not rule out appendicitis
pain; positive psoas sign
. Retroileal appendix: Scrotal pain if negative
. Pelvic appendix: LLQ pair, urge . Abdominal X-ray may show fecalith, appendiceai gas, blurred psoas

to udnate/defecate, rectal tender- line, or ileusi however, it has very poor sensitivity and is therefore not
ness, obturator sign indicated
. ln pregnancy. appendicitis Pain . Leukocytosis and/or neutrophllta (90Vo) are usually present; however,
a normal CBC does not rule out appendicitis
may be anywhere in abdomen
. Per{oration: High fevers and rig- . Urinalysis may show microscopic hematuria and pyuria
. Urine hCG in all females of reproductive age to rule out prcgnancy;
ors, peritoneal signs on exam
however, pregnancy does not rule out appendicitis

Treatment Disposition
. Administer IV fluids and avoid oral intake . Most patients are admitted for immedi-
. Narcotics for pain control (studies show that narcotics will rol ate surgery or obsewation and further
mask appendiceal pain and obscure the diagnosis) workup
. Evaluation and treatment pathway . Patients may be discharged if there are
no signs of appendicitis on imaging.
-If history and physical exam clearly suggest appendicitis, con-
sult surgery for immediate appendectomy symptoms do not worsen on serial
abdominal exams, and they are able to
-If the diagnosis is uncerlain after history and exam, obtain
imaging (CT or ultrasound) to prove the diagnosis tolerate oral intake
. Follow-up within 24 hours; retum
-If diagnosis is stil1 uncertain following imaging, continue with
serial abdominal exams and consider short hospital stay for earlier if symptoms worsen
observation . Complications of perforation include
. Appendectomy is treatment-of-choice longer recovery times and increased
hours risk of ileus, abscess formation, and
-Surgery before perforation occurs (may occur within 24
of symptom onset) will limit morbidity and mortality sepsis
. Antibiotics against enteric organisms (gram negatives, anaerobes, . Pediatric appendicitis is difficult to
and enterococcus) should be given in all patients diagnose (the only symptoms may be
lethargy or decreased activity); most
-Administer a 3rd generation cephalosporin
cases result in perforation
-In cases of perforation, add metronidazole, clindamycin, gen-
tamycin, or ampicillin . The elderly may also have atypical,
unimpressive presentations

45. lnflammatory Bowel Disease
Etiology & PathoPhYsiologY Differential Dx
. Chronic GI inflammation of unknown etiology, possibly autoimmune . Bacterial diarrhea (Shigella,
. Chronic, relapsing-remitting conditions with flare-ups occurring due to S ahnon e lla, C ampy lob a ct e4

stress, infections, NSAIDs, or medication noncompliance Yersinia, E. coli)

. Ulcerative colitis (UC): Inflammation of the colon and rectum (called . Parasitic or viral GI disease
ulcerative proctilis if rectum alone is involved) . C. dfficile colitis
. Appendicitis
-{ontinuous mucosal inflammation (no skip areas)
full-thjckness . Diverticulitis
-Involves only the mucosa and submucosa-no/
. Mesenteric ischemia
-No small bowel involvement
. Colon cancer
-Crypt abscesses are formed but there is no granuloma formation
. Crohn's disease: Inflammation may occur anywhere in the GI tract . lnitable bowel syndrome
rcctum . Pelvic inflammatory disease
-Usually involves the terminal ileum and colon and spares
. Endometriosis
-Noncontinuous inflammation (skip lesions)
. Radiation colitis
-{obblestoning and fissuring of mucosa
increasing . Collagen vascular disease
-Transmural (fu11-thickness) involvement is characteristic,
the risk of perforation, strictue, and fistula formation

Presentation Diagnosis
. Age peaks of diagnosis occur at . Electrolyte abnormaiities may include hyponatremia, hypokalemia,
ages 15-30 and >55 and decreased bicarbonate due to diarrhea
. Abdominal pain, fever, weight loss, . CBC may show leukocytosis and anemia of chronic disease
and diarrhea are common to both . Fecal leukocytes will be present in these conditions as well as in
. Symptoms of obsttuction, mega- infectious diarrhea
colon, perilonitis, shock, and/or sep- . Stool cultures for bacteria and ova/parasites if diagnosis unclear
sis may be present . Abdominal X-rays if suspect perforation or obstruction
. Ulcerative colitis: Intermittent bouts . Abdominal CT may show free air, abscesses, thickened bowel loops
of bloody, mucous dianhea with or mesentery (Crohn's), fistula formation (Crohn's), or toxic mega-
periods of constipation and tenes- colon (UC)
mus . Definitive diagnosis of UC is made by colonoscopy with biopsy.
. Crohn's disease: RLQ mass (may revealing continuous inflammation with friability, exudates, and
mimic appendicitis) and steatorrhea polyps
may be present if there is extensive . Definitive diagnosis of Crohn's is made by colonoscopy, upper GI
ileum involvement series with small bowel follow-through, and barium enema, showing
nodularity, rigidity, cobblestoning, fistulas, and strictures

Treatment Disposition
. IV fluids as necessary to correct dehydration and electrolytes
. Admit patients with severe dehydration,
. Artidiarrheal therapy (loperamide, diphenoxylate/atropine) persistent nausea/vomiting, failed out-
. Therapy is usually undertaken in consultation with GI patient management, or those who
. Acute ulcerative colitis require surgery (e.g., for perforation,
toxic megacolon, abscess, or fistula)
-Mild disease: Aminosalicylates such as mesalamine (fewer . Complications of UC include mega-
side effects) or sulfasalazine
plus an immuno- colon, perforation, cancer
-Moderate-severe disease: Aminosalicylates
suppressant (e.g., systemic glucocorticoids, azathioprine' or 6-
. Complications of Crohn's include per-
mercaptopudne) foration, abscess, obstruction, fistula (to
bowel, bladder, or vagina), perianai fis-
-Fulminant disease: IV glucocortlcoids plus cyclosporine
. Acute Crohn's disease sures/abscesses, malabsorption syn-
dromes, and cancer
-Aminosalicylates, antibiotics (metronidazole or ciprofloxacin),
and an immunosuppresant . Involvement of other organ symptoms
occurs in 107o of patients: Arthritis,
-Infliximab (anti-TNF-ct) may be useful in acute flares and
possibly also as a maintenance therapy skin terythema nodosumt. eye (uveitis.
-IV cyclosporine in severe cases iritis), liver (cholelithiasis, sclerosing
. Azathioprine and 6-MP may be used to decrease the necessary cholangitis, pancreatitis), pulmonary
dosage and duration of steroid therapy embolus, anemia, bone (osteoporosis),
. Colectomy is curative in UC; however, surgery is avoided in or malnutrition
Crohn's disease as it will often recur il other areas


46. Diverticular Disease
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Diverticulosis: Asymptomatic outpouchings of the colonic mucosa . Appendicitis
through the muscularis layer; occurs at sites where intramural blood ves- . Angiodysplasia
sels penetrate (and thereby weaken) the muscular layer . Renal colicfiJTVpyelonephritis
. Diverticulitis: Infection and inflammation of a colonic divefliculum . Ischemic colitis
(occurs in ZOVo of patients with diverticulosis) . Mesenteric ischemia
. Divefticular bleeding is the most common cause of lower GI bleeding in . Abdominal aortic aneurysm
the elderly . Coion cancer
. Divefticula are caused by increased intra-colonic pressures (e.g., in iow- . Inflammatory bowel disease
fiber diets, small stool mass requires increased intra-colonic pressures to . Gastroenteritis
propel stool) . C. diffi.cile colitis
. Diverticula may be present anywhere il the colon (most common in the . Intestinal obstruction
sigmoid) . Irritable bowel syndrome
. Complications of diverticulitis include perforation, fistula (colon to blad- . Pelvic inflammatory disease
der, vagina, or skin), abscess formation, and sepsis . Pregnancy

Presentation Diagnosis
. Diveticulosis is usualiy asympto- . Triad of LLQ pain, fever, and leukocytosis is often present in acute
matic; may present with altemating diverticulitis
. Abdominal CT with conhast is usually diagnostic for diverliculitis
diarrhea/constipation or LLQ pain
relieved by bowel movements (will show pericolic fat inflammation or streaking, bowel wa1l thick-
. Diverticular bleeding is generally ening, presence of diverlicula, or abscesses) and may ruie out other
painless, with signs of lower GI pathologies
bleeding . Plain abdominal X-rays will not effectively delineate diveticula but
. Diverriculitis presents wilh fever. will show obstruction (dilated ioops of bowel) or perforation (free air)
LLQ tendemess, and pain if present
. Barium enema will show diverlicula but is contraindicated in the
-An inflammatory LLQ mass
may be present acute setting
. Sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy are contraindicated in acute divertic-
-Perforation presents with peri-
toneal signs, high-grade fever ulitis risk of perforation
as they may increase the
. Check urine hCG il
females of childbearing age
. Urinalysis may show pyuria due to ureteral inflammation

Treatment Disposition
. Antibiotics for patients with diverticulitis should cover GI aerobes . Discharge patients who are non-toxic,
and anaerobes without severe complaints, able to toler-
-Oral antibiotics may be used in those not systemically ill ate fluids, have no significant co-mor-
(10-14 day course of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid alone or bid diseases, have good follow-up, and
ciprofl oxacin plus metronidazole) have no evidence ofperitonitis
. Admit patients with signs of systemic
-IV antibiotics are indicated iri patients with systemic
signs/symptoms, old age, or significant co-morbidities (peni- illness, evidence of peritonitis, inability
cillin/anti-penicillinase, cefoxitin, cefotetan, or a combination to tolerate oral fluids, or co-morbidities
of ciprofloxacin plus metronidazole) . Consult surgery if perforation or
-Life-threatening disease should be heated with IV imipenem abscess is suspected
or a combination of ampicillin plus gentamycin plus clin- . Al1 patients require follow-up with
damycin enema or colonoscopy after symptoms
. Surgery may be necessary for abscesses, fistulas, or persistent resolve
diverticular bleeding . Divefi iculitis often recurs----colectomy
. Pain control with narcotics as needed may be indicated after the second bout
. In suspected cases of diverticular bleeding, stabilize the patient, (colectomy is suggested after the initial
rule out upper GI bleed (insert NG tube), identify source of bleed- bout in young patients)
ing (via colonoscopy, angiography, or Tc-tagged RBC scan), and . Increase dietary fiber and use stool
treat appropriately bulking agents (e.g., psyllium) to help
prevent divefticula formation

47 . Anorectal Disorders
- Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. The dentate line defines the junction of the rectum (columnar epithelium) . Hemorrhoids
. Anal cryptitis
with the anus (squamous epithelium)
. Hemonhoids: Engorgement, prolapse, or thrombosis of the venous plex- . Anal fissure
. Anorectal abscess
uses that drain the anorectum-may be intemal (proximal to the dentate
. Anal fistula
line) or extemal (distal to the dentate line)
. Cancer (anus, rectum, coion)
-Intemal hemorrhoids are usually painless; pain occurs if they strangu-
late or thrombose . STD proctitis (HSV, gononhea,
. Anal cryptitis: Mucosal fold infection due to diarrhea or hard stool chlamydia, syphilis, HIV)
. Anal fissure (most common cause of anal pain): Tear in the anal epitheli- . Rectal foreign body
um distal to the dentate line. due to hard stools or diarrhea . Rectal prolapse
. Anal fistula: Abnormal communication between the anal canal and skin, . Pruritus ani
often associated with anorectal abscess, UC, or Crohn's disease
. Crohn's disease of the anus
. Pruritus ani: Anal pruritus caused by anorectal disease, infection, dermati- . Ulcerative proctitis
tis (e.g., contact, atopic, psoriasis, lichen planus), neoplasm . Pilonidal cyst/abscess
. Anorectal abscess may occur proximal or distal to the dentate line

Presentation Diagnosis
. General symptoms include pain that . Physical exam should include digital rectal exam and anoscopy
increases with bowel movements or . Hemorrhoids: May see prolapsed intemal or visible extemal hemor-
sitting, bright red blood per rectum, rhoid, which will be swollen and tender if strangulated
and itching . Cryptitis: Tendel swollen crypts just proximai to dentate line
. Hemorrhoids: Pain and bleeding . Anal fissure: Midline tendemess, anal sphincter spasm, and a sentinel
. Anal hssure: Midline posterior pain pile (nodular sweiling at the distal end of the fissure)
. Pruritus ani: Red, edematous, exco- . Anal fistula: Communication of skin with rectum, malodorous dis-
riated skin charge
. Anal fistula: Malodorous discharge . Anorectal abscess: Fluctuant mass, type depends on location:
. Anorectal abscess: Constant pain. -Perianal abscess: Superficial tender mass on the posterior midline
fever, and tendemess at the anal verge (distal to dentate line), without rectal involve-
. STDs: Itching. irritation. pain. ment
tenesmus, minimal bleeding or dis- -Ischiorectal abscess: Abscess in lateral rectum/medial buttocks
charge -Deep abscess: Tender mass on rectal exam
'l/- fluctuance
. Signs of STDs may be present (e.g., warts, chancres, vesicles)
. Obtain X-rays if foreign body is suspected

Treatment Disposition
. General conservative therapy is sufficient in many cases . Most patients can be discharged
. Admit patients with signs of systemic
-Stool bulking agents, laxatives and high-hber diet
inleclion and consider admission in
-Sitz baths (3-4 times/day and after bowel movements)
patients who require surgical inter-ven-
-Local anesthetics
-Topical steroids
. Urgent surgery is required for strangu-
-Cood anal hygiene after each bowel movement
. Processes that originate proximal to the dentate line (i.e., in the lated hemorrhoids and anorectal
rectum) usually require surgical management abscesses
. Hemorrhoids: Conservative therapy for most cases . Any patient with rectal bleeding and
age >40 or other risk factor for cancer
-Intemal: Reduce prolapsed hemomhoids; urgent surgery is
required if incarcerated, sffangulated, or thrombosed requires a complete GI evaluation
-Thrombosed extemal: Consider incision with excision
of clot
in the ED
. Cryptitis and anal fissure may be treated conservatively
. Anorectal abscesses require drainage either by the ED physician
(if simple perianal and distal to the dentate line) or by surgery
. STDs require appropriate antibiotics
. Rectal foreign body must be removed, surgically if necessary


48. lschemic Bowel Disease
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
- . Perforated viscus (e.g., duode-
. Celiac trunk supplies the stomach and duodenum; superior mesenteric
artery (SMA) supplies the jejunum, ileum, and right colon; inferior nafgastric ulcer)
mesenteric artery (IMA) supplies the left coion and rectum . Intestinal obstruction
. Acute mesenteric ischemia most commoniy occurs due to embolic occlu- . Abdominal aortic aneurysm
sion (e.g., secondary to Afib, CAD, clotting disorders, aortic dissection, . Aortic dissection
CHF, or posrMl mural thrombus) . Pancreatitis
. Acute ischemia may also occur due to proximal vessel thrombosis (i.e., . Cholelithiasis
secondary to CHfl hypercoagulable states, trauma, pancreatitis) or non- . Inflammatory bowel disease
occlusive states with low blood flow to the intestine (e.g., shock, sepsis, . Hemia
GI bleed, dehydration, arrhythmia, MI, CHF) . Volvulus
. Chronic mesenteric ischemia (intestinal angina) occurs due to atheroscle- . Intussusception
rotic narrowing of mesenteric arteries . Diverticulitis
. Ischemic colitis is a non-occlusive (never embolic) process involving the . Colon cancer
IMA that occurs secondary to low-flow states . Infectious colitis
. Mesenteric venous thrombosis mav also occur

Presentation Diagnosis
. Acute mesenteric ischemia: . Elevated lactate levels (nearly 1007o sensitive,40To specific), LDH,
Sudden (embolic) or subacute WBCs, alk phos, and CPK; 507o have metabolic acidosis
(thrombotic) onset of severe . Abdominal X-ray is used to exclude perforation (free air) and
abdominal pain. vomiting. diar- obsfuction (dilated loops of bowel)
. Abdominal CT is often normal early in the course, otherwise may
rhea, and occult blood; exam may
be benign (pain out of proportion show bowel wall thickening, mesenteric edema or streaking, free air,
to exam); mental status changes pneumotosis intestinalis (air in the intestinai wa11), or venous throm-
may occur; peritonitis (guarding, bosis and may rule out other pathologies
. Angiography is the gold standard for diagnosis and may also be ther-
rigidity. rebound ) and hypotension
occur late apeutic (via injection of papaverine)
. Chronic mesenteric ischemia: Dull, . Duplex Doppler ultrasound and/or angiography to diagnose chronic
q arnpy, p o s tp r a ndi a I abdominal mesenteric ischemia
pain and extensive weight loss
. Colonoscopy or barium enema is diagnostic for ischemic colitis;
(fear of eating due to pain); abdominal X-ray may show "thumbprinting" (edematous haustral
abdominal bruit may be present folds)
. Ischemic colitis: Episodic crampy
LLQ pain, hematochezia, diarrhea

Treatment Disposition
. Acute mesenteric ischemia . Most patients are admitted
. Patients who are definitively diagnosed
-Replace intravascular volume with normal saline
-Correct predisposing causes (e.g., hypotension-but avoid with ischemia should proceed to
vasopressors as they may exacerbate ischemia) angiography or directly to sugery
. Discharge if mesenteric ischemia is
-IV antibiotics to cover gram negatives and anaerobes
-Angiography with papaverine (a vasodilator that is especiaily effectively ruled out and no other seri-
useful in non-occlusive ischemia to decrease vasospasm) may ous abdominal pathology exists
be attempted as the initial heatment . Mortality 50-1007o
-Exploratory laparotomy for resection of dead bowel is neces-
. Outcomes depend on an aggressive
sary if peritoneal signs are present or if angiography fails diagnostic and therapeutic approach-
-Intra-arterial thrombolytics are investigational early angiography or surgery is essen-
. Chronic mesenteric ischemia: Surgical revascularization is the tial
dehnitive therapy (via percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, . Patients are at increased risk of sepsis
endarterectomy, or bypass) due to htestinal mucosal breakdown
. Ischemic colitis: Supportive care with antibiotics, bowei rest, and with bacterial invasion
hydration; surgery is rarely needed
. Mesenteric venous thrombosis: Thrombolysis and long-term anti-

49. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Etiology & PathoPhYsiologY Differential Dx
.Iliac afiery aneurysm
. Dilation of the aorta )3 cm secondary to a weakened aortic wall
. Renal colic
. gTqa ofanevxysms originate below the renal arteries; however, AAA may
. Pancreatitis
involve renal, mesenteric, and spinal arteries, resulting in organ ischemia
. GI bleed
(e.g., mesenteric ischemia causing abdominal pain, spinal ischemia caus-
. Peptic ulcer disease/GERD
ing lower extremity paralYsis)
. Acute Ml/myocardial ischemia
. Once present, aneurysms typically grow 0.3-0.5 cmlyear
. Diverticulitis
. Untreated AAAs may rupture, resulting in high mortality
. Mesenteric ischemia
. Risk factors include atherosclerosis, hypertension, connective tissue dis-
. Cholecystitis/biliary colic
eases (e.g., Takayasu's arleritis), Marfan syndrome, age )60' male sex,
. Sepsis
family history, tobacco use, peripheral vascular disease, vasculitis, and
. Aortic dissection
. Musculoskeletal back pain
. Bacterial invasion accounts for 57o ofAAAs (e'g., Staphylococcus'
. Other causes of syncope
syphilis, and S al mo ne I I a)
. Herpes zoster

Presentation Diagnosis
. Unruptured AAA causes few symP- . Obtain CBC, chemistries, coagulation factors, and type/cross
toms . Bedside ultrasound is diagnostic forAAA: however, it is insensitive
-Vague abdominal/back Pain for rupture
. Patients diagnosed with a AAA on ultrasound who exhibit signs and
-Pulsatile abdominal mass
-Abdominal bruit symptoms consistent with rupture shouid proceed to surgery immedi-
ately without further imaging studies
-SMA syndrome (N/V, weight
loss due to duodenal compres- . Abdominal CT is also diagnostic for AAA and will detect nearly all
sion) may be present cases of rupture
. Ruptured AAA -Used only in stable patients
-Severe back, abdominal, or flank -Provides anatomic details, surgical landmarks, and arterial
pain that may radiate to the involvement of aneurysm
groin -May detect aitemative diagnoses
. Plain films have poor sensitivity and specifrcity for AAA: May
-Hypotension and tachYcardia
demonstrate a dilated, calcified aortic wall, loss ofpsoas shadow, or
paravertebral soft tissue mass
-Abdominal mass on exaln
-Retroperitoneal hematoma
(Grey-Tumer/Cullen's signs)

Treatment Disposition
. Asymptomatic AAAs discovered incidentally require only outpa- . Admit all patients with symptoms fol
tient vascular surgery follow-uP further surgical/medical management
. Discharge palients wilh asymptomalic.
-If <5 cm, foliow with serial ultrasounds, avoid tobacco, and
manage hypertension and hyperlipidemia incidentally identified AAAs with close
-If >5 cm, elective surgery is indicated due to risk of rupture fo11ow-up
. Educate patient about waming signs/
. Unstable patients require bedside ultrasound
positive, emergent surgery is indicated symptoms of impending rupture (e g.,
increased abdominal/back Pain)
-In hypotensive patients, maintain BP with blood products and
. Rupture is fatal without surgery
normal saline
. 5OVo peioperative morlality following
-In hypertensive patients, BP control with antihyperlensive
medications have not been shown to limit hemonhage or rupture
improve outcome . 57o eleclive perioperative mortality
. Stable patients may undergo ultrasound and CT to further delin- . Graft infection (5. epidermidis is most
eate the pathology common) caries a 30Ea mortality and
may result in systemic infection
-If rupture is confirmed on CT scan, emergent surgical repair is . Aortoenteric fistula formation (often
indicated (patient can rapidly decompensate)
. Cument surgical techniques include placement of an extravascular due to infected graft) may result in GI
or endovascular graft bleeding-Gl bleeding in any patient
with aortic repair is a fistula until
proven otherwise


50. Hepatitis
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. lnflammation of the liver due to viral, autoimmune, toxic (e.g., alcohol, . Cholecystitis
Amanita mushrooms), medications (e.g., isoniazid, methyldopa, ketocona- . Choielithiasis
zole, acetaminophen), or ischemic insults . Cholangitis
. Alcoholic and viral hepatitis are the most common causes in the US . Biliary cirrhosis
. Damage may be due to direct toxic effects, infiltration, or cholestasis . Steatohepatitis
. Acute hepatitis lasts (6 months and results in either resolution of disease . Reye's disease
or aggressive deterioration to liver failure . Tetracycline toxicity
. Chronic hepatitis is a sustained inflammation of the liver for )6 mo . Hemolytic anemia
. Viral hepatitis: Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E; EBV HSV; CMV . Dubin-Johnson syndrome
. Carcinoma (e.g., biliary, head of
-HAV: Self-limited, rarely fatal, not chronic, fecal-ora1 spread
-HBV: May result in cirrhosis or chronic carier state; transmission by pancreas)
sexual, IV drug use, and blood . Biliary atresia and strictures
-HCV: MiId acute disease, but10% develop chronic disease and some
have liver failure after 15-25 years; blood transmission
-HDV: Rapid liver failure; occurs only concunently with HBV

Presentation Diagnosis
. Acute hepatitis: Jaundice, dark . Laboratory abnormalities
urinefiight stools, hepatomegaly, -Elevated AST and ALI in liver inflammation (AST/ALT ratio )2
fatigue, malaise, lethargy, RUQ suggests alcoholic liver disease)
pain/tendemess, N/V, fever -Elevated total and direct bilirubin in cholestasis. liver disease
. Liver failure/cirrhosis may occur: -Elevaied alkaline phosphatase in biliary tract obstmctions,
Ascites, edema due to hypoalbu- cholestasis, primary biliary cirrhosis, sclerosing cholangitis
minemia, hepatic encephalopathy -Hypoalbuminemia and elevated PT due to impaired synthesis of
(e.g., confusion, stupor, coma, albumin and coagulation factors (II, VII, IX, X)
rigidity, asterixis), spider -Hyperammonemia due to impaired NH3 metabolism
. Hepatitis virus serologies
angiomas, palmar erythema,
esophageal varices/bleeding -HAV: Elevated IgM in acute infection, IgG in prior exposure
-Patients with liver failure -HBV: IgM anti-HBc (core antibody) in acute infection; HBs Ag
require a workup for compli- (surface antigen) in chronic hepatitis; HBe antigen indicates high
cations (see the Cirrhosis infectivity; anti-HBs (surface antibody) indicates immunity (prior
entry) infection or vaccination)
. History may reveal alcohol use, IV -HCV: IgG may be elevated after 6-8 weeks of infection
drugs, transfusions, high-risk sex, -HDV: Positive IgM or IgG
family history, toxic medications

Treatment Disposition
. Symptomatic relief of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea; however, . Admit patients with any clinical or
avoid hepatotoxic agents and all medications that are metabolized metabolic derangements (e.g., persistent
by the liver nausea/vomiting, encephalopathy, renal
. Avoid offending substances (e.g., alcohol, drugs) failure, electrolyte disturbances)
. Comect clinical and metabolic abnormalities . ICU admission for fulminant hepatic
-Gentle hydration, correct electrolytes and acid/base status failure
. All pregnant or immunocompromised
-Normalize coagulation with fresh frozen plasma
-Treat hypoglycemia patients are admitted
. Patients with minor symptoms that can
-Lactulose and neomycin to decrease ammonia in cases of
hepatic encephalopathy be controlled in the ED may be dis-
. Definitive inpatient therapies may include charged with close follow-up
*HBV: Interferon and lamivudine . All patients with unexplained liver

-HCV: Recombinant intederon and ribavirin function test elevations must be eval-
-Autoimmune hepatitis: Glucocorticoids uated by gastroenterology
. End-stage liver failure may require liver transplant . Chronic inflammation eventually scars
. Contact prophylaxis is available for Hepatitis A and B the liver, producing cirrhosis with ceilu-
-HAV: Complete vaccine 2 weeks prior to travel; immune glob- 1ar dysfunction, portal HTN, and por-
ulin fbr household, institutional, day-care contacts tosystemic shunting ofblood (see the
-HBVAIDV: Vaccine and immune globulin following exposure Cirrhosis enlry)
(within 7 days)

51 . Cirrhosis
Differential Dx
. Cirrhosis is the end result of a hepatocellular injury that leads to fibrosis . 1'biliary cirrhosis
and nodular regeneration of the liver . 2'biliary cirrhosis
. Clinical features resuit from hepatic cell dysfunction (synthetic or meta- . Noncirrhotic hepatic fibrosis
bolic), portal hypertension, and porto-systemic shunting (CHF and constrictive pericardi-
. Most cases are due to chronic alcohol abuse or viral hepatitis; however, tis may lead to hepalic fibrosis
any chronic liver disease (e.g., Wilson's disease, hemochromatosis, med- with resulting ascites ald may
ication use, PSC, PBC) or massive acute injury (e.g., drug overdose) may be mistaken for cinhosis)
result in cirrhosis
. Complications
portal HTN)
-Variceal hemorrhage (esophageal vein rupture due to
-Ascites (due to portal HTN, 3'd spacing, and volume overload)
(SBP) (infected ascitic fluid)
-spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
-Hepatic encephalopathy (due to accumulation of nitrogenous
-Hepatorenal syndrome (renal failure despite normal kidneys; due
decreased intravascular volume plus renal vasoconstriction)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Weakness, fatigue, weight loss . Liver enzymes are elevated early due to chronic liver disease but may
. Anorexia, nausea/vomiting be normal once significant cirrhosis ensues
. Firm, nodular liver . Hwoalbuminemia, hypocholesterolemia, and decreased coagulation
. S/S of portal hypertension: Ascites factors (increased PT/PTT) due to poor hepatic hormone and protein
(abdominal distension, dyspnea), synthesis
hepatosplenomegaly, caput . Azotemia and electrolyte disturbances (decreased Na+ and K+)
medusae, esophageal varices (GI . CBC may reveal anemia, thrombocytopenia
bleed, hypotension) . Ammonia level is elevated in hepatic encephalopathy
. S/S of liver failure: Jaundice, spidet . To aid diagnosis, obtain hepatitis profile, iron studies, autoantibodies
angiomata, palmar erythema, (ANA, ASMA, AMA), ceruloplasmin, copper
gynecomastia, testicular atroPhY, . Ultrasound may show gallstones or ductal dilatation, and provides
impotence, bruising, and hypocoag- evidence of abnormal liver architecture
ulation . Abdominal CT will detect masses, fatty liver, dilated ducts, and other
. Hepatic encephalopathy: Coma, abdominal pathology
leLhargy. conlusion. asteri xis . Paracentesis of ascitic fluid to diagnose SBP (>1000 WBC, >250
. SBP: Fever, abdominal pain and PMNs, or organisms present) should be obtatred in the presence of
tendemess, mental status changes ascites with unexplained fever or abdominal pain

Treatment Disposition
. Variceal bleed . Hospitalize for acute deterioration and
to manage complications (e.g.,
-Protect airway and intubate as necessary
encephalopathy, hepatorenal syndrorne,
-Correct coagulation abnormalities with FFP
-IV somatostatin (octreotide) will decrease variceal pressure SBP)
and bleeding . Admit to ICU for GI bleed or advanced
-CI for emergent EGD with sclerotherapy or band ligation hepatic encephalopathy
. Mortality of variceal bleed is 30-607o
-Sengstaken-Blakemore tube while awaiting endoscopy
. Mortality of hepatorenal syndrome:
-B-blockers and nitrates may be used for prophyla-ris
. Hepatic encephalopathy SOVo
. Discharge if cirrhosis is well-compen-
-Narcan, thiamine, and dextrose to rule out other causes
sated and close follow-up is possible
-Oral lactulose (traps NH. in gut), and oral neomycin (de-
creases NH3 production by gut bacteria) . Liver transplant is the only cure for
. Ascites: Administer diuretics, resffict sodium intake, and consider advanced cirrhosis
paracentesis (may be diagnostic and therapeutic) with appropriate
fluid studies
. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: IV antibiotics (e.g., cefotaxime,
ceftriaxone, or penicillin/anti-penicillinase)
. Hepatorenal: Correct hypovolemia and stabilize electrolytes
. Avoid liver toxins (e.g., alcohol, medications)

52. Gallbladder Disease
- Differential Dx
. Cholelithiasis: Asymptomatic gallstones . Abdominal aortic aneurysm
. Choledocholithiasis: Gallstones lodged in the common bile duct . Renal colic
. Biliary colic: Intermittent blockage of the cystic or common bile ducts by . PyelonephritisAJTl
gallstones, resulting in transient, colicky pain . Pancreatitis
. Acute cholecystitis: Penistent (>6 brs), painful obstmction of the cystic . Peptic ulcer disease/gastritis
duct, resulting in gallbladder inflammation and infection . Perforated duodenal ulcer
. Cholangitis: Obstruction of the common bile duct rcsulting il inflamma- . Hepatitis
tion and infection; may progress to sepsis and shock . Appendicitis
. Gallstone pancreatitis: Blockage of pancreatic duct by a gallstone result- . Diverticulitis
ing in pancreatitis (2nd most common cause after alcohol) . RLL pneumonia
. Risk factors: Female, fat, forty, fedle (pregnancy), rapid weight loss, dia- . Renal colic
betes, inflammatory bowel disease, cirrhosis . Pelvic inflammatory disease
. Gallbladder disease may also result from biliary dyskinesia (abnotmal . Mesenteric ischemia
contraction), acalculous cholecystitis, and sphincter of Oddi dysfunction . Pregnancy (normal or ectopic)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Biiiary colic: Dull, achy RUQ pain . Initial labs should inciude CBC, LFTs, bilirubin, amylaseflipase, uri-
that lasts (6 hrs and occurs naiysis, and pregnancy test
) I X/week; usuaily occurs after a -Normal labs in biliary coiic/cholelithiasis
Iarge. fatty meall Murphy's sign -May see elevated WBCS and LFTs in cholecystitis
(RUQ tendemess with inspiration) -Elevated amylase/iipase in gallstone pancreatitis
is present during episodes: anorexia. . U/S is the gold standard for diagnosis of gallbladder pathology
N/V, afebrile -May show gallstones or ductal dilatation
. Acute cholecystitis: Severe, steady -In acute cholecystitis, will show distended gallbladder, thickened
RUQ or epigastric pail iasting walls, and pericholecystic fluid
)6 hrs; may radiate to right scap- . CT scan may also be used but it is somewhat iess accurate than ultra-
ula; positive Murphy's sign; may sound for gallbladder disease; will rule out other pathology
have rebound/guarding, N/V, fever . Plain films are not useful for gallbladder disease; abdominal X-ray
. Cholangitis: Charcot's triad (RUQ will rule out other abdominal pathology (e.g., intestinal obstruc-
pain, feveq and jaundice); peritoneal tion/per{oration), CXR wiil identify pulmonary disease
signs may be present; may have . Hepatobiliary nuclear scan (HIDA scan) may be used after admission
decreased mental status and shock 1o diagnose acalculous cholecystitis
due to sepsis

Treatment Disposition
. Biliary colic generally only requires IV fluids, no oral intake until . Admit patients with acute cholecystitis,
symptoms resolve. and analgesia acute cholangitis, cofirmon bile duct
-NSAIDs (especially ketorolac) plus narcotics for pain (meperi- obstruction, or gallstone pancreatitis
dine is generally preferred as morphine may theoretically . Discharge if there is no clinical evi-
cause sphincter of Oddi spasm) dence of gallbladder disease other than
-Antispasmodics (e.g., dicyclomine) and antiemetics simple biliary colic, if pain has
. Acute cholecystitis will require cholecystectomy resolved, and ifpatient is able to toler-
-IV fluids, NPO, antiemetics, and analgesia as above ate oral intake
. Though many people have symptomatic
-Administer IV antibiotics to cover gram negatives, anaerobes,
and enterococcus (e.g., penicillin/anti-penicillinase, ceftriax- choleiithiasis, few cases will result in
one pius mehonidazole, imipenem, or ampicillin plus gen- cholecystitis-however, once hfection
tamycin plus metronidazole) occurs, sugery to temove the gallblad-
-Cholecystectomy is generally delayed for 3-5 days to allow der is indicated
gallbladder inflammation to decrease . Patients with recurrent biliary colic may
-Unstable patients may require urgent surgical intervention undergo elective lithotripsy or cholecys-
(cholecystectomy 01 percutaneous drainage) tectomy
. Cholangitis requires emergent, aggressive intervention . Complications include pancreatitis,
-Aggressive IV fluids and pressors as needed for shock ascending cholangitis, gallbladder
-Broad-spectrum antibiotics and analgesia as above empyema, or gangrene
Emergent biliary drainage if no improvement within 24 hrs

53. Pancreatitis
- & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Pancreatic inflammation associated with edema, autodigestion, necrosis, . Gastritis
. Perforated viscus (acutely perfo-
and possibly hemorrhage
. Varies from mild, selflimited disease to severe pancreatitis with systemic rated duodenal ulcer)
. Acute cholecystitis
multiorgan failure and death
. 807o of acute attacks are due to cholelithiasis or alcohol . Acute intestinal obstruction
. Risk factors include alcohol use, cholelithiasis, abdominal trauma or sut- . Aortic aneurysm rupture

gery, hypercalcemia, ampullary stenosis, penetrating ulcers, pregnancy,

. Renal colic
. Mesenteric ischemia
SLE, parasite infection, ischemia, hyperlipidemia, drugs (e.g.' OCPs'
. Mesenteric thrombosis
steroids, diuretics, aspirin), viral infections, scorpion bite, recent ERCP'
. Ectopic pregnancy
family history
. Chronic pancreatitis is a slowly progressive destruction of pancreatic tis- . Myocardial infarction
. Pneumonia
sue from inflammation, fibrosis, and distorlion of the pancreatic ducts,
most commonly due to alcohol abuse
and diabetes
-CIassic triad of pancreatic calcifications, steatorrhea,
-Amylase and lipase may not be elevated in chronic disease

Presentation Diagnosis
. Steady, severe epigastric pain that . Lipase and amyiase are generally elevated in acute disease (lipase has
radiates to the back higher specificity and sensitivity; amylase is also found in the salivary
glands, adipose tissue, and elsewhere)
-Begins 1-4 hours after large
meal or alcohol intake . Labs should include CBC, electrolytes, BUN/CI, LDH, LFTs
-Relieved by leaning forward -Electrolyte abnormalities (e.g., hypokalemia, hypocalcemia)
. N/V, distension, dyspnea -Elevated LFTs and LDH in biliary disease
. Exam may reveal fever, decreased -Decreased hemoglobin in hemorrhagic
bowel sounds, tachycardia, bluish . Plain films are nonspecific and may show isolated left pleural effu-
discoloration of umbilicus (Cullen's sion, atelectasis, dilated sentinel bowel loop and will rule out pneu-
sign) or flank (Grey-Tumer sign) monia and perforation
. Severe disease may present with . Abdominal CT may show inflammation but is insensitive for pancre-
signs of volume depletion, hypoten- atitis; indicated for critically ill patients to rule out necrotizing pan-
sion, peritonitis, and shock creatitis and other abdominal pathology
. Chronic pancreatitis: Abdominal . U/S has poor sensitivity for pancreatic pathology but will show asso-
pain, N/V, anorexia, steatorrhea, ciated biliary tract disease (e.g., ductal dilatation, stones)
constipation, jaundice, weight loss . Inpatient ERCP may be used to evaluate for biliary obstruction

Treatment Disposition
. Supporlive care is the mainstay of featment . Most patients are admitted
. Patients with hemonhagic or necrotiz-
-Aggressive IV fluid replacement (normal saline) is
due to 3rd spacing into the leffopedtoneal space-tirab fluids ing pancreatitis, respiratory distress, or
to maintain BP and urine outPut shock should be admitted to the ICU
. Discharge is acceptable for patients
-Clear liquids in mild disease
with mild pancreatitis without anatomi-
-Bowel rest (NG tube, NPO) in severe disease, ileus, N/V
for pain (morphine may theoretically cause cal abnormalities who are able to toler-
sphincter of Oddi dysfunction) ate clear liquids
as necessary
. Ranson's criteria are used to assess
severity and mofiality
-Monitor and conect electrolytes (especially calcium)
. lndications for surgery after admission: To confrm disease tn -Morrality <lVo if <3 crileria are
severe pancreatitis unresponsive to heatment, to relieve biliary or present; nearly l00Vo rf >6
pancreatic duct obstruction, to drain abscess or debride necrotic -Criteria at presentation: Age >55,
pancreatic tissue, or for necrosis or sepsis WBC >16,000, glucose >200, LDH
. Complications of pancreatitis include persistent ductai obstruction >350, and AST >250
(may require ERCP with sphinctelotomy), pseudocyst formation, -Criteria after 48 hours: HCT
abscess/necrosis (develops 2-4 weeks after acute episode and decrease of more than 107o, BUN
requires drainage and broad-spectrum antibiotics), and ARDS increase of >5 mg/dl, calcium (8,
(3-7 days after initial event, most require intubation) PaO, <60, base deficit >4, fluid
deficit >6 L



54. Anemia
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Hemoglobin GIb) <12 mg/dl . Microcytic: Iron deficiency, ane-
. Due to decreased production of hemoglobin, increased destruction of mia of chronic disease. lead poi-
RBCs, or blood loss soning, thalassemia
. Macrocytic: Vitamin Bt, or
-Decreased production (marrow failure): Pemicious anemia, thal-
assemia, chronic liver or renal disease, malignancy, folic acid defi- folate deficiency, liver disease,
ciency, vitamil B12 deficiency, or iron deficiency alcohol, hypothyroidism, HIV
. Normocytic: Aplastic anemia,
-Increased destruction: Infection, sickle cell disease, and immune medi-
ated hemolysis hemorrhage. anemia of chronic
disease, hemolysis (drug-
-Loss of blood: Hemorrhage, trauma, chronic GI bleeding, and exces-
sive blood donation or blood draws induced, autoimmune, SLE),
. Chronic anemia is much better tolerated than acute anemia marrow disease, infection,
. Anemia is classified based on RBC size (i.e., microcytic, macrocytic, or hypot}yroidism. renal insufll-
normocytic) and hemoglobin concentration (i.e., hypochromic or nor- ciency, sickle cell disease,
mochromic) microangiopathy. membrane
defects, DIC, TTP

Presentation Diagnosis
. Decreased exercise tolerance . Detailed history and physical exam, including rectal and guaiac
. Easy fatigability . CBC: Note red cell indices-McY MCH, RDW
. Dyspnea on exertion . Peripheral smear may show characteristic cell tJpes (e.g., sphero-
. Altered mental status cytes, schistocytes, multinucleated cells)
. Chest pain . Reticulocyte count is increased if anemia is due to blood loss or RBC
. Cold intolerance destruction; decreased if due to marrow failure
. Headaches . Further studies may include iron panel (iron, ferritin, transferrin satu-
. Pallor ration, TIBC), haptoglobin, 812 and folate levels, bilirubin, LDH,
. Postural hypotension/syncope LFTs, TSH, renal function, blood type and cross, hemoglobin elec-
. Tachycardia and hypotension trophoresis, bone manow aspirate, GI workup
. Heme-positive stools (in cases of GI . Classify the etiology based on laboratory results
bleed) -Iron deficiency: J ferritin, reticulocytes, MCY MCH; t TIBC
. Jaundice (in cases ofhemolysis) -Chronic disease: J reticulocytes, TIBC; normal MCY MCH
. Glossitis (B, deficiency) -Brrlfolate deficiency: J reticulocytes; t MCV
-Marrow failure: J reticulocytes; may involve other celi lines
-Hemolysis: f reticulocytes, bilirubin, LDH; J haptoglobin in cases
of intravascular hemolysis

Treatment Disposition
. Supplemental Oz . Most patients can be discharged home,
. In cases of ongoing acute blood loss: Establish 2 large bore IVs, assuming adequate ouqatient follow-up
monitor, and send for blood type and cross (note that change in is available
Hb levels may lag behind actual blood loss) . Criteria for admission
. IV fluids as necessary to maintain blood pressure -Active blood loss
. Blood transfusion is generally indicated for hemoglobin {8 -Initial unexplained Hb <8 mg/dl
-Young, healthy patients should only be transfused if they are -Cardiac symptoms (e.g., SOB, CP)
symptomatic or have ongoing acute blood losses -Patients requiring transfu sion
-Cardiac patients may requhe transfusion at Hb
(10 -Symptomatic patients
-Avoid transfusing beyond a Hb of 12 as this may resull in -Unstable vital signs
increased blood viscosity, which may impair 02 delivery -Aplastic anemia
. Therapy of hemolytic anemia may inciude systemic steroids, -Significant co-morbid disease
avoidance of precipitating drugs, and transfusions; therapy should . Patients with unexplained iron defi-
be instituted only in consultation with a hematologist ciency anemia should be referred for
. Supplement vitamin B12, folate, and iron as necessary outpatient colon cancer screening
. Patients with primary manow disorders require transfusions, fur-
ther evaluation, and possibly a bone marow ffansplant


55. Sickle Cell Disease

Differential Dx
. An autosomal recessive disorder resulting in defective hemoglobin . Acquired hemoglobinopathies
. Defect is in position 6 of the B-globin gene, where valine substitutes for (methemoglobin, sulfhemoglo-
glutamic acid; this defective hemoglobin has diminished solubility in the bin, carboxyhemoglobin)
. Thalassemias
deoxygenated form, resulting in sickling of RBCs that have difficulty tra-
versing the microvasculature
. Iron-deficiency anemia
. Hemolytic anemia results as the spleen removes these abnormal cells . Bone marrow disease (leukemia)
. Acute sickling ("vaso-occlusive crisis") results in occlusions and infarcts . Other inherited hemoglo-
of the spleen, brain, kidney, lung, and other organs binopathies
. Causes of crises include hypoxia, acidosis, dehydration' infection, temper
ature changes, stress, pregnancy, alcohol, and menstruaiion
. Patients with sickle cell disease are at increased risk of infection with
encapsulated organisms (e.g., S pneumoniae, H inJluenzae, Salmonella)
. Homozygotes are affected: heterozygotes are carriers
. Very common in African-American populations

Presentation Diagnosis
. Anemia: Pallor, fatigue . Prior diagnosis has usually been established upon presentation
. Hemolysis: Jaundice, cholelithiasis . Definitive diagnosis via hemoglobin electrophoresis
. Microvascular occlusion: Finger . CBC with peripheral smear (baseline Hb usually 6-10 mg/dl)
swelling. bone pain. leg ulcers. pri- -Microcytic, hypochromic anemia; sickled celis
apism, CVA, blindness -RBCs are often profoundly decreased during hemolytic and
. Vaso-occlusive crisis: Pain in back, hypoplastic crises; normal in painful crises
chest, abdomen, or extremities -WBC may be elevated due to crisis or to concurrent infection
. Acute chest syndrome: Severe pleu- . Reticulocyte count is increased in most crises (to replace sickled,
ritic chest pain, hypoxemia, dysp- damaged RBCs); decreased during hypoplastic crises
nea, and tachypnea . Elevated bilirubin due to hemolytic anemia
..Splenic/hepatic sequestration crisis: . Blood cultures, urinalysis and urine culture, sputum samples, and
Fever, splenomegaly, pallor, and lumbar puncture may be necessary to rule out infection
abdominai pain . CXR may show evidence of pneumonia or acute chest crisis
. Acute aplastic anemia (often due to . Bone X-ray and/or bone scan may show evidence of bone infarction,
infection): Rapid onset of profound osleomyel itis. or joint osteonecrosis
anemia and fever . Head CT to rule out hemorrhage during acute CVA

Treatment Disposition
. Blood type and cross . Disease follows a relapsing/remitting
. Aggressive IV hydration with D5%NS or D5W is preferred due course with acute exacerbations/crises
to hyposthenuria (defective renal concentration) and potential chronic compl ications
. Supplemental 02 $at > 92Vo) minimizes peripheral sickling . Symptoms may last up to 4-6 daYs
. Antibiotics if suspect or cannot rule out infection: 3'd generadon . Admit for infection, uncontrolled pain,
cephalosporin plus source-specific antibiotics acute chest syndrome, splenic or hepat-
. IV narcotics for pain conhol: Morphine sulfate is the preferred ic sequestration crisis. severe anemia.
agenl (less addictive than meperidine); consider PCA pump so aplastic crisis. acute CVA. priapism.
patient can control the dosing cholecystitis, severe tenal disease, or
. Blood transfusion if Hb <5, symptomatic anemia, aplastic ane- ophthalmic symptoms
mia, or splenic sequestration crisis occurs; do not transfuse . Discharge is acceptable if pain is easily
beyond HCT >25 as this may worsen symptoms due to increased controlled and underlying causes of cri-
blood viscosity sis are adequately treated (e.g., dehy-
. Exchange transfusions to replace patient's sickled blood with dration, infection)
donor blood should be considered in acute chest syndrome, acute . Instruct patient to avoid possible trig-
CVA. priapism. or hepatic sequeslralion crisis gers, such as infection, fever, hypoxia,
. Hydroxyurea is an antisickling agent that will increase ploduction dehydration, and low Or tension (i.e.,
of fetal hemoglobin to augment 02 delivery high altitudes)


56. Platelet Disorders
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Thrombocytopenia is most commonly due to accelerated platelet destruc- . Increased platelet destruction:
tion; may also occur due to decreased marrow production or increased Drugs (e.g., digoxin, HCTZ,
splenic sequestration PCN, antibiotics, clopidogrel,
. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP): Diffuse vessel wall injury amiodarone, heroin, cocaine),
results in thrombocytopenia, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, fever, ITP, TTP, DIC, HUS, sepsis,
renal dysfunction, and CNS symptoms; idiopathic or due to infection, transfusion reaction, prosthetic
pregnancy, medication, or autoimmune diseases vaive, viral infections, HELLP
. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP): Platelet desfuction caused by syndrome, hypothyroidism
anti-platelet antibodies; often associated with viral illness . Decreased marrow production:
. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC): Life-threatening disorder in Myelodysplasia, alcohol, mar-
which coagulation factors are inappropriately activated, resulting il row infiltration by cancer cells,
ischemia (due to thrombosis of smal1 vessels) and bleeding (due to con- cytotoxic drugs
sumption of clotting factors); caused by diffuse endothelial i"j"ty or release . Sequestration: Leukemia, lym-
of tissue factors (e.g., sepsis, pregnancy, trauma, bums, malignancy) phoma, portal HTN

Presentation Diagnosis
. Superficial bleeding . CBC, electrolytes, BUN/creatinine, LDH
. Peripheral smear: Fragmented RBCs (schistocytes) in DIC, TTP
-Skin: Easy bruising, petechiae
developing into purpura . Prolonged bleeding time in all cases
. PT and PTT are ilcreased in DIC; normal in other etiologies
-Mucous membranes: Epistaxis,
gingival bleeding, GI bleeding . TTP: Anemia, thrombocytopenia, increased bilirubin and LDH,
-Genitourinary: Menorrhagia increased BUN and creatinine, hematuria, and proteinuria
. Splenomegaly (in cases of splenic . ITP: Peripheral smear shows large platelets without hemolysis or
sequestration) schistocytes; history of viral iliness{JRl; nomal LDH
. TTP: Fever. jaundice. confusion. . DIC: Increased fibrin split products and D-dimer; decreased fibrino-
headache. coma gen
. DIC: Bleeding phenomena (e.g.. . Bone marow exam as an inpatient may be required if etiology is
skin/mucous membrane bleeding; uncertain
hemorrhage from surgical scars, . Abdominal CT to rule out hypersplenism due to platelet sequestration
puncture sites, and IV sites) and . Head CT to rule out intracerebral bleed if there are any mental status
thrombotic phenomena (e.9., gan- changes
grenous digits, genitalia, and nose;
peripheral acrocyanosis)

Treatment Disposition
. Treat the underlying disorder (e.g., infection, placental abruption) . Consult hematology for significant
or avoid causative medications thrombocytopenia
. Platelet transfusion is indicated if platelet count is < 10,000 due . Admission criteria
to risk of major hemorrhage; if platelets >30,000, transfusion is -Signihcant bleeding
indicated only if bleeding -Need for IV medication/transfusion
. DIC: Bleeding can usually be controlled with fresh frozen plas- -Unclear future course of platelet lev-
ma, platelets, and/or cryoprecipitate els
-Heparin therapy has no proven benefit in DIC treatment -Poor outpatient follow-up
. TTP: Plasma exchange is the treatment of choice; IVIG may be -Platelets <30,000
helpful; avoid platelet transfusions (may worsen disease) except -Diagnosis of DIC or TTP
in cases of severe bleeding . ICU admission may be needed for close
-Sterords have not been proven to be effective monitoring depending on the cause
. ITP: Systemic steroids l /- IVIG; immunosuppressive agents .ITP: Acute course with selflimited
may be required; danazol or splenectomy for persistent disease remission in children: often chronic and
-It is unclear if asymptomatic patients need treatment persistent in adults
. DIC is often progressive and fatal; treat-
-Selflimited in children-no therapy required
ment is suppoflive until the underlying
cause can be reversed
. Close follow-up for discharged patients

57 . Hemophilia and von Willebrand's Disease
- Differential Dx
. HemophiliaA and B are ciinically indistinguishable, x-linked recessive . Acquired coagulation disorders
disorders in which a decrease in clotting factors prevents stabilization of te.g.. DlC. liver disease. vitamin
the plateiet plug K deficiency)
. Factor XI deficiency
-Hemophilia A (857o of cases) is due to factor VIII deficiency
. Factor XII deficiency
-Hemophilia B is due to factor IX deficiency
. von Willebrand's disease is a deficiency of von Willebrand's factor . Thrombocytopenia { including
. von Willebrand's factor mediates platelet adhesion to sites of injury and ITP, TTP, or idiopathic)
stabilizes and carries clotting factor VIII
. Platelet aggregation disorders
(e.g., afibrinogenemia, drugs)
-Type I (autosomal dominant): Deficiency of vWF
. Damage to endothelium (e.g.,
-Type II (autosomal dominant): Defective vWF
Type III (autosomal recessive): Complete absence of vWF DIC, HUS, TTP, HSP)
illness) . Granule release disorders (e.g.,
-Acquired defects (often iatrogenic or secondary to medical
occur rarely Chediak-Higashi syndrome,
aspirin, NSAIDs, uremia)

. Delayed bleeding . Hemophilia
. Symptoms of von Willebrand's dis- -Prolonged PTT (may be normal if factor ievels arc )30Vo of rlor-
ease mal)
-Skin: Petechiae/purpura/bruising -PT, platelet count, and bleeding time are usually normal
-Mucous membranes: Gingival -Decreased factor VIII or IX levels
bleeding, epistaxis, GI bleeds . von Willebrand's disease
-GU bleeding: menorhagia -Prolonged bleeding time in moderate to severe cases

-Excessive bleeding atler dental -PT is normal

extraction, surgery, or trauma -PTT is generally normal but may be increased
. Symptoms specific to severe hemo- -Specific von Willebrand factor assays (e.g., vWF Ristocetin cofac-
philia tor assay) will identify the presence of von Willebrand's disease in
-Hemarthrosis equivocal cases
. Head CT should be obtained in any case of trauma (even minor
-Chronic joint disease
-Large superfi cial ecchymoses hauma)
-Muscle hematomas
-CNS bleeds with minor trauma
-{ompartment syndrome

Treatment Disposition
. Prevent trauma . Most patients with severe symptoms are
. Avoid aspirin and other antiplatelet drugs admitted
. Hemophilia: Treat bleeding episodes by supplementing coagula- . Admission criteria: Severe or life-
tion factors threatening bleeding, unable to self-
or administer factor replacements, and
-Factor VIII or IX concentrates (monoclonal purified factors
recombinant factors greatly decrease risk of HIV and hepatitis unreliable follow-up
C transmission) . Consider HIV/AIDS in patients trans-
-Fresh frozen plasma or cryoprecipitate may be administered if fused prior to 1985
factor concentrates are not available (carry a risk of viral . Type I and II vWD are often subclinical
transmission) and revealed after trauma or surgery
. von Willebrand's disease . Type III vWD causes bleeding during
menses or any minor ffauma
-Desmopressin (DDAVP) increases levels of vWF in vWD
types I and II . Complications of therapy are common,
VIII concentrate, is the preferred therapy including transfusion-related infections
-Humate-P, a factor
in vWD type III and chronic liver disease; however,
newer treatments, which include recom-
binant factors, prevent these devastating
side effects

58. Oncologic Emergencies-Hematologic/lnfectious
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Oncologic emergencies may be hematologic, infectious, metabolic, or due . Hematologic emergencies
to compression of adjacent structures -Anemia
. Hematologic emergencies include severe anemia, neutropenia, thrombocy- -DVT, PE, arterial thrombus
topenia. DIC. and leukocytosis -Neutropenia
-May be due to direct tumor effects on the marrow, chemotherapy -Thrombocytopenia
effects on the marrow, or immune-mediated cell destruction _DIC
-Malignancy is also an independent risk factor for hypercoagulability,
spontaneous DVT, and PE . Infectious emergencies
. Infectious emergencies secondary to immunosuppression caused by -Bacterial infections (e.g.,
chemotherapy toxicity, direct tumor suppression of the marrow, or ineffec- pneumonia. UTl. bacteremia.
tive white blood cells (i.e., leukemia) sepsis)
(e.g., bacteria, yeast) -Fungal infections
-Patients are prone to opportunistic infections
-Neutropenic fever is defined as a temperature >38"C with an absolute Viral infections
neutrophil count (PMNs plus bands) <500 -Fever of malignancy

Presentation Diagnosis
. Anemia: Fatigue, lethargy, pallor . Detailed history including type of cancer, staging, and date and types
. Thrombocytopenia: Petechiae, pur- of last chemotherapy or radiation treatment
pura, spontaneous bleedhg . CBC, electrolytes, and PT/PIT
. Neutropenic fever: May be asl,rnp- . Blood cultures X 2 (prior to antibiotic administration in cases of neu-
tomatic or may have rigors, malaise, iropenic fever)
fatigue, nausea/vomiting, shortness . Urinalysis and urine culture
ofbreath, myalgias, and mental sta- . Chest X-ray may show infiltrate
tus changes . Head CT is indicated for mental stafus changes or weakness to rule
. DVT: Extremity edema and erythe- out metastases and cerebral edema
ma, calf tendemess . Chest CT or ventilation/perfusion scan if pulmonary embolism is sus-
. Pulmonary embolus: Pleuritic chest pected
pain, shortness of breath, lachypnea, . Venous Doppler of extremities if DVT is suspected
tachycardia . Lumbar puncture if suspect meningitis, encephalitis or subarachnoid
hemorrhage (always check head CT before LP to rule out mass
lesions and avoid possible cerebral hemiation)

Treatment Disposition
. Treat underlying disorders as appropriate . Most patients are admitted
. Neutropenic fever requires broad-spectrum IV antibiotics untii . Criteria for admission
cuitures become negative -Neutropenia with fever
-Piperacillin and gentamicin -Severe anemia (Hb <8)
-Piperacil I in and ciprofl oxacin -Pulmonary embolus or new throm-
-3rd-generation cephalosporin, gentamicin, */- vancomycin bus
4th-generation cephalosporil alone -Mental status changes
-Penicillin/anti-penicillinase -Persistent vomiting
-lmipenem +/- vancomycin -Major metabolic disturbances
. Discharge is acceptable if patient is
-Add antifungal agents in persistently febrile patients
-Further therapy may include G-CSF or GM-CSF to stimulate hemodynamically stable, afebrile, toler-
WBC production ating oral intake, and DVT or pul-
. Anemia: Transfuse symptomatic patients with Hb <8 monary embolus is unlikely
. Thrombocytopenia: Transfuse platelets if platelet count is . Many neutropenic fever patients will
<10,000 or if <50,000 with spontaneous bleeding have negative cultures; however, all
. DVT or PE requires IV heparin followed by warfarin therapy patients are empirically treated with
-Place IVC hlter if anticoagulation is contraindicated antibiotics due to the rapid progression
of infection and sepsis
. Place on neutropenic precautions if neu-

59. oncologic Emergencies-Metabolic
Differential Dx
. Tumor lysis syndrome
. Tumor lysis syndrome: Following large scale destmction of tumor cells
(1-5 days after chemotherapy or therapeutic radiation), large quantities of -Dehydration
uric acid (from DNA breakdown), potassium (from cytoplasmic stores)' -Drug-induced nePhrotoxicitY
and phosphate (from protein breakdown) are released, resulting in
renal -Tumor infiitration of kidneY
failure and electrolyte imbalances -Anemia
rarely with solid tumors . HypewiscositY sYndrome
-Associated with leukemia and lymphoma; .CVA
. Hlpewiscosity syndrome: Increased blood viscosity due to elevated levels
ofOtooO cells or protein (e.g., immunoglobulins), resulting in sludging' -Platelet disorders
decreased blood flow, ischemia, and end-organ damage -Thrombosis
polycythemia vera' _DIC
-Causes include Waldenstriim's macroglobulinemia,
multiple myeloma, leukemias, connective tissue disorders -Sickle cell disease
. SIADH: inappropriate ADH secretion, most commonly due to ectopic -Polycythemia
. SIADH: Other causes of
ADH produitiorin small cell lung tumors; results in excess free H2O and
hyponatremia with normal totai body H2O
. Fiypercalcemia: Occurs with bony metastases or ectopic PTH pepiide

. Tumor lysis: Weakness, mental sta- . Tumor lysis: History of recent chemotherapy or radiation in a patienl
tus changes, renal failure, anhYth- with hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hyperuricemia is essen-
mias (due to hyperkalemia), and tially diagnostic
(hyperkalemia, hyper-
symptoms of hypocalcemia (e.g.. -Check electrolytes and renal function
tetany, cramps, seizures) uricemia, renal failure)
. Hyperviscosity: Fatigue, headache, . Hyperviscosity: A clinicai diagnosis in patients with risk factors
mucosal bleeding, renal failure, -Symptoms occur with blood viscosity
>4-5 (normal 1.4-1'8)
poor vision, neurologic symptoms -CBC: Elevated WBC and RBC and/or RBC rouleaux formation
t e.g.. ataxia. headache. confusion.
(symptoms occur with granulocytes >100,000 or lymphocytes
seizure, coma), cardiac sYmPtoms >750,000)
(e.g., angina, MI, anhYthmia, CHF), -Check electrolytes, PT,IPTT, and renal function
and dermatologic sYmPtoms (e.g..
. SIADH: Requires six criteria for diagnosis
-Elevated urine Na+
Raynaud's, palpable PurPura) -Hyponafiemia
. SIADH: Mental status changes, -Euvolemia -Decreased serum osmoles
edema, weakness, Nfy', seizures -Urine not maximally diluied (osmoles >300)
(e.g., renal or thyroid
. Hypercalcemia: Weakness, N/V, -Exclusion of other causes of hyponatremia
abdominal pain, delirium disease)

. All tumor lysis patients arc admitted
. Tumor lysis
-Aggresslve hydration; correct electrolyte
abnotmalities -Most patients admitted to ICU
-Allopurinol: Inhibits xanthine oxidase to
prevent breakdown -Monitored floor admission is suffi-
of nucleic acids into uric acid cient in mild cases

-Sodium bicarbonate: Alkalinizes urine

to prevent uric acid -Consult nephrology early. in case
from precipitating in the kidneY dialysis is needed
> 10, creatinine ) 10, . Hyperviscosity sYndrome
-Consider dialysis if K+ >6, uric acid
phosphate ) 10, or symptomatic hypocalcemia - Consider transfer to teniary care
. Hyperviscosity center if your facility does not have
plasmapheresis or an oncologist
-Aggressive hYdration
readily available
-Treat bleeding comPlications . SIADH
-Leukopheresis for leukocYtosis
-Plasmapheresis for elevated
protein -Admission is necessary lor severe
with NS hyponaffemia, sYmPtomatic hYPona-
-Phlebotomy in severe cases to replace blood
. SIADH: Free water restriction is the cornerstone of therapy tremia, or if likelY to worsen

-37o sallne or notmal saline plus loop diuretics

if severe -Mild, asymptomatic cases maY be
affects renal tubules; used by nephrology discharged
pontine myelinolysis
-Slow1y correct Na+ to avoid central
. Hypercalcemia: See "Hypercalcemia" entry


60 Tumor Compression Syndromes

Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Be suspicious of a tumor compression syndrome in any cancer patient . Airway obstruction: Foreign
with a new onset of weakness, numbness, or mental status changes, oI body, infection, cord paralysis
with unexplained sweliing of the head or extremities . SVC syndrome: Deep venous
. May be the presenting symptom of a malignancy thrombosis due to central line,
. Prompt diagnosis and initiation of therapy are required to prevent perma- TB, syphilis, sarcoidosis, aortic
nent disability and/or death aneurysm
. Lymphoma, lung, and breast cancer are common causes . Spinal cord compression:
. Upper airway obsnlction may be due to tumor mass Hemiated disc, vertebral frac-
. Superior veoa cava syndrome occurs when compression results in ture, epidural abscess, nerropa-
increased venous pressure in arms, head, and neck thy
. Spinal cord compression and cauda equina syndromes occur when a tumor . Pericardial tamponade: PE, MI,
mass or collapsed vertebral body intrudes on the spinal cord pneumothorax
. Malignant pericardial effrrsion with tamponade may occur . Cerebral edema/herniation:
. Cerebral hemiation may occur due to tumor mass and cerebral edema Meningitis, encephalopathy,
metabolic disturbances

Presentation Diagnosis
. Airway obstruction: Voice changes, . Airway obstruction may be demonsffated on iateral neck X-rays;
stridor, wheezing, neck mass fiber optic laryngoscopy is diagnostic
. SVCAVC syndrome: Headache, . SVC syndrome: Chest CT or CXR reveals an apical lung mass
upper extremity and facial edema, . Spinal cord compression requires emergent MRI or CT myelogram in
fatigue, syncope, vision changes, all suspected cases as they are the gold standard tests to identify cord
menta-l status changes, shortness of compression; plain fllms may show vertebral body disease
breath, supraclavicular mass, cough . Pericardial tamponade is diagnosed by transthoracic echocardiogram;
. Cord compression: Back pain chest X-ray may show a "water-bottle" heart and signs of CHF
(worse when supine) or tendemess, . Cerebral edema is diagnosed by head CT (with or without contrast)
weakness, paresthesias, bowel or or MRI; lumbar puncture may be required to exclude infection and to
bladder incontinence obtain cytology
. Tamponade: Hypotension, JVD, . CBC, electrolytes, BUN/creatinine, and LFTs to exclude metabolic
pulsus paradoxus, distant heart beat disorders
. Cerebral edema: Mental status
changes. weakress. paresthesias.

Treatment Disposition
. Supportive care with IV fluids and supplemental 02 . A11 patients should be admitted to an
. IV steroids will temporarily decrease swelling in most cases ICU or a tertiary care center that has
. Treat underlying metaboiic disorders or infections, ifpresent neurosurgery and oncology services
. Prompt neurosurgical consult is required for spinal cord compres- available
sion, cauda equina syndrome, or cerebral edema . Prognosis is dependent on tumor tlT)e
. Seizure prophylaxis with phenytoin if cerebral mass present and length of symptoms
. Airway obstruction . Patients with history ol a compression
-Ensure airway patency-surgical airway may be needed syndrome have a l0-30Vo likelihood of
-Therapy may entail resection, chemotherapy, or radiation lecunence
. Pericardial tamponade . In patients with cord compression.
-Pericardiocentesis for temporary relief of symptoms paralysis for greater than 24 hours indi-
-Pericardial window or pericardiotomy may be definitive cates that function is unlikely to retum
. SVC syndrome
-Radiatron therapy is the definitive treatment
-Loop diuretics and steroids if cerebral edema is present
. Spinal cord compression: High dose IV dexamethasone; may
need emergency surgical decompression or radiation therapy
. Cerebral edema: IV mannitol, IV dexamethasone, and hyperventi
lation to J ICP; urgent radiation or chemotherapy

61. Hypoglycemia
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Whipple's triad: Symptoms consistent with hypoglycemia, low blood glu- . Infection (e.g., UTI, meningitis,
cose, symptoms resolve with normalization of serum glucose sepsis)
. Hypoglycemia causes release of glucagon, growth hormone, and cate- . Aicohol intoxication
cholamines, which rapidly mobiiize liver glycogen to provide fuel (elevat- . Medication overdose (e.g., sym-
ed epinephrine causes the symptoms ofhypoglycemia) pathomimetics)
. Hypoglycemia rapidly causes neurologic dysfunction (may be irreversible) . CNS disorder (e.g., CVA/TIA,
as glucose is the brain's primary source of energy seizure, hemorrhage)
. Causes of hypoglycemia include excessive insulin administration (#1 . Dehydration
cause), sulfonylurea administration, ethanol, insulinoma, sepsis, renal fail- . Adrenal insuffi ciency/crisis
ure, malnutrition/fasting, factitious insulin administration, decreased . Hypothyroidism
glucagon, sarcomas, pituitary or adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, . Renal failure
and congenital hormone/enzyme defects . Hepatic failure
. Reactive hypoglycemia occurs 2-4 hrs after meals, due to delayed and . Psychosis
exaggerated insulin release (associated with a family history of type II . Depression

Presentation Diagnosis
. Tachycardia .Immediately measure serum glucose in any patient with altered men-
. Diaphoresis tal status-missed diagnosis may result in irreversible neurologic
. Tremor, anxiety damage or unnecessary procedures (e.g., intubation)
. Hyperventilation . Clinical symptoms of hypoglycemia usually begin to occur when the
. Hyperthermia blood giucose level reaches 50 mg/dl; however, in diabetics, symp-
. CNS symptoms may include dizzi- toms may begin at higher blood glucose levels or not at all
ness, headache, confusion, convul- . Measure glucose, C-peptide, and insulin prior to glucose infusion
sions, mental status changes, abnor -Serum insulin is elevated by insulinomas (insulin:glucose ratio
mal behavior, and coma >0.3) and sulfonylurea or exogenous insulin administration
-C-peptide is produced during endogenous insulin production;
thus, it will be decreased following exogenous insulin use and
increased in insulinoma and sulfonylureas
-Urine testing for sulfonylurea levels
. CBC, electrolytes, and BUN/creatinine
. Consider LFTs, urinalysis, CXR, TSH, cofiisol, alcohol level, drug
screen, head CT, and lumbar puncture if etiology is unclear
. CT/MRI may be necessary to evaluate for insulinoma

Treatment Disposition
. Glucose therapy (goa1 of therapy is glucose >100 mg/dl) . Patients must be observed and repeated
*Alert patients may be repleted with oral glucose (e.g., juice, normal plasma glucose levels must be
tablets) or IV Dro confirmed before disposition
. Admission criteria include sulfonylurea
-Patients with altered consciousness require IV D56 solution
-In children, use 1 g/kg bolus of 257o dextrose or long-acling insulin ingestion. co-
-Frequently recheck blood glucose after instituting therapy morbidities, repeated requirement for
. Glucagon may be used to increase glucose release ftom the liver glucose, some specific causes (e.g., sep-
if unable to obtain IV access and the patient cannot tolerate oral sis), suicidal ingestions, and lack of out-
glucose; less effective in alcoholic and malnourished patients patient support or follow-up
. Octreotide may be used to inhibit insulin release in cases of sul- . Many patients are suitable for discharge
lony I urea- i nduced hypoglycerni a once their blood glucose has normalized
. Thiamine must be given with glucose in any suspected case of and they are able to tolerate oral intake;
alcohol abuse or nutritional deficiency to avoid Wemicke's ensure follow-up with PCP for furlher
encephalopathy workup and adjust medications as nec-
. Hydrocortisone shouid be administered to rule out adrenal insuffi- essary
ciency if blood glucose remains persistently low . Elderly have a blunted catecholamine
response to low blood glucose and are
especially susceptible to hypoglycemia
. Sulfonylurea action is especially long

62. Diabetic Ketoacidosis
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Hyperglycemia, acidosis, ketosis, and dehydration due to insulin defi- . Causes of anion gap metabolic
ciency in patients with type I diabetes mellitus acidosis (MUDPILES)
. Pathogenesis: Insulin deficiency causes hyperglycemia and an increase in -Methanol intoxication
counter-regulatory hotmones (glucagons, catecholamines, and cortisol); -Uremia
this leads to the release of free fatty acids with subsequent hepatic oxida- _DKA
tion to ketone bodies and anion gap acidosis -Paraldehyde ingestion
. Osmotic diuresis due to hyperglycemia and glycosuria results in dehydra- -IsoniazidAron
tion and total body eiectrolyte depletion -L,actic acidosis
. Causes include stress, infection, MI, insulin non-compliance, trauma, sur- -EthanoVethylene glycol
gery, new onset of diabetes, pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism, drugs (e.g., -Starvation acidosis
steroids), CVA -Salicylate overdose
. May be the initial presentation of diabetes in up to 207o of cases . Nonketotic hyperosmolar coma
. Hypoglycemia

Presentation Diagnosis
. Polyuria . Hyperglycemia (glucose >200)
. Polydipsia . Electrolyte abnormalities should be repeatedly monitored
. Dehydration -Anion gap (Na* - HCO3 - Cl >12) metabolic acidosis
. Generalized weakness -Hyponafemia (secondary to hyperglycemia)
. Lethargy -Total body potassium is invariably depleted; however, hyper-
. Nausea/vomiting kalemia is often present secondary to acidosis and lack of insulin;
. Abdominal pain hypokalemia may occur in cases of severe total body potassium
. Blurred vision depletion
. Tachycardia
-Increased BUN/creatinine ratio (due to dehydration)
. Hypotension
-Magnesium and phosphate levels may be decreased
'HYpothermia . CBC may reveal leukocytosis due to ketosis and/or infection
. Mental status changes and/or coma . Serum ketones (acetone or B-hydroxybutyrate) are elevated
. Decreased bowel sounds . Urinalysis reveals glucosuria and ketonuria
. Fruity (acetone) breath . ABG reveals metabolic acidosis (pH usually <7.3)
. Kussmaul respirations (rapid, shal- . Consider U/A, blood culture, and CXR to rule out infection
low breathing) . ECG may show signs of hyper- or hypokalemia

Treatment Disposition
. Rehydration with NSS to correct fluid deficit (typically 5-10 L); . Goal of therapy is to resolve acidosis-
give an initial bolus of 1 -2 L and replete the remaining deficit continue insulin therapy until acidosis
over the next 6- 12 hours resolves (even if glucose normalizes)
. IV insulin adminisration once hypokalemia is ruled out (as . Mortality is lj%o, wrlh incrcased rates
insulin will further decrease potassium level) among the elderly and patients with co-
-Administered as a bolus followed by an IV infusion morbid conditions
. Search for the precipitating event
-Do not administer insulin boius in children (due to risk of
cerebral edema from rapid shift of semm osmoles) . Admission is required in all patients;

-Continue insulin infusion until the acidosis clears, even if strongly consider telemefy or intensive
serum glucose is normal (add dextrose to IV fluids once serum care setting for frequent glucose and
glucose is <250 mg/dl to prevent hypoglycemia) electrolyte monitoring
. Aggressive potassium repletion is essential-begin replacement . Complications of therapy rnay include
as soon as hyperkalemia resolves, even if serum K-F is in the nor- hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, non-
mal range (levels will further drop due to insulin therapy and cor- cardiogenic pulmonary edema, and
rection of acidosis) cerebral edema (brain swelling due to
. Phosphorus administration as necessary osmotic fluid shifts)
. Bicarbonate infusion is controversial; may increase intracellular . Children are the most likely to suffer
acidosis and further diminish serum potassium; consider adminis- from cerebral edema, which results in
tering in older patients or if acidosis is causing cardiovascular significant mo(ality; replace fluid slow
collapse ly and do not give an insuiin bolus

63. Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Coma
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Systemic shess in type II diabetics results in hyperglycemia over days to . Diabetic ketoacidosis
weeks, leading to osmotic diuesis with severe dehydration, hyperosmolar- . CVA
ity, and mental status changes . Infection
. Differentiate from DKA . Sepsis
-Presence of some (but insufficient) insulin in HHNKC prevents the . Dehydration
ketosis and acidosis seen in DKA . Medication overdose
-More severe dehydration and hyperosmolarity in HHNKC . Drug ingestion
Glucose is typically higher in HHNKC (>600 mg/dl) . Organic brain syndrome
-Mental status changes may be more severe in HHNKC . Meningitis
. Most common in the elderly, who have impaired thirst mechanisms and/or . Uremia
difficulty obtaining fluids . Liver failure
. Precipitating stressors inciude infection (e.g., pneumonia, UTI), MI, CVA,
GI hemonhage, uremia, medications (e.g., diuretics, cimetidine,
propanolol, corticosteroids), dialysis, burns, alcohol ingestion, pancreati-
tis, and hypothermia

Presentation Diagnosis
. Polyphagia, polydipsia, polyuna . CBC, electrolytes, renal function, urinalysis, serum osmolality
. Neurologic findings may include . Consider ABG, CPK, cardiac enzymes, blood cultures, CXR
focal deficits, tremor, seizures, men . Serum glucose is generally >600 mg/dl
tal status changes, obtundation, and . Serum osmolality is generally >320 mOsm/kgHrO
coma (degree of obtundation di- . Sodium is usually decreased due to extreme hyperglycemia (decrease
rectly correlates with increased of 1.6 meq/L for every 100 mg/dl of glucose elevation beyond
serum osmolality) 100 mg/dl); presence of hypernatremia indicates severe dehydration;
. Dehydration (e.g., dry membranes, however, regardless of serum sodium level, the patient is in a hyper-
tenting of skin. flat jugular veins. tonic state due to severe water loss
sunken eyes) . Potassium may be normal, decreased, or increased; however, the
. Hypotension and tachycardia due to patient will invariably be total body depleted (see DKA entry)
dehydration and/or sepsis . Acid base status is normal (i.e., not acidotic as in DKA)
. Fever . Urinalysis shows few or absent ketones
. Leukocytosis may be present due to underlying infection
. Further workup for infection is generally indicated
. ECG may reveal MI or electrolyte-induced anhythmias
. Neurologic findings may require head CT and LP

Treatment Disposition
. Immediate fluid replacement to correct severe dehydration . Mortality is approximately 157o
-Total fluid deficit is often greater than 10 L . Admission is required in all patients;
-1 L normal saline is administered in the first hour with an addi- most will require ICU admission for
tional bolus if the patient is in hypovolemic shock intensive monitoring and therapy
-Replace half of fluid deficit over the first 12 hours and the . Complications of therapy include hypo-
remainder over next 24 hours glycemia, hypokalemia, volume over-
-Administer nomal saline if the patient is hyponatremic or load, and cerebral edema
haif-normal saline if Na+ is normal or elevated . Continue therapy until serum osmoles
-Goal of therapy is to decrease serum osmoles by no more than are <315 mOsm/kgHrO, patient has
3 mosm/kgH2Oftr normal mental status, and patient can
. Aggressively replace potassium even if in normal range, as tolerate subcutaneous insulin
patients are total body depleted and insutn administration will . Precipitatilg cause should be identified
luflher decrease serum potassium prior to discharge
. Judicious IV insulin administration to decrease serum glucose by
50-80 mg/dl per hour; overaggressive insulin administration puts
patients at risk for hypokalemia, cerebral edema, and acute tubu-
lar necrosis
. Continuous ECG monitoring and serial glucose, electrolyte, and
serum osmolality monitoring are indicated

64 . Hyperthyroidism/Thyroid Storm
Differential Dx
. Pituitary TSH controls thyroid hormone release-the primary synthesized . Tnfection
form of thyroid hormone is Ta, which undergoes peripheral conversion to Sepsis
. Cocaine use
the more active T3; both are bound to carier proteins, though only the
. Psychosis
unbound form is biochemically active
. Thyroid horrnone affects all organ systems and is responsible for increas- . Pheochromocytoma
. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
ing metabolic rate, heart rate and contractility, and muscle and CNS
excitability 'Hyperthermia
. Thyroid storm is a severe, life-threatening, acute state of thyrotoxicosis . Hyperlhyroid states include
that may be caused by adrenergic hyperactivity or altered peripheral Craves' disease, toxic multi-
response to thyroid hormone nodular goiter, toxic adenoma,
. precipitating factors of thyroid storm include infection (#1 cause), thyroid subacute thyroiditis, acute
surgery for hyperthyroidism, DKA, hypoglycemia, hyperosmolar coma' Hashimoto's thyroiditis, facti-
radioactive iodide treatment, PE, thyroid honnone overdose' withdrawal tious Ta ingestion, thYroid can-
of anti-thyroid meds, iodinated contrast medium' vascular accidents, cer, pituitary neoplasm
stress, toxemia of PregnancY

Presentation Diagnosis
. General: Diaphoresis, weight 1oss, . Thyroid storm is a clinical diagnosis in patients with pre-existrng
heat intolerance, fever hyperthyroidism
. CV: Palpitations, tachycardia, wide . Thyroid studies, TSH, CBC, electrolytes, and LFTs
pulse pressure, PVCs, Afib, heart -TSH is increased in primary pituitary disorders
block, CHF, chculatory collaPse -Serum Ta and T3 (bound and unbound) are increased
-Free Ta 1evel (measures unbound active T4) will correct
. CNS: Restlessness, anxiety, poor for falsely
concentralion. fatigue. agitation. elevated To level caused by changes in binding proteins
ffemor, mania, psychosis, coma -T3 resin uptake estimates free Ta levels by measuring unoccupied
. GI: Dianhea, N/V, abdominal pain thyroxine binding sites and is also used to account for changes in
. Pulmonary: Dyspnea binding protein concentration
. Muscle weakness -Thyroid stimulating antibodies (Graves' disease), anti-microsomal
. Exophthalmos (in Graves' disease) antibodies (Hashimoto's disease), and serum thyroglobulin are
. Goiter may be present increased in some primary thyroid diseases and normal in over-
. Thyroid storm: Exaggerated sYmP- doses of To
toms of above plus delirium, . Consider cultures, urinalysis, and CXR to rule out infection
seizures, hypertension, lethargY
. ECG to rule out MI or arrhythmia
. Radioactive iodine uptake scan may be done as inpatient

Treatment Disposition
. Vigorous IV hydration and non-aspirin antipyretics . Without treatment, thyroid stom is fatal
. Thioamides inhibit thyroid hormone production in nearly all patients; even with treat-
thyroid ment. mortalily is about l07o
-Propylthiouracil (PTU) is the drug of choice-inhibits . All patients diagnosed with thyroid
hormone synthesis and peripheral conversion of T1 to T3
peripheral storm require admission to the ICU
-Methimazole inhibits hormone synthesis but not . Complete recovery can take up to one
. Iodide inhibits release of stored thyroid hormone if given t hour week based on how long it takes to
after PTU administration (otherwise it increases hormone deplete the circulating levels of thyroid
release); used in severe cases hormones
. B-blockers are used to treat symptoms (e.g., tachycardia, tremor); . Admit patients with hyperthyroidism if
propranolol is preferred as it also decreases peripheral Ta conver- they have serious complaints (e.g.,
sion chest pain) or risk factors (e.g., history
. IV steroids (dexamethasone or hydrocortisone) inhibit hotmone of coronary aftery disease)
. Hyperthyroid patients with minimal
release and peripheral conversion
. Dialysis and plasmapheresis are last resorts for patients that do symptoms can be discharged
not respond to the above treatments
. Radioactive iodine ablation therapy or sugery may be necessary
for definitive cure


65. Hypothyroidism/Myxedema Coma

Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Insufficient thyroid hormone production, causing slowed metabolism . Sepsis
. Causes include Hashimoto's thy'roiditis, thyroid ablation (surgery or . Depression
radioiodine), postpafium, viral infection, drugs (e.g., amiodarone, lithium), . Adrenal crisis/insufficiency
amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, thyroid neoplasm, hypopituitarism, congenital, . CHF
and idiopathic . Hypoglycemia
. Myxedema refers to swelling of the skin and soft tissues that may occur in . CVA
hypothyroid patients . Hypothermia
. Myxedema coma is a severe, life-threatening decompensation of a . Drug overdose/effect
hJpothyroid patient he{alded by mental status changes, h}?otension, and . Meningitis
hypothermia; most common (almost 907o of cases) in elderly women dur-
ing the winter
. Precipitants of myxedema coma include sepsis/infection, MI, CVA,
hypothermia, surgery, trauma, bums, hypoglycernia, hyponatremia, hem-
orrhage, medications (e.g., B-biockers, sedatives, narcotics, phenothiazine,
amiodarone), thyroid medication non-compliance

Presentation Diagnosis
. Fatigue, lethargy, weakness, weight . Hypothyroidism: Elevated TSH (may be decreased in hypopituitary
gain, cold intolerance, hoarseness states), decreased free and total To, variable T., increased T, resin
. Neurologic: Depression, poor mem- uptake
ory, confusion, delayed relaxation of . Myxedema coma
DTRs. ataxia -Thyroid panel: Significantly elevated TSH, decreased free and
. Cardiac: Bradycardia, distant heart total T4 and T3, and increased T, resin uptake (consider hypothala-
sounds, pericardial effirsion mic or pituitary dysfunction if TSH, T4, and T3 are all iow)
. GI: Constipation, ileus
-CBC: Anemia with increased MCV, leukopenia
. Dermatologic: Dry skin, facial
-Electrolytes: Hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, elevated CPK, elevat-
swelling. ptosis. macroglossia. peri- ed creatinine, elevated LFTs
orbital edema, hair loss -Serum corlisol is often decreased due to hypothyroid-induced
. Non-pitting iower extremity edema adrenal suppression
. Myxedema coma: Bradycardia,
-ABG reveals respiratory acidosis (due to muscle weakness)
hypotension, hypothermia (usually -Investigate precipitating causes: Cultures (rule out infection), head
<35.5'C), hypoventilation, and CT and LP (rule out hemonhage, CVA, and infection), cardiac
severely altered mental status, pos- enzymes, renal and hepatic function
sibly resulting in coma

Treatment Disposition
. Hypothyroidism should be treated with oral Ta (start with lower . Myxedema coma carries a high mortali-
dose in the elderly and patients with CAD); may take weeks for ty, ranging from 30*60Vo depending on
the medication to take effect co-morbid diseases; factors such as
. Myxedema coma advanced age, bradycardia, and persis-
-IV thyroid hormone must be administered immediately tent hypotension suggest an unfavorable
(Levothyroxine (Ta) has better cardiac safety than T3, which prognosis
may cause anhythmias or an MI in large doses) . All patients with myxedema coma
-Intubation may be required due to mental status changes require ICU admission
Supplemental 02 and cardiac monitoring (arrhythmias may . Milder hypothyroidism may be dis-
develop due to IV T4 administration; charged and followed by a PCP
-Treat hypothermia by passive rewarming (active rewarming
may cause hypotension due to reversal of cold-induced
-Administer IV fluids (usually D, normal saline) to correct
blood pressure and hypoglycemia
-Administer IV hydrocortisone due to possible concurrent adre-
nal insufficiency
-Consider empiric antibiotics as infection is a common precipi-
tating cause (lack of fever does not ruie out infection due to
blunted fever response in these patients)

66. Adrenal lnsufficiency/Adrenal Crisis
Differential Dx
. The adrenal glaod synthesizes glucocorticoids (e'g', cortisol), rnineralocor- . Shock
ticoids {e.g., aldosterone). and androgerts . Sepsis
-Clucocorticoids (regulated by ACTH) maintain metabolism, potentiate
. Dehydration
catrcholamine action, and control t{20 distribution . Medication overdose
. Uremia
-Iqineralocorticoids {regulated by renin/angiotensin and serum K+)
control sodium and volume balance . Hypothyroidism/myxedema
. Pdmary adrenal insuffrciency {'Addison's disease): Inftinsic adrenal gland coma
failure, resulting in decreased cortisol and aldosterone (due to infection . Gastrointestinal disease (e.g
{e.e., TB)" drugs, adrenal hemorrhage (use of warfarin, sepsis, trauma), appendicitis, peptic utcer Oisi
sarcoi4 autoimmune, metastases, CAH) ease, pancreatitis, liver disease,
. 2o adrenal insufEciency: Failure of pituitary stimulation of the adrenals, gallbladder
resulting in cortisol deficiency only {due to withdrawal of steroid &erapy, . Myocardial infarction
pituitar,v disease, trauma, Sheehan syndrome) . Pulmonary ernbolus
, Adrenal crisis is a life-threatening exacerbation of adrenai insufficiency . CHF
due to increased physiologic demand (e.g., infection) or decreased supply
(e.g., discontinuation of steroid therapy) of cortisol

Presentation Diagnosis
. Cortisol deficiency: Weight loss, . CBC, electrolytes, serum cortisol, serum ACTH, ECG, U/A, and
lethargy, weakness, mental stetus CXR are generally indicated; obtain cultures if suspect infection
changes, abdominal pain, N/V . Serum cortisol >20 rules out adrenal insufficiency
. Aldosterone deficiency: . Hypoglycemia is often present due to cortisol deficiency
Dehydration, orthostasis, syncope . Itimary adrenal insufficiency: Hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, and eie-
. l'insutfrciency: Symptoms of vated BUN {due to aldosterone deficiency)
diminished conisol and aldosterone " Secondary adrenal insufficiency: Hypernatremia, hypokalemia
and increased ACTH (skin hyper- . Adrenal crisis: Hypoglycemia is generally ptesent but other labs are
pigmentation) variable {may see ,l Na*, t K+, and elevated BUN)
. ?o insuffrciency: Symptoms of . FCG changes are generally related to potassium imbalances (e.g.,
diminished cofiisol only; may have prolonged Qt peaked T waves, heart block in hyperkalemia)
symptorns of pituitary lesions (e.g., . CT scan may be used to evaluate for adrenal hemorrhage/infarct
FtA., visual changes, galactorrhea) . Cosyntropin (syn&etic ACTH) stimulation test is an inpatient study
. Adrenal crisis: Severe hypotension to evaluate adrenal response to ACTH and distinguish primary from
(refractory to vasopressors), dehy- secondarv disease
dration, weakness, circulatory col-
lapse, delirium, aMominal pain

Treatment Disposition
. Begin therapy immediately in any suspected case of adrenal crisis . Admit all patients with adrenal crisis to
(prognosis is reiated to the rapidity of treatment onset) an ICU
. Patients with adrenal insufficiency gen-
" Hydrocortisone is the drug of choice for cases of adrenal crisis or
insufficiency (provides both glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid erally require admission for lV steroid
effects) administration, confirmation of diagno-
. Dexarnethasone may also be used in adrenal crisis (this is the sis, and identification of etiology
only steroid that will not confound the results of the cosynropin . Discharge is warranted for mild cases
stimulation test) with previously identified etiologies
. Administer IV fluids . latrogenic adrenal insutficiency is
, Vasopresscrs should be administered following steroid therapy in caused by withdrawal of chronic steroid
parients unrespoasive to fluid resuscitation (norepinephrine, use and may persist for up to one year
dopamine, and neosynephrine are preferred) after the steroids have been discontin-
o Patients may require lifelong giucocorticoids */- mineralocorti- ued
coid supplementation . These patients are often unable to
. Increased rnaintenance doses of chronic steruids are required dur- mount a sufEcient fever response;
ing periods of slress (e.g., illness, surgery trauma, GI upset) to therefore, infection shouid not be ruled
satisfy the increased physioiogic neod for cortisol out by lack cf fever alone


67 . Altered Mental Status
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Delirium: An acute, transient alteration in cognitive ability secondary to a . Infection (meningitis, UTI,
physiologic event pneumonia, sepsis)
. Electrolyte abnormalities
-Inciting event often does not directly involve the CNS (e.g., urinary
tract infection, electrolyte abnormality, medications) . Endocrine disorders (abnormal
-Presence of delirium mandates a thorough search for its cause glucose, adrenal, or thyroid)
. Dementia: A chronic, irreversible change in memory and cognitive func- . Hepatic encephalopathy
tion caused by deshuction of brain tissue . Uremia
. Drugs (e.g., narcotics, steroids,
-Most cornrnonly due to Alzheimer's disease
-Other causes include multiple vascular infarcts, Huntington's or cardiac drugs, anticholinergics)
Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, hydrocephalus, metaboiic dis- . Hypoxemia/hypercarbia
ease (uremia, vitamin B' or folate deficiency, thyroid disease), chronic . Hypotension or severe HTN
infection (e.g., neurosyphilis, HIV), vasculitis, neoplasms . CNS causes (CVA, trauma,
. Coma: A state of depressed level of consciousness with inappropriate or hemorrhage, seizure)
absent responses to environmental stimuli caused by global brain dysfunc- . Depression or psychosis
tion involving the brainstem or bilateral hemispheres . Toxin or poison ingestion

Presentation Diagnosis
. Delirium: Acute, lecent onset . Signs and symptoms may provide clues to the inciting event
. Detailed history from family/caretakers
-Altered short-term memory
. Calculate Glasgow coma score (motor, verbal, eye opening)
-Perceptual disturbances
. Lab studies depend on symptoms and patient characteristics
-Disturbed sieep/wake cycle
-Psychomotor changes -Rule out infection with CBC, urinalysis, CXR, blood/urine cul-
-Disorientation, agitation tures, RPR, HIV serologies, and/or lumbar punctue
-Decreased consciousness -Rule out metabolic causes with glucose, electrolytes, renal func-
. Dementia: Insidious onset tion, LFTs, ammonia level, vitamin B12 and folate levels
-Altered short-term memory -Urine drug screen
-Disorientation, mood swings, -ABG for suspected hlpoxemia, hypercarbia, carbon monoxide, or
behavioral changes. detusions acid-base disturbances
. ECG to rule out cardiac ischemia or arrhythmia
-Impaired attention and language
. Coma: Involuntary or absent move- . Head CT without contrast is indicated in all unexplained mental sta-
ment, decorticate or decerebrate tus changes to identify hemorrhage, mass lesions, or abscess
posturing. progressive hem iparesis. . MRI of the brain with and without contrast may further delineate
sluggish or absent pupillary reflex inffacerebral processes (usually not performed in ED)

Treatment Disposition
. The key to proper treatment is identifying and treating underlying . Delirium
pathology -Admission is usually necessary
. Delirium *Admit any patient whose symptoms
Minimize extemal stimulation have not resolved in the ED or those
-IV or IM haioperidol and/or benzodiazepines with serious or unclear etiologies
. Dementia
-Restrain as necessary for patient and caregiver safety
-Treat underlying disorders (e.g., antibiotics for infection, -Admission may be necessary
removal of offending drug, antidotes for specific toxins) -Discharge patients who are at their
. Dementia baseline mental status
-Agitated patients may be sedated as above -Reversible causes include drugs,
-Ensure that reversible causes are properly identified and electrolyte/metabolic disturbances,
reatod (e.g., vasculitis, vitamin deficiencies, EtOH abuse) emolional causes, trauma, nutrition-
-Alzheimer's type: Long-tem use of tacrine improves cognitive al deficiencies, infection, alcohol
function abuse
. Coma -Irreversible causes include
-Ensure airway, breathing, and circulation are maintained Aizheimer's, vascular infarcts, MS,
-Intubate for GCS <9 Huntington's, and Parkinson's
. Coma
-Administer empiric thiamine, glucose, and naloxone
-Emergent therapy for increased intracranial pressure -Stabilize patient in ED
-Admit to appropriate ICU (e.g., neu-
rosurgery, neuroiogy, MICU)

68. Migraine Headache
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. An episodic headache associated with neurologic, GI, or autonomic . Other headaches (e.g., cluster,
changes-note that associated migraine symptoms may ptesentwithout tension, hypertensive)
headache . Subarachnoid hemorrhage
. Classifred as migraine with aura, migraine without aura, or migraine vari- . Subdural or epidural hematoma
ant (retinal migraine, ophthalmoplegic migraine, or familial hemiplegic . CVA
migraine) . Menirigitis
. Etiology is unclear; thought to be due to an imbalance between brainstem . Brain tumor
nuclei that regulate vascular control; the prodrome is likely due to vaso- . Pseudotumor cerebri
constriction followed by vasodilatation . Sirusitis
. Occurs in l(l2lVa of the population; more corrmon in women . Acute angle closure glaucoma
. Precipitating factors include stress, menstruation, OCPs, fatigue, . Temporal arteritis
decreased sleep, hunger, head trauma, foods (e.g., niffites, glutamate, . Carbon monoxide exposure
aspartate, tyramine), medications (e.g., vitamin A, nitroglycerin, hista- . Hypoxia
mine, esffogens, hydralazine, steroid withdrawal), perfumes, smoke, and . TMJ syndrome
certain pungent odors . Cervical spondylosis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Headache (unilateral in 70%, . lntemational Headache Society diagnostic criteria
bifrontal or global rn3}Vo) -Migraine without aura (common migraine): Severe, unilateral,
. Pain is exacerbated by rapid head pulsating pain exacerbated by activity; last" 4-72 hrs; no apparent
motion, straining, and exertion underlying cause; presence of nausea/vomiting, photophobia, or
. May be dull, deep, and steady or phonophobia; and presence of at least 5 attacks fulfilling the
throbbing and pulsatile above criteria
. Aura symptoms may be present, -Migraine with aura (classic migraine): Typical aura symptoms fol-
including visual scotomas, aphasia, lowed by headache within t hour
and parasthesias . Head CT is indicated for patients with abnormal neurologic exam or
. Autonomic features may include atypicai headache features in order to rule out serious etiologies
nasal stuffiness, rhinorrhea, tearing, . MRI4\4RA is indicated if a posterior fossa or vascular lesion is sus-
color and temperature change, and pected
change in pupil size . Consider ESR (to rule out temporal arteritis), ABG (to rule out
. Complicated migraines may result hypoxia and carbon monoxide exposure), CBC (to rule out anemia),
in ophthalmoplegia. hemiplegia and lumbar puncture (to rule out meningitis)
(persistent unilateral motor or sen-
sory symptoms). or posterior circu-
lation symptoms (e.g., ataxia)

Treatment Disposition
. Treatment is more effective if administered early; a larger single . Majority of patients are discharged
dose is more effective than multiple small doses . Patients who are discharged with resid-
. Analgesics (NSAIDs, acetaminophen, */- caffeine) ual headache are twice as likely to have
. Antiemetics (e.g., prochlorperazine, metoclopramide) are gener- continued pain at 24 hrs
ally very effective to relieve headaches; however, thsy may cause . Possible indications for admission
dystonic reactions or extrapyramidal side effects include persistent vomiting or dehydra-
. Triptans (e.g., Sumatriptan) are serotonin agonists that cause tion, inability to tolerate oral intake,
vasoconstdction; avoid in patients with CAD or HTN suspected organic cause of headache,
. Ergotamine also causes vasoconstriction; contraindicated in CAD failed ouQatient treatment, or headache
and HTN; side effects include vascular occlusion and rebound accompanied by a significant medical
headaches or surgical problem
. Prophylactic treatments may decrease headache frequency by
30407o (e.g., p-blockers, calcium-channel blockers, tricyciic
antidepressants, and valproic acid)
. Ergots, triptans, and NSAIDs are contraindicated in pregnancy;
acetarninophen and opioids should be used
. Children should be treated with NSAIDs and/or metoclopramide

69. CVA/Stroke
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Caused by an abrupt, focal intemrption of cerebral blood flow . Hypoglycemia
. Presentation depends on the specific arteries and brain areas involved . Seizure
(anterior, middle, or posterior cerebral artery; cerebellum; brainstem) . Meningitis/encephalitis
. Ischemic strokes constitute >80Vo of cases . lntracerebral bleed
-Embolisms (most common sources are the heart, aorla, carotids, and
. DKA or hyperosmolic coma
vertebral arteries) account for up to 30Vo of cases . Complicated migraine
. Cerebral mass (tumor, abscess)
-Thrombosis of an atherosclerotic artery
. Hypertensive encephalopathy
-Small vessel lacunar infarction, usually due to long-standing systemic
disease (e.g., HTN, diabetes) . Wemicke's encephalopathy
. Labyrinthitis
-Other causes include arlerial stenosis with poor collateral flow, vas-
culitis, arterial dissection, venous occlusion, and polycythemia . Meniere's disease
. Hemorrhagic strokes (intracerebral or subarachnoid) account for l57o . Demyelinating diseases
. Transient ischemic attacks are episodes of transient, focal ischemia that . Drugs (e.9.. lithium. phenytoin
resolve in less than 24 hours and are associated with increased risk of carbamazepine)
shoke in the future

Presentation Diagnosis
. Anterior cerebral artery: Contralat- . Assess the patient using the NIH stroke scale
eral weakness (leg > arm) with . Emergent head CT (without contrast) to rule out hemorrhage
facial sparing -Infarcts are hypodense (dark); blood is hyperdense (white)
. Middle cerebral: Contralaterai hemi- -Will be normal following TIA and early after ischemic CVA
paresis and sensory loss (arm > leg), . MRI is more sensitive than CT for ischemic CVA (usuaily done as an
hemianopsia, dysafihria inpatient)
. Posterior cerebral: lmpaired vision . Rule out other causes of altered mental status via CBC, glucose, elec-
and thought, visual agnosia, con- trolytes, ESR, uric acid, liver and thyroid function tests, and PT/PTT
tralateral hemisensory loss . Urine toxicology screen (young patient with CVA suggests
. Dominant hemisphere stroke: cocaine/amphetamine abuse)
Aphasia (receptive, expressive, or . Fu1l inpatient workup to determine etiology of stroke and identify
global), apraxia, acalcula possible sources of emboli
. Nondominant hemisphere stroke: -Cardiac workup with ECG and echocardiogram
Contralateral hemheglect, spatial -Carotid ultrasound or MRA to evaluate the intra- and extracranial
disorientation vasculature
. Cerebellar: NfV. nystagmus. ataxia -EEG may be done if suspect seizure disorder
. TIA: Resolution of symptoms

Treatment Disposition
. Airway, breathing, and circuiatory support as necessary . Dedicated sffoke teams may improve
. Thrombolytic therapy (rTPA) speed of diagnosis and therapy, thereby
-Only used in strokes of moderate severity, within 3 hours of improving outsomes
symptom onset, and in patients who meet entry criteria . 957o of new focal neurologic deficits
-One study (NINDS) demonstrated a beneht in neurologic are vascular in origin
recovery (but the increased risk of cerebral hemorrhage ne- . Admit all patients with CVA for close
gated any decrease in mortality) supervision of mental status and
-Another study found that use ol ITPA in community EDs changes in focal deficits
increased mofiality due to violations in entry criteria . 50JO7o of patients regain hdepen-
. Aspirin slightly decreases risk of recurrent stroke or death dence
. Heparin is often used but there is no evidence that it improves . Up to 807o regain ability to walk
outcomes (decreased rate of stroke recurrence is offset by an . New onset TIA requires inpatient or
increased rate of cerebral hemorrhage) outpatient evaluation for cardiac and
. Treat elevated blood pressure only when it exceeds 2201L15 stnce carotid sources of embolism fonnation;
HTN may be necessary to maintain cerebral perfusion (do not patients are admitted or may be dis-
lower systolic BP below 180 mmHg) charged on antiplatelet therapy (e.g.,
. Treat hyperglycemia with insulin aspirin, clopidogrel) with very close
. Ancrod (converts fibrinogen into fibrin) is investigational follow-up
. There is no evidence that other neuroprotective drugs (e.g.. gan-
gliosides, anti-free radical drugs) are effective

70. Subarachnoid and lntracerebral Hemorrhage
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. SAH: Bleeding into the subarachnoid space . CVA
. Subdural or epidural hematoma
-Most commonly due to rupture of a saccular aneurysm, trauma, or
bleeding from an arteriovenous malformation . Migraine
. Meningitis or encephalitis
-Other causes include ruptured mycotic aneurysm, and intracerebral
hemorrhage with rupture into the subarachnoid space . Intracerebral mass lesion
. Systemic infections (e.g.,
-Aneurysmal and traumatic SAH have different pathophysiology, treat-
ments, and outcomes influenza)
. ICH: Bleeding into the brain parenchyma . Carotid or vertebral arlery dis-
-Associated with chronic HTN; usually occurs in the elderly section
. Hypertensive encephalopathy
-Causes the majority of hemorrhagic strokes; occurs in small, deep
intracerebrai arterioles that have been damaged by chronic HTN . Cervical arthritis
. Temporal arteritis
-Other causes inctude amyloidosis, anticoagulation/thrombolytic use,
arteriovenous malformations, cocaine, amphetamines, moyamoya dis- . Labyrinthitis
ease, CNS vasculitis, leukemia, sickle cell disease, acquired thrombo- . Acute angle closure glaucoma
cytopenia and DIC

-Sudden, severe headache ("worst -Head CT without contrast is the fust test ordered and usualiy
headache of life") shows blood in the basilar cistems (aneurysmal SAH) or in the
-Cervical and occipital radiation hemispheric sulci and fissures (traumatic SAH)
-Physical exam is often normal -Lumbar puncture should be performed in any patient with a nega-
-May have nuchal rigidity, photo- tive CT but continued suspicion for SAH-reveals increased
phobia, lethargy, N/V, altered opening pressure, eievated RBC count, and xanthochromia (may
mental status, or coma not develop until 12 hrs after the bleed)
-Syncope or seizures may occur -Cerebral angiogram is the gold standa-rd but is generally only used
. ICH symptoms and neuro findings if the diagnosis is in doubt
depend on location of the bleed . ICH: Head CT without contrast will show hyperdensity (blood) in the
-Acute onset of headache; may brain parenchyma
progrcss to stupor, then coma . Lab studies may be needed to ru1e out other causes of symptoms:

-HTN. bradycardia. vomiting CBC, glucose, chemistries, PT/PTT, ECG, cardiac enzymes, chest X-
-Conff alateral hemiplegia, hemi- ray, blood type/screen, and urine drug screen
anesthesia, hemianopsia, aphasia
-Abnormal pupils

Treatment Disposition
. ABCs, cardiac monitoring, pulse oximetry, and frequent neuro- . Admit all patients to neurosurgical ICU
logic checks . Mortality of SAH and ICH approaches
. Seizure prophylaxis with IV phenytoin 50Vo
. Control elevated intracranial pressure with head eievation, moder- . Aneurysmal SAH
ate hyperventilation (pCO2 30-35 mmHg), mannitol administra- -Complications inciude rebleeding,
tion, and/or surgical drainage cerebral vasospasm, intracerebral
. Reverse previous anticoagulation with fresh frozen plasma hematoma, hydrocephalus, cardiac
. Aneurysmal SAH: Maintain blood pressure in the normal range arrhythmias, transient cardiomyopa-
(hypertension may cause the aneurysm to rebleed, hypotension thy, SIADH, seizures, and persistent
may cause cerebral ischemia), and administer nimodipine within neurologic deficits
48 hrs to prevent cerebral vasospasm -Definitive therapy may include
. Traumatic SAH generally requires only supportive care angiography (with embolization or
.ICH clipping) or surgery
Maintain blood pressure at pre-hemorrhage levels (which is .ICH
elevated in many patients) to prevent cerebral ischemia -Complicat ions include seizures.
-Severe new hypertension may be treated
judiciously with increased ICP, hydrocephalus,
labetalol or nitroprusside-remember that hypertension may SIADH. and focal neurologic
be a physiologic response to maintain cerebral perfusion pres- deficits
sure in patients with increased ICP -Acute surgical intenvention is con-

71 . Subdural and Epidural Hernatoma
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Epidural hematoma . Stroke
*Usually due to a temporal-parietal skull fracture with laceration of the . Traumatic subarachnoid hemor-
middle meningeal artery or vein rhage
. Coma
-Rapid accumulation of blood in the epidural space results in a rapid
rise in ICP, uncal hemiation, and brainstem compression . Traumatic brain injury

-Usually occurs in children, teenagers, and young adults " Complicated migraine
. Acute suHural hematoma . Carotid or vertebral artery dis-
-Most commonly due to severe head injury with tearing of the bridging section
veins that traverse the subdural space . Concussion
. Cerebral confirsion
-Associated with damage to the underlying brain due to contusion,
hematoma formation, diffuse axonal injury, and cerebral edema
. Subacute or chronic subdural: Slow accumulation of suMural blood
-Occurs over l-10 days following head trauna
-Most cornmon in elderly, alcoholic, and anticoagulated patients

Presentation Diagnosis
. Headache, ipsilateral dilated pupil, . Detailed history by the patient or wihesses
posruring, vomiting, hemiparesis. . Glasgow coma scale (motor, verbal, and eye opening)
and confusion . Head CT without contrast
. Epidural -Epidural: Convex hyperdensity, shift of midline sFuctures, com-
-Initialhead injury with LOC pression of ipsilateral ventricular system, and dilation of contralat-
-507o then have a lucid interval eral ventricle
followed by gradual loss of con- dubdural: Crescent-shaped concave hyperdensity (chronic subdur-
sciousness as ICP increases al may be hypodense); cerebral edema may be present
. Cervical spine X-rays
-Sudden death may occur
. Acute subdural: Severe head injury " Further imaging may include skull films to look for fracture of tem-
with rapid LOC within 72 hrs, fol- poral-parietal bones (in cases of epidural hemorrhage) or MRI (in
lowed by progressive deterioration cases of subdural hemorrhage)
and deepening coma
. Subacute subdural: Slorvly develop-
ing headache, drowsiness, rnental
status charges, and gradual neuro-
logic deterioration

Treatment Disposition
. Airrray, breathing, and circulation . Admit all patients with intracranial
. Intubate ifhypoxemic or unable to protect air*'ay hemorrhage
. Frequent neuroiogic checks . Epidural hematomahas a20qo mortality
. Treat hypotension with isotonic TV fluids O{SS or LR) to main- rate
tain cerebral perfusion . Acute subdural has 5&307o mortality
. Seizure prophylaxis (phenytoin or fosphenytoin)
. Treat increased intracranial pressure and/or impending herniation
by elevation of head, intubation and moderate hypewentilation
(pCO2 30-35 mmHg), mannitol infusion, and possible neurosurgi-
cal drainage
. Epidural hematoma
-Requires surgical decompression in mosl cases
*Trephination with burr holes may be done in the ED if hemia-
tion is imminent and neurosurgical care is not immediately
. Subdural hematoma
-Acute subdural requires surgical drainage
Jubacute or chronic subdural may be drained or may be man-
aged conservatively with monitoring of neurologic stanrs and
serial CT scans

72. Vertigo
Differential Dx
. Syncope or near-syncope
. A sense of impulsion (spinning), either of patient or environment
. Caused by conflicting inputs to the visual, vestibular (inner ear). or propri- . Cardiac disease (ischemia,
oceptive (position sense) mechanisms arrhythmia, vaivular disease)
. Dizziness is a nonspecific complaint, whose definition varies by patient . Volume depletion/dehydration
(may refer to vefiigo, pre-syncope, weakness, or confusion) . Delirium due to metabolic or
. Peripheral verligo: Due to lesions of CN 8 or the vestibular apparatus infectious causes
. Brainstem CVA
-Benign positional vertigo: Due to crystais in semicircular
viral infection . Seizure
-Vestibular neuronitisfabyrinthitis: Usually due to . Migraine
loss of hair cells
-Meniere's disease: Due to chronic, degenerative . Panic attack or hypervenrilation
-Cerebellopontine angle tumor (e.g', acoustic neuroma,
periiymphatic fi stula
. Sedative/hypnotic intoxication
. Ectopic pregnancy
-Drug ototoxicity . Hypoxia
. Central vertigo: Caused by brainstem or cerebeilar pathology including
. Age-related dysequiiibrium
cerebellar infarct/hemorrhage, vertebrobasilar disease, CNS tumor,
migraine, TIA/CVA, multiple sclerosi.s

Presentation Diagnosis
. Peripheral vertigo . Differentiate central from peripheral vertigo by a complete history
intemittent vertigo
severe, and neurologic examination
with head movement . Dix-Hallpike maneuver is a test for peripheral vestibular disease
-Nausea and vomiting -Move patient from sitting to supine with head hanging
-May have tinnitus (Meniere's -Positive test elicits findings when head is tumed to either side
disease) or hearing loss -Findings in BPV or vestibulitis include nystagmus, transient wors-
ening of symptoms, and fatigability of response
-Fatigable nystagmus (horizontal
or rotatory) . Pneumatic otoscopy replicates symptoms in perilymphatic fistula or
. Central vertigo Meniere's disease
. ECG may be obtained to rule out arrhythmia in high-risk patients
-Slow-onset, mild, constant vertigo
. Head CT is required in patients with cenffal vertigo, headache, focal
-No change with head movement
-Intact hearing neurologic findings, trauma, or risk factors for CVA
. MRI[\4RA (usually not obtained in ED) should be considered for
-Non-fatigable nystagmus (verti-
cal) symptoms of cerebellar disease or cerebellopontine angle tumor, focal
-CNS signs/symptoms (e.9., neurologic findings, CVA risk factors, or verlebrobasilar disease
vision changes. cerebellar signs.
severe gait disturbance, oscillop-

Treatment Disposition
. Emergency room treatment of vertigo is generaliy supportlve . Differentiate from near-syncoPe
. Be sure to exclude ominous central causes . Admit for severe symptoms, unsafe
. Vestibular suppressants are used to decrease symptoms ambulation, persistent vomiting, central
vertigo, or unclear diagnoses
-Antihistamines (e.g., meclizine or diphenhydramine)
. Discharge patients with peripheral ver-
-Scopolamine patch
be effective tigo and adequate symptom control
-Benzodiazepines have nol been proven to
. Antiemetics for nausea and vomiting (e.g., promethazine) . Consult neurology for vertigo asso-
. BPV ciated with focai neurologic findings,
ofhead headache. ot uncleat soutce
-Epley maneuver (canolith repositioning) is a series
and neck movements whose goal is to move canoliths (particle
. ENT referral to exclude vestibular
debris) into the utricle where they will not cause symptoms pathologies in cases of severe disease,
(5O-807o success rate) persistent disease. or lrauma
may . BPV and vestibulitis are benign, self-
-Vestibular exercises (repetition of the Hallpike maneuver)
fatigue the vertigo response and reduce symptoms limited diseases
. Meniere's disease . Meniere's disease follows a chronic,
progressive course, eventually resuiting
-Vestibular suppressants
are controversial in hearing loss
-Sa1t restriction and diuretic administration


73. Seizures
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Abnormal neuronal discharge leading to altered cerebral function . Syncope
. Primary (idiopathic) seizure occurs without an evident cause . Hypoglycemia
. Secondary seizure may be due to mass lesions, CVA, intracranial bleed, . Anhythmia
head ffauma, alcohol or benzodiazepine withdrawal, infection, metabolic . Pseudoseizure
disturbances (e.g., hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, uremia), drugs (e.g., . Hyperyentilation syndrome
cocaine, anticholinergics), vasculitis, or eclampsia . Migraines
. Generalized seizures involve loss of consciousness: Tonic-clonic (grand . Movement disorders
mal), absence (brief loss of consciousness without loss ofpostural tone), . Narcolepsy
myoclonic, tonic, clonic, or atonic . Cataplexy
. Partial seizures involve localized areas of the brain: Simple patial (no loss . Decerebrate posturing
of consciousness, intact mentation), complex partial (impaired conscious- . Non-convulsive status epilepti-
ness). or partial with generalization cus
. Epilepsy: A syndrome ofrecurrent, unprovoked seizures
. Status epilepticus: Seizure )30 minutes or recurrent seizures without
retum to baseline; commonly due to anti-epileptic non-compliance

