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Effects of Social
media on Senior
High students in a
private school in
Carmona, Cavite on
Academic and Social
Alonzo, John Cedric

Assoc. Prof. Asuncion D. Lecaros

Research 1 - Instructor

This research is all about the effects of social media on students academical
performances and social performances. This research also aims to find out the reason
behind the excessive use of social media by students, that is causing to have certain
effects to students academically and socially.

This research also aims to find solution to how to control the use of social media
by students. This research was conducted to help better students behavior that is
somehow affected by social media. Not only that, it also aims to educate students on how
to control their time being spent on social media, wisely. This research also states the
different social theories that tells about social behavior that is being observed in social

Table of Contents
Title Page
Abstract 1
Table of content 2
Chapter 1 3
Chapter 2 10
Chapter 3 13
Chapter 4 16

Chapter 5 23

Appendices 28

Chapter I


Since the age of technology came, different inventions have been created in order
to ease up our everyday lives. For example, different kinds of transportations was
invented to allow us save time by travelling faster than ever before, GPS was invented to
let us know where we are in the world, without the need of carrying maps and compass.
One of the biggest inventions ever to be made was the Internet, at first internet was solely
created for military use, it was made in order for the military have a better mode of
communication without the risk of their message being intercepted often. Later after
several years after the internet was made, it was made open for public use, after that the
mode of communication was gradually improving.

Letters was replaced with electronic mails (E-mails), and many other things.
Apparently those things werent still enough, because there were so many platforms in
the internet that was made for only one purpose. So, they came up with the idea of
making a platform that will have everything that a person will need, information,
entertainment, better way of communication, security, and a community, and this is where
Social Media was born. Social media became a boom in the internet, so boom that it
created large, drastic effect globally, especially on teenager students.

Today, Social Media is currently the number one platform that is being used in the
internet globally. Almost everyone that has access of internet is using social media. An
average of 12-18 years old is currently using Social Media (Shannon Greenwood 2016).
The amount of time people spend on social media is constantly increasing. Teens
now spend up to nine hours a day on social platforms, while 30% of all time spent
online is now allocated to social media interaction. And the majority of that time is on
mobile - 60% of social media time spent is facilitated by a mobile device (Evan Asano
2017). Social media is becoming of a problem rather than becoming a solution. So, this
research aims to find out how to control the use of social media, and what is the reason
behind this high statistics of usage of social media and effects, especially on students.

Background of the Study

Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to

community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.-Tech Target
2016. Social meaning interacting with other people, Media refers to instrument used for
communication.-Daniel Nations 2016, Social media is a way for people to
communicate and interact online.- Moz 2015. These are just some of the meaning of
social media according to different websites, but what really is social media? How did it
begin? Why does it exist? Let us answer each question, and narrow all of it down.

What is social media? Tech Target, Web Trends, Moz has many different ways of
defining Social media, but they all have the same two words Communicate and
Interaction. Communications includes all verbal and non-verbal actions, and in order to
communicate one must interact with someone or a group of people, and one cant interact
without having to communicate. Hundred million years ago, we, humans communicate
and interact by all means pigeons, letters, bottle messages, paintings and many other
ways. Back then we have been communicating and interacting with each other up to the
present, so can we say that back then social media is also a thing? Communication and
interaction is the main definition of social media, but it lacks something. Communication
and interaction online is the full definition of social media.

How did it begin? Since we now know that social media needs to be done online
in order to communicate and interact, we must now know when and how did social and
internet began? Internet began in the early 1970s but only exclusive for military use, also
in the early 1970s social media begun, the first social media program that was created
then was Compuserve, CompuServe allowed members to share files and access news and
events. But it also offered something few had ever experienced true interaction. Not
only could you send a message to your friend via a newfangled technology dubbed e-
mail (granted, the concept of e-mail wasnt exactly newfangled at the time, though
widespread public access to it was). You could also join any of CompuServes thousands
of discussion forums to yap with thousands of other members on virtually any important
subject of the day. Then when the internet was opened for public use in the late 1980s,

Compuserve gradually pave way to the top and underwent drastic changes, causing for an
internet boom- Social networkings adoloscence.

