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Into the depths

My name is Jeff Fraiser and I almost died at a depth of 7,400 feet

under-water, almost one and a half miles. It was the end of February.
The waters were calm, it was a great day for diving. I had been
waiting for this moment for months. I had taken all the training,
prepared in every way. I had read books, driven simulators and
memorized the basic blueprint of the submersible, but things go
wrong. Sometimes, there's nothing you can do to prepare yourself for

Once we suited up, we were given a briefing. It was our job to

explore Mariana Trench. We were to look for new species. We found
a big one. We descended. All systems checked out. When we got to
the bottom, we saw no life. It was just darkness. We drifted along the
bottom for a few hours. We saw a giant squid on the way down, pretty
rare, but nothing as big as we were about to see.

As we drifted along the bottom, we came up upon a trench. It was

weird because sonar hadn't indicated a trench this big, merely a small
divot. We were about to call mission control and tell them about it until
we heard a faint sound. Then all the lights went off. The engine
stopped. The sonar went silent. We were alone in dark. The only
thing we could see was a flashing red warning light. We waited and
listened for another sound. I said to Robbie, What's going on?
He replied, I don't know. I'll check to see if we've still got
communications with mission control. A second later he said, Nope,
comms are dead. I was about to walk over and try to reset the power,
when suddenly, our systems rebooted and everything beeped back to
life. I rushed back to my seat just as the light came on. I saw nothing.
We called mission control and told them our power went out. They
said it was probably just a glitch in the system. We also told them
about the trench we discovered. They said there may be an
undiscovered species down there so it was our job to check it out. My
copilot, Robbie, talked about the sound he heard before the blackout.
We decided it sounded like a whale's cry but much much lower. As we
descended into the trench, we started feeling vibrations. Each one
stronger and more violent than the last. I said, This isn't right.
Yeah. Robbie said, I don't like it either. Then it went silent. We
heard the sound. The same one as before only much louder and
much closer. The power went out again. We pulled out the flashlights
and shone them out the window. They cut into the darkness as a
butter knife would through concrete. Then we heard a pop. We
started sinking, I could feel it. I searched the never ending darkness,
afraid of what I would find. The search lights on the outside came on,
but the engine remained off and our buoyancy control unit wasn't
Ten minutes later, we landed on the bottom. Robbie moved to the
observation window. It offered a 360* view and two powerful search
lights. I tried comms for mission control, but got nothing but static. All
of a sudden Robbie said, What the hell was that! He had his light
trained on a cave 50 feet away. He said It's, it's bigger than a bus in
a panicked voice. The engines spurred to life. We heard a roar so
loud that it would make a grown man fall to his knees and beg for
mercy. I jumped to the controls and put it full throttle upwards. Then
we heard the noise again. A terrifyingly close roar that reverberated
through the sub shaking my bones and my soul. We approached the
opening of the trench. Robbie said, Hurry, it's going to catch us.
Then the thing hit us. The submarine was jolted to the left. I heard
Robbie yelp. I looked back and saw him writhing on the floor holding
his head. There was blood oozing out of a gash on his head. I prayed
that wed make it to the surface. I saw the surface getting closer. It
seemed as if it were a million years before we reached it. When we
final broke the surface. I looked back to see if the monster was still
after us. It was nowhere to be seen. I checked that Robbie was okay
and then called mission control and told them about the monster.
They didn't believe us of course. When we got out of the submarine,
we noticed that it had claw marks all the way from the front to the
back. Mission control suggested that there may have been falling
debris, but I know it was not debris that did that damage. Robbie got
medical help, but couldn't remember any part of the mission. The
camera footage never showed the creature. All the times it should
have showed, there was static in its place. There has been no further
evidence of this enormous animal to this day, but I know that
somewhere down in the depths, there is a big beady-eyed demonic
monster and one day, it won't be bound to the depths.

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