Computer Science Capstone Project: Course Description

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CS499: Computer Science Capstone Project

Course Description:

This capstone course requires demonstration of the knowledge and skills gained throughout the
Computer Science degree program by designing and implementing a software program or computer-
related system to solve a real-world problem. The project requires project definition, requirements
determination, design, implementation, test, and documentation of the system.

Course Objectives

At the successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
Apply knowledge of computing and mathematical reasoning related to computer science
Define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution
Justify the necessity of the software solution through a detailed requirements analysis.
Develop a design methodology and business and technical case for the software
Translate a design methodology into a physical software application.
Construct a proof of concept
Evaluate the effectiveness of a software application
Refine application based on recommended areas of improvement or optimization for the
software solution.
Address professional, ethical, legal, security, global and social issues and
Communicate effectively with a range of audiences

Course Credits: 3

Course Resources:

This course does not require a textbook.

Grading Policy: A course grade is determined based on the percentage of points as designated in
the following chart.

Assessment Percent of Final Grade

Discussions 20%
Assignments 60%
Final Paper 10%
Final Presentation 10%

Below is an at-a-glance look at the weekly discussion and assignment topics. In each Getting
Started module within the course, you will find details about your weekly readings, lectures,
supplemental resources, discussions and assignment instructions, and rubrics

Week 1: Requirements Analysis

Reading: Requirements Analysis Overview PowerPoint

Discussion Forum Instructions

Discussion: Part A: Introductions

Welcome to your week one discussion forum! For the first part of your response,
please introduce yourself to your fellow students and share any work/professional
background or personal interests that might be applicable to this class. What drew you
to pursue computer science, and how do you hope to use your degree in the future?

Part B: Weekly Status Report Update

Even though you are barely beginning your capstone project and this weeks
deliverables, you still have an opportunity to familiarize yourself with your status report
template and what elements will need to be updated each week. If you have not yet
read through your Weekly Discussion Forum Instructions document, do so now! The
templates you will need to complete each weeks forum as well as expectations are
included in that document

For week 1, you will only need to complete the following elements of your status

Project Name
Developer Name
Project Summary
Objectives for Next Week
Projects Risks and Issues

Assignment: This assignment requires you to develop the Requirements Analysis portion of your
technical paper. Remember, while the Requirements Analysis portion should be as
thorough and complete as possible, it may require some revisions and modifications
when you create your final paper.

Week 2: Design


Design Methodology Overview PowerPoint

Discussion: Complete and upload your Week 2 Discussion Template. In addition to your status
report, please also provide (these can be rough, clear hand drawings or digital
Rough Data Flow Diagram
Rough Screen Designs
Rough User Input

Assignment: This assignment requires you to develop the Design Methodology portion of your
technical paper. Remember, while the Design Methodology portion should be as
thorough and complete as possible, it may require some revisions and modifications
when you create your final paper.

Week 3: Final Implementation Design

Reading: Final Implementation Design Overview PowerPoint

Discussion: Complete and upload your Week 3 Status Report Discussion Template. In addition to
your status report, provide 2-3 screenshots of your program as it runs (even if the
program is not complete or debugged. If youre running into specific challenges or
even roadblocks, please include screenshots of those as well. Its possible one of
your classmates can help you out!

Assignment: This assignment requires you to develop the Final Implementation Design portion of
your technical paper. Remember, while the Final Implementation Design portion
should be as thorough and complete as possible, it may require some revisions and
modifications when you create your final paper.

Week 4: Solution Implementation, Part 1

Solution Implementation Overview PowerPoint, Part 1

Discussion: Complete and upload your Week 4 Status Report Discussion Template. In addition to
your status report, provide 2-3 screenshots of your program as it runs (even if the
program is not complete or debugged. If youre running into specific challenges or
even roadblocks, please include screenshots of those as well. Its possible one of
your classmates can help you out!

This assignment requires you to develop Part 1 of the Solution Implementation
portion of your technical paper. Remember, while the first part of the Solution
Implementation portion should be as thorough and complete as possible, it may
require some revisions and modifications when you create your final paper.

