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ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, 2003, 65, 6981

doi:10.1006/anbe.2002.2041, available online at

Mate choice for multiple ornaments in the California quail,

Callipepla californica


Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Irvine

(Received 8 February 2001; initial acceptance 18 April 2001;

final acceptance 10 May 2002; MS. number: A8987R)

Two processes that may be important in the evolution of multiple ornaments are (1) preference flexibility
based on the distribution of local traits and (2) preferences for composite (versus partitioned) traits. To
examine the occurrence of these processes we conducted three experiments measuring the mate
preferences of California quail. We included analyses of composite traits as well as the partitioned traits
(isolated patches of coloration) typically invoked in ornithological descriptions. In two experiments, in
which the same pool of wild-caught females was presented pairs of males with natural versus experimen-
tally exaggerated traits, the focus of mate choice shifted to the trait specifically exaggerated in that
experiment. In a third experiment, in which females were presented males displaying natural plumage
variation, females chose primarily based on a composite trait (as revealed using stepwise analysis).
Composite traits were also found to be stronger predictors of female behaviour in one of the manipu-
lation experiments. These results indicate that female California quail have active, flexible mate
preferences for a variety of novel and extant traits and illustrate the importance of incorporating
composite traits into the analysis of mate preferences.
2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Results of both quantitative models (e.g. Mller & possibility that discrete traits convey redundant infor-
Pomiankowski 1993; Andersson 1994; Iwasa & mation about the bearers mating quality (Mller &
Pomiankowski 1994; Johnstone 1995; Ligon & Zwartjes Pomiankowski 1993).
1995; ) and numerous empirical studies (e.g. Burley 1981; Two explanations for the differing results reported in
Johnson 1988; Moore 1990; Zuk et al. 1990; Brooks and empirical studies are that (1) females choose males based
Caithness 1995; Backwell & Passmore 1996; Omland upon combinations of traits and that (2) mate preferences
1996a, b; Houde 1997; Marchetti 1998; Mller et al. 1998; are flexible rather than fixed. For example, females may
Hill et al. 1999; Qvarnstrom et al. 2000) indicate that be constrained by the number of mate choice criteria that
mate choice is responsible for generating and maintain- they can employ at any one time (N. T. Burley & J. D.
ing the multiple secondary sexual traits observed in many Calkins, unpublished data) and either combine aspects of
species of animals. Despite the widespread acceptance of many traits into composite trait impressions or prioritize
the role of mate choice in the evolution of ornamentation their choices based on immediate environmental and
patterns, authors of several recent studies have suggested social conditions (e.g. Jennions & Petrie 1997 and refer-
that mate preferences for ornamentation are absent, ences therein; Marchetti 1998). In order to build a frame-
especially among gallinaceous birds (Ligon & Zwartjes work for the coherent discussion of these possibilities,
1995; Hagelin 1999; Hagelin & Ligon 2001). Hypotheses greater attention needs to be focused on the following
invoked to account for the maintenance of traits after two questions. What constitutes a trait used in mate
preferences for them have been lost range from the idea choice? How do organisms evaluate potential mates with
that most traits lack current signal value and persist as multiple, variable ornaments?
ghosts of selection past (e.g. Mller & Pomiankowski
1993; Ligon & Zwartjes 1995; Holland & Rice 1998) to the
What Constitutes a Trait Used in Mate Choice?
Correspondence and present address: J. D. Calkins, Swanson Labora-
tory, Department of Genome Sciences and Medicine, University of
A survey of the literature on sexual selection suggests
Washington, Box 357730, HSB K-340B, Seattle, WA 98195-7730, that the standard definition of a trait is any measurable
U.S.A. (email: N. T. Burley is at the Depart- aspect of an organisms phenotype intuited by a given
ment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 900 University Avenue, researcher that is considered to be independent and
University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697, U.S.A. important (Bowler 1996). A weakness of this approach is
00033472/03/$30.00/0 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

that it implicitly assumes that nonhumans perceive trait

divisions in ways similar to humans, whereas they may
actually partition traits differently (Jennions & Petrie
1997). For example, a researcher evaluating adjacent
black and white areas of plumage on a bird might tend to
describe these as separate patches or traits and focus on
some characteristic of these separate units, whereas the
species under study might actually focus on the relation-
ship between these patches (relative size, contrast).
Another problem with a perception-based approach to
trait definition is that the types and range of stimuli
perceived vary greatly among taxa (e.g. avian perception
of UV wavelengths: Bennett et al. 1994; perception of
high-frequency sounds: Bradbury & Vehrencamp 1998,
and references therein). Finally, this approach does not
account for individual traits (e.g. carotenoid-based
patches) that are comprised of developmentally indepen-
dent units (Badyeav et al. 2001).