Presentation Diagnosis
. May be preceded by aura or lighr . Labs to evaluate for potential causes of seizure
headedness *Patients with new seizures or change in pattem of previously diag-
. Visua-l, olfactory, gustatory changes nosed seizure require elecholytes, glucose, pregnancy test
. May have loss of sphincter tone -Consider CBC, BUN/Cr, ESR, LFTs, CK, RPR, urinalysis
. Post-ictal state may consist of con-
-Antiepileptic drug levels in patients taking anticonvulsants
fusion, agitation, or prolonged alter- -Prolactin is often elevated in true seizure, not in pseudoseizure
ation of consciousness -Toxicology screen if drug overdose or withdrawal is suspected
. Generalized tonic-clonic . Lumbar puncture if meningitis or encephalitis is suspected
-LOC without waming/aura . Head CT without contrast is indicated in most first-time seizures,
-Patient becomes rigid with change in pattem of established seizures, fever, trauma, persistently
extremities extended; falls; altered mental status, cancer, history of anticoagulation, or severe
becomes apneic and cyanotic; headache
may vomit, urinate, bite tongue . EEG is used in the ED to rule out persistent status epilepticus
-Rigidity progresses to symmet- . MRI is the best imaging modality to detect underlying cerebral
ric, rhythmic (clonic) jerking of pathology in unexplained seizures but is seldom used in the ED
trunk and extremities
-Generally lasts 1-3 minutes

. Airway, breathhg, and circulation . Admit patients with seizures due to
. Intubation may be necessary hypoxia or hypoglycemia, persistent
. Supplemental 02, pulse oximetry and cardiac monitoring mental status changes, arrhythmias,
. Treat underlying systemic causes, ifpossible alcohol withdrawal, acute head trauma,
. Administer thiamine in alcoholics, dextrose if hypoglycemic, and status epilepticus. or eclampsia
naloxone in suspected opiate overdose . Consult neurology for new onset
. Anticonvulsants seizures, persistent mental status
-Benzodiazepines (e.g., lorazepam or diazepam) are first line changes, new focal neurological
agents in the ED-IY IM, or rectal deficits, new intracranial lesions, and
-IV phenytoin or fosphenytoin are added if benzodiazepines are pregnant patients
not quickly effective . Discharge may be acceptable following
-IV phenobarbital is used if above medications ineffective loading dose of anticonvulsant if vital
. Status epilepticus signs are stable and mental status is at
-Goal is control of seizure activity within 30 minutes baseline; ensure follow-up in 1 week
-If initial anticonvulsants fail at maximal dosages, options . Patients with uncontrolled seizure disor-
include IV valproic acid, pentobarbital coma, propofol infu- ders must be reported to state DMV and
sion, or benzodiazepine infusion instructed not to drive or operate haz-
. Patients with known seizure disorder and subtherapeutic medica- ardous machinery
tion levels should be loaded to appropriate level . Less than half of hrsrtime seizures will
have a tecunence

7 4, Bacterial Meningitis
Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Causative organisms depend on patient characteristics . Non-bacterial meningitis (e.g
to S pneumoniae, N. meningi- vira1, spirochetal, chemical,
-The majority of bacterial cases are d:ue
tidis, or H. influenzae autoimmune, carcinomatous)
gram-negatives . Encephalitis
-Post-surgical and trauma patients: S. aureus, . Brain abscess
-Neonates: Group B sffeptococcus, Listeria, E. coli
. Stroke
-Alcoholic patients: S. pneumonioe . Migraine
-Additional organisms in immunocompromised include M. tuberculo sis, . CNS vasculitis
C rltptoc or: cus ne oformans, HIY
. Nasopharyngeal source of infection is most common followed by hemato- . Mass lesions
genous spread through the choroid piexus into the CSF . Subarachnoid hemorrhage
. Increased risk of infection in elderly and neonatal patients' adolescents (N. . Intracerebral hemorrhage
meningitidis), HIV patients, post-splenectomy, uremia, alcoholics, steroid
or immunosuppressant iherapy, simultaneous systemic infection with bac-
teremia, and recent neurosurgical procedures

Presentation Diagnosis
. Triad of headache, fever, and nuchal . Diagnosis is based on presentation and CSF findings
rigidity . Head CT is required prior to lumbar puncture in any patient who may
. Emesis have increased intracranial pressure
. Photophobia . Lumbar puncture
. Change in mental status -Bacterial: Increased opening pressure, cloudy appearance, ele-
. Focal neurologic findings in 57o vated cell count, increased protein (>150), decreased glucose
. Severe dermal petechial eruption in (<40), WBC >1000 PMNs, decreased CSF:serum glucose ratio
N. meningitidis infection (<0.4); gram stain may reveal organism
. Kemig sign: With patient in supine -Viral: WBC < 100 iymphocytes, protein -200, normal glucose
position with hip ard knee flexed to -TB, fungal, autoimmune, and chemical meningitis generally pre-
90', further extension of knee will sent with simitar CSF findings as viral meningitis (low glucose in
cause neck and hamstring pain TB and tungal disease)
. Brudzinski sign: Flexing the neck of {onsider fungal and acid-fast stains, TB culture, and cryptococcal
a supine patient results in reflexive antigen
hip and knee flexion . Rlood cultures
. Elderly patients infrequently present
with classic symptoms

. Bacterial: Due to the severity of disease, rapid treatment based on . Bacterial: Admit for IV antibiotics, cul-
the presumptive diagnosis is essential ture of organism, ffeatment of seizures,
(e.g., ceftri- and frequent neurological exams (look
-Empiric treatment: 3rd generation cephalosporin
axone) plus vancomycin (207o prevalence of cephalosporin- for signs of t ICP)
resistant S. pneumoniae) . Viral: Admit and begin empiric antibi-
otics; discharge after 24 hrs if no organ-
-Meropenim pius vancomycin in penicillin allergy
may be added to cover Listeria in elderly, immuno- ism is found and CSF is consistent with
compromised, or newbom Patients viral disease
. TB, fungal: Admit for bacterial dis-
-Tuberculous meningitis requires isoniazid, pyrazinamide,
and as
steroids to reduce inflammatory damage (further medications ease; complications and mortality are
are necessary in HIV patients) high if recognized late
. Viral: Supporlive care; begin empiric antibiotic therapy until cul- . Overall mortality is now as low as 107o;

tures prove negative however, unfeated morlality is >90Vo

. Fungal: IV fluconazole or amphotericin . Course may be complicated by DIC or
. Chemical, allergic: Remove possible sources (i.e.' NSAIDs, sulfa concurent infections
drugs, IVIG) . CNS sequelae may include blindness,
. Add steroids in childhood cases to avoid chronic hearing loss deafness, hydrocephalus, seizures, and
. Treat dehydration aggressively cranial nerve palsies (rare if treated)
. Anticonvulsants may be required to feat seizures . Prophylaxis with rifampin for contacts
of patients with N. meningitidis

75. Encephalitis
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
- . Infection of brain parenchyma, resulting in gray matter inflammation . Stroke
. DNA viruses . Cerebral abscess
*Herpes type 1 is the most common sporadic virai encephalitis . Meningitis
-Herpes type 2 is more common in infants . Cerebral vasculitis
-Varicella-zoster may cause encephalitis with strokelike onset . Dementia
. RNA viruses include arboviruses (St. Louis encephalitis, eastem equine . Sepsis
encephalitis, westem equine encephalitis, Califomia encephalitis, West . Drug intoxication
Nile virus), HIV, measles, rabies, and others . Seizure
. Non-viral causes: Tuberculosis, mycoplasma, fungal, and protozoa . Lyme disease
. Post-infectious encephalitis may occur after a "viral syndrome," resulting . Acute subarachnoid hemorrhage
in a single episode of mild or severe demyelination (acute disseminated . Electrolyte disturbance
encephalomyelitis) . Acute psychosis
. Non-cerebral infection

Presentation Diagnosis
. Triad of headache, fever, and altered . Altered mental status with or without fever and headache should
mental status prompt an expeditious spinal fluid analysis-the decision to do a
. Seizures are common lumbar puncture is the most important consideration in a patient with
. Meningeal signs may be present suspected encephalitis
. Confusion, impaired cognition . CT is usually perforned before lumbar puncture to rule out increased
. Intact sensory and motor function intracranial pressure and avoid cerebral hemiation
. Ataxia may be prominent in . Lumbar puncture reveals lymphocytic pleocytosis with a mildly ele-
varicella-zoster encephalitis vated protein and a relativeiy normal glucose level
. Herpes- I has a predilection for . MRI may show characteristic changes in cases of herpes-l
frontal and temporal lobes, resulting encephalitis or other pathology (e.9., temporal lobe edema)
in memory and personality changes . EEG is always abnormal in encephalitis
and olfactory hallucinations . Identification of the causative organism may be possible via viral
. Rabies: Retrograde viral transporl antibodies or culture, recognition of viral predilection for specific
from the area biften results in pares- brain areas, and CSF PCR for HSV-I
thesias and muscle spasms, followed . The presence of altered mental status or seizures in a patient with
by CNS symptoms suspected "benign" viral meningitis changes the diagnosis ro menin-

Treatment Disposition
. Rapid diagnosis and supportive care are paramount . All suspected cases require admission
. Increased intracranial pressure may require intubation with mod- to ICU or monitored bed
erate hypewentilation, mannitol administration, and intracranial . Frequent neurological exams allow
pressure monitoring rapid diagnosis and treatrnent of
. Treat seizures as necessary; status epilepticus occurs frequently increased intracranial pressure
and may require multiple anticonvulsants . Mortality is very high despite antiviral
. Antiviral ffeatment is only effective for HSV-begin featment treatment and supportive care (espe-
immediately in any suspected case of HSV (mortality is >70% rf cially in rabies and HSV encephalitis)
treatment is delayed more than 48 hs) . Most patients will have some long-tem
. Antiviral featment is generally not effective for other viral complications, such as memory loss,
causes; however, other herpes viruses may respond to antivfals partial paralysis, and affective disorders
. Consider empiric antibiotics until bacterial meningitis is ruled out
. Avoid fluid overload as this can exacerbate cerebral edema
. Antiviral therapy for West Nile virus is under investigation

76. Multiple Sclerosis and ALS
Differential Dx
- Etiology & PathoPhYsiologY
. Multiple sclerosis . Multiple sclerosis
Demyelinating disease of young adults (onset 20-40) -Demyelinating diseases (e.g.,
results in demyelination ALD, CPM)
-Immune-mediated destruction of CNS myelin
and inflammation of CNS white matter -Stroke, tumor, or trauma
-Multiple plaques of demyelination of different
ages and in different -Comective-tissue disease
locations are seen (separated by both "time and space") -Ischemic optic neuroPathY
-Residence in northem latitudes at or
prior to puberty is a clear risk fac -Infection (e.9., LYme, HIY
tor (southem migration prior to pubefiy lowers risk) encephalitis, neurosyPhilis)
. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease) . ALS

-Degeneration of upper
(pyramidal tract) and lower (anterior hom cells) -Compressive myeloPathY
motor neurons-the most cornmon motor neuron disease -Myasthenia gravis
-Uncertainetiology (may involve glutamate excitotoxicity, superoxide -Inflammatory myoPathY
dismutase mutation, and free-radical neurotoxicity) -Hyperthyroidism
-Progressive weakness and muscle wasting,
eventually leading to respi- -Multifocal motof neuropathy
ratory failure and death

. Multiple sclerosis . Multiple sclerosis
-A clinical diagnosis in a patient with 2 or more episodes ofpro-
-Weakness, optic neuritis, visual
disturbance, sensory loss or longed neurologic dYsfunction
paresthesias, ataxia and incoor- -Eye exam demonstrating bilateral intemuclear ophthalmoplegia
dination, vefiigo, and/or sPhinc- (abnormal adduction and horizontal nystagmus) is pathognomonic
ter dysfunction for MS
-Increased reflexes and Babinski -MRI is the most sensitive indicator of inflammatory white matter
disease (characteristic cerebral and brainstem plaques)
-Lhemitte sign (electric shocks
down back upon neck flexion) -Slowed evoked responses (visual, brainstem, somatosensory)
. AIS -spinal fluid analysis reveals oligoclonal bands, elevated IgG
-Insidious onset of lirnb atroPhY,
u eakness, and fasciculations -Clinical finding of hyperreflexic deep tendon reflexes despite
weak, wasted, fasciculating limb muscles is often diagnostic
-Slurred speech, dysphagia
-Muscle aches and cramPs -CK is often normal (CK is elevated in myopathies)
-Dyspnea secondary to resPirato- -EMG reveals acute and chronic motor nerve damage
-Muscle biopsy shows denervation and excludes primary
ry muscle weakness
-Normal vision and sensation

Treatment Disposition
. Multiple sclerosis . Multiple sclerosis
-No cure exists; existing therapies often decrease symptoms -Course is marked by exacerbations
and remissions in most Patients
-Acute ffeatment: High-dose IV corticosteroids
may shorten
exacerbations, but have no long-term effrcacy -Benign course in 307o of Patients
-Chronic treatment: Intederon B and copolymer-l
may dimin- -Decision to admit relates to dis-
ish frequency of attacks ability severity, such as inability to
ambulate or blindness
-Optic neuritis: High-dose IV corticosteroids
-Symptomatic Eeatment with physical therapy'
prosthetics and -Death from MS itself is rare; may
orthotics, antispastic agents (i'e., baclofen, tizanidine, cloni- predispose to pneumonia and decu-
dine, benzodiazepines), antidepressants, analgesics bitus ulcer fomation with resulting
. ALS morbidity and mortalitY
within . ALS
-No effective therapies exist--death generally occurs
24 years from respiratory failure or pneumonia -Emergency room visits usuallY
occur lale in disease when respira-
-Supportive, nursing, and spiritual care
prolong tra- tory failure is imminent or swallow-
-Riuizole, a glutamate receptor antagonist, may
cheostomy-free survival by 3-6 months ing impossible, requiring ether ven-
tilatory suppoft, gasfostomy, or
-Antispastic agents may be beneficial
for feeding withdrawal of futile supPort
-Tracheostomy to prevent aspiration, G-tube
-Pulmonary toilet -Admit for pneumonia, resPiratory
failure, or unconfiolled symptoms

77 . Myasthenia Gravis
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. An autoimmune disease caused by the development of antibodies to . Cholinergic crisis (therapeutic
acetylcholine receptors on the post-synaptic neuromuscular junction, drug overdose)
which inhibit muscle membrane depolarization . Guillain-Barr6 syndrome
. Results in interference of neuromuscular transmission, leading to an insid- . Botulism
ious onset ofmuscular weakness and disability . Lambert-Eaton syndrome
. Pathogenesis may revolve around the thymus tissue, which likely provides . Paralytic medications
a milieu for autoantibody production in susceptible patients . Brainstem stroke
. There is a 20Ea concwrent incidence of autoimmune hypothyroidism in . Ocular myopathy
MG patients, suggesting a more generalized autoimmune state . Thyroid disease
. Associated with thymic tumors (hyperplasia, thymoma), thyrotoxicosis, . Idiopathic cranial neuropathy
D-penicillamine therapy, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE . Tick paralysis
. Occurs in young adults (especially young females) and the elderly . Organophosphate poisoning
. Myasthenic crisis: Respiratory muscle weakness causing respiratory fail- . Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Weakness . Subacute onset of fluctuating diplopia and ptosis with normal pupil-
-Ocular and facial muscles are lary responses strongly suggests the diagnosis
most frequently involved . Anticholinergic challenge with edrophonium (Tensilon test) will rap-
(diplopia. ptosis. dysphagia. idly and temporarily reveme symptoms in )107o of patients
drooling, difficulty chewing) -Used for the initial diagnosis of MG
-Symmetrical limb weakness -Also used to distinguish myasthenic crisis (worsening of disease)
(proximal > distal) versus cholinergic crisis (supratherapeutic drug levels from MG
-May have respiratory failure due medications)----edrophonium will reverse myasthenic crisis but
to respiratory muscle weakness have no effecl on cholinergic crisis
-Weakness often fl uctuates . Acetylcholine receptor antibody assay is positive in 857o
-Especially prominent following . CBC, blood cultures, urinalysis, and CSF are normal
persistent activity . TSH to rule out hyperthyroidism
. Fatigue and exercise intolerance . CT of mediastinum may be used to rule out tumor of thymus
. Symptoms may be so subtle as to . Repetitive nerve stimulation results in a decremental response in
suggest hysteria motor unit action potential amplitude
. Normal reflexes, cerebellar, and . Single-fiber EMG is very sensitive for MG
sensory function

Treatment Disposition
. Rf) treatment . With the appropriate use of supportive
-Symptomatic treatment with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors measures, MG is rarely fatal
(e.g., neostigmine, pyridostigmine), which allow more time for . Obsewe for signs of restrictive pul-
acetylcholine to compete for binding at the neuromuscular monary failure, such as agitation,
junction diaphoresis, or rapid and shallow
-Intubate as necessary for respiratory failure (avoid paralytic breathing (simple measurement of pO,
agents during intubation, which may cause prolonged neuro- and pCO2 may fail to reveal significant
muscular biockade) respiratory distress)
. Additional inpatient and long-term treatments . Patients with forced vital capacity <1 L
-Corticosteroids (30Vo chance of transient but severe symptom usually require prophylactic intubation
exacerbation) or BiPAP
. Admit patients with moderate to severe
-Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) or plasmapheresis for res-
piratory failure or severe limb weakness symptoms and/or any signs of respira-
-Chemotherapy or immunosuppressives (e.g., azathioprine, tory compromise
methotrexate, cyclosporine) in refractory cases . Discharge patients with mild disease on
-Thymectomy may be curative; however, no accurate controlled anticholinesterase inhibitors and with
trial data exist expeditious neurological follow-up
. Avoid aminoglycosides, sedatives, $-blockers, and other medica- . Do not start steroids without direction
tions that may cause or enhance weakness from a neurologic consultant

78. Acute Neuropathy
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Weakness, loss of sensation, and/or pain in the distribution of one or more . Bell's palsy: CVA, herpes zoster,
nerves over houts to days acoustic neuroma, GBS, Lyme
. Often due to compression by trauma, bleeding, or inflammation disease
. Bell's palsy is an idiopathic unilateral facial nerve palsy . GBS: Myasthenia gravis, polio,
. Guillain-Barr6 syndrome (GBS) is an autoimmune inflarnmatory polyneu- botulism, tick paralysis, diphthe-
ropathy that darnages myelin sheaths and is usually preceded by viral or ria, myositis, electrolyte abnor-
C ampy Io b ac t e r j ej uni infectrnn malities, spinal cord lesion, Wesl
. Acute intermittent porphyria is an autosomal dominant defect in heme Nile virus
synthesis that causes episodic weakness, abdominal pain, and psychosis; . Bioterrorism
medications or systemic illness cause exacerbations . Entrapment neuopathy
. Brachial plexopathy is a benign idiopathic plexus inflammation . Chronic neuropathy (e.g., dia-
. Toxic chemotherapeutic agents may cause syrnmeffical neuropathy betes, alcohol, drugs, HIV)
. Other acute neuropathies include herpes zoster, acute diabetic lumbar
plexopathy, and vasculitis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Note iocation of symptoms, syfirme- . Clinical diagnosis-Weakness and hypo- or areflexia is the most
try ol reflexes. strength. sensation. common presentation
autonomic symptoms . Bell's palsy: A clinical diagnosis in the presence of an otherwise nor-
. Bell's palsy: Unilateral facial and mal neurologic exam and no evidence of zoster
forehead muscle paresis . Guillain-Bar6 syndrome: Diagnosed clinically by a history of pre-
. GBS: Rapid onset of symmetric ceding viral illness followed by bilateral ascending paralysis with are-
ascending paralysis that may flexia
involve facial or respiratory muscles -CSF shows albuminocytologic dissociation (elevated spinal fluid
(30o/a); areflexia; minimal sensory protein with normal cell counts)
loss; may have autonomic symp- . Acute porphyria: Patient or family history of similar attacks of weak-
loms ness; labs normal except for elevated serum porphobilhogen (PBG)
. Porphyria: Symmetrical decrease in and 8-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)
strength, reflexes, ald sensation; . Brachial plexopathy: CXR to ru1e out mass lesions
psychosis; abdominal pain . Varicella-zoster: Dermatomal symptoms with vesicular skin lesions
. Brachial plexopathy: Acute, sevete . EMG and nerve conduction testing for diagnostic confirmation and
shoulder, back, arm pain/weakness prognosis (especially in cases of drug toxicities)

Treatment Disposition
. Bell's palsy . Inpatient versus outpatient disposition
generally depends upon the perceived
-Eye lubricants
-Systemic steroids for 10 days may shorten the recovery period risk of respiratory compromise
and improve outcome . Guillain-Barr6 syndrome and acute por-
-Acyclovir is sometimes used but is controversial phyria require admission
. Guillain-Ban6 syndrome . Bell's palsy: 8070 recover withil a few
-Intubate patients with respiratory muscle compromise months
. >857o of patients with GBS recover
-lntravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) or plasmapheresis are
equally effective with supportive care; however, patients
may require prolonged hospital stays
-Steroids are ineffective
. Acute intermittent porphyria and 5olo remain permanently disabled
. West Nile virus may present as GBS or
-With&aw offending drugs ot reverse offending conditions that
may have precipitated the attack (e.g., dehydration) a polio-like syndrome
. Brachial plexopathy usually resolves
-Other therapies inciude glucose infusion (limits symptoms by
preventing heme synthesis), vitamin 86, or hematin within 1-2 weeks
. Diabetes or vasculitis: Consider amitriptyline, gabapentin, or anti . Herpes zoster may cause a prolonged,
convulsants to decrease neuropathic pain painlul post-herpetic neuralgia
. Herpes zoster: Acyclovir within 3 days of onset decreases the risk
and severity of post-herpetic neuralgia

79. Nerve Cornpression Syndromes
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Nerve injury from compression can be divided into through-and-through . Tendon, muscle, and ligament
lacerating injury (neurotmesis), crush injury affecting axons and myelin teafs
(axontmesis), and pure myelin injury (neuropraxia) . Compafimont syndromes
. Nerves most vulnerable to compression include the median nerve at the . Ischemic nerve iljury
ca4ral tunnel, the ulnar nerve at the elbow, the common peroneal nerve al . Stroke
the head of the fibula, the radial nerve at the humerxs, and the sciatic . Spinal cord injury
nerve at the piriformis muscle . Guillain-B arr6 syndrome
. Common causes include pressure from sunounding structures in areas . Hysteria
where minimal free space is available (e.g., carpal tunnel, lateral fibular . Chronic neuropathy (e.g., alco-
head) and traumatic or inflammatory processes (e.g., hematoma due to hol, diabetes, HIV)
stabbing or GSW, cnrsh injury from falls, or MVC) . Bell's palsy
. Nerves may also be compromised at their respective newe roots due to . Mononeuritis multiplex
foraminal narrowing-C-7 and S-1 roots are commody affected . Lumbar plexopathy
. Metabolic diseases (e.g., diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, vasculitis) . Brachial neuritis
predispose to compression and damage

Presentation Diagnosis
. Median nerve: Moming numbness . Diagnosis is suggested by history (see presentation box) and physical
and nighttime pain of the wrist. exam (below)
thumb, 2nd, and 3rd digits -Entrapment/compression of any nerve is suspected by a positive
. l]lnar nerve: Numbness of the 4th Tinel's sign (tapping on the newe elicits symptoms)
and 5th digits, elbow pain -Median nerve: Phalen's sign (prolonged wrist flexion) provokes
. Radial newe: Numbness over the symptoms; thenar wasting; weak thumb opposition
lateral dorsal surface of the hand -U1nar nene: Hypothenar wasting; weakness of intrinsic hand
. Peroneal nerue: Foot drop and later- muscles with decreased grip strength, finger abduction/adduction,
al knee pain and thumb adduction; claw hand in severe cases
. Sciatic nerve: Pain in the buttock -Radial nerve: Extension weakness of wrist and fingers (triceps
radiating to lateral calf and sole; strength is generally preserved)
numbness of lateral foreleg/so1e -Peroneal nerve: Foot drop with poor dorsiflexion and eversion;
. S-1 and C-7 root compression may preserved inversion and plantar flexion
mimic sciatic and radiai newe com- -Sciatic nerve: Weakness of the foot, lower leg, and hamstring
pression with back and neck pain. . Degree of nerve compression can generally be judged only by elec-
respectiveiy tromyography and nerve conduction testing performed several weeks
after an anatomic insult

Treatment Disposition
. Acute newe compression (e.g., spontaneous or provoked bleeding . Admit patients with acute nerve com-
into nerve tissue due to trauma or coagulation abnormalities) pression or possible compartment syn-
necessilates emergent decompression dromes
. If compartment syndrome is suspected, limb pressure measure- . Follow-up care and EMG/nerve conduc-
ments and appropriate compafiment release is indicated tion velocity is generally required to
. General treatment with NSAIDs and rest of the affected area determine prognosis and need for surgi-
. Chronic cases (e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar, and peroneal cal intervention in persistent nerve com-
neuropathies) rarely need urgent treatment; surgery 01 physical pressions
medicine referral is generally appropriate . Presence of chronic symptoms, muscle
-Carpal tunnel syndrome: Wrist splinting, physical therapy, sur- weakness. or muscle wastilg requires
gical release if conservative measures faii surgical referal for possible decom-
-Radial neuropathy: Wrist splinting, physical therapy pressive surgery
-Ulnar neuropathy at the elbow: Elbow pad and cessation of
traumatic activity
-Peroneal neuropathy: Ankle-foot orlhosis, physical therapy
-Nerve root compression: Physical therapy, analgesia, and pos-
sible surgery

80. Spinal Cord Compression Syndromes
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Spinal cord compression is a medical emergency in which pressure causes . Hemiated interverlebral disc
bilateral loss of motor and sensory function below the lesion . Neoplastic cord compression
. Red flags (high-risk cdteria) for cord compression . Epidural abscess
. Spinal cord
-Medical history: Cancer, age >50, conditions predisposing to hemor-
rhage or infection, weight loss, bone disease, elevated ESR . Epidural spinal hemonhage
. Post-traumatic compression
-HPI: Trauma, pain upon lyiag down, bilateral symptoms, fever,
bowel/bladder dysfunction, unexplained or progressive weakness . Osteoporotic compression
. Disc hemiation may cause root or cord compression . Cervical spondylosis
. Metastatic cord compression is due to impingement by pathologically . Spinal cord AVM
fractured bone or due to direct tumor extension . Transverse myelitis
. Epidural abscess: Infection of the spinal epidural space due to hematoge- . Multiple sclerosis
nous or contiguous spread of organisms
. Syringomyelia
. Epidural hematoma: Bleeding into the epidural space . Vitamin B,2 deficiency
. Radiculopathy is a non-urgent compression of nerve roots resulting in
pain, parestheias, and weakness in the nerve root disribution

Presentation Diagnosis
. Symptoms of cord compression may . tmaging of suspected cord compression
include back pain; motor, reflex, or -Low-risk patients (back pain only, no red flags) do not require
sensory losses below the level of the imaging
lesion; and bowel or bladder dys- -Medium-risk patients (back pain or abnomal exam plus any red
function flag) require MRI of the spine within 24 hours
. Disc hemiation: Pain, usually with -High-risk patients (exam suggesting cord or cauda equina lesion
radicular symptoms; 1l0%o have or suspicion of epidural abscess) require emergent MRI
cord compression . MRI is the gold standard to identify compression-very high sensitiv-
. Metastatic pain is often worse with ity for cord impingement
recumbancy . CT myelogram is used if MRI cannot be performed or is unavailable
. Epidural abscess: Pain, fever, pro- . Plailr X-rays may show metastatic disease but do not rule out com-
gressive weakness pression and should not delay more definitive studies
. Epidural hematoma: Pain and pro- . ESR is elevated il metastatic or epidural abscess (1007o sensitive for
gressive weakness abscess)
. Spinal subarachnoid: Sudden onset . CBC is insensitive for epidural abscess
of back pain with meningeal signs . Check PT/PTT in cases of spinal cord hemorrhage

Treatment Disposition
. Metastatic compression . Early diagnosis of compression is the
Steroids: IV dexamethasone improves outcomes factor that most significantly improves
-Radiotherapy (if done emergently) may improve pain and outcomes
decrease the incidence of paraplegia . Duration of preffeatment paralysis is the
main predictor of paraplegia
-Surgery is often not an option irr patients with advanced
cer, but may provide stabilization of unstable bony stluctwes . The key differential is between actual
. Epidural abscess spinal cord compression, which requires
emergent diagnosis and intervention,
-IV antibiotics to cover Staphylococcus and gram negative
organisms and radiculopathy, which does not
require urgent therapy
-Emergent neurosurgical consultation for emergency decom-
pressive laminectomy and drainage in most patients . Cauda equina syndrome presents with
. Epidural hematoma requires correction of any coagulation abnor- lower extremity weakness, bowel or
malities and emergent decompressive laminectomy with clot evac- bladder dysfunction, and decreased
uation perianal sensation
. Disc hemiation should be treated with NSAIDs, IV steroids, and . Epidural abscess is oflen present in
surgical consultation if motor symptoms are present patients without risk factors fot infec-
tion (20-607o) and may present prior to
development of neurologic symptoms-
consider the diagnosis in any patient
with fever and back pain



B1 . Acute Renal Failure
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. A rapid decline in renal function (GFR) over hours to days . Chronic renal failure
. Prerenal farlve (4AVo of cases): Due to conditions that reduce renal blood . Diabetic or alcoholic ketoacido-
flow/perfusion, such as decreased circulating volume (e.g., dehydration, sis
hemorrhage, excessive diuresis, Gl/renal losses), decreased cardiac output . CI{F
(e.g., CHF, cardiogenic shock), 3rd spacing (e.g., sepsis, cirrhosis, pancre- . Pulmonary edema
atitis), ACE-inhibitor or NSAID use . Anemia
. Intrinsic (parenchymal) failure (507o): Due to disease of the glomerulus or . Abdominal aneurysm
tubule (e.g., ATN due to ischemia secondary to poor renal perfusion, . Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
drugs, or contrast agents), renal artery obstruction, glomerulonephritis, . Hypertensive crisis
TTP, vasculitis, post-sffeptococcal, SLE, interstitial nephritis (e.g., drug, . Urolithiasis
infection, idiopathic), drug nephrotoxicity, rhabdomyolysis, myeloma, or . lJreteral transection
atheromatous emboli . Traumatic kidney laceration
. Postrcnal failure (107o): Due to processes that increase tubular pressures with urinary exff avasation
by blocking urine outflow (e.g., enlarged prostate, urethral stricture, pelvic
mass, uroiithiasis, surgery or neurogenic bladder)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Symptoms of renal failure include . Increasing serum BIJN and creatinine
nausea/vomiting, metallic taste, . Abnormal urine output
abdominal pain, lethargy -Anuria (<100 ml/d) suggests posffenal obstruction, severe intrin-
. Oliguria or anuria may be present sic renal injury, or renal artery occlusion
. Symptoms of volume overload -Oliguria (100-400 mlld) suggests prerenal disease
. History or symptoms of specific eti-
-Non-oliguria (>400 mlld) is typical of intrinsic processes
ologies may be apparent . Electrolytes: Hyperkalemia, increased phosphate, and metabolic aci-
-Prerenal: Vomiting, diarrhea, dosis in most cases (may have elevated or normal anion gap)
poor oral htake, edema, CHF, -Prerenal: Serum BfJN/Cr ratio >20, contraction alkalosis, eleva!
use of diureticsA.{SAlDs/ACE- ed uric acid, low urine Na+ (<20 meq/L), high urine creatinine
inhibitors and osmoles. normal urine microscopy.
-Intrinsic: Diabetes, SLE, HTN, Fep, : [(Uv"/Pp")*(P"nrUqJ*100] is <1
recent nephrotoxic drug or con- -Intrinsic: Fe*")1; microscopy shows casts (granular, WBC, or
trast exposure. strep irfection. RBC), high urine Na+ 1>20 meq,1l), Iow urine Cr, proreinuria
crush injury -Postrenal: Urine electrolytes and Feyu vary
-Postrenal: BPH, tecent surgery, . Serologies may heip to identify causes of intrinsic disease
recurrent UTIs, kidney stones . Renal ultrasound may be used to exclude postrenal obstruction

Treatment Disposition
. Place in all patients to rule out potential ure-
a Foley catheter . Mortality from ARF is approximately
thraVbladder outlet obstruction and monitor urine output 507o, regardless of age
. Discontinue all nephrotoxic drugs . Prognosis depends on etiology, co-
. Prompt treatment of hypovolemia in prerenal disease morbid conditions, preexisting renal
. Diuresis with loop diuretics does not improve renal function but disease. and degree of oliguria
may decrease volume overload, preventing the need for hemodial . 20-60qa require hemodialysis at some
ysis point during the course of disease
. Low-dose ("renal") dopamine may transiently improve urine out- . Admit all patients
put but has not been shown to improve outcome or renal function . Nephrology consultation is indicated for
. In prerenal states, afterload reducers and positive inotropes to cases of intrinsic renal failure of unde-
increase cardiac output may improve renal perfusion termined etiology and if urgent dialysis
. Administer bicarbonate to counter severe acidosis is required
. Treat hyperkalemia appropriately and monitor closely . Drug dosages must be adjusted based
. Dialysis or continuous hemodiafiltration is indicated for symp- on the patient's new GFR
toms of uremia (e.g., encephalopathy), fluid overload (e.g., pul-
monary edema), or severe electrolyte/acid-base abnormalities
(e.g., severe hyperkalemia, acidosis)
. Treat underlying etiologies as appropriate

82. Uri nary Retention
- Etiology & PathoPhYsiologY Differential Dx
. Caused by physical obstruction of the urinary tract or failure of neurologic . Urolithiasis
. Infavascular volume depletion
control mechanisms
. May occur at any leve1 from the renal pelvis to the distal urethra . Acute renal failure
. Results in increasing tubular pressures, leading to a progressive decrease . Phimosis
in GFR and, eventually, compromised renal perfusion
. Meatal stenosis
. Causes of physical obstruction include benign prostatic hypertrophy, . Aortic aneurysm

urolithiasis, peivic surgery, pelvic malignancy' prostate cancer, pregnancy,

. Cauda equina syndrome
. Pregnancy
trauma, blood clots, phimosis or meatal stenosis, and infection
. Neurogenic causes include diabetes, hemiated disc' spinal cord injury or . Pelvic or renal malignancy
. Uterhe leiomyoma
compression, medications (e.g., a-agonists, p-agonists, antihistamines,
dicyclomine, diazepam, tricyclics, anticholinergics), multiple sclerosis,
myasthenia gravis, Parkinson's disease, brain iumor, and CVA
. Common post-operatively

Presentation Diagnosis
. Inability to void . Often presents with renal failure and concomitant electrolyte and
. Change in urinary pattems (e.g.. blood pressure disturbances
nocturia. polyuria. hesitancY. -Hyponatremia
urgency, or difficulty starting -Hyperkalemia
stream) -Acidosis (anion gap may be normal or increased)
. Abdominal pain may be present sec- -Azotemia (elevated BUN and creatinine) in advanced states
ondary to distension of bladder, . Urinalysis may reveal hematuria, pyuria, or crystalluria and will also
ureter, or collecting sYstem rule out infection
. Slowly progressive processes (e.g., . Post-void residual is a good measure of adequacy of bladder empty-
tumors, BPH) may present without ing (abnormal is >125 cc residual urine)
pain . Imagi;rg studies (helical CT scan, renal ulffasound, and/or intra-
. Palpable bladder on abdominal venous pyelography) may be used to rule out causes of obstruction
. Rectal or pelvic exam maY demon-
strate enlarged pelvic structures,
especially the prostate

Treatment Disposition
. Immediate catheter drainage of biadder contents . Discharge with close follow-up is
acceptable for simple distal bladder/ure-
-Foley or coud6 catheter is preferred
thal obstructions relieved by catheter
-Place suprapubic catheter if unable to pass a Foley
possibie placement (the catheter should be left in
-Maintain catheter dminage until definitive therapy is
. Correct electrolyte and volume disturbances piace and attached to a leg bag)
. Treat UTIs with appropriate antibiotics . Inpatient management for renal failure,
. Medications may include ct-1 antagonists (e.g', tamsulosin) for surgical drainage, severe volume or
BPH, oxybutynin to prevent spasm of urinary bladder muscle, and electrolyte disturbances. and any evi-
bethanechol to induce urinary bladder muscle contraction dence of post-obstructive diuresis
. Definitive therapy may require prostate surgery percutaneous . Complications include acute renal fail-
nephrostomy tube (for obsfluction proximal to the mid-ueter)' oI ure, transient gross hematuria, and post-
cystoscopy with ureteral stent placement (for distal ureteral obstructive diuresis
. Post-obstructive diuresis involves the
loss of up to 20 L of fluid after relief of
ch-ronic obstruction ldue to transient
tubule dysfunction) and often results in
volume, blood pressure, and elecholyte


83. Nephrolithiasis
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Most often due to increased concentrations of stone-forming material in . Ectopic pregnancy
urine, either from increased excretion or decreased urinary volume . Pelvic inflammatory disease
. Caicium oxalate/phosphate stones (807o): Due to idiopathic hypercalci- . Mittelschmefiz
uria, hyperuricosuria, hyperoxaiuria, primary hyperparathyroidism, low . Pyelonephritis
urine citrate, and type I RIA . Renal infarct/vein thrombosis
. Uric acid stones (107o): Associated with low urine pH and hyperuricosuria . Acute papillary necrosis
. Struvite stones (magnesium ammonium phosphate): Associated with UTIs . Renal cancer with obstruction
with urea-splitting organisms (e.g., P roteus, Klebsiella) . Common causes of abdominal
. Cystine stones (<17o): Associated with cystinuria pain (e.g., appendicitis, biliary
. Risk factors include male gender, high protein diet, low water intake, colic, diverticulitis, AAA, pan-
HTN, malignancy, post-vasectomy, immobilization, gout, short-bowel syn- creatitis, obstruction)
drome, spinal cord injuries, protease inhibitors, allopurinol, and family . Mesenteric ischemia
history . Herpes zoster (shingles)
. May result in obstruction with eventual irreversible renal damage . Factitious/malingering

Presentation Diagnosis
. Sudden onset of severe, colicky, . Characteristic clinical presentation is highly predictive, especially in
unilaterai flank pain (may radiate to patients with a past history of urolithiasis
the lower abdomen, groin, testicles, . Urinalysis reveals hematuria in )907o of cases; however, its absence
or perineum) does not exclude the diagnosis; also used to evaluate for the presence
. Pain occurs in paroxysms lasting of infection
20-60 minutes; may have complete . Strain urine for stones and send to lab for analysis
resolution between episodes . Renal function tests (BuN/creatinine) are usually normal
. Nausea. vomiting. and diaphoresis . Non-contrast heiical CT is the gold standard for detecting stones and
are common signs of obstruction (e.g., ureteral and collecting system dilatation,
. Urinary symptoms may include perinephric stranding); will also differentiate urolithiasis from other
dysuria and frequency diagnoses (e.g., aortic aneurysm, tumor)
. Severe acute urethral pain may sig- . Intravenous pyelogram and ultrasound ale now used less frequently
nal the passage of a stone and are less sensitive than CT, but may diagnose radiolucent stones,
. Hematuria better localize stones. and detect obstruction
. History of prior urolithiasis
. Fever suggests concurrent infection

Treatment Disposition
. Most stones are smaller than 5 mm and will pass on their own; . Most patients can be managed as outpa-
thus, treatment for a first-time stone is generally supportive (stone tients with oral hydration (>2 L water
passage depends on size, location, and presence of obstruction) per day) and NSAIDs
-Analgesia (NSAIDs, especially IVIM ketorolac, are probably . Insffuct patients to strain their urine and
as effective as opiates) submit stones for further analysis
-Hydration (1-2 L bolus of normal saline) . Urgent urology consultation for renal
-Antiemetics as needed for nausea/vomiting failure, urosepsis, or solitary kidney
. IV antibiotics if infection is present (usually ampicillin plus gen- . Criteria for admission include inability
tamycin or a fluoroquinolone alone) to tolerate oral intake, refractory severe
. Stones too large to pass are treated with endoscopic lithotripsy, pain, concunent infection, or single kid-
exEacorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, open pyelolithotomy, or ney with obstruction
percutaneous nephroiithotomy . Consider admission for patients with
. Type of stones may indicate further outpatient treatment large (>5 mm) stones that are unlikely
-Calcium: Limit sodium intake, thiazide diuretics for hypercal- to pass or with severe co-morbid dis-
ciuria, allopurinol for hyperuricosuria, potassium citrate for EASES
hypocitraturia . Patients with recurrent stones should be
-Uric acid: Alkalinize urine, allopurinol referred for more detailed metabolic
-Cystine: High fluid intake, alkalinize urine and radiologic evaluation
. Ironically, high dietary calcium may
decrease the risk of stones by forming
ligands with oxalate and phosphate

84. Uri nary Tract lnfections
- Differential Dx
. Infection of the lower urinary rract (cystitis) and/or upper tract (pyelo- . Vulvovaginitis (Candida,

nephritis) Tr ic homo nas, G ardne re ll a)

. Complicated UTIs may result il systemic illness, bacteremia, and/or treat- . Urethritis
ment failure-complicating factors include male sex, old age, hospital-
. Cervicitis
acquired infection, indwelling catheter, recent urinary tract insffumenta-
. Pelvic inflammatory disease
. Prostatitis
tion, functional or anatomic abnormality, recent antibiotic use, symptoms
)7 days, diabetes, neurogenic bladder, and immunosuppression . Epididymitis
. Uncomplicated UTIs are generally due to E. coli (8V9OVo)' Staphylococcus . Urolithiasis
. Various causes of abdominal
saprophyticus (207a), Proteus, Klebsiella, Enterococcus, Chlamydia
. Complicated UTIs are often due to antibiotic resistant organisms, includ- pain (e.g., pregnancy/ectopic
ing E. coli, Pseudomonas, Proteus, Klebsiella, S. aureus' Enterococcus, pregnancy, diverticulitis, aPPen-
Serratia. and Enterobacter dicitis)
. Interstitial cystitis

. Dysuria . Midstream voiding specimen (large numbers of epi&elial ce1ls sug-
. Urinary frequency/urgency gest contamination and need for a catheter specimen) or catheter
. Suprapubic pain/tendemess specimen
. Sense of incomplete voiding . Urinalysis with >5 leukocytesAlPF suggests UTI
. Hematuria may be present . Urhe dipstick is generally considered positive if either leukocyte
. Pyelonephritis will additionally esterase or niffites are present
present with fever, nausea, vomit- -Leukocyte esterase has >7570 sensitivity and959o specificity
ing, flank pain, and CVA tendemess -Nitrites are highly specific (>907o) but not sensitive (5070)
.Infants most commonly present with -symptomatic patients with a negative dipstick require a more sen
fever and iritability sitive microscopic examination for pyuria
. Elderly may present with mental . Urine culture is only required for compiicated UTIs (positive culture
status change, fever, abdominal is > 100,000 organisms/ml)
pain, or without symptoms . Consider CT or renal ulffasound for UTIs that are refractory to treat-
ment; may reveal renal abscess, obstruction, or stone

. Antibiotic choice depends on local drug resistance pattems (e.9., . Patients with cystitis can be discharged
. Admit all patients with complicated
tp to 35Vo ol E. coli are resistant to TMP-SMX lc'rt or'ly 2Ea are
resistant to fluoroquinolones) pyelonephritis lor IV antibiotics
. Uncomplicated cystitis . Admit patients with uncomplicated
pyelonephritis who cannot tolerate oral
-First Line: TMP/SMX or fluoroquinolone for 3 days
p-lactam for 7 days intake, have severe illness or high fever,
-Second Line: Nitrofurantoin or
are pregnant, or have questionable com-
-Pregnancy: Amoxicillin, cephalexin, or nitrofurantoin
-Children: Cefixime, ampicillin/sulbactam, or TMP/SMX
. Complicated cystitis: Fluoroquinolone, aminoglycoside, or ceftri- . Urology referral for any upper UTI that
axone for 7-14 days remains symptomatic after 72 hours of
. Uncomplicated pyelonephritis therapy, recurrence of pyelonephritis,
and men with recurrent UTls
-First Line: Oral fluoroquinolone for 1G-14 days . Urology/PCP follow-up in ali children
-Second Line: TMP/SMX or cefixime for 14 days
. Obtain cultures in all pregnant women
-Consider initial IV dose in the ED, then begin oral therapy
. Complicated pyelonephritis: Fluoroquinolone, ampicillin plus and follow up in 2-3 days
gentamicin, or penicillin/anti-penicillinase (start IV then change
to oral when improving) for 14 daYs
. Phenazopyridine may be used as analgesia for dysuria



85. Male Urethritis

Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Infectious or traumatic inflammation of the urethra . Urethral foreign body
. Sexually transmitted organisms are the most common infectious causes . Reiter's syndrome
-Gonococcal urethdtis
. Prostatitis
-Nongonococcal urethritis: Commonly C hlamydia, Ure aplasma,
. Epididymitis
Mycoplasma, or Trichomonas; less commonly HSV, lymphogranuloma . Orchitis
venergum or gram negatives . Cystitis
. Post-traumatic urethritis may occur following catheterization
. Urethritis may also be associated with epididymitis, orchitis, prostatitis,
Reiter's syndrome, pneumonia, and otitis media

Presentation Diagnosis
. Patients may present with common . Palpate along the uethra to exclude abscess or foreign body and to
STD symptoms determine if there is an expressible purulent discharge
. Examine the testes and prostate to exclude epididymitis, orchitis, or
-Urethral discharge prostatitis
. Examine the genitals for evidence of other STDs, such as herpes,
-Conjunctivitis/uveitis syphilis, or condyloma
-Proctitis . Laboratory studies
. Patients may have a history of -Gram stain and culture of urethral discharge for N. gonorrheae
STDs. panner with STD. promiscu- and Chlamydia
ous or unprotected intercourse, ure- -Test a first void specimen for leukocyte esterase or WBCs (pres-
thral stricture, or recent urethral ence may indicate simple urethritis or UTI)
instrumentation -Syphilis serology (VDRL or RPR)
. Urethritis is suggested by a mucopurulent or purulent discharge, gram
stain demonstrating >5 WBC,hpf, or presence of intracellular gram-
negative diplococci, and frst void urine containing leukocyte esterase
or >10 WBC/hpf

Treatment Disposition
. Urethdtis should be confirmed before treatment is initiated . Instruct patients to retum if symptoms
. Empiric treatment pdor to identification of pathogens should be persist or recur after completion of ther-
administered in all patients with a clinical presentation consistent apy
with urethritis . Instruct patients to abstain from inter-
. All patients with potential STDs must be heated for both gono- course for seven days after therapy is
coccus and chlamydia; cover with both gonococcal and non- initiated and until all partners have been
gonococcal antibiotics appropriately treated
. Gonococcal urethdtis . All
sexual partners who had contact
-Single dose IM 3rd generation cephalosporin (add probenicid with the patient within the past 60 days
to the shorter acting cephalosporins) should be referred for evaluation and
-Single dose oral cefixime treatment
-Single dose oral ofloxacin or levofloxacil . Pregnant women and adolescents
. Non-gonococcal urethritis should be referred for re-screening
-Single dose oral azithromycin 3 weeks after completion of therapy
-Doxycycline, ofloxacin, or levofloxacin for 7 days . STDs must be repoted to the local
health department

86. Penile Disorders
Etiology & PathoPhYsiologY Differential Dx
. Balanitis: Inflammation of the glans, often due to fungal infection secon- . Balanitis
. Cellulilis
dary to poor hygiene
. Phimosis: Inability to retract the foreskin proximally over dre glans . Penile toumiquet
young boys and resolves sponta- . Penile cancer
-May be congenital (physiologic in . Frostatitis
neously by age 1 1-12) or acquired (due to poot hygiene, balanitis, or
. Urethritis
repeated forced retraction of a congenital phimosis)
. Paraphimosis is a true emefgency with enEapment and inability to reduce . Urethral foreign bodies
. Bpididymitis
the retracted foreskin over the proximal glans
pocr hygiene' skin pierc- . Foumier's gang!rte
-Etiologies include frequent catheterizations,
ing, and chronic balanoposrhitis ieading to phimosis
causing neerosis
-Bl,ood supply to the glans may be compromised,
. Penile toumiquet occurs when an object (e.g., hau, rubber bandi wraps
around the penis, causing ischemia
. Penile fracture: Blunt trauma (often during intercourse) may tear the
tunica albuginea, colpora cavemosa, andlor the ulethra

. Balanitis: Erythematous, tender, and . History and characteristic physicai findings are cflea diagncstic
itchy glans; penile discharge; diffi' ' ff there is a high suspicion of urethral injury (e.g", blood at the urc-
culty with urination thral meatus), a retrograde uretlfogram should be nbmined to rule oul
. Phimosis: Inability to retract the urethral involvement
foreskin over the glans: conceming . Check glucose in persistent cases ofbalanitis to rule out diabtes
symptoms include Pain, decreased mellitus
urinary stream, and hemaruria . Penile ultrasound for suspected cases of penile fracnrrc
. Paraphimosis: Tender, edematous,
erythematous glans with foreskin
ederna and flacciditY of the Proxi-
mal penile shaft
. Penile toumiquet: Swollen penis in
tlle presence of a constricting agent
" Penile fracfure: Penile pain, edema,
and ecchyrnoses or hematoma fol-
lowing an audible "crack"

Trrealment Disposition
. Balanitis: Topical antifungals; ensure good penonal hygiene . Balanitis: Urology outpatient refenal to
. Phimosis screen for peniie cancer; may be the ini*
tial presentation of diabetes mellitus
-Asyrnptomatic cases do not requixe ED treatment . Phimosis: Non-emergent urologic refer-
may require semi-
-Patients with severe. conceming symptoms
urgent foreskin opening (preferably by urology) ral for elective circumcision if accom-
panied by decreased urinary stream,
-Urinary catheter for urinary retention
penile toumiquet require emergent reduction hematuria, or preputial Pain
" Faraphirnosis and . Paraphimosis: Ifreduction is successfirl,
-First, ensure that there is no foreign material (e'g', rings, han
clothing, rubber bands) causing the problem outp&tient teferral to urology is indi-
to reduction, consider maneuvers to reduce gians edema cated for elective circumcision as recur-
(e.g., ice, direct digital pressure' wrapping the glans with rence is likely
, Peoile toumiquet: Emergent urologic
prior to urologic refenal referral iftoumiquet canno{ be removed
-Manual reduction may be attempted
by applying pressure over the glans with both thumbs while
simultaneously pulling the retracted foreskin over the glans
with the index fingers
. Penile lractures require surgical repair; administer pain control,
cold compresses, and a Foley catheter in the ED



87. Priapism
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. A persistent erection (>6 hours) despite orgasm or end of sexual desire . Medication or injection therapy
. A urologlc emergency due to deregulation of defumescence with persis- for erectile dysfunction
tently elevated pressure in the corpora cavemosa . Sickle cell disease/thalassemia
. Low flow (ischemic) priapism: Venous occlusiorVobstruction of corpora . Drugs (e.g., antihypertensives,
cavemosal outflow results in persistent venous engorgement, decreased phenothiazines, anticoagulants)
blood flow, persistent erection, and, eventually, penile ischemia (after . Illicit drugs (e.g., cocaine,
6 hours) MDMA, marijuana)
. High flow (non-ischemic) priapism: Increased cavemosal arterial inflow . Ethanol
exceeds venous outflow, usually due to trauma that results in an arterial . Spinal cord injury
fistula in the penis-ischemia is less common . Leukemia/polycythemia
. Impotence is the most feared complication-risk of impotence increases . Amyloidosis
with duration of priapism (especially if >24 tr) . Snake/scorpion bite
. Penile/perineal trauma
-Up lo 507o of low flow cases result in impotence
-207o ofhigh flow cases result in impotence

Presentation Diagnosis
. Low flow priapism . History and physical is usually sufficient to make the diagnosis-
-Extremely painful erect or semi- presence of persistent tumescence in the absence of sexual stimula-
erect penis tion and predisposing conditions or drug use
Soft glans . Spinal cord injury must be ruled out in any trauma victim with pri-
-Erection may be present for apism
hours to days . Laboratory evaluation should include CBC (rule out sickle cell and
. High flow priapism leukemia), coagulation profile, and urinalysis (rule out infection)
-Usually presents with a lesser . Corporeal blood gas analysis distinguishes high flow from low flow
degree of pain and tumescence priapism: Dark blood with pH <7 .25, pO, <30, and pCO2 >60 indi-
-Glans is usually firm cates a low flow. ischemic state
-Soft corpora cavernosa . Penile Doppler ultrasound testing may also distinguish high flow
-Penile bruit may be present from low flow priapism
. Angiogram may be necessary in high flow disease to locaiize the
-There may be a significant delay
between the traumatic incident fistula
and onset of erection

Treatment Disposition
. Foley catheter may be necessary as some patients are unable to . Risk of impotence increases with dura-
urinate tion of priapism, especially after 24
. Discontinue and avoid offending drugs hours
. Perineal ice packs and ice water enemas may be tried . Patients who respond to ED manage-
. Subcutaneous terbutaline (B-agonist) causes detumescence in up ment may be discharged with urology
to 30qo of patients foilow-up in 24 hours
. Corporeal aspiration and vasoconstrictor injection is nearly 1007o . Discharged patients should be in-
effective slucted to retum as needed and should
-Aspirate blood from the corpora cavemosa using a butter{ly understand the potential consequences
needle (penile nerve block may be used) of prolonged priapism (i.e., impotence)
. Any patient refractory to ED manage-
-Follow with a corporeal injection of 250 mcg of diluted
phenylephrine ment should have an urgent urological
. High flow priapism usually cannot be treated in the ED; arterial evaluation
embolization may be required . Urethrai obstruction may occur in high
. Sickle cell patients require hydration, analgesia, and supplemental or 1ow flow disease
02; consider exchange transfusion if conservative measures fail
. Complications of therapy may occur due to vasoactive substances
(HTN, headache, palpitations, anhythmia), or due to needle punc-
ture (bleeding, infection, urethral injury)

88. Acute Scrotal Pain
- Differential Dx
. 90% of cases are due to testicular torsion, appendage torsion, or acute . Acute hydrocele/varicocele

epididymitis . Orchitis (either extension of epi

. Testicular torsion (peak ages 1 year and mid{eens) didymitis to the testicle or iso-
("bel1-clapper lated orchitis due to mumPs or
-Congenitally abnormal attachment of testicle to scrotum
deformity") is present rn tp to 12% of males, allowing rotation of the other viral infections)
. Testicular trauma
testicle around the spermatic cord
ischemia . Testicular cancer
-Venous and arterial supply is compromised, causing
cases present after trauma . Renal colic
. Acute epididymitis (peak ages 20s-30s) . Scrotal abscess
. Foumier's gangrene
-Infection or inflammation of the epididymis due to retrograde
of bacteria through the urethra and bladder . Henoch-Schtjnlein purpura
in young . Inguinal hemia
-Chlamydia and Gonorrhoeae are the most common causes
. Abdominal aortic aneurysm
males; E. coli, Klebsiella, or Pseudomonas in older patients
. Appendage torsion (ages 3-13): Appendix of the testis or epididymis
twists on its own axis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Testicular torsion . Urinalysis is usually normal in torsions but positive (for WBCs) in
-Sudden onset of severe pain, epididymitis
independent of position . Serum leukocytosis is unreliable (elevated in tp to 607o of torsions)
. Obtain urethral swab for culture and gram stain in epididymitis
-Vomiting is common
. HIV and syphilis testing is often advised in epididymitis
-Testicle is elevated, enlarged,
horizontally oriented, and dif- . Handheld bedside Doppler may be used to assess for absent pulses in
fusely tender the testicle indicating torsion
. Epididymitis . Color-flow Doppler is higtrly sensitive and specific to differentiate
-Cradual onset (>24 hours) torsion from epididymitis by showing decreased flow in torsion
. If suspicion for torsion is high, immediate surgical exploration is
-Worse when standing
-Scrotal elevation deceases parn indicated-studies should not deiay surgical evaluation
-Fever, dysuria (vomiting is rare)
-Tendemess is usually limited to
epididymis +/- prostate
. Appendage torsion: Sudden onset;
N/V, dysuria, fever are uncommon;
small "blue dot" on scrotum

. Testicular torsion . Testicular torsion

-Attempt manual detorsion while awaiting urological consulta- -Urgent urologic referral is indicated
tion: Rotate the testicle away from the midline using subjec- for any suspected testicular torsion
tive relief from pain (and Doppler if available) as a guide Testicular salvage is nearly 100% if
detorsed within 4-6 hours but just
-Cooling with ice packs will preserve function if care
delayed 207o at24hotrs
. Epididymitis: Inpatient management is
-Surgical repair is the definitive ileatment
. Epididymitis only indicated for testicular or scrotal
for abscess or for generaiized systemic
-Administer antibiotics against the most common pathogens
each age group symptoms
artd . Appendage torsion
-Sexually active young adults: Cover Gonotrhoeae
Chlamydia with either ofloxacin (10-21 days) or single dose -Outpatient consetvative managemenl
IM ceftriaxone plus either doxycycline (10 days) or single is indicated once the diagnosis has
dose azithromycin been definitively established

-Age )35: Ofloxacin or ciprofloxacin for 10-21 days -Any suspicion of testicular torsion
. Appendage torsion requires no acute intervention; conservative should prompt immediate surgical
management with analgesia and scrotal elevation is sufficient until evaluation
degeneration occurs


89. Rhabdomyolysis
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Muscle injury and necrosis causes Na*/K* pump dysfunction, disruption . Polymyositis
of the normal calcium balance, and release of intracellular contents (par- . Dermatomyositis
ticularly myoglobin) . Connective tissue disease
. Serious associated morbidity and mortality; thus, a high degree of suspi- . Vasculitis
cion for the diagnosis must be maintained . Traumatic injury (e.g., crush,
. Etiologies include trauma, immobilization, muscle overactivity (e.g., fall, MVC, electrocution)
sports, exercise, seizures, dystonia), hfections, drugs of abuse, medica-
tions, poly/dermatomyositis, ischemia (e.g., compartment syndrome, vas-
culitis, vascular occlusion), electrolyte abnormalities, endocrine distur-
bances (e.g., DKA, thyroid), temperature extremes, electrical/lightning
injury hemolysis, toxins, venomous bites (e.g., snake, spider), and heredi-
tary myopathies
. Diagnosis and treatment are aimed at preventing further muscle injury and
minimizing complications (most commonly renal failure due to precipita-
tion of nephrotoxic substances in renal tubules)

Presentation Diagnosis
. General symptoms hclude maiaise, . Urinalysis is positive for blood (due to heme contained in the myo-
low-grade fever, tachycardia, nau- globin) in the absence of RBCs
sea, and vomiting . Eievated serum CPK (CK-MB remains (57o of total CPK), myoglo-
. Muscle symptoms include pain and bin, and aldolase (degree of elevation corelates with severity of
tendemess, weakness, stiffness, and injury)
swelling (which usually occurs after . Electrolyte abnormalities may include hyperkalemia, hyperphos-
hydration has been initiated, due to phatemia, and hypocalcemia (early) or hypercalcemia (late)
vigorous myocyte uptake) . Elevated creatinine with decreased BUN/creatinine ratio if acute renal
. Dark. brownish urine and decreased failure has occurred
urine output . Elevated LDH and uric acid
. Symptoms of the inciting process . CBC and PT/PTT should be ordered to screen for DIC
may be present

Treatment Disposition
. Cardiac monitoring and frequent electrolyte checks . A11 patients require admission for inten-
. IV fluid administration is the most important management sive electrolyte monitoring, hydration,
-Goal is a urine output of 20G-300 cclhr (increasing glomerular serial enzyme measurements, and moni-
filtration facilitates clearance of myoglobin and other toxins toring for complications
and helps to prevent acute renal failure) . Complications include acute renai fail-
-IV diuretics (loop diuretics or mamitol) are often added to ure (usually reversible), electrolyte
maintain volume status and promote urine output abnormalities (may result in cardiac
-In the face ofrenal failure or co-morbid conditions, invasive anhythmias), DIC, compafment syn-
monitoring of volume status may be necessary drome, and compression neuropathy
. Urinary alkalinization via sodium bicarbonate infusion may limit . Outcome depends on the reversibility of
renal damage the original insult, the degree of CPK
-Recommended for CPK values > 1000 elevation at prcsentation, the presence
-Goal is a urine pH >6.5 and serum pH 7.4f-r1 .45 of complications, and the adequacy of
. Treat electrolyte disturbances as necessary therapy
. Treat underlying etiologies . Mortality is approximately 57o



90. Hyponatremia
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
- . Hypertonic : Hyperglycemia,
. Plasma Na* concentration <135 mmoVl
. Classified based on semm tonicity and volume status iatrogenic hypertonic infusions
. Hypertonic hyponatremia: Increased serum osmolality (e.g., due to hyper- . Isotonic: Hyperlipidemia, hyper-
glycemia-decrease in Na+ of 1.6 for every 100 mg/dl increase in glu- proteinemia
cose) . Hlpotonic
. Isotonic: Normal serum osmolality (e.g., pseudohyponatremia-lab arti- -Hypervolemic : Cirrhosi s,
fact resulting in a falsely decreased sodium secondary to hlperlipidemia CHfl nephrosis, pregnancy
or hyperproteinemia) -Isovolemic: SIADH, renal
. Hypotonic hJponatremia (majority of cases) failure, hlpothyroidism, psy-
-Hypovolemic: Loss of both Na+ and HrO results in a total body water chogenic polydipsia. drugs
deficit plus a larger total body Na* deficit -Hypovolemic : Vomiting,
-Euvolemic (e.g., SIADH, excess free water intake): Normal ECF vol- diarrhea, bums, 3rd spacing
ume with slightly decreased total body Na+ (e.g., pancreatitis),

-Hypervolemic: Excess total body Na+ plus a larger excess total body Addison's, RTA, renal losses
H2O due to an impaired ability to excrete H2O (e.g., diuretics, renal disease)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Severity of clinical presentatlon . History and physical will often narrow the diagnosis
depends both on the rapidity and . Check plasma and urine electrolytes, plasma and urine osmolality
magnitude of the fall in serum Na+ . Hypertonic (plasma osmolality >295): Check serum glucose
. Symptoms and clinical signs . Isotonic (plasma osmolaliry 27 5--295): Check protein and lipids
become most apparent when serum . Hypotonic (plasma osmolality <2751: Assess volume status and
Na+ <120 mEq,1L check BUN/creatinine ratio, urine Na+, and urine osmoles
. Early clinical symptoms -Hypervoiemic: Urine Na+ will be <10 mmoVl in CHF, cirrhosis,
-{hange ir mental status nephrosis; urine Na+ )20 mmofl- in renal failure
-Apathy -Hypovolemic: Urine Na+ < 10 mmol/L in extrarenal losses (e.g.,
-Agitation GI, 3rd spacing, hypotonic fluids); urine Na+ >20 mmol,ll- in
-Headache renal losses (e.g., diuretics, Addison's disease, salt wasting
-Ataxia nephropathy)
-Focal weakness or hemiparesis -Isovolemic: Urine Na* is usually >20 mmofl; in SIADH, urine
-Altered level of consciousness osmoles >300 mOsm/L; in psychogenic polydipsia, urine osmoles
. May progress to seizures and coma <50 mOsm/L

Treatment Disposition
. Correct serum Na* gradually (especially in chronic cases) so as . Hyponatremia is a manifestation of an
not to precipitate seizures, cerebral edema, or central pontine underlying disorder---disposition
myelinolysis (CNS demyelination due to paradoxical dehydration depends on the underlying etiology and
of neurons) magnitude of the patient's hyponatremia
. Serum Na+ should not rise faster than 1-2 mEqlLlhr or 12 mEq/L . Most patients are admitted
in 24 hours (even if patient is symptomatic) . Consider ICU admission in cases of
. Calculate Na* deficit : (desired Na+ actual Na+)x(0.6 x w0
- severe hyponatremia
. Isotonic and h)?ertonic hyponatremia: Correct glucose, lipids, . SIADH is a common cause of hypona-
and protein abnormalities as necessary tremia; 6 criteria must be present for
. Hypotonic, isovolemic hyponatremia: Treat by restricting fluids or diagnosis
administer saline plus a loop diuretic -Euvolemia
. Hypotonic, hypovolemic hlponatremia: Administer normal saline
-Hypotonic hyponatremia
(0.9Vo) -Urine osmolality >200 mBqll
. Hlpotonic, hypervolemic hyponatremia: Restrict Na+ and HrO;
-Urine Na+ >20 mmoVl
administer loop diuretics -Normal organ function (e.g., kidney,
. Treat severe hlponatremia (defined as serum Na+ <120 mEq,1L heart)
OR rapidly developed hlponatremia OR hlponatremia with seri- -Corects with H,O restriction
ous CNS symptoms) with 3Eo saline at 25-100 ml/hr


91 . Hypernatremia
Differential Dx
. Plasma Na+ >145 mmoUl Differential diagnosis of mental
. Majority of cases are due to free water deflcit (not sodium excess) status change:

-Increased H2O loss: Vomiting, diarrhea, sweating,

fever, diuretics, -Infection
hyperventilation, diabetes insipidus, severe bums, alcohol, osmotic -Hlponatremia
diuresis due to hyperglycemia, drugs (e.g., lithium, phenytoin)' thyro- -Medication effect
toxicosis, hypertherrnia, adrenal or renal failure -Urinary retention
-Decreased HrO intake: Impaired thirst,
poor oral intake (e.g., in the -Fecai impaction
elderly), coma, CVA, infants, ventilated patients -CVA
-Increased Na+: NaHCO, administration, hyperlonic saline,
renal salt -Renal failure
retention (e.g., mineralocorticoid excess-Conn's, Cushing's, congeni- -Liver failure
tal adrenal hlperplasia) -Thyroid dysfunction
. Diabetes insipidus (DI): Inappropriate loss of urine concentrating ability' -Hypercalcemia
resulting in huge losses of free water -Hypoglycemia
{entral DI: Failure of ADH secretion -Acute MVCHF
-Nephrogenic DI: Renal insensitivity to ADH

Presentation Diagnosis
. Clinical signs and symptoms gener- . Elecffolytes, renal function, serum osmolarity, urine Na*, and urine
ally do not appear until serum Na+ osmolarity
>158 mEq/L . BUN/creatinine ratio may provide a clue to the etiology
. Severity of symptoms relates to -Elevated in diuretic use, glycosuria, fluid loss (e.g., GI, respira-
both the acuity and magnitude of tory skin), impaired thirst, adrenal insufficiency, and diabetes
rise in Na+ insipidus
. Weakness, h)?ertonia, ataxia, rest- -Normal in hyperaldosteronism (e.g., Conn's, Cushing's, CAH)
lessness, tremulousness, irritability, . Urine Na+ is elevated in renal losses (>20 meq&); decreased in GI,
confusion, and lethargy respiratory and skin losses or poor intake (< 10 mEq/L); and normal
. Dry mucous membranes, poor skin in hyperaldosteronism
tuIgor . Urine osmolarity is decreased in renal losses (e.g., diuretics and DI);
. May progress to change in mental increased in GI, respiratory, and skin losses or poor intake
status, focal neurologic deficits, . Serum Nat between 150-170 is usually due to dehydration, 17G-190
seizures, coma, and even cerebral is usually due to DI, >190 is usually due to chronic salt ingestion
hemonhage (due to severe neuronal . DI is diagnosed by polyuria and hypotonic urine (urine osmoles
dehydration-most often in infants) <250 mOsm/L)

Treatment Disposition
. Patients with severe dehydration and hypotension should be . Overall mortality is 1070
treated emergently with IV fluids (LR or NSS) . Very young children with hypema-
. Calculate free water deficit tremia have a high risk of developing
0.6 x weight * [(Na measured / Na normal) - 1)] chronic neurologic deficits
. Correct the free water deficit over 48-72lrs while making sure . Very young and very old Patients
that the patient receives maintenance fluids and replacements for require close monitoring when correct-
ongoing losses as well ing hypematremia (the young for neuro-
. Serum Na+ should be reduced by no more than 10-15 mEq& per logic sequelae and the old for difficul-
day (0.5 mEq/L per hr) in chronic hJpematremia and 1 mEq/L/hr ties in administering large volumes of
in acute hypematremia fluid)
. Overly rapid correction of serum Na+ can precipitate seizures or . Most patients will be admitted--deci-
cerebral edema with ensuing hemiation sion to discharge depends on the magni-
. Isovolemic hypematremia: Replace fluid with D5W (replace 7z of tude of hypematremia, the underlying
fluid deficit in the first 24 hrs) cause, the age of the patient, and co-
. Hypovolemic hlpematremia: Replace fluid with NSS morbid conditions
. Hypervolemic hypematremia: Administer D5W and loop diuretics
both to decrease hypertonicity by increasing Na+ excretion ald to
add free H2O while removing volume
. DI: Exogenous vasopressin administration in central DI


92. Hypokalemia
Etiology & Pathophysiology Diffurential Dx
. Serum K* <3.5 mrnol,{- . Differential diagrosis of rnuscle
. Potas.sium is the major intrac.ellular cation; responsitrle for facilitating weakness:
muscular codraction, including cardiac muscle -HyJnrcalcemia
.Serum potassium concenlrstion is prirnarily mediated by aldostemne -*Iyponaaemia
. Etiology can be divided iato the following categories: -Bacterial infection
-Increased renai or GI potassium loss: Drugs (e.g., diuetics, penicillin, --lvlyositis
aminoglycosides, steroids), R'IA types I or 2, DKA, Mg:r" deficiency, -Hypothyroidism
Bartter's syndrome, hlperaldosteronism" Cushiag's syndtome, vomit- -Steroid myopathy
ing, diarrhe4 laxative abuse, GI fistula, NG suction, excss sweating, -Myasthenia gravis
kayexelate adrninisfation -Diabetes
-Intracellular redistribution of potassism: Insulin excess, B-*gonists, -Cuillain-Barrd syndrome
alkalosis, caffeine, hypokalemic periodic paralysis (familial disorder -Botulism
with rrcurrent acute bypokalemia and weakness), Digibind rherapy, -Uremia
barium or toluene ingesdon
ixrtassium intake: Starvation, malabsorption

Presentatioa Diagnosis
. Symptoms usually begin at K* . Labs should include elecrrolytes (may reveal associated hypomagne-
<2.5 mEq/L semia or hypophosphatemia), giucose (rule out DKA), and CBC
. Common initial sympto.rrn include . Ur,ine K- is increased in renal potassium wasting
fatigue, weakness, rnyalgias, muscle . Check ABG (every 0.1 increase in pH causes a decrease in plasma
cramps, constipation, respiratory K+ of 0.5 mmotlL)
muscle rveakress ar paralysis . Progressive ECC changes occur ar srum potassium levels fall {how-
, Cardiac abuonnalities may include ever, ECG changes do not correiate well with plasma K+)
hypertensioa, life*threatening -Low voitage QRS complexes
arrhythrnias (e.g.. Vtach, V{ib), -Flattening ofT-waves occurs first
pctentiation of digoxia, and heart -Depressed ST segments
trlock -Prominent P and U waves flJ waves follow the T wave)
. Other complications rnay include
-Prolonged PR and Q'T intervals
rhabdomyolysis, dehydration, -Wide QRS cornplexes
hyperglycemi4 ileus, hepatic -Ventricular arrhythmias
encephalopathy, nephrogenic dia- . Pseudohypokalernia rnay occur with massive leukocytosis (e.g.,
betes insipidus leukernia)

Treatment Dieposition
. ?reat under{ying causes ofpotassium deficiency . Admission is required for patients with
. Replete potassium severe hypokalemia (<2"5) or those
-$ral replacement rnay be attempted in patients who have mini- who exhibit cardiac toxicify
mal syrnptoms and can tolerate oral intake , Discharge asymptomatic palients with
-IV replacement ifseveie sequelae {e.g., cardiac manifesta- mild lrypokalernia
ti<xs) are present; do nnt administer dre K+ in a dextrose solu- . Adiust home medications and add
fion {may worsen the hypokaleinia by increasing insulin out- potassium .supplementation as ncessary
put) (e.g., decrease loop diureric dose. add
-Each 10 mEq tf K+ should increase serum Kt by 0.1 K+ sparing diuretic, or increase oral K+
-It is irnpotant to rcplete Mg3-n and Ca2* concurrently espe- supplemenfation)
cially ifthe patient is on digitalis
. Continuous ECG monitoring
. Volume depleted patients require IV rehydration with NSS
plus K+
. It is easy to under- or overestimate the actual K* deficit depend-
ing on the amount of K+ redistribution that has occuned; as a
result, frequently recheck the plasma K+ as it is being correcred


93. Hyperkalemia
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Plasma K+ >5.0 mmoVl . Pseudohyperkalemia: Lab arti-
. Normally, potassium is excreted almost exclusively (90V.) by the kidney, fact due to hemolysis, or elevat-
with some excretion by the colon ed WBC/platelets
. K+ is the major intracellular cation and is the significant factor in deter- . Excess total body K+ due to
mining resting membrane potential and thus determining muscle and decreased renal excretion: Renal
nerve excitability/contractility failure/insuffi ciency, hypoaldos-
. Net K+ absorption or excretion is determined by the actions of aldos- teronism, RIA type 4, spirono-
terone and the effective plasma K+ level on the collecting duct lactone, p-blocker, ACE
. Hyperkalemia may be due to laboratory artifact, excess total body K+ inhibitor. NSAIDs
. Excess intake of K+: Dietary,
(e.g., due to renal disease or excess oral intake), or redistribution between
intracellular and extracellular compartments (e.g., acidosis shifts K+ out oral K+ replacement
. Redistribution: Acidosis, excess
of cells, insulin shifts K+ into cells)
insulin, rhabdomyolysis, hemol-
ysis, succinylcholine, periodic

Presentation Diagnosis
. May be completely asymptomatic . Rule out spurious hyperkalemia (e.g., hemolysis) by repeat measure-
. Numbness ment
. Weakness (possibly leading to . ECG shows classic progressive changes:
paralysis) -Peaked T-waves occur first
. Decreased reflexes -Prolonged PR and QT intervals
. Irritability -Flattening of the p waves and ST depression
. Cardiac arrhythmias QRS widening progressing to a sine wave pattem
. Hypoventilation is a late finding -Ventricular fibrillation may follow
associated with weakness of the res . Electrolytes, Ca, Mg, POo: May show acidosis or abnormalities con-
piratory muscles tributing to the hyperkalemia
. Cardiac toxicity most likely will . BUN/Cr to determine renal function
only be detected via ECG, unless . Consider cortisol, renin, and aldosterone levels
the patient is hemodynamically . Rule out pseudohyperkalemia (e.g., presence of hemolysis, leukocy-
unstable tosis >70,000/cm3, or thrombocytosis > i,000,000/cm3)

Treatment Disposition
. IV calcium is indicated for severe hlperkaiemia (>7.5 mmoVL) or . Admit all patients with hyperkalemia
if ECG changes are present; will stabilize cardiac cell membranes, and associaled ECG changes to a moni-
but does not treat the hyperkalemia itself tored bed
. Insulin is administered to force K+ into cells; usually given with . Otherwise, admission depends on etiol-
glucose as an IV drip or SQ ogy of the hyperkalemia
. Kayexalate (sodium polystrene sulfonate) is given orally or rectal- . lnciting events must be identified prior
ly to exchange Na+ for K+ in the GI tract to discharge
. Loop diuretics may be helpful to increase renal excretion in
patients with intact renal function
. NaHCO3 should be administered to correct acidosis, thereby driv-
ing K+ back into cells
. B-agonists via IV or nebulizer will increase cellular K+ uptake
. Hemodialysis is indicated in patients who do not respond to ueat-
ment, those who have underlying renal failure, or those with life-
threatening complications
. Replace magnesium
. Discontinue offending drugs (e.g., K* tablets, potassium sparing


94. Hypocalcemia
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. The regulation of calcium is described in the Hypercalcemia entry . Hypoalbuminemia
. Hypoparathyroidism
-Lack of PTH may be due to primary hypoparathyroidism,
acquired/secondary hypoparathyroidism (e.g., surgery autoimmune . Pseudohypoparathyroidsim
disease ). or hypomagnesemia . Vitamil D deficiency (poor
(end organ PTH intake, malabsorption, hepatic or
-Ineffective PTH occurs in pseudohypoparathyroidism
resistance) and vitamin D deficiency renal failure, decreased produc-
-PTH action is overwhelmed (bony deposition of Ca*+ is elevated tion, anticonvulsants)
despite high PTH) in cases of shock, sepsis, bums, pancreatitis, acute . Pancreatitis
renal failure. or osteoblastic metastases . Alkalosis
. Vitamin D leve1s are affected by malabsorption, poor intake, decreased . ShoclVsepsis/bums
production, liver failure, and anticonvulsants . Hypermagnesemia
. Hypoalbuminemia results in decreased total serum Ca++, but nomal free, . Hyperphosphatemia
ionized (active) Ca++; it does not cause sequelae of hypocalcemia . Transfusion with citrated blood
. Dn-rgs te.g.. cjmetidine. heparin.
glucagon, phosphates)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Severity of syrnptoms depends on . Serum Ca** <8.5 mg/dl
rapidity of fall in serum calcium . Electrolytes, albumin, PTH levels, ionized calcium level, vitamin D
. Weakness, fatigue levels (25- and 1,25-vitamin D), renal function, CBC, and
. Paresthesias (perioral or fingertip) amylaselipase
. Neuromuscular irritability . Correct calcium for hypoalbuminemia: Decrease serum Ca*t by 0.8
iChvostek's or Trousseau's sign. for each 1 g/dl- drop in albumin; ionized calcium is normal
muscle spasm, cramping, tetany) . Hypoparathyroidism: J intact PTH, l phosphorus
. Dry skin, hyperpigmentation . Pseudohypoparathyroidism: l intact PTH, t phosphorus
. Irritability, psychosis, seizures . Vitamin D deficiency: 1 intact PTH, J phosphorus
. Bony osteodystrophy, osieomalacia . ECG: May show QT prolongation
. Cardiac anhythmias, decreased . X-rays: Sometimes show corlical thinning, bone demineralizalion, or
myocardial contractility (may lead fractures of extremities
to CHF), hypotension . Chvostek's sign: Twitching of the comer of the mouth or eyelid after
tapping on the facial nerwe in the pre-auricular area
. Trousseau's sign: Inflate a BP cuff on the upper arm and maintain
pressure for 3 minutes; positive test is extension at the IP joints, flex-
ion at the MCP ioints, and flexion of the wrist

Treatment Disposition
. Calculate corrected serum calcium: . Admit symptomatic patients, those with
[(normal albumin - serum albumin) 0.8] + serum Ca*t ECG changes, and those with pancreati-
. Asymptomatic: Oral calcium supplements (e.g., calcium carbonate, tis
citrate, lactate, or gluconate) . Discharge mild or asymptomatic cases
. Symptomatic: IV calcium gluconate bolus over 15 minutes, fol-
low by an IV drip of calcium chloride or gluconate
. Thiazide diuretics to decrease renal Ca*+ excretion may be used
in patients with a history of nephrolithiasis
. Vitamin D supplementation in patients with deficiency to increase
Ca++ absorption; however, this is not effective for short term
management of hypocalcemia
. Hypoalbuminemia may improve with adequate nutrition; how-
ever, there is no need to correct setum Ca** since the ionized cal-
cium is normal
. Continuous ECG monitoring for those exhibiting ECG changes
. Correct other electrolyte abnomalities (e.g., hypomagnesemia)



95. Hypercalcemia
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Serum Ca** >10.5 mg/dl . Malignancy (e.g., myeloma,
. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, witb 999o stored in breast, kidney, lung, leukemia)
bone; Ca++ in the plasma is either protein-bound (mostly to albumin) or is . Primary hyperparathyroidism
ionized and readily available for use . Vitamins D or A toxicity
. Decreased plasma Ca++ stimulates parathyroid hormone (PTH) release; . Drugs (e.g., thiazides, lithium)
PTH counteracts the decreased serum Ca** by stimulating Ca** resotp- . Hyperthyroidism
. Addison's disease
tion from bone, renal POa excretion, and renal activation ofvitamin D
. Vitamin D is made in the skin and converted to its active (1,25) form in . Pheochromocytoma
the kidney; vitamin D increases Ca++ absorption from the GI tract . Paget's disease
. Hypercalcemia stimulates calcitonin release from the thyroid, which .Immobilization
decreases bone resorption and increases renal Ca++ excretion
. Familial hypercalcemia
. 907o of cases of hypercalcemia are secondary to an underlying malig- . Granulomatous disease (e.g.,
nancy (via bone metastases or PTH-related peptide secretion) or hyper- sarcoidosis, tuberculosis)
parathyroidism (especially parathlroid adenoma) . Milk-aikali syndrome

Presentation Diagnosis
. Most cases are relatively asympto- . Electrolytes and renal function may rule out other abnormalities
matic (fatigue and other non- . Correct calcium level for serum albumin
specific symptoms present) . [0.8 X (normal albumin - serum albumin) + serum Ca++]
. " Stones, bones, abdominal groans, . PTH is elevated in primary hyperparathyroidism; decreased in non-
and psychic overtones" is the clas- parathyroid causes
sic presentation; however, these . POa is elevated or normal in vitamin D-mediated diseases;
rarely present concurrently decreased in parathyroid-mediated disease and malignancy
-Stones: Renal stones in 507o
. PTH-related peptide (PTHrp) is secreted by certail cancers
-Bones: Bone pain, weakness, . 1,25-vitamin D (active form) is elevated in granulomatous diseases
osteoporosis . 25-vitamin D is elevated in exogenous vitamin D intoxication
-Croans: Abdominal pain, N/V, . Alkalhe phosphatase is elevated in etiologies that cause bone resorp-
constipation, PUD, pancreatitis tion (e.g., hyperyarathyroidism)
-P sych i c uve rt ones ; Psychosis.
. ECG may show ST depression, wide T waves, short ST segments,
depression, anxiety QT shortening, bradyarrhythmias, and heart block
. CNS: Confusion, mental status . Other lab tests/imaging are directed towards specific etiologies or
changes, hyporeflexia, coma complaints (e.g., CT scan to rule out nephrolithiasis)
. Cardiac: HTN, arrhythmias

Treatment Disposition
. Calculate the corrected serum Ca** . PTH-mediated hypercalcemia rarely
. Patients are often dehydrated; repletion of blood volume may cor- increases Ca++ above 13 mg/dl and is
rect the hypercalcemia generally asymptomatic
. Severe hypercalcemia (calcium >13 mg/dl or symptoms) . The higher the plasma Ca++, the more
requires immediate intervention to prevent cardiac sequelae likely it is due to a malignancy and is
-IV rehydration with large volumes of normal saline generally more difficult to correct
. Admit anyone with severe or sympto-
-Loop diuretics to prevent volume overload and augment renal
Ca+ excretion matic hypercalcemia
. Patients with hypercalcemia require a
-Bisphosphonates (e.g., IV pamidronate) inhibit bone resotption;
full effect may not occur for 1-5 days thorough diagnostic workup to rule out
-Calcitonin and mithramycin decrease bone resorption via malignancy
osteoclast inhibition (mithramycin is cytotoxic and causes . Prognosis depends on etiology (e.g.,
renal toxicity) parathyroid adenomas are usually
-IV steroids may be used in vitamin D disorders, granuloma- benign, malignant hypercalcemia usual-
tous diseases, and malignancy ly indicates an advanced cancer)
-Correct other electrolyte abnormalities as necessary


96. Metabolic Acidosis
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Characterized by an arterial pH <7 .4O and serum HCO3 <24 . lncreased anion gap
. Caused by a loss of bicarbonate (non anion gap acidosis) or an increase in -Methanol
endogenous acids (anion gap acidosis) -Uremia
. The anion gap is an estimate of unmeasured serum anions; increased AG _DKA
indicates the presence of additional serum acids Paraldehyde
. To compensate for metabolic acidosis, ventilation increases to blow off -Iron, isoniazid
CO, (compensatory respiratory alkalosis) -Lactic acidosis
. Acidosis causes decreased cardiac contractility, arrhythmias (including -Ethanol, ethylene glycol
Vfib). hypokalemia. and hypoxia -Salicylates, starvation
. Mixed acid/base disorder may occur (e.g., metabolic acidosis with concur . Normal anion gap: GI losses
(e.g., diarrhea, small bowel fis-
rent metabolic alkalosis, respiratory alkalosis, or respiratory acidosis;
anion gap acidosis with concurrent non anion gap acidosis) tula) and renal losses (e.g., ure-
. Lactic acidosis is a common cause of anion gap acidosis; some causes mia, RIA, adrenal or aldos-
include poor tissue perfusion (e.g., shock, CHF, sepsis, anemia), carbon terone insufficiency, acetazo-
monoxide, liver failure, salicylate, alcohol, isoniazid lamide, spironolactone)

Presentation Diagnosis
. General symptoms include . Confirm metabolic acidosis: pH <7,4O,HCO3 <24
headache, N/V, abdominal pain, . Calculate anion gap: Na+ - (C1- + HCO3 ); normal AG <72 mBqlL
tachypnea, Kussmaul's respiration, . Examine the appropriateness of respiratory compensation: pCO,
peripheral vasodilation, lethargy, should equal (1.5*HCOj) + 8 +l-2 (if not, a primary respiratory
stupor, coma disorder also exists)
. Cardiac depression may occur with . Calculate the delta-deita: In anion gap acidosis, the AG should
CHF, shock, or arrhythmias increase by 1 for each l-point decrease in serum HCOr (if not, a non
. Acidosis-induced hypokalemia may anion gap acidosis is also present)
occur with associated symptoms of . Search for the underlying cause
hypokalemia (e. g., weakness) -Labs may include: Lytes, lactate, serum osmolarity, and U/A
. Presentation depends heavily on the
-DKA: Ketones and glucose in urine; elevated serum glucose
underlying etiology of the acidosis -Starvation or alcohol ketoacidosis: Ketones; normal glucose
(e.g., a patient with DKA will be -Lactic acidosis: Elevated serum lactate
dehydrated and lethargic, a patient -Methanol/ethylene glycol: Elevated serum osmolar gap
with methanol poisoning may com- -Ethlyene glycol: Urine calcium oxalate crystals
plain of blindness due to the -Salicylate poisoning: AG acidosis with respiratory alkalosis; nor-
formaldehyde byproduct) mal osmolar gap; positive urine dip for ferric chloride

. Ensure airway and breathing, especially to ensure ma-rimum res- . Disposition depends on the underlying
piratory compensation; intubation may be necessary etiology
. Treat the underlying cause . Most patients require admission
-Restore tissue perfusion with IV fluids +/- inohopic medica-
. Patients should be monitored for possi-
tions ble respiratory failure due to the ongo-
-Hemodialysis and IV ethanol or fomepizole for methanol and ing high ventilatory demands as the
ethylene glycol poisoning body attempts to blow off CO2 to nor-
-Hemodialysis for uremia malize the pH
. Frequent labs should be obtained to
-Deferoxamine or hemodialysis for iron intoxication
. Administer IV bicarbonate in non anion gap acidosis ensure progressive resolution of the aci
. Bicarbonate administration is conffoversial in anion gap acidosis dosis with therapy
-Generally used if serum HCO3 <8 or pH <7.1 with refractory
shock or arrhythmia
due to bicarbonate breakdown into
-Side effects may occur
CO, and H2O, including worsening of intracellular acidosis
(acidic CO2 diffuses into cells faster than HCO) and worsen-
ing respiratory failure (increased serum C02 needs to be
blown off)


97 . Metabolic Alkalosis
Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Chloride-responsive
. Arterial pH >7.40 wilh a bicarbonate level >26 mEq/L
. Due to bicarbonate gain, acid loss (e.g., vomiting), or acid redistribution -Vomiting
(".g., H* is forced into cells during hypokalemia) -Dehydration
. The physiologic compensation to alkalosis is hypoventilation to retain -Diuretics -Diarrhea
CO2; however, since the amount of compensation is limited by hypox- -Antacids -NG suction
. Chloride-resistant
emia, the PaCO2 wili rarely rise higher than 50-55 mmHg.
. Divided into chloride-responsive and chloride-resistant forms -Excess mineralocorticoids
loss */- acid (e. g., hyperaldosteronism,
-Chioride-responsive alkalosis is usually due to volume
loss; the volume depletion stimulates aldosterone reiease, resulting in Cushing's syndrome. licorice.
Na+ retention with HCO3 and K+ loss; the urine is alkaline and con- renin-producing tumor)
tains little chloride -Excess cilrate {e.g.. massive
blood transfusion) or lactate
-Chloride-resistant alkalosis is due to inappropriate aldosterone activity (e.g., large infusion of LR)
with the same results as above (there is no hypovolemia, so urine chlo-
ride is normal and NSS does not cure the alkalosis) -Hypokalemia
-Citelman or Bartter syn-
-Liddle syndrome

Presentation Diagnosis
. Hypoventilation and hypoxemia, . Determine the primary alkaiosis disorder by evaluating the pH, pCO2,
resulthg in mental status changes and HCO3 (metabolic alkalosis has elevated pH and serum bicarbon-
. Seizures ate>26mBqlL)
. Volume depletion in some cases . Examine the appropriateness of respiratory compensation: pCO2
. Tachyarrhythmias secondary to should equal [0.6* (serum bicarbonate - normal bicarbonate)] (if not,
associated hypokalemia or hypocal- a primary respiratory disorder also exists)
cemia . Alkalosis causes a secondary hypokaiemia, hypocalcemia, hypophos-
. Weakness phatemia. and hypomagnesemia
. Ileus . Urine chloride levels (not accurate in patients taking diuretics) should
. Neuromuscular irritability be measured
. Cardiovascular dysfunction -Chloride-responsive: Urine clrloride <10 mEq&; alkalosis will be
. Signs and symptoms of the primary responsive to normal saline alone
disease process will also be present -Chloride-resistant: Urine chloride >20 mEq/L; correction of alka-
losis will require more than just nomal saline

Treatment Disposition
. Correct the underlying cause . Minor alkalosis with known etiology
. Ensure adequate respiratory support may be discharged
. Rehydrate as necessary . Admit patients with severe symptoms
. Chloride-responsive alkalosis responds well to adminisffation of or significant co-morbidities or patients
normal saline with volume depletion from any cause
-Determine the chloride deficit and replace appropriately who are unable to rehydrate themselves
-Chloride deficit = (weight in kg x 2OVo) x (normal Cl -
serum Cl-)
-Administer half the chloride over the initial 4-12 hours
3A of the chloride as sodium chioride and /+ as
potassium chloride
. Chloride-resistant alkalosis typically requires significant infusions
ofpotassium to correct the alkalosis (potassium is excreted in the
renal collecting ducts in exchange for H+ retention to correct the
. Severe alkalosis (pH >7.55) may necessitate the use of acidifying
agents (e.g., NaCl, acetazolamide, ammonium chloride, IV
hydrochloric acid, arginine-hydrochloride)


98. Respiratory Acidosis and Alkalosis
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Respiratory alkalosis is defined . Respiratory alkalosis
as pH >7.40 and pCOr <40 mmHg
-Caused by alveolar hyperventilation -Shock -Sepsis
-Results in cerebral vasoconstriction and diminished oxyhemoglobin -Trauma -PE
dissociation; this may cause peripheral and cerebral hypoxia (may lead -Anxiety/pain -Altitude
to paradoxical cerebral acidosis, which worsens the respiratory alkalo- Nicotine, aspirin -Asthma
. Respiratory acidosis
sis by causing hyperventilation)
. Resplatory acidosis is defined as pCO2 >45 with pH <7.40 -Sedatives
-Caused by alveolar hypoventilation -Narcotics
-The kidney compensates for elevated pCO2 by increasing reabsorption -COPD/asthma -CHF
of HCO3-; however, the compensatory mechanism takes up to 24 hrs -Head trauma -CVA
for full effect, so a precipitous drop in pH may occur in a patient with -Interstitial lung disease
*Neuromuscular disease (e.g.,
acute respiratory acidosis
myasrhenia gravis. botulism.
-Chronic respiratory acidosis is frequently seen in those with COPD or
Pickwickian syndrome (obesity-hypoventilation) hlpokalemia, Guillain-Barr6)
-Airway obstruction

Presentation Diagnosis
. Respiratory alkalosis . Detemine the primary acid-base disorder; then determine if a sec-
-Hyperventilation ondary disorder is present by evaluating the appropriateness of the
-Mental status changes, anxiety compensatory response
. Compensatory response to respiratory disorders is performed by the
-Electrolyte disturbances may kidney; appropriate compensation depends on the acute or chronic
cause neuromuscular irritability, nature of the respiratory process (the kidney takes time to react to
ileus, cardiovascular dysfunc- acid-base changes completely)
tion, and arrhythmias . Respiratory alkalosis
. Respiratory acidosis -Workup suspected causes as appropriate
. Decreased/altered respirations -Check CBC, electrolytes (e.g., hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia,
-Headache hypophosphatemia), CXR, ABG, and ECG
. Respiratory acidosis
-Anxiety, confusion, coma
-Sleep disturbances -Workup suspected causes as appropriate
-Psychosis -Check CBC, electrolytes, ABG, U/A, and CXR
-Myoclonic jerks, tremor, and -Head CT is generally indicated if the patient presents with altered
hyperreflexia mental status

Treatment Disposition
. Respiratory alkalosis . Respiratory alkalosis: Discharge
-Treat the underlying cause; maintain a high suspicion for life- patients with benign causes (e.g., anxi-
threatening disorders (e.g., sepsis, pulmonary embolus) ety) and those with resolution of symp-
-Rebreathing via a face mask is recommended to increase toms; others require admission
. Respiratory acidosis: Disposition
-Some patients may require intubation in order to manipulate depends on the underlying etiology and
the ventilatory rate without causing hypoxemia chronicity of symptoms; many patients
. Respiratory acidosis will progress to respiratory failure
(rate and/or tidal volume) 10 blow . "Normal" pCO2 in some patients may
-Increase minute ventilation
off excess CO2 actually reflect impending respiratory
*Many patients require ventilatory assistance via intubation or acidosis and failure (e.g., tachypneic
noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (CPAP or BiPAP) asthma patients should have decreased
-Patients with chronic respiratory acidosis require a gradual pCO2; a normal pCO2 in these patients
decrease in pCO2 to avoid a combined metabolic and respira- signifies tiring respiratory efforl)
tory alkalosis and ensuing arrhythmias . CO, diffuses better across the biood-
-Treat the underlying cause (e.g., bronchodilators for COPD, brain barrier than HCO3 , resuiting in
diuretics for CHF) greater cerebral acidosis than serum aci-
dosis; this explains the preponderance of
CNS symptoms in respiratory acidosis



- Differential Dx
. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) describes a systemic . Pneumonia
response to hfectious or non-bfectious illnesses (e.g', pancreatitis, . Pyelonephritis
trauma), which may result in compromised organ perfusion and multi- . Meningitis
organ failure . Cholangitis
. Sepsis: SIRS secondary to infection . Endocarditis
. Severe sepsis: Sepsis associated with organ dysfunction, hypotension, or . Pancreatitis
hypoperfusion . Trauma
. Septic shock: Sepsis plus hlpotension despite fluid resuscitation . Fasciitis
. Multisystem organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is the filal common . Other causes of shock (cardio-
pathway of sepsis and SIRS; characterized by renal failure, altered mental genic. neurogenic. hypovolemic.
status, metabolic acidosis, and hepatic dysfunction anaphylaxis)
. Sepsis is associated with systemic vasodilation, increased cardiac output,
and hypotension ("warm shock")

Presentation Diagnosis
. Exffemes of temperature . Generally a clinicai diagnosis supported by microbiologic data
(fevers/chills or hlpothermia) . SIRS is defined as the presence of 2 or more of the following:
. Hyperventilation Temperature <36"C or >38"C, heart rate >90, respiratory rare )20
. Mental status changes or PaCO2 <32 mmHg, and WBC >12,000 or <4000 cells/mm3
. Hypotension and tachycardia may . Sepsis is diagnosed when SIRS occurs secondary to infection
be present . Draw blood for CBC, chemistries, coagulation studies, DIC panel,
. Local signs of infection may include CK, lactate, and culture
cough, SOB, dysuria, diarrhea, heart . Workup should be directed to find the infectious focus and may
murmur, signs of cellulitis, or include blood cultures, urinalysis and culture, chest X-ray, CT scans
abdominal pain depending on initial of potentially affected areas, culture of infected lines or indwelling
cause of infection devices, and LP (if CNS infection is suspected)
. End organ failure may ensue (e.g., . ABG may reveal respiratory alkalosis due to tachypnea and metabolic
lung, kidney, heart) acidosis due to hypoperfusion
. Swan-Ganz catheter will reveal decreased SVR (due to vasodilata-
tion) with increased cardiac output (however, cardiac output may be
decreased in severe cases)

Treatment Disposition
. Intubation may be required to maintain oxygenation . A11 patients with presumed sepsis or
. H)?otension must be aggressively corrected SIRS should be admitted to an ICU for
-First, administer large volumes (tr L) of IV crystalloid (nor- hemodynamic and respiratory monitor-
mal saline or lactated Ringer's solution) to compensate for ing
increased intravascular space caused by vasodilation . Early aggressive volume resuscilalion.
-Vasopressors for refractory hypotension (e. g., norepinephrine, antibiotic therapy, and hemodynamic
dopamine, or phenylephrine) supporl improves morlality
. Complications include ARDS, cardiac
-Central venous access and arterial blood pressure monitoring
may be indicated to guide therapy in severe cases ischemia, mesenteric ischemia, acute
. Once blood, urine, and sputum have been obtained for culture, renal tubular necrosis with renal failure,
begin empiric broad-spectrum IV antibiotic therapy acute liver injury, DIC, and cerebral
. Activated protein C (droctrecogin alfa) has been proven to hypoperfusion
decrease mofiality in severely ill patients with sepsis
. If anemia complicates the illness, transfusion with packed red
blood cells is indicated to achieve a hematocrit )30 in order to
increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood


100. Upper Respiratory lnfections
Etiology & PathoPhYsiologY Differential Dx
- . Sinusitis
. viral upper resptatory tract infections (uRI) are common illnesses caused
. Bronchitis
by many different viruses (e.g', respiratory syncytial virus, paraidluenza
. Viral upper respiratory infection
virus, influenza virus, adenovirus, rhi;roviruses, and coronaviruses)
. Sinusitis: Acute infection of the frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, or maxillary . Pneumonia
. Influenza
. Pertussis
-Many cases begin with a viral upper respiratory tract infection with
. Allergic rhinitis
subsequent bacterial superinfection
*Common organisms include Srrcplococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella . Pharyngitis
. Meningitis
catarrhalis, and Haemophilus influenzae
. Acute bronchitis: Infection of the upper bronchial tree (1ung parenchyma . Temporal arteritis
is not involved), of viral origin in the majority of cases; however,
My c o p las ma p ne umoni a e, C hlamy dia p n e umoni ae, and B o rde te IIa p e rt us -

sls may also cause disease

Presentation Diagnosis
. Viral URI: Fever, headache, nasal . Viral URI is a clinical diagnosis
congestion, conjunctivitis, Post- -Viral cultures are rarely needed nor useful (results do not alter
nasal drip (may lead to cough), and therapy)
clear nasal discharge -Chest X-ray may be required to exclude pneumonia
. Sinusitis: Fever, malaise, headache . Sinusitis is usually diagnosed clinically; imaging is optional
(corresponds to the involved sinus), -CT of the sinuses is the gold standard for diagnosis (visualizes
nasal congestion, purulent nasal dis- thickened sinus tissue and air fluid levels) and may reveal compli-
charge, sinus tendemess to Palpa- cations of sinusitis (e.g., abscess formation, cavemous sinus
tion, increased sinus pain when thrombosis, subdural empyema)
leaning forward, and tooth pain (due -Plain films may also show fluid in the sinuses but are notoriously
to maxillary sinus infection) insensitive
. Bronchitis: Malaise, cough, purulent -Nasopharyngeal or sinus cultures are rarely useful
sputum, wheezing; fever may be . Bronchitis is typically diagnosed clinically
-Chest X-ray to rule out pneumonia is indicated if the lung exam
present is
abnormal, if the patient is immunocompromised, or if there are
systemic symptoms (e.g., tachycardia, fever)
-Blood or sputum culture is rarely helpful

Treatment Disposition
. Supporlive treatment for viral URIs . Most patients may be discharged
and . Systemically i1l or immunocompro-
-Over the counter antitussives, antipyretics' analgesics,
decongestants mised patients should be admitted
. Patients should be advised on good
-Rest, good nutrition, and increased fluid intake
. Sinusitis hand-washing techniques to avoid
spread of the illness to family or co-
-Oral antibiotics (amoxicillin, amoxicillin/clavulanate, cefurox-
ime, or fluoroquinolones) for at least 10 days workers
. The routine use of antibiotics in the
-Decongestants for symptomatic relief
. Acute bronchitis treatment of apparent viral URIs should
bronchi- be avoided, since truly treatable infec-
-Supportive treatment is generally sufficient for acute
tis as most cases are viral tions occur infrequently
-Antibiotics (azithromycin, erythromycin) are not recornmend-
ed except in cases of persistent symptoms, COPD, or immuno-
-Over the counter antitussives and decongestants
-Rest, good nutrition, and increased fluid intake
-Inhaled p-agonists (e.g', albuterol) may decrease
cough if
there is a bronchospastic component


1 01 . lnfl uenza
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Single-stranded RNA viruses of the orlhomyxovlrus family; types A and B . Common cold
cause human disease . Pneumonia
. Strains change yearly and are designated based on site of origin, year of . Streptococcal pharyngitis
isolation, and antigen subtype . Other viral syndromes
. Outbreaks occur primarily in the winter months . Primary HIV infection
. Person-to-person transmi.ssion via respiratory droplets
. Influenza A is responsible for most cases; type B is often the cause of epi-
. >100,000 hospitalizations and 20,000 deaths each year in the US
. Complications of influenza include respiratory failure/ARDS, viral pneu-
monitis (high mortality, often progresses to ARDS), secondary bacterial
pneumonia, rhabdomyolysis, myocarditis, myositis, pericarditis, Guillain-
Barr6 syndrome, and encephalitis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Incubation period of 2 days . ELISA rapid antigen test via nose/throat swabs is often used in the
. Abrupt onset of fever/chills, ED for screening (sensitivity 50-107o; specificity >907o)
headache, malaise, myalgias, sore . Viral antigens may be detected in tissue culture or nasopharyngeal
lhroat. cough. eye pain. and sensi- swabs (50-807o sensitive)
tivity to iight . Viral cultures of nasal swabs may also be sent
. Elderly may present atypically (e.g., . In severely ill patients, monitor pulse oximetry and arterial blood
fever, malaise, congestion, and gases for hypoxemia (often suggests secondary pneumonia)
change iri mental status) . Chest X-ray may show interstitial infiltrates (consistent with viral
. Physical exam may show tender, pneumonitis) or lobar infiltrates (consistent with secondary bacterial
enlarged cervical lymph nodes pneumonia, most commoniy due to S. pneumoniae ot S. aureus)
. Respiratory distress with crackles
and tachypnea in associated pneu-
. Deterioration of the patient after
24 days of illness indicates likely
secondary bacterial pneumonia

Treatment Disposition
. Uncomplicated influenza may be treated symptomatically with . Most people recover from the acute ill-
antipyretics, anaigesics, and decongestants ness within one week; however, signifi-
. Maintain oxygenation cant morbidity and mortality may occur
. Antiviral treatment is indicated for high-risk patients (immunode- . Patients with underlying cardiac, pul-
ficiency, old age, co-morbid diseases), patients wilh severe symp- monary. metabolic. renal. or immuno-
toms, or to shorten illness duration; however, there is no proven suppressive diseases have increased risk
effrcacy of antiviral reatment if symptoms have been present for of mortality
)48 hours . Yearly prophylactic vaccination should

-Amantadine or rimantadine are only used for influenza A be given in high-risk individuals and
infection; may decrease the duration of illness by 507o if given health care workers
within 48 hours of symptom onset . Amantadine, rimantadine, and neu-
-Neuroaminidase inhibitors (e.g., zanamivir, oseltamivir) pre- raminidase inhibitors may also be effec-
vent viral invasion of cells and decrease viral release from tive for prophylaxis (may be indicated
infected cells; active againsl both influenza A and B; may in unvaccinated high-risk patients, some
decrease symptoms by 1-1.5 days if given within 48 hours of vaccinated high-risk patients. immuno-
onset; may be administered prophylactically to prevent deficient patients. long-rerm care resi-
influenza in exposed patients dents, and staff/household exposures)
. Prophylactic vaccination of high-risk patients is the best method
to prevent infection and transmission of disease


102. Sexually Transm itted Diseases
Etiology & PathoPhysiologY Differential Dx
. Spread via contact with mucous membranes or non-intact skin . Urinary tract infection
. Varying incubation periods from days to months . Gonorrhea
. Syphilis: Caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum; may catse . Chlamydia
chronic systemic complications if untreated
. Bacterial vaginosis
. Genital herpes: Caused by herpes simplex virus types 1 or 2; ptimary . Trichomonas
infection or latent reactivation ofvirus (occurs in >807o ofpatients) may
. Syphilis
. Chancroid
. Chancroid: Caused by the gram-negative bacilius, Haemophilus ducreyi ' Lymphogranuloma venereum
. Genital warts: Caused by the human papillomavimses . Genital warts
. Lymphogranuloma venereum (uncommon in the US): Due to infection . Granuloma inguinale
. Genital herpes
with specific serotypes of Chlamydia trachomatis
. N. gonorrhoeae or C. trachomalls may cause localized cervicitis' urethri- . Perineal abscess
tis, or pelvic inflammatory disease (see associated entry) . Bartholin's gland abscess
. Refer to "Vulvovaginitis" entry for trichomonas and bacterial vaginosis . HIV

Presentation Diagnosis
. Syphilis . Majority of STDs are diagnosed clinically based on lesion motphology
. Pregnancy test in all patients (positive tests influences management
-1q: Painless genitai chancre
2o : Fever, lethargy, rash on and antibiotic choices)
palms or soles, adenopathy . All patients with STDs require pelvic exams to rule out the presence

-3": Dementia, aortitis, tabes dor- of PID (i.e., cervical motion, adnexal, and abdominal tenderness) and
salis, meningitis intravaginal lesions
. Genital herpes: Painful vesicles on . Syphilis: Diagnosed by VDRL, RPR, or treponemal antibody tests
an erythematous base, adenoPathY (most specific)-may be negative in the initial 1-2 wks
. Chancroid: Initial tender pustule . Genital herpes: Tzank smear shows multinucleated giant cells
that ulcerates, painful adenoPathY . Chancroid: Gram stain offluid draining from lymph nodes will show
. Genital warls: Cauliflowerlike gram-negative bacilli but culture is often negative
growths over the genitalia . LV: Culture of lymph node fluid may be diagnostic
. LV: Initial vesicle is painful with . GC/chlamydia: Cervical cultures are diagnostic but therapy should
draining, coalescing lymph nodes not be delayed while awaiting culture
. GC/chlamydia cervicitis: Vaginal . Consider HIV testing in all patients
discharge, dysuria, absence of
abdominal pain

Treatment Disposition
. Slphilis: Single dose IM penicillin (orai doxycycline in penicillin . Have a low threshold for ffeatment
allergy) (even with only suspected disease)
. Genital herpes: Oral acyclovir, famciclovir, or valacyclovir for . The diagnosis of a STD should prompt
7-10 days (recurrent episodes are treated with a 5-day course of screening for HIV infection, syphilis,
acyclovir or valacyclovir; may require chronic antiviral suppres- and more common infections such as
sion) gonorrhea and chlamydia
. Chancroid: Singie dose of azithromycin or IM ceftriaxone, or a . Inpatient therapy is reserved for
3-day course of ciprofloxacin immunosuppressed patients or severe
. Genital warts: Outpatient treatment with cryotherapy or topical pain
podophyllin . Partners of affected patients should be
. LV: Oral doxycycline or erythromycin treated
. GC/chlamydia cervicitis or urethritis: Use two antibiotics to treat . Safe sex should be encouraged
for both GC and chlamydia as they often occur concurently . Most STDs require mandatory lepofiing
to the Health Department
-Single dose ceftriaxone IM, cefixime, ciprofloxacin, or
oflaxacin plus either azithromycin 1 g single dose, or a course
of erythromycin, doxycycline, or ofloxacin
-2 g single dose azithromycin is FDA approved for use but is
not recommended due to significant GI upset


103. HIV lnfection and AIDS
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. HIV is an RNA retrovirus that attacks CD4* cells (e.g., T6 cells) . Bacterial infections, TB, HSY
. AIDS is defined as a T6 count <200 or any AlDS-defining infection zoster can occur at any time
. Viral transmission via mucous membrane contact with body fluids . CD4 200-500: Bacterial pneu-
. Up to 900,000 Americans may be lnfected with HIV monia, thush, anemia, ITP, lym-
. Risk factors for infection include IV drug use, intercourse, and contact phoma
with blood or body fluids (occupational risk after a hoilow bore needle . CD4 <200: PCP, miliary TB,
stick is <1%) lymphoma, histoplasmosis, coc-
. CD4 count provides a clue to the expected complications (e.g., CD4 <200 cidiomycosis, dementia
predisposes to PCP, mycobacteria, CMV, and fungal hfection) . CD4 <100: Disseminated her-
. Complicarions of HIV infection pes, pharyngeal candida, toxo-
-lnfections: Bacterial infection, mycobacteria, CMY HSV plasmosis, cryptococcus
. CD4 <50: CNS lymphoma, dis-
-Dermatologic: Kaposi's sarcoma, HSY zoster, other rashes
-CNS: Cryptococcus, toxoplasma, lymphoma, dementia, psychosis seminated CMV, atlpical
-Lung: PCP, TB, CMY fungal infection mycobacteria (e.g., MAI)
-GI: Candidiasis, bacterial enteritis, viral enteritis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Primary infection is an acute flu- . HIV screening tests may be negative until 6 wks post-infection
like illness (e.g., fever, pharyngitis, -ELISA testing is used as initial screening (sensitivity >99Va,but
anh,ralgias. headache. rash. aseptic false-positives occasionally occur)
meningitis) 2-6 wks after infection Patients with positive ELISA should have confirmatory Westem
. An asymptomatic stage of viral blot testing, which is highly specific for HIV
replication follows over 2-12 years . In known Hlv-positive patients, previously measured CD4 counts and
. As CD4 counts decline, multiple viral loads provide a clue to expected complications
opportunistic infections occur . Patients with fever require complete infectious workup, including
-PCP presents with a dry hacking blood cultures, urinalysis, CXR, and head CT with LP
cough, fever, and hypoxia . Patients with respiratory symptoms require pulse oximetry; CXR
-CMV viremia may cause disease (may be normal despite pulmonary infection); sputum gram stain/cul-
of the retina or liver (mononu- ture for bacteria, Grocott stain for PCP, and acid-fast stain; and serum
cleosislike syndrome) LDH (increased in PCP)
-Cryptococcus and toxoplasmosis . Patients with neurologic symptoms require head CT to ruIe out focal
cause meningitis, encephalitis, lesions with increased ICP, followed by LP; consider MRI
fever, focal neurologic deficits, . Patients with GI symptoms require LFTs, amylase, lipase, and stool
and altered mental status testing for fecal leukocytes, bacterial, and viral pathogens

Treatment Disposition
. Antibiotics: Administer empiric broad-spectrum antibiotics to sep- . HIV infection is managed on an outpa-
tic or toxic-appearing patients tient basis with the antireffoviral multi-
-Add IV TMP-SMX or pentamidine if PCP is suspected ple drug "cocktail"
-Place in respiratory isolation and add anti-tubercular agents if . Admit patients with idections secon-
suspect TB or atypical mycobacterial infection dary to HIV infection
. Antifungals: Consider in toxic-appearing patients with known . Advances in HIV therapy have trans-
CD4 counts <200 formed HIV into a chronic disease
-Positive fungal stains or positive fungal culture from blood or . Complications of antiretroviral medica-
CSF warrant immediate IV antifungals tions should also be considered when
-Systemic or topical therapy for esophageal candidiasis evaluating patients with HIV (e.g., pan-
. Antiparasitics: Administer pyrimethamine with suifadiazine and creatitis, urolithiasis, hepatotoxicity)
folinic acid for cerebral toxoplasmosis
. Antivirals: Begin IV therapy for patients with systemic CMV or
. Systemic steroids
*Indicated in patients with possible PCP and hypoxia
-Indicated in the presence of cerebral mass lesions with associ-
ated edema


