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ISSUE No 4—08


First Tottenham
* *
* POB 56928 LONDON N10 2UU 0845 INK TOTT


NIGHTMARE! Photograph: Peter Griffiths

An unwanted Controlled Parking Zone

has brought CHAOS to the roads around
Downhills Park – and the park has not even
swung into full summer use!
A group of residents are outraged at the
cavalier attitude Haringey Council has shown
in extending a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ)
against residents’ wishes. As they predicted,
the unwanted zone has led to displacement
parking in surrounding roads, problems for
public transport and the blocking of access
routes for emergency services. Yet, despite
ignoring two petitions against introduction
of the CPZ, Haringey has invited residents
to submit a petition in favour of further
Why was the CPZ introduced?
The CPZ was extended from Mannock Road
into the western arm of Downhills Park Road,
Belmont Avenue and Crossfield Road on the basis
of just 17 votes in favour. The council claimed
this was a majority, although only 30 people
returned the survey forms. They they ignored two
petitions signed by 200 residents of Belmont


Avenue and Downhills Park Road, opposing
introduction of the zone.
Belmont Road resident Linda Miller said
“When I discovered the plan to extend the zone I
was horrified. The roads in the proposed extension
zone have far lower parking density levels than

(MONDAY, 12TH MAY, 6.00pm)

Belmont Road and the plans simply failed to take
into account the amount of additional parking
that arises at weekends from recreational activities
in Downhills Park. An email to Councillor Haley
pointing out the difficulties the plans would cause
for residents, was answered by council officer
Vincent Valerio who said it was unlikely the
zone would cause any problems for residents in SOMETHING TO SAY, SOMETHING TO SHOW,
the streets surrounding Downhills Park and even OR SOMETHING TO ADVERTISE IN TOTTENHAM?
if it did, the council had no plans to review the
situation for more than a year.” LET 60,000 TOTTENHAM PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT IN
Complacency of councillors and officials TOTTENHAM’S ONLY COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER.
In the event, the problems have been far worse
than anticipated as residents of the CPZ roads
moved their cars into the surrounding streets. On
one recent occasion, just two of the cars parked
32,000 copies!
on Belmont Road belonged to Belmont Road
residents! The increased levels of parking along
Belmont Road and the eastern arm of Downhills SALESPERSON REQUIRED!
congestion at all times of the day, real problems
for vehicles trying to negotiate these roads and a
Suitable applicants will be on generous commission only and will be self-employed.
constant struggle by the residents to find parking You decide for yourself how much work you want to do, and when you want to do it..
spaces. (Cont. p.3) Contact Lydia on 0845 465 8088
PAGE 2 June 2008 FIRST TOTTENHAM 0845 465 8688/8088

LETTER FROM LYDIA arms about it but many people on

the Harringay Ladder or in White
On identity -- again. Hart Lane do not think of Wards
Identity seems to come up a lot in this column. Corner as part of their patch so First Tottenham
In the last issue, it was identity documents (more do not take much of an interest. is a community newspaper!
on that, below) and before that it was about We should definitely be seeking
the identity of Tottenham itself. In this issue, a solution.
Published material, whether written or graphic or in
we have a mournful letter from a Harringay Now for another any other form, is voluntary and non-commissioned and
resident, who complains that he and his neigh-
identity discussion. “Mr. M”, a will bear the name of the Contributors, who are solely
bours had not thought of themselves as living in responsible for the accuracy of their contributions. First
Tottenham resident who works
Tottenham and this paper’s persistent opinion to Tottenham Ltd do not take responsibility for mistakes
the contrary has plunged him into an identity in the IDENTITY and Passport but if they are non-trivial and are brought to our atten-
crisis. Office rang to say that after the tion, in the interest of accuracy we shall publish correc-
last edition (in which I made clear tions in the next available edition of the paper.
Fear not, Mr. K. A Tottenham historian my low opinion of the pernicious Material, whether written, pictorial or in any
called Ken Barker (who gives lectures at Bruce Identity Card) he had friends other form must be in copyright of the Contributor. In
Castle), is writing us a whole series about waving the paper at him with a submitting material to any subsidiary of First Newspapers
Tottenham which, you will be gobsmacked to mock fury that might have not Ltd each Contributor enters into an agreement that a)
discover, extended all the way along White been all that mock. He wanted to he or she has the legal right to submit the material and
Hart Lane as far as Wood Green in the 1880s. b) that any First Newspapers publication has entitlement
convince me that the IDENTITY to alter the material (editing to fit a word allowance,
However, there is no need to hang your head in shame as the cards would not be such a bad thing, and relatively correcting grammatical mistakes etc.) Furthermore it
confusion is all too common. Tottenham’s boundaries have cheap (I think he said about £30-£40 but I could be shall be agreed that all First Newspapers subsidiaries
gone in and out more often than Renée Zellweger preparing mistaken). have the right to publish or reprint the material in
for another Bridget Jones film. any First Newspaper publication, printed or electronic
The poor chap was so terrified that I would give out at any time and under any heading or title that such
You say that eastern Tottenham is a land which you have his personal details that he refused to tell me his family publications deem appropriate. Such material as is
rarely explored. How much you have missed! The peaceful name. No sweat, Sir. I understand. Occasionally it published by or for First Newspapers cannot be repro-
beauty of the Tottenham Marshes is nectar for the soul. Go duced or reprinted in any other publication without
is nice to preserve one’s privacy, isn’t it? Although— written permission of the Author or First Newspapers.
there. See for yourself. Along the way you could visit a real as .they say about the IDENTITY cards—if you are All First Newspapers publications reserve the right at
trattoria in Bruce Grove or an African restaurant on the High innocent, you really should have nothing to fear. all times to disclose any information as necessary to
Road, or pick up a hard dough bread from a Jamaican bakery Anyway, you sounded like a decent chap and it was satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or
on Seven Sisters. Downhills Park is just gorgeous, Bruce very kind of you to invite me to that seminar detailing governmental request, or to edit, refuse to print or to
Castle is an astonishing 16th century country manor and All remove any information or materials, in whole or in
the advantages of what amounts to a biometric registry part, at the Publishers’ discretion.
Hallows Church is a 12th century gem, still surrounded by of every human being in this country. I’m sorry I didn’t
the peace of centuries. have the time to go. However, I stick to my guns. Readers are advised that representations and
descriptions of products or services contained in adver-
That said, I concede that there is definitely a problem Even £30-£40 is not cheap, considering that it is £30- tising or other content of this publication, either printed
with Tottenham. Lordship Lane makes a separate chunk £40 more than £0, which is the cost of no card at all. or electronic are completely the responsibility of the
of North Tottenham, while the rest is sliced into three ver- Furthermore, my soul curls at the thought of anyone Advertiser. Neither First Newspapers nor its subsidiaries
having to pull out a computer chip to prove to some guarantee or endorse the performance, effectiveness or
tical sections by Green Lanes and Tottenham High Road. applicability of any products or references published in
Roughly speaking, there’s the Ladder bit, then there’s the policeman that they have the right to walk along a this or any other edition and disclaim all responsibility
West Green bit, then there’s the Tottenham Hale bit and each street. as to the information, content, materials or products
with a different character. One of the reasons I started this On the other hand, if you want to make a case for whether direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise. If
paper was to try to draw these ‘bits’ together. It is because a product or service is not as described, the sole remedy
every resident of Tottenham to be issued with a map of is to contact the manufacturer or vendor.
of this separation that Tottenham people are so vulnerable the constituency boundaries so we all know where we
to being pushed around. Just look at what has been going are living, I’d consider a fiver fair.
on at Wards Corner. The whole population should be up in