How Do Organisms Evaluate Potential Mates with

Multiple Ornaments?
Theoreticians have suggested some simple decision-
making rules that organisms might use for making
sequential (e.g. Janetos 1980; Wittenberger 1983; Real
1990) or pooled (Janetos 1980; Real 1990) mate choices.
These rules, however, largely fail to address the complex- Figure 1. Measured plumage characteristics of male California quail.
ity of decisions faced by multiply ornamented organisms For all patches, areas were calculated as the product of the length
residing in moderate-to-large social groups. We hypoth- and the width. Measurement of the length of each patch was taken
esize, first, that such organisms are able to assess the along the vertical midline. The width of the black patch was
overall composite-trait impression left by several traits measured across the bottom of the beak. The width of the tan patch
as perceived by humans rather than make an indepen- was measured between the top of the wings. The width of the
dent assessment of each trait, thus simplifying and brown patch was measured from the top of the legs.
streamlining the assessment phase of mate choice.
Second, we hypothesize that organisms can alter priori-
& Bradbury 1985; Petrie et al. 1991; Zuk et al. 1992) the
ties facultatively, changing mate choice criteria as the
socially monogamous Odontophorinae have received
distribution of ornamental variation changes.
comparatively little attention (but see Brown & Gutierrez
We report here on a series of three mate choice exper-
1980; Brown et al. 1998; Hagelin 1999; Hagelin & Ligon
iments performed on wild-caught California quail
2001). Odontophorine species show a range of ornamen-
designed to address these questions. For two experiments
tation from full sexual dimorphism (with males more
we phenotypically altered males. In a third experiment
ornamented) to sexual indistinguishability. Despite being
we explored female mate preferences for males with
size monomorphic (Calkins et al. 1999), California quail
naturally varying traits. In analysing the data we ask the
are quite dichromatic, with males possessing several orna-
following questions. (1) Do female California quail
ments that females lack (Fig. 1). Recent fieldwork has
respond to qualities of particular male ornaments? (2)
established that these ornaments influence mating suc-
Does a population of females change the focus of their
cess in nature and that ornamentation varies temporally
preference when presented with different distributions of
and spatially (Calkins 2000).
male phenotypes created through experimental manipu-
Female California quail have ample time to assess male
lations? (3) Is male mating attractiveness better predicted
attractiveness, probably at minimal cost (Wittenberger
by a series of traits partitioned into relatively discrete
1983), as the sexes remain together in stable flocks (cov-
units as traditionally characterized by humans (Fig. 1) or
eys) during the nonbreeding season, and females tend to
by composite traits grouped on the basis of proximity and
mate with males from the same covey (J. D. Calkins,
similarity of coloration?
unpublished data). Since the species is nonterritorial,
females are expected to choose a mate only on the basis
Study System of male characteristics. Quail communicate interest in
mating via maintaining proximity and through court-
The California quail is a member of the galliform family ship signals such as courtship feeding (tidbitting;
Odontophorinae. Although both promiscuous and Stokes & Williams 1971). Most wild-caught adults ad-
socially polygynous galliforms have been frequent sub- just well to being held in aviaries, for an interval of
jects of sexual selection studies (e.g. Darwin 1871; Gibson 35 months.

METHODS Crest length was measured (in mm) by flattening the crest
against a metal ruler. The areas (mm2) of the black, tan
We conducted three mate choice experiments in which and brown patches were estimated from the product of
we presented females with a choice between two males. the width times the length of the patch taken at standard
For two of the experiments we asked whether females locations on the birds bodies. The area of the cap in
responded to a single trait (cap colour and crest length) (mm2) was estimated using the formula
manipulated outside of the species-typical range. These
experiments were conducted in the same year, using a ((t+b)/2)m),
common pool of females, and therefore, they also
allowed us to explore the potential for population-level where t is the width across the top of the cap behind the
flexibility in mate choice. In a third experiment, we eye, b is the width across the bottom edge, and m is the
presented females with males possessing naturally vary- length along the midsection of the brown patch. Colour
ing traits. The data from the three experiments were then hue, value (lightness versus darkness) and chroma (inten-
used to test female response to multiple male traits sity) of the brown and cap patches were measured using
through stepwise regression analyses. Munsell chips (Munsell Book of Color, Glossy Finish)
in bright daylight. Hue scores were slightly modified
Trapping and Captivity (Burley et al. 1992), and then all measurements were
All test females were wild-caught as adults to ensure entered into the calculation of the colour score using the
that they had been exposed to the phenotypes of parents following formula
and other conspecifics during ontogeny. Males used were
also wild-caught adults, with the exception of two 3.0(20hue)+1.5(5value)+0.5(chroma7).
captive-reared birds that formed one stimulus set in one
experiment (crest length experiment). Experimental birds The formula converts the mixed numeral Munsell no-
were caught prior to the beginning of the breeding season tation into a standard decimal notation in which colours
in baited walk-in traps (on the Ecke Ranch in 1996, and in perceived by humans as redder, darker and brighter have
Rancho Santa Fe and Manchester Open Space in 1997, higher scores than yellower, lighter and duller colours.
in California, U.S.A.). We banded birds with numbered Munsell chips were developed for human perception
metal bands at the time of capture. Birds were held in and may not accurately reflect avian perception,
groups of 216 individuals from the same covey/ especially UV reflectance (Bennett et al. 1994). Although
geographical location at an approximate density of 0.33 it is possible that quail perceive near-UV, it is unlikely
birds per m3 in single-sex aviaries located on the Ecke that the feathers measured for colour reflect UV since (1)
Ranch. Birds were visually isolated from the opposite sex. the feathers of the closely related Gambels quail, C.
Food (turkey gamebird breeder crumble, 3-way chick gambelii, do not demonstrate strong UV reflectance (J.
scratch, lettuce and mealworms) and water were available Hagelin, personal communication) and (2) the feathers
ad libitum. There was adequate cover for all birds as well we measured are not iridescent and are pigmented, red-
as dirt for dustbathing, and aviaries were cleaned every brown to yellow-brown. Feathers that are likely to reflect
second day. Individual birds were held for 34 months UV are black, blue and/or are iridescent. Ultimately, our
and released at their capture sites. Released birds received manipulation altered the colour of the cap dramatically,
supplemental food and water and were monitored to and therefore, if preference were conservative for species-
ascertain reaclimation to natural conditions. specific cap colours, we would expect females to show an
aversion to the manipulated cap colours.
Plumage and Size Measurements
The mass of each bird was measured using a 300-g Experimental Design
Pesola scale both at the start and end of the holding
period and was averaged for the interval under consider- Mate choice trials
ation. Tarsus length (in mm) was measured using a dial Dyadic mate choice trials began in May of 1996 and
caliper drawn across the upper side of the leg from the top 1997, the time of peak gonadal maturity (Lewin 1963).
of the tibiotarsal joint to the knuckle just above the During each trial the test female was presented with a pair
middle toe. Plumage measurements (size and colour) were of males matched for weight (a stimulus set). Stimulus
taken as described below. To reduce measurement error, males were tethered to prevent physical contact between
all measurements except mass were scored three times on them, but males could interact visually and acoustically,
the same date, and mean values were used in analyses. and could be in contact with females, since physical
J.D.C. conducted all measurements. contact appeared necessary for females to make a mate
We delineated markings as separate partitioned traits choice. Males did not demonstrate aggressive behaviour
if they are typically considered independent for species towards females. Food and water were provided ad
and subspecies identification (Fig. 1; for summaries of libitum and all individuals had access to cover (Fig. 2).
identifying characteristics, see Johnsgard 1973; Leopold At the start of a trial, a single female was released into a
1977; Calkins et al. 1999). We measured the length (mm) neutral area and was able to travel throughout the cham-
of the crest, the area (mm2) of the black, tan, brown and ber. Trials ran for 180 or 185 min, the shortest trial length
cap patches and the colour of the brown and cap patches. necessary for the majority of females to make a mate

