Chartrubric 11thgraderesearch

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Student Writer: Sebastian Cortina Teacher: Ms.

Grice Mod: 4

11th Grade Persuasive Research Paper

3 Part Series

- Part 1 -

Organization of Paper
(Outline should include clarity, coherence, logical sequence, detail, and support.)

5 4 3 2 1
Exemplary Strong Proficient Developing Beginning
mostly incoherent and
completely coherent and somewhat coherent and often lacks in coherence unclear
mostly coherent and clear
clear clear and clarity
paragraphs do not have
each paragraph adequately
each paragraph completely at least one paragraph neither paragraph fully clear topic sentences and are
supports its topic sentence
supports its topic sentence supports its topic sentence supports its topic sentence not developed
most details fit logically
each detail leads into the some details fit logically most details do not fit details are not connected to
together with adequate
next using clear transitions together with occasional logically together and one another whatsoever and
transitions when necessary
when necessary transitions when necessary transitions are largely absent transitions are completely
adequate detail is provided
excellent detail is provided some detail is provided little detail is provided
throughout throughout throughout no significant detail is

Evaluators Name: Sebastian Cortina

Non-Negotiable 11th Grade Paper Rubric Adapted from D. Nicoll Page 1

Student Writer: Sebastian Cortina Teacher: Ms. Grice Mod: 4

- Part 2 -

Peer Editing of Rough Draft

(Answer the following questions after reading the draft of a peer.)

Evaluators Name: Sebastian Cortina

Criteria Rating Scale Missing

Very Not Very
How effective is the title? 5 4 3 2 1 0
How well does the beginning grab the readers attention? (Abstract) 5 4 3 2 1 0
How effective is the introduction paragraph? 5 4 3 2 1 0
How effectively does the writer argue his/her thesis? 5 4 3 2 1 0
How clearly is the paper organized? 5 4 3 2 1 0
How effectively does the writer use transitions between paragraphs? 5 4 3 2 1 0
How well are the writers points explained in the body? 5 4 3 2 1 0
How well are the counter-arguments explained? 5 4 3 2 1 0
How well is the conclusion written in the last paragraph? 5 4 3 2 1 0
How effective and interesting is the paper, overall? 5 4 3 2 1 0
How accurate is the use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation? 5 4 3 2 1 0
How accurate is the use of APA format? (Title page, headers, etc.) 5 4 3 2 1 0
How accurate is the resources page? (Annotated Bibliography) 5 4 3 2 1 0

Non-Negotiable 11th Grade Paper Rubric Adapted from D. Nicoll Page 2

Student Writer: Sebastian Cortina Teacher: Ms. Grice Mod: 4

- Part 3 -

(Conventions, Organization, Assertion, Examples, Explanation, and Significance)
5 4 3 2 1
Exemplary Strong Proficient Developing Beginning
Writing demonstrates very few Writing demonstrates Writing demonstrates many errors in Writing demonstrates no control in
Writing demonstrates several errors
errors in spelling, usage, grammar, few errors in spelling, usage, spelling, usage, grammar, and spelling, grammar, and mechanics.
C and mechanics.

grammar, and mechanics.

in spelling, usage, grammar, and


Writing is choppy with monotonous
Conventions Vocabulary is varied and mature Vocabulary is clear and appropriate Vocabulary is simple and/ or sentence patterns, frequent run-on
Vocabulary is limited and/ or
with a high degree of craftsmanship to the task with an easy flow and awkward with many similar patterns sentences, and errors that impede
repetitive and generally in control.
with variation in sentence patterns. rhythm. and beginnings. readability.
Effectively organized in logical and Organization is appropriate, but Attempts at organization; may be a Lack of structure;

O creative manner.

Creative and engaging intro and
Strong order and structure.

Inviting intro and satisfying closure.

Attempt at introduction and
list of events.

Beginning and ending not
disorganized and hard to follow.

Missing or weak intro and
conclusion. conclusion. developed. conclusion.
Assertion thoroughly addresses the Assertion may not fully address the Assertion does not address the
A prompt.

Assertion addresses the prompt.

Assertion makes a clear and


Assertion is missing or off topic.

Assertion does not make a claim
Assertion Assertion makes a thoughtful and Assertion may be obvious or Assertion makes a weak or
appropriate claim. relevant to the prompt.
precise claim. somewhat inaccurate. inaccurate claim.
Examples clearly support the Examples are too few or irrelevant. Examples do not support the
Examples support the assertion and Examples may somewhat support
assertion and demonstrate detailed They do not support the thesis and assertion and demonstrate a lack of
X and insightful understanding.

demonstrate an accurate
understanding of the text.

the assertion and demonstrate a
basic understanding of the text.

demonstrate limited understanding.


Examples Exceptionally clear, focused, The main idea may be cloudy Miss or off-topic examples may be
Clear, focused, interesting ideas Paragraph may offer too few
engaging with relevant, strong because supporting detail is too unclear and cluttered by irrelevant
with appropriate detail. examples.
supporting detail. general or even off-topic. detail.
Explanation does not demonstrate Explanation does not demonstrate

E Explanation is thoroughly developed

and specifically demonstrates how
Explanation is developed and
clearly demonstrates how the
Explanation attempts to demonstrate
how the examples prove the
assertion, but may lack development
how the examples prove the

how the examples prove the

Explanation the examples support the assertion. examples support the assertion.
or drift off topic. Explanation may paraphrase the Explanation is missing o r
examples, be irrelevant or m
issing. irrelevant.
Paper perceptively addresses the Paper addresses the importance of Paper may attempt to address the
importance of the argument to the the argument to the overall thesis, importance of the argument, but Paper does not address the Paper does not address the

S overall thesis, authors purpose, and/

or modern human experience.

authors purpose, and/ or modern
human experience.

significance may be irrelevant,
underdeveloped, or d ifficult to
importance of the argument.

Voice may non-existent and writing
importance of the argument or topic.

Writing tends to be flat or stiff with
Significance &
Voice Paper is expressive, engaging, Writer behind the words comes may seem mechanical. Words may monotonous, often repetitious word
sincere, showing emotion: humor, through with evident commitment to Paper is inconsistent or dull be correct, but mundane with no choice that is sometimes
honesty, suspense or life with topic using descriptive, broad range personality because language is attempt at deliberate choice. inappropriate.
strong, fresh, vivid images. of words. functional and appropriate.

Evaluators Name:_________________________________________________

Non-Negotiable 11th Grade Paper Rubric Adapted from D. Nicoll Page 3

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