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292 Bram Research, 515 (1990) 292-298


BRES 24054
Short Communications

Dopamine receptors mediate drug-induced but not Pavlovian conditioned

contralateral rotation in the unilateral 6-OHDA animal model

Robert J. Carey
Research and Development Servtce, VA Medtcal Center, and Department of Psychtatry, SUNY Health Sctences Center at Syracuse, Syracuse,
NY13210 (U.S A )

(Accepted 9 January 1990)

Key words Condmonlng, Apomorphine, D 1- and D2-receptor; Rotation, Dopamlne

Following Pavlovlan conditioning treatment sessions with apomorphlne, ammals receiving the paired treatment showed substantial
contralateral rotation when placed without drug into the test environment previously paired to the apomorphine (0 5 mg/kg) injection while
ammals in the unpaired control treatment showed only lpsilateral rotation. Subsequent tests with the O 1 antagonist (SCH 23390), or the D 2
antagonist (haloperidol) partially suppressed and the combined DI-D2 antagonists completely suppressed the apomorphme-induced response
of contralateral rotation. The identical contralateral rotation response occurring as a Pavlovlan conditioned response in the paired apomorphine
treatment group was not attenuated by dopamine receptor blockade In both paired and unpaired groups, the spontaneous ipsilateral rotation
response was completely blocked. Thus, non-dopammerglc mechanisms mediate conditioned rotation whereas the drug-reduced as well as the
spontaneous rotation responses require stimulation of stnatal dopamine receptors

Pharmacologically induced contralateral rotation in While direct acting dopaminergic agonists such as apo-
rats with severe unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6- morphine induce rotation through direct stimulation of
O H D A ) lesions is a well-characterized antiparkinsonian the supersensitive receptors in the dopamine denervated
behavioral response to direct-acting dopaminergic agon- hemisphere 15'16'26, tt is not known how under non-drug
ist d r u g s 15'16'19'25'26. This contralateral rotation re- conditions the dopamine denervated striatum can be
sponse can be activated by drugs which sttmulate either activated to generate contralateral rotation as a condi-
DI or D 2 dopamine receptors. Interestingly, a number of tioned response.
reports have demonstrated that this drug-reduced re- One possible mechamsm by which dopamine could
sponse can be conditioned to the testing situation 7-11. In mediate the conditioned contralateral rotation response
agreement with Pavlovian conditioning principles, de- ts by means of the residual dopamine neurons in the
tailed analyses of the rotation responses in terms of 6 - O H D A hemisphere. That is, placement into the con-
rotation direction and patterns of partial to complete ditioning test environment may trigger sufficient release
rotations (i.e. frequency of 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 1/1 rotations) of dopamlne from surviving neurons to stimulate the
has shown that the drug-induced and conditioned re- supersensitive dopamine receptors in the denervated
sponse are qualitatively identical 1. This drug-induced striatum and thereby activate contralateral rotation. Such
conditioned response is not only of interest in the context an effect may be considered to be analogous to the
of Pavlovian conditioning but it is also of mterest in terms paradoxical kinesia p h e n o m e n o n wherein akinetic Park-
of the neuropharmacology of conditioned behavior as insonian patients sometimes are able to briefly ambulate
well. This latter aspect becomes apparent when it is under conditions of severe stress 1'3"21. Indeed, it is
realized that under non-drug conditions the unilateral usually the case that the conditioned rotation response in
6 - O H D A animal has a strong response bias for the the 6 - O H D A animals is also a brief one TM. Possibly,
opposite response of ipstlateral rotation. This response then the drug conditioning procedure involves the con-
bias is a reflection of the severe interhemispheric imbal- ditionmg of a dopaminergic stress response to the test
ance between d o p a m m e neurons m the intact versus the environment which results in the release of dopamine
6 - O H D A hemtsphere. Typically, the conditioned contra- from the residual dopamine neurons to stimulate the
lateral rotation response can be evoked when the supersensitive dopamine receptors 2. A n o t h e r possibility
dopamlne level m the striatum of the 6 - O H D A hemi- is that the site for conditioned rotation induced by
sphere Is reduced to 1 - 2 % of the intact hemisphere 9. activation of the supersensttwe dopamine receptors dur-

