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TESOL Certificate Programs UCRIVERSIDE Observation Notebook EXTENSION Observation Report Form Name of Observer. Ying Liu Observation # 1 Date | Observation Envionment® | Class | Skill’ Level | Teacher] | Content | January Adult | Gadget/ | Tntermediate | Jan 17, students | Speaking | ra {2017 J * Include the URL if the class was online WRITE THE OBJECTIVES ACCORDING 10 THE OBSERVATION GUIDELINES: x eon ELOP FLUENT AND CONVERSATIONAL SKILL AROUND THE TOPIC “GADGET, THROUGH A SERIES OF GUIDING AND PRINCIPLES; DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES DESIGNED WHICH Sy ARE VERY COHERENT AND CONSISTENT ARE GREATLY HELPFUL TO DEVELOP STUDENTS L& SPEAKING SKILL. wo - Oh ys we Sook xe Notes while observing: 9 ee 1. 00:00-3:55 de the beginning of the class, teacher writes the word gadgets on the white board and has students guess what it means. When students couldn't guess its meaning, then the teacher gives them hints by writing down some key words on the board. This time, students can guess several items based on the key words teacher wrote on the board. 2, 3:55-7:20 Teacher shows a video on, cadgefic brand | 3. 7:20-7:50 Teacher has students talk to their ‘partner on the gadgePbased on the video they saw. Students are required 10 discuss specific topics given by the teacher, such as “Would you buy this? Why or why not? How much would you think this gadget costs?” 4): (be ‘+ 750-34 Students actively get involved in the discussion between partners. \ a A) [nd 9. 9:34-13:28 Teacher elicits answers from the spygents and; yrtes down on the oe 4 eg. board. There ar 49 columns on the board with et side keh Yes answer, and’ \st aye with right side wit No anower Both Yes and No answer include the discussion ow y outcome such as reasons and costs. v Last Updated: 1/24/2017 10:15 AM UCRIVERSIDE icate Programs et Observation Notebook EXTENSION § 13:28 -16:26 Before giving students a 15 minutes task 10 do, teacher first explained the task and gives out very specific direction to them. Fle hs wudents {ook atthe gadget wrapped inthe bag he prepared for them, iry to use it, see what tin ted for. al be useful as a review to the video, After tha, he writes down on the board 3 questions students need to do in their discussion 1) describé gadget; 2) what would you like it? Good or bad review; 3) what’s your opinion? Or anything you want to add. Students are required to do pair work 16:26-24:34 During the discussion, teacher monitors the class and answers the students’ questions. 24: 34-32-05 Teacher gives studeys eagh a sheet and has them write down the name of the gadget, buy it or not, thy H function, and its cost. After that, each Pair of students presents their task to the whole class, 32:05-39:55 Teacher writes down information on each item on the board such as name ofthe gadget, the munber of students who buy it, and asks students 10 speak a ‘auttheir reason of buying or not buying, 39:55- 45:35 Teacher assigns students another task - write out advertisement on using the gadget. He gives them specific direction such as using logo, model, and anything catching before students proceed to do this advertisement task 45:35-50:17 students as a pair presen their advertisement 10 the whole class 50:17-50-41 Class ends with teacher's appreciarS$$words Last Updated: 1/24/2017 10:15 AM x. TESOL Certificate Programs Es RIVERSIDE Observation Notebook EXTEN What did you learn about teaching or learning from this lesson as relates To The theory you have studied in your TESOL classes? Include at least one reference (with «an in-text citation) t0 support your response, (250-500 words) After watching the teaching presentation of Teaching Speaking Fluency & Conversational English on the video which lasts $0 minutes and 41 seconds on the teaching of the gadget, I leamed a lot from it. (https. /seww. ) This lesson is presented around the topic piecing focus re (practical use ‘© First of all, what I have learnt is that the lesson plan is very coherent, consistent, and progressive towards developing speaking skill. Its objective is very clear and obvicus { Which can be seen in each step of the different teaching activity. Pair group drill ensures of that each student has enough time to practice and speak out their mind, % e Then, the content construct is varied and rich, At the beginning of the class, {teacher has students brainstorm what'Badget is by giving them hint ant Wiourags them, {0 guess. Its presentation is conducted through a video on LG brand? gadget’ It is clear that the teaching presentation is built on students" eve ry day experienceand dig out those practical and purposeful meaning“and expressio1 ionf it, & \ 4 & As to the teaching activities, I have to say that they are effective and impressive ey °\ because the teaching realia is authentic and ean be touched Every activity designed is wr progressively enhancing students’ fluent and conversational English. From the controlled activity to meaningful to production activity, these activities not only strengthen students” understanding the target Knowledgabut also their speaking skill. — s. Heamé@ whole lot rom this teaching presentation. Ihave never taught speaking Skill'n class, but this video gave me a good inspiration to teaching EFL omspeaking still That is, teacher should design lots of activities focused on the topic to have stadents Practice speaking as a pair work or group work, and teacher keeps monitoring them and answers their question any time they have, Finally, I have to say that the valuable lesson I learnt is that this is a student- entered teaching which can bring about a revolutionary change for student because just as Gattego (2011, p.62) says, “No one can learn for us: to learn is our Petsonal responsibility.” Reference ws VE wt 1. Freeman, D. L. and Anderson, M. (2011). Techniques & Principles in Language Teaching, 2. Video retrieved from hupsi/twww. voutube,com/watch?v-2wJgt2kurMs Last Updated: 1/24/2017 10:15 AM gol. aol ‘yaarQ Y signe Qy Perera Jorma jo Synar rpsico wee inddas ko son ord“ Feadbya07)? saudieod Ty) se a marl bro ci D pre Sompalag paste sony p ab 32 woud easy? 2A Y PIPE amy CoH | a < > 4 AQUA 70 OU), ease OA YyOCWRSAD sup B SUI Nr muna ei + rapes sn] 7 Pam eS someon oi 219 Bupeds “unos pro 719 494 udu 1 39) iy 81 wonertGeai0 oy tou so uous a Aupewsos vary 14s 30 woney9 uy ss049 ou UA orgy 53 ou so ounusa 34, ping vewusoy Vay Sous 249189 aptsno “ast sou, 2pIs NO "Pau HOKU ‘py 20u9p Ia ey yawns | 18 ar Soap] Wo6e- YOU) juswsoudeay spoon, 06) L suonmnaadg spaoov Tet = 0s _swonepodeg 90H % 69- %09T Auopeyspesi (Ag AG amie papppray 810 PDIP] WIS omen soomasy Lee yea Fe SHIRTS F OTT TO TTT MOLSNILX3 SresZoaq 2999.) TOSAL IOISUIANY co FoureN WHapMs

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