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To all the psychic advisors, clients, and many with that have made it
possible for our network to strive thank you. It would not be possible to grow without the journey.

Kelly, Linda, Marco, and Marylou thank you for being our awesome superheroes. Linda, you know you
are an angel.

Salem, our little four legged loving bundle of joy, you have been with us for so many years behindthe
scenes. You are missed. Your spirit will always be with us.
Table of Contents
PSYCHIC PHENOMENA .................................................................................................................................. 1
5 Senses and More ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Difference between Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Mediumship ............................................................ 3
Meditating to Awaken Psychic Ability .......................................................................................................... 4
Spirit Guides General ................................................................................................................................. 5
Different Ways to Connect with Spirit Guides .............................................................................................. 6
Meeting Your Spirit Guides A Meditation .................................................................................................. 8
Keeping a Clear Vision ................................................................................................................................. 10
Scrying ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Voice Vibes in Telephone Psychic Readings................................................................................................ 12
Love and Relationship Readings ................................................................................................................. 14
Your Gut Intuition .................................................................................................................................... 15
Automatic Writing....................................................................................................................................... 16
NEW AGE ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
Happiness .................................................................................................................................................... 18
Overcoming Feeling Stuck........................................................................................................................... 19
Higher Power .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Negative News and How it Applies Personally ........................................................................................... 21
Affirmations ................................................................................................................................................ 22
Path of the Meditator ................................................................................................................................. 24
Pain ............................................................................................................................................................. 25
Meditation .................................................................................................................................................. 26
Crystals ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
Gemstones .................................................................................................................................................. 28
Chakras in Detail: Part 1 ............................................................................................................................. 29
Chakras in Detail: Part 2 ............................................................................................................................. 30
Discovering Your Aura ................................................................................................................................. 31
Palmistry Love in the Hands...................................................................................................................... 33
Origins of Runes and Their History ............................................................................................................. 35
Runes: General Overview ........................................................................................................................... 36
Runes Details: Part 1 .................................................................................................................................. 37
Runes Details: Part 2 .................................................................................................................................. 38
Sacred Trees and Divination Sticks ............................................................................................................. 39
Forecasting with Regular Playing Cards ...................................................................................................... 40
TAROT ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
Major Arcana .............................................................................................................................................. 42
Wands in Tarot ............................................................................................................................................ 46
Cups in Tarot ............................................................................................................................................... 49
Swords in Tarot ........................................................................................................................................... 52
Pentacles in Tarot ....................................................................................................................................... 55
Tarot ............................................................................................................................................................ 58
Tarot Decks ................................................................................................................................................. 59
Basic Tarot: Part 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 60
Basic Tarot: Part 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 62
Finding Missing Objects Using Tarot ........................................................................................................... 63
NUMEROLOGY ............................................................................................................................................ 64
Numbers...................................................................................................................................................... 65
General Numerology ................................................................................................................................... 66
Basic Numerology: Part 1 ........................................................................................................................... 68
Basic Numerology: Part 2 ........................................................................................................................... 69
Personal Year Forecasting in Numerology ............................................................................................... 70
ASTROLOGY ................................................................................................................................................. 72
Basic Astrology Glyphs Signs, Planets, and Houses.................................................................................. 73
Basic Astrology The Zodiac Signs ............................................................................................................... 74
Zodiac Elements and Modes ....................................................................................................................... 75
The Planets in Astrology ............................................................................................................................. 76
Planet Focus: Part 1 ................................................................................................................................... 77
Planet Focus: Part 2 ................................................................................................................................... 78
The Houses in the Astrological Chart .......................................................................................................... 80
Aspects in an Astrology Chart ..................................................................................................................... 82
Astrology Can Be Simple ............................................................................................................................. 83
What Can Astrology Do for Me? ................................................................................................................. 84
Retrogrades: Mars, Venus, and Mercury Make the Best of All 3............................................................... 85
Venus Retrograde ....................................................................................................................................... 86
Mars Retrograde ......................................................................................................................................... 87
Void Moon .................................................................................................................................................. 89
Finding Missing Objects Horary Astrology ................................................................................................. 90

5 Senses and More
Sure you are familiar with the sixth sense, or the psychic gifts, but did you know each has a correlating
sibling, you might say? Just as there are five physical senses, there are five psychic ones. And, each
has a full gamut of expression and degree to them, just like the physical senses do. For instance, a pilot
might have all around awesome eye sight, but their senses of taste and smell are nothing compared to
the top sommeliers or even ice cream quality test tasters of the world. You yourself may have had some
experiences with some of these psychic phenomena before, or have had a friend or family member who

First of all, the five aspects of extra-sensory perception are clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience,
clairgustance, and clairalience. Psychic sight is clairvoyance, such as seeing symbols or images of what
may come in the future, what is happening at the present or what happened in history, such as in an old
house. Clairaudience is the ability to hear spirits, whether they are of loved ones who have passed, other
disembodied spirits, or they may include angels, guides, or even the replaying of events. Clairsentience
is the sense of touch, whether it is a spirit coming by to say hi with a pat on the back, or just rushing on

Clairsentience goes on a bit more to include some other neat modes of feeling. It may include the
physical sensations of another person, including feeling the pain of their surgery, or how they passed, or
medical discomfort. Further to that, but related, is psychometry. Psychometry occurs when someone
who has this ability is given an object. They can feel where the object has been, quite literally, and may
even pick up other ESP from it, such as clairvoyant images.

Clairgustance and clairalience are two that many people report after a family member has passed, when
they sense they are visiting or just hanging out around them. Clairgustance might be that unmistakable
taste of grandma's best loved omelet, which you experience when youre not eating anything at all.
Clairalience is that scent that mysteriously reminds you of your beloved mother or wife who passed years
ago. It is a perfume that perhaps is no longer made, and you have no traces of it in your home, but it is
unmistakable that you smelled it in the hallway the other day!

Those who are mediums may be able to hear, see, feel, smell, or unfortunately even taste the spirits of
humans, animals, and aliens who have passed or are just on an astral travel. Each of these senses may
play a role in helping to identify which Uncle Mike is talking during a gallery session to many people. It
helps in passing along messages too, because they can show the medium a story about their life, where
the money is hidden, or share a great memory.

You can use any of these senses to look into your future.

Difference between Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Mediumship
As a professional psychic consultant for over 15 years and a channel/author of several books and psychic
development courses, I have had many lessons regarding the dynamics of psychic phenomena; many
experiences from which to draw wisdom. People have asked me over time what might be the difference
between the process of channeling, that of clairvoyance, and the art of mediumship. I often use all three
modalities of communication when I do readings and/or compose written and audio material. A great deal
of sophistication and refinement goes into doing any of these types of world service works well. I honor
all those in this psychic profession that perfect the craft on an ongoing basis

Channeling is a process of stepping back from personal consciousness and allowing energy sources of
higher consciousness to come through with threads of thought communication. Thought is energy
vibration and cloaked in etheric semblances of form. Information is not solid form, but it is close to form.
When we question our reality, a process of channeling can allow information of a higher nature to come
through to provide direction and answers. When I channel, I put my own voices on hold. You might say
that I enter an altered state of mind, and allow seemingly other-worldly information to come through to be
verbalized as I receive it to my client or public audience. Channeling works well to get in touch with
messages from your angels, high level guides, extraterrestrial sources, and the Masters.

Clairvoyance (within this I include the senses of clairaudience, telekinesis, etc., and anything that is
sensually felt by the person reading) in my experience is the process of receiving information that is
sensed with the so-called sixth sense. It is developed to the point that all of the symbols, verbal
messages heard, and other sensate information is most likely relevant to the client and can actually be
activated in their lives. Ask a clairvoyant anything that is immediate in your life. These messages often
give very practical advice, easy to understand and practice. The mass consciousness is becoming more
clairvoyant at this time. This is resulting in more people understanding and using intuition and psychic
abilities in their everyday lives.

Mediumship is an intricate, skilled art that has the reader tapping into the fourth dimensional spirit world.
It is a craft that Spiritualists have used throughout history to help others have comfort and peace in their
lives. This information can come from deceased loved ones, experts who have crossed over that have
stayed to share what they have learned, and prophets of the past who come back to the spirit world to
impart wisdom. Contacting those spirits from the other side of this dimension can be an enlightening
experience and offer healing like no other type of psychic counsel can.

Meditating to Awaken Psychic Ability
Meditation is a dependable way in developing psychic abilities. Many practicing psychics meditate.
Meditation creates a state of mind that easily detects psychic imagery and messages by using the right
side of the brain where our psychic abilities are housed. To open your sixth sense, you turn your mind
off from the everyday thoughts caused by our rational left side of the brain.

I meditate during the day to release stress. At night I meditate while working in my special space that
contains divination tools such as tarot cards, crystals, pendulums, special herbs, incense, etc. I am
always in a meditative state when reading regardless of it being a past life regressions, regression
reading, healing, or asserting stances.

1) Starting with a prayer whereby you state your intention for the meditation.

2) Surround yourself with a white light of protection, peace, compassion and healing.

3) Breathe in for 4 seconds and hold it for 2 seconds. Then release your breath for 4 seconds. Keep
doing this for about 2 minutes. While you are following this regimen start feeling your muscles relax and
a pleasantness filling your inside.

4) On your next exhale release all negativity. For example, if I had a disagreement with someone, I
focus on the letting go of the disagreement, releasing it from my system.

5) Keep following the above until your mind is blank and you are feeling peaceful and deeper in the
meditative state.

6) Picture yourself at the top of a staircase, descending very slowly. Pay attention to the details around
you. Your breathing will instantly slow down as well. Prepare yourself for spontaneous images. For
example, when you are at the bottom of the stairs, perhaps there may be a door. Open the door and you
find you are on a beach! The sun is shining, and it is pleasantly warm and you can feel the heat of the
sand under your feet. You walk slowly out to the nearby rocks and you lay down on a blanket. Feel the
warm sun on your face. These images will exercise and deepen your concentration abilities.

7) Next, focus on hearing the waves hit against the rocks, the sea gulls and overall atmosphere. Then
you find yourself drifting slowly in a deeper trance because this is the best you have ever felt. Stay in this
state quietly. Most people say nothing happens. However, that is when the psychic messages will start
coming to you either in a vision (clairvoyant), hearing (clairaudient) or smelling (clairalient.)

Spirit Guides General
A Spirit Guide or Guardian Angel is a spirit being that helps us on our journey through life. They know the
outcomes of our choices. Spirit Guides may give us warnings, and may be responsible for strange
coincidences that seem to protect us from harm. A guide will often teach through the Socratic Method,
rather than direct information. Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels are not cosmic babysitters. They are
not a replacement for the Ultimate Divine. These entities are here to help us learn, but the burden of
decision is always on us.

The spiritual experience of The Vision of your Holy Guardian Angel is associated with the sphere of
Malkuth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. This is the sphere of the element of Earth and represents our
plane of existence. Malkuth is a reflection of the top of the Tree of Life, Kether. Kether represents the
highest form of the Divine. The best analogy for the way Kether and Malkuth are united is in the way all
shades of light shining together make white, and all shades of pigment mixed make black. Malkuth is the
black paint.

We need the assistance of our Spirit Guide, in order to progress up the paths to higher spheres, like
Kether, on the Tree of Life. However, it is only in traveling down the path towards Malkuth that we are
able to attain the glimpse of our Guardian. Since we start in Malkuth, it is difficult to understand how we
can leave the elemental plane to venture out a moment and come back.

To understand this mystery we must look at the symbolism surrounding the 32nd path, and the spheres it
links, Malkuth and Yesod. The 32nd path on the Tree of Life is associated with the Universe card of the
Tarot, which represents perfection and completion on both the divine and material plane. Yesod is the
sphere of Foundation. The celestial body associated with it is the Moon. Astrologically, the Moon
controls our emotions and unconscious habits. Cosmologists believe that the Moon was created when a
Mars sized object struck the Earth. The Earth was still in a molten phase and a large blob of liquid rock
bubbled off to form our Moon. The Moon's proximity and relative size to Earth are key components to life
being possible here. It is rare to see planets with moons like ours the right distance from the sun. The
information about the Moon's creation is sort of a literal interpretation of what happens to our minds.

Conflicts (Mars) cause our minds to break off into space. It is only by coming down from our emotions
and unconscious habits that we are grounded enough to hear, understand and trust our Holy Guardian
Angel's messages. Remembering the Moon's importance we must never lose sight of our emotions, and
seek to understand our unconscious.

This balance between the spheres is the secret to our first step towards enlightenment. Our Spirit Guide
leads us on our journey.

Different Ways to Connect with Spirit Guides
If you remember the story of Joan of Arc and how she heard voices leading her in the direction of her
destiny, then perhaps you maybe thought that she was special. In reality, we all hear voices or spirit
guides directing our footsteps. It is in learning how to distinguish these voices from our own or others that
we may begin to learn about what our important mission is while here.


If your mind is too restless, it is hard to tell what voices are which and it can be confusing. This is where
meditation is essential in everyday life. Begin each day with a simple 15 minute meditation paired with
exercise and you will be well on your way to realizing the voices of the spirit guides.

Meditation doesnt have to take hours; it may even be for just 5 minutes with a great hypnosis audio
recording. Any type of deep breathing technique is useful in practicing meditation. The point is to get to
the shift in consciousness. The place where you can feel like you can breathe better and your mind is

Hearing Spirit Guides

Once this place is reached, it is easier to hear the spirit guides. All you have to do is listen to them call
your name or ask a question and listen for the response. At this point, loosen up and the first thing that
pops into your mind will be the answer. It could be in the form of talking, pictures, feelings, or even
smells. There is a range of communication that the other side uses to speak to us.

Energy of the Guides and Action

Once you make contact with your spirit guides, you may feel so much better, like more energy has just
entered into your field of space. Capitalize on this and act upon the information given to you. It could be
all kinds of ideas or inventions, information that you need to write down for future use, or something that
you need to do for someone. Everything that the spirit guides give to you is useful and beneficial to your

As you get more accustomed practicing to speak to your spirit guides daily, it will be easier each day to
make contact. You may find that everyday holds something new for you when you start acting upon the
advice that they give to you. Putting this advice to use in your life will lead you to great things along your

Accepting meditation everyday for at least 5 minutes will awaken you to the possibilities of the spirit
guides. It is best if you contact them from the same place in your home each day since this opens a
doorway in the area. The first step is essential to starting to contact the spirit guides. Why miss the
opportunity? Everyone can contact them since every person has them. Joan of Arc may have had a
special duty to perform, but we do also every day. Find out what that task is by starting to meditate (and
exercise) today to contact your spirit guides.

My spirit guides almost always connect to me in the form of a stage as a cast of actors. Depending upon
what help is needed for the questions at hand, my guides take on the appropriate costumes or sing
appropriate songs. The insightful information is loaded with rich symbolic imagery.

The connection between the physical world as we perceive and the dimensions that spirit guides operate
opens all kinds of possibilities. There are certain points of etiquette with the connection that I observe
with my spirit guides such as showing respect and gratitude to my guides for their help. Everyone likes to
be appreciated for their contributions and help including spirit guides.

There are as different types of guides as there are types of people in the physical worlds ranging from
animal guides to mythical guides. But it is so important to clear ones energy in order to perceive the right
messages. I learned this the hard way.

One morning I woke up late and jumped out of the bed running without time for my daily meditation
routines. I rushed all over the house looking for the car keys. I was running late and finally when I head
to the car I snagged my skirt in the car door. I pulled the string and there unraveled a long part of the
seam to my skirt. No time to go back in and change, I tried to hide the gap with my bag. Eventually, I
made it to my client's shop and stubbed my toe on the curb. I walked to the door to notice the closed
sign. I drove back home and looked in my appointment book and noticed the appointment was for the
following day!

One of my other guides, Mr. JT, came into view. He can be a little trickster. So he sat with a very
truculent expression on his face. He sat on the edge of his little stage swinging a set of colorful keys on
his index finger of his left hand and on his right hand on a big red appointment book. Mr. JT took an
exaggerated breath and says I did try to tell you, but you werent listening. You didn't even say good
morning to me!

This incident served a reminder why there is such emphasis on meditation and connection with my
guides. Without a good connection and show of respect for these helpful guides, answers may be very
unreadable. So taking the time to clear ones energy is crucial prior to reading and/or starting your day.

Meeting Your Spirit Guides A Meditation
Meeting your spirit guide and guardian can be a very emotional and moving experience. It can be a
milestone in your psychic development. You will realize that you are not walking lifes path alone.
Everyone has a guide and guardian. Meeting and working with our guides is a very different and
personal experience for each of us.

We all have many guides throughout our lives. Each shows up as they are needed. The guide we are
going to meet is your main guide. He is the one who acts as the door keeper while we do our psychic
work. He is the one who we ask for guidance and protection. He has access to the higher powers and
the higher realms where the universal knowledge is kept.

This is the meditation that I was led through the first time I met my spirit guide and guardian. I would
suggest that you have someone you trust read this for your or read it into a tape player and play it back.

Meditation for Meeting Your Spirit Guide and Spirit Guardian:

1. Make sure that you are in a relaxed position. No tight clothing and a firm connection to the floor.
You now have the universe energy coming from the sky into your crown charka and a flow of
energy from the earth into your feet.

2. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. See a white light that goes through your body and picks up all
negative energy and when you exhale it goes to the universe to be cleansed.

3. Go through the steps you use to relax the parts of your body. Make sure your mind stays relaxed
and alert. This is an active meditation. You dont want to fall asleep.

4. Now, in your minds eye, go to your magical workroom, or sacred space. This is a place where
only you and your guides can go. When you get to the door there is a box. Take this box and
place in the box all of your worries. Close the lid. Leave them outside the door.

5. Look around the room. This is your space. See it as you would like it to be. Take time to look
around. Find a door at one end of the room.

6. Open the door and see a very long hallway. There are doors on the right and left side going
down the hall. It is so long that you cannot see the end.

7. Step through the doorway and walk down the hall. You see the doors as you pass but are not
concerned with them now.

8. You see some very large gold doors at the end of the hall.

9. As you go to these gold doors and place your hand on them, they swing open.

10. Inside everything is in a fog. You cannot see anything...

11. You reach your hand into the fog and connect to a hand. It becomes visible to you.

12. Look at the hand. Is it a male hand or a female hand? Look at the arm. Is it thin or muscular?
Clothed or bare? As you start to look further, more is visible to you. You see the shoulder. What
does it look like to you? You look up a little further and see a head. Does it have hair? What
color? Is it male or female? Look at the face. What type of mouth, chin and cheeks? Now look
at the eyes. You immediately feel the overwhelming love with this person. Is this person human

or from somewhere else? You know immediately that they have been with you forever. This is
your spirit guide. A guide travels with us through each lifetime. They are always there for us
waiting for us to call on them for their help. Take a moment to talk to your guide. Ask what name
you should call them by. You may get a name, but if you dont, dont worry--you can call a guide
by the feeling you have for them alone. Ask your guide any questions you have. If there is a
special message for you, if they are there for a special purpose, etc., they will let you know. This
is your guide. You may hug them or kiss them or anything you feel moved to do.

13. Move to the right and put your hand back into the fog again and repeat the process. This time the
hand you find will be your guardian. When you meet him/her look into his eyes and feel the love

14. Ask your guide and your guardian to come back with you. Take their hands and walk back down
the hall and enter your workroom. They are the only ones you will ever find there. If you ever
need the help or protection of your guide or guardian you can come here and call on them.

15. Take another look around and see if anything has changed.

16. Now it is time to come back to waking. Know that your guides are always there for you. Call
them anytime you need them.

Now go through your meditation process of coming back to the waking state. If you feel really strong
emotions upon coming back do not hold them in. This is a very moving experience for some.

Keeping a Clear Vision
I like to start my reading day with a good clearing of energy and recharging of energy at my reading
table. Much like a jogger limbers up with stretching techniques before actually starting in on his or her run
or race, I warm up too.

My basic morning meditation is a visual and breathing meditation. I use a single white candle which I
have charged with my most positive energies and light this candle in the middle of my reading table.
Once I have darkened the room with only the single candle, I sit in my chair, centering myself just in front
of the candle. I make sure my posture is good with my back straight, feet flat on the floor, and my hands
placed on each knee. My next step of my meditation process is silencing the entire outside physical
world by gazing at the light of the candle and breathing in through my nose to a count of four and slowly
out by my mouth to a count of eight. After a while I feel the warmth and energy of my single light growing,
I close my eyes and travel deeper into meditation.

I can feel the energy of connection growing and leaving no room for negativity. The visualization with the
flame of the candle helps me connect the physical flame with the spiritual or psychic flame or light
growing within me.

Starting from my feet and progressing upward through my entire body to the very top of my head, I feel
the energy of this white flame filling me with awareness, light and opening up my sight. With this calm
and open connection I am ready and able to do my best to help light the way for answers to my

A good example of this would be a lighthouse that has dirt or dust covering the lens of the light. This
smudging and dirt would make it very dim and less useful to light the way for the ships at sea that are
looking toward it for guidance.

Youre probably saying, "Well, how does this help me? My life is rushed! I dont have time for all that!
You can customize a little meditation on the go. For example, if you are stuck in rush hour traffic, and
nothing is moving, and the guy behind you is blowing his horn, you can take out that little compact
emergency meditation kit that you have stored away in your mind.

