IEEE PES - Relay Performance Testing

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IEEE Power & Energy Society TECHNICAL REPORT

1996 PES-TR4
Formerly TP115

Relay Performance
Power System Relaying Committee
Relaying Practices and Consumer Interface Protection

IEEE 2013 The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.




G. E. Alexander A. Howard J. Nordstrom

H. N. Banerjee M. Kezunovic M. Sachdev
J. D. Brandt P. A. Kotas T. Sidhu
T. W. Cease P. Lerley L. Smith
L. Champagne G. Manchur W. Strang
G. Chirco J. McConnell E. Udren
A. F. Elneweihi J. McElray B. Warwick
J. Esztergalyos P. McLaren K. V. Zimmerman
J. Hauber K. Mustaphi

J. A. Jodice, Chairman
M. Meisinger, Vice Chairman
C. Renville, Secretary
Relay Performance Testing

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IEEE CatalogNumber: 96TP 115-0

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Relay Performance Testing



1.1 General 4

1.2 Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4

1.2.1 Steady-State Test 4

1.2.2 Power System Simulation Test 5 Dynamic-State Test 5 Transient Simulation Test 5

1.2.3 Integrity Tests 6

1.2.4 Application Tests 6

1.3 Historical Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6

2.0 PURPOSE OF RELAY PERFORMANCE TESTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7

2.1 General 7

2.2 Integrity Testing 7

2.3 Application Testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7

3.0 TEST SIGNALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8

3.1 General 0 8

3.2 Measured Sisnals 8

3.2.1 AC Signals ,.8 Fundamental Frequency Steady-State Sine Wave 11 Sine Wave with Controlled Rate of Change in Magnitude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 Sine Wave with Instantaneously Changing Amplitude 11 Sine Wave with Control of Phase Angle 11 Control Over Signal Duration '.' . . . . .. 11 Line Synchronized and Self Synchronized Operation .......................... , 12 Sine Wave with Controllable Frequency and Rate of Change in Frequency. . . . . . . .. 12 Sine Wave with Added Harmonic Content , ,....... 12 Sine Wave with Transient Components Representing Actual

Signals From a Power System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12

- 1-
3.2.2 DC Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12

3.3 Environmental Signals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12

3.3.1 Auxiliary DC and DC Interference.... . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . .. 12

3.3.2 Conducted Electrical Interference 12

3.3.3 RF Signalsand RF Interference 13

3.3.4 Non Electrical Influencing Factors 13

3.4 Integrity 13

3.5 Application 13

4.0 lEST EQUIPMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13

4.1 General 13

4.2 . Passive Electromechanicallest Sources. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. 14

4.2.1 Voltage Signals.. . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. 14

4.2.2 Current Signals. .. .. . . . . .... . . . . . .. .. . . . .... .. . . . . . . .. ... 14

4.2.3 Phase Shifter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15

4.3 Electronic Test Instruments 15

4.3.1 Common Characteristics.. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. 15

4.3.2 Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16

4.4 Transient Simulators 17

4.4.1 Analog Simulators. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . 17

4.4.2 Real Time Digital Simulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18
4.4.3 Playback Digital Simulators 19
4.5 Power ConditioningAmplifiers 20

5.0 lEST METIiODS 21

5.1 General 21

5.2 Integrity Test Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22

5.3 ApplicationTest Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22

6.0 EXAMPLE 22

6.1 Introduction 22

6.2 Sample Test Plan 23


- 2-

Figure 1 Steady-State Test Signals 4

Figure 2 Dynamic-State lest Signals 5

Figure 3 Transient Test Signals 6

Figure 4 Steady-State A-N Thst with Current Action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8

Figure 5 Steady-State A-N lest with Voltage Action 9

Figure 6 Phase-to-Phase lest with Current Action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9

Figure 7a Dynamic-State Test Phasor Diagram 10

Figure 7b Dynamic-State Test Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10

Figure 8 Waveform Sample from Transient Simulation Test 11

Figure 9 Simple Current Test Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15

Figure 10 Electronic Test Instrument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16

Figure 11 Analog Model Power System 18

Figure 12 Real Time Digital Simulator 19

Figure 13 Playback Digital Simulator 20

- 3 -

1.0 INTRODUCTION which illustrates many test approaches. These examples are
not intended to be test guides. The information is included
1.1 General
to show how one utility applied specific tests to ensure that
The purpose of this report is: relay performance would meet application objectives.
to provide relay users with an understanding of the
1.2 Definitions
strengths and limitations of testing methods used
The primary test methods and test purposes are discussed
for evaluating the performance of protective
in this section.
to serve as a reference for the development of test 1.2.1 Steady-State Test
plans which determine relay performance and its A steady-state test is used to determine the calibration
suitability for application objectives. point or setting for any measured parameter. Phasor test
'[his material is applicable to a wide variety of relays; it quantities are held stable for a duration much longer than
is not an instructional guide for testing specific types of the operating time of the relay, and are then varied in
relays. increments much smaller than the resolution of the relay.
For the example of an instantaneous overcurrent relay
Various objectives associated with relay performance
where the nominal measuring time is 2 cycles, the duration
testing are identified; means to achieve those objectives are
of stable test quantities (Delta Time) would typically be
described. A discussion of test signals and the equipment
more than 20 cycles. If the relay measuring resolution is 1.0
used to produce them is presented to provide a better
amp, the test current would be varied in increments (Delta
understanding of test methods.
Value) of less than 0.1 amp. Figure 1 shows part of a typical
Most of the discussion in the paper is general, with steady-state test signal. The voltage is maintained constant
non-specific background information. Section 6.0 at the fault value, the current is increased at a rate of Delta
concludes with an example of a comprehensive test plan Value/Delta Time.

Figure 1 Steady-State Test Signals

- 4-
1.2.2 Power System Simulation Test synchronously switched means that changes in phasor value
Relays are required to respond to the transient (i.e., phase and/or amplitude) from pre-boundary values to
conditions of a disturbed power system. By simulating the post-boundary values occur in all phasors at the same time
signals "seen" by the relay under such conditions, setting with no discemable skew. Power system characteristics such
and response time may be determined. The disturbance as high frequency and de decrement are not represented in
may be simulated in more or less detail by one of the two this test.
following test methods.
For example, three states may represent the pre-fault,
fault, and post-fault power system condition. Additional Dynamic-State Test
states may be used to represent evolving faults.
A dynamic-state test is one in which phasor test
quantities representing multiple power system conditions Figure 2 shows the test signals that might be used in a
are synchronously switched between states. The term dynamic state test; prefault and fault states are shown.

Prefault Fault
State 1 State 2

Figure 2 Dynamic-State Test Signals Transient Simulation Test single pole, is open (reclose period), and then recloses. The
A transient simulation test signal represents in frequency waveforms represent:
content, magnitude, and duration, actual relay input signals
received during power system disturbances. a) prefault load;
For example, signals may include transient de offset, and b) the fault condition;
the effects of CT saturation and CCVT subsidence.
c) the induced voltage during pole open;
Figure 3 shows Electro-Magnetic Transient Program
(EMTP) modeled test signals that were used in a field d) voltage at zero because of HV grounding switch
transient test. Signals indicate that the circuit has tripped close operation;

- 5 -
e) voltage recovery and offsetdue to residual charge 1) voltage transient and chargingcurrent whenlocal
on the series compensating capacitor when HV end closes;
groundingswitch opens; g) return to load when remote breaker closes.

a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Figure 3 Transient Test Signals

