How The Environment Supports The Lives of Living Things

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Address: 123 Bullecourt Ave, Milperra, NSW, 2214

Phone: (02) 9123 4531

22nd February 2017

Dear Parent/Caregivers,

This year, Stage Two students of Western Sydney Public School have the opportunity to
attend a Geography excursion to the Sydney Olympic Park in Homebush. This excursion is a
full day event on the 22nd March 2017, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Students are expected
to be at school by 9:00 AM, as busses will leave at 9:30 AM sharp and will be returning at
approximately 2:45 PM.

This excursion will be beneficial, as Students will explore the nature of living things,
educating students on The Earths Environment. This will help children identify how the
environment supports the lives of living things. It is a very educational excursion and will
be a great experience for all students. Students will be engaging in activities to enhance their
learning and develop a deeper understanding of the geography content, according to the
learning syllabus.

The cost of the excursion will be $20.00 including entry to the site and bus fare.
Children are expected to be in Full School Uniform, including hats and an old pair of
shoes for the wetlands walk.
Please bring:
Sunscreen and insect repellent will be provided by the teacher on the day.

If your child has any medical details or concerns (e.g. specific medication needed or any
phobias), please provide information on the permission slip below.

This note is to confirm the numbers of students who wish to attend the excursion so that
numbers can be finalised accordingly.

Please complete the permission slip below and return it to the office with the payment in an
envelope by the Friday 10th of March 2017.
Stage 2 Geography - The Nature of Living Things Excursion
Sydney Olympic park 2017

I give permission for my child _____________________________ of class ___________

to attend the excursion to the Sydney Olympic Park excursion in Homebush on the 22nd
March 2017.

I understand that the cost is $20 and transportation to and from the venue will be by bus.

I have enclosed a payment of $20 and this permission slip in the envelope to confirm my
child will be attending.

My child has a concern or condition

Please provide information of medical concern or condition below.


Parent/Guardian name: _____________________________

Signed: ______________________________________ Date: ______________

Please return this note and money directly to the office by Friday 10th of March 2017.

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