proceedings in England’s
UK Family Law to be Investigated? Family Courts are com-
pliant with Article 6 of the
A motion has been tabled for the Council of Europe to consider investigating UK Family Law. European Convention on
Human Rights (the Right to
a Fair Trial).
John Hemming MP, Chairman
of Justice for Families, said “This is The Assembly also
good news for families in England recognises that questions
and Wales. It is the first step towards have been raised as to
getting a Supranational body to inves- whether the system is also
tigate the way in which Human Rights systematically uncompliant
for parents are being abused in the UK. with Articles 3, 8, 10, 11 and
It is likely to lead to a proper inquiry 12.
that hopefully will allow parents and The Assembly suggests
children to tell the Council of Europe that the relevant committee
what the UK has been doing to them.” of the Assembly starts an
The text of the motion is: The examination of the system
Parliamentary Assembly recognises to which concerned parties
can submit evidence of
that human rights are part of the The co-founders of the Angela Cannings Foundation, set up by Justice for Families. Clockwise from left: John Hem-
Council of Europe’s key values (and) mings, Angela and Ian Gay, William Bache, Penny Mellor, Angela Cannings, Marianne Williams. Human Rights abuses in
that systems are needed for the pro- England and Wales.
tection of children when they are at risk. The Assembly tasked with Child Protection. The Song “Bring the Sunshine In”, a
believes, however, that those who are tasked with pro- The Assembly particularly notes the use of campaign song for Justice for Families, was
tecting children need to be accountable for their actions Section 54.4 of the 1999 Access to Justice Act released on12th May. John Hemming MP
and .. to operate in a way which protects the human rights by the Court of Appeal in England which is pre- said, “I have written and produced this song
of those people they are dealing with venting cases being considered by the Supreme to highlight the many injustices that happen
The Assembly notes that there is substantial concern Court in England and the way in which this in England and Wales. Funds raised will go
that the secrecy of the Family Division of Courts in England acts to undermine the rule of law allowing the towards fighting injustice.”
and Wales has caused the development of an environ- Family Division of Courts to operate in isola- Contact:
ment in which practitioners are not properly accountable. tion from the wider body of law. John Hemming, MP House of Commons,
It notes that a number of people have emigrated from The Assembly recognises that questions London SW1A 0AA
England because they feel persecuted by the authorities have been raised as to whether the judicial 0845 465 8688/8088 FIRST TOTTENHAM June 2008 PAGE 3

balance is not always an obvious outcome.

By Odile You may come across a partnership that
IT IS OUR Haustant, does not work. Although your heart may
tell you otherwise do not attempt to keep
a work placement if it is putting a strain on


MIBC your business. Remember, you are running a
Marketing business not trying to solve everyone prob-
and lems. When the partnership works believes

Business me your business will benefits from it and
DID Consultant, you may even end up being in a position to
Member of offer employment and grow your business.
YOU the Institute Some local organisations can assist you, ANY CONDITION
KNOW of Business matching businesses and potential work
...? Consulting placement. They generally work within the Cash paid on newer vehicles
volunteer sector. You can also decide to

Tottenham was named after a businessman!

place an advert in local shops and libraries
and recruit yourself.
07866 481117
Action—don’t postpone what you can
07711 966770
Tottenham is believed to have been named after
do today:
Tota, a farmer whose hamlet was mentioned in
the Domesday Book; hence Tota’s hamlet became (1) Contact your local volun-
Tottenham. At that time in 1086, around 70 families teer organisation—North London
lived within the manor, mostly labourers working for Partnership Consortium (NLPC) based in
the Lord of the Manor. Northumberland Park is a start. NEED TO SELL YOUR
In 1894 Tottenham was created an urban district
and on 27th September 1934 it became a municipal
(2) Signpost some advertisements on the
High road—in newsagents for instance.
borough. As from 1st April 1965 the municipal Business Book:
borough formed part of the London Borough of Divorce* Probate* Repossession*
Haringey. Muhammad Yunus in his book Creating
a World Without Poverty: Social Business Debt Solution* Relocation* etc
By the way, the Domesday Book (also known as and the Future of Capitalism gives hope
Domesday, or Book of Winchester) was the great
survey of England completed in 1086, commissioned
that poverty has a solution. Although prac- *WE PAY CASH*
tical information is given on how to eradi-
by William I. It was similar to a modern census. cate poverty, some ideas are hard to believe
Business Tips in: for instance the idea of a so-called All Seller Fees Included
‘social stock market’. Overall, though, it
At times, you may need extra staff support without
is a positive and inspiring book to read as
the financial back-up to employ additional staff. contact us NOW for a
it envisages a better world. That definitely
Volunteers or Work Placements could be a solution.
makes you wonder how you too can make no obligation chat
While getting the right candidate not an easy task,
a difference and help those around you.
once in place and trained you may find it a very
rewarding partnership. Your new recruit is getting Business joke: A bad day fishing is better
additional skills and your business is being supported: than a good day at work. m. 07508 578411 e.
a partnership that works. However, getting the right

