Inspiratory Muscle Training in Type 2 Diabetes.1

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Inspiratory Muscle Training in Type 2 Diabetes

with Inspiratory Muscle Weakness
Exercise Pathophysiology Research Laboratory and Cardiovascular Division, Hospital de Clnicas de Porto Alegre,
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, BRAZIL; and 2Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Federal University of
Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, BRAZIL

CORREA, A. P. S., J. P. RIBEIRO, F. M. BALZAN, L. MUNDSTOCK, E. L. FERLIN, and R. S. MORAES. Inspiratory Muscle
Training in Type 2 Diabetes with Inspiratory Muscle Weakness. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 43, No. 7, pp. 11351141, 2011. Purpose:
Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus may present weakness of the inspiratory muscles. We tested the hypothesis that inspiratory muscle
training (IMT) could improve inspiratory muscle strength, pulmonary function, functional capacity, and autonomic modulation in
patients with type 2 diabetes and weakness of the inspiratory muscles. Methods: Maximal inspiratory muscle pressure (PImax) was
evaluated in a sample of 148 patients with type 2 diabetes. Of these, 25 patients with PImax G70% of predicted were randomized to an
8-wk program of IMT (n = 12) or placebo-IMT (n = 13). PImax, inspiratory muscle endurance time, pulmonary function, peak oxygen
uptake, and HR variability were evaluated before and after intervention. Results: The prevalence of inspiratory muscle weakness was
29%. IMT significantly increased the PImax (118%) and the inspiratory muscle endurance time (495%), with no changes in pulmonary
function, functional capacity, or autonomic modulation. There were no significant changes with placebo-IMT. Conclusions: Patients
with type 2 diabetes may frequently present inspiratory muscle weakness. In these patients, IMT improves inspiratory muscle function
with no consequences in functional capacity or autonomic modulation. Key Words: HEART RATE VARIABILITY, PULMONARY

atients with diabetes mellitus may present pulmonary sible consequences to exercise tolerance (28). Moreover, de-
functional abnormalities, which are associated with spite some conflicting results, inspiratory muscle training (IMT)
chronic hyperglycemia (28). These abnormalities may has been shown to improve exercise tolerance in healthy
include reduction in lung volumes (8) and carbon monoxide individuals (3,13,18,21) as well as in patients with chronic
diffusion (12), as well as decreased pulmonary compliance, heart failure (32), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (15),
lung elastic recoil (38), and inspiratory muscle strength cerebrovascular disease (36), or neuromuscular disorders (5).
(4,19). The performance of the inspiratory muscles is of Recently, Kaminski et al. (20) have shown that patients
particular interest because it may influence exercise toler- with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) with autonomic neu-
ance in some clinical conditions in which inspiratory muscle ropathy had reduced inspiratory muscle strength, suggesting
weakness (IMW) is present (15,31,32). Indeed, hypergly- that IMW might be associated with autonomic dysfunction
cemic patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus may in these patients. However, the prevalence of IMW in DM is
present increased ventilatory response to exercise, with pos- unknown, neither is the response to IMT. As a corollary to
what happens in other clinical conditions, we raised the
hypothesis that DM with autonomic neuropathy could have
Address for correspondence: Ruy Silveira Moraes, M.D., Sc.D., Cardiology a high prevalence of IMW and that IMT could improve in-
Division, Hospital de Clnicas de Porto Alegre, Rua Ramiro Barcelos 2350, spiratory muscle strength with consequences to functional
90035-007, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; E-mail: rfilho@
capacity and autonomic modulation. The present random-
Submitted for publication August 2010. ized clinical trial was conducted to test these hypotheses.
Accepted for publication December 2010.
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISE! Study design and participants. A prospective, ran-
Copyright " 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine domized, controlled trial was conducted in patients with
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e31820a7c12 DM, according to the National Diabetes Data Group criteria


Copyright 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
(1), recruited from the Endocrinology Outpatient Clinic of (Pthmax/PImax). Finally, subjects breathed against a constant
the Hospital de Clnicas de Porto Alegre, who presented inspiratory submaximal load equivalent to 80% Pthmax, and
maximal inspiratory pressure (PImax) G70% of predicted the time elapsed to task failure was defined as the inspira-