You dont need the candle flame--you can visualize the candle flame because you have used it so many
times before. You are already in seated position, your feet are flat on the floor not on the brake (because
you put the car in park because nothing is even budging) and now breathe. Visualize this calming light.
Breathe in one, two, three, and four. Breathe out: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. In with the
good energy and out with the bad. Feel the calm flow in and the frustration flow out. With daily practice,
you can re-connect in any situation.

Scrying, (pronounced to rhyme with "crying"), is a form of divination that enables one to "see" the future,
or past/present by gazing into a crystal, pool, mirror or other reflective medium. One enters an altered
state to gain access beyond a veil. Images often come in the form of symbols that are interpreted.

Scrying works along principle of the Ganzfeld effect state. For example, if you ever lay in bed gazing at a
point in the ceiling until you begin to notice movement of images? Did you ever have to stand/sit in the
corner as a child? While gazing at the wall before you, did you suddenly become aware you were seeing
images? If you have, then you have experienced the Ganzfeld state. Images often come in this hypnotic
state. Children are more in tune with this than adults.

As a child, I would be sitting in the corner and see images floating before my eyes. Many times I would
draw on the wall what I was seeing. One day my grandmother happened to notice my drawings and
asked me what they meant. I had drawn a bird on a limb, an envelope, and a firecracker exploding. I
remember shrugging my shoulders not saying anything because I thought I was in more trouble.

She gently pressed further, telling me to look at what I had drawn and tell her what it meant. I looked
back to the wall and instantly knew that the bird on the limb was my mother waiting for news from my
father away in the Navy. The envelope was a letter that was coming, but when I looked at the fire
cracker, all I could sense was great excitement and happy faces.

Lo and behold, there was the letter from my dad that my mom had been so anxiously waiting. It was
postmarked 3 weeks earlier and taken long to get to her. Mom called to me, saying that I could leave the
corner and that I should come listen to what my father had to say in the letter. I remember the part about
him missing us all and that if he could catch a "hop" to the mainland he would be able to take a short

After reading the letter, my mom handed me a sponge to wash away what Id drawn on the wall. She
said what I had drawn was a vision that some people call scrying. She also told me that she would give
me a writing tablet to draw on instead of using the wall! So far, everything had happened as I saw,
except the fire cracker.

Later, while out on the porch, our dog started barking. I looked up and saw a man walking down our
narrow tree-lined driveway. Noticing the navy blue uniform he was wearing, it suddenly hit me, it was my
father! I ran into the house, screaming at the top of my lungs, "Daddy's home! Daddy's home!"
Everyone excitedly ran out to meet him. That evening, while helping in the kitchen as mom prepared
supper, my grandma patted me on the arm and told me that the "firecracker" I'd drawn was my dad
coming home.

I come from a long line of spiritually-gifted women, and with their guidance and encouragement, I have
been scrying since I was 7 years old. Now I use a quartz ball instead of sitting in the corner, staring at the
wall! I've found that scrying is an important tool that works well with my inner vision and I enjoy
incorporating it in my readings as often as possible.

Voice Vibes in Telephone Psychic Readings
Each and every individual person that can speak has voice vibrations. These voice vibrations are as
unique as each individual person's DNA. Just like there are no two snowflakes alike, no two persons
voice vibrations are the same. It is so unique that scientists have found that they can actually identify a
person by their voice recordings. There have been studies that have suggested that if the mother and/or
father talk to their unborn child, the child is born with healthier brain function. Talking to the unborn child
also develops a greater bond between the child and the parents.

These voice vibrations create energy. This energy carries emotions such as sadness, happiness, love,
stress, anxiety, anger and calmness. As an empathic, I have found at times a person's voice vibrations
carry that persons energy to me.

In a telephone psychic reading, voice vibrations are a very helpful tool. The vibrations help me to connect
better with my clients as well as help me to tune in with my spirit guides and my client's spirit guides.

A good comparison for voice vibrations is the radio tower and the radio in your car. The person speaking
is the tower transmitting the signals out into the airways. The person listening is the radio filtering and
decoding the vibrations into meaningful messages. This is a good example, except for your voice
vibrations do so much more than the tower and radio.

Your voice vibrations carry along with them all of your emotions, give your guides a means to
communicate, and also carry along with them the environment in which you are in.

I like to think of voice vibrations like a way for a blind person to see your aura. If an aura is dark and
clouded by negativity, the vibrations carry that energy along with it. If happiness and light are surrounding
you then it is carried along the vibrations for me to hear and feel the positive flow. Even if there is a great
deal of negativity in a person's life at the moment, but there is relief and light coming soon, this knowledge
will be carried along the vibrations telling of a dissipation of negativity. It is like placing each piece of a
puzzle to form insight. These vibrations carry information that is unique to the person who is speaking,
just like a fingerprint.

It is amazing how just the simple act of talking can bring about such energy and create such an
information highway. Your spirit guides and my spirit guides make great use of this wonderful link
between us.

Voice vibrations are just one of the tools that I use to connect with you to better answer your questions
and concerns, in addition to other tools such as spirit guides, tarot cards and empathic abilities.

Picture a still pool of clear blue water. Now place a leaf in it. In the center of the pool, drop a small
pebble. Watch as the ripples circulate...radiating outward and away from the center or source of the
disturbance of the stillness. Your own unique voice vibrations carry the information much like the ripples
of the pool carry the leaf across the pool on the waves that are moving outward toward the shore. Each
individual person's voice vibrations carry their emotions, hopes, connections and more.

Under the best of conditions these vibrations come in loud and clear. Sometimes there are gaps or static
within the voice vibrations causing your receiver to adjust in order to tune in better. The adjustments or
fine tuning of the dial may come in the way of spirit guides to help clarify the meaning of the message
riding on the voice vibrations. There are times these vibrations send me images, like a little home movie,
prompting me to ask questions about a particular place or time that is significant to you and is pertinent to
the questions at hand. These questions would seem odd at first to anyone else, but mean something to
you. For example, a question such as, Did you recently purchase a yellow gown? may at first seem
insignificant or irrelevant. But later on more information is formed by this building up process. In fact, this

happened once in a reading where such a simple question was asked and the client responded, yes, just
last week I purchased a yellow dress for my daughter because she is getting married and moving. A
message about the daughter is trying to form in the reading.

Voice vibrations are one of the strongest sources I have for tuning into your concerns and questions
about love, family, health, finances or career. So keep sending those vibrations and I will keep listening,
receiving and interpreting the energies in your life.

Love and Relationship Readings
Love is a wonderful yet crazy thing. Many people these days are perplexed by the relationships that
come and go in their lives, especially the important love relationships. One thing to keep in mind is that
everything in your experience is present for learning. We learn to love ourselves by learning to love
another. The greatest aspect and lesson of love is that of unconditional acceptance.

To unconditionally accept another persons wishes and behaviors can be difficult. And at the same time
that we allow another the free will to choose to live life the way he or she wants and with whom, we must,
as individuals, set boundaries for ourselves so that we do not become the victims of repetitive hurts
influenced by the decisions of others.

When a person comes to me for a reading on relationship I almost always ask the same three questions
up front. For example, Mary calls me for a reading and asks me about her relationship with Michael. I
ask: How long have you known Michael?, How did you meet Michael?, and, When was the last
correspondence with Michael?

With this information I can pick up on the vibration of the relationship more firmly. I can tell Mary more
about the content of the relationship, whether it is going to last, or if she might want to be picking up the
pieces and moving on. I might also be able to tell if Mary and Michael are soul mates, if theyve ever had
a lifetime together before this one, and/or whether they are here to work out an issue or two and then
move onward, apart from one another or whether they might be together forever.

Often, once a person is clear as to what condition the relationship is in and what its purpose is in this
lifetime, it will help that person assess what the next step in life might be. When one is confused by a
relationship, all of life can be very puzzling. A stagnant relationship or the misperception about where a
relationship stands can cause problems at work and in other relationships. But once the dynamics of a
relationship are understood intellectually, the feelings can be dealt with and the person can move on to
heal the self and the relationship in question.

If a client is asking about a fairly new relationship, it will help him or her to know if it is worth the time to
pursue, and what might be watched for in that pursuit. New relationships can be very passionate and
filled with a lot of intensity. This can bring up past hurts and issues within the individuals involved and
can cause fear and confusion. Some people even run in the other direction when they encounter this
type of intensity. The good news is that people often return once the heart stops pounding and the head
clears. True love in a relationship takes time, nurturing and patience--lots of patience. Commitment to
another person is a big step. Relationships can be either long-term or short-lived, depending upon the
purpose and the elements involved.

Also, in a reading I might tell the person inquiring what things he might want to do for himself. Usually
these are self-help techniques that can bring comfort and healing to the emotional/psychological aspect of
being. The heart can become very bruised sometimes by a forlorn love relationship. Also, the ecstasy of
new relationship, especially a relationship between soul mates, can cloud a persons thinking and actually
hinder effective day-to-day living. So to adjust to the intensity, one can do things like deep breathing,
meditation and light work. Long walks, exercise and singing can also help to modify the excitement of
new love. Isnt love grand?

I also do readings on relationships other than primary, intimate couplings, like that of friendship, work
relationships, and family relationships. Oftentimes soul mates come into this world together to perform a
common task, which often plays out in the work of life together. World service and life purpose questions
also come up in relationship readings, and we can focus on those together. Love through relationship
with self and others are what this earth plane reality is all about. By a combined use of clairvoyance and
Tarot, I can look into these aspects of life very succinctly and precisely.

Your Gut Intuition
I'd like to share a simple truth I have learned from years of psychic work and giving readings. Each and
every one of us on this planet has a natural born intuition. The greatest difference between psychics and
most people is that psychics trust their gut!

We all get feelings and hunches. First, they are usually in the form of instinct. Unfortunately, many
disregard these truths. We say, I must be making this up!, or, Maybe Im overreacting. The truth is
that we have been told time and again that the intuition of our bodies will lead us astray.

As creations of the Divine, we are all made with wisdom, spirit and truths planted deep inside. Our
physical bodies are made up of visible tools like hands, feet, eyes, ears and skin to help guide and direct
our actions. We also have inner tools we dont see but we know exist, like our brain, heart and blood. Do
we question these organs because we cannot see them? We know these are components that make
up the whole of ourselves. One of our greatest attributes as humans is our deep knowing, which many
refer to as the gut. Our knowing is a valuable ability, where inherent wisdom and intuition exist. We cant
see it, but we sure can feel it!

A friend of mine called me recently, completely confused, frightened and out of sorts. I had spoken with
her the night before, just before her first date with Josh. The story went something like this:

Gert was asked out by Josh, who seemed nice and interesting. She said yes and immediately noticed a
knot come racing to her gut. As the hour of the date came closer, the feeling got worse. We met for tea
just before the date and she relayed this awful string of sensations. I said, Girl, cancel the date! She

Early on in the evening, the man became clingy and began showing signs of being mentally unstable.
The date continued, and so did Gert's ever-worsening stomach ache. The night got more and more weird
and finally enough was enough. Gert set her boundary, left the date and called me in tears.

More often than not, gut-wrenching situations can be avoided by gut-checking first! This is a tool I use as
a reader. Throughout my readings I am checking in with what is real, what my gut is telling me and
trusting that it is absolutely right. The more we listen to our bodies, the wisdom within, the more we will
make choices that lead us in the direction we want our lives to go!

Check in with your gut! Take a moment before speaking, acting or responding to listen to your bodys
intuitive guidance and go get em!

Automatic Writing
One really cool tool that is often overlooked is that of automatic writing. It has had two distinct purposes,
one as a part of the Freudian psychotherapeutic process, in which case it is used to learn about the
subconscious and what is going on in there. It also has a metaphysical method to it that is far more
fascinating, because if anything, the individual is invited to get their mind out of the way.

In this sense, automatic writing is simply the channeling of a message through the pen to paper, or in
many cases from fingertips into a computer keyboard. There are many ways to develop this skill, which
seem to differ from one individual to the next. That can be unendingly helpful as it may take time and
patience for someone who is new to it to feel like they are getting the hang of it.

Some swear by writing with the non-dominant hand to make this happen. For instance, a right-handed
person would try to write with their left hand. Anyone who has trouble with this is certainly not alone.
Clumsily scrawling out illegible words may do anything but help to move the brain out of the way. And, if
the logical brain is in the way, chances are no messages worthy of receiving will come through, except to
say to remember to buy milk next time youre at the grocery store. The illegible chicken scratch actually
has another name, called asemic writing, and is practiced as a form of art.

The Surrealists were closely associated with the practice of automatic writing, as they seemed to have
mastered it early on in the late 1800s and 1900s. So, it definitely has a history dating back more than 150
years. Now, others who have mastered automatic writing in more recent decades say patience and
persistence is the greatest guide for getting automatic writing to happen.

In one practice, the individual is taught to utilize a repeating phrase, which they jot continuously onto the
page or computer screen. Eventually, for those who have success with it, the message starts to change
to one that the automatic writer or channel has really no clue about, because their consciousness moves
aside. And astoundingly, what happens is that at first the repeating phrase sometimes seems a little
broken up by a little blip here and there. Then, it becomes a full message that may include wisdom
beyond the individuals consciousness.

Along the same lines as the repeating phrase, those who prefer to draw or doodle may find their way
through this oft-thought right-brained activity. Again, the idea is to get the logical part of ourselves out of
the way. When the inner artist shows up, he or she can relax the brain so that something more can
happen. In other instances, individuals have had a good deal of success diverting their attention and
actually looking away as they doodle.


Lets face it - life is very draining. When we forget to take care of our souls or let our pitchers run dry, we
can become grouchy, confused, bitter, angry, exhausted and even physically ill. This is the face our
loved ones see and the one they unconsciously reflect back to us. Then we wonder what is wrong with

Just as we must remember to drink plenty of water because we lose so much all the time through sweat,
tears, etc., we must remember to fill our soul pitchers in order to maintain a measure of self - to keep from
being overwhelmed. We must remember to nourish the intangible parts of ourselves!

When our pitcher is full we can comfortably be in the world. Having a full pitcher is much like being in
love. Food is tastier, music is sweeter, and the grass seems greener and softer. Is it really? Or does it
just seem that way because we are in love?

It matters little because we are enjoying being in love. Indeed, having a full pitcher is the same as being
in love with the whole world.

When our pitcher is empty, we find it difficult to concentrate on much besides the emptiness. It certainly
makes it difficult to actually enjoy anything. When our pitcher is empty, nothing remains for us to pour out
on others.

Too often we rely on others to fill our pitchers for us and then are disappointed (or even angry) when our
pitcher remains empty. We must learn to fill our own pitchers. We can fill our pitchers with any old thing
we want, but we must remember that we will be pouring the contents out on those we love and those
immediately around us. They will reflect it back for us to see more of.

We can think of it as the daisies that sit in colored water and then the petals turn the color we put in the
water. We had better hope that if we put blue coloring in the water, we really like blue, at least until the
new color we choose flushes the blue from the petals to replace it, which takes time.

We must always remember to recognize that we are filling our pitchers. It does us no good to fill our
pitchers if we are not paying attention and overflow is wasted energy.

Some really effective pitcher fillers include reading a good book, soaking in the bathtub and really
scrubbing the mental and physical dirt off, having lunch with a fun friend, coloring with the kids, watching
standup comedy, target practice and long drives. Listening to positive music at high volume and/or
singing out loud is my personal favorite.

Filling the pitcher is as simple as doing something that we enjoy doing and actually noticing that we are
enjoying it.

Joy begets joy, so lets explore the road to happiness.

Overcoming Feeling Stuck
When we turn on the news or read articles that seem morbid, we can feel trapped, isolated, and stuck.
Often, that is because we dont see an end to the negativity and stress anywhere in sight. But are we
really stuck?

Getting a reading helps one understand who, where, when, and what will happen in the future. What
about knowing how to perceive the current events in our lives in order to expand our vision on how and
why things are happening? This is where spirituality comes into the foreground.

At times when everything seems beyond our control or nothing seems to be going right despite hard work
or determination, it can be disheartening. Doubt and insecurity can slowly creep up and make one feel
stuck in a hole with no way out. But then, the hole isnt always such a bad thing. It is a necessary part of
growth. Think about the life of a seed.

One day Mr. Seed was dreaming about becoming a big powerful tree. Then all of a sudden a farmer
grabs him and shoves him into a hole, covers him in dirt, and drowns him in water. Can you imagine
what Mr. Seed must be thinking? His life, dreaming of becoming a powerful tree, has been ruined--or has
it? Why me! he shouts. Hes scared, lost, feels trapped, unsure of what is going to happen next. He is
wondering why the farmer would just leave him there. All his life he wanted to become a tree; but now
hes just stuck in this hole with no way out.

Mr. Seed was only able to see things from a limited perspective. He didnt know what the farmer knew.
The farmer knew that in order for Mr. Seed to grow and become that powerful tree that he'd need to start
in the hole. Every day when Mr. Seed thought he was being drowned, it was really the farmer pouring
down the water that would give him life. It was really the farmer helping him grow.

The moral of this story is when you feel stuck, when it seems like everything is against you and theres no
way out of the hole you are in, remember that farmers perspective. Its in the hole, covered in dirt, that
we experience the growth we need to reach our dreams and bear fruit. Trust and grow! Trust and grow!

Higher Power
One of the hardest tasks for us to do is be still and listen to the spirit within ourselves. Life rushes past us
at such a frantic pace that we feel guilty for taking a time out. The sweet special spirit within you during
the course of rushing down your path sometimes gets ignored.

When we connect with the spirit within, it is the act of actually plugging into our power source. We
connect with our spiritual guides and feel the love. It is alright to reach out for help. A basic need that we
as physical and spiritual creatures require is a point of contact with another soul. That point of light from
a family member, trusted friend, or psychic is a crucial step to be made to help the spirit within.

The connection of your conscious self to the spirit within brings you to the place of the power source.
This is your Higher Power. It is something much larger than you. You are protected. This Higher Power
is to guide and protect you along your chosen path and surrender by turning matters over to it.

The interpreter to one's Higher Power is the spirit within. Once the noise of this physical realm is
silenced, the spirit within can connect with your Higher Power. That is when big things start to happen.
You feel love, guidance, and protection. You feel the love, protection, and guidance. Your Higher Power
is a force that will always be with you. No one can ever take that away. One's Higher Power waits
patiently for you to ask. When you do ask, sit back and watch the show. It will light up your world.

You are not alone even if friends or family let you down. Connections are made by voice vibrations, the
sounds and action of the rustle of the cards, the lighting of a candle, and the clinking of the runes being
drawn to see what you need in your life right now. Connection with a clear vision joins together in
clearing a rocky path and finding a way around those stones.

Whatever the question or problem, the cry of the spirit is the first step to reaching out for guidance. There
are those rockiest points upon your path that you need extra help to connect and care for the spirit within.
The inner spirit of you lays crumpled deep down within your hidden secret self.

Regardless of the old adage, words will never hurt me, words do cut and sometimes very deeply. Ever
wonder why words are symbolized by a sword? Words forming within a caring and willing spirit, spoken
(or written) have the power to connect with your spirit within. These words have the power to wash the
wounds inflicted, clean and clear out negative actions, and promote the healing. Lets connect with each
other and Ill illuminate the messages in store for you.

Negative News and How it Applies Personally
It is hard to avoid a day without hearing about the economy in the news. We hear so much about layoffs,
debts, bankruptcies, foreclosures, and other frightening financial information that it stirs within us a terrible
feeling. After a while, one may believe its best to numb out by avoiding the news. People then start
blaming everything on the economy. Blame is a reactive way to live life. It is not an active state whereby
one can make active decisions that will allot change.

There have been many individuals and businesses that have profited during economical downturns. This
also includes selling and buying property. So you may wonder, What is it? Is success possible during
economic downturns?

Regardless of the general economy, if you are on a cycle of financial and/or status expansion, it will
happen, regardless of the economy. The same is applicable if you are in a state of contraction. In fact, if
you think about it carefully, you can analyze the past and you will realize that you have known individuals
that had financial contraction when the economy was booming.

Individuals that have received pink slips may wonder how the above is applicable. Ive had clients that
have received a pink slip in the morning and by the next day they already had a new job. The reason
they were able to find another job just as fast is a combination of a few things. The most important one is
the energy one is born with. Astrologically, the planet Jupiter is very protective. Where you have it in
your natal chart along with the aspects it makes is where you have protective influences. Some may be
born with financial protection, but another area of their life is vulnerable. Everyone has protective energy
in one area in their life.

Next, in a reading, the need to blend upcoming cycles for any time frame in connection to the natal
energy will give insight to the specific time frame and the safety in changing jobs, starting a business,
moving, getting married, making a major purchase, etc..

Surely, a company may state that due to economic reasons they had lay off X number of employees. But
the aftermath of each individual impacted is unique because everyones destiny and upcoming cycles are

There are industries that are subjected to public funding. A client that is a social worker has had plenty of
employment volatility in her career. Yet she always comes out ahead and is able to stay above it
because she has protective energy in her career sector. In fact, she used that energy towards her
advantage by creating a small side business that gives her secondary income.