CPZ arising from introduction of the zone led

CHAOS Peter to contact Mr Valerio at Haringey
Council who said that he sympathised and
that the council was ‘keen to address parking
problems associated with non-resident
parking’. Peter says “He then said if I could
provide evidence—possibly in the form of
a petition—of support for further extension
of the zone, then Cllr Haley would ‘con-
sider our request further’. Like the displaced
parking, this has shifted the solution for the
difficulties back to local residents”.
After weeks of complaints by residents
Haringey decided to paint yellow lines along
(Cont from p.1)
the park side of Belmont Road and Downhills
The situation extends even to problems getting Park Road. Linda said “While this may relieve
buses as there is nowhere for them to stop safely. At the traffic congestion it will do nothing to
the same time, the CPZ roads are completely empty. help residents and in fact will only make
life more difficult for them. We have been
The traffic problems have been so severe they left with no alternative but to take our com-
prompted Peter Griffiths, a resident in the eastern plaints to the Local Authority Ombudsman,
arm of Downhills Park Road, to contact all residents which is going to be our next step.”
in the area to seek their views. He says “What I was
told shocked me. Time and again residents spoke of Linda Miller and Peter Griffiths
their anger and frustration over the lack of consulta- If you wish to contact Linda or Peter, you can write
tion on the CPZ and of councillors’ failure to reply to to them care of this paper
correspondence on this matter.” POB 56928 LONDON N10 2UU
ring: 0845 465 8088
The levels of traffic congestion and noise, the dif- or email:
ficulties with parking and damage to parked vehicles (subject line <Downhills Park Road>)
PAGE 4 June 2008 FIRST TOTTENHAM 0845 465 8688/8088

(Christian Action and Response in Society)
“People who are homeless are not social inadequates. They are
people without homes.” (Sheila McKechnie)
People lose their homes for many different reasons: unemployment,
low wages, divorce, domestic abuse, mental illness, redundancy and
financial problems. Approaching their local authority for assistance,
these families are not fully aware of the procedures and options. They
often have to wait extended periods for social housing, which is in short
supply in Haringey and families deemed “priority need” have been
placed in stressful long-term private sector leasing for up to 8 years.
CARIS Haringey, a registered charity, was set up in 1990 and is the
only organisation that exists solely to work with and for homeless fami-
lies of the London Borough of Haringey, of which officially there are
We are open to everyone in temporary accommodation and are
accredited with the CLS (Community Legal Service) Quality Mark for
general help with casework and with OISC (Office for Immigration
Service Commissioner) level 1 –immigration.
“Homelessness for me was not just about having no place to live.
It was about loosing my independence and purpose in life, being iso-
lated, humiliated and ignored.” (CARIS client)

Despairing families may have no idea about how to get support

and we can be a one-stop shop for them, offering advice on legal
rights, a place to socialise and a venue for events such as our weekly
drop-in or summer play scheme. Often, CARIS advice workers are the
only help available to resolve disputes with landlords over problems
with damp, dangerous and vermin-infested accommodation
“…I was being truly listened to with a sympathetic ear and
there was warmth in the reception I was given and I felt relaxed to
unburden myself.” (CARIS client)
As part of Haringey Homeless Steering Group—set up to review
Haringey’s Homelessness Strategy 2008-2011—we have good com-
munication with the local authority, and work to raise awareness of
the effects of homelessness and poor housing, making a difference for
all vulnerable people and ensuring that temporary accommodation is
more than a “just a roof”.
CARIS now has a blog ( where
all residents of Haringey and professionals seeking advice can discuss
issues surrounding homelessness.
Indira Beqiri, Senior Advice & Outreach Worker
CARIS Haringey,
St Ann’s Church Hall, Avenue Road, N15 5JH Tel 020 8800 5300 Fax 020 8800 5430 0845 465 8688/8088 FIRST TOTTENHAM June 2008 PAGE 5
Where’s the money? Mark Wallace of The Taxpayers’ Alliance gives you the lowdown.

AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS YEAR, savings could be made and waste eliminated. We’d average per head of population. There is still a long
new council tax bills dropped through our expected to find some waste, but the results were way to go.
shocking. The overall message is clear – it’s not that the
letter boxes, bringing for the vast majority
of us the same bad news—taxes going up First, we looked at publicity—a budget which council don’t have enough money, rather that they
includes the statutary legal notices councils have aren’t spending it properly. Who, when paying their
yet again. to publish, but also includes PR officers, advertising council tax, expects it to be spent on spin doctors,
and those glossy self- glossy literature, middle managers and gold-plated
promoting newslet- pensions? Next time Haringey Council demand more
ters that no-one ever money and say it is needed for frontline services,
reads. Haringey still people will know that isn’t true.
spend a staggering The need to find savings in council budgets is
£3,639,000 on non- urgent. People simply can’t afford to pay so much
-essential publicity, tax, and pensioners increasingly have to choose
over 330 per cent between adequately heating their homes and paying
up on ten years ago their council tax. By cutting out even a portion of the
and well above the waste we have identified, Haringey council could
Whilst the annual rise in council tax has amount one would expect, for the population.
become so predictable it is almost a joke, for many reduce the burden on taxpayers and divert money to
people it is an extremely serious problem. Next came middle managers (council staff the front line services that taxpayers actually want.
earning more than £50,000). With a growing If we want a good deal from the council, we have
In the last ten years our council tax bills have economy, some rise is to be
soared—putting increasing pressure on everyone’s expected. After all, generaly the to hold them to account. Ideally,
household finances. Families and pensioners on number of people earning that this information shouldn’t have
fixed incomes are particularly hard-hit by the rise, much has trebled in ten years. been buried in obscure accounts,
and in these uncertain economic times few can Haringey Council, though, far but should be made accessible to
afford to have an ever-increasing portion of their outspent the wider economy, the public as a matter of course.
earnings eaten up by the council. Now we have dug it out and
going from 16 officers on £50,000 dragged it into the light, it is up to
Not only has tax gone up, though, it is not clear in 1997 to 208 in 2007—a the people of Haringey to demand
where the money has gone. We were told taxes had thirteen-fold rise—at a total cost the council do a better job.
to rise to fund essential services: for more police of £13,400,000 every year.
on our streets, improved schools, better libraries Our politicians are failing dis-
Finally, our researchers mally to manage the way money
and regular bin collections. People were willing investigated spending on pen-
to give the argument the benefit of the doubt ten sions. The Local Government is spent and services are deliv-
years ago, but now questions must be asked. ered. Far too often, the bureaucrats
Pension Scheme is notoriously working for councils are allowed to build empires
Council tax has doubled, but our services are outdated and is generous to an extent that few without proper transparency and are then rewarded
far from twice as good. Worse, Haringey Council in the private sector can now dream of. Whilst with generous pay, unjustified bonuses and hefty
still pleads poverty, raising council tax by an above- reforming its overall terms can only be done by pensions. These practices should not be allowed to
inflation 3% yet again this year and threatening to the Government, who have so far chickened out of continue—for the financial future of the council, for
cut park services and support for the elderly as the necessary argument with the unions, individual the people who are currently let down by struggling
well as other services. councils can reign in their own spending and limit services and for the good of taxpayers.
their costs to a certain extent.
Where has the money gone?
It is only in this area that there are some signs of Mark Wallace is the Campaign Director of the
Using the Freedom of Information Act, the good performance in Haringey. Between 05/06 and TaxPayers’ Alliance, the grassroots campaign for bet-
TaxPayers’ Alliance obtained the Haringey Council 06/07, the council’s pension costs fell by 3.2%. That ter government and lower taxes.
accounts for last year and ten years ago, allowing is a step in the right direction but only a small step To find out more and to join for free visit:
us to trace the areas of increased spending. considering that the total annual bill in Haringey is
The Council Spending Uncovered campaign £24,100,000, which works out at £107 for every Taxpayers Alliance,
is about moving on from just being shocked at man, woman and child in the Borough. Even after 43 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9JA
high high council tax, to picking out areas where the slight reduction, that is double the national 0845 330 9554

