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Rocket Engines

Estefana Rincn Carreo Cristian Manuel Marique Vega

Leonardo Hoya Barreto

Abstract The following report is intended to explain how shape affects directly the burning rate that means the thrust of
works internally a rocket engine, taking into account the engine.
thermodynamic principles and oxidation processes that make
part of the internal performance of different types of engines.

KeywordsRocket; engines, combustion; thrust

The analysis and understanding of the operation of an aerial
artifact such as rockets, allows to know different phenomena Fig. 1. Scheme of a solid propellant rocket
that occur in their operation, in that analyze it is possible to
understand their functionality and development, for example, The grain consists of two types of chemicals, first the
the thrust force that has to be generated from the engines so
these vehicles can takeoff and stay in flight, which is explained double-base type which consist of nitroglycerine and
in this document as well as other aspects such as the nitrocellulose. On the other hand, the second type, that is the
development and functionality of the engines and all of the most common nowadays, is the composite propellant which
components that makes part of them. consist of an oxidizing agent, such as ammonium nitrate or
ammonium perchlorate that are mixed with an fuel that could
II. TYPES OF ROCKETS ENGINES be organic or metallic. The most common fuels used are
plastics, such as polyurethane. The solid propellant should not
only generate a specific impulse, it must also show
As is well known the rockets are built based on the type of satisfactory mechanical properties to resist ground handling
engine that is intended to be used to propel it, these types of and the flight conditions. It is worth to point out that the case
engines are distinguished by the type of internal mechanism walls are protected from the elevated temperature from the
that provide the exhaust gases. The most common rocket exhaust gases by the propellant.
engine is the chemical type in which the exhaust gases have an
elevated temperature from a chemical reaction in the B. Liquid bipropellant chemical rockets
combustion chamber, the chemicals that are used in the This is the most common configuration used to rocket
reaction are known as propellants, they may be solid or liquid, engines, consist of two separate propellants contained in
basically there are two types of propellants: the fuel and the separate tanks (fuel and oxidizer) and are mixed in the
oxidizer. It is worth to mention that there are other types of combustion chamber after the injection process. The way the
rocket engines which their functionality is based on the propellants are fed into the combustion chamber is by pumps
working fluids but there is no place for a chemical reaction or in some cases the high pressure in the tanks
inside the combustion chamber, that working fluid is
transformed into exhaust gases by the addition of heat from a
nuclear reactor

A. Solid Propellant Rocket

This type of rocket engine mixed the fuel and the oxidizer
into a solid mass that is known as grain in the combustion
chamber. The grain is cemented in the interior of a case that
could be made from plastic or metal, this case has a
perforation in the center and in some cases it could have
different types of shapes as a gear or a star, this perforation
Fig. 2. Scheme liquid propellant rocket

C. Liquid monopropellant chemical rockets

Fig. 3. Scheme nuclear rocket
There are plenty liquid chemicals can be made to form hot
gases for thrust production basically doing a decomposition in
a chamber of combustion. The most common monopropellant E. Thermonuclear Rockets
used is the hydrogen peroxide, the process consists of when
this liquid is passed through a platinum catalyst mesh it The NASA project Sherwood is based in the assumption
decomposes into hot steam and oxygen. that it is possible to suppose that a thermonuclear reactor
could be used as an energy source based in a nuclear reactor,
This kind of rocket engines have relatively low specific the use of these kind of engines involves phenomena as
impulse, however it is very simply because it requires only magnetohydrodynamics which means the study of the
one tank in the vehicle and can be readily turned on and off. behavior of ionized gases that act by electric and magnetic
D. Nuclear Rockets
F. Ion propulsion
Basically this kind of rockets are still in research and
development; at this moment the NASA are carrying it out in In these rockets the molecules of propellants that are
the Rover project. These kind of rockets does not use any assume as an alkali metal it is spouse to have an electric
combustion process, essentially the functioning of these kind charge, in this case, the propellant must be ionized by passing
of engines consists of passing a working fluid through a the propellant over heated metal grids where the ions must be
fission reactor. The propellant that it is used in these kind of accelerated through the nozzle by an electric field, the specific
engines is hydrogen; it is worth to mention that this propellant impulse of this type of engine is estimated to be as 20.000
yields the lightest exhaust gases possible, the hydrogen its fed seconds but unfortunately the electric power required is huge
to the reactor by a pump and finally it would be exhausted by which means the power generating devices weight is an
a conventional nozzle obstruction to an efficient rocket