(27). This cutoff value has been arbitrarily chosen to define tory endurance time (7). For the endurance tests, a target
patients with inspiratory muscle weakness (32). Exclusion inspiratoryexpiratory time ratio of 0.75 was recommended.
criteria were body mass index 9 33 kgImj2, history of Cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Maximal func-
exercise-induced asthma, infectious disease, osteoarticular tional capacity was assessed with an incremental exercise
disease, cardiac and pulmonary diseases, as well as regular test, on a treadmill (Inbramed 10200, Porto Alegre, Brazil),
alcohol or tobacco consumption in the past 6 months. using a ramp protocol, as previously described (7). Twelve-
Because regular aerobic exercise may improve inspiratory lead ECG tracings were obtained every minute (Nihon
muscle strength in patients with IMW (42), only sedentary Khoden Corp., Tokyo, Japan), and blood pressure was
patients were recruited. The protocol was approved by the measured every 2 min with a standard cuff sphygmoma-
Committee for Ethics in Research of the Hospital de Clnicas nometer. During the test, gas exchange variables were
de Porto Alegre, and all subjects signed a written informed measured breath-by-breath by a previously validated system
consent form. (Metalyzer 3B, CPX System; Cortex, Leipzig, Germany).
Patients were initially evaluated by medical history, Cardiac autonomic function testing. Autonomic neu-
physical examination, and the determination of PImax. Eli- ropathy was determined by the presence of more than one
gible patients were randomly assigned to IMT or to placebo abnormal autonomic cardiovascular function test (11), as pre-
IMT (P-IMT) for 8 wk. Before and after the intervention, viously standardized in our institution (43). The tests used
pulmonary function tests, inspiratory muscle function tests, were the following: HR response during deep breathing (nor-
cardiopulmonary exercise testing, cardiovascular autonomic mal values 96), HR response during the Valsalva maneuver
function tests, and 24-h analysis of HR variability were (normal values 91.2), HR and blood pressure responses to
obtained. All evaluations were performed by investigators orthostatic position (normal values 91.06 and G25 mm Hg,
who were unaware of the allocation of patients to different respectively), and blood pressure response to handgrip (normal
interventions. values 910 mm Hg).
Inspiratory muscle training. Patients received either Heart rate variability. Twenty-four-hour ECG record-
IMT or P-IMT for 30 min seven times per week for 8 wk ings were obtained with a SEER Light digital recorder (GE
using the Threshold Inspiratory Muscle Trainer device Medical Systems Information Technologies, Milwaukee,
(Health Scan Products, Inc., Cedar Grove, NJ) according to WI). The recorded data were analyzed using a MARS 8000
a protocol previously described (7). In short, for the IMT analyzer (Marquete Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) as
group, inspiratory load was set at 30% of maximal static previously described (29). In short, time domain and fre-
inspiratory pressure, and weekly measures of PImax were quency domain analyses of HR variability (HRV) were per-
obtained to maintain training loads at 30% of the PImax. The formed according to recommendations from the European
P-IMT followed the same schedule, using the lowest pres- Society of Cardiology and North American Society of Pacing
sure offered by the device (7 cm H2O). Each week, six and Electrophysiology (37). For the time domain analysis,
training sessions were performed at home and one training the following 24-h indices were calculated: mean of all nor-
session was supervised at the hospital. mal RR intervals, SD of all normal RR intervals, root mean
Pulmonary function. Measurements of forced vital square of successive differences of adjacent RR intervals,
capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), and and percentage of successive differences between normal ad-
maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) were obtained with a jacent RR intervals above 50 ms. For the frequency-domain
computerized spirometer (Eric Jaeger, GmbH, Wurzburg, analysis, the following components of the spectral analysis of
Germany), as recommended by the American Thoracic HR were assessed: total power spectrum (0.0031 Hz), low
Society (2), and results were expressed as a percentage of frequency (0.040.15 Hz), high frequency (0.150.5 Hz), and
predicted (30). low-frequency/high-frequency ratio. The spectral analysis of
Inspiratory muscle function. Inspiratory muscle func- HR was calculated at 5-min intervals, during rest, and after a
tion testing was performed using a pressure transducer 5-min sympathetic stimulation by passive orthostatism with
(MVD-500 V.1.1 Microhard System; Globalmed, Porto a 70% tilt.
Alegre, Brazil), connected to a system with two unidirectional Statistical analysis. Data were analyzed on the Statis-
valves (DHD Inspiratory Muscle Trainer, Chicago, IL) as tical Package for Social Sciences (version 14.0 for Windows;
previously described (7). In short, PImax was determined in SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL). On the basis of the results of pre-
deep inspiration from residual volume against an occluded vious studies with IMT performed in our laboratory (6,7,42),
airway with a minor air leak. The test was repeated at least we estimated that a sample size of 12 individuals in each
12 times to find si measurements with G10% variation. Pre- group would have a power of 80% to detect a 20% differ-
dicted values were corrected for age and gender (27). Inspi- ence in PImax, for an > of 0.05. Descriptive data are pre-
ratory muscle endurance (Pthmax) was determined by an sented as mean T SD. Baseline data for the two intervention
incremental test and expressed as a percentage of PImax groups and the group of patients who were not included in

