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Test 11 B Unit 1-2 CAE

I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct perfect tense

1. __________________ (you / see) the news? You won't believe your eyes.
2. I __________________ (work) for big companies like this before. I know how they operate.
3-4. They_________________ (live) in New York for 3 years before they
___________________ (move) to Seattle three months ago.
5. Debi ____________-(study) for four hours when her father arrives.
6-7. By this time next year, I ________________ (finish) the course and
I____________________ (start) to speak perfect English.
8-9. Sam ______________________ (drive) for six hours when he arrived in the village. He
_________________________(drive) more than 300 miles.
10. They ___________________ (work) for two hours by the time the manager arrives at six

II. Join each pair of sentences with a relative clause. Omit the relative pronouns wherever
a. Last night we met a man. Hes a millionaire.
b. Yesterday we found a wallet. It was empty.
c. We like cereals. Well, if they are wholemeal.
d. Michaelangelo was a famous artist. He painted the Sistine Chapel.
e. Shes bought a CD. It is broken

III. Join each pair of sentences using non-defining relative clauses.

a. Madonna is a popular pop singer and actress. She was born in the USA.

b. My grandparents live in Crdoba. They are school teachers.


c. Victoria Station is situated near Buckingham Palace. It is one of the most famous railway
stations in

d. Guernica was painted by Picasso. It is permanently exhibited in Madrid.


e. My friend Luis has lived in many exotic countries. He works for the government.
IV. Please complete the following exercise using a/an/the/0 (no article) in the underlined spaces
where appropriate. Change capital letters to lower case letters at the beginning of a sentence if

Ms Parrot, (1) ___ most famous lady detective of (2) ___ twenty-first century, was born in
(3) ___ United Kingdom in (4) ___ 1960s. Since then, she has been to many countries, including
___ Portugal, Singapore and Australia, and has lived in (6) ___ northern hemisphere and (7) ___
southern hemisphere, as well as on (8) ___ equator. She has never been to (9) ___ Philippines or
(10) ___ United States, but she speaks (11) English, French and Portuguese. Like
(12)______Sherlock Holmes, (13) ___ famous detective, she plays (14) ___ violin, and
sometimes practises up to five times (15)___ day.

V. Word formation

1. Detroit is renowned for the.. of cars. PRODUCE

2. If you make a good at the interview, you will get the job. IMPRESS
3. Teaching and medicine are more than., they're professions. OCCUPY
4. My history teacher has a vast. of past events. KNOW
5. You are never too old to go to college and gain some. QUALIFY
6. My greatest.. was graduating from the university. ACHIEVE
7. The weatherman said there is a strong of rain today. POSSIBLE
8. Some old laws are no longer.. EFFECT
9. Athens is. for its ancient buildings. FAME
10. He was caught shoplifting so now he has a.. record. CRIME
11. Despite her severe.., she fulfilled her goals in life. DISABLE
12. Being. is the worst thing that can happen to someone. EMPLOY
13. If you buy presents in the summer your can be very high. SAVE
14. Due to the pilot's, the copilot managed to land safely. GUIDE
15. It's important to also see the less sides of the job. DESIRE

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