I hope this is clear and uplifts the morbidity played out in the media. The purpose of the media is to sell.
One cannot live through the news. The news may be helpful for describing the general mood, but in no
way does it describe what will happen to you and when change will enter or what you can do with that
change. Only a reading can do that.

Thoughts and words are very powerful instruments. They are the tools with which we create the world we
live in and our reality. What we think and talk about becomes what we focus on, and what we focus on
becomes manifest in the three-dimensional reality we call life.

Affirmations must be stated in the present tense. Affirmations are powerful POSITIVE "I AM" statements
designed to train your subconscious mind into manifesting whatever you want in your life. Begin your
affirmations with the words, "I AM." "I AM the winner! stated positively in the present tense is a powerful
affirmation. Be careful not to start your affirmations with, "I am going to win.", or "I am trying to win.",
because this puts it out in the future and you may never get around to it.

Muhammad would shout out his affirmations for the whole world to hear, "I AM the GREATEST BOXER
of all time!", and he was! Today he is one of the world's best known athletes--Muhammad Ali is an
Olympic gold medalist, a heavyweight boxing champion and he IS a firm believer in affirmations!

Thoughts are indeed things! What we think, we can create. Everything around us was at one time
someone's thought or someone's dream. In order to create or manifest something in our lives, it must be
thought of first. This is where affirmations help so much!

Affirmations have a great effect on the subconscious mind and on manifesting reality. Affirmative words
of power can be used to create anything you wish to affirm in your life, including attracting love. The key
to all this is stating these affirmations confidently, frequently, and positively. Repetition is the key.

It is very important to state the affirmations in a positive way. For example, you should say, "I AM
attractive and lovable.", rather than, "I'm not lonely anymore." Repeat your affirmative words of power in
many ways throughout the day. Sing them in the shower, whisper them as you fall asleep, shout them,
chant them, write them down and visualize them.

Create your own affirmations and remember--even if you don't fully believe the affirmation, say it as if you
do. If you repeat it enough it becomes a part of your belief system, changes your attitude and thereby
becomes Reality!

Sometimes we find it difficult to accept the best that life offers. So we let stress get in the way or don't
notice it. This behavior stems from low self-esteem. We must learn to love and accept ourselves
unconditionally to overcome this tendency.

We can program self-love in a variety of ways. Begin by patting yourself in a comforting manner. This
sounds corny, but it's very effective. Pat your shoulders, your arms, your legs, and your tummy and
speak to yourself in the second person by stating your name. "YOUR NAME, I love you exactly as you
are." "YOUR NAME, you are kind and honest and deserve the best that life has to offer."

We often talk to ourselves abusively. Treating ourselves this way is emotional abuse. You must begin to
speak kindly to yourself if you are to raise your inner self-esteem and remove self-doubt. And we must be
filled with feelings of self-worth if we are to attract kindness and love into our lives.

Speak to yourself gently and kindly at all times. We ATTRACT and are ATTRACTED to people who treat
us like we treat ourselves. Affirmations also help program self-worth into the subconscious mind. You
might start with these, and also create your own, write them on post-it notes and tape them to mirrors,
lamp shades, the fridge, etc.

State these affirmations out loud with a feeling of conviction in your voice. Even if you don't believe them
at first, keep it up and you will! See the affirmation on the back of this page as an example.

Affirmation example:

"I am lovable. I know that I deserve love."

"I am intelligent and creative."
"I am strong in many ways and I believe in my own inner strength"
"I am a sensitive person, full of love and tenderness."
"I am my own best friend. I take care of myself in a loving way."
"I am kind and honest and deserve the best life has to offer."
"I am strong, self-reliant, and fully capable of taking care of myself."
"I create a strong and mature balance in my life."

Path of the Meditator
Meditation is not a difficult or esoteric practice available only to those of us who are already in touch with
our spirituality. Neither is it achievable with only a specific goal in mind. A meditators path is both
endless and endlessly rewarding for its an experience of peace, not an act carried out to find peace.

I teach my students the essence of meditation. The essence of meditation is a natural experience of
healing. The word "meditation" comes from the Latin word "mederi" which means to heal: the call of the
spirit to the peace within. If youre an honest person and can look at your own life, youll recognize pain,
suffering and darkness in certain areas. The deepest repair to your being is when meditation gives you
its greatest gift: the realization of who you are. With this comes freedom. The ultimate destination of
meditation is freedom for the spirit.

Spirit is distinct from mind, but yet, may recruit this faculty for its own purposes. Meditation draws these
strands together in a unity of being. You are spirit, which is conscious and self-aware, and the mind is
your faculty of creation, the canvas which spirit paints its inspiration into a reality. Meditation is the road
to self-realization. Along that road you need to cast aside all of your false identities. This is essential if
youre going to create that internal space in which you can welcome back your inner peace you have lost
along lifes way.

A common misconception about mediation is that it removes you from consciousness. You feel that you
need to stop thinking. In fact, the opposite is true. Meditation teaches you to contemplate yourself using
your own purest thoughts, such as, "I am spirit and my original and eternal nature is peace." Only
thoughts unencumbered by rationalization can open the window onto self-knowledge and self-

As your spiritual self-awareness becomes stronger, so does your ability to move about in the world as a
free and assured human being, with increasing calm amid lifes turbulence. Youll also gain a greater
capacity for empathy and compassion towards others who are not at peace. Meditation gives you a
sense of togetherness with all things, the community of spirit. Youre able to appreciate each of your
worldly experiences with a more focused vision of whats important.

When you first begin meditation, its best to find a quiet empty space with NO distractions, (ideally a room
in your home or apartment thats rarely visited by others), so you can learn to focus your mind. Start out
with ten or fifteen minutes per day. You can always lengthen this when it seems appropriate and only
after your initial sessions. Soft lighting can help the atmosphere, to help you focus. When first learning to
meditate, I suggest trying a guided commentary such as a recording by an experienced meditator who
can lead you into soul-consciousness. At the end of the session, reflect on your experience. Note how
your mood has changed and how valuable the mediation has been.

Physical, emotional, or spiritual pain left unchecked will infect each other or spread. What starts out as
emotional can become physical and vice versa, and any combination can lead to spiritual pain.

When we are in the grips of what often feels like a panic attack, it is not uncommon to want to escape
from it. But it is not something to run from. First, we must recognize it for what it is: whether it is an
emotional annoyance or a physical condition. Physical wounds are usually obvious and get attention
faster and should be handled with health experts.

Emotional pain has a few solutions. First it is best to analyze the situation. Is it something you can deal
with yourself? Become aware of what the pain is, such as the level and where it really stems from.
Breathe it in and embrace it instead of suppressing it. Recognizing it is the key element. Ask it what it
wants and what it needs. There is always a message or a lesson in pain and if we can get it we can free
ourselves, or at the very least cope and often heal or overcome painful challenges.

The world is our mirror. If the pain seems to be caused by other people, we need to be willing to look at
our part in the matter. Have we allowed others to treat us badly? What might we be doing or thinking
that led to being in this pain right now? Has it happened before? Are the same kinds of scenes playing
out with different characters?

You may want to develop awareness to your relationships patterns. That might lead to questions that
lead to real growth. Finding patterns and becoming aware is half of the test. Trusting you can learn and
become stronger from knowing your pain, owning it, and then correcting the cause is the other half.

Spiritual pain may result from experiences that may have happened long ago. There may even seem to
be nothing you can do about it, if others who were involved have passed away from either your life in
particular, or life itself. Even so, it is not hopeless. Forgiving others is paramount; it is as much for you as
it is for them. It releases you from hanging on to that specific pain. While you are at it, dont forget to
forgive yourself. We all make mistakes; you can only gain if you learn from them. When you know better,
you do better.

As a psychic, my readings will embrace your emotional and spiritual well-being. Helping you put
emotional or spiritual pain to a productive purpose and maximizing on your potentials is the key. Whether
its stress, uncertainty, or fears, we can find solutions.

The ancient act of focusing and relaxing the mind-body-spirit has been around for centuries. Yet, it has
different meanings to each one of us. For some, meditation is religious routine. For others, it is a new
and exotic way to explore our spirituality.

To learn to meditate is simple and natural. First, just relax. This can be done in any number of ways.
You will need a calm and quiet place to carry your mind into a different world. This is not easy when the
physical space is surrounded with disruptions. Clearing your mind with total concentration to allow the
positive energy is the central key in meditating.

Focus on your whole body and breathe in deeply. Hold your breath for several seconds and gently let
your breath escape while focusing on pure and gentle thoughts. Take your time. There is never a rush
for this process. More so, this is more reason why the physical space is important.

As you enter the meditative state, it may take a while to find answers to all your concerns. It takes many
souls a good long time to attain concentration.

As a routine tool, meditating enables one to improve mental and spiritual resources. For example, within
each of us is the ability to cope with our everyday troubles and discover their solutions. It is a wonderful
decompressing device after a stressful day. Every night before retiring to sleep, clearing your mind will
enable a more restful sleep. In fact, you will awaken in the morning more connected to your surroundings
and feel better about yourself and your daily life routines.

The more one meditates the easier it will be to tune into peace for daily living. The keys to our future lie
within all our minds, we each have the capacity to unlock great secrets and to secure ourselves.

Meditation can be resourceful when seeking help and comfort. It is so natural to look inward for our
answers. Sometimes we forget the power we desire is within ourselves. Confusion will be at a minimum.


1) Starting with a prayer whereby you state your intention for the meditation.

2) Visualize white light of protection.

3) Breathe in for 4 seconds and hold it for 2 seconds. On your exhale, be sure to let go and release all

4) Keep following the above until your mind is blank and you are feeling peaceful and deeper in the
meditative state.

Crystals have many varied uses. The only limit is intention and imagination. They can be used merely as
beautiful decorative items. Ive seen them used for Geode bookends to Agate-slice drink coasters. The
color and type of crystal in jewelry can be an adornment or attract certain energies to your body and

Using crystals on your bedside table can attract energies into your dreams. They can also be used as
fixes like Feng Shui. Start with your intention. If you desire more peace in your household, using crystals
like Rose Quartz can bring more compassion and gentleness into the space. Blending this along with
Feng Shui and a Baqua map may make a difference too.

The same ideas apply to the wearing of crystals. The intent is the first step that will lead you to the right
system and right stones. There are Astrological and Chakra associations that could be used. If you are
inclined, the Sephirah has gem associations. Most people are familiar with the idea of birthstones in
Astrological association. You could go a step further beyond Sun Signs by using full planetary energies
associated with crystals. Use these associations to create the energy in your environment or jewelry. For
example, if you want to work on your communication skills, then a necklace of Turquoise or another blue
stone would be a good way to bring energy right to that center.

You can find crystals anywhere from crystal museums, shows, your environment, lapidary shops, and
new age metaphysical bookstores. Experiment by getting sample pieces of polished or bits to see how it

Its suggested you cleanse your crystals before using them. There are many good methods such as
smudging or placing them in dry sea salt to cleanse away any negative energy. Crystal bowls, tuning
forks, or rinsing with water can also be used to cleanse. As always, it is your intention to have them clean
and free of negative energy. If you have any questions on the type of crystal that may be right for you, I
can gladly assist.

Gemstones and minerals are not just rocks that sit around peoples necks, or fall from their ears. For
individuals the world over, gemstones are a source of wisdom, healing, and all around good energy too.
Each stone may draw an individual to it energetically, while other natural beauties catch the onlookers

Here, we will take a look at some common and just plain interesting gemstones and what properties they
offer. Quartz is probably the first stone most metaphysical followers think of because it is so powerful. It
serves to amplify the properties of other stones. If someone is carrying obsidian to release the past and
carry a degree of protection, and they add quartz to the mix, it will help make those energetic vibrations

Quartz helps with some of the tougher areas for anyone living in this hectic world. It can make reaching a
meditative state easier, and also facilitate visualization capabilities. Rose quartz, which has a pinkish
hue, attracts love, and aids those who need a boost in feeling love for them. It works to release old
wounds, and promotes peace.

Smoky quartz, which has a golden or brownish tint to it, grounds its wearers energy, and releases
negativity, and its amassed cousin of negativity, depression. It is said that depression is a collection of all
negative thoughts and feelings that are unexpressed, and thus turned inward. It is not surprising that
grounding might help to relieve such burdens as negative thoughts and emotions.

Among the lesser known stones are hemimorphites, which have some fantastic variations, including a
brilliant turquoise blue filling encompassed in a simple-looking rock shell, a spray of white crystals, and
even some that appear like scouring pads, with tinges of purplish-blue. It is an interesting stone because
its lore follows that it may have been most commonly found in the ancient lost civilization of Lemuria.
Because of this it is assigned some wild and beautiful properties, such as assisting people in their
spiritual growth while providing a good dose of self-confidence. Another stone that is considered to be
something of another world, and not even native to Earth, is moldavite. It is considered so powerful that it
is a stone that is known to increase luck, and provide serious protection against negative people or
energy that may be trying to push into the aura.

Every stone vibrates its own way, depending upon where they come from, how they have been treated
and their experience over the many years of their existence. It is said that everything has consciousness,
including soil, minerals, and gemstones too. That is how some stones may resonate best with one
individual over another, or may play a role in healing individuals who go for stone healing whether
directly, or indirectly through a reiki or massage session. There are stones that are considered to have
the best vibration to help realign chakras, or the major energy points on every human being walking the

Chakras in Detail: Part 1
Youve probably heard about the chakras from time to time, or received a reading from someone who
mentioned them. But just what are they? Chakras, bright regions of spinning energy, are actually organs
of the subtle body. They are living, breathing organs, dynamic and beautiful. Although they energize the
physical body, the physical senses do not detect them. People who have developed subtle senses such
as clairvoyance (inner vision) or clairaudience (inner hearing) can perceive the chakras and learn by
observing them.

Though we can study the chakras one by one, their real magic lies in the way they work together. They
are like instruments in an orchestra, or players on a basketball team. Its their teamwork that matters

In this article, Ill describe each chakras color, and the way that chakras of certain colors work together.
Every color of the rainbow has an opposite. Chakras of opposite color complement each other and team
up as partners.

The Root Chakra is red. Located at the base of the spine, it plays a key role in our physical survival and
wellness, and forms our primary energetic connection to the earth.

Next is the Sacral Chakra, which is orange and is located in the pelvic area. This chakra governs our
creativity and sexuality. It influences our success in relationship and our financial success as well.

The Solar Plexus Chakra, located near the stomach, is yellow. This chakra reflects our confidence, self-
esteem and self-image, and influences our ability to take effective action.

At the center of the chest near the heart youll find the Heart Chakra, which is green. The Heart Chakra
carries our love and reverence for life, and our deepest desire as well.

The Throat Chakra at the base of the neck has the color blue. It reflects our expressiveness and ability to
communicate. When this chakra develops at the higher frequencies, it becomes an organ for clairaudient

The well-known Third Eye Chakra, located in the center of the head, governs our intellect and
insightfulness. It has the color violet. When it develops at the higher frequencies, it becomes an organ
for clairvoyant vision.

The Crown Chakra, whose color is a luminous white, connects us to the heavens and enables us to
perceive the divine.

Three special partnerships occur between chakras of opposite color. The first pair is red and green, the
Root and Heart Chakras. Working together, they enable you to bring your hearts desire down to earth
and manifest it in the physical realm.

The second pair is orange and blue, the Sacral and Throat Chakras. These two enable you to express
yourself creatively and passionately, as in music, poetry, song or dance.

Third we have yellow and violet, the Solar Plexus Chakra and Third Eye. Through these chakras you can
acquire deep understanding and broad comprehension. They enable you to learn and to teach.

These three chakra pairs all work together under the auspices of the Crown Chakra. As we go through
life, we continually learn and grow. In that process, all seven chakras come into greater alignment and
harmony with each other, thus bringing us new levels of richness and joy.

Chakras in Detail: Part 2
Colors affect emotions and can lead to healing. A popular system that could be used as a springboard in
your life is the Chakra System. It correlates quite nicely to the color spectrum.

The word Chakra means Wheel in Sanskrit. Each Chakra could be thought of as a wheel of energy.
From the base of the spine is the root Chakra, Muladhara. It is red and deals with issues of survival,
physical identity, and grounding.

The second Chakra is Swadhisthana. It is orange and deals with emotional identity, desire, and sexuality.
It is located by the waist line.

The third Chakra, Manipura, is at the solar plexus. With yellow as its color, it is where we have ego
identity, power, and will issues.

The fourth Chakra, Anahata, is the by the heart. It is green and concerned with social identity, peace,
and love.

The fifth Chakra is Vissudha. It is by the throat, ears, and mouth area.. It is blue and deals with
communication, creativity, and sound.

The sixth Chakra is Ajna. It is at the eyebrow. It is indigo and deals with self-reflection, intuition, and

The last Chakra is at the crown of the head, Sahasrara. It is violet and deals with consciousness, bliss,
and understanding.

You can select an area of your life that you would like to concentrate on. Meditate and visualize yourself
in the color with which that specific Chakra corresponds. In some instances, it might be that you need to
balance color. For example, if anger or inflammation is an issue, use the color wheel to add more of reds
opposite, green, or cool it down with a blue-green. You will know if it makes you feel better or not. That is
a good way to decide if it works for you.

Another approach is a simple general Chakra meditation. Sit up straight if full lotus position isnt for you.
Breathe in and out deeply and slowly. Close your eyes. Start at the base of your spine visualizing the
specific color related to your issue. See it in your mind. Continue slowly and keep deep breathing
throughout the entire meditation. Move up to the next Chakra. When you feel you can see the color, you
can move up to the solar plexus and proceed to the next color. When you see yellow you can move up to
the heart Chakra and the color green. From green you can move up to blue at your throat Chakra.
Imagine indigo at your third eye. Now violet, at the crown, and some people imagine a lotus blooming
here too. Breathe in deeply again and open your eyes. This helps with feeling focused and aligned. If
you are experiencing difficulties concentrating, it is perfectly fine to use substitutions such as an apple for
red, etc.

Aligning your Chakras on a daily basis is a useful tool for balancing out stress and promotes healing.

Discovering Your Aura
As a little girl I noticed a white glow around certain people. It was like an outline of glittering light. I
thought nothing of it except I could only see it around spiritual people. Being only 6 years old I assumed
everyone could see the light. As I grew up I realized it was a gift. After years of studying all things
psychic I now realize we all have this gift, but not everyone knows how to access it.

According to the dictionary the aura is an invisible emanation or energy field that surrounds all things.
The energy flowing through our aura reflects our personalities, lifestyles, thoughts and emotions. Our
aura also reveals our mental, physical and spiritual well-being.

Many people can see auras but some must learn how to develop their auric sight. It is easier to feel the
aura when first beginning. This is one of many exciting experiments you can do with a friend. Choose
someone who is open-minded. Do this experiment at a time when you will not be interrupted.

First, quiet your mind. Perhaps play some soft music and then relax your body from head to toe. Let go
off all the tension and worries of the day. After you are relaxed, you and your friend should sit facing
each other then both of you raise your arms to about chest level with your palms facing outward.

Have your hands about two feet away from your friends hands, then very slowly both of you should start
to move your hands toward each other. Stop moving them when you feel the energy, it will usually be felt
from about six to one inches apart. Everyones experience is different but usually the sensation of heat is
what you may feel first, then there is a circular feeling of energy in the middle of the palms. After that you
may feel a tingling sensation going up your fingers. Once you have done this successfully, try slowly
moving your hands around your friend while they sit still and see what vibrations you experience. Dont
worry if it does not work the first time you try it, you may still be a little tense, just relax and have fun.

An experiment you can do on your own is looking at the energy that flows out the tips of your fingers.
Start with your relaxation technique; make sure the lighting in the room is very dim and coming from
behind you. Place the tips of your index fingers together and just look at them for about thirty seconds.
Then slowly move them apart; you will then be able to see a fine thread of energy (light) that stretches as
you move your fingers away from each other. You may notice the energy is no longer visible once your
fingers are about one inch apart. However, with practice you will be able to see the energy when your
fingers are four to six inches apart. If you have trouble seeing the energy try doing this it in a dark room.

The aura has many different colors, such as: red, orange, green, blue, indigo, violet, pink, bronze, silver,
gold and white. It consists of several different layers known as the subtle bodies. Most clairvoyants see
the aura as a single layer with multiple colors inside it. There are seven layers to the aura, as a
clairvoyant becomes more familiar with the aura he/she may be able to see all the different layers.

Interpreting Aura Colors

RED - force of will, passion, vitality, desire, physical activity, excitability, anger or nervousness.

ORANGE - creative, artistic, expressive, can think while you act, fullness of experiences and urge to
achieve results or success.

YELLOW - sunny, exhilarated, mental ability, power, expectancy, power struggles and tenacity. Golden
can mean spiritual knowledge or mental strength.

GREEN - centeredness, healing, teaching, endurance, perseverance, persistence, high self-esteem and
high affinity between body and soul.

BLUE - deep feelings, creative channel, peace, love, affection, communication and fulfilling the highest
ideals of unity.

VIOLET - mystical, unifying, enchantment, charming, deep spiritual understanding and high spiritual
energy that can transmute lower energies.

WHITE - can signify a highly evolved or spiritual being, spiritually motivated, has the dualities of all the
colors, highly motivated with the ability to concentrate energy.

