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Healthcare Reform

By: Alexander H-M

In researching whether or not the the Affordable Care Act should be repealed, I

found that there is varying information. ...should they (republicans in congress) really

be rushing to repeal the A.C.A. before they had any idea of what would replace it?

(Draper). This shows that even Republicans are unsure whether to repeal it or not. They

have no replacement for the ACA, and are unsure if they should continue.

This is again shown by this other piece of information I found. President Trump

spent the campaign fleshing out nothing in detail, so its not really a surprise that they

cant even agree on priorities, much less on actual legislative detail. (Goolsbee). Since

Trump didn't really give any details on how he would replace the ACA, right now

republicans have no idea how to replace it.

I also found that there will a lot of negative things happening because of Congress

repealing the ACA. Analyzing the Republican strategy, Joel L. Michaels, a health

lawyer at the firm McDermott Will & Emery, said there was a tension between efforts

to repeal the health law and shore up its insurance marketplaces, where more than 10

million people obtained coverage last year. (Pear). This is an example of the problems

with repealing the ACA. Many people got health care coverage because of the ACA.
This other piece of information shows that again. Michelle Roelandts had a

question for her congressman: If the Affordable Care Act and its premium subsidies

were repealed, what would happen when her daughter turns 26 this year and needs to

get her own health insurance while attending law school? (Kaplan) The women asked

what would they do if the ACA ways repealed. Since republicans have no replacement

and many are just focusing on repealing the ACA, what would happen to all those who

rely on the ACA for healthcare.

And this piece of information shows that some Republicans don't want to get rid of it

Polling indicates that more Republicans want to make fixes to the law rather than do

away with it (Martin). Even other republicans agree that completely doing away with the

ACA is a bad idea. In the end, there is no practical replacement yet, and there are too

many downsides to repeal the ACA.











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