104. Lyme Disease
Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Tick-bome illness caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdo(eri . Viral syndrome
. Spread by the bite of the 1x odes tick ticks survive on the white-footed . Cellulitis
. Arthropod bite
mouse and the white-tailed deer
. Reported in 48 US states, most commonly found in the Northeast . Chronic fatigue syndrome
. > 10,000 cases per year in the US; most in late spring and surruner . Fibromyalgia
. Localized infection (Stage 1) affects the skin only; lasts for weeks . Bell's palsy
. Disseminated infection (Stage 2) is hematogenously spread to affect the . Bacterial meningitis
. Viral encephalitis
skin, CNS, peripheral nerves, myocardium, cardiac conduction tissue,
. Viral myocarditis
and/or muscles and joints; symptoms last weeks to months, often waxing
. Inflammatory arthritis (e.g,
and waning and changing locations
. Persistent infection (Stage 3) may develop months to years later to cause SLE, rheumatoid)
afihritis, chronic encephalopathy, or acrodermatitis; symptoms may persisl
for years
. Most patients do not recall the tick bite

Presentation Diagnosis
. Stage 1 (erythema migrans): Initial . Clinical symptoms and history are used to place patients into a risk
red papule expands to form an gfoup
possibility of
annular lesion with central clearing -Begin empiric therapy for patients with high pretest
. Stage 2: Secondary annular skin Lyme disease
lesions, migratory arthralgias and -Administer ELISA and Westem blot testing for patients with
myalgias, headache, adenoPathY, intermediate pretest probability
mild neck stiffness, constitutional -Testing is not suggested for patients with low pretest probability
symptoms (e.g., fever, chills, . Serologies include IgM and IgG Lyme antibodies
fatigue, malaise), neurologic symp- -May be negative for weeks after infection; however, a positive
toms (e.g., meningitis, encephalitis, antibody response is eventually detected in most patients
cranial neuritis, peripheral neuropa- -Titers remain positive for years after infection
thy), cardiac symptoms (e.g., fluctu- -A 2-step diagnostic approach is recommended (similar to HIV
ating AV block, pericarditis, testing): lnitially screen patients with an ELISA test, then confim
myocarditis) positive or equivocal results with a Westem blot
. Stage 3: Chronic intermittent afthri- . Cuiture of B. burgdorferi is difhcult and rarely indicated
tis, subacute encephalopathY,
polyneuropathy, acrodermatitis

Treatment Disposition
. Oral antibiotic therapy is sufficient for patients with skin lesions, . Discharge patients who require only
joint lesions, or 1" or 2o heart block oral antibiotics
amox- . Admit patients with neurologic symp-
-Oral antibiotic choices include doxycycline
icillin, cefuroxime, or erythromycin toms or high-grade cardiac conduction
. IV antibiotic therapy is generally required for 3'heart block and disease for IV antibiotic administration
CNS involvement
. Patients with high-grade heart block
should be admitted to a monitored floor
-IV antibiotic choices include ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, or peni- . Stage 2 disease occurs tn l09o of
. Duration of therapy is generally 30 days; patients with cardiac untreated patients
conduction disease should have therapy continued until high-
. Stage 3 disease occurs in 607o of
grade conduction blocks resolve unheated patients
. Systemic steroids are occasionally administered in patients with . Appropriate antibiotic treatment greatly
complete heart block who do not rapidly respond to antibiotic decreases the development of Stage 2
therapy and 3 disease
. A Lyme disease vaccine is available with 50-:757o efficacy; con- . Disease may relapse even with appro-
sider administration in high-risk individuals who live in endemic priate therapy
areas; may require a yearly booster to maintain titers


1 05. llck-Borne lllnesses
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
- . Tick-borne illnesses include Lyme disease (see related entry), Rocky . Viral syndrome/viral exanthem
Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF), tularemia, erlichiosis, babesiosis, . Bacterial infection
ascending tick paraiysis, Colorado tick fever, and relapsing fever . Pneumonia
. Patients often do not remember the tick bite . Pulmonary or cutaneous anthrax
. Consider the diagnosis in all patients with febrile illness and contact with . Vasculitis
animals or the outdoors . Meningitis
. Tularemia: Due to gram-negative Francisella tularensis; occurs with . Meningococcemia
handling of rabbits or deer; skin (ulceroglandular) or inhalation (pneu- . Influenza
monic) disease may occur . Malaria
. RMSF: Infection by the intracellular Rickettsia rickettsii; causes a poten- . Syphilis
tially fatal vasculitis with characteristic rash . Other zoonoses {e.g.. brucel-
. Ehrlichiosis: Cawedby Ehrlichia chaffeensis, which infects leukocytes; losis. psittacosis. leptospirosis.
primarily occurs in early summer and in the south US plague)
. Babesiosis: Due to the intra-erythrocytic protozoan Babesia microti . Guillain-Barr6 syndrome

Presentation Diagnosis
. A11 present with a febrile, flu-like . ED diagnosis is generally empiric based on clinical suspicion
illness (e.9.. iever. N/V. malaise. . CBC, electrolytes, renal function, and liver function
myalgias, adenopathy, f/- rash) . Tularemia: ELISA is the gold standard for diagnosis; may see leuko-
. Tularemia: Ulceroglandular disease cytosis, elevated LFTs, or thrombocytopenia
results in fever, ulcers, and tender . RMSF: Serologic testing or immunofluorescent staining of skin bi-
lymphadenopathy; pulmonary dis- opsy specimens is the gold standard for diagnosis; however, may be
ease causes pneumonia negative early in the infection
. RMSF: Characteristic maculopapu- . Ehrlichiosis: Diagnosis is primarily based on clinical presentation;
lar rash beginning on extremities confirmatory serologic testing is available
(involves palms and soles) and . Babesiosis: Diagnosed by identification of htra-erythrocytic organ-
spreads centrally; may have cardio- isms on Giemsa or thick smear of a peripheral blood specimen; CBC
pulmonary failure or CNS symp- may show hemolytic anemia
toms (confusion, encephalitis,
. Ehrlichiosis: Lung symptoms, rash
. Babesiosis: Rigors, dark urine,
hepatosplenomegaly, rash

Treatment Disposition
. Remove tick by applying viscous lidocaine to kill the tick then . Tularemia: Admit patients who appear
using forceps to grab the tick by its head (do not crush or bum the toxic or who have significant co-morbid
tick) conditions
. Tularemia: IM steptomycin or oral tetracycline for 14 days . RMSF: Admit all patients; may be fatal
. RMSF: Doxycycline, tetracycline, or chloramphenicol for 7-14 if diagnosis is delayed; complications
days include renal failure, ARDS, myocardi-
. Ehrlichiosis: Doxycycline, tetracycline, or chloramphenicol for tis, meningitis, and DIC
7-74 days . Ehrlichiosis: Rarely causes severe sys-
. Babesiosis: Treatment is reserved for patients who are moderately temic illness but complications (in l7o
to severely ill-IV clindamycin and oral quinine for 7-10 days of patients) may include DIC, renal fail-
ure, myocarditis, or CNS toxicity
. Babesiosis: Largely selfJimited but the
clinical course may be prolonged (may
last as long as a year); rare complica-
tions include hemolytic anemia, renal
failure, or liver dysfunction



106. Malaria
Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Malaria is the most important parasitic disease of humans (over 250 mii- . Typhoid fever
lion annual infections and 2.5 million deaths woridwide) . Dengue lever
. Found throughout the fopics, Central and South America' and occasion- . Babesiosis
ally in the southem US along the Gulf of Mexico . Miliary tuberculosis
. Four distinct species of Plasmodium: P vzva:r (common in Middle East . Lymphoma
and lndia), P. falciparum (common in Sub-Saharan Africa and Haiti)' P
. Meningoencephalitis
. Yellow fever
ovale, and P. malarirte
. Usually transmitted by the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito; transfu- . Schistosomiasis
sion of infected blood or matemal-fetal transmission may also occur . Leishmaniasis
. Consider the diagnosis in anyone with recent ffavel or past malaria
. P. falciparum is the most serious form, resulting in erythrocyte stiffness
that may obstruct circulation in the brain, kidneys, lungs
. Classic relapsing-remitting symptomatology is due to intermittent erytho-
cyte lysis with release of merozoites into the circulation

Presentation Diagnosis
. Incubation period of 10 days to 4 . Peripheral smear is diagnostic by demonstrating the asexuai form of
weeks before onset of symptoms the parasite with Ciemsa-staining
. First symptoms include headache, -The first blood smear is positive in 957o of confirmed cases
malaise. fatigue. abdominal pair. -Smears should be examined every 1,2 hours for two days before
myalgias, fever, and chills the diagnosis is ruled out
)>4Vo, cres-
. As parasitemia develops, the classic -P. falciparum blood smear often reveals parasitemia,
recurrent paroxysms of high-grade cent shape gametocytes, and multiple infected rings in RBCs
fever, chills, rigors, nausea, and . HRP-2 serologic assay has been developed as a highly sensitive and
severe weakness manifest specihc diagnostic test that uses fingerstick blood to identify P. /a/cl-
. Paroxysms generally occur every parum infection
2-3 days; between episodes, . CBC shows hemolysis, decreased RBCs, normochromic/normocytic
patients may be asymptomatic anemia. and thrombocytopenia
. P..falciparum may cause seizures, . Hyponatremia and hypoglycemia may be present
ARDS, renal failure, coma (often do . LFTs are often mildly increased
not have classic paroxysms)
. Tachycardia, tachypnea, fever, and
spienomegaly may be present

Treatment Disposition
. Severe malaria should be managed in the ICU with close observa- . Widespread antibiotic resistance has
tion, fluid resuscitation, and electrolyte monitoring hampered treatment
. Chloroquine-re sistant P. falciparurn is widespre6d-655g11" .".it- . Cure rates exceed 95Vo for chloroquine-
tance until proven otherwise sensitive shains
. P. vivax and P. ovale may result in
-Adults: Quinine plus either doxycycline for 7 days or single
dose pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine; altematives include meflo- recurrent relapses due to persistent par-
quine plus doxycyciine, or halofantrine asites in the iiver
. Vaccines are curently in clinical trials
-{hildren: Quinine for 3 days plus single dose pyrimethamine-
sulfadoxine on the third day; or use halofantrine . Admit all patients with P /dlciparum
. Most patients can be managed as outpa-
-IV antibiotics are indicated for P. falciparum if it is chloro-
quine-resistant and comPlicated tients if P. falciparum is ru,led o.ut
. Ifchloroquine-sensitive P.falciparum is proven or ifbiood smear . Pregnant women and infants should be
is consistent with P. malariae, P. vivax, or P. ovale infection' treat admitted
with chloroquine for 2 days plus primaquine for 14 days . Cerebral malaria may result from P./a/-
. Recommended prevention regimens vary depending on region; all ciparum infection with high mortality
traveiers to endemic areas should begin prophylaxis and use rec- . Treatment updates are available at the
ommended measrres, such as mosquito nets and insect sprays CDC hotline: (110) 448-7188


107. Parasitic lnfections
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Frequency of parasitic disease has been increasing il the US due to . Viral or bacterial gastroenteritis
increases in intemational travel, immunosuppressed patients, and immi- . Rickettsial disease
grants from endemic areas . Protozoa: Malaria, amebiasis,
. Parasites are divided into three groups: Protozoa, helminths (worms), and giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis,
ectoparasites (e.g., scabies, pediculosis) toxoplasmosis. trichomoniasis.
. Amebiasis (E. histolytica): Colonic inflammation with GI symptoms babesiosis Leshmaniasis,
. Giardiasis: Most common GI protozoan infection in US; results in watery, Tryp anos oma (Chagas disease,
foul-smelling stool African sleeping sickness)
, Crlptosporidiun: Significant cause of traveler's diarrhea; results in pro- . Helminths: Trichinosis, pin-
fuse watery diarrhea worms, tapeworms, larval
. Babesiosis: Systemic infection transmitted by l-rades ticks migrans, ascariasis (round-
. Enterobius (pinworm): Causes GI symptoms and anal pruritus worms ). Stron gy I o i d e s, fi lariasis.
. Trichinosis: A helminth lodges in muscie, brain, lung, GI tract onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis,
. Tapeworms (Taenia sp): Transmitted by undercooked meat, pork, fish; hookworms
may spread to brain, heart, or eye (calcified cysts)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Nonspecific complaints include HA, . Consider workup for parasitic disease in patients with risk factors
lever. malaise. abdominal pain (e.g., travel history, nursing home, day-care); in patients with consis-
. N/V (amebiasis, tapeworm, Giardia, tent symptoms for >10 days; or in patients with unexplained fever,
Trichinella, Leishmania) GI symptoms, rash, and/or eosinophilia
. Diarrhea (Giardia, amebiasis, tape- . Stool sampie with microscopic exam for ova and parasites is the most
worm, hookworm, S c hi sto s oma, common test to establish diagnosis; requires at least 3 sepamte sam-
Tric hi ne lla, S trongy loide s) ples on different days
. Pneumonia (Ascaris, Strongyloides, . Stool sample for fecal leukocytes has poor sensitivity/specificity
Trichinella) . Stool ELISA test is available for Giardia and Cryptosporidia
. Eye involvement (Taenia, . Ceilophane tape swab of anus for Enterobius (pinworm)
Trypanosoma) . Duodenal aspirate may diagnose Giardia or Cryptosporidia
. Cardiac involvement (Taenia, . Peripheral blood smear for babesiosis, malaria, andTrypanosoma
Chagas disease, Tric hine I la) . CBC may reveal leukocytosis (amebiasis), anemia (babesiosis, leish-
. CNS invovlement (amebiasis, maniasis, hookworm), or eosinophilia (helminth infections)
Toxoc ara, Tric hine I la, tapeworm, . Elevated LFTs in schistosomiasis (due to ductal obstruction)
Tryp anos oma (sleeping sickness) . CT scan and MRI may be used to assess for tissue parasites
. Serologic assays are available for most parasitic infections

Treatment Disposition
. Amebiasis: Metronidazole X 10 days plus paromomycin x 7 days . Most patients can be discharged
. Ascariasis: Albendazole X 1 dose . Admission criteria include moderate to
. Babesiosis: Clindamycin plus quiaine x 7 days severe dehydration, hemodynamic insta-
. Intestinal tapeworms: Praziquantel 1 dose x bility, ECG changes (especially in
. Cryptosporidium: Supportive care; consider paromomycin Chagas'disease), and inability to take
. Cyclosporiasis: TMP-SMZ X 7 days oral medication
. Enterobiasis: Mebendazole X I dose and repeat in 2 weeks . Travelers should be encouraged to seek
. Lymphatic filariasis: Ivemectin X 1 dose; add albendazole medical advice prior to visiting endemic
X 1 dose in children; or use diethylcarbamazine X 12 days areas
. Liver flukes: Praziquantei X 1 day . Travelers should take precautions
. Giardiasis: Metronidazoie X 5 days against insect bites, consume only bot-
. Hookworm: Mebendazole X I dose tled or carbonated water, avoid under-
.Isosporiasis: TMP-SMZ DS X 3 weeks cooked meat. and avoid fresh fruits or
. Schistosomiasis: Praziquantel X 1 day vegetables unless peeled or cooked
. Strongyloidiasis: Ivermectin x 2 days
. Trichinellosis: Albendazole X 14 days
. Trichomoniasis: Metronidazole X 1 dose
. Trypanosoma: Nifurimox or benznidazole for Chagas'disease;
suramin or others for sleeping sickness


108. Tetanus
Etiology & PathoPhYsiologY Differential Dx
- . Dystonic drug reaction (e.g.,
. Wound infection with spores of the anaerobe Clostridium tetani, reslhing
in increased muscle tone and spasms phenothiazines, antiemetics,
. Spores are found worldwide in soil and animal feces metoclopramide)
. Tetanospasmin toxin produced by organisms in the wound travels retro- . Hypocalcemic tetany
. Botulism
grade through axons to the CNS (shorter nerves are affected earlier due to
. Rabies
shofier transport time)
. In the CNS, the toxin blocks release of inhibitory neurotransmitters, lead- . Meningitis
. Encephalitis
ing to an excitatory state that causes muscle rigidity
. About 40 cases per year in the US . Strychnine poisoning
. Immunity is conferred by vaccine; however, booster shots are required (in . Other causes of trismus (e.g.,
the US only 27Vo ofpersons over 70 have protective antibody levels but dental infection, TMJ syndrome)
887o of children ages 6 to 1 1 are immune)
. Disease is widespread in countries without immunization programs
. Symptoms appear 1-14 days after infection

Presentation Diagnosis
. Trismus (increased masseter tone) ls . Diagnosis is based on clinical findings
often the fust symptom . Low risk of infection if immunization status is up-to-date
. Muscle rigidity and spasms . Wounds should be cultured; however, C. tetani is generally not iso-
. Dysphagia lated even in confirmed cases
. Pain and stiffness in neck, shoulder, . CBC may show leukocytosis
and back muscles . CPK levels may be elevated due to rhabdomyolysis that results from
. Abdominal muscle rigidity severe muscle spasms
. Opisthotonus (arched back due to . Electrolytes should be ordered to rule out hypocalcemia
paravertebral muscle spasm) . Lumbar puncture is notmal in tetanus infection but may be required
. Risus sardonicus (grimace due to to rule out other conditions
facial involvement) . Consider a trial of diphenhydramine or benzffopine to rule out dys-
. Respiratory muscle involvement tonic reactions
( laryngospasm. poor ventilation. . Other tetanus syndromes include localized tetanus (weakness and
cyanosis) spasm limited to muscles near the wound caused by local effect of
. Autonomic dysfunction in severe toxin on nerve endings) and neonatal tetanus (generalized symptoms
cases includes HTN, tachycardia, with poor feeding, spasms, and rigidity, occuning only in infants of
dysrhythmias, cardiac arrest unimmunized mothers)

Treatment Disposition
. Supportive care, including supplemental 02 and IV hydration . Admit suspected cases to the ICU
. Human tetanus immune globulin (antitoxin) should be promptly . Moftality is about 107o, with poorer
given to neutraiize toxil; however, it does not cross into the CNS' outcomes in neonates and elderlY
only neutralizes peripheral toxin
. Outcome is also poorer for patients who
. Tetanus toxoid should be administered to all patients have a shofi interval between the onset
. Debride and clean the wound after giving antitoxin of symptoms and frank spasms
. IV metronidazole should be administered to eradicate the organ- . Ventilatory support may be needed for
ism; altematives include erythromycin or penicillin weeks
. Muscle spasms may be treated with diazepam or lorazepam (may . Disease usually lasts 4-6 weeks, minor
require very high dosages); intubation with therapeutic paralysis muscle spasms may last for months
. Immunization (tetanus toxoid) should
may be needed for uncontrolied spasms
. Intubation may be required for airway compromise due to laryn- be administered to all patients every
gospasm, oversedation, or upper airway muscle spasm 5-10 years (as a booster), to all patients
. Autonomic dysfunction can be managed with B-blockers, cloni- who present with possible tetanus (the
dine, and morphine (an ct-blocker must be administered prior to disease does not cause immunity), and
p-blockade as unopposed o receptor stimulation may cause sevele as a series of 3 shots in those not previ-

hypertension) ously immunized

. Also administer tetanus immune globu-
lin in diny wounds with unknown pri-
mary immunization


109. Botulism
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
- . Clostridium botulinum is an anaerobic, spore forming, gram positive . Myasthenia gravis
bacillus . Cholinergic crisis (therapeutic
. Clinical symptoms occur via a neurotoxin that blocks the release of acetyl- drug overdose)
choline at the pre-synaptic neuromuscular junction (does not involve the . Guillain-Barr6 syndrome
cNs) . Guillain-Barr6 (Fisher variant)
. Occurs as food botulism (due to ingestion of preformed toxin), wound . Lambert-Eaton syndrome
botulism (due to local C. botulinum infection with toxin release), or infant . Paralytic medications
botulism (due to ingestion ofbacterial spores that proliferate in the intes- . Brainstem stroke
tine, often from honey-gut flora in adults is generally protective) . Ocular myopathy
. Botulinum toxin is the most potent toxin known to humans (100,000 times . Thyroid disease
more toxic than saril nerve gas) . Idiopathic cranial neuropathy
. The toxin has been developed as a potential biological warfare agent to be . Tick paralysis
delivered by aerosol or via contamination of the food supply; however, not . Organophosphate poisoning
an ideal bioweapon (no human-human transmission) . Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
. Poliomyelitis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Initial symptoms include bulbar and . Botulinum toxin assays of the serum and/or stool may be indicated,
exffaocular muscle weakness, blurry but are rarely available in a timely fashion
vision, diplopia, miosis, mydriasis, . C. botulinum culture should be attempted from suspected food
dysphonia, dysphagia sources, stool, or wounds
. Symmetric descending paralysis fol- . Consider perfotming an edrophonium (Tensilon) test to rule out
lows, with progressive weakness, myasthenia gravis; however, false positives may occur occur in botu-
respiratory failure, and death lism
. Absent pupillary light reflex (nor- . ESR and WBC count are nomal
ma1 in myasthenia gravis) . In cases of suspected inhalation of toxin secondary to a bioweapon
. Constipation, Nfy', abdominal pain attack, ELISA nasal swab may be diagnostic during the lnitial 24
. Sensation is intact hours
. Normal mental status . Consider a bioweapon attack if multiple patients present with similar
. Absence of fever symptoms (see Disaster Medicine section)
. Infantile botulism presents with . Inpatient nerve conduction studies show incrementally improving
poor sucking, poor feeding, consti- response on repetitive stimulation (as opposed to decreasing response
pation, and failure to thrive in myasthenia gravis)

Treatment Disposition
. Suppoft ventilation and intubate as necessary . Admit all patients with proven or sus-
. All patients receive antitoxin immune serum to prcvent progres- pected botulism
sion and shorten the duration of illness . Weakness often lasts weeks to months,
-The most common is an equine-derived trivalent antitoxin; perhaps as long as a year
however, severe hypersensitivity may occur (e.g., anaphyiaxis, . Generalized weakness has been re-
serum sickness), so a skirr test is required to rule out hypersen- ported following medical toxin injection
sitivity (e.g., Botox) for cosmetic putposes,
-Monovalent human-derived antitoxin is available for ffeatment dystonia, and blepharospasm
of infant botulism from the Califomia Department of Health
-An equine heptavalent antitoxin is available under certain gov-
emment-sponsored research protocols
. Wounds with suspected botulism should be debrided to decrease
bacterial load; administer penicillin to eradicate the bacteria
. Antibiotics have not been proven beneficial in ingested or infant
. Human botulism immune globulin and vaccines are currently


11 0. Rabies
- & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. A rare disease with near 1007o mortality . Guillain-Barrd syndrome
. Due to infection of the CNS by a rhabdovirus transmitted through contact . Tetanus
with infected animals . Meningitis
. Infection typically occurs after a bite but there have been case reports of . Encephalitis
infection following mucous membrane contact, abrasions, inhalation, . Brain abscess
scratches, or other non-bite exposrrres . Polio
. Rare in hurnans; less than 50 cases reported in the US since 1980 . Tick paralysis
. Raccoons, skunks, foxes, bats, dogs and cats may all carry the virus
. Rabbits and rodents arc not calTiers of the virus
. Initial viral replication occurs in myocytes at the site of inoculation; the
virus then crosses the motor end plate and ascends through the peripheral
nerves to the CNS where it causes encephalitis
. Virus travels at a slow rate; thus lower extrernity bites may not manifest in
the CNS for months

Presentation Diagnosis
. Initial manifestations include fever, . Due to the rarity of human rabies, diagnosis and plophylactic treat-
headache, sore throat, and pain and ment is generally made by identifying at-risk patients at the time of
paresthesias at the wound site inoculation
. CNS symptoms develop 1-2 weeks . Rabies virus antigen and antibody can be detected in many body flu-
after the prodrome (later if lower ids by fluorescent antibody testing but are generally negative until 1
extremity is the site of inoculation) week after exposure
-Encephalitic form: Bulbar and
. Negri bodies (small, intracellular, eosinophilic inclusions that repre-
peripheral muscle spasms, sent sites of active viral replication) are seen on brain biopsy speci-
opisthotonus, agitation, severe mens
hydrophobia (likely an exagger-
ated airway protective reflex),
autonomic instability
-Paralyt ic lorm: Symmetric.
ascending fl accid paralysis
. Disease results in coma, apnea, and
death, usually 4-7 days after the
onset of CNS symptoms

Treatment Disposition
. Prophylaxis is only successful if administered prior to CNS . Patients with clinical rabies should be
involvement admitted to the ICU for respiratory and
. Once full-blown rabies has developed, treatment is supportive- circulatory monitoring/support
few cases of recovery have ever been reported . Post-exposure patients can be managed
. Initial wound cleaning and debridement of devitalized wound tis- as outpatients, provided they have good
sue is warranted to decrease the viral inoculum follow-up
. Prophylaxis for high-risk exposures (the decision to give post- . The disease is almost universally fatal
exposure prophylaxis depends on the species of animal, the nature once CNS symptoms have developed
of the exposure, and whether the animal is available for necropsy . Prophylactic therapy may be deferred in
or observation) bites if the biting animal has received
-Human rabies immune globulin should be administered with the rabies vaccine or if the animal is
half the dose injected around the wound site and the other half acting normally and is available for
given intramuscularly at a distant site observation over a 10 day period
-Human diploid cell vaccine is given intramuscularly on post-
exposure days 0, 3, 7, 14 and28


111 . Rheumatic Fever
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
- . Caused by an autoimmune reaction to streptococcal antigens, which cross- . Kawasaki disease
reacts with body tissues (especially the heart, joints, CNS, and subcuta- . Juvenile arthritis
neous tissues) . Septic arthritis
. Follows Streptococcus pyogenes (group A strep) pharyngitis infection-no . Endocarditis
other streptococcal infection is associated with rheumatic fever . Other causes of arthritis (e.g
. Only certail strains of S. pyogenes are likely to result in rheumatic fever rheumatoid arthritis, systemic
. Symptoms of rheumatic fever begin after initial pharyngitis and a latent lupus erythematosis)
period of 2-3 weeks . Leukemia
. Outbreaks of rheumatic fever closely follow epidemics of streptococcal . Vasculitis
pharyngitis . Drug reaction
. Most frequently occurs in children ages 4-9, but may occur at any age . Viral cardiomyopathy

. Migratory polyarthritis of large . Modified Jones criteria (1992) arc used for diagnosis-require evi-
joints dence of antecedent streptococcal infection plus either two major cri-
. Pancarditis (pericardial, myocardial, teria or one major and two minor criteria
and endocardial infl ammation) : -Major criteria: Migratory polyarthritis, carditis, chorea, erythema
New onset of chest pain, murrnur marginatum, subcutaneous nodules
(typically mitral stenosis), rub, -Minor criteria: Fever, arthralgia (subjective pain), previous history
tachycardia, or CHF of rheumatic fever, elevated ESR or CRR prolonged PR interval
. Sydenham's chorea: Involuntary, . Evidence of antecedent sfeptococcal infection is best assessed by
purposeless movements and muscle antibody titers-anti-streptolysin O (most sensitive), anti
weakness hyaluronidase, or anti-DNAase B (at least one of these is elevated in
. Subcutaneous nodules (small, firm, 957o of rheumatic fever cases)
painless) occur on extensor surfaces . Throat culture is positive in only 407o of cases
(e.g., wrists, elbows, knees) . Chest X-ray may show cardiomegaly or evidence of CFIF
. Erythema marginatum: Macular . ECG may show conduction delays due to carditis
rash with cenlral clearing occurring . Echocardiography may be used (generally not in the ED) to assess for
on the trunk and limbs valvular disease

Treatment Disposition
. Treat all patients for group A streptococcal infection (even if cul- . Admit all patients
tures are negative) . Patients should remain in bed until
-Oral penicillin V for 10 days or IM benzathine penicillin acute-phase reactants normalize
. Family members and close contacts
-Macrolides are used in penicillin allergic patients
. Secondary prophylaxis is administered to prevent persistent strep should have screening throat cultures
tococcal colonization or recurrent infection . Incidence of recurrence has declined to
-Monthly IM benzathine penicillin or daily oral penicillin or 24Eo with prophylactic therapy
sulfadiazine . Adults may present with joint symp-
-Continue prophylaxis for at least 5 years (longer in high-risk toms only
or exposed patients); continued for life in those who have had . Preceding pharyngitis may have been
recurrences of rheumatic fever or heart valve damage asymptomatic
. High-dose aspirin (4-8 g/day in adults) is effective for fever and . Acute disease usually resolves within
arthritis; should be contilued until symptoms resolve and acute- 3 months
phase reactants normalize . Persistent valvular heart disease (rheu-
. Severe carditis is treated with standard CHF therapy, systemic matic heart disease) is the most com-
steroids, and high-dose aspirin; however, treatment will not pre- mon complication
vent valvular damage
. Chorea is treated with haloperidol or benzodiazepines


112. Osteomyelitis
Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Infection of bone and marrow due to hematogenous spread (9OVo of . Cellulitis
cases), direct inoculation (e.g., trauma, surgery), or direct spread from
. Bone infarction
local soft tissue infection (e.g., diabetic foot ulcer)
. Soft tissue infection
. High-risk patients include those with diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, . Trauma
and IV dtug use
. Fracture
. S. aureus causes 507o of cases; other organisms include gram-negatives, . Gout
Staplrylococcus epidermidis (especially in prosthetic joints), anaerobes
. Septic arthritis
(especially in diabetics), fungi (especially in immunocompromised), M' . Degenerative joint disease
. Rheumatoid arthritis
tuberculosis (e.g., Pott's disease of the spine), and Pasleurella (in cal or
. Metastatic cancer
dog bites)
. In adults, osteomyelitis most commonly occurs in the vertebrae . Bone tumor (e.g., Ewing's sar
. In children, osteomyelitis usually occurs in the metaphyses of long bones coma)
. An important cause of fever of unknown origin

Presentation Diagnosis
. Common symptoms include local- . Plain X-rays are often the first test ordered; howeveq they are rarely
ized bone pain (not relieved bY positive eariy in disease (bony changes may not occur for 10-21
rest), tendemess, warmth, swelling, days)-may see periosteal elevation, lytic lesions, cortical changes, or
fever, non-healing ulcer frank bony deshuction
. Systemic symptoms (e.g., fever, . ESR elevation is higtrly sensitive for osteomyelitis; leukocytosis is
chills, malaise, anorexia, less sensitive (neither is specific)
nausea/vomiting) may be present . Blood cultures are only positive in 50-60Vo of cases
. Infants may be irritable with a red, . Needle aspirate or open bone biopsy with culture give the best yield
warm, tender extremity (generally performed by orthopedics)
. Children more commonly have . Cuiture of drainage material from open tmcts is nol helpful because it
acute systemic infection; often they is often contaminated with multiple pathogens
wiil refuse to use the limb or will . CT scan is used to determine tho extent of disease; howevel it also is
have decreased weight bearing often negative early in the illness
. Bone scan is very sensitive but not specific; usually not rapidly avail-
able in the ED
. MRI is very sensitive and more specific than bone scan; may be
obtained in the ED or as an inpatient

Treatment Disposition
. IV antibiotics for 4-6 weeks followed by oral antibiotics . Admit a1l patients for acute workup and
cul- initial IV antibiotics
-Begin empiric coverage with two &ugs until results of . Consult orthopedics in all
tures and gram stain are available cases for fur-
(e.g., cefazolin' ther management
-Always include anti-staphylococcal coverage . Rule out septic joint involvement in all
nafcillin, clindamycin, vancomycin)
suspected cases, as this requires urgent
-Also cover gram-negatives (e.g., 3rd or 4th generation
cephalosporin, gentamicin, ciprofl oxacin, imipenem) surgical debridement
. Complications include pathologic frac-
-{onsider adding anaerobic coverage (e.g., penicillin/anti-
penicillinase, clindamycin) in diabetic patients ture, vertebral collapse with spinal cord
compression, bacteremia, and sepsis
-Tailor antibiotics once grzun stain, cultures' and sensitivities . Osteomyelitis often must be diagnosed
. Surgical drainage/debridement is indicated emergently in open clinically. even ii all ED imaging is
fractures and if symptoms do not improve within the first 48 negative; if patients have history and
hours; more likeiy to be required in diabetic foot infections physical consistent with osteomyelitis,
obtain cultures and begin antibiotics


1 13. Hand lnfections
Differential Dx
. Due to skin violation from biting, puncture, or penetrating trauma . Cellulitis
. May cause significant morbidity due to loss of function . Paronychia
. 857o of cases are caused by S. aureus and Streptococcus p))ogenes . Felon
. l59o are caused by anaerobes, Nerss eria, Eikinella corrodens (htman . Bite wound
bite), Pasteurella (cat and dog bites), and Capnocytophaga cynodegmi . Flexor tenosynovitis
(dog bites) . Herpetic whitlow (especiaily in
. Herpes virus, atypical mycobacterium, aspergillus, candida, and sporothrix health care workers)
species may cause hand infection in special circumstances . Web space infection
. Closed fist injury with skin violation is treated as a human bite wound due . Deep space infection
to its high infection/complication mte . Sporothrix schnekii infection
. Deep space infections of the hand may occur at the thenar space, mid-pal- (especially in rose gardeners)
mar space, ulnar bursa, or radial bursa (the bursa are synovial spaces con-
taining the flexor tendonsFthese are emergencies that require immediate
IV antibiotics, ofthopedic consultation, and incision and drainage

'Presentation Diagnosis
. Cellulitis: Warmth, superficial . Diagnosis is generally based on the clinical presentation
erythema, intact ROM . Kanavel's four signs of tenosynovitis (an orthopedic emergency):
. Paronychia: Erythema, pain, and -Tendemess over the flexor tendon sheath
swelling aiong the lateral nail fold -Symmetrical swelling of the finger (sausage digit)
. Felon: Distal palmar pulp space -Pain with passive extension of finger
erythema, throbbing pain, swelling -Finger held in flexion at rest
. Flexor tenosynovitis: Infection of . Bite wounds have a high risk of infection (807o of cat bites become
distai flexor tendon sheaths infected) and can penetrate deeply; therefore, tendon and joint injury
. Bite wounds: Teeth marks, puncturc must be ruled out by clinical exam and X-rays should be obtained to
'"vound, or laceration rule out open fractures or tooth fragments
. Herpetic whitlow: Painful vesicles . Rapidly spreading infection should raise suspicion of Pasteurella
on finger tip with buming/pmritus infection
.,Web space infection: Pain and
swelling upon finger separation
.lDeep space infection: Tendemess,
fluctuance in palm. palmar pain
,..,upon motion of digits

Treatment Disposition
.'Outpatient antibiotics: Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid or cephalexin . Discharge cases of mild cellulitis,
for 7-10 days paronychia, felon, and herpetic whitlow
. Inpatient IV antibiotics: Penicillin/anti-penicillinase or clin- with follow-up exam in 24 hours
darnycin plus ciprofloxacin . Explain to patients and document the
. Cellulitis: Generally managed with outpatient antibiotics significant risk of morbidity if they fail
. Paronychia: Incision and drainage by elevating paronychium with to follow-up
a scalpel; add antibiotics if cellulitis occurs . Admit patients with severe cellulitis,
. Felon:'Incision and drainage with a high lateral incision into the flexor tenosynovitis, web space infec-
pulp space; splint filger for protection; oral antibiotics tions, or deep space infections for IV
. Flexor tenosynovitis: Consult ofihopedics immediately and antibiotics and possible incision and
administer IV antibiotics and analgesia; most patients proceed to drainage
surgery for urgent incision and drainage . Admit diabetic or immunosuppressed
. Bite wounds: Clean, irrigate, and dress wounds; however, most patients, those who are systemically ill,
are not sutured due to risk of infection: oral antibiotics or those who have failed oral antibiotics
. Herpetic whitlow: Most resolve without therapy; consider antivi- . Consider treatment for rabies il animal
rals; do not incise lesions; dress finger to prevent spread to other bite wounds
areas . Check tetanus status
. Web space infection or deep space infection: Consult orthopedics
immediately and administer IV antibiotics; most patients proceed
to surgery for urgent incision and drainage


1 14. Superficial Soft llssue lnfections
- Differential Dx
. Cellulitis: Superficial infection of skin and subcutaneous soft tissue, most . Folliculitis
. Furuncle/carbuncle
commonly due to S. aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes, other organisms
(e.g., anaerobes, pseudomonas) may be present in diabetics and immuno-
. Necrotizing tissue inlections
. osteomyelitis
compromised hosts
. Lymphangitis: Ar extension of cellulitis via the lymphatic system with . Scalded skin syndrome
. Toxic shock syndrome
increased risk of systemic infection
. Erysipelas (St. Anthony's Fire): Painfui skin infection with associated . Meningococcemia
. Bullous impetigo
lymphangitis, d.ue lo S. pyogenes,' coillmon in children
. Impetigo: Skin infection by S. aureus or Streptococcus plogenes' eom- . Viral exanthem
. Varicella
monly seen in humid, warm weather among infants and children
. Ecthyma: Similar to impetigo but also involves subcutaneous tissue . Candidiasis
. Abscesses are walled off collections of pus due to infection . Bite wound (insect or animal)
. Diabetic hfections are typically polymicrobial (aerobic and anaerobic), . Allergic reaction
resistant to cure, and require more intensive workup

Presentation Diagnosis
. Cellulitis: Redness and warmth of . Superficial skin infections are diagnosed clinically based on the dis-
affected skin, localized induration ease characteristics, location, and patient age
and pain; some have fever, chills, . Blood or wound cultures are rarely helpful but should be considered
rigors, and systemic illness in immunocompromised, diabetic, or severely ill patients
. Lymphangitis: Cellulitis with proxi- . Plain X-rays may reveal subcutaneous air in some cases of fasciitis
mal red streaking and may show evidence of osteomyelitis; however, the absence of
. Erysipelas: Bright red erythema, findings does not rule out these deep infections
warmth, and burning Pain with lYm- . Extremity venous Doppler studies may be necessary to rule out DVT
phangitic streaking; may have bullae . Head CT is required in periorbital or orbital cellulitis to evaluate for
or fever/chills extension of inlection lo venous sinuses
. Impetigo: huritic pustules and vesi-
cles that coalesce to a "honeY-
crust," most commonlY on the face
. Ecthyma: "Punched out" ulcers with
necrosis, crusting, and inflammation
. Abscess: Ructuant mass

Treatment Disposition
. Wam compresses and pain control . Admit patients with systemic illness,
. Antibiotics should cover S/aph aureus a;nd Strep pyogenes immunosuppression, co-morbid condi-
chn- tions, history of diabetes, high fever,
-Oral antibiotics may include cephalexin, dicloxacillin,
damycin, or macrolides hand or facial cellulitis, large area of
irvolvement, or who may have necrotiz-
-IV antibiotics for serious infections may include nafcillin,
cefazolin, or ciindamycin ing disease
patients require extended-spectrum aniibiotics to . Discharge patients with mild disease
cover aerobes and anaerobes (e.g., penicillin/anti-penicillinase and no co-morbid conditions with fol-
or a combination of ciprofloxacin and clindamycin) low-up in 24-48 hours
oral . Impetigo rarely needs an inpatient stay
-lmpetigo may be treated with topical mupirocin or an
agent as above
. Erysipelas should be lreated as an inpa-
tient wilh parenteral antibiotics
-Erysipelas should be treated with IV antibiotics
. Incise and drain all cutaneous abscesses-if there is minimal cel- . Risk factors for cutaneous infections
lulitis and good drainage was achieved, antibiotics may not be include immunosuppression, diabetes,
required unless the patient has risk factors for infections (e.g'' dia- and peripheral vascular disease
. Complications of cutaneous infections
include abscess formation, fasciitis,
osteomyelitis, bacteremia, and sepsis


11 5. Necrotizing Soft llssue lnfections
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Necrotizing fasciitis: A rapidly developing, life-threatening infection of . Cellulitis
the superficial and deep fascia that spreads along fascial planes, causing . Erysipelas
thrombosis of nutrient vessels, gangrene, and necrosis .Impetigo
. Myonecrosis: Rapidly spreading infection of muscle tissue, most com- . Scalded skin syndrome
monly due to Clostrilra species . Toxic shock syndrome
. Gas gangrene: Gas-forming deep tissue infection, usually due to . Bullous pemphigoid
Clostridia species . Pemphigus vulgaris
. Foumier's gangrene: Fasciitis of the genitalia and perineum . Candidiasis
. Mixed infections are most common, including anaerobes, S. aureus, . Chickenpox
Streptococcus sp, E. coli, Clostridia sp, andVibrio vulnificus . Viral exanthems
. Vibrio vulnificus may cause fasciitis after salt water exposure
. Streptococcai toxic shocklike syndrome ("flesh-eating" bacteria) is also
an invasive infection of deep tissues (see related entry)
. Risk factors: Age >50, diabetes, immunocompromised, trauma, renal fail-
ure, alcoholism, obesity, IV drugs, malnutrition, vascuiar disease

Presentation Diagnosis
. Rapidly progressive . Fasciitis and myonecrosis are usually clinical diagnoses
. Skin erythema, edema, and warmth . Plain X-ray may show soft tissue gas but is not sensitive (necrotizing
. Skin necrosis in some cases infection may be present without gas accumulation)
. Subcutaneous crepitus . MRI or CT scan may show the soft tissue necrosis and emphysema;
. Skin discoloration (dusky, purple) however, imaging studies should not delay surgical debridement
. Loss of sensation in affected areas . Surgical exploration is required for definitive diagnosis
. Bullae in some . Culture and gram stain is usually not helpful if done superficially but
. Pain out of proportion to physical should be obtained during surgical debridement
tudings . CBC, electrolytes, BUN/creatinine, LFTs, PT/PTT, DIC screen, uri-
. Watery foul-smelling discharge nalysis, and blood cultures may be indicated to monitor for organ sys-
. Shock or multi-organ dysfunction tem involvement
may occur (fever. tachycardia.
. May be difficult to differentiate
fasciitis from myonecrosis until sur-

Treatment Disposition
. Emergent surgical debridement is the only definitive therapy and . Admit all patients for surgical debride-
may be life-saving ment and IV antibiotics
. Trcat shock immediately . Most will require ICU care
-IV fluid resuscitation with isotonic crystalloid (e.g., normal . Rapid surgical debridement is necessary
saline or lactated Ringer's soiution) to decrease mortality
. Complications include renal failure, res-
-Vasopressors (e.g., norepinephrine or dopamine) if fluids are
ineffective piratory failure, myocardial depression,
. Emergent broad-spectrum empiric IV antibiotics to cover both ARDS, sepsis, multi-organ system fail-
aerobes and anaerobes ure, DIC, and death
. Morlality of necrotizing fasciitis is 407o
-Ampicillin/sulbactam, piperacillin/tazobactam, or
ticarcillin/clavulanic acid . Mortality of myonecrosis rs >757o;
-3rd generation cephalosporin and clindamycin more likely to cause shock and death
-Penicillin, gentamicin, and clindamycin than fasciitis
-Imipenem or meropenem
. Hyperbaric oxygen may improve outcomes but is controversial
and should only be considered after surgical debridement
. Tetanus immunization if required


1 16. Scalded Skin and Toxic Shock Syndromes
EtiologY & Differential Dx
. Multi-system diseases caused by toxin-producing sffains of staphylococci . Toxic Epidermal NecrolYsis or
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
and streptococci
. Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) is an exfoliative disease . Scarlet fever (rash spares palms
due to toxin secretion by Staphylococcus aureus and soles)
infection (e g', UTI) . Kawasaki disease
-Cause may be localized skin or bacterial . Rocky Mountain spotted fever
*Most common in immunosuppressed patients and children <5
. Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome: Bacterial exotoxin causes diffuse (centripetal rash)
. "Gas gangrene" due to
,rastdilation and increased capillary endothelial permeability (formally
idium rfr in g e n s
associated exclusively with tampon use but now known to occur fut men C I o s tr p e

. Erythema multiforme
and women)
. Streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome: Rapidly invasive soft tissue . Pemphigus vulgaris
. Bullous pemphigoid
infection ("flesh eating") by group A sffeptococcus (Streptococcus pyo-
. Viral exanthem
genes) with exotoxin release and deep tissue invasion (myositis and necro-
. Meningococcemia
tizing fasciitis)

. SSSS: Local skin infection followed . CBC, electrolytes, BUN/creatinine, LFTs, PT/PTT, DIC screen, CPK,
by fever, skin pain and tendemess, and urinalysis in all Patients
and scarlatinoform rash progressing . Blood, urine, wound, and nose/throat cultures
to vesicles and bullae . SSSS is a clinical diagnosis of severe bullous skin disease without
. Staphylococcal TSS: Presents with multi-organ system invoivement
high fever. malaise. hypotension. . Staphylococcal TSS is diagnosed by the presence of fever, hypoten-
diffuse erythematous rash (sunburn- sion, diffuse erythematous rash followed by desquamation, and at
like, centrifugal spread, affects least 3 of the following: Vomiting or diarrhea' mental status changes,
palms and soles), vomiting mucous membrane hyperemia, renal failure, CPK elevation, transami-
nase elevation. and thrombocytopenia
-Desquamation after 1-2 weeks
. Streptococcal TSS is diagnosed by sfeptococcal soft tissue infection
-Multisystem organ failure
. Sreptococcal TSS: ExlremitY Pain (proven on culture), hypotension, and multisystem organ failure (e'g ,

out of proportion to exam, fever, renal failure, necrotizing fasciitis or myositis, acute respiratory dis-
evidence of deep tissue infection. tress syndrome, cardiac dysfunction, liver inflammation, or coagu-
mental status changes; acute onset lopathy)
with rapid decompensation and
organ failure

. Remove sources of infection (e'g., tampons, nasal packing) . Admit ail patients to an ICU
. Treat shock as necessary . Most children with SSSS recover in 2
solutions (nor- weeks with trcatment
-Fluid resuscitation with inffavenous crystalloid . Staph TSS mortality is 107o even with
ma1 saline or lactated Ringer's)
unresponsive to fluid therapy
-Vasopressors for severe hypotension . Strep TSS moftality is as high as 807o,
boluses (e.g., norepinephrine, dopamine)
monitoring depending on the degree of tissue inva-
-Arterial blood pressure monitoring and invasive
via a Swan-Ganz catheter may be necessary sion
. Emergently administer IV antibiotics . Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a simiiar
disorder most commonly due to a drug
-Nafcillin, oxacillin, or clindamycin
TSS may also be treated with IV penicillin G plus clin- reaction and causes severe, diffuse bul-
damycin lous skin disease with the epidermis
shedding in sheets, exposing dermal
-Vancomycin if resistant staphylococcus is suspected
. Incise and drain abscesses layers
. Surgical consultation for emergent wound debridement in
Streptococcal TSS is required and may be life-saving since the
bacteria invades deeP tissues
. Treat electrolyte abnormalities as appropriate
. Treat coagulopathies with fresh frozen plasma


1 17. Occupational Needlestick Exposures
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is often required following occupational . Percutaneous exposure
exposures to blood and body fluids -Needlestick
-Potentia.l transmission may occur with exposure to blood, tissue, and -Cut by sharp object
bodily fluids (e.g., CSF, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial, . Contact with mucous membrane
amniotic) . Contact with non-intact skin
-Very low risk of transmission: Feces, saliva, sputum, sweat, tears, (contact with intact skin is not
urine, vomitus; not infectious unless they contain blood considered an exposure and does
-No risk of transmission: Semen and vaginal secretions not require PEP)
. Viruses of concern: Hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), HIV
. Testing of blood for hepatitis and HIV requires consent of both the source
and the exposed individual
. Federavstate repofiing requirements for occupational exposures exist
. The CDC intemittently publishes updated guidelines
. National clinicians post-exposure prophylaxis hotline: (888) 448-4911
(24-hour service)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Evaluate the exposure risk based on . Baseline blood work is required in both the exposed and source indi-
body fluid involved, route and viduals
severity of the exposure, and the -Exposed: ALI, HepBsAg, HepBsAb, anti-HCV antibody, anti-
infectious status of the source HIV antibody
. Intact skin: No PEP needed -Source: ALT, HepBsAg, anti-HCV rapid HIV test (ELISA), anti-
. Mucous membrane or non-intact HepB core Ab
skil: Note small volume versus . HBV: Need for PEP depends primarily on the immune status of the
large volume exposure to guide pro- exposed (see below)
phylaxis decisions . HCV: No PEP exists; test for baseline infection in source and
. Percutaneous exposures exposed; follow up anti-HCV and ALT in exposed at 4{ months if
-Less severe: Solid needle, super- the source was HCV positive
ficial scratch . HIV PEP
-More severe: Hollow needle. -Source HIV negative: No therapy
deep puncture, blood on the -Source HIV positive: Less severe exposures require 2 drugs; more
device, needle used for arterial severe exposures require 3 drugs
or venous blood draw -Source unknown HIV: Consider empiric 2 drug PEP
-Unknown source: PEP based on local HIV pattems

Treatment Disposition
. Use standard precautions in all patient contacts . Give PEP ASAP after exposure
. Wash site thoroughly with soap and water . HBV prophylaxis is effective up to 1
. Tetanus toxoid if not up{o-date week post-exposure but earlier is better
. HBV: PEP depends on vaccination status of the exposed . Risk of transmission
-Unvaccinated: HBV immune globulin plus HBV vaccine -HBV: Transmission greatly increased
-Previously vaccinated, known responder to vaccine: No treat- if source is HBVe antigen positive
ment (6Vo Io 30Vo wilhout treatment)

-Previously vaccinated, known non-responder: Administer -HCY: <2Vo risk of transmission in

HBV immune globuiin and revaccinate percutaneous exposures: rare after
-Previously vaccinated, unknown response: Test exposed mucous membrane exposures
worker for anti-HBsAb and treat if non-responder -HIY: 0.3Vo after percutaneous expo-
. HCV: There are no effective post-exposure therapies sure:0.097o after mucous membrane
. HIV: Starl PEP ASAP . PEP decreases the risk of HBV and
-Duration of 4 weeks if source is HlV-positive; otherwise con- HIV transmission by >7 5Vo
tinue until HIV status of source is confirmed negative . A11 patients must follow up with occu-
-Multiple 2 and 3 drug therapies are available [e.g., zidovudine pational health and must be counseled
plus lamivudine */- (nelfinavir or indinavir)l with regards to risks
-Consider possible local resistance to anti-HIV drugs . Expert consult is indicated for delayed
-Side effects ofPEP drugs (in50Vo) include N/V, malaise, reporting, unknown source, pregnancy
headache, anorexia, kidney stones, hepatitis in exposed, source with resistant HIV


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1 18. Anaphylaxis
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Allergic reactions vary from mild symptoms to overt anaphylaxis . Simple allergic reaction
. Anaphylaxis is a severe, systemic, immune-mediated allergic reaction . Vasovagal reaction/syncope
resulting in urticarial rash, respiratory distress due to upper and/or lower . Seizure
airway obstruction, and vascular collapse due to vasodilation . Angioedema
. Most commonly a Type I Hypersensitivity reaction (IgE-mediated)
. Common causes include drugs (e.g., insulin, penicillin, streptokinase, anti- . Asthma exacerbation
serum), stings and venoms, foods (e.g., nuts, seafood, milk), environmen- . Airway foreign body/
tal exposures (e.g., pollen, dust mites, animal dander), latex, and transfu- obstruction
sions . Pneumothorax/PE
. Generally occurs within seconds to minutes after an exposure to an anti- . MVanhythmias
gen; however, response may be delayed in some cases . Septic shock
. Anaphylactoid reactions (e.g., due to IV dye) result in non immune-medi- . Carcinoid syndrome
ated mast cell degranulation with similar symptoms as anaphylaxis . Systemic mastocytosis
. Pheochromocytoma

Presentation Diagnosis
. Early symptoms . Anaphylaxis is a clinical diagnosis; history and physical is helpful in
-Nasal congestion, hoarseness identify inciting agents
-Dyspnea, wheezing, cough . Diagnostic workup concentrates on excluding other diagnoses
-Skin flushing, severe pmritus, -ECG if a cardiac etiology is suspected
urticaria -CXR to rule out pneumothorax; anaphylaxis may cause hyperin-
{hest pain/tightness flation
-Lightheadedness -ABG to evaluate respiratory status
-Nausea"/vomiting, abdominal -CBC, glucose, elecffolytes, BtlN/creatinine, and urinalysis
cramping -Blood cultures if septic shock is considered
-Feeling of impending doom . Allergy testing may be done in outpatient follow-up
. Late symptoms
-Airway obstruction, stridor,
angioedema, tongue/pharynx
-Altered mental status, seizure
-Hypotension, tachycardia,

Treatment Disposition
. Establish IV access, high-flow 02, cardiac monitoring, pulse . May be fatal due to respiratory failure
oximetry or hemodynamic collapse (even mild
. Assess airway early as swelling can rapidly cause airway compro- allergic reactions can progress to ana-
mise phylaxis and death)
-Endotracheal intubation if possible; however, swelling may . Symptoms may recur in 4-8 hours due
prohibit intubation to a second phase of mediator release
-Surgical airway (et insuftlation or cricothgotomy) may be . Mild reactions should be observed for
necessary 4-6 hours and discharged if symptoms
. Rapidly administer IV fluids (2-4 L of NSS or LR) rapidly resolve
. Epinephrine decreases airway edema, restores vascular tone
-Avoid further allergen exposures
-IV epinephrine for severe bronchospasm, respiratory arrest, -Continue steroids, H2 blocker, and
refractory shock, or upper airway obsffuction diphenhydramine for 3 days
-Subcutaneous administration for less severe symptoms -Consider prescription for pre-filled
. Antihistamines (IV diphenhydramine plus an H2 blocker) will syringe kits (e.g., Epi-pen)
prevent further mast cell degranulation -Outpatient follow-up in 1-2 days
. Systemic corticosteroids in all cases . Admit patients with moderate-severe
. Albuterol nebulizers to treat bronchospasm reactions to a monitored bed-ICU
. Dopamine or norepinephrine may be used to maintain vascular admission is warranted if intubated, in
tone in patients with persistent hypotension respiratory distress, or BP instability


11 9. Urtica ria/ Angioedema
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. An allergic feaction with vasodilation and increased vascular permeability, . Abscess/infection
. Anaphylaxis
resulting in cutaneous wheals and tissue swelling
(dermis) only . Collagen vascular disease
-Urticaria affects superficial cutaneous tissues . Contact dermatitis
usually facelneck
-Angioedema affects dermis and deeper tissues' . Drug reaction
. Commonly due to IgE-mediated Type I hypersensitivity reactions with
. Food allergies
mast cell release of histamine and other mediators; also may be due to
. Insect bite
activation of complement, arachidonic acid, or kinin systems
. Causes of urticaria include foods, drugs (e.g., aspirin, NSAIDs, morphine, . Systemic lupus erythematosis
. Transfusion reactions
conffast), stings, sunlight, temperature extremes, or physical contact with
. Vasculitis
foods, drugs, plants, or chemicals
. causes of angioedema include c1 esterase inhibitol deficiency (hereditary . Viral exanthem
or acquired), vasculitis, infections (e.g., hepatitis B), diabetes' thyroid dis- 'Hypothyroidism
. Urticarial vasculitis
orders, autoimmune diseases
angioedema that is
-ACE-inhibitors may cause a bradykinin-mediated
poorly responsive to therapy and may require intubation

. Urticaria: Generalized, erythema- . Clinical diagnosis
tous, pruritic wheals that blanch
. Family history may provide evidence of hereditary disorders
with pressure . Cl esterase inhibitor and complement levels (C2 and C4) may be
. Angioedema: Deep diffuse swelling, drawn for specialist follow -,up-C2 and C4 are elevated in these dis-
most commonly of the head, neck, eases; C1 esterase inhibitor is decreased
and upper airway: extremities. geni- . CBC, ESR, ANA, TSH, LFTs, and rheumatoid factor may be useful
talia, mucous membtanes, and eYe- to determine the etiology of chronic cases or to rule out other disease
lids may also be affected processes
. Airway edema may be seen on . Skin testing, serum IgE levels, and skin biopsy may be done as an
physical exam outpatient if the diagnosis is unclear
. Abdominal pain. nausea. vomiting
. Wheezing or hypotension signal the
presence of anaphylaxis

Treatment Disposition
. Allergen avoidance and pulse oximetry . Admission is warranted if symptoms of
. Cold compresses for comfort anaphylaxis are present (e.g., wheezing,
. Subcutaneous epinephrine for severe cases respiratory distress, hypotension) or if
. IV or oral antihistamines (e.g., diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine) there is any concem of potential airway
. H2 blockers may be beneficial as adjuvant therapy compromise
. Systemic steroids are used for significant symptoms or if antihis- . Patients who are discharged should con-
tamines fail to control symptoms tinue antihistamine and steroid therapy
. Continue therapy for several days-to-weeks for at least 3 days, avoid allergen if pos-
. Cl esterase inhibitor concentrate or fresh frozen plasma may be sible, and arrange follow-up with PCP,
administered if patient has a known deficiency and presents with dermatologist, or allergist
. Acute urticaria lasts less than 6 weeks;
moderate-to-severe symptoms
. The above measrres have not been proven effective for ACE- chronic urticaria may persist for years
(75Vo of cases are idioPathic)
inhibitor-induced angioedema; supportive care (including intuba-
tion) and discontinuation of drug is the primary therapy
. Be prepared to intubate sooner rather than later in cases of
angioedema as airway compromise may rapidly ensue


1 20. Acute Monoarticular Arthritis
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
- . Non-inflammatory artlritides include osteoarthritis, trauma, soft-tissue . Traumatic injury
injury and viral infection . C)steoarthritis
. Septic arthritis occurs due to bacterial infections . Septic joint
-Disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI) is the most common cause . GouUpseudogout
of acute monoarticular arthritis in adults <45 'Lyme disease
-Non-gonococcal bacterial arthritis (e.g., S. aureus, streptococci, gram . Hemarlhrosis (e.g., due to trau-
negatives, Lyme disease, TB) is the most destructive type of acute ma, coagulopathy)
monoarlhritis; risk factors include diabetes, IV drug use. immunosup- . Malignancy
pression, rheumatoid arthritis, prosthetic joints . Rheumatoid arthritis
. Crystal deposition diseases occur due to precipitation of crystals in joints, . Spondyloarthropathy
resulting in inflammation, arthritis, and tissue injury . Systemic lupus erythematosis
-Gout: Uric acid crystals precipitate; acute attacks are often triggered . Soft tissue injury (e.g., bursitis,
by trauma, sffess, surgery, illness, alcohol, diuretics, diet tendonitis)
-Pseudogout: Precipitation of calcium pyrophosphate crystals

Presentation Diagnosis
. Warm, swollen, inflamed, painful . Joint aspiration and analysis is performed in most patients
.joint suggests inflammation or -WBC >50,000 suggests an infectious etiology
infection -WBC <50,000 suggests inflammatory/autoimmune etiology
. Septic arthritis may result in sys- -WBC <2000 suggests a non-inflammatory etiology
temic symptoms (e.g., fever, chills, -Gram stain and culture is positive tn only 7 5Vo of septic joints
malaise); often involves knee, hip, -Crysta1 analysis may show urate crystals in gout (needle-shaped,
or shoulder negatively birefringent) or calcium pyrophosphate crystals in
. Disseminated gonorrhea: Migrating pseudogout (rod-shaped, positively birefringent)
arthritis (e.g., knee, wrist, ankle), . Laboratory studies are rarely useful (serum WBC and ESR may be
vesiculopustular lesion on fingers, elevated by any cause of inflammation and may be normal in infec-
tenosynovitis, urethral discharge tions; uric acid may be low, normal, or high in acute gout)
. Gout: lst MTP joint (podagra), . CervicaVurethral cultures if gonorrhea is suspected
intetarsal joints, ankle, knee, wrist . Consider testing for syphilis, Lyme, and HIV
are most commonly involved; fever . X-rays may show fractule, tumor, effusion, or osteomyelitis
may be present; palpable tophi -Osteoarlhritis: Joint space narrowing, osteophyte formation
develop as crystals deposit in subcu- -Gout: Punched-out lytic areas with overhanging bony edges
taneous tissues -Psuedogout: Chondrocalci nosis

Treatment Disposition
. Osteoarthritis: Acetaminophen, NSAIDs, and/or narcotics . Admit patients with intractable pain,
. Hemorrhagic joint: Aspirate joint, ice, elevate, pain control; cor- septic arthritis (for IV antibiotic admin-
rect coagulopathies istration), or coagulopathies with joint
. Septic arthritis requires empiric IV antibiotics to cover S. aureus hemorrhage
and N. gonorrhoeae . Most other cases of acute monoarthritis
-Nafcillin plus either a 3rd generation cephalosporin or can be safely discharged home with
ciprofloxacin early outpatient follow-up
-Tailor antibiotics based on gram stain and/or culture . Do not assume that a patient with a his-
-Prosthetic joint: Vancomycin plus gram negative coverage tory of a chronic process (e.g., gout) is
(e.g., ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, or cefipime) having an exacerbation-must rule out
-Arthrotomy and open drainage may be necessary (especially seplic joint if any clinical suspicion
for septic shouider and hip) exists
. Crystal-induced arthritis . Failure to recognize a septic joint will
-Ice, indomethacin and other NSAIDs, and colchicine lead to joint destruction and possible
-Corticosteroids (intrarticular/oral/IM/Iv) are used in severe systemic sepsis and death
disease or in patients with contraindications to NSAIDs; how-
ever. be surejoinl infection is not present
-Avoid hypouricemic treatment (e.g., allopurinol) or diuretics
during acute attacks


1 21. Polyarticular Arthritis
Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. May be due to inflammatory, non-inflammatory, or infectious causes . Systemic rheumatic disease
diseases (may (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus,
-Inflammatory arlhritis is due to systemic autoimmune
have extra-articular symptoms), including rheumatoid arthritis, sys- Reiter's syndrome)
temic lupus erythematosis, Reiter's syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, and
. Osteoarthritis
. Gout
joint is due to . Septic arthdtis
-Non-inflammatory osteoarthritis (degenerative disease)
. Viral arthralgias
deterioration of articular surfaces and reactive new bone forrnation;
involves large joints and the DIPjoints of hand
. Rheumatic fever
bacteria . Serum sickless
-Septic polyarthritis: Gonorrhea, Lyme disease, and other
illnesses, streptococ- . Bursitis or tendonitis
-Post-infectious h eactiv e afi hritis may foll ow virai
cal pharyngitis (acute rheumatic fever), serum sickness
. Fibromyalgia
. May be syrnmetric (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, lupus) or asymmetric (e.g ' . Soft tissue abnormalities
gonococcal, Lyme, Reiter's, gout)
. Neuropathic pain
. Most cases have insidious onset; however, gout and septic arthritis present
. Metabolic bone disease

Presentation Diagnosis
. Morning stiffness (> I hour in RA) . X-rays of involved joints
. Warm, red, swolien, painful joints . ESR and WBC may be elevated in inflammatory arthritis
. Constitutional symptoms (e.g., . Serologies may indicate pathology (e.g., RF, ANA)
. Synovial fluid analysis must be performed in all cases of suspected
fever, chills, night sweats, malaise)
. RA: Symmetric joint involvement, septic arthritis
. Acute rheumatic fever is diagnosed by evidence of antecedent strep-
including PIP and MCP
. RF: Migratory polyarthritis; specific tococcal infection (positive culture or strep antibodies) plus clinical
major/minor criteria citeia (2 major and 1 minor or 2 minor and 1 major)
. Psoriatic arthritis: DIPjoint involve- -Maior criteria (polyarthritis, carditis, chorea, erythema margina-
ment, nail pitting, skin rash tum, subcutaneous nodules)
. Reiter's syndrome: Conjunctivitis. -Minor (fever, arthralgia, elevated ESR, prolonged PR interval,
urethritis, asymmetric arthritis past history of rheumatic fever)
. Gonorrhea: Rash, diffusejoint
involvement, tenosynovitis of wrist
. Lyme disease: Rash (erythema
migrans), migratory arlhritis, car-
diac or neurologic sequelae

Treatment Disposition
. Osteoarthritis: Analgesia and anti-inflammatory medications . Most polyarticular arthritic pain can be
(acetaminophen is the preferred initial treatment, then NSAIDs' managed as an outpatient with appropri-
then narcotics); intra-articular steroids ate fbl1ow-up anangements
.Inflammatory arthritis . Admission for patients with severe dis-
ability, multisystem involvement,
-NSAIDs are initial treatment; narcotics may be required
intractable pain, inability to ambulate,
-Intra-articular steroids are less useful for polyarthritis
steroids may be helpful in some diseases (e.g.' poly- septic arthritis, and rheumatic fever
arlicular gout, autoimmune diseases)
. The majority of cases are chronic pro-
gressive diseases; plompt anti-inflam-
-Anti-rheumatic or cytotoxic drugs (e.g., methotrexate) may be
useful in rheumatoid artritis and SLE, after consultation with matory therapy is necessary to prevsnt
a rheumatologist articular degeneration and resulting
. Rheumatic fever: Penicillin and high-dose aspirin first line; sys- morbidity
temic steroids for cardiac involvement
. Lyme disease: Doxycycline


122. Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. A chronic autoimmune disease ofjoints and other organ systems . Polyarticular arthritis (>4
. Autoantibodies and immune complexes are deposited in affected organs, joints): Rheumatoid afihritis
resulting in synovial proliferation with pannus formation, cafiilage osteoarthritis, systemic lupu;
destruction, bony erosion, and eventual joint deformity erythematosis, viral (e.g., HIV)
. Occurs in 1Vo of the population; most cornmon in middle-aged adults arthritis
. Females and Native Americans have a higher prevalence . Pauciarticular (2-4 joints):
. Exact etiology is unknown; genetic predisposition exists (HLA-DR4) Gonococcal arthritis, Lyme dis-
. Complications occur in virtually all organ systems ease, gouVpseudogout, Reiter's
syndrome, rheumatic fever, pso-
datic arthritis, osteoarthdtis
. Monoarticular (1 joint): Trauma,
septic joint, Lyme disease,
tumor, osteoarthdtis,

Presentation Diagnosis
. Symmetric polyarthritis, most com- . At least four criteria must be met for diagnosis
monly of small joints in hands and -Moming stiffness for )1 hour
feet (especially PIP and MCP) -Involvement of 3 or more joints
. Early moming stiffness ) t hour
-Involvement of the wrist, PIP, or MCP joints
. Joint deformities may be present -Symmetric arthritis
(e.g., ulnar deviation, swan neck -Rheumatoid nodules
deformity, boutonniere deformity) -Elevated rheumatoid factor (elevated in >7 5Vo of patients)
. Constitutional symptoms: Fatigue, -Hand X-rays showing bony erosions or decalcification
malaise, fever, weakness . CBC may reveal a normochromic/normocytic anemia
. Extra-articuiar involvement may . ESR is elevated in >90Vo of patients but is nonspecific
include cardiac (e.g., pericarditis, . CXR in patients with pulmonary symptoms may reveal pulmonary
myocarditis). dermatologic {e.g.. nodules or interstitial disease
subcutaneous nodules, vasculitis), . X-rays of involved joints may show erosions or decalcification
pulmonary (e.g., interstitial disease, . Synovial fluid analysis may be consistent with rheumatoid (i.e., WBC
pulmonary nodules, BOOP), ocular 2000-50,000; >5O157o PMNs;low glucose) and may also rule out
(e.g.. keratoconjunctivitis ). anemia. other causes of arthritis or infection
and C-spine subluxation

Treatment Disposition
. Attention to airway, breathing, and circulation in critically ill . The disease follows a chronic course
patients with acute exacerbations
. Goal of therapy is to prevent inflammation and its resulting dam- . Criteria for admission include acute
age to joints/organs complications of RA (e.g., eye involve-
. Non-medical therapies include education, physical and occupa- ment, pericarditis, lung disease),
tional therapy, exercise, joint rest, heat/cold modalities, weight unclear diagnosis, sepsis, pain control,
loss, and splints ifneeded and need for social support
. NSAIDs are first line pharmacologic interventions; if one fails, . Discharge patients with mild acute
another may be effective; consider cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) exacerbations who have good pain con-
inhibitors trol
. Systemic steroids are used if NSAIDs fail . Follow-up with regular doctor or
. Intra-articular steroids may be useful for acute attacks; however, rheumatologist
infection of the involved joint must first be ruled out and repeated . Consider cervical spine subluxation as a
injections are contraindicated complication in any trauma patient with
. Disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs and/or immunosuppres- RA
sives may be administered in concert with a rheumatologist, . Patients with RA are at significantly
including TNF-o receptor antibodies (e.g., Infliximab), increased risk of infection due to steroid
methotrexate, hydroxychloroquine, gold salts, sulfasalazine, aza- use and side effects of systemic drugs-
thioprine, penicillamine, and minocycline consider infection in any acutely ill


123. Systemic Lupus Erythematosis
& Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Lupus is a connective tissue disease of unknown etiology characterized by . Adrenal insufficiency
B-cell hyperactivity, activation of complement, and T-cell defects . Rheumatoid arthritis
. Tissue damage occurs via inflammation, vasculitis, and direct damage due . Dermatomyositis
to deposition of immune comPlexes . Polymyositis
. Females (9:1) and African-Americans are more frequently affected . Cardiac disease
. Peak age of onset 15-25 years . Epilepsy
. Exacerbations are often preceded by infection, sunlight, trauma, medica- . Multiple sclerosis
tions, stress, or pregnancy . Sepsis
. Drug-induced lupus (e.g., hydralazine, isoniazid, and procainamide) has . Renal disease
similar symptoms . Shock
. Rheumatic fever

Presentation Diagnosis
. Fatigue, fever, malaise . Diagnosis requires 4 of 11 diagnostic criteria: Buttedly rash, discoid
. Symmetric althi:itis, myalgias rash, photosensitivity, painless oral ulcers, arthritis in >2 joints,
. Malar (butterfly) or discoid rash serositis (pleural or pericardial inflammation), renal disease (protein-
. Photosensitivity uria >0.5 g/day), seizures, hematologic disorder (e.g., anemia, throm-
. Headache, seizures, stroke, or psy- bocytopenia, leucopenia), positive ANA, or positive anti-dsDNA/anti-
chosis Sm
. Signs of peri-, endo-, myocarditis . Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are very sensitive (>95Eo) for SLE but
. Pleural effusions, pleuritis have poor specificity (may be falsely elevated in the elderly or sec-
. Ulcers, peritonitis ondary to certain drugs and other connective tissue diseases)
. Hemolytic anemia, TTP, ITP . Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and anti-Smith (anti-Sm) antibodies
are less sensitive but much more specific for SLE
. CBC may show thrombocytopenia or decreased RBCs
. Renal function should be checked to rule out nephritis

Treatment Disposition
. Avoid sun exposure . Admit patients with nephritis or renal
. NSAIDs for arthralgias, myalgias, fever, and serositis failure, CNS involvement, severe lung
. Severe disease (e.g., pericarditis, myocarditis, nephritis, cerebritis, involvement, pericarditis, pregnancy,
hematologic abnormalities) should be treated with systemic severe anemia, or thrombocytopenia
steroids . Infections are the #1 cause of death in
. Antimalarial drugs (e.g., hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine) and these patients (due to decreased
cytotoxic agents (e.g., cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, immune function from the disease itself
methoffexate) are used by rheumatology in severe or unrespon- and from immunosuppressive medica-
sive cases or for steroid sparing effects tions)


1 24. Temporal Arteritis
Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
- . Migraine headache
. An inflammatory vasculitis of medium to large size arteries (also known
as giant cell arteritis) . Tension headache
. Generally affects arteries derived ftom the aortic arch and carotids, most . Dental ailments
commonly the temporal artery . Lyme disease
. The classic picture of temporal arteritis is an elderly patient complaining . Otologic disease
of a new onset of headache (often unilateral) and/or visual loss . Polyarteritis nodosa
. Etiology is unclear; may be due to deposition of immune complexes in . Retinal vascular accident
arteries, leading to inflammation . Sinusitis
. Retinal artery occlusion may occur, resulting in loss of vision . SLE
. Significantly increased risk of thoracic aortic aneurysm; somewhat . Takayasu's arteritis
increased risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm, stroke, and MI . Thrombosis of artery
. Closely related to polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) . Trigeminal neuralgia
. Wegener's granulomatosis
-50-907o of patients with temporal arteritis have PMR
-337o of patlents with PMR have temporal arteritis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Headache is the most common . Diagnosis via clinical presentation, lab studies, and biopsy
symptom (857o); often unilateral but . The presence of 3 of 5 established diagnostic criteria have better than
may be diffuse 907o sensitivity and specificity for temporal arteritis:
. Jaw/tongue claudication (657o) -Age >50
. Tender temporal arteries (707o) -New localized headache
. Visual ioss/visual changes (407o) -Temporal ar1ery tenderness, node, or decreased pulse
t e.g.. diplopia. scotoma. amaurosis -Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)>50 mm./hour
fugax); may develop rapidly and -Biopsy of temporal artery showing necrotizing arteritis or multi-
lead to irreversible blindness nucleated giant cells
. Weakness and myalgias . Temporal artery biopsy is not l00Vo sensitive because vessel involve-
. Fever/weight loss ment may be segmental; therefore, a negative biopsy does not rule
. Skin color change in scalp/forehead out the disease
. Polymyalgia rheumatica presents . Elevated C-reactive protein (>2.45 mg/dl), normocytic anemia,
with proximal (girdle) muscle weak- leukocytosis, and increased PT may be present
ness. stiffness. pain, synovitis . LFTs (especially alkaline phosphatase) are often elevated
. Ultrasound of temporal artery may show decreased blood flow

Treatment Disposition
. Systemic steroids are the mainstay of treatment and should be . Most patients are admitted (especialiy
started immediately to prevent blindness, even if there is only a those with visual loss or aneurysms)
strong suspicion of the disease . Rheumatology consult is imperative,
-IV(methylprednisolone) or oral (prednisone) especially for outpatient management
*IV therapy may be more helpful in resolving vision changes; . Patients with mild symptoms may be
however, this has not been definitively proven discharged with steroid therapy and
-Steroids may be continued for months to years, depending on close follow-up
symptoms, side effects, ESR, and repeat biopsies . Biopsy of temporal artery should be
. NSAIDs and aspirin for pain done within 1-2 days ifpossible
. Other drugs with limited data or under investigation may be pre- . Blindness is irreversible; however,
scribed in consultation with rheumatology (e.9., methotrexate, proper therapy can prevent visual loss
deflazacort, cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, dapsone, cyclosporine) in the other eye


1 25. Dermatomyositis/Polymyositis
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Polymyositis is an autoimmune-mediated inflammation of skeletal muscle . Collagen vascular diseases (e.g..
due that usually progresses over weeks to months scleroderma, Sjogren, SLE)
. Dermatomyositis is a similar disease that also presents with characteristic . Myopathies (e.g., drugs, infec-
skin involvement tion, Cushing's disease,
. Most common acquired cause of muscle weakness hypothyroidism)
. Possible associations with viral infections, connective tissue diseases, and . Myasthenia gravis
malignancy . Motor neuron disease (e.g.,
. Cardiac muscle/conduction tissue may become involved ALS)
. Sarcoidosis or amyloidosis
. Polymyalgia rheumatica
. Electrolyte abnormalities
. Inclusion body myositis
. Nervous system disorders

Presentation Diagnosis
. Muscle weakness . Definitive diagnosis is established by abnormal muscle biopsy
. In the ED, myositis is diagnosed by muscle weakness plus lab abnor-
-Bilateral and symrnetrical
-Proximal (e.g., difficulty climb- malities
ing stairs, lifting ams, combing . Dermatomyositis may be diagnosed by the characteristic rash even
hair) without muscle findings
. CPK, aldolase, myoglobulin, creatinine, SGOT, SGPT, and LDH are
-Respiratory muscle weakness
-Dysphagia often elevated secondary to muscle involvement
. ECG may show arrhythmias or signs of myocarditis
-Ocular muscles are spared
. Heliotropic rash on upper eyelid and . ESR and ANA are often elevated
knuckles is characteristic of der- . Renal function and U/A may reveal signs of rhabdomyolysis
. Fever, malaise
. Dysrhythmias, myocarditis

Treatment Disposition
. Systemic steroids are the flrst line therapy . Admit patients with lung involvement,
. Cytotoxic agents (e.g., azathioprine, methotrexate, fludarabine, CHF. myocarditis. dysrhythmias. or sig-
cyclosporine, tacrolimus, cyclophosphamide) may be used in con- nificant weakness
cert with rheumatology in severe disease, unresponsiveness to . Discharge on steroids if no pulmonary
steroids, and relapses or cardiac involvement
. Multi-drug regimens are often necessary . Complications may include cardiac con-
. Some patients respond temporarily to IVIG duction defects, arrhythmias, dilated
cardiomyopathy, interstitial lung dis-
ease, joint contractures, subcutaneous
calcifications, and an increased risk of




126. Eczema and Contact Dermatitis
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Eczema: Epidermal inflammation with pruritus and indistinct borders . Dermatophyte (fungus)
. Nonspecific eczema is most common and is of unclear etiology . Insect bite
-Types include nummular eczema (oval patches and vesicles),
. Cellulitis
dyshidrotic eczema (vesicles on palms, digits, and soles), autosensiti- .Impetigo
zation (generalized rash following a localized dermatitis, due to hyper- . Erysipelas
sensitivity to an offending substance), and xerotic eczema (dry fissured . Herpes zoster
skin, common in whter) . Drug rash
. Contact dermatitis is eczema due to contact with a specific source . Pediculosis (lice)
-Irritants cause a direct toxic effect on skin (e.g., soaps, detergents,
. Scabies
chemicals, diaper dermatitis) . Pellagra
-Allergic insults cause an immune-mediated reaction (e.g., plants, metal, Psoriasis
chemicals, nickel, rubber) . Neurodermatitis
. Atopic dermatitis: Chronic eczema associated with family or patient . Photosensitivity reaction
history of atopy (asthma, allergic rhinitis); common in children . Thermal or radiation bum
. Seborrheic dermatitis: Chronic eczema of hairy areas (e.g., scalp)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Pruritus: If it doesn't itch, it's not . Diagnosis based on location and appearance of lesions
eczema . E,czema:. Appearance depends on the age of the rash
. Nummular eczema is a localized -Acute: Erythema, vesiculation (fluid filled blisters)
lesion that may appear anywhere -Subacute: Xerosis (dry skin), juicy papules, frssuring
. Dishidrotic occurs on palms and soles -Chronic: Lichenification (epidermal thickening)
. Autosensitization is a diffuse rash . Contact dermatitis: Well-demarcated plaques and vesicles in exposed
. Contact dermatitis occurs in areas of areas; may have weeping/crusting
exposue; symptoms may develop up to . Rhus contact dermatitis (poison ivy/oak): Streaks of papules on
7 days after exposue; history ofexpo- exposed skin
swe to furitant or allergen (e.g., deter- . Atopic dermatitis: Localized erythema, dry skin, facial erythema and
gent, plants such as poison i\y/oah perioral pallor, increased palmar markings
chemicals, neomycin, turpentine, mer- . Seborrheic dermatitis: Greasy, scaling patches/plaques
cury, nickel on belts or earrings) . Consider obtaining gram stain/culture for bacteria, KOH prep for fun-
. Atopic: Distinctive location on the gus, and/or Tzanck prep for HSV in unclear cases
face, scalp, neck, flexor surfaces . Outpatient studies: Biopsy and patch testing (allergen is placed in
(e.g., elbow, knee), and perineum skin to diagnose allergic contact dermatitis)
. Sebonheic: Found on the scalp, face,
eyebrows. anterior chest. axilJa, groin

Treatment Disposition
. Provide symptomatic relief for all patients . Nonspecific eczema follows a variable
-Oatmeal or comstarch baths decrease inJlammation course and may recur, but usually
-Moisturizing creams or ointments (emollients) responds to therapy
-Antihistamines to decrease pruritus; newer non-sedating anti-
. lrritant contact dermatitis: Course and
histamines are less effective duration depend upon the concentration
. Steroids for nonspecific eczema and contact dermatitis of agent causing the reaction and not
-Generally, continue therapy for 2-3 weeks to prevent rebound upon previous exposures; remains local-
recurence of Iesions ized; resolves in 1-2 weeks if the irri-
-Topical steroids are used in localized disease; available in vari- tant is removed
able shengths; side effects include skin atrophy with long- . Allergic contact dermatitis: Course
term use and hypopigmentation (moderate- and high-potency depends upon patient sensitivity and not
steroids are contraindicated on the face) the concenffation of the agent; may
-Oral steroids are used for severe generalized rash become generalized; resolves in 1-2
-Intralesional injection may be useful in thickened plaques weeks in most cases
. Contact dermatitis: Avoid exposures; use protective clothing . Atopic dermatitis follows a chronic
. Atopic dermatitis: Treat conservatively with antihistamines, course with intermittent flares; usually
hydration, and emollients; topical steroids are not indicated unless spontaneously remits in childhood, but
conservative treatment fails may last for decades
. Seborrheic dermatitis: Anti-seborrheic shampoos with zinc . Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic con-
pyrithione, selenium, or ketoconazole dition that responds well to therapy


127. Maculopapular Lesions
- Differential Dx
. Macules are small, flat, discolored areas of skin . Viral exanthem
. Papules are small, raised areas that are <1 cm in diameter (raised lesions .Eczema
)1 cm are called plaques)
. Seborrheic dermatitits
. Psoriasis: Inflammatory hyperproliferation of epidermal cells with hyper- . Drug reaction/eruption
keratosis; unclear etiology; increased by stress, during winter months, and
. Disseminated gonococcus
. Kawasaki syndrome
by certain drugs (e.g., lithium, p-blockers)
. Guttate psoriasis: Acute, diffuse psoriasis; often due to sffep infection . Meningococcemia
. Lichen planus: Epidermal inflammation; may be idiopathic or caused by . Fungal infection
drugs (e.g., diuretics, phenothiazines, antimalal:ials) or hepatitis
. Lichen simplex chronicus: Intensely pruritic rash . Secondary syphilis
. Pityriasis rosea: Exanthem-type eruption in i0-35 year olds; likely due to . Toxic shock syndrome
herpes virus 7; increased incidence in spring and fall
. Erythema multiforme
. Discoid lupus: Scaling rash in SLE patients . Rocky Mountain spotted fever
. Cutaneous T-cell lYmPhoma

Presentation Diagnosis
. Psoriasis causes variably pruritic, . Clinical diagnosis based on location and appearance of the rash
slow-growing plaques that occur on . Psoriasis: Sharply demarcated erythematous plaques and papules with
the extensor surfaces (i.e., elbows, a silvery scale
knees), gluteal cleft, and scalp but . Lichen planus: Pruritic, purple, polygonal papules with lacy white
spare the palms, soles, and face; nail markings (Wickham's striae)
pitting may occur . Lichen simplex chtonicus: Well-demarcated, intensely pruritic
. Lichen planus lesions may involve plaques with erythema and hyperpigmentation but minimal scale;
skin, mucosa, palms, and soles chronic changes with lichenification may occur
. Lichen simplex chronicus occurs . PitJriasis rosea: Red-brown oval and round plaques in a "Christmas
over the ankles, shins, dorsal feet, tree" distribution on the torso (i.e., follows the lines of skin folds); a
and genital areas herald patch is present in 807o
. Pityriasis rosea involves the trunk, . Discoid lupus: Purple-red plaques with white scale
proximal arms, and legs but spares . Secondary syphilis: Diffuse red-brown papules and plaques that
the palms and soles involve the palms and soles
. Discoid lupus occurs in sun-exposed

Treatment Disposition
. Psoriasis . Psoriasis is a chronic, recurrent disease
that waxes and wanes; usually improves
-Avoid excess drying of skin
in summer due to the effects of sunlight
-Localized disease may be treated with topical steroids, coal tar
ointment/baths, or calcitriol . Psoriatic arthritis occurs in 57o of psori-
with asis patients, resulting ir progressive
-Widespread disease should be treated as an outpatient
ultraviolet-A light plus psoralens (PUVA), UV-B light plus damage of the IP joints, knees, hiPs,
either coal tar or anthralin, or retinoids spine, and ankles
. Lichen planus usually remits after 1-2
-NSAIDs are used for psoriatic arthritis
years, but is chronic in some cases;
-Methotrexate or cyclosporine are also used in widespread skin
disease and for psoriatic arthritis recurrence is uncommon
. Lichen planus: Topical steroids and antihistamines . Lichen simplex chronicus is a chronic
. Lichen simplex chronicus: High-potency topical steroids and anti- disease that responds slowly to treat-
histamines ment
. Pityriasis rosea: Medium potency topical steroids and antihista- . Pityriasis rosea usually remits in 6-12
mines; in some refractory cases, ultraviolet light is used weeks; arrange outpatient biopsy if the
. Discoid lupus: Topical steroids and sunscreen; some require more rash lasts for a longer period of time
intensive anti-rheumatic therapy . Discoid lupus follows a chronic course
. Systemic steriods may be required for diffuse rashes but responds well to theraPY


128. Bullous Lesions
- Differential Dx
. Bullae are large blisters that occur between the epidermis and sub- . Bum
epidermal structures . Eczematous dermatitis
. Pemphigus vulgaris (PV): Formation ol intra-epidermal blisters due to al . Dyshidrotic eczema
autoimmune process that results in a loss of epidermal cell-to-cell adhe- . Contact dermatitis
sion (acantholysis); caused by immunoglobulin deposits; generaliy occurs . Herpes infection (HSV, zoster,
in 50-60 year olds or varicella)
. Bullous pemphigoid (BP): Autoimmune-mediated, sub-epidermal bullae . Cicatricial pemphigoid
caused by reaction of autoantibodies with basal keratinocytes; generally . Erythema multiforme
occurs in 5G-60 year olds . Stomatitis
. Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH): Subepidermal blistering due to IgA . Toxic epidemal necrolysis
deposits; associated with gluten enteropathy; occurs in young adults . Stevens-Johnson syndrome
. Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT): Abnormal heme synthesis due to absent . Bullous impetigo
enzymes leads to porphyrin accumulation and bullae formation; may be . PCT: SLE, Sjogren's, sarcoid,
familial or sporadic secondary syphilis

Presentation Diagnosis
. PV: Blisters occur on the skin and . Deflnitive diagnosis by biopsy; in the ED, bullous lesions may be dis-
ulcen occur on mucous membranes tinguished by location, age group of the patient, and characteristics of
(may involve pharynx, larynx, the lesions on physical exam
esophagus, vagina, penis, or anus); . Nikolsky's sign: Lateral pressure on a bulla causes intra-epidermal
oral lesions often begin months shearing with extension of the bulla; positive in diseases that affect
before skin involvement intra-epidemal adhesion
. BP: Pruritic blisters and eczema . Pemphigus vulgaris: Blisters are flaccid and fragile; erosions often
occur on the extremities, flexor sur- occur after blisters rupture; positive Nikolsky's sign
faces, axi11ae, groin, and lower . Bullous pemphigoid: Blisters are tense and intact; elosions may or
abdomenl the oral mucosa is may not occur; negative Nikolsky's sign
involved in 1/3 of cases . Dermatitis herpetiformis: Grouped clusters of vesicles and papules
. DH: Highly pruritic and grouped . Porphyria cutanea tarda: Small blisters and vesicles; 24-hour urine
vesicles and papules found on the reveals uroporphyrin and coproporphyrin in urine; urine is dark
elbows, knees, buttocks, shoulders, brown and may fluoresce under a Wood's lamp
and low back
. PCT: Painful blisters and vesicles
on the hands

Treatment Disposition
. Secondary bacterial infections must be treated in all cases . Pemphigus vulgaris is a severe life-
. Pemphigus vulgaris: Steroids are the mainstay of therapy (IV in threatening disease with 90Eo morlalily
severe cases); severe or generalized disease may require immuno- if untreated (107o with treatment)
suppressives (e.g., cyclophosphamide, azathiopdne, methotrex- . Course oi pemphigus vulgaris is vari-
ate); plasmapheresis for cases unresponsive to other therapy able-complete remission occurs in
. Bullous pemphigoid: Oral steroids until the lesions resolve; add some patients but others suffer in-
immunosuppressives (azathioprine or cyclophosphamide) in definitely; sepsis may occur from sec-
severe or resistant cases ondary infection
. Dermaittis herpetiformis: A gluten-free diet is usually cruative; . Pemphigus vulgaris patients should be
dapsone or sulfapyridine may be used to clear the disease; how- admitted in severe cases; will require
ever, lesions may recur once therapy is stopped dermatologic follow-up if discharged
. Porphyria cutanea tarda: Phlebotomy may be used; also consider . Bullous pemphigoid has an excelient
antimalarials prognosis: subsides alter a few years.
even if untreated
. Dermatitis herpetiformis: Medications
and diet will improve symptoms but
disease may recur if they are stopped


129. Vesicular Lesions (Herpes Viruses)
Differential Dx
. Vesicle:A smali, discrete fluid-containing bubble on the skrn
. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) affects the epidermis and mucosa; HSV-1 . Pemphigus foliaceus
generally causes oral infection, HSV-2 causes genital infection
. Paraneoplastic pemphigus
phase where the virus . Cicatricial pemphigoid
-Primary herpes infection is followed by a latent . Pemphigus vulgaris
resides in neural ganglia; patient remains infected for life
the primary lesion . Bullous pemphigoid
-Recunent infection may occur in the area of . Aphthous stomatitis
via close contact of a person with active lesions; 907o
a sex partner has active lesions
. Bullous impetigo
transmission rate
systemic infection . Erythema multiforme
-Immunocompromised patients can develop . Hand-foot-mouth disease
. Varicella zoster virus (VZV) is a herpes virus that causes chicken pox;
. Herpangina
highly contagious, respiratory spread; acute infection lasts about 2 weeks,
the patient is infectious until vesicles become crusted; latency occurs after
. Stevens-Johnson syn&ome
. Dermatitis herpetiformis
primary infection but may reactivate as shingles
. Herpes zoster causes shingles due to reactivation ofVaricella; occurs with . Porphyria cutanea tarda
advancing age, cancer, stress, immunosuppression

Presentation Diagnosis
. HSV primary disease is often . HSV: Peri-oral or peri-genital grouped vesicles with an erythematous
asymptomatic or may Present with base that develop into pustules, which may rupture, weep, and form a
vesicles. pain. and buming (i.e.. gin- crust
givostomatitis or vulvovaginitis) in a -Primary infection has multiple crops of vesicles
dermatomal distribution -Secondary infection has fewer crops of vesicles;
. Recurrent HSV outbreaks usually -"Herpetic whitlow" is infection of fingers by HSV
have a prodrome of buming/itching . Chicken pox: Systemic rash; vesicles on an erythematous base ("dew-
for 1-2 days prior to aPPearance of drops on a rose petal") plogress to pustules, crusts, and scar; lesions
lesions in a dermatomal distribution will be at varying stages of development
. Chicken pox presents with a . Shingles: Clinical diagnosis by groups of vesicles in a dermatomal
severely pruritic systemic rash, distribution
fever, malaise, and chiils . Tzanck smear: Unroof lesion using a scalpel; staining of vesicular
. Shingles occurs in a dermatomal fluid with Wright's or Giemsa stain reveals multinucleated giant cells;
distribution after a prodrome of only 607o sensitive
radicular pain, tingling, and itching; . Consider gram stain, culture, or KOH prep of lesions in unclear cases

Ramsay-Hunt syndrome results in to confirm diagnosis

lesions on the TM and comea

Treatment Disposition
. HSV: Avoid contact with persons who have vesicles present . HSV: Primary disease has I week incu-
bation and lasts 3 weeks
-Oral lesions: Penciclovir lEo crearr' for 4-7 days decreases
viral shedding and time to healing; use in the prodromal stage -Active viral shedding begins even
may prevent the recurrence before recurrent lesions appear (i.e.,
(e.g , acyclovir, famci- infected patient may be infectious
-Primary genital lesions: Oral antiviral
clovir, valacyclovir) for 10 daYs even in the absence of lesions)

-Recurent genital lesions: Oral antiviral for 5 days

(must treat -Recurrence may occur from stress,
within 2 days of onset for benefit) fever, sunlight, menses
-Chronic suppression: Oral antiviral (e.g., acyclovir bid.
famci- -Complications: Chronic ulceration,
clovir bid, or valacyclovir qd) generalized mucocutaneous spread,

-lmmunocompromised patients or severe systemic disease:

IV systemic infection
acyclovir . Chicken pox: Self-limited in healthy
. Chicken pox: Immunization (Varivax) is 807o effective at prevent- children; bacterial superinfection, pneu-
ing disease; symptomatic treatment includes lotions, antihista- monia, or encephalitis may develoP;
mines, oatmeal baths, and antipyretics; IV acyclovir in immuno- matemal varicella may result in
suppressed patients maternal-fetal spread
. Shingles: Oral antiviral; prednisone is controversial; must staft . Shingles: Rash persists for 2-3 weeks;
therapy within 3 days ofrash for best results; IV acyclovir for posfherpetic neuralgia may cause
patients with eye or nose involvement; narcotics and amitriptyline severe neuropathic pain iasting months
for post-herpetic neuralgia


1 30. Lacerations
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Account for tp to l\Vo of ED visits . Lacerations
. Wound healing is a process that requires weeks to months; full retum to . Crush wound
pre-injury tissue strength is achieved at 150 days . Bite wound (human, cat, dog)
. Goal of repair is to achieve cosmesis and prevent wound infection . Puncture wound
. Primary closure: Closure at time of initial evaluation using suture, adhe- . High-pressure injection injury
sive, or staples . Foreign body
. Secondary closure: Wound is not closed but is allowed to heal gradually . Nailbed injury
by granulation tissue; used for wounds with a high risk of infection (e.g., . Tendon injury
puncture wounds, )8 hours since injury) . Amputation
. Tertiary closure (delayed primary closure): Wound is packed without clos- . Open fracture/joint space
ing; closure follows a week later if the wound is not infected; used for . Needle stick injury
large wounds with high infection risk
. Risk factors for infection include poor vascular supply (e.g., wound to
hands or feet), moist skin folds, foreign body, co-morbid medical illness
(e.g., diabetes), steroid use, elderly, crush wounds

Presentation Diagnosis
Note the following wound charac- . Anesthetize the area with an injectable or topical agent
teristics: . Hemostasis either locally or with a blood pressure cuff
. Explore the wound for foreign bodies (significantly increase the risk
-Time since wound occurred
-Length of wound of infection); X-rays may be used to evaluate metal, stone, and most
-Depth of wound (tissue layers- glass; CT may be required for wood or plastic
subcutaneous, fascia, muscle) . Debride devitalized, dead, or contaminated tissue to allow for healthy
-Shape of wound wound edges
. Irrigate the area with adequate volume (>500 cc) and pressure (suffi-
-Location and tension
-Risk of foreign body or gross cient pressure to dislodge bacteria is generated by a syririge and
contamination 18 gauge angiocatheter)
-Distal neurovascular symptoms . Closure: Slightly evert wound edges and match skin layers; use a
-Tendon function deep layer of sutures if the fascia is penetrated or there is high ten-
-Handedness sion on the wound
. Wound care: Cover with antibiotic ointment and a dressfurg for 48
-Keloid or scar formation from
previous wounds hours (change dressing daily); follow tp in24-72 hours for re-check;
-Tetanus status advise on long tetm care to minimize scar (e.g., avoid sunlight, use
suntan lotion for 1 yeaq use vitamin E or aloe)

Treatment Disposition
. Tetanus toxoid should be administered if the last booster was . Consultation is required for some eyelid
)10 years ago or if )5 years ago and wound is contaminated wounds, open fracture or joint, exten-
. Pain control with NSAIDs, acetaminophen and/or narcotics sive facial wounds, involvement of ten-
. Close the wounds using dons, nerves, or major vessel, loss of
-Sutures: Absorbable (polyglactin, chromic gut, piain gut) or significant skin surface area
non-absorbable (nylon, polypropylene, silk, polyester) . Bjte wounds/closed-fist injuries require
-Staples: In areas where scars will not be seen (e.g., scalp) antibiotics and frequent follow-up; be
-Adhesives (cyanoacrylate glue): In wounds
(5 cm in length wary of retahed tooth fragments
with minimal tension (cosmesis equal to sutures) . Closed-fist injuries often involve the
*Tape (steri-strips): For small wounds with little tension MCP joint space
. Antibiotics are not routineiy used; indicated in bites, plantar . Puncture wounds should be opened as
punctures, intra-oral lacerations, or contaminated wounds needed to inspect for foreign bodies;
*Dicloxacillin or cephalexin (staph and strep coverage) high infection rate
. High-pressure injection (e.g., paint gun,
-AmoxicillirVclavulanic acid for bite wounds
. Injectable anesthetics may be used to achieve local or regional air gun) may result in significant deep
nerve block (e.g., digits, face, teeth); epinephrine is often added to tissue involvementl often requires surgi-
cause vasoconsffiction in order to decrease bleeding and prolong cal exploration
anesthetic presence/effectiveness (not used on digits, ears, nose, . Despite proper care and management
penis as ischemia may ensue) 3-57o of wounds will become infected;
wam patients of signs of hfection



1 31 . The Red Eye
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Common causes include glaucoma, infection, trauma (see entries) . Entropion or ectropion
. Keratitis: Inflammation of the comea due to herpes simplex, herpes zoster, . Infection (conjunctivitis, bleph-
bacteria, UV light, contact lenses, or dry eye syndrome aritis, dacrocystitis, endoph-
. Anterior uveitis: Inflammation of iris and ciliary body; most often idio- thalmitis, orbital cellulitis)
pathic but may be due to trauma, infection (e.g., TB, syphilis, herpes, . Allergic conjunctivitis
Lyme), sarcoid, IBD, SLE, RA, Sjogren's, or Reiter's . Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
. Scleritis: Inflammation of the sclera; may be the initial symptom of con- . Keratitis
nective tissue disease (e.g., SLE, RA, Wegener's, vasculitis, sarcoid) or . Anterior uveitis (iritis)
infection (e.g., syphilis, TB, Lyme, zoster) . Scleritis/episcleritis
. Episcleritis: Benign, idiopathic inflammation near the sclera . Subconjunctival hemorrhage
. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KS): Benign cause of dry red eyes; may be . Acute closed angle glaucoma
due to drugs (e.g., antihistamines, anticholinergics), Sjogren's syndrome, . Comeal perforation
or sarcoidosis . Trauma (foreign body, corneal
. Subconjunctival hemorrhage: Benign ruptue of small vessels due to abrasion, globe injury)
underlying coagulopathy, trauma, coughing, or eye rubbing

Presentation Diagnosis
. Pain, pruritus, discharge, sensation . Ocular exam with topical anesthetic may identify hallmarks of uveitis
of foreign body, and photophobia (i.e., constricted, minimally reactive pupil and pain with accommoda-
are often present tion) or glaucoma (i.e., hazy comea and dilated, non-reactive pupil)
. Keratitis: Pain. redness. rearing. . Slit lamp exam with fluorescein stain
decreased vision -May demonstrate foreign body or corneal abrasion
. Uveitis: Pain, perilimbai injection May show anterior chamber reaction/inflammation due to uveitis,
. Scleritis: Unilateral serere pain. keratitis, scleritis, comeal ulcer, gonococcal or bacterial infection
decreased vision, and injection; no . Consider tonometry if suspect increased intraocular pressure
discharge . Culture of discharge if suspect keratitis or bacterial infection
. Episcleritis: Mild pain, localized . Consider CT of orbits if foreign body is suspected
redness . Consider PT/PTT and platelet count to evaluate coagulopathic causes
. Subconjunctival hemorrhage: of subconjunctival hemorrhage
Painless localized hemorrhage . Additional workup may be warranted for recurrent or bilateral uveitis
. Infectious conjunctivitis: Watery and scleritis (e.g., ESR, ANA, PPD, VDRL, CXR for sarcoid and TB,
purulent discharge with injection toxoplasma and CMV titers)
. Allergic conjunctivitis: Watsry dis-
charge with injection

Treatment Disposition
. Provide appropriate oral analgesics as needed . Consult ophthalmology and consider
. Keratitis admission for patients with unciear
-Topical broad-specffum antibiotics (quinolone or aminoglyco- diagnosis, diminished vision, uveitis,
side) scleritis, keratitis, acute closed angle
-Antivirals (topical and/or oral) if HSV is suspected glaucoma, bacterial infection, comeal
-Cycloplegics for pain control if iritis is present ulcer, endophthalmitis, or perforation/-
. Uveitis/iritis globe injury
. Discharge patients with clear diagnosis,
-Cycloplegics decrease pain by preventing ciliary muscle
spasm intact vision, and good follow-up
-Topical steroids may be used to decrease inflammation as long Non-herpetic keratitis usually resolves
as infection has been definitively ruied out after consuiting in 2-3 days; however, herpes keratitis is
with ophthalmology vision threatening
. Scleritis: Topical/systemic steroids are administered in absence of . Uveitis: Complications include cataract,
infection after consulting with ophthalmology glaucoma, and pupillary dysfunction
. Episcleritis: Topical vasoconstrictors or anti-inflammatory med- . Episcleritis is usually selfJimiting
ications (e.g., NSAIDs, steroids) . Scleritis should resolve with treatment.
. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca: Discontinue offending medications but may recur
and treat with afiificial tears and eye lubricants
. Subconjunctival hemorrhage: No therapy required


132. Acute Vision Loss
- Differential Dx
. Differentiate rapid, acute vision loss from slow' chronic degeneration . Glaucoma
(e.g., commonly due to cataract or proliferative diabetic letinopathy) . CVA
. Retinal detachment: Vision loss due to trauma or proliferative retinopathy . TIA (amaurosis fugax)
. Vitreous hemorrhage: Loss of vision due to bleeding within the globe sec- . Intracranial mass lesion
ondary to coagulopathy, proliferative retinopathy, or trauma
. Cerebral aneurysm
. Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO): Sudden, painless loss of vision . Migraine
caused by embolism, atherosclerosis, or temporai arteritis
. Cavemous sinus thrombosis
. . Malingering
Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO): Subacute, painless venous throm-
. Uveitis
bosis or occlusion; associated with diabetes or HTN
. Temporal arteritis: Vasculitis of medium-sized arteries (especially the . Methanol ingestion
carotids) that affects patients ) age 50
. Optic neuritis: Rapid, painful loss of vision due to optic nerve injury
-Most common non-traumatic cause of vision loss in patients
-Due to MS, virus, connective tissue disease' sarcoid, TB

Presentation Diagnosis
. Retinal detachment: Painless; flash- . Fundoscopic exam is mandtttory (cycloplegics facilitate exam)
ing tights. floaters. and curlain or . Tonometry to measure eye pressures
shadow over the visual field; gray- . Test visual acuity alone and while looking through a pinhole
ish area on the retina -Pinhole improves vision in lens, vitreous, or corneal pathology
. Vitreous hemorrhage: Painless; -Vision is unimproved in retinal, vascular, or CNS pathology
floaters or cobwebsi hemorrhage . Swinging flashlight test for afferent pupillary defect
. CRAO: Painless; pale retina with -Marcus-Gunn pupil: The pupil inappropriately dilates to direct
cherry red spot light but has an appropriate consensual response (i.e., constricts
. CRVO: Painless; swollen optic disc when the light is shined in the other eye)
retinal hemorrhages, cotton wool -Present in optic nerve injury (optic neuritis), temporai artedtis
spots . Visual field testing
. Temporal arteritis: Severe headache -Retinal detachment may have parlial or complete field loss
and tenderness over the temporal -CNS lesions have characteristic visuai field loss patterns
area, fever, malaise -Optic neuritis results in central loss with peripheral sparing
. Optic neuritis: Painful; usually uni- . Head CT may show vitreous hemorrhage and retinal detachment
lateral; afferent pupillary defect; . Temporal arteritis: Elevated ESR; temporal biopsy is diagnostic
normal fundoscopy

Treatment Disposition
. CVA requires workup and therapy for acute sffoke . Emergent ophthalmology consultation
. Intracranial mass lesions may require surgical decompression is required in all cases of acute vision
. Central retinal artery occlusion: There are no proven ED thera- loss
pies; however, attempts are made to move the clot peripherally to . Many patients will require admission or
improve blood flow urgent surgical intervention (e.g., retinal
-Ocular massage may dislodge the clot
. May discharge if diagnosis is clear and
-Topical p-blocker and IV acetazolamide will decrease
ular pressure to allow clot mobility visual loss is minimal or has resolved
chamber centesis may also decrease IOP (generally . Retinal detachment is often successfully
performed by ophthalmology) repaired
. CRAO is a true emergency with a poor
-CO, re-breathing dilates cranial arterioles
. Central retinal vein occlusion may require photocoagulation prognosis; imeversible damage begins
. Temporal arleritis: Immediate high-dose systemic steroids must to occur within 60 minutes
. Temporal arteritis has good prognosis if
be administered to prevent permanent vision loss, even if the
diagnosis is not yet confirmed by biopsy steroid therapy begins before vision ioss
. Retinal detachment: Surgical repair by banding or laser occurs
. Optic neuritis: Often treated conservatively with analgesia and . Optic neuritis improves within 6 weeks
ophthalmology follow-up; may require systemic steroids in 957o of cases


133. Eye lnfections
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Conjunctivitis is the most common eye infection . Traumatic eye injury (e.g.,
-Viral: The most cornrnon cause of red eye (especially adenovirus); eas- comeal abrasion)
ily transmissible and may become epidemic . Conjunctivitis
-Bacterial: Staph, strep, H flu; pseudomonas in contact lens users . Bacterial keratitis/corneal ulcer
-Gonorrhea: Very aggressive; may spread to deep structures . Viral conjunctivitis
-Neonatal: Herpes, gonorrhea, and chlamydia are common . HSV keratitis
. Bacterial keratitis/corneal ulcer: Rapidly progressive infection of the . Allergic conjunctivitis
comea, conjunctiva, and anterior chamber with corneal ulceration and . Fungal conjunctivitis
uveitis; usually occurs following comeal abrasion . Acute anterior uveitis (iritis)
. Herpes infections: Usually due to reactivation of latent virus (HSV or . Comeal abrasion
zoster); may affect skin, conjunctiva, and comea; vision-threatening . Ultraviolet keratitis
. Suspect fungal cause in immunosuppressed or persistent infections . Blepharitis (eyelid inflamma-
. Endophthalmitis: Serious, vision-threatening fungal or bacterial infection tion)
of the intraocular cavity caused by trauma or surgery; associated with dia- . Orbital cellulitis
betes mellitus and immunosuppression . Periorbital cellulitis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Conjunctivitis: Diffuse redness, . History and physical exam, including sexual history
edema, watery (viral) or purulent . Visual acuity
(bacterial) discharge, moming . Tonometv exam to measure eye pressures
crusting; normal visual acuity . Slit lamp exam with fluorescein stain may be diagnostic
. Gonococcus: Extremely copious -No comeal dye uptake or anterior chamber reaction in simple con-
discharge, scleral hemorrhage junctivitis
. Chlamydia: Mucous discharge; -Localized dye uptake in comeal abrasions
swollen bulbar conjunctiva folli- -Punctate comeal dye uptake in keratitis
cles -Dendritic-shaped uptake indicates HSV or zoster
. Herpes: Pain, blurry vision, tear- -May show anterior chamber reaction/inflammation in keratitis,
ing, decreased corneal sensation, comeal ulcer, gonorrhea, herpes
photophobia, redness, vesicles on -Corneal ulcer has ahazy or white appearance
skin or nose (Hutchinson's sign) . Culture and gram stain of exudate if suspect gonorrhea, bacterial ker-
. Bacterial keratitis: Pain, discharge, atitis, or corneal ulcer; in neonates; and in non-resolving infections
injection, pain with consensual or (also consider fungal cultures)
direct light reflex, photophobia
. Endophthalmitis: Pain, decreased
vision, headache, redness

Treatment Disposition
. Conjunctivitis: Supportive therapy with cool compresses and ocu- . Conjunctivitis can be very contagious
lar decongestant drops (e.g., Naphcon-A) for up to 7 days; use gloves when
-Viral: No treatment is required; empiric topical antibiotics are examining the patient
often used but there is no evidence of benefit . Emergent ophthalmology consult and
-Bacterial: Topical antibiotics for 5 days; antipseudomonal likely admission for bacterial keratitis,
antibiotic drops (e.g., aminoglycoside, quinolone) for contact suspected gonorrhea, comeal ulcer, her-
lens users pes infections, and endophthalmitis
-Gonorrhea: Systemic antibiotics (e.g., ceftriaxione and doxy- . Discharge patients with uncomplicated
cycline in adults, penicillin in neonates) conjunctivitis
-Chlamydia: Systemic antibiotics (e.g., azithromycin or doxy- . Contact lens users must not wear lenses
cycline in adults, erythromycin in neonates) until symptoms resolve
-Neonates: Treat for chlamydia and gononhea (e.g., topical . Never place a patch in contact lens
erythromycin and IV ceftriaxone) users due to risk of pseudomonas infec-
. Herpes virus: Topical or systemic antivirals for HSV; systemic tion and perforation
antivirals for zoster; avoid steroids due to risk of comeal perfora- . Complications of eye infections may
tion include vision loss, glaucoma, ot
. Bacterial keratitis/comeal ulcer: Altemate topical quinolone and corneal scaring
aminoglycoside drops every 15 minutes
. Endophthalmitis: Systemic and/or intraorbital antibiotics


134. Glaucoma
- Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Due to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP)--either acute or chronic-that . Red eye (e.g., infection, uveitis,
results in corneal edema, optic nerve damage, and blindness if not conected allergy, abrasion, trauma)
. Aqueous humor (AH) is normally produced by the ciliary body in the pos- . Headache (e.g., migraine, clus-
terior chamber, circulates to the anterior chamber, and is reabsorbed by ter, tension, temporal arteritis)
the trabecular meshwork
. Gl causes of nausea/vomiting
. Open angle glaucoma is a chronic disease of inadequate trabecular reab- . Vision loss (e.g., vascular occiu-
sorption of aqueous humor-may be asymptomatic until significant optic sion, retinal injury)
nerve damage has occurred
. Secondary glaucoma: Diabetes,
. Closed angle glaucoma is caused by a narrowed anterior chamber that pre- endocrine disease, trauma, or
vents aqueous humor from reaching the trabecular meshwork drugs (e.g., steroids, ahopine,
antidepressants, anxiolytics,
-Acute angle closure glaucoma is a medical emergency with a rapid
increase in IOP and severe symptoms; precipitated by pupillary dilata- sympathomimetics. antihista-
tion (e.g., dim light, stress, fatigue); some medical illness and medica- mines, mydriatics)
tions increase the risk of disease (secondary glaucoma)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Open angle glaucoma is asympto- . Check visual acuity and visual field exam
matic except for gradual vision loss . Tonometry measues intraocular pressure (normal 10-21 mmHg)
. Acute angle closure glaucoma -Acute angle closure presents with elevated pressrres
-Severe eye pain -Chronic glaucoma may be present even if pressure is normal
-Eye redness -Asymptomatic, chronically elevated pressure does not necessarily
-Headache indicate glaucoma (i.e., glaucoma cannot be diagnosed unless
-Blurry vision optic nerve damage is present)
. Pupils are fixed and mildly dilated in acute angle closure glaucoma
-Halos around lights
-Nausea/vomiting, abdominal but are normally reactive in chronic angle closure
pain . Cornea has a cloudy appearance in acute angle closure glaucoma
. Flashlight test is positive in angle closure glaucoma
-Ocular exam: Globe is firm to
palpation. cloudy cornea. mini- -Hold light at the temporal limbus and shine medially
mally reactive pupil -If the nasal half of the iris is shadowed, the angle is narrowed and
. Chronic angle closure may present glaucoma is likely (807o sensitjve)
only with vague eye pain . Fundoscopy will show cupping of the optic nerve or optic disc in
open angle glaucoma

Treatment Disposition
. Treatment is aimed at decreasing aqueous humor production and . A11 patients with acute angle closure
increasing outflow glaucoma require emergent ophthalmol-
. Topical B-blockers (e.g., timolol, betoxolol) decrease AH produc- ogy consultation and admission
tion and increase outflow; systemic side effects may occur due to . Patients with chronic glaucoma may be
nasolacrimal absorption (e.g., bradycardia, bronchospasm) discharged with ophthaimology follow-
. Topical o-agonists (e.g., apraclonidine, brimonidine) decrease AH up
production; side effects may include dry mucous membranes and . Risk factors for open angle glaucoma
mild hypotension include advanced age, African-
. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (topical, oral, or IV) also decrease American, family history, diabetes mel-
AH production litus, severe myopia, and steroid use
. IV mannitol increases serum osmolality, which shifts fluid out of . Risk factors for closed angie glaucoma
the eye to decrease IOP include Asian descent, family history,
. Topical pilocarpine is a cholinergic agonist that improves AH out- hyperopia, past uveitis, medications
flow by constricting the pupil and ciliary body; however, it is . Frequently re-check IOP
ineffective if IOP is greater than 40 mmHg . Elderly patients may present atypically
. Topical prostaglandin analogues (e.g', latanoprost) also increase (e.g., they may complain only of
AH outflow abdominal pain)
. Marrjuana has been shown to decrease IOP; however, side effects
and legal issues limit its use