(a) crouches, and follow invitations (Williams 1969; Stokes &

Williams 1971; Calkins et al. 1999). The intensity of male
courtship behaviour, as represented by tidbitting rate
(TB), was entered into stepwise models of female prefer-
ence for the three experiments (see Regression analysis
Affiliation has been shown to be a strong predictor of
actual mate choice in Old World quail, Coturnix japonica
Neutral area (White & Galef 1999), and free-ranging California quail
demonstrate affiliation through following or sitting near
x a potential mate (Calkins et al. 1999). We generated an
affiliation score based upon this behaviour of free-ranging
x birds using two activities recorded during the exper-
y iments: (1) the number of times a female approached a
In male (courtship visits) and (2) the total time she spent in
In residence y residence physical proximity with a male (social residence time;
see Fig. 2). These behaviours were included in an affili-
ation score (VT) as follows: for male 1, VT1 =(V1 +T1)/2
with T1 equal to the proportion of the total social time
that the test female spent with male 1 and V1 equal to the
Perch 0.3 m
proportion of the total social visits she made to male 1.
Total social time and total social visits were defined as the
Cover Tether total amount of time spent, and the total number of visits
made, to either stimulus male respectively, thus:
(b) VT1 +VT2 =1. The overall trends revealed in an analysis of
this affiliation score (VT) are identical to those that result
if only the proportion of social time is used as the
measure of preference (J. D. Calkins, unpublished data).
Trials were considered successful (revealing a female
mate choice) if the VT score of one stimulus male was
equal to or greater than 55%. This percentage, although
close to 50%, was selected to maximize the range of VT
scores over the analysed data. This percentage also takes
into account that the VT score is a conservative estimate
of female preference since our data include female be-
Figure 2. Mate choice chamber. (a) A floor plan of the mate choice haviour during both assessment stage and preference
chamber showing perches, tethers, cover areas, neutral areas and stage (Gibson & Langen 1996).
areas in which females were in residence with a male. The area in Additionally, for a trial to be considered successful, the
which a female was considered in residence with a particular male female must have accumulated at least 150 s of social
depended upon that males location in the chamber. Residence fell
time (observed range of times: 1504644 s, XSD=
behind two lines, a horizontal line 0.3 m above the male (x; towards
the females area) and a vertical line 0.3 m to the side of the male (y;
1415.381196.78; observed range of visits 1110,
towards the other males area). These lines are dotted in the figure. XSD=25.03  22.45; Fig. 3). Although a social time of
The area in which a female was in residence extended from these 150 s is a small fraction (3%) of the trial interval, the
lines to the edges of the chamber. (b) Mate choice chamber from two females displaying this duration showed un-
the observers point of view. The female is in the neutral area. ambiguous preferences: both had visit numbers equal to
or higher than the mean (80 and 25) and both spent more
time with one male (60 and 97% social time), resulting
choice (J. D. Calkins, unpublished data). During each trial in VT indices of the favoured males of 78 and 96%,
interval, two trials were conducted synchronously, in respectively.
which each female was observed for half of the total trial Trials were dropped if a females social time was less
duration. One female was observed during the first half of than 150 s (29/95 trials; in such cases females were rerun
each 3-h trial, and then for 5 min after the last half-hour. at a later date whenever possible); if the VT of the
This female was observed for 95 min and had a total of winning male was less than 55% and/or if the male with
185 min to interact with males. The other female was the most social visits was not the male with the most
observed during the second half of each 3-h trial. This social time (10/95 trials); if the female showed a side
female was observed for 90 min and had a total of preference (running up and down a side and not interact-
180 min to interact with males. ing with the male; 2/95 trials); or if there was a technical
An observer (J.D.C.) recorded all occurrences and dur- problem (loss of artificial crests: 2/95 trials).
ations of affiliative and aggressive behaviours for both The number of trials run per experiment depended
stimulus and test birds. Affiliative behaviours included on bird availability. We attempted to test each female
courtship feeding (tidbitting), backrolling, copulation twice with different stimulus sets in the natural variation

