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The Moon Show

Each night the moon

Takes his position centre stage
In the darkest of sets for his
Very own “One Moon Show”.
(“A Lunar Satellite Production”)

Lit only by the full light

Of the sleeping sun
He reaches into his bag of tricks
And with a rounded look of
Extravagant surprise disappears
Into role as a New Moon and
So begins another performance,
Longer running than “The Mousetrap”;
A monthly routine in eight lunar parts.

With sleight of hand and

The wink of a cratered eye
He conjures changing shapes
That wax and wane from
Crescent and Gibbous to final
Full reflective glory;
A Hunter’s Moon, Harvest Moon,
Tugs at tides and fixes Easter
And sometimes, once in
A Blue Moon, a Solar Eclipse.

Its all quite a show;

Leaving us baying for more.

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