Why does it exist? Perhaps the greatest value of social media marketing is your
ability to foster and engage with a community of other people. That engagement is at the
heart of social media, and without it, you're left with a megaphone and no one to hear
you. You have the opportunity to interact with customers from all over the world
including those who are right down the streeton a huge scale. If a current or
prospective customer has something to say to you or about you, you now have the ability
to respond immediately. In addition to responsive communication, brands and businesses
can begin to build relationships with their customers beyond those that happen during
normal transactions. These relationships are what keep customers coming back,
increasing both loyalty and retention. If those customers become advocates and increase
your word-of-mouth presence, you will start seeing amazing returns. By providing a great
place of engagement for your community and helping build valuable, authentic resources
for your brand's niche, you are also building up authority for your brand within your
industry. You will find your customers increasingly trusting what you say and coming to
you for resources that can help them solve their own challenges. Heck, you may even
find yourself lending a hand to a competitor in the space. All brands start in a similar
unknown place, and the more you give, the more authority you'll get back. A great
example is REI, which not only sells outdoor gear, but is also a known resource for tips
on hiking, snowshoeing, zombie survival, and a whole host of other activities centered on
the outdoors.


1. To know the effects of social media on students socially and academically.

2. To know how lethal is the effect of social media.
3. To provide advice on how to control usage of social media.

Statement of the problem

1. How wide-spread is social media to students?
2. Does the perspective of students on what is social media is, affects on how
good or bad will be the effects for them?
3. Why do they need social media?
4. What is their reason for using social media?
5. How badly do they need social media?

Definition of Terms

Social media a way for people to communicate and interact online.

Communication the act of conveying intended meanings from
one entity or group to another through the use of mutually
understood signs and semiotic rules.
Interaction is a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an
effect upon one another.
Socialization a continuing process whereby an individual acquires a
personal identity and learns the norms, values, behavior, and social skills
appropriate to his or her social position.
Networking a supportive system of sharing information and services
among individuals and groups having a common interest.


This research used 3 theories that explains how social media behavior occurs in
social media.

I. Social Exchange Theory (Thibaut & Kelley, 1952)

Social Exchange Theory, or SET, says that you choose the relationships
you invest in because theyre beneficial to you in some way. There is a
constant reconsideration of costs and rewards, which sounds a little harsh
when it comes to humans, but its what we do all the time. When you have
that one friend thats just kind of awful but you put up with them because you
only have to see them when you have all your other besties around so its
tolerable, the rewards (spending time with your besties) outweigh the costs
(having to be around that other person who kind of is the worst). Once you get

to the point where the rewards dont justify the costs (they really are THE
WORST and were so rude to you last weekend) you end the relationship. Its
no longer worth it.
Example scenario, When youre managing client social media platforms,
youre encouraging them to enter into a relationship with you. People want to
maximize their rewards and minimize their costs, AND they want to see a
return on their communication investment. If you have people commenting on
your posts and sharing your content, thank them. Try to respond to people as
much as you can, and provide exclusive content to show them their
investment is paying off. If the relationship is deemed not worth it by the
fan, follower, etc. - maybe youre sending too many emails, posting content
they arent interested in - theyll leave. However, this is not always a bad
thing. If you have people leave who arent interested in what youre saying
and how youre saying it, then the people that are still there will be dedicated
followers. But you still have to engage whose left! Or else theyll all leave,
and in the words of Siri, youll be sad because you have no cookies and no

II. Social Penetration Theory (Altman & Taylor, 1973)

Social Penetration Theory provides a name for the super common
phenomenon called getting to know someone. This theory posits that
interpersonal relationships move from a very shallow, surface level to deeper,
more intimate levels over time. Moving between the levels and getting to
know someone better happens with mutual self-disclosure, or sharing inner
feelings, and vulnerability, which is also, incidentally, sharing inner feelings.
This theory assumes that self-disclosure is mutual, systematic, and
predictable. (Hint: it's not always. This causes problems.)
Example scenario, consider the following scenario: Youre on your 4th
date with someone you really, really like. Youve shared stories about your life
growing up, your hopes for the future, why you prefer waffles to pancakes
(Its a texture thing,) and more. Things have been going super well, and
youre ready to make it official. Then your partner takes an unexpected phone
call. Its their brother, whos getting released from prison next week. You

