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Chapter 2


Before discussing about the method used in editing, a brief description about the book
will first presented. The description will be explained in these following points.

2.1. The Author

The author is Wikan Sakarinto, born on 17 March 1975 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He

finished his doctoral degree study in Kobe University Majoring in Manufacturing System and
Intelligent. He currently is the Vice Director of the Vocational College of Universitas Gajah
Mada. Aside from education, he also managed a training center called Fasnetgama
( and an online magazine (

2.2. The Book

The edited book is titled Knowledge-based System for Capturing CNC Operator
Knowledge. As the title suggests, the book is focusing on technology. The technology discussed
is mainly about machining process in manufacturing industry. The discussion itself is not focused
on the hardware department [the machine] nor the human resources, rather it discusses the
software which support the machine performance.

The software is an original idea of the author which was first created to obtain his master
degree. This is the reason for the editing was conducted. It is because the software holds a unique
idea which attracted a publisher to publish it. The idea is unique because there are few numbers
of experts discussing on subject. The idea itself is to decrease some extra work load of CNC
operator by creating a system [software]. To describe further, following points will describe
about CNC and the idea itself.
2.2.2. CNC [Computerized Numerical Control] process

Nowadays, almost all of the worlds technologies are computerized, and one of them is
the manufacturing industry. This industry focuses on producing parts [depend on the company]
of machines, electronic gadgets, or even vehicles. To manufacture these parts, it usually requires
a process which able to cover a vast number of productions in a small amount of time possible.
This, indeed, needs a very precise calculation, and the best possible way to realize it is to seek
help from computer. One of the existing technologies able to perform the task is CNC or
Computerize Numerical Control.

This CNC is a technology in which sets of computerized numerical design are designed to
operate manufacture machines. The design consists of parameters which will be executed by the
machine to produce the desired parts. Some of the parameters are feed-rate, cutting speed, and
deep of cut. Furthermore, these parameters have to be set based on specific conditions, such as
the manufacture machine condition and the desired shape [of the part]. However, as
computerized as it is, there is still human contribution in this process. In other words, CNC
machine has an operator to control the process.

To design the parameters, there is a different process which also aided by computer,
called Computer Aided Manufacturing [CAM]. In this CAM process, there is specific software
which is operated by different operator with the one operating the CNC machine. Furthermore,
the result [design] of this CAM process is called NC file.

How are these facts related to the authors idea? The fact that the design and execution
process are performed by different operator is one of the possible causes in forging problems.

2.2.3. Gap between CAM operator and CNC operator

[To simplify the term, CAM operator will be called the designer and CNC operator is the

While it is indeed faster to separate two jobs into two different operators, it also could
induce some problems. It is because there are likely some miss understanding between the two
operators, and the problems most likely appear in the checking process [executor checking the
file from designer]. This fact is in line with the authors statement, However, in practice, the
machining parameters set by CAM engineers sometimes cannot be completely applied to the
CNC machining process due to some reasons . . . [Knowledge Base System ]

One of the examples for the reasons mentioned in the statement is about setting the
cutting speed parameter value. In manufacturing industries, it is not an uncommon case in which
the requested parts are made of different materials, alloy or steel for example. Alloy and iron
cannot have the same cutting speed because of the unique trait of each. Thus, when a designer
fails to recognize the material, there would be extra work load for the executor [editing the value
to match the desired material].

Another example is still on the cutting speed value, but with different case. In executing
the design, the machine needs specific components for some specific cases. However, there
would be problem if the desired component is out of order. It happens because when setting the
cutting speed, there should be consideration toward the condition of the machine [especially the
component used]. Therefore, if the designer misses this fact, the executor had to edit the value to
meet the condition.

Both examples above are only a little portion of the gap between the CAM operator and
CNC operator. This is the reason of the author to create a system in which CNC operator could
easily edit the parameters so that it will lessen the extra burden. Furthermore, the system is also
able to formulate a suggestion based on the edited parameters via the system. Therefore, it is
possible for other CNC operator could easily follow the suggestion [if the operator meets same
problems with the recorded cases]. To expand the usage for the manufacturing companies, the
author also adds a feature to share the data [cases recorded by the system] to other branches of
the company, including CAM operator, to minimize the gap between CNC operator and other
2.3. The Method

Following points are the discussion on the methods used in the editing process. As the
editor was still a student in English Department of Sekolah Vokasi UGM, some of the methods
are based on the writers experience in editing the piece.

2.3.1. Sense to Sense Translation

As previously mentioned, the editing was requested by Wikan Sakarinto, Phd who is an
Indonesian. Furthermore, the fact that there was necessity to have more understanding on the
piece, encouraged the editor to have extra discussion sessions with the author. As the editor is
also an Indonesian, the sessions were, indeed, done by using Bahasa Indonesia. Thus, the editor
needed to translate the discussion results into English. The translation was not only literally
translating the results into English, but it involved process of interpret them so that they could be
understood easier. In other words, it involved transferring sense of the source language [Bahasa
Indonesia] into the target language [English]. The challenge of this method is to transfer the
results into English form which has the best equivalent as possible. Furthermore, this method is
also inducing some risk of omitting or adding words, sentences, or even paragraphs. This could
happen because of some reasons, such as irrelevancy toward the meaning and repetition of

The sense to sense translation was considered the best method due to the grammar factors
that each language carries. For this editing case, the target language is English and Bahasa
Indonesia as the source language. It might be peculiar to have a translation in editing work as the
language used in the piece is already English. However, as mentioned above, the author and the
editor are Indonesian, and the sessions they had were completed using Bahasa Indonesia. Thus, it
was indeed necessary for the editor to perform translation.