1.2.3 Integrity Tests Steady-state, and to a lesser degree, dynamic-state
These tests are intended to establish whether the relay simulations have been the methods of choice for many
has been manufactured, delivered, installed, and main- years. These tests have been performed using passive
tained suchthat it meets itspublished specifications. These component instruments. These included load box, phase
are considered routine and are performedon most relays at shifter, variac, and switched inductance, capacitance, and
resistive elements. In 1974 electronictest instrumentswhich
more than one stage in the relay life cycle. Integritytests
synthesized and regulatedsine waves weredeveloped; these
are important basicprocedures, andshouldprecedeapplica- were adopted as an alternativemethod of providing phasor
tion tests. test signals. Electronic test instrument control methods
were later improved to perform a complete range of
1.2.4 Application Tests dynamic state simulations.
Afterintegrity testshaveestablished that aparticularrelay
meetsitspublished specifications, morecomprehensive tests
Full transient simulations previously required model
may be applied to discover whether performance is power systems. This equipment is large, expensive, and
satisfactory for its application objectives. Application tests normally onlyavailable in relaymanufacturers'factories, or
areparticularly recommended whenpublished specifications in research laboratories. Transient simulation tests were
are not sufficiently detailed to ensure proper application. usuallyperformedbymanufacturers duringprototypetesting
Digital fault recorder records of specific disturbances of new relay designs or on special request by users for
maybe playedbackto the relayto assess performance. The sophisticated or unusual applications. Usingcommercially
disturbancemayalso be recreatedby mathematical simula- available testequipmentitisnowpossible foruserstoperform
tion, and used to produce test waveforms for performance transient simulation tests in the field or their workshop.
tests. Simulation offers the opportunityof varying distur-
bance conditions to more completely assess relaysensitivity Some users have found dynamic state simulations and
and selectivity. transient tests cost effective methods for verifying correct
application. Similartests havealsobeen used in the field to
1.3 Historical Background diagnose unexpected in-service relay operations. Since
There has always existed a need to test protective relays currentlyavailable test equipment performs a wide variety
to confirm performance as designed by the manufacturer, of tests, understanding the various relay test methods will
and as required by the user. This process of performance assist users to develop test plans that minimize unexpected
evaluation helps to ensure adequateprotectionof electrical relayoperations and more quickly explain the ones that do
power equipment, and the powersystem as a whole. occur.

- 6 -
There are a number of occasions during the life of a relay
when integrity tests are performed. Acceptance testing upon
2.1 General
receipt is usually the first instance outside the factory.
This section reviews the purposes for both integrity and In-service integrity tests are generally performed on a
application tests [1]. Testing should be complemented by periodic basis, which depends on several factors; the most
thoroughly reviewing both the manufacturers' specifications common include:
and those power system parameters relevant to the relay
application. manufacturers recommendations
operating history of the particular relay type
Evaluating the suitability of a relay for a specific complexity of the protection function
application is the first instance when both integrity and criticality of the protected circuit
application tests may be performed. Integrity tests are maintenance schedule of the protected apparatus
general and verify relay conformance with both
2.3 Application Testing
manufacturer and user acceptance criteria. These are
usually steady-state or limited dynamic-state tests designed Similarly application tests are performed periodically
to examine the performance of all measurements performed during the installed life of a relay. Instances include:
by the relay. Design Verification/Type Testing
Manufacturers employ a multitude of tests to ensure the
The diagnostic quality of integrity and application tests relay is suitable for the application. Design specifications
has improved as advanced test instruments have become and critical performance characteristics are verified at the
available and affordable. Computer automated integrity pre-production phase. Special tests may be performed to
tests examine relay performance more rapidly than manual ensure a particular users application is satisfied. [3]
methods. More extensive integrity and application tests
may be performed, at lower costs. Application tests using Relay Selection
dynamic state and transient simulation methods are being Prior to selecting a relay for a specific protection applica-
applied more frequently during the relay life cycle, tion, its response to expected power system conditions should
improving protection system reliability. be evaluated. A combination of dynamic state and transient
simulation tests may be used, dependingupon the complexity
Application tests are more comprehensive and are of the application. Some utilities have modelled the transient
designed to examine relay performance specific to the behavior of critical circuits, and performed transient simula-
application. Dynamic state and transient simulation tests tion tests prior to purchase; these establish the suitability of
simulate the power system conditions which relays will a particular relay design for the application.
experience during service. Sufficient internal and external
faults should be applied to examine the suitability of the Commissioning/System Testing
relay for the given application. Multiple faults within the Application tests on individual relays minimize the
zone of protection should be applied to examine relay possibility of setting errors. Since protection systems often
sensitivity. Faults outside the protected zone should be comprise several discrete relays, the protection system should
applied to examine selectivity. be tested as a whole to ensure appropriate interaction and
A test plan may incorporate a combination of both
Operation Analysis
integrity and application tests. Complexity of both relay
After an unexpected operation, application tests offer
function and application form the criteria for selecting tests.
insight to the probable causes of malfunction. Recent
For example: integrity tests verifying performance of simple
experiences reveal inappropriate interaction between relays
instantaneous overcurrent relays generally include calibra-
to have been the cause of scheme misoperation. A scheme
tion at a defined current and measurement of operate time.
test verifies coordination between relays. Operation of
These tests use sinusoidal steady-state and dynamic-state
associated communications equipment, reclosers, breakers
current, respectively. For applications where power system
and transfer schemes is also verified. Fault and event
currents may not be sinusoidal due to CT performance or
recorder operation may also be confirmed.
system harmonics, experience has shown instantaneous relay
performance varies substantially from that which isexpected During the last few years end-to-end satellite synchro-
[2]. Applying a test current waveform which approximates nized dynamic-state and transient simulation tests have
the magnitude, frequency components, and d.c, offset of the been used to examine overall protection and communica-
protected circuit secondary is recommended to determine tion system operation. These have successfully identified
whether performance is suitable for the application. [2] malfunctions of individual relays in the scheme; of

- 7 -
solid-state relays, and of associated communication equip- Tests should be performed with the relay mounted in the
ment. Failure of circuit breakers to operate properly has manner prescribed by the manufacturer. For electromag-
also been discovered. Application tests are notably netic relays, normal physical orientation of the case
appropriate in the following instances: (vertical, level, etc) should be observed. For relays with
electronic circuitry, the case should be grounded.
To evaluate effects of less than ideal instrument
transformer performance, such as (ct) saturation The burden, and especially the capacitance and induc-
and (cvt) subsidence. tance, of test operation indicators should be low with
relationship to the rating of contact or other output sensing
To evaluate effects of unusual system conditions devices.
such as ferroresonance, harmonic resonances, off
nominal frequency, low voltage, loss of stability,
high load, high source to line impedance ratio. Relays are measuring instruments. As with all measuring
instruments the accuracy, resolution, and stability of calibra-
To evaluate the effects of power electronic devices
tion and test signals must exceed (relay) measurement speci-
and their controls, such as static var compensators,
fications. Instability or errors in test signals may cause
variable series compensation, and local HVDC
inaccuracies in settings. Subsequent indeterminate re-
sponse to power system disturbances may result.
To evaluate response to unusual conditions such as
evolving faults, slow clearing external faults, and 3.2 Measured Signals
faults with high arc or ground resistance.
3.2.1 AC Signals
3.0 TEST SIGNALS This section reviews the requirements for voltage and
current test signals used for both integrity and application
3.1 General tests. Control of parametric values of frequency, amplitude,
AVOID DAMAGE! and phase angle relationships is presented in terms of relay
measurements. Test source specifications and their effect
Test signals may exceed the continuous rating of the
on test results is also discussed.
relay. Test equipment may be capable of damaging the relay
if carelessly applied; the damage may cause immediate The voltage and current parameters for most relay tests
failure or operation may be slowly degraded. Marginal approximate a power system fault condition. Voltage and
operation followed by failure when called on to operate current amplitudes and phase angle relationships at the
under power system transient conditions is a more serious power system frequency must be independently controlled
event. to simulate the fault phasor relationships.
Persons responsible for designing the test must be For steady-state tests, phasor parameters are slowly
cognizant of relay I 2t specifications, and voltage limitations. changed to determine relay calibration setting. Single phase
Test designers must ensure that those responsible for faults require a change in one parameter, while the
carrying out the tests are aware of the precautions necessary remaining phasors describing the fault remain constant.
to avoid damage or reduction of life. Unnecessary The phasor diagram in Figure 4 shows the constant, (preset)
tampering or adjustment of the relay must be discouraged voltage phasor relationships which describe an A-N Fault
to reduce "adjustment induced" failure. Condition.


Figure 4 Steady-State A-N Test With Current Action

- 8-
In the Phasor Diagram of Figure 4, VA is set at the fault (II) represents an incrementing current used to determine
voltage; VB and Vc represent balance. The dotted phasor A-N reach.