Correspondence R J, Carey, Research and Development Service, VA Medical Center, 800 Irving Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13210, U S,A

0006-8993/90/$03 50 (~) 1990 Elsevier Science Pubhshers B V (Biomedical Dwlslon)


ing the acquisition phase of conditioning may be at a surgery. Surgery was aseptic and antibiotics were admin-
synaptic site(s) downstream from the striatal dopamine istered to all animals immediately following surgery and
receptors. In this case, non-dopaminergic systems could for one week postoperative.
be engaged by the conditioned stimulus and thereby Two weeks postsurgery and following a week of daily
by-pass the dopamine receptors entirely 13. 5 min handling treatment, the animals were given 0.05
Apomorphine acts on both the D 1 and D 2 dopamine mg/kg of apomorphine in their home cage and the
receptors so that D 1 and D 2 blockade is necessary to number of contralateral rotations were recorded for a 10
eliminate the apomorphine-induced contralateral rota- min period. A minimal standard for inclusion was 10
tional response 2'15. In the present study, dose levels of contralateral (360) rotations. The selected animals were
the D 1 antagonist SCH 23390 and the D 2 antagonist then matched on contralateral rotation frequency, and
haloperidol were used, which, in combination, com- assigned to the paired and unpaired treatment groups.
pletely blocked the apomorphine-induced contralateral These matched groups were then administered the paired
rotation response. It was hypothesized that if conditioned and unpaired drug-test environment treatment in a
rotation is dependent upon dopamine release by neurons Pavlovian conditioning protocol. In the paired group,
due to a conditioned stress mechanism, then the effects each animal was injected with apomorphine (0.05 mg/kg,
of D 1 and D 2 blockade on the conditioned rotation s.c.) 10 min prior to placement into the conditioning
response should parallel the effects of dopamine receptor chamber for a 10 minute duration. The animal was then
antagonism on the apomorphine-induced rotational re- removed and placed back into its home cage. Animals in
sponse. In contrast, if non-dopaminergic mechanisms the unpaired group received exactly the same treatment
mediate the conditioned response, the dopaminergic except that the apomorphine injection was administered
receptor blockade should have little effect on the elici- 30 min after removal from the conditioning chamber.
tation of the conditioned contralateral rotation in the test This treatment was repeated for four sessions spaced two
environment. In support of the latter possibility, the days apart. One unpaired group (n = 6) served as a
present findings show that the D~, D 2 antagonists, which control for the paired group and the other unpaired
in combination completely block apomorphine-induced group (n = 6) was used to assess the effects of dopamine
rotation, do not attenuate the same response when it antagonists on the apomorphine-induced rotational re-
occurs as a Pavlovian conditioned response. These sponse.
observations point to a neuropharmacological disassoci- Two weeks after the last drug treatment, at which time
ation between dopaminergic drug-induced versus condi- conditioned affects in this preparation exhibit optimal
tioned drug-induced behavior. responding levels23, all animals received a 10 min non-
Eighteen adult male 400-500 g Sprague-Dawley rats drug test in the conditioning chamber on two successive
were used. They were assigned to paired (n = 6) and days. This non-drug testing was conducted in order to
unpaired (n = 12) groups of a Pavlovian conditioning establish the efficacy of the conditioning procedure for
treatment paradigm. The animals were housed in indi- inducing the conditioned response. Two non-drug tests
vidual cages with a continuous access to food and water. were given in order to extinguish the conditioned
Cages were in a climate (22 + 1 C) and light controlled response 8. Two days after the completion of the non-drug
room with 12 h light and dark cycles. Testing was testing, the animals were given a single apomorphine
conducted during the light cycle only. The animals were reconditioning treatment which in this preparation is
first prepared surgically by unilateral 6-OHDA lesions sufficient to reinstate the conditioned response 8. At this
prior to the administration of the conditioning protocol. stage, the experimental procedure was initiated.
6-OHDA (Sigma) was injected stereotaxically at the A 9 Once every two weeks the animals recewed a non-drug
and A10 areas of the substantia nigra using the following conditioning test followed two days later by apomorphine
coordinates: m9, 4.0 mm posterior to bregma, 7.5 mm reconditioning treatment. This cycle of non-drug condi-
below dura and 2.0 mm lateral to the midline suture; A10, tioning tests followed by drug reconditioning was re-
4.0 mm posterior to bregma, 8.0 mm below dura and 1.0 peated four times. Prior to conditioning tests, however,
mm lateral to the midline (the incisor bar was placed 3.2 animals received a pretreatment of either 0.5 mg/kg
mm above the interaural plane). At each site, 1.5/A of haloperidol, 0.1 mg/kg SCH 23390, 0.5 mg/kg haloperidol
3/~g//A (calculated as a free base) of 6-OHDA-HBr which plus 0.1 mg/kg SCH 23390 or vehicle. The pretreatments
was dissolved in 0.15 M NaCI containing 0.2 mg/ml of were administered 1 h before the conditioning tests. The
ascorbic acid was injected at a rate of 0.5/A/min. The unpaired groups used to assess the effects of the
injections were started 1 min after the cannula was fixed dopamine antagonists on the apomorphine-induced ro-
in position and removed 3 min after completion of tation received the same drug pretreatments 1 h before
injection. Equithesin anesthesia (3 ml/kg) was used in all the apomorphine tests. In all groups, the order of drug