Most of the time one color tends to dominate the aura, and this is known as the ground color. This color
reveals what you could be doing with your life or some of the unrealized potential inside of you. The
radiating colors that show though the ground color can tell you what you enjoy doing, aspects of your
personality and areas of your life that may need improvement. We have gained volumes of knowledge
about the aura since it was discovered, but there is still a lot more exploring to do. Feel free to check in
with me regarding your aura. There is a lot of information into ones soul and destiny that will be

Palmistry - Love in the Hands
The most common question clients have when they come for a reading is, "Tell me about my love life.
Will I have a happy love life? Since I believe we create our own happiness, I will not declare, "You will
be happy.", or say, "You will not be happy." However, as I look over their hands I can help a client
understand his or her opportunities for happiness in their relationships. First, I observe their whole
hand, front - the palm, and back - the nail side of the hand, to note what is there to tell me more about
their personality and how they present themselves to others. Then, I look to see what can make them
happy in a relationship. Next, I study their hand with the purpose of seeing what is predicted as potential
relationship activity for this life.

Never think that one element in your hands outline is the whole story. It is best if at least three indications
appear to present the same concept before believing something could be true.

There are some fun Palmistry points and Hand-analysis facts that need to be looked at for checking about
love relationships in the hands. I have marked most of the points of interest for this lesson in black. I
have traced a dotted line around a rather large fleshy area next to the thumb in the palm. Palmists look at
the palm as a terrain. So can you. Hold your hand palm up and flat in a perpendicular position to your
face in front of you and at eye level. When observed from this position the palm looks like an
earthly terrain with high hills (mounts) and valleys. Palmists have names for each small region of this
terrain in the palm. Usually one of the larger mountains is what palmists call
the "Mount of Venus", which connects the thumb area to the rest of the palm.
This is the area I have traced with the dotted line.

Within this area- the Mount of Venus - I have marked a grid of intersecting lines
with an arrow pointing to it from the letter "A". The mount of Venus area of
the palm is devoted to one's love of life and sometimes shows a fullness to
symbolize the depth of love of life. When this mount is high, fleshy and very
full, the person is full of passion: for life, for most of the events that happen in
their lives, and for the people who are within their life. The grid, or grille as
palmists would call this design, is found at "A" in figure # 3a, and can tell you
that you have "walled off your heart from others, lessening your attraction to
connect with happiness both internal and external. This grid is usually not
found on a high or full Mount of Venus. This guarding of the heart could be happening because you are
still attached to someone from the past. If this grille design is simple - which means it is made up of just a
few vertical and horizontal lines - it can mean that you are devoted to your present love interest and your
heart is dedicated to that person alone. If you are not presently in a relationship the grid could symbolize
bars, like the bars of a jail cell, where you keep your heart hidden and safely locked away because you
are not sure you can trust someone or yourself in a heartfelt and committed relationship. This type of grid
can cause great stress in any new relationship once it is underway and certainly can prevent a good
relationship from ever getting started.

I like looking carefully for alphabet letters and designs that appear in the Mount of Venus area of the palm
to help me read questions about love. Sometimes there are one or more initials of the client's "significant
other" shown here. If you notice there is an initial "T" in the area of the Mount of Venus next to the grid in
my design of figure # 3a. The "T" noted here is an example of what could be the initial of the first, middle
or surname of the intended love either presently available or coming into your life.

If the hand with a grid on the Mount of Venus also has a short little finger like the one shown in figure #
3a, placed by "C", these two indications will demonstrate that the owner is not comfortable with sharing
their emotions or communicating about their emotional events in their lives. (You can determine if the
little finger is shorter than average by measuring it by closing it next to the ring finger of the same hand
and decide if its ending tip comes up shorter than halfway down on the tip phalange of the ring finger.)

If in the normal positioning of a person's fingers you notice that their ring finger is always held very close
to their middle finger, this person is not subconsciously open to letting another person get to know them
intimately, until they are secure about sharing themselves. This is shown in figure # 3a at the placement
of "D".

There is a wonderful sign marked at "B" in figure #3a. This cross or "plus sign" when sitting under the first
finger on the fleshy mount there, is universally accepted as a sign of a happy marriage in this lifetime.

See "E" in figure # 3a - it shows a whorl finger print on the first finger. This is a sign of a very independent
person who often has to have things go their way. They do things in an individualistic manner and will not
follow the crowd. If you want an independent thinker for a mate this is a good signature. This signature is
also positive if this finger isn't also longer than average. But a person in a relationship with them must
remember they are very independent at times and always individualistic. The owner of this type
fingerprint will not be "clingy" within a relationship nor will they need the person with them all the time.

Origins of Runes and Their History

The origins of runes are lost in history, although they can be traced as far back as 200 BC.

Scholars have come up with many different theories about their origins, though no one knows how or by
whom they were first made. The various uses of the symbols probably evolved over time from strictly
practical pieces of communication to symbols that were used for divination.

Each rune is not only a single letter that can be used to form words, but is also a complete word in itself,
with many different meanings. The "rune-masters of ancient times understood how to use runic
grammar for contracts, and also knew their hidden or secret meanings. For this reason they were both
respected and feared. Because the word rune means secret or whisper, it was clear to the ancient
consciousness that there are great mysteries contained within the runes.

The Elder Futhark is the most popular of the rune alphabets used today. In this set there are 25 runes, all
with symbols carved into them except one which is blank, and the blank one relates to the unknown. The
meanings of the runes are connected with fertility, weather, sunlight, darkness, and the cycles of the
seasons, and reflect the relationships of the ancient tribes with their environment.

Learning to read the runes takes much time and study. Studying the runes can be difficult because rune
working died out in the seventeenth century. This has left only fragmentary literary sources to tell us what
the runes mean. None of the literature tells us what the symbols on the runes represent. Modern rune
lore is therefore based not only on study and tradition, but also on psychic intuition and opinions.

Reading the runes is a mystical art of discovering hidden things, foreseeing future events or discovering
the likely outcome of current situations. There are no records of how ancient rune-masters used them for
divination, so methods used in other systems such as the tarot have been adapted. Usually, runes are
pulled out of a pouch and placed into a set position and interpreted. The different formats for which runes
are laid are known as rune casts or spreads. When asking a question using a rune cast it is best to keep
it simple and direct.

The symbols of the runes are attractive and believed by some to be quite powerful. This is why you can
purchase jewelry with carved rune symbols on them, and pendants in particular are very common. A
specific symbol can also be chosen for the astrological correspondence.

Runes: General Overview

Runes are an alphabetic script used by the people of Northern Europe, the ancient Germanic and Norse
peoples, from the first century. It has also been used as a system of symbols used for magic and
divination. This alphabet is engraved into stones, making them sacred. My primary usage of runes is for
spiritual healing.

The primary characteristic that deciphers a runic alphabet from other alphabets is that each letter of the
rune has a meaning. For example, the names the first three runes, "fehu", "uruz", and "urisaz" are actual
words in the Germanic language, meaning "cattle", "aurochs", and "giant", respectively. Runes have
magical and religious significance as well.

Runes have been rediscovered as a symbolic system and have become popular as a means of
divination. They provide a key to understanding the lives and beliefs of the ancient people who created

A long time ago there was a great need in my life for spiritual healing. One day, I was in a spiritual
bookstore and I came across a lovely set of runes in a green velvet bag. Very soon I realized that I was
saving my own life! The runes have an amazingly strong ability to heal. I had an almost instant
connection with the stones. Since then I found that through this connection I am able to help not only
myself and others, both mind and spirit.

Through the daily use of tuning in and drawing a stone, and the more thorough stone readings, I can draw
the focus of healing and growth in and direct the flow of energy to the areas of life where they are most
needed. The result in my life has been a sense of calm and solace despite all of life's constant and
unique challenges.

When we listen to the guidance of the ancient runes, we are directed to the areas of our life which need
the most work and deserve the most healing. When we work towards the healing of our souls, we
experience a freedom in our hearts and rather than daunting. Life feels rich and full.

Often in life it is what hurts us that make us whole. Sad is the soul that experiences only happiness, for
there is no growth. By the healing runes, the divine enters our lives. The very part of us that is broken
calls out through prayer for a release of knowledge that will lead to an understanding that will repair
hearts. When we listen to our hearts, we hear the divine.

Through my work with runes, I have heard my own heart and have begun the life long process of healing.
Answers come when the heart is open. Assisted with prophetic vision, hearing the rune messages are
the messages to the heart.

Runes Details: Part 1

Runes are symbols inscribed on plastic, paper, wood, rock and any other material. One system of runes
is called the Elder Futhark System.

This system originally had twenty-four letters, beginning with the letter F and ending with the letter O.
The northern Germanic tribes of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Northern Germany used the Elder
Futhark system of runes. Even the name Futhark comes from the first letter of the first six runes (Fehu,
Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raido and Kauno.) That is quite a tongue twister!

The word rune comes from the Gothic word Runa, which means a secret thing or mystery. This gives a
hint that these runes can be used as a form of divination to uncover the mystery or secret thing.

Runes are very ancient. In fact, some historians say runes first originated among the Teutonic tribes of
northern Europe as long ago as 500 BC. Ancient runic inscriptions have also been found in North
America. This could make us take a second look at the notion that the Vikings arrived in the Americas
long before Columbus, but we wont go there!

Since the runes are ancient, much of what know about them comes from Norse Sagas. The first historical
record of the use of runes for divination is found in Tacitus Germania.

Runes are divided into three families, called Aettir. Each Aettir is named after a Norse God. The first
family or Aettir is Freyr, the Norse god of fertility. The second family is Hagal, the Norse god of weather.
The third family is Tyr, the god of war.

Runes are able to represent objects, gods, people, animals, concepts, and occurrences. The major uses
of runes that seem to present in my readings are in the form of concepts and in the form of advice. They
help me see what action or affirmation is needed now in order to either achieve the goal sited on ones
path or to try to alter ones path.

One good example of the use of runes is a person that has concerns and anxieties over their career. Her
words tumble out in a stream of complaints and cries of frustration, My job is a dead end job! Every
minute is an hour there! I can barely make it through the day, much less a whole week! Will I get a better
job? What can I do in order to get a better job, more money? Taking these questions and consulting the
runes, Fehu is drawn. The answer to your question has to do with your attitude. In order to break your
cycle of lack, you must change your attitude. That job you just barely make it to on timeyou should be
grateful you have that job, as someone else wishes they had it. Show pride in the work you do, as it is an
extension of yourself. You will be noticed for this. Start living as if you have abundance in your life and
enough to share with others. This advice from the rune Fehu shows that speaking positive and thinking
positive thoughts will attract positive energies of abundance.

This is just a small sample of the advice that runes can give you. But note that all tools are secondary
when blended with natural psychic ability. This is just one of the ways I give you my forecast.

Runes Details: Part 2
The uses of runes in Viking times were varied from rituals, casting lots, seeking help or influence from
higher powers, telling futures of people, to even trying to influence the weather or at least forecast the
weather or the bounty of the crops. Runes were even used as amulets for protection in battle.

The more one delves into the history of runes the more ironic the actual meaning of the name runes or
runa becomes. Runa means mystery or secret thing. I say this because the rune casters or rune masters
of old either did not record their discoveries of the mysteries or their recordings of the mysteries of runes
were lost.

This is also why, when looking into the history or origins of runes, you will constantly come across the
phrases it is thought or many believeno one is really sure.

Each rune has an association to gemstones, the elements, have a polarity (male/female), a tree, a plant,
a deity, an astrological correspondence and yes, even a tarot correspondence.

In part one of Trilogy of Runes we delved briefly into the first of the three families or aettirs of runes. The
first family or aettir is Freyrs family. The second family is Hagals family. The third family is Tyrs family.
Within the structures of these families, the runes are sectioned out as belonging to one of the three
families. I like to think of them as all those aunts, uncles, and cousins in our various family trees as they
branch out indefinitely.

Here is a look at these three families and the runes within each of the families:

Freyrs Family: Fehu, Uruz, Thursiaz, Anuz, Raidho, Kenaz, Gebo, Wunjo
Hagals Family: Hagalaz, Naudhiz, Isa, Jera, Eihwaz, Perthro, Elhaz, and Sowilo
Tyrs Family: Tiwaz, Berkano, Ehwaz, Mannaz, Laguz, Ingwaz, Dagaz, Othaia

Each of these family members has their own traits, personalities, strengths and weaknesses (although
some will never admit to it, and neither will I out of respect for my ancestors/family ever insist on their
admission to a weakness). Runes are tied strongly to the Norse Gods of Scandinavian folklore, waiting to
connect to you to give advice and guidance for the path you walk.

When I consult my runes to point me in the right direction for your questions or concerns, I feel the hum
and vibration of each of these wonderful symbols as soon as I lift up my bag. There is such a warm,
welcoming feel as my hand reaches in among the stones inscribed by these mysterious runic symbols
and the welcoming warm vibration hum as the stone containing the runic inscription from one of these
three families connects to my physical touch and psychic view.

Your future is not written in stone, however your present and past are. These runic symbols from the past
coming into the present are signposts, giving advice for the path that you walk.

These runes, these symbols from ancient times, reach out from the past serving as guiding points of light.
It is the job of your psychic to connect and bring to you what is relevant to your circumstances or path.

Sacred Trees and Divination Sticks
In Celtic traditions, the druids were magicians, seers, teachers, philosophers, and most importantly,
spiritual priests, who presided over ceremonies. Unlike Western religions, or Eastern philosophies, the
Druidic tradition centered on communing with nature, and involved taking spiritual journeys through the
mountains and forests. It is not surprising they lived among the trees, which they held in high esteem and
regarded as sacred. In particular the old oak tree was considered to be the holiest of all, in that it held
wisdom and knowledge. It may seem odd or perverse then that the same tradition would have made
divination sticks out of any piece of a tree. It is the case, and even if little to no evidence of the archaic
druid traditions using such methods exists, divination of casting of such sticks is used today.

It is often assumed the druids never actually did use divination sticks, because there is scant evidence of
it, and they practiced geomancy, another form of soothsaying. Geomancy is based upon the number of
holes in soil, essentially. Anyhow, small pieces of tree branches, such as thick twigs, are exactly what
druid sticks, which feature inscription of the oghams (OH-Hem), are made of today. Even today, modern
druids would actually ask for forgiveness or honor the tree that provides them with branches for divination
sticks and larger druid sticks. They are made to be fairly easy to handle, because they are tossed, much
like runes; therefore they need to be manageable either with one or two hands.

The Celtic Tree Alphabet, as the ogham is also known, is made up of 25 total distinctive line-symbols, or
oghams, which were devised based upon 20 trees and shrubs depicting the majority of the 25 letters.
Each ogham features different numbers of lines passing through a vertical line. Together, they can be
used to divine almost anything. One method is to draw a series of three concentric circles, one
representing the past, the present, and the future. The sticks are cast, and the future is read based upon
the relative position of the different oghams that land within the various circles.

The ogham alphabet was typically used in two different situations, beyond possible divination, when
carved into stone. One was as markers, which were inscribed in stones that possibly defined who owned
land, for instance. The other was as grave stones. These stone markers have been found all over
Ireland, the Isle of Man, Wales, England, and less rarely in Scotland. The Book of Ballymote, from the
1400s, a treatise on the ogham, confirms the secretive and ritualistic druid languages existence as a form
of communication.

Druids were considered the beginners of the spiritual journey, which led eventually to a graduation into
either ovate and bard. That is why when people think of such notable figures as Merlin as having white
hair and being much older, due to the long years of training. It is more likely that as a druid progressed
into these roles that they were indeed growing older, and that a certain age may have needed to be
reached before graduation to a higher degree.

Forecasting with Regular Playing Cards
For some practitioners, the fancy pictures depicted in the many variations of tarot decks available today
seem to detract from the basic messages. For such readers, a back-to-basics method that has been
used throughout the ages by gypsies uses something most people have in their homes. It is a deck of
regular playing cards, which can be used to perform something akin to tarot readings, but not exactly the

Now, wait a minute, a tarot deck has 78 cards, and playing decks have only 52 cards. The major
difference is that the reading will occur without most of the major arcana, except for the joker, where he
signifies the fool. The cards themselves are mostly relational in their meaning, which is similar to tarot

One reason readers may prefer playing cards is for those who have to live in some degree of obscurity,
who want to hide their art in plain sight. After all, most people might just as well assume that anyone with
a playing deck is just setting up a game of solitaire, or maybe that they like black jack or poker. For
many, though, it is not that they want to necessarily cloak their practice, but rather deflect the energy of
people who seem to suddenly be attracted to the reader, to avoid disruptions during a reading. So, this
method also allows for some degree of peace and quiet, because the energy somehow maintains more
obscurity for the reader, because it is less likely to pique peoples curiosity.

The last thing anyone needs during a reading is interruptions. The idea is to forget about the body, and
enter the spiritual realm through the tools of divinity that allow the clearest channel of information. For
some professionals, it is a traditional Rider-Waite deck, and for other professionals, holding their favorite
gemstone gets them in the flow. As with the tarot decks, the Minor Arcana suits are as follows, with the
pentacles being signified by diamonds; the wands depicted by the clubs; the cups shown through the
hearts; and the swords signified through the spades. The jacks play a two-fold role of both the knight and
the page.

For the same reason it may actually be a great way for new readers to get a feel for the meaning of
each card as well. The reason is that there are no standard pictures that show images of what each card
may mean. Some readers actually prefer a regular playing deck for this reason. Many are channeling as
they throw down a spread, and simply having the card and its energy is sufficient, without really seeing
what plays out based on what appears on the card.

Add to this that they have the relationship between the cards number and their positional meaning,
combined with the suit, put together in a spread, and it tells the whole story. It makes an image that the
reader may receive intuitively or through their channel come alive fully.

Lets see what the cards have in store for you!


Major Arcana
0-The Fool: Upright: New beginnings, ventures and opportunities, freedom, innocence,
spontaneity, traveling light, unburdened; - Reversed: Foolishness, being fooled, naivety,
not seeing danger ahead, bad decisions, rashness, flighty, risky

I-The Magician: Upright: Will-power, concentration, spiritual power, skill, creativity,

originality, multi-talented individual, one has all resources one needs, healing abilities; -
Reversed: Weak-willed, abuse of power, dark arts, not using the full potential of ones
abilities, deceit, trickery

II-The High Priestess: Upright: Wisdom, insight, divine feminine, detached knowing,
hidden knowledge comes to light, intuition, enlightenment, psychic abilities; - Reversed:
Aloofness, manipulation, using knowledge for immoral reasons, secrets, need to listen
to intuition

III-The Empress: Upright: Mother, motherly, mother aspect of the divine, creativity,
fertility, nurturing, earthy sensuality, domestic arts, abundance, crafts, fruition of
projects, beauty, love, Venus qualities; - Reversed: Laziness, domineering mother, not
making proper use of talents and abundance, lack of appreciation for the all that one
has, codependence

IV-The Emperor: Upright: Father, fatherly, father aspect of the divine, fair leadership,
authority, masculine strength, confidence, stability, a capable person; - Reversed:
Machismo, weak or unfair leadership, the end justifies the means, cruelty, ego
problems, inflexibility, domination

V- The Hierophant: Upright: Traditions, religion, conformity, spiritual leadership; -

Reversed: Unorthodox leadership or behavior, new paradigms, new rules, old rules no
longer work, challenging the status quo

VI- The Lovers: Upright: Love, harmony, trust, fidelity, a meaningful relationship,
romance, choices of lovers or opportunities; - Reversed: Disharmony in love, infidelity,
fickleness, separation, break-ups, short-term affairs

VII- The Chariot: Upright: Triumph, victory, a rescue, control, perseverance, a journey,
ambition, success, assertiveness; - Reversed: Defeat, aggression, misdirected energy,

VIII- Strength: Upright: Inner strength, courage, heroism, emotional well-being, good
health, patience, control over base, animal impulses, compassion; - Reversed:
Weakness, pettiness, aggressive strength, cowardice

IX- The Hermit: Upright: Spiritual study, solitude, soul-searching, meditation, withdrawal
from group consciousness, wise counsel, inner guidance; - Reversed: Isolation,
loneliness, emotional withdrawal, celibacy

X- Wheel Of Fortune: Upright: Good fortune, change of luck, good karma, chance,
astrology, destiny, turning point; - Reversed: Misfortune, bad karma, gambling, loss

XI-Justice: Upright: Justice will be served, karmic balance, legal issues, reward, truth; -
Reversed: Injustice, corruption, dishonesty, incarceration

XII- The Hanged Man: Upright: Waiting time, sacrifice, introspection, waiting for the
right time, surrendering control; - Reversed: Procrastination, stagnation, indecision,
holding pattern, apathy, delays

XIII: Death: Upright: End of a situation, relationship, job, phase of life, usually a
necessary end, communication with those who have passed, transformation, can mean
a physical death but usually does not (Dont be afraid of this card!); - Reversed: Limbo,
illness, very limiting circumstances, refusal to change or let go of what is no longer
working, inertia, stagnation

XIV: Temperance: Upright: Self-control, balance, temperance, patience, gentleness,

harmony, angelic guidance and protection, timing plays a part in a situation, alchemy,
artistic endeavors, cooperation and collaboration; - Reversed: Need for more self-
control, balance, temperance, patience or gentleness, temper problems, disharmony,
competitiveness causing problems, addictions, situation calls for more trial and error,
need to channel emotions into the arts and creative endeavors