!'+ 11=1 FAULT


Figure 5 Steady-State A-N Test With Voltage Action

In the Phasor Diagram of Figure 5, 11 is set at the fault impedance ratio and phase-to-phase fault voltage
current value. VB and Vc represent balance. The dotted magnitude. Vc is set at the unfaulted value. A single test
phasor (V A) represents a decrementing voltage used to current (IAB) is injected through the series connected Phase
determine A-N reach. A and Phase B inputs of the relay. Depending on test
protocol, the fault current lAB is incremented or
In both cases a single parameter is varied to determine
decremented. VA and VB are maintained at their fault
the steady-state reach calibration setting.
Phase-to-phase faults require changes in two,
phase-to-neutral phasors. These geometrically sum to Alternatively, the fault current may be held constant
form the faulted phase-to-phase voltage. In Figure 6, VA while VA and VB are synchronously decremented to
and VB may be set to represent any source to fault determine reach.

I \
I \
I \
IV \ /
I A /
I /

Figure 6 Phase-to-Phase Test with Current Action
These simple examples demonstrate amplitude control Dynamic state tests are used to determine the time
requirements for basic steady-state tests. Tests for system response of a relay to a predetermined fault condition. For
disturbances involving additional phases require similar example, run the previously described steady-state test to
control of the involved phasor qualities. determine A-N reach; then perform a dynamic state test to
reveal operate time for the fault condition.

- 9 -

70v 1-240 0 70v 1-120 0 70v 1-240 0 70v 1-120 0

Balanced Prefault Fault

State 1 State 2
Figure 7a Dynamic-State Test Phasor Diagram
Prefault Fault
State 1 State 2

Figure 7b Dynamic-State Test Waveforms

The dynamic-state test requires synchronous switching representing the desired fault locations. Complex
between phasor states. In this example the balanced, microcomputer relays which measure additional phasor
pre-fault phasor quantities are STATE 1: the previously quantitiesaresimilarly evaluated. Dynamicstate transitions
determined steady-state reach conditions are STATE 2. may include magnitude and phase angle for one, or all
Both phasor states are shown in Figiure 7a. Operate time phasor values, as required to properlyrepresent the faulted
is measured beginning at the transition from STATE 1 to system condition.
STATE 2 asshownin FigureTh. Responseto evolving faults
may be determined by synchronous switching between Transient simulation application tests require informa-
successive fault conditions each represented by one set of tiondescribing system waveforms fromtransient mathemat-
phasor states. Responseto faultsat varying distances from icalmodelsor from digital fault recorders. Microcomputer
the relay mayalso be determined. A profileof the operate relays nowofferwaveform data, but at samplingrates lower
timeversus faultlocation maybe obtainedby tabulatingthe than the other sourcesmentioned. Transientwaveforms are
results of a sequence of tests in which the phasors are described by tens to hundreds of digital coefficients per
switched from the balanced condition to conditions cycle. Each coefficient represents the instantaneous value

- 10 -
of the waveform, at a point in time. For polyphasesystem and frequency to properly reproduce the system distur-
representation, synchronism between all sources of digital bance. Discussions on sampling frequencies and data
information must be precise to ensure correct phase format may be found in the COMTRADE Standard [4]
relationship. Any amplifying means must similarly provide recommended for anyone considering use of transient
constant or predictable phase shift vs. both load impedance simulation application tests.

\TV v V V v
v v v C7 V \TV \TV
VV \[\[V VVvVV\[V \)\[VVVVV ~
Df\ f\ f\



Figure 8 Waveform Sample from Transient Simulation Test Fundamental Frequency Steady-State Sine Wave Sine Wave with Instantaneously Changing
This signal is used for steady-state tests. Total harmonic Amplitude.
distortion should be substantially less than specified in This signal may be used for dynamic state simulation
IEEE Standard No. 519[5] "IEEE Recommended Practices tests. Synchronously switchingbetween numerous states
and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric Power provides a dynamic state simulation of evolving fault
Systems". Standard 519 defines different limits of total conditions.
harmonic distortion for different primary voltage levels.
Control over the point on wave at which the change in
To ensure repeatable test results, test equipment should all phasors occurs may be required.
limit total harmonic distortion of currents and voltages to
1.5%. The maximum for an individualharmonic should be Sine Wave with Control of Phase Angle.
wellless than 1%. The magnitude of test phasors should be Instantaneous and controllable rates of change in phase
wellregulated ( < 0.5%). Phase angle variations should also anglerelationshipsmaybe required. Stabilityof phase angle
be regulated to less than 0.50 Variations may seriously relationships with changes in power line and relay load,
affect the accuracy of a test. A periodic check of the test should preferably be 0.50 maximum. Resolution in phase
equipment for possible variation can be used to establish angle control should be less than 1 0 ; 0.1 0 is appropriate for
test tolerances. Tolerances published by the relay microcomputer relay designs.
manufacturers should be considered when selecting test
equipment. Control Over Signal Duration. Sine Wave with Controlled Rate of Change in Some relays also measure time as part of their function.
Magnitude. To establish the time response of a relay, the duration at
which test signals remain constant at a test value must be
The change may be by means of continuous ramp or step
controllable. The required precision of time control will
function, with delta value/delta time approximatinga linear
depend on the precision with which the time is being
ramp as defined in 1.2.1. The rate of change should be
measured by the relay.
adjustablefrom near instantaneous (reachingthe newvalue
in lessthan 5% of the nominal relayoperating time), to near When a dynamic state test is used to measure time
steady state, with rate of change less than 1% of maximum response at operating quantities, the number of cycles at the
value per second. This signal is used for pickup/dropout fault valueshould represent the measuring time of the relay,
tests. as a minimum.

- 11 - Line Synchronized and Self Synchronized Instrument transformer (Cf) saturation, or
Operation (CVT) subsidence, or ferroresonance,
Test signal sources require frequency accuracy and Power system swings or current reversals,
stability in proportion with relay measurement capability.
Typically, quartz crystal based references are used to attain Power transformer ferroresonance,
accuracy of approximately0.01 Hz and stabilityof 50 to 100 Inrush from transformer, reactor, transmission
ppm. line, cable, and shunt capacitor energization,

Some electromechanical relays are susceptible to Effects of nonlinear devices such as surge
electromagnetic fields from generator and distribution arresters, thyristors,spark gaps,and powerdiodes,
busses. These relays may appear to perform incorrectly Circuit breaker current chopping and transient
when tested with signals having independent crystal based recoveryvoltages.
references since these are asynchronousto the local power The precedingitems are not meant to form an exhaustive
system fields. Variations of the relay operating point may list; they give an idea of the variety of transients that must
be observed as the test signal beats with the interfering exist in the test signal which simulates system conditions,
system frequency. This signal is used for transient simulation tests where the
applied test signal represents the faulted power system as
Such relays are in wide serviceso care must be observed
closely as necessary to evaluate proper relay performance.
and interference effects noted. To determine the setting
error due to interfering magnetic fields, run one test in line 3.2.2 DC Signals
synch mode to determine one set of test results. Run a Some relays which measure de quantities are special
second test with phasors reversed 1800 The actual setting purpose devices. DC test signals which examine perform-
is the averagebetween the two results. If the variationfrom ance should be a subject of agreement between the
the average is significant,check the applicationof the relay manufacturer and user. Sincegeneralizationisnot appropri-
in its environment. ate for such specialpurpose relays,they willnot be discussed
further. Sine Wavewith Controllable Frequency and Rate
3.3 Environmental Signals
of Change in Frequency
Manufacturers normally specify applicableenvironmen-
The accuracy and stability of the frequency should be tal standards for whichtheir relays are designed. Users will
some small fraction of the resolutionof the relay.This varies
normally only apply such signals when the manufacturers
from 0.02 Hz for axial turbine synchronizing relays to 0.1 specificationis silent on a particular aspect of performance,
Hertz for general purpose frequency relays. The rate of or for troubleshooting. This document does not address
change should be controllable similarly to that described environmental signals. Other standards and references
above for amplitude control. discuss environmental signals in great depth; they will be
Rate of change in frequency vs. time ranges from 0.01 mentioned briefly here.
Hz/second to tenths of Hz/second depending on power Some of the test instruments used to provide a.c, test
system design. signalsmay be susceptibleto the environmental test signals
when simultaneously applied to the relay. AC test Sine Wavewith Added Harmonic Content instruments should conform to the same environmental test
Control of harmonic frequency, its magnitude and time standards as the relay. Alternately, the test instruments
(phase angle at each harmonic) relationship may be should be evaluated to ensure its performance in the
required. These signals are used for testing relays such as presence of environmental test signals is known.
harmonicallyrestrained differential relays, and tuned relays 3.3.1 Auxiliary DC and DC Interference
such as third harmonic sensing stator ground fault relays.
If a relay requires a de power source, various test signals
Reference [2] discusses the effect of harmonics on relays,
may be applied to the relay's internal dc power supply.
and is particularly useful when designing application tests.
Maximum and minimum de voltage levels may be applied
Commonly required harmonics are 2nd, 3rd ,5th, 7th, 9th,
(with or without superimposed ripple) for verifying
11th, 13th, and 15th. Harmonic frequencies higher than 1
operation under actual measurement conditions, and for
kHz are rarely required in a measured signal.
measuring dc burden [3]. Voltagedips and interruptions of
various magnitudes and duration may be applied to the Sine Wavewith Transient Components power supply [6].
Representing Actual Si~nals From a Power System
These transients may include; 3.3.2 Conducted Electrical Interference
The effect of conducted AC surges and fast transients
Fault or switchinginduced de offset, which appear on any relay terminals are important, and

