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An star wars D6 adventure for starting characters during the clone wars

War! it is the first battle of the clone wars on the distant planet of
Geonosis, ships emerge from hyperspace and start a battle above the

More ships emerge and begin landin operations, jedi master Yoda send the
order to begin the attack while the jedis try to rescue master Kenobi and
his padawan at the arena you begin your assigment on a near droid
assemble plant.

It is a rescue mission your objective to rescue a smuggler named Ron

Vidar who has information about the separatist and about their plans it is
clear now that there is more on this war than just a separatist movement
master Yoda warns of the dark side behind all of this this mission is
important for the future of the galaxy...........
Running the adventure: the gm always
know some details that the players dont, i
have a direct approach style in my
adventures sometimes those details are
skipped to keep the action flowing i
usually add the line read this to the
players sometimes this also gives the
new info to the gm that i assume will
adapt to the new situation as well i have
tested this style in my other adventures
and works well.

Now to the game, this adventure must be

run with at least one player playing a jedi
character, the jedi council in coruscant
gives the mission to the player and from
here it must be worked.

Recent events have leaded to a separatist

movement and this has result in a
growing concern for the jedi, Master Plo
koon has a contact a smuggler called
Ron Vidar who sent a transmission to
master Plo but in that process he was
captured and taken into a droid facility
due to the events happening in Geonosis
master plo cannot rescue his friend so he
gives that order to the jedi player with all
the info about the location and 3 clone
trooper to aid in adition to the other
players, the gm must make all the
necessary preparations to make sure
everyone is ready now to start the
CORUSCANT: the jedi master plo koon
sends for the jedi player in case he has a
padawan he also will meet master plo,
read this to the players: you are in the
streets of coruscant the flying vehicles
above you and the towering buildings
you take a transport and after a while you
see the Jedi temple, the transport lefts
you on a pad there and you enter the
temple 1 jedi guards the entrance and he
makes a bow to the jedi master you reach
the library and inside you find master plo
who says to the jedi welcome about your
mission you have been briefed it is time
to get to Geonosis it seems war is
inevitable after this the group walks out
and board a ship that takes them out of read this to the players the ships is
the planet and makes a jump to out of hyperspace and as soon as is
lightspeed. out it comes under heavy fire by
separatist ships a battle is being
keep reading sometime after you arrive fought, prepare to leave well make a
to the assemble point you see a huge drop says the clone commander
fleet of white ships of an unknow type to redball you all get aboard a republic
you one of the pilots says most gunship that begins to land along
impressive, and it docs on a white ships with other hundreds of ship, as soon
with red markings you are in the hangar as it enters orbit and begins to fly
and see many soldiers dress in white all over the geonosian battlefield you see
of them are the same clones you think, the massive battle being fought.
prepare for the jump says the ship
comms, while the ship is on the after 1 minute you reach your landing
hyperspace you are presented to 3 clone point that is 3 km away from the
soldiers that will acompany you to your main battlefield, all the group jumps
mission redball the name says the out and you can see the droid factory
commander of the group we have been ahead 3 droids are guarding near
briefed sir and will make everything that what will you do?
we can to help.
Battle Droid
Type: Trade Federation Battle Droid
Blaster 7D
Dodge 5D
Repulsorlift Operation 5D
Vehicle Blasters 6D
Search 5D
Equipped with:
Humanoid Body (two arms, two legs, head)
Two visual and two auditory sensors human
Very Limited Intelligence Brain
Move: 10
Size: 1.7 meters tall
Cost: 2,000 (used)

after the battle 4 more droids emerge from the as you exit the instalation you see the droid
inside of the complex, after this the players ships taking off into space it seems the
enter the complex and inside they find more republic has won the day in your intercom
droids running everywhere the comms says you receive a message return to the
something about retreat read this to the players assembly area inmediately, you begin to
as you enter the complex droids are running walk away from the facility when you are
everywhere and the comms voice announce a intercepted by 4 super battle droids and 2
full retreat you follow a corridor for some time battle droids that are retreating.
and then you find a control room full of
battledroids and a couple of superbattle droids. Super Battle Droid
Type: Confederation Super Battle Droid
if any of the players search the computers for DEXTERITY
info on a succesfull roll they found that there Blaster
are some prisoners in the detention area ahead Dodge
of the control room if no one searches there are 6D
2 corridors the one on the right leads to the 1D
warehouse where 8 droids are waiting the one MECHANICAL
on the left leads to the detention area where 2 Repulsorlift Operation
prisoners are held one of them ron vidar the 5D
Vehicle Blasters 6D
other will be dying by the time they arrive, the PERCEPTION 2D
Search 5D
dying character is local geonosian leader STRENGTH 3D
imprisoned for not colaborating with the TECHNICAL 1D
Equipped with:
separatist. Humanoid Body (two arms, two legs, head)
Two visual and two auditory sensors human
Limited Intelligence Brain 2 x Twin Heavy Blasters
when they reach Ron Vidar will tell them (Range 550/
120/300, Damage 6D) Armoured Skin (+2D)
finally you are here now get me out, after they Move: 10 Size: 2
release the smuggler they head out the same meters tall Cost:
8,000 (used)
way they enter but in the exit read this to them

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