1 Table 1. Cap patch colour scores (XSD) for C. callipepla, C. gambelii

and experimental C. callipepla
Population Cap colour score N

C. callipepla 10.071.50* 17
0.6 C. gambelii 15.744.63 11
VT score

Normal 9.933.39 6
0.4 Dyed 18.622.20 6

*Measurements are from individuals trapped in the field.

0.2 Dyed males Measurements are from museum specimens gathered in San Diego
Normal males County, California, U.S.A.
0 5 10 15 20 25
Cap colour score experimental manipulation to explore this traits role in
Figure 3. Relationship between cap colour score and mean VT index mate choice as well as its possible role in maintaining
for males in experiment 2. As described in the methods, stimulus sets species barriers. For this experiment, we dyed the caps of
were comprised of one male from one group and one male from the six males to approximate the cap colour score of Gambels
other group. Some males were included in two or more stimulus quail using a colour treatment (Clairol Hydrience coral;
sets. Males with mean VT scores 0.5 were considered winners in the 5 min) followed by bleach (Eugene Fair Blonde; 2 min).
analysis. Dye was applied using Q-tips and birds were held while
the dye set. The dye was then rinsed off and birds were
hand-held for approximately 15 more minutes to allow
experiment, but due to time constraints, some females their feathers to dry. They were then released back into
could only be tested once. Some females were tested twice their aviaries. Mate choice trials were initiated 1 week
in the cap colour experiment as well. When females were after manipulation.
tested twice, resulting VT scores were averaged across the Dyed males were paired with unmanipulated males in
stimulus sets for paired univariate analysis of female stimulus sets matched for weight and crest length (12
preference (see below). This procedure eliminates pseudo- total males). Each stimulus set was used in one to four
replication in the univariate analysis. trials, with a different female for each trial. Each male
Experiments were designed to use each stimulus set the participated in one or two stimulus sets (total of eight
same number of times, but some trials were discarded due sets); each males VT score was averaged over all of the
to lack of female mate choice. In two of the experiments, trials in which he was involved. Males were included in
each male was used in only one stimulus set, but in the two stimulus sets in order to achieve a distribution of
cap manipulation experiment some males were used in stimulus sets with a continuous range of relative cap
more than one stimulus set. This was done in order to scores. Altogether, 16 successful trials were run with 15
present females with a continuous range of cap scores. For females; one female was tested twice and 14 females were
the stepwise regression analysis of the data, a males status tested once.
(winner or loser) was determined based upon his mean VT
over all trials in which he was used (whether he was in Crest length experiment
one or two stimulus sets; see below). This procedure elimi- Gambels quail tend to have longer crests than
nates pseudoreplication in the multivariate analysis. California quail (J. D. Calkins, unpublished data; J. Gee,
We attempted to use individual stimulus males in only personal communication). For this experiment, we elon-
one experiment but, due to a shortage of birds, two gated the crests of six males. (Due to a shortage of
males were used in both the cap colour and the crest available birds, one male was used in two stimulus sets;
length manipulation experiments. Stimulus sets were his crest was cut and reglued twice and his VT score was
composed of males from the same geographical location estimated over all trials in which he participated). Elon-
(Manchester Open Space or Rancho Santa Fe) or covey gation was accomplished by (1) cutting the entire crest
(Ecke Ranch) and each test female was exposed to a (six feathers) off near the scalp of donor males, (2)
set of unfamiliar males from a different geographical cutting the crests of recipient males approximately
location or covey. (Coveys generally show low intermix- 17 mm above the scalp, and (3) attaching the full-length
ing; Emlen 1939; J. D. Calkins, unpublished data.) feathers of the donor males to the cut stubs of the
To compare the results between the manipulation recipients. The six donor feathers were glued together at
experiments, we used the same pool of females in both. their base to achieve natural conformation prior to
attachment (via Superglue) to the crest of the recipient.
Testing for Female Response to Single Male Traits The effect of this manipulation was to produce crest
lengths of 3850 mm in the recipients, which is beyond
Cap colour experiment the natural range of crest length observed in the Ecke
Cap colour differs between California quail and its population (2038 mm, with mean of 33.46 mm; N=
sister species, the Gambels quail (Table 1). We used an 135), but overlap the normal range for Gambels quail.

