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PREFACE | i:\— Civic buildings play a vital role in the cultural and economic development of cties and regions eee ee ee a land located or ns. Through their integration int ee ee ee ee ea ee Peco ee ees or eee ereetene ee? evelopment inthe atea, leading t the revitalisation of eee Ee eee Peee eomataieaeem te “Therefore itis necessary ee eee Se eee aad eee ee ee ee eet eee eee Se ee ‘or eve buldings @ be successful people need ta be involved. Such involvement is possisiet ee eee ee eet ee) HASSELL HONOURING THE PUBLIC CITY ee ee ee Pe of the public domain it wants t stand for. A rm eee ees See See ee Cee ee eee ee Se eee ee See eee eee eee eee ee ees eee a Se ee eee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee Cee ocean Re ae ee ee ea Se a ee or supertiuots maans which will snaak ofits character, being honest, austere, optimistic, pla Cee eee ee Sees ey eee ete eT A CARH ARRAS, TANNRES TERMI ROS. RETRAARRARR ERMA, SRRKRLNMTED. MRR SR AMUN: 5. Bom. RoR. BOSE AGARRART MAREN, SLARTRGEE TA SAMM EME TREPRAEAN aimee. ANE GE, HARRAH TAA. 8h, WAI. ARNTES. Ge AVS RRRHRR. SRA AREY, LTRS SOUT, RAUSING RMOAST. T . A RGA SRL PHEAMER, S-ATAMRMARGOA RAR, REARRANGE: WR. wh. GM. Ma. A, SRR, OREM, OLN aa: Revie a STARCH CONTENTS Hook PROVINCIEHUIS FLEVOLAND. LEYWEG MUNICIPAL OFFICE PHAZE ES LIE BABAR RHONE-ALPES COUNTY HALL MINISTRY OF FINANCE BB MBIT HSL MMBAR 094 COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE CONGRESS CENTER HANGZHOU EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES: buble RHI REDE LAW COURT - SOUTH PART NOAIN CITY HALL Se AMEE eemwT eeeretlonnneannel| VIBORG TOWN HALL ART NORTH HOLLAND REGIONAL WATER BOARD ab 5B EVIRA FINNISH FOOD SAFETY AUTHORITY DANDENONG GOVERNMENT SERVICES OFFICES AGREED FUSSA CITY HALL etna FUENCARRAL-EL PARDO POLICE STATION BeBe he FRANKLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE COLUMBUS OHIO REAR Oba Ty BS TEAR SIPOPO CONGRESS CENTER SIPOPO #iknt> 006 240 AMAZON COURT REBAR DISTRICT OFFICE YPENBURG. NORWEGIAN EMBASSY COMPLEX, BERDAR KATHMANDU RLS RIAA AI EXTENSION OF THE FINNISH NEW AREZZO COURTHOUSE PARLIAMENTARY BUILDING mie ekk SUSAR RTE HAIFA COURT HOUSE SARE TOWN HALL BRONCKHORST PoP BRT Th RE PALACE OF INTERNATIONAL FORUMS| Res RL CITY HALL WAALWIJK BRANT CITY HALL ZWIJNDRECHT ADAGE RUA RIT MUNICIPAL OFFICE GOES ‘MATA INDEX a ME 08 09 a eae ae PROVINCIEHUIS FLEVOLAND “The desigh concantratos onthe folowing themes: tuncionally rking the bullcing sections, creating a nen, transparent antance area, expansion by ‘cing an accional storey instead of a pew volume, ard cteatng visual nil vough new faces with flowing horizontal es thst in the buleing sections togeth “The renovation design also Includes optimisation of the electrical are ‘mechanical ongsonng. proving the bulirg vath an advanced anorgy Saving and enorgy-effciant system. In action, 1ergarsation of he oor plans ane teplacemert of te teadas Nave ensured thatthe workspaces comply withthe itest health & safety regulations One of the most siking changes is he well organizes, cerwaly situatec ‘entrance ates that provides access to all he sactions ofthe hiking, The public functions are concentrates around this contra area as much as possible, Oper spaces above each ove brig the publ vial crack ‘ets the tneys at ae only accessible person “The easel evovation of the esting facades was taken as an oppo, 1 este wsual unty berween the diferent busing sections, There was ‘rea atonion tor sstairabty arc mantra cow Mh choca of mata aii the facase design The facades we corstiveted om mainteranee trea matoals such a ceranve tes, akuminium and stainable sheeting ‘ati Maintarange ofthe main envance area stagseres elas cae tas algo been inudoa nme cesgn. Clanars can eusiy acess me