XV: The Devil: Upright: Ego extremes, fear, entangling situations and relationships,
imprisonment or prison-like situations, lust, greed, hedonism, addictions, abuse, dark
energy, evil, deception, divorce; - Reversed: Very extreme or milder versions of the
above depending on surrounding cards, great need for change or liberation from
abusive situations or entanglements, breaking free, power reclaimed

XVI: The Tower: Upright: Sudden upheaval, change, breaking down old structures,
patterns, methods, rules, etc., a sudden move or job change, car problems, relationship
problems, conflict, destruction, natural catastrophes, revelations; - Reversed: Sudden
change or destruction is a blessing in disguise, minor upheavals and changes,
avoidance of disaster, fear of change

XVII: The Star: Upright: Wishes and wish fulfillment, positive astrological influence, the
Akashic Records, higher love, divine influence, divine communication, hope, inspiration,
renewal, serenity; - Reversed: Wishes unfulfilled, need to tap into higher guidance, need
for more optimism and faith, difficult astrological influence, desires need to be
reassessed, too dreamy and ungrounded, need to be more practical

XVIII: The Moon: Upright: Latent psychic abilities developing, strong emotions,
subconscious influences, hidden matters need to come to light, the occult, secrets,
mystery, lunar influences and phases of the moon, feminine cycles, strong water sign
influences, unexpected event brings illumination; - Reversed: Emotional problems,
deception, brooding, unhappiness, need to release fears, darkness before the dawn

XIX: The Sun: Upright: Happy times, fun, warmth, success, prosperity, children,
innocence, play, freedom, rewards, summertime, vitality, life in full bloom, vacation; -
Reversed: happiness incomplete, not seeing all the good things in life, happiness but to
a lesser degree, need for a more childlike, playful approach, shifts in attitude or
approach will create success and happiness

XX: Judgment: Upright: Good judgment and decisions, waking up to the truth,
epiphany, legal judgments in ones favor, redemption, heeding the call to a new way of
life, good career changes, actions in alignment with ones truth;- Reversed: Bad
judgment and decisions, fear of change, self-doubt, delays, legal judgments not in ones
favor, loss of material possessions, job or relationship, need for more soul-searching

XXI: The World: Upright: Completion, unity, oneness, integration, fulfillment, world
travel, coming full circle in life, success in multiple endeavors; - Reversed: Not quite
complete, lack of closure, more effort and time needed for success, too much multi-
tasking, scattering energy, need for integration and completion

Wands in Tarot
Ace of Wands: Upright - New beginnings, inspiration, intuition, power, passion,
sexuality, creativity, pure potential, enthusiasm, bold action, courage, confidence,
vitality, kundalini; - Reversed: delays, lack of motivation, lack of inspiration, not following

2 of Wands: Upright - Planning for the future, progress, weighing options, choices,
discovery, personal power, seeing the big picture, beginning stages of a new project; -
Reversed: Fear of the unknown, lack of planning, not seeing the possible options or big
picture, indecisive

3 of Wands: Upright: Exploring the unknown, expanding horizons, leadership, optimism,

having foresight, preparation, goals and plans starting to be realized, enterprise,
expanding business ventures, waiting for ones ship to come in; - Reversed: Lack of
foresight, delays, obstacles to long-term goals, missing or dismissing opportunities

4 of Wands: Upright - Celebration, marriage, harmony, home, supportive community,

abundance, parties, festivals, happy times, completion of the foundation of a project; -
Reversed: Incomplete projects, disharmony in the community or festivities, celebrations

5 of Wands: Upright - Competition, disorganization or awkwardness at the beginning of

a project, creative conflicts (sometimes beneficial for growth), disagreements, tension,
sloppy efforts, projects confused by too many people or ideas; - Reversed: Strife,
aggression, serious conflicts, sabotage, discord, hidden agendas, losing sight of the
greater good for all

6 of Wands: Upright: Victory, triumph, achieving public recognition, accolades, success,

feeling pride in ones accomplishments, self-confidence, rewards and awards;
Reversed: Egotism, bad reputation, infamy, lack of confidence, incomplete success,
sitting on ones laurels of past accomplishments, need for new achievements

7 of Wands: Upright: Facing challenges, standing up to naysayers, strong convictions,
tough competition, combating criticism, following ones path despite obstacles and
opposition, going for it, courageous acts, heroism; - Reversed: Being defeated,
overwhelmed by opposition, overly defensive, aggressive, backing down from opposition

8 of Wands: Upright - Jumping into action, speed, movement, travel (esp. air travel),
swift change, passionate encounters, fresh and vital energy enlivening a situation or
endeavor ; Reversed: Delays, procrastination, frustrated efforts, ineffectiveness,
waiting for the right moment, holding off, lackluster

9 of Wands: Upright: Strength despite challenges, persistence, resolute, fortitude, long-

standing courage, resilience, perseverance will pay off; - Reversed: Defensive,
paranoid, fearful, physically and/or emotionally worn-out, hesitant, need for rest and
rejuvenation before continuing

10 of Wands: Upright: Hard work about to pay off, burden, responsibility, stress,
achievements from persistence; Reversed: Joyless, hard work, futility, too much work
affecting ones health, efforts not coming to fruition

Page of Wands: Upright: Enthusiasm or enthusiastic youth, free spirit, discovery,

exploration, good news, positive messages; - Reversed: Setbacks to plans, pessimism,
naivety, lack of direction, immature person

Knight of Wands: Upright: Courageous, enterprising person, energy, passion, lust,

taking action, on the move, impulsiveness, spontaneity, adventure; - Reversed: Flighty
person, scattered energy, delays, frustrations, getting lost

Queen of Wands: Upright: Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius woman, exuberant, creative, regal,
warm, generous, passionate, loyal, determined, assertive, confident, sensual, beautiful
;- Reversed: Aggressive, vain, vindictive, jealous, domineering, femme fatale

King of Wands: Upright: Aries, Leo or Sagittarius man, natural-born leader, inspiring
person, visionary, entrepreneur, loyal, warm, generous, brave, optimistic; - Reversed:
Arrogant, cocky, hot-headed, impulsive, philandering, macho, aggressive

Cups in Tarot
Ace Of Cups: Upright: New beautiful beginnings, overflowing of love, offer of marriage,
any new relationship or situation that is pleasant and loving, fertility, a baby born, love
for a career or project, alignment with the higher self, peace, compassion, kindness,
spiritual bliss, contentment in life, a positive phase in life, divine love, gift from God, a
miracle, a new home; - Reversed: Too much emotion, codependence, muddied
emotions, a relationship out of balance, repressing love and emotion, a need to express
love, fear blocking emotional expression, ask for divine support

2 Of Cups: Upright: Positive, romantic or creative union, true-blue friendship,

harmonious business partnership, mutual feelings of love, romantic/sexual union,
marriage, one-to-one relationships are pleasantly highlighted at this time, positive
resolutions, soul mates, twin flames, reconciliation; - Reversed: Unfulfilling relationship
or project, relationship isnt what it appears to be, minor problems can be solved in
partnership with some effort, romantic opportunity missed, breakup or potential breakup,
disharmony, imbalance of giving and receiving, unrequited love

3 Of Cups: Upright: Celebrations, parties, holiday joy, good times, fun, positive feelings
flowing between people, uplifting community, artistic/creative collaboration, abundance,
dancing and music, good fortune, happy outcomes, celebrating good news and
victories; - Reversed: Partying too much, threes a crowd, gossip, jealousy, extreme
sexuality, overindulgence in any area, possible affair, competition, creative block,

4 Of Cups: Upright: Meditation, taking time to ponder the big picture, melancholy,
introspection, regrouping, re-evaluation, reflection, evaluating an offer; - Reversed:
Discontentment, laziness, apathy, self-pitying, aloof, possible solution right in front of
your eyes, need to see the opportunity or gift given, rejecting love or emotional
experience, need for gratitude for all that one has

5 Of Cups: Upright: Disappointment, rejection, crying over spilled milk, loss of any
kind, end of a relationship, job loss, grieving process, despair, taking time to feel in
order to heal; - Reversed: Need to count ones blessings, rise above disappointments,
things arent as bad as they seem, stuck in past disappointments and pain, accepting
loss, moving forward, forgiveness

6 Of Cups: Upright: Pleasant memories, nostalgia, reunion with childhood friends,

innocence of childhood, past relationships and situations highlighted, old flame returning
in ones life, a return to innocence and simpler times, kindness and courtesy, gifts, old-
fashioned courtship, new relationships with past-life connections; - Reversed: Need to
let go of the past and move forward, unpleasant memories, old relationships causing
pain, Mercury retrograde causing confusion, naive expectations or mindset, ex-lovers
who need to stay ex-lovers, need for more innocence, peace and generosity

7 Of Cups: Upright: Daydreams, imagination, options need to be researched before
taking action, possibilities entertained, romantic fantasies, sexual fantasies, creative
visualization to create desired reality, wishes, hopes, fears, watching movies; -
Reversed: Lost in illusions and fantasies, art and life imitating each other, the truth is
stranger than fiction, fears and phobias, subterfuge, delusions of grandeur, addictions,
unrealistic expectations, too many options causing confusion, time to act on making
dreams come true

8 Of Cups: Upright: Leaving an outworn or unpleasant relationship or situation, loss of

interest in a relationship or situation, time to move on, leaving the past behind, following
a higher calling, honoring and relying on the self, inner guidance is heeded, spiritual
calling, soul-searching, calmly walking away from what no longer serves you, positive
changes are possible as you follow your instincts, new opportunities ahead, possible
relocation, seeking the truth; - Reversed: Staying when you should leave, not
perceiving the bright future just ahead, lost in the fog of emotions and strife, lack of
direction, loneliness, emotional void needs to be filled with healthy relationships and
spiritual nourishment, strong need to leave a painful situation
9 Of Cups: Upright: Wishes can or are coming true, happiness, beauty, contentment,
peace, self-confidence, generosity, financial gain, luxurious surroundings, satiation,
pleasures of life can now be enjoyed, card signifies you should make a wish, good
fortune manifests in many areas of life; - Reversed: Unfulfilled wishes still need
cultivation, need to reassess wishes/desires, arrogance, gluttony, greed, keeping ones
cards close to ones chest, cockiness

Page Of Cups: Upright: Message or messenger of love, love letter, romantic, charming,
intuitive, artistic young person, possible new friend or lover, poet or poetry, a beloved
child or pet, muse, psychic abilities increased at this time, artistic endeavors highlighted;
- Reversed: Daydreamer, emotionally immature person, impractical person, unrealized
creative energy, need for love and compassion

Knight Of Cups: Upright: Lover highlighted or to be revealed, romantic opportunity,

love offering, marriage proposal, loyal and generous person, artist, creative opportunity,
emotionally available person, someone deeply driven by love, beauty, and art, deep
love connection with someone (possibly stemming from a past life), soul mate
relationship, passionate relationship or person, falling in love; Reversed: Lover not
genuine, overly emotional, erratic person, flaky person or behavior, jealousy,
moodiness, unrealistic expectations, falling in love with love, need to balance emotions
with reason
Queen Of Cups: Upright: Woman with tendency to be loyal, loving, wise, gentle,
mature, patient, kind, artistic, intuitive, sensual, a good wife/ lover, generous, caring, a
good mother, motherly, compassionate, calm, emotionally balanced with a love for
family and home; Reversed: Woman with tendency to be secretive, co-dependent,
emotionally imbalanced, jealous, insecure, anxious, clingy, stuck in the past, unforgiving

King Of Cups: Upright: Man with tendency to be loving, loyal, wise, mature, intuitive,
creative, caring, gentle, generous, emotionally balanced, a good father, a good husband
and nurturing to family, friends and employees; - Reversed: Man with tendency to be
selfish, closed-off, emotionally imbalanced, disloyal, fearful, discontented, volatile,

Swords in Tarot
Ace of swords: Upright: Power, victory, inspired thought, breakthrough, enlightenment,
insight, the rising force of clear thought and communication, clarity, seeing the truth,
precise thinking, one-pointed thinking, simplicity, innovative thinking, cutting through
illusion, the beginning of a mental endeavor such as the studying of a new subject or
the writing of a book; Reversed: Mental energy or communications going in the wrong
direction, confusion, power used negatively, need to speak up for oneself, potential
violence, verbal abuse, letting negativity and distraction take one off course

2 of Swords: Upright - Truce, choices, temporary peace, waiting for the right moment,
temporary uncertainty, patience, balancing opposing forces, compromise, going with the
flow, trust in a divine source for guidance; Reversed: Stalemate, blindness to the truth,
knowing what to do but afraid to act, stuck in uncertainty, cant see the forest for the
trees, too much information causing indecision, feeling pulled in two directions,
overanalyzing, ignorance

3 of Swords: Upright - Heartbreak, painful breakup, triangular relationships causing

strife, abandonment, betrayal, loneliness, despair, loss, grief, rejection; Reversed:-
Strong need for forgiveness, reconciliation or redemption, process of healing, healing
old wounds, learning the lesson in a painful experience, healing brings freedom and

4 of Swords: Upright - Respite for the weary, healing, reflection, relaxation, meditation
brings answers, cocooning for transformation, gestation period for manifesting solutions,
stillness, introspection, temporary solitude, rest brings rejuvenation; Reversed:
Hospital stay, stagnation, recovering from illness, strong need for meditation, healing,
relaxation and rejuvenation, exhaustion, warning that too much work or strife could
create illness, need to retreat from the chaos of life, strong need for more peace and

5 of Swords: Upright: Victory or defeat (usually by unfair means), conflict, gossip,

betrayal, manipulating or being manipulated, unhealthy environment, gloating, someone
acting without integrity, vengeful motives; Reversed: Awakening to a more ethical
way of succeeding, need to move on from past failures and betrayals, need for
collaboration, need for pure intentions

6 of Swords: Upright - Movement away from problems and strife, necessary transition,
moving in the right direction towards brighter horizons, hope for the future, higher
guidance, safe voyage, opportune time to make positive changes, focus and follow-
through; Reversed: Running away from problems causes more problems, going in the
wrong direction, need to dump emotional baggage before journey or transition, needs to
flee a bad situation towards greener pastures

7 of Swords: Upright: Deception, illusions, betrayal, stealth, secrets, duplicity, theft,
impure motives, underhanded behavior, plans require revision, situation needs to be
examined for flaws, selfish motives, more than meets the eye; Reversed: Mental
challenges, breaking free from deception and illusion, taking control of ones
circumstances, moving away from deceptive people/situations

8 of Swords: Upright: Feeling imprisoned by circumstances, illusion of being trapped,

stuck in a rut, isolation, mental/emotional restrictions, immobilized by fears, self-created
oppression, literal imprisonment; - Reversed: Need to realize that imprisonment is only
in the mind, need to release self-imposed restrictions and fears, freeing the creative
self, awakening to freedom and clear perception

9 of Swords: Upright: Excessive worry, obsessive, negative thinking, fear, insomnia,

nightmares, depression, anxiety, despair, haunted by the past; - Reversed: Extreme
hopelessness, despair, anxiety and/or obsession, waking up from a nightmare (literally
or figuratively), need to realize that fears are creating negative reality, haunted by the
past, need to harness positive thinking and relaxation techniques, need for meditation,
post-traumatic stress, need for professional counseling

10 Of Swords: Upright: Lowest point or end of a situation, stabbed in the back, trauma,
need to let go of an old situation, job, relationship or phase of life, surrender; -
Reversed: Courage to rise again, the courage to move on, rock bottom is a good place
to be because the only place to go is up, good opportunities and times ahead, dawning
of a new day

Page of Swords: Upright: Logical, honest, impulsive, inquisitive, opinionated, studious

young person, good student, diligent studying, blunt messenger, contract or agreement,
positive, new challenges, technology, constructive criticism; Reversed: Armchair
philosopher, too much thinking with too little action, new information can present a
challenge, delays, unfulfilled promises, tactless honesty, gossip, harsh words

Knight of Swords: Upright: Application of knowledge, plans are swiftly implemented,

fast movement creative solutions, noble causes, young go-getter, ambitious, idealistic
(often young) person who bulldozes through obstacles, decisive, assertive, intelligent,
unorthodox, possible knight in shining armor, romantic conquest; - Reversed: End-
justifies-the-means mentality, unexpected problem or decision, aggression, promiscuity,
tactless behavior, unwise decisions, haste

Queen of Swords: Upright: Woman with tendency to be sharp, witty, funny, no-
nonsense, acutely perceptive, direct, brilliant, clear-headed, honest, fair, assertive,
independent, discerning, and solution-oriented; Reversed: Woman with tendency to
be mean-spirited, aggressive, cold, cunning, selfish, tactless, deceptive, and

King of Swords: Upright: Man with tendency to be highly perceptive, witty, intellectual,
observant, focused, unbiased, diplomatic, articulate, authoritative, intelligent, generous,
well-read, educated, and professional; Reversed: Man with tendency to be verbally
abusive, aggressive, deceptive, domineering, unethical, tyrannical, self-centered,
uncaring and condescending

Pentacles in Tarot
Ace of Pentacles: Upright: New job, new business, beginning of abundance, payment,
inheritance, reward from hard work, product or service, gift given, gold, physical
manifestations of spiritual development, gift from the universe; - Reversed: Delays in
business venture, fruits of labor less than what they should be, good to look for new job
or start a new business, a new opportunity needs to be recognized, fools gold

2 of Pentacles: Upright: Balancing resources, juggling work or money, clever handling

of business, necessary adjustments, ingenuity, adaptability, managing time; - Reversed:
Business on shaky ground, deceptive business practices, impracticality, indecisiveness,
uncertainty, financial disarray, fickleness, disorganization

3 of Pentacles: Upright: Teamwork, collaboration, craftsmanship, skillful work, creative

work, enjoying work for its own sake, building a solid foundation for new business or
project, fair compensation; -Reversed: Lack of teamwork, unskilled or disregard for
skills, unfair compensation or practices

4 of Pentacles: Upright: Saving money, retaining resources, budgeting, business

ventures close to home, solid foundation built, conservative practices, consolidation of a
business venture, control, power, possessions, - Reversed: Greed, stinginess, fear
causing an overly frugal attitude to money, overly identifying self with money or
possessions, self-protection, closed-off attitude preventing true prosperity

5 of Pentacles: Upright: Money problems, hardship, lack of resources, dysfunctional

relationship, illness, poverty consciousness - Reversed: Recovery from financial loss
or extreme poverty, attitude shift will positively affect circumstances, need for spiritual
connection to create spiritual prosperity

6 of Pentacles: Upright: Charity, giving and receiving, philanthropy, giving brings

abundance and happiness, social services, medical field, healing, taking care of those
less fortunate, fulfilling work; - Reversed: Too generous or too selfishness, out of
balance, people taking advantage of generosity, burn-out, debt, selfishness, one-way
generosity creating problems

7 of Pentacles: Upright: Beginning of the harvest/profit, full benefits still needs time,
perseverance, investment, long-term vision, waiting for the right time, necessary
reflection before moving forward; - Reversed: Impatience, dissatisfaction,
procrastination, lack of fulfilling work, resources or money tied up, lack of vision

8 of Pentacles: Upright: Productivity, apprenticeship, routine work, quality work, making

money with talents, studying, getting the job done, efficient work habits, meticulous,
timely; - Reversed: Tedious work, redundancy, perfectionism, workaholic tendencies,
lack of ambition, lack of focus, poor quality

9 of Pentacles Upright: Successful self-employment, career fulfillment, blissful

independence, self-confidence, gratitude, luxury, beautiful work environment, business
growth, opulence, financial prosperity, inner peace, fruition; - Reversed: Insecurity,
difficult self-employment, isolation, over-identification with career, financial setbacks

10 of Pentacles: Upright: Prosperity on all levels, inheritance, money problems solved,

family gatherings, harmonious community or family, traditional values honored, great
wealth, retirement, new home, real estate; - Reversed: Financial failure, partial wealth,
established traditions or practices that are too constricting for individual self-expression

Page of Pentacles: Upright: Business offer or communication, young person looking for
work, person new to a career or field of study, financial opportunity, new job, promotion,
positive phase on current job, new project or venture: - Reversed: Lack of focus,
planning, short-term job or opportunity, difficult phase of career, need to reevaluate

Knight of Pentacles: Upright: Efficient, methodical, responsible, tactful, diligent,

disciplined (often young) person that follows through on the dreams of the page of
pentacles ; - Reversed: Laziness, procrastination, inertia, failure to carry out daily work
or business plans, unmotivated person

Queen of Pentacles: Upright: Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn woman, woman with
practical, savvy, even-tempered, generous, prosperous, or fair business practices or
tendencies; - Reversed: Woman with fearful, overly conservative, greedy, grasping,
unfair, timid or distrustful business practices or tendencies

King of Pentacles: Upright: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn man, man with fair, generous,
business-savvy, grounded, stable, centered, practical, polite, professional, caring
business practices or tendencies; - Reversed: Man with unfair, greedy, cheap, cutthroat,
arrogant, impractical business practices or tendencies


The Tarot has a long history that dates back to the fourteenth century. The nineteenth and twentieth
centuries have seen new interest in the cards. Whether you use them for divination, awakening
imagination, or to foster spiritual growth, it is an exciting journey.

