Scenario Activity

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Scenario Activity:

In groups of 4 or 5 provided responses to the scenarios below. Each

response requires you to use a certain type of literary device.

1. It is the night before you have a major test for your science class.
You have messaged everyone for help but no one responds to your
email. However, after ten minutes or so a classmate called Chris emails
you an entire study guide to the final test. You are so grateful to him
that you cannot stop thanking him.
Objective: Compliment Chris through the use of metaphor.

2. You are stuck in an elevator on the ground floor with a person you
absolutely cannot stand. He/she takes this opportunity to make fun of
you stating, you are as big as an elephant which is why the elevator is
broken. Respond to the persons comment with the use of a simile.
(The response does not have to be an insult).

3. It is Valentines Day. Use personification to explain some of the

characteristics of the event.

4. Neville does not ever ignore Nancy. Rephrase this sentence using
alliteration (Hint: use a thesaurus to find synonyms).

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