Week 5: Solution Implementation, Part 2

Solution Implementation Overview PowerPoint, Part 2

Discussion: Complete and upload your Week 5 Status Report Discussion Template. In addition to
your status report, provide 2-3 screenshots of your program as it runs (even if the
program is not complete or debugged. If youre running into specific challenges or
even roadblocks, please include screenshots of those as well. Its possible one of
your classmates can help you out!

Assignment: This assignment requires you to develop Part 2 of the Solution Implementation portion
of your technical paper. Remember, while the first part of the Solution Implementation
portion should be as thorough and complete as possible, it may require some
revisions and modifications when you create your final paper.

Week 6: Solution Effectiveness Evaluation

Solution Effectiveness Evaluation Overview Powerpoint

Discussion: Complete and upload your Week 6 Status Report Discussion Template. In addition to
your status report, provide 2-3 screenshots of your program/project being tested.
Please also attach debugging or validation logs, unit tests, security scans, etc. as

Assignment: This assignment requires you to develop the Effectiveness of the Solution portion of
your technical paper. Remember, while the Effectiveness of the Solutions portion
should be as thorough and complete as possible, it may require some revisions and
modifications when you create your final paper.

Week 7: Improvement and Optimizations to Solution

Reading: Improvement and Optimizations to Solution Overview PowerPoint

Discussion: Complete and upload your Week 7 Status Report Discussion Template. In addition to
your status report, provide 2-3 screenshots of your program/project running with the
revisions youve made as well as being retested. Include relevant test logs, scan
reports, etc.

Assignment: This assignment requires you to develop the Improvements and Optimizations portion
of your technical paper. Remember, while the Improvements and Optimizations
portion should be as thorough and complete as possible, it may require some
revisions and modifications when you create your final paper.

Week 8: Final Project

Final Project Overview PowerPoint

Part A: Complete your final status report discussion forum template and attach. Since
this is the final week of your project, you will not need to create goals for next week!

Part B: Write a brief lessons learned statement about your experience developing
your capstone project. If you knew eight weeks ago what you know now, would you
have chosen a different topic? Is there anything else you would have done
differently? What was the most rewarding part of this project for you? What was the
most challenging? Will you be able to use your project in a real-world setting? If yes,
how so? If not, what would you have to do to make your final deliverable useful for
end users or other developers?

Assignment: Assignment 1: This assignment requires you to cull together all previous weeks
assignments into one Final Paper as well as write a conclusion to complete your
technical paper. Remember, you will be incorporating all instructor feedback and
suggestions to create a complete and thorough Final Paper.

Assignment 2: This assignment requires you to create a Power Point Presentation

using the provided template as well as create a video demonstration of your program.
You must appear in the video presentation and program demonstration.

The following table outlines the academic effort required by students to be successful in this course.
While the times in the table are approximate, it is presented to help students with their time
management. Please note, depending on the student's background knowledge and experience of the
course subject and an individual student's academic capabilities, these times will vary. If you have
any questions or concerns, please direct them to your instructor or student advisor.

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity
Readings/Lectures 0.3
Online Discussions 2.0
Assignments 0.0
1 Readings 0.0
Discussions 1.0
Assignments 10.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 3.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity
2 Online Readings/Lectures 0.3
Discussions 2.0
Assignments 0.0
Readings 0.0
Discussions 1.0
Assignments 10.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 3.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity
Readings/Lectures 0.2
Online Discussions 2.0
Assignments 0.0
3 Readings 0.0
Discussions 1.0
Assignments 10.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 3.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity
Readings/Lectures 0.2
Online Discussions 2.0
Assignments 0.0
4 Readings 0.0
Discussions 1.0
Assignments 10.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 3.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity
Readings/Lectures 0.2
Online Discussions 2.0
Assignments 0.0
5 Readings 0.0
Discussions 1.0
Assignments 10.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 3.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity
Readings/Lectures 0.2
Online Discussions 2.0
Assignments 0.0
6 Readings 0.0
Discussions 1.0
Assignments 10.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 3.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity
7 Online Readings/Lectures 0.8
Discussions 2.0
Assignments 0.0
Readings 0.0
Discussions 1.0
Assignments 10.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 3.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity
Readings/Lectures 0.8
Online Discussions 2.0
Assignments 0.0
8 Readings 0.0
Discussions 1.0
Assignments 10.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 3.0
Follow this link for course-related Policies and Contact Information.

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