glass trom both the nae ante outset he ulaing ‘The renavation vas not confined to the ousice ofthe builtin: the ice ‘wasalo gen amakcover naw couse was taken forthe cesign concept ‘th te nocction of meeting paces at exon vain the bling ny ate | Ti LT in UE Li ee iets. a a ye mi A MU Seg! Kd ba nf, Ty ; = ae ory a ae fay ‘ N NJ ‘ RHONE-ALPES COUNTY HALL BHO RST iL one | 025 ee ee) eT) ee 2 rue "Te f | Bh Bal "| |] ? ‘Tye a a AZ 4 7 7 4 Cig hie | | i I | J H i iL i tz | ei | | | ! | | | | BANG: aE Ay aT : ae ; 5 LEYWEG MUNICIPAL OFFICE Ca 1 BATH ABDAAR 55! ju. ibys fv ith 4 fae el eae FST gad i ITE i! j aes peer DE STOO ret isda ja ee 7 Lt | aeSTROOAMEE SHATAREMIRE. 1 BE=ERE, NERD BRABBEMTER, X88 Ob ) emer —misaTe. Rimskembinit aah het —t, SoweERE REE SoM SAROS RRR Bi. SORT AMEE RAY MIELE, RUMORS. UE Ny RIE BS, AY, Sei. B= aH BART ARE MMT IE AS, REINER RA aR HSH RMA EE Fh RE AARNE BRT “NaN Lt S78s, FEATTABRE Tas: RARE H. CABSHSMMHDIRR ARDRREBEREE MA ai. TREMOR HRRRT EDO RER fem) foe, kiewSe AUR, INRREAS SIR mIEE REEL. ARHSIGH ER, AMR FRAhENE, HRRER SAR HALERDARARG ARE A, SURAT ABBLIM SWINE. MERREAE ANERAVEREHK ER AZAR. TAR LMRRAS rat, Seer ANE m ante oe a Ag rr ee ee eee ee a Li ee Es PTT fh SLA fA a 7, VL Yi YM, i WV Ah HH satoor ‘a i , NA 1 a HH {TT} ] ys LEN ETT PTT ih i Hn Minh il a LT eh iif tor Hi MN 1) NOE 1 NON HTT TY METAL Yi, li ; in AU \ ti te A \Y) Wan iw RRSRTERMHERRAPON ETE, MEE. EN LAH POTN. RAONETOeARATNA MEE ET! HOR, NERS LRRRRARRRT HERES. BEETLE ARAWEMAS, SARRAADS, HEMRETS, MEK AS RUGMOTS, WABRA, TWA TRLRMSELERT. ASEBAL EATHRD, HINSHDAURAHT REBT 2a. FERERYT OC B25. BRMERNEOERE RR. em SARBROSS, RTE NAMA RRM, Heb ast a MES auRacamsow RRR BNY DLR. WA, ZTHHEHASES. ATHRARMMESEF. THDRARRRDAS WARLERTRROREDATE, SHRERTMRAS MEAT T—TRROSR, AUN. MOU. MEER ERA EA HI, EULOH. AIEEE MERE ONRM, BTS RE PRU RERNRAR. ERLN, BOER mR 162 163 SIPOPO Sistepay ase | 199 AFMULAESERANHEROOEATR, SHE. LEAT SRUT HEMARA: SRMRNARREH SMEAR ASEAIAREAES, MT LARA RANAM SEM, AER, ATESEARSIORRMDSR. RATREROTE, RASORADS B28. SRT -APROREG. $RUTRLFIRH—TOBRM, TH HAG. FRRAWTRAEMOEL, T=T HOM RETIRE MD. RAEUIESUTAARRNO. LERNER TERE—e. ROSARENG. RANTES, HMMANT FORMS, RM KERTARNAMERERERM NOB) Hm Ae9e" , AUTR TANS RRA. ETA TBC SRR De. 200 | 201 {Ground Floor Plan 20¢ | 207 First Foor Plan TRIPOLI CONGRESS CENTER [2 240 | 241 ni ee iy Z Pe] = i i l | ] r i { i) I my 4] | (UO) PLL . 2 tt. Pe : . TE pal bee Y y e ai ral Ground Floor ‘i First Floor 3 NEW AREZZO COURTHOUSE FAB “The naw bulding houses the sin eaunroame and the Hall af Justice President headquarter and is inked t @neo-lasscal bung, ence a age howto be rested and used fr ofces and archives “The desig ofthe Nase Wing, symboions its enironment: the rch vegan of pa an the cis mesboal stricta which was rotate! by a bat of ‘anc walls on ane side and, onthe cer, openta the squares. gardens and the vata ane slabs whose surlace is amad, 2 to acquire a very elagant matted dark grey tone, To the South an undulating vansparent sunscreen tacade of stainless see shaped according 0 9 geomericaly warped geometry which Ie eharatoition of te skin af many Iving creatures, including leaves, Tage complex cue orms can ae bul using ony eetiner elements Thus a silver biocmatic foliage protests the interior spaces by a luminous shadow an blonds tht park uthout ashing oh the neocasscal nearby reheat nthe intaror spaces, the astonshing fefecton of he mircr-ikepalshed back syvante oor eonvasting wth the greenish glazed eavelop ans tne haxzon couse grey pane spared! by narrow maple faces. The tee evel high fenttance hall receives ight trom the root are = dominated ty the vertical evar case cla alike the foory snag black granite panes pp ie WY cn corres Ul CEEEEESEra CEEEEEEPEPEEH EE 260 | 261

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