Donor males were then released from captivity, whereas on the trait values of the winning males rather than the
recipient males were assigned to stimulus sets and paired difference in trait values between winning and losing
with a male of similar weight that had a crest of normal males in part because females had unlimited opportunity
length. As a control for the manipulation, the crest to remain in a large neutral area. Therefore, a female
feathers of unmanipulated stimulus males were cut at choosing to associate with a given male did so because of
approximately 17 mm and reglued to their own crest something she found attractive in his traits rather than
stubs, creating crest lengths of 2934 mm. because of something repulsive in the traits of the losing
In total, six stimulus sets were created (11 males total, male. These two approaches are complementary rather
one used twice), each consisting of one male with an than redundant.
elongated crest and one male with a normal crest. We
tested each of 18 females once; each stimulus set was used Partitioned and composite traits
one to five times. One stimulus set was used in only one We used two types of trait divisions in the stepwise
trial because a males crest broke and could not be regression analyses: partitioned and composite. We use
repaired. the term partitioned traits to refer to traits characterized
as independent traits by natural historians. We attempted
to examine the possibility that females do not view these
Testing for Female Response to Multiple Male partitioned traits as independent when making mating
Traits decisions. To do this we combined the values of parti-
tioned traits with similar characteristics into independent
Natural variation experiment
composite traits. We generated two types of composite
To explore preference for natural plumage variation, we traits based upon shared characteristics of partitioned
tested females with seven stimulus sets, each matched for traits: (1) multipatches: combined scores of multiple par-
mass, in 1996. Each stimulus set was used in three or four titioned traits with similar colours and locations on the
trials. In all, 22 trials were run with 13 females; nine body and (2) total impact patches: combined scores of
females were tested twice (with different stimulus sets) the colour and size of a patch.
and four females were tested once. The two multipatch composite traits were the total
nonblack area and the total black area. The nonblack area
Regression analysis was the sum of the tan, brown and brown cap patches
To analyse female preferences for multiple traits, and was most influenced by the size of the brown patch
including both partitioned and composite traits (see (Fig. 1). The areas of the tan and brown patches are
below), we employed a multivariate approach. In this adjacent on the body and were negatively correlated in
procedure, we identified winning males as those males the males used in the experiment testing response to
that had achieved average VT scores greater than 0.5 over natural variation (Spearman rank correlation: rS = 0.622,
all successful trials in which they were involved. Losing N=14, P=0.03). The cap patch is held at the elevation of
males were those males with average VT scores below 0.5. the other two patches during tidbitting. The total black
Some winning males, therefore, had VT scores below 0.5 area was the sum of the crest area and the area of the
in individual trials, and some losing males had VT scores black patch and was most influenced by the size of the
above 0.5 in individual trials. When each male was used black patch. The black patch and the crest area frame
only in one stimulus set (most males in the crest length the males eyes and beak. The two total impact composite
experiment and all males in the natural variation exper- traits included the impact of the brown patch and the
iment), that stimulus set contributed one winning and impact of the cap patch. These were generated by multi-
one losing male. When males were used in more than one plying the colour score and the area of a patch, which
stimulus set (most males in the cap colour experiment, tend not to be correlated (Calkins 2000).
one male in the crest length experiment), each males VT We created composite scores using physical attributes
score was averaged over all trials in which he participated; of the patches rather than through principal component
thus, winning and losing males did not represent individ- analysis (PCA) because we hoped to interpret the relation-
ual stimulus sets. We entered the winning males ship between patches in a biologically meaningful way.
attributes as independent variables in a series of stepwise This is not always possible when using PCA, and our
forward regression analyses (F to enter=4.00; F to preliminary exploration of this technique did not yield
remove=3.99) with the winning males VT scores as the components that we could interpret biologically. Further-
dependent variable. more, PCA builds traits based upon their covariance; thus,
This procedure differs from that used to measure pref- the use of PCA would not necessarily allow us to generate
erences for single traits as it asks whether winning males trait groups that females view as composites, whereas
with the most extreme traits (manipulated or not) had developing rules based upon trait characteristics might
the most extreme VT score, and then measures prefer- allow us to approach female perception more readily.
ences for absolute values of male traits. By comparison, Although tidbitting rate (the number of bouts of
the t and sign tests ask whether females preferred individ- tidbitting/s) is a partitioned trait, we included this in both
ual males that were manipulated over those that were not the analysis of the partitioned traits and the analysis of
(i.e. whether or not winners had manipulated pheno- the composite traits, since it is the single clear courtship
types), thus testing preferences for relative values of male behaviour demonstrated by California quail (Calkins
traits. In the stepwise regression model we chose to focus et al. 1999). Tidbitting may indicate both willingness and

1 dyed to match caps of Gambels quail (sign test: P=0.22;

N=9 required for Pc0.05; Fig. 3).
Crest length experiment
0.7 Males with elongated crests had higher VT scores
0.6 (0.640.26) than did unmanipulated males (0.360.26;
VT score

paired t test: t16 =2.224, P=0.04). Winning males in all

stimulus sets had elongated crests (sign test: P=0.03;
0.4 Fig. 4).
0.2 Female Response to Multiple Traits
0.1 Elongated
Naturally varying male traits
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 We conducted two stepwise regression analyses with
Crest length (mm) the winning males traits entered as independent vari-
Figure 4. Relationship between crest length (in mm) and mean VT
ables and the winning males VT score as the dependent
index for males included in experiment 3. Stimulus sets were variable. The first stepwise regression included parti-
comprised of one male from one group and one male from the other tioned traits as independent variables (Table 2), and did
group. Some males were included in two or more stimulus sets. not yield a significant model. The second stepwise regres-
Males with mean VT scores 0.5 were considered winners in the sion included the winning males composite traits as the
analysis. independent variables (Table 2), and yielded a significant
model in which VT score was predicted by the multipatch
ability to invest in a mate and young and has been shown trait brown patch+tan patch+cap patch areas (stepwise
to be important in mate choice of other species of quail regression: F1,6 =8.826, N=7 winning males, P=0.03,
(Hagelin 1999; Hagelin & Ligon 2001). R2 =0.57; mean square regression=0.068, error=0.008,
Statistics were calculated using Statview for Macintosh standardized coefficient=0.80).
(Haycock et al. 1992).
Cap colour experiment
In the first stepwise regression analysis using par-
titioned male traits (Table 2), VT score was predicted by
Female Response to Single Manipulated Male negative cap colour score and positive black patch area
Traits (N=6 winning males; Table 3). In the second stepwise
regression analysis using composite male traits (Table 2),
Cap colour score experiment a model was generated in which VT score was predicted
There was no difference between the VT scores of by the total impact of the cap patch and black patch+
dyed males (XSD=0.5450.384) versus unmanipu- crest areas (N=6 winning males, Table 3).
lated males (0.4550.384; paired t test: t14 =0.464, In this experiment there was a positive correlation
P=0.65; N>1000 required for P=0.05). However, winning between cap patch area and cap patch colour for stimulus
males in five of the six stimulus sets were those with caps males (Spearman rank correlation: rS =0.565, N=12 males,

