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Name: Date(s):
Leah Behymer 2/13/17
Subject: Grade Level:
Health Science 11th & 12th
1. TEKS 2. Big Understanding:
130.205 Vitals signs gives medical personnel baseline
2b, 2c, 6a, 6d, & 8d information to what may be going on with the
patient. If the information obtained is not within
Objective: At the end of the lesson, normal limits, further testing is required. This gives
students will demonstrate how to accurately insight to the MD/nurse. Doing this will be part of
take vital signs. their job and will continue to do this while working
in the medical field.

3. Summative Assessment Evidence:

Students will demonstrate independently on the steps to take vital signs. They will verbally describe each
step while performing the procedure. The instructor will check the students off for each step being

4. Opening Hook:
Will ask students, How many of you been to the doctors office recently? Those who raise
their hand, ask the student. What is the 1st thing that is done to you before the doctor comes
into the room? Ask other students same question, to see if the same procedure is being done
before starting the lesson.

5. Instructional Strategies / Student Activities/ Grouping Patterns:

Teacher Input/Modeling: During lecture, we will go through the power-points about vital signs. The
different areas being performed, know the normal limits within each one. Watch videos to help students
see how to perform the procedure. I will show the students how to take vital signs. Students must
introduce themselves, identify the patient with two identifiers, know which site to perform their
temperature and which questions to ask.

Guided Practice: WE DO: Students will be given handouts that has step by step instructions in
performing each vital sign. Students will check each other off, while performing each step. They will
check each other twice by 2 different partners.

CFU (Checking for understanding) (Formative Assessment) Instructor will go to each group and
observe them performing the skills. At this time students may ask questions get further help if needed.

Independent Practice: YOU DO (Individual students): Students will be assessed to perform these tasks

6. Higher Level Questions to Incorporate:

Why is this procedure imperative? What does this information tell us?

7. Materials/Resources:
Power-points, computer, videos, whiteboard, markers, paper, pen/pencil, sink, soap, paper
towel, hand sanitizer, trashcan, stethoscope, thermometers: digital, temporal artery, tympanic;

Curr. 16a
manual blood pressure cuff, alcohol swabs, probe covers/slips, & disinfecting wipes
8. Grouping Patterns:
Students will be in groups of 4 and each group will pair up with a partner. Students will practice
with their partner each vital sign & alternate. While one student is performing the skill, their partner
will check them off in their handout with the steps listed. They will then have a different partner
within their group and practice again.

9. Ending, Summary/Reflection:
Students will reflect on what they learned by writing it down on paper. They can explain how they
feel about the lesson such as, if they understood how to do the skill? If the skill was difficult to
perform? If after practicing it, this made them more comfortable doing it. Do they understand why
taking a patients vital signs is so important? What should the student do with the information they
have obtained?
10. Technology: I will use the computer when I am showing the students the power points over Vital
Signs, and will use the computer when I am playing different videos.

Curr. 16a

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