As a tool for awakening and liberating our intuitive senses, it guides a reader to the inner world. It is a
system of symbols and colors that leads us on the path of adventure and self-discovery. By tapping into
the ancient symbols on the cards as they relate to everyday life, we can explore our personal perceptions
and see clearly the realities of our lives.

Tapping into a dimension of the universe that may otherwise be left closed to us, at times it is up to the
reader to decipher whether it is literal or figurative. They always offer an alternative view and a new
perspective on the problems in our lives.

Most card decks consist of seventy-eight cards similar to modern playing cards. The deck is broken
down into three categories; twenty-two Major Arcana, sixteen Court Cards and forty suit cards, being
Wands, Pentacles, Swords and Cups.

The Major Arcana starts with the Fool card and depicts the Fools journey toward enlightenment through
the set. When in a layout the Major Arcana can carry more significance than the lesser cards.

The sixteen Court or People cards have Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages for each of the four suits.
The Court cards represent our intricate relationships with people in our lives. They can give us insight
into ourselves and our understanding of ourselves.

The forty suit cards are ten cards each of the four suits. They represent typical situations and emotional
states of our daily lives. Each suit also has a meaning and can be tied with astrological signs.

Many layouts are used to interpret the cards. There is no such thing as a correct or incorrect format.
Many readers have different layouts for particular situations. Each card position in a layout carries a
particular meaning and significance for the card falling in that position. The art of reading a layout is that
of weaving together a story that links and brings meaning to the person who is asking for insight.

There are plenty of decks on the market. Choosing a deck is a personal experience. Some readers may
tell you that the cards spoke to them before they chose their preferred deck. If you ever have a chance to
look at several decks, notice the overall similarities and then notice the differences in artwork and color.
Some decks are simple while others are intricate pieces of imagery.

Each image and color holds a meaning. A reader will put this all together with the arrangement of the
layout to pull together a personal meaning for the client. With a different client, the reader may pick up on
one image and color, but when that same card appears in the layout of another client, a different image
and color may dominate. It is the reflection of the reader to comprise the overall picture of the cards and
the layout with the clients questions and needs for divination, igniting the mind to provide psychic

Tarot Decks
There are hundreds of different Tarot decks to choose from. The artwork on the decks range from angels
to animals, representing time periods from the Middle Ages to the Millennium.

The attraction you feel for a particular deck comes as much from the artwork as it does from how the deck
makes you feel when you hold it. A favorite deck becomes your favorite because it speaks to something
deep in your inner being. When you pick it up it just feels right and comfortable.

For a beginner, the best deck is the Rider-Waite or any Waite-Smith deck. There are many books written
about these decks. It is easy to find out information about using these decks.

When you finally choose your deck, you should shuffle and mix the cards until they feel ready for use. At
first the cards will feel stiff and cold. As the cards pick up your energy they will feel more pliable and
warm. You will feel a connection to the cards. At this point you may begin to feel they will talk to you.

Taking care of your cards is very important. The traditional method is to place your deck in a natural
cloth, bag, or wooden box. Silk or cotton is the favored cloth to use. Bags of velvet or satin are often
used. They can be plain or decorated with embroidery or hand-painted. You can use decorated or plain
wooden boxes, decorated tin containers, or even the paper package it came in.

In fact, it really doesnt matter. One reader may use the traditional method of wrapping their cards or
keeping them in bags or boxes. Another reader may scatter decks all over the house held together in just
a rubber band or tied with a shoe lace. It is the energy connection with the cards that is important.

A collector of Tarot cards needs to keep the original packaging with the cards. Without the booklet and
package the deck isnt as valuable.

Many readers perform a ritual before doing a reading with their cards. This, like most things that are
connected with Tarot, is a matter of personal choice. Some will do little more than clear their mind and
focus on the task at hand. Others may light candles, light incense, meditate and/or pray. Again,
whatever works for you and makes you comfortable and able to tune into your abilities is fine.

When your cards are being used often, they tend to become harder to read. The energies seem to get
jumbled. When this happens you can clear your cards. One way to do this is to put your cards in their
original order. Start with the majors and put them in numerical order. Follow these cards by putting each
suit in numerical order arranged from ace to king. Shuffle the deck just as you would if it was new.

Other ways to clear decks are using crystals. Many feel that placing a quartz crystal on top of your deck
in between readings will absorb whatever vibrations are left from the prior reading. The crystals need
cleansing themselves periodically. This is done by placing them in a bath of sea salt and warm water.
They should be dried in the open air or in a sunny spot where the suns rays can recharge them. Native
Americans use the smoke of burning sage or cedar to clear their decks. If you cant find cedar you can
use rosemary or sage in a fire proof bowl or dish. Just pass the deck or crystal through the smoke several

If you are in a hurry you can just use a different deck until you can clear the deck you have been using.

When your deck becomes ragged and torn and needs to be replaced there are a couple of ways to do
this. One is to buy a new deck and start over with it. Another way is to buy a new deck exactly like your
old one. Slowly replace a few of the worn cards with the new ones. Just do a few at a time. When they
fit into your deck comfortably, start replacing a few others. Eventually you will have replaced the whole
deck without having to really spend a lot of time getting used to a whole new deck.

Basic Tarot: Part 1
Tarot cards and tarot readings often conjure up Hollywood movie images of gypsy fortunetellers that are
both mysterious and a little scary. I hope to demystify the Tarot by sharing my own thoughts about what
the Tarot is and how it is used in a real psychic reading. So if you are a bit skeptical about the use of
Tarot cards in your reading, you can relax and know that it is just a means of focusing the readers
already present psychic abilities.

The traditional, 78-card, Tarot deck has been around for centuries and has roots in Astrology, Kabbalah,
Christianity, Buddhism, Sufism, and ancient Egypt. It is divided into both Major and Minor Arcana. The
Major Arcana are the 22 cards that are numbered with Roman numerals. They usually have a longer or
greater significance in a reading. The Minor Arcana are the remaining 56 cards that are divided by the
suits of pentacles, wands, cups, and swords. Each suit relates to an element: earth, fire, water, and air,
respectively. There are 10 cards in each suit. Minor Arcana cards tend to have shorter or lesser
significance in a reading, in general. As for now, this is the most technical I will get in terms of history and

I will cover the literal meanings of the Tarot in the next few articles. Today I will discuss the first thirteen
Major Arcana cards. I will include the upright meanings which are the more positive interpretations in a
reading. I will also include the reversed meanings which are often either more negative than or just not
as positive as the upright meanings. For example, the Sun card is usually a very positive, happy card.
The reversed meaning doesnt necessarily mean that it is a bad influence. It could mean that client is not
seeing the bright side of his or her own situation and needs to do so to be proactive in creating a positive
outcome. The interpretations are all very different depending on the clients individual reading. The other
cards in the Tarot spread and the vibes that the reader gets make all difference in the interpretation. One
must have psychic abilities to do a good Tarot reading.

This leads me to my next point about Tarot cards. The Tarot deck is simply a visual representation of
energy. This is the energy that the reader picks up from the client. In my own experience, I use the cards
as a springboard for my own clairvoyance (psychic seeing), clairsentience (psychic feeling), clairaudience
(psychic hearing) and claircognizance (psychic knowing). I really dont need the cards, but they are
helpful in organizing a reading and getting it started. Because I am a tactile person, I also enjoy the
process of shuffling and laying down the cards. In addition to meditation and other psychic development
tools, the Tarot was one of the main tools I used in honing my own psychic abilities several years ago. I
enjoy the cards. They are fun. So I continue to use them in many of my readings.

I took one formal class in reading the Tarot cards in 1996. The teacher, a successful, seasoned psychic
took us through the entire literal meaning of the deck. As a studious, eager newbie, I took diligent notes.
Then as soon as she was done she said, Okay, now you can just forget about all of that because, in a
real reading, its always going to be different for each person. The logical part of my brain panicked.
Then she said we were going to practice reading each other. I was petrified. But after the teacher
coaxed me to breathe and relax, I did great readings on the other students who were total strangers to

I was able to see more than I could ever see if I stayed boxed in with the literal meanings. This was my
first time doing readings! I was already learning to trust my own impressions.

For example, a client may have the High Priestess in their Tarot reading. I could interpret that as the
client having latent psychic abilities themselves. In addition to that, perhaps the blue in the card will
stimulate a vision of the client painting a picture. I will get a strong feeling that the client could use their
artistic ability as one means to develop their clairvoyance. This is how easy it is to go beyond the literal
meaning. Your own senses are the key.

So to begin to satisfy the logical, left side of your brain, I will introduce the first 13 cards of the Major
Arcana of the Tarot deck. If the Tarot interests you as an intuitive art form, then study to your hearts

content. I encourage you to read up to get your individual, scholarly satisfaction. This is important,
especially at the beginning. But then at some point, you can practice with a real person and just let go
and flow with of whatever visions, words, sounds, impressions, feelings, sensations and even smells
come to you. This is the right side of your brain that is opening up. This is your artistic, intuitive guidance
that is in touch with the divine. Your angels and spirit guides will use whatever means they can to talk to
you. Tarot is one way of many to open up to the spiritual, psychic realm. Practice, play and enjoy.

I will cover the cards for you in the weeks to comeStay tuned.

Basic Tarot: Part 2

Tarot is a gateway to both the human psyche and the celestial realms. Predating its more known history
in Renaissance Europe for both game-playing and divination, the Tarot deck has deeper, more obscure
roots in ancient Egypt and the Middle East. The modern-day Tarot deck has very eclectic, multicultural
art work. The pictures in the basic Tarot deck are full of symbolism from astrology, numerology,
paganism, the Kabbalah, Christianity, ancient Egypt, etc. The rich symbolism in each card is a mini
gateway to human collective consciousness and divine intelligence. The Tarot cards are archetypal
representations of human cycles and relationships. A Tarot reading is a visual depiction of these the
patterns and energies at work in our lives. The long history of Tarot as a divination tool may be a key
reason why many psychics and budding psychics are drawn to it. There is the monumental possibility
that if one is drawn to cards in this lifetime, they may have been using the Tarot deck for divination in past

Psychic abilities are necessary to give an accurate, complete Tarot reading. Tarot cards help the psychic
focus their abilities. Though there are a myriad of possible interpretations for each card in an individual
reading, the cards each have a basic, original vibration that each card maintains. For instance, the King
of Wands is generally a rather fiery type of man or a man who has an astrological fire sign that is
dominant in his chart. This general interpretation is pretty set. Beyond the general interpretation, the
meaning of the King of Wands is pretty open-ended. Perhaps in one reading the King of Wands could be
interpreted as a warm, demonstrative and generous man. In another interpretation, the King of Wands
could be interpreted as a hot-headed, impulsive, arrogant man. Both interpretations could also describe
different aspects of the same person. It all depends on the vibes that the psychic Tarot reader receives
from each client and the specific people and situations in their lives.

For the most part, it will be much easier to read other people than yourself. The interpretations tend to be
more objective when you are reading someone else. However, it is perfectly fine to practice doing your
own readings. It may be more challenging, but it is possible. It could be fun to trade readings with
another beginner. You just go with flow of the vibes and you will see how accurate you are. You will
probably be amazed.

If you ever get stumped or unsure how to interpret a card or a reading, close your eyes, breathe deeply,
then ask God, the Great Spirit, your angels, your higher self or whoever your divine connection is, to give
you clarity. Listen for any words that go through your mind or any thoughts that seems louder or more
insistent. Listen to your gut, your feelings. Look for any pictures that are coming into your minds eye.
You can then refocus on the card. You can alternate between looking at the cards and closing your eyes
and looking within. What is coming to you most clearly? Trust your impressions. Spirit is talking to you
through the colors, symbols and pictures on the cards and the impressions they create. They will
stimulate your clairvoyance, or the third eye, where your visions are seen. Keep practicing. You will
see how these cards work on developing your psychic abilities just by focusing on them. Learn to trust
your feelings, visions, recurrent thoughts and information that you receive.

In a society where logic is king, intuition is often overlooked or just dismissed as new age-y nonsense.
This is unfortunate because psychic information can be very useful in life. Practical, everyday intuition
can be used to improve relationships and resolve career issues. It can improve a persons sense of
timing and decision-making in all areas of life. A world rich in wisdom is literally as close as our own inner
senses. Just a gentle but powerful shift in consciousness can make a world of difference.

So, in addition to meditation, channeling, palmistry, crystal-gazing and psychometry, you can enjoy the
Tarot as a wonderful, enjoyable way to tap into the psychic energies of a situation. I will now continue my
list of possible interpretations for the remaining Major Arcana cards.

Finding Missing Objects Using Tarot
What do you do when you lost something, and you want to find it again? Search for it of course, but it
would be nice if you would have an idea where to look. Not everyone would think of consulting the Tarot.
Through experience I have found some ways to deal with missing objects.

First, it is important to determine if the missing item is still inside the house. A good way to find this out is
to shuffle your cards so reversals can come up, and then draw one card. If the card drawn is upright, the
item is still in the house. If the card is reversed, the item is not in the house anymore; it could be gone
with the trash or could have been lost outside of the house.

Let's assume you found that the item is still inside the house. It would be great to narrow the places to
search down a bit, especially if you live in a big house. Make a list of all the rooms in your house, like
kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, and make sure that the description of the rooms are clear. For
instance, if there is more than one bedroom, give all of the bedrooms a different name. Using this list,
you can draw a card for each room. If a card is reversed, you won't find the item in the room that card
was drawn for. Ideally, this method would leave only one room in the house to search, but usually you
end up with two or three rooms left.

Now that you know in what rooms to search, it is handy to get some more details about where exactly to
look inside those rooms. Draw up to three cards; you don't have to use reversals this time. Use the
cards you drew intuitively, see if any images or ideas come up when you look at them. For instance, if
you draw the 9 of Pentacles from the Rider-Waite Tarot, the missing item could be near a mirror, dresser
or wardrobe. If you draw the 9 of Swords, the item could be near a bed. If you draw the 6 of Pentacles, it
could be near things that hold memories for you, like photo albums, pictures, or diaries. Use your
imagination with this, and allow your mind to drift back to the past.

After these steps, make a summary of your findings, and then start searching again. This time, you will
have a list of rooms and clues, so your search will be much more productive.


Imagine getting up and starting your day in a world without numbers. Like many things, we take numbers
for granted. I challenge you to go through your day without using numbers. No, you cant lie in bed all
day. The trick is to carry on a normal day and not use numbers. Dont look at your clock or wristwatch
upon rising. Dont turn on your radio or TV set. Dont call anyone. When you leave home to go out, dont
buy gum, a newspaper, a candy bar, or cigarettes. Dont get on a bus or subway, or drive to work. Dont
ride an elevator, or keep that important appointment. You will see how impossible it is!

From birth to death, you are a number and in most cases, a series of numbers. The examples I've just
given represent the physical side of numbers, where they are used in some concrete way. Take a case in
point: without numbers, telephone companies would fold in a very short time. After all, arent they in the
business of numbers?

However, theres another side to numbers--an invisible side. In the world of the metaphysical, this is
known as Numerology, an ancient and accurate science. It seems numbers and Numerology has always
existed together. In my collection of books on this subject, authors have given credit to various sources,
such as Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher; the ancient Chaldeans, who are dated to have existed long
before the Egyptians; the ancient Egyptians, of which Queen Cleopatra VII was a noted master of
Numerology; the mystic and mysterious Brahmins of India; and the sages of ancient China.

Its hard to pinpoint exactly where, when, why, and how numbers and Numerology truly began. The
common consensus is that they began, and I quote, in antiquity. The references to the seven days of
creation in the Scriptures may have been the first use of Numerology. Others in this field suggest that
Numerology began when man walked with God--thats a nice way of saying before we got stuck in our 9
to 5, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, high-tech lifestyles.

Although the exact origin of Numerology hasn't been truly determined, there are strong clues. The
Pythagorean and Chaldean schools of numbers are the most commonly used. Chaldean Numerology is
much older, but the Pythagorean system of numbers is far more popular.

Personally, I use a combination of the Pythagorean and Chaldean systems of Numerology in my readings
along with my spiritual gifts of clairvoyance and empathic abilities. Using your name and birth date, all
the questions you have regarding your life, future, past and present are revealed. What are your lessons
in this lifetime, what type of work are you suited for, is your mate compatible with you, when will you meet
your soul mate, is your mate faithful, when is the best time to open your new business or get married, is
the name you picked for your new baby the right name, what are your lucky numbers--these are but a few
questions that can be answered.

Your name and birthday also reveal your future and past lives, your strengths and or challenges, and how
to turn those challenges into talents. It can help you with your childrens future by giving you a real look
at who they are, their strengths and future challenges so that you can prepare and guide them for their
highest good.

General Numerology
From birth to death, you are a number. In most cases, you are a series of numbers. The physical side of
numbers is used in some concrete way. For example, without numbers, telephone companies would not
have a structure.

However, theres an invisible side to numbers. In the world of the metaphysics, this is known as
Numerology. Numerology is an ancient and accurate science. It seems numbers and Numerology has
always existed together. In my collection of books on this subject, authors have given credit to various
sources such as Pythagoras, the ancient Chaldeans, the Egyptians, Brahmins of India, and the sages of
ancient China.

Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician who lived from 569-470 B.C., is said by many to be the originator
of much of what we call numerology today. The actual origins of numerology predate Pythagoras, the
most popular being the very old Hebrew Kabbala. In the twentieth century, the old science seems to
magically reappear in the form of a series of books published from 1911-1917 by L. Dow Balliett and it
was helped along in the 1930s by Florence Campbell, and within the next few decades a wealth of
literature was available to the public. Indeed, if you look at the past 90 years, it would seem that the
science has moved very rapidly. But perhaps all of this was known at a much earlier time, and it was just
hiding from us for a while.

Its hard to pinpoint exactly where, when, why, and how numbers and Numerology truly began. The
common consensus is that they began in antiquity. The references to the seven days of creation in the
Scriptures may have been the first use of Numerology. Others in this field suggest that Numerology
began when man walked with God. Though the exact origin of Numerology hasnt been determined,
there are clues. The Pythagorean and Chaldean schools of numbers are the most commonly used.
Chaldean Numerology is much older, but the Pythagorean system of numbers is far more popular.

Your name and birthday also reveal past lives, your strengths and or challenges, and how to turn those
challenges into talents.

Numerology is perhaps the easiest of the occult arts to understand and use. All you need is the birth date
and the complete name of an individual to unlock all of the secrets that the numbers hold.

There are eleven numbers used in constructing Numerology charts. These numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 11, and 22. Larger numbers that occur from adding the numbers in the complete birth date or
from the values assigned to each name are reduced by adding the digits together until the sum achieved
is one of the core numbers. Merely add the components of the larger number together (repeatedly, if
necessary) until a single digit (or the "master" numbers 11 or 22) results. Each of this number represents
different characteristics and expressions.

Master numbers are the only exception to rule of reducing to the single digit. The master numbers 11 and
22 are intensified versions of the single digit number they replace (2 and 4). These numbers suggest a
potential for a high degree of learning and/or achievement very often in a more stressful environment. In
many individuals, the master numbers operate at a much more tangible or practical level, becoming
essentially the same as the single digit parallel.

The first consideration of numerology is often the date of birth. This date, expressed numerically, as
mm/dd/yyyy, is used to determine what is called the Life Path Number and a variety of other factors in the
numerology reading.

We will also be converting your FULL BIRTH NAME* to a number. Letters and numbers, you will learn,
are always one and the same. Here is a chart of the values assigned to each of the letters in the English

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Example: If a person was born on October 23, 1972 (10-23-1972*), add the month 10 (which is reduced
to 1) to the day 23 (which is reduced to 5) plus the year 1972 (which reduces to 19, then to 10 and finally
to 1). Thus, the total of the month, day, and year is 1+5+1. This date is a 7 Life path.

Personally, I use a combination of the Pythagorean and Chaldean systems of Numerology in my readings
along with my spiritual gifts of clairvoyance and empathic abilities. Using your name and birth date, all
the questions you have regarding your life, future, past and present are revealed. What are your lessons
in this lifetime, what type of work are you suited for, what about your love compatibility and when will you
meet your soul matethese questions can be answered. Other great usages of Numerology are for
determining the best time to open a new business or get married. The most common usage is picking a
name for a new born baby. Numerology is very versatile.

Basic Numerology: Part 1
There are many different systems used for determining the deeper meaning behind the written word. The
most commonly used today in the West is a system fathered by Pythagoras, which has evolved into the
form of modern numerology. Based on the alphabet, the tone or vibration of each letter is assigned a
numerical value. Adding together the values you can analyze the words and names to find symbolic
meaning. The Name Number is interesting to many, and can reveal a lot of information about your
expressive self or outer nature, the personality. Name numbers can also be compared for compatibility in
relationships as well.

To find your name number use your complete name as written on your birth certificate. Find the
correlative number for each letter in the full name. Add the numbers together. Usually you will reduce if
number is larger than one digit. Some numbers, called Master numbers, are not reduced. Numbers
eleven, twenty-two, and thirty-three are thought to have special vibrations and are considered the Master

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

An example name: Norma Jean Mortenson: 5+6+9+4+1+1+5+1+5+4+6+9+2+5+5+1+6+5=80 reduced

to a single digit 8+0=8.

