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Belvedere Middle School Spring 2017


Ms. Torrez and Ms. Vu, Student Teachers; Mr. Tejada, Guiding Teacher

Course Description

This course will cover

Medieval World History
from the fall of the Roman
Empire until the Age of
Enlightenment. Study will
focus on the geography,
society, politics and
achievements of various
civilizations from the
middle ages.
Students in this Medieval Dear Students, we want to welcome you to the second semester
World History class are of 7th grade World History. We are excited to be your teachers
expected to develop for the rest of the year. This year will be filled with learning and
writing skills, to growth through collaboration. When you step into our room,
understand historical know that you are welcomed and cared for.
processes, and to begin the
process of historical Course Policies
analysis critical to
Student Homework: If there is a homework assignment,
understanding and
students will be given the opportunity to start it in class and
interpreting the past
address any questions they might have before finishing it at
through a social justice
standpoint. Students are
expected to come to class Group Activities: Students will be working in groups on a
prepared and to complete regular basis. Groups will be given cooperative learning
assignments on time. activities to complete in class. All students will be expected to
Textbook/Materials be an active member of your group and participation points

Class Textbook: McDougal

Littels World History:
Medieval and Early
Modern Times.

Belvedere Middle School Spring 2017

will be assessed accordingly.

Food: No food will be allowed in class. Students will only be
allowed to drink water in class, no other beverages.
Phones: Cell Phones will not be allowed WHATSOEVER.
They should be kept in backpacks/pockets at all times unless
instructed otherwise.
Absences: If students are absent, they are expected to make up
the missing work/information from that days class either by
Class Materials asking Ms. Torrez or Ms. Vu or a fellow classmate.

All students will need the Classroom Norms/Guidelines

following: The student is expected to treat the teacher and other
Pen/Pencil students with respect at all times. Offensive language and
hatefulness is not acceptable in this class.
Statement for Students are expected to be in their seats and prepared
Academic Dishonesty for class when the bell rings. Being prepared for class means
having all materials, books, pens, etc. out and ready to start the
Academic honesty is expected in
this class. Cheating will not be warm up.
tolerated. Consequences may
One Mic One person speaks at a time and we respect
include: reduction in grade on
assignment, repeat assignment, no the person speaking
grade on assignment or others as
deemed appropriate. Academic Step up, Step back In order to ensure equitable sharing,
dishonesty will be reported to a be mindful of how much space youre taking up and give other
school counselor and a parent will the chance to share.
be notified.
When something is unclear, ask questions! We are
Find a Friend always here to communicate and answer any questions you
Should you be absent, it is your may have
responsibility to make up the work Try Your Best - Complete all assignments to the best of
for that day. Write down a name
and phone number of someone in your ability and be engaged in class discussions.
this class that can provide you
with missing work
I have read and understand the rules for Ms. Torrezs and
Classmate Name: Ms. Vus History class.
Classmate Phone Number:
Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________________

Parent/Guardians Email Address:______________________

Parent/Guardians Phone Number: _____________________

Student Signature:__________________________________

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