1136 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

Copyright 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
FIGURE 1Flow diagram of the study.

the study were compared by ANOVA, and post hoc com- group had higher PImax when compared with the randomized
parisons were performed with the Tukey test. Categorical patients. There were no differences in PImax, Pthmax/PImax,
variables were compared with the Fisher exact test. The and endurance time between the IMT and P-IMT groups.
effects of interventions were compared by two-way ANOVA
for repeated measures (RM-ANOVA), and post hoc analysis TABLE 1. Baseline characteristics of randomized and screened patients.

was conducted by the Tukey test to compare weekly values IMT P-IMT Screening
(n = 12) (n = 13) (n = 123) ANOVA
of PImax.
Age (yr) 63 T 7 63 T 7 60 T 9 NS
Sex (F/M) 5/7 8/5 68/55
BMI (kgImj2) 27.3 T 3.2 28.2 T 2.6 28.7 T 4.6 NS
RESULTS Diabetes time (yr) 11.6 T 4.7 13.9 T 8.3 13 T 7 NS
HbA1c (%) 7.5 T 1.4 7.1 T 1.7 8.1 T 2.0 NS
Patients. Figure 1 presents the flow of patients in the Glucose (mgIdLj1) 152 T 49 134 T 72 165 T 68 NS
study. Of the 148 patients with DM evaluated for inspira- Total cholesterol (mgIdLj1) 169 T 53 169 T 37 182 T 48 NS
HDL cholesterol (mgIdLj1) 48 T 8 49 T 11 52 T 16 NS
tory muscle strength, 43 (29%) had PImax G 70% of pre- Creatinine (mgIdLj1) 1.0 T 0.2 0.9 T 0.3 0.9 T 0.3 NS
dicted. Of these patients, two were excluded for obesity, four Potassium (mEqILj1) 4.5 T 0.5 4.8 T 0.4 NS
were excluded for presence of heart failure, and four were Hemodynamics
MAP (mm Hg) 100 T 9 97 T 12 99 T 11 NS
excluded for regular practice of physical exercise. Of the HR (mm Hg) 74 T 8 72 T 14 73 T 11 NS
33 patients randomized to the IMT and P-IMT groups, two Medications, n (%)
Insulin 5 (42) 3 (23) 56 (46)
were excluded from the IMT group because of ischemia on Metformin 8 (67) 10 (76) 87 (71)
the cardiopulmonary test, and one patient in the P-IMT group Sulfonylureas 5 (42) 6 (46) 30 (24)
ACE inhibitor 9 (75) 12 (92)* 73 (59)
died in a car accident. Three patients from the IMT group Diuretics 6 (50) 12 (92)* 63 (51)
and two from the P-IMT group later refused to continue in the Statins 7 (58) 8 (62) 61 (50)
protocol. Therefore, after 8 wk, 13 patients in the P-IMT group A-blockers 1 (8) 6 (46) 34 (28)
and 12 patients in the IMT group were analyzed. PImax (cm H2O) 56 T 13 52 T 10 91 T 27** G0.001
Table 1 presents the baseline characteristics of patients PImax (% predicted) 58 T 11 57 T 10 96 T 26** G0.001
Pthmax/PImax (%) 38 T 1 37 T 2 NS
randomized to IMT and P-IMT, as well as the 123 patients Endurance time (s) 376 T 37 245 T 87 NS
screened who did not participate in the protocol. The three
Values are expressed as mean T SD or n (%).
groups presented similar characteristics except for less utiliza- * P-IMT group different from IMT and Screening groups. P G 0.05 on the Fisher
tion of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in patients exact test.
** Screening group different from IMT and P-IMT groups. P G 0.05, on the Tukey test.
of the screening group and more frequent utilization of ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; BMI, body mass index; HbA1c, glycosylated hemo-
diuretics in the P-IMT group. As by protocol, the screening globin; MAP, mean arterial pressure.