1 35. Trauma to the Anterior Eye
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. The anterior segment of the eye includes the comea, anterior sclera, con- . Posterior segment injury
junctiva, iris, lens, and the anterior chamber . Comeal injury (abrasion, lacera-
. Comeal epithelial injury ("comeal abrasion"): Superficial injury caused by tion, foreign body, posttraumatic
minor trauma (e.g., scratch), foreign body, contact lens use, or UV light ulcer)
. UV keratitis: Radiation burn due to tanning booths, welding, altitude . Ultraviolet keratitis
. Posttraumatic comeal ulcer: Due to bacterial or fungal infection . Conjunctival laceration
. Comeal or scleral laceration/rupture: Deep injuries that can extend into . Cornea./sclera perforation
the anterior chamber or globe . Hyphema
. Traumatic iritis: Inflammation of the iris due to blunt ffauma . kis/ciliary body injury
. kis/ciliary body injury: Blunt trauma can cause transient miosis or mydri- . Traumatic iritis (iridocyclitis)
asis, or may cause iridodialysis (avulsion of the iris) . kidodialysis
. Hyphema: Blood in the anterior chamber, usually originating from the Ais . Posttraumatic glaucoma
or ciliary body; causes include trauma, coagulopathy, and leukemia . Lens subluxation/dislocation
. Chemical injury (acid, alkali,
airbag, skin glue)

Presentation Diagnosis
. General symptoms include pain, . Ocular exam with topical anesthetic (note: prolonged anesthetic use
redness, sensation of foreign body, may cause delayed healing, further damage due to lack of comeal
photophobia, tearing, conjunctival sensation, or toxic chemical keratitis)
. Tonometry to measure intraocular pressure and rule out posttraumatic
injection, blepharospasm
. Comeal perforation: Teardrop glaucoma (contraindicated if suspect scleral /comeal laceration or
pupil (due to prolapsed iris), globe penetration)
. Evert 1id to identify foreign bodies
. Comeal ulcer: Cloudy white/gray . Slit lamp exam will show foreign bodies and lacerations, and al1ow
. Iridodialysis: Double pupil examination of anterior chamber for cell and flare (inflammation, iri-
. Lens dislocation: Monocular tis, infection, hyphema) and RBCs (hyphema)
. Fluorescein stain
diplopia, quivering/displaced lens
. Iritis: Perilimbal injection. pain -Corneal abrasions fluoresce
upon accommodation or consensu- -"Ice rink sign": Multiple linear abrasions suggest FB under 1id
al light reflex -Seidel test: Streaming of fluorescein indicates aqueous humor
. Scleral laceration: Bloody chemosis leakage due to a full-thickness comeal or scleral injury
(conjunctivai hemonhage/swelling) . Consider CT to rule out intraocular foreign body and to examine for
. Hyphema: Anterior chamber RBCs posterior eye and orbital injuries

Treatment Disposition
. Comeal epithelial injury/UV keratitis . Must mle out posterior segment and
-Provide analgesia with acetaminophen, topical NSAIDs (e.g., orbital injuries
ketorolac), and short-acting cycloplegics . Admission and ophthalmology evalua-
-Topical antibiotics are frequently prescribed; however, there is tion for serious injuries
no definitive evidence that they improve outcome -Decreased visual acuity
-Contact lens wearers require anti-pseudomonal coverage (e.g., -Large amount o[ visual axis
aminoglycoside or a quinoione) involved
-Eye patch may be wom for comfort; no benefit in healing -Multiple foreign bodies
. Chemical injury: Immediately irrigate until eye pH is normal then -Hyphema
administer antibiotics, analgesics, and cycloplegics -Posttraumatic corneal ulcer
. Foreign body: Remove with a stream of sterile saline, cotton tip -Comeal or scleral laceration or per-
applicator, eye spud, or 25-gauge needle; deep foreign bodies foration
should be removed by ophthalmology -Chemical injury
. Comeal ulcer: Frequent topical or systemic antibiotics -Any iris or ciliary body injury
. ComeaVscleral laceration: Metal eye shield, tetanus shot, IV -Lens dislocation/subluxation
antibiotics, antiemetics, and analgesics; may require surgery -Posttraumatic glaucoma
. Traumatic iritis: Cycloplegics; consider steroids . Reevaluate all eye injuries in 24 hours
. Hyphema: Analgesics, antiemetics, eye shield, head elevation, and . Retum to ED immediately if decreased
eye rest (no reading or TV) vision or increased pain


136. Trauma to the Posterior Eye and Globe
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Posterior eye structues include the vitreous body, retina, choroids, poste- . Anterior eye segment tnJury
. Optic nerve injury
rior sclera, and optic nerve
posterior eye injury may result in permanent loss of vision
. Globe luxation (globe lies exter-
. Vitreous cavity hemorrhage: Bleeding due to vitreous body detachment or na1 to orbit)
. Orbital fracture
injury to the iris, ciliary body, retina, or choroid
. Retinal injury: Includes breakage and detachment of the retina . Adnexal injury
. Intraocular foreign body: Suspect in any injury with a high velocity pro- . Eyelid laceration
jectile (e.g., grinding, sanding); may be painless . Shaken baby syndrome (retinal
. Open globe injury: Full thickness injury caused by blunt trauma (resulting hemorrhages)
in a rapid increase in IOP) or penetrating trauma
. Retrobulbar hemorrhage (orbital compartment syndrome): Bleeding
behind the globe resulting in increased intraorbital pressure
. Posttraumatic endophthalmitis: Infection of posterior eye structures
. Eyelid trauma: Suspect globe injury in full thickness injury puncture
wounds, or if prolapsed fat is present

Presentation Diagnosis
. Vitreous hemorrhage: Hazy or . Fundoscopic exam: Examine for blood; retinal injury may result in a

decreased vision, fl oaters/cobwebs, boat- or flame-shaped hemorrhage ot ahazy gray retina

afferent papillary defect; blood in . Extraocular movement abnormalities suggest intraorbital injury
the posterior chamber . Tonomeffy is contraindicated if open globe injury, globe rupture, or
. Retinal injury: Painless, floaters or intraocular foreign body is suspected
flashes of light, curtaitVshadow over . Seidel's test for open globe injury or intraocular foreign body is posi-
visual field tive if a fluorescein-stained stream of aqueous humor is present
. Foreign body: Symptoms ofopen . Orbital CT is diagnostic for most posterior eye injuries (e.g., vitreous
globe injury may be present hemorrhage, retinal injury, intraocular foreign bodies, orbital fracture,
. Globe injury/rupture: Pain, redness, and retrobulbar hemorrhage)
swelling, enophthalmos, normal or . MRI may be more effective to visualize intraocular foreign bodies
decreased vision, subconjunctival but is contraindicated if metal foreign body is suspected
hemorrhage, hyphema, inegular . Facial plain films or CT are helpful in suspected orbital fractues
pupil, shallow anterior chamber
. Retrobulbar hemorrhage: Proptosis.
pain, elevated IOP, decreased
extraocular movement, vision loss

Treatment Disposition
. Vitreous hemorrhage: Bed rest with head elevated and analgesia; . Maintain a high degree of suspicion for
avoid NSAIDs and ASA due to platelet inhibition posterior injury in eye ffauma and con-
. Retinal injury: Treatment by ophthalmology with laser or scleral sult ophthalmology in unclear cases
. Emergent ophthalmoiogy consult for all
buckling; treat within 24 hours if possible
. Inffaocular foreign body: Eye shield, antiemetics, broad-specffum posterior eye pathology
. Most patients require admission for fur-
systemic antibiotics, and possible surgical removal
. Open globe injury: Prevent episodes of elevated intmocular pres- ther lherapy. surgical intervention.
sure, which may cause furlher extrusion of contents; eye shield, and/or systemic antibiotics
pain control, antiemetics, sedation, IV antibiotics, surgical reparr
. Prognosis depends on presenting visual
. Retrobulbar hemorrhage: Emergent therapy with topical p-block- acuity, mechanism and extent of injury
ers and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors to decrease IOP; emergent presence of retained foreign body, and
decompression may be required presence of lens defect
. Eyelid injury/laceration
*Partial thickness injury may be repaired in ED
-Ophthalmology must repair full thickness lacerations; injuries
with involvement of the lid margin, lacrimal duct, or levator
apparatus; and injuries with orbital penetration
. Posthaumatic endophthalmitis: Broad-spectrum systemic, topical
and intraocular antibiotics




137 . Ear Pain
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Otitis media: Infection of the middle ear, commonly d\e to Streptococcus . Otitis media
pneumoniae, H. influenzae, or Moraxella catarrhalis;most often in . Acute otitis extema
infants and children . Malignant otitis externa
. Acute otitis extema (swimmer's ear): Infection of the extemal auditory . Bullous myringitis
canal, usually by Pseudomonas aeruginosa ot S. aureus . Tympanic membrane perforation
. Malignant otitis externa: Infection of the extemal canal by Pseudomonas, . Barotrauma
which spreads to the structures of the ear, skull, parotid gland, cranial . Cerumen impaction
nerves, carotid vessels, meninges, and/or TMJ; most cornmon in elderly, . Foreign body
diabetics, or immunosuppressed patients . Frostbite
. Bullous myringitis: Infection and formation of bullae in the auditory canal
and tympanic membrane (TM)
. Traumatic hematoma of the external ear cartilage may cause deformity or
necrosis if not properly treated
. TM perforation may occur due to trauma, pressure, or loud noises

Presentation Diagnosis
. Otitis media: Ear pain; red, bulging, . Diagnosis by visual inspection and palpation of the ear structures
or retracted TM with or without . The entire tympanic membrane must be visualized for the exam to be
fluid buildup; poor movement of adequate
TM on pneumatic otoscopy; may . Malignant otitis extema requires head CT to define the degree of tis-
have fever or hearing loss sue invasion
. Otitis extema: Pain, erythema, ten- . ESR will be markedly elevated in malignant otitis externa
demess, crusting, and drainage of
the external canal; hearing loss
. Malignant otitis extema: Otitis
extema symptoms plus trismus,
parotitis. cranial nerve findings.
meningitis, or neck pain
. Bullous myringitis: Visible bullae,
severe pain, and hearing loss
. Hematoma: Pain and swelling
. TM perforation: Pain and possible

Treatment Disposition
. Otitis media requires oral antibiotics for 10-14 days . Discharge patients with acute otitis
-Children: High-dose amoxicillin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, extema or otitis media
cefprozil, cefuroxime, cefpodoxime, a macrolide, TMP-SMX, . Malignant otitis extema is a life-threat-
or single dose IM ceftriaxone ening emergency that requires urgent
-Adults: Amoxicillin, amoxicillin-/clavulanic acid, cefuroxime, ENT consultation and admission for
or a quinolone IV antibiotics
. Otitis extema requires pain control, cleaning with hydrogen per- . Hematoma requires lollow-up in
oxide, and topicai antimicrobials for 10 days 24-48 hours
. Uncomplicated TM perforation does not
-Consider ear wick if a large amount of edema is present
-Ifperforation occurs, apply Cortisporin otic suspension (solu- result in hearing loss; presence of hear-
tion is middle ear toxic) or Floxin otic ing loss should prompt a search for
. Malignant otitis extema requires double-coverage of Pseudomonas more serious etiologies
with IV antibiotics: Antipseudomonal penicillin/penicillinase . Majority of TM perforations will heal;
inhibitor, aminoglycoside, cefipime or ceftazadine, atdJor a may be discharged with ENT follow-up
quinolone . Complications of otitis media include
. Bullous myringitis is treated with azithromycin, analgesics, anti- mastoiditis. dural abscess. meningitis.
inflammatory medications, and warrn compresses lateral sinus thrombosis, and
. Drain traumatic hematomas and apply a pressure dressing cholesteatoma
. TM perforation requires only topical antibiotics if contamination
is suspected


1 38. Epistaxis
- Differential Dx
. Differentiate anterior nasal bleeding from posterior nasal bleeding . Dry nasal mucosa
. Anterior epistaxis (907o of nosebleeds) is generally a benign process that . Trauma
. Infection
quickiy resolves with ED therapy
vessels in the . Allergic rhinitis
-Most commonly originates in Kiesselbach's plexus of
anterior nasal septum 'Hypertension
. Posterior epistaxis is a much more serious bleed that originates in the . Anticoagulant therapy or other

large posterior nasal vessels and is more difficult to control-may result coagulopathy
. Cocaine use
in significant blood loss, hypotension, or airway compromise
. Cases of epistaxis occur more frequently during the dry winter months, in . Hereditary telangiectasia
. Juvenile nasopharyngeal
dry heat, or with abrupt temperature changes
. Foreign body
. Tumor

Presentation Diagnosis
. Anterior epistaxis . Visualize interior of the nose with a head lamp and nasal forceps
. CBC and PT/PTT may be ordered in cases of anterior epistaxis if a
-Unilateral bieeding
-Minimal or no blood in the pos- coagulopathy is susPected
terior pharynx . CBC, blood type and screen, and PT/PTT in significant cases ofpos-
-Dried clots terior epistaxis
. Consider CT of the head and facial bones if epistaxis is the result of
-Visible bleeding site
. Posterior epistaxis trauma
-Bilateral bleeding
-Blood or clots in the oroPharynx
-No visible anterior lesions
-Fails to resolve with anlerior

Treatment Disposition
. Anterior epistaxis . Discharge patients with controlled ante-
rior epistaxis with PCP or ENT follow-
-Maintain direct pressure for a minimum of 10 minutes
up in 2-3 days
-Intranasal vasoconsffictors (e.g., phenylephrine) . Patients wlth anterior packing must fol-
-Anesthetize the mucosa with liquid or viscous
low up with ENT in 2-3 days for
-silver nitrate cautery may be attempted if the site of bleeding
is identified-avoid cauterizing large areas as it may result in removal
. ENT consult and admission for all
future bleeding or septal perforation
patients with poslerior epistaxis or
-Nasal packing should be attempted if cautery fails-a
spoage is coated with antibiotic ointment, inseftsd into the poorly controlled anterior epistaxis
. Encourage discharged patients to fre-
nose, and expands as blood is absorbed
quently use normal saline nose drops
-Antibiotics covering Staphylococcus shouid be given after
packing to prevent toxic shock syndrome and avoid aspirin and NSAIDs, nose
Consult ENT if packing fails to control hemorrhage blowing. bending over. and straining
{onsider antihypertensives in patients with severe HTN . Complications of posterior packing
. Posterior epistaxis include sinusitis, otitis media. airway
obstructron. cardiac arrhythmia or
-Vasoconstrictors and anesthetics may be attempted
required arrest, necrosis of the nasal mucosa, and
-Nasal packing with balloon tamponade is usually
-lntubation may be necessaty in severe cases
-Definitive care may require embolization or ligation



1 39. Neck Emergencies

Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Pharyngitis: Superficial infection of the pharynx and tonsils, usually of . Pharyngitis
viral etiology (807o); the most comrnon bacterial cause is group A . Tonsillitis
B-hemolytic Streptococcus; may progress to deep tissue infection
. Peritonsillar abscess
. Peritonsillar abscess: Spreading of bacterial tonsillitis to deeper tissue . Epiglottitis
with abscess formation; rare in patients (12 years old . Diphtheria
. Retropharyngeal abscess: Deep space infection of the retropharyngeal . Viral croup
space due to extension of nearby infection (e.g., local necVpharynx infec- . Retropharyngeal abscess
tion, croup, otitis media, dental infection) or trauma from a foreign body . Infectious mononucleosis
or medical procedure (e.g., endoscopy); almost all cases occur in children . Allergic reaction
(6 years old . Foreign body
. Submandibular abscess (Ludwig's angina): Deep space infection of the . Mumps
submandibular spaces, often secondary to dental disease . Botulism
. Epiglottitis: Bacterial infection of the epiglottis . Tetanus
. Most common causes of deep space infections ate Streptococcus, . Tumor
Staphylococcus, H. influenTae, and anaerobes (often polymicrobial)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Sore throat, dysphagia, fever . Rapid strep testing or cultures may be indicated if streptococcal
. Pharyngitis: Erythema, adenopathy; pharyngitis is suspected (see associated entry)
may have pumlent discharge . Physical exam may suggest the diagnosis
. Peritonsillar abscess: Hoarseness, -Peritonsillar abscess: Swollen fluctuant tonsillar mass, ulula devi-
toxic appearance, trismus, muffled ates away from the abscess, palatal erythema,/edema
"hot potato" voice -Retropharyngeal abscess: Retropharyngeal bulging/fluctuance
. Retropharyngeal abscess: Toxic -Submandibular abscess: Local induration and tenderness. elevated
appearance. preceding infection or tongue, dental caries
trauma with gradual symptom onset, -Epiglottitis: Pain with palpatiorl/movement of larynx,/trachea
no trismus, decreased neck move- . Neck CT is the imaging study of choice to identify neck infections
ment; may have torticollis and involvement of other structures
. Submandibular abscess: Toxic . Laterai X-rays of the neck are inferior to CT but may be used in
appearance, jaw and neck patients with an unstable airway who are unable to undergo CT
parn/swelJ i ng. drooling and/or voice -Submandibular abscess: Edema of submandibular soft tissue
change -Retropharyngeal abscess: Preverlebral soft tissue widening or
. Epiglottitis: Copious secretions and retropharyngeal air
drooling (worse when supine) -Epiglottitis: Thumb-shaped epiglottis, soft tissue swelling

Treatment Disposition
. Deep space infections (i.e., peritonsillar, retropharyngeal, or sub- . Discharge patients with simple pharyn-
mandibular abscess) and epiglottitis can rapidly cause airway gitis
occlusion-emergent intubation may be required (surgical airway . Consult ENT for all neck abscesses
if necessary) . Admit patients with peritonsillar
. Pharyngitis: Treat with penicillin or amoxicillin and consider abscess if there is any concern of air-
steroids to decrease swelling way compromise, if they appear toxic,
. Peritonsillar abscess: Needle aspiration and drainage plus oral and young patients
antibiotics (penicillin/anti-penicillinase or clindamycin) . ICU admission for all patients with
. Submandibular and retropharyngeal abscesses: IV antibiotics epiglottitis and retropharyngeal or sub-
(penicillin plus metronidazole, penicillin/anti-penicillinase, clin- mandibular abscesses
damycin, or cefoxitin); surgical drainage may be required in . Peritonsillar abscess may extend to
refractory cases deeper neck tissues. mediastinum. or
. Epiglottitis: A11 children require immediate ENT consultation for carotid vessels
intubation in the operating room; stable adults may be observed in . Submandibular and retropharyngeal
the ICU; administer IV antibiotics (cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, or abscesses may result in airway
ampicillin-sulbactam) and steroids (to decrease airway edema) obstruction, aspiration, or extension of
abscess into airway, carotid blood
vessels, spinal canal, mediastinum, or



140. Dental Emergencies

Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Dental caries: Bacteria penetrate through the enamel to the dentin and . Myocardial infarction
. Tooth eruption (secondary teeth,
. Periradicular periodontitis/periapicai abscess: Severe tooth pain due to "wisdom" teeth)
pulp and root inflammation (very common ED presentation)
. Gingivitis/periodontitis
. Fost-extraction alveolar osteitis ("dry socket" syndrome): Exposure and . Periodontal abscess
. Facial celiulitis
inflammation of the alveolar bone, occuring 2-3 days after tooth extrac-
. Orbital cellulitis
. Dental fractures: Classified as Ellis I (enamel only), Ellis II (enamel and
. Submandibular abscess
. Acute necrotizing ulcerative gin
dentin), or E1lis III (enamel, dentin, and pulp)
. Injuries to tooth supporting structures are classified as concussion (pain givitis ("trench mouth")
. Trigeminal neuralgia
without mobility of the tooth), subluxation (pain and mobility of the
. Oral candidiasis
tooth), and luxation (partial avulsion of the tooth from the alveolar bone;
may be associated with alveolar fracture)
. Avulsion: Total removal of the tooth from the alveolus (tooth socket)-
reimplantation is most successful if done within t hour

Presentation Diagnosis
. Dental caries: Tooth pain, pain with . Teeth are systematically numbered l-32-percuss each tooth to iden-
percussion, temperature sensitivity tify which tooth is associated with pain
. Periradicular periodontitis: Constant . Minimal diagnostic studies are necessary
severe pain, caries, and tenderness . Obtain a chest X-ray ofpatients with avulsion to rule out aspiration
to percussion; may have a fluctuant of tooth (if tooth is not in their possession)
. Jaw X-rays to look for retained root fragment in cases of dry socket
. Post-exraction osteitis: Severe pain syndrome
following tooth extraction . Panoramic X-ray (Panorex) may show bony erosion around affected
. Ellis I fracture: Chipped enamel teeth or a fracture of alveolar bone
. Ellis II: Chipped tooth with visible
dentin (creamy yellow color), tem-
perature sensitivity
. Ellis III: Chipped tooth, visible pulp
(pink), bleeding from PulP
. Luxation: Abnormal tooth posilion
. Avulsion: Absence of tooth

Treatment Disposition
. Pain relief with ice, NSAIDs or narcotics, and/or dentai nerve . All dental cases should have dental
block is generally the most useful ED treatment follow-up with an appropriate specialist
. Dental caries/periapical disease: Provide adequate pain relief, . Conditions that require dental visit
incise and drain abscesses, and treat infection with penicillin VK within 24 hours include painful lesions,
or clindamycin (pain and inflammation will decrease after luxations, and avulsions
. Emergent ED dental consults are indi-
24*48 hours)
. Post-extraction osteitis: Irrigate with saline and pack with eugenol cated for Ellis III fractures, some Ellis II
fractures, luxations (especially if
ioil ol cloves t gauze lo decrease pain
. Ellis I: No ED treatment, except filing down of sharp edges alveoiar bone iracture is present), and
. Ellis II: Cover dentin with dental cement to protect the pulp and avulsions
. Complications of caries and periapical
provide pain relief
. Ellis III: A dental emergency requiring emergent dental consult; periodontitis include facial or orbital
eugenol (oil of cloves) and dressing for pain relief cellulitis and submandibular abscess
. Concussion/subluxation: Pain control only . Complications of traumatic dental
. Luxation: Replace tooth in original position and splint to the injury include pulpal necrosis and tooth
neighboring teeth; dental consult is often necessary or root resorption
. Avulsion: Rinse tooth and replace in socket ASAP (do not re-
implant primary teeth); stabilize by splinting to adjacent teeth-
transport alulsed tooth in saliva, Hank's solution, saline' or milk
to preserve tooth until re-implantation




141 . General Approach to the Poisoned Patient
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. 3 million poisonings annually in the US, which account for nearly 107o of . Accidental ingestion
all ED visits; however, only 20Vo of poison exposures present to a health . Acute delirium
care facility for treatment . Adverse drug reaction
. 857o of poison exposures are unintentional; 90Eo occlJr athome; 40Vo . Date rape
occur in children under 3 years old . Homicide attempt
. A single substance is implicated in nearly 907o of poison exposures . Hypoglycemia
. Drug overdose is the second leading cause of cardiac anest in patients 'Hypothermia
under 40 . Hypoxia
. Recognition of toxidromes (easily identifiable clusters of clinical signs . Intracranial hemorrhage
and symptoms) facilitates the diagnosis and guides therapy-refer to the . Metabolic encephalopathy
presentation section for common toxidromes . Sepsis
. Toxidromes and some associated agents include cholinergic (e.g., insecti- . Trauma
cides), anticholinergic (e.g., atropine, scopolamine), opioid (e.g., mor-
phine, heroin), sympathomimetic (e.g., amphetamines, cocaine), serotonin
syndrome (e.g., SSRIs, other antidepressants)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Cholinergic (DUMBEIS): Dianhea/ . Obtain history from paramedics, family, friends, pharmacist, and/or
diaphoresis, urination, miosis/ mus- primary care physician, if possible
cle fasciculations, bradycardia/ . Obtain all medication bottles from scene and clothing
bronchospasm, emesis, lacrimation, . Measure vital signs, note respirations, and evaluate for hauma
salivation/seizure . Note any unusual odors, which may give clues to the exposure
. Anticholinergic: Dry skin. urinary . Do not rely on the drug screen-labs do not routinely test for many
retention, decreased bowel sounds, substances, the initial drug level may be below the detection thresh-
delirium, tachycardia, dilated pupils, old, and the identified drugs may not be responsibie for the clinical
seizures, dysrhythmias findings
. Sympathomimetics : Tachycardia, . Initial workup includes pulse oximetry, glucose, electrolytes, urinal-
hypertension, dilated pupils, delu- ysis, urine prcgnancy test, and acetaminophen, salicylate, and blood
sions, psychosis, seizures, dysrhyth- alcohol levels
mia; diffrcult to differentiate from . Quantitative blood levels for those drugs whose treatment is based on
anticholinergics the level
. Opioids: Respiratory depression. . Consider head CT, CXR, and ECG
coma, constricted pupils . Consider empiric treatment in lieu of definitive diagnosis in known or
stfongly suspected overdoses

. Airway/breathing: Intubate as needed . Treat the patient not the poisonl
. Circulatory suppon as necessary . 607o of poison exposures are fieated
-If hypotensive with sinus tachycardia, treat with IV fluids and released
-If hypotensive with wide-complex tachycardia, treat with . I0Vo are admitted to an ICU
bicarbonate (suspect Na+ channel blocker overdose, e.g., .If patient is stable in the ED, determine
TCA) if a non-toxic exposure has occurred-
hypotensive with bradycardia, treat with IV fluids, atropine,
-If -Toxin defi nitely identified
glucagon, and catecholamines *Exposure unintentional
. Consider dextrose, oxygen, thiamine, naloxone, flumazenil -Patient asymptomatic during period
. Consider empiric treatment in known or suspected overdoses of observation correspondhg to the
-In general, ipecac and other forms of induced emesis and gas- expected period of toxin peak effect
tric lavage arc not indicated in the ED . Non-toxic exposrres may often be dis-
-Activated charcoal is the treaftnent of choice for most toxic charged
ingestions; utility is limited with hydrocarbons and metals; it . Otherwise, admit to hospital as appro-
is recommended that activated charcoal not be given in non- priate for expected toxic side effects
toxic or minimally toxic exposures . Psychiatry consultation for suicide
-Hemodialysis may be indicated for lithium, methanol, ethyl- attempts
ene glycol, or aspirin
-Treat seizures with benzodiazepines or barbiturates


142. Pediatric Toxic lngestions
Differential Dx
. 4 million pediatric poisonings occur annually (7 5Vo are urneported) . Child abuse
, 50Vo of allexposures reported to poison centers in the US are children <6 . Dehydration
years old (96V0 are essentialiy asymptomatic; 0.O02Eo prove Ialal)
. Hypoglycemia
. Most commonly ingested toxins correlate with household availability . Encephalitis
(cosmetics ) cleaning products ) analgesics ) plants ) non-prescription . Meningitis
. Sepsis
. The most lethal exposures are cocaine, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, . Foreign body aspiration
. Intracranial bleed/mass
and iron supplements
. Tlpical household products contain many toxic compounds . Metabolic encephalopathy
. New onset diabetes mellitus
-Ethanol (e.g., mouthwash, perfumes, cold medicine)
. Occult trauma
-Isopropanol (e.g., rubbing alcohol) . Seizure disorder
-Ethylene glycol (e.g., antifreeze) . Toxic shock syndrome
-Methanol (e.g., windshield washer fluid)
(e.g.' nail products) . Viral gastroenteritis
-Methacrylic acid, toluidine, and acetonitrile

. Physical exam should concentrate . In most cases, the ingestion is known or suspected based on known
on identification of specific tox- household exposures (e.g., chemicals, medications) and diagnostic
idromes (refer to "General testing can be directed accordingly
Approach to the Poisoned Patient") . All children with altered level of consciousness should have setum
. General symptoms include glucose monitored for hypoglycemia
nausea/vomiting, confusion, obfun- . Quantitative serum levels should be obtained as indicated for aceta-
dation, ataxia, urinary retention, and minophen, carboxyhemoglobin, ethanol, ethylene glycol, iron,
seizures methanol, methemoglobin ingestions, salicylates, phenytoin, digoxin,
. Other symptoms of caustic inges- phenobarbital, theophylline, and valproic acid ingestion
tions may include . Other diagnostic tests may include ECG, urine crystal analysis, and
-Pain/odynophagia radiographs of the abdomen (to reveal heavy metals or iron)
*Oral bums . A number of ingestions are rapidly fatal to a 10 kg toddler even if

-Stridor, droolhg given just one swallow (e.g., camphor, chloroquine, imipramine, qui-
-Hoarseness nine, theophylline, chlorpromazine, nifedipine) while many others
-Tachypnea may initially be asymptomatic, requiring prolonged observation
-Evidence of mediastinitis or

Treatment Disposition
. Airway, breathing, and circulation . Admit any child with abnormal ECG,
. GI decontamination is not required for every toxic ingestion but altered consciousness, airway compro-
should be administered on an individual basis based on the poten- mise, acid-base abnormality, or caustic
tial toxin(s) ingested injury to an ICU
required . Admit hypoglycemic children for
-Activated charcoal is the only intervention generally
(administer via NG tube if )20 minutes since ingestion) 24-hour dextrose infusion
. Ipecac, gastric lavage, and cathaftics do not improve outcomes . Children with caustic ingestions require
compared with charcoal alone and are associated with many immediate GI or surgical consultation
adverse side effects-they should not be used in pediatric inges- with endoscopic evaluation within the
tions first 4 hours
. Treat hypoglycemia as necessary . Asymptomatic children with no evi-
dence of oropharyngeal burns and who
- > age 2: 3 cckg of D5s plus D16W for 1 day
are playful and eating/drinking 6 hours
- < age 2:2.5 cclkg D16 plus DleW for 1 day
after a suspected caustic ingestion prob-
ably have no significant caustic injury
and can safely be discharged home
from the ED
. Ensuring parent education and ability to
contact poison control can prevent
recurrence and adverse outcomes

1 43. Acetaminophen Overdose
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Acetaminophen (APAP) overdoses result in more hospitalizations than any . Other toxic ingestions
other overdose; causes 107o of ingestion fatalities . Peptic ulcer disease
. Acute overdose (ingestion within a 4-hour period) and chronic usage are . Viral hepatitis
both toxic to the liver . Alcoholic liver disease
. Hepatic metabolism of APAP results in production of N-acetyl-p-benzo- . Wilson's disease
quinonimine, a potent oxidizing agent that damages hepatocytes . Biliary colic
. Risk of hepatotoxicity and need for treatment is determined by a nomo- . Carbon tetrachloride
gram that is based on serum APAP levels at 4-24 hours and time since . Gastroenteritis
ingestion . Metabolic encephalopathy
. Chronic alcohol use increases the risk of liver toxicity (even at therapeutic . Mushrooms (Amanita)
doses ofAPAP); whereas acute alcohol intoxication is somewhat hepato- . Other hepatotoxic drugs (e.g.,
protective methofexate, amiodarone,
methyldopa, statins)
. Reye's syndrome
. Sepsis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Pre-injury period (the initial . Measure APAP concentration
24 hours after ingestion) is generally -Toxicity in acute ingestions is predicted by APAP concentration at
asymptomatic; nausea, vomiting, or a given time post-ingestion, as determined by the Rumack-
malaise may occur Matthew nomogram
. Initial liver injury (12-36 hours) -Toxicity in chronic ingestion is predicted by both APAP concen-
results in RUQ and epigastric dis- tration and LFT abnormalities
comfofi . AST/ALT, chemistry panel, and prothrombin time should be obtained
. Maximum liver injury (24 days in many cases of acute overdose and all cases of chronic ingestions
poslingestion) may result in symp- . Check aspirin level due to possible concurrent ingestion
toms of fulminant hepatic failure . Consider a urine drug screen for other co-ingestants
and renal failure
. Recovery period may take weeks to

Treatment Disposition
. Activated charcoal should be administrated immediately, unless . IfAPAP concentration in acute inges-
contraindicated tions is above the nomogram treatment
. Oral N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is administered as a 140 mg/kg line, a course of NAC should be admin-
loading dose followed by seventeen additional doses of 70 mg&g istered with inpatient observation and
every four hours (initiate within 8 hours of overdose for optimal psychiatry evaluation as appropriate
results) . In chronic ingestions, no heatment is
-IV NAC may be needed in cases of intractable vomiting not required if the APAP concenffation and
connolled with anti-emetics LFTs are within normal limits
. Supportive care of liver dysfunction with vitamin K and fresh . Poor prognostic signs include acidosis,
frozen plasna as indicated coagulopathy, elevated creatinine, and
. Hepatic failure may cause death due to
hemorrhage (lack of clotting factors),
sepsis, cerebral edema, or multiorgan



144. Aspirin Overdose

Differential Dx
. Commonly ingested agent in suicide attempts among adolescents and
. Acute renal failure
. Also seen as an accidental chronic overdose in the elderly secondary to . CHF
treatment of chronic disease states
. Overdose initially produces respiratory alkalosis due to stimulation of . Dehydration
. Hyperthermia
CNS respiratory drive; however, prolonged elevation of serum aspirin
. Meniere's disease
level ultimately depresses the rcspilatory drive and causes metabolic aci-
. Seizure disorder
dosis (due to inhibition of the Kreb's cycle)
. Salicylate half-life can approach 30 hours in toxic ingestions . Subdural hematoma
. Pediatric exposures may occur from salicylate-containing ointments and . Viral syndrome
. Asthma
breast milk
. Delirium

. Nausea and vomiting are the most . Ingestions >300 mg/kg are potentially toxic; >500 mg/kg are poten-
common symptoms tially lethal
. Tiruritus and hearing loss (both are . Measure serum salicylate concentration 6 hours after ingestion and
reversible) may occur re-check every 4 hours until levels begin to decline
. Hyperventilation and hyperrhermia . Evaluation following significant ingestions should include arlerial
may occur blood gas, CBC, electrolytes, prothrombin time' and chesf and
. Irritability may plogress to stupor abdominal films
progressing to combined
and coma -Respiratory alkalosis initially occurs,
. Chronic ingestions may present only respiratory alkalosis and anion-gap metabolic acidosis, and finally
with tinnitus and/or CNS effects a combined respiratory and metabolic acidosis
(e.g.. confusion. agitation. paranoia. -May have hyper- or hyPoglYcemia
impaired memory) -May have hyPokalemia
. Less common effects include non- -Closely monitor arterial PH
oliguric renal failure, non-cardio- . When assessing severity of exposure, do not rely solely on blood con-
genic pulmonary edema, and centration; be sure to assess age, co-morbidities, dose ingested, type
cerebral edema of pill ingested (e.g., sustained release), acid-base status, and clinical

. Administer activated charcoal if no contraindications are present . Admit any patient with acid-base disor-
. Monitor fluid status carefully-administer IV fluids with added ders or cases of infant salicYlism
. ICU admission in patients with evi-
sodium bicarbonate and glucose to maintain urine pH >7 5 (cau-
tion: overhydration may predispose to pulmonary and cerebral dence of pulmonary or cerebral edema
edema) or a need for hemodialYsis
infusion . Admit to psychiatry or discharge home
-Urinary alkalinization with IV sodium bicarbonate
enhances renal elimination of salicylates and potassium once salicylate concenffation is
. Replete potassium <25 mgldL and symPtoms have
. Consider hemodialysis ifpatient fails to respond to the above resolved
. Mortality of chronic salicylate toxicity
measures or ifpulmonary edema, seizures, worsening acid-base
disorders, renal or hepatic failure, or coma occurs is 257o (versus just 17o for acute hges-
. In pregnant patients with salicylate intoxication, consider immedi- tions)
ate delivery due to heightened fetal sensitivity to salicylates

145. SSRI and MAOI Overdoses
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
- . Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are generally less toxic . Sedative-hypnotic withdrawal
than cyclic antidepressants . Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
. Serotonin is present in the CNS, where it regulates mood, circadian . Opioid withdrawal
rhythms, and temperature, and in GI enterochromaffrn cells . Salicylate overdose
. SSRI overdose may cause direct symptoms or serotonin syndrome . Seizure
. Serotonin syndrome (SS) results when a serotonergic agent is added to an . Sepsis
established medication regimen or when an SSRI is increased . Sympathomimetic overdose
-SS is an idiosyncratic reaction, usually not associated with ingestion of . Thyrotoxicosis
large amounts of drug, and associated with behavioraVcognitive, auto-
nomic, and neuromuscular slmptoms
-A number of medications can precipitate SS, including codeine,
cocaine, meperidine, MAOIs, TCAs, and newer antidepressants
. MAO inhibitors (MAOIs) prevent metabolism of biogenic amines
. MAOI toxicity results from overdose or new diet/drug interactions
-Tyramine containing foods can precipitate symptoms

Presentation Diagnosis
. Many SSRI overdoses are asympto- . SSRI overdose requires a complete history (including a thorough
matic review of medications and recent dose changes or additions) and vigi-
. 207o of SSRI overdose patients will lant observation of subtle signs/symptoms
develop drowsiness or sinus tachy- . Lab tests and drug levels do not assist in establishing the diagnosis
cardia with bemors. hypertension. . Serotonin syndrome is a clinical diagnosis
and GI upset . Workup might include salicylate and acetaminophen levels, CBC,
. Diagnosis of SS requires three of urinalysis, thyroid studies, and CPK
the following: Agitation. ataxia. . MAOI use is the most helpful clue to toxicity
diaphoresis, diarrhea, hyperrefl exia, . MAOI drug and enzyme levels are not clinically useful
hyperthermia, mental status . Foods that commonly precipitate the tyramine reaction include
changes, myoclonus, shivering, or cheese, aged meats, fava beans, avocados, sauerkraut, chocolate,
tremors bananas, ginseng, and undistilled alcoholic beverages
. Signs/symptoms of MAOI overdose
usually occur within 12 hours,
including HA, tachycardia, agita-
tion, mydriasis, muscular rigidity,
hyperthermia, or coma

Treatment Disposition
. ABCs and supportive care are most important for both SSRI and . Patients with asymptomatic SSRI over-
MAOI overdoses dose may be discharged home after
. Activated charcoal is useful to decrease absorption of either sub- 6 hours of cardiac monitoring
stance . Admit all patients wirh seroronin syn-
. SSRI overdose is treated with supportive care drome or symptomatic SSRI ingestion
. SSRl-induced ventricular dysrhythmias are treated with lidocaine . patients with MAOI overdose of
. SSRl-induced seizures are treated with benzodiazepines, pheno- > I mg/kg. suspected serotonin syn-
barbital, or propofol drome, or MAOI interactions should be
. Serotonin syndrome: Discontinue causative medications and pro- admitted for 24-hour cardiac monitoring
vide supportive care; cyproheptadine (an anti-serotonergic agent) . MAOI overdose complications can
may be effective in severe cases include hypoxia, renal failure, rhab-
. MAOI malignant hypertension is Ueated with nitroprusside or domyolysis, hemolysis, metabolic aci-
phentolamine dosis, DIC, asystole, seizures, death


1 46. Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdose
Differential Dx
. Antidepressants carse 20Vo of poisoning deaths . Anticholinergic overdose
. Toxicity may occur in certain susceptible patients even at therapeutic . Antidysrhythmic (T1pe Ia, Ic)
doses (e.g., in slow metabolizers or those with pre-existing illness)
. Hallucinogen abuse
. Tricyclics act as non-selective sodium channel and receptor blockers . Intracranial hemorrhage
. Meningitis
-Fast sodium channel blockade causes a prolonged QRS complex
. Metabolic encephalopathy
-&1-receptor antagonism causes hlpotension and mydriasis
. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
-serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibition causes sympatho-
mimetic effects, such as agitation, confusion, seizure . Psychosis
. Seizure
-Blockage of potassium efflux prolongs the QT interwal
coma . Sepsis
-Antihistamine effect causes CNS sedation and may cause
skin . Sympathomimetic abuse
-Antimuscarinic effects include CNS depression, ileus' and dry
effects disinhibit the CNS and cause seizures . Thyroid storm
. Drug ki-netics are characterized by rapid absorption, large volumes of dis-
tribution, high protein binding, and hepatic metabolism

Presentation Diagnosis
. Consider overdose in patients with . Clinical suspicion, history from EMS, family, or friends, or a suicide
altered level of consciousness, note are most useful in establishing the diagnosis
tachycardia, prolonged QRS, or . Urine and serum drug levels are not clinically useful in the overdose
right deviation of the terminal QRS setting
. Do not be falsely reassured by an . Workup should include cardiac monitoring, pulse oximetry, ECG, and
initial lack of symptoms---25Eo of acetaminophen and salicylate levels
patients are intact immediately prior . Additional workup might include CBC, elecfolytes, BUN, creatinine,
to seizure and death cultures, cardiac enzymes, thyroid function tests, urine drug screen,
. Deterioration usuaily occurs within head CT, and lumbar puncture as appropriate
60 minutes of ED presentation . ECG often has a characteristic appearance
. Signs/symptoms may include men- -Sinus tachycardia
tal status changes (from confusion -Prolonged PR, QRS, and QT intervals
to coma), seizures, dry mucous -An R wave in a VR >3 mm (signifying rightward deviation of the
membranes, tachycardia, hlpoten- terminal 40 msec of the QRS axis)
sion. dysrhythmias. hypenhermia. -Rhythm may degenerate into ventricular arrhythmias (especially if
ileus, myoclonus, and urinary reten- limb-lead QRS is >160 msec
tion . Hypotension may occur with or without QRS widening

Treatment Disposition
. Remember that deterioration occurs rapidly and often with mini- . Discharge after 6 hours of obsewation
mal initial symptoms if workup is normal and there is no
. Have a low threshold to intubate patients evidence of altered level of conscious-
. Activated charcoal */- gastric lavage to decrease absorption ness, respiratory depression, hypoten-
. Hypotension is treated initially with isotonic saline; refractory sion, hypoxemia, dysrhythmias, cardiac
hypotension should be treated with norepinephrine or dopamine conduction blocks, seizures, or ileus
. IV sodium bicarbonate bolus for any QRS prolongation, refrac- . All other patients should be admitted,
tory hypotension, seizures, or life-threatening dyslhythmias; con- preferably to an intensive care unit
tinue administration until the problem resolves or serum pH is
. Prolonged seizures should be treated with benzodiazepines' phe-
nobarbital, or propofol; phenytoin is ineffective
. Hyperthermia (rectal temperatue >40'C) should be treated with
evaporative cooling, nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockade'
and mechanical ventilation
. Treat dysrhythmias with sodium bicarbonate and lidocaine (udi-
ciously-may cause seizures); Class lA, IC, and III, B-blockers,
and Ca-charurel blockers are contraindicated
. Hemodialysis is not useful for removal of TCAs

147. Benzodiazepine and GHB Overdose
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Benzodiazepines account for 2/3 of psychotropic medications prescribed . Alcohol intoxication
worldwide and are the most frequently ingested prescription drugs in sui- . Barbiturate intoxication
cide attempts; however, they are far less fatal than other sedative-hyp- . Opioid, alcohol, or barbiturate
notics (e.g., barbiturates, alcohol) co-ingestion
. Three unique benzodiazepine receptors have been identified in the cenhal . Anoxic encephalopathy
and peripheral nervous system; all increase the frequency of GABA^ chlo- . Date rape
ride-channel opening, thereby hyperpolarizing the cell membrane and . Hypoglycemia
inhibiting neural transmission . Intracranial injury
. 1-hydroxybutyrate (GIIB) is a non-benzodiazepine sedative-hypnotic that . Meningitis
is a metabolite of GABA; it binds weakly to GABA" receptors and GHB- . Occult head injury
specific receptors in the reticular activating system . Polypharmacy abuse
. GHB is a popular euphoric drug of abuse and is commonly used as a date- . Sepsis
rape drug (colorless, slightly salty, half-life of -30 minutes) . Suicide attempt
. Benzodiazepines and GHB produce tolerance to their effects and life-
threatening withdrawai symptoms may occru with abrupt cessation

. Slurred speech is the most common . Benzodiazepine overdose is diagnosed by history or response to
sign of benzodiazepine overdose flumazenil
. CNS depression ranges from . Most urine benzodiazepine drug screens recognize only the oxazepam
drowsiness to coma glucuronide metabolite and will not identify many common agents
. Decreased respiratory tidal volumes (e.g., midazolam, lorazepam, alprazolam)
ale common . Serum drug concentrations are not readily available in the ED nor do
. Respiratory rate depression may be they correlate with clinical severity
seen with large overdoses or when . GHB should be suspected by exam significant for the characteristic
combined with opioids stimulation-induced combativeness that retums to deep coma upon
. Benzodiazepines may also cause lack of stimulation
nausea, vomiting, and headache . GHB is not detected on routine udne toxicology screens and is ra-
. The hallmark of GHB intoxication pidly metabolized
is rapid unconsciousness alternating
with severe agitation
-Emesis, bradycardia, and
hypothemia may be present
-Complete resolution within 8 hrs

Treatment Disposition
. Most benzodiazepine overdoses require only supportive care . Asymptomatic benzodiazepine inges-
. Administer activated charcoal if the airway is secure tions may be discharged to psychiatry
. Flumazenil is a nonspecific competitive antagonist of benzodi- or home after 6 hours of observation
azepine receptors . GHB ingestions show no delayed toxic-
*Ha.lf-life (about t hour) is shorter than many benzodiazepines, ity; however, ensure that there are no
so repeat doses may be necessary co-ingestions prior to discharge
*Co-ingestions of substances that lower the seizure threshold . Counsel patient on the dangers of con-
(e.g., cyclic antidepressants) or prodysrhythmics (e.g., chloral tinued GHB use and obtain substance
hydrate), head injury, or use of a benzodiazepine to control abuse referral as indicated
seizures are all relative contraindications to the use of . Legal authorities should be notified as
flumazenil appropriate for suspected cases of date
. Supportive heatment is sufficient for GHB toxicity rape
-Naloxone and flumazenil have no effect
-No role for gastric lavage, whole bowel irrigation, dialysis
-Neostigmine and physostigmine have been shown to be effec-
tive, but are not generally required


148. Barbiturate and Chloral Hydrate Overdose
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Barbiturates and chloral hydrate (CH) enhance the CNS inhibitory effect . Alcohol intoxication
of GABA at postsynaptic membranes, thereby inhibiting neurotransmis- . Benzodiazepine intoxication
s ion . GHB intoxication
. Barbiturates were once a popular, readily accessible suicide agent; how- . CHF
ever, with diminished clinical applications today, they are rarely encountered . Environmental (e.g., hypother-
. Barbiturates produce tolerancs to their effects and can produce a life- mia)
threatening withdrawal syndrome similar to delirium tremens upon abrupt . Intracranial hemorrhage
cessation . Occult trauma
. Barbiturates depress respiratory drive at the brainstem and directly depress . Polysubstance abuse
the myocardium . Seizure disorder
. CH is utilized as a sedative-hypnotic in the elderly and for pediatric proce- . Sepsis
dural sedation . Suicide attempt
. CH increases myocardial sensitivity to catecholamines

Presentation Diagnosis
. Symptoms begin within t hour . Serum barbiturate levels >80 pg/ml are potentially fatal; however,
. Presentation may be confused with serum levels do not accurately reflect CNS concentrations or correlate
alcohol or benzodiazepine intoxica- with clinical severity
tion in mild cases . Serum CH levels are unavailable; serum TCE levels may confirm
. CNS depression ranges from mild ingestion, but are not readily available and do not guide management
sedation to coma/respiratory arest or predict outcomes
. Other symptoms include slurred . Lab testing should include electrolytes, glucose, CBC, and blood cul-
speech, ataxia, and drowsiness tures
. Hypothermia, apnea, and hypoten- . Additional workup for barbiturate intoxications may include head
sion with cardiovascular collapse CT, ECG, and CXR
may occur in severe cases
. CH may also result in hemorrhagic
gastritis and dysrhythmias (Afib,
SVT, VT, and torsades de pointes)

Treatment Disposition
. Airway, breathing, and circulatory support intubation is ofien . Patients should be observed for 6 hours
required due to apnea and impaired consciousness in the ED for hypotension, respiratory
. No specific antidote exists for either drug depression, or altered mental status
. Administer multiple doses of activated charcoal . A11 symptomatic patients should be
. Treat hruotension and cardiovascular collapse admitted
. Asymptomatic ingestions without other
-Rapid infusion of crystalloid to support BP
-Add inotropic agents and vasopressors (e.g., dopamine or nor- co-ingestions or co-morbid medical
epinephrine) if fluids are insufficient to maintail BP problems may be discharged to psychia-
-Be aware of possible pulmonary edema in cases of barbiturate try after 6 hours
intoxication----early pulmonary artery catheterization may
guide fluid resuscitation
. Treat hJpoglycemia
. In cases of phenobarbital overdose, alkalinize the urine via bicar-
bonate infusion to maintain urine pH 7.5-8
. p-blockers are generally used to counteract dysrhythmias

1 49. Antipsychotic Overdose
- Differential Dx
. Antipsychotics block dopamine and serotonin receptors to alleviate psy- . Acute psychosis
chotic (e.g., hallucinations in schizophrenic patients) or agitated states . Anticholinergic syndrome
. These are a diverse group of medications that have many applications out- . Heat stroke
side of psychiatry, including antiemetics (e.g., chlorpromazine, prochlor- . Meningitis
perazine, droperidol) and antihistamines (e.g., hydroxyzine) . Occult head trauma
. Acute overdoses and chronic side effects may present in the ED . Opioid overdose
. Side effects are thought to occur either from antagonism/blockade or . Seizure disorder
upregulation of dopamine receptors in the nigrostriatum (movement disor- . Sepsis
ders) or hlpofhalamus (temperature dysregulation) . Serotonin syndrome
. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is an idiosyncratic life-threatening side 'Hwoglycemia
effect resulting in hyperlhermia and muscular rigidity

Presentation Diagnosis
. Acute overdoses result in sedation. . Drug levels are not indicated
coma, and tachycardia that may . Cardiac monitoring for dysrhythmias and prolonged QT sy,ndrome
mimic opioid intoxication; with torsades de pointes
extrapyramidal symptoms maY be . In patients with neuroleptic malignant syndrome, check electrolytes
present (metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia), BUN/creatinine (renal failure),
. Side effects of chronic use CPK, TSH, glucose, and CBC
. Patients with altered level of consciousness may require pulse oxime-
-Exff apyrarnidal sYmPtoms, such
as akathisia (muscle restless- try head CT, lumbar puncture, aspfin and acetarninophen levels,
ness), bradykinesia, or dystonic electrolytes, and/or ECG
reactions (muscle spasm of head
and neck)
-Tardive dyskinesia (quick, invol-
untary muscle movements of
tongue and face)
-Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
(fever, muscular rigidity, auto-
nomic instability, and altered
mental status)

Treatment Disposition
. No specific antidote exists . All
overdose patients should be
. Activated charcoai should be given within 2 hours of acute inges- observed on a monilor lor a minimum
tion of 4 hours post-ingestion
. Treat extrapyramidal syndromes and dystonic reactions with anti- . ICU admission is warranted for severe
cholinergic medications (e.g., diphenhydramine, benztropine) for symptoms. such as airway compromise.
48 hours neuroleptic malignant syndrome, or
. Akathesia may respond to benzodiazepines coma
. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome requires emergent IV benzodi- . Discharge is acceplable followirg
azepines, hydration, and active cooling appropriate psychiatric evaluation for
. Danffolene may be used to facilitate muscle relaxation patients with normal mental status, vital
. Treat tolsades de pointes with IV MgSOa, overdrive pacing, signs, and ECG after 4 hours of ED
and/or isoproterenol observation
. Hypotension refractory to fluid administration should be treated . A1l other patients should be admitted to
with a-agonists a monitored bed for observation
. Some atypical antipsychotic overdoses have responded well to , Atypical antipsychotics are a new group
physostigmine of medications with similar effects but
fewer side effects (tardive dyskinesia
and extrapyramidal symptoms) than
classic anti-psychotics


150. Opioid Overdose
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Opioids include naturally occurring agents (opiates), endogenous peptides . Hypoglycemia
(endorphins), and their synthetic equivalents . Hypoxemia
. Opioid receptors are concenffated in the central and peripheral pain path- . Intracerebral hemorrhage, espe-
ways; stimulation of the receptors inhibits adenylate cyclase, activates cially pontine hemorrhage
potassium channels, and/or inhibits calcium channels, thereby modifying . Sedative-hypnotic use/abuse
CNS pain perception (e.g., benzodiazepines, GHB)
. Heroin is the most commonly abused opioid-most deaths occur in chron- . Alcohol intoxication
ic abusers 1-3 hours after use and involve polysubstance abuse . Hepatic encephalopathy
.70Va ofherorn is absorbed into the brain, compared withjust 5Vo ofIY . Hypothermia
morphine; in the brain, heroin is metabolized to morphine . Hponatremia
. Occult head ffauma
. Seizure disorder
. Meningitis. encephalitis. sepsis
. Serotonin s1'ndrome
. Suicide attempt

Presentation Diagnosis
. CNS depression and respiratory . The classic clinical toxidrome of respiratory depression, miosis, and
depression are the classic presenting CNS depression is highly sensitive and relatively specific for the
symptoms diagnosis of opioid overdose
. Miosis . Therapeutic response to naloxone is highly suggestive of opioid toxi-
. Bronchospasm and non-cardiogenic city (failure to respond to 10 mg of naloxone should prompt evalua-
putmonary edema are common in tion for another cause of altered mental status); however, non-opioids
overdoses (e.g., ethanol) may also be reversed by naloxone
. GI effects include nausea. vomiting, . Opioids are detected by most urine toxicology screens with the
and biliary colic exception of synthetic opioids (e.g., fentanyl, meperidine)
. Other neurologic manifestations . Respiratory acidosis and hypoxemia on ABG are supportive of the
may include spongiform leukoen- diagnosis; other labs are not helpful
cephalopathy and serotonin syn- . Consider checking acetaminophen and salicyiate levels due to com-
drome mon use of combination products
. Seizures may occur if meperidine is . Consider abdominal X-rays if packing or stuffrng is suspected
used in patients with renal or hepat- . ECG should be evaluated for widened QRS, suggesting
ic insufficiency propoxyphene toxicity
. CXR may show pulmonary edema

Treatment Disposition
. Respiratory depression is the most common immediately life- . Asymptomatic, untreated patients
threatening complication-immediate attention to airway protec- should be observed 4-6 hours prior to
tion and opioid antagonism is essential discharge
. Patients treated prior to arrival or in ED
-Naloxone is the most widely used antidote for any intoxica-
tion; unfortunately, the duration of action is only 1-2 hours so should be observed 6*12 hours and dis-
most opioid overdoses should be observed beyond that period charged if asymptomatic
to ensure no further reversal is required . Symptomatic patients should be ad-
-Nalmefene has a much longer half-life (8-1 t hours) but has mitted to an ICU
the theoretical disadvantage of causing prolonged withdrawal . Drug packers should have whole bowel
symptoms if administered to a chronic addict irrigation and remain until passage of
. Activated charcoal may be administered, especially if a co-inges- contents is confirmed by radiography
tant (e.g., aspirin, acetaminophen, alcohol) is suspected . Appropriate substance abuse counseling
. Correct metabolic abnormalities (e.g., hlpoglycemia) should be obtained and documented
. Withdrawal symptoms can be treated with methadone, L-cr-acetyl- prior to discharge
methadol, or clonidine . Due to delayed or prolonged toxicity,
. Propoxyphene cardiotoxicity can be treated with sodium bicar- certain opioid ingestions require admis-
bonate sion (e.g., lomotil, methadone,
propoxyphene, fentanyl patch)

1 51 . Digitalis Toxicity
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Digoxin is one of the most commonly prescribed medications in the US, . Acute psychosis
most often for rate control of atrial fibrillation and relief of symptomatic . p-biocker overdose
congestive heart failure . Ca-channel blocker overdose
. Digitalis occurs naturally in plants, such as foxglove and oleander . Intrinsic sinus node disease
. Digitalis is a positive inotrope that blocks the Na+K+ pump and also . CVA
slows conduction through the atrioventricular node . Depression
. At toxic levels, digitalis suppresses SA and AV nodal activity and sensi- . Food poisoning
tizes the myocardium to the effects of catecholamines, resulting in both . Hypoglycemia
bradydysrhythmias and tachydysrhythmias . Occuit trauma
. Digitalis toxicity is the most common cause of preventable, iatrogenic car- . Sedative overdose
diac arrest . Seizure disorder
. Increased risk of toxicity occurs in patients with underlying heart disease, . Sepsis
use of multiple cardiovascular medications, renal insufficiency, and elec- . UTI
trolyte abnormalities . Viral gastroenteritis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Most intoxications present with . Diagnosis is primarily based on clinical suspicion and symptoms
nonspecific complaints, such as . Digoxin levels are not the sole predictor of intoxication (i.e., patients
headache. fatigue. and confusion may have digitalis toxicity despite normal serum levels)
. Nausea/vomiting -Levels are often elevated in acute toxicity, but may be normal in
. Altered mental status patients who chronically take the medication
. Blurred or discolored vision (e.g., -Levels above 2-6 rylmL are potentially fatal; however, steady-
yellow-green halos around objects) state serum levels are not achieved until -6 hours after intake
. Bradycardia (commonly) or tachy- . Electroiyte abnormalities are common
cardia (less commonly) *Hyperkalemia is a common effect of acute digitalis toxicity, due
to blockade of the Na+/I(+ pump
-Some abnormalities (e.g., hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, hypomag-
nesemia) may predispose the patient to digoxin toxicity by alter-
ing membrane potentials
. ECG abnormalities include PVCs (most common), hearl block,
bradydysrhythmias (sinus, junctional or ventricular rhythms), and
ventricular fi briliation

Treatment Disposition
. Digoxin-specific Fab fragment antibody that binds digoxin, 1ow- . A11 suspected cases should be admitted
ering effective circulating levels with cardiac monitoring
. Psychiatry evaluation for intentional
-Indicated for refractory bradycardias, ventricular arrhythmias,
and hyperkalemia >5.5 mEq/L overdose
. Digoxin specific Fab fragments improve
-Dosing can be empiric (6 vials for chronic overdoses, 10 vials
for acute overdose), based on the amount ingested, or based mortality from25Va to <l0Vo
on the steady-state digoxin level . Although allergic reactions to digoxin-

-Aiso administer activated charcoal and magnesium specific antibodies are rare, patients
. Maintain proper potassium balance should be monitored for side effects,
-{hronic ingestionsare exacerbated by hypokalemta: therefore, such as CHF exacerbalion, excessive
maintain serum potassium near 4 mEqlL ventricular response to atrial fibrillation,
-Acute ingestions often cause hyperkalemta; if potassium is or hypokalemia
>5 mEq/L, consider empiric digoxin-specific antibody; do not . Chronic digoxin poisoning has a higher
use calcium as it hcreases ventricular irritability mortality than acute ingestions
. Dysrhythmias-Digoxin-specific antibody is the definitive treat-
-Atropine for symptomatic bradycardias
-IV magnesium decreases ventricular irritabilily
-Transvenous cardiac pacing is ineffective


152. B-blockers and Calcium Channel Blockers
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Widely used for dysrhythmias, hypertension, angina, migraine prophyl- . Acute myocardial infarction
axis, glaucoma, and other conditions . Digoxin overdose
. p-blockers competitively inhibit endogenous catecholamines at the B . Dysrhythmia
recepto{, thereby acting as negative inotropes and chlonotropes . Hwerkalemia
. Hypothlroid
-Toxicity depends to some extent on lipophilic properties and cardiose-
tectivity (e.g., the highly lipophilic and less cardioselective propranolol . lncreased vagal tone
has higher mortality than other agents) . Intracranial hemorrhage
. Oral hypoglycemic overdose
-Symptoms may occur even with ophthalmic preparations
. Calcium channel blockers (CCB) prevent calcium influx into muscle cells, . Occult infection
resulting in decreased contraction and automaticity . Opiate overdose
. Sedative overdose
-2000 poisonings and 30 deaths annuaily (mostly due to verapamil)
. Seizure
-Verapamil and diltiazem are negative inotropes and chronotropes
. Sepsis
-Dihydropgidines (e.g., nifedipine) cause systemic vasodilation with
minimal direct cardiac effect . Viral gastroenteritis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Onset of symptoms withir 30-60 . Clinical diagnosis may be diffrcult in the absence of known ingestion,
minutes of ingestion especially if non-cardiac symptoms manifest first
. p-blockers: Hypotension, bradycar- . Ingestion should be suspected in patients with unexplained dysrhyth-
dia, obtundation, respiratory depres- mias associated with obtundation and nausea or with hypotension and
sion, seizures, nausea, bron- bradycardia
chospasm . Serum levels are neither generally reliable nor readily available
. CCB: Hypotension, bradycardia . If ingestion of B-blockers or CCB is known or strongly suspected,
progressing to asystole, pulmonary treatment should progress immediately to maintain hemodynamic sta-
edema bility
. ECG should be checked in all patients and will generally show brady-
-Dihydropyridines generally
cause hypotension with tachy- cardic dysrhythmias (e.g., sinus bradycardia, junctional or ventricular
cardia, but may cause bradycar- escape rhythms)
dia at very high doses . CCBs may also cause hyperkalemia

Treatment Disposition
. Activated charcoal administration . p-blockers
. Consider whole bowel irrigation -Patients who are asymptomatic after
. p-blockers 6 hours may be transferred to
-IV glucagon is first-line therapy as it has both inotropic and Psychiatry
chronotropic effects that bypass the p-receptor Sustained-release ingestions should
-Atropine for symptomatic bradydysrhythmias be monitored for 24 hours
-Inotropic support with dopamine, norepinephrine, and/or iso- -Patients with hypotension, AV
proterenol block, or dysrhythmias should be
*Arnrinone, pacing, and intra-aortic balloon pump may be con- admitted to a monitored floor or
sidered for refractory hypotension ICU
-Hemodialysis may be useful for non-lipophilic drugs
(e.g., . CCB
atenolol, nadolol) -Patients who are asymptomatic after
. CCB 6 hours may be transfeffed to
-IV calcium chloride administration Psychiatry
-Glucagon may be effective as above -Continuous cardiac monitoring is
*Atropine, dopamine, norepinephrine as above required if sustained-release prepa-
-Insulin and glucose infusion improves contractility rations were ingested or symptoms
-Hemodialysis may also be effective in refractory cases are present

1 53. Sy*pathomimetic Overdose
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Cocaine and amphetamine derivatives are cofilmon sympathomimetics . Acute psychosis
. Cocaine remains the most cornmon cause of drug-related death (up to . Anticholinergic overdose
of ED patients with chest pain and 67o of those with enzymatic evi-
25Vo . Delirium tremens
dence of myocardial infarction test positive for cocaine) . Heat shoke
. 25 million Americans have used cocaine once and 1.5 million are curent . Hypoglycemia
users 'Hypoxemia
. Cocaine stimulates the release of biogenic amines and inhibits synaptic . Ma huang ingestion
reuptake, resulting in cr- and P-receptor stimulation . Meningitis
. Cocaine also inhibits the movement of sodium across the cell membrane, . Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
delaying nerve impulses and prolonging the QRS complex (amphetamines . Salicylate overdose
do not inhibit sodium channels) . Sedative-hypnotic withdrawal
. Amphetamines, including methamphetamine ("ice" or MDA) and . Sepsis
MDMA, enhance the release and block reuptake of catecholamines . Thyrotoxicosis
. Serotonin syndrome

Presentation Diagnosis
. Toxidrome: Hypertension, tachycar- . Clinical recognition of the sympathomimetic toxidrome
dia, mydriasis, diaphoresis, and . Immediate rectal temperature for malignant hyperthermia
hlperthermia . Glucose and pulse oximetry should be assessed immediately
. Cardiac effects include chest pain . Dysrhythmias may include sinus tachycardia, SVT, and wide-
due to myocardial ischemia or aortic complex or ventricular tachycardia
dissection and arrhythmias . Serial ECGs and troponin if MI is suspected
. CNS effects include hallucinations, . CPK to rule out rhabdomyolysis
seizures, CVA, and intracranial . Head CT and lumbar puncture should be done to exclude subarach-
hemorrhage noid hemonhage in severe persistent headache
. Pulmonary effects (in patients who . Other labs may include DIC panel, electrolytes, cultures, and liver
inhale the drug) include barotrauma, function tests
pneumonitis, pneumothorax, and . Urine drug screens detect cocaine and amphetamine metabolites for
bronchospasm several days after last use, so a positive test in the absence of the
. Syncope may hdicate aortic dissec- sympathomimetic toxidrome is probably not clinically useful
tion or dysrhythmias . Abdominal radiographs for suspected body packers
. Rhabdomyolysis with renal failure
may occrr

Treatment Disposition
. Activated charcoal */- gastric lavage is useful in ingestions to . Patients with mild agitation can be
prevent drug absorption treated with benzodiazepines and dis-
. Aggressively lower core temperatures )106'F to prevent organ charged with a responsible adult after 6
failure via ice water immersion, benzodiazepines, and rapid fluid hours of observation
resuscitation . Admit agitated, violent, or symptomatic
. Hypertension should be treated with benzodiazepines; refractory patients
hypertension may be treated with phentolamine (a-antagonist), . Patients with chest pain should be
nitroglycerin, or nitroprusside admitted ii pain is persistent or is asso-
. Never use B-blockers in cocaine abuse (e.g., to treat hypertension, ciated with ECG changes, elevated car-
MI, or aortic dissection) as the unopposed ct-adrenergic effect will diac enz)rrnes, or cardiovascular decom-
produce paradoxically ilcreased vasoconstriction and hyperten- pensation
sion . Route of intake may suggest associated
. Treat chest pain with aspirin, nitroglycerin, and benzodiazepines complications: Inhaled (barotrauma),
. Wide-complex tachycardia should be treated with sodium bicar- snorted (nasal septum perforation), or
bonate injected (endocarditis, abscess, DVT)
. Body packers swallow large quantities ofpackaged drugs for . Body packers should be admitted to a
transport across borders; administer charcoal and whole bowel monitored floor for observation and
irrigation; if symptoms of intoxication are present, surgical whole bowel irrigation; radiological
extraction may be necessary confirmation of packet clearance is


1 54. Chol inergic/Antichol nerg ic Overdose i

- Differential Dx
. Cholinergics include organophosphate insecticides, carbamates, and nerve . Cholinergics
agents used in wafare (e.g., GA, GB, VX) -Allergic reaction
(AChE), -{austic ingestion
-Organophosphates competitively inhibit acetylcholinesterase
thereby activating nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors -Food poisoning
-Carbamates are shorte(-acting AChE inhibitors -Foreign body aspiration
-Organophosphate will covalentty bind to AChE ("aging"), carbamates -Iuitable bowel syndrome
will not -Seizure disorder
-Early mortality occurs due to bronchorrhea-induced airway compro- -Urosepsis
mise; late mortality is due to respiratory muscie fatigue . Anticholinergics
. Anticholinergics include atropine, scopolamine, glycopynolate, benz- -Acute psychosis/delirium
tropine, oxybutynin, antipsychotics, tricyclics, and antihistamines -Carbon monoxide
-Competitively antagonize the muscarinic effects of acetylcholine -Sympathomimetic abuse
-Steroid psychosis
-Serotonin syndrome

Presentation Diagnosis
. Cholinergic toxidrome . Cholinergics
DUMBELS : Dianhea/diaphore- -Clinical diagnosis based on classic toxidrome findings or known
sis, urination, miosis/muscle fas- exposure
ciculations, bradycardia/bron- -Response to empiric therapy confirms diagnosis
chorrhea/ bronchospasm. emesis. -RBC cholinesterase activity may be measured
lacrimat ion, salivation/seizure . Anticholinergics
. Anticholinergics: -Also a clinical diagnosis
-"Hot as hades, blind as a bat, -Specific drug levels are neither readily available nor specific for
dry as a bone, red as a beet, anticholinergic intoxications
mad as a hatter" -ECG may show widened QRS, prolonged QT, SVT, or wide-
-Hot and flushed, dilated pupils, complex tachycardia
dry mucous membranes. urinary
retention, tachycardia, hypoac-
tive bowel sounds. psychosis.

. Cholinergics . Cholinergic toxicity generally requires
-Remove clothes, irrigate skin/membranes, stabilize airway admission
. Anticholinergics
-GI decontamination is unnecessary as vomiting and diarrhea
are part of the toxidrome -Patients with mild symptoms may
-IV atropine 5 mg every 5 minutes until bronchorrhea resolves; be discharged home after psychiatric
however, this will only reverse muscarinic effects without evaluation and/or assessment of
affecting nicotinic receptors child's home safety
-Early administration of pralidoxime will break apart the -Patients with moderate to severe
organophosphate-acetylcholinesterase complex symptoms should be observed in a
-Long-actilg IVIM benzodiazepines for patients wilh severe monitored setting
toxicity, agitation, or seizures -Antihistamine overdoses should be
. Anticholinergics obsewed on monitor for 8 hours
-Ensure adequate volume replacement because of delayed onset of symp-
-IV physostigmine blocks acetylcholine metabolism; used for toms
pure anti-cholinergic overdose, but not for drugs with mixed
effects (e.g., TCAs); caution in patients with underlying coro-
nary disease, reactive aitway disease, or myasthenia gravis
-Sodium bicarbonate for wide-complex tachycardias
-Benzodiazepines lor agitation or seizures

155 . Cyanide Poisoning
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Cyanide (CN) inhibits the final step of oxidative phosphorylation, forcing . Hypoxia
cells to utilize anaerobic metabolism to produce AIP and resulting in an . Carbon monoxide poisoning
anion-gap metabolic acidosis . Hydrogen sulfide inhalation
. In cases of CN poisoning, oxygen is not used for cellular respiration; it . Alcoholic ketoacidosis
remains bound to hemoglobin, producing bright red venous blood . Methanol, ethanol, or ethylene
. Exposure may occrr due to inhalation, ingestion, or percutaneous expo- glycol ingestion
sure . Isoniazid poisoning
. Exposures may occur in fires, the workplace (e.g., metal plating, paper, . Acute lung injury/ARDS
fertllizer, plastics industries), foods (e.g., apricots, bitter almonds), and in . Hydrogen sulfide
some non-traditional cancer therapies (e.g., Laetrile) . Intracranial bleed
. Elimination of CN occurs via the enzyme rhodanese, which converts it to . Salicylate overdose
water-soluble thiocyanate . Seizure disorder
. Concurent carbon monoxide poisoning may occur in smoke inhalations . Sepsis
. Viral syndrome

Presentation Diagnosis
. Affects the CNS, cardiac, and pul- . A11 fre victims should be suspected of carbon monoxide and cyanide
monary systems exposure until proven otherwise
. CNS symptoms begin as headache, . History is the most important diagnostic factor; suppofting labs may
testlessness, and fatigue; may include cyanide level, lactate level, and electrolytes for anion gap aci-
progress to seizures, loss of con- dosis
sciousness, and coma . Serum cyanide level will determine the magnitude of exposure but is
. Cardiac symptoms begin as tachy- generaily unavailable for rapid diagnosis in the ED (toxic levels are
cardia and may progress to hypoten >0.5 mg/L and fatal levels are >3 mg&)
sion, bradycardia, asystole . Electrolytes will reveal an anion gap metabolic acidosis (typically
. Pulmonary symptoms include dysp- anion gap >30)
nea and tachypnea (as a compensa- . Lactate will be elevated
tory response to metabolic acidosis) . ABG reveals a normal PaO2 and metabolic acidosis; spectrophoto-
. Patients are not cyanotic metric co-oximetry should be checked to discem the presence of car-
. Post-mortem findings include a boxyhemoglobin
cherry-red retina and retinal hemor- . Pulse oxirnetry will be normal

Treatment Disposition
. Administer 1007o ox]gen by a non-rebreather face mask . All patients with symptomatic expo-
. Activated charcoal if ingestion is suspected sures should be admitted for observa-
. Cyanide antidote kit is indicated for symptomatic patients tion
-Inhaled amyl nitrite pearls and [V sodium nitrite generate . Patients with asymptomatic exposures
methemoglobin to bind to CN may be monitored for 6*8 hours and
-Sodium thiosulfate provides a sulfur moiety to improve released
rhodanese elimination of CN
-Methemoglobin formed by nitrites may further decrease
oxygen-carrying capacity and worsen ischemia-as a result,
the antidote kit should only be used in patients with symptoms
. Hyperbaric oxygen is not effective


156. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas produced by the . Cyanide poisoning
incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons . Alcoholic ketoacidosis
. CO has an affinity for hemoglobin 250-foid greater than oxygen, thereby . Lactic acidosis
decreasing oxygen dissociation from hemoglobin in the tissues (via shift- . Acute lung injury/ARDS
ing the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the left) and decreasing . Hydrogen sulfide
the oxygen carrying capacity of blood . Intracranial bleed
. CO also inhibits the last step of oxidative phosphorylation, forcing cells to . Salicylate overdose
undergo anaerobic metabolism to produce AIP . Seizure disorder
. At high concentrations, CO also binds to myoglobin and inhibits cardiac . Sepsis
contractility . Viral syndrome
. Exposures occur due to fires, gas or oil heaters, engine exhaust, smoking, . Respiratory infection
and industrial occupations
. CO poisoning is the most common cause of fire-related death

Presentation Diagnosis
. Toxicity manifests as vague, non- . Suspect carbon monoxide exposure in all fire victims
specific complaints, including . Afierial blood gases and pulse oximetry cannot distinguish carboxy-
headache, nausea, weakness, dizzi- hemoglobin (COHb) from oxyhemoglobin-spectrophotometric co-
ness, and confusion oximetry can be ordered on arterial or venous blood to reliably distin-
. Common signs include lethargy, guish the two (pulse oximetry may misidentify COHb as oxyhemo-
tachycardia, and tachypnea globin and therefore overestimate oxygen carrying capacity and tissue
. Severe cases may present with syn- oxygenation)
cope. seizure. coma. chest pain. . History is the most important diagnostic factor; suppoding labs may
myocardial ischemia. hypotension. include cyanide level, elevated lactate level, and electrolytes (reveai
or cardiac arrest anion gap metabolic acidosis)
. Srongly consider CO poisoning . Additional workup should include a pregnancy test, CBC, CPK, uri-
when an entire family/group pres- nalysis, cardiac enzymes, salicylate level, ECG, and CXR
ents with similar complaints at the . Consider using the Carbon Monoxide Neuropsychological Screening
same time Battery to provide a baseline for mental status changes

Treatment Disposition
. Remove the patient from the source of carbon monoxide . COHb levels do not correlate with
. Administer supplemental O, via a non-rebreathing facemask symptom severity
. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy should be considered in pregnant . 7O-3O70 of symptomatic CO exposures
patients with COHb > 107o, coronary disease with COHb >20Vo, develop delayed sequelae of cognitive
patients with any cardiac symptoms, and all other patients with or personality changes. parkinsonism.
COHb >20407o or severe/deteriorating symptoms or chronic headaches
. Complications of CO exposure hclude
-Hyperbarics speed resolution of symptoms and decrease rates
of delayed sequelae myocardial infarction, brain ischemia,
-The hatflife of COHb is 6 hours on room air, <90 minutes on noncardiogenic pulmonary edema,
1007o oxlgen at 1 atmosphere, and <30 minutes on 1007o rhabdomyolysis, DIC, and renal failure
oxygen at 3 atmospheres . Discharge patients with CO exposure
whose symptoms resolve after 4 hours
of oxygen therapy
. Admit all patients who have severe or
persistent symptoms

157. Ethanol lntoxication
Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Most frequently used/abused drug in the US . Alcohol withdrawal
. Ethanol is found in the blood of 1540Va of ED patients . Toxic alcohol ingestion (e.g.,
. Acts as a CNS depressant by inhibiting neuronal activity methanol, ethylene glycol)
. Metabolism primarily occurs in the liver via alcohol dehydrogenase and . DKA
acetaldehyde dehydrogenase . Hypoglycemia
. See entry on Withdraw al Syndrome s for further information . Illicit drug use
. Alcohol use is a significant risk factor for trauma . Traumatic iniury
. Legal intoxication is generally defined as blood level 8G-100 mg/dl . Seizure disorder
. Metabolized at approximately 30 mg/dllhour . Metabolic disturbance (e.g.,
. One drink (e.g.,12 ozbeel 4 oz wine, 1 shot 80-proof liquor) increases electrolyte abnormality. iniec-
blood alcohol by /0-30 mgldL tion)
. Complications of chronic use: CNS (e.g., cognitive impairment, cerebellar . Meningitis
degeneration, peripheral neuropathy, dementia), GI (e'g , fatty liver, alco- . Encephalitis
hol hepatitis, cirrhosis), cardiomyopathy, malignancy
. Wemicke and Korsakoff's syndromes are due to thiamine deficiency

. Commonly causes sluned speech, . Complete physical exam is required to assess for the presence of
disinhibited behavior, poor judge- associated traumatic injuries and hypothermia
ment, decreased coordination, CNS . Ethanol levels are readily available but are not absolutely required;
depression. respiratory depression clinical effects of ethanol depend both on blood level and degree of
(in severe cases) patient tolerance
. Cardiac arhythmias or hypotension . CBC reveals increased MCV and thrombocytopenia
with reflex tachycardia may occur . Electrolyte abnormalities may include hypokalemia, hypomagne-
. Gastritis, esophagitis, GI bleed, or semia, hypocalcemia, and hypophosphatemia
pancreatitis may occur . Alcoholic ketoacidosis (anion gap metabolic acidosis) may occur due
. lncreased sexual desire, decreased to decreased oxidation of fatty acids and poor diet, resulting in
ability to perform increased serum ketones, iarge anion gap, and either mildly increased
. Wemicke's syndrome: Ataxia, oph- or normal serum glucose
thalmoparesis, encephalopathy . Hypoglycemia is often present due to impaired liver gluconeogenesis
. Korsakoff's syndrome: Alcohol- . Consider urine drug screen if co-ingestants are suspected-cocaine is
induced amnesia (antegrade greater especially common
than reffograde)

Treatment Disposition
. Observe until clinically sober . Patients who are clinically intoxicated
. Occasionally, patients require infubation for respiratory depres- may be held against their will if they
sion or airway protection pose a danger to self or others
. Activated charcoal is ineffective; administration is only indicated . Patients may be discharged if they are
if a co-ingestant is suspected clinically sober and able to care for
. Gastric lavage is rarely required themselves-a specific blood ethanol
. Treat dehydration with fV fluids containing dextrose if volume level is not required
depletion or clinical dehydration is present . Do not overlook associated injuries
. Administer thiamine and folate (prior to glucose administration) (e.g., altered mental status may be due
to prevent acute Wemicke's encephalopathy to intracerebral hemorrhage secondary
. Treat hypoglycemia with D50 bolus or IV fluids containing glu- to a fall rather than EtOH intoxication)
cose . 1-2 drinks per day may have beneficial
health effects by decreasing cardiovas-
cular disease rates
. Alcohol intake during pregnancy is rap-
idly transferred across the placenta and
may cause fetal alcohol syndrome
. Provide referrals to patients who are
problem drinkers

158. Toxic Alcohols
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. alcohols are metabolized by the enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase and
. MUDPILES mnemonic for an
acetaldehyde dehydrogenase anion gap metabolic acidosis
. Methanol (MetOH) is also known as wood alcohol or wood spirits -Methanol
-Found in antifreeze, windshield fluid, inks, glass cleaners, solvents, -Uremia
and paint thinners -DKA
-Metabolized to formic acid (the true toxin); antagonizes cellular respi- -Paraldehydes
ration causing anion-gap metabolic acidosis, ocular toxicity -Iron or isoniazid overdose
. Ethylene glycol -Lactic acidosis
-Primarily found in antifreeze and engine coolants -Ethanol (alcoholic ketoacido-
-Metabolized to toxic organic acids sis) or ethylene glycol
-Forms characteristic calcium oxalate crystals in the urine -Salicylates
. Isopropanol . Consider other causes of altered
-Found in rubbing alcohol and solvents mental status
-Metabolized to acetone causing metabolic acidosis
. Ethanol: See related "Ethanol Intoxication" entry

Presentation Diagnosis
. Methanol toxicity may occur up to 3 . Check glucose, CBC, electrolytes, renal function, and urinalysis
days after ingestion . Toxic alcohols generally cause an elevated anion gap (minimal in
-Early toxicity mimics ethanol ethanol and isopropanol, moderate to severe in ethylene glycol and
ingestion (N/V, abdominal pain, methanol) and an elevated serum osmolal gap
ataxia, decreased mental status) . Serum levels of each alcohol are available and should be obtained for
-507o develop visual changes, the suspected ingestant
from blurred vision to blindness . Methanol
. Ethylene glycol has 4 stages -Occupational exposure history may provide the diagnosis
-Neurologic (1-12 hrs): Drunken -Head CT may show characteristic bilateral putaminal lesions
behavior, CNS depression . Ethylene glycol
-Cardiopulmonary 02-24 hr s) : -Calcium oxalate crystals in the urine is diagnostic
HTN, tachycardia, pulm edema -Urine fluorescence with a Wood's lamp, if present, is helpful;
-Nephrotoxic (24J 2 hrs): CYA however, lack of fluorescence does not rule out poisoning
tendemess, renal failure . Isopropanol
-Delayed neurologic sequelae -Causes only a mild acidosis with ketonemia and ketonuria
. Isopropanol: Respiratory and CNS -May have severe hypoglycemia
depression, gastritis, coma, death

. Profound bicarbonate-resistant metabolic acidosis may occur; . 907o of exposures are unintentional
therefore, the goals of therapy are to rapidly correct the acidosis . All toxic alcohol ingestions should be
and immediately inhibit further production of toxic metabolites admitted
. Both methanol and ethylene glycol are treated with IV ethanol or . If treated early, alcohol poisonings have
fometizole to competitively antagonize the dehydrogenase low mortality: however. failure to initi-
enzyme, hindering further production of toxic metabolites ate prompt therapy can be fatal within
. Early hemodialysis is the most effective means of removing toxic 1-2 days
organic acid metabolites; indications for hemodialysis vary with . Methanol: Predictors of mortality
the toxin ingested include coma. initial pH (7. or seizure
-Methanol: Any visual impairment, base deficit >15 mmol/L, on presentation
serum [MetOH] >50 mg/dl-, or consumption of >40 mL . Ethylene glycol: Predictors of mortality
-Ethylene glycol: Refractory acidosis or renal failure include coma, low pH, hlperkalemia,
-Isopropanol: Refractory hypotension or level >400 mg/dl and seizures
. Activated charcoal is ineffective and has no role in isolated alco-
hol ingestion; administer only if a co-ingestion is suspected

159. Heavy Metal Poisoning
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Lead has no known biological functions; it impairs various enzymes by . Acute renal failure
binding to sulfhydryl groups, primarily of the hematopoietic, neurologic, . Bowel obstruction
and renal systems . Carbon monoxide
. Child abuse
-57o of US children have toxic blood lead levels due to exposures to
paint, soil, contaminated food storage cans, and herbal remedies . Cyanide toxicity
. Iron toxicity depends on elemental iron level ingested (<20 mg/kg no . Mercury poisoning
symptoms, 20-60 mg,/kg moderate symptoms, )60 mg/kg severe) . Gastroenteritis
-Once transferrin becomes saturated, free iron circulates in serum, Hepatitis
moves into cells, and uncouples oxidative phosphorylation . Homicide attempt
. Peptic ulcer disease
-Iron also causes direct damage to the GI tract
. Arsenic is an odorless, tasteless metal that binds sulfhydryl groups, . Sepsis
inhibiting glycolysis and replacing phosphorus in ATP-dependent cellular . Suicide attempt
energy production; found in pesticides and high{ech industries . Causes of altered mental status
-Exposures may be occupational or criminal (attempted homicide or as
a biological weapon)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Lead poisoning may present as . Lead: Blood lead level (BLL) is diagnostic
chronic toxicity (anemia, peripheral -Other tests include head CT, CBC (demonstrates anemia +/-
neuropathy. abdominal pain. pica. basophilic stippling), electrolytes, liver function tests, and urinaiy-
and intellectual impairment) or sis
acute oveldose (GI distress, -X-ray of long bones in children may reveal lead lines (increased
encephalopathy, seizures) metaphyseal deposition) in the distal ulna or fibula
. Iron presents in 5 distinct phases . Iron: Blood iron level is diagnostic and correlated with severity
-GI toxicity (90 minutes) -CBC and elecfolytes may show leukocytosis or hypoglycemia
-Incomplete recovery (1224 bts) -Abdominal X-rays may be helpful to visualize GI iron tablets, but
-Deterioration with GI bieed and absence does not rule out the diagnosis
CNS depression (12-48 hrs) . Arsenic: 24-hour urine arsenic level >100 pglday or spot urine
Rapid hepatic failure (2-5 days) >50 pg/L requires therapy
-Bowel scarring and strictures -In chronic ingestions, hair or nails should be examined for traces
. Arsenic: Violent vomiting, pro- of arsenic
longed gastroenteritis, CNS symp- -May also see anemia with basophilic stippling and an active uri-
toms, white lines in nails, hypoten- nary sediment (e.g., casts, WBCs, RBCs)
sion, arrhythmias, alopecia

Treatment Disposition
. AII heavy metals are readily removed by hemodialysis . Lead
. Lead: Chelation therapy for significant toxicity -A11 lead levels )10 pg/dl require
-Parenteral chelators include dimercaprol and calcium disodi- family evaiuation, health department
um ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) assessment, and blood screening to
-Enteral chelators include succimer (a water-soluble dimer- ensure lead-free environment
caprol anaiog) or D-penicillamine -Admit symptomatic patients or those
-<20 p,gldL: No chelation therapy required with lead levels >69 pg/dl
2044: Consider outpatient chelation -CNS damage is often permanent
. Iron
-45-69 : Outpatient entera-l chelation
->69: Inpatient parenteral chelation -Patients with ingestions <20 mg/kg
. Iron of elemental iron may be discharged
-Whole bowel irrigation if tablets are seen on X-ray (activated if asymptomatic after 6 hours
charcoal, gastric lavage, and induced vomiting are ineffective) -Admit patients with ingestions
-Continuous deferoxamine infusion (forms a water-soluble >20 mg&g; consider treatment with
complex with iron, which is then renally excreted) bowel irrigation and supponive
. Arsenic therapy
-Dimercaprol, succimet or D-penicillamine chelation Patients with serum levels
-Gastric lavage, activated charcoal, or bowel irrigation >350 pr,g/dl- require chelation
. Arsenic exposures are generally admitted


1 60. Hydrocarbon Poisoning
Differential Dx
. Hydrocarbons are carbon-based sfuctures, most often peffoleum distil- . Asthma
lates (e.g., gasoline, other fuels, adhesives/glues, paint, vamish, . Caustic ingestion
paint/stain/vamish removers, cleaners, and other solvents) . Child abuse
. As a group, these are among the most commonly repofied poisoningsi . Congenital heart disease
generally fal1 into one of four clinical scenarios-toddler ingestion' ado- . Foreign body aspiration
lescent recreational abuse (e.g., glue-sniffing, huffing), accidental . Pesticide ingestion
dermal/inhalational exposure, or suicide attempt . Polysubstance abuse
. 1/3 of toddler exposures result from drinking from a reused beverage con- . Pneumonia
tainer used to store hydrocarbons! . Suicide attempt
. Because hydrocarbons are used as solvents for many substances (e.g., pes- . Other causes of mental status
ticides), the composition of the ingested substance should be ascerlained changes (e.g., meningitis)
. Toxicity is noted primarily in the lungs, cardiovascular system, and CNS

Presentation Diagnosis
. Resphatory: Hypoxia, Pneumonitis . Note the characteristic smeli of breath in conjunction with presenting
with direct alveolar injury or bron- complaints
chospasm . Paramedics and family members should be encouraged to bring the
. Cardiovascular: Dysrhythmias or ingested substance from the scene so that any co-toxicities may be
sudden death; may enhance myocar- anticipated (e.g., pesticides)
dial sensitivity to catecholamines . Laboratory levels of hydrocarbons are not clinicaily useful
. CNS: Narcotic-like euphoria, . Chest X-ray may manifest abnormalities within 30 minutes of inges-
tremor, agitation, seizures tion (even in the absence of auscultatory findings)
. ABG may show hypoxemia or increased A-a gradient
-May result in long-term neu-
rodegeneration with . ECG may show ventricular dysrhythmias (due to increased cate-
encephalopathy and neuropathy cholamine availability)
. Dermal exposures typically cause . Check CBC, electrolytes, and liver and renal function
buming pain, swelling, or blisters . In suspected recreational abuse, a characteristic rash around the
mouth and nose ("huffer's rash" or "glue-sniffer's rash") may support
the diagnosis; be sure to exclude other common drugs of abuse

Treatment Disposition
. Supportive therapy is the key to successful management; recog- . Patients may remain asymptomatic for
nize potential complications and the potential for a rapid deterio- several hours after exposure; thus, all
ration following asymptomatic presentation reported exposures should be observed
. Generally, do not give charcoal, ipecac, or GI lavage unless in the ED for a minimum of six hours
another toxic ingestion is suspected (these are generally noi effec- . Patients who are asymptomatic after
tive and increase the risk of hydrocarbon aspiration) 6 hours may be discharged following
. GI decontamination may be used for specific hydrocarbons repeat pulmonary auscultation, chest
-Camphor (seizures) X-ray, pulse oximetry and/or ABG
. A11 discharged patients should have
-Halogenated hydrocarbons (dysrhythmias and hepatotoxicity t
-Aromatic hydrocarbons (bone marrow suppression) appropriate follow-up
. Admit patients with symptomatic cough
-Metals, such as iead and mercury
. Keep patients calm (use sedation if necessary) because of the or dyspnea
enhanced myocardial sensitivity to catecholamines . Psychiatry should be consulted for
. Anhythmias are best treated with B-blockers due to the excess of chronic abusers and suicide attempts
catecholamines . Glue sniffers or huffers are at risk for
. Wash dermal exposures copiously with soap and water chronic CNS toxicity
. No specific antidotes exist for isolated hydrocarbon toxicity

161 . Caustic lngestions
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Caustic injuries to the esophagus primarily occur in two age groups: . Abdominal catastrophe (e.9.
Children ages 1-5 (due to accidental ingestions) and young adults ages perforation)
15-30 (usually due to larger ingestions as a suicide attempt) . Child abuse
. Injury progresses in three stages . Electrical burn
. Esophageal cancer
-Acute injlammation with necrosis and ulcer formation
. Esophageal dysmotility
-Granulation (days 4-14) with risk of perforation
. Fungal/viral esophagitis
-Chronic cicatrization (days 1zl-90) with stricture formation
. Alkali results in liquefaction necrosis and protein disruption (deep tissue . GERD
penetration may occur) whereas acids produce coagulation necrosis and . Pill esophagitis
eschar formation (limiting tissue damage to superficial) . Periodontal infection
. Alkali primarily damages the esophagus whereas acids may damage the . Radiation esophagitis
esophagus or stomach . Schatzki's ring
. Acute complications include airway compromise, pneumonitis, and
esophageal or gastric perforation with mediastinitis or peritonitis
. Caustic ingestions increase the risk of esophageal cancer 3000-fold

. Airway edema and perforation of a . The key to diagnosis and treatment is to elicit the exact agent in-
viscus require emergent manage- gested; injury severity is a function of the type of agent, concentra-
ment tion, volume, viscosity, duration of contact, pH, and whether food
. Common presenting complaints was present in the stomach
include oral pain. abdominal pain. . Labs should include electrolytes, CBC, and PT/PTT
vomiting, and drooling . Obtain ABG to evaluate for systemic acidosis
. Stridor, dysphonia. chest pain, respi- . Upright chest and abdominal plain films are required to identify per-
ratory distress, and lipffacial bums forations (free air in the abdomen or mediastinum) and pleural effu-
are also common sions----evidence of either necessitate immediate surgical exploration
. Hypovolemic shock, fever, and aci- for source of perforation
dosis may be present . Endoscopy (safest within the initial 24 hours) should be performed
. Dermal bums may occur if the sub- urgently (<6 hours) in any symptomatic or intentional ingestions to
stance touched the skin determine degree of iniury
. Hydrofluoric acid dermal bums . Chest and abdominal CT is used in stable patients to identify any
uniquely cause severe pain with questionable perforations, but is not 1007o sensitive
minimal physical findings . Hydrofluoric acid exposures require cardiac monitoring and serum
Ca*z and Mg+2 levels

. Airway management with endotracheal intubation may be . Al1 symptomatic patients requke ICU
required for severe pharyngeal or oral injuries admission
. Patients with alkali ingestion who are not vomiting or displaying . After 44 hours of observation, asymp-
evidence of perforation can be given 1-2 glasses of water or milk tomatic patients require ED endoscopy
to neutralize the caustic agent within 15 minutes of ingestion or outpatient follow-up within 12 hours
. Copious irrigation of ocular, dermal, and oral lesions for re-evaluation
. Do not induce emesis (may increase esophageal or pulmonary . Psychiatry should be involved for all
injury) or administer activated charcoal (does not bind caustics intentional ingestions
ald may obscure endoscopic evaluation) . Parents should be advised not to store
. Do not place NG tube in alkali bum due to perforation risk caustic substances in spaces accessible
. Corticosteroids may be considered in circumferential, second- to toddlers or in containers usually
degree alkali bum injuries of the esophagus to decrease strictue reserved for beverages
formation; not indicated in acid bums . Acid ingestion has higher mortality than
. Antibiotic prophylaxis against oral pathogens if steroids are uti- alkali despite more superficial tissue
lized or perforation has occurred invasion (likely due to systemic absorp-
. Surgery is required emergently in most perforations tion of the acid)
. Hydrofluoric acid dermal bums are treated with topical calcium . Long-term complications include
gluconate gel or benzalkonium chloride until pain is relieved; esophageal stricture formation (espe-
refractory pain requires calcium gluconate injection cially after alkali bum)


162. Hallucinogen Overdose
Differential Dx
. Hallucinogens are a heterogeneous group of compounds . LSD-like agents
. LSD-like agents include mescaiine, psilocybin, and Amanita muscaria -Anticholinergic toxin
mushrooms-these all produce altered &ought process and perception of -Delirium tremens
surroundings by intemrption of serotonergic (5-HT) signal processing to -Schizophrenia
the cerebral cortex -Sympathomimetics
. 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "ecstasy") is known as an . MDMA/PCP-like agents
"enactogen" or "empathogen" due to the enhanced sense of empathy it -All the above
produces; commonly used by teenagers at raves -Tricyclic antidepressant
-Alters 5-HT transmission and increases dopamine release
-Composed of an amphetamineJike moiety and a mescalinelike
moi- -Head trauma
ety, resulting in both hallucinogenic euphoria and stimulation -Heat stroke/neuroleptic
-Death may occur due to cardiac arrhythmias or intracranial hemor- malignant syndrome
rhage -Meningitis, sepsis
. PCP (anget dust) is a synthetic dissociative anesthetic that blocks gluta- -Salicylate overdose
mate; clinical effects vary from agitation to sedation -Thyrotoxicosis

. Illusions (abnormal perception of . LSD-like agents are readily identified by mass spectrometry of
sensory inputs) and/or hallucina- serum, urine, or gastric contents; however, fesults of these tests are
tions (sensory perceptions without rarely available in the ED
any extemal stimuli) -Not detected on common urine drug screens
. LSD-like agents: Sympathomimetic . MDMA is identified by urine drug screens; diagnosis is confirmed by
symptoms (e.g., tachycardia, HTN, urine chromatography
flushing, mydriasis); a "bad trip" -Obtain ECG if arrhythmias are suspected
occurs with acute panic and para- -Severe hlponatremia is possible due to SIADH
noid delusions, which may foster . PCP is detected by urine drug screens; however, false positives are
dangerous/suicidai behavior common with other agents (e.g., dextromethorphan diphenhydramine)
. MDMA: Sympathomimetic sy.rnp- -May cause hypoglycemia
torns, euphoria; may cause hyper- . Depending on the presentation, additional workup may include a drug
thermia, seizutes, acute panic, screen for additional substances of abuse, acetaminophen and aspirin
mydriasis, muscle spasm levels if suicide attempt is suspected, and bacterial cultures to exclude
. PCP: Altered mental status, HTN, infection
rotatory nystagmus, and violent and
agitated misbehavior

Treatment Disposition
. Charcoal may be beneficial if given within t hour of ingestion or . LSD-like agents
if co-ingestions are suspected -Onset 30 minutes; lasts 2-12 hours
. LSD-like agents -Admit if symptoms persist )8 hours
-Calm, comfortable environment -Complications: Persistent psychosis
-Benzodiazepines, haloperidol, or droperidol as needed for and/or "flashbacks"
sedation .MDMA
. MDMA -Discharge patients if asymptomatic
-IV fluids and active cooling-the length of time of hypether- after 4-6 hours
mia correlates directly with adverse outcome -Admit patients with persistent
thougha disorders, dysrhythmias,
-Benzodiazephes for seizures or agitation
-B-blockers, calcium-charmel blockers, or procainarnide for seizures, or renal failure
dysrhythmias -{omplications: Dysrhythmias, HTN
-Benzodiazepines or p-blockers for HTN with intracerebral hemorrhage, DIC,
-Dantrolene lor hypenhermia hyperthermia, seizure, rhabdomyoly-
. PCP sis
-Airway management
-Active cooling -Admit agitated or violent patients
-Benzodiazepines or phenobarbital for seizures -Discharge if asymptomatic for 6 hrs
-Haloperidol or droperidol for agitation -Complications: Seizures, coma,

163. Botanical lngestions and Herbal Toxicity
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Herbal remedies are used by over 30Vo of the general public . Alcohol intoxication
. Most ED herbal toxicities result from product contamination (uninten- . Caustic ingestion
tional), overdoses, and drug hteractions . Gastroenteritis
. Botanical ingestions peak in summer and fali, when colorful berries and . Hallucinogen abuse
leaves attract children and mushroom enthusiasts mistake toxic species . Hepatitis
. Herbal supplements include ephedra (causes sympathetic hyperactivity), . Homicide attempt
echinacea (used for URIs), ginkgo (used to improve mental status; inhibits . Hypersensitivity reactions
platelets), ginseng (used for ulcers, fatigue, and stress), and many others . Intracranial hemorrhage
. 57o ofpoison center calls involve plant ingestions (usually age <6); how- . Seizure
ever, 15o/o of plant ingestions produce adverse effects and mortaiity is . Suicide attempt
less than 1:i,000,000
. Fatal plant ingestions include water hemlock and oleander
. Most mushroom fatalities arc from Amanita phalloides ingestion

Presentation Diagnosis
. Herbals . A11 patients should be questioned about ingestion of herbal sub-

-Ephedra: Tachycardia, tachyp- stances and vitamins

nea, hypertension, cardiac . Identification of the ingestant is the single most important action in
ischemia. and diaphoresis determining the potential toxicity of a botanical ingestion
. Attempt to identify the ihgested household plants or mushrooms via
-Chamomile. echinacea:
Anaphyiaxis analysis of emesis, stool, and the site where ingestion occurred
-Cinkgo: Bleeding . Though specific toxin testing is often possible, results are not readily
-Cinseng: Hypoglycemia available in the ED; further, one must know for what toxin to test
. Early involvement of a botanical specialist through the local poison
-St. John's Wort: Tyramine effect
. Common household plants center may be useful
. ED testing is generally directed at ruling out other causes ofthe
-Water hemlock: Abdomi-nal
cramping, nausea, vomiting, patient's symptoms
intractable seizures
-Jimsonweed: Antichol inergic
-Oleander: DigoxinJike cardiac
conduction defects

Treatment Disposition
. Herbal agents . Early involvement of botanical special-
-Toxicities should be managed based on the individual agent, ists may be necessary
pharmacologic interactions, and toxic symptoms . Admit herbal toxicities with severe side
Symptomatic ingestions should be treated with multiple doses effects
of activated charcoal . All amatoxin mushroom and water
*Herbals often interact with other drugs (e.g., significant inter- hemlock ingestions should be admitted
actions with warfarin) to an ICU for observation
. Common househoid plants . If amatoxin mushroom, water hemlock,
-Supportive care and careful observation is sufficient in most and other potentially deadly ingestions
CASES are excluded, the patient may be dis-
Symptomatic ingestions should be treated with multiple doses charged home if asymptomatic and
of activated charcoai volume-repleted after 6 hours
-Specific ingestants may require antidotes (e.g., anticholiner-
gics for jimsonweed, digoxin-specific antibody for oieander)



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- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Core temperature <35'C caused by environmental exposure, decreased . Environmental exposure
thermogenesis, impaired thermoregulation, or diminished ability to . Mental status changes, prevent-
respond appropriately to the cold ing proper response to cold
. Sepsis
-30-35"C: Increased metabolic output with tachycardia, hlpertension,
and tachypnea . Drug or alcohol abuse
. Hypothlroidism
-24-30'C: Slowing of body functions, decreased oxygen demand,
altered mental status, bradycardia, hypotension, arrhythmias . Hypopituitarism
-<24"C: Most organ systems shut down, may have asystole or Vfib 'Hypoadrenalism
. High-risk in the elderly (impaired thermoregulation, mental status . Hypoglycemia
changes), neonates (large body surface area), alcohol/drug abusers . CNS injury, CVA, or tumor
. Severe hypothermia protects organs from ischemia (i.e., at <20'C, cardiac . Wemicke's encephalopathy
arest may be tolerated for hours without sequelae) . Bums
. Severely hypothermic myocardium is very irritable and is often refractory . IV fluids
to conventional therapy (e.g., placing a central line, CPR, or even moving
the patient may cause refractory Vfib)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Cardiovascular effects . Most thermometers only read to 34.4'C; specialized, low-reading
-Mild: tachycardia, hypertension thermometers may be required
-Severe: bradycardia, decreased . CBC may show increased hemoglobin due to hemoconcenffation
card iac output. hypotension . Check serum glucose, electrolytes, renal function (monitor for AIN),
-<30"C: Dysrhythmias CPK (for rhabdomyolysis), PT/PTT, and DIC screen
. CNS: Progressively decreasing . Coagulation studies (PT/PTT) may be normal despite the presence of
mental status, ataxia, conlusion, a clinical coagulopa&y (normal coagulation function may occur in
lethargy, coma; may have dilated the lab as blood is warmed)
and non-reactive pupils . Consider checking plasma cortisol levels and obtaining blood cultures
. Pulmonary: Hypopnea, decreased to rule out sepsis
peripheral 02 release, bronchorrhea . ABG: Metabolic acidosis with either respiratory acidosis (decreased
. Renal: Diuresis and hlpovolemia ventiiation) or alkalosis (decreased CO2 production)
due to impaired tubule concentrat- . ECG may show T wave inversions; prolongation of PR, QRS, or QT
ing ability (ATN may ensue) waves; J waves (Osbom waves) that appear as a hump at junction of
. Coagulopathy the QRS and Sl and dysrhythmias (e.g., bradycardia, Afib/flutter,
Vfib, asystole)
. Flat EEG occurs below 20"C

Treatment Disposition
. Hydrocortisone, thiamine, and antibiotics are standard therapy . Discharge patients with mild
until the cause of the hypothermia is determined hypothermia
. Treat arrhythmias by rewarming and ACLS protocols-the heart . Admit patients with moderate-severe
may be refractory to common treatments (e.g., defibrillation, hypothermia
atropine, antianhythmics, pacing); bretylium is the drug of choice . Mortality depends on etiology (e.g.,
as lidocaine may increase Vfib sepsis carries a high mortality)
. Passive rewarming (remove from cold, apply blankets) for . Recovery has been documented with
hemodynamically stable patients with mild hypothermia cardiac arrest as long as 6 hours due to
. Active extemal rewarming for moderate 01 severe cases (e.g., the decreased metabolic demands of
warming blankets, warm water immersion, room heaters); hypothermic tissues
however, extemal rewarming initially warms the periphery, resuh . Death should not be declared until the
ing in peripheral vasodilatation that may lead to hypotension or patient is warmed to at least 30"C
rewarming acidosis (lactic acid from tissues moves centrally)
. Active intemal rewarming is indicated in severe cases or cardiac
arrest to preferentially warm the heart and other vital organs (e.g.,
warmed O, administration; warmed IV fluids; GI, bladder,
peritoneal, or pleural lavage; cardiopulmonary bypass)


1 65. Cold-Related lnjuries
- Differential Dx
. Factors affecting the severity of cold injury include temperature, clothing, . Non-freezing injuries
*Frostnip (superhcial frost-
duration of exposure, and humiditY
. Chilblains (pemio): Chronic, intermittent skin inflammation due to bite)
persistent vasospasm following exposure to cold, damp conditions -Chilblains (pemio)
. Trench foot: Neurovascular damage without ice crystal fomation follow- -Immersion foot ("trench
ing prolonged foot exposure to cold, wet conditions foot" or "river rot")
. Frostbite: Deep tissue damage (skin, muscle, subQ tissue) due to ice crys- . Freezing injuries (e.g., frostbite)
. Hypothermia
tal formation; primarily on distal extremities, ears' nose, and face
to cold temperatures
-Vasoconstriction initially occurs in response
dehydration and
-Extracellular ice crystal formation causes intracellular
hyperosmolarity, resulting in irreversible tissue damage
flow as free radical
-Reperfusion injury occurs with retum of blood
formation, intracellular edema, vascular leakage, inflammation, and
thrombosis lead to necrosis and gangrene
. Frostnip: Superhcial ice crystal formation and tissue injury

Presentation Diagnosis
. Chilblains: Skin lesions (erythema, . Clinical diagnosis based on history and clinical picture
plaques, edema, and nodules) Pro-
gressing to ulcers, vesicles, and
blisters: pruritus and paresihesias
. Trench foot: Cool, pale extremity
with tingling, numbness, Paresthe-
sias, and cold sensitivity
. Superficial frostbite; Skin erythema,
edema, hyperemia, pain, and numb-
ness; may develop into blisters,
bullae, or eschar
. Deep frostbite: Painful, dry, mottled,
mummified skin; necrosis; and/or
eschar formation; extremity appears
yellow to white and waxy
. Frostnip: Transient numbness and

Treatment Disposition
. Chilblains: Affected skin should be rewarmed and elevated; . Except for minor cases, all patients
nifedipine may prevent symptoms; topical or systemic steroids should be admitted for 2448 hours to
may speed resolution determine extent of injuries and address
. Trench foot: Keep extremity warm, dry, and elevated systemic hypothermia
. Frostbite . Final demarcation between viable and
non-viable tissue may require
-Treat systemic hypothermia and rehydrate with IV
2-3 months
-Avoid friction (do not rub with snow) . Avoid all vasoconstrictive agents
-Remove wet or constrictive clothes
(including nicotine)
-Field rewarming is rarely practical . Sequelae from frostbite injuries include
-Rapid and active rewarming of the affected areas by
sion in circulating water at 3740"C for 10-30 minutes (until intense pain, cold sensitivity, hyperhy-
piiable with distal erythema)-prematwe termination of thaw- drosis, and vasomoto( paralysis, which
ing is a common mistake may last for years
vera (decreases . Sensation will not retum until healing is
-Debride clear blisters and apply topical aloe
inflammation) and non-constrictive dressings complete
. Surgical decisions regarding amputation
-IV analgesia for intense pain associated with reperfusion
are best deferred for 1-2 months
-NSAIDs decrease arachidonic acid-mediated damage
-Tetanus prophylaxis
-{onsider antibiotics for Staphylococcus' Streptococcus



1 66. Heat-Related lllness

Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Illness may be due to increased intemal heat production (e.g., infection, . Heat syncope: Cardiac arrhyth-
exertion) or decreased heat loss due to impaired sweating or rate of evapo- mia. CVA. pulmonary embolus.
ration (e.g., warm ambient temperature with high humidity, dehydration) hypoglycemia
. Heat edema: Vasodilatation results in peripheral pooling of fluid . Heatstroke: Bacterial infection,
. Heat rash ("prickly heat"): Rash due to blockage of sweat glands meningitis/encephal itis. sepsis.
. Heat syncope: Postural syncope due to heat-induced volume depletion and seizures, cerebral hemorrhage,
dehydration thyroid storm, DKA, malignant
. Heat cramps: Cramps occur due to Na+ and K+ loss in sweat hyperthermia, neuroleptic malig-
. Heat exhaustion: A more severe heat illness due to sait and water nant syndrome. ant ichol inergic
depletion that is associated with mildly elevated core temperaturcs toxicity, alcohol withdrawal, sal-
. Heat stroke: A life-threatening illness due to high core temperatures icylate overdose, cocaine, PCP,
(>40'C) associated with failure of thermoregulatory conlrol serotonin syndrome
. High-risk groups include infants, the elderly, and drug users

Presentation Diagnosis
. Heat edema: Mild swelling and . Heat edema, prickly heat, and heat cramps are clinical diagnoses
tightness of the extremities . Heat syncope should be evaluatedas appropriate in patients with
. Heat rash: Pruritic, maculopapular syncope; however, do not assume that heat was the actual cause of
rash in areas covered by clothing syncope
. Heat syncope: Transient, postural . Core temperature is often <40"C in heat exhaustion and >40'C in
loss of consciousness heat stroke
. Heat cramps: Muscle cramps . Check CBC, electrolytes, LFTs, PT/PTT, CPK, and toxicology screen
. Heat exhaustion: Dizziness, weak- in severe cases ofheat illness (in heat stroke, thrombocytopenia,
ness, malaise, light-headedness, hypokalemia, hypematemia, hypocalcemia, elevated LFTs, or
N/V, tachycardia, tachypnea, rhabdomyolysis may be present)
diaphoresis (with normal mental . Head CT may be required to rule out other disease processes in
status) patients with mental status changes
. Heat stroke: Altered mental status . Lumbar puncture and blood cultures should be considered if infection
(irritability, confusion, ataxia, cannot be ruled out
seizure, hallucinations, coma), high
core temperature, tachycardia,
anhidrosis, and hypotension

Treatment Disposition
. Antipyretics are ineffective in environmentally related heat illness . Other causes of hyperthermia must be
(pyrogens are not the cause of the hlperthermia) ruled out--do not assume an illness is
. Mild heat iliness and heat exhaustion environmentally caused
-Rest, remove from heat, and wear loose clothing . Discharge patients with heat exhaustion,
-Aggressively replace lost fluids and electrolytes heat syncope, heat cramps, or prickiy
-Antihistamines for prickly heat heat
-Support hose for heat edema (diuretics are ineffective) . Admit all patients with heatstroke
. Heat stroke . Motaliry of heatstroke is 10-257o, but
-May require intubation for decreased mental status is improved by rapid cooling
-Aggressive volume replacement with IV fluids . Complicatioos of heatstroke include
-Closely monitor core temperature rhabdomyolysis, CFIF, liver injury, DIC,
-Methods of cooling include removal of clothing, evaporative cerebral edema, liver failure, renal
cooling by spraying the patient with water and fanning, appli- failure, hypoglycemia, lactic acidosis,
cation of ice packs to groiri and axillae, immersion in cool and ARDS
water, cold gastric lavage, and invasive cooling methods (e.g.,
peritoneal lavage, cardiopulmonary bypass)
-Discontinue cooling at 39'C to prevent hypothermia
-Treat shivering due to cooling with benzodiazepines


167. High Altitude lllness
Differential Dx
. Baromeffic pressure decreases with increasing altitude-at high altitudes, . Acute mountain sickness

oxygen concentration remains constant at 2lVo bttt the partial pressure of

(AMS): Rapid ascent Prevents
oxygen (217o of barometric pressure) decreases, resulting in hypobaric acclimatization
. High altitude pulmonary edema
. Hyperventilation ensues in an attempt to correct the hypoxemia; however, (HAPE) : Non-cardiogenic
increases in respiratory rate are limited by the onset of respiratory edema due to fluid retention
alkalosis plus hypoxic pulmonary vaso-
. Additionally, in acute altitude illness fluid is retained secondary to constriction
. High altitude cerebral edema
sympathetic stimulation (i.e., increased ADH, renin' and angiotensil),
(HACE) : Neurologic deteriora-
which may result in pulmonary and cerebral edema
. Acclimatization occurs when the kidneys produce a compensatory meta- tion following AMS or HAPE as
bolic acidosis (by excreting bicarbonate), allowing a further increase in hypoxia and fluid retention
respiratory rate to better compensate for hypoxemia increase cerebral blood flow
. Symptoms of altitude illness begin to occur at 8,000-10,000 feet eleva- . Worsening of pre-existing
tion: at altitudes over 18,000 feet acclimatization is impossible disease

. AMS: Headache, fatigue, lighthead- . Clinical diagnoses based on symptom onset in the setting of a recent

edness, nausea, anorexia, diffrculty change in altitude

sleeping, irritability, and dyspnea . ECG may show evidence of right heart strain, including right axis
. HAPE: Symptoms of AMS Plus deviation and R waves in the precordial leads (due to hypoxic pul-
dyspnea at rest, cough, PeriPheral monary vasoconstriction)
cyanosis, and fever; exam teveals . Arterial blood gas reveals hypoxernia, respiratory alkalosis (increased
crackles, tachypnea, and tachycardia pH with decreased pCO), and may show a compensatory metabolic
. HACE: Symptoms of AMS and acidosis (decreased HCO.)
HAPE plus neurologic deterioration . Chest X-ray in HAPE shows patchy alveolar infiitrates' which differ
(cerebellar ataxia, seizues, altered from the diffuse cephalization pattem of cardiogenic pulmonary
mental stalus, nausea. vomiting. edema
and/or focal neurologic deficits) . Head CT in HACE may show decreased space in the sulci (due to
edema) or may be normal

Treatment Disposition
. Immediate descent and hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the defini- . Incidence and magnitude of symptoms
tive treatment for all altitude illnesses (hyperbaric chamber simu- depend on the rate of ascent, final alti-
lates descent but should only be considered a stopgap measure tude, and duration at altitude
. Symptoms occur in 257o of tourists to
until descent can be arranged)
. Supplemental 02 the westem US and 67Vo of climbers on
. Avoid narcotics and sedatives (may result in respiratory depres- Mount Rainier
. Conditions are generally reversible if
sion, which can worsen the hypoxemia)
. AMS caught and ffeated early
. AMS is usually a self-limited illness
-Symptomatic treatment with NSAIDs and anti-emetics
HCO3 diure- with a peak in s1'rnptoms at 24-48 hours
-Acetazolamide aids in acclimatizationby causing . 6070 of those with HACE who develop
sis (aiding kidneys to produce metabolic acidosis)
. HAPE/TIACE coma wiil die
(CPAP or BiPAP) to . Significant and life-threatening symp-
-Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation
provide resPiratory suPPort toms may result from exacerbation of
dexamethasone to decrease edema chronic medical conditions (e.g..
COPD, coronary artery disease) when
-Consider nifedipine, loop diuretics, and morphine
. Prophylactic therapies for high altitude illness include acetazo- the patient is subjected to the stress of
lamide, slow graduated ascent, and a high carbohydrate diet high altitudes


168. Dysbarism
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Properties of gases include Boyle's law (volume of a gas varies inversely . Barotrauma of descent (ear or
with pressure), Dalton's law (total pressure of gases equals the sum of sinuses)
their partial pressures), and Henry's law (the amount of gas dissolved in . Barotrauma of ascent (Iung,
solution varies directly with pressure) tooth, or GI)
. Barotrauma: Direct tissue damage due to gas contraction/expansion in . Arterial gas embolism
enclosed spaces following a pressure change (e.g., descent, ascent) . Nitrogen narcosis
. Arterial gas embolism: A complication of pulmonary barotrauma; gas . Decompression sickness
expansion causes rupture of pulmonary veins, allowing air into the . Trauma
circulation to form emboli . Hypoxia
. Nitrogen narcosis: Elevated blood nitrogen levels occur due to high
pressures, resulting in mental status changes . Near drowning
. Decompression sickness: High pressure (e.g., deep sea diving) increases
tissue nitrogen content; rapid ascent then forces nitrogen out of solution, . Marine animal bite
forming bubbles in the circulation that cause vascular occlusion, tissue . Intracranial hemorrhage
injury systemic inflammation, and organ damage

Presentation Diagnosis
. Ear barotrauma: Pain, fullness, TM . Diagnosis is made clinically based on history and exam
rupture, bloody drainage, vertigo -Type of diving and equipment
. Sinus barotrauma: Pain, pfessure -Number, time, and depth of recent dives
. Pulmonary barotrauma: Dyspnea, -Amount (if any) of underwater decompression
chest pain, subQ emphysema -Dive complications (marine animal envenomation, equipment
. Arterial embolism: Sudden loss of malfunction)
consciousness, CNS symptoms, -Onset of symptoms-nitrogen narcosis occurs during the dive,
paraplegia. cardiac ischemia arterial gas embolism occurs immediately after the dive
. Decompression sickness: Joint pain (<10 minutes), and decompression sickness occurs )10 minutes
("the bends"), skin rash, neurologic after the dive
symptoms (paraplegia. paraparesis. . Obtain CXR if there is any suspicion of pulmonary barotrauma (may
bowefbladder dysfunction, ataxia), show subcutaneous air, mediasthal air, or pneumothorax)
subcutaneous emphysema, lung . Labwork may include CBC, electrolytes, and renal function
edema with cough and dyspnea . Brain MRI may show evidence of air emboli but should not delay
. Nitrogen narcosis: Mental status hlperbaric therapy
changes, loss of consciousness, and
memory impairment

Treatment Disposition
. Pre.hospita.l air transport must fly below 1,000 feet and avoid . Ptessure is force per unit area----on the
pressurized planes to prevent worsening of symptoms surface, pressure is 1 atmosphere
. Treat hypothermia with warming blankets and other means pressure absolute (ATA); at 33 feet
. Administer 1007o supplemental 02 to force nitrogen from the depth the pressure is 2 ATA, at 99 feet
blood and facilitate its removal from the body the pressure is 4 ATA
. Intubate as needed for oxygenation and airway control-avoid . Admit all patients with arterial gas
high pressures and PEEP as they may increase the risk of arterial embolism, decompression sickness, or
gas emboli nitrogen narcosis
. IV fluids (normal saline) are generally required due to concurrent . Observe other patients and discharge
volume depletion after 4-6 hours if they remain asympro-
. Treatment of ear and sinus barotrauma includes antihistamines, matic
decongestants (topical and oral), antibiotics for TM rupture, and . Arterial gas embolism may cause rapid
avoidance of diving until congestion clears death depending on the site of embolus
. Arterial gas embolism and decompression sickness require . Hyperbaric therapy can substantially
immediate hyperbaric oxygen therapy (the recompression cham- improve outcomes if instituted early
ber will provide both oxygen and pressure); the patient should
remain supine to prcvent cerebral air embolism


169. Near Drowning
Differential Dx
. Trauma
. Drowning: Death from suffocation following submersion (>4000 deaths
. Spinal cord injury (e.g., diving
per year in the US)
. Near drowning: Survival after suffocation following submersion irjury)
. Hypoglycemia
. Secondary drowning: Death due to complications >24 hours after
. Alcohol intoxication
submersion . Drug ingestion
. After submersion, forced inspiration and vomiting occut due to rising
' HyPothermia
PaCOr and diminishing PaO, levels; watel and emesis are then aspirated . Myocardial infarction
. Water and emesis in the alveoli cause direct alveolar flooding, breakdown
. Arrhythmia
of surfactant, and alveolar-capillary membrane damage . Electrolyte abnormality
. End result is lung injury/edema, atelectasis, V/Q mismatch, and poor
. Seizure
diffusion; leading to hypoxemia, hypercarbia, and respiratory failure . Syncope
. Eventually, non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema develops due to direct
. Child abuse
lung injury, loss of surfactant, and inflammation
. Hypoxia and injury of neurologic, renal, and other organ systems occurs

. Peak incidence in infants, teenagers' . Perform a complete neurologic exam and Glasgow coma score
and the elderly . CBC and electrolytes are usually normal but may be abnormal in
. Presenting symptoms depend on the ingestions of salt water or large volumes of fresh water
duration of immersion . Check glucose to rule out hlpoglycemia
. May be asymptomatic . Blood alcohol level and toxicology screen as indicated
. Respiratory symptoms maY be mild . Arterial blood gas may reveal hypoxemia or a combined metaboiic
(e.g., cough, dyspnea, tachYPnea) or and respiratory acidosis
severe (e.g., respiratory distress and . Chest X-ray may show diffuse non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema ot
respiratory failure with associated perihilar infiltrates
hypoxemia, cyanosis, and altered . ECG may show sequelae of acidosis or hypothermia
mental status) . C-spine X-rays may be necessary to clear the spine, especially in div
. Cardiac arrest ing injuries
. The most feared complication is
severe hypoxic brain injury
. Other complications hclude
hypothermia, seizures, anhYthmias,
bronchospasm. and hYPotension

Treatment Disposition
. Maintain spinal precautions and assume a C-spine injury is . The majority of patients who are alert
present until Proven otherwise or responsive to pain at presentation
. Pre-hospital care should include C-spine precautions, CPR, will survive withoul neurologic seque-
supplemental oxygen, and establishment of an airway by intubation 1ae
. Even those patients who require CPR in
if nicessary ("drainage" of the lungs or Heimlich maneuver is not
helpful as there is typically only a minimal volume of water in the the ED may have a good outcome
(257o of children with GCS 3 survive
. ED care is primarily supportive with full neurologic recovery)
protocols . Poor prognostic indicators include fixed
-Treat cardiopulmonary arest per ACLS
oxygenation and maintain airway (intubate for dilated pupils, need for cardiac medica-
hypoxemia, poor respiratory effort, declining respiratory status' tions, and GCS <5
. Admit patients who require ventilatory
or inability to protect airwaY)
support and those with moderate pul-
-Treat hypothermia bY warming
monary symptoms (e.g., cough, dysp-
-Sodium bicarbonate may be used in profoundly
patients with hemodynamic instability nea, tach),pnea, hyPoxemia)
prophylactic . Discharge patients with minimal sub-
-Antibiotics and steroids arc not indtcated for
pulmonary Protection mersions who are asymptomatic or
minimally symptomatic
. Long-term sequelae include ischemic
encephalopathy. aspiration pneumonia.

