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In the story The Crucible Abigail Williams is one of the main

characters. She is the least complex, and is obviously the villain of

the story. She lies, and manipulates the entire town and sends
nineteen innocent people to their deaths. Throughout the entire
story, Abigails motivations are never more than pure jealousy
and the desire to get revenge on Elizabeth.

Abigail was an orphan, unmarried, she wasnt very high on

the social scale in Salem. In Salem, the young girls have no
authority and no say in anything political or emotional. The
minister and the other men of the town are Gods earthly

The trials in which the girls are allowed to act as though that
have a direct connection to God empowered the powerless
Abigail. Once she was shunned by the respectable people of the
town, because of the rumor of her affair with John Proctor, she
accused multiple people, even Johns wife, of being witches.

Abigail is a liar who just wanted to get back at someone for

ending her love affair with John Proctor. She has no credibility, and
no respect for the elders of the town.

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