INSPIRATORY MUSCLE TRAINING IN DIABETES Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 1137

Copyright 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 2. Pulmonary function, inspiratory muscle function, and cardiopulmonary exercise testing before and after intervention.
IMT (n = 12) P-IMT (n = 13)
Before After Before After

Pulmonary function
FEV1 (% predicted) 105 T 19 107 T 18 92 T 13 91 T 17
FVC (% predicted) 103 T 19 106 T 18 92 T 10 88 T 13
MVV (% predicted) 80 T 18 82 T 13 79 T 17 76 T 14
Inspiratory muscle function
PImax (cm H2O) 56 T 13 121 T 22 52 T 10 58 T 11*
PImax (% predicted) 58 T 11 125 T 17 57 T 10 63 T 9*
Pthmax/PImax (%) 38 T 1 40 T1 37 T 2 38 T 6*
Endurance time (s) 376 T 37 1863 T71 245 T 87 323 T 53*
Cardiopulmonary exercise test
Peak HR (bpm) 150 T 1 147 T 5 143 T 5 149 T 5
Peak systolic pressure (mm Hg) 189 T 5 176 T 3 180 T 3 178 T 4
VO2peak (mLIminj1Ikgj1) 24.1 T 6.1 23.9 T 5.6 21.2 T 5.9 21.5 T 5.8
VCO2peak (LIminj1) 2 T 0.8 1.9 T 0.6 1.6 T 0.5 1.6 T 0.6
Rpeak 1.1 T 0.1 1.1 T 0.1 1.0 T 0.1 1.0 T 0.0
VE peak (LIminj1) 61 T 20 62 T 19 52 T 18 55 T 23
VE /VO2peak 34.3 T 6.8 34.8 T 10.9 31.9 T 3.1 34 T 7.8
VE /VCO2peak 32.3 T 5.0 31.8 T 8.0 32.4 T 3.0 36.3 T 10.3
Values are expressed as mean T SD.
* ANOVA G 0.01, with group, time, and interaction effects.
Pthmax, inspiratory endurance determined during incremental test; VO2, oxygen uptake; VCO2, carbon dioxide output; R, RER; VE, minute ventilation; VE /VO2, ventilatory equivalent for
oxygen; VE /VCO2, ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide.