- 12 -
should be investigated. These signals are applied to all the relay performance should be verified by full transient
terminals except those specifically exempted by the tests, or the results discussed with the manufacturer.
manufacturer's specifications in accordance with the Since they closely simulate actual fault conditions [12]
standard on Surge Withstand Capability [7]. transient tests signals are required to fully assess relay
performance. Transient tests need include only those system
3.3.3 RF Signals and RF Interference conditions relevant to the application.
RF signals from nearby transceivers have interfered with
Harmonic contaminated test signals may also be applied
some electronic relays and also with electromechanical
in some application test plans, particularly where the
relays with solid state electronics. Manufacturers and users
measured signal is also contaminated with harmonics.
are referred to [8] for guidance.
Environmental test signals may be applied in application
3.3.4 Non Electrical Influencing Factors test plans, particularly where the manufacturer's specifica-
Altitude, temperature, humidity, and seismic shock are tion is silent about an environmental factor which may be
other influencing factors on relay performance [9]. These present in an application.
factors are not discussed here. 4.0 TEST EQUIPMENT

3.4 Integrity 4.1 General

Manufacturers design integrity tests to verify the Equipment used for testing protective relays spans a wide
condition of the relay using simple test signals. Some users range of technologies. Virtually all prior test equipment
add tests of their design to verify certain relay functions, developments remain in use today. Earliest relay test
which they have found important by experience. equipment included general purpose passive components,
interconnected to provide the necessary test signals.
The majority of test signals consist of steady-state Variable resistive, capacitance, and inductive elements were
sinewaves which check relay setting and operation ( used to produce voltage and current test signals and to
Dynamic state test signals are used to measure relay create phase angle relationships between test signals. All
response time. ( outputs were metered during the test process to provide a
Test signals with various harmonic content may also be continuous indication of actual values. This method used
applied as integrity tests ( Harmonically restrained the power mains as a signal source.
differential relays are the most common types. Transient Later, test equipment manufacturers assembled these
test signals may also be used for integrity tests; this passive components into packages, organized specificallyfor
technique is growing in acceptance as suitable equipment relay testing. Control circuits, signal switching, and
becomes available. metering were incorporated to simplify operation.
Generator synchronizing and load-shedding frequency More recently, electronic test instruments synthesized
relays require rate of change in phasor quantities, to verify test waveforms and incorporated direct reading digital
performance ( controls for amplitude, phase angle, and frequency. Voltage
and current outputs were regulated and unaffected by
Since integrity tests are routinely performed in the field,
variations in mains voltage or waveform, or changes in relay
test signals which can be produced by portable, robust, and
easily operated equipment are required.
From earliest periods, analog model power systems were
3.5 Application used by relay manufacturers and research laboratories.
Application test plans are intended to verify that relay There were power systems in miniature having three phase
performance is appropriate for a specific application, or for generators driving lumped-constant RLC lines. Relays
general applications in a power system. Application test switched interconnections to produce fault conditions. cr
plans may utilize all of the signals described in 3.2.1. and PT provided analogs of voltage and current
representing the model systems' performance. Graphic
Steady-state test signals verify the capability of the relay recorders were used to provide a record of system response
to accept the required settings. These tests are usually to disturbances. Initially voltage and current outputs were
supplemented by other test signals for complete application capable of limited burden. Voltage and current amplifiers
tests. were used to increase CT and PT voltampere output
Dynamic state test signals establish the speed and sufficiently to drive protective relays.
transient response of the relay [10]. Ensure that dynamic Later, higher powered model lines were capable of
state tests are suitable for the type of relay being tested; the driving relays directly. Interaction between relay and system
high rate of change in test signal values may giveunexpected model is an important feature of the analog model power
results. [11] If dynamic state tests give unexpected results, system.

- 13 -
Today, computer based electronic simulators of various test quantities. Variacs can be utilized in single phase, three
types have become available, and are used in increasing phase open delta or three phase wye configuration. They
numbers by utilities and manufacturers alike. The most modify the mains potential, producing a source of variable
basic playback simulators use records of actual faults from voltage. Outputs are not isolated from the power mains and
DFR or system waveform information produced by are a shock hazard. Relay inputs must be connected
mathematical models. Real time digital simulators provide appropriately to prevent incorrect signal paths. Variacs can
the interactive flexibility of analog model power systems. be a source of undesired harmonics.
They compute initial, balanced system conditions and the
changes in system conditions due to disturbances, all in real Variacs are also utilized as an integral extension ofeither
time, e.g.: protection system response modifies the system the load box or the phase shifter to vary the voltage or
parameters and conditions are re-computed in real time. current test quantities.

Section 4.2 briefly reviews the characteristics of the

passive test equipment, and presents criteria for its 4.2.2 Current Signals
application. A current test circuit typically consists of a variable
Electronic test instruments are used extensively today. autotransformer, a multi-ratio transformer, a series imped-
They are described in more detail to provide an overview of ance, and an ammeter, as shown in Figure 9. When supplied
their broad applicability. Signal generation, parameter with a distorted waveform, relay operation may be out of
control and amplifier requirements are discussed. tolerance even with correct metered values. The discrepan-
cy may take the form of different pick up values and/or
Model power systems are described in sufficient detail for different operating times.[2,13] The relay burden is often
the user to comprehend concept and basic applications. a non linear saturating inductance. The non-linear burden
Refere nces are extensive. of the relay will cause distortion of the test signal if the
Users must be aware of the limitations in all test current test circuit presents a low source impedance.
equipment and in various methods. Even the most
A linear series impedance is used to increase circuit
sophisticated test equipment is not capable of compensating
impedance and so reduce waveform distortion due to
for poorly organized test protocols or incorrectly applied
signals. Intelligent planning and observation, coupled with changes in relay burden. To be effective, this series
impedance (often a load box) should be at least six to ten
effective documentation and appropriate instrumentation
times the impedance of the relay under test. [13]
are mandatory adjuncts to all test sessions.
Distortion in the power mains contributes to distortion
4.2 Passive Electromechanical Test Sources
in voltage and current test signals; unexpected relay
The oldest form of relay test equipment used passive
performance may result.
electro-mechanical components. Load box, variac, phase
shifter, and measuring instruments were interconnected to Load Boxes.
provide the range of signal amplitudes and power required
for the particular relay. Single or three phase mains power A load box is a collection of switch selectable fixed
sources supplied commercial quality sinewave signals and impedances, usually resistors; these are arranged to provide
energy to drive the relay burden. a variable impedance. Load boxes are frequently equipped
with a vernier adjustable impedance, an ammeter and a load
4.2.1 Voltage Signals shorting switch. When used in conjunction with a voltage
Adjustable autotransformers commonly known as source (they commonly plug directly into the domestic
"variacs'' are used to provide secondary voltage and current mains) they can be used to provide a source of test current.

- 14 -
Multi Ratio Load Resistors
Variac Transf.

Tap Select


Load Shorting Sw.


Output Terminals

Figure 9 Simple Current Test Circuit

4.2.3 Phase Shifter Transformer coupled feedback amplifiers provide
The phase relationships between test signals can be regulated voltages and currents. Variations in test
developed by using a specially constructed three-phase signals due to fluctuations in the power source, or
"wound rotor" or with switched transformers. variations in relay burden are minimized.