Z 300-

e* ( 20 CM

:, 20 ( 30 CM

> 30 ( 55 CM

200- * 200- 200


100- "-e* 1 O0 - I O0,

0 9" . . . . . . ; ----e- . . . . . . . -e 0 t' - C v- - 0 "~ =: v- ----@- ....... "@

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0 50 0 75 , O0 0 O0 0 25 0.50 0.75 1.00

1 O0 - 100 100
20 C M ) 20<30CN >30 <55CM

75- 75 75
50 50

~ 2 5 25 25

""" "'O~ ...... O*

0 T - ~- - 0
o . . . . . . . c2 . . . . . . . ~- . . . . . . . -~
: 0 - -o . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . .
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.()0 0.00 0.25 0.00
0.50 0.75 1.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00

Fig 1. Means and S.E.M.s of fracuonal rotation responses of <20 cm, to 20 to <30 cm and 30 to <55 cm m diameter. The paired group (n
= 6) received 0.05 mg/kg apomorphine 10 min pretest; the unpaired group (n = 6) received 0 05 mg/kg apomorphme 30 mln post test *P
< 0.01

testing was counterbalanced. One week later after com- contralateral rotation frequency. Three days later, the
pletion of the above listed tests, the paired animals were rats were injected with Equithesin 3 ml/kg and 3 min later
also tested with 0.05 mg/kg apomorphine plus the were sacrificed by decapitation. According to Schwarting
combined D 1 and D 2 pretreatments (0.1 mg/kg SCH and Huston 22 this procedure induces sedation without
23390 and 0.5 mg/kg haloperidol 1 h pretest) to insure altering brain catecholamine content. The brains were
that the paired treatment did not in some unexpected removed over ice and brain tissue was transected coron-
manner alter the drug-induced D 1 and D 2 blockade. ally at the level of the optic chiasma. The striata were
Spontaneous and drug-induced rotations in the condi- dissected from each hemisphere of the anterior section
tioning test chamber were measured automatically with a and used for biochemical analysis while the posterior
recently developed Video Image Analyzing System portion was used for histological evaluation of the
(VIAS) 6. This system incorporates an on-line digitizing of rejection site. The samples were then centrifuged and
analog images of a freely moving animal which are stored at -70 C. Within two days, the samples were
disc-stored. The stored records are subsequently evalu- assayed for catecholammes and indoleamines using high
ated by a computer software program. The computer performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical
evaluation of the stored data provided a detailed mea- detection (HPLC-EC) 17. The amines were separated with
surement of the linear distance traversed, direction of a reverse-phase column using a mobile phase prepared
rotation, number and diameter of 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and full from acetonitrile and tetrahydrofuran solvents with so-
360 rotations. The rotation diameter scores include dium octyl sulfite added as an ion pair reagent. A glassy
circles of <20 cm, 20 to <30 cm and 30 to <55 cm. carbon working electrode was used in conjunction with a
One week after the completion of all testing, the Bioanalytical Systems 4B detector. The detector potential
animals were injected with 0.05 mg/kg of apomorphine was set at +0 8 V with respect to an Ag/AgCI reference
and 10 min later received a 10 min test. This final test was electrode. To evaluate #g/g wet tissue concentrations, the
performed to determine if the paired and unpaired amine peak heights to internal standard (dihydroxybenyla-
groups had equivalent 6-OHDA lesions as determined by mine) peak height ratios were determined.