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LINLEY ROAD, N17 £175,000 LH SOMERSET GARDENS, N17 £115,000 LH NURSERY STREET, N17 £219,950 FH
Two bedroom first floor Victorian conversion Studio flat on the first floor of popular purpose Two bedroom house situated equidistant to
flat set on sought-after residential road close to built residential development only a short distance Bruce Grove & White Hart Lane BR stations.
Bruce Grove BR station & Bruce Castle park. to White Hart Lane BR station. 16’x12’ studio Reception, fitted kitchen, upstairs bathroom &
Reception, kitchen, bathroom & cloakroom, GCH, room, fitted kitchen, bathroom, electric heating. downstairs cloakroom, GCH, double glazing,
some original features incl fireplaces. Chain free. Allocated car parking. In good order throughout. garden. Good decorative order throughout.


Well arranged four bedroom 1930’s
£147,000 LEASEHOLD house close to Bruce Grove BR station
One bedroom flat set on first floor of MORTEYNE ROAD, N17 £239,950 FREEHOLD & Bruce Castle park.
purpose built development close to Master bedroom with en-suite shower
White Hart Lane BR station & shop- Two bedroom end of terrace house set on the popular Tower Gardens room within loft conversion. Upstairs
ping facilities. Very good order Conservation Area. Well arranged with kitchen/diner, dual aspect family bathroom, two receptions,
throughout, reception, fitted kitchen, reception, GCH, garden, Upstairs bathroom, Chain Free. kitchen, d/glz, GCH, laminated floor-
bathroom, gas central heating. balcony. ing, 50ft rear garden. Chain free.


£244,950 FREEHOLD
In close proximity to Bruce Grove, N17 £850pcm
White Hart Lane BR station Two bedroom furnished first floor newly
this three double bedroom reburbished flat, large reception, newly fitted
mid terraced house is an kitchen, bathroom, GCH.
ideal rental investment. Parkview Road, N17£900pcm
Two receptions, kitchen, 2 bed second floor flat set in quiet residential
double glazing, GCH, area, newly decorated, fully furnished, GCH,
laminated flooring, large reception, fitted kitchen. Good order
downstairs shower room, and parking space available.
garden. Chain free. Bruce Grove, N17 £950pcm
Two bedroom furnished second floor newly
reburbished flat, large reception, newly fitted
LAMBTON ROAD, N19 £650,000 ALTAIR CLOSE, kitchen, bathroom, GCH.
Strode Road, N17 £1,200pcm
CROUCH END BRANTWOOD ROAD, N17 4 Bedroom furnished house, thru’ reception ,
Freehold investment opportunity.
£159,950 LEASEHOLD furnished, 2 bathrooms, GCH, garden.,
Two double bedroom purpose
Linley Road, N17 £1,400pcm
Semi-detached three storey house 4 bedroom furnished house in good condi-
arranged as 4 flats: 1x2-bedroom, built flat set on the secoind tion, furnished with all appliances, thru’
2x1-bedroom & 1x studio. floor. In close proximity to recpetion & second reception, GCH, garden.
Established use. In need of White Hart Lane BR station. Bruce Grove, N17 £1,400pcm
refurbishment. GCH throughout. Reception, kitchen/diner, 4 Bedroom house with 2 receptions &
Aprx 30ft rear garden. In close bathroom, double glazed, 2 bathrooms, GCH, kitchen, garden
proximity to Crouch Hill mainline GCH.Some internal decora- Sperling Road, N17 £1,400pcm
BR & Archway tube station. tion required. Chain free. 4 Bedroom furnished house with
2 receptions, fitted kitchen, GCH, garden.
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30.06.2008 IO



For more information, contact STOP HARINGEY HEALTH CUTS COALITION Union Office, St Ann’s Hospital, N15