As mentioned before, this method could induce the risk of omitting words, and it happens
due to some reasons. However, it is not always the meaning that cause the problems occur. It
could also happen due to the grammar nature of both source and target language. Bahasa
Indonesia and English have different basis of grammar even though they follow the S+V basic to
create a sentence. The simplest example is when Indonesian wants to express the activity of
going somewhere. This following simple conversation will help to understand the case

A : Mau pergi ke mana B? [Where do you want to go B?]

B : Ke toko [Im going to the store]

In the conversation above, the Indonesian version does not using any subject, but the
English version does. The Bahasa Indonesia version does not using the subjects Kamu [You] and
Aku [I]. It is indeed not a formal situation, but it is able to represent writers intention. The fact
that it is not necessary to put the subject into the question [if the subject is the same person with
the one being asked] shows that there is a difference in both languages. It is because in English,
even if it is informal, there a subject has to be present, since it may cause confusion.

Another example is the case with time sense. In Bahasa Indonesia, time is expressed
using an additional word that express the specific time. For example

- Kemarin, Aku pergi ke taman. [Yesterday, I went to the park.]

- Ayah berangkat ke Jogja besok pagi [Father is going to go to Jogja tomorrow

Kemarin [yesterday] and besok pagi [tomorrow morning] are used to indicate the time. However,
it is not necessary to put the specific time in English unless it is required. Furthermore, English
has tenses which could express time, and those tenses could be indicated by looking at the verbs.
For example, I went to Jogja. By looking at this sentence, it is clear that the event of going to
Jogja is happening in the past. However, if it is translated into Bahasa Indonesia literally, it will
be Aku pergi ke Jogja [pergi is a verb to express the activity of going somewhere]. In this
sentence, the sense of time is not apparent, as Bahasa Indonesia does not rely on verb to express
time. Problem will still be present if the position is swapped. Translating Aku pergi ke Jogja
into English would also pose a problem if the speakers intention [related to time] is not
understood. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the speakers intention when doing
translation. The easiest way of understanding the speakers intention is to ask it personally.
These examples are deemed sufficient to express the writers point of view in the sense to
sense translation. It may be only few, but it will not follow the objective of the paper if the
aspects of languages are being discussed in detail.

2.3.2. Screening

It is important to perform a prior screening before going deeper into the material. Books
usually have more than one chapter which contains many sub-chapters, and it is better to read
[screen] them in order. Rather than reading random pages of the piece, this will help to attain the
general idea of the piece easier. By attaining the general idea of the piece, it will help editing to
be easier and faster. Furthermore, it will also help to prepare for the first discussion with the
author by finding terms, procedures [if any], tenses, or even citation that might be unfamiliar. It
is best to start a discussion rather than waiting others to start it, and it is best to have materials to
discuss rather than wait for other to give it.

This step will also help to understand the authors writing style. Understanding the
authors style is also important because it is one of the signature points that an author has.
However, if the style does not follow English grammar, it is best to change it. Keeping the style
as much as possible is recommended because it will benefit the author if he/she releases more
than one piece. People will easily recognize the author by simply reading the pieces he/she

Another point in performing the screening is to find new words and new terms. In editing,
there are vast possibilities of finding new vocabularies, and it is editors responsibility to find out
about them. Furthermore, this could become advantageous for the editor in the long run. It is
because editing and similar projects rely on the language proficiency of those who perform the
projects. Enriching vocabularies is one of the ways to improve language proficiency.

All in all, screening should be done for any editing or similar projects as soon as the piece
is on the editors hand. Furthermore, by doing this screening, there are some advantages that
editor could take. The advantages are, for example, having materials to discuss in the first
meeting with the author, improving the language proficiency, and recognizing the authors wiring
2.3.2. Analyzing

After finishing the prior screening it is the time to do a throughout analyze of the piece.
By obtaining prior information from the screening, it should be easier to analyze the piece. Then,
what to analyze?

As mentioned in the sense to sense translation method, there are many elements to
analyze. In this paper, there will be some points that will be discusses, they are:

1. Paragraph coherence
2. Parallelism
3. Tenses
4. Choosing of words.
5. Setting Procedure
6. Pictures

Points above are only small portion of the actual editing, but due to the limitation of the
paper they are deemed to be sufficient. However, they are not discussed in this chapter; rather
they are discussed in the following chapter.

It is recommended to perform the analyzing process starting from the earliest chapter. It
has the same fundamental of the screening process; perform it by following the chapter order to
make it easier to understand the piece. As mentioned before, it is necessary to understand the
essence of the piece so that it will help the editing. Furthermore, it will also help to make the
discussion with the author easier. It is better to request information in an order sequence [begin
from chapter one]. For example, if the piece was made one or few years before, the author might
find some limitation in recalling the ideas. Thus, it will help the author to recall the ideas if the
information are asked by following the order of the chapters. This will also help the editing
become faster.

It is also recommended to assign a discussion session for each chapter [or sub-chapters if
there are too many elements to discuss]. This will help the editor in memorizing the discussion
results. While it is indeed necessary to record the discussion by either taking notes or using
recordings Medias, it is better to have a discussion for a specific chapter because there might be
some ideas that are not recorded. Furthermore, it will also help the editor to concentrate more on
one chapter at a time, for it is better to do it slowly but steady rather than rushed.
2.3.3. Gathering Sources of Information

It is inevitable for every editor to have some sources of information. Nowadays, people
could get access to unlimited source of information by simply diving into the internet. However,
for editing project, it is not enough if the editor relies solely on the Internet. It is wise to widen
the range of the sources rather than having single source of information. Aside from that, some
information on the Internet are not reliable and sometimes are missleading.

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