100. [XT 1 100 IO0
< zo ca > 2 0 ( s o c,, '> 30 <S5 CN
(/1 o--- o tlf,WKD
Z 75 75 7S
0 50 i* SO 5O
W 25. 25

o~ . . . . . . . . a.-..-- -
0 -.-~ 0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 I.O0 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00

100- (XT 2 Ioo 100.

,~ 20 CM ~20 (30C~ ) 3 0 ( ~ CI
Z 75- 75 75.
0 50- 50" 50

W 25- 25 25

0 0 P ~ ": : : o : " "'',-

0.00 025 OSO 075 1 oo 0.00 o 25 o,so o 7s i.oo o oo o.2s o.'~s I.oo

11111- EXT 1 1O0 100
( 20 cu ) 20 < 30 CM 30 ( 5 5 CM
O3 o -- o U I f ~ O
Z 75 75 75

0 5o' riO 50

~j 25 25 25

000 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0 25 0 50 0 75 1 O0 0 O0 0.25 0.50 0.75 I O0

100, XT 2 100- 1oo

~20CN ) zo< ~o c , ) ,.'0( SS CM

z 75 75- 75

O 5o 50- 5o

w 25 25- 25

0.00 0 25 0.50 0.75 1.00 ).00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00

Fzg. 2. Means and S.E M s of fractional rotatzon responses for 3 rotation dmmeter levels <20 cm, 20 to <30 cm, and 30 to <55 cm. The two
tests, EXT 1 and EXT 2 refer to non-drug tests conducted two weeks after the apomorphme treatments. *P < 0.001.

Fig. 1 shows the effect of the a p o m o r p h i n e p a i r e d animals which were given the 0.05 mg/kg a p o m o r p h i n e
versus u n p a i r e d t r e a t m e n t on rotational behavior. The t r e a t m e n t 30 rain after the test session exhibited ipsila-
p a i r e d animals which received 0.05 mg/kg a p o m o r p h i n e teral rotation exclusively. S p o n t a n e o u s ipsilateral rota-
10 min prior to testing exhibited a high rate of small ( < 2 0 tion is also characteristic for n o n - d r u g g e d rats with severe
cm) d i a m e t e r contralateral rotation which is characteris- unilateral 6 - O H D A lesions. Fig. 2 shows the non-drug
tic of a p o m o r p h i n e t r e a t m e n t in animals with severe rotational b e h a v i o r of these same two groups of rats two
unilateral 6 - O H D A lesions. In contrast, the unpaired weeks after the a p o m o r p h i n e t r e a t m e n t . A s can be seen


--- Vehlll
100 o--o 5 Hal 100.
~,--~, .1 S C H
a--O 5 Hal, 1 SCH
n 60 60-
n,. 40 40-
~E 2O 20-

0 0 ,.:. =
0.00 0 25 0 50 0 75 1 O0 0 O0 0 25 0 50 0.75 1 ~)0


---O Vehicle
100- 0--0 $ Hal 100
,~--,:, I SCH
O--O $ H a l , I SCH
0 60- 60
40- =," 40 =[,
~E 20 " i" 20. - $,,

""" o* - - " o
0 ~ " - 0 "= - u
0.00 0 25 0 50 0.75 1.00 0 O0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00

Fig. 3. The upper half of Fig. 3 presents the means and S E.M s of contralateral rotaUon responses m paired and unpatred ammais following
vehicle, 0.1 mg/kg SCH 23390, 0.5 mg/kg haloperidol or combined 0 1 mg/kg SCH 23390 and 0.5 mg/kg haloperidol given 1 h pre-test The
lower half of Fig. 3 shows the spontaneous ipsilateral rotation rates in the paired and unpaired groups The fractional rotation responses are
<20 cm in diameter *P < 0 01