0845 465 8688/8088 FIRST TOTTENHAM June 2008


TO LET Haringey Primary Care Trust Board defied members of the public present tried to address the
*Air conditioned, Board with their concerns, many shouting out: “let
public opinion and approved the highly con- the public decide!”
*Own parking, troversial creation of 5 polyclinics in place of
*24-hr access neighbourhood-based services. The Board agreed the plan which they said would
*Flexible terms be developed and refined over the coming year
On Wednesday, 21st May at 3pm about 50 people before it is implemented in 2009. Residents stormed
took part in a protest and deputation to the Haringey
CARBERY ENTERPRISE PARK Primary Trust Board meeting in St Ann’s Hospital. The
Save Our Surgeries protest was called by the Stop
out of the meeting vowing to continue the campaign
to save Haringey’s neighbourhood health services—
especially the local GP surgeries.
Haringey Health Cuts Coalition at 3 days’ notice after
36 White Hart Lane N17 8DP These are the official proposals:
the PCT released the details of their ‘polyclinics’ plans
only on Friday evening, 16th May. The PCT’s new North Tottenham: Currently SIXTEEN surgeries
020 8885 0505 proposals are for 5 polyclinic ‘hubs’ with 15 GP prac- and the Lordship Lane clinic. Proposed cut to
07966 132676 tice ‘spokes’ remaining from an original 45. The PCT THREE. Northumberland Park, White Hart Lane,
had not publicised their controversial plans—which and Broadwater Farm and a Lordship Lane ‘poly-
they know are unpopular—and it had been left to the clinic’.
Coalition to alert their members as best they could.
South Tottenham: Currently FIFTEEN surgeries,
The demonstration held before the meeting started and The Laurels and Tynemouth Rd clinics.
FREE Tai-Chi & Tea included representatives from the Stop Haringey Health Proposed to be cut to FOUR. High Rd near
Cuts Coalition, Better Local Healthcare Campaign,
at the Laurels Haringey Federation of Residents Associations, the
Hackney, West Green, Noel Park South East and
Harringay Green Lanes Station, and The Laurels
Haringey Trades Union Council, the Haringey Forum for and Tynemouth Road ‘polyclinics’.
Older People and the Mobility Forum, amongst others.
Contact Lena Hartley Central Haringey: Currently FOURTEEN surgeries.
South Tottenham resident Mario Petrou criticised the Proposed to be cut to TWO. Bounds Green and
Pyramid Health a Social Care Board, saying that it was misleading the public. He also Wood green and a ‘polyclinic’ (no site decided
accuses the Council’s Scrutiny Committee of not ful- yet).
filling its duty to monitor and protect Haringey’s health
(PHASCA) services by ensuring a thorough public consultation. West Haringey: Currently FIFTEEN surgeries.
Dave Morris, Secretary of the Stop Haringey Health Cuts Proposed to be cut to THREE. Muswell Hill,
Chestnuts Community Centre, Coalition, made a presentation to the Board calling for Highgate and Stroud Green and a Hornsey
the strategy to be rejected as “‘irresponsible, unpopular Central ‘polyclinic’.
280 St. Ann’s Rd, and unacceptable”. He proposed the decision be post- Stop the Haringey Health Cuts Coalition,
poned to allow for the public fully to be informed of c/o Union Office, St Ann’s Hospital, N15 3TH
London N15 5BN the consequences of the proposals. During the meeting Chair: Keith Flett