The output voltage from a special three-phase induction Internal alarm systems eliminate use of external
motor with a balanced and symmetrical rotor (primary) and meters
stator (secondary) windings provides continuously variable Electronic relay test instruments produce sine waveforms
phase relationships with respect to its input. of voltage and current at appropriate levelsfor testing relays.
Typical voltage and current maximums are 300V rms and
A six-phase to three-phase tapped transformer, tap 35A rms, at power ratings range up to 100 VA. Higher
changing switches and a variac also provide variable phase powered current sources for high current tests on
angle output voltages with respect to its input. Tap selection electro-mechanical relays are rated around 150A and 500
provides coarse selection of phase angle; the variac is used VA.
for fine tuning.
Advanced functions provided by newer digital designs
include synchronous switchingof phasors for dynamic-state
4.3 Electronic Test Instruments tests and playback of waveforms from external digital files
for transient simulation tests. Use of external frequency
4.3.1 Common Characteristics references from satellites allows synchronization of
Common characteristics of electronic instruments remotely located test instruments for in-situ end-to-end
designed specifically for protection testing include: tests on relays. D.C. coupled feedback amplifiers offer
reproduction of the d.c, transient component of fault
Internally generated sine wave reference waveforms. P.C. based programs for steady-state, dynamic
Variable frequency operation and transient test methods are in general use; automated
Direct digital control of voltage, current, phase integrity testing for periodic maintenance testing is a
angle, and frequency common application.

- 15 -




ERROR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
.......- .....----<





Figure 10 Electronic Test Instrument

4.3.2 Operation locked loop (PLL)synchronized to an externalsignal. For
Frequency Reference line synchronization the PLL multiplies a signal from the
nominal 60 Hz line by 3600, producing216,000 Hz sample
Test signal frequency is established using a high clock, lockedto the line. For synchronization to UTC the
frequency clock. The clockmaybe derived froman internal PLLmultiplies the one pulseper second(lPPS) signalfrom
temperaturecompensatedquartzcrystal or froman external a GPSreceiver by216,000, locking the sampleclockto UTC
reference. The powerlineisa convenientexternalreference time. The PLLincludes a variablemultiplier, thisprovision
for LineSynchronization. Geostationary OrbitingEnviron- allows generating arbitrary clock frequencies for transient
ment Satellite (GOES) and Global Positioning Satellite simulation waveforms which mayhavesamplerates ranging
(GPS) satellite receivers provide access to Universal from ten to thousands of samplesper cycle.
Coordinated Time (UTC) for synchronization of remotely Waveform Generation
located instruments.
Under the controlof the instrument microprocessor, the
An intermediate frequency sample clock is produced sample clock drives a binary address counter; this strobes a
using the internal crystal frequency, divided by a variable random access memory (RAM) containing waveform
divider to provide variable frequency operation. co-efficients. Each clock pulse sequentially advances the
Alternatively, the sampleclock can be derived from a phase waveform address strobe to read a newvaluefrommemory.

- 16 -
For sinewave generation, 3600 sine co-efficients are output causedby changesin the load impedanceor the line
stored in memory, in this example; one value is stored for powersupply. The output is monitored by error detection
every0.1, from 0 to 359.9.The address counter wraps circuits and an alarm issoundedifthe output containsampli-
around afterevery3600 counts and returns to the start point tude or total harmonic distortion errors exceeding test in-
to produce a continuous waveform. Phase control is strument specifications.
achieved byoffsetting the start point of the address counter.
The phase angleisset by front panel controlsor byexternal 4.4 Transient Simulators
computercontrol. Sincephasecontrol iscompletely digital, Descriptions of the designs and operationalcharacteris-
thisdesign does not create phase errors when the sinewave ticsof the three mostprevalentformsof transientsimulator
frequency is changed. available today are included in this section.
Transientsimulators accurately representthe steadystate
When reproducing transient waveforms, the stored
and the transientpowersystem waveform. Earlysimulators
coefficients are those of the desiredwave. Coefficients may
were analog, and used scaleddownor electronicmodelsof
represent any digital number within memory depth
power system elements. These model power systems tend
(typically 16 bits) and any number of samples within
to be large and expensive and have been confined to
memorycapability. The clockfrequency isset to the desired
manufacturers, larger utilities, and research laboratories.
samplereproductionrate; the addresscounterruns through
a sampleset once, then stops. UsingEMTP data at 10J,lSec. Playback digital simulators using off-line EMTP
per sample for example, a transient event of one second solutions and conditioning amplifiers allow stored digital
requires 100,000 samples or 1666/1667 samples per 60 Hz waveforms to be fed to relays. These simulators are less
cycle. costly and smallerthan the ModelPowerSystem (MPS), but
cannot acceptinput from the device under test and interact.
The numerical output of the waveform memory drives a The MPS has the advantage of runningin real time and can
digital to analog converter(DAC)providing instantaneous be used in an interactive mode with the device under test.
analogvalues for each co-efficient. The sequentialsamples
producethe desiredwave at a smallsignal referencevoltage, Real time digital simulators are nowavailable. Running
typically around 10volts peak. That referencewave is fed EMTP in real time with parallel processing computers
into a multiplying digital to analogconverter, (XDAC). This which driveconditioning amplifiers, combines the smallsize
scales the sinewave amplitude according to the digital value of the playback simulator with the real time interactive
set by the front panel controlsor externalcomputercontrol. capability of the MPS. They are more expensive than
When the XDAC is set to full scale, scaled amplitude is playback simulators.
equal to the reference wave amplitude. The analogoutput 4.4.1 Analog Simulators
signal drives poweramplifiers to attain VAlevels suitableto
Lowand high power analogsimulators or MPSutilizing
drive relay inputs.
lumped parameter models have been used to simulate
Amplification and Output Stages power systems for many years. These provide analog
waveforms fortestingrelays understeadystate and transient
The smallsignal output from the waveform generator is conditions. The lowpower MPS requirespowercondition-
amplified by negative feedback amplifiers to produce ing amplifiers. These convert the signals to levels suitable
relaying level voltages and currents.
for driving the relayunder test. Amplifiers are described in
Because relays contain saturating electromechanical Section 4.5. The highpowerMPS operates at signal levels
components, the amplitude and phase of the relayburden which allow direct connection between the MPS and the
can change by orders of magnitude. This mandates relayunder test. See Figure 11.[14]
amplifier stability under rapidly changing load impedance. The MPS provides facilities for representationof all the
The amplifiers maybe voltage, current,or convertible types important elements of a power system.[14] These include
capable of being switched between voltage and current transmission lines, shunt reactors, series compensation
modes. capacitors, circuit breakers, and generation sources. cr
The amplifier output is fed to the output terminals byan and CVT models are also available. Fault location, fault
output stagewhich conditions the feedback, and rangecon- type and point-on-wave fault initiation are controllable to
trol relays. Transformer coupledsources include a variable research wide ranges of power system operation.
ratio output transformer. This maximizes amplifier power Relayoperation and the MPS waveforms are measured
transfer to the load by impedance matching. DC coupled and recorded to provide information describing how the
sources drive the relay directly. Feedback is derived from relaywould performon the actualpowersystem. The MPS
a current shunt for current sources and from a resistorfor usesac contactorsto simulatecircuitbreakers;these maybe
voltage sources. Negative feedback around the amplifier operated from the trip contacts of the relay or recloser
compares the output withthe input,correcting errors in the where appropriate.

- 17 -



~~ I

Figure 11 Analog Model Power System

Because of size and cost considerations, the high power signal processors. Parallel processing means that the
MPS is limited in the extent and number of power system computations required in a particular time step are shared
components which are modeled. It generally models a between several processors. Each processor performs its
smaller part of the power system to simulate the most calculation independently of the other processors. Informa-
important conditions for relay testing. tion exchange between processors occurs at the end of each
time step. By sharing the computational load in this way the
The analog MPS is very flexible providing rapid testing
real time simulator overcame the inability of a single
over a wide range of parameters. Load flow, source to line
processor to solve the system equations in realistic time
impedance ratio, fault incidence angle and evolving faults
are typical simulations. Many cases can be modelled in a steps of 50J,ls.
short time period, efficiently locating the worst case
Some of the newer Reduced Instruction Set Computer
condition for the relay under test.
(RISC) workstations are now (1993) capable of handling the
4.4.2 Real Time Digital Simulators computations for a power system of sufficient size for testing
relays [16]. Both the parallel processing based simulator and
Advances in computing technology have now made it
the RISC based simulator use extensive rewrites of the
possible to run transient simulation programs in real time
established electromagnetic transients programs in order to
on digital simulators.[15][16] Instead of scaled down
meet the constraints of running in real time.
physical models or electronic models of system elements,
digital simulators solve the equations representing the
The simulator is generally configured for the application
behavior of the system elements. The hardware does not
using graphics based software for system diagrams and data
change from one study to the next, only the software. The
entry. This software performs the same task as "patching"
simulator can model any system element for which there is
the R.L.C. models in an analog simulator. Software allows
an accurate software subroutine.
the user to set up steady-state prefault conditions by altering
The initial digital simulators [15] were based on parallel set points on voltage regulators or governors, taps on
processing techniques and used many high speed digital transformer banks, etc., then applies the fault on request.

