Common Lesson Plan-Contractions

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Teacher Candidate Catherine Leber and Andrea Overman

Grade Level: 2nd
Subject: Language Arts

Millicent Atkins School of Education: Common

Lesson Plan Template

List the Common Core/State Standard(s) to be addressed in this lesson:

2.L.2.c Use an apostrophe to form contractions and frequently occurring


List the Learning Objective(s) to be addressed in this lesson. Use the

following format: Students will be able to

Students will be able to use apostrophes to form contractions (e.g., isnt,

cant). And students will be able to know that an apostrophe is needed in a
contraction to show where a letter(s) was eliminated.

Describe how the objective is relevant to students lives.

Contractions are a popular form of language in standard English and are

used in the students daily lives. Being able to write them will allow them
to express themselves more concisely.

List the words relevant to the content area that you will either introduce
and/or review during your lesson.

The words relevant are contractions, apostrophe, and eliminated.

List the materials you will need to teach the lesson.

White board, markers, Smart Board, pre-made base of anchor chart and
Pre-Assessment: Describe the instrument or process you will use to
measure students level of understanding toward the learning objective(s)
prior to teaching the lesson.

The students will take a pre-test where they have to write the commonly
used contractions. The pre-contractions will be given verbally, and the
students task is to write out the contraction form.

APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson pre-assessment. (if


Is your pre-assessment included at the end of this lesson plan?

Describe the timeline as to when you plan to administer the pre-

(Recommended timeline is a minimum of two days prior to teaching your

The pre-assessment will be administered in the introduction to the lesson.

Create and insert a table/chart/graph that shows the pre-assessment data

results. (if applicable)

Insert an image of your table/chart/graph here.

Describe how the results of the pre-assessment (what the students have
demonstrated they know) will be used to design the lesson objectives,
instruction, and post-assessment.

Post-Assessment: APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson post-assessment

you will use to measure students level of understanding toward the learning objectives after
teaching the lesson.

Is your post-assessment included at the end of this lesson plan?

APPENDIX: Include a copy of a Key/Product (completed by you, the teacher) which

provides a model of the desired outcome.

Is your key included at the end of this lesson plan?

Describe the instructional and/or assistive technology that you plan to
incorporate into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning.

The Smart Board and a lesson found on the SMART Exchange website.

Describe the accommodations/differentiation/modifications you will use to
meet the needs of all learners and accommodate differences in students
learning, culture, language, etc. * Be sure that these accommodations are
based on what you identified/described in your contextual information
(Task I).

We would provide the words on a sheet of paper for the pre-and post-
assessments. The teacher can work one-on-one with the students in need
of extra assistance during work time and/or during the lesson. IEPs will
be followed if necessary.
Identify the management and motivational strategies you will use to meet student
behavioral/developmental needs in order to keep students on task and actively engaged
throughout the lesson.

Teacher will be walking around keeping students engaged throughout the

lesson; as well as, walking around during work-time to answer any
questions more conveniently for the students. The classroom set up will
have already eliminated possible behavior issues.

I Do
(Teacher introduces lesson and models expected outcome of
learning objectives)
Describe how you will activate student interest and present the learning
objective in an engaging way (this is your lesson opening).
For the lesson opening, the teacher will provide commonly used words that
are turned into contractions on the board. The teacher will describe to
students that contractions are words that are a combination of other words
that are shortened to be more clear. They will then proceed to show
students how to eliminate certain letter(s) to create the contractions.
Teacher will describe that eliminate means to delete or get rid of
something. For example, if the words provided were can and not, the
teacher would cross off the second n and the o to put in the apostrophe to
create the contraction. Teacher will describe that an apostrophe is used for
many reasons such as making words possessive and making contractions;
it looks like one of the parts of quotation marks. This would be repeated
many times to ensure students understanding.

Describe how you will communicate (to students) how the objective is
relevant to their lives.
The teacher will ask if students have heard the words as contractions,
such as cant, wont, and didnt to prove that they use them in their daily

Describe what instructional strategies you will use to

model/explain/demonstrate the knowledge and skills required of the
objective. (cite theories/theorists)
The teacher will model the making of contractions on the board as well as
give demonstrations on how to create the combination. Dr. Anita Archer
commonly uses modeling in her lesson plans as a renowned educator. The
teacher will work with students in the form of scaffolding where he/she
starts with more support while the students are learning and slowly has the
students work on their own to ensure understanding. This theory is based
on Vygotskys theory of scaffolding.
Describe how you will check for students understanding before moving on
to guided practice.
The teacher will slowly start to have the students participate in the lesson
before fully engaging them verbally and physically in the lesson rather
than just listening and learning.

We Do
(Teacher engages students in guided practice)
Describe the learning activities you will use to provide students multiple opportunities to
practice the skills and content needed to meet the learning objective(s).
The activity that the students will participate in writing the contractions on
the white board and on paper. As one student comes up to the board to
write it there, the rest of the students will write it on their papers. After
understanding how to write contractions, they will participate in a SMART
Board activity that includes choosing the right contraction from the options
provided. The teacher will be walking around checking papers as well as
guiding students who need the extra support. While still guiding the
lesson, the teacher prompts the students to work and practice together.

Describe how you will check for students understanding before moving on to independent
Teacher will walk around checking student participation and individual
responses to ensure understanding. If understanding is not achieved,
teacher will have a small group session while other students participate in
independent practice.

You Do
(Students engage in independent practice)
Describe what the students will do to independently practice the knowledge and skills
required by the lesson objectives? (this is the post-assessment)
Students will complete the contraction worksheet based on readings from
Abraham Lincoln section of reading workbook. Teacher will walk around to
answer questions during this time as well as working with students who are
in need of additional support.
APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of your post-assessment.
Is your BLANK COPY of the post-assessment included at the end of this
lesson plan?

Lesson Closing
Describe how you will reemphasize the lesson objective and any
skills/content that were taught in an interactive manner (whole/small
group, etc.).
Teacher will prompt students to put independent practice away. After
independent practice is put away, teacher will gain students attention
through call back. From there, teacher will ask how contractions are made
as well as when it is appropriate to use contractions. From there, teacher
will give examples of contractions, and the students will complete an exit
slip by writing the words the contraction is made up of on a sticky note
provided by teacher while the students were putting away independent
practice. As the students are leaving, they will place their contraction on a
contractions anchor chart.

(This portion may only be done after the post assessment is
Describe the results of the Post-Assessment and be sure to address the following:
Students progress from pre-to-post assessment. (if applicable)
Factors that may have influenced the post assessment results.
How the results of the post assessment highlight what areas of the
lesson will require re-teaching (if any).
If applicable, insert a table/chart/graph (below) that shows the post-assessment data
results. If you used the same document for both the pre and post assessments, it is strongly
encouraged that you show the comparison.

Insert an image of your table/chart/graph here.


List and describe two things you feel you did well to plan, implement, or assess instruction

List and describe two things you feel were challenges during the planning, implementation
and/or assessment of the lesson.

List and describe two ideas for redesign you would make if you were to teach this lesson

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