170. Lightning and Electrical lnju ries
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Types of electrical currents include household (110-220 volts), high- . Thermal bum
voltage (>600 volts), and lightning (1 million volts) . CVA
. Electron flow is measured in amps, which is directly proportional to flow . Seizure
and indirectly proportional to resistance (e.g., wet skin or water immer- . Closed head injury
sion results in less resistance and greater flow) . Spinal cord injury
. Altemating current (AC) may cause muscle tetany, preventing the victim . Hypertensive encephalopathy
from letting go; direct cunent (DC) causes muscle contraction, which . Cardiac arrhythmia
throws the victim off the source . Cardiac ischemia,/myocardial
. Household current is AC and causes half of all electrical deaths (due to infarction
ventricular fibrillation) but rarely causes deep tissue damage . Toxic ingestion
. High voltage current is DC (power line, construction, or agricultural work- . Envenomation
ers, MVAs) and often results in large amounts of soft tissue damage below . Hypoglycemia
normal-appearing skin
. Lightning is DC and causes asystole, but rarely causes deep tissue iljury
because it flows over, rather than through, the body

Presentation Diagnosis
. Household cuffent symptoms range . ECG and cardiac monitoring are indicated in all electrical injury
from mild tingling to pain, local -High voltage or lightning strike may show asystole or ischemic
bums, tetanic contractions, disloca- changes (however, these are not due to acute coronary vessel
tions, fractures, and Vfib closure)
. High voltage/lightning injuries -Household cunent may cause ventricular fibrillation
. Household current injuries do not require testing beyond ECG
-Skin bums (entrylexit wounds)
. CBC, eiectrolytes, renal function, CPK, CK-MB, and myoglobin
-Tissue damage below intact skin
(severe in high voltage, minimal should be ordered in high voltage and lightning injuries
in lightning bums) . Head CT and C-spine films in patients with altered mental status
. Skin feathering (Lichtenberg figures) is a superficial, non-bum,
-Respiratory arrest
-Asystole/anhythmias femlike skin marking that is pathognomonic for lightning strike
-CNS symptoms (e.g., confusion, . Technetiumg9 muscle scan to show areas of dead or damaged muscle
coma, paresis, seizures, loss of is sometimes obtained before fasciotomv
consciousness, cerebral edema)
-Compartment syndrome
-Dislocations and/or fractures
-Eye injury
-Tympanic membrane rupture

Treatment Disposition
. Bum care should include administration of large fluid volumes . Both high and low voltage injuries may
due to 3rd spacing into damaged tissues (monitor for cerebral be fatal, primarily due to cardiac arrest
edema if CNS injury is suspected) . Admit all high voltage injuries, all
. Treat arrhythmias per ACLS protocols-prolonged CPR/ACLS lightning injuries, and any household
may be effective in restoring rhythm current injuries with systemic injury
. High voltageAightning injury . Discharge household injuries with
-Immobilize spine and secure airway as needed minimal bums, normal ECG, and no
-Administer IV antibiotics if muscle is injured ectopy on the monitor
-Fasciotomy/debridement may be requiled in the presence of . Complications of high voltage injury or
deep tissue injury due to high voltage (rare in lightning lightning strike hclude arrhythmia,
injury)-indications for emergent fasciotomy inciude exten- renal failure, infection/sepsis, neuropa-
sive deep limb bums, marked limb edema, and decreased thy, amputation, cataracts, hearing 1oss,
distal pulses or nerve function neurologic deficits (spasticity, confu-
. Lightning injury triage is an exception to standard mass casualty sion), pancreatitis, scarring, and
protocols-ignore moving/awake victims and provide immediate depression
care to non-moving patients who have reversible asystolic cardiac . Lightning cunent tends to pass over the
arrest and often have good neurologic recovery body rather than through it, thereby
. Watch for evidence of increased ICP in lightning strikes causing much Iess deep tissue damage,
. Treat rhabdomyolysis with IV fluids, alkalinization, diuretics compartment syndrome, rhabdomyoly-
sis. and renal failure


17 1. Radiation Exposure
Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Effects ofradiation exposure depend on the dose received and the type of . Nuclear wsapons
. Nuclear reactors (power plants,
. Radiation dose adsorbed is measured in rads and gray (1 Gy : 100 rads) university research facilities)
. Exposure may be intemal (via inhalation, ingestion or through . Spent nuclear fuel rods
wounds/mucosa) or extemal (on skin or clothing)
. "Dirty bombs" (conventional
. Types of radiation include 1-rays and X-rays (penetrate deep into the explosives laced with a radioac-
body), B-rays (moderate penefation), and ct-rays (minimal penetration tive material that is spread uPon
with damage only occurring if an emitter is inhaled or ingested) detonation)
. Nuclear weapon radiation may be confined to the radioactive device itself . Radiopharrnaceutical agents
. Radiotherapy machines
or may be widely disaibuted (local distribution from a "dirty bomb" or
atmospheric distribution from a nuclear plant or nuclear weapon)
. X-ray machines
. Rapidly dividing cel1s are the most susceptible to radiation effects

Presentation Diagnosis
. Local exposure causes a radiation . Geiger counter, dose late meter, or radiation sulvey meter
bum that appears days later as red- . CBC changes occur within 48 hrs: Reveals decreased cell lines-
ness, blistering, and desquamation anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, and/or lymphopenia
. Prodromal phase of systemic expo- . Acute radiation syndrome may result from whole body exposure
sures includes nausea, vomiting, -1 Gy: Nausea/vomiting
diarrhea, and fatigue -2 Gy: Nausea/vomiting, bone marrow suppression
. Latenl phase is a symptom-lree -6 Gy: Severe bone marrow failure
interval following the prodromal -lG 30 Gy: Severe GI damage and interstitial pneumonitis for one
phase (length depends on the dose week; further GI symptoms and sepsis after 2 weeks
received-may last from hours to ->30 Gy: Nausea, vomiting, hypotension, ataxia, and convulsions;
weeks) severe cardiovascular and CNS damage; death
. Illness phase occurs with GI, bone . Hematopoietic syndrome: Bone marrow suppression may cause pan-
marrow, CNS, and/or cardiac sYmP- cytopenia with infection, hemorhage, and death
toms . GI syndrome: Mucosal damage causes fluid and electrolyte loss;
sepsis may develop from systemic invasion of enteric flora
. Cardiovascular and CNS syndromes: Refractory hypotension and
cerebral edema, universally fatal within 24J2 hows

Treatment Disposition
. Health care providers must wear mask, gown, and gloves to keep . Good disaster management is the key to
radiation exposure of medical personnel to < 10 rads improving survival and limiting expo-
. Administer IV fluids, antiemetics, and pain control sure of health care providers and the
. Radiation bum: Local bum care (may require plastic surgery general population to radiation
repair) and pain conhol with NSAIDs and narcotics
. Significant GI damage is virtually
. Extemal contamination: Remove and bag ctothing; wash with always fatal
soap and water
. Lymphocyte count at 24 hours is a good
. Therapy for intemal contaminations depends on the involved indicator of prognosis
. Mortality is based on dose of radiation
-Tritium: Copious IV fluids
4 Gy: 50Vo without treatment will die
->6 Gy: 1007o without treatment die
-lodine: Potassium iodide
-Cesium or strontium: Prussian blue and antacids to
decrease -1G-30 Gy: Vast majority die in
GI uptake 2-3 weeks even with theraPY
-Plutonium: Chelation therapy ->30 Gy: All die withir 24-72hotts
. Inpatient care may include a bone marrow transplant in those with . Exposed cells have an hcreased risk of
)8 Gy exposure; however, this may be a mooi point, as patients malignant transformation
frequently die from GI damage . Contact REACTS (Radiation emer-
. Hematopoietic growth factors are under investigation gency assistance center/training site) for
. Other investigational medications include amifostene and questions and an emergency response
androstenedioi team: (865) 576-1005


172. Dog, Cat, and Human Bite Wounds
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. The most cofilmon bite wounds in the ED are those from humans, cats,
and dogs (but may be from any animal)
. Wound infection is common (8OVa of cat bites and 5% of dog bites
become infected), especially with Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, or
anaerobes (e.g., B ac te roide s)
. lnvolved organisms may be suspected based on the type of bite
-Cat bites: Pasteurella, Moraxella, Neisseria
-Dog bites: Capnocytophaga cynodegmi, Pasteurella
-Human bires: S tr ep t o c o c c us v ir idans, E ike ne I I a
. Pasteurella infection is characterized by extremely rapid development and
spread within 2*24 houts
. Risk of infection depends on the animal, wound location, type of wound,
foreign bodies, delay to treatrent, and co-morbid conditions

Presentation Diagnosis
. Note location and size of injury . X-ray is hdicated if associated fracture, osteomyelitis, orjoint space
. Rule out joint involvement or involvement is suspected, in all closed fist injuries, and in most cat
tendon injury bites to rule out retained tooth fragments
. Dog bites usually result in crush or . Wound culture is required if wound infection is present
tear injuries . Blood culture should be considered in systemically ill patients
. Cat bites cause punctue wounds
. Human bites tend to be superficial
. Closed fist injury is a human bite
wound that occurs over the dorsal
5th MCP joint when the fist strikes
a mouth during an altercation (high
rate of infection)
. Infected wounds present with
erythema, warmth, discharge,
swelling, lymphangitis, adenopathy,
fever, and/or signs of flexor

. Administer tetanus toxoid if not up-to-date . Consult hand surgery for any tendon
. Wash copiously and debride as necessary injury, joint involvement, or fractures
. Suture cosmetically significant wounds of the scalp, face, trunk, . Admit patients with extensive or com-
and proximal extremities plicated infections (oint or tendon
. Allow healing by secondary intention in wounds at a high risk of involvement), significant risk factors for
infection, punctue wounds, and hand wounds serious infection, foreign body, infected
. Antibiotics should be prescribed for al1 moderate{o-high risk closed fist injury, or failure to respond
wounds and for ali distal extremity wounds to antibiotics
. Outpatient antibiotic regimens include amoxicillin/clavulanic acid . Discharge patients with no or minimal
alone or clindamycin plus either ciprofloxacin or TMP/SMX (or infection with follow-up in 24 hours
cefuroxime or doxycycline in cat bites) . Complications include wound infection,
. Inpatient IV antibiotic regimens include a penicillin/anti- tenosynovitis. seplic arthritis.
penicillinase, cefoxitin, or a combination of clindamycin plus osteomyelitis. sepsis. and exsanguina-
ciprofloxacin tion (due to large blood vessel injury)
. Rabies immunoprophylaxis for dog or cat bites includes rabies . Pasteurella may cause sepsis,
immune globulin (injected at wound site) plus vaccine osteomyelitis, and septic arthritis
the animal is healthy and can be observed for 10 days, . Capnocytophagia may cause sepsis.
treatment is only needed if the animal develops symptoms DIC, renal failure, and endocarditis
-If the animal is rabid, immediate treatment is required
-If the animal is unknown, consult public health services



173. Snakebite
Differential Dx
. . Crotalids (pit vipers) include rat-
8,000 bites/year in the US with about 10 deaths
. Venomous snakes in the US include crotalids (hemotoxic venom)' elapids tlesnakes, copperheads, cotton-
(neurotoxic venom), and exotic species kept as pets or in zoos (mostly mouth/water moccasins; charac-
elapids) terized by a facial pit, elliPtical
. Elapid neurotoxic venom affects neulomuscular transmission pupils, and triangular head
. Crotalid hemotoxic venom causes hemolysis, necrosis, DIC, and endothe- . Coral snakes are the only
lial damage with vascular leakage, decreased intravascular volume' and indigenous US elapids; red
hemorrhage bands bordered by yellow ("red
. Crotalids cause 987o of all US bites; they strike once, inject venom, and on yellow kill a fellow, red on
releasei 25Eo of bites do not have associated envenomation black venom lack"), round head,
. Coral snake elapids do not inject venom; they chew prey causing a venom and round pupils
. Exotic elapids include cobras,
exposure: ) 5O7o hav e no envenomation
. Exotic elapids usually inject venom Ausffalian brown snakes, tiger
. Risk of systemic effects depends on snake type' amount of venom snakes. taipans. death adders
injected, bite location, and the health status of the victim

Presentation Diagnosis
. Crotalids . Identify the type of snake if possible
. Determine seriousness of envenomation
-Puncture marks (maY have 1-4)
-Local symptoms (pain, swellhg, -None: Puncture wound with no to minimal pairy'tendemess
erythema, necrosis, edema, -Miid: Pain and tendemess at the bite site; perioral paresthesias
ecchymoses) -Moderate: Local symptoms, systemic symptoms, and mild
-Systemic symptoms (weakness,
N/V, numbness/tingling, Perioral -severe: Severe symptoms of the entire exffemity, severe systemic
paresthesias, bruising, tachycar- symptoms, and coagulopathY
dia, shock, death) . Labs may be abnormal in crotalid bites but are usually normal with
. Coral snakes the neurotoxic coral snake venom
-Multiple, painless small wounds -CBC may reveal hemolysis
-Local symptoms of numbness, -PT/PTT, DIC screen reveal coagulation abnormalities
and fasciculations -Renal function may reveal acute renal failure
-Systemic symptoms of slurred -CPK may be elevated if rhabdomyolysis is present
speech, weakness, CN palsies, -Electrolytes and LFTs may be abnormal
dysphagia, diplopia, diaphoresis, . Do not handle dead snakes as reflex bithg may occur
respiratory ParalYsis, and death

Treatment Disposition
. Avoid incision/suction (increased risk of infection), electric . Poison control centers and local zoos
shocks, and tourniquets (increased ischemia) are good sources for exotic snake
. Avoid excessive activity and immobilize the extremity information
. Constriction band at20 mmHg is used to obstruct superficial . If crotalid envenomation occurs,
venous flow and slow venom sPread observe for at least 12 hours to ensure
. Venom extractor device may be helpful only if applied within that there is no local progression or
5 minutes of bite development of coagulopathy
. Supportive care may include intubation, IV fluids, pressors, blood . Neurotoxic elapid bites should be
products as needed, and tetanus prophylaxis observed for 24 hours as onset ol
. Crotalid antivenom should be administered within 24 hours of symptoms may not occur for up to
bite if systemic symptoms, coagulopathy, or significant or 12 hours; ffeat early with antivenom,
progressive localized injury is present before venom binding to newe sites
(ACP) is highly antigenic occurs
-Antivenom (Crotalidae) Polyvalent . Admit all palients wiih systemic
(allergic, anaphylactic, and serum sickness reactions in up to
507o): atial skin test or premedication with antihistamines is symptoms
recommended in most Patients
as it causes
-Cro-fab antivenom is now the preferred agent
fewer side effects than ACP
. Cora] snake antivenin should be administered in all bites
. Antivenom for other exotic snakes may be held at local zoos


17 4. Arthropod Bites
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Stings and bites may cause severe life-threatening sequelae due to venom . Snakebite
toxicity or allergic reactions . Other arachnids (ticks, scabies,
. Most patients only develop local symptoms chiggers)
. Hymenoptera (e.g., bees, homets, wasps, yellow jackets, ants) . Other spider species (tarantula,
-May cause a local reaction, systemic toxic reaction (due to envenoma- Hobo spider)
tion from multiple stirgs), or anaphylaxis (IgE-mediated) . Fleas
-African honeybees ("killer bees") and flre ants are aggressive and are . Lice
known for causilg large numbers of stings at a time . Mosquitoes/flies
. Brown recluse (Loxosceles recluse) bite results il local vasoconstriction . Reduviid bugs (e.g., bed bugs)
and ischemia and/or systemic symptoms . Blister beetles
. Black widow (Latrodectus) injects a neurotoxic venom that causes . Caterpillars
acetylcholine release at neural and neuromuscular junctions . Tetanus
. Scorpion bites by US species cause minimal symptoms (except C. exili- . Dystonic reaction
cauda, which may cause cholinergic symptoms via a neurotoxin) 'Hypocalcemia

Presentation Diagnosis
. Local symptoms (see diagnosis) . Identify spider types
. Hymenoptera systemic toxicity: -Brown recluse: Small (2 cm); violin shaped mark on thorax
Diarrhea, N/V, syncope, headache, -Black widow: Larger (5 cm); red hourglass on abdomen (only the
DIC, weakness, renal failure, death female can penetrate human skin)
. Hymenoptera anaphylaxis : . Localized bite characteristics
Urticaria, edema, bronchospasm, -Hymenoptera: Pain, erythema, pruritus
airway obstruction, pruritus, -Brown recluse: A small erythematous area that heals in most
hypotension, shock, death patients; some patients have severe pain, erythema, and a blister
. Brown recluse: Fever, chills, N/V, that develops into necrosis with eschar (up to 20 cm in diameter)
myalgia, hemolysis, petechiae, DIC -Black widow: Immediate pain and erythema with a "target"
. Black widow: Muscle spasms, lesion; localized dull crampy pain and numbness
severe pain, rigid abdominal or -Scorpion: Small painful erythematous area; localized weakness
back muscles. HTN. paralysis. and numbness
shock, respiratory failure, death . CBC, electrolytes, renal function, PT/PTT, and DIC screen may be
. Scorpion: Respiratory failure, ordered if systemic toxicity is suspected
HTN, motor hyperactivity, drool-
ing, impaired vision

Treatment Disposition
. Tetanus prophylaxis in patients who are not up-to-date . Admit any patient with persistent
. Hymenoptera: Remove stingers, apply ice, supportive care systemic signs and symptoms
-Systemic toxicity: Supportive care only . Discharge patients with resolution of
-Anaphylaxis: IV epinephrine, antihistamines and H2 blockers, symploms or local reactions only
aerosolized B-agonists, and treatment of hypotension with . Hymenopl.era: Systemic toxicity is
IV fluids, dopamirie, & norepinephrine caused by multiple stings at once;
. Brown recluse: Supportive care and pain conffol anaphylaxis is much more common and
-Antivenom is not available may be due to only one sting, but may
-Large lesions may require surgical debridement cause death within minutes
-Transfusion with red cells and clotting factors as needed . Brown recluse bites may progress to
. Black widow: Supportive care and pain controi DIC, renal failure, and death
-Administer antivenom in patients with shock, children, elderly, . Black widow and scorpion bites can
pregnancy, or refractory symptoms cause respiratory muscle spasm with
-Benzodiazepines for muscle relaxation respiratory faiiure and death
-Nitroprusside for severe hypertension . Patients with severe hymenoptera
. Scorpion: Supportive care allergy should be given epinephrine
1. exilicauda antivenom is available for severe cases sJringes (Epi-pen or Ana-kit) to carry
*Benzodiazepines for muscle spasms and wear a medic-alert bracelet
-Atropine for choiinergic hyperactivity


175. Marine lnjuries
- Differential Dx
. Marine predators (e.g., sharks, barracuda, moray eels, giant grouper, . Sharks
. Coelenterates (e.g., Portuguese
alligators, crocodiles) may produce severe, life-threatening wounds
. Sedentary marine fauna, such as coral, bamacles, crabs, and inverlebrate man-of-war, jellyfish, fire cora1,
sea netties, sea anemones, true
shells, may cause injury by incidental contact
. Coelenterites have specialized stinging cells (nematocysts), which contain corais)
. Echinodermata (e.g., starfish,
venom that is directly toxic and may cause anaphylaxis
. Echinodermata have sharp venomous spines, which may become retained sea urchins, sea cucumbers)
. Stingrays
foreign bodies
. Other marine envenomations may be due to sponges (spicules cause . Spiny fish (lionfish, scorPion-
contact dermatitis), sea snakes (neurotoxic venom)' cone shells (neurotoxic fish, stonefish, catfish, toadfish)
. Seabathers'eruption
venom), stingrays, spiay fish (scorpionfish and stonefish contain venom as
. Swimming pool granuloma
strong as a cobra). and octopi
. Sacterial superinfection with marine pathogens may occur (e'g', vibrio . Fish handler's disease
species, S us, S t ap hy I o c o c c us, grafi\ negatives, My
tr ep to co c c
co bac t e ri a

marionum, B. fragilis, C. perfringens, E rhusopathiae)

. Predators: Large irregular wounds . Focus on the history of the injury, including the geographical location
with injury to underlying structures of the event, identification of the offending animal, and the length of
. Fauna: Superhcial abrasions time since the encounter
. Coelenterates: Pruritic, painful, ery- . Obtain plain X-rays to identify foreign bodies if an echinodermata,
thematous, raised eruPtions, which spiny fish, or sea snake injury is suspected
may be in linear interlacing arrays . CBC, PT/PTT, LFTs, and urinalysis should be ordered if systemic
and may blister symptoms are present
. Echinodermata: Severely painful . Systemic effects of marine envenomation due to coelenterates
punctue wounds with a surrounding (Portuguese man-of-war and box jellyfish), echinodermata' spiny fish'
irritant dermatitis, local muscle or sea snakes may include weakness, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, verli
pain, retained foreign bodY go, headache, diaphoresis, syncope, hypotension, anaphylaxis,
. Spiny fish: Severe Pain, erythema bronchospasm, respiratory amest, and death
. Sponges: Local contact dermatitis
that may progress to desquamation
. Sea snakes: Fang marks. systemic
symptoms with paralysis

Treatment Disposition
. General wound care should include copious irrigation with . Discharge patients who do not have sys-
removal of foreign bodies, pain control, tetanus prophylaxis, and temic symptoms with wound care
empiric antibiotics (3rd generation cephalosporin or a quinolone) instructions and appropriate foilow-up
. Coelenterates . lndividuals with mild systemic com-
(hypotonic solutions may cause plaints may be observed for 8 hours and
-Coepiously irrigate with saline
discharge of the nematocYsts) discharged
isopropyl alcohol, olive oil, . Admit patients with unstable vital signs,
-Apply 5Vo acetic acid (vinegar),
papain, or urine to deactivate the nematocysts severe systemic symptoms, moderate
of a systemic symptoms that do not resolve,
-After deactivation, remove nematocysts by application
flour, talc, or baking soda paste and shaving the area significant comorbidities. or antivenom
-Box jellyfish antivenom is available . Puncture wounds warant delaYed
. Echinodermata and spiny fish: Hot water immersion should pro-
vide symptomatic relief; irrigate and explore for retained spines closure and close follow-uP
. India-Pacific box jellyfish has high
or foreign bodies
. Sea snakes: Sea snake or crotalidae antivenom should be adminis- mortality (20Vo) dre to hlpotension and
tered paralysis
. Systemic symptoms may require fluids, vasopressors. or intubation

176. Mushroom lngestions
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Mushrooms are spore-forming fungi that are usually non-toxic . Gastroenteritis
. Toxic mushrooms are classified based on the timing and nature of . Bacterial food poisoning
symptoms they cause . Heavy metal poisoning (e.g.,
-GI irritants (e.g., C. molybdites): Rapid onset of GI symptoms lead, mercury)
-Amanita phalloides (deailt cap): Hepatotoxicity due to amatoxins and
phallotoxins; onset of symptoms 4-6 hours after ingestion
-Amanita muscaria: Causes a muscarinic reaction
-Amanita panthenna: Neurotoxin rapidly causes CNS hyperactivity
-Cyromitra: Gyromitrin toxin metabolites cause CNS hyperactivity (by
decreasing GABA) and hepatotoxicity
-Cortinarius orellanus: Results in renal toxicity after 3-20 days
-Psilocybin (hallucinogenics): Hallucinogenic symptoms
-Coprinus (inky cap): Disulfiram-like reactions

Presentation Diagnosis
. GI irritants: Early onset (1-2 hours) . Diagnosis is generally clinical
of N/V. diarrhea, abdominal pain . Patients at risk of toxic ingestion include children (most common),
. A. phalloides: Late onset (4-12 hrs) foragers (e.g., naturalists, migrant workers, immigrants), and those
of GI symptoms; hepatic failure who seek hallucinogenic experiences
results in 48-72lns . Mushroom identification should be undertaken by an experienced
. A. muscaria: Cholinergic symp- mycologist using spore print, spore chromatography, and other test-
toms-SLUDGE (salivation, ing-identification from books or pictures may be misleading
lacrimation. urination, diaphoresis. . Amatoxin-containing mushrooms may be identified with a Meixner
GI upset, emesis) test: A drop of HCI is added to the dried liquid mushroom extract;
. A. pantherina'. Rapid onset of blue color change is positive for amatoxins
intoxication, dizziness, seizures, . Serum radioimmunoassay is also available
and anticholinergic symptoms . Gastric aspfate or vomitus may be sent for spore identification
. Cyromitra: Delayed onsel (6- . Check electrolytes, glucose, BUN/creatinine, LFTs, and PT/p"ff
24 hrst of Gl symptoms. ataxia.
seizures, delirium, hepatic failure
. Cortinarius: Renal failure
. Psilocybin: Hailucination, euphoria

Treatment Disposition
. Perform GI decontamination with activated charcoal in all . Outcomes are predicted by onset of
mushroom ingestions symptoms---early symptom onset indi-
. GI irritants require only supportive care with rehydration, cates minimal toxicity, late onset of
antiemetics, and electrolyte repletion symptoms may indicate severe or
. A. phalloides: Silibinin, penicillin G, and hyperbaric oxygen may potentially fatal toxicity
be used in addition to activated charcoal . Discharge patients with early onset of
. A. muscarina reactions: IV fluids and atropine to counteract GI symptoms (1-2 hours) with follow-
cholinergic hyperactivity up labs in 24 hours
. A. pantherina: Benzodiazepines or barbiturates for CNS hyperac- . Admit patients with late developing
tivity symptoms, laboratory abnormalities or
. Gyromitra: Pyridoxine and benzodiazepines in those with CNS a known ingestion of Amanita,
symptoms Gyromitra, or C ortinarius
. Cortinarius: Hydration and monitoring of urine output and possi- . Full recovery is expected folJowing
ble hemodialysis; steroids are controversial ingestion of early GI irritants, A.
. Psilocybin (hallucinogenics): Quiet surroundings and benzodi muscarine, A. pantherina, and psilocybin
azepines or barbiturates for agitation . 30Vo of A. phalloides and Gyromitra
. Disulfiram reaction: Avoid alcohol; administer norepinephrine for ingestions result in death
severe hypotension and propranolol for tachycardia . Persistent renal dysfunction may occur
following C ort i nari us ingestion


177. Disaster Medicine
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. A disaster is declared when an event causes injuries of such severity . Natural disaster
and/or patient volume that normal health care systems are overwhelmed . Airline crash
. Natural disasters have claimed about 3 million lives worldwide over the . War
past two decades with 800 million more adversely affected . Bombings
. Goal of disaster medicine is to direct limited resources to the greatest . Weapons of mass destruction
number of victims (nuclear, chemical, biological)
. National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) coordinates care (among Dept . Environmental accidents
of Defense, FEMA, Dept of Health & Human Services, and others) and . Disease pandemics
provides assistance in areas overwhelmed by disasters (e.g., by evacuating
patients who cannot be cared for to appropriate areas)
. Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMA[) are formed by NDMS to act
as rapid-response medical and support personnel

Presentation Diagnosis
. Most patients arrive in ED within . Victims may require decontamination prior to entering the ED-do not
90 minutes of a disaster allow ED staff to become incapacitated by exposure to toxic agents
. Less severeiy injured arrive first by . Immediate health concems include aspiration, bums, smoke inhala-
EMS-independent means and may tion, blast injuries, crush irijuries, hypothermia, radiation exposure,
delay treatment of the more critically and loss of medication
injured patients who arrive shortly . Delayed health concems include diarrhea, food or water shortage,
thereafter measles, meningitis, pulmonary edema, wound infections, homeless-
. Anticipate problems (e.g., supply ness, and population shift
shorlages, loss of communications,
overcrowding, power failure, hospi-
tal damage)
. Most lives saved are within the first
two days after the disaster

Treatment Disposition
. First responder . Hospital space should be functionalty
-Personal safety is the fust responsibility divided
-Identify damages, urgent needs, and available resources -Disaster command
. Emergency Depalftent Triage Categories
-Red: Life{hreatening condition which can be stabilized with -Triage
immediate care (e.g., hypoxia) -Registration
-Yellow: Decompensation will occur if injury is untreated -Patient care
but a sixty-minute delay should be tolerated (e.g., stable -Pre,op
penetrating trauma)
-Creen: Patient will remain stable even if untreated for hours -Morgue
(e.g., contusions, minor lacerations)
-Family waiting
-Black: Unresponsive patient without spontaneous ventilation or -Public relations
circulation or with a severe injury not expected to survive---do . Patient care stations should be estab-
not waste resources on these patients while salvageable lished and may include resuscitation.
patients decompensate major illness/injury, and primary care



178. Chemical Weapons

Differential Dx
. Nerve agents: Tabun (GA), sarin (GB), soman (GD), Gfl and VX gases . Nerve agents
inhibit acetylcholinesterase, resulting in accumulation of acetylcholine in -Gastroenteritis
nerve synapses and syndromes of cholinergic excess Organophosphate exposure
. Incapacitating agents: Mace (chloroacetophenone), tear gas (ortho-chloro- -Seizure disorder
benzalmalonitriie) and pepper spray (coleoresin capsicum) irritate exposed -Sepsis
mucosa and skin . Respiratory distress
. Pulmonary agents (choking agents): Chlorine and phosgene cause airway -Asthma exacerbation
damage/irritation -Hypersensitivity reaction
. Vesicants (blister agents): Sulfur mustard and Lewisite produce irreversible -Pulmonary infection
cutaneous damage to skin, eyes, and respiratory mucosa within minutes of . Skin irritation
exposrIIe -Caustic exposure
-Hypersensitivity reaction

Presentation Diagnosis
. Nerve agents: SLUDGE mnemonic . Diagnosis depends primarily on clinical presentation-'-{nly the mili-
for cholinergic excess (salivation, tary has tests/monitors to rapidly determine the presence of most
lacrimation, urination, diarrhea, gas- chemical weapons
tric distress, and emesis); large . Nerve agents: Recognize SLUDGE toxidrome; erythrocyte acetyl-
exposures cause seizures and brady- cholinesterase level can be measured to document exposure and mon-
cardia; miosis usually indicates a itor recovery
lethai dose . Incapacitating agents: Recognize intentionaVaccidental exposure and
. Incapacitating agenls: Extreme pain irrltation of exposed organs
in eyes. skin. and upper respiratory . Pulmonary agents become low-lying gases due to their high density;
lracl phosgene smells of sweet hay; symptoms conelate directly with level
. Pulmonary agents: Airway buming/ of activity during exposure
iritation and non-cardiogenic pul- . Vesicants have low mortality but incapacitate victims for 1-4 months
monary edema within 8 hours of following exposrue
exposure -Mustard produces pruritic erythema within one day of exposure,
. Vesicants: Skin blisters, eye damage, while airway injury typically manifests within 6 hours-urinary
respiratory tract irritation/ damage thiodiglycol level may be elevated
-Urinary arsenic levels may be elevated after Lewisite exposure

. Medical staff should use protective garrnents (MOPP gear) and . Nerve agents: Optimum observation
decontaminate victims immediately time following exposure is not well
. Decontamination site should be isolated from the ED; use either defined: intubated patients may require
soap and water or diluted hypochlorite (household bleach) solu- days of supporlive care prior to extuba-
tion tionl death usually occurs in minutes
. Intubation may be necessary for respiratory muscle weakness or . Pulmonary agents: Patients with pul-
direct lung damage due to exposures monary edema within 6 hours of expo-
. Nerve agent exposures require IV therapy to reverse effects sure are unlikely to survive; those
-IV atropine competitively inhibits acetylcholine with normal pulmonary exam 12 hours
-IV pralidoxime reactivates acetylcholinesterase after exposure may be discharged
-Diazepam prevents seizures home; those with mild cough require
. Incapacitating agent exposures are self-limited; remove patient re-evaluation every 1-2 hours
from environment and irrigate copiously . Vesicants: Initial ventilatory suppo( is
. Pulmonary agent exposures should be treated with supplemental usually only required by those with pre-
02 oxygen, strict bed rest, inhaled p-agonists (e.g., albuterol), existing airway disease; however, as
NSAIDs, and IV steroids time passes more patients can be
. Vesicant exposures generally only require supportive care; par- expected to require interuention
enteral dimercaprol may be administered within 2 hours of
Lewisite exposure


179. Biological Weapons
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Made from biological organisms or the products of biological organisms . Coagulopathy
and disseminated via aerosol sprays, explosives, or food/water contamina- . Pneumonia
tion . Endocarditis
. Biological agents are atffactive because they are easy to acquire. easy to . Food poisoning
use, inexpensive, invisible and odorless, have a long incubation period to . Chemical agent
allow spread of agent, and are difficult to identify . Gastroenteritis
. See associated entries for anthrax and smallpox . Meningitis
. C. botulinum produces a potent, Iethal toxin that irreversibly prevents . PCP/AIDS
acetylcholine release, causing muscie paralysis . URI
. Plague (Yersinia pestis) causes 3 forrns of disease (bubonic. pneumonic, . Varicella (chickenpox)
and septicemic) with high person-to-person transmission; 1007o mortality . Viral syndrome
for pneumonic plague if untreated . Guillain-Ban6 syndrome
. Hemorrhagic fever viruses (Ebola, Hantavirus, and Dengue fever) . Myasthenia gravis
. Other potential biological weapons include tularemia, brucellosis, cholera, . Vector-bome diseases
Q fever, viral encephalitis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Botulism: Difficulty speaking, pto- . If you do not think about it, you will not rtnd it-the idtial presenta-
sis, diplopia, dysphagia, and weak- tions may be vague but awareness of unusual pattems should trigger
ness with eventual paralysis and further inquiry
respiratory failure . Recognize epidemiologic clues to biological weapon attacks
. Plague: Fever, chills, headache, -Presence of an unusually large number of patients with similar
malaise, purulent inguinal lym- symptoms (particularly young, healthy patients)
phadenitis (bubonic form). sepsis. -Many unexplained deaths
pneumonia -Disease refractory to standard therapy
. Hemorrhagic fever: Prodromal -Historical similarities between cases (e.g., same food, plane)
malaise, fever, headaches, and -Dead or dying animals in the community
abdominal pain followed 3-5 days -Atypical iltness for a population or age group
later by petechiae and diffuse bleed- . Botulism: Assays are available for toxin in serum
ing (some variants, such as . Plague: CSfl sputum, or lymph node aspirates reveal bipolar "safety
Hantavirus. have renal involvement) pin"-shaped organisms
. Hemorrhagic fever: Diagnostic assay and genetic sequencing are not
readily available in the ED; leukopenia and DIC are common

Treatment Disposition
. Gown, gloves, and HEPA-irlter mask should be wom by all . Early involvement of health department,
health care personnel poison control center, and law enforce-
. Decontamination via removal of clothing and soap and watel ment officials can quickly mobilize
wash is probably sufficient for inhaled biological agents available resources and prevent panic
. Patient musl remain in isolation and further dissemination of the agent
. Vaccines have variable efficacy (available for anthrax, plague, yel- . Isolated cases and first presenters may
low fever, tularemia, and some causes of hemorrhagic fever; be missed due to non-specific presenta-
smallpox vaccine supplies are being replaced following the tions; however, as numbers and severity
attacks of 2001) increase, the likely etiology wili quickly
. Botulism: Treat with antitoxin and supportive care become apparent
. Plague: Streptomycin, tetracycline, doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, . Early public health response is essential
and chloramphenicol are also useful if given within 24 hours of to containment and management
the onset of pulmonary symptoms . In a suspected biological attack, the
. Hemorrhagic fever: Aggressive volume/pressure support, IV rib- FBI, county health deparlment, local
avirin for Hantavirus, supportive care for Ebola hospitals, and CDC should be immedi-
ately alerted



180. Anthrax
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Caused by Bacillus anthracis, a gram positive spore-forming rod . Cutaneous anthrax
. B. anthracis is ubiquitous in soil-naturally occurring anthrax is a disease -Erysipelas
of domesticated animals with human cases resulting only by contact with -Boil
infected animals or animal products (human-to-human ffansmission is -Syphilis
very rare); virtually unknown in Westem countries that immunize -{ellulitis
livestock . Pulmonary anthrax
. Weaponized anthrax are highly lethal spore forms that are lelatively easy -Pneumonia
to produce and stable il the environment; developed in weapons programs -Bronchitis
by countries and autonomous groups (e.g., Aum Shinrikyo sect, known for -Tnfluenza
the 1995 Tolyo subway sarin gas attack) . GI anthrax
. Cutaneous anlhrax (>95Vo of cases): Introduction of spores into subepi- -Gashoenteritis/food
dermal tissue through a skin lesion (e.g., cut, scrape) poisoning
. Pulmonary anthrax: Inhalation of airbome spores; highly lethal (99Vo mor- -Acute abdomen of various
tality without treatment, 807o mortality even with trcatment) etiologies
. Gastrointestinal: Ingestion of spores. usually in contaminated foods -Streptococcal pharyngitis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Cutaneous anthrax erupts 3-4 days . History of exposure and clinical prcsentation
after infection: Painless, reddish . Chest X-ray in pulmonary anthrax reveals a widened mediastinum
papules, becoming vesicles; eventu- due to enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes and may show diffuse
ally a black eschar develops; sys- patchy infiltrates
temic symptoms may occur . Hypoxemia in pulmonary anthrax
. Pulmonary anthrax: InJluenza-like . Definitive diagnosis by isolation ofbacteria from cutaneous vesicles,
prodrome (fever, chills, fatigue, HA, sputum, vomitus, feces, and/or ascites fluid
cough, myalgias) followed by sud- . Bacteria on gram stain are large, encapsulated, gram-positive rods
den onset of dyspnea, cyanosis, and often with a central vacuole; non-motile; non-hemolytic
mental status changes; may progrcss . Blood cultures may be positive in any form of anthrax
to coma and death . No screening test is available; nasal swabs or serology should only be
. GI anthrax: Nausea, vomiting, fever, used in symptomatic patients or for epidemiologic reasons
abdominal pail, dysentery hemat-
emesis, and sepsis
. Oropharyngeal infection: Sore
throat, dysphagia, fever, mucosal
lesions. and lymphadenopathy

Treatment Disposition
. Begin antibiotics promptly-in pulmonary anthrax, antibiotics are . forms of anthrax may be fatal
usually only effective if begun before onset of symptoms -Cutaneous: Usually self-limited; few
-IV ciprofloxacin is first line therapy deaths if treated
*Doxycycline alone or penicillin plus stroptomycin are accept- -Pulmonary: Mortality is 99Vo with-
able altematives out treatment and 809o with treat-
-There are some engineered strains of anthrax with resistance ment
to both doxycycline and penicillin -GI: May result in sepsis, shock, and
. Post-exposure prophylaxis with oral ciprofloxacin or doxycycline death (with or without teatment)
plus antkax vaccine . Meni-ngitis and sepsis are dangerous
. Vacche is available for those at high risk or with confirmed expo- complications of all three forms of
sure; those on prophylactic antibiotics should receive vaccine anthrax; nearly 1007o of secondary
prior to the discontinuation of antibiotic therapy meningitis cases are fatal
. Intubation and ventilatory support may be necessary in pulmonary . Estimated 3 million deaths if aerosolized
anthrax anthrax were to be released over
Washington, D.C.


181 . Smallpox
Differential Dx
. Caused by a variola virus that infecrs only humans
. Highly infectious, especially early in the disease
. Spiead only by person_to_pefson transmission via respiratory droplets
. Virus then spreud, f.o- G respiratory tract to blood, intemal organs' and
skin, with an asymptomatic incubation period of about 2 weeks
. Epidemics throughout history have been devastating
. Routine vaccination ended in 1912 and smallpox was eliminated from the
world in l9'.''l-.the only known stocks of smallpox are kept at the CDC
other countdes may have access to the virus
. Smallpox has the potential to be one of the most devastating bio-weapons
(high\ infectious, fast-spreading, long prodromalphase' often lethal' min-
imil available vaccine supplies, and community immunity has been lost
since the cessation of routine immunizations)

. lnitial symptoms include high fever, . Primarily diagnosed by identification of the characteristic rash by
myalgias, fatigue, headache, and trained personnel
. Distinguish rash from chickenpox
backache: nausea and vomiting maY
be present -Chickenpox lesions tend to be more
on the trunk than on the
. Rash follows 2-3 daYs later -Chickenpox lesions are more prominent
face or extremities
-EspeciallY Prominent on
occur on the palms or soles
extremities, and mucous mem- -Chickenpox lesions virtually never
chickenpox, lesions ofvarious stages exist together; whereas in
branes of mouth and nose -In
smallpox, lesions in each area are at the same stage of develop-
-Progresses from reddish macules
to papules to Pus-filled vesicles ment
to crusting scabs
-AlI lesions aPPear in the same
stage of develoPment (as
opposed to chickenPox)
-Scabs lall off in 3-4 weeks,
leaving pitted scars
. Blindness may occru

. Most patients lecover; however, death
. Patients should be isolated until rash/scabs disappear
. There is no proven effective treatment; antivirals (cidofovir and occurs in tp to 30Vo of cases (there are
engineered forms of smallpox that are
IV ribavirin) are being studied
. Supportive care should include IV fluids, analgesics, antipyretics more lethal)
. Deep scars may remain ("pockmarks")
. Antibiotics for secondary bacterial infections
. Infection conffol procedures are essen-
. Vaccine will prevent disease and diminish the severity of illness
tia"l to contain outbreaks
in exposed individuais
-fhe available vaccine is made of live vaccinia
virus' which is -Decontamination of instruments,
closely related to the variola virus
clothing, and bedding
-Protective clothing and masks
-Must te administered within 4 days of exposure (before rash
medical personnel
or immuno- rVaccines for those at risk
-Contraindicated in pregnancy, immunosuppression . Currently, vaccination of first respon-
compromise, or history of eczema
ders and certain health care profession
-May have severe side effects, including
. Vaccinia immune globulin is indicated in exposed individuals als is being considered

within 3 days of exposure






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182. Acute Psychosis
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Dysfunctional behavior or thought processes with the presence of delu- . Dementia
sions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech or behaviors . Delirium
. Differentiate organic (medical) from functional (psychiatric) causes . Psychiatric causes
. Medical conditions are a common cause of psychosis -Schizophrenia
-Endocrine disorders (e.g., thyroid or adrenal abnormalities) -Schizophreniform disorder
-Liver or renal failure -Schizoaffective disorder
-Neurologic (e.g., meningitis, hemorrhage, seizure, CVA, fumors) -Delusional disorder
-Hypoglycemia or electrolyte abnormalities -Due to a medical condition
-Hypertensive emergency -Due to substance abuse
-Trauma (e.g., intracerebral bleed, closed head injury) -Brief psychotic disorder
-Hypoxia -Mania or bipolar disorder
-Infection (e.g., HIV sepsis, UTI, pneumonia, meningitis, Lyme) -Depression with psychotic
-Drugs (steroid use, therapeutics, drugs of abuse, withdrawal states) features
*Postpartum psychosis
-Deficiency states (e.9., vitamin Br2, thiamine, folate)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Delusions (fixed false beliefs) . Complete history and physical exam is essential to differentiate func-
. Hallucinations (alterations in senso- tional versus organic disease
rium) . Suspicion of medical illness based upon vital signs, physical exam, or
. Severe behavioral changes history should be thoroughly evaluated
. Decreased social interaction . Acute medical illness may exacerbate psychosis; thus, medical illness
. Poor hygiene must be ruled out even in patients with a history of psychiatric dis-
. Bizarre behaviors {e.g.. rocking. ease
staring) . Background information on the patient's prior level of functioning
. Difficulties in goal-directed activity should be obtained if possible
and communication, reflecting dis- . Obtain lab work including head CT, alcohol
as necessary, possibly
organized thinking level, drug screen, electrolytes, CBC, LFTs, BUN/creatinine, and
. May have symptoms/signs of tests of endocrine function
organic disease
. Patients may present in catatonia

Treatment Disposition
. Treat underlying medical disorders, if present . Many acutely psychotic patients will
. Antipsychotic medications may be used, depending on the degree require admission, either because they
of agitation and symptomatology: IVAM haloperidol, IM risperi- are a danger to themselves or others or
done, or droperidol due to underlying medical illness
-Antipsychotics may cause arrhythmias (especially droperidol), requiring inpatient treatment
dystonic reactions, akathisia, seizures, or neuroleptic malig- . Outpatient therapy is reasonable if
nant syndrome organic causes are ruled out or treated,
-If an acute dystonic reaction occurs secondary to antipsychotic if the patient is not a danger to self or
use, stop the drug and administer IV/IM benztropine or others, and if appropriate follow-up is
diphenhydramine avaiiable
. Benzodiazepines (e.g., midazolam) are effective sedatives, espe- . If the patient refuses ffeatment but is
cially in the acutely intoxicated (e.g., alcohol, cocaine) or with- deemed unable to understand the risks
drawing patient and benefits of their decision, they must
. Physical restrahts are often required to manage violent patients be detained to ensure their safety


183. Mood Disorders
Differential Dx
. Mood disorders include depression, bipoiar disorder, dysthymia, and . Delirium
cyclothymia . Dementia
. Psychosis (e.g., schizophrenia)
-Major depression: Depressed mood or loss of interest in daily activities
lasting at least two weeks, associated with other symptoms, and caus- . Adjustment disorder
ing impairment in functioning . Personality disorder
. Drug intoxication/withdrawal
-Bipolar disorder (manic-depression): Altemating episodes of depres-
sion and mania . Normal bereavement
. Medication-induced mood
-Dysthymic disorder: Chronic depressed mood on most days for at least
2 years; other symptoms are rarely present disorder
. Extremely common (ry to l59o of the population) . Medical illness (e.g., coronary
. Risk factors include female sex, family or personal history, and coexisting ischemia, malignancy,
illness neurologic disease. or endocrine
. Pathophysiology may include abnormal activity of norepinephrine and problems, such as hypothy-
dopamine, hormonal abnormalities (e.g., cortisol), genetic predisposition, roidism)
and psychological issues

Presentation Diagnosis
. Depression: Hopelessness, apathy . Criteria for diagnosis of major depressive episode: Five or more of
. Mania: Extreme elation, initability, the following symptoms in the same two-week period
grandiosity -Depressed mood
. Psychomotor agitation (e.g., hand -Anhedonia (lack of pleasure)
wringing, fidgeting, pacing, and -Insomnia or increased sleep*Fatigue
pressured speech) may be seen in -Weight loss, weight gain, or change in appetite
both mania and depression -Psychomotor agitation or retardation
. Psychomotor retardation during -Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
depressive episodes (e.g., slowed -Poor concentration or indecisiveness
thoughts and movements, sluned -Recurrent thoughts or plan of death or suicide
speech, slumped posture) . Criteria for diagnosis of a manic episode: At least two weeks of an
. Poor concentration, excessive guilt, abnormally elevated or irritable mood with 3 of the foilowing:
suicidal ideation, and delusions in Grandiosity (inflated self-esteem), decreased need for sleep, pres-
severe depression sured speech, distractibility, flight of ideas or racing thoughts,
. Increased or decreased sleep or increase iri goal-directed activity (e.9., spending all night working on
appeLite and serual dyslunction a new project), increased risk-taking behavior (e.g., shopping sprees,
sexual encounters)

Treatment Disposition
. Medical diseases must be ruled out or appropriately heated . Suicidal or homicidal patients must be
. Secure a safe environment, including the presence of a security detained until appropriate psychiatric
guard evaluation has been completed
. Chemical and physical tesfaints may be required in manic, . Admit depressed patients who are suici-
aggressive patients da1 or homicidal, those unable to care
. Depression: A variety of antidepressants are available; however, for themselves, and those without a
most require several weeks for effect; cognitive-behavioral support network or adequate follow-up
therapy has been shown to be as effective as pharmacologic therapy . Manic patients will often require admis-
. Bipolar disorders require IVIM haloperidol or benzodiazepines sion, since they are engaging in risky or
for acute treatment of mania life-threatening behaviors
(e.g., . Overall lifetime risk of suicide in
-Long-term therapies may include mood stabilizers
lithium, valproate, carbamazepine); as with antidepressants, depressed patients is 157o
these agents generally take several weeks for effect . Risk factors for suicide include famiiy
or personal history of suicides or
attempts, co-existing substance abuse,
poor social situation. underlying
medical illness, increasing age, and
male gender


184. Panic Attacks and Conversion Disorder
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Conversion disorder: A somatoform disorder in which psychological stress . Conversion disorder: Seizure,
is unconsciously transformed into physical symptoms (e.g., visual loss, CVA/TIA, multiple sclerosis,
focal neurologic deficits, pseudoseizure) SLE, myositis, Lyme disease,
No underlying pathophysiologic explanation depression. cerebral bleed or
-Often considered a defense mechanism for deaiing with unpleasant mass lesion, hJpochondriasis
thoughts or situations . Panic disorder: Hypoglycemia.
. Panic disorder: A chronic, relapsing form of anxiety disorder characterized hyperthyroidism, cardiac
by recurrent panic attacks (episodes of severe anxiety with associated ischemic or arrhythmia, mitral
physical symptoms) valve prolapse, COPD, asthma,
-Etiologies may include genetic and biochemical factors, a deficit of the pulmonary embolus, migraine,
inhibitory neurohansmitter GABA, and/or overabundance of sympa- caffeine/nicotine/drug use or
thetic or serotonin activity in the locus ceruleus withdrawal, Cushing's syn-
-May be a leamed response from intemal physical cues drome, pheochromocytoma,
steroid use. domestic violence

Presentation Diagnosis
. Conversion disorder . Conversion disorder criteria for diagnosis
Stressful event precedes a physical impairment or distress
-Presents with one or more
dramatic symptoms of abrupt -Deficit of voluntary motor control or sensation
onset -Not intentional and not explainable by an organic cause
-Symptoms may not correspond -Often rcsults in (but not limited to) pain or sexual dysfunction
to expected alatomic distribu-
. Panic disorder criteria lor diagnosis
tions of known lesions -Recurrent, intemittent, unexpected panic attacks followed by per-
. Panic disorder sistent anticipatory anxiety, fear of implications of attacks, or
change in behavior due to the attack (e.g., avoidance)
-Recurrent. intermittent panic
. Panic attacks require at least four of the following:
attacks followed by persistent
anticipatory anxiety (fear of -Heafi palpitations -Chest discomfort
recurrence), fear of the implica- -Shortness ofbreath -Trembling/shaking
tions of the attacks, or change -Nausea/Gl distress -Sweating, chills, or hot flashes
in behavior due to the attack -Numbnessortingling -Dizzinessffaintfeeling
(usualiy avoidance) -Fear oflosing control -Fear ofdying
-Often associated with depression -Depersonalization (not feeling a paft of one's own body)
-Agoraphobia is often present

Treatment Disposition
. Conversion disorder . Use laboratory testing and imaging as
-Avoid illegitimatizing the patient's complaints (e.g., accusing needed to rule out organic causes
them of "faking") . Suicidal or homicidal patients should be
-Remove sffessors and develop coping strategies to deal with admitted
perceived symptoms . Both disorders can usually be treated on
-Reassurance that no life.threatenirlg event wiil happen an outpatient basis, assuming adequate
-Avoid ordering tests or consulting specialists as this reinforces follow-up can be amanged
the behavior and may worsen the problem . Potential for abuse/dependence with
-Pharmacologic agents include lorazepam and amobarbital benzodiazepines-avoid long-term use
. Panic disorder and avoid short-acting agents due to
-Reassure that nothing life-threatening is occurring greater risk of dependence and rebound
-Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and drug use anxiety
-Benzodiazepines are used to treat acute symptoms in severe,
persistent, or frequent attacks
-Antidepressants can control symptoms but do not work acutely
-Psychiatric corinselhg, especially cognitive-behavioral therapy


185. Eating Disorders
- Differential Dx
. Anorexia nervosa: Inadequate intake of nutrition associated with . Psychiatric illnesses
decreased body weight, intense fear of obesity, distorted body image, and -Depression (e.g., poor
amenonhea appetite, weight loss)
. Buiimia nervosa: Episodic binge eating followed by purging (via vomit- -Schizophrenia (e.g., Paranoia
ing, diuretics, laxatives, or excessive exercise), feeiing of lack of confol revolving around food)
. Medical illnesses
over eating, and excessive focus on body image
. Etiology is multifactorial, including genetic factors, biochemical factors -Hlperthyroidism
(decreased serotonin and noradrenaline stimulation)' hormonal factors, -Diabetes mellitus
cultural factors (i.e., "thin is ideal" in Westem society), a feeling of lack -Addison's disease
of conffol (more commonly in anorexia), poor self-image and need for -Chronic diarrhea
approval -Infl ammatory bowel disease
. Affects 5-107o of adolescent females; {17o of adolescent males -Chronic mesenleric ischemia
. Age of onset is mosl commonly from adolescence through the fourth -Superior mesenteric aftery
decade of life syndrome

Presentation Diagnosis
. Anorexia . CBC may reveal anemia and leukopenia
. Electrolyte abnormalities a{e common (especially hypokalemia)
-Body weight (857o of normal
. Increased amyiase
. Hypoglycemia
-May also presenl with binging
and purging . Acid-base disturbances may be present
(due to starvation ketosis)
. Bulimia -Metabolic acidosis occurs in anorexia
and in bulimia with excessive use of laxatives ol exercise
-Often normal or overweight
-Dental caries4oss of enamel -H1pokalemic, hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis occurs
bulimia with vomiting or diuretic use
-Salivary/parotid enlargement
. ECG may reveal arrhythmias associated with electrolyte abnormali-
-Dry mucous membranes
-Esophageal irritation
. CXR may show atelectasis or pneumonia due to respiratory muscle
-Scars on knuckles (due to
repeated induction of vomiting) atlophY
. GI pathology may include Mallory-Weiss tears, esophageal rupture,
. Stress or compression fractures due hematemesis, esophageal iritation, constipation, and post-bilge
to excessive exercise. osteoporosis pancreatitis

Treatment Disposition
. Correct elecfolyte abnormalities . Criteria for admission
. Long-term psychiatric and nutritional therapy -Serious depression with suicidality
. Bulimia usually responds to counseling and antidepressants -Major complications (i.e., GI bleed,
. Anorexia nervosa severe electr olyte abnormalities)

-Counseling -Non-supportive family situation

-Appetite stimulants, such as cyproheptadine (Periactin), have -Failures of outpatient treatment
some beneficial effect -Weight loss )307o over 3 months
. Discharge if duration of illness
-Gradually reintroduce food (3 months, weight >70Vo of ideal,
-May need parenteral nutrition (TPN) due to atrophy of
mucosa and diminished production of enzymes stable and motivated patient and family,
is good outpatient monitoring with
-Careful correction of chronic metabolic derangements
essential as too rapid correction may result in serious adverse arranged therapy
. Depression is a common underlying
component of eating disorders
-Trials of amitriptyline, clomipramine, pimozide, and chlotpro- . Morality is 2-18Vo
mazine may be beneficial
. Deaths occur due to suicide, eiecholyte
abnormalities, cardiac arrhythmia, or
. tJp to 509o have persistent disease


1 86. Withd rawal Syndromes
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Drug dependence: A physiologic state in which a decrease in drug admin- . CNS trauma
istration results in withdrawal symptoms and tolerance . CNS infection
. Drug addiction: Continued use of drugs despite detriment to se1f, others, . Hyperthyroidism
and/or society . Sepsis
. Alcohol activates inhibitory GABA receptors in the CNS, causing sedation . Heat stroke
-Chronic ethanol use results in dowrnegulation of GABA Hypoglycemia
-When ethanol is removed, a lack of GABA inhibition results in an Hyperglycemia
excitatory state . Drug intoxication (e.g., cocaine,
. Sedative/hypnotics (e.g., benzodiazepines, barbiturates) activate GABA amphetamiles)
when drug is present; withdrawal results in excitatory state . Acute abdomen
. Opioid withdrawal results from upregulation of cAMP following chronic . Anticholinergic syndrome
usage . Acute schizophrenia

Presentation Diagnosis
. Alcohol withdrawal: Agitation, . Do not assume symptoms are from withdrawal unless other medical
tremulousness, N/V, insomnia, il.lnesses have been ruled out
tachycardia, fever
. Laboratory tests to rule out other causes of symptoms or sequelae of
withdrawal (CBC, electrolytes, renal and liver function, PT/PTTANR,
-May progress to hallucinations,
confusion, and seizures and workup for infections)
. Head CT for unexplained mental status changes
-Delirium tremens (DTs): . Lumbar puncture if meningitis/encephalitis cannot be ruled out
Severe episodes of gross
tremor, HTN, fever, tachycar- . Classification of alcohol withdrawal
dia. and severe confusion and -Minor (six or more hours after use): Course tremor, increased
disorientation autonomic tone, sleep disturbance, and anxiety
. Sedative/hypnotics: HTN, tremors, -Majot (>24 hours after use): More exheme symptoms of
tachycardia, diaphoresis, fever, increased excitatory tone, hallucinations (but without confusion),
seizures and risk of seizures
. Opioids: Lacrimation, rhinorrhea, -Delirium tremens ()72 hours after use) is the extreme end of the
mydriasis, sweating, yawning, spectrum of increased autonomic tone; associated with significant
piloerection, restlessness, insom- confusion, altered sensorium, and disorientation
nia. Nlr'. and/or abdominal pain:
mental status is normal

Treatment Disposition
. Alcohol withdrawal . Alcohol withdrawal

-IV glucose, IV fluids, thiamine (administer prior to glucose to A medical emergency requiring
prevent Wemicke's encephalopathy), magnesium, and folate admission
Benzodiazepines (e.g., lorazepam) are administered to -May progress from mild withdrawal
enhance GABA activity, sedate the patient, and decrease the to major withdrawal to DTs
incidence of seizures and delirium tremens -Mortality of delirium tremens is 157o
-Barbiturates may also be administered -Patients exhibiting signs of delirium
-Clonidine or p-blockers may decrease symptoms but do not tremens require admission to an ICU
lreat withdrawal (may even mask progression) . Sedative,thypnotic withdrawal may
-Butyrophenones (e.g., haloperidol) are not preferred as they resuit in life-threatening seizures;
may decrease the seizure threshold; however, haloperidol plus admission is generally wananted
lorazepam has been proven safe . Opioid withdrawal is not life-threaten-
. Sedative/hypnotic withdrawal is treated with a slow taper of ing; however, often requires admission
long-acting benzodiazepines or barbiturates for symptoms such as persistent nausea
. Opioid withdrawal is treated with methadone (a long-acting and vomiting
opioid) or other opiates to decrease symptoms
-{lonidine is effective for mild opioid withdrawal


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187. Vaginal Bleeding

Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Esffogen causes proliferation of the endometrium; progesterone stabilizes . Normal menses
the endometrium . Pregnancy
. Menorrhagia: Menses }7 days or )80 mL blood loss . Anovulation
. Metrorrhagia: Vaginal bleeding outside normal menses . Infection
. Menometrorrhagia: Excessive bleeding outside menses . Endometriosis/adenomyosis
. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding: Irregular bleeding due to anovulation in . Medication (OCP)
the absence of organic disease (persistent estrogen production without the . Atrophic vaginitis
presence of balancing progesterone, results in eventual shedding of the . Fibroids
proliferative endometrium); causes inciude polycystic ovary syndrome, . Malignancy (cervix, uterus)
obesity, adolescence, perimenopause, stress, excessive exercise . Coagulopathy
. Ovulatory bleeding: Abnormal bleeding despite normal cycles (e.g., . Endocrine disorder
structural or cancerous lesions, fibroids, OCPs, endometriosis) . Trauma/abuse
. Foreign body

Presentation Diagnosis
. Irregular periods suggest anovula- . p-hCG to exclude pregnancy
tion or perimenopause . CBC and type and screen in moderate to heavy blood loss
. Peivic pain may be present in . PT/PTT for patients with other sites of bleeding, those currently on
endometriosis, fibroids, trauma, or anticoagulation therapy, or those with persistently heavy periods (sus-
infection (e.g., PID) picious for von Willebrand's disease)
. Fever, vaginal discharge, nausea, . Speculum exam to determine lower versus upper genital tract bleed-
and vomiting suggest infection ing; findhgs may include adenoma, polyps, condyioma, lacerations,
. Obesity and hirsutism suggest ecchymosis, or foreign bodies
polycystic ovary syndrome . Cultures of vaginal secretions for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and
. Dyspareunia suggests endometriosis trichomonas
or infection . ED ultrasound will identify intrauterine or ectopic pregnancies; for-
. Bleeding or easy bruising suggest ma1 OB/GYN ultrasound is needed to identify an enlarged uterus,
coagulopathy frbroids, uterine blot clot, enlarged adnexa, or endometrial thickening
. Enlarged/tender adnexa or uterus . CT and MRI are generally not useful
suggests fibroids
. Smaller nodules suggests

Treatment Disposition
. Hemodynamically unstable patients should receive immediate . Admit patients with hemodynamic
fluid resuscitation and blood transfusions; persistent bleeding may instability or severe blood loss
require dilatation and curettage or hysterectomy . Follow-up with OB/Gyn for most caus-
. Hemodynamically stable patients should receive hormone therapy es of vaginal bleeding
to stabilize the endometrium . Appropriate counseling in cases of
-Severe bleeding: IV or oral estrogen alone, then add proges- sexual abuse
terone once the bleeding stops . Unopposed estrogen increases the risk
-Mild-moderate bleeding: Oral contraceptives (the estrogen- of endometrial hyperplasia and
progestin combination takes effect more slowly than estrogen cancer-suspect endometrial cancer in
alone) any post-menopausal female with vagi-
-Minimal bleeding: Progesterone alone for 10 days to stabilize nal bleeding
the immature endometrium
-After the endometrium is stabilized and bleeding stops,
therapy is withdrawn allowing a withdrawal bleed that imitates
normal menses
. Chronic management for repetitive bleeding may include oral
conffaceptives, NSAIDs (decreases uterine blood flow),
clomiphene, or danazol


188. Vulvovaginitis
Differential Dx
. Vaginitis: Inflammation of the vagina and vulva . Atrophic vaginitis
cause of vaginitis; due to . Bacterial vaginosis
-Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common . Candida vaginitis
overgrowth of Gardnerella vaginalis; associated with preterm labor,
. Trichomonas vaginalis
premature ruptue of membranes, and endometritis
. Cervicitis
landida vaginitis: Second most common cause of vaginitis; due to
. Pelvic inflammatory disease
yeast, most commonly Candida albicans
caused by the proto- . Genital herpes
-Trichomoniasis: A sexually transmitted disease . Urinary tract infeciion
zoan T. vaginalis; may predispose to preterm labor and premature
. Vaginal foreign body
rupture of membranes
estrogen in . Behcet's syndrome
-Atrophic vaginitis: Muoosal atrophy due to decreased . Collagen vascular disease
postmenopausal women
. Cervicitis: Inflammation of the cervix (without ascending sprcad to the . Contact vulvovaginitis
. Pinworms
upper genital tract), commonly dre to Neisseria gonorrhoeae ot Chlamydia

. Vaginal irritation . Identify offending agent: Urinalysis, wet mount (.Trichomonas), gram
. Dyspareunia stain (Gardnerella), KOH prep (Candida), gonococcus and chlamydia
. BV: Thin, white, foul smelling cultures, and consider syphilis testing
"fi shy-smell ing" ) discharge
. BV: Vaginal pH >4.5, "clue celis" on microscopy, positive "whiff"
. Candida: Thick, white, chunky test (foul odor with KOH)
"cottage cheese" discharge; pruritus; . Candida: Vaginal pH 4.04.5, pseudohyphae and yeast buds on KOH
dysuria microscopy; "strawberry cervix" due to punctate hemorrhages
. Trichomoniasis: Foul smelling, . Trichomoniasis: Vaginal pH 5.0-6.0; motile trichomonads and many
purulent, yellowish discharge PMNs on microscoPY
. Atrophic vaginitis: Soreness, spot- . Atrophic vaginitis: May have vaginal petechiae or ecchymoses; few
ting, scant discharge or no vaginal folds
. Contact vulvovaginitis: Intense . Contact vulvovaginitis: Erythematous and edematous vulva and
pruritus, swelling vagina, ulcerations, possible secondary C andida infection
. Cervicitis: Vaginal discharge . Cervicitis: Cervical motion tendemess, cervicai erythema; no
abdominal or adnexal tendemess

Treatment Disposition
. BV: Metronidazole for J days or as a 2 g single dose (contraindi- . Outpatient therapy for all patients
. BV: Patients treated with metronidazole
cated during the 1st trimester of pregnancy); altematives include
metronidazole gel and clindamycin cream or tab should be advised to avoid alcohol due
. Candida: Fluconazole for a single dose or topical antifungals for to disulfram-like reactions
. Candida: In cases of recurrent infec-
3 days
. Trichomoniasis: Meffonidazole 2 g single dose tions, rule out the presence of HIV and
. Atrophic vaginitis: Topical vaginal estrogen for 1-2 wks diabetes mellitus, treat partners, and
. Contact vulvovaginitis: Avoid the offending agent (e.g', soap, obtain cultures to isolate potentially
bubble bath, latex condoms, perfumes); cool sitz baths or topical resistant organisms (e.9., Candida
steroids may help symptomaticaliy glabrata)
. Cervicitis: Treat for both gonococcus and chlamydia (single dose . Trichomonas: A11 sexual pafiners
therapy is sufficient)-treat as PID if there is any question of should be reated; re-inlection is
abdominal or adnexal tendemess common
. Atrophic vaginitis: Bleeding in a post-
2 g single dose (however, seldom used because
it usually induces vomiting) menopausai patient requires OB/Gyn
(single dose) referral for Pap smear to rule out
-3rd generation cephalosporin or fluoroquinolone
for gonorrhea, plus either azithromycin (single dose) or endometrial cancer
. All patients should have OB/GYn
doxycycline (for 7 days) for chlamydia
follow-up in 48 hours


189. Pelvic lnflammatory Disease
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Ascending infections of the female upper reproductive tract (uterus, fal- . Cervicitis/urethritis
lopian tubes, pelvic structures), including endometritis, salpingitis, and . Appendicitis
tubo-ovarian abscess . Ectopic pregnancy
. Affects 1 million women in the US each year . Endometriosis
. The most common cause of pelvic pain in nonpregnant women . Ovarian torsion
. The majority of cases are dte lo Neisseria gonorrhoeae and, Chlamydia . Nephrolithiasis
trachomatis ; other causative organisms incllude Mycoplasma hominis, . Diverticulitis
Ureaplasma urealyticum, enteric gram-negative rods, and anaerobes . Pyeionephritis
. Predisposing factors hclude multiple sexual partners, history of STDs, . Spontaneous or septic abortion
age <25, use of intrauterine device, frequent vaginal douching . Bacterial vaginosis
. Complications include ectopic prcgnancy and infertility (both due to scar- . Trichomonas
ring of the fallopian tubes), chronic peivic pain, tubo-ovarian abscess, and . Candida vaginitis
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome (perihepatic gonococcal infection)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Fever . PID is a clinical diagnosis that generally does not require imaging
. Vaginal discharge studies, except to rule out other pathology
. Iregular vaginal bleeding . CDC criteria (907o sensitive) for PID inciude the presence of lower
. Pelvic pain and/or abdominal pain abdominal pain/tendemess, cervical motion tendemess, and adnexal
. Dysuria tendemess
. Nausea and/or vomiting . Criteria not required but supportive of the diagnosis include
. Dyspareunia nausea/vomiting, temperature > 101'F (38.3'C), dyspareunia, abnor-
. Symptoms occur more frequently mal cervical or vaginal discharge, culture evidence of C. trachomatis
following menstruation or N. gonorrhoeae, and elevated ESR or CRP
. Labs should include urinalysis, wet mount, gram stain, cervical cul-
tures for gonococcus and chlamydia, and urine pregnancy test
. Transvaginal uitrasound is used to rule out ectopic pregnancy and
may show pelvic fluid (suggesting PID) or tubo-ovarian abscess
. Abdominal CT may show pelvic fluid, tubo-ovarian abscess, ovarian
cyst, or other pathology
. Laparoscopy is the gold standard for diagnosis; however, it is rarely
done except to rule out and treat surgical disease

Treatment Disposition
. Maintain a low threshold for diagnosis and antibiotic treatment . Admit patients who are severely ill or
due to the potentially serious sequelae toxic, pregnant, suspected to be non-
. Requires a14 day,2-drug course ofantibiotics coveingN. gonor- compliant (e.g., adolescent, substance
rhoeae, C. trachomatis, anaerobes, and gram negatives abuser), HIV positive, suspected to have
. Outpatient regimens a tubo-ovarian abscess, outpatient thera-
-IM single dose ceftriaxone plus doxycycline for 14 days py failures, unable to tolerate oral med-
-IM single dose 3rd generation cephalosporin and oral probeni- icalions. or uncenain diagnosis
cid plus doxycycline for 14 days . Patients who are discharged should
-IV single dose azithromycin followed by oral azithromycin for have follow-up within 72 hours
7 days and mefonidazole for 14 days . All sexual partners within rhe previous
-Ofloxacin plus metronidazole for 14 days two months should be examined and
. Inpatient regimens-begin IV dosing until the patient improves treated prior to resuming intercourse
for 24 hours, followed by oral therapy to complete a 14 day . 95Vo cwe rate with antibiotics
couISe . 107o infertility rate following 1 episode;
-Doxycycline plus either cefotetan or cefoxitin 40Vo infertllity rate after 3 episodes
-Azithromycin plus metronidazole
-Clindamycin plus gentamycin followed by doxycycline
-Ofloxacin plus metronidazole
-Ampicillin/sulbactam plus doxycycline


190. Ovarian Pathology
- Differential Dx
. Ovarian gysts: Result from follicles that neither ovulate nor regress . Appendicitis
. Ectopic pregnancy
-Rupture of an ovarian follicle causes sudden pelvic
pain and may
result in peritoneal irritation from fluid or blood
. Endometriosis
. Mittelschmertz
-Follicular cyst is a smaller cyst (-2 cm) that ruptures during
(mid-cycle); pain dissipates over 1-2 days . Pelvic inflammatory disease
(up to 10 cm) that . Cervicitis
-Corpus luteal (hemorrhagic) cyst is a larger cyst
. Endometritis
ruptures just prior to menses; may cause hemorrhage and, rarely,
. Menstrual cramps
shock: symptoms similar to ectopic pregnancy
. Ovarian torsion: Twisting of the ovary on its vascular pedicle, resulting in . Uterine fibroids (leiomyoma)
. Adenomyoma
ischemia and infarction: increased risk with ovarian mass
. Tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA): Abscess of the ovary, fallopian tube, or . Nepholithiasis
. Urinary tract infection
broad ligament; often due to anaerobic bacteria and commonly associated
with PID; may cause irreversible damage and infertility . Pyelonephritis
. Diverliculitis

. Abdominal or pelvic pain . Abdominal exam: Often tender; periloneal signs (e.g., rebound,

-Usually unilateral guarding, rigidity) occur with torsion or hemorrhagic luteal cysts
. Speculum exam: May see pus from the cervical os with TOA
-May be sharp and sudden (e.g.,
torsion, rupture of cysts) or dul1 . Bimanual exam: Ceruical motion tendemess occurs with TOA, tor-
with gradual onset (e.g., stretch- sion, and some cysts; adnexal mass and/or tendemess may be present
ing of capsule around a cyst, with any ovarian pathology
roA) . Urine B-hCG to rule out intrauterine and ectopic pregnancy
. Urinalysis to rule out UTI
-Ovarian torsion: Sudden, severe
pain out of proportion to exam, . WBC and ESR may be elevated in TOA or torsion
radiating from groin to flank . U/S may show a unilateral cyst, TOA, or fluid in the cul-de-sac
. Vaginal bleeding or discharge . Doppler U/S in torsion may reveal an enlarged ovary and decreased
. Nausea/vomiting blood flow
. Rectal pain from fluid in cul-de-sac . Abdominafpelvic CT will identify most cases of torsion and TOA
. Syncope and rule oul other pathology (e.g., nephrolithiasis)
. Fever in TOA and torsion . Laparoscopylaparotomy may be required for definitive diagnosis of
. Hypotension/shock may occur in torsion or TOA
luteal cysts and TOA

Treatment Disposition
. Treat shock with IV fluids and blood as needed-patients in . In general, admit patients with unclear
shock require emergent sugery etiologies or if unable to tolerate oral
. Pain management as appropriate for severity htake
. Consult OB/Gyn or surgery if peritoneal signs are present . Follicular cyst: Discharge home with
. Ovarian cysts: Manage pain with NSAIDs and narcotics; opera- NSAIDS
tive intervention in cases of shock . Luteal cyst: Often require admission for
. Ovarian torsion: Emergent surgical repair hemodynamic observation, especially if
. TOA: IV antibiotics to coverN. gonorrhoeae, C. trachomatis, and patient is anemic or has a large amount
anaerobes of blood in the pelvis
. Torsion: Admit for emergent surgery
-Doxycycline plus either cefotetan, cefoxitin or
ampicillin/sulbactam . TOA: Admit for IV antibiotics and
counseling about the risks of hfertility
-2nd generation quinolone plus metronidazole
(near 100%) and ectopic pregnancy;
-Clindamycin plus gentamycin plus doxycycline
or sexual partners should be treated
-Surgery is required if peritoneal signs are present
persists after antibiotics


1 91 . Complications of Pregnancy
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Hyperemesis gravidarum: lst trimester nausea and intractable vomiting . Gastroenteritis
with ketonemia, dehydration, and >5Vo weight loss; may be caused by . Ectopic pregnancy
elevated B-hCG levels (e.g., twins, molar pregnancy) . Molar pregnancy
. HELLP syndrome: A syndrome with high mortality (up to 25Vo) thal . Puimonary embolus
causes llemolysis, Elevated l,iver enzymes, Zow Platelets, and often . Preeciampsia/eclampsia
hyperlension; possibly caused by endothelial injury with resulting . Acute abdominal pain (e.g.,
vasospasm and platelet activation; often complicates pre-eclampsia appendicitis, cholecystitis,
. Amniotic fluid embolus (AFE): A dangerous complication (matemal/fetal hepatitis, pancreatitis, PUD,
morbidity and mortality is 80%) that occurs during delivery. miscarriage, GERD)
amniocentesis, ffauma, or spontaneously . UTl/pyelonephritis
. Rh immunization: Rh(-) mom is exposed to fetal Rh(+) blood (ust . Superficial phlebitis
0.1 mL of fetal RBCs are needed to sensitize the mother); formation of . Moming sickness
Rh antibodies occurs, which may endanger future pregnancies . DKA
. Thromboembolic disease: Pregnancy is a hypercoagulable state with .ITPITP
5 times ilcreased risk of DVT and possible pulmonary embolus

. Hyperemesis: Nausea, persistent . Hyperemesis: Hypokalemia; ketonuria on urinalysis; check LFTs,
vomiting, and symptoms of amylase, and lipase to rule out other causes of vomiting
dehy&ation . HELLP: Thrombocytopenia, decreased RBCs, and schistocytes on
. HELLP: RUQ or epigastric CBC; elevated LFTs, bilirubin, and LDH; decreased haptoglobin;
pain/tendemess. nausea/vomiting. proteinuria on urinalysis; consider abdominal ultrasound to rule out
fatigue, hypertension gallbladder disease
. AFE: Dyspnea, shock, seizures, . AFE: A clidcal diagnosis (or diagnosed at autopsy) with hypoten-
bleeding diathesis sion, hypoxemia on ABG, and coagulopathy (t PryPTT)
. Rh immunization is asymptomatic . Rh immunization: Kleihauer-Betke test is positive in large matemal
. Thromboembolic disease: Signs of exposures to fetal blood (e.g., blunt abdominal trauma), but may be
DVT (e.g., painful or swollen leg, negative in smaller exposues (e.g., pregnant patient with vaginal
Homan's sign) and/or PE (e.g., bleeding, ectopic pregnancy, induced or spontaneous abortion,
dyspnea, tachypnea, chest pain) amniocentesis); therefore, treat all Rh(-) patients with any suspected
exposure to fetal blood
. Thromboembolic disease: Perform appropriate workup for DVTIPE
(lower extremity Doppler is usually the first test, V/Q scan is
preferred over spiral CT in pregnancy)

Treatment Disposition
. Hweremesis: Avoid oral intake; consider symptomatic ffeatment . Hyperemesis: Most patients require
with antiemetics (metoclopramide is the oniy category B agent, admission {e.g.. persistent vomiting.
others are category C); rehydrate with 5Vo glucose in normal elecffolyte abnormalities, weight loss
saline or LR until urine dipstick becomes negative for ketones; >10% of pre-pregnancy weight);
correct electrolytes discharge if tolerating clears and
. HELLP: Delivery is the only definitive therapy; supportive care ketonuria resolves; rcatrs in 25Vo of
includes conection of coagulopathy, hydralazine for HTN, patients
platelet/RBC transfusions, and magnesium for coexisting . IIELLP: Admit all patients; complica-
preeclampsia/eclampsia tions include placentai abruption, renai
. AFE: Deliver fetus immediately, correct coagulopathy, and failure, ARDS, cerebral edema,
provide supportive care ofABCs GI bleed, and subcapsular liver
. Rh immunization: Administer anti-D immune globulin (e.g., hematoma
Rhogam) to all Rh(-) mothers with any concern of exposure to . AFE: High mortality, especially during
fetal blood the first hour; remaining patients will
. Thromboembolic disease: Anticoagulate with IV heparin likely progress to ARDS and LV
(warfarin is absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy); some dysfunction
patients may require an IVC filter . Rh immunization: Discharge following
. Thromboembolic disease: Admit for
IV heparin


192. Ectopic o:,:"g:"?ltv
- Etiology &
. Any pregnancy outside the uterine cavity-in most cases, implantation . Intrauterine pregnancy
occurs in the fallopian tube but may also occur in the cervix, abdominal
. Molar pregnancy
cavity, or on the ovary
. Heterotopic pregnancy
. Eventually the pregnancy ruptures and causes matemal hemorrhage . Spontaneous abortion
. 2nd leading cause of matemal death . UTl/pyelonephritis
. Risk factors include PID, tubal ligation or other fallopian tube surgery, . Appendicitis
IUD use, fertility medications, cigarettes, and prior ectopic pregnancy . Renal colic
. Incidence has been increasing due to increased rates of PID . Pelvic inflammatory disease
. Presentation is variable----consider the diagnosis in any reproductive age . Ovarian cyst or abscess
woman . Ovarian torsion
. Previous tubai ligation does not fl)le out the possibility of ectopic pregnancy . Endometriosis
. Heterotopic pregnancy: An intrauterine pregnancy occurs simuhaneously
with an ectopic pregnancy

. Signs and symptoms are generally . Obtain a urine B-hCG to confirm pregnancy, then measure serum
non-specific quantitative B-hCG (ectopic pregnancies have lower than expected
. Abdominal pain and tenderness, concentrations)
ranging from mild to severe . Ultrasound is often diagnostic-absence of htrauterine pregnancy
. Vaginal bleeding or passage of given sufficient B-hCG levels is an ectopic pregnancy until proven
tissue oiherwise
. Nausea and vomiting *Absence of intrauterine pregnancy (IUP)
. Syncope or pre-syncope -May show an extrautedne mass or free pelvic fluid
-Transvaginal U/S should show IIIP if B-hCG >1500
. Amenorrhea (5-12 weeks)
-Transabdominal U/S should show IUP if
. Adnexal mass and/or tendemess p-hCG >5000
. Hypotension and/or onhostasis . Serum progesterone may be useful at <10 weeks (progesterone
. Tachycardia <5 suggests ectopic pregnancy, >25 is usually an IUP)
. Culdocentesis is used if ultrasound is unavailable and the patient is
unstable--0.3-10 cc of non-clotting blood diagnoses ectopic
. Laparoscopy is both diagnostic and therapeutic; used if ultrasound is
non-diagnostic and suspicion persists
. Check Rh status in aII patients

Treatment Disposition
. Treatment varies depending on dates, size of pregnancy, and . High suspicion for ectopic pregnancy is
hemodynamic stability of the patient necessary given its high mortality and
. Hemodynamically unstable patients should receive normal saline the availability of effective therapy
and blood via two large bore IVs; check PT/PTT to rule out
. Obtain OB/Gyn consultation in all
bleeding disorders; obtain emergent OB/Gyn consultation for proven or suspected ectopic pregnancies
. Following OB/Gyn consultation, dis-
. Methotrexate is sometimes used to induce a medical abortion charge low-risk patients and those treat-
(80-90Vo effective); serum B-hCG should be followed every ed with methotrexate; obtain rcPeat
2 days to assure resolution of pregnancy; used only in serum B-hCG in 2 days
. Admit all patients who are hemodynam-
consultation with OB/Gyn
. Surgical resection and conffol of bleeding via laparoscopy or ically unstable, at risk of non-
laparotomy is the most common treatment and is the treatment of compliance, or require surgery
choice in hemodynamically unstable patients . A low B-hCG level may not be benign
. If the diagnosis is unclear and the patient is stable, OB/Gyn (ruptues have been repofed at levels as

sometimes recommends serial p-hCG measurement every low as 10)

two days (doubles every 2 days in IUP; increases more slowly in
ectopic pregnancy)
. Rh(-) patients should receive anti-D immune globulin (Rhogam)


193. Vaginal Bleeding tn Pregnancy
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. lst trimester bleeding occurs in 2OVo of pregnancies; 507o of cases will . Ectopic pregnancy
result in miscarriage . Threatened abortion
. Inevitable abortion
-Threatened aboftion: Bleeding with a closed cewical os
. Incomplete abortion
-Inevitable abortion: Open cervical os associated with bleeding or the
presence of fetal tissue . Complete abortion
. Molar pregnancy
-Incomplete abortion (partial passage of embryo): Cervical os or vagina
contains products of conception (POCs) . Placenta previa
. Placental abruption
-Complete abortion: All POCs are expelled and the os is closed
. 2nd and 3rd trimester bleeding . Trauma/abuse
Placenta previa: Placenta is implanted over the cervical os . Bloody show
-Gestational trophoblastic disease (molar pregnancy): Presence of
. Uterine rupture
chorionic villi (placental tissue) with no or minimal fetal tissue . Vasa previa

-Placental abruption: Enlarging hematoma tears placenta from the

uterus; increased in HTN, smoking, cocaine, preeclampsia, trauma
-Vasa previa: Fetal bleeding into the uterus due to tom veins

Presentation Diagnosis
. 1st trimester abortion: Bleeding, . Quantitative p-hCG (very high in trophoblastic disease, low in spon-
abdominal cramping/pain, and/or taneous abofiion) and Rh factor in all patients
passage of tissue . Type and screen, baseline hemoglobin, and coagulation studies
. Molar pregnancy: Large uterus, . 1st trimester bleeding
hyperemesis, pre-eclampsia -Pelvic exam to assess for the presence of fetal tissue and for
. Placenta previa: Painless bleedhg; ceryical os opening
20Vo have contractions
-Ultrasound is used to confirm intrauterine pregnancy and to visu-
. Abruption: Sudden onset of abdomi- alize abortions (small uterine size, lack of gestational sac, no heart
nal pain, contractions, and vaginal activity) or molar pregnancy (large uterus, "snowstolm" pattem)
bleedhg; may have shock and -Send any tissue for pathologic analysis
symptoms of DIC; amount of bleed- .2nd and 3rd trimester bleeding
ing may be underestimated due to -Pelvic exam is contraindicated until placenta previa is ruied out by
trapping of blood behind the U/S
placenta -Ultrasound is >95Vo sensitive for placenta previa but frequently
. Vasa previa: Painless, small volume misses abruption
bleed without matemal symptoms -Fetal monitor-dishess may be the only sign of vasa previa

Treatment Disposition
. Fluid and blood resuscitation as necessary for hypotension . Threatened abortion: May be discharged
. Fetal monitoring if >20 weeks gestational age if blood pressure is stable with follow-
. Anti-D immune globulin (Rhogam) in ali Rh(-) patients up B-hCG in 48 hours (doubling of level
. lst trimester abortion: Generally do not require intervention; indicates pregnancy is still viable)
dilatation and curettage may be necessary for continued bleeding . Inevitable aborlion: Discharge if stable
due to retained products with OB/Cyn follow-up: may require
. Molar pregnancy requires dilatation and culettage dilation and evacuation
. Placenta previa: . Molar pregnancy: Most patients are
-Mild bleeding requires only admission and monitoring admitted; there is a l57o isk of chorio-
-Shock, severe bleeding, or hemodynamic irstability requires carcinoma, even after dilatation and
emergent C-section crrettage
. Placenta previa: Admit to obstetrics to
-Tocolytics may be used to decrease uterine irritability
. Placental abruption monitor course and possibly deliver
-Replace blood products, correct coagulopathy and DIC fetus
. Abruption: Admit all patients; high risk
-Urgent vaginal delivery of stable patients
Emergent C-section delivery if the fetus or mother is unstable of significant matemaVfetal morbidity
. Fresh frozen plasma may be necessary for patients with DIC and mortality; complications include
DIC (very high risk) and amniotic fluid
. Vasa previa has a75Vo fetal mortality


194. Hypertension in Pregnancy
- Differential Dx
. HTN in pregnancy increases the risk of preterm delivery' IUGR' hepatic . Chronic HTN
rupture, placental abruption, and fetal and matemal deaih
. Secondary HTN (e.g., Cushing
. Risk factors for hypertension in pregnancy include multiple gestations, disease, hyperaldosteronism,
molar pregnancy, diabetes, primigravida, extiemes of age, and personal or pheochrornocytoma, renovascu-
family history of hypertension lar)
. Chronic HTN: Elevated blood pressure prior to pregnancy or occurring . ffiLLP syndrome
before the 20th week of PregnancY
. Hydatidiform mole
. Chronic HTN with pre-eclampsia: Patient with hypertension prior to . Cocaine or amphetamine use
pregnancy who then develops pre-eclampsia or eclampsia . Meningitis/encephalitis
. Transient HTN: New onset of HTN without pre-eclampsia symptoms . Epilepsy
. Pre-eclampsia: HTN, edema, and proteinuria that occur during pregnancy; . Physiologic edema of pregnancy
like1y secondary to a placental abnormality causing vasospasm and fluid
. Central venous thrombosis
retention . Intracranial hemorrhage
. Eclampsia: Pre-eclampsia symptoms foilowed by seizures; may occur
from the 12th week of gestation through the 10th postpartum day

. Edema . Diagnostic criteria for preeclampsia (all 3 must be present)
>140190 or a rise in systolic BP by 30 mmHg or
. Rapid weight gain -Blood pressure
. Frontal headache diastolic BP by 15 mmHg above baseline; diagnosis requires
. Visual changes (e.g., scotoma) 2 elevated pressures at fest, taken 6 hours apart
. Oliguria -Edema resulting in a 5 lb weight gain within 1 week
. Loss of consciousness -Proteinuria of 1* on urine dipstick or 300 mgl24 hrs
. Seizures . Obtain CBC (rule out hemolysis), liver function tests (rule out
. Tinnitus HELLP syndrome), renal function tests, and coagulation profile
. Tachycardia (PT/PTT)
. Nausea/vomiting . Ultrasound may show intrauterine growth rctardation, fetal distress,
. Hematemesis oligohydramnios, or molar pregnancy
. Hepatomegaly . Head CT may be used in patients who do not respond to magnesium
. RUQ or epigastric pain suggests treatment in order to rule out other pathologies
HELLP syndrome

Treatment Disposition
. Pre-eclampsia . Pre-eclampsia may still occur up to
Bed rest in the left lateral decubitus position 10 days after delivery
. OB/Gyn consultation is mandatory
-Acetaminophen for headache
. Majority of pre-eciamptic patients are
-Continuous fetal monitoring
admitted; occasionally, reliable patients
-Avoid IV fluids (will worsen edema)
with good follow-up and mild disease
-IV magnesium sulfate infusion decreases blood pressure and
the seizure threshold-frequently check for evidence of magne- will be discharged after consultation
sium toxicity (e.g., hyporeflexia) with oB/Gyn
. Severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia . Eclamptic patients are always admitted
for IV medications
-Magnesium for seizures (benzodiazepines are less effective)
. Complications of pre-eclampsia or
-Defiritive therapy is delivery of fetus
. Blood pressure control is indicated in chronic HTN or in pre- eclampsia include seizure, placental
eclampsia if diastolic BP remains > 1 10 mmHg after administra- abruption, intracerebral hemorrhage,
tion of magnesium DIC, HELLP syndrome, pulmonarY
edema, liver hemorrhage, renal faiiure,
-First line therapy is hydralazine or methyldopa; labetalol or
nipride may be used in refractory cases death

-Contraindicated antihypertensive medications include

ACE inhibitors, thiazides, and propranoloi


195 Emergency Delivery
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Labor is defined as the presence of contractions, cervicai dilatation and . UTI
effacement, and fetal descent preceding delivery . Vulvovaginitis
. Preterm labor begins before 37 weeks gestational age; risk factors include . Braxton-Hicks contractions/
dehydration, multiple gestations, and infections "false labor" (short, inegular
. Breech presentation occurs in 49o of term deliveries, may preclude vaginal contractions without ceryical
delivery, and increases the risk of fetal distress changes or fetal descent)
. Rupture of membranes usually occurs during labor; however, it may . Placental abruption
abnormally precede labor (premature rupture of membranes) . Placenta previa
. Meconium is potentially infectious amniotic fluid
. Shoulder dystocia: Shoulder entrapment at the pubis during delivery
. Prolapsed cord: Umbilical cord protrudes into the vagina, where it may be
compressed by the presenting fetus and cause fetal hypoxia
. Nuccal cord: Umbilical cord becomes wrapped around the neck of the

Presentation Diagnosis
. Change or increase il vaginal . Monitor matemal vital signs and fetal heart rate
discharge . Monitor uterine contractions to ruie out Braxton-Hicks confactions
. Bloody show (small volume of . Sterile speculum exarn to confirm rupture of membranes
bloody fluid) -Rupture is associated with pooling of fluid in the vagina. positive
. Contractions increasing in fre- nitrazine test (paper tums blue due to pH >7.0), and feming on a
quency, intensity, and duration giass slide
. Low back pain -Consider cultures to rule out infectious causes of preterm labor
. Rupture of membranes may be and chorioamnionitis (e.g., Group B strep, STDs)
described as "a gush of fluid" from -Note the presence of meconium (thick, greenish fluid)
vagina -May see cord prolapse, fetal foot, or fetal breech
. Pelvic pressure . Sterile digital exams to check ceruix for dilatation, effacement
(thinning), and fetal station
. Speculum or digital exarr is contraindicated if any bleeding is
present-must first rule out placenta previa by ultrasound
. Uitrasound may be used to determine presenting part and fetal

Treatment Disposition
. Uncomplicated delivery . Ifpossible, emergent transfer to labor
-Extend and deliver the head; suction nose and mouth and delivery is preferred; however, fetal
-Check for nuchal cord and reduce if present distress may require emergent delivery
-Rotate the head by 90" and deliver shoulders in the ED
. Admit all patients
-Double clamp and cut cord; care for infant as necessary
-Deliver placenta by applying gentle traction
. Infant resuscitation must be performed
. Breech delivery as needed; consult the MCU for prema-

-Deliver buttocks and then each leg one at a time ture infants
. C-seciion is required for incomplete
-Allow torso to freely slide out (traction may entrap arms)
-Rotate, deliver anterior arm, then repeat for other arm breech or footling presentations, pro-
-Keep body parallel to floor (prevent neck extension and air- lapsed cord, placenta previa, and
way obstruction); deliver head via suprapubic pressure placental abruption
. Shoulder dystocia: May require episiotomy, biadder drainage, . Tocolysis in pretem labor should only
maternal knee-to-chest, suprapubic pressure, corkscrew maneuver, be undertaken after consulting with
or posterior shoulder delivery OB/Gyn
. Prolapsed cord: Push presenting part off cord back into the
cervix; hold in place until emergent C-section is performed
. Preterm labor: Steroids for fetal lung matudty and consider
tocolytics (Mg3+ or B-agonists) to delay labor if <35 weeks


1 96. Postpartum Complications
- & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Postpartum hemorrhage: >500 mL of blood ioss within 6 weeks after . Hemorrhage: Normal bleeding
delivery (most cases occur within 24 hours of delivery) from placental separation, nor-
mal lochia, birth trauma, coagu-
-Uterine atony (most common): Uterine muscle fails to
(increased risk with forceps delivery and macrosomia) lopathy (especially von
to the uterus Willebrand's disease)
-Retained products: Portion of placenta stays attached . PPC: Pulmonary embolus,
(increased risk in mul-
-Uterine inversion: Uterus prolapses into vag:ina
hypothyroidism. pre-eclamPsia
tiple gestations and VBAC)
. Endometritis : Hyperthyroidism,
-Uterine rupture (increased in multiple gestations, prior C-section)
. Postpallum cardiomyopathy (PPC): Idiopathic biventricular heart failure pneumonia, UTI, septic throm-
bophlebitis, local wound infec-
that occurs within days to weeks after delivery
. Endometritis: Bacterial infection of endometrium, often associated with tion. intra-abdominal abscess
PROM, prolonged labor, frequent pelvic exams, and C-section
. Lacational mastitis: Breast infection secondary to ductal obstruction
. Pulmonary embolus, HELLP syndrome, and pre-eciampsia/eclampsia also
may occur postpartum

Presentation Diagnosis
. Hemorrhage: Vaginal bleeding, inci- . Postparlum hemorhage: Obtain CBC, PT/PTT, and type/cross
sional bleeding. abdominal pain. -Atony: Soft, "boggy" uterus with bleeding seen from cervix
tachycardia, tachypnea, shock -Lacerations: Seen on speculum exam
. PPC: Fatigue, edema, dyspnea (at -Retained products: May be palpable on exam; uterus i.s
rest or on exertion), cough, orthop- and firm; ultrasound may show a uterus filled with blood or the
nea, chest pain, 53, crackles on lung presence of placenta
exam (symptoms maY be mild to -Uterine inversion: Mass visible in vagina on exam; unable to pal-
severe) pate uterus
. Endometritis: Foul smelling vaginal -Uterine rupture: Difficult to diagnose; may see fetal distress and
discharge, feveq abdominal severe bleeding during labor; ultrasound may be helpful
pain/tendemess . PPC: CXR shows cardiomegaly and vascular congestion; ECG often
. Mastitis: Warm, painful, erythema- shows arrhythmias; echocardiogram is diagnostic
tous breast . Endometritis: Fever and leukocytosis; obtain GC and chlamydia
cultures; consider blood cultures
. Mastitis: Fever, tender breast, erythema

Treatment Disposition
. Hemorrhage: Provide standard resuscitation therapy (e.g.' two . Postpartum hemorrhage: Virtually all
large bore IVs, urgent type and cross, transfusions as needed, cor- patients are admitted
rect coagulopathy)
. Lacerations: May be discharged
. PPC is often life-threatening (507o mor-
-Atony: Manuai uterine massage and IV oxytocin; if these fail'
use methylergonovine and/or prostaglandin F2a (Hemabate); tality at one year and survivors often
surgical intervention may be necessary have persistent\ decreased LV func-
tion); admit all patients; 3OVa wlll
-Lacerations: Repair with absorbable suture
products; per- develop DVT or PE
-Retained products: Manually remove retained
sistently retained products require dilatation and curettage for . Endometritis: Admit for IV antibiotics
. Mastitis patients may be discharged
with instructions for sufficient analge-
-Inversion: Manually replace uterus (terbutaline and magne-
sium will help relax uterus but the procedure may require sia, warm or cold compresses, and con-
anesthesia); once replaced, administer oxytocin to cause uter- tinued breast feeding or pumPing
ine conffaction and prevent bleeding (hastens recovery)
. Consider septic pelvic thrombophlebitis
-Rupture: Delivery with operative repair or hysterectomy
. PPC: Diuretics, fluid restriction, afterload reduction (e.g., ACE in patients with persistent spiking fevers
inhibitor), digoxin as needed, and anticoagulation without source
. Endometritis/mastitis: Empiric treatment with PCN/anti-
penicillinase or gentamycin plus clindamycin


197. Sexual Assault
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Rape is a legal term, not a medical diagnosis-requires camal knowledge, . Non-sexual assault
non-consent, and compulsion or fear of great harm . Domestic violence
. Experts report that I in 5 women are raped in their lifetimes; however, few . Child abuse
victims report the crime . Diagnoses associated with sexu-
. Men, as well as women and children, are victims of sexual assault ai assault include transmission
. Law enforcement will use evidence obtained from the original exam to of STDs, risk of pregnancy, soft
prosecute offenders, including DNA evidence, glycoprotein p30, acid tissue injuries, orthopedic
phosphatase, and presence of sperm injuries, intracranial hemor-
. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are the most commonly transmitted STDs rhage, and tracheal or laryngeal
. Risk of contracting HIV depends on the type of intercourse-it is difficult injuries secondary to choking
to determine the need for post-exposure HIV prophylaxis as the assailant
is usually unavailable for testing; the decision must be made based on
local epidemiology, known characteristics of the assailant, and the wishes
of the victim

Presentation Diagnosis
. History of the assault should include . Ensure patient comfort throughout the exam to prevent further psy-
when, where, number of assailants, chological injury; a chaperone should be present
weapons used, type of assault (e.g., . Obtain consent before beginning the evidence collection kit; collect
fondling, type of penetration), ing evidence does not mean that prosecution must occur
whether ejaculation occurred (and . Evidence kit ("rape kit") is completed by following step-by-step
where), condom use, loss of con- insfiuctions for collection of evidence
sciousness, and drug or alcohol use . Photograph injuries when possible
. Past gynecologic history should . Examine (including a pelvic exam) and heat associated injunes
include when consensual intercourse . Toluidine swab on vaginal mucosa will reveal tears (tums blue)
last occurred and what birth control . Use a Wood's lamp to fluoresce semen stains
is regularly used . Urine B-hCG to determine preexisting pregnancy
. Determine if the patient urinated, . Gonorrhea and chlamydia cultures, wet mount, HIV-ELISA test
defecated, bathed, changed clothes, (determines baseline HIV status)
ate, drank, or douched following the . Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol, the "date-rape drug") level if ingestion is
assault clinically suspected
. Examine lor associa{ed injuries

Treatment Disposition
. Treat faumatic injuries appropriately . Counseling should begin in ED by a
. STD prophylaxis for gononhea, chlamydia, trichomonas, and social worker or local crisis center
bacterial vaginosis are recommended . Ensure that patient has a safe place to
-Gonorrhea: Single dose of IM ceftriaxone, oral quinolone, or go to upon discharge and arrange
oral cefixime follow-up counseling
-Chlamydia: Single dose of oral azithromycin or 10 days of Follow-up in 1-2 weeks forpregnancy
doxycycline, erythromycin, or ofloxacin testing, cervical culture, and hepatitis B
-Trichomonas/bacterial vaginosis: Single dose of oral metro- vaccine
nidazole . Rape kit, including clothing wom dur-
-Hepatitis B: If patient has not previously been immunized, ing the assault; samples ofhair, saliva,
give the first of three doses of vaccine; consider hepatitis B blood, nails; and oral, vaginal, and anal
immune globulin in high-risk cases swabs should be given directly to law
-HIV testing should be done as an outpatient following coun- enforcement personnel or locked-up
seling; may consider prophylaxis via zidovudine plus lamivu- until they arrive (must maintain the
dine for 28 days chain of evidence)
-Antibiotics differ if the patient is pregnant Must report any assaults on mlnors to
. Pregnancy prophylaxis (if P-hCG is negative): Ethinyl legal authorities; some states also man-
estradioVlevonorgestrel 2 tablets in the ED and 2 tablets 12 hours date reporling of adult sexual assaults
later (must begin within 72 hours of assault)


198. Fever Without Source
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Infants G-36 months old presenting with fever (rectal tempemture >38'C) . Viral syndrome
but without obvious source of fever after carefirl history and physical-207o . Occult bacteremia
of childhood fevers have no apparent cause . Occult pneumonia
. Majority of children have a selflimited viral infection that resolves with- . Occult UTI or pyelonephritis
out sequelae; howeveq serious bacterial infections (e.g., meningitis, . Menirigitis
pyelonephritis, pneumonia, "occult bacteremia") must be ruled out . Osteomyelitis
. Most common bacterial causes include S. pneumoniae, Group B . Pneumonia
Streptococcus, N. meningitidis, H. influenzae typeB, Listeria, nd E. coli
. Otitis media
. Practice guidelines vary significantly based on age . Gasffoenteritis
. The incidence of occult bacteremia has decreased dramatically with the . Endocarditis
introduction of the 11. influenzae and S. pneumoniae vaccines-well- . Rheumatic fever
appearing infants who have received both are at very low risk for invasive . Malaria
bacterial disease . Tuberculosis
. Post-vaccination fever

Presentation Diagnosis
. Fever . <30 days old
. Lethargy/decreased activity patients require CBC, blood/urine culture, LP, and CXR
. Toxic appearance . 30*90 days old
. Irritability require CBC, urinalysis, and blood/urine cultures
. Decreased crying and/or eye contact
-Low-risk patients may then be discharged home t/- LP
. Social withdrawal
-High-risk patients require LP and admission for IV antibiotics
. Pallor . 3-36 months old
. Vomiting/diarrhea toxic-appearing: Full workup and IV antibiotics
. Abnormal vital signs
-Non-toxic appearing and temperature <39': Discharge
. Weight loss
-Non-toxic and temperature >39': Urinalysis and CBC prior to
. Rash discharge; consider blood cultures and empiric antibiotics
. Criteria for "low-risk"
-Appears well, is previously healthy, has no chronic illness
-WBC count 5,000 to 15,000; normal differential
-Urinalysis: Negative gram stain, LE, and nitrites; <5WBC
-CSF: <8 WBC/mmr. no organisms
-Stool: {5 WBC/hpf

Treatment Disposition
. Begin empiric antibiotic therapy immediately for all infants . Infants <30 days old with fever require
<30 days old admission and antibiotics for at least
-Broad-spectrum antibiotics (ampicillin and cefotaxime/gen- 48 hours, pending culture results
tamycint until all cultures are negative .Infants >30 days and (3 months
-Coverage incltdes Listeria, E. coli, andGroup B Strep should be admitted if they have any
. 30 to 90 days high risk criteria or have unsure follow-
-High risk or toxic-appearing: IV cefotaxime or ceftriaxone up
until cultures are negative . Infants 3-36 months o1d may be dis-
-Low risk: May discharge without antibiotics or may adminis- charged home if the patient is clinically
ter sir.rgle dose IM ceftriaxone (if giving antibiotics, LP should well, labs are normal, and follow-up
be performed fust to prevent possible confusion from can be ensured
partially treated meningitis) . All infants with fever without source
. 3-36 months old require re-evaluation in 24-48 hours
-Toxic-appearing infants should receive IV antibiotics (e.g., . Follow-up is critical; therefore, social
ceftriaxone or cefotaxime) issues should be evaluated (i.e., reliabil-
-Well appearing with temperature
(39": No treatment ity of the parents to assess their child,
-Well appearirig with temperature )39': Consider empiric access to phone and hospital, ease of
ceftriaxone/cefotaxime, especially if they have not received communication if culture is positive)
the S. pneumoniae vaccine



199. Apnea
Differential Dx
. Apnea: Cessation of airflow lasting longer than 30 seconds . Periodic breathing (respiratory
. Apparent life-threatening event (AIJIE): Apnea' color change, choking or pattem with repeated occrurence
gagging, or a change in muscle tone during an event that the caretaker of three or more central aPnea
believes to be life threatening (occurs in 5% of infants) episodes in 20 seconds)
. Etiologies may include infection (e.g., sepsis, menilgitis, RSV), aspira- . Breath-holding spells (expira-
tion, airway obstruction, GERD, asphyxia, seizure, intracranial hemor- tory apnea and hyPoxia follow-
rhage, drug or narcotic ingestion, immature respiratory canter (prematu- ing an unpleasant stimulus that
rity), anemia (especially if <28 days), hypoglycemia, inbom errors of may cause loss of consciousness
metabolism, arrhythmia, child abuse, Munchausen by proxy ot seizure-recovery occufs
. Detailed history may determine the etiology and chance of recurrence with a loud gasp after stimula-
-Was patient awake or asleep? -Was there lespiratory effort? tion)
. Sudden Infant Death SYndrome
-Was there a change in color? -History of GERD or seizures'l
-Was event related to feeding? -Duration of episode?
-Was or is there a fever?
-Atypical eye/limb movement?
-Need for intervention (e.g., CPR) to resolve the episode?

