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Nuclear & Particle Physics I

Assignment # 1
Due date : 6th Feb. 2017

The standard masses of the nuclei can be found at the end of the book by Krane.

1. Evaluate the density of nuclear matter, nucleon concentration, and volume density of elec-
tric charge in a nucleus.
2. Show that mean-square charged radius of a uniformly charged sphere is 53 R2 .
3. If ground state spin and parity of deuteron were 0 , find isospin (T) of the nucleus.
4. What value of quadrupole moment is expected for the ground state of even-even nuclei?
What is with J = 1/2 state?
5. From the known masses of 15 N and 15 O, calculate the difference in binding energy. Assuming
this difference to arise from the difference in Coulomb energy, calculate the nuclear radius
of 15 N and 15 O.

6. Given that the quadrupole moment of the nucleus 127 +
53 I in the J = 5 state is -0.789 eb.
Assuming an ellipsoidal charge distribution, calculate its axes ratio.
7. The measured spin parity and magnetic moment of 43 20 Ca are 2 (odd particle in 1f7/2

orbital) and -1.32 N , respectively. Compare this value with the prediction of the Schmidt
8. Calculate the total binding energy and the binding energy per nucleon for 7 Li, 20
Ne, 56
and 235 U. Compare the values.
9. Find the energy liberated on the formation of two alpha particles as a result of fusion of
H and 6 Li nuclei, if B/A in 2 H, 4 He and 6 Li are known to be equal to 1.11, 7.08 and 5.33
MeV, respectively.
10. Determine separation energy of alpha particles from 10 Ne nucleus.
11. Using semiempirical mass formula find the total binding energy and the coulomb energy
for 21 Ne, 57 Fe, 209 Bi and 256 Fm. Compare the results.
12. Derive an expression for mass defect in terms of the nuclear binding energy B(A, Z).
Calculate the mass defects of 32 S, 20 F and 238 U.
13. Evaluate (a) the neutron separation energies of 7 Li, 91 Zr and 236 U; (b) the proton separation
energies of 20 Ne, 55 Mn and 197 Au.
14. Using the semi-empirical mass formula obtain an expression for the two neutron separation
energy for large A. Use differential methods rather than algebraic methods.
15. Use the semi empirical mass formula to obtain an expression for the Z value of an isobar
which will have the lowest mass for a given value of odd-A. Using the result predict the
character of activity (electron or positron) of the beta-active 103 127
47 Ag and 50 Sn nuclei.

16. Using semi-empirical mass formula (SEMF) find an expression for Zdrip and Ndrip for fixed
A. Calculate the values for A=100. Hint : The SP or SN becomes zero for drip line.
17. Using semiempirical mass formula determine atomic number Z of beta-stable nucleus for
mass numbers 23 and 114.

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