Fig 4. Scheme ion rocket engine

As is known, in flight a rocket is subject to aerodynamic
forces, to make simpler analyzes the rocker is divided in four
main parts which are considered as systems as: structural
system, payload system, guidance system and finally
propulsion system

Fig 6. Scheme rocket engine

A. Combustion Chamber

The combustion chamber is normally used as a

container to retain the propellants in a determinate period of
time until it is complete the combustion. It is worth to point
out that the theoretically combustion chamber volume is a
function of the mass flow rate and the propellants, the average
density of the combustion products and finally the time
needed for the efficient combustion, that could be expressed in
the equation bellow
Fig 5. Scheme rocket parts

The structural system is considered as the fuselage of an

airplane, generally the frame is made from aluminum, titanium
and employs stringers which are connected by hoops. About
The characteristic length to find a ratio between the
the payload system is basically where it is lunched satellites,
chamber volume and the residence time is expressed as
communication equipment it is used to weather monitoring,
etc. The guidance system includes communication equipment
such as on-board computers, sensors, radars special equipment
to maneuver the rocket in flight, finally the propulsion system
Where At is the nozzle throat area. The combustion
IV. ROCKET ENGINES process requires finite amounts of time and volume from
injection to the chemical reactions, for this reason, the volume
Typically, the rocket engines consist of the nozzle, of the combustion chamber can be expressed as is shown
the combustion chamber and finally the injector as shown bellow.
below, it is well known the combustion chamber is where the
propellants burn at high pressure, following that line of
thought the combustion chamber must be strong to contain
that amount of energy resulting from the combustion process,
also, the chamber must have the sufficient length to ensure the (3)
complete combustion before the gases enter to the nozzle. In
addition, because of the heat transfer, high pressure and high
temperature the combustion chamber and the nozzle are


B. Combustion and exhaust Velocity

As is well known the combustion involves many
oxidation processes that are held in the combustion chamber,
in these case it could be right consider one of the many
reactions as the kerosene with the oxygen that is represented energy, in the nozzle the high pressure, high temperature and
by the following chemical equation the slow moving is converted into lower pressure and high
velocity gas. Basically a nozzle consists of a convergent
section, a nozzle throat and divergent section or nozzle exit
area, it is important to point out that the nozzle throat is the
(5) minimum flow area. Usually the nozzle exit area is big enough
such at the pressure in the chamber is reduced at the divergent
This stoichiometric mixture means that one mole of section to the pressure existing outside the nozzle, according
kerosene reacts with 12.5 moles of oxygen and these generates to this it is possible to stablish the condition of the pressure at
twelve moles of carbon dioxide and thirteen moles of water. the nozzle exit and the outside pressure are the same (P e=Pa), it
Also it could be right to claim that there is enough oxygen has as result that thrust is maximum and the nozzle has a
present to chemically react with the fuel that is used. Worth correct expansion. As is known, in a rocket there have to be
noting that is typical to find rocket engines using kerosene or two different types of nozzles because of the physic conditions
RP-1 as a fuel. One of the most important things to have into at altitude which it has to operate (sea level) and in the cosmic
account is have an optimum mixture ratio which provide the vacuum, this is the reason why the nozzle may be specific
highest engine performance, worth mentioning that is designed for their determinate mission
measured by the specific impulse.