Tel 020 8800 0227 Sustainable Haringey is organising a conference for Haringey schools on the theme ‘Make your Healthy School a
020 8809 7651 Sustainable School’. It will be held on 26th June at Haringey Professional Development Centre, Downhills Park Road
and is intended mainly for school staff. It will involve guest speakers, presentations and workshops as well as info stalls.
Anyone willing to man a stall on the day and talk to people about the network and how individual schools or staff can be
involved, please get in touch. 0845 465 8688/8088 FIRST TOTTENHAM June 2008 PAGE 9
Silver Street, Edmonton, N18 1PJ. Box Office 020 8807 6680
Eating For Two?
Book Online:
Friday 6 June 8pm Thursday 12 June 8pm
Andy Fairweather Low Rebecca Stoddard,
Martha D Lewis - Café Aman
manager of
A who’s who of the best players on the rock scene; ‘Sweet Martha D Lewis (well known to Millfield audiences as
Soulful Music’ features Andy Fairweather Low with a phe- one half of the dynamic duo ‘Martha and Eve’) drives fitness centre for
nomenal cast of musical luminaries. Andy came to fame a spirited, high powered ensemble of top class musi- women, is seven
as vocalist and leader of Amen Corner. The band had four cians from the Jazz and World music stage in her solo months pregnant.
Top 30 hits and a UK number one, ‘(If Paradise Is) Half As project ‘Café Aman’.
Nice’ in 1969. and offers some
Their debut album ‘Café Aman – Double Life’, was practical advice
Andy is re-united with producer Glyn Johns, and fea- voted ‘best of 2007 releases’ by BBC Radio audi- about health and
tures bassist David Bronze (Eric Clapton, Procol Harum), ences. “Lewis’ unique crossover style, trademark pas-
drummer Henry Spinetti (George Harrison, Roger fitness during
sionate, sonorous vocals and haunting melodies lie on pregnancy.
Daltrey), keyboards Paul ‘Wix’ Wickens (Paul McCartney, a bed of sonic Mediterranean beats” BBC Radio £12
Dear Mr Fantasy) and John ‘Rabbit’ Bundrick (Bob Marley, Concessions £10
The Who, Pete Townshend), together with Roger Waters’
singers Katie Kissoon, Carol Kenyon and PP Arnold. Sunday 22 June 3pm Pregnancy is an important time to look after your
£17 Group rate The Big Ugly Monster and the Little Stone Rabbit own health and that of your growing unborn child,
Saturday 7 June 8pm Once in a cave, lived the most horrible, big and ugly although it is often seen as a time to stop exercising
C’mon Everybody monster in the world. So ugly is the monster that he and help yourself to extra dessert. So, before I start I
An eight piece show with great costume changes and can turn a blue sky to snow and evaporate a pond want you to promise me never to try to lose weight
soundalike/lookalikes to the great stars of the late fifties by dipping his toe in it. But the monster’s not ugly whilst you are pregnant. Yes, it can be hard to watch
and early sixties. Boasting an amazing band with brass on the inside; he’s just lonely. So he decides to build your ever-expanding waistline but get over it. Hide
section and the legendary Chris “Fenderman” Black on some friends out of stone, but even stones can’t stand the bathroom scales and start embracing your new-
guitar with a tribute to Duane Eddy. the force of the monster’s smile, and they all shatter
found womanly shape. That’s what I did.
Hear the hits of Eddie Cochran, Chuck Berry, Buddy ...except for one.
Holly, Connie Francis, Brenda Lee, Bill Haley, and Jerry Rik Mayall narrates the hilarious and heart-warming Common sense should be applied to exercise.
Lee Lewis, and watch out for the sensational spot by the story of an ugly monster with a beautiful heart. The first trimester is usually the riskiest and appro-
leather clad Blackettes. Adapted from the book by critically acclaimed author/ priate exercise will depend on how fit you were to
Playing theatres throughout the country to standing ova- illustrator Chris Wormell. £8 Concessions £6 Family
(4 tickets) £25
start with. It might be a good idea to stop bungee
tions. £16 jumping and lifting very heavy weights, because the
Saturday 28 June 7.30pm body is now producing a hormone which loosens
Sunday 8 June 8pm What You Fancy
Steve Howe Trio joints and ligaments in preparation for childbirth
A love triangle of comedy, romance and confusion. and makes you more vulnerable to injury. It is also
featuring Dylan Howe (drums) and Ross Stanley What You Fancy is a modern adaptation of William
(Hammond organ) important to keep well hydrated at all times (as over-
Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, set around Bollywood
For nearly 40 years, Steve Howe has been at the forefront celebrity culture; a world ruled by superficiality, heating might be harmful to the baby) and do not let
of rock music as a model and inspiration for other guitar- money and power. your heart rate exceed 140-145 beats per minute.
ists and musicians, perhaps best known as a member of Former Miss World and hottest Bollywood sensation Carry on with aerobics, weight training and running
the progressive rock group Yes and latterly in the reformed Olivia Kapoor has been stalked, harassed and humili- if you were doing that before but don’t overdo it.
Asia. ated on a chat show by her co-star Dhruv Raj Singh, Ideally, find classes specifically for pregnant women
Steve’s new trio with his son Dylan Howe, rightly the King of Bollywood. Depressed and angry she and always tell your fitness instructor the good news.
acclaimed as one of the best drummers of his genera- meets Casim who re-awakens her spirit and passion. In the later stages, you may want to switch to lower
tion and keyboard maestro Ross Stanley on Hammond Little does she know that Casim is really a woman in
organ is a truly masterful combination enthralling audi- disguise, who is in love with Dhruv Raj Singh! impact activity such as yoga, Pilates, swimming, or
ences with original compositions, jazz, blues, solo guitar simple walking. The increased oxygen intake will
and Yes numbers, all specially arranged for trio format. benefit your baby, while keeping fit will aid you
£12 Concessions £10 Group rate
£17.50 during childbirth. So will enough rest; savour your
sleep whilst you can, as you may not be getting
BERNIE GRANT ARTS CENTRE—ONE NIGHT ONLY! much after the baby is born!
Wednesday, 11th June. 6pm exhibition. 7pm main show. Tickets £5 (£2.50 concs) Whatever the Old Wives say, you really do not
A unique show of talent celebrating the achieve- Nate), Norhstar, Kayne Rose, K>Love, Szjerdene, need to eat for two. Little and often is the best
ments of GRANTED, the Bernie Grant Arts Centre’s Notorious dance trouple featuring Bones, and way. Eating too much at one sitting can make you
in-house student theatre company. many more. uncomfortable but long periods between meals will
probably make you uncontrollably hungry. If you
This show is also a tribute to Bernie Grant, MP There will also be addresses by Sharon Grant, have strange cravings it could be your body warning
and it focusses on UNITY, presenting fashion, video, the founder of the Bernie Grant Arts Centre and you about something you are lacking. I haven’t yet
dance, live music and art in a mixed bill variety, Tim Campbell, winner of the first series of The started eating gherkins and ice cream but I have
special event showcase in BGAC’s beautiful main Apprentice. developed bit of a sweet tooth and I allow myself
auditorium. BOX OFFICE: 0208 365 5450 to indulge—in moderation. Ask your doctor or
U-NITE will be hosted by renowned comedian midwife about healthy eating and what to avoid,
Donna Spence (Gimme the Mic) and perform- or go online to the Food Standard’s Agency website
ances wil inclued Tor MC, Soundbywoy ENT (Young
It is obvious that fresh fruit and vegetables are
FRIENDS OF TOTTENHAM MARSHES better than burgers and chips. On the other hand,
email: Tel: 020 8808 1341 don’t get fanatical about it; a friend of mine who
gave birth recently said that her midwife delivers
June 7th - Haringey Green Fair - June 22nd - Lee Valley Festival -
babies for heroin addicts, many of whom are born
Public Day 12.00 – 5.00 pm outside Tottenham Explore the beauty of Tottenham Marshes perfectly healthily—but why add to the risks?
Town Hall, Town Hall Approach Road, N17 through guided nature walks and art workshops
If you have any concerns, consult your health
for all the family. Be amazed at Angus Watt’s
FoTM will have a stall at the Haringey Green carer or fitness instructor immediately but also try
flag creation, music from a giant fish and the
Fair. The Fair aims to inform, educate and entertain to relax and enjoy your pregnancy. It really is a
Hot Whelk Show and a host of other activities
visitors on what the Council is doing to protect the miraculous time and one that should be cherished.
including outdoor theatre.
environment. It will also provide simple advice You may not be eating for two but you are living
and tips on how to live greener and how everyone Meet at the Water Side Centre, Stonebridge and breathing for two and you both deserve the
can make a difference. Lock, 11.00 - 17.00.. A great kids’ day out! very best.
PAGE 10 0845 465 8688/8088 FIRST TOTTENHAM June 2008
Dear Sir, Dear Sir, permission for three mega-stores, one mega-
I have just received Issue 3 of First Tottenham. Congratulations on the new paper! Long restaurant and numerous smaller shops all to co-
I like it, and find it informative and entertaining. may it last. exist on the site of the old Harringay, or was it
Haringey, dog track should to be put out to grass.
However, I did spot an inaccuracy in the It does however face me with an identity Or worse.
latest edition. You refer to Haringey Council`s crisis. I live in Harringay which is generally
award winning “Haringey People” as a propa- described as being in the Finsbury Park area. There is only one car exit on to Green Lanes
ganda “sheet”. It is not. It is, in fact, a very for all these stores. At busy shopping times like
The Borough is called Haringey. My M.P. Christmas, cars can queue for up to half an hour to
expensively produced propaganda magazine.
describes himself as member for Tottenham. get out. That can’t do much for carbon emissions
Councillor Lorna Reith informed us in Full But where is Tottenham? At the other end of the —certainly not for community spirit.
Council in January last year that based on a 341 bus route I believe - a journey to a land I
survey 90% of residents thought Haringey have rarely explored. Perhaps with wider remit your paper can provide
People was `useful`; and 90% thought it`s design an alternative voice where it is now lacking.
You would do us all a great service if you
was `good` or `very good`. Good luck. B. Kent, N4
would clarify these various jurisdictions and
Haringey Council produces 97,000 copies enlarge the name of your paper to include us A PS from Lydia:
each month at a cost of £396,000. The survey for whom the main axis of local life is Green OK. I know this is mischievous, and I admit that
which poduced the above impressive results Lanes and for whom Tottenham is far far away. Haringey’s cleansing department is indeed pretty good
was based on the responses of 465 readers—less and it could be a lot worse—but first class? I could not
If you are just Tottenham, why did you
than a half of one per cent. resist publishing this photograph of the view outside my
manage to be a bit rude in your last edition
Incidentally, when it comes to political neu- front door one day in April, after the rubbish collectors
about our local Haringey civic paper, “Haringey
trality, I suggest that Councillor Peacock should had been and gone.
People”, which you called a propaganda sheet?
take a long hard look at herself. I have great True enough it is always full of successful
difficulty in understanding how she can serve Haringey stories and happy Haringey people.
on the Board of Trustees of Alexandra Palace,
But there are success stories. Our cleansing
ensuring it is maintained for the purposes for
department is first class. Finsbury Park has been
which it had been given to the people “for all
much improved. The Library sevice is really
time” by Act of Parliament in 1900, while at the
same time serve on a Council which is desperate
to sell it off. She clearly cannot do both. None There is however room for alternative views
of the Labour Councillors can. on other matters and Haringey People carries
no letters column.
Very best wishes
In my opinion whoever gave planning
M. Cowley, N15