in the upper half of Fig. 2, the paired group selectively conditioned contralateral rotation and on the spontane-
exhibited contralateral rotation on the first non drug test. ously occurring ipsilateral rotation compared with vehicle
While the absolute number of these rotations was treatment. In considering the vehicle data first, it can be
substantially less than the paired group exhibited when seen in the top half of Fig. 3 that only the paired group
given apomorphine, both the pattern of 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and of animals exhibited contralateral rotation. In agreement
1/1 rotations and rotation diameter (<20 cm) were with previous findings 1, the pattern of 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and
similar to what was exhibited by these animals when they 1/1 rotations and the rotation diameter (<20 cm) of the
were treated with apomorphine. The absence of this conditioned rotation response is virtually identical to
contralateral rotational behavior in the unpaired treat- those of the apomorphine-induced contralateral rotation
ment group indicates that the effect in the paired group response as shown in Fig. 1. The bottom half of Fig. 3
was related to the drug association with the test chamber shows that the paired and unpaired groups exhibited
rather than to drug induced response sensitization. The simdar ipsilateral rotation patterns under vehicle condi-
additional observation that the response extinguished by tions. Fig. 3 also shows the effects of D 1 and D2
the second non drug test further substantiates the antagonists on the conditioned contralateral rotation
occurrence of contralateral rotation in the paired group response of the paired group of animals as compared to
as a conditioned response. Except for the difference in the baseline provided by the control treatment animals of
contralateral rotation on the first non drug test, the non the unpaired group. In the latter, no contralateral
drug rotational behavior of the paired and unpaired rotational responses occurred indicating that the condi-
groups was virtually identical. Since the rotational re- tioning effects observed in the paired group of animals
sponse in Figs. 1 and 2 as well as subsequent tests were was due to the pairing of the apomorphine effects with
largely restricted to small diameter (<20 cm) responses, the test environment stimuli and not due to drug-induced
the subsequent data presentations will be limited to sensitization effects. Also, in th~s group, the effect of the
rotation responses of this diameter. D 1 and D 2 antagonists was manifested by a complete
Fig. 3 shows the effect of the D1 and D2 antagomsts on suppression of the spontaneously occurring ipsilateral