didnt even know that brother existed, and you shared so much with them!
Disclosure and intimacy happen on two axes*, depth and breadth. In computer
mediated conversation, you can have more opportunities to escape traditional
interpersonal barriers, like time and location, but have to work harder to create
intimacy since you dont have any nonverbal communication to draw from
(Aka, a touch on the arm to comfort when face-to-face, vs the novel text you
send full of reassurance and heart emojis.)
There are pros and cons to this theory in regards to social media. Because
you have the barrier of a screen and keyboard, people tend to be more honest.
There is enough space to share personal details and information without
having to be worried about immediate reactions. That being said, there is the
fact that networks like Instagram and Facebook, are known for showing only
the highlights reel of someones life. When creating a brand or campaign,
especially if youre working for a public figure, its important to take
advantage of whats real (#Nomakeupselfie, anyone?) to craft your image,
but at no point should it be too perfect, too artificial, or downright false.
People want to feel like they know you, and if they find out theyve been
deceived, all that trust is gone. That relationship is over.

III. Expectancy Violation Theory (Burgoon, 1978)

Expectancy Violation Theory, or EVT, tries to explain human reaction to
unexpected behavior. The unexpected behavior can be either positive, like
saying I love you for the first time or negative, like criticizing your relational
partner. EVT is commonly studied in close relationships, but it can also be
applied to non-relational interactions. In regards to social media, were talking
non-relational interactions.
Example scenario, as much as I WISH I was close enough to Beyonc to
violate her expectations (WINK), Im not worthy of her orbit. Ill settle for
bitching on the internet like everyone else when, after a hyped public
appearance on Good Morning America, did not announce she was leaving this
mortal realm to rule over all that the light touches, but that shed tried a vegan
diet and it was ok.

The Internet hated this announcement, and proceeded to point out ever
burger shes ever had and then some because she didnt announce what they
thought she was going to announce. When brands and public figures violate
their image or go against type (forever, Beys big announcements will be
compared to her secret album drop. Epic, but now shes kinda setting herself
up for failure on all future announcements unless theyre also epic.) people
will either leave or rally behind you. As a social media professional, its your
job to not only establish a consistent brand image and know what your
audience wants, but to also make sure youre providing positive violations of
brand expectation to keep that audience happy and engaged.
Norm violations on social media networks can also include things like
posting too often, overly emotional posts, heated comments arguments, or all
three if youre like me and suddenly learned who was cool with the
legalization of gay marriage and who it was time to maybe keep an eye
on/reconsider friendship (See: Social Exchange Theory. Homophobia and
racism? usually not worth it.

Chapter II

Literature review

Social Network Sites

According to Boyd & Ellison (2007), Social networking sites are web-based services
that allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded
system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and
traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. Helou and

Rahim (2010), also defined online 10 social networks (OSNs) as virtual communities
which allow people to connect and interact with each other on a particular subject or to
just hang out together online. Social media sites around the globe provide users with a
number of options to interact with each other through entertainment, chats, gossips, and
games. Through these social network platforms students are able to meet to interact with
each other on various topics and interests. Davis et al (2012), refer to social media
technology (SMT) as web-based and mobile applications that allow individuals and
organizations to create, engage, and share new usergenerated or existing content in digital
environments through multi-way communication. Popular social network platforms on
mobile and web applications include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Whatsapp, Instagram,
snap chat, Google Plus etc. These platforms have specific roles, functions and modes of
communication although their functions are mostly related. This relates to the definition
by Kaplan and Haenlein (2010), who defined Social media as a group of Internet-based
applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and
that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content. Ayiah and Kumah
(2011), summed up the definition of social network as a web platform where people from
different settings can connect and interact with each other.