Pulmonary function. Table 2 shows the results of These findings were obtained in a placebo-controlled ran-
pulmonary function tests. After 8 wk of intervention, there domized trial, with blind evaluation of outcomes, conducted
were no changes in FVC, FEV1, and MVV in the IMT and in DM with autonomic neuropathy and IMW.
P-IMT groups. The mechanisms responsible for the development of IMW
Inspiratory muscle function. Figure 2 shows the in DM are still poorly understood. Experiments have identi-
weekly values of PImax, demonstrating that IMT induced fied respiratory muscle weakness in rats with streptozotocin
marked improvement in PImax, which was apparent after the induced diabetes, with evidence of phrenic nerve neuropathy,
second week of training and reached an increment of 108% characterized by axonal atrophy and significant reduction
after 8 wk, whereas in the P-IMT group, there was no sig- in myelin (33). Wanke et al. (41) assessed respiratory muscle
nificant change. Likewise, inspiratory muscle endurance, strength in DM patients and healthy controls by measur-
evaluated by the Pthmax/PImax, and endurance time increased ing transdiaphragmatic pressures and PImax during bilateral
only after IMT (Table 2). stimulation of the phrenic nerve and from voluntary muscle
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Table 2 shows that contraction. Although only patients with more accentuated
there were no significant changes in any of the cardiopul- polyneuropathy presented reduced respiratory muscle strength,
monary exercise testingderived variables after IMT or P-IMT. phrenic nerve latencies were normal, suggesting that im-
Cardiac autonomic function testing. At baseline, paired diaphragm function was not caused by phrenic neu-
all randomized patients presented more than one abnormal ropathy (40). In contrast, Kabitz et al. (19) demonstrated an
cardiovascular autonomic test. In the IMT group, 10 patients
presented two abnormal test results and 2 patients presented
three abnormal test results. In the P-IMT group, seven patients
presented two abnormal tests and six presented three abnor-
mal tests.
HR variability. Table 3 shows time- and frequency-domain
indices of HRV before and after intervention. Twenty-four-
hour indices of HRV as well as power spectral components of
HRV at rest and after sympathetic stimulation by passive
orthostatism were unaffected by IMT or P-IMT.

The major findings of the present study were that IMW is
frequent in DM, occurring in 29% of screened individuals,
and that IMT is able to reverse the loss of inspiratory muscle
strength in these patients. However, the improvement in in-
FIGURE 2Mean T SD weekly PImax during the training period.
spiratory muscle strength after training was not accompanied *RM-ANOVA: P G 0.001 time effect; P G 0.001 training effect; P G 0.001
by changes in functional capacity or autonomic modulation. interaction.

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TABLE 3. Twenty-four-hour indices of HR variability and spectral analysis of HR at rest and during passive orthostatism before and after intervention.
Before After Before After

24-h time-domain indices
Mean RR interval (ms) 777 T 116 781 T 105 786 T 125 748 T 84
SDNN (ms) 106 T 33 109 T 37 113 T 31 115 T 31
RMSSD (ms) 20 T 8 23 T 9 21 T 5 23 T 9
PNN50 (%) 3.6 T 4.7 6.3 T 7.4 3.5 T 2.4 5.5 T 5.2
Spectral analysis
LF (nu) 0.57 T 0.19 0.58 T 0.2 0.59 T 0.16 0.56 T 0.16
HF (nu) 0.31 T 0.21 0.34 T 0.19 0.30 T 0.13 0.33 T 0.14
LF/HF (ratio) 2.52 T 1.41 2.4 T 1.6 2.45 T 1.52 2.2 T 1.7
Total power 444.6 T 333 442.2 T 250.4 715.5 T 381.7 810.7 T 500
Passive orthostatism
LF (nu) 0.58 T 0.11 0.59 T 0.19 0.63 T 0.18 0.60 T 0.21
HF (nu) 0.26 T 0.73 0.30 T 0.19 0.25 T 0.14 0.26 T 0.16
LF/HF (ratio) 2.3 T 1.0 2.7 T 1.8 3.6 T 2.3 3.4 T 2.7
Total power (ms2IHzj1) 292.1 T 171.1 322.6 T 265.7 702.6 T 540.1 479.7 T 362.3
Values are expressed as mean T SD.
HF, high frequency; LF, low frequency; LF/HF, low-frequency/high-frequency ratio; Mean RR interval, mean of all RR intervals; nu, normalized units; SDNN, SD of all normal RR intervals;
RMSSD, root mean square of successive RR interval differences; PNN50, percentage of successive differences between normal adjacent intervals 950 ms.