DRUG INDUCED CONTRALATERAL ROTATION treatment and there were no statistical differences among
groups. Three days after this test, all animals were
400 * APO
T o--o APO + HAL sacrificed and striatal dopamine measurements were
o--o APO + SCH
(/3 ~--~ APO + HAL + SCH performed. All 3 lesion groups had severe losses of
'" 300
striatal dopamine in the 6 - O H D A hemisphere with
0 reductions of <0.05 of the dopamine level of the intact
,.,(/) 200 ~ hemisphere in every animal. There were no statistical
differences among groups in terms of striatal dopamine
L,J 100 concentration in the striatal samples from the 6 - O H D A
:~ ~ *
and intact hemispheres.
The present results are consistent with a number of
000 0 25 0 50 0 75 1.00 1 25 observations of the conditioning of drug-induced behav-
FRACTIONAL ROTATION RESPONSES ioral responses in a variety of paradigms and
Fig. 4. The means and S.E.M s of fraction contralateral rotauons preparations 5'7-11'14'2'24. Such results have shown that
<20 cm in diameter in the unpaired treatment group of animals 10 conditioning of drug effects is a reliable phenomenon
min followmg 0.05 mg/kg apomorphme treatment given alone or
preceded (50 rain) by 0.1 mg/kg SCH 23390, 0.5 mg/kg halopendol with important clinical implications for stimulant drugs.
or combined 0.1 mg/kg SCH 23390 and 0 5 mg/kg haloperidol *P Generally, however, these important empirical observa-
< 0.01. Each drug treatment condition difference is staustically tions have not lent themselves to further analysis of
s~gnificant from all other treatment condttlons.
central mechanisms because the drugs used have multiple
neurochemical actions (e.g. amphetamine) and the be-
rotation. The effect of the D t and D 2 antagonists on havioral indices have been indirect (e.g. photocell
conditioned behavior in the paired group of animals was activity) 5A4'24 so that the connection of a drug mechanism
also confined to suppression of ipsilateral rotation. The to conditioned behavior becomes a formidable experi-
conditioned contralateral rotation response, however, mental obstacle. In contrast, the present study features a
was either unaffected or enhanced. While D 1 and D 2 selective dopaminergic drug treatment, apomorphine,
receptor blockers were ineffective with regard to the which involves highly specific striatal dopaminergic
conditioned contralateral rotation response, these drugs mechanisms that are uniquely coupled to directly observ-
were highly effective in suppressing apomorphine in- able behavioral indices 26. These features make the
duced contralateral rotation. Fig. 4 shows that the D 1 and present animal model a suitable one for analyzing
D 2 antagonists separately attenuated drug-induced rota- Pavlovian and pharmacological processes. In agreement
tion and when given in combination, produced an almost with Pavlovian principles is, the conditioned response in
complete suppression of the apomorphine-induced con- this animal model is qualitatively identical to the uncon-
tralateral rotation. These latter results demonstrate the ditioned drug-induced response (e.g. in terms of 1/4, 1/2,
efficacy of the D 1 and D E antagonist doses employed to 3/4 and 1/1 turns and rotation diameter, <20 c m ) 9. Given
block both the supersensitive and normosensitive dopa- this identity of conditioned and unconditioned responses,
mine receptors. Thus, the preservation of the conditioned it was appropriate to attempt a pharmacological evalua-
contralateral rotation response under conditions of D 1 tion of the mechanisms underlying conditioned behavior.
and O 2 blockade could not be attributed to a lack of With the unconditioned response of apomorphine con-
efficacy of the D 1 and D E dose levels employed. tralateral rotation blocked by the dopamine receptor
To insure that animals in the paired group were not m antagonists haloperidol and SCH 23390, it was possible to
some way different from the unpaired group showing a answer the question of whether the conditioned response
D1-D 2 blockade of the apomorphine-induced contrala- is also mediated by the same neuropharmacological
teral rotation response, the paired animals were also mechanisms.
tested for their response to 0.05 mg/kg apomorphine in The findings obtained in the present study argue
the presence of the D 1 - D 2 blockade. As was the case for decisively for a disassociation between the pharmacology
the unpaired animals, the same drug-induced D 1 - D 2 of the conditioned versus the unconditioned response 4'5.
blockade completely blocked apomorphine induced ro- In fact, the D1-D 2 blockade which systematically atten-
tation in the paired group. Additionally, one week after uated the dopaminergic response of apomorphine-in-
the conclusion of the D1-D 2 tests, all groups, paired and duced contralateral rotation as well as completely block-
unpaired, were tested and compared for their rotational ing the spontaneously occurring ipsilateral rotation had
response to 0.05 mg/kg apomorphine. The animals no effect upon the conditioned contralateral rotational
regardless of group assignment exhibited rotation rates response. Indeed, the finding that blockade of both the
comparable to those in Fig. 1 for the apomorphine paired D 1 and D 2 dopamine receptors did not even attenuate the

conditioned contralateral rotation response while, at the addition to redirecting the search for the n e u r o p h a r m a -
same time, the c o m b i n e d r e c e p t o r b l o c k a d e completely cology of conditioned drug-induced behavior away from
suppressed the a p o m o r p h i n e - i n d u c e d rotation appears to d o p a m i n e , the present findings also a p p e a r relevant to
rule out a paradoxical kinesis interpretation of the Parkinsons disease. T h e observation of a vigorous anti-
o b s e r v e d conditioned rotation effects. parkinsonian response g e n e r a t e d by the d o p a m i n e de-
D o p a m i n e has a well-established role m mediating nervated hemisphere under conditions of d o p a m i n e
motoric functions and is an important transmitter in receptor b l o c k a d e c o m b i n e d with d o p a m i n e denervation
learning processes 4. In light of the present findings, points to the potential i m p o r t a n c e of n o n - d o p a m i n e r g i c
however, the d o p a m i n e receptors do not a p p e a r to be the mechanisms as candidates for new initiatives in the
locus where conditioning occurs. R a t h e r , d o p a m i n e by pharmacological amelioration of Parkinsonism.
initiating behavior m a y simply m a k e it possible for
This research was supported by a Veterans Adminlstrat~on Merit
conditioning to occur between stimuli and responses with Review Grant and by a NaUonal Institute of Drug Abuse Grant
d o p a m i n e itself not being a part of this connection. In 5RO1DA0536602.

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