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Art Challenge 2

Chosen Concept Food

Art Work One Campbells Soup Cans

Andy Warhol
1962. Synthetic polymer paint on thirty-two canvases, Each canvas 50.8
x 40.6 cm

Style: Pop Art

Art Work Two - Basket of Fruit (c.1599)

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio - oil on canvas 46 cm 64.5 cm

Style: Still Life

Art Work 3 - LA CHAMBRE D'ECOUTE, C.1958
Rene Magritte - Art Print 51cmx41cm
Style Surrealism

Appreciation and appraisal

Chosen Work - Campbells Soup Cans (Andy Warhol)
Initial Thoughts:
This famous artwork is one of my personal favorites as I have always had an
appreciation for Andy Warhols work. I particularly like this work as it is
several canvases coming together to create a single piece. I am also drawn
to the simplicity of the image but how it seems to pop off the canvas.
Formal Analysis:
This famous artwork is very vibrant and the human eye can be drawn to
many different things, however for me personally my eye is drawn to the
individual cans before I see it as a whole image. As a whole this image has a
very simple meaning, with Warhol's early work in commercial illustration was
all about elevating an ordinary product into a more glamorous light for the
purpose of selling it as an object of desire to the masses. Due to this Warhol
kept is work very simple yet effective, with simple shapes and lines. He also
kept is color palette simple yet vibrant, in this work the color red stands out.
This piece is very simple in that it doesnt have much movement, texture or
rhythm. This can be related back to Warhols goals with his work mentioned
before. This work is very still however it still pops off each and every one of
the canvases. I believe this is due to the 2D representation of a 3D object
however there can be many reasons for the stillness of this piece. The
chosen medium for this work was paint which I think contributes to the
vibrant color of the work. I personally do enjoy this piece and it will always
remain one of my favorites.
This analysis I believe has proven my initial thoughts on this piece. The
simplicity yet effective nature of the work has shown how Warhols early
work was really about making the ordinary extraordinary.

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