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Faith Cote

ELED 3221
February 13, 2017

Indirect Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Survival: Plant Edition


Central Focus/Big Idea: My idea aligns to survival in nature, specifically plants. If I wanted to
teach multiple lessons on this idea, I would simply focus on a clarifying standard. For example,
for essential standard 3.L.2, the first clarifying objective is 3.L.2.1 (which is what Ive based this
lesson around) and then the next lesson would be based on 3.L.2.2, and etc.

Subject of this lesson: Plants

Grade Level: 3rd

NC Essential Standard(s): 3.L.2 Understand how plants survive in their environments

Clarifying Objective: 3.L.2.1 Remember the function of the following structures as it relates to
the survival of plants in their environments: roots: absorb nutrients, stems: provide support,
leaves: synthesize food, flowers: attract pollinators and produce seeds for reproduction

Next Generation Science Standard(s):

LS3.B: Variation of Traits
Different organisms vary in how they look and function because they have
different inherited information. (3-LS3- 1)
The environment also affects the traits that an organism develops. (3-LS3-2)

21st Century Skills:

Skills: Solving problems, thinking creatively, asking questions and developing ideas.
OUTCOME: Students provide concrete examples of science as a way of
thinking that involves both systematic and creative processes that anyone
can apply as they ask questions, solve problems, invent things, and develop
ideas about the world around them. (I chose this skill because we will be
taking care of a class plant to demonstrate this skill and bring the lesson to

Students construct their own scientific understanding and develop their

scientific process skills by asking scientific questions, designing and
conducting investigations, constructing explanations from their observations,
and discussing their explanations with others. (I chose this skill because the
students will be studying the plant and asking questions about the class
plant and activities)
Academic Language Demand
Analyze Argue Categorize Compare/contras Describe Explain
Interpret Predict Question Retell Summarize

I chose to highlight the three words describe explain summarize because the
students will be describing the plant, explaining the plant, and summarizing what we do
as a class.
Scientific Vocabulary: The key scientific terms that the students will be learning are as
Roots, stems, leaves, flowers

Instructional Objective: Conditions: Students will explore plants and record their findings on
Performance: With partners, independently
Criteria: Students will design their own descriptive drawing of the plant, summarize what it is
and explain the specific parts and functions of the plant. Students must describe at least 3 out of
4 parts of the plant in order to gain mastery.
Prior Knowledge (student): Being able to look at something and use their scientific thinking
skills to describe it and explain what it is.
Content Knowledge (teacher): The background knowledge that a teacher needs to have in order
to teach this lesson is:
Must know the different parts of the plant
Information about the specific plant being studied in the lesson
How the students should describe and explain the plant

Accommodations for special needs (individual and/or small group): For students with special
needs, they will still work with a partner, but they will be paired with a student that is capable of
writing things down proficiently so that the special needs student can work with them and still be
able to do the activities. If this does not work, special needs students can be paired with the
teacher or assistant and assisted this way.
Materials and Technology requirements:
One plant per pair of students: can be found at Trader Joes/Home Depot/Lowes/IKEA
Approx. 20-25 worksheets dependent on size of class. These worksheets are depicted below.
Approx. 10-13 magnifying glasses so that students can see the leaves/stems/flowers closely.
Paper towel/newspaper for students to explore plant on OR choose to do this part outside.
Powerpoint slides
Video (Magic School Bus: and Parts of Plant
video: )

Total Estimated Time: 30-45 minutes

Source of lesson: Myself

Safety considerations: No eating plants, no tearing off leaves or any parts of plants. Plants will
be handled respectfully and gently, and neatly as well.
Content and Strategies (Procedure)

Engage: We will begin the lesson with this video:

v=s2r5LLy9Qaw which describes the four parts of the plant. Steps to teach this part:
Today we will be learning about plants. Everybody pay attention to this video
After video, ask a few questions such as: Can anybody tell me exactly what a plant is? How
do you know what a plant is? how many parts does a plant have?

Explore: Introduce the plants here. Make sure that students know that the plant needs to be
touched and explored gently and taken care of while handling it. No eating, tearing, or dropping
of the plants. Before allowing students to actually explore plant, have them watch the Magic
School Bus video and then ask them the following questions before going outside or exploring
plants inside:

What do plants need everyday? (Water, sunlight)
Why do they need water and sunlight? (so they can make food to survive)
What do we NOT need to do to the plants? (Eat, rip, be rough)

After watching the video, pair students using either 1,2 method or pairing students closest to
each other. Pass out one plant per pair along with one magnifying glass. Follow the following
steps of exploring the plants:
Explain to the students that they will need to be recording their observations on a sheet of paper
to turn in at the end of the lesson. Give them examples of what to record (size of plant container,
type of plant, how many leaves, etc)
Explore the plant for about 5 minutes and record findings.
While students are exploring, here are some questions to ask: What are you finding as you
explore the plant? Do you notice anything weird about the roots? Is your plant the same as
everyone elses?

Explanation: After all students have had a chance to explore the plant, create an anchor chart
with the students. Use the anchor chart to compare and contrast the two different types of plants.

Elaborate: Students will Create their own Plant using books, websites
( ,
kinds-plants.html ) and other resources.
Requirements: Students must create a plant that has the four essential parts. Students must
include a plant name, basic needs, where the plant lives, and a colored picture of the plant.
Include text features like captions and labels. Must include resources.
Essential parts: 2 points possible
Resources: 1 point possible
Plant name: 1 point possible
Basic needs: 2 points possible
Where plant lives: 1 point lives
Picture of plant: 2 points possible
Used captions/labels: 1 point possible

Evaluate: Summative: create your own plant activity

Formative: Questions and observations to be done during lesson

To be completed after the lesson is taught as appropriate

Assessment Results of all objectives/skills:

Reflection on lesson:

CT signature/confirmation: _________________________________ Date: ________________

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