Presentation Diagnosis
. Central apnea: Complete absence of . History and phYsical exam
respiratory effort (most common . Cardiorespiratory monitoring for all patients
cause of apnea) . Rule out sepsis via blood, urine, and CSF cultures in appropdate
. Obstructive apnea: The infant makes patients (including all patients <2 months old)
a respiratory effort, but no air{low . Laboratory studies are selected based on clinical suspicion
occum secondary to airwaY obstruc- -CBC may suggest infection, anemia, or polycythemia
ammonia to
tion (most often associated with GE -Serum glucose, electrolytes, calcium, BUN/Cr, and
reflux) rule out a metabolic abnormality
. Mixed apnea: A combination of -Arterial blood gas to ruie out acidosis and hypoxia
central and obstructive apnea . CXR, ECG, and/or echocardiogram if suspect heartlung disease
. Signs of increased ICP, abnormal . Head CT if intraventricular hemorrhage is suspected
heart sounds/rhythms, inadequate . Abdominal X-ray to evaluate for necrotizing enterocolitis
chest wail movement, abdominal . Nasopharyngeal swab to evaluate for pertussis and RSV if URI symp-
distension, ruddy appearance (poly- toms are present
cythemia), or pallor (anemia) maY . Further studies may include EEG, swallowing evaluation, evaluation
be present for GERD, and lumbar Puncture

Treatment Disposition
. Resuscitation as necessary if the infant shows signs of shock (e'g''
. Most important goal in the ED is to
abnormal breathing, poor peripheral perfusion, hypotension) determine if an ALTE has actuallY
. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and/or mechanical occurred
. Admission is required for nearly all
ventilation may be necessarY
. Consider empiric broad-spectrum antibiotics if initial laboratory patients
. Admit to PICU any infant who requires
studies suggest bacterial infection or if etiology cannot be identi-
fied (especially in infants <28 days old) resuscitation or is <28 days old with
. Treat underlying etiologies as necessary persistent symptoms
. Discharge may be accePtable in a
-Transfusion with packed red blood cells if
patient is anemic
(hematocrit 120Vo without symptoms or HCT <257o with minority of infants, usually with home
symptoms and/or oxygen requirement) apnea monitoring, after consulting with
the pediatrician
-Caffeine lor apnea ol PrematuritY
. An ALIE may increase the likelihood
-Reflux precautions (e.g., head up, prone position, small-
volume feeds, thickened feedings, pharmacologic ffeatments) of SIDS
for GERD
-Benzodiazepines or barbiturates for documented

-Glucose or calcium if needed


200. Ph aryngitis and Otitis Media
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Pharyngitis: Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the pharyrx and . Pharyngitis
tonsils due to infection, allergy, or trauma -Sinusitis
-Viral pharyngitis (especially adenovirus, EBV, influenza, parain- -Respiratory irritants
fluenza) is the most common overall cause -Caustic ingestions
-Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A
p-hemolytic streptococcus) is the -Lymphoma/leukemia
most common treatable cause (may also cause serious invasive disease, -Diphtheria
such as toxic shock syndrome and necrotizing fasciitis) . Otitis media
. Otitis media: Infection of the middle ear due to clogging of the eustachian -C)titis extema
tubes (especially in infants with predisposing anatomy) -Upper respiratory infection
-Common causes include S. pneumoniae, M. catarrhalis, H. influenzae -Sinus infection
(non-typable strain) and any respiratory virus -Dental pain
-Neonatal disease may also be caused by E. coli, Klebsiella, -Castroenteritis
Enterobacter, group B streptococci, and S. aureus -Urinary tract infection
-Risk factors include day-care, secondhand smoke, past history -Otitis media with effusiorr

Presentation Diagnosis
. Streptococcal pharyngitis . Strep pharyngitis must be distinguished from viral pharyngitis to pre-
vent unnecessary antibiotic use
-Classic presentation: Sore
throat, fever, tonsillar exudate, -If 3 or more of the classic signs are present and patient is ) 10 years
enlarged cewical lymph nodes, old, treat for strep pharyngitis without furlher testing
and /acft of cough/rhinorrhea -Patients with none or 1 of classic signs do not require testing
*Other symptoms may include -Strep rapid antigen test is used in equivocal cases; a positive test
headache, vomiting, and confirms diagnosis but sensitivity is only 50-857o, so all negative
abdominal pain, scarlitiniform tests should be sent for culture
sand-paper rash -Strep culture is the gold standard
-Children ages 4-72 years -Other screening tests used in atypical presentations include CBC,
. Otitis media Monospot test (for EBV), and gonococcal throat culture
. Otitis media is a clinical diagnosis
-Often preceded by URI
-Ear pain, pulling at ear -Immobility of the tympanic membrane on insufflation
-Ear discharge, poor hearing -May see effusion behind the TM (bulging, loss of bony landmarks)
and TM erythema
-Irritability, vomiting in infants -Tympanocentesis is not used in the ED and is only necessary in
some cases of neonates, severe pain, or failure of therapy
-Especially children 6-18

. Analgesia and antipyretics (e.g., acetaminophen, NSAIDs) . Admit only compiicated pbaryngitis
. Strep pharyngitis (treat for 10 days) . Children are infectious for 24 hrs after
-Penicillin V is the drug of choice the initiation of therapy
-Other possible agents include amoxicillin, macrolides, or sin- . Symptoms should improve in 48J2
gle dose IM benzathine penicillin hours after starting antibiotics
-Treat all patients who have a positive rapid strep test . Complications of strep inciude airway
-Defer treatment on patients with negative rapid tests until cu1- obstruction, peritonsillar abscess,
ture proves positive Ludwig's angina (submandibular
-In patients )10 years old with a classic clinical presentation, abscess), rheumatic fever (in unkeated
begin treatment without further testing cases), post-strep glomerulonephritis
. Otitis media (treat for 10-14 days) (not prevented by treatment)
-Children <10: Firstline is high-dose amoxicillin (80 mg,/kg,/day), . Otitis media may result in recurrent or
single dose IM ceftriaxone, or cefprozil persistent infections
-Refractory cases: Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, cefuroxime, . Fluid may persist behind the ear for
cefpodox ime. or azilhromycin weeks to months
-Children >10: First-line is amoxicillin, amoxicillin/ clavu- . Complications of otitis media include
lanate, cefuroxime, or single dose IM ceftriaxone chronic suppurative otitis media, mas-
*Widespread drug resistance exists (especially atnong S. pneu- toiditis, hearing loss, subdural empy-
moniae, M . cdtarrhalis) ema, meningitis, facial paralysis, brain


201. Bronchiolitis
- Differential Dx
. Inflammation of the small bronchi and bronchioles, resulting in respira- . Asthma exacerbation
. Pertussis
tory distress
. Most cases are due to respiratory synctial virus (RSV) . Croup
contact . Bacterial or viral pneumonia
-Transmission via respiratory droplets and close
spreads to the lower respi- . Aspiration pneumonitis
-Invades nasopharyngeal epithelial cells and . Congestive heart failure
ratory tract, causing sloughing of dead bronchial cells and increased
. Vascular ring
mucus production
and hyperinflation . Foreign body aspiration
-Plugging and obstruction of airways, atelectasis' . Chlamydia pneumonia
then occur, resulting in hypoxemia, increased work of breathing' and
. Cystic fibrosis
respiratory distress
. Other potential pathogens include parainfluenza, infTtenza, adenovirus,
rhinovirus, chlamydia, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae
. May develop secondary bacterial pneumonia
. Very common cause of respiratory dishess/hospitalization in infants
. More common and severe in premature and younger infants (<4 mo)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Audible wheezing . Primarilya clinical diagnosis based on history and physical exam
. Nasopharygeal swab and testing for RSV or other common viral
. Tachypnea pathogens confirms disease
. Cough, rhinitis, and congestion -Immunofluorescent antibody testing
. Poor feeding -ELISA testing
. Lethargy -Culture (rarely obtained)
. Low-gtade fever . Chest X-ray is obtained for ill-appearing children (not necessary in
. Increased work of breathing (chest mild disease)
retmctions, neck muscle use, Para- -Hyperinflation and peribronchial cuffing
doxical abdominal movement) -May have scattered, patchy atelectasis and consoiidation
. Wheezes and rhonchi on exam to rule out pneumonia)
. Nasal flaring and discharge . Consider workup for bacterial infection (blood cultures, lumbar punc-
. Dehydration ture, U/A) if RSV is not confirmed, if patient is ill-appearing, and in
. Hlpotension may occur all patients <30 daYs old
. Severe d\sease (70-209o of cases) . Pulse oximetry may reveal hypoxemia, but is nonspecific
may result in grunting, aPnea, . CBC may show leukocytosis with left shift or bandemia
cyanosis, and respiratory failure

Treatment Disposition
. No proven therapy exists except supportlve carc . Criteria for admission
. Supplemental 02 to achieve saturations greatet Ihan92qo -Hypoxia (room air pulse ox <93Vo)
.IV hydration and antipFetics -Tachypnea (greater than 1.5 X nor-
. Nebulized albuterol may achieve bronchodilation; however, it is mal respiratory rate)
not effective in all patients and should only be used if a clinicai -Dehydration (i.e., patients unable to
response to therapy is observed feed secondary to tachypnea)
. Nebulized racemic epinephrine may be superior to albuterol and -Any apneic events
should be used in ill patients not responsive to albuterol -Severe underlying disease
. Aerosolized ribavirin (an antiviral) may be considered in -Age (6 weeks
extremely ill children with underiying cardiac or pulmonary -Hospitalize even moderately i1l
conditions patients as they maY quicklY
. Respigam (RSV immune globulin) and palivizumab (RSV mono- decompensate
clonal antibody) may be administered prophylactically to exposed
. Criteria for discharge
high-risk patients (e.g., premature infants, CF) -Pulse ox >939o on room air
. Consider antibiotics if suspect bacterial pneumonia (though -Near-normal respiratory rate after
extremely unlikely) therapy
. Cofiicosteroids and nebulized ipratropium have not been proven -Able to tolerate orai intake
effective -Stable social setting
. Patients with severe recurrent apnea or respiratory failure will -Primary care follow-uP available
require assisted ventilation


202. Whooping Cough
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Asevere lower respiratory hact infection carsedby Bordetella pertussis (a . Viral URI
non-motile gmm negative coccobacillus) . Habit cough (cough tic)
. A whooping coughJike syndrome may also be caused by Bordetella para- . Asthma
pertussis, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Mycopktsma pneumoniae, Chlamydia . Bronchiolitis
trachomatis, C hlamydia pneumoniae, or adenovirus . Bacterial pneumonia
. Transmission occurs from person-to-person via respiratory tract secretions . Cystic fibrosis
(nearly 7007o of non-immune household contacts of affected patients will . Tuberculosis
develop disease) . Foreign body aspiration
. Incubation period is 7-21 days . Bacterial tracheitis
. >1000 cases per year in the US . GERD
. May occur at any age with greatest incidence in children (1 year old
. Vaccine administered as part of childhood immunization (DPT) provides
waning (over -10 years) immunity

Presentation Diagnosis
. Three stages ofpertussis infection . Diagnosis is typically clinical
. Helpful clues in the history include history of apnea or cyanosis, his-
-Catarrhal stage (1-2 weeks):
Mild upper respiratory tract tory of cough worsening in severity and forcefulness, or family mem-
symptoms (low fever, cough, ber with a persistent cough
coryza) . CBC: Leukocytosis with predominant lymphocytosis
-Paroxysmal stage (2-6 weeks): . CXR: Perihilar infiltrates or "shaggy" right hearl border
Severe paroxysms of cough . Nasopharyngeal culture is the gold standard for diagnosis but is not
with characteristic inspiratory
stridor ("whoop"), occasionally 10070 sensitive
followed by vomiting . Direct fluorescence antibody test of nasopharyngeal secretions is
-Convalescent phase (2 4 available in some centers
weeks): Symptoms gradually
lessen (cough may persist for
. lnlants (6 monlhs: Whoop is
often absenl: apnea and cyanosis
. Adolescents and adults: URI-type
syndrome with persistent cough
but without a whoop

Treatment Disposition
. Macrolides (e.g., erythromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin) for . Infants {1 year of age with suspected
14 days are recommended for all patients with proven pertussis pertussis infection must be admitted and
. Infants less than 1 year of age and other patients with potentially monitored for apnea
severe disease often require hospitalization for supportive care of . Complications inciude pneumonia, oti-
apnea, cyanosis, coughing paroxysms, and vomiting/dehydration tis media, apnea, seizures, encephalopa-
. Hospitalized patients should be isoiated for 5 days after initiation
thy, pneumothorax, and dehydration
of antibiotic therapy (due to inability to feed during cough-
. No clear benefit of corticosteroids or albuterol ing spells or due to post-tussive emesis)
. Al1 household and other close contacts (e.g., daycare) should . The incidence of all complications is
receive prophylaxis with erythromycin greatest in infants ( I year of age
. Close contacts ( age 7 should receive pefiussis immunization . Fever during the paroxysmal or conva-
according to recommended schedule lescent phase suggests secondary bacte-
rial infection
. Antibiotic treatment wiil limit transmis-
sion; however, treatment wiil not short-
en duration of illness if given beyond
the catarrhal phase (i.e., must be given
before whoop appears)
. May retum to daycare 5 days after initi-
ation of antibiotic therapy


203. Laryngotracheobronch itis (Crou p)
- Differential Dx
. Infection and bflammation of subglottic tissues and/or tracheal mucosa . Foreign body aspiration
. Laryngomalacia
(does not affect the Pulmonary bed)
. Airway edema causes luminal narrowing and airflow obstruction, resulting
. Tracheomalacia
. Epiglottitis
in stridor, cough, hoarseness, and respiratory distress
. Generally a benign, self-limited disease that occurs in children 6 months . Bacterial tracheitis
. Subglottic stenosis
to 3 years of age; however , 20-307o of children require hospitalization and
. Vascular ring
| -3 Ea rcqurir e intubation
. Most commonly of viral origin: Parainfluenza is the most common cause 'Laryngeal web
. Laryngitis
(60% of cases); other viruses include RSV adenovirus, and influenza
. Person-to-person transmission via respiratory droplets or fomite exposure . Angioneurotic edema
. Peritonsillar abscess
(then spreads from nasopharynx to the 1arynx and trachea)
. Seasonal peak in late falVearly winter . Retropharyngeal abscess

. Prodrome: 1-5 daYs of nonsPecific . Croup is a clinical diagnosis
URI symptoms (cough. congestion. . Radiographic studies are usually not necessary for diagnosis, but a
sore throat) progressing to fevers PA neck film may show non-specific findings
. No signs of toxicity (as opposed to Steeple sign: Pointed subglottic tracheal air shadow (narrowing of
epiglottitis or bacterial tracheitis) laryngeal air column due to mucosal edema) 5-10 mm below the
. Characteristic "bark-like" cough, vocal cords on frontal neck films
hoarseness, and inspkatory stridor -Ballooning: Overdistention of the hypopharyrx during
(symptoms worse at night) on lateral neck films
. Patients with mild disease may have -May rule out other causes (e.g., epiglottitis, foreign
normal lung exam (+ wheeze) . Clinical croup score is sometimes used to identify the severity of
. Mild-to-moderate disease presents croup (score based on inspiratory breath sounds, stridor' cough,
with stridor lollowing agitation. retractions and flaring, and cyanosis)
without respiratorY distress . Pulse oximetry may (rarely) reveal hypoxemia
. Severe disease results in respiratory . CBC may show leukocYtosis
distress (sffidor at rest, nasal flaring,
retractions, poor air exchange, men-
tal status changes)

Treatment Disposition
. Decision to hospitalize should be made
. Administer IV fluids and antlpyretics as needed
. Humidihed air (either cool mist or hot steam) will decrease upper afler 34 hours of ED observation
. Criteria for discharge include no stridor
airway inflammation and ameliorate symptoms; an excellent
home therapy for mild crouP at rest, normal air entry notmal
. Nebulized epinephrine may be used in moderate-to-severe viral color/no hypoxia, normal level of con-
sciousness. able to tolerate oral intake,
croup to decrease laryngea1 mucosa edema (via vasoconstriction)
and improve stridor and respiratory distress; however, obstruction
parents able to retum child to ED if
may retum after medication wears off (approximately 2 hours) symptoms worsen, and at least 4 hours
. Corticosteroids or nebulized budesonide are also used to decrease since last epinephrine heatment
. Follow-up is required in 24-48 hours
laryngeal mucosa edema (dexamethaxone has been shown to
. If patient fails to improve after 5-:7
improve symptoms and decrease the need for hospitaiization and
intubation) days, other causes (e.g., bacterial infec-
. Heliox (mixture of helium and oxygen) improves air flow and tion, measles) should be considered
. Complications include bacterial tra-
decreases work of breathin g-may prevent intubation
. Endotracheal intubation is required in patients with severe ainway cheitis due to S. aureus, H . inJluenzae,
obstruction (i.e., increasing stridor, retractions' cyanosis, signs of S. pneumoniae, or M. catarrhalis (acuIe

exhaustion, altered mental status) and/or patients who fail to onset of respiratory compromise that
respond to the above treatments mimics epiglottitis is bacterial tracheitis
. Antibiotics are not indicated until proven otherwise)


204. Epiglottitis
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
- . An acute airway emergency with high morbidity and motality . Bacterial tracheitis
. Caused by bacteria or viruses that result in edema and cellulitis of the . Croup
epiglottis . Peritonsillar abscess
. Bacterial causes hclude Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella . Retropharyngeal abscess
catarrhalis, H. influenzae typeB, H. parainfluenzae, and Pseudomonas . Uvulitis
. Viral causes include herpes simplex virus, parainfluenza viruses, varicella- . Foreign body aspiration
zoster virus. and Epstein-Barr virus . Diphtheria
. Incidence of epiglottitis has decreased significantly since the introduction . Mononucleosis
of the HiB vaccine, with Streptococcas becoming the most cornmon cause . Thermafchemical airway bum
. Typically occurs during ages2J but may occur at any age (even adults) . Trauma to airway
. Laryngeomalacia
. Severe pharyngitis
. URI in a child with upper air-
way disease (e.g., subglottic or
tracheal stenosis)

. Patients are at risk for acute airway compromise at any time during
. Abrupt onset of high fever (>4ffC)
with rapid development of sore the evaluation-if highly suspected, the patient should immediately
throat, hoarse voice, dysphagia, and proceed to surgery for bronchoscopy and intubation
. Laboratory evaluation should be done only if the airway is defini-
respiratory distress (marked stridor
with subcostal and supraclavicular tively patent or has been stabilized
. Lateral neck X-ray shows a swollen epiglottis ("thumb print sign"),
. Toxic appearance with irritability thickened aryepiglottic folds, dilation of the hypopharynx, and/or a
and anxiety swollen retropharyngeal space
. Cherry red. swollen epiglottis . Chest X-ray may reveal associated pneumonia
. Patients tend to assume a charas- . Direct fiberoptic visualization should only be performed if prepared
teristic nipod position in order to to intubate
optimize airway diameter (sit erect -Classically, visualization of the airway in the OR will determine
with chin hyperextended, mouth the etiology of the patient's respiratory distress
wide open, and body leaning for- -If the epiglottis is red and inflamed, the diagnosis is confirmed
. CBC may show leukocytosis
. Cyanosis may occur . Blood and epiglottic cultures should be obtained
. Absence of cough

Treatment Disposition
.Avoid agitating the child (do notplace IY examine the throat, or . Al1 patients must be admitted to a PICU
draw cultures) as this may cause acute airway closure . Someone experienced at htubation and
. Treatment is fust surgical then medical surgical airways should accompany the
-Evaluation and securing of airway is critical in patients with patient at all times
suspected epiglottitis . Transfer patients to another facility if
-Endotracheal intubation should be done by the most experi- ENT or pediatric ICU support is not
enced expert available (generally ENT surgery or anesthesia); available
if endotracheal intubation cannot be performed, tracheostomy . Sequelae may include acute respiratory
should be performed failure, sepsis/shock, pneumothorax,
-If diagnosis is strongly suspected, proceed to surgery to visu- tracheal stenosis. cerebral anoxic injury.
alize the airway and intubate the child and/or death
. Administer supplemental 02 . Mortality may be as high as 107o; how-
. [V antibiotics should include ampicillin plus cefotaxime ever, if airway is secured immediately,
. There is no proven efficacy of corticosteroids mortality is closer to 17o
. Cyanosis is associated with poor


205. Pneumonia
- Differential Dx
. Lower respiratory tract infection of the lung parenchyma, resulting in . Reactive airway disease/asthma
. Bronchiolitis
inflammation, alveolar exudates, and consolidation
. Viral pneumonia is more common in all age groups except neonates . Aspiration
. Neonatal pneumonia is often bacterial (Group B Strep, E coli, Klebsiella' . Inhalation of toxin
. Drug reaction
S. aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, H. influenzae, S. marcescens)
. Infants: Viral or bacterial (5. pneumoniae, H ' influenzae' Chlamydia) . Tumors (primary or metastatic)
. School age/adolescents: Viral or bacterial (5. pneumoniae, S' aureus, H' . Cystic fibrosis
. Pulmonary sequesfation
influenzae, Group A Strep, B. pettussis, Mycoplasma pneumoniae)
. Specific etiology is often not determined; however, identification of . Congenital heart disease/CHF
puthog"nt may lead to diagnosis ofunderlying problems (e'g', P' carinii tn (tachypnea with normal lung
AIDS patients, P. aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis patients) exam in patients (6 mo is heart
. Conditions predisposing to pneumonia include cerebral palsy, cystic fibro- disease until proven otherwise)
. Atelectasis
sis, seizures, congenital immune deficits, aspiration risks, and anatomic
. Pleural effusion

. "Typical" pneumonia is character- . History and physical exam suggest the diagnosis; however, lung exam
ized by acute or subacute onset of may be unrevealing
fever, dyspnea, and productive . Pulse oximetry may reveal hypoxemia
cough . Chest X-ray: Consolidation/infiltrates are diagnostic
. Signs of respiratory distress may be -Viral, mycoplasma, and Chlamydia: Diffuse infiltrates
present (e.g.. tachypnea. flaring, -Bacterial: Lobar consoiidation
grunting, retractions, accessory -May also see atelectasis, effusion, or peribronchial thickening
muscle use, dyspnea) . CBC: Leukocytosis with left shift in many cases
. Apnea . Blood cultures are positive in 70-l5%a of patients with S pneumoniae
and S. aureus pneumonias
. Pleuritic chest pain . Sputum cultures may identify the organism, but are usually difficult
. Abdominal pain to obtain and not very helPful
. Lefhargy/ill appearance . Fluorescent antibody tests for Chlamydia and perlussis and viral anti-
. Auscultation findings: Crackles, gen tests for RSV exist but are rarely used
tachypnea, decreased and tubular . Consider HIV testing in young patients with repeated pneumonia
brealh sounds, lremilus. wheezing.
egophony. dullness to Percussion

. Administer supplemental 02 . Criteria for discharge
. IV fluids are often needed for rehydration due to poor oral intake -Pulse oximetrY )94Vo on room air
and increased insensible losses (due to fever and tachypnea) -Ab1e to tolerate oral medications
. Neonates require IV antibiotic therapy: Ampicillin, nafcillin, or and oral intake
vancomycin plus either cefotaxine or gentamycin -Absence of respiratory distress at
. Infants and children rest

-Inpatient therapy: IV erythromycin

plus csfuroxime or -No history of apnea
cefotaxime -Age )3 months
-Outpatient therapy: Any macrolide or erythromycin/su'|fi
soxa- -Able caregivers
. Patients that do not satisfy the above
zole for 10 days
. Consider congenital Chlamydia trachomatis pneumonia in infants criteria require hospitalization for IV
less than 6 months old medications and close observation
. Cystic fibrosis patients will likely require double coverage against . Complications inciude sepsis,
Pseudomonas (e.g., gentamycin plus ceftazidime) effusion/empyema. dehydration. pneu-
. Bronchodilators may be used in patients with significant wheezing mothorax, and respiratory failure
. In neonates and immunocompromised
patients, untreated or incompletely
treated pneumonia may be fatal


206. Congenital Heart Disease
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Lesions may result in cyanosis (due to mixing of oxygenated and deoxy- . Cyanosis/CHF
genated blood) or CHF (due to increased pulmonary blood flow); some -Respiratory infection (croup,
are dependent on a patent ductus arteriosus to mahtain systemic flow pneumonia, bronchiolitis)
(usually closes by 1 month of age) *Sepsis -Anemia
. Cyanotic lesions include
-Hypothyroid -Arrythmias
-Tricuspid atresia -Myocarditis/pericarditis
-Transposition of the great vessels (presents at 1 week old-aorla arises -Cardiomyopathy
from RV and pulmonary arlery arises from LV) -Methemoglobinemia
-Tetralogy of Fallot (presents before age 4 with VSD, RV outflow -Inbom metabolic disease
obstruction, RV hypetrophy, and overriding aorta) . Ductal-dependent lesions
-Truncus arteriosus (single arterial tmnk arises from the heart) -Aortic stenosis/coarctation
. Lesions resulting in CHF include ventricular septal defect (the most com-
-Hypoplastic left ventricle
mon cardiac defect), patent ductus afteriosus, hypoplastic LV, and coarcta- -Transposed great vessels
tion of the aorla -Tricuspid atresia
. Acyanotic syncope may occur with critical aofiic stenosis

Presentation Diagnosis
. May present in cardiogenic shock . Auscultation: Pathologic murrnurs are often holosystolic, diastolic,
(especially if ductal-dependent): >2/6 intensity, or radiating
Cyanosis, cool periphery, poor . Arm BP > leg BP in coarctation of the aorla
capillary relill. and hypotension . Hyperoxia challenge test: Conflrms suspicion ofhypoxic or cyanotic
. Cyanosis: Tachypnea (earliest cardiac lesions if PaO, does not rise with administration of 1007o 02
sign), tachycardia, feeding intoler- (hypoxia persists due to persistent mixing of oxygenated blood with
ance, characteristic murmurs, pal- deoxygenated blood)
1or, mottling . ECG: Evaluate rhythm and chamber size (e.g., LV hlpertrophy)
. CHF: Initability, weak cry poor . Chest X-ray should be obtained in all patients
feeding, diaphoresis with feedings -Evaluate size/shape of the hearl
or prolonged feeding, failure to -Evaluate pulmonary vasculature for congestion due to left to right
thrive, exam findings (crackles, shunt or LV failure
tachypnea, tachycardia, mufinurs, -Right-sided aortic arch is seen in Tetralogy of Fallot, transposition
hepatomegaly) of great vessels, and tricuspid atresia
. In older children, CHF presents as . Echocardiogram (with Doppler) is diagnostic for most lesions
exercise intolerance, chronic
cough, weight gainfoss

Treatment Disposition
. Ductal-dependent lesions (usually present in the first 14 days of . A1l neonates with newly diagnosed con-
life) require immediaie, life-saving reopening of the ductus arte- genital heart disease should be admitted
riosus and refened to a center with Pediatric
-IV prostaglandin E1 infusion is administered ifpulse oximetry Cardiology specialists
is <"10/o (side effects include apnea and hypotension) . Any patient with an obstructive lef!
-Surgery provides definitive therapy for these lesions sided lesion requires admission to a
. TET spell: Hlpercyanotic episode in Tetralogy of Fa1lot PICU and urgent cardiothoracic surgerl
-Decreased systemic vascular resistance (SVR) or increased . Patients with CHF exacerbation are
cardiac output causes increase of rightto-left shunt across the usually admitted
large VSD, resulting in large amounts of deoxygenated blood
entering the systemic circuiation
-Resistant to oxygen therapy because ofright-toleft shunt
-Therapy requires increasing SVR (knee-chest position, mor-
phine, IV phenylephrine drip, ketamine sedation)
. Treatment of CHF is similar to adult care
-Preload reduction (e.g., loop diuretics)
-Afterload reduction (e.g., ACE-inhibitors, nitroprusside, nitro-
-Positive inotropes (e.g., dopamine, digoxin)
-May ultimately need surgical corection of cardiac defect


207. Abdominal Pain
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. A frequent complaint in all pediatric age grcups . Gastroenteritis
. Multiple etiologies exist . Constipation
. True emergencies must be promptly identified in the ED . Appendicitis . Sepsis
-Infants: Child abuse, pyloric stenosis, hemia, volvulus' sepsis, intus-
. Pancreatitis . Peptic ulcer
susception . Splenic rupture . Trauma
. Sickle cell crisis . DKA
-Children: Appendicitis, hernia, DKA, child abuse, intussusception
. Renal colic . Toxins
-Adolescents: Appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, DKA,
PID, testicular or
ovarian torsion . Incarcerated hemia
. Malrotation with volvulus
. Testicular/ovarian torsion
. Respiratory illness tURl. otitis
media, pneumonia, pharyngitis)
. Urinary tract infection
. Ectopic pregnancy
. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Presentation Diagnosis
. Presentation depends both on age of . Children often cannot differentiate emotional stress from somatic
patient and specific etiology pain; thus, while referring to abdominal pain, they may actually be
. Note onset, course, duration, inten- indicating fear, anxiety, nausea, hunger, or urge to defecate
sity, and radiation of pain . Initial tests may include electrolytes (dehydration, vomiting, diar-
. Note exacerbating factors (e.g., eat- rhea), urinalysis (UTI, DKA), and urine p-hCG (pregnancy)
ing, movement) . CBC is nonspecific and insensitive-rarely aids in diagnosis
. Note improving factors (e.g., lying . Chest X-ray may diagnose pneumonia or perforation
still, passing stool) . Abdominal X-ray is rarely helpful, but may show a "double bubble"
. Associated symptoms may include sign in volvulus or free air in perforation
fever, Nlr', diarrhea, headache, . Abdominal CT is the test of choice for appendicitis and renal colic
hematochezia, hematemesis, . Barium or air enema may be diagnostic of and therapeutic for intus-
polyuria/polydipsia susception
. Peritoneal signs suggest a surgical . Ultrasound is used to evaluate pyloric stenosis, appendicitis, testicular
emergency torsion, intussusception, and volvulus
. Do not forgo rectal, genital, and . Barium swaliow is the test of choice for malrotation/volvulus
pelvic exams

Treatment Disposition
. Surgical emergencies include appendicitis, intussusception, mal- . A11 patients with surgical or medical
rotation with volvulus, incarcerated hemia, ectopic pregnancy, emergencies require admission
and ovarian/testicular torsion . Patients require frequent evaluation of
-In patients with potential surgical emergencies, avoid oral vital signs and repeat physical examina-
intake, ensure large bore IV access, and begin IV fluids tions to determine if they are clinically
. Administer appropriate analgesia-there is no evidence that pain stable for discharge
management will "mask" signs of abdominal disease . A period of observation may be neces-

-Narcotic pain medicines are appropriate if the child has signif- sary in unclear cases-consider obser-
icant pain vation for 23 hours with close monitor-
*Avoid aspirin in febrile children due to the risk of developing ing ofvital signs, laboratory results, and
Reye syndrome physical examination
. Further featment depends on specific etiology . Patients may be discharged if pain
resolves, serious conditions are ruled
out, the parents are reliable, and good
follow-up care is available



208. Pyloric Stenosis

Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Congenital hypertrophy of the muscular layers of the pylorus, resulting in . Overfeeding
gastric outlet obstruction . Food allergy
. Post-feeding vomiting due to gasffic outlet obstruction leads to dehydra- . GERD
tion, elecuolyte abnormalities, and weight loss . Acute gastroenteritis
. Etiology is unknown . Pyloric atresia
. Incidence of 3 per 1000 live bifths . Lower GI obstruction (e.g., mal-
. Males are affected 4 times more often than females rotation with volvulus, inguinal
. Up to 50% have a family history hemia)
. Usually presents at 2-8 weeks of age; however, may present as late as . Infection (e.g., UTI, sepsis)
5 months . Child abuse
. Appendicitis
. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
. Inborn error of metabolism

. Nonbilious, projectile vomiting . History and physical is strongly suggestive
. Abdominal X-ray may show a dilated stomach; also used to rule out
shortly after feeding
. Lnfant continues lo remain vigor- other causes of bowel obstruction
. Abdominal ultrasound is the best diagnostic test (sensitivity >9070):
ous and attempts to feed
. Dehydration Shows increased pyloric muscle thickness (>4 mm) or length (>16
. The classic physical finding is a mm)
palpable. olive-shaped epigastric . Upper GI series is used if ultrasound is negative but high clinical sus-
mass picion still exists: Will show a "string sign" of contrast in the pyloric
. Peristaltic waves (gastric waves) channel, suggesting narrowilg of the pylorus
. Electrolyte abnormalities may include hypochloremic metabolic
may be seen across the abdomen
prior to vomiting alkalosis, hyponatremia, and hypokalemia

Treatment Disposition
. Correct electrolyte abnormalities and dehydration with normal . A11patients require admission for IV
saline solution plts 5Vo dexffose with added potassium fluids until pylorotomy is performed
. Pylorotomy surgery is the definitive therapy . If unable to obtain ultmsound quickly,
admit the patient for rehydration until
further imaging can be performed to
evaluate for pyloric stenosis
. Most infants recover from the surgery
without sequelae


209. Gastroenteritis
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Intestinal inflammation that rcsults in diarrhea and vomiting . Antibiotic-induced gasffoenteri-
. Most commonly viral (3040Vo of cases), affecting the proximal small tis
bowel: Rotavirus, enteric adenovirus, enteroviruses, asfovirus, calicivirus' . Overfeeding
Norwalk virus . Inflammatory Bowel Disease
. Bacterial pathogens generally affect the colon (via mucosal invasion' cyto- (<9 years old)
toxic cell death, disruption of mucosal cell function, or toxin release . Intoxication
resulting in excessive water secretion): E. coli, Campylobacter jejuni, . Cystic fibrosis
Shigella, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aarezs, Vibrio, Yersinia,
. Intussusception
Clostridium, Bacillus cereus, Listeria . Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
. Parasites incltde Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and E histolytica . Pyloric stenosis (<4 months)
. Dysentery (bloody or mucousy diarrhea): Yersinia, Campylobacter, . Lactose intolerance
Shigella, Salmonella, E. coli O157, Clostridium, C. dfficile
. Malabsorption syndromes
. Up to 30 million cases per year in the US . Hirschsprung's disease
. Transmission may be fecal-oral, foodbome, waterborne, or via respiratory (<1 month)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Nausea and vomiting . Clinical diagnosis
. Diarrhea (watery, mucoid, and/or . Check CBC and chemistries if suspect dehydration, electrolyte imbal-
bloody) ances or hypoglycemia
. Dehydration may prcsent as weight . Fecal leukocytes may indicate a bacterial infection (often present in
loss, dry mucosa, poor skin tutgor, invasive E. col/, Shigella, and Campylobacter infection)
sunken eyeballs or fontanel, Poor . Imaging studies should be done if there is vomiting without diarrhea
capillary refill, decreased tears, (looking for obstruction, volvulus, or possibly increased intracranial
decreased urine output, lethargy, pressure)---do not assume an infectious cause in these patients
hypotension . Additional evaluation may be necessary if the child appears toxic, has
. Constipation in early stages dysentery, and/or is febrile
. Abdominal cramps and tendemess -Stool culture for bacteria (may guide antibiotic choice)
. Tenesmus -Stool for rotavirus enzyme (Rotazyme)
. Fever may or may not be present -Stool for ova and parasites (if chronic symptoms)
. Prostration, malaise. anorexia. -Stool for C. dfficile toxin (in patients with recent antibiotics)
lethargy . Blood cultures may be helpful in infants if invasive bacterial disease
. Headache is suspected (they are at increased risk ofbacteremia)

. Most cases are self-limited; the goal of therapy is to keep the . Most patients can be discharged
patient well hydrated until symptoms resolve . lOVa of patients become dehydrated
oral (lifethreatening in 1 7o)
-Attempt oral rehydration in most cases; use commercial
rehydration solutions that have appropriate electrolyte concen- . Discharge to home if able to tolerate
trations oral rehydration and have good follow-
up; re-examine in 24 hours
-IV rehydration in severely ill patients or those who fail oral . Criteria for admission
therapy: Normal saiine or lactated Ringer's solution to replace
losses plus maintenance requirements plus ongoing losses over -Greater than 5-107o dehydration
24 hours with Vz in the first 8 hours -Unable to tolerate oral intake
. Correct electrolyte abnormalities (children are at high risk of -Persistent vomiting
hypoglycemia) -Shock
. Antibiotics are generally not indicated, except in some bacterial -Evidence of Hemolytic-Uremic syn-
diseases drome
-Administer if (6 months old, if appears septic, if severe . Complications include hypoglycemia,
dysentery, or if immunocomPromised hyper- or hyponatremia, colonic perfo-
-With certain E. coli strains, there is increased risk of ration. toxic encephalopathy. seizures.
hemolytic-uremic syndrome if antibiotics are used sepsis. and Hemolytrc-Uremic
. Avoid opiates, anticholinergics, or absorbents in children syndrome
. Antiemetics or anti-motility agents are also not recommended in


21 0. ntussusception

- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx

. Invagination of a proximal segment of bowel into a more distal segment . Gastroenteritis
. As the associated mesentery gets dragged into the "telescoped" bowel, . Meckel's diverticulum
venous engorgement, edema, and bowel ischemia occur . Volvulus
. Symptoms are due to ischemia and small bowel obstruction . Adhesions
. Occurs in children (3 years old .Incarcerated hemia
. Most common abdominal emergency in infancy . Polyps
. Most common cause of obstruction in infants 3 months to 3 years old . Foreign body aspiration
. ln 5-707o of cases, there is a pathological lead point (a mass that is . UTI
dragged via peristalsis into distal bowel); typical lead points include . Incarcerated mahotation
polyps, Meckel's diverticulum, hematomas due to Henoch-Schonlein . Hirschsprung's disease
purpura, hypertrophied lymphoid tissue (viral infection), and heman- . Tumors (lymphoma)
giomas . Parasitic infection (enterobius)
. If occurs in children )9 years old, suspect a malignant lead point . Henoch-Schonlein purpura
. Occurs at the ileocolic junction in almost 90Vo of cases . Appendicitis
. Pyloric stenosis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Classic lriadtn20To'. Vomiting, . Early diagnosis is crucial to avoid necrosis of the bowel, perforation,
pain, bloody stool ("cunant jeliy") and peritonitis
. Typical patient is a previously . History and physical are highly suggestive of the diagnosis
healthy infant with sudden onset of
. Stool guaiac is positive in the majority of cases
. Abdominal X-ray may reveal an intestinal obstruction pattem, an
severe, intermittent colicky abdom-
inal pain empty sigmoid or rectum, a soft tissue density surrounded by a cres-
. Bouts occur in 15-20 minute inter- cent of gas in the area of intussusception (target sign), or free air due
vals. associated with pallor. strain- to per{oration
. Contrast enema (air or barium) is the gold standard for diagnosis and
ing, inconsolable crying and
drawing up legs may also be therapeutic
. Between episodes, the patient may -Shows a filling defect or cupping in the area where the contrast
look comfortable cannot be advanced
. Clear or bilious emesis -Classic finding on barium enema is a "coil spring" appearance as
. Sausage-shaped. palpable mass in contrast is trapped in folds of the bowel
. Diagnosis may also be made by abdominal CT or ultrasound
the RUQ
. May present only with altered
mental status or with fever

Treatment Disposition
. Avoid ora"l intake . The child may appear well between
. NG tube for abdominal decompression episodes
. Aggressive IV fluid resuscitation to conect dehydration (due to . Wili progress to bowel ischemia, bowel
vomiting and third spacing into the intestinal wall and lumen) death, and shock within 24 hours
. Obtain pediatric surgery consultation prior to attempted reduction . Usually fatal if the diagnosis is missed
. Contrast enema for reduction . All patients require admission, even if

-Air contrast is used more often than barium due to a lower the intussusception has been success-
risk of chemical peritonitis if perforation occurs fully reduced in the ED
. There is a 10% risk ofrecurrence after
-Risk of perforation is l-3Vo
-80-907o success rate non-operative reduction, usually within
. Enema is contraindicated (due to high risk of perforation) if there 24 hours ol the initial reduction
are symptoms present >12 hours, free air, peritoneal signs, or
signs of shock
. Surgery is indicated if enema is unsuccessful, enema is contraindi-
cated, or if intussusception recurs
. Broad-spectrum IV antibiotics are administered ifperforation is



21 1. Appendicitis
Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Obstruction of the appendiceal lumen leads to inflammation, distension, . Gastroenteritis
vascular compromise, infection, ischemia, and ultimately rupture with
. Constipation
peritonitis . Peptic ulcer
. Obstruction is most often caused by a fecalith; other causes include . Yersinia enterocolitica
. Intestinal obstruction
swollen lymphoid follicle, pinworm, carcinoid tumor, or foreign body
. Perforation is the most conceming complication; may occur as early as . lntussusception
8-24 hours after symptom onset
. Mesenteric adenitis
. Appendicitis is the most common atraumatic surgical abdominal disorder . Urinary tract infection
in children 2 years or older . Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
. Much rarer in children <2 years old . IBD exacerbation
. Males have a lifetime risk of 8.67o and females a isk of 6.7Vo . Diabetic ketoacidosis
. Torsion of testes or ovary
. Renal colic or pyelonephritis
. Ectopic pregnancy
. Lower lobe pneumonia
. Sepsis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Fever . Close observation and a high index of suspicion are essential
. Anorexia, nausea/vomiting . The history and physical exam is characteristic; however, diagnosis
. Abdominal pain is extremely difficult in children less than age 4, with T5Tohavrng
perforation at the time of diagnosis
-Classically, periumbilical pain
that migrates to the right lower . CBC may show leukocytosis with left shift, but is often notmal
quadrant (McBumeY's Point) . Urinalysis may show sterile pyuria (WBCs without bacteria) due to
-Increases with movement ureteral irritation from the inflamed appendix
. Ultrasound and abdominal CT are the best imaging tests for diagno-
-Young chiidren often present
with poorly localized pain sis; however, neither definitively rules out appendicitis
. Decreased bowel sounds . Abdominal X-ray is rarely helpful
. Perforation : Toxic-appearance; -May show a RLQ fecalith or appendiceal gas
rigid, distended abdomen; RLQ -May show free air if perforation is present
tendemes s/guardin g/rebound; -May show acute scoliosis, due to psoas muscle spasm
decreased bowel sounds; shock . Misdiagnosis occurs in 10% of all cases
. Psoas sign: Pain upon hip extension
. Obtuator sign: Pain with extemal
rotation of the hip

Treatment Disposition
. Avoid oral intake . All patients with definite appendicitis
. Hydration (normal saline) to correct volume depletion will be admitted for appendectomy and
. Correct eiectrolyte abnormalities TV antibiotics
. Broad-spectrum, triple antibiotic therapy with IV ampicillin, . Patients with suspected appendicitis
gentamycin, and ciindamycin should be observed in the hospital for at
. IV analgesia as needed least 24 hours while undergoing seriai
. Emergent appendectomy (open or laparoscopic) is the definitive abdominal exams -l/- CBCs
. Patients with low likelihood of disease
and good follow-up may be discharged,
with re-examination in 12-24 hours
. Delay in diagnosis increases the risk of
perforation, sepsis, and shock
.25-3O7a of cases in children are
perforated at the time of surgery


212. Bacterial Meningitis
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Bacterial meningitis often occurs secondary to bacteremic seeding of the . Viral encephalitis
meninges . Migraine
-(1 month of age: Group B Strep, E. coli, Listeria . Brain abscess or tumor
-l to 2 months: H. influenzae type B, E. coli, S. pneumonlae, Group B . Head injury
Strep . Toxic ingestion
S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis, H. influenzae type B
-2 months to 6 years: . Subdural empyema
-)6years: S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis . Leukemia
. Risk factors include respiratory infections, VP shunt, mastoiditis, head . Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
trauma, immunodeficiency, hemoglobinopathy . Kawasaki's disease
. Viral causes include enteroviruses, mumps, HSY arboviruses, HIY . Subdural hematoma
poliovirus, VZV, parainfluenza, EBV, CMY adenovirus, parvovirus . Subarachnoid hemorrhage
. Immunocompromised patients: P seudomonas, Serratia, Proteus . Sinusitis
. Fungal, mycobacterial, and aseptic (drug-induced) cases also occur . Mollaret's syndrome

Presentation Diagnosis
. Fever and meningeal signs occur m . History and physical exam is often suggestive of meningitis; however,
857o ofpatients, but may be absent no single symptom or sign is pathognomonic, especially in very
in the very young young patients-fever and altered mental status should provoke
. Common symptoms include suspicion of meningitis
headache, neck stiffness, fever, . CBC may show leukocytosis (however, a normal WBC count does
vomiting, photophobia, arthralgia, not exclude meningitis)
myalgia . Obtain blood and urine cultures
. Altered level of consciousness (e.g., . Head CT should be obtained prior to LP if signs of elevated intracra-
lethargy, irritability) and seizures nial pressure, prolonged or focal seizure, focal neurologic signs.
may be present increased purpuric rash, GCS <13, or pupillary asymmetry/dilatation
. Full fontanelle are present
. Poor feeding . Lumbar puncture is often diagnostic
. Purpuric rash may be present -Record opening pressure, cell count, differential, glucose, protein,
. Kemig's sign: Reflexive neck bacterial culture, PCR for viruses
flexion and pain upon leg extension -CSF will show )5 WBCs, low glucose, high protein, or organisms
. Brudzinski's sign: Reflexive flexion on gram stain (gram stain may be negative)
of legs upon neck flexion

Treatment Disposition
. Ensure adequate airway, breathing, and circulation . All patients should be admitted if bacte-
. Begin empiric IV antibiotics immediately (even before I-P if rial meningitis is suspected or etiology
necessary-within I hour of ED arrival is standard of care) is unclear
. Fatal in up Io 207o of pedia{ric
-(8 weeks of age: Ampicillin (for Listeria) plus cefotaxime cases
(vancomycin may also be added if suspect penicillin-resistant . Complications may be acute (e.g.,
S. pneumoniae) seizure, brainstem hemiation, SIADH)
-)8 weeks of age: Ceftriaxone or cefotaxime plus vancomycin or chronic (e.g., deafness, weakness,
-Rifampin may also be added seizure disorder, mental retardation)
. Steroids are conffoversial: May decrease the risk of hearing loss . Patients already on antibiotics will have
in H. influenzae and Neisseria meningitis if given prior to antibi- a more subtle presentation and less
otics convincing CSF fluid studies
. Chemoprophylaxis . Rapid onset with rash raises suspicion
-N. meningitidis: Prophylaxis for all househoid, day care, and ol N e i sserio men i n git idi s meningitis
school contacts . Nonbacterial meningitis is generaily a
-H. influenzae: Prophylaxis for all household contacts, even if relatively benign viral disease that
previously immunized requires only supportive care, has a
-Meningococcal vaccine for college students and in endemic good prognosis, and may be discharged
areas with close follow-up
. Herpes encephalitis has a poor prognosis


213. S eizures
Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Transient, involuntary alterations of consciousness, behavior, or motor . Syncope
. Drug withdrawal
activity due to excessive neuronal discharges
. Febrile seizures occur in previously healthy children 6 months to 5 years . Congenital heart disease
. Myoclonus
old without defined cause (e.g., intracranial infection)
-Simple febrile seizure: A single generalized seizure
of (15 minutes . Movement disorders
duration with no residual focal neurologic deficits
. Breath-holding spells
)15 minutes' . Tic disorder
-Complex febrile seizure: A febrile seizure lasting
)1 seizure in 24 hours, or seizure with focal neurologic features . Hypoglycemia
. Neonatal seizures are more commonly due to an epilepsy syndrome or . Infantile spasms
. Airway obstruction
underlying disorder (e.g., infection, mass lesion)
. Breakthrough seizure: Seizure in a patient with known epilepsy
. Status epilepticus: Continuous seizure )30 minutes without recovery
. Causes of seizures include CNS infection, sepsis, anoxia' hypoglycemia,
trauma, brain tumor, stroke, intoxication, abuse, encephalopathy, drug
reaction, hereditary metabolic disorder

Presentation Diagnosis
. Presenting signs in neonates and . The history, including eyewitness accounts, will often define the tlpe
infants may be subtle (e.g., chew- of seizure and narrow the differential
ing. eye deviation. or apnea) . Examination of the child may reveal genetic syndromes that
. Partial seizures: Brief movements of predispose to seizures (e.g., hypopigmented areas and shagreen patch-
specific muscle groups (e.g., face, es seen in tuberous sclerosis)
neck, or extremity movement; head . Simple febrile seizure: No further testing necessary, unless CNS
tuming; or eye deviations) infection is a concern
. Complex partial: Paftial seizure . Non-febrile seizure or complex febrile seizure
with impairment of consciousness -Check glucose, electrolytes, CBC, liver and renal function,
. Tonic-Clonic: Generalized muscle toxicology screen, and urinalYsis
ierks/spasms, loss of consciousnes -Consider head CT to rule out underlying cerebral pathology
. Absence: Brief LOC (rarely >30 -Lumbar puncture if CNS infection is a concem
sec) without loss of postural tone . Head CT scan should be performed in the ED on children who have
. Myoclonic: Brief. often symmetric. had focal seizures, persistent focal neurologic findings, a history of
jerking causing loss of body tone rauma, and in all neonatal seizures
.Infantile spasms: (1 sec contrac- . Breakthrough seizures: Measure anticonvulsant levels
tions ol head, neck, and extremities . EEG is not routinely performed in the ED

Treatment Disposition
. Treat underlying systemic causes and avoid substances (e'g', . Prognosis and risk of further sezures
medications) that provoke seizures depends on etiology
. Febrile seizures: Manage the fever; anti-epileptic drug (AED) . Simple febrile seizures: Discharge home
therapy is not required with follow-up: excellent prognosis
. Neonatal seizures: Most are treated with AEDs . Patients with non-febrile motor seizures
. Management of slatus epilepticus or complex febrile seizures are admitted
for observation/workup
-Maintain airway, breathing, and circulation
. Infantile spasms require admission and
-IV glucose bolus as infants may rapidly develop hypoglycemia
workup; they are associated with poor
-Antiepileptic drugs should be administered if seizure activity
persists longer than 3-5 minutes developmental outcome
. Absence seizures can be discharged
-Benzodiazepines (lorazepam/diazepam) are first line
without ED workup
-Phenobarbital bolus is given soon after benzodiazepines
. Less than half of first-time seizures will
-Fosphenytoin or phenytoin if seizures persist
have a recurence; however, after a
-If the above drugs fail, a pentobarbital coma can be instituted
with EEG monitoring to prove CNS seizure activity is not second seizure, nearly 7 57o will
continuing develop epilepsy
. The need for long-term antiepileptic drug therapy should be . Prolonged status epilepticus may result
reserved for a pediatric neurologist in permanent neurologic impairment
due to anoxia


21 4. Kawasaki's Disease
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
- . Scarlet fever
. A systemic vasculitis of small and medium sized arteries, primarily
involving mucous membranes, skin, lymph nodes, and coronary vessels . Staphyiococcal scalded skin
. Also known as "mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome" syndrome
. Etiology is unknown; possibly autoimmune, infectious, or toxic . Toxic epidermal necrolysis
. Age of onset peaks at 1-2 years; 807o are less than 4 years old . Rocky Mountain spotted fever
. Multiple organ systems may be involved . Toxic shock syndrome
. Leptospirosis
-Coronary afiery aneurysms are the most feared complication-may
present as MI, cardiogenic shock, or sudden death . Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
-Other cardiac pathologies include myocarditis, pericarditis, valvulitis, . Polyarteritis nodosa
and arrhythmia . Measles
-CNS (aseptic meningitis, irritability) . Drug reaction
-GI (hepatitis, abdominal pain, acalculous cholecystitis) . Erythema multiforme
-Arthritis/arthral gias
-Desquamation of palms/soles

Presentation Diagnosis
. An acute febrile phase for l-2 . Diagnosis requires the presence of fever for at least 5 days plus 4 of 5
weeks is followed by a 1-2 week of the followilg criteria (not all criteria must be met before initiating
subacute phase therapy):
. Acute phase: High fever, irritability, -Bilateral conjunctivitis, usually bulbar
cervical adeniti s. conjunctivitis. -Cervical lgnphadenopathy (> 1.5 cm)
rash, mucous membrane changes, -Non-vesicular rash, usually on the trunk
edema/erythema/pain of the hands -Mucous membrane changes, such as erythema, cracked lips,
and feet, desquamation in the diaper strawberry tongue, or palatal petechiae
area, and occasionally abdominal -Extremity changes, such as erythema of palms and soles, dorsal
pain and dianhea edema, or filger desquamation
. Subacute phase: Resolving fever, . Laboratory evaluation
desquamation of digits, and occa- -No diagnostic test is availabie
sionally arthritis; coronary artery -Acute phase: Increased ESR, WBC, and LFTs; mild
aneurysms may occur in 20Vo of normochromic anemia; sterile pyrria; CSF pleocytosis with
untreated patients (57o of treated) mononuclear predominance
-Subacute phase: Increase platelet count, declining ESR
. Obtain a baseline echocardiogram if Kawasaki's is suspected

Treatment Disposition
. IVIG is the mainstay of therapy: Treats the clinical syndrome and . patients with suspected Kawasaki's
decreases the incidence of coronary artery aneurysm disease require admission
. Aspirin, initially at high anti-inflammatory doses (100mg/kg/day), . Long-term sequelae may include
is used to decrease vascular inflammation, prevent vascular throm- coronary stenosis with cardiac ischemia
bosis, and limit coronary artery anewysm formation if coronary aneurysms occ[r
. The use of steroids has not been proven helpful . Treatment with IVIG and aspirin reduce
. Active management of coronary thrombosis (such as the prevalence of coronary
thrombolytics) has no proven role abnormalities from 2O7o to 27o


215. Viral Exanthems
- Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Measles (Rubeola): Primary infection of nasopharynx followed by viremia . Drug rash
. Infectious mononucleosis
and rash; incubation 10 days; affects preschoofschool-aged children
(adults may be susceptible due to waning immunity); )997o reduction of . Scarlet fever
. Erythema multiforme
disease following childhood MMR immunization (most cases in US occur
. Rocky Mountain spotted fever
in individuals who recently entered the country)
. Mumps: Primarily causes parotitis; incubation 18 days; affects children . Mycoplasma pneumonia
. Disseminated gonococcus
ages 5-9; had been the greatest cause of asceptic meningitis prior to
. Tinea versicolor (fungus)
MMR vaccine; may result in permanent unilateral deafness
. Rubella ("German measles"): Prevalence increasing due to decreased vac- . Kawasaki's disease
. Insect bites
cination rates (although there is no proven relationship of MMR vaccine
to autism); incubation of 16 daYs
. Scabies
. Erythema infectiosum (5th disease): Parvovirus B19 infection; immune . Varicella (chicken pox)
. Influenza/parainfl uenza virus
complex formation/deposition in joints and skin; ages 5-14
. Roseola: Most common viral exanthem; Herpesvirus 6 infection; affects . Hand-Foot-Mouth disease
children ages 6 months-5 years

Presentation Diagnosis
. Measles: 3-5 day prodrome (high ' Primarily clinical diagnoses based on charactedstic rashes that follow
fever up to 41"C, cough, coryza, the prodromal period
conjunctivitis), Koplik's spots (oral -Measles: Maculopapular eruption lasting 5-7 days; typically
lesions), then rash begins on the face,/head (behind ears and on forehead) and pro-
. Mumps: 1-2 day prodrome (low gresses to handsfeet; Koplik's spots are pathognomonic
fevers, myalgias, HA, anorexia), fol- -Mumps: No characteristic rash
lowed by parotid/salivary swelling -Rubella: Pfuk maculopapular erythematous rash develops on the
and ear pain face and moves downward to the trunk then extremities; petechiae
. Rubella: Prodrome (low fever, may be present on soft palate; lasts about 3 days
malaise, cough, coryza), arthralgias, -Erythema infectiosum: "slapped cheek" rash with bright red mac-
adenopathy, rash ular lesions occurs on the cheeks; perioral pallor may be present;
. Erythema infectiosum: Prodrome rash spreads to extremities (palms and soles spared)
-Roseola: Non-pruritic, erythematous, rose-colored, macular
(malaise, low fever, sore throat) fol- rash
lowed by rash beginning on trunk that spreads peripheraily; lasts 2*5 d
. Roseola: 4-5 day prodrome (high . Serologic testing (anti-IgM antibodies) may be used for diagnosis or
fever, vomiting, adenopathY), rash, confirmation of measles and mumPs
may result in febrile seizures

Treatment Disposition
. Symptomatic therapy with fluids, rest, antihistamines, acetamino- . Majority of patients are discharged
. Admit for serious complications
phen, and NSAIDs
. Do not use aspirin in children due to theoretical risk of Reye syn- . Complications
drome -Measles: Pneumonia or encephalitis
. Measles, mumps, and rubella are largely prevented by administra- -Mumps: Orchitis or meningoen-
tion of MMR vaccine (live vaccine which confers lifelong immu- cephalitis
nity, given in two doses ar 12-15 months and then again at -Rubelia: TTP or encephalitis
4-6 years of age) -Eryhema bfectiosum: Aplastic crisis
. Antibiotic agents may be used for secondary bacterial superinfec- -Roseola: Febrile seizures
. Infectious periods
tion of skin lesions
. Vitamin A supplementation has been shown to decrease morbidity -Measles: 5 days after rash aPPears
and mortality in measles and rubella in developing countries -Mumps: 9 days after parotitis onset
where vitamin A deficiency occurs (consider supplementation in
. Measles, mumps, and rubella should be
immunodeficiencies. clinical evidence of vitamin A deficiency, reported to the Department of Health
malnutrition, and/or recent emi$ation to US)
. lmmune compromised patients, including symptomatic HIV
patients, who are exposed to measles should receive immune
globulin within 6 days of exPosure


216. Physical Assault of a Child (Child Abuse)
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Physical or mental injury, sexual abuse, or negligent treatment of a child . Dermatologic: Coagulation dis-
by a person responsible for the child's welfare orders, Mongolian spots, HSP,
. Parental risk factors include social isolation, substance abuse, mental ill- ITP, coin rubbing, corj.nective
ness, poor parenting skills, and unrealistic expectation of child's develop- tissue disease
mental level . Orthopedic: Rickets, osteogene-
. Child risk factors include physical illness or disability, mental illness, and sis imperfecta, congenital
"diffi cult" temperament syphilis, septic arthdtis, infantile
. Situational risk factors may include financial and other stresson and con- cortical hyperostosis
current domestic violence . Bum: Bullous disease, staph
. Shaken baby syndrome: Altered level of consciousness, intracerebral hem- scalded skin syndrome
orrhage, and retinal hemorrhages (pathognomonic) in an abused infan!; . CNS: Seizure disorder, SIDS,
may have no extemal signs of abuse toxin exposure
. >1 million cases of child abuse per year with >1000 deaths
.Injuries may involve the dermatologic, CNS, genitourinary, or orthopedic

Presentation Diagnosis
. Bruises and bums are the most . Be aware of suspicious historical elements
common signs of physical abuse, -History given by parents or patient does not match findings
especially if on unusual body areas -Denial of trauma to the chiid
(e.g., ears, face, abdomen, but- -Child's development not compaiible with injury mechanism (e.g.,
tocks, genitals), in patterned non-ambulatory patients rarely have bruises or fractures)
shapes (e.g., circular for cigarette -Delay in seeking care
bums), covering many body areas, -Story of events changes
or in various stages of healing -Child's and parents' stories are inconsistent
. Fractures are most common in -History of past injuries
children (3 years of age and in -History of violence or substance abuse in the home
older children with mental or phys-
. Laboratory studies may include pregnancy and STD testing, rape kit,
ical handicaps (especially of the CBC, coagulation studies (look for thrombocytopenia, or hypoco-
posterior rib, stemum, scapuia, agulability), CT for suspected head trauma, abdominal CT, and toxi-
metaphyseal comer) cology screen
. Perineum may show signs of pene- . Unexplained elevation of LFTs should raise a suspicion of abuse
ffation, genital tract trauma, or . Children with head injury require an ophthalmologic examination to
sperm evaluate for retinal hemorrhages

Treatment Disposition
. Evaluation must begin by identifying and treating all immediate . Mandatory reporting: Physicians are
medical problems required by law in all states to report to
. Prophylaxis for sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy if chiid welfare authorities any suspected
indicated, with the consent of a responsible caretaker and the cases of abuse (proof is not required-
child must report with any reasonable suspi-
. Consider consultation with medical personnel who specialize in cion)
cases of suspected child abuse . Child protective services should evalu-
. Report all cases of suspected or confirmed abuse to local child ate the child/family before discharging
protective service and local law enforcement agencies to ensure the patient home
the child's safety . Admit for funher workup of injuries,
. Provide support to child and caretakers throughout the medical unclear diagnosis, or to protect the child
evaluation . If there is any question at a1l about the
. Afterinitial evaluation, provide referrai for counseling and ongo- child's safety, the child must be hospi-
ing medicai care as appropriate talized until the state child welfare
. Maintain a professional, non-judgmental attitude towards all board can find a sale home environment
involved caretakers . Child may experience anxiety, mistrust,
. Pictures should be taken for documentation of injuries aggressive or withdrawn behavior, and
low self-esteem as a result of abuse



217. General Approach to the Trauma Patient
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. The hallmark of trauma management is a systematic team approach . Immediate life-threatening
between physicians, nurses, medics, X-ray technicians, and respiratory injuries may include:
therapists . Airway: Obstruction
. Patient evaluation is a multi-step process which attempts to rapidly . Breathing: Tension or open
identify life-threatening injuries pneumothorax, large hemo-
-Primary survey: Airway, breathing, circuiation, disability (neurologic thorax, flail chest
status), and exposure/environment (completely disrobe patient and . Circulation: Massive hemor-
maintain body temperature with warm blankets) rhage, pericardial tamponade
. Traumatic arrest (cardiac arrest
-Secondary survey: Complete physical exam
followi-ng trauma with loss of
pulses or blood pressure)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Airway: Assess ability to protect . Steps in the resuscitation
airway and for presence of obstruc- . Preparation: Airway equipment, IV fluids, gown and gloves
tion (e.g., foreign bodies, facial or . Triage: Identify the most severely ill patients; institute mass casualty
neck trauma, soft tissue trauma)- protocols if appropriate
airway is intact if the patient . Primary survey (ABCDE): Designed to identify and treat any imme-
can talk diately life-threatening injuries
. Breathing: Assess breath sounds, . ResuscitatiorVtreatment of life+hreatening injuries
chest wall movement, respiratory . Secondary survey: Head-to-toe physical evaluation with history of
rate. tracheal position. and skin medical problems, medications, allergies, and so forth
color (i.e., for cyanosis) . Adjunct examinations: May include chest and pelvis X-rays, lateral
. Circulation: BP, pulses (quality and C-spine X-ray, Foley and NG tubes, FAST ultrasound or DPL, CT
rate), skin color (pallor or gray skin scans, and laboratory tests
signify hypovolemia), level of con- . Post-resuscitation monitoring and re-evaluation
sciousness, ongoing bleeding . C-spine precautions should be maintained throughout the resuscita-
. Disability: Level of consciousness, tion until the patient is stable enough to undergo required studies for
pupillary response, response to radiologic and clinical clearance
verbal or painful stimuli

Treatment Disposition
. IV access, supplemental Ot, and cardiac monitoring . Indications for transfer to hauma center
. Protect C-spine (assume injury in any kauma patient) -Vita1 signs: GCS <14; RR <10 or
. Afway: Indications for intubation include GCS <8, obstruction, >29: BP <90
inadequate breathing, or inability to protect airway; obtail surgi- -Anatomy: Flail chest, two or more
cal airway ifunable to intubate proximal long bone fractures, ampu-
. Breathing: Intubate for inadequate ventilation or oxygenation tation proximal to wrist/ankle, pene-
-Three-sided occlusive dressing for open pneumothorax trating injuries, CNS injury, limb
-Needle decompression for tension pneumothorax paralysis, pelvic fracture, or trauma
^Chest tube for hemothorax or pneumothorax with associated bum injury
. Circulation: Hlpotension is considered to be due to blood loss -Mechanism of injury: Ejection, car
and hypovolemia until proven otherwise versus pedestrian, death h same car,
-Establish 2 large bore IVs +/- central IV line high speed accident or roll-over,
-Control bleeding with direct pressure-bleeding may not be )20 minutes extrication. fall
evident (e.g., into pelvis, retroperitoneum, or thigh) >20 feet, severe motorcycle crash,
-Replace volume with bolus of warmed Ringer's lactate; infuse explosion
O- blood if unresponsive to initial 2 liters of fluids -Age <5 or )55. pregnancy. or seri-
-May require surgical control of bleeding ous comorbid conditions
. Prognosis of maumatic arrest is poor
-Immediate ED thoracotomy may be indicated for traumatic
cardiac arest (0% survival for blunt trarma, 1109o
survival for GSW,20Vo surival for
chest stab wounds)


218. Traumatic Brain lnjurY
- Differential Dx
. Primary brain injury occurs at the time of trauma and is irreversible . Concussion
. Secondary injury due to hypoperfusion (hypotension, increased ICP), . Cerebral contusion
. Intracraniai hemorrhage
hypoxia, hyperglycemia, or anemia occurs after the initial insult and is
. Diffuse axonal iljury
potentially reversible
. Concussion: Blunt trauma resulting in transient symptoms of vomiting' . Laceration
. Skull fracture
confusion, loss of consciousness, dizziness, or amnesia
. Intracranial hemorrhage: Bleeding into the epidurai space, subdural space . Anoxic encephalopathy
(acute or chronic), subarachnoid space, or intraparenchymal tissue
. Hemiation
. Brain hemiation: Increased intracranial pressure forces brain components . C-spine/spinal cord injury
. Other causes of decreased men-
from their compartments
. Diffuse axonal injury: kreversible shearing of axons due to sudden decel- ta1 status (e.g., drugs, alcohol,

eration, often due to motor vehicle accident or shaken baby hypoglycemia, seizures)
. Penetrating injury (usually GSW): Damage is due to physical path of the
bullet plus associated concussive forces

. Hemotympanum . Glascow coma scale (eye opening, verbai response, motor response)
. Battle's sign (mastoid ecchymosis) is a simple and reproducible measure of mental status that provides
. Raccoon eyes information on clinical course, prognosis, and treatment decisions
. Signs of increased ICP: Cushing's (e.g., intubate if GCS <9)
reflex (HTN, bradycardia, hYPoP- . Head CT is indicated in all patients with GCS <14 or any patient
nea). decreasing level of conscious- with loss of consciousness, seizure, vomiting, amnesia, focal neuro-
ness, dilated pupils, Posturing logic findings, alcohol use, skull fracture, anticoagulant use, or sub-
(decorticate or decerebrate) galeal swelling
-May show hemorrhage, contusion, sweliing, midline shift
. Pupils may be fixed and dilated or loss

-Unilateral suggests ipsilateral of sulci (due to increased intracranial pressure), or skull fractures
bleed with hemiation -Concussion: Normal CT scan
-Bilateral suggests anoxic injury -Cerebral contusion: Intraparenchymal hyperdensity
or bilateral hemiation -Epidural hematoma: Convex hyperdensity
(acute): Concave hyperdensity
. May present with headache, LOC, -Subdural hematoma
or other signs of intracranial hemor- -Subdural hematoma (chronic): Concave hypodensity
-Traumatic subarachnoid: Blood in subarachnoid

Treatment Disposition
. Rapid intewention is necessary to prevent secondary injury . Admit all patients with intracranial
. Airway/breathing: Intubate early to prevent hypoxia lesions or persistently decreased
with lidocaine and defas- mental status
-Rapid sequence intubation: Pretreat . Discharge patients with negative CT
ciculatirig paralytics to prevent increased ICP
scan and baseline mental status
-Ketamine is contraindicated because it increases
. Circulation: Aggressively restore volume to prevent hypotension . Neurosurgical evaluation is required for
(goal is mean arterial pressure of 90 mmHg); avoid vasopressors any intracranial lesion
. Factors that increase mortality include
if possible due to vasoconstriction
. Treat elevated ICP only if symptomatic anemia. hypotension. hypoxia. or
30' hyperglycemia
-Sedate patient and eievate head of bed
-Hyperventilation may be performed acutely to cause
cerebral -One episode of SBP <90 doubles
vasoconstriction thereby decleasing ICP, but should not be mortality
used routinely or for prolonged time 40Vo mortalilY if initial GCS <9
. Concussions may result in a post-
-Mannitol for osmotic diuresis and free radical scavenging
. decompression of deteriorating/hemiating patients concussive syndrome (vague, persistent
via trephination (bun hole) or ventriculostomy symptoms such as headache, dizziness,
. Intracranial bleeds require seizure prophylaxis and may require and poor concentration) for weeks
surgical drainage to months
. Depressed skull fracture may require surgical repair
. Peneffating ffauma may require surgical exploration



219. Spinal Cord lnjury

Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Identify location of cord injury based on presenting neurologic dysfunc- . Blunt cord trauma (MVA, div-
tion ing, athletics, falls, electrical
. Document sensory and motor level of deficits and determine if lesion injury disc hemiation)
is complete or incomplete (i.e., some sensation or motor function below . Penetrating cord trauma (bullet,
the lesion) knife)
. Complete cord transection: Total loss of function below the lesion . "Stinger" (transient brachial
. Anterior cord (hyperflexion) injury: Spinothalamic and corticospinal tract plexus palsy)
damage with ipsilateral motor and contralateral pain/temp dysfunction . Spinal cord injury without radi-
. Central cord (hlperextension) injury: Central corticospinal tract damage ographic abnormality
resulting in upper extremity motor deficit (SCIWORA) resulting in
. Cauda equina syndrome: Lower extremity motor and sensory loss, transient neurologic symptoms
boweVbladder dysfunction, and "saddle" anesthesia (common in children)
. Brown-Sequard (hemisection): Loss of ipsilateral motor function and . Neurogenic shock
proprioception with contralateral pain/temperature dysfunction

Presentation Diagnosis
. Note motor or sensory dysfunc- . Piain films in areas of spine tendemess may reveal fractures associat-
tion---document the lowest nerve ed with cord injury
root providing good sensation and . Spine CT
muscle strength )3/5 -Better sensitivity than plain films for evaluating bony structures
. Check reflexes (e.g., Babinski, -Indicated to further evaluate fractures identified on X-ray or if
DTRs, bulbocavemosus, cremas- X-ray is negative but there is high clinical suspicion for vertebml
teric) fracture
. Examine for cauda equina syndrome . Spine MRI
(e.g., perianal sensation, sphincter -Evaluates soft tissue structures, cord injury (e.g., inflammation,
tone) contusion, hemorrhage), cord compression, and acute hemiated
. May result in neurogenic shock in disc
which loss of sympathetic tone -Indicated for patients with neurologic deficits but non-diagnostic
causes unopposed parasympathetic CT and X-rays
activation. resulting h hypotension. -CT myelogram may be used in patients unable to undergo MRI
bradycardia, peripheral vasodilation
(warm, dry skin), and shock

Treatment Disposition
. Airway . Neurosurgical consultation in all spinal
-lmmediate intubation for hlpoxemia or hypercarbia cord injuries
. Admit all spinal cord injuries to ICU
-Protect C-spine with manual in-line stabilization
-Succinylcholine is often used for neuromuscular blockade . Emergent surgical decompression is
during intubation but may cause hyperkalemia following cord indicated if there is evidence of cord
hauma (safe during the initial 24-48 hours) compression (i.e., radiologic evidence
. Circulation of bony fragments in spinal canai or
-Aggressively treat neurogenic shock to maintain mean arterial cord impingement) or for retained for-
pressure >70 mmHg for adequate cord perfusion eign bodies in penetrating injuries
-Treat with IV fluids (lactated Ringer's or normal saline) and . Complete lesions have minimal recov-
vasopressors ery
-Atropine is used for symptomatic bradycardia . Incomplete lesions have better prog-
. [V methylprednisolone (30 mg/kg bolus followed by 5.4 mg,/kg/h x noses
24 hours) has been shown to improve neurologic outcome in acute . Increased risk of spinal cord injury in
blunt spnal cord trauma if infused within 8 hours of injury (inhibits elderly or intoxicated patients and those
free radical-induced lipid peroxidation) with arthdtis, cervical stenosis, osteo-
. No benefit of steroids for penetrating cord injuries porosis, and metastatic disease
. No other therapy has been shown to improve outcomes


220. Maxillofacial Trauma
- Etiology & PathoPhYsiologY Differential Dx
. Often results from MVCs, penetrating trauma, spofis' assaults, falls . Fractures (lrontal bone. orbit.
. Bony anatomy includes the mandible (awbone)' zygoma (lateral arch of nasal bone, zygomq maxilla,
face), orbit (composed of 7 bones enclosing the globe-fractures may mandible, naso-ethmoidal-orbit
cause eye damage and blindness), and maxilla (midface bone) complex)
. Maxillary fracture classification . Eye injury

-LeFort I: Mobile hard palate and teeth due to a transverse

fracture -Intrinsic eye injury (e.g.,
that separates the maxillary body from the pterygoid plate 1ens, retina, comea)

-LeFort II: Fracture of central palate and maxilla

with mobile nose -Globe peneffation or ruPture
and palate -Optic nerve injury
-LeFort III: Fracture through the frontozygomatic suture,
orbit, and -Extraocular muscle injurY
nose/ethmoid, resulting in complete craniofacial dysjunction with -Lacrimal injury
. TMJ dislocation
mobile orbits, nose, and Palate
. Scalp lacerations may result in exsanguination and death due to the scalp's . Nasal septal hematoma
. C-spine injury
rich vascular supply and should be addressed emergently

Presentation Diagnosis
. Bony point tendemess . Complete vision assessment, extraocular muscle assessment, and eye
. Battle's sign (mastoid ecchymosis) exam are required in all Patients
suggests basilar skull fracture . CT scan is the gold standard to evaluate presence and extent of frac-
. Raccoon eyes (orbital ecchymoses) tures and globe injuries
suggests orbital fracture . Plain X-rays offace (3 views are required)
. Nasal septal hematoma -Not as sensitive as CT for facial fractures
. CSF rhinorrhea -May show fracture lines, asymmetry, air-fluid levels or complete
. LeFort fracture: May have elongated lucency of sinuses (sinus fracture with bleeding into sinuses), or
face or unstable maxilla presence of soft tissue in the superior maxillary sinus (orbital her-
. Mandible fracture: Malocclusion, niation)
positive tongue blade test (pain with . Panoramic X-ray (Panorex) may be slightly more sensitive than CT
twisting of the blade as the patient scan to diagnose mandibular fractures; however, C-spine must be
bites down) cleared and patient must be able to sit upright prior to obtaining this
. Orbital blowout fracture: study
Enophthalmos (sunken eye), infra- . MRI is occasionally used to visualize soft tissue (e.g', optic nerve
orbital anesthesia, diploPia, entrapment)
decreased extraocular movements

Treatment Disposition
. control of the airway is the most mportant concem- . Most facial injuries are not life-threat-
swelling/fractures may result in rapid airway deterioration ening: manage associated serious
injuries prior to facial injuries
-Pull jaw forward to open airway in mandible fractures . Facial injury is the most common com-
as cribriform plate
-Nasotracheal intubation is contraindicated
disruption may allow the tube to pass intracranially plaint in domestic violence
. Complications include blindness (espe-
-Surgical airway may be necessary
. Ice, analgesia, and direct pressure or nasal packing as needed cially in LeFort III), chronic pain, dis-
. Fracture management figurement, intracranial infection
(ORIF) (frontal bone or ethmoidal fractures),
-LeFort: Open reduction with intemal fixation
and lacrimal duct damage
-Orbital: ORIF if entrapped or compressed eye structures . Ophthalmology, ENI OMFS, and/or
-Frontal bone: ORIF and antibiotics for depressed or
wall fractures (may extend intracranially) plastic surgery consults may be neces-
is general- sary
-Nasal bone and zygoma: Conservative management . Admit patients with LeFort fractures,
ly sufficient; however, sugery may be necessary
any eye injury frontal bone fractures,
-Mandible fracture: ORIF for open fractures
ethmoidal fractures, or orbital disrup-
-TMJ dislocation: Reduction in the ED
pack nose tion
-Nasal septal hematoma: Drain hematoma and
. Scalp lacerations should be emergently secured by whip stitch or
Raney clamps


221. Neck Trauma
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Involved neck structures may include carotid/jugular/vertebral vessels, . Vascular injury to the carotid or
esophagus, pharynx, trachea, larynx, vertebrae, spinal cord venebral arteries or jugular vein
. Penefating neck trauma is generally due to stab or gunshot wounds (transection, dissection, or
-Management decisions are based on the involved neck zone pseudoaneurysm)
lone I: Clavicles to cricoid cafiilage (may involve intrathoracic vascu- . Nervous system injury (cranial
lar structures) nerves, spinal cord, or autonom-
lone Il.'. Cricoid cartilage to angle of the mandible ic nerves)
. Esophageal injury/perforation
-Zone lIl'. From angle of the mandible to base of the skull
. Blunt traruna: may be due to MVA, "clothesline" injury (e.g., on motorcy- . Laryngotracheal injury (vocal
cle or snowmobile), direct blow, strangulation, hanging cord damage, carlilage fracture,
-Associated with vascular, esophageal, and laryngotracheal injury recurrent laryngeal nerve injury,
-Blunt vascular injury may cause carotid dissection or pseudoaneurysm complete laryngotracheal disrup
formation with vessel thrombosis or occlusion tion)
-Strangulation may result in vertebral and spinal cord injury, soft tissue . C-spine injury
trauma, vascular injury, or airway occlusion . Intrathoracic injury

Presentation Diagnosis
. Airway injury: Dyspnea, sfidor, . CT scan or plain films are used to evaluate blunt neck trauma
hoarseness, hemoptysis, air bubbles -Lalsral neck X-ray may reveal foreign body or airway impinge-
from the wound, subculaneous air, ment
tracheal deviation -C-spine X-rays are indicated to clear the C-spine
. Vascular injury: Active bleeding, {hest X-ray may reveal thoracic involvement (e.g., pneurno,/hemo-
decreased carotid pulse, neck bruit, thorax, pneumomediastinum)
neck hematoma (may compromise -Bronchoscopy or esophagoscopy may be required in blunt trauma
airway) . Angiography is used to evaluate for vascular injury
. Neurologic symptoms of carotid -Peneffating injury to Zones I or III require angiographic examina-
injury: Horner's syndrome, tion prior to operative exploration (due to the complex vascular
CVAAIA with motor or sensory anatomy of these zones)
deficits -Peneffating injuries to Zone ll may be operatively explored or
. Arterial or esophageal injuries may selectively managed with angiography, laryngo-tracheobron-
initially be asymptomatic choscopy, and esophagram/esophagoscopy
. Intrathoracic structures may be
involved in lower neck trauma (e.g.,
subclavian vessels, lung)

Treatment Disposition
. Control of airway may be extremely difficult due to distorted . Admit all patients with penetrating neck
anatomy and ongoing bleeding-intubatation is indicated for any injuries and all cases of symptomatic
evidence ofrespiratory disffess, large subcutaneous air, blood in blunt neck trauma; however, blunt
the airway, or tracheal shift injuries may be asymptomatic despite
. Control bleeding with direct pressure significant pathology---consider obser-
. Immediate surgery is indicated if the patient is unstable or if there vation in blunt injuries with significant
is obvious airway, esophageal, or vascular injury mechanisms even in the presence of
. Penetrating neck trauma negative imaging
*Local repair if platysma muscle has not been penetrated . Discharge is acceptable for blunt trau-
-Imaging should be done before surgical exploration for Zones ma patients who are asymptomatic with
I and III injuries; Zone II injuries may undergo immediate sur- negative imaging, trivial mechanism of
gical management injury, and good follow-up
. Blunt neck trauma . Esophageal and anerial injuries may
-Surgery often required for laryngeal or esophageal injury also initially be asymptomatic
-Systemic anticoagulation is often indicated for vascular . Missed esophageal injury may result in
injuries to prevent clot formation and embolization life{hreatening infection of neck or
. Begin antibiotics in cases of suspected esophageal or pharyngeal mediastinum
injury (clindamycin, penicillin plus metronidazole, or


222. Thoracic Trauma-Lung and Esophagus
- Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Injuries result from blunt trauma (i.e., due to organ compression, direct . Puimonary contusionflaceration
trauma, or deceleration injury) or penetrating trauma . Hemothorax/pneumothorax
. Tracheobronchial injury
-Pulmonary contusion: Blunt trauma results in direct lung damage with
alveolar hemorrhage and edema . Diaphragmatic injury
. Air embolism
-Pneumothorax (PTX): Air in the pleural space
. Clavicle, stemum, rib fracture
-Tension pneumothorax: PTX with hemodynamic instability
from increasing intrapleural pressure, mediastinal shift, and decreased . Flail chest
venous retum . Esophageal injury
. Pericardial tamponade
-Hemothorax: Blood in pleural space, often due to lung laceration
. Penetrating injury to heart
-Flail chest: Multiple contiguous rib fractures resulting in free-floating
ribs with paradoxical motion on respiration . Cardiac contusion
. Cardiac wa1l rupture
-Tracheobronchial injury: Laceration of the airway
. Valvular rupture
-Diaphragmatic injury: May be due to penetrating trauma or blunt rup-
ture and may result in bowel hemiation into thorax . Aortic rupture or dissection

-Esophageal injury: May be iatrogenic or due to trauma

Presentation Diagnosis
. Lung contusion: Dyspnea, tachyp- . Chest X-ray is the initial test obtained but has poor sensitivity
nea, crackles, hemoptysis -Pulmonary contusion: Patchy infiltrates
. Tension PTX: Hypotension, tracheal -Pneumothorax: Thin, radiolucent pleural line; absent lung mark-
deviation, absent breath sounds, ings peripheral to the line (difficult to diagnose on supine film)
hyperresonance, distended neck -Tracheobronchial injury: Pneumomediastinum, cervical air
veins, high airway pressures -Diaphragmatic rupture: Bowel hemiation into chest, elevated
. Hemo/pneumothorax: Respiratory hemidiaphragm, may see NG tube in the chest or chest tube in the
distress, decreased breath sounds abdomen
. Flail chest: Paradoxical motion of -Esophageal injury: Pneumomediastinurn, wide mediastinum
fractured ribs -May show fractures of ribs, stemum, clavicle, and scapula and
. Tracheobronchial injury: Dyspnea, slemoclavicular dislocation
subcutaneous air, pneumothorax, . Chest CT will identify hemothorax, pneumothorax, pulmonary contu-
pneumomediastinum sion or laceration, pneumomediastinum, and some cases of
. Diaphragmatic injury: Dyspnea, diaphragm injury
abdominal pain, or asymptomatic . Esophagram and/or esophagoscopy if suspect esophageal injury
. Esophagus injury: Chest/neck pain, . Bronchoscopy if suspect tracheobronchial injury
dysphagia. lever. subculaneous air

Treatment Disposition
. Resuscitation as necessary with IV fluids and blood . Admit ali patients with inirathoracic
. Intubate for respiratory dishess or hypoxemia injuries
. Pulmonary contusion: Pain control, encor[age deep breathing . Tracheobronchial injuries result in high
. Pneumothorax: Insert chest tube if large or expanding morbidity and mortality; may result in
. Tension PTX: Immediate needle decompression, chest tube strictue, bronchopleural fistula, or
. Open pneumothorax ("sucking chest wound"): Cover with a death
three-sided partially occlusive dressing, surgical repair . Diaphragmatic injury may allow bowel
. Hemothorax: lnsert chest tube or proceed to surgery if large, hemiation into chest with resuiting
expanding, or persistently bleeding bowel ischemia and/or infarction (may
. Pneumomediastinum: Identify source (e.g., esophageal or tlacheo- present years after injury with bowel in
bronchial iniury) and ffeat appropdately thorax)
. Tracheobronchial injury: Surgical repair . Delay in diagnosis of esophageal injury
. Diaphragmatic injury: Surgical repair may result in significant mortality due
. Esophageal rupture: Broad-spectrum antibiotics and surgical to mediastinitis (>507o mortality if
repair repaired after 24 hours)


223. Thoracic Trauma-Heart and Great Vessels
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Penetrating heart injuries generally occur by gunshot or knife wound . Pulmonary contusionAaceration
. Hemothorax
-Result in shock, either due to hemorrhage or pericardial tamponade
(sealed-off bleeding into the pericardial space impedes cardiac output) . Pneumothorax (may be tension)
. Tracheobronchial injury
-Stab wounds are more likely to result in tamponade
. Blunt cardiac injury may occur secondary to high speed MVCs, crush . Diaphragmatic injury
injuries, falls, explosions, and athletics (e.g., baseball-to-chest ffauma) . Clavicle, stemum, rib fracture
. Flail chest
-May result in cardiac contusion, walfseptal rupture, valve injury peri-
cardial injury/tamponade, or coronary artery damage . Esophageal injury
. Penefiating great vessel injury (laceration) may lead to hemothorax, tam- . Pericardial tamponade
ponade, shock. and/or exsanguination . Penetrating heart/vessel injury
. Blunt great vessel injury is generally caused by a high speed MVC with . Cardiac contusion
rapid deceleration, most commonly resulting il aortic rupture or dissec- . Cardiac wall rupture
lion-907o die at scene due to traumatic cardiac arrest . Valvular rupture
. Aortic rupture or dissection

Presentation Diagnosis
. Penetrating heart injury will present . Peneradng thoracic trauma involves heart until proven otherwise
with signs/symptoms of shock or . CXR is the initial test used but has poor sensitivity
with cardiac arrest -Penetrating injuries: Hemothorax
. Cardiac contusion: Tachycardia, -Aortic injury: Mediastinal widening, obscured aortic knob, tra-
chest pain, arrhythmias, chest wall cheal deviation, pleural cap (blood in lung apex)
ecchymosis -Acute tamponade may have normal CXR because as little as
. Valvular injury: Heart murrnur, 50-200 cc in pericardium may cause tamponade
hypotension, shock . Echocardiogram in ED will show pericardial fluid/tamponade (formal
. Cardiac tamponade: Hypotension. cardiac echo is necessary to observe valvular injuries)
distended neck veins, pulsus para- . Chest CT may show great vessel injury or aortic dissection
doxus . Transesophageal echo or aorlography may also be used to evaluate
. Aortic injury: Upper extremity the aorta (if CT is negative)
hyper- or normotension with weak . ECG may show ischemic changes, ectopy, or arrhythmia due to car-
femoral pulses if aorta is injured in diac contusion or to ischemia from coronary artery injury
the most common location (distal to . Cardiac enzymes may be elevated due to ischemia or infarction
the left subclavian artery), inter- resulting from hypotension, cardiac contusion, coronary occlusion/
scapular munnur, hemothorax dissection, or aortic dissection ilto coronary vessels

Treatment Disposition
fV fluids and blood
. A1l patients require resuscitation with . All patients with intrathoracic injury
. Immediate ED thoracotomy for shock not responsive to fluid ther- should be admitted
apy, cardiac arrest, or impending arrest . Penetrating trauma with no initial signs
. Penetrating heart injuries of life (i.e., in the field) has 27o survival
unable to perfom ED thoracotomy, immediate pericardio- . Blunt trauma with no initial signs of life
centesis may be used to evacuate possible cardiac tamponade has 0% survival
. Blunt thoracic fauma with initial signs
-Proceed to surgery ASAP for thoracotomy and repair
. Biunt heart injuries of life but ensuing cardiac a:nestbas 2Vo
-Treat rhythm or conduction disturbances per ACLS survival
. Penetrating injuries that present with
-Valve injuries should proceed to surgery once stabilized
. Penetrating vessel injury shock have 30-507o survival
-IV fluids must be used cautiously to maintain SBP near 90-
. Stab wounds have a better prognosis
increasing blood pressures may cause rupture of formed clot than gunshot wounds
and hemorrhage
-A11 patients ultimately proceed to surgery
. Blunt aortic injury
-Maintain SBP < 120 with B-blockers and nitroprusside
-Most patients will require surgery


224. Approach to Abdominal Trauma
- Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Penetrating abdominal trauma . Thoracic injury (lung, heart, or
-Most commonly due to stab or gunshot wounds (GSW) esophagus)
. Diaphragmatic injury
-May be associated with chest, diaphragmatic, or retroperitoneal injury
. Abdorninal injury
-Liver and small bowel are the most likely damaged organs
may not penetrate the peritoneum and are often managed -Liver
-Stab wounds
conservatively; however, GSWs nearly always require exploratory sur- -Spleen
gery to manage intraperitoneal injuries -Bowel
. Blunt abdominal trauma -Pancreas
-Most commonly due to motor vehicle crashes -Stomach
. Genitourinary injury
-Other causes include falls and assaults
(causing . Pelvic fracture
-Results from crush or deceleration injuries to solid organs
hemorrhage) or intestine (causing perforation and peritonitis) . Rib fracture
-Spleen and liver are the most frequently involved organs

Presentation Diagnosis
. Normal physical exam does not reli- . Focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) ultrasound
ably rule out intra-abdominal injury exam is a quick, non-invasive method to examine abdominal compart-
. Note the presence of superficial ments and the pericardium for blood
wounds, abrasions, ecchymoses, or -Sensitive for hemoperitoneum and faster than DPL
entrance/exit wounds -Does not identify the specific cause of peritoneal bleeding
. Abdominal pain/tendemess . Diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) assesses for blood in the peri-
. Peritoneal signs may be present toneal cavity, but does not identify involved organ or evaluate
. Kehr's sign: Left shoulder pain retroperitoneum---considered positive il blunt trauma if 10 cc of
referred from splenic injury gross blood or fluid lavage with >100,000 RBCs, >500 WBCs, fecal
. Small bowel injuries may be asymp- matter, or increased amylase
tomatic . Plain films are quick and cheap, but rarely helpful-CXR may reveal
. May present with shock due to intrathoracic injury, free abdominal air, or ruptured diaphragm; pelvic
blood loss: Hypotension, tachycar- X-ray may reveal pelvic fracture
dia. and poor peripheral perfusion . Abdominal CT is used only for stable patients
-Unstable patients should proceed directly to sugery
-Very sensitive for intra- and extra-abdominal injury, though less
sensitive for bowel, pancreas, and diaphragmatic injuries

Treatment Disposition
. Unstable patients or those with clear signs of intra-abdominal . Penetrating trauma
injury (e.g., peritoneal signs on exam, diaphragmatic injury, -Admlssion if surgery is required or
abdominal free air, or evisceration) should immediately proceed for observation of asymptomatic
to surgery intraperitoneal stab wounds
. Blunt trauma may be observed and managed non-operatively -Discharge patients with superficial
based on clinical status and the degee of injury seen on CT stab or gunshot wounds that do not
. Penetrating trauma violate the peritoneum
. Blunt trauma
-Proceed to surgery under the above indications
-Most GSWs require surgery due to the depth of penetration -Admit patients with identified injury
and frequent intraperitoneal involvement -Patients without identified injury but
-Stab wounds may be explored locally in the ED (under sterile with co-morbid conditions or with
conditions) to determine peritoneal violation; if peritoneum is significant mechanisms of injury
intact, patient may be sutured and discharged should be admitted for observation
-Stab wounds proven to violate the peritoneum but without and serial CT scans
clinical signs of injury or evidence of bleeding on DPL may -Discharge patients with negative CT
be managed conservatively and low risk of intra-abdominal
-Stab wounds with intraperitoneal injury require surgery injury
-Retained foreign bodies must be surgicaliy removed -Patients may retum to the ED with
late presentation of bowel or pancre-
atic injury


225. Abdominal Trau ma-Liver, Biliary, and Pancreas
Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Injuries may occur due to blunt or penetrating ftauma . Liver injury
. Grade of liver injury is based on the extent of hematoma or laceration . Pancreatic injury
seen on CT . Biiiary tree injury
-I: Subcapsular hematoma (1070 surface area or a laceration {1 cm . Hollow viscus (e.g., stomach,
-II: Subcapsular hematoma 10-507o of liver surface area, intra- intestine) iniury
parenchymal hematoma (10 cm, or a laceration 1-3 cm . Rib fracture
. Intrathoracic injury
-III: Subcapsular hematoma >507o ofliver surface area, subcapsular . Pelvic fraciure
hematoma with active bleeding, or a laceration )3 cm
. Genitourinary injury
-IV: Intraparenchymal hematoma with active bleeding or a laceration
of 25J57o of a hepatic lobe
*V: Laceration )>757o of ahepatic lobe or an IVC injury
-VI: Hepatic avulsion (complete disruption of vascular supply)
. Pancreatic injury follows a similar classification scheme
. Biliary injury is difficult to diagnose by CT or physical exam

Presentation Diagnosis
. Abdominal exam may be normal- . Unstable patients or those with penetrating abdominal injuries with
patients may appear stable even obvious peritoneal invasion should proceed directly to surgery with-
with significant injury out pausing for CT, DPL, or FAST ultrasound
. Abdominal pain, tendemess, guard- . CXR is usually normal, but liver injury may be associated with lower
ing, rebound, and distension may be rib fractures
present . FAST ultrasound/DPl are quick, sensitive screening tests for
. Symptoms of significant blood loss intraperitoneal bleeding; however, they do not identify the specific
or 3rd spacing include tachycardia, bleeding organ
hypotension, diaphoresis, cool skin, . Abdominai CT is indicated for stable patients with blunt injuries to
mental slarus changes. shock identify the extent of iiver injury; however, CT is less sensitive for
. Note any superhcial wounds (ecchy- early biliary or pancrealic injuries
mosis, abrasions) on abdomen or . Angiography is used in stable patients to identify and embolize per-
thorax sistently bleeding hepatic vessels
. Biliary injuries are often asympto- . Pancreatic injury may cause elevated lipase (may be normal initially)
matic---delayed symptoms include and amylase (nonspecific in pancreatic trauma)
.jaundice, ascites, and sepsis
. Biliary iljury often requires ERCP, HIDA scan, or surgical explo-
ration for diagnosis

Treatment Disposition
. Unstable patients and those with penetratirg liver injuries should . Admit all patients for either surgical
undergo immediate exploratory laparotomy intervention or observation
. Blunt liver injuries . loVo morlalily in liver injuries
cases are managed consewativeiy . Non-operative management of liver
-Indications for operative management include expanding injuries may be complicated by
homatoma, hemodynamic instability, multiple injuries, or poor delayed bleeding, missed injury, bile
physiologic resewe leakage, abscess, and sepsis
. Complications of pancreatic injury
-Operative interventions include either laparotomy or angiogra-
phy with embolization of bleeding vessels include pancreatitis, pseudocyst forma-
-Non-operatively managed patients require serial exams and tion, panffeatico-duodenai fistula, and
vital signs, serial blood counts, and repeat CT scans hemorrhage
. Angiographic embolization may be used in stable patients with . Due to difficulty of diagnosis, biliary
persistent bleeding, especially if the bleeding site is identified by injuries are often missed initially and
a contrast blush on CT may present later with jaundice. ascites.
. Biliary injuries require surgicai repair and sepsis
. Pancreatic injury is generally treated conservatively with no oral
intake and with iarge volumes offluid due to 3rd spacing of
intravascular volume into the retroperitoneum



226. Abdomi nal Trau ma-Spleen

Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Injury occurs due to both blunt and penetrating trauma . Liver injury
. Grading of splenic injury . Pancreatic injury
-I: Nonbleeding laceration (1 cm or subcapsular hematoma 1107o of
. Biliary tree injury
spieen surface area
. Hollow viscus injury
Laceration 1-3 cm, subcapsular hematoma 1V507o of spleen sur- . Rib fracture
-II: . Intrathoracic iniury
face area, or intraparenchymal bleed <5 cm in diameter
. Pelvic fracture
-III: Laceration )3 cm, subcapsular hematoma )5OVo strtace area,
ruptured subcapsular hematoma, or intraparenchymal bleed )5 cm . Genitourinary injury
-IV: Laceration involving segmental vessels or a ruptured intra-
parenchymal hematoma
-V: Completely shattered spleen or hilar injury with spleen devascular-

Presentation Diagnosis
. Splenic injury may present after . Unstable patients lequire immediate surgical intewention without
only trivial trauma pausing for imaging studies
. Patient may appear stable even with . Chest X-ray is generally normal; however, splenic injury may be
significant irjury associated with left lower rib fractures
. Left upper quadrant abdominal . FAST ultrasound/DPl are very sensitive screening tests for intraperi-
pain/tendemess (abdominal exam toneal bleeding but do not identify the specific bleeding organ
may be normal) . Abdominal CT is very sensitive for splenic injury and may identify
. Abdominal wal1 signs include associated injuries
ecchymosis, bullet holes, or "seat- . Angiography is used in stable patients to identify and embolize per-
belt sign" sistently bleeding vessels
. Kehr's sign: Left shoulder pain
referred from spleen
. Symptoms of significant blood loss
may include mental status changes,
tachycardia, hypotension, cool skin,
diaphoresis, and shock

Treatment Disposition
. Immediate surgical intervention is indicated for unstable patients . patients with splenic injury should

or those with penetrating trauma and obvious inftapedtoneal be admitted (patients with significant
injury injury may appear stable)
. Splenic injuries fail non-operative man-
-Splenorrhaphy (splenic repair) is attempted frst if the
is stable agement at a greater rate than liver
-Total splenectomy is usually reserved for unconfollable injuries
bleeding, grade IV-V injury, or significant associated injuries . Even simple grade I injuries may
that preclude a lengthy surgical repair require embolization due to persistent
. Penetrating trauma often results in intraperitoneal injury and bleeding
requires immediate surgical intervention . Failure to diagnose splenic bleeding
. Blunt ffauma is often managed non-operatively may result in delayed splenic rupture
-Conservative management entails serial exams, vital signs,
days to weeks post-trauma
blood counts, and CT scans
-Surgical management is indicated for high-grade splenic
lesions, hypotension, persistent transfusion requirements, or
poor physiologic reserve
-{hildren with blunt injury are usually managed without sur-
-Angiographic embolization of persistently bleeding vessels
may be indicated in stable patients


227. Abdomi nal Trau ma-l ntesti ne
Differential Dx
. Small bowel and ffansverse coion are intraperitoneal organs; lhe duode- . Diaphragmatic injury
num, ascending and descending colon are retroperitoneal . Splenic injury
. Duodenal trauma . Liver injury
. Biliary tract injury
-Most cases are due to penetrating trauma
. Pancreatic injury
-,Lbort 25Va of cases are due to blunt trauma (i.e., abrupt deceleration
or a direct blow) . Mesenteric artery injury
. Intrathoracic injury
-May result in laceration, perforation, or duodenal wal1 hematoma
. Small bowel and colon trauma
-Penetrating trauma: Smali htestine is injured rn >807o of gunshot
wounds and 507o of stab wounds
-Blunt trauma: Bowel is injured in 107o of blunt abdominal trauma,
most commonly the sigmoid colon (e.g., due to MVA, bicycle handle-
bars, child abuse)
Bowel injuries may include perforation, wall hematoma, and disrup-
tion of vascular supply

Presentation Diagnosis
. Abdominal pain, tendemess, guard- . Diagnostic peritoneal lavage may show bile, blood, or feces
ing, rebound, and decreased bowel -Not specific for bowel injury-may be positive with other abdom
sounds may be present inal injuries that result in bleeding into the peritoneum
. Retroperitoneal injuries (duodenum . FAST ultrasound will show free intraperitoneal fluid but is not sensi-
and ascending/descending colon) tive for hollow viscus (i.e., stomach, intestine) injury
may result in back or flank pain. . Abdominal CT has limited sensitivity for bowel injuries
flank ecchymosis, or flank -Duodenal injury may show wail hematoma, retroperitoneal air, or
hematoma fluid between the kidney and the duodenum
. Gross blood may be present on rec- -Blunt intestinal irijury may show free air, intraperitoneal fluid,
tal exam bowel wall thickening, or mesenteric streaking
. Delayed symptoms may include *Penetrating intestinal injury may show free air or intraperitoneal
fever and other signs of infection, fluid. but has extremely poor sensitivity
worsening pain, and peritoneal signs . Upright X-ray
-Bowel perforation results in free air
-Duodenal injury results in retroperitoneal air, air around the right
kidney, or loss of psoas shadow
. Surgical exploration is often necessary to identify injury

Treatment Disposition
. Mild injuries can often be managed conseruatively with bowel . Complications include gastric outlet
rest, nasogastric decompression, and parenteral nutdtion obstruction, small bowel obstnrction,
. Indications for exploratory laparotomy include any penetrating peritonitis, sepsis, shock, and bowei
wound into the pedtoneum, peritoneal signs, free air, high index necrosis
of suspicion for bowel injury, hemodynamic i-nstability, gross . Mortality is lU3UVo, and may be high-
blood on rectal exam, positive FAST or DPL, impaled foreign er if diagnosis is initially missed
body, or evisceration . Admit all patients with duodenal or
. Severe duodenal lacerations require surgical repair intestinal injuries
. Blunt intestinal injuries require exploratory laparotomy if there is . Discharge is acceptable for GSWs or
evidence of perforation stab wounds that do not penetrate the
. Peneffating intestinal injuries peritoneal cavity
Laparotomy is necessary if peritoneal violation is suspected or
-Obsewation alone is sufficient if only the anterior abdominal
wall is involved
-Obsewation of penetrating flank injuries should include triple
contrast CT (oral, IV, rectal) in the management
. Broad-spectrum antibiotics should be administered in any patient
undergoing surgery



228. Genitourin ary Trauma

Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. GU injuries occur il np to 5Ea of trauma patients (increased incidence in . Kidney: Contusion (90Vo of kid-
children) ney injuries), laceration,
-Kidney injuries account for 80Vo of GU trauma hematoma, vascular injury or
-Other injuries to bladder, uretbra, ureter, penis, testicles, prostate thrombosis, rupture, avulsion
. Often associated with lumbar, sacral, and pelvic fractures . Ureteral transection
. Grading of renal injuries (via imaging or surgical exploration) is necessary . Bladder: Contusion, rupture
for clinical management . Urethra: Parlia-l or complete
-Grade I: Contusion or subcapsuiar hematoma without laceration transection
-Grade II: Laceration (1 cm or nonexpanding retroperitoneal . Penile or scrotal injuries
hematoma . Traumatic rupture of corpora
-Crade III: Laceration )1 cm or collecting system rupture cavemosa (penile fracture)
-Grade IV: Laceration extending to collecting system or a renal vascular
injury (e.g., thrombosis, laceration)
-Grade V: Shattered kidney or avulsed hilum

Presentation Diagnosis
. Clues to GU injury may inciude . Urinalysis results determine the need for furlher workup
blood on undergarments, perineal -Gross hematuria requires imaging studies and further workup
hematoma or ecchymosis, buttock -Microscopic hematuria (>5 RBCAp0 requires furlher workup
injury, poor rectal tone, abnormal only in cases of rapid deceleration injury (due to risk of renal vas-
prostate exam. rectal laceralions. or cular injury), hypotension, penetrating injury, pelvic fractures, or a
blood at penile meatus pediatric injury with >50 RBC,4rpf
. Kidney injury: Flank pain, tender- . CT scan with contrast will identify and grade renal injuries, renal vas-
ness or ecchymoses (renal vascular cular injury. and associated injuries
injury may be asymptomatic) . Urethrogram (place catheter 2 cm into urethra and inject contrast):
. Scrotal injury: Ecchymosis, testicu- X-ray showing extravasation of contrast itdicates urethral injury
lar tendemess . Cystogram (place contrast into bladder via Foley catheter): X-ray
. Urethral injury: Blood at penile showing extravasation of contrast indicates bladder injury
meatus, high-riding prostate, penile . IV pyelogram will identify ureteral injuriss but is seldom used
or scrotal hematoma; may have . Angiography is only used to rule out renal vascular injury if CT scan
associated pelvic fracture is not definitive
. Testicular injury: Hematocele . X-rays may show pelvic or lumbar fracture, suggesting the possibility
of associated GU iriury

Treatment Disposition
. Do not place a Foley catheter until urethral injury has been ruled . In general, GU injuries are not immedi-
out by exam or appropriate studies ately life threatening
. Renal trauma . Consider discharge for patients with
-Grades I and II: Conservative management uncomplicated microscopic hematuria
-Grades III and IV: Attempt non-operative management with or grades I-II renal injuries
serial blood counts, bed rest, and re-imaging . Admit patients with grades II-V renal
-Nephrectomy may be necessary for penetrating injuries, injuries and patients requiring operative
uncontrolled hemorrhage, vascular injury, ruptured kidney management
(grade V injury), or large urinary extravasation . Upper urinary fact injuries may result
. Ureteral injuries: Require operative repair in bleeding, delayed ureteral leakage
. Bladder trauma: Intraperitoneal rupture requires surgery; with infection, urinoma, incontinence,
extraperitoneal rupture may be observed with placement of Foley fistula, or infected hematoma
catheter and repeat cystograms to ensure healing . Urethral injury may result in stricture or
. Urethral injury: Drain bladder via suprapubic cystostomy or fluo- fistula formation
roscopic Foley placement to allow healing of urethra; complete . Patients with missed ureteral or renal
lacerations require surgical repair pelvis injuries may present 1-2 weeks
. Testicular or penile injuries: Require surgical exploration and/or following trauma with pain, fever, or
repair sepsis



229.Trauma in Special Populations

Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Trauma in pregnancy requires evaluation/care for mother and fetus . Pregnancy: Preterm labor, pla-
*Even minor trauma may cause placental abruption and fetal death cental abruption, premature rup-
-Physiologic changes during pregnancy (2OVo increase in pulse, 207o ture of membranes, fetal-
decrease in blood pressure, and 50Vo increase in blood volume) may matemal hemorrhage, uterine
mask early signs of shock ruptue, direct fetal injury, fetal
Uterine blood flow is compromised before there is evidence of mater- distress
nai hypotension . Elderly: Increased risk of sub-
. Geriatric trauma dural hematoma, C-spine or
-May not tolerate even minor injuries due to poor resewe great vessel irjury. fractures.
-May not be able to appropriately increase heart rate due to medications and ischemia secondary to blood
(e.g., p-blockers) or heart disease loss
. Pediatric: Increased risk of
-High risk of organ ischemia during hypovolemia
. Pediatric trauma is the leading cause of death in children ) 1 year o1d intracranial iniury
-Children have a large physiologic reserve; they may appear stable but
then rapidly decompensate

Presentation Diagnosis
. Pregnancy . Follow basic trauma guidelines for all patients
. Pregnancy
-Assess gestational age (fundus is
at the umbilicus at 20 weeks) Rh status and Kleihauer-Betke assay (detects fetal-matemal blood
-Palpate uterus for tendemess or mixing) to determine need for Rh immune globulin
contractions -Perform all necessary imaging while shielding abdomen/pelvis
-Pelvic exam to evaluate bleeding -Extemal fetal monitoring in all patients looking for evidence of
or amniotic membrane rupture fetal distress (e.g., brady- or tachycardia, lack ofheart rate vari-
-Assess fetus via fetal heart tones ability, persistent or late decelerations); uterine contractions may
. Elderly require frequent reassess- indicate abruption
ment (can deteriomte rapidly); med- -Obstetric ultrasound may not detect all injuries (especially uterine
ical history and medications are rupture or fetal-placental injuries)
imporlant . Elderly
. Pediatric shock or hypoxia may Identify potential underlying cause of trauma (e.g., syrcope,
present as agitation, poor capillary CVA/IIA, arrhythmia, aortic dissection, MI, AAA)
refill, or tachycardia before -Use CT scans,X-rays liberally as exrun may be unreliable
hypotension is evident . Pediatric
-Head CT scan may be necessary to rule out intracranial injury

Treatment Disposition
. Trauma in pregnancy . Pregnancy
-Stabilize mother filst and involve obstetrics early -Admission is usually required
Place a wedge under right hip to ro11 uterus off the IVC -Discharge only after OB consulta-
-Administer Rh immune globulin to Rh-negative patients tion and 4 hours of fetal monitoring
-Consider tocolysis versus delivery for preterm labor without uterine irritability
-Emergent C-section for fetal distress or abruption -Maternal surgery does nrl worsen
-Perform perimortem C-section within 5 minutes of matemal fetal outcome
traumatic anest; continue matemal resuscitation throughout -Consider domestic violence (present
. Elderly trauma in up to 307o of cases)
-Early use of invasive hemodynamic monitoring improves out- -Fetus may be in distress even if
comes as volume management may be difficult due to co- mother is stable
morbidities (e.g., CHF) . Elderly
-Avoid hypoxia/hypoperfusion via volume resuscitation and -Higher mortality rates
transfusion -Elder abuse in 5-157o of cases
. Pediatric trauma -Close follow-up after discharge
-Airway anatomy is different than adult patients -Minor injuries may cause significant
-BP aione does not reflect adequate resuscitation----clinical evi morbidity
dence of good peripheral perfusion must be present . Pediatric: Consider abuse; consider
transfer to a pediatric trauma center


230. Burns
Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. Thermal, electrical, or chemicai injury resulting in damage to the skin bar- . Thermal bum
rieq inflammation and cellular damage/death, and systemic immunosup- . Chemical bum
pression, predisposing to infection (especially by Staphylococcus, -Acids-cause coagulation
Streptoc us, and P s e udomonas)
o cc necrosis. which limits the
. Loss of skin integrity results in increased insensible fluid losses, impaired depth of penetration
thermoregulation, and increased risk of infection -Aikali (e.g., lye, lime,
. Fluid voiume is rapidly lost both due to disrupted skin integrity and due to cement)----cause liquefaction
3rd spacing into the interstitium of damaged tissues-adequate fluid necrosis, resulting in deep
resuscitation is essential peneff ation with systemic
. Smoke inhalation injury is often associated with bums, resulting in acute effects
lung injury with bronchospasm, airway and airspace edema. pneumoniris. -Metals
and eventually ARDS; inhalation may also resuit in carbon monoxide or . Electdcal bum (including light-
hydrogen cyanide poisoning ning)
. Facial bums, singed nose hair or eyebrows, voice changes, and carbona- . Child abuse
ceous sputum suggesl upper airway injury . Scalded skin syndrome

Presentation Diagnosis
. lst degree (e.g., sunbum) . Estimate burn size by "rule of 9s" (Vo of total body surface area
TBSA) to guide therapy and need for transfer to bum center
-Superfi cial epidermal bum
-Erythema, pain, no blistering/scar -Each arm 97o -Anteiot torso 187o -Headlneck9Vo
. 2nd degree (partial thickness) -Each leg 187o -Posterior torso 18% -Perineum 17o
. Percentages ofTBSA in children are different than in adults
-Dermis is involved
. Minor bum: <157o TBSA (<10Vo in children/elderly)
-Pain. redness. and blistering
. Moderate blu:::. I5-25Vo TBSA (10-207o in children/elderly)
-Deeper 2nd degree bums result
in destruction of hair follicles . Major burn: >257o TBSA (>20o/o in children/elderly), full-thickness
and sebaceous glands bttt do not bums covering > 10% TBSA, bums in areas that may cause cosmetic
cause pain (due to dead nerve or functional problems (e.g., hand, face, perineum, or circumferential
endings) bums), or other complications (e.g., inhalation injury, deep tissue
. 3rd degree (full thickness) damage due to electric bums)
. Labs may include CBC, electrolytes, renal function, ABG, carboxy-
-White pearly appearance due to
absent blood flow hemoglobin 1evel, alcohol and toxicology screens
. CXR for inhalation injury may show pulmonary edema or ARDS
-Visible thrombosed vessels are
pathognomonic . Bum wound infection is diagnosed by wound culture or biopsy that
-Do not cause pain demonstrates ) 10s organisms
. 4th degree: Bum of muscle or bone

