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Introduction to Java Programming

Course No. 3405

Description This course provides an introduction to the Java programming language. It is designed to give programmers
experienced in traditional technologies a smooth transition to Java. Students will learn the core language
elements including control structures, operators, classes, inheritance, interfaces, exceptions, Java packages, and
classes, applets and AWT. Extensive hands-on workshops are conducted.

Audience This course is suggested for Application Developers who are new to the Java programming environment

Prerequisites Programming experience with another language is strongly recommended. Knowledge of Object-Oriented
concepts is helpful.

Objectives • Learn core Java Language elements

• Use Java control structures and operators

• Learn to build classes Understand inheritance, abstract classes and interfaces

• Learn to handle errors using Java’s exception handling techniques

• Know how to build applets

• Gain practical exposure to key class hierarchies and libraries (packages)

• Transitions from good traditional programming practices into effective java coding techniques

Major Topics • Java Fundamentals

• Java language Basics
• Fundamentals of Objects
• Java Language Syntax Objects
• Java Language Syntax Details
• Object-Oriented Programming
• Classes and Interfaces
• Exception Handling
• Other Odds and Ends
• Creating GUIs with Java
• Event handling
©2007-08 | Keane, Inc.

Format Lecture and hands-on workshops

Duration 5 days

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Course Contents

1. Java Fundamentals 4. Classes

• Why do we need Java? • Syntax Review
• How did Java get here? • Do the Math
• Why is Java so Popular? • Operators
• What is the JDK? • Functions
• How do I compile Java? • String Handling
• What is Bytecode? •  Concatenation
• What is JVM •  Related Types
• Java documentation • Date & Calendar
• Final Notes • Formatting
• Exercises • Relational Operators

2. Java Language Basics • Logical Operators

• Getting Started • Flow of Control

• A simple Program •  If...else

• Variables and Constants •  Switch

• Simple math •  While & for loops

• Strings and StringBuffers • Arrays of Primitives

• Comments • Arrays of Objects

• Assignment Statement • Using Arrays

• Classes • Arrays of Arrays

• Fields and Scope • Final Notes Exercises

• Parameters 5. Object-Oriented Programming

• Method Calling • Object Relationships
• Static • Object Communication
• Packages • Inheritance
• Directory Structure • Object Hierarchies
• Final Notes • Overridden methods
• Exercises • Abstract and Final

3. Fundamentals of Objects • Polymorphism A new way of thinking

• What are objects? • Final Notes

• Abstraction • Exercises

• Interface versus Implementation 6. Classes and Interfaces

• Classes and Instances • Object Typing
• Constructors • Class definition
• Object notation • Extends vs./ Implements
• Naming Conventions • Casting Revisited
• Using Objects • Interface Polymorphism
• Static Members • Interface constants
• JDK Packages and Classes • Cloneable Interface
• Wrapper Classes • this
• Final Notes Exercises • finalize
• Final Notes

Australia | Canada | China | France | India | New Zealand | Singapore | Switzerland | UAE | UK | USA
• Exercises 9. GUI Development with Java

7. Arrays and Collections • Overview

• One Name, many Items • Applets and Applications

• Collections – the old • Painting and Drawing

•  Vector • Fonts and Colors

•  Enumeration • Visual Components

•  Hashtable • Components Hierarchy

• Collections – the new • Component Classes

•  ArrayList • Menus and menuitems

•  LinkList • Layout Managers

•  Iterator • Applets

•  HashMap • Final Notes

• Final Notes • Exercises

• Exercises 10. Event Handling in Java

8. Exception Handling • Overview

• When things go wrong • The Event model

• Java Class hierarchy • Types of Events

• Errors & Exceptions • Event Classes

• Types of Exceptions • Event Interfaces

• Catching Exceptions • Listeners

• Not Catching Exceptions • Registering Listeners

• Throwing Exceptions • Event Methods

• Methods of Exceptions • Adapters

• Defining your own Exceptions • Inner Classes

• Throwing them • Anonymous Classes

• Typical Exceptions • Final Notes

• Final notes • Exercises

• Exercises

Australia | Canada | China | France | India | New Zealand | Singapore | Switzerland | UAE | UK | USA

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