Table 2. Traits entered into stepwise analyses of experimental populations

Partitioned traits
Black patch: black patch just below the eyes and the beak, covers the throat
Tan patch: tan patch, scaled with black, high on the abdomen
Brown patch: beneath the tan patch, scaled with black, low on the abdomen
Crest length: black crest comprised of six feathers
Cap patch: brown patch covering the top of the skull, just behind the crest
Cap patch colour score: see above
Brown patch colour score: see above
Tidbitting rate: rate of bouts of courtship feeding
Composite traits
Brown patch+tan patch+cap patch areas
Black patch+crest areas
Total impact
Brown patchbrown patch colour score
Cap patchcap patch colour score
Tidbitting rate

Although tidbitting rate is not a composite trait, it was included in the regression models employing composite

Table 3. VT score as a function of winning male traits in the 1997 colour manipulation experiment
Trait Standard coefficient Partial r t P

VT score as a function of partitioned traits

Cap patch colour score 0.658 0.809 2.843 0.07
Black patch area 0.474 0.683 2.048 0.13
F2,5 =8.895, P=0.05, R2 =0.759, residual=0.002
VT score as a function of composite traits
Total impact of cap patch 0.617 0.838 3.409 0.04
Black patch+crest area 0.516 0.78 2.85 0.07
F2,5 =17.187, P=0.02, R2 =0.866, residual=0.001

Forward stepwise regression models. Partitioned traits with similar characteristics were increasingly aggregated into
dependent composite traits (see Table 2). Numbers in parentheses indicate the order of entry into the forward
stepwise regression model. N=6 winning males.

P=0.04). This correlation was the inadvertent result of the model although winning males tended to be those with
dyeing procedure, which tended to increase patch size. cap colours resembling Gambels quail. The multivariate
analysis of the winning males traits revealed that, for
Crest length experiment winning males, cap colour was the most important trait
None of the winning males traits predicted VT score in in mate choice but that females had stronger preferences
either the first stepwise regression using partitioned traits for males possessing lower cap colour scores (more like
or the second regression using composite traits (Table 2). California quail). Thus, although higher, more Gambels
quail-like, cap colour scores tended to be important for a
male to be a winner, and among the winning males,
Trait Correlations and Distribution those with more California quail-like cap colour scores
tended to have the highest VT scores. Together these
Table 4 shows results of correlation analyses for stimu-
results suggest that females do not prefer extreme values
lus set males within each year (1996 and 1997). Following
of this trait but rather have intermediate or incremental
Bonferroni correction, no traits were significantly corre-
preferences. Also, since the results of the stepwise regres-
lated. The two manipulated traits, crest length and cap
sion model indicate that the area of the black patch
colour score, differed significantly among the three
contributed to a females behaviour, the strength of
experiments after Bonferroni correction (Table 5).
female preference for a male with a particular cap colour
may be tempered by her response to the size of his black
Results of the crest length experiment also suggest that
This study establishes that female California quail use females respond to novel male trait values. The univariate
male plumage characteristics when making mating analysis showed that females preferred males with experi-
decisions. Females chose on the basis of natural trait mentally elongated crests and all of the winning males
variation, but also responded to artificially manipulated had elongated crests. However, the stepwise regression
traits. Females in different experiments focused on differ- procedure on the winning males traits did not result in
ent traits, even when they were from the same test pool. any significant model. There was a nonsignificant ten-
Thus, females respond to novel values of plumage dency for males with more modest elongations to have
traits and populations of females use different traits, or higher VT scores. Thus, similar to the results of the cap
combinations thereof, in different contexts. colour experiment, females did not show the strongest
Evidence suggests, then, that female choice has driven preferences for the most extreme trait values tested. At
the evolution of male ornamentation in this species. Two the same time, females did not show aversions to novel
factors that we hypothesize contribute to the evolution values of the crest length and in fact prefered males with
and maintenance of multiple ornaments in this species novel trait values.
are flexible mate choice behaviour and mate choice for We manipulated the cap colour score and the crest
composite traits. This study illustrates that the analysis of length into the range of the California quails sister
composite traits has a capacity to reveal patterns hidden species, the Gambels quail, in order to test the hypoth-
from the analysis of partitioned traits. esis that secondary sexual traits function as species
barriers (Dobzhansky 1937; Huxley 1942; Mayr 1963).
Novel Trait Values, Species Boundaries and Results presented here do not support this function for
the manipulated traits. Females appeared to prefer, rather
Flexible Mate Choice
than be averse to, the exaggerated values of traits (large
Results of the cap colour manipulation experiment cap colour scores; longer crests) characteristic of Gambels
suggest that cap colour plays a role in mate choice, and quail. Thus, the results presented here correspond to
that females do not show an aversion to novel trait states. some other studies in which secondary sexual character-
The univariate analysis did not result in a significant istics do not represent barriers to hybridization but rather
Table 4. Pearson correlation coefficients for male traits of stimulus males
Black patch Tan patch Brown patch Cap patch Brown colour
Male trait Mass Tarsus Crest length area area area area score