Treatment Disposition
. Airway edema may compromise breathing-intubate if significant . lst degree bums heal within a week
facial or neck bums or for respiratory distress . Superficial 2nd degree heal in 1-3 wks
. Aggressive fluid administration to replace insensible losses is the . Deep 2nd degree and 3rd degree often
most imponant aspect ol resuscitalion require skin gralting to prevent scarring
. Complications include infection, inhala-
-Continually reassess adequacy offluids by monitoring blood
pressure, urine output, and peripheral perfusion (central tion injury, carbon monoxide or cyanide
venous pressure monitoring may be useful) poisoning, hypothermia, and eschar for-
-Parkland formula (adults): Infuse crystalloid at 4 cckglVa mation
TBSA over the first 24 hours, wilh Yz in the first 8 hours . Admit to specialized burn unit patients
*Children: Parkland formula plus hourly maintenance rate with smoke inhalation, electrical bums,
. Administer IV antibiotics and tetanus prophylaxis >20olo of body surface involved, or
. Pain control with IV narcotics severe bums to hands, feet, face, or per-
. Minor bums ineum
. Discharge minor bums with follow-up
-NSAIDs or narcotics for pain
-Debride dead tissue but leave blisters intact in 24-48 hours
. 50@o ol deaths due to inhalation injury
-Apply non-adherent dry gauze to skin twice a day and clean
wound during each dressing change . Emergent escharotomy in patients with
-Apply topical antimicrobials (e.g., silver sulfadiazine-avoid constrictions caused by circumferential
use on face as may bleach skin) burns (neck, thorax, exffemity)




231. General Approach to Orthopedic lnjuries
- Differential Dx
. Fractures may be haumatic, stress-related (i.e., overuse iljuries)' or patho- . Septic arthritis
logic (e.g., secondary to existing weakness of bone due to tumor or . Rheumatoid arthritis
osteoporosis) . Osteoafihritis
. Obtain a detailed history of the type of injwy, direction of force, and any . Crystalline a(hritis (e.g., gout,
attempts in the field to manually teduce or immobilize the affected area pseudogout)
. History of osteoporosis, Paget's disease, chronic steroid use' or end stage . Fracture
renal disease increases fracture risk . Dislocation
. Early complications include tendon injury, infection from open wounds, . Subluxation
compartment syndrome, hemorrhage, or neurovascular deficit . Sprain
. Late complications include malunion, nonunion, delayed union, avasculat . Ligament tear
necrosis, arthdtis, neurovasculat deficits, osteomyelitis, and pulmonary . Tendon rupture

Presentation Diagnosis
. Assess for neurovascular compro- . X-rays should always include at least 2 views (may also require
mise (e.g., examine distal pulses, additional specialized views) of the involved bones and must visualize
observe capillary refill, and check a joint above and below the suspected injury
for sensory deficits) . Strain: A muscular or soft tissue injury (usually due to overuse)
. Inspect for deformity, obvious . Sprain: A ligamentous injury
bleeding. open wounds. loreign . Dislocation/subluxation: Complete/partial loss of contact between
bodies. swelling. and discoloration two articulating surfaces
. Palpate for bony crepitus . Fracture characteristics
. lf no gross bony abnormality is -Location: Metaphysis, diaphysis, or epiphysis
presenl. evaluate aclive and passive -Type: Comminuted ()2 fragments), transverse, oblique, spiral
range of motion -Angulation: Direction (dorsal or voiar) and magnitude (in
. Check function and stability of degrees) of the distal fragment
ligaments and tendons -Rotation
-Displacement: Quantify based on 7o the fragments are offset
-Shortening or impaction
-Joint involvement
-Open (any break in skin) versus closed

Treatment Disposition
. General fracture management: Immobilize the affected area . Orthopedics consultation is required for
(including the joint above and below the injury), analgesia open fractures, irreducible fractures or
(NSAIDs and/or narcotics), ice, compression, and elevation dislocations, compartment syndrome,
. Perform frequent neurovascular checks, parlicularly before and uncontrollable hemorrhage, or any
alter any movement or reduction neurovascular deficits
. Immobilization is usually accompiished with a plaster splint and . Most patients are discharged home with
ace bandage wrap (early circumferential casting may compromise immobilization, ice, elevation,
blood supply) NSAlDs/analgesics, and close orthope-
. Buddy splinting by taping an injured digit to an adjacent digit is dic follow-up
appropriate il some cases . Open fractures carry risk of infection
. Dislocations, rotational deformities, and angulation deformities and osteomyelitis
should be reduced under sedation to the approximate anatomic . Patients should be instructed to retum
position to the ED if they have any decreased
. Obtain radiographs before and after reduction sensation, intractable pain, or impaired
. Open fractures require anti-staphylococcal antibiotics circulation


232. Pediatric Fractures
Differential Dx
. Anatomy of long bones: Diaphysis (shaft), metaphysis, physis (growth . Physeal growth plate fracture
plate), and epiphysis (bone distal to growth plate) . Supracondylar fracture
. Fractures often occur at the physis, which is the weakest component . Dislocation
. Ligament injuries are uncommon-the physis is weaker than the . Sprain
ligaments and thus generally fractures before a ligament tears . Slipped capital femoral epiphy-
. Salter-Harris classification of physeal fractures sis
. Malignancy
-Type I: Fracture through the physis only (X-rays are often normal)
. Brodie abscess
-Type II (most common): Fracture through the physis that extends
across the metaphysis . Infectious arthritis
the physis, across the epiphysis, and into the . Osteomyelitis
-Type III: Fracture through
joint . Juvenile arthritis
. Rheumatic fever
-Type IV: Fmcture involving the metaphysis, physis, and epiphysis
-T1pe V: Crush injury of the physis (often misdiagnosed as a Type I
. Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
injury) . Osgood-Schlatter syndrome

Presentation Diagnosis
. Pain, tendemess, and swelling . Plain X-rays may reveal diaphyseal, metaphyseal, and Salter-Harris
. Refusal to use the extremity or to fractures (except Type I)
bear weight . Fracture types
. Ecchymosis -Complete (most common): Both sides of cortex are disrupted-
. Tendemess over any physis (even may be spiral, transverse, oblique, or comminuted
with negative X-rays) is presump- -Buckle: Incomplete disruption of the cortex, resulting in compres-
tively diagnosed as a Salter-Harris sion and bulging deformity of the cortex
Tlpe I fracture -Greenstick: Unilateral cortical fracture with bending of the
. Pediatric bones (more so than adult opposite cortex
bones) are more likely to deform -Plastic deformity: Stress on the bone results in a bowing or bend-
without breaking ing deformity while the coflex remains inlact
. Radial head subluxation -Toddler's fracture: Oblique distal tibia fracture in infants
(Nursemaid's elbow) classically . Other pediatric injuries include radial head subluxation, transient hip
presents with the arm held in tenosynovitis (hip pain following URI), Legg-Calve-Perthes (avascu-
flexion and pronation lar necrosis of femoral head), Osgood-Schlatter (apophysitis caused
by repetitive ffaction to the tibial tuberosity), siipped capital femoral
epiphysis (groin or hip pain in a teen)

Treatment Disposition
. Analgesia with NSAIDs and narcotics . pediatric fractures should receive
. Avoid oral intake until the need for fracture reduction with prompt orthopedic follow-up
conscious sedation is determined . Maintain a high index of suspicion for
. Reduction should be attempted for all displaced fractures- child abuse
complicated physeal or afticular fractures may require orthopedic . Retum to the ED if child complains of
reducti on numbness, tingling, cold extremity,
. Splinting to immobilize the joint above and below the fracture worsening pain. or bluish skin
. Salter-Harris Types III, IY and V fractures require orthopedics . Obtain follow-up X-rays 10-14 days
consult in the ED or soon thereafter after iniury to identify Salter I fractures
. Salter-Harris Types I and II may be discharged home after . Complications include non-union.
splinting deformity, and growth arrest
. Open fractures require tetanus immunization, anti-staphylococcal . Salter-Harris fracture outcomes
antibiotics, and orthopedic consultation -I, II: Good healing, normal growth
. Displaced epiphyseal fractures, intra-arlicular fractures, open -II, IV: Increased risk of growth
fractures, or fractures unable to be reduced appropriately in the disruption
ED will often require open reduction with intemal fixation -V: Growth complications are


233 . Cervical Spine Fractures
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. See associated "Neck Pain" entry . Cervical strain ("whiplash")
. The cervical spine has 7 vertebrae, each consisting of a body, an arch . Disc hemiation
encompassing the spinal cord, and posterior elements (spinous processes . Atlanto-occipital dislocation
and facets) . Atlanto-axial dislocation
. 507o ofverlebral injuries are due to motor vehicle accidents, 207o arc dte . Vertebral subluxation
Io falls,757o are sports-related, and 757o are due to weapons/violence . Vertebral fracture
. Up to 50Va of C-spine fractures have associated neurologic injury . Ligament sprain
. Classified based on the mechanism of injury and stability of the fracture . Unilateral facet dislocation
. Fracture stability dictates heatment and need for urgent neurosurgical . Facet dislocation
consultation; C7 andC2 fractures are generally less stable (due to less lig- . Hangman's fracture
amentous and muscular support i-n the upper neck) . Posterior neural arch fracture
. Jefferson's fracture

Presentation Diagnosis
. Odontoid fracture may result rn a . Imaging is indicated if the cli-nical presentation reveais neck stiffness
feeiing of impending doom or pain, muscle spasm, tendemess to palpation, or neurologic symp-
. Atlanto-occipiiaVatlanto-axial dislo- toms (e.9., weakness, numbness, paresthesias, abnormal DTRs)
cation: Severe instability at . X-rays include AP, lateral, open-mouth, and oblique views
C7l2 d:ue to ligamentous disruption . CT scan to visualize bony structures is indicated to better characterize
. Teardrop fracture: Fragmental loss a fracture or if plain films are inadequate
of antero-inferior vertebral body . MRI will evaluate ligaments, soft tissue, and spinal cord compression
. Clay shoveler's fracture: Avulsion . If plain fiims are normal but the patient still complains of pain or ten-
of a C5-7 spinous process demess, further workup is ilstitution-dependent
. Hangman's fracture: Unstable bilat- -Some institutions obtain a CT scan and flexion-extension films
eral C2 pedicle fracture (however, this may not rule out all ligamentous injuries)
. Jefferson's fracture: Burst fracture -Some discharge the patient in a hard C-collar with spine follow-up
ofthe Cl ring due to axial loading in 5-7 days-if pain has resolved at that time, the collar is
. Burst fracture: Cornminuted verte- removed; if not, a MRI is ordered
bral body fracture; fragments may -Some immediately order a MRI
intrude into the spinal cord (high
risk of neurologic deficit)

Treatment Disposition
. Patients with suspected injury must remain immobilized until . Due to the significant risk of morbidity
clinically or radiographically cleared of injury and mortality associated with missed
*Resuscitation should take place with cervical spine precau- spinal fractures, obtain spine consulta-
tions, inciuding in-line stabilization for intubation tion if necessary
-If the patient is awake, oriented, cooperative, has no history of . Emergent surgery is required for any
alcohol ingestion or distracting injuries, and denies neck pain evidence of cord compression
or tendemess, the spine can be cleared clinically (i.e., without . Patients with unstable fractures should
radiographic evidence) be admitted; some stable fractures may
. A11 fractures require neurosurgical/orthopedic evaluation be discharged in a hard collar after
. Stable injuries can generally be treated with hard collar immobi- spine consultation
lization and analgesics
-Stable injuries include unilateral facet dislocation, wedge and
clay shoveler's fractures, Type 1 odontoid fractures
. Unstable lesions require reduction, surgery, or halo brace
-Unstable injuries include bilateral facetlatlanto-occipital dislo-
cations, subluxation injuries, burst fractures, Type 2 odontoid
fractures, teardrop fractures, posterior neural arch fractures,
Hangman's and Jefferson's fractures
. Foliow protocols for spinal cord injury (including IV steroids) if
any neurologic deficit is detected on exam


234. Shoulder Dislocations and Fractures
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. See "Shoulder Pain and Soft Tissue Injuries" for further discussion .Impingement syndrome
. Acute bony injuries include stemoclavicular dislocation, acromioclavicu- . Calcific tendonitis
lar dislocation ("separated shoulder"), glenohumeral (shoulder) disloca- . Adhesive capsulitis
tion, and proximal humeral fractures . Subacromial bursitis
. Stemoclavicular dislocations are very rare; however, posterior dislocation . Rotator cuff tendonitis/tear
is a life-threatening orlhopedic emergency . Bicipital tendonitis
. Acromioclavicular dislocations (separation) usually occur secondary to . Osteoarlhritis
trauma; severity depends on the degree of acromioclavicular and coraco- . Acute axillary vein thrombosis
clavicular ligament damage; complications include osteoarthritis and . Thoracic outlet syndrome
impingement syndrome . Brachial plexus injury
. Glenohumeral joint is the most frequently dislocated joint in the body; . Septic arthdtis
anterior in 957o of cases, posterior (57o), inferior (luxatio erecta), or . Referred pain from MI, chole-
superior cystitis, splenic injury
. Proximal humerus fractures may be caused by trauma and/or osteoporosis; . Malignancy (e.g., apical lung)
axillary artery and nerve are at risk

Presentation Diagnosis
. Decreased range of motion . Perform a complete neurovascular exam
. Pain with movement . Pre- and post-reduction X-rays on all suspected dislocations
. Tendemess . Scapular fracture requires AP and axillary views
. Crepitus . Glenohumeral dislocation: AP, axillary, and scapular Y X-rays may
. Acromioclavicular injuries range show displaced humeral head, associated fractures, Hill-Sachs defor-
from tendemess to obvious clavicu- mity (compression fracture of the humeral head secondary to impact
lar displacement against the glenoid rim), or Bankhart's lesion (avulsion of the
. Glenohumeral dislocation anterior-inferior glenoid labrum)
. AC dislocation: X-ray shows joint space widening with possible infe-
-Anterior: Arm held in abduction
and extemal rotation with promi- rior, superior, or posterior displacement of the distal clavicle
nent acromion and loss of . Proximal humerus injuries: X-ray may show a fracture or inferior
deltoid contour pseudosubiuxation of the humerus
. MRI/CT may be used on outpatient basis to further evaluate bony and
-Posterior: Arm held in adduction
and intemal rotation soft tissue pathology or complex fractures; however, these have
-Inferior: Fixed hyperadduction limited utility in the ED
-Superior: Humeral head dis-
piaced superiorly, arm adducted

Treatment Disposition
. Reduction (if necessary), ice, sling immobilization, and NSAIDs . Trauma/acute pain may limit evaluation
are indicated for most acute shoulder injuries of soft tissues
. Stemoclavicular dislocation: Anterior dislocations may be . Neurovascular exam is required pre- and
reduced in the ED; posterior dislocations are orthopedic emergen- post-reduction; emergent orthopedics
cies requiring surgical reduction evaluation is required for any neurovas-
. Acromioclavicular injury: Conservative management; serious cular problem
injuries (e.g., displaced distal clavicle) may require ORIF . Majority of patients may be discharged
. Glenohumeral dislocation: ED reduction with IV sedation . Arrange orthopedic follow-up for all

-Anterior reduction techniques: Liedelmeyer (start with atm fractures or dislocations

adducted and elbow at 90', then extemally rotate); modified . Delay in diagnosis or treatment signifi-
Hippocratic (as above, but add traction and counter-traction cantly worsens prognosis
using sheets wrapped around patient); Stimson (hanging . Complications include rotator cuff tear,
weight on arm with patient prone); Milch (forward extension chronic pain or weakness, labrum tear,
and abduction of arm, then extend arm over head and pull) fracture, adhesive capsulitis, recurrent
-Posterior: Longitudinal faction with humerus abduction dislocation. brachial plexus injury.
-Superior/inferior: Generally require surgical reduction axillary nerue or ar1ery injury
. Humeral head fracture: Immobilize with sling and swathe; ORIF . Early mobilization of the joint is
for comminuted (fragmented) fractures required to prevent adhesive capsuiitis


235. Shoulder Pain and Soft llssue lnjury
- Etiology & PathoPhYsiologY Differential Dx
. See "shoulder Dislocations and Fractures" for furlher discussron . AC joint injury
. Acute cases are due to trauma (e.g., forced hyperabduction) or excessive . Shoulder dislocations
demands; most chronic cases are due to overuse . Humeral fracture
. Impingement syndrome: Progressive degeneration and inflammation of the . Clavicle fracture
subacromial contents (rotator cuff and subacromial bursa) in paft due to . Scapular fracture
compression between the acromion and humerus, potentially resulting in . Bicipital tendonitis
rotator cuff tear . Osteoarthritis
. Rotator cufftear may occur acutely (secondary to trauma) or, more com- . Acute axillary vein thrombosis
monly, due to a relatively mild insult on a chronically degenerative cuff . Thoracic outlet syndrome
(e.g., reaching overhead) . Brachial plexus injury
. Adhesive capsulitis: Thickened, scarred joint capsule and "frozen . Septic arthritis
shoulder" due to prolonged post-injury or post-surgery immobilization . Referred pain from MI, chole-
. Calcific tendonitis: Deposition of calcium crystals in the rotator cuff with cystitis, splenic injury
resulting inflammation and severe pain . Malignancy (e.g., apical lung)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Subacromial bursitis: Aching, deep . Focused history and physical exam: Note weakness, disuse atrophy of
pain that worsens with activity and shoulder muscles, palpable crepitus, or pain with limited range of
improves with rest; minimal tender- motion
ness; intact strength . X-rays (AP, axillary, and scapular Y views) may show acromial osteo-
. Rotator cuff tendonitis: Night pain. phytes and joint degeneration in impingement syndromes and calcium
tendemess at cuff insertion, deposits in calcific tendonitis
decreased ROM, mild weakness, . X-ray or CT scan may identify chronic, degenerative arlhritis
pain with abduction . Shoulder MRI evaluates the anatomy of the rotator cuff and
. Rotator cuff tear: Weakness. pain. associated soft tissue; may differentiate partial from complete tears
inability to fully abduct arm
. Calcific tendonitis: Acute onset of
pain at rest and with motion
. Adhe>ive capsulilis: Diffuse pain
with signifrcantly decreased ROM
. Biceps tendonitis: Pain at insenion.
painful elbow fl exion/supination

Treatment Disposition
. Slings may be used for comfort but early range of motion . Most patients may be discharged with
(24-48 hrs) is necessary to prevent adhesive capsulitis orthopedic follow-up in 7-14 days
. Conservative therapy is beneficial for most cases of shoulder pain: . Patients with suspected acute rotator
Rest, ice, NSAIDs, and opioid narcotics as necessary cuff or biceps tendon tears require
. Subacromial cortisone injection if other anti-inflammatory prompt evaluation by an orthopedic
methods faill however, multiple injections are discouraged due to surgeon (reffaction of muscles may
the development of tissue atrophy occur within 1-2 weeks)
. Physical therapy is generally the mainstay of treatment
{onditioning and strengthening
-Progressive range of motion exercises for adhesive capsulitis
. Full thickness rotator cufftears may require surgical repair
. Adhesive capsulitis may require surgical lysis of adhesions


236. Arm and Elbow lnjuries
- Differential Dx
. The elbow joint is formed by the radius, ulna, and distal humerus . Elbow dislocation
. Injuries frequently result from falling on an outstretched hand . Humeral fracture
. Associated nerve injury (axillary, radial, ulnar, median) is common . Bicipital tendonitis
. The elbow is the 3rd most commonly dislocated large joint; posterior dis- . Biceps tendon rupture
. Epicondylitis
location is most common
. Radial head fracture is the most common fracture . Triceps tendon rupture
. Humeral fractures are classified by location on the bone . Olecranon fracture
. Epicondylitis is a degeneration of the tendinous insertion at the lateral or . Radial head subluxation
(Nursemaid's elbow)
medial epicondyles
extensor muscle overuse . Glenohumeral dislocation
-Lateral (tennis elbow) epicondylitis: Due to . Bone tumor or cyst
(results in pain with pronation and wrist dorsiflexion)
. Rotator cuff injury
-Medial (golfer's elbow) epicondylitis: Due to flexor
muscle overuse
(results in decreased grip sfength and pain with pronation or wrist . Overuse injury
. Adhesive capsulitis

. Arm held in a fixed position . Standard X-rays include AP and lateral views
. Pain -Anterior humeral line should intersect with the anterior middle
. Paresthesias third of the capitellum
. Bony point tendemess -Radial-capitellar line should be present
. Crepitus on palpation -Any visible posterior fat pad or an enlarged anterior fat pad is
. Swelling and ecchymosis evidence of joint effusion
. Limited range of motion . Common fractures (listed proximal to distal)
. Neurovascular compromise (e.g., -Humeral shaft (may be associated with radial nerve injury)
coolness, pallor, loss of distal -Supracondylar (the most common elbow fracture in children)
pulses) may occur -Intracondyiar (common in the elderly)
. Pain with wrist flexion may indicate -Capitellum (often associated with radial head fracture)
a medial condyle fracture
*Epicondylar (may occur from repetitive stress in a child)
. Pain with pronation/supination may -Radial head (the most common elbow fracture in adults)
indicate a radial head fracture -Olecranon (may be associated with ulnar nerve injury)
. Dislocations may be posterior (90Vo) or anterior; 20Va have an associ-
ated ulnar or median nerve iniury

Treatment Disposition
. General principles of fracture management include immobiliza- . Close orthopedic follow-up is recom-
tion, analgesia, NSAIDs, and elevation mended
. Antibiotics and tetanus boosters for open injuries . High-risk injuries include any intra-
. Immediate anatomic reduction is required in cases of neurovas- articular fracture, neutovascular com-
cular compromise promise, crush injuries, difficult
. Nondisplaced fractures should be immobilized with the elbow anatomic reductions, supracondylar
flexed at 90' fractures, and medial condylar fractures
. Displaced or intra-articular fractures usually require ORIF . High-risk injuries warrant immediate
. Nondisplaced radial head fractues require early range of motion orthopedic consultation and possible
(within 24-48 hours) hospital admission
. Joint aspiration may afford pain relief if effusion is present . Complications include arthritis, avascu-
. Epicondylitis is ffeated with rest, NSAIDs, physical therapy, and lar necrosis, malunion, nonunion, cubi-
improved athletic technique tus varus or valgus, permanent neuro-
. Elbow dislocation requires reduction (place traction-countertraction logic deficit, adhesive capsulitis, and
on arm and forearm; then press downward on the proximal forearm conffacture deformity
while flexing the elbow); follow with splint immobilization



237. Wrist and Forearm lnju nes

Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Wrist injuries account for nearly 107o of ED visits . Contusion
. The eight carpal bones are held in alignment by a series of ligaments and . Scaphoid, lunate, or other carpal
cartilaginous connective tissue; disruption of these connections results in fracture
carpal instability or dislocation . Lunate or perilunate dislocation
. The most common mechanism of injury is a fall on the outstretched hand . Smith's or Colles'fracture
(FOOSH) . Radial or ulnar styloid fracture
. The most commonly fractured carpal bone is the scaphoid . Ligament sprain
. FOOSH involves significant force transmitted through the entire extremity; . Overuse injury
therefore, a careful history and exam of the entire arrn is necessary to detect . Bone or ganglion cyst
associated secondary injuries . Distal radioulnar joint
. Other mechanisms include direct blows, crush injuries, fall on a volarly dislocation
angulated wrist, and severe twisting motions of the wrist or forearm . Radial head subluxation
. Carpal tunnel syndrome
. Compartment syndrome

Presentation Diagnosis
. Pain and swelling . Standard X-rays include PA, lateral, and oblique views
. Decreased range of motion . Ligament injury: Increased space between bones, disruption of carpal
. Angulation arcuate lines. and bony rotalion
. Foreshortening of wrist or forearm . Perilunate dislocation: Capitate displaced posteriorly to lunate
. Crepitus on palpation . Lunate dislocation: Lunate displaced volarly off the radius ("spilled
. Bony point tendemess tea cup" sign)
. Snuffbox tendemess or pain with . Carpal fractues may require additional films (e.g., scaphoid view)
axial loading of the thumb suggests . Distal radius fractures include Colles'fracture (dorsal displacement
scaphoid fracture and angulation with "dinner fork" deformity), Smith's fracture (volar
. Lunate fossa tenderness suggests displacement and angulation), Barton's fracture (intra-articular frac-
lunate fracture ture with carpal dislocation), and Chauffeur's fracture (intra-articular
. Fractures may result in few visible radial styloid fracture)
signs of injury . Radioulnar dislocation: Ligament tear associated with distal radius
. Vascular injury may present with fracture (X-ray shows loss ofradioulnar overlap)
decreased distal pulses. extremity . Galeazzi's fracture: Fracture of the distal radial shaft with radioulnar
discoloration. or coolness dislocation
. Monteggia's fx: Proximal utnar fx with radial head dislocation

Treatment Disposition
. General fracture care includes immobilization, analgesia, rest, ice, . There can be significant long-term mor-
and elevation bidity with missed or improperly treated
. Reduce displaced fractures and dislocations fraclures: therelore. these patienls
. Immobilization of radial fractules is accomplished via a sugar require close follow-up with ofihopedics
tong splint (immobilizes wrist and elbow) to prevent radial . Admission is generally required for
movement with pronation/supination open fracrures. neurovascular injury.
. Open fractures require antibiotics (cover skin flora) and tetanus compartment syndrome, and ORIF
prophylaxis . Patients should be insffucted to retum
. Catpal fractures often have normal X-rays; thus, the need for to the ED if discoloration, numbness,
splinting should be based on clinical exam (i.e., if patient has tingling, worsening pain, fever, or ery-
point tendemess, treat as if a fracture is present by splinting and thema occurs, suggesting neurovascular
ensure close orthopedic follow-up) compromise
. ORIF may be necessary for carpal dislocations, Colies' fracture, . Complications may include chronic
Smith's fracture, Barton's fracture, Monteggia's fracture, and arthdtis, carpal instabiiity, avascular
Galeazzi's fracture necrosis (especially scaphoid, lunate,
and capitate), nonunion or malunion,
decreased grip strength, and nerve


238. Metacarpal lnjuries
Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. The hand is the most commonly fractured part of the body . Fracture
. The most frequently fractured bone in the hand is the 5th metacarpal . Dislocation
. Fractures occur due to direct blows, axial loading, or crush injuries . Subluxation
. Classification of metacarpal injuries . Ligamentous sprain
. Ligamentous tear
-Thumb metacarpal versus 2nd-5th metacarpals . Rheumatoid arthritis
-Intra-articular versus extra-articular . Abscess
-Anatomic location (head, neck, shaft, or base) . C)steoarlhritis
-\pe of shaft fracture (transverse, oblique, spiral, or comminuted) . Gout
. lst (thumb), 4th, and 5th metacarpals have some mobility, allowing for
bone deformity without compromise of hand function
. Septic arthritis
.2nd utd 3rd metacarpals are fixed-minimal angulation may result in
decreased hand function
. Distinguish simple dorsal MCP joint dislocations versus complex volar
dislocations (metacarpal head ruptures though the volar plate, becomes
trapped, and requires ORIF)

. Pain with movement . X-rays should inciude AP, lateral, and oblique views
of the 1st
. Swelling -Bennett's fracture: Intra-articular fracture at the base
. Crepitus on palpation metacarpal with subluxation of the carpometacarpal joint (proxi-
. Angulation deformity mal fragment remains attached to the trapezium, distal fragment is
. Malalignment of fingers when a fist pulled laterally by tendon attachments); caused by an axial load
is made (scissoring) indicates rota- on the thumb (e.g., closed-fist injury)
-Rolando's fracture: Comminuted intra-articular fracture
at the base
tional deformity (normally all flexed
fingers should point towards the of the 1st metaca{pal; also caused by an axial load on the thumb
of the
scaphoid) -Reverse Bennett's fracture: Intra-articular fracture at the base
. Interphalangeal joint laxity indicates fifth metacarpal
sprain or tear of the ulnar or radial -Boxer's fracture: Fracture of the neck of the 5th metacarpal
collateral ligaments . Open wounds may be contaminated by skin flora (e.g.,
. Dislocations generally present with Staphylococcus) and/or oral flora (i.e., due to bite wound)
a hlperextended finger-position of . Obtain X-rays prior to repair of open wounds to rule out a foreign
the metacarpal head determines body
simple versus complex dislocation

Treatment Disposition
. General fracture management: Rest, ice, elevation, analgesia . hand fractures should receive close
. Reduce as necessary and obtain post-reduction radiographs orthopedic follow-up
. Immobilize fractures in the "safe position" with ulnar or radial . Immediate orthopedic consultation for
gutter or thumb spica sPlints any suspected tendon injury
. Any rotational deformity or shortening )3 mm requires ORIF . Reductions are difficult to maintain in
. Metacarpal angulation deformities may require ORIF if place, even with splinting- -obtain
angulation exceeds the acceptable level ED orthopedic consult or close
outpatient follow-up
-2nd-3rd neck fractures: 15'of angulation is acceptable . Open wounds may require surgical
-4th neck fracture: 30' of angulation is acceptable
-5th neck fracture: 40' of angulation is acceptable
. Complications may include loss of hand
-2nd-3rd shaft fractures: No angulation allowed
-4th shaft fracture: 10'of angulation is acceptable power, painful/weak griP, extensor
tendon injury, arthritis, scarring of asso-
-5th shaft fracture: 20" of angulation is acceptable
ciated muscles, and infection
-lst (thumb) fractures: 20-30" of angulation is acceptable . Any wound over the MCP joint is a bite
. Bennett's and Rolando's fractures are unstable fractures and require
ORIF wound (closed-fist injury or "fight
. Administer antibiotics to cover skin flora (e.g., cephalexin) in bite") until proven otherwise
open injuries; modify antibiotic coverage for oral flora (e.g',
amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid) in bite wounds


239. Finger lnjuries
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Joints of the finger include the distal interphalangeal (DIP), proximal . Ligament sprain
interphalangeal (PIP), and metacarpal phalangeal (MCP) joints . Subluxation
. l5-307o of hand fractures involve the phalanges . Dislocation
. The majority ofphalangeal fractures are stable and non-displaced . Volar plate rupture
. Mechanisms of injury include axial loading (proximal phalanx fracture or . Ulnar collateral ligament tear
dislocation), crush injury or direct blow (comminuted and transverse frac- . Radial collateral ligament tear
tures), twisting injury (oblique and spiral fractures), and forced thumb . Tendon laceration
abduction (ulnar collateral ligament or [UCL] tear) . Fracture
. Trigger finger
. Gout, pseudogout
. Septic arthritis
. Rheumatoid arthritis
. Osteoarthritis

Presentation Diagnosis
. Pain with movement . X-rays should include AP, lateral, and oblique views of the involved
. Swelling or discoloration fingers
. Crepitus on palpation -Some angulation of fractures is acceptable, but rotation on X-ray
. Test for tendon involvement or scissoring on exam is unacceptable and may result in functional
-Weakness to resisted limitation
flexion/extension or inability to -Tuft fracture is a comminuted fracture of the distal phalanx, often
fully flex/extend the finger due to crush injuries and associated with nail bed injury
. Differentiate tendon and ligarnent injuries from fractures
-Weak or absent thumb adduc-
tion. abduction. or opposition -Extensor tendon injuries: Mallet finger (avulsion of the dorsal
. Malalignment of fingers when a fist extensol tendon at the distal phalanx, resulting in a flexion de-
is made (scissoring) indicates rota- formity), swan neck deformity (flexed DIP and MCP with extended
tional deformity (all flexed fingers PIP), and Boutonniere deformity (extended DIP and MCP with
should point towards the scaphoid) flexed PIP)
-Flexor tendon injuries: Inability to flex DIP suggests injury to the
profundus tendon; inability to flex PIP suggests injury to the
superficialis tendon
-Gamekeeper's thumb: Tear of thumb UCL due to radial stress

Treatment Disposition
. Protection, rest, ice, elevation, and analgesia . Discharge simple wounds and fractures
. Procedural analgesia (i.e., digital nerve block) may be necessary with close follow-up
to allow for a thorough exam . Orthopedic follow-up is required within
. Perform closed reduction on all dislocations and displaced, 24 hours for any rotational deformity,
rotated, or angulated fractures spiral fracture, displaced intra-articular
. Explore open wounds and repair iacerations fraclure. tendon or ligament injury.
. Fractures are generally treated by immobilization fracture with bone or skin loss, or open
-Stable transverse fracture: Buddy tape f/- splint fracture
*Distal phalanx fracture: lmmobilize DIP in fu1l extension . Complications include nonunion, mal-
-Middle/proximal phalanx fractue: Gutter or volar splint union, arthritis, finger or naii deformity,
-Gamekeeper's thumb: Thumb spica (complete tear results in loss of function, and compartment
>40" of laxity, requiring surgical correction) syndrome
. Re-implantation of finger amputations
-Indications for surgery include inability to maintain alignment,
any rotational deformity, complete ligamentous or tendon dis- is attempted if they are proximal to the
ruption, irreducible dislocation, some intra-articuiar fractures, DIP joint, involving multiple digits, in
and some open wounds children, or a thumb amputation
. Mallet finger: Dorsal spiint in extension
. Nail bed injuries: In the presence of a significant subungual
hematoma, consider trephination or nail removal in order to repair
a presumed nail bed laceration


240. Pelvic lnjuries
- Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. The pelvis has a rhg sfiucture comprised of two innominate bones (each
with an ilium, ischium, and pubis) and the sacrum; anteriorly they are
attached by ligaments at the pubic symphysis; posteriorly they are
attached by ligaments between the sacrum and pelvic bones
. Integrity of the pelvic ring is necessary for pelvic stability-single breaks
are generally stable; double breaks in the ring are unstable
. Due to a rich vascular supply of venous plexuses and arterial vessels'
hemorrhage is the primary cause of death in pelvic fractures (up to 6 L of
blood may be lost into the retroperitoneal and pelvic spaces)
. Lumbar and sacral nerve plexuses are at risk during pelvic fractures
. Pelvic fractures may result in bladder rupture or urethral injury
. Mechanisms of injury include MVA or motorcycle accident, pedestrian vs
automobile, industrial crush accident, fall from height

Presentation Diagnosis
. Pelvic or perineal edema . Physical exam may be more reliable than a single plain X-ray Io
. Ecchymoses identify pelvic fractures in awake, cooperative patients
. Obvious pelvic deformity . X-rays: AP trauma view will show most significant fractures; lateral,
. Pain/instabiiity with pressure on the acetabular (Judet), or inlet/outlet views may be added
pelvis . CT scan is indicated if plain films are unclear and/or to identify the
. Destot's sign: Hematoma above the extent of fractures; may also show retroperitoneal hemorrhage
inguinal ligament or on the scrotum . Unstabie fractures occur with two or mote breaks in pelvic ring
. Earle's sign: Hematoma or bonY -Straddle fracture: Fracture of all 4 pubic rami
point tendemess on rectal exam -Bucket handle fracture (due to lateral compression): Fracture of
. Roux's sign: Decreased distance pubic rami with SI joint dislocation or sacral fracture
between the greater trochanter and -Open book fracture (due to AP compression): Separation of the
pubic spine (versus other side) pubic symphysis ) 8 mm and possible SI joint disruption
. Signs of genitourinary injury may -Malgaigne fracture (due to vertical shear): Fracture and
be present (e.g., hemaruria, blood at displacement of pubic rami, the ipsilateral sacrum, and/or the
ulethral meatus, high-riding SI joint

Treatment Disposition
. A11 pelvic fractures require orthopedic consultation . A11 patients shouid be admitted
. Stable fractures: Bed rest, pain conffol, early weight bearing . Look for associated extremity and
. Unstable fractures: Generally require ORIF intra-abdominal injuries
. Control hemorrhage as necessary . Overall mortality may be as high as
*Avoid unnecessary patient movement as this may cause further 259o d:ue to associated injuries, hemor-
vessel damage and increase bleeding rhage (more common in unstable frac-
tures due to greater risk of intrusion
-Rapid administration of IV fluids (normal saline or LR) and
blood products if hypotension occurs into the vasculature), and long-term
-Consider further intervention (e.g., fixation or embolization)
after 3 L of IV fluids and 5-7 units of blood have been infused . Complications may include hemorrhage,
without adequate response urologic injury (urethral rupture, bladder
and injury), acetabular/hip joint injury, fat
-Pneumatic anti-shock garments may stabilize fractures
decrease funher bleedtng embolism, ARDS, wound infection/sep-
sis, and pulmonary embolus
-Angiography with selective arterial embolization is indicated
for persistent hypotension (does not affect venous bleeding)
-Intemal surgical fi xation
-Extemal fixation may be used to prevent further injury
vessel damage in some hemodynamically unstable patients
who are unable to tolerate iniemal fixation


241. Hip and Femur lnjuries
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. The hip is a ball and socket joint composed of the head of the femur and . Contusion
the acetabulum of the pelvis . Pelvic fracture
. Mechanism of injury depends on age . Acetabular fracture
-Young patients: MVC, fall from height, gunshot wound . Femur fracture
-Elderly: Spontaneous fracture secondary to osteoporosis, minimal trau- . Pathologic fracture (secondary
ma, or falls to tumor or osteomyelitis)
. Fractures ol acetabulum or femoral head, neck, or shaft may occur . Dislocation
. Hip is at risk of dislocation due to its relatively weak posterior fibrous . Trochanteric bursitis
capsule (often associated with fractutes) . Iliotibial band pain
-Posterior (907o): Usually due to high impact against a flexed hip . Septic joint
-Anterior: Forced abduction or blow to back while hip is flexed
. Trochanteric bursitis: Inflammation of the hip bursa due to trauma, gout,
infections, or overuse
. Blood supply to femoral head is tenuous-high risk of avascular necrosis
of the hip following injuries

. Inability to stand or walk . Fractures are described by location, displacement, and angulation
. Unilateral hip pain/tendemess . Obtain AP and lateral hip X-rays plus an AP view of the pelvis
. Limited range of motion . Common X-ray pattems may indicate fractures
. Hip fracture: Shortened leg; flexed,
-Cortical disruption/displacement
abducted, and extemally rotated -Shenton's line (a smooth line that can be traced along the inner
. Posterior dislocation: Shorlened, femur and obturator foramen) may be disrupted in fractures
immobile leg; flexed, adducted, and *Disruption of the normal S-curve and reverse S-curve along the
intemally rotated femoral head and neck
. Anterior dislocation: Leg is immo-
-Disrupted trabecular patterns from femoral shaft to head
bile; abducted, flexed, and ex- . Consider CT, bone scan, or MRI to evaluate for pathologic fractures
temally rotated in patients with persistent pain but negative X-rays
. Femoral shaft fracture: Swelling, . Joint aspiration may be necessary to rule out a septic joint
ecchymoses; leg may be shortened
with obvious deformity; may have
decreased blood pressure
. Bursitis: Superficial tendemess, able
to bear weight

Treatment Disposition
. Pain management with IV narcotics or femoral nerve block . Admission and orthopedics consult for
. Neurovascular deficits (e.g., diminished pulses) require immediate all hip and femoral fractures
angiography or surgical erploration . Complications include avascular necro-
. Consult orthopedics for all hip/femur fractures sis of femoral head (especiaily follow-
-Most fractues require ORIF or hip replacement ing femoral neck fractures), degenera-
-Femoral shaft fracture: Stabilize in the ED with traction and tive athritis, chronic joint instability,
support blood pressure with blood and fluids (significant hem- sciatic nerve injury (especially in poste-
orrhage into the thigh may occur); open fractures require IV rior dislocations), femoral artery injury
antibiotics and emergent surgical debridement and fixation . Hip injuries in trauma are often associ-
. Dislocations require immediate reduction, usually with conscious ated with intra-abdominal and urologic
sedation injuries
-Posterior (Allis maneuver): InJine traction, flex hip, and . Compare films of dislocations before
extemally rotate and after reduction for associated
-Anterior: In-line traction, flex and intemally rotate hip, then acetabuiar and femoral fractures
abduct . Always consider elder and child abuse
-Following reduction, immobilize limb and obtain X-rays as a possible cause
. Bursitis: NSAIDs, rest, ice


242. Knee lnjuries
Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. A diarlhrodial joint with patellofemoral and tibiofemoral articulation . Ligament strain/tear (ACL,
. High risk ofneurovascular injury (popliteal atIery and nerve) following PCL, MCL, LCL)
posterior knee dislocations . Knee dislocation
. Stability depends on ligamentous integrity-ligament damage ranges from . Patellar fracture
shained to completely torn . Femur fracture
. Tibial plateau fracture
-Anterior cruciate (ACL): Provides anterior stability; commonly injured
by flexion and rotation during deceleration . Patellar dislocation
. Chondromalacia patellae
-Posterior cruciate (PCL): Provides posterior stability; injured by a
strong anterior force on a flexed knee (e.g., "dashboard injury") . Meniscal injury
. Bursitis
-Medial (MCL) and lateral (LCL) collateral ligaments: Injured by
lateral or medial forces to the knee (MCL is more often injured) . Infective arthritis
. Medial and lateral menisci cushion the tibiofemoral joint . Osteochondritis dissecans
. Bursa: Synovial collections which may become inflamed-pre-patellar . Iliotibial band syndrome
(housemaid knee), infrapatellar, and Baker's (popliteal) cyst . Compartment syndrome
. Assume knee dislocation in any unstable knee

Presentation Diagnosis
.Inability to waffiear weight . Mechanism of injury is the best predictor of type of injury
. Decreased range of motion . X-rays may include AP, lateral, and sunrise (patella) views; may
. Decreased strength reveal fractures of the patella, distal femur, tibia (plateau. spine.
. Swelling, ecchymosis subcondylar, or shaft), or fibula
. Joint or bony tendemess . Ligament injury may be indicated by joint laxity
. Joint effusion/hemarthrosis (patellar -Leg extension (patellar tendon)
ballottement, fluid wave) -Lachman's (ACL): Flex knee 30" and pu1l tibia anteriorly
. Laterally displaced patella (disloca- -Anterior drawer (ACL): Flex knee 90'and pull tibia anteriorly
tion) -Posterior drawer (PCL): Flex knee 90" and push tibia posterior
. Knee "clicking," "locking," or -Coliateral stress (MCL, LCL): Flex knee 30'and apply varus
"giving way" (meniscal injury) (LCL) and valgus (MCL) stress to lower leg
. Inability to extend leg (patellar ten- . McMurray's test (flex/extend knee while extemally/intemally rotating
don rupture) the lower leg-positive test elicits clicking and/or pain over medial or
. Joint pain, swelling, redness, and lateral joint line) and Apley's compression test (extemally/intemally
wamth (bursitis) rotate lower leg while applying compressive pressure) may identify
meniscus injury
. CT scan or MRI may furlher evaluate injury

Treatment Disposition
. Joint aspiration may be necessary to relieve pain from tense . Knee dislocations are orthopedic
effusions and/or rule out infection emergencies that must be admitted for
. Ligamentous and meniscal injuries generally only require conser- serial neurovascular exams and/or
vative therapy acutely (e.g., knee immobilizer, ice, elevate. pain angiography
control, compression bandage, and crutches) with semi-urgent . PCL injury with joint instability should
orthopedic follow-up also be admitted due to high risk of
-Surgery may be necessary arterial injury
. Distal femur, tibia, and some patellar
-Risk ofpopliteal artery injury with PCL injury
. Patellar dislocation: Reduce patella by extending leg and pushing fractures should be admitted for ORIF
the patella into place; immobilize and use crutches . Most ligamentous injuries can be treat-
. Knee dislocation: Usually spontaneously reduces on own; ed with outpatient orthopedic referral to
however, reduce immediately if present in the ED determine the need for surgery
. Complications of knee injury include
-Associated with ACL and PCL rupture
-Arterial injury in 407o of cases (caution: 10% of vascular DVT. arlerial injury. nerve lnjury. com-
injuries have normal pulses) partment syndrome (in fractures and
. Consider angiography to evaluate vascular structures in all dislocations), chronic degenerative
patients with dislocations, PCL tears, or decreased peripheral arthritis
. Fractures: Apply long leg splint; may require ORIF


243. Ankle lnjuries
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Ankle joint is composed of the tibia, fibula, and talus . Ankle sprain
-Mortise: The joint space . High ankle sprain (syndesmosis
-Plafond: The distal tibia or ceiling of the joint injury of the anterior/posterior
. Three groups of stabilizing ligaments tibio-fi bular ligaments)
-Laterally: Anterior and posterior talo-frbuiar ligaments (AIFL and . Fracture
PTFL) and calcaneo-fibular ligament (CFL) limit ankle inversion and . Ankle disiocation
prevent lateral subluxation of the talus . Achilles tendon rupture (due to
-Medially: Deltoid ligaments limit eversion and talar subluxation forced dorsiflexion)
-Antero-posterior: Tibio-fibular ligaments limit bony displacement . Peroneal tendon injuries (anteri-
. The direction of injury suggests injured structures (e.g., an inversion or subluxation of the tendon due
injury will cause lateral ligamentous injury) to excess dorsiflexion)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Ecchymosis, tendemess, swelling . X-rays: AR lateral, and mortise views
. Anterior drawer: Tests the AIFL . Ottawa ankle rules determine the need for X-rays in acute injury
(apply posterior force to the tibia -Unable to walk more than 4 steps
while drawing the heel forward- -Bony tendemess on posterior edge or tip of either malleolus
positive if subluxation is greater -Foot X-ray is indicated for tendemess at the 5th metatarsal head
than on the uninjured side) or navicular
. Talar tilt (inversion stress test): Tests . Fractures include
AIFL and CFL (plantar flex and -Unimalleolar fracture of the lateral or medial malleolus
inver?evert the foot) -Bi- and tri-malleoiar fractures
. Squeeze test: Tests the tibio-fibular -Plafond fracfure: Fracture of anterior tibia
syndesmosis (positive test is ankle -Pilon fracture: Comminuted high-energy distal tibial fracture
pain upon squeezing of proximal -Maisonneuve fracture: Proximal fibula fracture, disruption of the
lower leg) interosseous membrane, and either a medial malleolus fracture or
. Thompson test: Tests the Achilles a rupture of the delroid ligamenr
tendon (intact tendon should cause -Osteochondritis dissecans: Subacute or chronic talar dome defect
plantar flexion when squeezed) that results from a partially fteated or untreated osteochondral
fracture; may be missed on initial X-rays

Treatment Disposition
. General injury management: Rest, ice, eievation, compresslon . Potential exists for serious morbidity
dressing, pain control (NSAIDs */- narcotics), and crutches as from unrecognized fractures
needed . Persistent parn >2 weeks mandates
. Ligament sprains: Range from grade 1 (tendemess only) to grade repeat X-rays or CT scans to look for
3 (significant joint instability on ligament testing)-splinting and missed fractures or newly visible talal
orthopedic referral for higher grade sprains dome osteochondral fractures
-AIFL is the most commonly injured ankle ligament . Ensure adequate orthopedics or sports
. Ankle dislocation: Immediate reduction and orthopedics medicine follow-up for fractures
. Achilles rupfure: Splint foot il
neutral position or plantar flexion,
avoid weight bearhg, and ensure close follow-up
. Fracture management
-Stable fractures should be splinted with orthopedic follow-up
-Open fractures require tetanus immunization, IV antibiotics,
and urgent orthopedic consultation
-Unstable fractures or any joint disruption/widening require
ORIF (e.g., bi- and tri-malleolar, plafond, pilon, and
Maissoneuve fractures)


244. Foot lnjuries
- Differential Dx
. The foot can be divided into the hindfoot (calcaneus and talus)' midfoot . Fracture
(navicular, cuboid, and cuneiforms), and forefoot (metatarsals and . Dislocation
. Puncture wound
. Subtalar joint: Articulation of the inferior talus and calcaneus, allowing . Turf toe (tear in the capsule of
hindfoot inversion and eversion the I st metatarsophalangeal joint
. Chopart's joint: Connects the hindfoot to the midfoot, allowing forefoot at the metatarsal neck)
. Tarsal tunnel syndrome (enffap-
adduction and abduction
. Lisfranc's joint: Connects the midfoot to the forefoot ment of the posterior tibial nerve
. Mechanisms of injury: heneath the medial flexor reti-
-High energy (e.g., MVC, fall) injuries may result in calcaneal and talar
fractures and Lisfranc's joint dislocations; lumbar spine fracture may
. Plantar fasciitis (inflammation
occur secondary to ffansmitted forces of plantar fascia due to overuse)
fracture . Compartment syndrome
-Crush or twist injuries may result in midfoot or forefoot
may result in metatarsal stress fractures . Achilles tendon rupture
-Overuse injuries

. Tendemess, pain, swelling, ecchy- . Assess neurovascular status (e.g., posterior tibial and dorsalis pedal
moses, deformity pulses, gross sensation)
. Metatanal fracture: Pail with axial . X-rays include AP, lateral, oblique, and calcaneal views
load -Ottawa foot rules: X-ray is indicated if the cuboid or base of the
. Calcaneal fracture: Severe heel pain 5th metatafsal is tender
. Talar lracture: Ankle swelling. pain . Common fractures
. Lisfranc's injury: Pair with forefoot -March fracture: Stress fracture of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals
pronation or abduction -Jones fracture: Transverse fracture at base of the 5th metatarsal
. Plantar fasciitis: Pain in the arch or -Nutcracker fracture: Fracture of the cuboid when crushed between
heel with tender fascia; hcreased the metatarsals
pain upon arising and with toe . Dislocations (often have associated fractures)
joint (Lisfranc's
dorsiflexion -Lisfranc's : Fracture around the tarso-metatarsal
. Tarsal tunnel syndrome: Medial joint) associated with dislocation of the joint; most comrnonly
paresthesias and pain radiating to involves a fracture of the 2nd metatarsal; X-ray shows malalign-
the heel and calf; worse at night ment of metatarsals with their respective tarsal bones
-Metatarsophalangeal: Due to dorsal toe hyperextension

Treatment Disposition
. General injury management: Rest, ice, elevation, NSAIDs . Orthopedic follow-up for all fractures
. Fracture management . Admit patients with multiple fractures
or associated injuries
-ORIF is generally required for displaced or open fractures
. Hindfoot (talus and calcaneus) fractures
-Calcaneal and talar fractures should be manually reduced;
many will require ORIF are usually admitted due to associated
injuries and need for ORIF
-Metatarsal fractures: Non-displaced fractures of 1 st-4th
metatarsal should be immobilized; 5th metatarsal fracture or . Talus fractures are associated with a
displaced 1st metatarsal fracture requires ORIF high risk of avascular necrosis, chronic
ankle pain, peroneal tendon dislocation,
-Splinting is sufficient for midfoot fractures
and arthritis
-Buddy taping is sufficient for phalangeal fractures . Complications include nonunion or
. Dislocation management
-Prompt reduction of subtalar and Lisfranc's joint dislocations in delayed union, chronic arthritis, neu-
the ED; most will require ORIF rovascular injury, and skin infections
joints may be manu- . Bone scan may be obtahed as an outpa
-Metatarsophalangeal and intraphalangeal
ally reduced in the ED tient in cases of suspected occult frac-
. Tarsal tunnel syndrome: Rest, ice, NSAIDs; may require orthotics tures or other bony lesions (e.g..
and/or surgery osteomyelitis, osteosarcoma)
. Plantar fasciitis: NSAIDs, rest, stretchhlg exercises, orthotics


245. Compartment Syndrome
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. A limb+hreatening condition caused by increased pressure in a closed . Arterial injury
anatomic space, resulting in decreased perfusion as tissue pressure . Peripheral nerve injury
exceeds perfusion pressure . Rhabdomyolysis
. Compatlments have a fixed volume; extraneous constriction or introduc- . Cellulitis
tion of excess fluid increases pressure in the compafiment, thereby . Deep venous thrombosis
decreasing perfusion and ultimately resulting in tissue hypoxia, anaerobic . Thrombophlebitis
metabolism, and ischemic necrosis . Gas gangrene
. May occur in any compartment; especially common in the hand, forearm, . Necrotizing fasciitis
upper arm, abdomen, and lower extremity . Snakebite
. Etiologies include trauma (e.g., fractures, crush injuries), edema (e.g., . Jellyfish envenomation
nephrotic syndrome, envenomation, bums), coagulopathies, extemal . Ruptured Baker's cyst
compression (e.g., MAST trousers, casts, and prolonged compression
from falls)

Presentation Diagnosis
. Pain (especially with passive stretch) . History and clinical suspicion should prompt diagnostic tests-physical
-Intense pain out of proportion to exam is not reliable enough to rule out the diagnosis
exam . Intracompartment pressure measurement should be performed if the
-May occur at rest diagnosis is suspected
-Exacerbated by movement, touch, -Pressure >20 mmHg is abnormal
elevation. or muscle stretch
-Pressure >30 mmHg may require fasciotomy
. Paresthesias (due to nerve ischemia) . Serum creatinine phosphokinase (CPK), myoglobin, and urine
. Pallor
myoglobin should be evaluated to rule out rhabdomyolysis
. Pressure (palpable tenseness in the . Urine toxicology screen may help define the etiology but is not
affected compartment)
helpful il patient fieatment
. Pulselessness may be a late finding-
. Coagulation studies (PT/PTT) to rule out suspected coagulopathies
since compafiment syndrome is a disor- . X-my may show gas due to infection or other abnormalities in the
der ol the microvascularure. the major
affected extremity
vessels re frequently not affected
. Ultrasound may be used to rule out DVT but will not diagnose com-
. 2-point discrimination is the best
partment syndrome
method to test nerve compression (do
not use pinprick as pain fibers are the
last to be compromised)

Treatment Disposition
. Keep extremities level with the body (extremity elevation decreases . Admission and surgical consultation for
limb mean arterial pressure without affecting intra-compartrnental all patients with compartment syndrome
prcssure, further decreasing perfusion) . Complications
. IV hydration and supplemental 02 -Tissue damage: Irreversible tissue
. Serial exams and pressure measurements death can occur in 4-[2 hours,
. Fasciotomy is the definitive therapy depending on the tissue type and
-Indicated for intracompartmental pressure >30-45 mmHg compartment pressures
-Ischemic muscle contractures can
develop after prolonged ischemia
-Amputation is indicated to prevent
gangrene if fasciotomy is not per-
formed prior to muscle death
-Myoglobinuria occurs after reperfu-
sion of the damaged tissue following
-Death may occur secondary to infec-
tions or cardiac arrhythmias (due to
hyperkalemia from tissue death)


246. Neck Pain
- Etiology & PathophysiologY Differential Dx
. See associated "Cervical Spine Fractures" entry . Muscle spasm/torticollis
. Etiologies include trauma (e.g., MVA, falls, diving accidents), mechani- . Arthritis (e.g., osteoarthritis,
cal disorders (e.g., degenerative andlot herniated disc, spondylosis, and rheumatoid, psoriatic, ankylos-
spinal stenosis), and inflammalory diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, ing spondylitis)
spondyloarthropathy, infection) . Cervical disc disease
. Cervical muscle sffain/sprain: Soft tissue injury ofthe C-spine without . Tension headache
associated neurological symptoms
. Meningitis
. Spondylosis: Compression of nerve roots or the spinal cord due to degen- . Subarachnoid hemorrhage
erative arthritis of the veftebral disc with formation of osteophytes and . Thoracic outlet syndrome
nanowing of the spinal canal or neural foramina . Brachial plexus injury
. Disc disease: Neck pain with or without radicular neurologic symptoms . Tumor (e.g., apical lung tumor)
caused by a degenerative or hemiated disc
. Osteomyelitis
. Rheumatoid arthdtis of the neck may result in unstable atlantoaxial . Myocardial ischemia
subluxation following even minor ffauma . Carotid dissection

Presentation Diagnosis
. Radicular symptoms (due to newe . Plain films (5-7 views) are indicated in trauma with localized spinal
root compression) may include tendemess, in the presence of any neurologic signs, and in patients at
paresthesias, weakness, and risk for tumor or compression fracture
decreased sensation -May show spondylosis with degeneration and osteophytes
. Spinal cord compression causes -Flexion/extension views may show ligamentous injury
weakness. paralysis, sensory -Generally will not show soft tissue injuries
symptoms, and bowefbladder . Neck CT to visualize bony structures is indicated to better characterize
dysfunction a fracture or if plain films are inadequate
. Fever may be present in cases of . Head CT followed by lumbar punctue may be necessary to rule out
infection rntracranial hemorrhage and meningitis
. Spondylosis causes increased pain . Emergent neck MRI is indicated in cases of suspected spinal cord
with flexion compression or epidural abscess
. Disc disease causes increased pain . Outpatient MRI may be indicated to evaluate for nerve root compres-
with neck extension sion or other persistent injuries
. CBC and ESR if suspect inflammatory processes (e.g. rheumatoid
arthritis, ankylosis spondylitis, epidural abscess)
. EKG/cardiac enzymes if suspect myocardial ischemia

Treatment Disposition
. 90% of cases are self-limited . Admit patients with progressive neuro-
. Rest, ice, soft collar, NSAIDs, narcotics, and antispasmodic agents logic symptoms, possible serious condi-
as necessary for symptomatic relief tions (e.g., MI), and those who need
. Trauma: Immobilize with hard collar until fractue and ligamen- further workup to rule out severe
tous instability has been ruled out pathology (e.g., MRI for epidural
. Trauma with neurologic signs raises the possibility of cord com- abscess)
pression; obtain emergent MRI and begin IV steroids within . Follow hauma protocols in cases of
8 hours of injury (in blunt trauma) tmuma or acute neck injury
. Institute appropriate therapy for rheumatoid arthritis in consulta- . Greater than 907o of cases of neck pain
tion with the patient's rheumatologist are self-limited
. Treat infectious causes (e.g., osteomyelitis, epidural abscess,
meningitis) with IV antibiotics


247. Low Back Pain
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. 2nd most common causes of doctor visits-up to 90Vo of the population . Muscle/ligament strain
will experience back pain (#1 cause of disability) . Disc hemiation/DDD
. Malignancy (prostate, breasl,
-Arthritic: Osteoarthritis/degenerative joint (or disc) disease, rheumatoid
arthritis, spondyloarthropathies lung metastases; myeloma)
*Mechanical: Diskfacet disease, spondylolisthesis, fractures . Compression fracture
. Spinal stenosis
-Postural: Osteoporosis, poor posture (excessive demands of back mus-
culature to support weight causes lactic acid buildup and pain) . Nerve entrapment syndrome
. Vertebral osteomyelitis
-Myofascial: Muscle/ligament strain, fascial tension, fibromyalgia
. Epidural abscess/hematoma
-Other serious causes include spinal stenosis, cauda equina syndrome,
infection (e.g., osteomyelitis or epidural abscess), and malignancy . Sacroiliac joint disease
(especially prostate, breast, lung metastases or myeloma) . Spondyloarthropathy
. Red flags that may signal a serious cause of LBP (imaging should be . Herpes zoster
strongly considered in these cases): Age >50 or (20, trauma, fever, . Referred pain from AAA, PUD,
abnormal neuro exam, worse pain at night/rest, known malignancy, pancreatitis, renal colic, endo-
immunosuppression, bowel,/bladder dysfunction, anticoagulation carditis, and others

Presentation Diagnosis
. Pair may be limited to back/buttock . History and physical are the most important diagnostic tools
or radiate down the leg -L4: J knee extension, patellar reflex, medial knee sensation
. Pain plus fever suggests infection -L5: J great toe extension and sensation at lst dorsal web space
. Dlsc hemiation with nerve root -S I : J plantar flexion, 5th toe sensation, and ankle reflex
impingement: Radicular pain/weak- Straight leg raise (pail below knee suggests disc hemiation)
ness that worsens with standing and . Emergent imaging (MRI or CT myelogram) is indicated in patients
flexion with evidence of cord compression, red flag symptoms, or suspicion
. Spinal stenosis: Pseudoclaudication of epidural abscess or osteomyeiitis
(burnhg pain upon walking short -MRI is the study-of-choice: Visualizes soft tissue and spinal canal;
distances), pain with extension; can rule out epidural abscess, osteomyelitis, cord compression,
sitting decreases pain cauda equina syndrome. nerve root compression
. Cauda equina/cord compression: -CT will only visualize bone (obtain CT myelogram to visualize
Urinarl/fecal retention or irconti- cord/canal il patients unable to undergo MRI)
nence, decreased sensation, -Plain X-ray may reveal compression spondylolisthesis, fractures,
saddle/medial thigh anesthesia. osteomyelitis, metastases, or ankylosing spondylitis
hyperrefl exia, upgoing B abinski . ESR elevation is very sensitive for vertebral osteomyelitis, epidural
and/or weakness abscess. and metastases

Treatment Disposition
. Conservative treatment is sufficient for patients without red flag . Neurosurgery/ofihopedic consult for
symptoms cord compression, compression frac-
-Retum to activity as soon as possible; rest has not been shown tures, epidural abscess, spinal stenosis
to improve recovery with nerve impingement, or acute cauda
Acetamiflophen, NSAIDs, opioids, and muscie relaxants equina syndrome from any cause
. Admit patients with symptoms of infec-
-Educate patient on proper back biomechanics/ergonomics
-Physical therapy: Pain relief modalities (e.g., ice, heat, tion, cord compression, cauda equina
ultrasound), stretching, strengthening, aerobic conditioning, syndrome, compression fracture,
relaxation intractable pain, or inability to ambulate
. Patients with chronic back pain without
-Surgery may be considered in cases of refractory disease,
large neurologic deficits, unbearable pain, or significant neurologic manifestation can be safely
functional limitations discharged home with medications and
. Acute trauma with neurologic symptoms requires immediate appropriate follow-up
high-dose IV steroids (see "Spinal Cord Injury" entry) . Most patients (those without red flag
. Cauda equina syndrome: High-dose IV steroids and may require symptoms) will improve within 4-6
immediate surgical decompression weeks without any specific treatment
. Epidural abscess: IV antibiotics and usually requires immediate . Precise diagnosis is often not determined
surgical drainage/decompression (some are managed without
. Vertebral osteomyelitis: IV antibiotics



Analgesia and

248. Acute Pain Management
- Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Pain is a sensation produced by noxious stimulation of the terminal . Acute paln
branches of nerve fibers . Chronic pain
. Acute pain is the most common presenting symptom in the ED; usually -Tolerance to existing pain
has an identifiable cause and remits as the etiology resolves medications
. Chronic pain may have no specific etiology and is generally difficult to . New lesions/pathology te.g..

localize, quantify, and treat new metastases, intestinal

. Somatic pain involves skin, subcutaneous tissue, or bones; usually well- obstruction)
localized and described . Malingering (feigning of illness
. Visceral pain arises from internal organs which share segmental innerva- for secondary gain)
tion with somatic structures; may be localized or referred . Drug seeking
. Neurogenic pain is usually described as "shooting," "burning," "tingling,"
or "crushing" and presents in a nerve or dermatome distribution (e.g., sci-
atica, diabetic neuropathy, or RSD)
. Psychogenic pain is poorly defined and rarely corresponds to dermatomes

Presentation Diagnosis
. History: Perception of pain is vari- . Diagnostic workup is directed at the cause of the pain; occasionally
able and affected by age, co-exist- no specific etiology can be discerned
ing conditions. previous experi- . There is no definifive test for malingering; diagnosis by exclusion of
ences, cultural differences identifiable pathology and clinical judgment [the presence of an
. Pain description (PQRST) underlying factor (e.g., disability claim) does not preclude real painl
-Provocative/palliative factors
. Drug seekers are difficult patients to manage; may have extensive
Quality knowledge of pain medications; may be flattering, seductive. manipu-
-Region/radiation lative, or may try to control the interview; may have a history of mul-
-Severity tiple visits for ill-defined pain-advise the patient of your concems in
-Temporal duration a non-judgmental manner, offer non-narcotic alternatives, and advise
. Assess severity by numeric scale the patient that his or her pain will require an outpatient workup
(1-10), visual scale, or faces scale . Drug abusers can and do have real pain and usually require higher
. Categorize pain as acute vs chronic; doses of medications for pain control
moderate vs severe; real vs suspect
. Children may dispiay pain in differ-
ent ways lhan adults (e.g.. crying.
grimacing, not eating)

Treatment Disposition
. NSAIDs are anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic agents; . All patients have a right to assessment
side effects include GI upset/ulceration and renal insufficiency and treatment of pain
(COX-2 specific inhibitors have fewer GI side effects than tradi- . Do not avoid treating pain due to fears
tional NSAIDs but may cause hyperlension and edema) of masking illness or confusing the
. Acetaminophen is an analgesic and antipyretic with minimal side diagnosis
effects; liver toxicity may occur in overdoses . Combine medications (e.g., acetamino-
. Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory but offers less analgesia than phen plus NSAIDs) to decrease
most NSAIDs; side effects include GI ulceration, bleeding, and required opioid dosages
renal insufficiency . Administer dosages on a regular sched-
. Opioid analgesics are first line agents for moderate to severe pain; ule for better pain control
side effects include respiratory depression, nausea/vomiting, seda- . Use NSAIDs for inflammation
tion, constipation, tolerance, and potential for abuse and addiction . Consider pain center referral in cases of
. Tramadol has opioid-like effects but is not addictive chronic pain
. Adjuvant therapy to decrease the need for opiates may include . Elderly patients are more likely to suf-
muscle relaxants, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, biofeedback, fer side effects of medications
and acupuncture/acupressure . There is a very low risk of narcotic
addiction if used for short courses


249. Conscious Sedation
- Differential Dx
. Definitions . Indications for conscious seda-
tion include
-Sedation: A state of decreased environmental awareness
-Light sedation: Sedation with minimal decrease in level of conscious- -Wound debridement
ness; the patient responds to stimulation and maintains protective -Chest tube placement
reflexes -Incision and drainage
*Laceration repair
-Deep sedation: Marked decrease in 1eve1 of consciousness with loss of
airway protective reflexes (but adequate respiratory effort) -Fracture/j oint reduction
(including res-
-General anesthesia: Sensory, mental, reflex, and motor -Cardioversion
piratory) blockade -Diagnostic studies (e.g., CT
. Conscious sedation is a light sedation with analgesia often used in the ED scan in children)
to minimize patient discomfofi while performing painful procedures, stud- -Di ffi cult examrnations (e.g..
ies, or examinations pelvic exam in children)
. Complications of conscious sedation include medication side effects'
hypoxia, respiratory depression, aspiration, hypotension, and need for

Presentation Diagnosis
. History: Focus on major medical . Confirrn availability of resuscitation equipment (e.g., bag-valve mask,
and co-morbid problems. experi- intubation equipment) and sedation reversal agents
ences with sedation or anesthesia, . Monitor vital signs, spontaneous respirations, and 02 saturation (con-
medications, allergies, and most sider reversal of sedation if hypoxemia occurs)
recent oral intake . Choice of agents depends on the individual patient and the procedure
. Physical exam: Evaluate lor possi- being performed
ble difficult airway -Anxiolysis (e.g., imaging procedures in children): Consider mida-
. Continually assess the patient's zolam or ketamine
level of consciousness by evaluating -Painful procedures (e.g., fracture/dislocation reduction, laceration
ability to respond to verbal com- repair, minor procedures, gynecologic exam in children): Consider
mands (e.g., "thumbs up") fentanyl plus midazolam; ketamine; or etomidate
. Medications should be given in small, incremental doses to allow
titration to desired levels of analgesia and sedation
. Continue monitoring until consciousness has retumed to normal

Treatment Disposition
. Fentanyl (provides analgesia): Onset in 90 seconds, lasts 20-30 . Following conscious sedation, patients
minutes; side effects include respiratory depression, hypotension, should be observed until they are no
truncal rigidity, and seizures longer at risk for cardiorespiratory
. Ketamine (provides analgesia, anesthesia, and amnesia): Onset in depression
60 seconds, lasts 15 minutes; side effects include hypotension, . Discharge criteria include stable cardio-
increased ICP, emergence phenomena, and increased secretions vascular and respiratory function; base-
. Midazoiam (provides anxiolysis, sedation, and amnesia): Onset in line cognitive, mentai status, and motor
1-3 minutes (IV) or 10-20 minutes (IM), lasts 30-120 minutes; function; and a responsible adult to
side effects include respiratory depression and hypotension accompany the patient home (the
. Propofol (provides sedation): Onset (5 minutes, lasts 5-10 patient may not drive or parlicipate in
minutes; causes respiratory depression and hypotension activities requiring optimal mental func-
. Etomidate (provides amlesia and sedation): Onset 30 seconds, tioning for 24 hours)
iasts 10 minutes; causes N/V, myoclonic jerks . Admit patients who are unable to ambu-
. Reversal agents include naloxone (reverses effects of opioids) and late or who lack a responsible accompa-
fl umazenii (reverses effects of benzodiazepines) nying adult (ICU admission if intuba-
tion is required)



250. Rapid S"quence lntubation

Etiology & Pathophysiology Differential Dx
. Rapid sequence intubation (RSI) is the cornerstone of emergency airway . Indications for RSI
management-a technique for providing optimal intubation conditions -Failure to maintain airway or
while minimizing the risk of gastric content aspiration in patients who prolect lrom aspiration (e.g..
may have a full stomach head injury, seizures, or
. Endotracheal intubation is performed with nearly simultaneous adminis- decreased consciousness)
tration of sedation (induction) and a neuromuscular blocking agent-goal -Combative behavior
is to rapidly sedate and pralyze the patient and intubate \4,ithout assisted -Failure of ventilation (hyper-
bag-mask positive pressure ventilation (which may dilate the stomach and carbia) or oxygenation
increase the risk of aspiration) *Expected worsening of clini-
. RSI should only be performed if emergent intubation is necessary, the cal course (e.g., multi-trauma
patient may have a full stomach, the intubation is predicted to be success- patient, impending shock)
ful, and ventilation is predicted to be successful by alternate means if the -Expected diffi cult airway
intubation fails -Massive facial trauma

Presentation Diagnosis
. Assess ahway patency (ability to . Preparation: Ensure that all needed items are available (W, oxygen,
speak, presence of upper airway monitor, suction, endotracheal tube, laryngoscope);assess airway;
obstructions, stridor) draw medications
. Test gag reflex or ability to swallow . Pre-oxygenation: l\OVo 02 for five minutes results in adequate oxy-
. Assess ability to speak and follow gen stores to permit 3-5 minutes of apnea before desaturation ensues
instructions (children and obese patients desaturate quicker); avoid active bag-
. Clinically assess ventilation and valve-mask ventilation if possible, or give 4 vital capacity breaths if
oxygenation (pulse oximetry, con- necessary
siderABG) . Pre-treatment: Lidocaine prevents elevated ICP; vecuronium reduces
. Consider short-term prognosis in muscle fasciculations caused by succinylcholine
light of other injuries . Paralysis with induction: Administer a potent sedative agent concur-
. Examine mouth and neck for signs rently with a neuromuscular blocker
of trauma or airway swelling . Protection/positioning: Sniffing position; apply cricoid pressure
. Placement: Place ET tube under direct visualization and confirm
placement by auscultation, end tidal CO2, and X-ray
. Post-intubation management: Secure tube, provide long-term paraly-
sis and sedation, and initiate mechanical ventilation

Treatment Disposition
. Induction agents . Adjunctive drugs may include atropine
-Thiopental (a barbiturate sedative/hypnotic): Onset 30 sec- (to prevent succinylcholine-induced
onds, lasts 5 minutes; will not elevate ICP bradycardia in children less than age 6),
-Midazolam and other benzodiazepines (sedation, amnesia, lidocaine (may be cerebroprotective by
hypnosis but not analgesia): Onset l-2 min, last 30 min blunting increases in ICP), and non-
-Ketamine (provides dissociative amnesia plus analgesia): depolarizing NMBAs (used in very low
Onset 1 minute, lasts 5 minutes; may increase secretions and doses prior to succinylcholine to pre-
ICP, and may cause emergence phenomena vent fascicuiations)
-Etomidate (hypnotic/sedative, no analgesia): Onset . Complications (success rate is >997o)
{1 minute, lasts 20 minutes; will not elevate ICP may include unrecognized esophageal
. Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBA) infubation, aspiration, inability to intu-
-Succinylcholine is a depolarizing NMB with rapid onset bate, hypotension, and drug complica-
(<60 sec) and short duration (6 min); side effects include tions
fasciculations (pretreat with vecuronium), hyperkalemia (e.g., . Techniques for the difficult airway
in crush injury bums, MS, or ALS), trismus, malignant include laryngeal mask airway or
hyperthermia, prolonged neuromuscular blockade, bradycardia Combitube, fiberoptic intubation, light-
(pretreat with atropine in children) ed stylet intubation, or surgical airway
-Vecuronium and rocuronium are non-depolarizing agents with (e.g., cricothynoidotomy or fanstracheal
longer time of onset and longer duration of action but fewer jet ventilation)
side effects than succinylcholine


Abdominal aneurysm, as differential diagnosis for for GERD/esophagitis, 43
acute renal failure, 92 for peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 44
Abdominal aortic aneurysm laan), 53 for pericardial disease, 20
Abdominal aodic aneurysm (AAA), as differential for pulmonary embolus (PE), 35
diagnosis Acute delirium, as differential diagnosis
for acute scrotal Pain, for anticholinergic overdose,'1 75
for diverticular disease, 50 for poisoning, 162
for gallbladder disease, 56 Acute intestinal obstruction, as differential diagnosis
for ischemic bowel disease, 52 for pancreatitis, 57
for nephrolithiasis, 94 Acute lung injury as differential diagnosis
for peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 44 for carbon monoxide poisoning, 177
Abdominal catastrophe, as difierential diagnosis for for cyanide poisoning, 176
caustic ingestions, 1 82 Acute monoarticular arthritis, 1 34
Abdominal pain,38,233 Acute mountain sickness (AMS), 1Bg
Abdominal trauma, general approach to, 251 Acute myocardial infarction (Ml), as differential
Abdominal trauma of liver, biliary and pancreas, diagnosis
252 for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), 53
Abscess,127 for p-blocker/Ca-channel blocker overdose, 1 73
Abscess, as differential diagnosis for bradycardia and head block, 16
for hemoptysis, 36 for hypernatremia, 103
for metacarpal injuries, 267 Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, as
for urticaria/angioedema, 1 33 differential diagnosis for dental emergencies,
Abuse, as differential diagnosis for vaginal bleeding, 159
212,218 Acute neuropathy, 87
Acceleraied idioventricular rhythm, as differential Acute otitis externa, 156
diagnosis for Vtach, 15 Acute pain management, 278
Accidental ingestion, as differential diagnosis for Acute papillary necrosis, as differential diagnosis for
poisoning, 162 nephrolithiasis, 94
ACE inhibitors, as differential diagnosis for Acute pericarditis, as difierential diagnosis for acute
hyperkalemia, 105 aortic dissection, 21
Acetaminophen overdose, 1 64 Acute psychosis, 206
Acetazolamide, as differential diagnosis for Acute psychosis, as differential diagnosis
metabolic acidosis, 1 08 for anticholinergic overdose, 175
Achalasia, as differential diagnosis for dysphagia, for antipsychotic overdose, 1 70
41 for digitalis Ioxicity, 172
Achilles tendon rupture, as differential diagnosis for for sympathomimetic overdose, 174
ankle and foot injuries, 272,273 Acute pulmonary edema, 28
Acidosis, as differential diagnosis Acute renal failure, 92
for cardiac arrest, 2 Acute renal failure, as differential diagnosis
for dyspnea, 26 for heavy metal poisoning, 180
for hyperkalemia, 105 for urinary retention, 93
Acidosis, metabolic, 108 Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), as
Acidosis, respiratory, 1 1 0 differential diagnosis
Acids, chemical burns of, 257 for acute pulmonary edema, 2B
AC joint injury, as differential diagnosis for shoulder for acute respiratory lailure,2T
pain and soft tissue iniury,264 for aspirin overdose, 165
Acute abdomen, as differential diagnosis for carbon monoxide poisoning, 177
for complications of pregnancy, 21 6 for cyanide poisoning, 176
for Gl anthrax, 203 for heart failure, 17
for pneumothorax (PTX), 33 Acute respiratory f ailure, 27
for withdrawal sYndrome, 210 Acute valvular dysfunction, non-infectious, as
Acute angle closure glaucoma, as differential differential diagnosis for infective endocarditis,
diagnosis 19
for migraine headache, 77 Acute vision loss,
for subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage, 79 Acute vision loss, as differential diagnosis for
Acute anterior uveitis, as differential diagnosis for glaucoma, 151
eye infections, 150 Addison's disease, as differential diagnosis
Acute aortic dissection, 21 for eating disorders, 209
Acute axillary vein thrombosis, as differential for hypercalcemia, 107
diagnosis for shoulder pain and iniury,264 Adenomyoma, as differential diagnosis for ovarian
Acute bionchitis, as differential diagnosis for COPD pathologies and vaginal bleeding, 212' 215
exacerbation, 30 Adhesion, as differential diagnosis for
Acute cholecystitis, as differential diagnosis for intussusception, 236
pancreatitis, 57 Adhesive capsulitis, 264
Acute coronary syndrome, as differential diagnosis Adhesive capsulitis, as differential diagnosis for
for COPD exacerbation, 30 armlelbow or shoulder injuries, 263,265

Adjustment disorder, as differential diagnosis for for cholinergic overdose, 175
mood disorders, 207 for neck emergencies, 158
Adnexal injury as differential diagnosis for posterior for superficial soft tissue infections, 127
eye/globe trauma, 153 Allergic rhinitis, as differential diagnosis
Adrenal insufficiency/adrenal crisis, 73 for epistaxis, 157
Adrenal insufficiency/crisis, as differential diagnosis for URls, 113
for hypoglycemia, 68 Alligator or crocodile bites, 197
for hypothyroidism/myxedema coma, 72 Altered mental status, 76
for infectious diarrhea, 45 Altitude, as differential diagnosis for respiratory
for metabolic acidosis, 108 alkalosis, 110
for SLE, 137 Altitude sickness, 189
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), 2 Amebiasis, 120
African sleeping sickness, as differential diagnosis Amniotic fluid embolus (AFE),216
for protozoa infections, 120 Amphetamine use, as differential diagnosis
Age-related dysequilibrium, as differential diagnosis for hypertension in pregnancy, 219
for vertigo, 81 for hypedensive crisis, 22
A|DS, 116 Amputation, as differential diagnosis for lacerations,
Air embolism, as differential diagnosis for lung and 146
esophagus Irauma,249 Amyloidosis, as differential diagnosis
Airway foreign body, as differential diagnosis for dermatomyositis/polymyositis,'1 39
for anaphylaxis, 132 for priapism, 98
for dyspnea, 26 Amyoirophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 85
Airway obstruction, as differential diagnosis Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), as differential
for anaphylaxis, 132 diagnosis
for pediatric seizures, 239 for botulism, 122
for respiratory acidosis, 110 for dermatomyositis/polymyositis, 1 39
for tumor compression syndrome, 66 for myasthenia gravis (MG), 86
Airway trauma, as differential diagnosis for pediatric Analgesia and sedation management, 278-280
epiglottitis, 230 Anaphylaxis, 132
Alcohol, as differential diagnosis Anaphylaxis, as differential diagnosis
for acute neuropaihy, 87 for cardiogenic shock, 5
for anemia, 60 for distributive shock, 6
for barbiturate/chloral hydrate overdose, 1 69 for hypovolemic shock, 4
for benzodiazepine and GHB overdose, 168 for pediatric resuscitation, 7
for botanical and herbal toxicity, 184 for urticaria,/angioedema, 1 33
for hypoglycemia, 68 Anemia,60
for hypothermia, 186 Anemia, as differential diagnosis
for near drowning, 191 for acute renal failure, 92
for nerve compression syndrome, 88 for dyspnea, 26
for opioid overdose, 171 for heart failure, 17
for platelet disorders, 62 for hematologic/infectious oncologic emergency, 64
for traumatic brain iniury,245 for HIV infection and AIDS, 116
Alcohol, toxic ingestion of, 178 for pediatric congenital heart disease, 232
Alcoholic ketoacidosis, as differential diagnosis Anemia of chronic disease, as differential diagnosis
for acute renal failure, 92 for anemia, 60
for carbon monoxide poisoning, 177 Angiodysplasia, as differential diagnosis
for cyanide poisoning, 176 for divedicular disease, 50
Alcoholic liver disease, as differential diagnosis for for Gl bleeding, 39
acetaminophen overdose, 1 64 Angioedema, 133
Alcohol withdrawal, 21 0 Angioedema, as differential diagnosis
Alcohol withdrawal, as differential diagnosis for anaphylaxis, 132
for ethanol intoxication, 178 for asthma, 29
for heat-related illness, 188 Angioneurotic edema, as differential diagnosis
Aldosterone insufficiency, as differential diagnosis lor croup,229
for metabolic acidosis, 108 Ankle injuries, 272
Alkali, chemical burns of, 257 Ankylosing spondylitis, as differential diagnosis for
Alkalosis, as differential diagnosis for neck pain, 275
hypocalcemia, 106 Anorectal disorders, 51
Alkalosis, metabolic, 1 09 Anorectal disorders, as differential diagnosis for Gl
Alkalosis, respiratory 1 1 0 bleeding, 39
Allergic conjunctivitis, as differential diagnosis Anorexia nervosa, 209
for eye infections, 150 Anovulation, as differential diagnosis for vaginal
for red eye, 148 bleeding,212
Allergic emergencies, 1 32-1 33 Anoxic encephalopathy, as differential diagnosis
Allergic reaction, as differential diagnosis for benzodiazepine and GHB overdose, 168
for asthma, 29 for traumatic brain iniury,245

Aniacids, as differential diagnosis for metabolic for ectopic pregnancy, 21 7
alkalosis, 109 for gallbladder disease, 56
Ant bites, 196 for infectious diarrhea, 45
Anterior eye trauma, 152, 153 for inflammatory bowel disease flBD), 49
Anierior uveitis, 148 for intussusception, 236
Anthrax, 203 for nephrolithiasis, 94
Anthrax, cutaneous, as differential diagnosis for for ovarian pathologies, 215
tick-borne illnesses, 1 18 for pediatric abdominal pain, 233
Anihrax, pulmonary, as differential diagnosis for tor PlD,214
tick-borne illnesses, 1 18 for pyloric stenosis, 234
Antibiotic-induced gastroenteritis, as differential for UTls, 95
diagnosis for pediatric gastroenteritis, 235 Apthous stomatitis, as differential diagnosis for
Anticholinergic/cholinergic overdose, 1 75 vesicular lesions (herpes viruses), 145
Anticholinergic overdose/toxicity, as diff erential Arm injuries, 265
diagnosis Arrhythmia, as differential diagnosis
for hallucinogen overdose, 183 for anaphylaxis, 132
for heat-related illness, 188 for dyspnea, 26
for sympathomimetic overdose, 174 for heart failure, 17
for tricyclic antidepressant overdose, 167 for heat-related illness, 188
Anticholinergic syndrome, as differential diagnosis for lightning and electrical injury, 192
for antipsychotic overdose, 170 for near drowning, 191
for withdrawal syndrome, 210 for pediatric congenital heart disease, 232
Antidysrhythmics, as differential diagnosis for for seizures, 82
tricyclic antidepressant overdose,',l67 for vertigo, 81
Antipsychotic overdose, 1 70 Arsenic poisoning, 180
Anxiety, as differential diagnosis Arterial embolism, 190
for asthma, 29 Arterial injury, as differential diagnosis for
for chest pain, 10 compartment syndrome, 27 4
for hypertensive crisis, 22 Arlerial thrombus, as differential diagnosis for
for pulmonary embolus (PE), 35 hematologic/infectious oncologic emergency,
for respiratory alkalosis, 110 64
for ST-elevation Ml, 11 Arthritis, as differential diagnosis for venous
for syncope, 24 thrombosis, 23
for unstable angina and non ST-elevation Ml, 12 Arthropod bite, as differential diagnosis for Lyme
Aortic aneurysm, as differential diagnosis disease, 1 17
for pancreatitis, 57 Arthropod bites, 196
for urinary retention, 93 Ascaris, in parasitic infections, 120
Aortic dissection, acuIe, 21 Ascending tick paralysis, 118
Aortic dissection, as differential diagnosis Ascites, as differential diagnosis or dyspnea, 26
for abdominal aortic aneurysm laaa), 53 Aspergillus, in infective endocarditis, 19
for chest pain, 10 Aspiration, as differential diagnosis for pediatric
for heart failure, 17 pneumonia, 231
for hypertensive crisis, 22 Aspirin, as differential diagnosis
for ischemic bowel disease, 52 for hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease, 63
for peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 44 for respiratory alkalosis, 110
for pericardial disease, 20 Aspirin overdose, 165
for pneumothorax (PTX), 33 Asthma, 29
for pulmonary embolus (PE), 35 Asthma, as differential diagnosis
for ST-elevation Ml, 1'1 for acute pulmonary edema, 28
for unstable angina and non ST-elevation Ml, 12 for acute respiratory failure,2T
Aortic rupiure/dissection, as differential diagnosis for anaphylaxis, 132
for heart and great vessel trauma, 250 for aspirin overdose. 165
for lung and esophagus trauma, 249 for bronchiolitis, 227
Aorlic stenosis/coarctation, as d ifferential diagnosis for cardiomyopathy, 1B
for pediatric congenital heart disease, 232 for chemical weapons, 201
Aortoenteric fistula, as differential diagnosis for Gl for COPD exacerbation, 30
bleeding, 39 for dyspnea, 26
Aplastic anemia, as differential diagnosis for for hydrocarbon poisoning, 181
anemia,60 for panic disorder, 208
Apnea, pediatric, 225 for pneumonia,3l , 231
Appendage torsion, 99 for pneumothorax (PTX), 33
Appendicitis, 48,237 for pulmonary embolus (PE), 35
Appendicitis, as differential diagnosis for respiratory acidosis/alkalosis, 1 1 0
for adrenal insufficiency/crisis, 73 for whooping cough,228
for bowel obstruction, 46 Atelectasis, as differential diagnosis for pediatric
for diverticular disease, 50 pneumonia, 231

Aterial occlusion of extremity, as differential Bicipital tendonitis, as differential diagnosis
diagnosis for acute aortic dissection, 21 for arm and elbow injuries, 265
Atlanto-occipital dislocation, as difierential for shoulder dislocations/fractures, 263
diagnosis for cervical spine fractures, 262 Biliary atresia,/strictures, as differential diagnosis for
Atopic dermatitis, 142 hepatitis, 54
Atrial fibrillation/flutter, 1 3 Biliary cirrhosis, as differential diagnosis for
Atrophic vaginitis, as differential diagnosis hepatitis, 54
for vaginal bleeding, 212 Biliary colic, 56
for vulvovaginitis, 21 3 Biliary colic, as differential diagnosis
for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), 53
Babesia microti, in tick-borne illnesses, 118 for acetaminophen overdose, 164
Babesiosis, 119, 120 for nephrolithiasis, 94
Bacillus anthracis, 2O3 for peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 44
Bacillus cereus for ST-elevation Ml, 11
in infectious diarrhea, 45 for unstable angina and non ST-elevation Ml, 12
in pediatric gastroenteritis, 235 Biliary injury,252
Bacillus fragilis, in marine injuries, 197 Biliary injury, as differential diagnosis
Bacterial diarrhea, as difierential diagnosis for for intestinal lrauma, 254
inflammatory bowel disease (lBD), 49 for splenic injury 253
Bacterial food poisoning, as differential diagnosis Biological weapons, 202
for mushroom ingestion, 198 Bioterrorism, as differential diagnosis for acute
Bacterial keratitis, 150 neuropathy, 87
Bacterial meningitis, 83, 238 Bipolar disorder, 207
Bacterial meningitis, as differential diagnosis for Bipolar disorder, as differential diagnosis for acute
Lyme disease, 117 psychosis, 206
Bacterial pneumonia, as differential diagnosis for Bite wounds, 146, 194
tuberculosis [fB), 32 Bite wounds, as differential diagnosis
Bacterial vaginosis, as differential diagnosis for hand infections, 126
for PlD,214 for superficial soft tissue infections, 127
for STDs, 115 Bladder injuries, 255
for vulvovaginitis, 21 3 Blepharitis, as differential diagnosis for eye
Bacteroides, in bite wounds, 194 infections, l50
Balanitis, 97 Blister agents, 201
Barbiturate intoxication, as differential diagnosis for Bloody show, as differential diagnosis for vaginal
benzodiazepine and GHB overdose, 168 bleeding in pregnancy, 218
Barbiturate overdose, 1 69 Blunt abdominal trauma, 251
Barotrauma, 156, 190 Blunt cord trauma, as differential diagnosis for
Badholin's gland abscess, as differential diagnosis spinal cord injury,246
for STDs, 115 Boils, as differential diagnosis for cutaneous
Bartter syndrome, as differential diagnosis for anthrax, 203
metabolic alkalosis, 1 09 Bone infarction, as differential diagnosis for
B-blockers, as differential diagnosis osteomyelitis, 125
for digitalis toxicity, 172 Bone marrow disease, as differential diagnosis for
for hyperkalemia, 105 sickle cell disease, 61
B-blockers overdose, 1 73 Bone tumor, as differential diagnosis
Bee stings, 196 for arm and elbow injuries, 265
Behcet's syndrome, as differential diagnosis for for osteomyelitis, 125
vulvovaginitis, 213 Bo rdetel I a b ronch i septica, 228
Bells palsy, 87 Bo rdetel I a parape rtu ssi s, 228
Bell's palsy, as differential diagnosis Bordetella perfuss/b
for acute neuropathy, 87 in pediatric pneumonia, 231
for Lyme disease, 117 in URls, 113
for nerve compression syndrome, 88 in whooping cough,22B
Benzodiazepine intoxication, as differential Borrelia burgdorteri, in Lyme disease, 1 17
diagnosis for barbiturate/chloral hydrate Botanical ingestions, 1 84
overdose,169 Botulism, 122
Benzodiazepine overdose, 1 68 Botulism. as differential diagnosis
Bereavement, normal, as differential diagnosis for for acute neuropaihy, 87
mood disorders, 207 for hypokalemia, 104
Bezoars, as differential diagnosis for foreign body for myasthenia gravis (MG), 86
ingestion, 40 for neck emergencies, '158
Biceps tendon rupture, as differential diagnosis for for respiratory acidosis, 110
arm and elbow injuries, 265 for tetanus, 1 21
Bicipital fracture, as differential diagnosis for Bowel injury as differential diagnosis for abdominal
shoulder pain/injury, 264 trauma,251

Bowel obsiruction, 46 Burns, as differential diagnosis
Bowel obstruction, as differential diagnosis for for bullous lesions, 144
heavy metal poisoning, 180 for hypocalcemia, 106
Brachial neuritis, as differential diagnosis for nerve for hyponatremia, 102
compression syndrome, 88 for hypothermia, 186
Brachial plexus injury, as differential diagnosis Burns, chemical, as differential diagnosis for
for neck pain,275 pediatric epiglottitis, 230
for shoulder pain and injuries, 263,264 Burns, electrical, as differential diagnosis for
Bradycardia, 16 caustic ingestions, 182
Brain abscess, as differential diagnosis Burns, thermal, as differential diagnosis
for bacterial meningitis, 83, 238 for eczema and contact dermatitis, 142
for rabies, 123 for lightning and electrical injury 192
Brain injury, traumatic, 245 for pediatric epiglottitis, 230
Brainstem stroke, as differential diagnosis Bursitis, as differential diagnosis
for botulism, 122 for knee injuries, 271
for myasthenia gravis (MG), 86 for polyarticular arthritis, 135
for vertigo, Bl
Brain tumor, as differential diagnosis Caffeine use, as differential diagnosis for panic
for bacterial meningitis, 238 disorder, 208
for hypertensive crisis, 22 Calcific tendonitis, 264
for migraine headache, 77 Calcific tendonitis, as differential diagnosis for
Braxton-Hicks contractions, as differential shoulder dislocations/fractures, 263
diagnosis for emergency delivery 220 Calcium-channel blocker overdose, as differential
Breath-holding spells, as differential diagnosis diagnosis for digitalis toxicity, 172
for pediatric apnea, 225 Calcium-channel blockers overdose, 1 73
for pediatric seizures, 239 Campylobacte4 in infectious diarrhea, 45
Brodie access, as differential diagnosis for pediatric Cam pyl obacter jeju n i, in pediatric gastroenteritis,
fractures, 261 235
Bronchiectasis, as differential diagnosis Cancer, as differential diagnosis. See speclflc
for COPD exacerbation, 30 condition
for hemoptysis, 36 Candida
Bronchiolitis, 227 in infectious esophagitis, 43
Bronchiolitis, as difierential diagnosis in infective endocarditis, 19
for asthma, 29 in vulvovaginitis, 213
for pediatric congenital heart disease, 232 Candida vaginitis, as differential diagnosis
for pediatric pneumonia, 231 for PlD,214
forwhooping cough,22B for vulvovaginitis, 21 3
Bronchitis, as differential diagnosis Candidiasis, as differential diagnosis
for asthma, 29 for necrotizing soft tissue infections, '128
for chest pain, 10 for superficial soft tissue infections, 127
for COPD exacerbation, 30 Capnocytophaga cynodegmi
for dyspnea, 26 in bite wounds, 194
for hemoptysis, 36 in hand infections, 126
for pneumonia, 3-1 Carbon monoxide poisoning, 177
for pulmonary anthrax, 203 Carbon monoxide poisoning, as differential
for URls, 113 diagnosis
Bronchogenic carcinoma, as differential diagnosis for anticholinergic overdose, 175
for tuberculosis [fB), 32 for cyanide poisoning, 176
Brucella, in infective endocarditis, 19 for dyspnea, 26
Brucellosis, as differential diagnosis for tick-borne for heavy metal poisoning, 180
illnesses, 1 18 for migraine headache, 77
Bulimia nervosa, 209 Carbon tetrachloride, as differential diagnosis for
Bullous disease, as differential diagnosis for child acetaminophen overdose, 1 64
abuse,242 Carbuncle, as differential diagnosis for superficial
Bullous impetigo, as differential diagnosis soft tissue infections, 127
for bullous lesions, 144 Carcinoid syndrome, as differential diagnosis for
for superficial soft tissue infections, anaphylaxis, 132
for vesicular lesions (herpes viruses), 145 Carcinoid tumor, as differential diagnosis for
Bullous lesions, 144 asthma,29
Bullous myringitis,'1 56 Cardiac arrest, 2
Bullous pemphigoid (BP), 144 Cardiac contusion, as differential diagnosis
Bullous pemphigoid (BP), as differential diagnosis for heart and great vessel trauma, 250
for necrotizing soft tissue infections, 128 for lung and esophagus trauma, 249
for scaled skin syndrome and TSS, 129 Cardiac disease, as differential diagnosis for SLE,
Burns, 257 137

Cardiac ischemia, as differential diagnosis Cerebral edema/herniation, as differential diagnosis
for lightning and electrical injury 192 for tumor compression syndrome, 66
for panic disorder, 208 Cerebral hemorrhage, as differential diagnosis
Cardiac pain, as differential diagnosis for for cardiac arrest, 2
abdominal pain,38 for conversion disorder, 208
Cardiac tamponade, as differential diagnosis Cerebral mass, as differential diagnosis for
for cardiac arrest, 2 CVA/stroke, TB
for dyspnea, 26 Cerebral vascular accident (CVA), 78
Cardiac wall rupture, as differential diagnosis Cerebral vascular accident (CVA), as differential
for heart and great vessel trauma, 250 diagnosis
for lung and esophagus trauma, 249 for acute aortic dissection, 21
Cardiogenic shock, 5 for acute neuropathy, 87
Cardiogenic shock, as differential diagnosis for acute psychosis, 206
for distributive shock, 6 for acute respiratory failure,2T
for hypovolemic shock, 4 for acute vision loss, 149
Cardiomyopathy, 18 for altered mental status, 76
Cardiomyopathy, as difierential diagnosis for aspirin overdose, 165
for acute respiratory failure,2T for conversion disordel 208
for dyspnea, 26 for digitalis toxicity, 172
for pediatric congenital head disease, 232 for dysphagia, 41
Cardiomyopathy, postpartum (PPC), 221 for heat-related illness, 188
Cardiovascular emergencies, 1 0-24 for HHNKC, 70
Carotid artery dissection, as differential diagnosis for hypernatremia, 103
for neck pain,275 for hypedensive crisis, 22
for subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage, for hypoglycemia, 68
79 for hypothermia, 186
for subdural and epidural hematoma, 80 for lightning/electrical injuries, 1 92
Carpal tunnel syndrome, as differential diagnosis for migraine headache, 77
for wrist and forearm injuries, 266 for respiratory acidosis, 110
Cataplexy, as differential diagnosis for seizures, 82 for subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage,
Cat bite wounds, 194 79
Cauda equina syndrome, as differential diagnosis See a/so Stroke, difierential diagnosis
for urinary retention, 93 Cerebral vasculitis, as differential diagnosis for
Caustic exposurer as differential diagnosis for encephalitis, 84
chemical weapons, 201 Cerumen impaction, as differential diagnosis for ear
Caustic ingestion, as differential diagnosis pain, 156
for botanical and herbal toxicity, 184 Cervical arthritis, as differential diagnosis for
for cholinergic overdose, 175 subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage,
for hydrocarbon poisoning, 181 79
for pediatric pharyngitis, 226 Cervical disc disease, as differential diagnosis for
Caustic ingestions,'1 82 neck pain, 275
Cavernous sinus thrombosis, as difierential Cervical spine fractures, 262
diagnosis for acute vision loss, 149 Cervical spondylosis, as differential diagnosis
Cellulitis, 127 for migraine headache, 77
Cellulitis, as difierential diagnosis for spinal cord compression syndromes, 89
for compartment syndrome, 274 Cervicitis,2l3
for cutaneous anthrax, 203 Cervicitis. as differential diagnosis
for eczema and contact dermatitis, 142 for ovarian pathologies, 2.15
for hand infections, 126 for PlD,214
for Lyme disease, 117 for UTls, 95
for necrotizing soft tissue infections, 128 Chagas disease, as differential diagnosis
for osteomyelitis, 125 for bradycardia and heart block, 16
for penile disorders, 97 for protozoa infections, 120
for venous thrombosis, 23 Chancroid, as differential diagnosis for STDs, 115
Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO), 149 Chediak-Higashi syndrome, as differential diagnosis
Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), 149 for hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease, 63
Central venous thrombosis, as differential diagnosis Chemical burns, 257
for hypertension in pregnancy, 219 Chemical exposure/injury, as differential diagnosis
Central vertigo, 81 for biological weapons, 202
Cerebral abscess, as differential diagnosis for for trauma to the anterior eye, 152
encephalitis, 84 Chemical weapons, 201
Cerebral aneurysm, as differential diagnosis for Chest pain, 10
acute vision loss, 149 Chickenpox,'145
Cerebral contusion, as differential diagnosis Chickenpox, as differential diagnosis
for subdural and epidural hematoma, 80 for biological weapons, 202
for traumatic brain injury,245 for necrotizing soft tissue infections, 128

for pediairic viral exanthems, 241 Cicatricial pemphigoid, as differential diagnosis
for smallpox, 204 for bullous lesions, 144
Chilblains, 187 for vesicular lesions (herpes viruses), 145
Child abuse, 242,257 Cirrhosis, 55
Child abuse, as differential diagnosis Cirrhosis, as differential diagnosis
for caustic ingestions, 182 for hyponatremia, 102
for heavy metal poisoning, 180 for pleural effusion, 34
for hydrocarbon poisoning, 181 for venous thrombosis, 23
for near drowning, 191 Clavicle fracture, as differential diagnosis
for pediatric toxic ingestions, 163 for heart and great vessel trauma, 250
for pyloric stenosis, 234 for lung and esophagus trauma, 249
for sexual assaull,222 for shoulder pain and soft tissue iniury,264
Chlamydia,95 Closed head injury, as differential diagnosis for
in acute scrotal pain, 99 lightning and electrical iniury, 192
as differential diagnosis for STDs, 1 15 Clostridium
in male urethritis, 96 in necrotizing soft tissue infections, 128
in pediatric pneumonia, 231 in pediatric gastroenteritis, 235
Chlamydia pneumoniae Clostri d iu m botu l i nu m, 1 22, 2O2
as differential diagnosis for bronchiolitis, 227 Clostridium difficile
in pneumonia, 31 in infectious diarrhea, 45
in URls, 113 in pediatric gastroenteritis, 235
Chlamydia trachomatis C I o st ri d i u m d iff i c i I e colitis, as d iff erential d agnosis

in PlD,214 for diverticular disease, 50

in STDs, '1 15 for inflammatory bowel disease (lBD), 49
in tubo-ovarian abscess CIOA), 215 Clostridium perlringens
in vulvovaginitis, 213 in infectious dianhea, 45
in whooping cough,228 in marine injuries, 197
Chloral hydrate overdose, 169 Clostridium tetani, 121
Choking agents, 201 Cluster headache, as differential diagnosis for
Cholangitis, 56 glaucoma, 151
Cholangitis, as differential diagnosis CNS infection, as differential diagnosis for
for hepatitis, 54 withdrawal syndrome, 21 0
for sepsis, '1 12 CNS injury, as differential diagnosis
Cholecystitis, as differential diagnosis for acute respiratory failure,27
for abdominal aortic aneurysm 1444, 53 for hypothermia, 186
for acute aortic dissection, 21 for withdrawal syndrome, 210
for appendicitis, 48 CNS lymphoma, as differential diagnosis for HIV
for bowel obstruction, 46 infection and AIDS, 116
for chest pain, 10 CNS vasculitis, as differer'tial diagnosis for bacterial
for hepatitis, 54 meningitis, 83
for peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 44 Coagulopathy, as differential diagnosis
for pneumothorax (PTX), 33 for biological weapons, 202
Choledocholithiasis, 56 for child abuse,242
Cholelithiasis, 56 for epistaxis, 157
Cholelithiasis, as differential diagnosis for hemoptysis, 36
for hepatitis, 54 for postpartum hemorrhage, 221
for ischemic bowel disease, 52 for vaginal bleeding, 212
Cholinergic/anticholinergic overdose, 174, 175 Cocaine use, as differential diagnosis
Cholinergic crisis, as differential diagnosis for epistaxis, 157
for botulism, 122 for heat-related illness, 188
for myasthenia gravis (MG), 86 for hypertension in pregnancy, 219
Chondromalacia patellae, as differential diagnosis for hypertensive crisis, 22
for knee injuries, 271 for hyperthyroidism/thyroid storm, 71
Chronic fatigue syndrome, as differential diagnosis Coccidiomycosis, as differential diagnosis for HIV
for Lyme disease, 117 infection and AIDS, 116
Chronic HTN, as differential diagnosis for Coin rubbing, as differential diagnosis for child
hypertension in Pregnancy, 219 abuse,242
Chronic mesenteric ischemia, as differential Cold-related injuries, 1 87
diagnosis for eating disorders, 209 Collagen vascular disease, as differential diagnosis
Chronic neuropathy, as differential diagnosis for dermatomyositis/polymyositis, 1 39
for acute neuropathy, 87 for inflammatory bowel disease (lBD), 49
for nerve compression sYndrome, 88 for udicaria,/angioedema, 1 33
Chronic pain, as differential diagnosis for acute for vulvovaginitis, 21 3
pain management,278 Colon cancer, as differential diagnosis
Chronic renal failure, as differential diagnosis for for anorectal disorders, 51
acute renal failure, 92 for diverticular disease, 50

Colon cancer, as differential diagnosis (conf.) Connective tissue disease, as differential diagnosis
for inflammatory bowel disease (lBD), 49 for child abuse,242
for ischemic bowel disease, 52 for multiple sclerosis (MS), 85
Colon trauma, 254 for rhabdomyolysis, 100
Colorado tick fever, 1 18 Conscious sedation, 279
Coma, 76 Constipation, as differential diagnosis
Coma, as differential diagnosis for subdural and for appendicitis, 237
epidural hematoma, 80 for pediatric abdominal pain, 233
Common cold, as differential diagnosis for Constrictive pericarditis, as differential diagnosis for
influenza, 1 14 pericardial disease, 20
Companment sy ndrome, 27 4 Contact dermatitis, 1 42
Compadment syndrome, as differential diagnosis Contact dermatitis, as differential diagnosis
for foot injuries, 273 for bullous lesions, 144
for hip, femur and knee injuries, 271 for urticaria/angioedema, 1 33
for nerve compression syndrome, BB Contact vulvovaginitis, as differential diagnosis for
for wrist and forearm injuries, 266 vulvovaginitis, 213
Complete abortion, as differential diagnosis for Contusion, as differential diagnosis for chest pain, 10
vaginal bleeding in pregnancy, 218 Conversion disorder, 208
Complicated migraine, as differential diagnosis COPD, as differential diagnosis
for CVA,/stroke, 78 for acute pulmonary edema, 28
for subdural and epidural hematoma, 80 for acute respiratory failure,2T
Compression fracture, as differential diagnosis for for cardiomyopathy, 18
low back pain,276 for chest pain, 10
Compressive myelopathy, as differential for dyspnea, 26
diagnosis for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis for heart'failure, 17
(ALS), 85 for panic disorder, 208
Concussion, 245 for pneumonia, 31
Concussion, as differential diagnosis for subdural for respiratory acidosis, 110
and epidural hematoma, 80 COPD exacerbation, 30
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, as differential COPD exacerbation, as differential diagnosis
diagnosis for pyloric stenosis, 234 for asthma, 29
Congenital cardiac disease, as differential diagnosis for pneumothorax (PTX), 33
for pediatric resuscitation, 7 for pulmonary embolus (PE), 35
Congenital heart block, as differential diagnosis for Corneal abrasion, as differential diagnosis
bradycardia and heart block, 16 for eye infections, 150
Congenital head disease, as differential diagnosis for red eye, 148
for hydrocarbon poisoning, 181 Corneal injury 152
for pediatric pneumonia, 231 Corneal perforation, as differential diagnosis for red
for pediatric seizures, 239 eye,148
Congenital heart disease, pediatric, 232 Corneal ulcer, 150
Congenital heart lesions, as differential diagnosis Cornea./sclera perforation, 1 52
for neonatal resuscitation, B Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), as differential
Congenital syphilis, as differential diagnosis for diagnosis for pleural effusion, 34
child abuse, 242 Coronary ischemia, as differential diagnosis for
Congestive heart failure (CHF), as differential mood disorders, 207
diagnosis Costochondritis, as differential diagnosis
for acute renal failure, 92 for chest pain, 10
for acute respiratory failure,2T for pericardial disease, 20
for adrenal insufficiency/crisis, 73 for ST-elevation Ml, 11
for aspirin overdose, 165 for unstable angina and non ST-elevation Ml, 12
for asthma, 29 Cranial nerve injury, as differeniial diagnosis for
for barbiturate/chloral hydrate overdose, 6g
neck trauma, 248
for bronchiolitis, 227 Crohn's disease of the anus, as differential
for COPD exacerbation, 30 diagnosis for anorectal disorders, 51
for dyspnea, 26 Croup,229
for hemoptysis, 36 Croup, as differential diagnosis
for hypernatremia, 103 for pediatric congenital heart disease, 232
for hyponatremia, 102 for pediatric epiglottitis, 230
for hypothyroidism/myxedema coma, 72 Crush wound, as differential diagnosis for
for pleural effusion, 34 lacerations, 146
for pneumonia,3l , 231 Cryptococcus, as differential diagnosis for HIV
for pulmonary embolus (PE), 35 infection and AIDS, 1 16
for respiratory acidosis, 110 Cryptococcus neoformans, in bacterial meningitis, 83
for venous thrombosis, 23 Cryptosporidium
Conjunctival laceration, 1 52 in parasitic infections, 120
Conjunctivitis, 150 in pediatric gastroenteritis, 235

Crystal-induced arthritis, 1 34 for aspirin overdose, 165
Crystalline arthritis, as differential diagnosis for for mood disorders, 207
orthopedic trauma, 260 for vedigo, 81
C-spine injury as differential diagnosis Delirium tremens, as differential diagnosis
for maxillofacial trauma, 247 for hallucinogen overdose, 183
for neck trauma,248 for sympathomimetic overdose, 174
for traumatic brain injury 245 Delusional disorder, as differential diagnosis for
Cushing's disease/syndrome, as differential acute psychosis, 206
diagnosis Dementia, T6
f or dermatomyositis/polymyositis, 1 39 Dementia, as differential diagnosis
for hypertensive crisis, 22 for acute psychosis, 206
for metabolic alkalosis, 109 for encephalitis, 84
for panic disorder, 208 for HIV infection and AIDS, 116
Cutaneous anthrax, 203 for mood disorders, 207
Cutaneous anthrax, as differential diagnosis for Demyelinating diseases, as differential diagnosis
tick-borne illnesses, 1 18 for CVA./stroke, 78
Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, as differential for multiple sclerosis (MS), 85
diagnosis for maculopapular lesions, 143 Dengue fever, as differential diagnosis for malaria,
Cyanide poisoning, 176 119
Cyanide poisoning, as differential diagnosis Dental ailments/pain, as ditfereniial diagnosis
for carbon monoxide poisoning, 177 for pediatric otitis media, 226
for heavy metal poisoning, 180 for temporal arteritis, 138
Cyanosis, as differential diagnosis for pediatric for tetanus, 121
congenital heart disease, 232 Dental emergencies, 1 59
Cystic fibrosis, as differential diagnosis Depression, as differential diagnosis
for bronchiolitis, 227 for altered mental status, 76
for pediatric gastroenteritis, 235 for conversion disorder, 208
for pediatric pneumonia, 231 for digitalis toxicity, 172
for whooping cough, 228 for eating disorders, 209
Cystitis, as differential diagnosis for male for hypoglycemia, 68
urethritis, 96 for hypothyroidism/myxedema coma, 72
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), disseminated, as Depression with psychotic feature, as differential
differential diagnosis for HIV infection and diagnosis for acute psychosis, 206
A|DS, 116 Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), 144, 145
Dermatologic emergencies, 1 42-1 46
Date rape, as differential diagnosis Dermatomyositis, 139
for benzodiazepine and GHB overdose, 168 Dermatomyositis, as differential diagnosis
for poisoning, 162 for rhabdomyolysis, 1 00
DDD, as differential diagnosis for low back pain, for SLE, 137
276 Dermatophyte, as differential diagnosis for eczema
Decerebrate posturing, as differential diagnosis for and contact dermatitis, 142
seizures, 82 Dermato/polymyositis, as differential diagnosis for
Decompression sickness,'1 90 dysphagia, 41
Deep space infection, as differential diagnosis for Diabetes, as differential diagnosis
hand infections, 126 for acute neuropathy, 87
Deep vein thrombosis (D\aD, 23 for eating disorders, 209
Deep vein thrombosis (D\ff), as differential for hypokalemia, 104
diagnosis for pediatric toxic ingestions, 163
for compartment syndrome, 274 Diabetic infections, 1 27
for hematologic/infectious oncologic emergency, Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), 69
64 Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), as differential
for super4icial soft tissue infections, 127 diagnosis
Degenerative joint disease (DJD), as differential for acute renal failure, 92
diagnosis for osteomyelitis, 125 for appendicitis, 237
Dehydration, as differential diagnosis for complications of pregnancy, 216
for adrenal insufficiency/crisis, 73 for CVA/stroke, 78
for aspirin overdose, 165 for ethanol intoxication, 178
for HHNKC, 70 for heat-related illness, 188
for hypoglycemia, 68 for HHNKC, 70
for hypovolemic shock, 4 for metabolic acidosis, 108
for metabolic alkalosis, 109 for toxic alcohols, 179
for pediatric toxic ingestions, 163 Diabetic neuropathy, as differential diagnosis for
for vertigo, 81 dysphagia, 41
Delirium, 76 Diaphragmatic hernia, as differential diagnosis
Delirium, as differential diagnosis for neonatal resuscitation, I
for acute psychosis, 206 for pneumothorax (PTX), 33