Norma Jean Mortensons Name number is 8.

The following is a brief idea of what keywords might apply to the numbers:

One: Initiating, pioneering, independent, ego, individual, will, ambition, originality, even courage.

Two: Duality, polarity, co-operation, striving for peace and harmony, adaptable, and intellectual.

Three: Creativity, possibly in many mediums, also sociable, and emotional.

Four: Disciplined and organized, logical, practical, hard working, and realistic.

Five: Change, variety, freedom, curious, and the senses are important (the five physical senses).

Six: Service, responsibility, sensitive, creative, emotional, and concerned for others.

Seven: Seeking knowledge and wisdom, intellectual and intuitive, dignified and private.

Eight: Power, authority, leadership, strong will, drive, independent, competitive, and successful.

Nine: Compassionate, kind, generous, tolerant, sensitive, visionary, dreamer, creative, and inspirational.

In the next article I will touch on the master numbers as well as some other personal numbers you can
calculate for yourself or maybe someone else.

Basic Numerology: Part 2
The Master numbers are numbers that are not reduced further to a single digit. They have a high
frequency vibration. The numbers eleven, twenty-two, and thirty-three are the most commonly
recognized Master numbers. Keywords for those who have a name or number that is one of these are:

Eleven: Desire to serve humanity, idealistic, visionary, and innovative.

Twenty-two: Humanitarian interests aimed at enlightenment and betterment, able to unite people and
forces to achieve goals.

Thirty-three: Universal service, driven to relieve suffering, healers, counselors, and teachers of all kinds.

Birth Path Number: The Birth Path or Life Path Number represents the path or direction on your path
that you should go. Talents, habits, and lessons you would benefit by developing or overcoming, and
learning to master through practice. As the Name number shows the way you project your ego into the
outside world, the Birth Path Number shows both the inner you and your subconscious thoughts and
feelings that can drive the way you behave usually without you being consciously being aware of it.
Unlike the Name number, the Birth Path Number is not obtained using the alphabet. You find your Birth
Path Number by adding together the month, day, and year of your birth, then reduce to a single digit.
Make sure to add up all four digits in the year. Example: Norma s birthday is June 1st 1926. So;
6(month) +1(day) +1+9+2+6(year) =25, then reduce by adding 2+5=7, Norma s Birth Path Number is 7.

There will be an inevitable repeating of themes or basic keyword concepts when describing meanings of
numbers. Some keywords are:

One: Born to learn individuality, self-reliance and right use of expression of will.

Two: Duality requires reaching a place of balance. Early environment may have been critical,
undermining self-confidence. Need to learn self-trust.

Three: Sometimes born into families that resist or repress the expression of creativity. Self- sabotage or
scattering energy by doing too many things at once is often a source of trouble.

Four: Dedicatedly striving to establish yourself. Slow growth, may resist change, sometimes stubborn.

Five: Born to experience lifes offerings with all of your senses. Number of change, free will, sometimes

Six: Life learning about service, responsibility, and domesticity. Striving to establish emotional balance
and security, self-worth, and harmony.

Seven: Seeker of truth, wisdom, and knowledge. Need to learn balance and integrate intuition,
emotions, and rational mind.

Eight: Leadership positions, success and recognition will require you to learn correct motivation, values,
and use of power and resources. Occasional outbursts of temper should be guarded against.

Nine: Usually a need to learn about who to help and how. Here to let go of things of this world and
embrace a spiritual path.

This is really just the beginning, you could also add just the vowels, said to be the Soul Number, or just
the consonants, said to be the persona, of your name.

Personal Year Forecasting in Numerology
The personal year number will help you see in advance the theme for the year. Is it a good year to start a
new job, change your residence, or begin or end a relationship? The personal year number is found by
adding the number of the month of your birth, the day of your birth, and the calendar year. You can use
the current year or any year you would like to know about. Use all four digits of the year 2012, not just
12. An example is Norma Jean's birthday of June 1st. So for the year ahead we should add 1(day)
+6(month) +2+0+1+2=12. Then reduce to a single digit 1+2=3.

Norma Jean would have been expecting a year vibrating with energy of a three.

Personal years repeat in nine-year cycles. The start of every new cycle is an opportunity to start fresh,
with new chances to learn about yourself and the world. If you resist or refuse to learn you will usually
find yourself in the same situations, over and over until you do.

Some basic ideas about what a personal year number might bring for you in any given year are as

The One Year: The start of a new cycle of nine years. Time to take action steps toward making your
dreams come true. There are new opportunities this year to overcome obstacles and limitations of all
kinds. New jobs and new relationships might start up now. Alternately, current jobs or relationships may
become more involved or committed, maybe offers of promotion or marriage.

The Two Year: A year for putting energy and focus into what was started last year. If last year was
difficult, filled with conflict, resistance, or opposition, then be ready for more. This is to force you grow
and learn co-operation and sharing. Once you achieve inner balance and harmony then you can attract
the right partner for you.

The Three Year: Creativity and self-expression are highlighted this year. New friendships and business
contacts are opening up to you this year. This year might bring hidden fears into the light, if you've
worked out your fears already then expect to shine in social situations. You should have many parties to
look forward to.

The Four Year: Fours are practical, basic concerns like security, reliability, a stable foundation, job, and
work, business matters of all kinds. If you feel stuck in your career, this could be a good year to change
it. Learning to balance work and personal life, especially emotional, is a challenge this year.

The Five Year: Change, growth, freedom, and pleasure. Learning through all kinds of travel and
exploring. All things new are desired this year. A move to a new house, or city, new friends and interests
could be in store. Restlessness, impulsiveness, and a need to break with the past and experience the
new are also part of the energy of the year.

The Six Year: Service, sacrifice, responsibility to others, and a striving for harmony. Those who are
single will desire companionship and marriage. This is a year to resolve issues in current relationships,
either deepening the relationship or ending it.

The Seven Year: Philosophy, introspection, and meditation will be sources of focus. Some may find this
year lonely, but solitude has a purpose in getting to know yourself. A seven year could mean separation.
It is usually better to make sure any new bonds formed this year will stand the test of time before getting
too involved.

The Eight Year: Power, leadership, increase, advancement, social status, and executive ability are all
keywords of the eight year. The lesson is to learn to use your power correctly. This is a good year to
attract a partner or strengthen a current relationship.

The Nine Year: The end of the cycle, it brings things to an end, while showing promise for new
beginnings. Nine years can include a variety of events, opportunities, and experiences. Usually not a
good year to get married, or start a new business, the energy would favor endings instead. It is a good
time for letting go of bad habits, negative feelings, old emotional wounds, or even harmful beliefs. Now
would be a good time to prepare for the new cycle about to begin.


Basic A
Astrology Glyphs Signs, Pla
anets, and
d Houses
Z Glyps Planetary Glyyphs

The Houses

Basic Astrology- The Zodiac Signs
The Signs of the Zodiac

Aries: The Ram. Spring. The pioneer, adventurer. Courage, daring, boldness. The fountainhead or
source. The word of Logos. Impulse, energetic, start, beginning, manifestation.

Taurus: The Bull. The universe's response, reaction to the new impulse at Aries. Aries draws forth in
Taurus a body or environment to match the impulse. Every new thought or impulse draws forth a
response from the universe. Taurus is the body that comes forth. It is all kinds of having, fielding,
response. The field. The ear. Taurus is the steady, deliberate, determined response of life to new ideas,
impulses, and so on--possessing them, embodying them.

Gemini: The Twins. The endless search for experience, substance, and limits. Always in motion,
communicating, inquiring, investigating, exploring. "Getting to know you, getting to know all about you."
Nervous, versatile, inventive, curious, linking, reasoning, making connections.

Cancer: The Crab. The experience, vehicle, or body itself. The house and home--The Chariot. The
experience as in feeling, living, and sensing life. Protective, domestic, sympathetic.

Leo: The Lion. Self-awareness, ownership, pride. Discovery. Emotion (emote: to move out from,
migrate), expression. Acting, creative, children, sports. Fullness, power, pride of ownership. I have lived,
I live! Regal.

Virgo: The Virgin. Concern, care for. Conservation of life. Salvage, harvesting, repair, maintenance.
The drive to conserve and maintain life--salvage, salvation. Attention to details, repair, craftsmanship.
Busy, concerned, careful. Worrying. Practical, analytical, discriminating.

Libra: The Scale. Marriage and union. Yoga: to join, or yoke. Marriage is the most common form of
yoga. Unconditional acceptance or response. Diplomatic. Compassionate, attentive.

Scorpio: The Scorpion. Purgatory, the furnace, phoenix. The adjustments of marriage or union.
Responsibility. Removing excess, purification. Reduction of personality to essentials. Intense,
penetrating, elimination, metamorphosis, genuine.

Sagittarius: The Archer. What remains after the furnace of Scorpio. The remains, relics, embers. That
which cannot be further reduced. Thus the truth, religion, philosophy. Enthusiastic, profound, generous,
frank. Projection.

Capricorn: The Goat. The purified essence bursts into light. Clairvoyance, clear-seeing. Practical
vision. Unemotional. Sober, orderly, control.

Aquarius: The Water Bearer. Carrying the spiritual light of Capricorn into actuality. "For spirit must be
made to matter." The resolve to implement our clearest vision. The will to do it. Impersonal, willing to
work with anyone and any vehicle, thus, group or team work. Aspiring, unconventional, humane

Pisces: The Fishes. Intuitive. Accepting, understanding, willing to sacrifice. Accepting what is for the
sake of what could be made of it.

Zodiac Elements and Modes
The 12 zodiac signs have different qualities. Certain groups of signs share similar qualities. The two
most popular methods for sign grouping are elements and modalities. Astrologers like to see which of the
groups their natal planets fall in and add them up to produce counts, or totals. It's fun to tally up your
Sun, Moon, and planets and check out your elemental and modality balance.

The basic thing to keep in mind while doing this is that we become what we want (or lack) and we do
what we can (or have to do). Our highest totals, which show what we can or have to do, are often not
held dearwe often ignore them. Most people are obsessed by what they lack or want--their lowest
totals. They tend to study their wants, imitate, and even fake them. They become or turn towards what
they want or lack.

Elements. A very popular grouping of the signs is that of the four elements--fire, earth, air, and water.

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. People with lots of fire in their chart are very active and involved and
"can do" all kinds of things. Those with little fire can't get started and may need someone to light a fire
under them.

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. People with lots of earth are very practical. They can see how to
do and use things. Those with little earth can't be objective, aren't grounded or practical.

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. People with lots of air are analytical; they are able to resolve and
draw conclusions. Those with little air have trouble with abstractions and ideas--getting the "big picture."

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. People with lots of water are very feeling and "sense"-itive.
Those with little water can't get a feel for things; they run cool.

Modalities. Another popular way of grouping the zodiac signs is by cardinal, fixed, and mutable.

Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. People with a heavy emphasis in cardinal signs are self-
starters, doers. They initiate and get things moving. Folks with few planets in cardinal signs may have
trouble getting the ball rolling.

Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. People with a heavy emphasis in fixed signs hang onto and
preserve life. They are at the center of things and are hard to budge. Folks with few planets in fixed
signs may have trouble persevering and lack the ability to stay with things until the very end.

Mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. People with a heavy emphasis in mutable signs are
on the move and transformative. They communicate and assist things to change. Folks with few planets
in mutable signs may have trouble adapting or being flexible.

The Planets in Astrology
In astrology, the larger life of our solar system as a whole tells us something about our own personal
Earth life. The interplay and relationship of the planets with one another as they circle the Sun is carefully
studied. Of particular interest to astrologers are the Sun, the Moon, and the planets Mercury, Venus,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These are the celestial bodies used most often by
modern astrologers for natal interpretation. Each of these planets represents or refers to a part of our life
and self. Here are some of the concepts and key words associated with each planet:

Sun. The heart and center of it all. The father, guru, teacher or figure of authority. Anyone older or living
in an experience more disciplined than our own. That which we look up to and receive light from. That
which we may become.

Moon. Our surroundings, the environment out of which we came. Our past and childhood. Our formative
years and self. The background we emerged.

Mercury. Communication at light speed. Linkage. Thought. Ideas. The light of the mind. Logos, direct

Venus. How we respond, appreciate, cherish or value something. The way we love. Love, but not
attraction. Compassion.

Mars. Energy. What drives or moves us. Our emotions. Urge to unify or become one, therefore yoga,
union, or marriage.

Jupiter. The way through or on. Continuing, continuity, succession, success. The pathfinder or lamp
through the trials of time. Luck.

Saturn. The giver of laws or rules. The prince of time and the material world. Satan. Laws. Sometimes
obstacles, authority.

Uranus. Insight, invention, breakthrough. Good uses for Saturn. "To see eternity in a grain of sand."

Neptune. Cherish, solve, compassion. "The dewdrop slips into the shining sea". Unity, solution, one.

Pluto. Transformation. Sensitivity to the impermanence of life. Intimations of mortality.

Lunar north node. Vocation or application point. Right-of-way.

Planet Focus: Part 1
The Sun and Moon (or lights, as they are called) are the two most important bodies. It is sometimes
easier to understand what they represent in astrology if we consider how they interrelate with the Earth.

A good analogy is the following. Each of us is on Earth. The bright and shining Sun represents someone
older, someone we look up to--whether that is a teacher or guru. The Moon represents someone
younger, especially the groups that we used to belong to. That is the analogy. Here is how we might
think about it:

We can't live either on the Sun or Moon. We have grown out of and beyond the younger generation
(Moon). Out of it we once came or were born. This is why the Moon is said to be a mystery. It is both
our parent and our child. Regardless, we no longer are alive to what moves the younger generation. The
same kind of reasoning is true of those older than us, who have taken more degrees of experience. We
are still too young...not yet ready to live in the solar environment We receive light from the Sun, and it
makes life grow.

We each have both a Sun and a Moon. In the course of a month, these two bodies take up various
positions in relation to where we are on Earth. At the Full Moon, the Moon is beyond the orbit of the Earth
(farther out) and reflecting sunlight back on us. At the New Moon, the Moon is within the Earth's orbit and
lost in the Sun. Tradition suggests that we start (or may receive) an impulse at the New Moon, build and
develop it for two weeks until the Full Moon, and then gradually understand or draw some conclusions
from the experience during the two weeks after the moon is full.

The key to the planets, or the chakras: here is a planetary key to personal natal chart interpretation that
any beginning astrological student can use with confidence. The natural ordering of the planets that can
be seen easily with the naked eye can serve as a key to their interpretation. As we know, the planetary
order out from the Sun is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. These are the naked-eye
planets. Beyond Saturn are the planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

We will start with Saturn and work our way in towards the Sun. The key thought necessary in order to
use these planets in your own horoscope is this: the inner planet is always the key to the outer. In every
case, in order to reveal, open, and use the outer, we go within. In other words, each inner planet is the
meaning and key to the planet beyond its orbit. For example, we live on Earth.

The next planet inside the orbit of the Earth is Venus. Therefore, Venus will be the key to the Earth
experience. If we stop and think about it, Venus (or love) has been held up as the key to life on this Earth
throughout the ages. If we have obstacles and problems in our life (Saturn), then studying one's Jupiter
will give us the key to the planet Saturn in our natal chart...Mars will be the key to Jupiter, and so on.
Let's begin.

Saturn or law: almost every astrologer wants to know where Saturn is in the chart because here we are
sure to gain insight into some of the major obstacles and challenges of life. Saturn, or Satan (as it is
sometimes called), is the prince of time and of the material world. We don't break nature's laws, they
break us. The laws of Saturn are much feared, for it is here that we are bound to learn. The laws of
Saturn are often seen as standing between us and an easy life. But Saturn also provides the walls that
make homes possible.

Gravity is an example--the law that holds things in place. We come across the influence of Saturn every
time we break nature's law. We are subjected and tested by these laws until such time as we learn to use
them. Saturn is so important in the chart because it shows us where we must be disciplined and where
we are bound to learn something.

Planet Focus: Part 2
Jupiter or life path: if Saturn is our life's test, then Jupiter is the key, guide, and light that sees us through
the darkness of time (or Saturn). It is the straight and narrow path by which we pass through Saturn's
test. Jupiter is the particular way we go or continue in life--continuity. It is our "luck" or solution to time's
test. In astrology, Jupiter is the great benefic as it shows us how to find our way through Saturn and the
tests of time--how to use Saturn. Jupiter is our key to succession through time, to success. It is the way
through or on. Jupiter is the key, or antidote, to Saturn; therefore, Jupiter has to do with how we are to be
successful in life in our particular battle against the forces of time (Saturn). Jupiter often describes our
vocation or the way we must go through life, since that through which we have to pass (Saturn) dictates
the way we must go through life (our vocation). We have mastered our Jupiter when we are a physical

Once we have learned to master our Saturn, to be successful, our mind is free to explore our situation.
The freedom of Jupiter is eternal vigilance toward the law or rules of Saturn. We go from victory to victory
over time, or Saturn, which translates into day-to-day success. We make a living.

Now that we are free within time, or Saturn, our mind begins to wonder what it all means. What's the
purpose of all this? We begin to penetrate into the next chakra, that of Mars. The key to our success
(Jupiter) will be the planet Mars--how we feel about our life.

Mars or the marriage: Mars is the energy that moves us, the way we feel--our emotions. It is what drives
us and the way we are driven. And it is the kind of energy or drive that we have which determines our
personal atmosphere or aura: the kind of room or space in which we have to live--our living room. The
kind of room we have determines how we feel about our life, comfortable or cramped. After Jupiter fades
to an easy repetition, our mind turns to thoughts of unity, oneness--marriage.

We are driven to marriage, or yoga, of one kind or another. It is the way the two become one. Everyone
chooses a form of yoga, union, or marriage...some way to join or yoke the two opposing parts of
ourselves together and to perceive them as one life--ours.

We master each planet or chakra, maintain it, and move on or penetrate into the next, inner one. The
Jupiter chakra is a tremendous war between us and them. When we seek to understand the secret of
"us" and "them," we penetrate into the Mars chakra--what it all means. Meaning drives us across the
Earth until we can see the end of all difference, that it is all one. We are free at last from the bonds of
Saturn (Satan). We have learned what we must do to survive or to succeed in life. Yet the world we live
in is not a unity. It is us against them. And still this somehow does not feel right. Our life becomes a
process of gathering meanings and hints of a possible unity between the opposing parties. This is the
yoga, union, or marriage that each must negotiate. The entire Mars chakra has to do with dealing with all
the motion, emotion, and meanings of life. Following them out, understanding them. Mars, therefore, is
the sphere of all things meaningful, everything that moves us: music, poetry, drama, movies--the works.
Anything that gets a rise out of us. We are working with our Mars as long as we have not completed our
yoga, or marriage, as long as the two have not become one. As long as we are intrigued and drawn
hither and yon, we are working on our Mars. This mysterious person beckons, that piece of music or
poem captures our attention, moves us.

Mars is our marriage or union. It is the systematic making friends with everything that is foreign (other
than us). At some point in this journey, we get the message. We cease to be blown hither and yon by
every passing emotion. We discover that life is its own meaning. We have penetrated to the Earth, or
heart chakra.

Earth or the heart: We ourselves are the meaning. "I AM THAT I AM," and for no other reason. We take
refuge in life itself with no referrals. This is it!

"I am in it to the end, and that's all, and the 'ever' it's coming to be. And in me is out, the shadow of
doubt, and the 'in' that is 'out', well, that's me!"

Earth/Sun represents the end of meaning, the heart of it all. The two are one. The marriage is
consummated, the child is born. The Earth is us as we are in our oneness. The Sun is the essence of
what it all means.

The Houses in the Astrological Chart
1st House: The 1st house shows the result of what we managed to bring across from the world of ideas,
plans, and commitments. It's what remains when our new idea and impulse meet our reality. It is what
overflows the status quo. It is a direct indication of how much we are able to accept.

2nd House: The 2nd house is the reaction of our life and environment to whatever was new in the 1st. It
has to do with how our life changes because of, or in response to, this new energy. It has to do with how
we adapt to, possess, or have something.

3rd House: The 3rd house continues the drama set forth in the 1st and 2nd. The 1st is the new start, the
2nd is the new body or what is drawn forth in response to the 1st, and the 3rd is how the situation
develops to its fullness. It has to do with the working out and exploring of all the details and ramifications
of what is forming.

4th House: The 4th house marks the extent to which this body develops its limits. It is also one of the
angular houses and starts a new series of three. The 4th house has to do with fullness of experience--the
body or meat of it. Development has reached its physical peak and can go no further. Instead, we can
feel or move within the experience.

5th House: The 5th house signals the end of the simple feeling of the experience and the beginning of
consciousness of what it is that we have experienced. We are pouring forth or leaving the body. Emote,
emotions. Offspring, self-consciousness, pride, and the like.

6th House: The 6th house signals the end of the vitality of the body and marks attempts to prolong,
conserve, and take care of the experience or body. The experience or "party" is over. Here we give
service. Our day to day routine is highlighted. Therefore, our jobs, work, and mundane everyday life
takes place.