Experiment 1
Tarsus (0.003) 0.99
Crest length (0.31) 0.29 (0.29) 0.32
Black patch area (0.001) 0.998 (0.07) 0.82 (0.14) 0.63
Tan patch area (0.11) 0.73 (0.28) 0.33 (0.26) 0.37 (0.004) 0.99
Brown patch area (0.50) 0.07 (0.05) 0.87 (0.30) 0.30 (0.17) 0.58 (0.62) 0.02
Cap patch area (0.16) 0.60 (0.26) 0.37 (0.06) 0.85 (0.49) 0.08 (0.11) 0.72 (0.08) 0.79
Brown colour score (0.11) 0.71 (0.35) 0.23 (0.01) 0.98 (0.17) 0.58 (0.44) 0.12 (0.51) 0.07 (0.17) 0.56
Cap colour score (0.23) 0.46 (0.20) 0.53 (0.28) 0.37 (0.63) 0.020 (0.05) 0.87 (0.04) 0.90 (0.03) 0.92 (0.18) 0.57
Experiments 2 and 3
Tarsus (0.57) 0.002
Crest length (0.14) 0.53 (0.05) 0.82
Black patch area (0.06) 0.76 (0.14) 0.48 (0.06) 0.78
Tan patch area (0.21) 0.29 (0.40) 0.03 (0.14) 0.52 (0.14) 0.48
Brown patch area (0.48) 0.01 (0.32) 0.10 (0.05) 0.82 (0.01) 0.95 (0.01) 0.95
Cap patch area (0.51) 0.006 (0.20) 0.31 (0.20) 0.36 (0.16) 0.41 (0.13) 0.52 (0.01) 0.94
Brown colour score (0.09) 0.68 (0.07) 0.77 (0.46) 0.02 (0.12) 0.57 (0.03) 0.90 (0.02) 0.43 (0.43) 0.03
Cap colour score (0.10) 0.66 (0.07) 0.74 (0.03) 0.86 (0.07) 0.74 (0.26) 0.22 (0.11) 0.60 (0.09) 0.69 (0.36) 0.08

N=14 males included in experiment 1, N =24 males included in experiments 2 and 3. (Coefficient)P value. Corrected significance level Pcrit0.0014.

Table 5. MeanSD of measured male traits included in the stepwise analysis for each experiment
Brown patch Cap patch
Experiment Tidbitting Crest length* Area black patch Area tan patch Area brown patch Area cap colour score colour score*

Natural variation 0.0030.002 33.502.44 1267.64122.57 1424.00269.69 1506.71367.46 310.3352.48 16.091.53 9.911.44
Cap colour 0.0010.001 34.000.99 1284.0171.17 1701.35418.83 1664.69513.07 394.6563.62 15.732.90 14.285.29
Crest length 0.0130.014 36.677.06 1288.50102.45 1498.08278.60 1375.99661.19 384.3883.55 17.163.04 8.624.49

Sample sizes were 14, 12 and 11 males for experiments 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
*Trait values that differed significantly between years according to an ANOVA (P corrected for multiple tests: Pcorrected0.006). Crest length: F2,52 =7.42, P<0.0023. Cap patch colour score:
F2,52 =6.08, P=0.0062.