Social Networks and Academic performance

There have been mixed reactions from academics and researchers with regard to the
impact of social networks and how they affect academic performance. Studies have found
that the participation of students and young people on social networks may have both
positive and negative impact on their studies and for that matter their academic
performance. Tuckman (1975) defined performance as the apparent demonstration of
understanding, concepts, skills, ideas and knowledge of a person and proposed that
grades clearly depict the performance of a student. Hence, their academic performance
must be managed efficiently keeping in view all the factors that can positively or
negatively affect their educational performance. According to Mehmood and Tawir
(2013), the use of technologies such as social media networks and the Internet is one of
the most important factors that can influence educational performance of students
positively or adversely. A study conducted by Roberts and Foehr (2008), in the United

Studies about student extracurricular activity, rather suggested that new media, such as
Facebook, Twitter etc. replace or enhance other leisure activities, but do not take away
time from the youth. In other words, they were of the view that the time spent by students
on social network sites is the same time that normally use for extracurricular activities
and therefore do not take away their productive time for studies. Negussie and Ketema
(2014), study in Ethiopia also indicated that there is no significant relationship between
times spent on social networks such as Facebook with students 13 grade point average
(GPA). This was also consistent with a study by Ahmed and Qazi (2011) who conducted
a study in Pakistan among six universities. They discovered that there no much difference
between times spent on social media networks and students academic performance.
Conversely, a number of researchers and studies have also found a negative impact that
social network participation has on students academic performance. In the study of
Kirschner and Karpinski (2010), they found a significant negative relationship between
Facebook use and academic performance. Facebook users reported lower mean GPAs and
also reported spending fewer hours per week studying on average than Facebook
nonusers. A majority of students claimed to use Facebook accounts at least once day.
Malaney (2005), found that 8.9% of students in 2000, and 4.4% in 2003, reported that
their grades had suffered as a result of too much time spent on the Internet as well as on
social media networks.

Social Media and Socialization

The mass media occupy a high proportion of our leisure time: people spend, on average,
25 hours per week watching television, and they also find time for radio, cinema,
magazines and newspapers. For children, watching television takes up a similar amount
of time to that spent at school or with family and friends. While school, home and friends
are all acknowledged as major socializing influences on children, a huge debate
surrounds the possible effects of the mass media and findings both in favour and against
effects are controversial. The question of effects is typically raised with an urgency
deriving from a public rather than an academic agenda and with a simplicity which is
inappropriate to the complexity of the issue (we do not ask of other social influences,

what is the effect of parents on children or do schools have an effect which generalizes to
the home or do friends have positive or negative effects?). The possibility of media
effects is often seen to challenge individual respect and autonomy, as if a pro-effects view
presumes the public to be a gullible mass, cultural dopes, vulnerable to an ideological
hypodermic needle, and as if television was being proposed as the sole cause of a range
of social behaviours. Such a stereotyped view of research tends to pose an equally
stereotyped alternative view of creative and informed viewers making rational choices
about what to see. Overview articles often describe a history of progress over the past
seventy years of research which alternates between these two extremes -- first we
believed in powerful effects, then came the argument for null effects, then the return to
strong effects etc. -- a history whose contradictions become apparent when old research is
reread with new eyes. Contemporary media studies sometimes define itself through its
rejection of the language of Impacts OF Media On Society 58 | P a g e
effects research -- criticising the laboratory experiment, the logic of causal inference, and
psychological reductionism (Hakim Khalid Mehraj 2017).



Since social media is currently a very popular thing nowadays and its main
participants are mainly students, and due to this conditions, this researchs approach is
phenomenology. This kind of approach lets this research, focus upon live experiences of
participants and phenomena experience from individual to individual. With this kind of
approach, this research would be able to easily gather and collect data in participants,
because of similar experiences in a certain phenomenon.

Research Design

Making and
Gathering Collection of
information Results

Conclusions and
Computation of

Research Locale and Respondents

For this research, the first batch of senior high school (Grade 11) students in a
selected private school in Carmona will be the participants in order for this research to
know the answers to the problem stated by this research. The number of participants that
was used in conducting this research, was surprisingly few. Probably, because the school
that was not that well known. The names of the students shall be kept confidential and so
is the schools name, in order to avoid the breach of privacy and identity.

Research Instruments

The main focus of this research is to determine the effects of Social Media to
Senior High students academically and socially. Since this research approach is
phenomenology, this research used the most convenient and most used way of gathering
datum, which is surveying. This research also conducted a participative observation,
since I myself are currently experiencing this Social Media phenomena. The datum that
this research has gathered will be used to answer the problems being stated in Chapter I.

