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TESOL Certificate Programs

Rubric for Written Assignments V4

Student Name: Date: 3/20/17 Instructor Name: Erin Butler Class: TESOL Portfolio Assignment: Philosophy of Teaching

Item No relevant evidence Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
(0 59%) (60% - 69 %) (70% - 79%) (80 89%) (90% - 100%)
Content & The assignment was not Ideas are not well developed Ideas are somewhat developed, and Ideas are developed, and Ideas are fully developed, and
Ideas submitted, or the or may fail to demonstrate demonstrate some understanding of demonstrate an accurate demonstrate a significant and
submitted assignment an understanding of the task. the task. Main point(s) and understanding of the task. Main accurate understanding of the
___65_/70 was not relevant to the Main ideas, or examples/details may be included but point(s) and supporting task. Main point(s) and
task at hand. examples/details, may be not well integrated. examples/details are clear and examples/ details are identifiable,
obscure or missing. easily identifiable. clear, and engaging for the

Evidence & The assignment was not When required, outside When required, outside evidence When required, relevant outside When required, compelling
APA Format submitted, or the evidence may be missing or may be minimal or may not fully evidence is included. It supports outside evidence is included; it is
submitted assignment may fail to support claims. support claims. Paper may not follow claims. Paper follows APA format seamlessly integrated into the
lacked evidence from Paper may not meet basic APA format entirely or may have with few errors in citation/style. paper to support claims. Paper
__9__/ 10 outside sources and requirements for APA errors in citation/style. follows APA format with no
APA formatting. format. errors in citation or style.

Organization The assignment was not The organization is not The organization is somewhat The organization is effective for the The organization is highly
& Standards submitted, or the effective for the task, or effective for the task, although it may task. The organization is clear and effective for the task.
submitted assignment there is a lack of be loose or unclear. There may be logical. Transitions and connectors Organization skillfully and
organized in an organization. Errors with some errors with transitions and are used appropriately. Paper meets logically builds support for the
__9__/ 10 appropriate or effective transitions and connectors connectors. Paper may not meet all most requirements for title, word thesis. Transitions and
way given the task at interfere with requirements for title, word count, count, spacing, etc. connectors are used
hand. comprehensibility. Paper spacing, etc. appropriately and seamlessly
may not meet basic Paper meets requirements for
requirements for title, word title, word count, spacing, etc.
count, spacing, etc.
Usage & The assignment was not Linguistic features of the Linguistic features of the writing Linguistic features of the writing Linguistic features of the writing
Mechanics submitted, or the writing (syntax, usage, word (syntax, usage, word form, (syntax, usage, word form, (syntax, usage, word form,
submitted assignment form, tone/register, spelling, tone/register, spelling, capitalization, tone/register, spelling, tone/register, spelling,
was not relevant to the capitalization, punctuation, punctuation, etc.) are somewhat capitalization, punctuation, etc.) capitalization, punctuation, etc.) are
__8.5__/ 10 task at hand. etc.) are not effective. effective. The errors may be are effective. There may be a few highly effective. There are no
Errors are very distracting distracting and/or interfere with the errors, but they do not interfere apparent errors. The writing is very
and/or interfere greatly with comprehensibility of the message. with the comprehensibility of the professional and academic.
the comprehensibility of the The writing may not be professional message. The writing is generally
message. The writing is not or academic. professional/academic.
professional or academic.

Score: _____91.5_____/100 Letter Grade: _______A-________

TESOL Certificate Programs
Rubric for Written Assignments V4


Dear Ms. Ying Liu,

Congratulations on the successful completion of your philosophy of teaching statement.

Overall all you have done very well in describing your attitude towards learning and approaches toward teaching and facilitating an effective
classroom environment.

Your thesis is clear, and you have edited the subtopics to support your driving idea of student-centeredness. Since a student-centered classroom is
your driving point, you could have left it out of the sub points and made it an overarching theme? Still, the areas of focus you chose do a very good
job of covering some teaching and significant learning concepts.

In places it would be good to provide a bit more explanation or exemplification. For example in the subsection on Set-up goals and achieve
measurable outcomes the connection between Vygotskys ZPD and students being intelligible or having the same intelligence in relations to
tests needs more explanation. This part seems a little misplaced since ZPD is refering to learning through interaction, and not necessarily formal

You do provide examples related to students you have had in the past. Mostly these examples connect to an affective factor. I think it would have
been good to provide one or two more examples specific to teaching. What kind of activities would you design? What might a goal or objective look

Nice job integrating evidence to support ideas. You have a variety of sources, and they are well quoted or paraphrased and placed within the paper to
support the concepts. (APA style- remember in-text citations include the author and year, but not the full url. )

Very best wishes on your future teaching!

Erin Butler, MATESOL

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