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Role 1 MAHATMA GANDHI (Bright), Indian independence leader, the father of India (peace maker)

have a little conflict with JInnah. He wants unify india

Hindu. Deeply believes in satyagraha (non-violent resistance), as demonstrated in the Salt March
and other activities.
Although Hindu, believes in the universality of humanity and compassion seen in other religions.
Wants India to stay united and for Muslims to feel at home in a free India after the British have
Wants Kashmir to stay in a united India and for the cultural-religious rights of Kashmiris to be fully

Quotes from Gandhi:

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.
Nobody can hurt me without my permission.
In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Role 2 MUHAMMAD ALI JINNAH, (Panpan) Muslim League leader, have conflict with Bright.
Muslim. Strong supporter of the Partition of British India and the creation of an independent
Pakistan in order to protect Muslim rights once the British leave.
Wants Kashmir to join Pakistan, or be ruled as an independent Muslim-governed country.
Once worked closely with the Congress Party, which he now calls the Hindu Congress.
Does not want to see British dominance replaced by Hindu dominance.

Quotes from Jinnah:

You have to stand guard over the development and maintenance of Islamic democracy, Islamic social
justice and the equality of manhood in your own native soil.
Islam expect every Muslim to do this duty, and if we realise our responsibility time will come soon when
we shall justify ourselves worthy of a glorious past.
That freedom can never be attained by a nation without suffering and sacrifice has been amply borne out
by the recent tragic happenings in this subcontinent.
Democracy is in the blood of the Muslims, who look upon complete equality of mankind, and believe in
fraternity, equality, and liberty.
I have nothing to do with this pseudo-religious approach that Gandhi is advocating.
No settlement with the majority is possible as no Hindu leader speaking with any authority shows any
concern or genuine desire for it.

Role 3 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU, (Tong) Congress Party leader (unify india)

Supporter of a free, independent, secular India based on democratic principles.
Hindu, but not as religious as Gandhi. Like Gandhi, supports non-violence, but not as strongly as
Gandhi does
Does not want India to be partitioned, but may agree to it if no other options seem possible.
A good friend of Edwina Mountbatten, wife of Louis Mountbatten.

Quotes from Nehru:

A majority which ignores the minority is not functioning in the true spirit of the Parliamentary democracy.
Democracy is good. I say this because other systems are worse.
The only alternative to coexistence is codestruction.
The person who runs away exposes himself to that very danger more than a person who sits quietly.
Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit.
Time is not measured by the passing of years but by what one does, what one feels, and what one

In the year 1947, before British free India, 3 leaders represent 3 religions were sitting
together in a meeting room at the congress.
In the meeting room consulting about future India, one women who now behind the men

Bright(Gandhi) : British is nearly free us. But I think in the future this situation might ruin
our country not only the problem about the bounder, but also people from different
religion that live in this area that they all have problem for a long time, and if we rouse
them (sign) It wont be a good situation for sure. I know from my foretoken people from
different religion will fight over Kashmir

Tong(Nehru) : Well, I agree with you Mr.Gandhi. I have a strongly believe that A
majority which ignores the minority is not functioning in the true spirit of the
Parliamentary democracy. that is one reason that we have to keep our country stay
together and we should encourage honesty, justice and peace in the community more.
Do you have anything to add, so that we can end the conference

Panpan (Jinnah) : I think that it wont be a good idea to live together because it might
cause lots of problems such as conflict between religions, people which will cause many
violences. Also, I think that it is hard to make people accept to live together. However,
Im not sure that my decision is right, so let me ask my wife for her opinion about that.

Earn(jinnahs wife: Ruttie ) : (whisper) I agree with you Jinnah. Different people with
different believes should not stay together.

Bright(Gandhi) : But if we negotiate and persuade by telling the reasons why it would be
better to not separate the country. Moreover, we can also help together and apply what
we know to solve the problem for our country.

Milly(Nehrus wife) : Yes, I agree and I think that there are many reasons that we should
get together as one country. For example, it might be easier to control the country and
there will be no conflict between each religion if we recognize what is important to know
and understand about each other.

Panpan (Jinnah) : I dont think that people can live together if they have different
believe. Well, for today, lets end the conference here. I will try to figure this problem by
ask the consensus, then we will be here again in 2 days.

Earn : (narrator) 2 Days later Jinnah comes with a ton of information that he found. They
sit down in the congress together again, and consult on the same topic. Nehrus wife is
waiting outside of the meeting room.
Panpan(jinnah) : Most of them want to separate. This is a truth, Gandhi, you cant
refuse this.

Bright (Gandhi) : But I see when it's come to the year of 2016 there will be a wild time
of chaos happen. People will stand out and fight with other. If it occur for a short time I
would accept it, but your decision might be wrong, and I want to see the world peace in
the future. Lets people recognize the good thing not..

Tong (Nehru) :
I think we should unify. My idea is just like what America did a country with the free
state, and each state will have a representatives which they have choose their own
governments from election. Also government will have a parliament about laws.

Panpan (jinnah) : What you mean is called a democracy. And I think Democracy is in
the blood of the Muslims, who look upon complete equality of mankind, and believe in
fraternity, equality, and liberty. And Gandhi, I think when the time pass people will
change themselves to be better.

Tong (Nehru) : Time is not measured by the passing of years but by what one does,
what one feels, and what one achieves.

Suddenly the door is opened from outside Kamala, Nehrus wife go inside to tell a bad

Kamala (Milly) : Now there is a war occurred in Sind province of West Pakistan.

Panpan (Jinnah): This cant help because it is citizens decision.

Earn (new character: a reporter in year 2016) : Good morning ladies and gentlemen and
welcome to hot news report,My name is Duangjarin, Recently, there was a clash
occurred in the areas controlled Kashmir territory between India and Pakistan in Town
Haji Peer by the Pakistani army accusing that Indian armies was the one who started
the war by crossing to Pakistan military base and attacking them so that Pakistan had to
defense and oppose them. As a result, Indian troops had to retreat weapons and left
guns and knives. Also, Pakistan army claimed that one of Pakistans army had died and
another one was injured.
However, the Indian army spokesman in Srinagar city, capital of Kashmir region in
India, said that India was definitely not violate municipal boundaries but Pakistans
military was the one that started shooting into Indian village ,so Indian armies shoot
back and no Indian casualties

From this conflict, it is important to keep an eye on the situations that it will increase
more tension between these 2 countries. And thats it for today. Thank you very much.

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