Data Gathering Procedure

This research was deign to be as simple as possible, this research used the most
easiest method of gathering data, and that would be Surveying. This type of Data
gathering procedure wont supply many information. But still, it is enough to satisfy this
research. The survey questionnaire that this research used was a structured one. The
survey consists of eight (8) constructed and two (2) semi-constructed questions. The
participants were able to answer the survey well with a little confusion.

Data Analysis Plan


As stated in Chapter I of this research, its goal is to know the effects of social
media in Senior High students on academic and social performances. This research also
aims to give advice on how to control the usage of social media responsibly.


This research attempts to determine the intended information for this case.
Supposedly, the datum reflects solely from the participants, or in some cases, from my
observation. Typically, this research aims to look for the participants commonalities.
Datum gathered will be assured and assessed in order to reflect on statements and code
data into categories. Datum gathered will also be examined for irregularities; such as
adding options in the questionnaire by the participants. Any irregularity shall be included
in the results of data.

Chapter IV

Results Analysis and Discussions

On this chapter, the results that were gathered from the survey will be discussed.
The results will be discussed by question and using pie chart.

Question 1

No; 38%

Yes; 63%

Here in this first chart more than half of the respondents, thats 60% to be exact,
admitted that social media affects their studies. On the other hand, the remaining 40% of
respondents said that social media doesnt affect their studies.

Question 2

Bad; 50% Good; 50%

In this chart, half of the respondents, thats 50% to be exact, says that social media
has caused good effects on them when it comes to their studies. While also 50% of the
respondents says that bad effects is what they got in social media.

Question 3

If there's a new notificaton; 13%

Once/twice; 13%

Frequently; 75%

Out of 8 respondents 75% of them says that they frequently use social media,
while 12% says that they only use social media once or twice a day, and the remaining
13% only use social media if theres something new to look at or if theres a new

Question 4

No; 13%

Yes; 88%

Here we will see that almost all of the respondents, thats 87% to be exact
says that social media affects their communicating skills, that includes speaking
capability, choose of words, etc and the remaining 13% says that social media doesnt
affect their communicating skills.

Question 5

Bad; 25%

Good; 75%

In this chart 75% of the respondents claims that social media has good
effects on them when it comes to their social or communicating skills. While 25% claims
that social media has bad effects to them when it comes to social skills.

Question 6

Must have; 25%

Want; 50%

Need; 25%

25% of the respondents says that social media is a must have in their life, while
50% says that they just want social media, and the remaining 25% says that social media
has become a need for them.

Question 7

Yes; 38%

No; 63%

Since the age of technology began people became lazy and lazier ever than
before, finding different ways to get things done quickly. So I wanted to prove that, so I
ask this question. 37% said that being active in real life makes a person become less
active in real life, while 63% contradict the said claim.

Question 8

Socializing; 25%
Communication; 38%

Entertainment; 13%

Academic purpose; 13% Information; 13%

This chart shows the reason why students like to use social media. 38%
says that its for communicating with others, 12% says that its for entertainment
purposes, 12% says that its for gathering different informations, 25% says that its

mainly for socializing and making friends, and the remaining 13% says that its mainly for
academic purposes.

Question 9

No; 25%

Yes; 75%

75% of the respondents said that social media was really helpful to them when it
comes to academic and social preferences. While 25% said that social was not helpful at
all. In the next two charts, the reason how social media was helpful or not, shall be

Yes, How?

Communication; 33%

Academic purposes; 67%

67% of the respondents that answered yes in question 9 said that Social Media
was helpful to them, when it comes to academic purposes. Meanwhile, the remaining
33% said that social media was helpful to them, when it comes to easing up the mode of

No, How?

Studies; 50%
Sickness/Health; 50%

50% of the respondents that answered, social media were not helpful to them,
because it affects the health of one person. While the other half said that social media
affects their study habits or grades.

Question 10

Strongly-Agree; 29% Strongly Dis-agree; 14%

Agree; 57%

This figure shows that 57% agrees that social media must not be taken
lightly and must be taken seriously and carefully, and 29% strongly agrees with this. The
remaining 14% strongly dis-agrees with it, because to them its simply just a tool created
for entertainment and communication hence has no really effects on them at any point.