With regard to exhaust velocity, the impulse thrust is V. THE OPERATION

equal to the product of propellant mass flow rate and the The operation of a rocket is based on the third law of
exhaust gas ejection speed. It could be expressed and ideal Newton, all the action has a reaction; In this case the gas
exhaust velocity as shown in the following expression emitted by the combustion of the fuel allows the thrust to be
generated that produces the movement of the model; These
exhaust gases are ejected at high speeds by the rocket nozzle;
The nozzle initially minimizes it is divergent step from a
convergent (up to the throat) accelerates the gases and
decreases the pressure of the combustion process until Mach
1, where a shock wave is generated by, these conditions
(6) change and from there it goes from Convergent to divergent
above Mach 1 obtaining higher speed and lower pressure. The
Where y is the specific heat ration, R s the universal high velocities produced by the combustion gases made the
gas constant, Tc is the combustion temperature, M is the products in the thrust that causes the rocket to move in the
average molecular weight of exhaust gases, Pc is the opposite direction to the exit of these until exhausting the fuel,
combustion chamber pressure and finally P e is the pressure at allowing that it is fulfilled the first law of Newton that
the nozzle exit. It is important to mention that the specific heat determines that everything The body will remain at rest and in
ratio is usually about 1.2, the flame temperatures range from motion unless an external force (inertia) is activated.
2273.15K to 3873.15K and finally the chamber pressures
range about 7 to 150 atmospheres. In addition, it is necessary If, because of internal forces, a part of that body or
to point out that in the combustion process probably will be system is ejected in a certain direction, the rest of the body
many dissociation of molecules among the products that must move in the opposite direction. The principle mentioned
produce a significant effect on flame temperature. above is called the principle of the conservation of linear
momentum and states: "In every body or system of isolated
bodies, its total linear momentum is conserved, that is, it
C. Injector remains constant over time."
As is well known, the injector fed the propellants into
the combustion chamber in a specific proportion to make sure The nozzle design is a tube through which gases flow
an efficient induce, also, the inductor plays and important part at very high temperatures; These tubes have a reduction that is
as a structural element because it closes the top of the called throat, when the gases are produced by the combustion,
combustion chamber against the high pressure and these are directed to the throat where the flow is strangulated
temperature that it is contained, on the other hand, the injector and the velocity of the flow that in this case is sonic is
also performs the function of cooling processes. It is worth to established in this point (Mach 1), from that point the nozzle
mention that the efficiencies of an injector can variate from diverges, so that the flow also does it isotropic ally to a
90% to 92% and theoretically the efficiencies are close to number of Mach greater than one (supersonic), from the throat
100% the temperature and the pressure decrease; The velocity
D. Nozzle obtained as the above parameters depend on the ratio of area
between the throat and the outlet of the nozzle.
Mainly the function of the nozzle is convert the
energy accomplished in the combustion process into kinetic
The outlet velocity, pressure and mass flow through A supersonic flow that rotates while the flow area
the nozzle determine the amount of thrust produced. increases, is also considered isentropic (isentropic expansion);
If a supersonic flow rotates violently and the area decreases
VI. AREA RATIO shock waves are generated and the flow is irreversible, so that
The mass flow rate through a tube is constant, by including the the isentropic relation is no longer valid and the flow is
effects of compressibility for high velocity flow, it is pressurized by oblique or normal shock ratios.
determined that the mass flow rate depends on various
parameters such as: flow area, pressure, Temperature, Mach,
the ratio of specific gases and the gas constant.
As we know the effects of pressure and temperature can be
analyzed up to a Mach equal to one since there is a maximum
limit of air flow at this speed. This limitation is called
drowning of the flow; In the case of the turbine, the flow is
drowned in the throat, by not adding heat and having no (11)
pressure losses, these are constant, as is the conservation of
the specific mass; This allows to relate the equation of mass
flow with the number of Mach, taking into account the
relation of areas of the turbine.
The area ratio depends only on the Mach number and the
specific heat ratio; using the isentropic ratios, it is possible to
determine the outlet pressure and temperature of the nozzle,
and from the temperature and the Mach number the output (13)
velocity can be determined by the following expressions.









When a gas is forced through a tube, the gas

molecules are deflected through the walls of the tube; the gas (18)
density is constant when the gas velocity is less than the sound
velocity. Then, as the velocity of the gas approaches the speed If the Mach number is determined for the flow, all other flow
of sound, the effects of compressibility on the gas are ratios can be determined.
considered. Considering that if the transport medium of the
flow is compressed and expands to its initial area its
conditions return to their original state by what is said to be a VIII. CONSERVATION OF LINEAR MOMENTUM
reversible process (constant value of entropy), this process is
called isentropic.
The linear momentum of a body is a physical vector quantity,
this depends on the mass of the body and the velocity of the
body, in this case the rocket, is designated: (20)
Where the equation explain the specific impulse is same the
force of the thrust it generates, on the mass expenditure of the
(19) nozzle by gravity.
The specific impulse delivered depends on several factors
Where: such as cup of mass flow, thus the size of the engine, available
P = linear momentum combustion energy of the propellant, efficiency of the nozzle,
M = body mass loss of heat in the engine, lost by biphasic flow and
V = speed at which the object moves combustion efficiency [2]