- 18 -





Figure 12 Real Time Digital Simulator

Typicalphysical connections to the simulator are; waveform and logic signal data of a real system event from
a DFR. It may also contain waveforms calculated off-line
between the Digital to Analog (01A) output ports
and the test current and voltage conditioning
using an EMTP simulation program [17].
Playbacksimulator hardware is essentially that described
in 4.3for electronic test instruments, many of which provide
between the ac test signals, the logic signals
representing breaker states, and a digital fault
playback functions. Hardware elements include RAM
storage for both power system signals and logic signals.
recorder for monitoring These data are synchronously clocked to DIA converters
which produce low level analogs of the waveforms.
between simulator input ND ports or logic gates
Conditioning amplifiers produce cr and PT secondary
and the relay trip contacts or the output of any
level test signals at voltampere levelssuitable to drive relays
other apparatus under test. Examples of other
or relay systems.
apparatus include a metal oxide varistor energy
monitor in a series compensation application, or a Simulator test waveforms and relay outputs are
power system stabilizer in a power swing study, monitored by digital fault recorders or equivalent
etc. instruments. The resultant profile of test and relay signals
Real time digital simulators occupy less space than their vs. time documents the results for analysis.
analog counterparts and are less expensive. Digital Graphic software running on PCs or workstation
simulators can be interfaced to existing analog simulators preprocesses the data before downloading to the playback
via DIA and ND connections creating a "hybrid" simulator. simulators.
Editing functions include:
4.4.3 Playback Digital Simulators
A playback digital simulator is much simpler than a real Selecting the files required to run tests
time digital simulator. The essential difference is that the
Converting files to one sampling rate for synchro-
action of the device under test has no effect on the
nous replay
simulation. The playback simulator provides real-time
playback of voltage, current, and logic signal waveforms Scaling data to establish secondary cr and PT
which have been stored in' a file. The file may contain levels

- 19 -
Identifying coefficients on various waveforms at extension as well, if reclose functions are involved in the test
which protection timing begins plan.
In the event that tests using actual DFR records are
Converting files to binary for downloading to
insufficient to establish relay performance, complementary
waveform memory
EMTP studies will be required. Power system and relay
Storing test results application experience will dictate the level of complexity
required for playback simulators.
For DFR and EMTP files, extending the prefault data
period is an important editing function. Sufficient prefault In comparison to todays real time simulators and model
is required to allow relays to normalize operation before power systems, the off-line EMTP runs can represent very
disturbances are applied. Post-fault periods may require complex power systems.






Figure 13 Playback Digital Simulator

4.5 Power Conditioning Amplifiers Power levels for current sources are much higher than
All electronic test and simulation systems require power required for voltage sources due to the higher per unit values
amplifiers to convert their output signal levels (typically required to effectively simulate power system conditions.
10V from a high impedance source) to the secondary Factors such as cost, portability and relay burden influence
levels of the main CT and PL The nominal CT secondary the choice in VA rating of conditioning amplifiers. For a
level is SA or 1A; and the nominal PT secondary level is 70 relay burden of 5VA at rated tap, the power required for ten
or 120V per unit simulation would be 500VA, (5VA 10 * 10)since VA
is proportional to the current squared. For 20 p.u., 2kVA
Voltage Signal would be required. For a 25VA relay burden, the VA
requirements for 10 and 20 p.u. would be 2.5 kVA and 10
For voltage sources, two to three per-unit values are
kVA respectively. Recent field simulation tests have
required. For 120~ RMS phase-to-phase quantities, two
simultaneously driven both primary and backup relaying.
per unit values reach 336V-pk.
Selecting and applying conditioning amplifiers for these
(2 x f2 x 120V = 336V pk.) high burden loads requires investigation of relay burdens for
all parallel voltage and series current inputs.

Current sources must be capable of ranges from 10 per Minimal specifications for power conditioning amplifiers:
unit up to a maximum of 50 per unit for some power systems. Amplifier performance must conform to the require-
Typical 20 per unit, SA secondary current values are: ments of both the relay burden, and the simulation quality.
20 x f2 x SA = 141A pk. Higher DFR sampling rates and typical, 50J..Ls per sample
EMTP calculations place significant burdens on amplifier

- 20 -
design. Amplifiers formerly suitable for use with analog 5.0 TEST METHODS
model power systems have less dynamic range and
5.1 General
frequency response than required by today's simulators.
Previoussectionsof thispaper havediscussed varioustest
Frequency response, output amplitude range and signals and test equipment that are available to the relay
accuracy are well known criteria. They conform to engineer for both integrity and application testing. This
specifications and standards for instrument transformers section is a general discussion of how that information may
and with power system performance. As noted previously, be used to plan effective integrity and application tests.
peak voltampere rating must be considered in light of both
It should be recognized that protective relays come in a
per-unit simulation values and relay burden.
wide variety of complexities, from simple single quantity
Amplifier stability under widely changing relay burdens overcurrent functions to complete distance protection
has been mentioned. Load power factors from unity to schemes: therefore this paper is not a comprehensiveguide
nearlyzero lead and zero laghavebeen observedand should on relay testing. Section 6 of this paper includes examples
be considered limits for amplifier specifications. Stability of integrity and application tests and should help illustrate
under rapidly changing signal conditions should also be test protocols.
consideredwhen specifying amplifiers. Large signalslewing
Care is required in applicationof multiphase test signals
rates of a few amperes per microsecond are commonly
to ensure accuracy of the test signal. For instance, the
observed in EMTP simulations. A change in peak current
voltagesduring a phase-to-phase fault maybe simulatedby
from -7A pk (SA RMS), to 210A pk is based on 140 A pk
applying twophase to neutral phasors withthe proper phase
at 20EU. plus 70A pk(50% offset). Toaccommodatea fully
offsetcurrent signal,twice the peak current of a symmetrical
signal is required. The slewing rate is approximately In cases when the phase-to-phase voltage is low, very
0.5NJ..Ls (2l7NlOOJ..Ls). Lightning strikes represent smallerrors in the phase relationshipof the twotest phasors
thousands of amps per in primary current - requiring will cause large errors in the magnitude of the test voltage.
slewing rates of tens of amperes per J..lS secondary current. On a 120volt system, a phase fault with a source to fault
impedance ratio of 10 to 1 would result in a faulted
phase-to-phase voltageof 12volts. In a wyeconnected test
Voltage amplifiers systemthe phase-to-phase fault voltagewouldbe produced
by two phasors with equal magnitude of 35 .157Vdisplaced
Input voltagerange + 10Vpeak (high impedance
source) -- by 9.83 0 A total phase difference error of plus 10 (10.83 0 )
would result in a phase-to-phase to voltage of 12.6 V, a
Output voltage range.::!:. 300V peak voltage error of + 5%. A phase angle error of 0.50
Power output: 75 - 150 VA rms (150 - 300 VA producing12.3 voltsisa 2.5%error. Duringsuch tests,direct
peak) application of a phase-to-phase signal is preferable if
Frequency response (small signal) de to 10 kHz
+ 3dB For any given test, the relay engineer must decide what
type of input signals and what type of test equipment are
Noise -80 dB of full scale required. In some cases, compromise may be necessary
Transfer Gain Error @ nominal frequency.::!:. 1% because of practical considerations such as test equipment
availability. In the choiceof input signals, the engineer must
Common Mode rejection -60 dB of full scale be guided by his experience and knowledge of both the
power system and the relay.[18]
Current amplifiers
Input voltagerange.::!:. 10Vpeak (high impedance In many cases,the test will be similar to those suggested
source) by the relay manufacturer. For these tests, decisions are
generally straightforward, depending primarily upon what
Output current range.::!:. 160A peak equipment is available to meet the manufacturer's require-
Power output 0.5 - 3kVA rms (1- 6kVApeak) ments. If, for example, the test involves verificationof the
time curves on a time overcurrent relay, the engineer may
Frequency response (smallsignal)de to 10kHz + conclude that steady-state current signals will produce the
3dB -- desired results. This choice will allow the use of several
different types of test equipment.
Noise -80 dB of full scale
However, when a relay is being tested for a specific
Transfer Gain Error @ nominal frequency... 1%
application, or as the result of some specific power system
Common Mode rejection -60 dB of full scale condition,the manufacturer's instructionbook method may