association between diabetic polyneuropathy and impaired patients. Likewise, in our study, the increase in inspiratory
respiratory neuromuscular function assessed by phrenic nerve muscle strength with IMT did not lead to any change in
stimulation in DM. In the present study, diabetic poly- HRV in time and frequency domains, and there was no
neuropathy was not evaluated; therefore, more studies should correlation between PImax and autonomic modulation. All
be conducted to elucidate its role on the development of of our patients showed reduced PImax and evidence of
IMW in DM. pronounced autonomic impairment, as indicated by the
We have consistently shown that the same IMT program presence of abnormal autonomic tests, absence of change in
used in the present study improves inspiratory muscle strength, the spectral components of HR during sympathetic stimu-
induces diaphragm hypertrophy, and increases functional lation (Table 3), and reduced indices of 24-h HRV con-
capacity in patients with chronic heart failure and IMW sidering expected values for age (38).
(6,7,42). Therefore, contrary to what has been proposed This study has several limitations. Inspiratory muscle
by others (32), the training stimulus of this protocol results function was evaluated with volitional noninvasive tests
in clear functional and structural adaptations. Our patients and, therefore, part of the improvement in these measures
had preserved peak exercise capacity at baseline, and IMT could have been related to a learning effect. Hart et al. (14)
resulted in no significant change in V O2peak. However, evaluated the effects of IMT using the Powerbreathe! de-
similar to the present findings, even in chronic obstructive vice in healthy individuals, showing that improvement in
pulmonary disease patients, IMT may not be associated with PImax after intervention could be due to a learning effect
a significant improvement in peak exercise capacity (24). because it had no influence on diaphragm strength assessed
Likewise, IMT has no significant effect on peak exercise by magnetic stimulation of the phrenic nerve. However, we
capacity in healthy individuals, but it may improve perfor- took care to control the breathing strategy in the inspiratory
mance during high-intensity constant workload exercise (3). muscle endurance tests, probably reducing this confounding
Another possible explanation for our findings may be the factor. Moreover, both the IMT group and the P-IMT had
activation of the inspiratory muscle metaboreflex, which their PImax measured every week, and despite these repeated
controls the competition for blood flow between inspiratory measures, the P-IMT showed no significant learning effect
muscles and skeletal muscles in healthy individuals (9) as in the measurement of PImax (Fig. 1). Finally, we cannot
well as in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- exclude the possibility that higher-intensity IMT could have
ease (39) and in chronic heart failure (6). Therefore, it is resulted in improvement in functional capacity in our
conceivable that DM might not improve functional capacity patients, as has been suggested by a meta-analysis in chronic
after IMT because they have an attenuated inspiratory muscle obstructive pulmonary disease (34) as well as studies in
metaboreflex. However, this hypothesis deserves to be for- cystic fibrosis (10) and chronic heart failure (22). However,
mally tested by controlled experiments. the size of the mean increment in PImax in the present study
Patients with DM and autonomic neuropathy may is remarkably similar to that obtained with the same protocol
present abnormal HRV (26) and increased risk of mortality in patients with chronic heart failure (7), suggesting that a
(25). Whole-body aerobic exercise improves HRV in DM training effect on the inspiratory muscles was obtained and
without autonomic dysfunction or with mild autonomic that further increments in training intensity would unlikely
neuropathy (16,23). Despite its beneficial effects on func- change the outcome.
tional capacity in chronic heart failure, Laoutaris et al. (22) In conclusion, IMW occurs frequently in DM and can
found no significant effect of IMT on HRV of these be reversed by IMT. In these patients, IMT does not

INSPIRATORY MUSCLE TRAINING IN DIABETES Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 1139

Copyright 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
improve pulmonary function, functional capacity, and auto- patients with DM, and this should be addressed in future
nomic modulation. These findings may have clinical impli- studies.
cations during situations where pulmonary functional reserve

may be of clinical relevance. One such a situation is in A. P. S. Correa was supported by grant from the Coordination for
the preoperative evaluation for major surgery. For instance, the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), Brazil.
This study was supported by Fundo de Incentivo a` Pesquisa do
PImax is associated with functional capacity after coronary Hospital de Clnicas de Porto Alegre (FIPE HCPA).
artery bypass surgery (35) and preoperative IMT has been ID No. NCT00815178.
shown to reduce pulmonary complications after this surgical No potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article are
intervention (17). Therefore, the measurement of PImax may The results of this study do not constitute endorsement by the
be particularly important in the preoperative evaluation of American College of Sports Medicine.

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