Summary, Conclusion, Recommendation


This research was conducted in order to find out the different effects of social
media to students social performance and academic performances. This research was
conducted in a selected private school in Cavite, in order to satisfy or answer the problem
stated by this research. This research used the simplest way and traditional way of
gathering data, and that is survey.

The survey that was conducted in the selected private school was successful,
in doing so this research was able to gather the needed data to answer the problems stated
by this research. After conducting the survey, the data gathered was analyzed and
interpreted individually. The data showed that most of the main effects of social media
were lack of time for important things. After interpreting the data, this research was able
to answer the stement of the problem.

SOP Answers

Problem 1 was about, why social media so widespread to students? During the
course of this research, this research was able to answer that problem. Based on the data
gathered in the survey, almost every student nowadays cant go a day without checking or
logging on to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and many more. It is so
widespread that an average of 12-18 years old is the starting age of kids and teens to use
social media (mentioned in the introduction).

Problem 2 was about, does the perspective of students on what is social media
is, affects on how good or bad will be the effects for them? Based on the survey, the
perspective of their minds upon social media really affects the effects that will be
inflicted on them, whether good or bad.

Problem 3 was about, why do students need social media? Based on the datum
gathered through survey, majority said their main reason for using social media was that
social media was a helpful tool, specifically when it comes to communication and
academic purposes.

Problem 4 was about, what is their reason for using social media? Based on
the gathered datum their main reason for using social media respectively, ease of
communication, socializing, academic purposes, getting information, and lastly for

Problem 5 was about, how badly do they need social media? Based on the
Datum gathered, majority of the students only look at social media a want. Meanwhile
few only treat social media as a need and must have. To sum it up, students only have
a mild need for social media, but it is gradually becoming a need, if the usage of social
media will be left unsupervised.


Social media refers to rapid and open interaction that takes place online
between individuals and communities. In addition to search engines, social media
services are among the world's most popular online services. At some academies, social
media constitutes one channel for the academy's communication and marketing, and we
use social media channels to spread awareness of the academy's activities and events, and
to promote a positive image of the academy.

The social media channels they are active in include Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube and LinkedIn, and we also have a WordPress blog platform that we use for
publishing the blogs of the academy's leadership, among other things. Furthermore, the
Wiki service supported by the academy and the messaging boards and commenting
features available on our intranet also constitute part of social media. At some academies,
the use of social media is guided by the academy's strategy and communication policy.
The general objective of communication is to keep the academys internal and external
stakeholders aware of the mission, goals, activities, performance and significance of the
academy. Through communication, we seek to enhance community spirit and to support
the academys activities aimed at stakeholders and alumni. We support the academy's
marketing efforts which seek to promote an image of the academy as an attractive place
to study and work in, and as a reliable partner.

In all these communication activities and objectives, social media plays a key
role. Moreover, the special characteristics of social media, including its transparency,
real-time nature, user orientation, interactivity and communality, bring added value.
However, the use of social media also entails issues related to information security,
privacy protection and copyrights, which are worth getting acquainted with in order to
avoid any harm. This document is a recommendation on how to use social media in
various activities of the academy - in research, teaching, studying, communication and
marketing. This recommendation is intended for all members of any academy who use
social media services.


This research shows that social media really was created with and for good
intentions, still it has its own good and bad effects it all just depends on how someone
uses it. In students perspective, Social media is the most dangerous tool for them, it can
spread gossip faster than ever before, that will cause fights, affects their studies because
their focus was diverted into social media, Affects their way of speaking because of new
words that they learn in social media every time they spend their time in it, Affects their
physical health because social media tends to take your time that was intended for
exercise, talk to people, house hold chores and etc.., all of this can be the result of social
media on students because no matter how old a student is, if he/she isnt mature enough
to use social media wisely, this will be the drastic effects on students life. On the other
hand if it was used wisely it can be a great advantage for a student to excel in things they
are good to, and stand out in people.

We dont have a choice on wether we DO social media, the question is how

well we DO it.- Erik Qualman. In the end, it will be all up to the students on, what will
be the effects of social media will be and how well can they used it to fully gain from it.


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