- 21 -
not be sufficient. Recent examples haveproven the need for electronic test sources as well. However, the user must
simulation tests on overcurrent relays, one in an industrial ensure that the test connections and phasor relationshipsof
protection circuitwith highlydistorted waveforms, another the electronicinstrument duplicate those of the passivetest
where an instantaneous element was driven by a saturated equipment.
CI: For these tests the relay engineer must determine the
appropriate inputs and test equipment. Since all relaysare 5.3 Application Test Methods
applied on power systems, a power system simulator will When current and voltage signals representative of
generallyprovide proper current and voltageinputs for any actual power system conditions are desired, some form of
type of test. However, power system simulation tests are power system modeling is required. If dynamic state
usually expensive and time consuming. simulation provides an adequate level of simulation, load
and fault phasor values can be calculated using traditional
Between these two extremes are many other tests of
principlesor a computer based fault study program.
varying degrees of complexity. The selection of the input
signals and the type of test equipment is not directly If more realistictransient simulation is required, it may
dependent upon whether the test is an integrity test or an be possibleto obtain actual disturbance data from a digital
application test, but rather on how close to actual power fault recorder. Otherwise computer modelling with
system signals the test signal must be. Since many relays programs similar to EMTP are required. Transient
filter out all components except the fundamental from the simulation waveforms may be stored in either analog or
measured signal, dynamic state simulation is a powerful digital form. These may be played back to the relays at a
method of application testing, but it has some important later time. Analog power systems may also be used. The
limitations.[10] type of model is often determined by what means are
The improper representation of transition from
one state to another can sometimes cause In a playbacksimulator,the relaycannot interact directly
incorrect relayoperation, especially in high speed with the power systemsimulation. When the relay issuesa
relays. trip output, since there are no circuit breakers in the
pre-recorded simulationto respond, there is no interaction.
The effectof non fundamental frequency compo- (See Figure 13)
nents such as harmonics is not included. It is
important to includethese effectsin manyapplica- In a real time system, relay outputs can cause a change
tion tests. Somerelayssuchasharmonicrestrained in the power system model, such as opening the circuit
transformer differential relays require harmonics breaker when the relay operates. This is a "closed loop"
forproper operation. Manyrelayscanbe adversely system as shown in the block diagram of Figures 11 and 12.
affectedbyharmonicsand other non fundamental The majority of real time simulators use an analog model
frequencysignals; suchsignalsshouldbe present in of the powersystem. This maybe a lowpower modelwhich
the test if they are present in the application. requires current and voltage amplifiers. In high power
However, dynamic state simulation tests may be modelsthe current and voltageoutputs can drive the relays
useful to explore the expanded characteristicof a directly without interposing conditioning amplifiers (see
cross polarized mho or compensator relay in a Figure 11). Recent advances in digital power system
timely and complete fashion.[19,20] simulation have led to the development of real time digital
simulation. This allows the relay to modify the simulation
5.2 Integrity Test Methods parameters (see Fig. 12).
The basis for most integrity testing on protective relays
will be the manufacturers' recommended methods for the 6.0 EXAMPLE
relay. These tests are designed to verify that the relay is 6.1 Introduction
functioningproperly,and that the correctsettingshavebeen
A Canadian utility was consideringapplication of a new
applied.Generally,these are steady-state tests,but dynamic
typeof multifunctiongenerator protection relayon some of
state tests are sometimesused for checkingtimingand relay
its hydraulicgenerators. A test program was developed to
memory action. determine whether the relay would be suitable for general
In some instancesthe user maydesireto includedifferent application on such generators. The relay generally
methods in the integrity test plan for a particular performed satisfactorily, but some operations that were not
application. These additional tests may be steady state, apparent from the manufacturer's specification were
dynamic state, or transient in nature. discovered.
In many instances the test equipment used in the The relay is capable of operating in two modes:
manufacturers literature is passive (load boxes, variacs, and fundamental frequency measurement, and total rms
phase shifters). The same tests may be performed using measurement. In the fundamental mode, all harmonicsare

- 22 -
filtered out. In the total rms mode, the rms value of the 3. Checkeffectof frequencyvariationof input signalfrom
signal, including the effect of all harmonics is measured. 30 Hz to 120Hz. (SS Freq.)
Tests were made with the relay in both modes. Voltage and Current Measuring Elements - Steady-State
An overview of the test program is presented. Details of Performance
numbers of tests at different settings are not included. 1. For allmeasuringelements,checkthe accuracy at min.,
These data will vary depending on the relay being tested, reference and max. settings. Also check reset ratio.
and purpose of the tests. It will be noted that a largevariety Use pure 60 Hz sine wave signals. (SS)
of tests are included in the following program because the
2. For all measuring elements, check the effect of har-
relay is being tested for general application. monic contamination on the accuracy. Use 60 Hz sine
wavewith 20% third harmonic at variousphase angles
6.2 Sample Test Plan with respect to the fundamental. Run checksin funda-
TEST PROGRAM FOR A MULTIFUNCTION mental and total rms modes. (SS Harm.)
GENERATOR PROTECTION RELAY 3. For allelements,checkthe effectof frequencyvariation
General on accuracy. Use a pure sine waveover a range of fre-
quencies from 30 Hz to 120 Hz. Run checks in funda-
1. For internal timing functions, check accuracy at mini- mental and total rms modes. (SS Freq.)
mum, reference, and maximum settings. Check over-
shoot (inertia) to determine whether signalspersisting 4. For all timed elements, check the accuracy of timers.
for marginally shorter duration than the timer setting
can still cause undesirable outputs. 5. Check the relationship between elements which con-
trol other elements internally. For example, the volt-
2. In allcases,observeand report on contact chatter when
age controlled overcurrent function is not allowed to
test signal approaches operating point.
start until the voltageis depressedbelowa settable lev-
3. Sixdifferent typesof testshavebeen identified; theyare el. Does lowvoltageon anyone phase allowall over-
abbreviated as follows: current functionsto start, or does only the overcurrent
element on the associated phase start?
SS Steady-state 60 Hz tests. Unless otherwise Current Measuring Elements - Dynamic Performance
indicated, this test should be applied using
the fundamental frequency measuringmeth- 1. Check the dynamic performance of the inverse time
od of the relay. overcurrent element. Does it emulate the integrating
actionof an electromechanical inductiondiscwhen the
fault current changes? (Dynamic)
TIME Steady-state timing tests.
2. Check operating time of instantaneous overcurrent
SS Harm. Steady-state tests with harmonics superim- elements. Check effect of presence or absence of pre-
fault load. (Dynamic).
posed on the fundamental frequency signal.
Voltage and Current Measuring Elements - Transient
SS Freq. steady-state tests at variable frequencies. Performance
1. Checkthe effectof transient decomponent on accuracy
Dynamic Dynamicstate simulationsof faultconditions of instantaneous overcurrent elements. Run checksin
using 60 Hz test signals. fundamental and total rms modes. (EMTP)
2. Check the effect of ct saturation on time and instanta-
EMTP Transient tests using data derived from neousovercurrentelements. Run checksin fundamen-
EMTP or other similar simulator. tal and total rms modes. (EMTP)
AID Converter Accuracy 3. Check the response of peak overvoltage elements to
1. Using the indication facility, check the accuracy of all distorted waveforms present during simulated ferrore-
sonant conditions. (EMTP)
voltage and current input functions (magnitude and
angle). Use accurateexternalmeters to checksignalin- Frequency Elements
puts. Checkallvoltageinputsat three points, (1.0~ ref.
V and max. V). Check allcurrent inputsat three points, 1. Check accuracy of functions. Use 60 Hz sine wavesig-
(0.lA, 5 A and max. available current, keepingin mind nal. Check trip output maintained when frequency
the rating of the relay input circuits). (SS) raised to 120Hz. (SS Freq.)