7th House: The 7th house, another angular house, marks the beginning of a new series of three houses.
Here we cross over from the personal houses to the impersonal houses. The personal experience of the
first 6 houses is finished. It falls away from us and we see it as a complete stage in our development or
whole. We leave the body and start into the mind. A turning away from the attempt for personal salvation
toward a concern for others. Marriage.

8th House: The 8th house results from our fully grasping the nature of the completed personal
experience in the first six houses...what was right about it and what was wrong. Here we strip away and
can do without what was wrong. The extra baggage is unloaded.

9th House: The 9th house has to do with what remains when all extra is stripped away. It is what
remains or is enduring from the entire episode. The seed essence. It becomes the light for a new idea in
the 10th, where the whole cycle repeats itself.

10th House: The 10th house at the peak of the chart, represents the most ideal or out-of-the-body part of
the wheel. It is directly overhead, up-there, and to the south. It is the house of clear, practical vision
(clairvoyance). Ideas can take their start here as planets pass through the 10th house. In the natal chart,
the 10th house represents where we have our head above water and can see what to do--clear practical
vision. It is therefore associated with career, vocation, and the like. The tenth house holds a clear idea
about something--what is often called an out-of-the-body vision or experience, a time when we really get
an insight in its totality.

11th House: The 11th house is a movement away from the 10th and down towards the lower hemisphere
of the chart. The 11th house takes the clear idea seen in the 10th and resolves to put it to work, to keep it

in mind or make it "matter." We make a commitment to carry the idea into our daily life; that is, carry it
across the ascendant (1st house cusp) and into the lower part of the chart, our personal life. The 11th
house has to do with plans for action, group goals, cooperation.

12th House: The 12th house is even closer to the ascendant and the sphere of action. The bright idea
that we had in the 10th, and the resolve to do something about it that we made in the 11th, is coming up
against the status quo of the ascendant in the 12th--our day-to-day reality. In the 12th house we are
faced with a choice. We are about to cross over from the more impersonal realm of ideas and planning
into our actual day-to-day circumstances. In the 12th, we begin to face the difference between our idea
and our reality. We can either forget the whole thing and let the idea go, or we can care enough about
making the idea matter in our life to buckle down and accept the way things are (status quo) and try to
overcome bring our new idea through and get it across the ascendant.

Aspects in an Astrology Chart
Aspects are an important part of modern astrology. As the planets move in their elongated orbits around
the Sun, they form various angular relationships with one another, using the Sun (or Earth) as the center.
These are called aspects. The most popular aspects result from dividing the circle by numbers like 1, 2, 3,
4, resulting in aspects such as the conjunction (0 degrees), opposition (180 degrees), trine (120 degrees),
square (90 degrees), and so forth. When two planets form an aspect with one another, their energies and
natures are said to combine and work in harmony or discord. For example, when two planets are exactly
on opposite sides of the Sun (Earth), they are in opposition.

The most popular aspects can be divided into three main categories:

The "emphatic" aspects: The emphatic aspects are those that emphasize or align two planetary energies
with one another.

Conjunction (0 degrees): Two planets at the same point in the zodiac are said to be in conjunction. Their
natures are fused or blended into one.

Opposition (180 degrees): Two planets at opposite sides of the zodiac. The energies are in alignment
with each other. They can pull together or apart, depending upon the nature of the planets involved.

The "hard" aspects: square (90 degrees) and semi-square (45 degrees). These represent challenge,
obstacles, and substance. They provide the meat and potatoes in our life. Too many can block or
obstruct the life flow, yet too few can cause life to be weak or thin.

The "soft" aspects: trine (120 degrees) and sextile (60 degrees). The soft aspects bring ease, clarity,
and vision to our lives. We can see, grasp, and understand what is happening. Too few of the soft
aspects means we don't know what we are doing or what is happening in our lives, while too many soft
aspects make for a life that runs cool, is overly mental, and lacking in substance.

"Exact" aspects and aspects "orbs": Aspects between planets gradually form, become exact, and
separate. When an aspect is exact, it has its greatest impact. Yet, the effect of most aspects can be felt
for some time before and after the moment when it is exact. The range within which an aspect is in
operation is called its "orb of influence," or simply its orb. An orb of one or two degrees of arc on either
side of the exact aspect is considered a close or tight orb, while an orb of 10 degrees is loose.

Also worthy of consideration when looking at aspects are the planets involved. Aspects to the Sun and
Moon (the lights) are most important, followed by the planetary aspects involving Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. If your natal chart has an accurate birth time, then aspects
to the chart angles (Ascendant and Midheaven) are also important. The particular combination can make
a difference too. Aspects between planets such as Saturn and Mars (traditional malefics) are obviously
more potentially explosive than the same aspect between Venus and Jupiter (traditional benefics).

Astrology Can Be Simple
Astrology is not as complex as it may seem. At first I was very intimidated by all the glyphs. It seemed
like a foreign language. I realized the trick was to view the glyphs as shorthand.

It takes many years to master the art of chart interpretation. Part of my training has required me to
calculate a chart by hand. This required math, interpolation, and other laborious tasks. It would take
approximately 10 minutes to do it by hand. Fortunately, software programs calculate the chart within
seconds. Knowledge is never wasted as one can spot errors immediately, especially when software is in
the hands of a beginner or non-practicing astrologers. Wrongly calculated charts generate inaccuracy.

One of the traps an astrologer can fall into is having a client dictate the style of reading they want. I think
this is because there are so many wonderful reports out there that can be purchased a la carte. Though I
support the astrological knowledge spreading to public, the public needs to also understand that the
seasoned astrologer knows what is needed. I want a composite chart--I want to know about love with
Mike. Though the composite is only one element, there is a lot more that goes into giving a full reading.
This is no different than going to a surgeon for a procedure and asking him to make the cut vertically from
the top first, instead of the bottom!

When I do a reading, I incorporate everything imaginable. I will use whatever tools I need that I know
work to generate a proper reading.

Often a client that is seasoned will comment about a specific transiting cycle. Yet, the true issue is a
progression. The client may not realize this. Like going to a doctor, he will go thoroughly go through all
possibilities before coming to any conclusions. This is the same for an astrologer. I look at every
forecasting method to see the most significant theme at hand. There are many forecasting tools and
different types of tools in astrology that it can be overwhelming. Learning astrology takes more than just
one night!

For client readings I have learned to keep it simple. I always get to the point without giving tech talk.
Clients do not want to hear, The ruler of your 2nd house is in a cardinal T Square. Instead, clients want
to know specifically what is going to happen, when there is change, and how to work best with a cycle.
The beginning astrology student may be slightly nervous or want to show off his knowledge by getting too
technical. I was guilty of this too! If I get technical on a rare occasion, there is a purpose behind it but it is
never at the forefront of the reading.

The two most important things clients want to know are love and finances/career. Most clients wouldnt
be able to tell what Im using as I get to the point of what is taking place and I forecast the changes. And
they continue to come back. Keep it simple. Use your astrology as a tool like the on/off switch for an

What Can Astrology Do for Me?
Western Astrology
Natal Astrology Method of describing a persons destiny, personality, potentials based on the
persons date, time of birth, and place of birth.
Forecasting Interpreting upcoming cycles in the hours, days, weeks, and months ahead. The
most common are transits to natal planets, secondary progressions, solar arc
directions, and return charts (solar, lunar and other planets.) There are many
types of progressions including minor progressions.
Synastry The analysis of 2 or more individuals charts to see how compatible or
incompatible they are. This shows strengths, weaknesses, and more.
A composite chart can be calculated which averages both charts into one chart.
That chart is the chart of the relationship and serves as a confirmation to what
is in the forecasting and natal charts of the individuals. It is a great surplus to be
used but never supersedes the interaspects.
Relocation Analysis In astrology your date, time, and place of birth is needed. An astrologer can
calculate a new chart for the desired location you would like analyzed. The
planets will not change, however the angles in the chart will because of time
zone differences. Example: There is a distinct difference between 2 people
born at the same date and time on different coasts. The goal is to analyze
which area may serve you better for business, finances, relationships, schooling,
It is common for business professionals who do business in multiple locations to
want analysis on the location for their marketing campaign or business strategy.
Everyone has a location that can bring more abundance or depletion.
Horary Astrology If you need a specific question answered, your date, time, and place is not
needed. Instead the astrologer makes a chart for the moment the question is
asked. Values in the chart represent the querent and the topic they are
inquiring about.
Electional Astrology If you seek a date and time to launch an important event such as getting
married, taking a trip, booking a surgery date, starting a business, etc...This
form of astrology will give you the best date possible. Everything has a chart
including an event. The goal behind this is to give you the best energies possible
for the event in effort to maximize your potentials.

A word of caution: The natal chart and forecasting needs to be inspected first.
Uranian Astrology This form of astrology uses mathematical like equations for natal, forecasting,
and synastry. Example if a client has a cycle such as Sun/Moon=Mars can
indicate love life getting stronger.

This type of astrology is wonderful to use as a surplus to the western approach.

Munich Rhythms Developed by Wolfgang Doebriner, this form of astrology divides the houses
into the periods of ones life. For example, the ascendant and its aspects along
with the ruler of the ascendant and its aspects are triggered during the ages of
07 and at 8491 if the individual lives to that age. In a clockwise motion each
house is triggered in 7 year increments.
Vedic/Eastern Indian style Astrology offering natal, forecasting and synastry.

Retrogrades: Mars, Venus, and Mercury Make the Best of All 3
Mars has finally gone direct on Friday, April 13th, after being in retrograde motion for over 10 weeks.
Thank heavens! Projects that have been staggering should either improve or require a major renovation.
The positive quality about Mars in this position is that it can lead one to analyze what they put time and
effort into and the worth behind it. That retrograde was in the sign of Virgo. If it was in ones chart
impacting the relationship section, one would look at their love life, who leads the relationship, intimacy
skills, etc. Unfortunately this position can make one extremely sensitive and subject to cutting
relationships off. The positive note is that once this position is over, it will make one retrace their efforts
asserted during the retrograde and either fix them or abandon them all together. The next Mars
retrograde is not until 2014.

From April 14 through May 14 is a great time to finalize anything you can that wasnt possible in the last
few months. This is extremely encouraged because during the period of May 15-June 26, Venus is in
retrograde. Therefore, hurry up and get what you need to get done ASAP, otherwise hold off until after
June 28.

Venus in retrograde motion can be the most challenging out of all the retrogrades. Venus deals with
taste, pleasure, harmony, finances, relationships, bonding, social activities, beauty, and in some cases
possessions. This is the one period when it is advised to not start anything new, like make a major
purchase, undergo any elective procedure, or make a major change such as a move. Under no
circumstances would it be advisable to switch jobs, move to a new home, or renovate an existing home
because after the planet finishes its retrograde motion, one will not like the results that manifested.
Vacations that take place under this time period are not enjoyed. A change in mind and taste may lead to
waste. Fortunately, this retrograde is only 6 weeks in length. It is from May 15-June 27.

Mercury, the planet of communication, is going to retrograde two more times this year. This occurs for a
21-24 day period during July 14-August 8 and November 6-26.

Many blame this for delays in communications, articles getting lost etc. However, with any energy, its
important to also know the positive use. Retrograde Mercury is a wonderful time to re-read a book,
review materials that you previously learned or reinvestigate matters. Often times one will have a new
perspective on it. In fact, usually if one didnt understand a subject, re-exploring it on a retrograde can
help one understand it better.

Mercury retrograde is the least of all difficulties. Though its pleasure principle is not impacted like Venus,
it can delay travel or create difficulties with lost baggage. You are better off taking your vacation on this
retrograde than the one during Venus.

With all the dates mentioned above, if you need to assert strong business action it is recommend doing
so between August 9-November 5th.

Venus Retrograde
This time of the year everybody inquires about upcoming relationships, career and financial potentials for
2004. What about the major planetary aspects and events taking place in the year? Take advantage of
the following to plan your year ahead.

During the period of May 17-June 29, 2004 Venus enters Retrograde. Venus is the planet of love,
reflecting and revising the loving principal is important. Affection is stagnant and inwardly expressed.
This is not a time to start dating or get married. If you are paying for an expensive matchmaking or dating
service, this would be an ideal time to freeze your membership. However, it is an excellent time to review
and refresh a current relationship.

Since Venus rules money, logically revenue is earned through work. During the Venus Retrograde of
October through November 2002, a building manager was hired to manage a building in exchange for a
free apartment. This manager not only embarked on a new job, but also a new residence. She detested
the job and hated her living conditions. She quit before Venus turned direct. In less than 6 weeks, she
moved twice. I wonder about the 3rd place she moved to immediately thereafter. It is recommended to
place on hold any major actions, decisions or embarking any new ventures on this retrograde.

RETROGRADE! The job will not be liked and a better job often becomes available after the retrograde.
The level of appreciation is unexpressed and the job duties may not be liked. Worse, they may not have
been stated directly from the beginning.

Since Venus rules beauty, plastic surgery is not recommended. During the Venus Retrograde of January
1989 a client underwent Rhinoplasty (Nose Job). Though she did like her doctor, she did not like the
results. She had her nose redone. Also, another client, a nurse, assisted in the operating room when a
certain male singer underwent Rhinoplasty and 2 other procedures. This performer is notorious for
having too much plastic surgery to the point of overboard. Upon checking the date, it too landed on a
Venus retrograde. However, it certainly justify why this person has and probably will always go under the
knife multiple times. .

Venus' pleasure principal is not at its fullest. Social events are complete "busts" on a retrograde. Never
plan a major party because either no one shows or the party is boring! Worse, vacations are not
recommended. During Venus retrograde April 1912 a cruise was not enjoyable. THE TITANIC SANK!
Granted, there were difficult aspects from Venus retrograde to Neptune (the sea). But for those that
took a vacation, they did not fine pleasure or get their moneys worth. Interestingly, the film was released
3 weeks before Venus went retrograde. The film was about a Venus Retrograde event that made the film
even more popular on a Venus Retrograde during late December 1997 through early January 1998. At
some point do not be surprised if its re-released.

On a positive note, please remember the above is to improve better times to assert actions. Nothing is a
catastrophe. Save your money and time. Do not make any major decisions or invest time in trying to
tackle a major event that you can put off until the time is better. However, do use this period to analyze
your patterns in life. It is a great way to grow as a person. Growth does lead to attainment!

Mars Retrograde
Mars is located between Venus and Jupiter. It rules the force of will, physical energy, efforts, impulse,
courage, driving force towards a goal, assertion, and one's sexual libido. Your willpower depends on
Mars' zodiacal position at your birth. From January 24-April 14, 2012 Mars will be retrograde in the sign
of Virgo.

Mars turns retrograde every 26 months for 70 to 80 days. Its effects result in projects and plans stalling
or not developing as expected. Things don't go as fast as we want. Our energy levels will be lower.
Accidents and arguments from impulsive actions and unrecognized anger will flare. Sexual activity is
often unsatisfactory.

The textbooks indicate that suppressed frustrations result in a volcano-like eruption. Individuals may
explode with frustration and decide poorly and respond with violence and anger instead of patience and
dialogue. However, one needs to also factor in that a retrograde can force one to go deeper within and
make ground breaking changes in terms of the nature of the planet and the nature of the sign. Therefore,
during this time frame one will be re-evaluating their work energy. Mars in Virgo is very strong with
details, efficiency, organization, and being health-conscious. For those that have been putting off
exercise, this may very well be a time where you may step out of your comfort zone and start dieting and
exercising like never before.

It is true that Mars retrograde can result in procrastination. Assertive patterns are more introspective.
Many will encounter passive individuals that may lack drive. It is highly recommended to steer away from
starting a new business under a retrograde.

The birth of a business during a Mars Retrograde will result in constant problems with having action
asserted at a quality and effective pace. No matter how hard you try to push, nothing will happen.
Everything is in a sluggish state.

More importantly, it is recommended to steer away from major repairs. Since Mars governs destructions,
deconstruction may become more understood after Mars turns direct. If an electronic gadget breaks
down on a Mars Retrograde, a repair job will not cure the fix. A repair job on a Mars retrograde may
result in having another repair take place. However, after the retrograde has turned direct, the problem
can be more understood. Repair jobs include surgery. Avoid surgery under this time frame if possible.

However, being born with a Mars retrograde is much different than experiencing one during the cycle. A
well-aspected Mars retrograde in an individuals birth chart can produce a lot of success. Since energy
and initiative is internalized (retrograde), usually the individual is in competition with himself. Many
athletes are born with a well-aspected Mars Retrograde. However, when Mars is aspected with
challenging aspects, individuals may act hastily and often need to retrace and redo his steps. Ironically, I
have seen many astrological charts of athletes with a retrograde Mars in Virgo. Being a team player is
very important for athletes. Therefore, during this retrograde we may be called upon to evaluate our own
and others team player cooperation abilities at work.

There could be difficulties, arguments, disagreements at work over someone or with someone that is
overly critical. So during this time frame it will be wise to pick and choose your words and actions at work
very methodically.

Ones sexual drive during a Mars retrograde can change a lot. It has been stated that the level of
satisfaction during a Mars retrograde can be difficult to satisfy. In the sign of Virgo it could be overly
critical, picky, and frugal.

Another factor to understand with Virgo is pets. During this cycle, if a pet needs to have a surgical
procedure it is strongly recommended if possible to postpone it until after retrograde. During this time
frame your pets temperament could also be evaluated with respect to the above referenced Mars
retrograde qualities: overly aggressive or lethargic.

Finally the details of day-to-day living are also scrutinized under Virgo. So taking time to clean up
shelves, closets, cabinets, and drawers is an excellent way to use this energy. A big tip: be extra efficient
under that time frame. Enjoy!

Void Moon
As the Moon orbits around the Earth, it travels through the zodiacal belt consisting of 12 zodiac signs.
Every month it will be in each zodiacal sign for approximately 60 hours (2.5 days). When the Moon
reaches near the end of an aspect to another planet, it is considered "VOID."

This void interval may last for a few minutes, hours, or a full day. Each period varies every month.
Sometimes we may not even experience it as we may be asleep.

While the Moon is void, events and people do not "connect." Directions often do not surmount to
tangibility. Appointments will be rescheduled, cancelled, delayed or never reach any fruition whatsoever.
Purchases made are not recommended as either there will be a change of mind, the product serves little
usage or a better product will become available at another time.

Never plan, schedule or settle events during a void moon. This includes important meetings to social
events. Void moon simply means NO ACTION. Any important business events will not work as desired.
Advertising will not bring desired sales. Arguments (breakups) occur but nothing happens! It will be a
very minor breakup. However, meeting a new person on a void moon will bring no long lasting follow

Though life must continue on a void moon, tackling daily routines/chores is its best usage.

However, mailing your income tax return is perfect on a void moon! It is the perfect way to avoid a tax
audit! Though Id never encourage or give tips on how to cheat the IRS, the void moon means NOTHING

Every cycle has a positive and a challenge. Though the majority of usages for a void moon may be
seamless, take advantage of it when you can.

Finding Missing Objects- Horary Astrology
Horary Astrology is a branch of Astrology that answers very specific questions the moment a question is
asked. One's birth chart is not needed. Instead, a chart is calculated the moment the question is asked.
"Will I get the job at ABC?" or "Will Pat and I break up?" are classic horary types of questions. This
branch of Astrology is ideal for giving a reading for clients without an accurate birth time. Also, "Where is
the missing ring? falls into this branch of Astrology.

Though I had successful and unsuccessful attempts in finding missing objects, I do not classify myself as
a specialist for missing objects. I much rather practice the usual long term love cycles, business,
relocation, relationship analysis, setting dates and times.

In the middle of many moves, I misplaced my diploma. I went through every box several times. Foolishly
I looked in places out of frustration. After giving up, I then decided to calculate a Horary Chart. The
answer suggested inside a closet, around the colors red and green. When I opened the door, happily I
found the diploma. However, it wasn't the diploma I was looking for! I gave up and decided to order an
official duplicate. Also, this is when I developed my philosophy for missing objects.

Though a Horary Chart is valid for finding missing objects, I believe its more important to view if the
object will be found versus finding it. Determining if one will find a missing object is much easier to
answer than where it actually can be hiding. After all, one can ask, "Where is it?", but what if it describes
some recycle bin in the middle of nowhere?

The technical rule of thumb is that missing objects are ruled by the Second House of the Horary Chart
drawn to represent the question. The chart is calculated the moment the Astrologer receives the question
in live format. Also, it is drawn in the location for Astrologer answering the question.

Some Examples in Analyzing the Chart

a) Ruler of the 2nd is in the 6th house--The missing object may be at work.
b) Ruler of the 2nd in the 3rd house--The missing object may be in a car.
c) Ruler of the 2nd in the 11th house--A friend may have it.

If the ruler of the 2nd house is retrograde, the missing object will be returned.

The chart can be divided into North/South/East/West. Planets in their respective zodiacal signs have color

Though the above basics are standard, this is the one area of Horary Astrology that many of my
colleagues often do not like to attempt. I do use Horary for non-missing object questions that give
concrete, accurate answers. Coupled with a natal chart, tons of detail is readily made available.
However, missing objects is a nebulous topic. What if the object is found 20 years after one has ordered
a duplicate or has completely given up? As most people, I prefer having solid tangibles for now and the
immediate 2- 3 year time frame.


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