The linear momentum tells us how easy or how difficult it is

to change the state of motion of a body; Then if you have a X. THRUST OF A ROCKET ENGINE
small value as a linear moment, a small force is required to
change its state of motion, but if, on the other hand, the linear The trust of a rocket engine can be defined as the thrust is
momentum is very large, a large force will be required to born in reaction to the increase in the amount of movement
remove it from rest or to accelerate it is moving. that occurs in the flowing stream.
The magnitude of the thrust depends on these circumstances
However, it must be borne in mind that the mass of the rocket the ratio between the mass and the combustion time of the
is not constant, as both the mass of the fuel and that of the propellants by the velocity of the gases expelled by the nozzle,
oxidant decrease rapidly when the combustion is carried out, Kg of propellant injected per second by the rate of exhaustion
so that the mass of the rocket will decrease in the Same reason [3]
that the masses of the fuel and of the oxidant decrease. While The trust of a rocket engine is divided into two thrust, one a
the combustion is being carried out, these combustion net trust and two at a specific trust in the vacuum.
elements are consuming a few kilograms per second, therefore
the rocket thrust is kept constant while the mass of the rocket A.) Net trust:
is decreasing by the same number of kilograms per second
Burns the fuel and oxidant mixture. The net trust is equal to the product of the mass of the
flow by the change of velocity inside the engine. In fact, the
Since the linear momentum must be kept constant, then if the mass of the gas flow from the nozzle is increased by the
mass of the rocket decreases, the velocity of the rocket will amount of fuel added in the combustion.
have to increase so that the product is maintained.
The force caused by the pressure difference through
Because of the above, once the rocket is launched, its speed the exhaust nozzle multiplied by the nozzle area. [4]
increases at every instant, while its mass decreases, until the
fuel and the oxidant are exhausted, so that the combustion As a mathematical equation to find net thrust:
ends. This allows the rocket to not burn by friction with the air
as it rises (generating fire at its tip). At the end of the mass
loss, the rocket continues its journey thanks to Earth inertia, in (21)
the atmospheric conditions the rocket is at that moment the air
is very low and the friction in the rocket would be very low,
almost negligible; Depending on the height to which it is. Where in the equation there is a relation between the
mass flow of the gas from the outlet and the relation of a static
IX. SPECIFIC IMPULSE pressure and atmospheric pressure and a nozzle exhaust
The specific impulse that the propeller is capable of producing B.) Specific trust in the vacuum:
be the theoretical or real and is the key to performance
In the basic form, the specific impulse is considered as the The specific impulse variable with the pressure, this
thrust produced per unit mass this is given in units lb and Kg. is useful to find the specific thrust in the vacuum.
As, such, the specific impulse units would lb-s/lb and N-s/Kg. As the mathematical equation to find specific thrust in the
In the set of formal units, lb can be considered to be would vacuum
simplify, given the most conventional unit of seconds [1]
As a mathematical equation to find the specific impulse is the
(22) [1] Rockets and Satellites. Auhtor Gonzalo Tancredi,
Dpto.Astronomia (page 35). Available
in :
[2] Theory about rocket propellant solids, author Richard
Nakka (page 31) Available in: http://www.nakka-
Where this equation is the speed of constant and the
constant coefficient of thrust of the nozzle; the velocity
vacuum is the constant coefficient of thrust of the nozzle and
chapter 3 subcap.7th (page 8), Available in:
the speed of sound.

[4] Gas Turbine Engine, Author A.G.Rivas (page2), Available

The difference of a regulation of power, is that the power to be
regulated must be control the rate of combustion in the [5] Fisica. Author Wilson Buffa. 5th Ed
propellants that means this used in experimental rocket
engines can be a simple composition, as the combination of [6]
two main components are fuel and oxidant; where in the part view/157/PDF
the rockets can be liquid rocket, hybrid rockets and solid
rockets, the hybrid and liquid rocket is regulation for medium [7]
of a valve and solid rocket is regulation for medium of a zzle.html
combination of area and design. The energy efficiency has
various points important for thermodynamically have two [8]
aspects important that is the conservation of the thermal ntrop.html
energy of the gases that enter the chamber of combustion and
the transfer of kinetic energy at high speeds. [9]
It can be concluded that the specific impulse is the
total rocket yield and this produces a thrust to the [11]
It can be concluded that the net thrust will be to the [12]
gross thrust in the rocket engines.
It can be concluded that the propellants react in the 27
combustion chamber and this generates the thrust of
the combustion of the rocket engine.
The shock wave that forms in the throat of the nozzle
a mac that allows that the conditions of the flow
change by what obtains greater speed of impulse.
Preservation of momentum remains constant because
the speed increase compensates for the mass loss of
fuel and oxygen.
When reaching a high altitude, near the stratosphere,
the rocket is driven by inertia since the forces that act
in earth happen to be despicable or null.


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