2. Check the effect of internal self-ealibration functions. 2. Check reset frequency.

Look for sanity checks, or possibility of accidental re- 3. Check min. voltage at which frequency measurement
scalingcausingprotection function problems. can be made. (SS Freq.)

- 23 -
4. Check whether trip timing is affected by application of 79. Reconnect Time Delay
ramped frequency change or step frequency change. (2
1. This function will not normally be used, but will be
tested for completeness. Check timer accuracy. Check
5. Apply third harmonic distortion such that there is more how function is initiated and blocked. (TIME)
than one zero crossing per fundamental frequency System Tests
cycle, and check whether measuring accuracy is re-
tained. (SS Harm.) 1. Test the operation of the device with a variety of simul-
taneous and near simultaneous faults.
6. Check response to EMTP simulations of ferroresonant 2. Simulate application of overcurrent and coincident un-
conditions. (EMTP) dervoltage conditions. Set test conditions so that the
inverse time overcurrent element is expected to oper-
7. Check accuracy of timers. (TIME)
ate just before undervoltage, and vice versa. (Dynamic)
Negative Sequence Overcurrent Element. 3. Simulate application of single phase current such that
inverse time overcurrent function will operate just be-
1. Check whether accuracy is affected by use of single fore negative sequence, and vice versa. (Dynamic)
phase current (12 = (1/3)applied current) or balanced
three phase current rotating with negative phase se- 4. Simulate application of overfrequency and overvoltage
quence. conditions such that RMS overvoltage, Peak overvol-
tage, and overfrequency functions all operate near si-
2. Check accuracy of pickup. (SS) multaneously. (Dynamic)

3. Check definite maximum time to trip. (TIME)

5. Simulate application of near simultaneous neutral
overcurrent and neutral overvoltage conditions such
4. Check time current characteristic. (SS) that the rms neutral overvoltage and inverse time neu-
tral overcurrent functions operate near simultaneously.
5. Check reset time by measuring operating time with var- (Dynamic)
ious intervals between successive fault applications.
(Dynamic) 7.0 CONCLUSION
Relay performance tests address two questions. Is the
6. Check integrating characteristic - similar to test 1 of dy- relay operating as it was designed? Is the relay being applied
namic tests on time overcurrent element. (Dynamic)
properly? Integrity tests are intended to answer the first,
7. Check frequency response of pickup of function using a and application tests the second. In the past, users have
single phase test signal. Check effect on timing of off concentrated on integrity tests using relatively simple
nominal frequency current. (SS Freq.) equipment in the field. Application tests required bulky and
expensive equipment which was usually only available in
8. Check effect on pickup and timing of third harmonic
relay manufacturers' plants, or in research laboratories.
current present in a single phase test signal. (SS
Harm.) Historically, field test equipment was only suitable for
steady-state tests and limited dynamic state simulations.
9. Check whether function responds to balanced three Manufacturers and users developed comprehensive test
phase current at 120 Hz rotating with positive phase se- plans to ensure the integrity of relays using passive test
quence. (SS Freq.)
equipment. Integrity tests were also designed to be
Directional Power Elements performed in the field using simple equipment. With
common applications, the manufacturers application tests
1. Check accuracy of reverse element using one, two and done during relay development will usually suffice to ensure
three wattmeter methods with various power factors. correct operation under normal circumstances.
Use 60 Hz sine wave test signals at nominal voltage.
(88) Development of electronic test equipment in the 1970's
led to faster, more accurate steady-state tests and dynamic
2. Check effect on accuracy of max. and min. voltages for state tests. These are regularly used for application tests in
operation of reverse power element at unity power fac- the field. These tests allow users to answer some application
tor. (88) questions which might not be addressed by the manufactur-
5. Check accuracy of timers. (TIME) ers' instruction manual. They also allow comparison of
different designs for simple applications and some trouble-
6. With high speed setting, and ref. pickup setting, check shooting. While dynamic state tests are useful for a wide
effect on operating time of various amounts of power variety of applications tests, they have limitations which can
over setting. (Dynamic) only be overcome by full transient tests.
7. Check effect of frequency variation on pickup setting Advances in relay test equipment have led to the
accuracy. (SS Freq.) availability of relatively economic and portable equipment

- 24 -
capable of doing full transient simulation tests. Analog 9. ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1989 "Standard for Relays and
simulators are the traditional means of transient testing and Relay Systems Associated With Electrical Power Appa-
they are still widely used in laboratories and factories. Play ratus"
back digital simulators are now being widely used in the field 10. C. F: Henville and J. A. Jodice "Discover Relay Design
and workshop for "open loop" transient tests. Real time and Application Problems with Pseudo Transient
digital system simulators will allow relay users the ability to Tests", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, October
do complete "closed loop" application tests in their own 1991,p.p.1438-1443
premises. When the power system is properly modeled, and
11. G. E. Alexander, E J. Lerley, and R. Ryan, "Compara-
test equipment is properly used, virtually any proposed tive Testing Using Digital Simulation and an Analog
application can be comprehensively studied by the relay Model Power System", a paper presented at the Doble
user or manufacturer. It is important to completely ProTesT Users Group Conference, 1990
understand the signals that will be presented to the relay in
12. M. Kezunovic, et al "DYNA TEST Simulator for Relay
its intended application, when devising a test plan to
Testing, Part II: Performance Evaluation" IEEE PES
examine relay performance.
Winter Meeting, February 1991
REFERENCES 13. LA. Thiem, "The Effect of Waveform Distortion on
1. A Survey of Relay Test Practices, 1991 Results, IEEE Overcurrent Relay Calibration", 49th Annual Interna-
Power System Relaying Committee Report, IEEE/ tional Conference Doble Clients, Boston, MA, 1982
PES 1994 Winter Meeting, NY, NY, 94WM137-0 14. "General Electric Model Power System", GE publica-
PWRD tion GER-3225
2. IEEE/PSRC Working Group, "Sine-wave Distortions 15. EG. McLaren et al. '~Real Time Digital Simulator for
in Power Systems and the Impact of Protective Relay- Testing Relays.", IEEE Trans. PWRD, Vol. 7, No.1,
ing", IEEE Report 84TH 0155- 6PWR January 1992.
3. CIGRE SC 34 "Guide on Evaluation of Characteristics 16. M. Kezunovic et aI, "Transients Computation for Relay
and Performance of Power System Protection Relays Testing in Real Time", IEEE Trans. Pwrd., Vol. 9, No.
and Protective Systems" 3, pp. 1298-1307, July 1994
4. ANSI/IEEE C37.111, Common Format for Transient 17. J. Esztergalyos, J. Nordstrom, L Short, K. Martin,
Data Exchange (COMTRADE) "Digital Model Power System", IEEE Computer
5. IEEE Std. 519: IEEE Recommended Practices & Re- Applications in Power, Vol. 3, No.3, July, 1990, p. 19
quirernents for Harmonic Control in Electric Power 18. K. H. Engelhardt, "Dynamic Performance Testing of
Systems Mho Relay Memory Action", 1982 Western Protective
6. C. F Henville "Type Testing of Distance Relays" 14th Relay Conference, Spokane, WA
Annual Western Protective Relay Conference, Spo- 19. W O. Kennedy, B. 1. Gruel, C. H. Shih, L. Yee, "Five
kane, WA October 1987
Years Experience with a New Method of Field Testing
7. ANSI C37.90.1-1989 "Standard Surge Withstand Ca- Cross and Quadrature Polarized Mho Distance Re-
pability (SWC) Tests for Protective Relays and Relay lays", IEEE/PES Winter Meeting February 1987
20. R. Ryan, 'Automatic Testing and Plotting of Protective
8. ANSI/IEEE C37.90.2-1995 "Trial-Use Standard With- Relay Polarized Mho Characteristics", 59th Annual In-
stand Capability of Relay Systems to Radiated Electro- ternational Conference of Doble Clients, Boston, MA,
magnetic Interference from Transceivers" 1991

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