Diaphragmatic injury as differential diagnosis Diverticulosis, as differential diagnosis for Gl
for abdominal trauma, 251 bleeding, 39
for heart and great vessel trauma, 250 Dog bite wounds, 194
for intestinal trauma, 254 Domesiic violence, as differential diagnosis
for lung and esophagus trauma, 249 for panic disorder, 208
Diarrhea, as differential diagnosis for sexual assaull,222
for eating disorders, 209 Drowning/near drowning, as difierential diagnosis
for hyponatremia, 102 for pediatric resuscitation, 7
for metabolic acidosis, 108 Drug addiction withdrawal syndrome, 210
for metabolic alkalosis, 109 Drug dependence withdrawal syndrome, 210
Diarrhea, infectious, 45 Drug seeking, as differential diagnosis for acute
Diastolic heart failure, as differential diagnosis for pain managemenI,2TS
cardiomyopathy, 18 Drugs-medication effect, reaction, or toxicity as
Dietary oral K+, as differential diagnosis for differential diagnosis
hyperkalemia, 105 for acute neuropathy, 87
Diffuse axonal iniury, 245 for acute psychosis, 206
Digitalis Ioxicily, 1 7 2 for acute respiratory failure,2T
Digitalis toxicity, as differential diagnosis for for adrenal insufficiency/crisis, 73
B-blocker/Ca-channel blocker overdose, 173 for altered mental status, 76
Dilated cardiomyopathy, as differential diagnosis for for bradycardia and head block, 16
pericardial disease, 20 for cardiac arrest, 2
Diphtheria, as differential diagnosis for CVA"/stroke, 78
for acute neuropathy, 87 for dermatomyositis/polymyositis, 1 39
for neck emergencies, 158 for eczema and contact dermatitis, 142
for pediatric epiglottitis, 230 for encephalitis, 84
for pediatric pharyngitis, 226 for hepatitis, 54
"Dirty bombs," as differential diagnosis for radiation for HHNKC, 70
exposure,193 for hypercalcemia, 107
Disaster medicine, 200 for hypernatremia, 103
Disc herniation, as differential diagnosis for hypertensive crisis, 22
for cervical spine fractures, 262 for hypocalcemia, 106
for low back pain,276 for hypoglycemia, 68
Discoid lupus, 143 for hyponatremia, 102
Dislocation, as differential diagnosis. See spectTlc for hypothermia, 186
orlhopedic trauma for hypothyroidism/myxedema coma, 72
Dislodged esophageal stent, as differential for infectious diarrhea, 45
diagnosis for foreign body ingestion, 40 for Kawasaki's disease, 240
Dissecting aodic aneurysm, as differential diagnosis for maculopapular lesions, 143
for esophageal perforation, 42 for mood disorders, 207
for GERD/esophagitis, 43 for myasthenia gravis (MG), 86
Disseminated gonococcus, as differential diagnosis for near drowning, 191
for maculopapular lesions, 143 for panic disorder, 208
for pediatric viral exanthems, 241 for pediatric pneumonia, 231
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DlC), 62 for pediatric viral exanthems, 241
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DlC), as for platelet disorders, 62
differential diagnosis for pleural efiusion, 34
for anemia, 60 for poisoning, 162
for hemaiologic/infectious oncologic emergency, 64 for priapism, 98
for hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease, 63 for rheumatic fever, 124
Distributive shock, 6 for traumatic brain injury,245
Distributive shock, as differential diagnosis tor urticaria/ angioedema, 1 33
for cardiogenic shock, 5 for vaginal bleeding, 212
for distributive shock, 6 Drug withdrawal, as differential diagnosis for
for hypovolemic shock, 4 pediatric seizures, 239
Diuretics, as differential diagnosis for metabolic Dubin-Johnson syndrome, as differential diagnosis
alkalosis, 109 for hepatitis, 54
Diverticular disease, 50 Duodenal lrauma,254
Diverticulitis, as differential diagnosis Duodenitis, as difierential diagnosis for chest pain,
for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), 53 10
for gallbladder disease, 56 Dysbarism, 190
for inflammatory bowel disease (lBD), 49 Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, 21 2
for ischemic bowel disease, 52 Dyshidrotic eczema, as differential diagnosis for
for nephrolithiasis, 94 bullous lesions, 144
for ovarian pathologies, 215 Dyspepsia, non-ulcer, as differential diagnosis for
lor PlD,214 PUD,44
for UTls, 95 Dysphagia, 41

Dyspnea, 26 Encephalopathy, as differential diagnosis for acute
Dysrhythmias, as differential diagnosis for respiratory tailure,2T
p-blocker/Ca-channel blocker overdose, 173 Endocarditis, as differential diagnosis
Dysthymic disorder, 207 for biological weapons, 202
Dystonic drug reaction, as differential diagnosis for for heart tailure, 17
tetanus,121 for pediatric fever without source,224
for rheumatic fever, 124
Ear pain, 156 for sepsis, 1 12
Eating disorders, 209 Endocarditis, infective, 19
"Ecstasy"/MDMA overdose, 1 83 Endocrine disorders, as differential diagnosis
Eclhyma, 127 for acute psychosis, 206
Ectoparasitic infections, 120 for altered mental status, 76
Ectopic pregnancy,217 for mood disorders, 207
Ectopic pregnancy, as differential diagnosis for vaginal bleeding, 212
for appendicitis, 48, 237 Endocrine emergencies, 68-73
for complications of pregnancy, 216 Endometriosis, as differential diagnosis
for nephrolithiasis, 94 for ectopic pregnancy, 217
for ovarian pathologies, 215 for inflammatory bowel disease (lBD), 49
for pancreatitis, 57 for ovarian pathologies, 215
for pediatric abdominal pain, 233 for PlD,214
tor PlD,214 for vaginal bleeding, 212
for UTls, 95 Endometritis, 221
for vaginal bleeding in pregnancy, 218 Endometritis, as differential diagnosis for ovarian
for vertigo, 81 pathologies,2l5
Eczema, 142 Endophthalmitis, 150
Eczema, as differential diagnosis Entamoeba histolytica
for maculopapular lesions, 143 in parasitic infections, 120
for vesicular lesions (herpes viruses), 145 in pediatric gastroenteritis, 235
Eczematous dermatitis, as differential diagnosis for ENT emergencies, 156-159
bullous lesions, 144 Enterobacter
Edema, as differential diagnosis in pediatric pharyngitis and otitis media,226
for dyspnea, 26 in UTls,95
for hypertension in pregnancy, 219 Enterobius, in parasitic infections, 120
Ehrlichia chaffeensis, in tick-borne illnesses, 118 Enterococcus
Eikinella, in bite wounds, 194 in infective endocarditis, 19
Eikinella corrodens, in hand infections, 126 in UTls,95
Elbow injuries, 265 Entrapment neuropathy, as differential diagnosis for
Elderly, traumas of the, 256 acute neuropathy, 87
Electrical burns, 257 Entropion/ectropion, as differential diagnosis for red
Electrical burns, as differential diagnosis for caustic eye,148
ingestions, 182 Envenomation, as differential diagnosis for lightning
Electrical injury, 192 and electrical injury, 192
Electrocution, as differential diagnosis for cardiac Environmental emergencies, 1 86-.1 98
arrest, 2 Environmental exposure, as differential
Electrolyte abnormalities, 102-.1 10 diagnosis for barbiturate/chloral hydrate
Electrolyte abnormalities, as differential diagnosis overdose,169
for acute neuropathy, 87 Epicondylitis, as differential diagnosis for arm and
for acute psychosis, 206 elbow injuries, 265
for altered mental status, 76 Epididymitis, 99
for bradycardia and heart block, 16 Epididymitis, as differential diagnosis
for dermatomyositis/polymyositis, 1 39 for male urethritis, 96
for encephalitis, 84 for penile disorders, 97
for near drowning, 191 for UTls, 95
Emergency delivery, 220 Epidural abscess/hematoma, as differential
Encephalitis, 84 diagnosis
Encephalitis, as differential diagnosis for low back pain,276
for bacterial meningitis, 83 for spinal cord compression syndromes, 89
for CVA,/siroke, 78 Epidural hematoma, S0
for ethanol intoxication, 178 Epidural hematoma, as differential diagnosis
for heat-related illness, 188 for migraine headache, 77
for hypertension in pregnancy, 219 for subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage,
for opioid overdose, 171 79
for pediatric toxic ingestions, 163 Epiglottitis,'1 58, 230
for rabies, 123 Epiglottitis, as differential diagnosis
for subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage, 79 for anaphylaxis, 132
for tetanus, 121 tor croup,229

Epilepsy, as differential diagnosis for peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 44
for hypertension in pregnancy, 219 for pulmonary embolus (PE), 35
for SLE, 137 Esophagus trauma, 249
Episcleritis, 148 Ethanol, as differential diagnosis
Epistaxis, 157 for cyanide poisoning, 176
Erysipelas, 127 for DKA, 69
Erysipelas, as differential diagnosis for metabolic acidosis, 108
for cutaneous anthrax, 203 for priapism, 98
for eczema and contact dermatitis, 142 for toxic alcohols, 179
for necrotizing soft tissue infections, 128 Ethanol intoxication, 1 78
Eryihema infectiosum, 241 Eihylene glycol, as differential diagnosis
Erythema multiforme, as differential diagnosis for cyanide poisoning, 176
for bullous lesions, '144 for DKA, 69
for Kawasaki's disease, 240 for metabolic acidosis, 108
for maculopapular lesions, 143 Ewing's sarcoma, as differential diagnosis for
for pediatric viral exanthems, 241 osteomyelitis, 125
for scaled skin syndrome and TSS, 129 Extrinsic cardiogenic shock, 5
for vesicular lesions (herpes viruses), 145 Exudative effusions, 34
Escherichia coli Eye infections, 150
in acute scrotal pain, 99 Eyelid laceration, as differential diagnosis for
in bacterial meningitis, 83, 238 posterior eye/globe trauma, 153
in infectious diarrhea, 45
in necrotizing soft tissue infections, 128 Facet dislocation, as differential diagnosis for
in pediatric fever without source,224 cervical spine fractures, 262
in pediatric gastroenteritis, 235 Facial cellulitis, as differential diagnosis for dental
in pediatric pharyngitis and otitis media,226 emergencies, 159
in pediatric pneumonia, 231 Factor Xl deficiency, as differential diagnosis for
in UTls, 95 hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease, 63
Esophageal cancer, as differential diagnosis Factor XII deficiency, as differential diagnosis for
for caustic ingestions, 182 hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease, 63
for GERD/esophagitis, 43 "False labor," as differential diagnosis for
Esophageal dysphagia, 41 emergency delivery, 220
Esophageal hematoma, as differential diagnosis for Fasciitis, as differential diagnosis for sepsis, 1 12
esophageal perforation, 42 Fecal impaction, as differential diagnosis for
Esophageal iniury as differential diagnosis hypernatremia, 103
for heart and great vessel trauma, 250 Felon, as differential diagnosis for hand infections,
for lung and esophagus trauma,249 126
for neck lrauma,248 Femoral artery aneurysm, as differential diagnosis
Esophageal motility disorder, as differential for hernia, 47
diagnosis Femur fracture, as differential diagnosis for knee
for caustic ingestions, 182 injuries, 271
for GERD/esophagitis, 43 Femur injuries, 270
for peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 44 Fever, as differential diagnosis
Esophageal perforation, 42 for dyspnea, 26
Esophageal perforation/tear, as differential for hematologic/infectious oncologic emergen-
diagnosis cies, 64
for chest pain, 10 Fever without source, pedialric, 224
for GERD/esophagitis, 43 Fibromyalgia, as differential diagnosis
Esophageal rupture, as differential diagnosis for for Lyme disease, 117
pleural effusion, 34 for polyarticular arthritis, 135
Esophageal spasm, as differential diagnosis Filariasis, as differential diagnosis for helminth
for acute aodic dissection, 21 infections, 120
for chest pain, 10 Finger injuries, 268
for dysphagia, 41 Fish handler's disease, 197
for pericardial disease, 20 Flail chest, as differential diagnosis
for ST-elevation Ml, 11 for heart and great vessel trauma, 250
for unstable angina and non ST-elevation Ml, 12 for lung and esophagus trauma, 249
Esophageal varices, as differential diagnosis Flexor tenosynovitis, as differential diagnosis for
for esophageal perforation, 42 hand infections, 126
for Gl bleeding, 39 Folate deficiency, as differential diagnosis for
Esophagitis, 43 anemia,60
Esophagitis, as differential diagnosis Folliculitis, as differential diagnosis for superficial
for caustic ingestions, 182 soft tissue infections, 127
for chest pain, 10 Food allergy, as differential diagnosis
for dysphagia, 41 for pyloric stenosis, 234
for Gl bleeding, 39 for urticaria/angioedema, 1 33

Food poisoning, as differential diagnosis Gastritis, as differential diagnosis
for biological weapons, 202 for chest pain, 10
for cholinergic overdose, 175 for gallbladder disease, 56
for digitalis toxicity, 172 for Gl bleeding, 39
Foot injuries, 273 for pancreatitis, 57
Forearm and wrist injuries, 266 for PUD, 44
Foreign body, as differential diagnosis Gastroenteritis, as differential diagnosis
for asthma, 29 for acetaminophen overdose, 164
for bronchiolitis, 227 for appendicitis, 48, 237
for cholinergic overdose, 175 {or biological weapons, 202
fo( croup,229 for botanical and herbal toxicity, 184
for dyspnea, 26 for bowel obstruction, 46
for ear pain, 156 for chemical weapons, 201
for epistaxis, 157 for complications of pregnancy, 21 6
for GERD/esophagitis, 43 for diverticular disease, 50
for hemoptysis, 36 for Gl anthrax, 203
for hydrocarbon poisoning, 181 for heavy metal poisoning, 180
for intussusception, 236 for intussusception, 236
for lacerations, 146 for mushroom ingestion,
for neck emergencies, 158 for parasitic infections, 120
for pediatric epiglottitis, 230 for pediatric abdominal pain, 233
for pediatric toxic ingestions, 163 {or pediatric fever without source,224
for pneumonia, 31 for pediatric otitis media, 226
for vaginal bleeding, 212 for pyloric stenosis, 234
for vulvovaginitis, 21 3 Gastroenteritis, pediatric, 235
for whooping cough,228 Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 43
Foreign body ingestion, 40 Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), as
Fournier's gangrene, 1 28 differential diagnosis
Fournier's gangrene, as differential diagnosis for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), 53
for acute scrotal pain, 99 for acute aodic dissection, 21
for penile disorders, 97 for caustic ingestions, 182
Fracture, as differential diagnosis for osteomyelitis, for chest pain, 10
125 for peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 44
Fractures, general management of, 260 for pericardial disease, 20
Francisella tularensis, in tick-borne illnesses, 1 18 for pulmonary embolus (PE), 35
Frostbite, 187 for pyloric stenosis, 234
Frostbite, as differential diagnosis for ear pain, for ST-elevation Ml, 11
156 for unstable angina and non ST-elevation Ml, 12
Frostnip, 187 for whooping cough, 228
Fungal conjunctivitis, as differential diagnosis for Gastrointestinal anthrax, 203
eye infections, 150 Gastrointestinal emergencies, 38-57
Fungal infection, as differential diagnosis Gastroschisis, as differential diagnosis for neonatal
for hematologic/infectious oncologic resuscitation, B
emergencies, 64 Genital herpes, as differential diagnosis
for hemoptysis, 36 for STDs, 115
for maculopapular lesions, 143 for vulvovaginitis, 21 3
for tuberculosis [B), 32 Genital pathology, as differential diagnosis for
Furuncle, as differential diagnosis for superficial hernia,47
soft tissue infections, 127 Genital wads, as differential diagnosis for STDs,
Gallbladder disease, 56 Genitourinary emergencies, 96-1 00
Gallbladder disease, as differential diagnosis Genitourinary injury, as differential diagnosis
for adrenal insufficiency/crisis, 73 for abdominal pain/trauma, 38, 251
for GERD/esophagitis, 43 for liver, biliary and pancreas injury,252
Gallstone pancreatitis, 56 for splenic injury 253
Ganglion or bone cyst, as differential diagnosis for Genitourinary trauma, 255
wrist and Jorearm injuries, 266 Geriatric traumas, 256
Gardnerella vaginalis, 21 3 GHB overdose, 168, 169
Gas gangrene, 128 Giardia
Gas gangrene, as differential diagnosis in infectious diarrhea, 45
for compadment syndrome, 274 in parasitic infections, 120
for scaled skin syndrome and TSS, 129 in pediatric gastroenteritis, 235
Gastric cancer, as differential diagnosis for peptic Gl bleeding, 39
ulcer disease (PUD), 44 Gl bleeding, as differential diagnosis
Gastric erosions, as differential diagnosis for GI for abdominal aorlic aneurysm (AAA), 53
bleeding, 39 for hemoptysis, 36

Gingivitis/periodontitis, as differential diagnosis for in pediatric pharyngitis and otiiis media,226
dental emergencies, 1 59 in pneumonia, 31 ,231
Gitelman syndrome, as differential diagnosis for in URls, 113
metabolic alkalosis, 1 09 Haemophilus parainfluenzae, in pediatric epiglottitis,
Glaucoma, 151 230
Glaucoma, as differential diagnosis for acute vision Haemophilus pylori, in peptic ulcer disease (PUD),
loss, 149 44
Glenohumeral dislocation, as differential diagnosis Hallucinogen drugs, as differential diagnosis
for arm and elbow injuries, 265 for botanical and herbal toxicity, 184
Globe injury, as differential diagnosis for red eye, for tricyclic antidepressant overdose, 167
148 Hallucinogen overdose, 1 83
Globe luxation, 153 Hand, fractures in, 267
Gonococcal arthritis, as differential diagnosis for Hand-foot-mouth disease, as differential diagnosis
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 136 for pediatric viral exanthems, 241
Gonorrhea. See Neissera gonorrheae for vesicular lesions (herpes viruses), 145
Goodpasture's syndrome, as differential diagnosis Hand infeciions, 126
for hemoptysis, 36 Hangman's fracture, as differential diagnosis for
GouVpseudogout, as differential diagnosis cervical spine fractures, 262
for acute monoarticular arthritis, 134 Headaches, as differential diagnosis
for finger injuries, 268 for glaucoma, 151
for metacarpal injuries, 267 for migraine headache, 77
for orthopedic trauma, 260 Head injury/trauma, as differential diagnosis
for osteomyelitis,'125 for bacterial meningltis, 238
for polyarticular arthritis, 135 for hallucinogen overdose, 183
for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 136 for respiratory acidosis, 110
Granule-release disorders, as differential diagnosis Heart and great vessels, thoracic trauma of, 250
for hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease, Heart block,
63 Heart failure, 17
Granuloma inguinale, as differential diagnosis for Heat exhaustion, 188
STDs,115 Heat-related illness, 1 88
Group A Streptococcus Heat stroke, 188
in pediatric pneumonia, 231 Heat stroke, as differential diagnosis
in pharyngitis, 158 for antipsychotic overdose, 170
in rheumatic fever, 124 for hallucinogen overdose, 183
in scalded skin syndrome and TSS, 129 for sympathomimetic overdose, 174
Group B Streptococcus for withdrawal syndrome, 210
in bacterial meningitis, 238 Heat syncope, 188
in pediatric pharyngitis and otitis media,226 Heavy metal poisoning, 180
in pediatric pneumonia, 231 Heavy meial poisoning, as differential diagnosis for
Guillain-Barr6 syndrome (GBS), 87 mushroom ingestion, 198
Guillain-Barr6 syndrome (GBS), as differential HELLP syndrome,216
diagnosis HELLP syndrome, as differential diagnosis
for acute neuropathy, 87 for hypertension in pregnancy, 219
for acute respiratory lailure,2T for platelet disorders, 62
for biological weapons, 202 Helminth infections, 1 20
for botulism, 122 Hemarthrosis, as difierential diagnosis for acute
for dyspnea, 26 monoafticular arthritis, 134
for hypokalemia, 104 Hematologic-oncologic emergencies, 60-66
for myasthenia gravis (MG), 86 Hemoglobinopathies, as differential diagnosis for
for nerve compression syndrome, 88 sickle cell disease, 61
for rabies, 123 Hemolysis, as differential diagnosis
for respiratory acidosis, 110 for anemia, 60
for tick-borne illnesses, 118 for hyperkalemia, '105
Gynecologic-obstetric emergencies, 21 2-222 Hemolytic anemia, as differential diagnosis for
Gynecologic pain, as differential diagnosis for hepatitis, 54
abdominal pain, 38 Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), as difierential
Habit cough, as differential diagnosis for whooping for acute renal failure, 92
cough, 228 for hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease, 63
Haemophilus ducreyi, in STDs, 115 for pediatric gastroenteritis, 235
Haemophilus influenzae for platelet disorders, 62
in bacterial meningitis, 83, 238 Hemophilia,63
in deep space infections, 158 Hemoptysis,36
in otitis media, 156 Hemorrhage, as differential diagnosis
in pediatric epiglottitis, 230 for altered mental status, 76
in pediatric fever without source,224 for anemia, 60

for cardiac arrest, 2 High altitude sickness, 189
for hypoglycemia, 68 High-pressure injection injury 146
for hypovolemic shock, 4 Hip injuries, 270
for neonatal resuscitation, I Hirschsprung's disease, as differential diagnosis
Hemorrhagic fever viruses, 202 for intussusception, 236
Hemorrhagic strokes, 78 for pediatric gastroenteritis, 235
Hemonhoids,5l Histoplasmosis, as differential diagnosis for HIV
Hemothorax, as differential diagnosis infection and AIDS, 116
for heart and great vessel trauma, 250 Hollow viscous injury, 252
for lung and esophagus trauma, 249 Hollow viscous injury as differential diagnosis for
Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP), as differential splenic injury, 253
diagnosis Homicide attempt, as differential diagnosis
for acute scrotal pain, 99 for botanical and herbal toxicity, 184
for child abuse,242 for heavy metal poisoning, 180
for hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease, 63 for poisoning, 162
for intussusception, 236 Hookworm,'120
Hepatic encephalopathy, as differential diagnosis Hornet stings, 196
for altered mental status, 76 Human bite wounds, 194
for opioid overdose, 171 Human immunodeficiency virus (HlV), 116
Hepatic failure, as differential diagnosis {or Human immunodeficiency virus (HlV), as differential
hypoglycemia, 68 diagnosis
Hepatic fibrosis, as differential diagnosis for for acute neuropathy, 87
cirrhosis, 55 for anemia, 60
Hepatic insufficiency, as differential diagnosis for infectious diarrhea, 45
for cardiomyopathy, 18 for STDs, 115
for head failure, 17 for tuberculosis [fB), 32
Hepatitis, 54 Humeral fractures, as differential diagnosis
Hepatitis, as differential diagnosis for arm and elbow injuries, 265
for botanical and herbal toxicity, 184 for shoulder pain and soft tissue injury,264
for gallbladder disease, 56 Hydatiform mole, as differential diagnosis for
for heavy metal poisoning, 180 hypertension in pregnancy, 219
for peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 44 Hydrocarbon poisoning, 1 81
Hepatotoxic drugs, as differential diagnosis for Hydrocele/varicocele, acute, as differential
acetaminophen overdose, 1 64 diagnosis for acute scrotal pain, 99
Herbal toxicity, 184 Hydrogen sulfide exposure, as differential diagnosis
Hernia,47 for carbon monoxide poisoning, '177
Hernia, as difierential diagnosis for ischemic bowel for cyanide poisoning, 176
disease, 52 Hymenoptra bites, 196
Herniated intervertebral disc, as differential Hyperaldosteronism, as differential diagnosis for
diagnosis for spinal cord compression metabolic alkalosis, 109
syndromes, 89 Hypercalcemia, 65, 107
Herpangina, as differential diagnosis for vesicular Hypercalcemia, as differential diagnosis
lesions (herpes viruses), 145 for hypernatremia,'1 03
Herpes, disseminated, as differential diagnosis for for hypokalemia, 104
HIV infection and AIDS, 116 Hypercarbia, as differential diagnosis
Herpes simplex virus (HSV), 145 for altered mental status, 76
Herpes simplex virus keratitis, as differential for dysbarism, 190
diagnosis for eye infeciions, 150 Hyperemesis gravidarum, 2'l 6
Herpes zoster, 145 Hyperglycemia, as differeniial diagnosis
Herpes zoster, as differential diagnosis for hyponatremia, 102
for abdominal aortic aneurysm 1aa{, 53 for withdrawal syndrome, 210
for acute neuropathy, 87 Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic coma
for bullous lesions, 144 (HHNKC),70
for chest pain, Hyperkalemia, 105
for eczema and contact dermatitis, 142 Hyperkalemia, as differential diagnosis
for low back pain,276 for B-blocker/Ca-channel blocker overdose, 1 73
for nephrolithiasis, 94 for cardiac arrest, 2
for pericardial disease, 20 Hyperlipidemia, as differential diagnosis for
for ST-elevation Ml, 11 hyponatremia, 102
for unstable angina and non ST-elevation Ml, 12 Hypermagnesemia, as differential diagnosis for
Herpetic whitlow, as differential diagnosis for hand hypocalcemia, 106
infections, 126 Hypernatremia, 103
Heterotopic pregnancy, as differential diagnosis for Hyperosmotic coma, as differential diagnosis for
ectopic pregnancy,217 CVA/stroke,78
High altitude cerebral edema (HACE), 189 Hyperphosphatemia, as differential diagnosis for
High altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), 189 hypocalcemia, 106

Hyperproteinemia, as differential diagnosis for for antipsychotic overdose, 170
hyponatremia, 102 for benzodiazepine and GHB overdose,'168
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis, as differential for CVA,/stroke, 78
diagnosis for asthma, 29 for digitalis toxicity, 172
Hypersensitivity reaction, as differential diagnosis for DKA, 69
for botanical and herbal toxicity, 184 for ethanol intoxication, 178
for chemical weapons, 201 for heat-related illness, 188
Hypertension, as differential diagnosis for hypernatremia,
for altered mental status, 76 for hypothermia, 186
for epistaxis, 157 for hypothyroid ism/myxedema coma, 7 2
Hypertension in pregnancy, 219 for lightning and electrical injury 192
Hypertensive crisis, 22 for near drowning, 191
Hypertensive crisis, as differential diagnosis for neonatal resuscitation, 8
for acute renal failure, 92 for opioid overdose, 171
for heart failure, 17 for panic disorder, 208
Hypertensive encephalopathy, as differential for pediatric seizures, 239
diagnosis for pediatric toxic ingestions, 163
for CVA./stroke, 78 for poisoning, 162
for lightning and electrical inlury, 192 for seizures, 82
for subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage, for sympathomimetic overdose, 174
79 for syncope, 24
Hyperthermia, as differential diagnosis for traumatic brain injury,245
for aspirin overdose, 165 for withdrawal syndrome, 210
for hyperthyroidism/thyroid storm, 71 Hypokalemia, 104
Hyperthyroidism, 71 Hypokalemia, as differeniial diagnosis
Hypedhyroidism, as differential diagnosis for metabolic alkalosis, 109
for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 85 for respiratory acidosis, 1 10
for eating disorders, 209 Hyponatremia, 102
for hypercalcemia, 107 Hyponatremia, as differential diagnosis
for infectious diarrhea, 45 for hypernatremia, 103
for panic disorder, 208 for hypokalemia, 104
for postpartum endomeiritis, 221 for opioid overdose,
for withdrawal syndrome, 210 Hypoparathyroidism, as differential diagnosis for
Hyper{rophic cardiomyopathy, as differential hypocalcemia, 106
diagnosis for pericardial disease, 20 Hypopituitarism, as differential diagnosis for
Hyperventilation, as differential diagnosis hypothermia, 186
for seizures, 82 Hypoplastic left ventricle, as differential diagnosis
for syncope, 24 for pediatric congenital heart disease, 232
for vertigo, 81 Hypotension, as difierential diagnosis for altered
Hyperviscosity syndrome, as differential mental siatus, 76
diagnosis for metabolic oncologic Hypothermia, 186
emergencies, 65 Hypothermia, as differential diagnosis
Hyphema,152 for cardiac aftest,2
Hypnotic intoxication, as differential diagnosis for for cold-related injuries, 187
vertigo, 81 for dysbarism, 190
Hypoadrenalism, as differential diagnosis for for near drowning, 191
hypothermia, 186 for opioid overdose, '171
Hypoadrenal shock, as differential diagnosis for poisoning, 162
for cardiogenic shock, 5 Hypothyroidism, 72
for distributive shock, 6 Hypothyroidism, as differential diagnosis
for hypovolemic shock, 4 for anemia, 60
Hypoalbuminemia, as differential diagnosis for p-blocker/Ca-channel blocker overdose, 1 73
for cardiomyopathy, 18 for bradycardia and heart block, 16
for heart failure, 17 for cardiomyopathy, 18
for hypocalcemia, 106 for dermatomyositis/polymyositis, 1 39
for venous ihrombosis, 23 for hypoglycemia, 68
Hypoaldosteronism, as differential diagnosis for for hypokalemia, 104
hyperkalemia, 105 for hyponatremia, 102
Hypocalcemia, 106 for hypothermia, 186
Hypocalcemic tetany, as differential diagnosis for for pediatric congeniial heart disease, 232
tetanus,121 for platelet disorders, 62
Hypochondriasis, as differential diagnosis for for pleural effusion, 34
conversion disorder, 208 for postpartum cardiomyopathy, 22.1
Hypoglycemia,6S for urticaria/angioedema, 1 33
Hypoglycemia, as differential diagnosis Hypothyroidism/myxedema coma, as differential
for acute psychosis, 206 diagnosis for adrenal insufficiency/crisis, 73

Hypovolemia, as differential diagnosis for cardiac lnevitable abortion, as differeniial diagnosis for
arresl,2 vaginal bleeding in PregnancY, 218
Hypovolemic shock, 4 lnfantile codical hyperostosis, as differential
Hypovolemic shock, as differential diagnosis diagnosis for child abuse,242
for cardiogenic shock, 5 lnfantile spasms, as differential diagnosis for
for dehydration, 3 pediatric seizures, 239
for distributive shock, 6 lnfections, as differential diagnosis
for hemorrhage, 3 for abdominal pain, 38
for 3rd spacing, 3 for acute psychosis, 206
Hypoxia./hypoxemia, as differential diagnosis for altered mental status, 76
for acute psychosis, 206 for anemia, 60
for altered mental status, 76 for dermatomyositis/polymyositis, 1 39
for cardiac arrest, 2 for epistaxis, 157
for cyanide poisoning, 176 for heat-related illness, '188
for dysbarism, 190 for hematologic/infectious oncologic emergen-
for migraine headache, 7 7 cies, 64
for opioid overdose, 171 for HHNKC, 70
for poisoning, 162 for HIV infection and AIDS, 116
for vertigo, 81 for hypernatremia, 103
Hysteria, as differential diagnosis for nerve for hyperthyroidism/thyroid siorm, 7.1
compression syndrome, 88 for hypoglycemia, 68
for hypokalemia, 104
latrogenic hypertonic infusions, as differential for muliiple sclerosis (MS), 85
diagnosis for hYPonatremia, 102 for neonatal resuscitation, B
ldiopathic cranial neuropathy, as differential for pyloric stenosis, 234
diagnosis for red eye, 148
for botulism, 122 for subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage,
for myasthenia gravis (MG), 86 79
ldiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (lTP), 62 for tick-borne illnesses, 118
ldiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (lTP), as for urticaria./angioedema, 1 33
differential diagnosis for vaginal bleeding, 212 '
for child abuse,242 lnfections of the hand, 126
for complications of pregnancy, 216 lnfectious arthritis, as differential diagnosis for
for hematologic/infectious oncologic emergency, pediatric fractures, 261
64 lnfectious colitis, as difierential diagnosis for
for HIV infection and AIDS, 1 16 ischemic bowel disease, 52
lliac artery aneurysm, as differential diagnosis for lnfectious diarrhea, 45
abdominal aortic aneurysm laaa), 53 lnfectious diarrhea, as differeniial diagnosis for Gl
lliotibial band pain, as differential diagnosis for hip, bleeding, 39
femur, or knee in.iuries, 270,271 lnfectious disease emergencies, 1 12-130
lmmobilization, as differential diagnosis for lnfectious esophagitis, as differential diagnosis for
hypercalcemia, 107 GERD/esophagitis, 43
lmpetigo, as differential diagnosis lnfectious mononucleosis, as differential diagnosis
for eczema and contact dermatitis, 142 for neck emergencies, 158
for necrotizing soft tissue infections, 128 for pediatric viral exanthems, 241
lmpingement syndrome, 264 lnfective arthritis, as differential diagnosis for knee
lmpingement syndrome, as differential diagnosis for injuries, 271
shoulder dislocations/f ractures, 263 lnfective endocarditis, 1 9
lnborn metabolic disease, as differential lnfiltrative disease, as differential diagnosis for
diagnosis bradycardia and heart block, 16
for pediatric congenital heart disease' 232 lnflammatory arthritis, 1 35
for pyloric sienosis, 234 lnflammatory bowel disease (lBD), 49
lncapacitating agents, 201 lnflammatory bowel disease (lBD), as differential
lncarcerated hernia, as difierential diagnosis diagnosis
for intussusception, 236 for appendicitis, 237
for pediatric abdominal Pain, 233 for diverticular disease, 50
lncarcerated malrotation, as differential diagnosis for eating disorders, 209
for intussuscePtion, 236 for Gl bleeding, 39
lnclusion body myositis, as differential diagnosis for for infectious diarrhea, 45
dermatomyositis/polymyositis, 1 39 for ischemic bowel disease, 52
lncomplete abortion, as differential diagnosis for for pediatric gastroenteritis, 235
vaginal bleeding in PregnancY, 218 lnflammatory myopathy, as differential diagnosis for
lncreased lCP, as differential diagnosis for amyoirophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 85
bradycardia and heart block, 16 lnfluenza, 1 14
lncreased vagal tone, as differential diagnosis for lnfluenza, as differential diagnosis
p-blocker/Ca-channel blocker overdose, 173 for pediatric viral exanthems, 241

lnfluenza, as differential diagnosis (cont ) for neck Irauma,248
for pulmonary anthrax, 203 for splenic injury 253
for smallpox, 204 lntrauterine pregnancy, as differential diagnosis for
for tick-borne illnesses, 1 18 ectopic pregnancy, 217
for URls, 113 lntravascular volume depletion, as differential
lnguinal hernia, as differential diagnosis diagnosis for urinary retention, 93
for acute scrotal pain, 99 lntrinsic cardiogenic shock, 5
for pyloric stenosis, 234 lntrinsic sinus node disease, as differential
lnhalation injury as differential diagnosis for acute diagnosis for digitalis toxicity, 172
respiratory tailure,2T lntussusception, 236
lnsect bites, as differential diagnosis lntussusception, as differential diagnosis
tor eczema and contact dermatitis, 142 for appendicitis, 237
for pediatric viral exanthems, 241 for ischemic bowel disease, 52
for urticaria./angioedema, 1 33 for pediatric gastroenteritis, 235
lnstrumentation, as differential diagnosis for lridodialysis, as differential diagnosis for trauma to
hemoptysis, 36 the anterior eye, 152
lnsulin, excess, as differential diagnosis for lris/ciliary body injury, 152
hyperkalemia, 105 lron-deficiency anemia, as differential diagnosis
lnterstitial cystitis, as differential diagnosis for UTls, for anemia, 60
95 for sickle cell disease, 61
lnterstitial lung disease, as differential diagnosis lron toxiciiy, 180
for dyspnea, 26 lrritable bowel syndrome, as differential diagnosis
for respiratory acidosis, 1 10 for appendicitis, 48
lntestinal obstruction, as differential diagnosis for cholinergic overdose, 175
for appendicitis, 48, 237 for diverticular disease, 50
for diverticular disease, 50 for infectious diarrhea, 45
for ischemic bowel disease, 52 for inflammatory bowel disease (lBD), 49
for nephrolithiasis, 94 lschemia, as differential diagnosis for vertigo, 81
lntestines, abdominal lrauma of , 254 lschemic bowel, as differential diagnosis for
lntoxication, as differential diagnosis for pediatric infectious diarrhea, 45
gastroenteritis, 235 lschemic bowel disease, 52
lntra-abdominal abscess, as differential diagnosis lschemic colitis, 52
for postpartum endometritis, 221 lschemic colitis, as difierential diagnosis for
lntracerebral hemorrhage (lCH), 79 diverticular disease, 50
lntracerebral hemorrhage (lCH), as differential lschemic nerve injury, as differential diagnosis for
diagnosis nerye compression syndrome, 88
for bacterial meningitis, 83 lschemic optic neuropathy, as differential diagnosis
for CVA,/stroke, 78 for multiple sclerosis (MS), 85
for hypedensive crisis, 22 lschemic strokes, 78
for opioid overdose, 171 lsoniazid/iron, as differential diagnosis
lntracerebral mass lesion, as differential diagnosis for DKA, 69
for subarachnoid and intracerebral for metabolic acidosis, 108
hemorrhage, 79 for toxic alcohols, 179
Intracranial bleed/hemorrhage, as differential lsoniazid poisoning, as differential diagnosis for
diagnosis cyanide poisoning, 176
f or barbitu rate / chloral hyd rate overdose, 1 69 lsopropanol poisoning, 179
for p-blocker/Ca-channel blocker overdose, lsosporiasis, 120
173 lV fluids, as differential diagnosis for
for botanical and herbal toxicity, 184 hypothermia, 1BG
for carbon monoxide poisoning, 177
for cyanide poisoning, 176 Jefferson fracture, as differential diagnosis for
for dysbarism, 190 cervical spine fractures, 262
for hypedension in pregnancy,219 Jellyfish envenomation, 197, 27 4
for pediatric toxic ingestions, 163 Juvenile arthritis, as differential diagnosis
for poisoning, 162 for pediatric fractures, 261
for traumatic brain injury,245 for rheumatic tever, 124
for tricyclic antidepressant overdose, 167 Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, as
lntracranial injury differential diagnosis for epistaxis, 157
as differential diagnosis for benzodiazepine and Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, as differential
GHB overdose, l68 diagnosis for Kawasaki's disease, 240
in sexual assault, 222
lntracranial mass lesion, as differential diagnosis for Kawasaki's disease, 240
acute vision loss, 149 Kawasaki's disease, as differential diagnosis
lntrathoracic injury, as difierential diagnosis for bacterial meningitis, 238
for intestinal trauma, 254 for maculopapular lesions, 143
for liver, biliary, and pancreas injury,252 for pediatric viral exanthems, 241

for rheumatic fever, 124 Libman-Saks disease, as differential diagnosis for
for scaled skin syndrome and TSS, 129 infective endocarditis, 1 9
Keratitis, 148 Lichen planus,
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, 1 48 Lichen simplex chronicus, 143
Kidney injuries, 255 Licorice renin-producing tumor, as differential
Kebsiella,99 diagnosis for metabolic alkalosis, 109
in nephrolithiasis, 94 Liddle syndrome, as differential diagnosis for
in pediatric pharyngitis and otitis media,226 metabolic alkalosis, 1 09
in pediatric pneumonia, 231 Ligament sprain, as ditferential diagnosis for
in pneumonia, 31 orthopedic trauma, 262, 267,268
in UTls, 95 Ligament strain/tear, as differential diagnosis for
Knee injuries, 271 orthopedic trauma, 88, 260, 27 1
Lightning injury 192
Labyrinthitis, as differential diagnosis Listeria, 83
for CVA/stroke, 78 in bacterial meningitis, 238
for subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage, 79 in pediatric fever without source,224
Laceration, as differential diagnosis for traumatic in pediatric gastroenteritis, 235
brain in.iury, 245 Liver disease, as differential diagnosis
Lacerations, l46 for adrenal insufficiency/crisis, 73
Lactate, excess, as differential diagnosis for for anemia, 60
metabolic alkalosis, 1 09 for hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease, 63
Lactational mastitis, 221 Liver failure, as differential diagnosis
Lactic acidosis, as differential diagnosis for acute psychosis, 206
for carbon monoxide Poisoning, 177 for HHNKC, 70
for DKA, 69 for hypernatremia, 103
for metabolic acidosis,'1 08 Liver flukes, 120
for toxic alcohols, 179 Liver injury,252
Lactose intolerance, as differential diagnosis for Liver injury, as differential diagnosis
pediatric gastroenteritis, 235 for abdominal trauma, 251
Lambert-Eaton syndrome, as diff erential diagnosis for intestinal lrauma, 254
for botulism, 122 for splenic injury, 253
for myaslhenia gravis (MG), 86 Lou Gehrig's disease, 85
Large bowel obstruction, as differential diagnosis Low back pain,276
lor hernia, 47 Lower lobe pneumonia, as differential diagnosis for
Larval migrans, 120 appendicitis, 237
Laryngeal web, as differential diagnosis for croup, LSD-like agents, overdose if, 183
229 Lumbar plexopathy, as differential diagnosis for
Laryngitis, as differential diagnosis for croup,229 nerve compression syndrome, 88
Laryngomalacia, as differential diagnosis Lung abscess, as differential diagnosis for
for croup,229 esophageal perforation, 42
for pediatric epiglottitis, 230 Lung AVM, as differential diagnosis for hemoptysis,
Laryngolracheal injury/perforation, as differential 36
diagnosis for neck trauma,24B Lung cancer, as differential diagnosis
Laryngotracheobronchitis (croup), 229 for hemoptysis, 36
'lB0 for pneumonia, 31
Lead poisoning,
Lead poisoning, as differential diagnosis for Lung disease, as differential diagnosis for heart
anemia, 60 failure, 17
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, as differential Lung neoplasm, as differential diagnosis for pleural
diagnosis for pediatric fractures, 261 effusion, 34
Legionella, in pneumonia, 31 Lung trauma, 249
'120 Lyme disease, 117, 118
Leishmania, in parasitic infections,
Leishmaniasis, as difierential diagnosis for malaria, Lyme disease, as differential diagnosis
119 for acute monoadicular arthritis, '134
Lens subluxation/dislocation, as differential for acute neuropathy, 87
diagnosis for anterior eye trauma, 152 for bradycardia and head block, 16
Leptospirosis, as differential diagnosis for conversion disorder, 208
for Kawasaki's disease, 240 for encephalitis, 84
for tick-borne illnesses, 1'18 for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 136
LES hypertension, as differential diagnosis for for temporal arteritis, 138
dysphagia, 41 Lymphadenitis, as differential diagnosis for hernia,
Leukemia, as differential diagnosis 47
for bacterial meningitis, 238 Lymphangitis, 127
for pediatric pharyngitis, 226 Lymphedema, as differential diagnosis for venous
for platelet disorders, 62 thrombosis, 23
for priapism, 98 Lymphogranuloma venereum, as differential
for rheumatic fever, 124 diagnosis for STDs, 1 15

Lymphoma, as differential diagnosis Melioration with volvulus, as differential diagnosis
for HIV infection and AIDS, 116 for pediatric abdominal pain, 233
for intussusception, 236 Membrane defects, as differential diagnosis for
for malaria, 119 anemia,60
for pediatric pharyngitis, 226 Meniere's disease, as differential diagnosis
for platelet disorders, 62 for aspirin overdose, 165
for tuberculosis (lB), 32 for CVA,/stroke, 78
Meningitis, as differential diagnosis
Maculopapular lesions, 1 43 for acute psychosis, 206
Ma huang ingestion, as differential diagnosis for for altered mental status, 76
sympathomimetic overdose, 1 74 for antipsychotic overdose, 170
Major depressive disorder, 207 for benzodiazepine and GHB overdose, 168
Malabsorption syndrome, as differential diagnosis for biological weapons, 202
for infectious diarrhea, 45 for CVA/stroke, 78
for pediatric gastroenteritis, 235 for encephalitis, 84
Malaria, 119 for ethanol intoxication, 178
Malaria, as differential diagnosis for hallucinogen overdose, 183
for pediatric fever without source,224 for heat-related illness, 188
for tick-borne illnesses, '1 18 for HHNKC, 70
Male urethritis, 96 for hydrocarbon poisoning, 181
Malignancy, as differential diagnosis for hypedension in pregnancy, 219
for acute monoarticular arthritis, 134 for hypothyroidism/myxedema coma, 72
for hypercalcemia, 107 for migraine headache, 77
for mood disorders, 207 for neck pain,275
for pediatric fractures, 26.1 for opioid overdose, 171
for shoulder pain/injury 263,264 for pediatric toxic ingestions, 163
for vaginal bleeding, 212 for rabies, 123
See a/so specific condition for sepsis, 1 12
Malignant hyperthermia, as differential diagnosis for for subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage, 79
heat-related illness, 1 88 for sympathomimetic overdose, 174
Malignant otitis externa, as differential diagnosis for for tetanus, 121
ear pain, 156 for tick-borne illnesses, 1 18
Malingering, as differential diagnosis for tricyclic antidepressant overdose, 167
for acute vision loss, 149 for URls, 113
for nephrolithiasis, 94 Meningitis, bacterial, 83, 238
Mallory-Weiss tear, as differential diagnosis Meningococcemia, as differential diagnosis
for esophageal perforation, 42 for scaled skin syndrome and TSS, '129
for Gl bleeding, 39 for superficial soft tissue infections, 127
Malrotation with volvulus, as differential diagnosis for tick-borne illnesses, 118
for pyloric stenosis, 234 Meningoencephalitis, as difierential diagnosis for
MAOI overdose,'166 malaria, 119
Marasmic endocarditis in terminal diseases, as Meniscal injury, as differential diagnosis for knee
differential diagnosis for infective endocarditis, 19 injuries, 271
Marine animal bite, as differential diagnosis Menorrhagia,2l2
for dysbarism, 190 Menses, normal, as differential diagnosis for vaginal
Marine injuries, 197 bleeding,212
Marked sinus arrhythmia, as differential diagnosis Menstrual cramps, as differential diagnosis for
for atrial fibrillation/flutter, 1 3 ovarian pathologies, 21 5
Marrow disease, as differential diagnosis Mercury poisoning, as differential diagnosis for
for anemia, 60 heavy metal poisoning, 180
for platelet disorders, 62 Mesenteric adenitis, as differential diagnosis for
Mass lesions, as differential diagnosis for bacterial appendicitis, 237
meningitis, 83 Mesenteric artery injury as differential diagnosis for
Mastitis,221 intestinal trauma,254
Maxil lofacial trauma, 247 Mesenteric bowel obstruction, as differential
MDMA,/"ecstasy" overdose, 1 83 diagnosis for peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 44
Measles, 24O,241 Mesenteric ischemia, 52
Meatal stenosis, as differential diagnosis for urinary Mesenteric ischemia, as differential diagnosis
retention, 93 for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), 53
Mechanical obstruction, 46 for bowel obstruction, 46
Meckel's diverticulum, as differential diagnosis for for diverticular disease, 50
intussusception, 236 for gallbladder disease, 56
Meconium aspiration, as differential diagnosis for for inflammatory bowel disease (lBD), 49
neonatal resuscitation, B for nephrolithiasis, 94
Medications. See Drugs-medication effect, for pancreatitis, 57
reaction, or toxicity as differential diagnosis Mesenteric thrombosis. 52. 57

Metabolic abnormalities, as differential diagnosis Mood disorders, 207
for abdominal pain, 38 Moraxella, in bite wounds, 194
for cardiac arrest,2 Moraxella catarrhalis
for ethanol intoxication, ',l78 in otitis media, 156
Metabolic acidosis, 1 08 in pediatric epiglottitis, 230
Metabolic alkalosis, 09 in pediatric pharyngitis and otitis media,226
Metabolic bone disease, as differential diagnosis in pneumonia, 31
for polyarticular arthritis, 135 in URls, 113
Metabolic encephalopathy, as differential diagnosis Morning sickness, as differential diagnosis for
for acetaminophen overdose, 164 complications of pregnancY, 216
for pediatric toxic ingestions, 163 Motor neuron disease, as differential diagnosis for
for poisoning, 162 dermatomyositis/polymyositis, 1 39
for tricyclic antidepressant overdose, 167 Movement disorders, as differential diagnosis for
Metabolic oncologic emergencies, 65 seizures, 82,239
Metacarpal injuries, 267 Mucous membrane exposure, as differential
Metastatic cancer, as differential diagnosis for diagnosis for occupational needlestick
osteomyelitis, 125 exposure, 1 30
Methanol, as differential diagnosis MUDPILES,69, 179
for acute vision loss, '149 Multifocal atrial tachycardia, as differential
for cyanide poisoning, 176 diagnosis for atrial f ibrillation/f lutter, 1 3
for DKA, 69 Multifocal motor neuropathy, as differential
for metabolic acidosis, 108 diagnosis for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
for toxic alcohols, 179 (ALS),85
Methemoglobinemia, as differential diagnosis for Multiple sclerosis (MS), 85
pediatric congenital heari disease, 232 Multiple sclerosis (MS), as differential diagnosis
Metrorrhagia, 212 for conversion disorder, 208
Microangiopathy, as difierential diagnosis for for dysphagia, 41
anemia,60 for SLE, 137
Migraine headache, 77 for spinal cord compression syndromes, 89
Migraine headache, as differential diagnosis Multisystem organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS),
for acute vision loss, 149 112
for bacterial meningitis, 83, 238 Mumps, 158,241
for glaucoma, 15'l Muscle strain, as differential diagnosis
for panic disorder, 208 for chest pain, 10
for seizures, 82 for low back pain,276
for subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage, for pneumothorax (PTX), 33
79 Muscle trauma,/hemorrhage, as differential diagnosis
for temporal arteritis, 138 for nerve compression syndrome, 88
for vedigo, 81 for venous thrombosis, 23
Miliary tuberculosis, as differential diagnosis Musculoskeleial pain, as differential diagnosis
for HIV infection and AIDS, 116 for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), 53
for malaria, 119 for pulmonary embolus (PE), 35
Milk-alkali syndrome, as differential diagnosis for Mushroom ingestion, 198
hypercalcemia, 107 Mushrooms, as differential diagnosis for
Miiral stenosis, as differential diagnosis for acetaminophen overdose, 1 64
hemoptysis, 36 Myasthenia gravis (MG), 86
Mitral valve prolapse, as differential diagnosis for Myasthenia gravis (MG), as differential diagnosis
panic disorder, 208 for acute neuropathy, 87
Mittelschmertz, as differential diagnosis for acute respiratory tailure,2T
for nephrolithiasis, 94 for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 85
for ovarian pathologies, 215 for biological weapons, 202
Molar pregnancy, as differential diagnosis for botulism, 122
for complications of pregnancy, 216 {or dermatomyositis/polymyositis, 1 39
for ectopic pregnancy, 217 for dysphagia, 41
for vaginal bleeding in pregnancy, 218 for dyspnea, 26
Mollaret's syndrome, as differential diagnosis for for hypokalemia, 104
bacterial meningitis, 238 for respiratory acidosis, 1 10
Mongolian spots, as difierential diagnosis for child Mycobacteria, atypical, as differential diagnosis for
abuse,242 HIV infection and AIDS, 116
Monitor artifact, as differential diagnosis for Vtach, Mycobacteria marionum, in marine injuries, 197
15 Mycobacterium Africanum, in TB, 32
Monoar.ticular arthritis, acute, 134, 135 Mycobacterium bovis, in 18, 32
Mononeuritis multiplex, as differential diagnosis for Myco bacteriu m tu be rcu losi s
nerve compression sYndrome, 88 in bacterial meningitis, 83
Mononucleosis, as difierential diagnosis for in osteomyelitis, 125
pediairic epiglottitis, 230 in TB, 32

Mycoplasma, in male urethritis, 96 Necrotizing fasciitis, as differential diagnosis for
Mycoplasma hominis, in PlD, 214 compadment syndrome, 274
Mycoplasma pneumonia, as differential diagnosis Necrotizing soft tissue infections, 127, 128
for pediatric viral exanthems, 241 Needlestick injury
Mycoplasma pneumoniae as differential diagnosis for lacerations,
in bronchiolitis, 227 146
in pneumonia, 31 ,231 occupational, 1 30

in URls, 113 Nelsseza

in whooping cough,228 in bite wounds, 194
Myelodysplasia, as differential diagnosis for platelet in hand infections, 126
disorders, 62 Nelssena gonorrheae
Myocardial infarction (Ml), as differential diagnosis in acute scrotal pain, 99
foracute aortic dissectlon, 21 in male urethritis, 96
foracute pulmonary edema, 28 in PlD, 214
foradrenal insufficiency/crisis, 73 in pneumonia, 31
foranaphylaxis, 132 in STDs, 115
forcardiac arrest, 2 in tubo-ovarian abscess CFOA), 215
fordental emergencies, 159 in vulvovaginitis, 213
foresophageal peforation, 42 Neissera meningitidis
forlightning and electrical injury 192 in bacterial meningitis, 83, 238
for near drowning, 191 in pediatric fever without source,224
for pancreatitis, 57 Neonatal resuscitation, 8
Myocardial ischemia, as differential diagnosis Neoplasia, as differential diagnosis for infectious
for abdominal aodic aneurysm (AAA), 53 diarrhea, 45
for acute pulmonary edema, 28 Neoplastic cord compression, as differential
for chest pain, 10 diagnosis for spinal cord compression
for heart tailure, 17 syndromes, 89
for neck pain,275 Nephrolithiasis, 94
Myocardial ischemic cardiomyopathy, as differential Nephrolithiasis, as differential diagnosis
diagnosis for cardiomyopathy, 18 for appendicitis, 48
Myocarditis, as differential diagnosis for ovarian pathologies, 215
for bradycardia and hearl block, 16 for PlD,214
for cardiomyopathy, 18 Nephrosis, as differential diagnosis for
for heart failure, 17 hyponatremia, 102
for pediatric congenital heart disease, 232 Nephrotic syndrome, as differential diagnosis
Myoclonus, as differential diagnosis for pediatric for pleural effusion, 34
seizures, 239 for venous thrombosis, 23
Myonecrosis, 128 Nerve agents, 201
Myopathy, as differential diagnosis Nerve compression syndrome, BB
for dermatomyositis/polymyositis, 1 39 Nerve entrapment syndrome, as differential
for dyspnea, 26 diagnosis for low back pain,276
Myositis, as differential diagnosis Nervous system disorders, as differential
for acute neuropathy, 87 diagnosis for dermatomyositis/polymyositis,
for acute respiratory failure,2T 139
for conversion disorder, 208 Neurodermatitis, as differential diagnosis for
for hypokalemia, 104 eczema and contact dermatitis, 142
Myxedema coma,72 Neurogenic shock, as differential diagnosis
for hypovolemic shock, 4
Nailbed injury, as differential diagnosis for for spinal cord iniury,246
lacerations, 146 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, as differential
Narcolepsy, as differential diagnosis for seizures, diagnosis
82 for hallucinogen overdose, 183
Narcotics, as differential diagnosis for heat-related illness, 188
for hypertensive crisis, 22 for hyperthyroidism/thyroid storm, 71
for neonatal resuscitation, B for SSRI and MAOI overdoses, 166
for respiratory acidosis, 110 for sympathomimetic overdose, 174
Nasal bleeding, 157 for tricyclic antidepressant overdose, 167
Nasal septal hematoma, as differential diagnosis for Neurologic emergencies, 76-89
maxi llofacial lrauma, 247 Neuropathic pain, as differential diagnosis for
Near drowning, 191 polyarticular arthritis, 1 35
Near drowning, as differential diagnosis for Neuropathy, acute, 87
dysbarism, 190 Neutropenia, as differential diagnosis for
Neck emergencies, 158 hematologic/infectious oncologic
Neck pain, 275 emergency, 64
Neck trauma, 248 NG suction, as differential diagnosis for metabolic
Necrotizing fasciitis, 1 28 alkalosis, 109

Nicotine, as differential diagnosis Opioid overdose, as differential diagnosis
for panic disorder, 208 for antipsychotic overdose, 170
for respiratory alkalosis, 110 for p-blocker/Ca-channel blocker overdose, 173
Nitrogen narcosis, 190 co-ingestion with alcohol and barbiturates, 168
"Noisy" baseline on ECG, as differential diagnosis Opioid withdrawal, 166, 21 0
for atrial fibrillation/flutter, 1 3 Optic nerve injury as differential diagnosis for
Non-bacterial meningitis, as differential diagnosis trauma to the posterior eye and globe, 153
for bacterial meningitis, 83 Optic neuritis, 149
Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, as differential Oral candidiasis, as differential diagnosis for dental
diagnosis for cardiomYoPathY, 18 emergencies, 159
Non-cerebral infection, as differential diagnosis for Oral hypoglycemic overdose, as differential
encephalitis, 84 diagnosis for B-blocker/Ca-channel blocker
Non-compliance with antihypertensive medications, overdose,173
as differential diagnosis for hyperlensive crisis, Orbital cellulitis, as differential diagnosis
zz for dental emergencies, 159
Non-convulsive status epilepticus, as differential for eye infections, 150
diagnosis for seizures, 82 Orbital fracture, as differential diagnosis for
Non-infectious endocarditis, as differential posterior eye and globe trauma, 153
diagnosis for infective endocarditis, 19 Orchitis, as differential diagnosis
Non-inflammatory arthritis, 1 35 for acute scrotal pain, 99
Nonketotic hyperosmolar coma, as differential for male urethritis, 96
diagnosis for DKA, 69 Organic brain syndrome, as differential diagnosis
"Non Q-wave" Ml. See Non ST-elevation Ml; for HHNKC, 70
Unstable angina Organophosphate poisoning, as difierential
Non-sexual assaull, 222 diagnosis
Non ST-elevation Ml, 12 for botulism, 122
Non-ST elevation Ml, as differential diagnosis for for chemical weapons, 201
ST-elevation Ml, 11 for myasthenia gravis (MG), 86
Non-tuberculous mycobacteria, as differential Oropharyngeal dysphagia, 41
diagnosis for tuberculosis CIB), 32 Orthopedic injuries, in sexual assault,222
NSA|Ds, as differential diagnosis Odhopedic trauma, 260-276
for hemophilia and von Willebrand's Osgood-Schlatter syndrome, as differential
disease, 63 diagnosis for pediatric fractures, 261
for hyperkalemia, 105 Osteoarthritis, as differential diagnosis
Nuclear/radiation exposure, 1 93 for acute monoarticular arthritis, 134
for finger injuries, 268
Obesiiy, as differential diagnosis for dyspnea, 26 for metacarpal injuries, 267
Obstetric-gynecologic emergencies, 21 2-222 for neck pain,275
Obstructions, as differential diagnosis for for orlhopedic trauma, 260
dysphagia, 41 for polyarticular arthritis, 135
Occult bacteremia, as differential diagnosis for for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 136
pediatric fever without source, 224 for shoulder dislocations/fractures, 263
Occult head trauma, as differential diagnosis for shoulder pain and soft tissue iniury,264
for antipsychotic overdose, 170 Osteochondritis dessicans, as differential diagnosis
for benzodiazepine and GHB overdose, 168 for knee injuries, 271
for opioid overdose, 171 Osteogenesis imperfecta, as differential diagnosis
Occult infection, as differential diagnosis for for child abuse,242
B-blocker/Ca-channel blocker overdose, 1 73 Osteomyelitis, 125
Occult trauma, as differential diagnosis Osteomyelitis, as differential diagnosis
for barbiturate/chloral hydrate overdose, 1 69 for neck pain,275
for digitalis toxicity, 172 for pediatric fever without source,224
for pediatric toxic ingestions, 163 for pediatric fractures, 26.1
Occupational needlestick exposure, 1 30 for superficial soft tissue infections, 127
Ocular myopathy, as differential diagnosis Osteoporotic compression, as differential diagnosis
for botulism, 122 for spinal cord compression syndromes, 89
for myasthenia gravis (MG), 86 Otitis media, 156,226
Olecranon fracture, as differential diagnosis for arm Otitis media, as differential diagnosis
and elbow injuries, 265 for pediatric abdominal pain, 233
Onchocerciasis, as differential diagnosis for for pediatric fever without source,224
helminth infections, 120 Otitis media with effusion, as difierential diagnosis
Oncologic emergencies, 64-65 for pediatric otitis media, 226
Oncologic-hematologic emergencies, 60-66 Otologic disease, as difierential diagnosis for
Open fracture/joint space, as differential diagnosis temporal arteritis, 1 38
for lacerations, 146 Ovarian abscess/cyst, as difierential diagnosis for
Ophthalmalogic emergencies, 1 48-1 53 ectopic pregnancy, 217
Opioid overdose, 171 Ovarian cysts, 48, 215

Ovarian torsion,215 Paravalvular abscess, as differential diagnosis for
Ovarian torsion, as differential diagnosis bradycardia and heart block, 16
for appendicitis, 48, 237 Parkinson's disease, as difierential diagnosis for
for pediatric abdominal pain, 233 dysphagia, 41
for PlD,214 Paronychia, as differential diagnosis for hand
Overfeeding, as differential diagnosis infections, 126
for pediatric gastroenteritis, 235 Pasteurella
for pyloric stenosis, 234 in bite wounds, 194
Overuse injury, as differential diagnosis for in hand infections, 126
orthopedic injuries, 265, 266 in osteomyelitis, 125
Ovulatory bleeding, 212 Patellar dislocation/f racture, as differential
diagnosis for knee injuries, 271
Paget's disease, as differential diagnosis for Pathologic fracture, as differential diagnosis for hip
hypercalcemia, 107 and femur injuries, 270
Pain, as differential diagnosis for respiratory Pauciarticular arthritis, as differential diagnosis for
alkalosis, 110 rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 136
Pain managemenl,278 PCP,183,188
Pancreas injury,252 Pediatric emergencies, 224-242
Pancreatic injury, as differential diagnosis Pediatric fractures, 261
for abdominal trauma, 251 Pediatric resuscitation, 7
for intestinal trauma, 254 Pediatric toxic ingestions, 163
for splenic injury 253 Pediatric traumas, 256
Pancreatitis, 57 Pediculosis, as differential diagnosis for eczema
Pancreatitis, as differential diagnosis and contact dermatitis, 142
for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), 53 Pellagra, as differential diagnosis for eczema and
for adrenal insufficiency/crisis, 73 contact dermatitis, 142
for appendicitis, 48 Pelvic fracture, as differential diagnosis
for bowel obstruction, 46 for abdominal lrauma, 251
for chest pain, 10 for liver, biliary, and pancreas iniury,252
for esophageal pedoration, 42 for splenic injury, 253
for gallbladder disease, 56 Pelvic f ractures/injuries, 269
for hypocalcemia, 106 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 21 4
for ischemic bowel disease, 52 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PlD), as differential
for nephrolithiasis, 94 diagnosis
for pediatric abdominal pain, 233 for appendicitis, 48, 237
for peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 44 for bowel obstruction, 46
for pleural effusion, 34 for diverticular disease, 50
for sepsis, 1 12 for ectopic pregnancy, 21 7
for ST-elevation Ml, 11 for gallbladder disease, 56
for unstable angina and non ST-elevation for inflammatory bowel disease flBD), 49
Mt, 12 for nephrolithiasis, 94
Panic attack, as differential diagnosis for pediatric abdominal pain, 233
for hypertensive crisis, 22 for UTls, 95
for syncope, 24 for vulvovaginitis, 21 3
for vertigo, 81 Pelvic malignancy, as differential diagnosis for
Panic attacks, 208 urinary retention, 93
Parainfluenza, as differential diagnosis for pediatric Pemphigus foliaceus, as differential diagnosis for
viral exanthems, 241 vesicular lesions (herpes viruses), 145
Paraldehyde, as differential diagnosis Pemphigus vulgaris, as differential diagnosis
for DKA, 69 for necrotizing soft tissue infections, 128
for metabolic acidosis, 108 for scaled skin syndrome and TSS, 129
for toxic alcohols, 179 for vesicular lesions (herpes viruses), 145
Paralysis, periodic, as differential diagnosis for Pemphigus vulgaris P\n, 1 44
hyperkalemia, 105 Penetrating abdominal trauma, 251
Paralytic ileus, 46 Penetrating cord trauma, as differential diagnosis
Paralytic medications, as differential diagnosis for for spinal cord injury 246
botulism, 122 Penetrating hearVvessel injury as differential
Paraneoplastic pemphigus, as differential diagnosis
diagnosis for vesicular lesions (herpes viruses), for heart and great vessel trauma, 250
145 for lung and esophagus trauma, 249
Paraphimosis, 97 Penile cancer, as differential diagnosis for penile
Parasitic infections, 1 20 disorders, 97
Parasitic infections, as differential diagnosis Penile disorders, 97
for hemoptysis, 36 Penile injuries, 97, 255
for inflammaiory bowel disease [BD), 49 Penile/perineal trauma, as differential diagnosis for
for intussusception, 236 priapism,9S

Penile tourniquet, 97 Pesticide ingestion, as differential diagnosis for
Peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 44 hydrocarbon poisoning, 1 81
Peptic ulcer disease (PUD), as differential diagnosis Pharyngitis, 158,226
for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), 53 Pharyngitis, as differential diagnosis
for acetaminophen overdose, 164 of candida in HIV/AIDS infection, 1'16
for acute aortic dissection, 21 for pediatric abdominal pain, 233
for adrenal insufficiency/crisis, 73 for pediatric epiglottitis, 230
for appendicitis, 237 for URls, 113
for chest pain, 10 Phelbitis, superficial, as differential diagnosis for
for gallbladder disease, 56 complications of pregnancy, 21 6
for GERD/esophagitis, 43 Pheochromocytoma, as differential diagnosis
for Gl bleeding, 39 for anaphylaxis, 132
for heavy metal poisoning, 180 for hypercalcemia, 107
for pediatric abdominal pain, 233 for hypertensive crisis, 22
Percutaneous exposure, as differential diagnosis for for hyperthyroidism/thyroid storm, 71
occupational needlestick exposure, 1 30 for panic disorder, 208
Perforated duodenal ulcer, as differential diagnosis Phimosis, 93, 97
for gallbladder disease, 56 Photosensitivity reaction, as differential diagnosis
Pedorated peptic ulcer, as differential diagnosis for eczema and contact dermatitis, 142
for bowel obstruction, 46 Physeal fractures, 261
for esophageal perforation, 42 Physical assault of a child,242
Perforated ulcer, as differential diagnosis for Pill esophagitis, as differential diagnosis for caustic
pneumothorax (PTE, 33 ingestions, 182
Perforated viscus, as differential diagnosis Pilonidal cysVabscess, as differential
for ischemic bowel disease, 52 diagnosis for anorectal disorders, 51
for pancreaiitis, 57 Pinworms, as differential diagnosis for
PerJoration with peritonitis, as differential diagnosis vulvovaginitis, 213
for bowel obstruction, 46 Pityriasis rosea, 143
Pericardial disease, 20 Placental abruption, as differential diagnosis
Pericardial effusion, as differential diagnosis for for emergency delivery 220
chest pain, 10 for vaginal bleeding in pregnancy, 218
Pericardial tamponade, as differential diagnosis Placenta previa, as differential diagnosis
for acute pulmonary edema, 28 for emergency deliv ery, 22O
for heart and great vessel irauma, 250 for vaginal bleeding in pregnancy, 218
for lung and esophagus trauma,249 Plague,11B,2O2
for pulmonary embolus (PE), 35 Plantar fasciitis, as differential diagnosis for foot
for tumor compression syndrome, 66 injuries, 273
Pericarditis, as differential diagnosis Plants, ingestions of, '184
for chest pain, 10 Plasmodium falciparum, in malaria, 119
for dyspnea, 26 Plasmodium malariae, in malaria, 119
for esophageal perforation, 42 Plasmodium ovale, in malaria, 119
for pediatric congenital heart disease, 232 Plasmodium vivax, in malaria, 1 19
for pleural effusion, 34 Platelet disorders, 62
for pulmonary embolus (PE), 35 Platelet disorders, as differential diagnosis for
for ST-elevation Ml, 11 hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease, 63
for unstable angina and non ST-elevation Ml, 12 Pleural effusion, 34
Perineal abscess, as differential diagnosis for Pleural effusion, as differential diagnosis
STDs,115 for acute respiratory tailure,2T
Periodic breathing, as differential diagnosis for for dyspnea, 26
pediatric apnea,225 for pediatric pneumonia, 231
Periodontal infection, as differential diagnosis Pleurisy, as differential diagnosis
for caustic ingestions, 182 for chest pain,
for dental emergencies, 159 for pulmonary embolus (PE), 35
Periorbital cellulitis, as differential diagnosis for eye for ST-elevation Ml, 11
infections, 150 for unstable angina and non Slelevation
Peripheral nerve injury, as differential diagnosis for Mt,12
compadment syndrome, 274 Pleuritis, as differential diagnosis
Peripheral vertigo, 81 for chest pain, 10
Peritonsillar abscess, 158, 230 for pericardial disease, 20
Peroneal tendon injuries, as differential diagnosis for pneumothorax (PTX), 33
for ankle injuries,272 Pneumocystis carinii
Personality disorder, as differential diagnosis for as differential diagnosis for biological weapons,
mood disorders, 207 202
Pedussis, as differential diagnosis in pediatric pneumonia, 231
for bronchiolitis, 227 pneumonia in HIV infection and AIDS, 116
for URls, 113 Pneumonia, 31,231

Pneumonia, as difierential diagnosis Polyps, as differential diagnosis
for acute pulmonary edema, 28 for Gl bleeding, 39
for acute respiratory failure,2T for intussusception, 236
for altered mental status, 76 Polysubstance abuse, as differential diagnosis
for appendicitis, 237 for barbiturate/chloral hydrate overdose, 1 69
for asthma, 29 for hydrocarbon poisoning, 1Bl
for biological weapons, 202 Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT), 144,145
for bronchiolitis, 227 Portal HTN, as differential diagnosis for platelet
for chest pain, 10 disorders, 62
for COPD exacerbation, 30 Posterior epistaxis, 1 57
for dyspnea, 26 Posterior eye and globe, trauma to, 153
for esophageal perforation, 42 Posterior neural arch fracture, as differential
for heart failure, 17 diagnosis for cervical spine fractures, 262
for hemoptysis, 36 Posterior segment injury as differential diagnosis
for HIV infection and AIDS, 116 for trauma to the anterior eye, 152
for hydrocarbon poisoning, 181 Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), 1 30
for influenza, 1 14 Postpartum complications, 221
for pancreatitis, 57 Postpartum psychosis, as differential diagnosis for
for pediatric abdominal pain, 233 acute psychosis, 206
for pediatric congenital heart disease, 232 Postphlebitic syndrome, as differential diagnosis for
for pediatric fever without source,224 venous thrombosis, 23
for peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 44 Post-traumatic compression, as differential
for pleural effusion, 34 diagnosis for spinal cord compression
for pneumoihorax (PTX), 33 syndromes, 89
for postpartum endometritis, 221 Post-traumatic glaucoma, as differential diagnosis
for pulmonary anthrax, 203 for trauma to the anterior eye, 152
for pulmonary embolus (PE), 35 Post-vaccination fever, as differential diagnosis for
for sepsis, 1 '12 pediatric fever without source, 224
for tick-borne illnesses, 118 Pre-eclampsia./eclampsia, as differential diagnosis
for URls, 113 for complications of pregnancy, 216
for whooping cough, 228 for hypertensive crisis, 22
Pneumothorax (PTX), 33 for postpadum cardiomyopathy, 221
Pneumothorax (PTX), as d ifferential diagnosis Preexcitation tachycardia, as differential diagnosis
for acute aortic dissection, 21 forVtach, l5
for acute respiratory tailure,2T Pregnancy
for anaphylaxis, 132 complications of, 216
for asthma, 29 prophylaxis in sexual assaulI,222
for chest pain, 10 traumas in, 256
for COPD exacerbation, 30 Pregnancy, as differential diagnosis
for dyspnea, 26 for appendicitis, 48
for esophageal perforation, 42 for diverticular disease, 50
for heart and greal vessel trauma, 250 for dyspnea, 26
for lung and esophagus trauma,249 for gallbladder disease, 56
for pericardial disease, 20 for hyponatremia, 102
for pulmonary embolus (PE), 35 for urinary retention, 93
for ST-elevation Ml, 11 for UTls, 95
for unstable angina and non ST-elevation Ml, 12 for vaginal bleeding, 212
Poisoned patient, general approach to, 162 Prematurity, as differential diagnosis for neonatal
Poisoning/toxins, as differential diagnosis resuscitation, 8
for acute respiratory Iailure,2T Priapism,98
for altered mental status, 76 Primary biliary cirrhosis, as differential diagnosis for
Polio/poliomyelitis, as differential diagnosis cirrhosis, 55
for acute neuropathy, 87 Primary HIV infection, as differential diagnosis for
for botulism, 122 influenza, 1 1 4
for rabies, 123 Primary hyperparathyroidism, as differential
Polyarteritis nodosa, as differential diagnosis diagnosis for hypercalcemia, 107
for Kawasaki's disease, 240 Prostatitis, as differential diagnosis
for temporal arteritis, 138 for male urethritis, 96
Polyarticular arthritis, 135, 136 for penile disorders, 97
Polycythemia, as differential diagnosis for priapism, 98 for UTls, 95
Polymyalgia rheumatica, as differential diagnosis Prosthetic valve, as differential diagnosis for
for dermatomyositis/polymyositis, 1 39 platelet disorders, 62
Polymyositis, 139 Proteus
Polymyositis, as difierential diagnosis in bacterial meningitis, 238
for rhabdomyolysis, 1 00 in nephrolithiasis, 94
for SLE, 137 in UTls, 95

.120 for GERD/esophagitis, 43
Protozoa infections,
Pruritus ani, as differential diagnosis for anorectal for heart failure, 17
disorders, 51 for heat-related illness, 188
Pseudohemoptysis, as differential diagnosis for for hematologic/infectious oncologic emergency,
hemoptysis, 36 64
Pseudohyperkalemia, as differential diagnosis for for hemoptysis, 36
hyperkalemia, 105 for panic disordet 208
Pseudohypoparathyroidism, as differential for pericardial disease, 20
diagnosis for hypocalcemia, 106 for pleural effusion, 34
Pseudomonas,99 for pneumonia, 31
in bacterial meningitis, 238 for pneumothorax (PTX), 33
in pediatric epiglottitis, 230 for respiratory alkalosis, 110
in UTls, 95 for ST-elevation Ml,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa for unstable angina and non ST-elevation Ml, 12
in otitis media, 156 Pulmonary emergencies, 26-36
in pediatric pneumonia, 231 Pulmonary HTN, as difierential diagnosis for
Pseudo-obstruction, as differential diagnosis for dyspnea, 26
bowel obstruction, 46 Pulmonary infection, as differential diagnosis for
Pseudoseizure, as differential diagnosis for chemical weapons, 201
seizures, 82 Pulmonary sequestration, as differential diagnosis
Pseudotumor cerebri, as differential diagnosis for for pediatric pneumonia, 231
migraine headache, 77 Puncture wounds, 146
Psittacosis, as differential diagnosis for tick-borne Pyelonephritis, as differential diagnosis
illnesses, 118 for appendicitis, 48, 237
Psoriasis, 142, 143 for complications of pregnancy, 216
Psoriatic arthritis, as differential diagnosis for divedicular disease, 50
for neck pain,275 for ectopic pregnancy, 217
for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 136 for gallbladder disease, 56
Psychiatric emergencies, 206-21 O for nephrolithiasis, 94
Psychogenic chest pain, as differential diagnosis for ovarian pathologies, 215
for chest pain, 10 for pediatric fever without source,224
Psychogenic polydipsia, as differential diagnosis for for PlD,214
hyponairemia, 102 for sepsis, 1 12
Psychosis, as differential diagnosis Pyloric atresia, as differential diagnosis for pyloric
for altered mental status, 76 stenosis, 234
for encephalitis, 84 Pyloric stenosis, 234
for hyperthyroidism/thyroid storm, 71 Pyloric stenosis, as differential diagnosis
for hypoglycemia, 68 for intussusception, 236
for mood disorders, 207 for pediatric gastroenteritis, 235
for tricyclic antidepressant overdose,
Pulmonary agents, 201 "Q-wave" myocardial infarction. See ST-elevation
Pulmonary anthrax, 1 18, 203 MI
Pulmonary contusion/laceration, as differential
diagnosis Rabies,123
for heart and great vessel trauma, 250 Rabies, as differential diagnosis for tetanus, 121
for lung and esophagus trauma, 249 Radial head subluxation, as differential diagnosis
Pulmonary edema, acute, 28 for arm and elbow injuries, 265
Pulmonary edema, as differential diagnosis for wrist and forearm injuries, 266
for acute renal failure, 92 Radiation colitis, as differeniial diagnosis for
for cardiomyopathy, 18 inflammatory bowel disease (lBD), 49
Pulmonary effusion, as differential diagnosis for Radiation esophagitis, as differential diagnosis for
pleural effusion, 34 causiic ingestions, 1 82
Pulmonary embolus (PE), 35 Radiation exposure, 1 93
Pulmonary embolus (PE), as differential diagnosis Rape,222
for acuie aortic dissection, 21 Rapid sequence intubation (RSl), 280
for acute respiratory failure,2T Reactive airway disease, as differential diagnosis
for adrenal insufficiency/crisis, 73 for pediatric pneumonia, 231
for anaphylaxis, 132 Rectal cancer, as differential diagnosis for anorectal
for asthma, 29 disorders, 51
for cardiac arresl,2 Rectal foreign body, as differential diagnosis for
for cardiomyopathy, 18 anorectal disorders, 51
for chest pain, 10 Rectal prolapse, as differential diagnosis for
for complications of pregnancy, 216 anorectal disorders, 51
for COPD exacerbation, 30 Red eye, 148
for dyspnea, 26 Red eye, as differential diagnosis for
for esophageal perforation, 42 glaucoma, 151

Referred pain, as differential diagnosis Reye's syndrome, as differential diagnosis
for low back pain,276 for acetaminophen overdose, 164
for shoulder pain and injuries, 263,264 for hepatitis, 54
Reiter's syndrome, as differential diagnosis Rhabdomyolysis, 100
for male urethritis, 96 Rhabdomyolysis, as differential diagnosis
for polyarticular arthritis, '135 for compartment syndrome, 274
for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 136 for hyperkalemia, 105
Renal colic, as differential diagnosis Rhabdovirus, l23
for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), 53 Rheumatic fever, 124
for acute scrotal pain, 99 Rheumatic fever, as differential diagnosis
for appendicitis, 237 for pediatric fever without source,224
for diverticular disease, 50 for pediatric fractures, 261
for ectopic pregnancy, 217 for polyarticular arthritis, 135
for gallbladder disease, 56 for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 136
for pancreatitis, 57 for
SLE, 137
for pediatric abdominal pain, 233 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 136
Renal disease, as differential diagnosis for SLE, 137 Rheumatoid adhritis (RA), as differential diagnosis
Renal emergencies, 92-95 for acute monoadicular arthritis, 134
Renal failure, acute, 92 for finger injuries, 268
Renal failure, as differential diagnosis for Lyme disease, 117
for acute psychosis, 206 for metacarpal injuries, 267
for aspirin overdose, 165 for neck pain,275
for cardiomyopathy, 18 for orthopedic trauma, 260
for hyperkalemia, 105 for osteomyelitis, 125
for hypernatremia, 103 for pleural effusion, 34
for hypertensive crisis, 22 for polyarticular arthritis, 135
for hypoglycemia, 68 for rheumatic fever, 124
for hyponatremia, 102 for SLE, 137
Renal failure with fluid overload, as differential Rheumatologic disease, as differential diagnosis for
diagnosis for heart tailure, 17 infective endocarditis, 1 9
Renal infarcVvein thrombosis, as differential Rheumatologic emergencies, 1 34-1 39
diagnosis for nephrolithiasis, 94 Rh immunization in pregnancy, 216
Renal injuries, 255 Rib fracture, as differential diagnosis
Renal insufficiency, as differeniial diagnosis for for abdominal trauma, 251
anemia,60 for chest pain, 10
Renal malignancy, as differential diagnosis for heart and great vessel trauma, 250
for nephrolithiasis, 94 for liver, biliary, and pancreas injury,252
for urinary retention, 93 for lung and esophagus trauma, 249
Renal tubular acidosis (RTA), as differential for pneumothorax (PTX), 33
diagnosis for splenic injury, 253
for hyperkalemia, 105 Rickets, as differential diagnosis for child abuse,
for metabolic acidosis, 108 242
Respiratory acidosis and alkalosis, 110 Rickettsial disease, as differential diagnosis for
Respiratory failure, as differential diagnosis for parasitic infections, 120
pediatric resuscitation, 7 Ri ckettsi a ri ckettsi i, in tick-borne il lnesses,
Respiratory infection, as differential diagnosis for 118
carbon monoxide poisoning, 177 RLL pneumonia, as differential diagnosis for
Respiratory irritants, as differential diagnosis for gallbladder disease, 56
pediatric pharyngitis, 226 Rocky Mountain Spoited Fever (RMSF),
Respiratory obstruction/foreign body, as differential 118
diagnosis for pediatric resuscitation, 7 Rocky Mouniain Spotted fever (RMSF), as
Respiratory synctial virus (RSV), 227 differential diagnosis
Restrictive cardiomyopathy, as differential diagnosis for Kawasaki's disease, 240
for pericardial disease, 20 for maculopapular lesions, 143
Restrictive Iung disease, as differential diagnosis for pediatric viral exanthems, 241
for acute pulmonary edema, 28 for scaled skin syndrome and TSS, 129
for COPD exacerbation, 30 Roseola, 241
Resuscitation, 1-B Rotator cuff injury 264
Retinal arterylvein occlusion, 149 Rotator cuff injury as differential diagnosis
Retinal detachment, 1 49 for arm and elbow injuries, 265
Retinal vascular accident, as differential diagnosis for shoulder dislocations/fractures, 263
for temporal arteritis, 138 Ruptured Baker's/popliteal cyst, as differential
Retropharyngeal abscess, 158 diagnosis for compartment syndrome, 23,
Retropharyngeal abscess, as differential diagnosis 274
for laryngotracheobronchitis (croup), 229 Ruptured thoracic aneurysm, as differential
for pediatric epiglottitis, 230 diagnosis for hemoptysis, 36

Sacroiliac ioint disease, as differential diagnosis for for digitalis toxicity, 172
low back pain,276 for opioid overdose, 171
Salicylate poisonin g/overdose, as differential for respiratory acidosis, 110
diagnosis for vertigo, 81
for carbon monoxide poisoning, 177 Seizure, as difierential diagnosis
for cyanide poisoning, 176 for altered mental status, 76
for DKA,69 for anaphylaxis, '132
for hallucinogen overdose, 183 for antipsychotic overdose, 1 70
for heat-related illness, 188 for aspirin overdose. 165
for metabolic acidosis, 108 for barbiiurate/chloral hydrate overdose, 1 69
for SSRI and MAOI overdoses, 166 for B-blocker/Ca-channel blocker overdose, 173
for sympathomimeiic overdose, 174 for botanical and herbal toxicity, 184
for toxic alcohols, 179 for carbon monoxide poisoning, 177
Salmonella for chemical weapons, 201
in infectious dianhea, 45 for child abuse,242
in pediatric gastroenteritis, 235 for cholinergic overdose, 175
Sarcoidosis, as difierential diagnosis for conversion disorder, 208
for dermatomyositis/polymyositis, 1 39 for CVA/stroke, 78
for hypercalcemia, 107 for cyanide poisoning, 176
for tuberculosis (lB), 32 for digitalis toxicity, 172
Scabies, as differential diagnosis for encephalitis, 84
for eczema and contact dermatitis, 142 for ethanol intoxication, 178
for pediatric viral exanthems, 241 for heat-related illness, 188
Scalded skin syndrome, as differential diagnosis for hypoglycemia, 68
for necrotizing soft tissue infections, 128 for lightning and electrical injury 192
for superficial soft tissue infections, '127 for near drowning, 191
Scaled skin syndrome, 129,257 for neonatal resuscitation, 8
Scalp lacerations,24T for opioid overdose, 171
Scapular fracture, as differential diagnosis for for pediatric toxic ingestions, 163
shoulder pain and soft tissue injury,264 for SSRI and MAOI overdoses, 166
Scarlet fever, as differential diagnosis for syncope, 24
for Kawasaki's disease, 240 for traumatic brain injury,245
for pediatric viral exanthems, 241 for tricyclic antidepressant overdose, 167
for scaled skin syndrome and TSS, 129 for vertigo, 81
Schatzki's ring, as differential diagnosis for caustic Seizures, 82,239
ingestions, 182 Sepsis, 1 12
Schlstosoma, in parasitic infections, 120 Sepsis, as differential diagnosis
Schistosomiasis, as differential diagnosis for for abdominal aodic aneurysm 6an), 53
malaria, 119 for acetaminophen overdose, 164
Schizophrenia, as differential diagnosis for acute respiratory failure,2T
for acute psychosis, 206 for adrenal insufficiency/crisis, 73
for eating disorders, 209 for altered mental status, 76
for hallucinogen overdose, 183 for antipsychotic overdose, 170
for withdrawal syndrome, 210 for appendicitis, 237
Scleritis, 148 for barbiturate/chloral hydrate overdose, 1 69
Scleroderma, as differential diagnosis for for B-blocker/Ca-channel blocker overdose, 173
dermatomyositis/polymyositis, 1 39 for benzodiazepine and GHB overdose, 168
Scorpion bites, 98, 196 for carbon monoxide poisoning, 177
Scrotal abscess, as differential diagnosis for acute for chemical weapons, 201
scrotal pain, 99 for cyanide poisoning, 176
Scrotal pain, acute, 99 for digitalis toxicity, 172
Sea snake bite, 197 for dyspnea, 26
Seborrheic dermatitis, 1 42, 1 43 for encephalitis, 84
Secondary biliary cirrhosis, as differential diagnosis for hallucinogen overdose, 183
for cirrhosis, 55 for heart failure, l7
Secondary glaucoma, as differential diagnosis for for heat-related illness, 188
glaucoma, 151 for heavy metal poisoning, 180
Secondary HTN, as differential diagnosis for for HHNKC, 70
hypertension in pregnancy, 219 for hyperthyroidism/thyroid storm, 71
Secondary syphilis, as differential diagnosis for hypocalcemia, 106
for bullous lesions, 144 for hypothermia, 186
for maculopapular lesions, 143 for hypothyroidism/myxedema coma, 72
Sedation and analgesia management, 278-280 for neonatal resuscitation, 8
Sedative-hynoptic withdrawal, 166, 17 4, 210 for opioid overdose, 171
Sedative-hypnotic use/abuse, as differential diagnosis for pediatric abdominal pain, 233
for B-blocker/Ca-channel blocker overdose, 173 for pediatric congenital heart disease, 232

Sepsis, as differential diagnosis (cont.) Sickle cell disease, 61
for pediatric toxic ingestions, 163 Sickle cell disease, as differential diagnosis
for platelet disorders, 62 for anemia, 60
for poisoning, 162 for pediatric abdominal pain, 233
for respiratory alkalosis, 1.,l0 for priapism, 98
for SLE, 137 Sick-sinus syndrome, as differential diagnosis for
for SSRI and MAOI overdoses, 166 bradycardia and heart block, 16
for sympathomimetic overdose, 174 Silicosis, as differential diagnosis for tuberculosis
for tricyclic antidepressant overdose, 167 [rB), 32
for withdrawal syndrome, 210 Simple allergic reaction, as differential diagnosis for
Septic abortion, as differential diagnosis for PlD, anaphylaxis, 132
214 Sinusitis, as differential diagnosis
Septic arthritis, 134 for bacterial meningitis, 238
Septic arthritis, as differential diagnosis for migraine headache, 77
for child abuse,242 for pediatric pharyngitis/otitis media, 226
for finger injuries, 268 for temporal arteritis, 138
for metacarpal iniuries, 267 for URls, 113
for orthopedic trauma, 260 Sinus rhythm with frequent premature atrial
for osteomyelitis, 125 complexes, as differential diagnosis for atrial
for polyarticular arthritis, 135 fibrillation/flutter, 1 3
for rheumatic tever, 124 Sjogren's syndrome, as differential diagnosis
for shoulder pain and injuries, 263,264 for bullous lesions, 144
Septicemia without endocardial involvement, as for dermatomyositis/polymyositis, 1 39
differential diagnosis for infective endocarditis, for dysphagia, 41
19 Skin. See Dermatologic emergencies or Specific
Septic joint, as differential diagnosis condition
for acute monoarticular arthriiis, 134 Skull fracture, as differential diagnosis for traumatic
for hip and femur injuries, 270 brain injury, 245
for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 136 Slipped capital femoral epiphysis, as differential
Septic shock, as differential diagnosis diagnosis, 261
for anaphylaxis, 132 Small bowel fissure, as differential diagnosis for
for hypovolemic shock, 4 metabolic acidosis, 1 0B
Septic thrombophlebitis, as differential diagnosis Small bowel obstruction, as differential diagnosis
for postpartum endometritis, 221 tor hernia,47
Serotonin syndrome, as differential diagnosis for peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 44
for anticholinergic overdose, 175 Small bowel trauma,254
for antipsychotic overdose, '170 Smallpox, 204
for heat-related illness, 188 Smith and Colles' fracture, as differential diagnosis
for opioid overdose, 171 for wrist and forearm injuries, 266
for sympathomimetic overdose, 174 Snake bite, 195
Serratia Snake biie, as differential diagnosis
in bacterial meningitis, 238 for compartment syndrome, 274
in UTls, 95 for priapism, 98
Serratia marcescens, in pediatric pneumonia, 231 Soft tissue injury/infection
Serum sickness, as differential diagnosis for in sexual assaulI,222
polyarticular arthritis, 1 35 supedicial, 127
Sexual assault, 222 Soft tissue injury/infection, as differential diagnosis
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 115, 222 for acute monoarticular arthritis, 134
Shaken baby syndrome, as differential diagnosis for for osteomyelitis, 125
posterior eye and globe trauma, 153 for polyarticular arthritis, 135
Shark bites, 197 Sore throat, 158
Shigella Spent nuclear fuel rods, radiation exposure of, 193
in infectious diarrhea, 45 Spider bites, 196
in pediatric gastroenteritis, 235 Spinal cord compression, as differential diagnosis
Shingles, 145 for tumor compression syndrome, 66
Shock, as differential diagnosis Spinal cord compression syndromes, 89
for adrenal insufficiency/crisis, 73 Spinal cord injury,246
for hypocalcemia, 106 Spinal cord injury as differential diagnosis
for neonatal resuscitation, I for acute respiratory failure,2T
for respiratory alkalosis, 110 for hypertensive crisis, 22
for SLE, 137 for lightning and electrical injury, 192
Shock, cardiogenic, 5 for near drowning, 191
Shock, distributive, 6 for neck lrauma,248
Shock, hypovolemic, 4 for nerve compression syndrome, 88
Shock, overview of, 3 for priapism, 98
Shoulder pain and injuries, 263,264 for traumatic brain injury, 245

Spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality Sternum fracture, as differential diagnosis
(scrwoRA),246 for heart and great vessel trauma, 250
Spinal cord lesion, as differential diagnosis for for lung and esophagus lrauma,249
acute neuropathy, 87 Steroid myopathy, as differential diagnosis for
Spinal stenosis, as differential diagnosis for low hypokalemia, 104
back pain,276 Steroid psychosis, as differential diagnosis for
Spiny fish, marine injury of, 197 anticholinergic overdose, 1 75
Spironolactone, as differential diagnosis Steroid use, as differential diagnosis for panic
for hyperkalemia, 105 disorder, 208
for metabolic acidosis, 108 Stevens-Johnson syndrome, as differential
Splenic injury, 253 diagnosis
Splenic injury, as differeniial diagnosis for bullous lesions, 144
for abdominal trauma, 251 for scaled skin syndrome and TSS, 129
for intestinal lrauma, 254 for vesicular lesions (herpes viruses), 145
Splenic rupture, as differential diagnosis for Stingray, marine injury of, 197
pediairic abdominal pain, 233 Stomach injury as differential diagnosis for
Spondyloarthropathy, as differential diagnosis abdominal lrauma,251
for acute monoarticular arthritis, 134 Stomatitis, as differential diagnosis for bullous
for low back pain,276 lesions, 144
Sponge, marine injury of, 197 Streptococcal pharyngitis, as differential
Spontaneous abodion, as differential diagnosis diagnosis
for ectopic pregnancy, 217 for Gl anthrax, 203
for PlD,214 for influenza, 1 14
Sporothrix schnekii infection, as differential Streptococcal pneumoniae
diagnosis for hand infections, 126 in bacterial meningitis, 238
Sprain, as differential diagnosis for orthopedic in pediatric pharyngitis and otitis media,226
trauma, 260, 261, 262, 267, 268 Streptococcal pyogenes, 124
SSRI overdose, 166 Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome [SS), 128,
Staphylococcal scaled skin syndrome (SSSS), 129
129 Streptococcus
Staphylococcal scaled skin syndrome (SSSS), as in bite wounds, 194
differential diagnosis in deep space infections, 158
for child abuse,242 in marine injuries, 197
for Kawasaki's disease, 240 in necrotizing soft tissue infections, 128
Staphylococcus See a/so Group A Streptococcus
in bite wounds, 194 See a/so Group B Streptococcus
in deep space infections, 158 Streptococcus pneumoniae
in marine injuries, 197 in bacterial meningitis, 83
in TSS, 129 in otitis media, 156
Staphylococcus aureus in pediatric epiglottitis, 230
in bacterial meningitis, 83 in pediatric fever without source,224
in hand infections, 126 in pneumonia,3l ,231
in infectious diarrhea, 45 in URls, 113
in infective endocarditis, 19 Strepfococcus pyogenes
in necrotizing soft tissue infections, 128 in hand infections, 126
in osteomyelitis, 125 in pediatric pharyngiiis and oiitis media,226
in otitis media, 156 in scalded skin syndrome and TSS, 129
in pediatric gastroenteritis, 235 in superficial soft tissue infections, 127
in pediatric pharyngitis and otitis media,226 Streptococcus viridans, in infective endocarditis,
in pneumonia, 31,231 19
in scalded skin syndrome and TSS, 129 Siress/anxiety, as differential diagnosis
in superficial soft tissue infections, 127 for ST-elevation Ml, 11
in UTls, 95 for unstable angina and non ST-elevation Ml, 12
Staphylococcus epidermis, in osteomyelitis, 1 25 Stroke, 78
Starfish injury, 197 Stroke, as differential diagnosis
Starvation, as differential diagnosis for bacterial meningitis, 83
for DKA, 69 for cardiac arrest, 2
for metabolic acidosis, 108 for encephalitis, 84
STD proctitis, as difierential diagnosis for anorectal for multiple sclerosis (MS), 85
disorders, 51 for nerve compression syndrome, 88
Steatohepatitis, as differential diagnosis for for subdural and epidural hematoma, 80
hepatitis, 54 See a/so Cerebral vascular accident (CVA), as
ST-elevation Ml, 11 differential diagnosis
ST-elevation Ml, as ditferential diagnosis for Strongyloides, in parasitic infections, 120
unstable angina and non ST-elevation Ml, Structural heart disease, as differential diagnosis for
12 cardiac arrest, 2

Strychnine poisoning, as differential diagnosis for for seizures, 82
tetanus,121 for vertigo, 81
Subacromial bursitis, as difierential diagnosis for Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
shou lder dislocations/f ractures, 263 (SIADH), as differential diagnosis
Subacute/chronic subdural hematoma, 80 for hyponatremia, 102
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), 79 for metabolic oncologic emergencies, 65
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), as differential Syphilis, as differential diagnosis
diagnosis for cutaneous anthrax, 203
for bacterial meningitis, 83, 238 for STDs, 115
for encephalitis, 84 for tick-borne illnesses, 118
for hypertensive crisis, 22 Syringomyelia, as differential diagnosis for spinal
for migraine headache, 77 cord compression syndromes, 89
for neck pain,275 Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS),
for subdural and epidural hematoma, 80 112
Subconjunctival hemorrhage, 1 48 Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 137
Subdural empyema, as differential diagnosis for Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), as differential
bacterial meningitis, 238 diagnosis
Subdural hematoma, S0 for acute monoarticular arthritis, 134
Subdural hematoma, as differential diagnosis for bacterial meningitis, 238
for aspirin overdose, 165 for conversion disorder, 208
for bacterial meningitis, 238 for dermatomyositis/polymyositis, 1 39
for migraine headache, 77 for hemoptysis, 36
for subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage, 79 for Lyme disease, 1 17
"subendocardial" Ml. See Non ST-elevation Ml for maculopapular lesions, 143
Subglottic stenosis, as differential diagnosis for for pleural effusion, 34
laryngotracheobronchitis (croup), 229 for polyarticular arthritis, 135
Subluxaiion, as differential diagnosis in orthopedic for rheumatic tever, 124
traumas, 260,267,268 for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 136
Submandibular abscess, 1 58 for temporal arteritis, 138
Subphrenic abscess, as differential diagnosis for urticaria/angioedema, 133
for pleural effusion, 34 Systemic mastocytosis, as differential diagnosis for
for pneumothorax (PTX), 33 anaphylaxis, 132
Substance abuse, as differential diagnosis for acute Systemic vasculitls, as differential diagnosis for
psychosis, 206 infective endocarditis, 1 9
Succinylcholine, as differential diagnosis for
hyperkalemia, 105 Taenia sp., in parasitic infections, 120
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), as Takayasu's arteritis, as differential diagnosis for
difierential diagnosis temporal arteritis, 138
for child abuse,242 Tapeworms in parasitic infections, 120
for pediatric apnea, 225 Tarsal tunnel syndrome, as differential diagnosis for
for pediatric resuscitation, 7 foot injuries, 273
Suicide attempt, as differential diagnosis Telangiectasia, hereditary, as differential diagnosis
for barbitu rate / chlor al hyd rate overdose, 1 69 for epistaxis, 157
for benzodiazepine and GHB overdose, 168 Temporal arteritis, 138, 149
for botanical and herbal toxicity, 184 Temporal arteritis, as differential diagnosis
for heavy metal poisoning, 180 for glaucoma, 15'1
for hydrocarbon poisoning, 181 for migraine headache, 7 7
for opioid overdose, 171 for subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage, 79
Superficial soft tissue infections, 127 for URls, 113
Superior mesenteric artery syndrome, as differential Tendon injury/lear, as differential diagnosis
diagnosis for eating disorders, 209 for lacerations, 146
Superior vena cava syndrome (SVC), as difierential for orthopedic trauma, 88, 260
diagnosis for tumor compression syndrome, 66 Tendonitis, as difierential diagnosis
Supracondylar fracture, as differential diagnosis for for polyarticular arthritis, 135
pediatric fractures, 261 for venous thrombosis, 23
Supraventricular tachycardia (SW, 13, 14, 15 Tendon lacerations, as differential diagnosis for
Sympathomimetic abuse, as differential diagnosis finger injuries, 268
for anticholinergic overdose, 175 Tension headache, as differential diagnosis
for hallucinogen overdose, 183 for glaucoma, 151
for SSRI and MAOI overdoses, 166 for neck pain,275
for tricyclic antidepressant overdose, 167 for temporal arteritis, 138
Sympathomimetic overdose, 1 74 Tension pneumothorax, as differential diagnosis for
Syncope, 24 cardiac arrest, 2
Syncope, as differential diagnosis Terminal ileitis, as differential diagnosis for
for near drowning, -191 appendicitis, 4B
for pediatric seizures, 239 Terrorism emergencies, 200-204

Testicular cancer, as differential diagnosis for acute Tibial plateau fracture, as differential diagnosis for
scrotal pain, 99 knee injuries, 271
Testicular torsion, 99 Tic disorder, as differential diagnosis for pediatric
Testicular torsion, as differential diagnosis seizures, 239
for appendicitis, 48, 237 Tick-borne illnesses, 1 18
for pediatric abdominal pain, 233 Tick paralysis, as differential diagnosis
Testicular trauma, as differential diagnosis for acute for acute neuropathy, 87
scrotal pain, 99 for botulism, 122
Tetanus,121 for myasthenia gravis (MG), 86
Tetanus, as differential diagnosis for rabies, 123
for neck emergencies, 158 Tinea versicolor, as differential diagnosis for
for rabies, 123 pediatric viral exanthems, 241
Tetracycline toxicity, as differential diagnosis for TMJ dislocation, as differential diagnosis for
hepatitis, 54 maxillofacial lrauma, 247
Thalassemia, as differential diagnosis TMJ syndrome, as differential diagnosis
for anemia, 60 for migraine headache, 77
for sickle cell disease, 61 for tetanus, 121
Thermal burns, 257 Tooth eruption, as differential diagnosis for dental
3rd spacing, as differential diagnosis emergencies, 159
for hyponatremia, 102 Torticollis/muscle spasm, as differential diagnosis
for hypovolemic shock, 4 for neck pain,275
Thoracic injury as differential diagnosis for Toxic alcohols, 178, 179
abdominal trauma, 251 Toxic epidermal necrolysis, as differential
Thoracic outlei syndrome, as differential diagnosis
diagnosis for bullous lesions, 144
for neck pain,275 for Kawasaki's disease, 240
for shoulder dislocations/fractures, 263 for scaled skin syndrome and TSS, 129
Thoracic trauma of heart and great vessels, 250 Toxic exposure, as differential diagnosis
Thoracic trauma of lung and esophagus, 249 for child abuse,242
Threatened abortion, as differential diagnosis for for pediatric abdominal pain, 233
vaginal bleeding in PregnancY, 218 for pediatric pneumonia, 231
Thrombocytopenia, 62 Toxic ingestion, as differential diagnosis
Thrombocytopenia, as differential diagnosis for bacterial meningitis, 238
for hematologic/infectious oncologic emergency, for lightning and electrical injury, 192
64 for pediatric resuscitation, 7
for hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease, 63 Toxicology emergencies, 1 62-1 84
Thromboembolic disease in pregnancy, 216 Toxic shock syndrome |ISS), 129
Thrombophlebitis, as differential diagnosis for Toxic shock syndrome (ISS), as differential diagnosis
compartment syndrome, 274 for Kawasaki's disease, 240
Thrombosis of artery, as differential diagnosis for for maculopapular lesions, 143
temporal arteritis, 1 38 for necrotizing soft tissue infections, 128
Thrombotic thrombocytic prrrpura flTP), 62 for pediatric toxic ingestions, 163
Thrombotic thrombocytic purpura [TP), as for superficial soft tissue infections, 127
differential diagnosis Toxins, as differential diagnosis for altered mental
for anemia, 60 status, 76
for complications of pregnancy, 216 Toxocara, in parasitic infections, '120
for hematologic/infectious oncologic emergency, Toxoplasmosis, as differential diagnosis for HIV
64 infection and AIDS, 116
for hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease, 63 Tracheal or laryngeal iniury in sexual assault, 222
Thrush, as difierential diagnosis for HIV infection Tracheitis, as differential diagnosis
and AIDS, 116 for chest pain, 10
Thyroid dysf unction/disease, as differential for croup,229
diagnosis for pediatric epiglottitis, 230
for botulism, 122 for whooping cough, 228
for hypernatremia, 103 Tracheobronchial injury, as differential diagnosis
for myasthenia gravis (MG), 86 for heart and great vessel trauma, 250
Thyroid storm, 71 for lung and esophagus trauma, 249
Thyroid storm, as differential diagnosis Tracheomalacia, as differential diagnosis for croup,
for heat-related illness, '1BB 229
for tricyclic antidepressant overdose, 167 Transfusion reaction, as differential diagnosis
Thyrotoxicosis, as differential diagnosis for platelet disorders, 62
for anticholinergic overdose, 175 for urticaria./angioedema, 1 33
for hallucinogen overdose, 183 Transfusion with citrated blood, as differeniial
for hearl failure, 17 diagnosis
for SSRI and MAOI overdoses, 166 for hypocalcemia, 106
for sympathomimetic overdose, 174 for metabolic alkalosis, 109

Transient brachial plexus palsy, as differential Tumor lysis syndrome, as differential diagnosis, 65
diagnosis for spinal cord injury,246 Turf toe, as differential diagnosis for foot injuries,
Transient ischemic attack [lA), 78 273
Transient ischemic attack [lA), as differential Tympanic membrane perforation, 1 56
diagnosis Typhoid fever, as differential diagnosis for malaria,
for acute vision loss, 149 119
for conversion disorder, 208
for hypoglycemia, 68 Ulcerative proctitis, as differential diagnosis for
"Transmural" myocardial infarction. See anorectal disorders, 51
ST-elevation Ml Ulnar/radial collateral ligament tears, as differential
Transposed great vessels, as differential diagnosis diagnosis for finger injuries, 268
for pediatric congenital heart disease, 232 Ultraviolet keratitis, 152
Transudative effusions, 34 Ultraviolei keratitis, as differential diagnosis for eye
Transverse myelitis, as differential diagnosis for infections, 150
spinal cord compression syndromes, 89 Unilateral facet dislocation, as differential diagnosis
Trauma, as differential diagnosis. See speclflc for cervical spine fractures, 262
trauma or condition Unstable angina, 12
Trauma of special populations, 256 Unstable angina, as differential diagnosis for ST-
Trauma patients, general approach Io, 244 elevation Ml, 11
Traumatic brain injury 80,245 Upper respiratory infections (URl), 113
Traumatic emergencies, 244-257 Upper respiratory infection (URl), as differential
Traumatic eye injury, as differential diagnosis for diagnosis
eye infections, 150 for biological weapons, 202
Traumatic iritis, 152 for pediatric abdominal pain, 233
Traumatic kidney laceration with urinary for pediatric epiglottitis, 230
extravasation, as differential diagnosis for for pediatric otitis media, 226
acute renal failure,92 Ureaplasma, in male urethritis, 96
Trauma to the anterior eye, 152 U reapl asma u realyti cu m, 21 4
Trauma to the posterior eye and globe, 153 Uremia, as differential diagnosis
Trench foot, 187 for adrenal insufficiency/crisis, 73
Trench mouth, as differential diagnosis for dental for altered mental status, 76
emergencies, 159 for DKA, 69
Treponema pallidum, in STDs, '1 15 for hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease, 63
Triceps iendon rupture, as difierential diagnosis for for HHNKC, 70
arm and elbow injuries, 265 for hypokalemia, 104
Trichinella, in parasitic infections, 120 for metabolic acidosis, 108
Trichinosis, in parasitic infections, 120 for pleural effusion, 34
Trichomonas, as differential diagnosis for toxic alcohols, 179
for PlD,214 Ureteral transaction, as differential diagnosis for
for STDs, 115 acute renal failure, 92
Trichomonas, in male urethritis, 96 Ureteral trauma, 255
Tricuspid atresia, as differential diagnosis for Urethral foreign body, as differential diagnosis
pediatric congenital heart disease, 232 for male urethritis, 96
Tricyclic antidepressant overdose, 167 for penile disorders, 97
Tricyclic antidepressant overdose, as differential Urethritis, as differential diagnosis
diagnosis for hallucinogen overdose, 183 for penile disorders, 97
Trigeminal neuralgia, as differential diagnosis for PlD,214
for dental emergencies, 159 for UTls, 95
for temporal arteritis, 138 Urinary retention, 93
Trigger finger, as differential diagnosis for finger Urinary retention, as differential diagnosis for
injuries, 268 hypernatremia, 103
Trochanteric bursitis, 270 Urinary tract inJection (UTD, 95
Trypanosoma, in parasitic infections, 120 Urinary tract infection (UTl), as differential
Tuberculosis CIB), 32 diagnosis
Tuberculosis (lB), as differential diagnosis for altered mental status, 76
for hypercalcemia, 107 for appendicitis, 48, 237
for pediatric fever without source,224 for cholinergic overdose, 175
for pleural effusion, 34 for complications of pregnancy, 216
forwhooping cough,22B for digitalis toxicity, 172
Tubo-ovarian abscess, as differential diagnosis for for divedicular disease, 50
appendicitis, 48 for ectopic pregnancy, 217
Tubo-ovarian abscess [fOfl, 215 for emergency delivery, 220
Tularemia, 118 for gallbladder disease, 56
Tumor, as differeniial diagnosis. See specr7rc for intussusception, 236
condition for ovarian paihologies, 215
Tumor compression syndrome, 66 for pediatric abdominal pain, 233

for pediatric fever without source,224 Ventricular fibrillation (Vfib), as differential diagnosis
for pediatric otitis media, 226 forVtach, l5
for postpartum endometritis, 221 Ventricular tachycardia (Vtach), 1 5
for STDs, 115 Ventricular tachycardia (Vtach), as differential
for vulvovaginitis,2.1 3 diagnosis
Urolithiasis, as differential diagnosis for atrial fibrillation/flutter, 1 3
for acute renal failure, 92 for SW, 14
for urinary retention, 93 Vertebral artery dissection, as differential diagnosis
for UTls, 95 for subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage,
Urticaria, 133 79
Uterine fibroids/leiomyoma, as differential diagnosis for subdural and epidural hematoma, 80
for ovarian pathologies, 215 Vertebral fracture, as differential diagnosis for
for urinary retention, 93 cervical spine fractures, 262
for vaginal bleeding, 212 Vertebral osteomyelitis, as differential diagnosis for
Uterine rupture, as difierential diagnosis for vaginal low back pain,276
bleeding in pregnancy, 218 Vertebral subluxation, as differential diagnosis for
Uveitis, as differential diagnosis for acute vision cervical spine fractures, 262
loss, 149 Vertigo,81
Uvulitis, as differential diagnosis for pediatric Vertigo, as differential diagnosis for syncope, 24
epiglottitis, 230 Vesicular lesions, 145
Vibrio, in pediatric gastroenteriiis, 235
Vagal stimulation, as differential diagnosis for Vibrio cholerae, in infectious diarrhea, 45
bradycardia and heart block, 16 Vibrio parahemolyticus, in infectious diarrhea, 45
Vaginal bleeding, 212, 218 Vibrio vulnificus, in necrotizing soft tissue
Valve disease, as differential diagnosis infections, 128
for acute respiratory lailure,2T Viral arthralgia, as difierential diagnosis for
for cardiomyopathy, 18 polyarticular arthritis, 1 35
for dyspnea, 26 Viral arthritis, as differential diagnosis for
for heart failure, 17 rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 136
for pericardial disease, 20 Viral cardiomyopathy, as differential diagnosis for
for vertigo, 81 rheumatic fever, 124
Valvular rupture, as differential diagnosis Viral conjunctivitis, as differential diagnosis for eye
for heart and great vessel trauma, 250 infections,'!50
for lung and esophagus lrauma, 249 Viral croup, as difierential diagnosis for neck
Varicella, as differential diagnosis emergencies, 158
for biological weapons, 202 Viral encephalitis, as differential diagnosis
for bullous lesions, 144 for bacterial meningitis, 238
for pediatric viral exanthems, 241 for Lyme disease, 117
for superficial soft tissue infections, 127 Viral exanthem, as differential diagnosis
Varicella zoster virus VZ'I), 145 for maculopapular lesions, 143
Variola virus, 204 for necrotizing soft tissue infections, 128
Vasa previa, as differential diagnosis for vaginal for scaled skin syndrome and TSS, 129
bleeding in pregnancy, 218 for superficial soft tissue infections, 127
Vascular injury, as differential diagnosis for neck for tick-borne illnesses, 1 18
Irauma,248 for urticaria/angioedema, 1 33
Vascular pain, as differential diagnosis for Viral exanthems, pediairic, 241
abdominal pain, 38 Viral gastroenteritis, as differential diagnosis
Vascular ring, as differential diagnosis for p-blocker/Ca-channel blocker overdose,
for bronchiolitis, 227 173
for laryngotracheobronchitis (croup), 229 for digitalis toxicity, 172
Vasculitis, as differential diagnosis Viral Gl disease, as differential diagnosis for
for dyspnea, 26 inflammatory bowel disease 0BD), 49
for infectious diarrhea, 45 Viral hepatitis, as differential diagnosis for
for pneumonia, 31 acetaminophen overdose, 1 64
for rhabdomyolysis, 100 Viral infections, as differential diagnosis
for rheumatic tever, 124 for hematologic/infectious oncologic
for tick-borne illnesses, 118 emergencies, 64
for tuberculosis (fB), 32 for platelet disorders, 62
for urticaria,/angioedema, 1 33 Viral myocarditis, as differential diagnosis for Lyme
Vasovagal reaction/syncope, as differential disease, 1'17
diagnosis for anaphylaxis, 132 Viral syndrome, as differential diagnosis
Vector-borne diseases, as differential diagnosis for for aspirin overdose, 165
biological weapons, 202 for biological weapons, 202
Venous thrombosis, 23 for carbon monoxide poisoning, 177
Ventricular escape rhythm, as differential diagnosis for cyanide poisoning, 176
forVtach, l5 for influenza, 114

Viral syndrome, as differential diagnosis (cont) von Willebrand's disease, as differential diagnosis
for Lyme disease, 1 17 for postpartum hemorrhage, 221
for pediatric fever without source,224 Vulvovaginitis, 2.13
for tick-borne illnesses, 118 Vulvovaginitis, as differential diagnosis
Viral URl, as differential diagnosis for emergency delivery 220
for URls, 'l 13 for UTls, 95
for whooping cough,228
Vision loss, acute, 149 Wasp stings, 196
Vitamin A toxicity, as differential diagnosis for Web space infection, as differential diagnosis for
hypercalcemia, 107 hand infections, l26
Vitamin 812, as differential diagnosis Wegener's disease, as differential diagnosis for
for anemia, 60 hemopiysis, 36
for spinal cord compression syndromes, Wegener's granulomatosis, as differential diagnosis
89 for temporal arteritis, 138
Vitamin D deficiency, as differential diagnosis for Wernicke's encephalopathy as differential
hypocalcemia, 106 diagnosis
Vitamin D toxicity, as differential diagnosis for for CVA/stroke, 78
hypercalcemia, 107 for hypothermia, 186
Vitamin deficiency, as differential diagnosis for West Nile virus, as differential diagnosis for acute
acute psychosis, 206 neuropathy, 87
Vitamin K deficiency, as differential diagnosis for "Whiplash," as differential diagnosis for cervical
hemophilia and von Willebrand's spine fraciures, 262
disease, 63 Whooping cough, 228
Vitreous hemorrhage, 149 Wilson's disease, as differential diagnosis for
Vocal cord dyskinesia, as differential diagnosis for acetaminophen overdose, 1 64
asthma,29 Withdrawal syndromes, 21 0
Volar plate rupture, as differential diagnosis for Wrisi and forearm injuries, 266
finger injuries, 268
Volume depletion, as differential diagnosis for X-ray machines, radiation exposure of, 193
vertigo, 81
Volvulus, as differential diagnosis Yellow fever, as differential diagnosis for malaria,
for intussusception, 236 119
for ischemic bowel disease, 52 Yersinia
Vomiting, as differential diagnosis in infectious diarrhea, 45
for hyponatremia, 102 in pediatric gastroenteritis, 235
for metabolic alkalosis, 109 Yersinia entercolitis, as differential diagnosis for
von Willebrand's disease, 63 appendicitis, 237

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