Dear Sir
The delivery of high quality, accessible care is the single
most important element of our overall vision for improving
health and reducing inequalities in health in Haringey.
While there are some excellent examples of GP prac-
tices, we know that many people are frustrated with access
to GP services and this needs to change. We are proposing
to make it much easier to see a GP, over extended hours
and in better facilities.
This is not about closing surgeries or reducing the
number of GPs; in fact, the number of GPs could increase.
Rather it looks at reducing the number of locations from
which primary care services are currently provided and re-
locating some surgeries into improved premises.
This is also about reducing inequalities in health to
provide improved care and clinical outcomes especially in The Lordship Rec bid to the Lottery to regenerate
the east of Haringey where life expectancy is particularly Tottenham’s largest green space has been successful!!!
lower. Male life expectancy is nearly 8 years lower in Bruce
Grove (70.5 years) than in Muswell Hill (78.2 years) and Photo taken at last September’s 3,000-strong community festival organised to promote the bid.
our proposals aim to close this gap. Great news for Tottenham’s largest and - secured. If we get that right, the £4m will be
We want to see a greater range of services in primary and until recently - most neglected green space. handed over and the long process of imple-
community settings, provided from high quality appropriate A big thank you goes to all those park users, menting and overseeing the improvements
facilities, for longer hours, with good quality clinical out- people in the surrounding communities, will begin.
comes. We want better co-ordinated and more convenient and the many community organisations
So we will need to strengthen our active
care for patients; we don’t believe this is achievable across and Council officers who have contributed
community involvement and partnership-
all existing practices, operating from their current premises. to, publicised or supported the Lordship
Rec improvement efforts during the last 6-
As part of our planning, we are looking closely at any
7 years. All that hard work, determination, But for now, let’s enjoy and celebrate the
impact on travel which will inform where we finally decide
care and patience - and most of all vision good news, and discuss it in more detail at
to locate services. We are committed to ensuring that the
and belief - has been rewarded.... A special Monday’s meeting (see below). And we also
GP/patient relationship is retained in any future model of
thank you to the Friends of Lordship Rec and have the little matter of this year’s Lordship
the Council’s Recreation Services for their Rec Community Festival on Sept 13th to
The PCT will continue to engage our local community persistance throughout that whole period. organise... All are welcome to contribute!
and clinicians and any changes will follow appropriate Please read the Joint Lottery/Council state- Dave Morris Chair, Lordship Rec Users
local consultation. ment (below) issued last week. Forum
Yours faithfully There is still a very long way to go - The Partnership body overseeing the regen-
Richard Sumray, Haringey Teaching PCT chair plans need to be developed in more detail eration of the Rec. Contact this paper or:
Mayur Gor, Haringey Teaching PCT PEC chair (£235,000 has been earmarked for that
Tracey Baldwin, Haringey Teaching PCT chief executive purpose) and match funding needs to be 0845 465 8688/8088 FIRST TOTTENHAM June 2008 PAGE 11


—despite massive opposition from Haringey residents and concerned organisations

- but Page Green branch saved! The closures have been given the go-ahead by
the Government-owned Post Office Ltd despite
and the borough-wide co-ordination we are
building up. With more proposed public-
Post Office Ltd has announced today that 6 Haringey opposition from residents’ and community organi- service closures looming on the horizon—such
branches are to be closed down. 89 Weston Park, N8; sations, Haringey Council, traders’ groups, political as the Haringey Primary Care Trust attempting to
Ferme Park Road, N4; 100 Alexandra Park Road, N10; parties. Well over 5,000 residents signed protest force local GP surgeries into ‘polyclinics’—such
Salisbury Road, N22; 7 Highgate High Street, N6; 434 petitions despite the short notice. neighbourhood-based campaigning is essential.
West Green Road, N15. These offices provide a vital Its up to all of us to fight for the needs of our
service for local communities, especially for the most Post Office Ltd has announced that 155 London
post offices are earmarked for closure - and over communities, and to that end we call on all resi-
vulnerable residents. It is our understanding that all of dents to join or set up residents groups in every
the threatened branches are viable. The only branch 2000 nationally. In 2004, the Government was
forced to suspend and reconsider the Post Office’s street, neighbourhood and block of flats.
that has been successfully saved is the Broad Lane /
Page Green Post Office, N15 - credit and congratula- entire national closure programme after angry pro- Contact the
tions goes to the Tynemouth Area Residents Association tests. Let us hope that this time we can also force Haringey Federation of Residents Associations,
and their determined efforts and mass petitioning to the government to back down. 42 Falmer Rd, N15 5BA
halt the closure. The most positive thing to come out of this is the 0208 211 0916
ever-growing strength of local residents associations

(Has somebody got it right?)

