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Paphapint Parinyapariwat


Why Singapore is successful comprehensive while Thailand that used to be more

powerful ,and never been colonized by the westerner.

People may think that country that used to be the colony of a powerful country could not
be successful ,however, nowadays there is one country that developed themselves to be better
than other countries around. Singapore used to be one city which took part in the southern of
Malaysia ,and It is the central of a global financial center with a tropical climate and multicultural
population , mostly Chinese. Compare to Thailand , which is the only one country that have
never been colonized by the western country in ASEAN. Thailand was ruled by democracy
,even now Thais called their country as the country that ruled by democracy ,however, their act
of state shown that Thailand is ruled by military dictatorship ,while Singapore have a constant
situation in politics ,which made their country moved forward. Singapore is economically
successfully ,and now known as the developed country ,because they have a good leader ,
while Thailand has less successful rate in Economy and Politics ,because the leader ,and

The basic history of both countries are different ,because singapore was known to
mariners ,when a succession of maritime states originated throughout the Malay Archipelago.
Singapore was probably the one of the many trading outposts called an entrept and supply
point for traders from Malay , Thai ,Javanese ,Chinese , Indian ,and Arab. After that Portuguese
started to explore Melaka ,and force the reigning of Sultan to escape from the south where is
establish his new regime to incorporated the place called Singapura ,then the Portuguese
destroyed the port ,which made a enormous change ,because the port has burned down ,and
trading activity was abandoned. In 1842 British came ,and started to control the port. After that
Singapore became independent ,and Lee Kuan Yew becomes the first prime minister of
Singapore. He transformed Singapore from a small struggling into one of wealthiest country in
Asean ,and have least corruption in the country by improve the education and disruption in
religious and racial harmony is simply not allowed which led to less conflict. Although today Lee
kuan Yew died ,but his son continue carry the good decision. While comparing to Thailand ,an
independent country, have never been ruled by the western country due to fact that it served as
buffer between French Indochina and British empire and partly due to reforms and
modernization carried by Rama IV and Rama V ,because they had good leader at that time ,so
that Thailand kept independent. During Rama II's period the westerner tried to create the
influences to Siam ,thus Siam signed the burney treaty that agree to establish tax system to
lowering it. However, nowadays Thailand is know ruled by the military ,which is kind of
conservative ,hence the scholar believed that Thailand is now back to the starting point.

As Singapore has a good leader that leads them to the highest point in Asean. Besides Lee
Kuan Yew, Singapore have two others leader, which are Dr. Goh Keng Swee, the architect of
Singapores economic miracle, and Mr. S. Rajaratnam, Singapores philosopher par excellence.
And together they have made a powerful and harmonious team. They believed that new
generation is the most vulnerable group ,so they give heed a lot on this group by give the best
education for them. Even their country started with enlightened dictatorship ,but the election is
held every five year. Compare to Thailand ,which once had developed themselves to be the
Paphapint Parinyapariwat

best in ASEAN ,however, after insurrection more than 15 times ,and now the military has
become the governor in nowadays. And they did not give heed on important thing like
education. They dont make things better ,but they make it even worst.

The reason that Singapore is so successful in economy led by good founding fathers like
Lee Kuan Yew, S. Rajaratnam and Goh Keng Swee to guide the country just as it was starting
out. According to the diplomat ,the magazine that dedicated to quality analysis and
commentary on events happening in Asia especially and around the world. The
Diplomat reaches an influential audience of commentators, policymakers and
academics with its in-depth treatment of regional issues. The diplomat have said about
Lee Kuan Yews lesson ,The prime minister promote A strong political leadership needs a
neutral, efficient, honest civil service which made trust and confident to those investors that
want to invest in Singapore ,and that is one factor that led to economically growth of Singapore.
Also their leaders used the background history of another country as a new lesson. Because
they like to learn things from the mistake ,so that in the future they will develop their country to
be better and powerful than they were. And this concept do it jobs , they took the lesson from
Japans mistake ,and used self adaptation. The similar thing that Singapore did like Thailand is
that both countries dont like to create the enemies. Their leader tried to take care of their
citizens as much as they can. Importantly, the leader with no corrupt and honest is the key to
develop the country and citizens. Compare to Thailand ,in the past, Thailand used be to very
successful in 2001 ,and because of political problems about the politicians corruption ,and the
attacking between Red shirt and Yellow shirt , a big group of people that make a protest that
made the whole world losing trust from Thailand that led the economy of the country go down

In conclusion, the reason that Singapore is success comprehensive because their leaders
that set their base of the country very well not only that ,but also give an attention to the
important things such as education of young generation to help develop their country in the
future. While Thailand didnt see that others see ,and has faced with many leader that like to

References in APA format

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Paphapint Parinyapariwat

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