act to increase the potential for hybridization and gene study, the only two traits that differed significantly
flow between species (e.g. Ryan et al. 1990; Christy & among experiments were the manipulated traits (cap
Salmon 1991; Strecker & Kodric-Brown 1999). colour score and crest length); both had the highest
Our conclusion that these traits do not function to means and standard deviations in the experiment in
maintain species boundaries is tempered by two consid- which they were the focus of mate choice. This supports
erations. The first is that the populations studied here are the possibility that females are choosing the most
not sympatric with Gambels quail and therefore may not variable and easily discriminated traits.
be subject to strong selective pressures against hybridiz-
ation. However, the finding that birds from an isolated Composite Trait Preferences and Mate Choice for
population are not indifferent, but, as in the case with
Multiple Ornamentation
crest length, actually prefer the trait states of a sister
species, suggests that some factor, such as sampling drift For two of the experiments, the cap colour manipu-
(Kaneshiro 1980; Nei et al. 1983; Barton 1989; Otte 1989) lation and the natural variation experiment, the use of
might constrain the evolution of long crests in California composite traits generally resulted in regression models
quail. that included larger groups of traits and explained a
A second consideration is the possibility that quail see greater proportion of the variance in female preference
cap colour differently than we do and that the human- behaviour than did the use of partitioned models. In the
based Munsell scale does not allow us to detect subtle experiment in which we examined female response to
differences in cap colours that would be apparent to naturally varying male traits, composite traits yielded
female quail. This would make a manipulation of cap successful models even when no partitioned trait was
colour into the Gambels quail range difficult to achieve, found to contribute to a significant regression model.
as we might not be able to detect the most important Composites that entered the best regression models
characteristic of the colour that differs between the two included both those based on overall size of several
species in the eyes of the female. We did manipulate the patches with the same ground colour, multipatch com-
colour component (i.e. hue) that differs most between posites (combined areas of brown, cap and tan patches;
Gambels and California quail in human perception. and total black patches), and composites reflecting over-
Thus it seems likely that we did manipulate the colour in all patch impact, the total impact composites (cap patch
one dimension relevant to quail, although there may be area and cap patch colour score). No traits correlated
other important dimensions as well. Our results indicate significantly with any other trait (after Bonferroni correc-
that the manipulation did influence female quail percep- tion), and thus correlations among traits do not explain
tion of males. We conclude from the lack of any aversion the power of composite traits to explain mating behav-
to novel cap colour scores that this trait is not used as a iour. The general lack of correlation is similar to that
basis of species-specific choice by female quail. observed in field populations of California quail (Calkins
The two manipulations were conducted in a single year 2000).
using the same pool of females. For each experiment, The results presented above, therefore, suggest that
females focused primarily upon the manipulated trait, composites may be the focus of female choice and indi-
thus changing their focus of attraction between manipu- cate future directions of research. Our conclusions regard-
lations. We observed a similar trend when data for only ing choice for partitioned versus composite traits are
the nine females used in both experiments were analysed tempered by the limits of the methodology and small
(J. D. Calkins, unpublished data). This change in the sample sizes. In particular, clearer data on perception and
focus of female choice reveals a potential for flexible mate decision-making processes of female quail are necessary
choice in this species at the population level. This is to differentiate between choice via partitioned versus
suggestive of flexible mate choice at the individual level composite traits. Similarly, studies with larger sample
as well. Further study of individual preference functions sizes would be useful.
in this species would be useful for elucidating the degree The results also point to the usefulness of creating
of preference flexibility at the individual level, as well as composite traits as a statistical tool when sample sizes are
the factors that drive flexibility (Basolo 1998; Wagner too small to reveal preferences for partitioned traits. This
1998). is because mate choice response probably varies among
One possible factor that might influence flexible female females; for example, some females may weigh one com-
preference is a changing distribution of male trait values. ponent of the composite trait more heavily than the
The distribution of several male traits in California quail others, while other females may weigh other components
in the field varies among years (Calkins 2000). Female more heavily. In this way, several partitioned traits would
quail could either respond to changes in the ecological be under pressure from mate choice because they com-
and demographic environment by changing the basis of bine to yield the composite trait impression important to
their mating decisions and/or they could use the traits females as a group.
themselves as a source of information about a changing
environment (e.g. Reid & Weatherhead 1990; Jennions & Multiple Ornamentation and Ghosts of Selection
Petrie 1997; Qvarnstro m et al. 2000). They could also
choose males based on more highly variable traits that
might increase the efficiency of mate choice by making These results differ from those found for other galli-
discrimination easier (Jennions & Petrie 1997). In this formes, including other species of Callipepla, where male

behaviour was found to be more important in determin- mate choice in different contexts? Finally, to determine
ing female behaviour than male plumage traits (Ligon & the full impact of the evolution of female choice on the
Zwartjes 1995; Hagelin & Ligon 2001). There are three distribution of male traits, we need to understand how
possible reasons for the difference in experimental results. environmental (e.g. physical, demographic) change
The first is that the difference in preference patterns is affects both male and female reproductive success via
simply a species difference. It is possible that the impor- active mate choice on trait distributions.
tance of plumage characteristics in mate choice differs for
different species or even for different populations of the
same species (e.g. guppies, Poecilla reticulata, Houde 1997 Acknowledgments
and references therein). A second explanation is the This research was funded by a fellowship from the
increased statistical power from our use of composite Pointsettia Foundation to J.D.C. We would like to thank
traits. This methodology might have allowed us to Drs D. Campbell, D. Enstrom, J. Gee, A. Hedrick, K.
observe patterns in a system where mate choice is rela- Johnson, R. Levin, K. McGraw, L. Oring and four anony-
tively weak for any one partitioned trait alone. A final mous referees for comments on the manuscript. K. Beale,
possibility is that our use of adult females that had been J. Chow, L. Potyondy, N. Sayano and D. Vien helped with
exposed to a rich social environment during develop- field research. J. Chow, A. Coburn and D. Vien helped
ment allowed us to detect preferences arising from early with maintenence of captive birds. Dr J. Swanson aided in
exposure to adults and other individuals (Calkins et al. the statistical analysis. We would like to thank the Ecke
1999). family for permission to conduct field research and mate
This contrast between results reported here and those choice experiments on their property. J.D.C. benefited
of other studies of galliforms has implications for one from discussions with J. Gee and Dr J. Hagelin. C. Calkins,
hypothesis that attempts to explain the evolution of D. Calkins and Dr W. J. Swanson helped in all aspects of
multiple ornaments: the ghosts of selection past hypoth- the research. Research was covered by the California
esis (e.g. Holland & Rice 1998). This hypothesis would Department of Fish and Game permit No. 6942 and
suggest that most secondary sexual plumage traits are no conducted under supervision of the Institutional Animal
longer subject to female mate choice in extant species, Care and Use Committee of the University of California,
but persist because the traits were fixed via mate choices Irvine (Permit No. 951664).
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