SHOCK! Tottenham Civic Society (TCS) sent us this photo of the new develop-
ment at 691-693 Tottenham High Road. Now that the scaffolding has been
removed from the building it is possible to see what it is going to look like.

The new development is next

Edwardian buildings. Too often devel-
door to the nationally listed Georgian
opers who want to build in the High
building at Nos. 695-697 High Road,
Road completely ignore the design of
currently occupied by Wilson & Co
the surrounding buildings and just put
Solicitors. TCS considers that the
up huge, inappropriate standardised
plain yellow brick façade with simple
blocks. It is great to see a high quality
windows complements and enhances
design that respects the scale and
the listed building.
character of its historic neighbours.”
Matthew Bradby, TCS chair, said:
Further information from:
“All of Tottenham High Road is
Matthew Bradby 020 8352 2354
in conservation areas with a large
mobile: 07985169 471
number of Georgian, Victorian and
PAGE 12 June 2008 FIRST TOTTENHAM 0845 465 8688/8088
a private boarding school with an international
BRUCE CASTLE immersed himself in the public life of
Tottenham and became actively involved reputation. Closing in 1890, the former manor
by Ken Barker with many charitable causes. house and grounds were offered for sale. It was
widely accepted that the site would be taken by
Joshua became a member private developers
and chairman of the Local for housing and the
Board of Health (fore- building demolished!
runner of Tottenham District The local authority
Council), a member of wanted to buy the
Middlesex County Council, site but a delay in
a governor of Tottenham raising funds meant
Grammar School and a that the opportunity
trustee of the Tottenham would be lost. Joshua
Parochial Charities Scheme. Pedley stepped in and
He founded the Tottenham bought the property
and Edmonton Dispensary for £15,000 (equiva-
and was appointed a Justice of the Peace. lent of well over £1,000,000 today) maintaining
He also made generous financial contribu- the house and grounds until the local authority
tions to the community. As a supporter of had raised enough to acquire it from him for the
The grounds of Bruce Castle Park and the the temperance movement, he purchased same sum in 1892. The park had a grand opening
16th Century Manor House that is the home of and provided a site in Tottenham High Road for the on 13th August, 1892 and in 1906 a museum was
Bruce Castle Museum have been described as construction of the ‘Red House Coffee Palace’ which established in the manor house. Joshua died aged
the jewels in Tottenham’s crown. later became offices for Tottenham Hotspur FC. In 80 at Hastings in 1910.
1898—and in circumstances that are Ken Barker is author of “How Rural Tottenham Disappeared”
If you are one of the local residents using
echoed today—Tottenham Hospital which describes the 1930s transformation of rural north
the amenities of the park and museum, take a
(later the Prince of Wales Hospital) Tottenham into suburbia. For a copy of the book send a cheque
moment to remember the man who was respon- for £12 (includes postage and packing) to:
was threatened with closure for
sible for saving them for your enjoyment. 64 Morris Way, London Colney, Herts., AL2 1JN
lack of funds. For a period of three
Joshua Pedley was a wealthy solicitor who months, Joshua paid the hos- Website provides interest-
lived with his family in the grand Trafalgar pital bills and continued to make ing information about the local history of Tottenham.
House in White Hart Lane, which stood on the donations for its upkeep thereafter.
site of today’s Trafalgar Avenue. The family had But his lasting legacy was his asso- Photo of Joshua Pedley courtesy of Bruce Castle Museum, Ha-
a cook, lady’s maid, parlour maid, two house- ciation with Bruce Castle. ringey Culture Libraries and Learning Service. If you are inter-
maids, two gardeners and a coachman and ested in local history research, contact the Archive Service at:
For much of the 19th Bruce Castle Museum 02088088772
enjoyed privileged lives while recognising
century Bruce Castle had been email
the responsibilities of their wealth. Joshua


The Haringey Friends of Parks Forum have noted
a new drive by Haringey Council to seek advertising
and sponsorship in or around parks, green spaces,
flower beds and verges.
According to the Council’s press release of 3rd
April, “The council is offering sponsorship opportuni-
ties for an initial group of 21 sites that are managed by
its parks service. For an annual fee, suitable organisa-
tions can have corporate signs with contact informa-
tion installed at the sites, which include open spaces
in Highgate, Muswell Hill, Crouch End, Tottenham
Hale and Wood Green.”
The Council is aware that this is a highly contro- According to Joan Curtis, Secretary of the reserves and recreation grounds). There
versial measure but is forging ahead regardless of the Haringey Friends of Parks Forum, “this is a highly are 30 such groups. The Forum meets bi-
views of Friends groups and residents generally. The inappropriate and shocking idea which needs to monthly to discuss and pursue issues of
Forum discussed this when it was first floated and were be cancelled immediately. Green spaces are for common concern over efforts to improve the
generally opposed to such ‘sponsorship’. Some Friends relaxing in and enjoying the beauty of a natural borough’s green spaces.
groups have indicated they would support direct action environment. People want to get away from the
to protect their green space from any advertising signs. pressures of the rat race, including the constant
bombardment of advertising.”
Friends groups and the Council have been working
hard in partnership to ensure adequate funding and The Haringey Friends of Parks Forum is the or c/o 42 Falmer Rd, N15
staffing for our parks. Recent cuts have not helped, but umbrella organisation/network run by and for the
this unilateral proposal from the Council is unaccept- local Friends groups for all public green spaces
able. throughout the borough (including parks, nature --Joan Curtis


Published by: First Tottenham Ltd, a subsidiary of First Newspapers Ltd, Registered Offices 35, Ballards Lane, N3 1XW
Printed by, 2nd Floor, 8 Castle Square, SwanseaSA1 1DW Tel: 0845 1300 667 ©FIRST NEWSPAPERS Ltd.

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