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William ong before most people had seen an
automobile, thrill-seekers across the globe
were driving cars competitively. The first
recorded auto race in the United States took place
in 1895 in Illinois. The winner covered the
54-mile course in a little more than 10 hours.
The speed of racecars has accelerated steadily
since then, as has the popularity of the sport.
William Lawhorn
is an economist in
In public opinion polls of sports popularity, in
the Office of Occu-
pational Statistics
fact, auto racing consistently finishes near the
and Employment
Projections. He
top. And racecar drivers may be the star of their
can be reached at
(202) 691-5093
event, but they depend on support from many
or at
othersincluding some workers who arent on
the track.
2 Occupational Outlook Quarterly Fall 2009
The person behind the wheel is just
one of many driving the sport of
auto racing. Learn about workers on
the track and in the shop who
contribute to the thrill of race day.

You dont have to be behind the wheel to The National Association for Stock Car
pursue a career in auto racing. From pit crews Auto Racingbetter known as NASCARis
to promoters, a variety of workers contribute the most prominent stock car racing organi-
to the excitement of race day. The following zation. But there are several smaller, usually
pages provide information about occupations regional, stock car associations. These orga-
in the racing industry. After an introduction to nizations often serve as a training ground for
the sport, youll read about what these work- racers and crews who later rise to prominence
ers do, either on the track or in the workshop, on the NASCAR circuit.
and how they train. And youll learn where to Open-wheel racing features custom-built
find more information. racecars with exposed wheels and an open
cockpit. The most prominent open-wheel

Types of auto racing racing organization in the United States is the

Indy Racing League. Most Indy races are on
Modern motorsports are a vast industry. Pro- oval tracks. A few races, however, are held
fessional drivers compete for prize money on closed public streets or on courses built to
known as a pursein everything from go- mimic public streets.
karts to tractor-trailers. In the United States, Drag racing is a form of organized racing
however, three types of motor racing are most in which two vehicles race along a straight
prominent: stock car, open wheel, and drag. coursea drag stripthat is usually a
Stock car racing features cars that are quarter-mile long. Cars in drag racing range
based on commonly manufactured produc- from stock production autos to highly special-
tion vehicles sold to the public. Stock racecars ized, custom-built vehicles.
range from those that are minimally modified Most drag races in the United States are
to those that are custom-built and share only governed by the National Hot Rod Associa-
their external appearance with production tion. A smaller organization, the International
vehicles. Races generally are held on oval Hot Rod Association, governs nearly all
tracks with steeply banked turns. remaining U.S. drag races.

Fall 2009 Occupational Outlook Quarterly 3

On the track In stock car and open-wheel racing, driv-
ers seek maintenance in the designated pit
According to the 2009 National Speedway area of the track. To make these pit stops,
Directory, there are about 1,800 racing venues drivers must position their car properly when
throughout the United States, and every event entering the pit area, because misalignment
requires drivers and pit crews. costs time.
The specifics of the track and pit depend And drivers dont just drive; they also
on the type of car being raced. Speed enthu- make special appearances to promote their
siasts, for example, might be drawn to drag team, sponsors, and racing organization. Like
racing, in which cars with 7,000-horsepower other professional athletes, racecar drivers
engines reach speeds of 330 miles per hour. answer fans questions and sign autographs.
Other races have different paces and require
different skillsfrom both drivers and crews. Pit crew
The pit crew is a vital part of the racing team.
Racecar driver These workers take care of the racecars
A racecar driver maneuvers his or her car mechanical needs during pit stops. Pit stops
through the course, around the track, or up the usually involve refueling, tire changes, and
stripat the fastest possible speed. To do this, mechanical repairs.
the driver must remain acutely aware of track Depending on the length of the race, the
conditions and the position of other drivers. driver may need to make several pit stops.
All drivers make quick decisions about The type and size of car, the volume of fuel
shifting gears, braking, and accelerating. it holds, and the length of the race determine
Then, they execute these tasks while travel- what type of work must occur during a pit
ling at high speed. They must understand the stop.
geometry of the racetrack to move efficiently. While stopped, drivers lose their race
While successfully maneuvering past a position relative to other drivers. Therefore,
competitor, drivers must also prevent other it is critical that pit stops are completed as
competitors from passing them. Drivers quickly as possible. A standard pit stop takes
Racecar drivers must consider every detail, from the position of about 15 seconds, in contrast to more than a
their own bodies to weather conditions, and minute in racings early days. Not surprising-
skillfully maneuver cars ly, crew members are usually physically fit;
constantly reevaluate and monitor the perfor-
at high speed. mance of their car. some are former college athletes who have the
strength and agility to perform
pit tasks quickly and accurately.
The planning of pit stops
is a key part of racing strategy.
Before a race, the pit crew
ensures that the car is mechani-
cally sound and that all fuel,
tools, parts, and equipment
needed for pit stops are in place.
During the race, the crew works
to keep the car running; after-
ward, theres cleanup and evalu-
ation of performance. Between
races, they practice pit stops.
Below are job descriptions
for several members of the pit

4 Occupational Outlook Quarterly Fall 2009

U.S. Air Force photo by Daniel Elkins

On the track, pit crews

take care of their team cars
mechanical needs.

Crew chief. This worker plans and Tire carrier, changer, and catcher. A tire
organizes all race preparations. Duties vary, carrier brings tires to the front and back of the
depending on the type of race. For example, a car and assists the tire changer in replacing
crew chief on a hot rod may also be involved them. Tire changers operate the air gun that
in the tuning of the engine prior to the race. loosens and tightens the lug nuts. Changers
On some stock car teams, the crew chief then roll the used tire toward a tire catcher,
manages work schedules, handles employee who removes it from the pit area.
training, and is a parts supply liaison. Windshield cleaner. The windshield
Pit coach. Major stock racing teams have cleaner ensures visibility by washing the
a pit coach, who is responsible for ensur- windshield to remove buildup such as dirt, oil,
ing smooth pit stops. Job tasks may include rubber, and bugs that have accumulated there.
developing weekly pit practices and work- Mechanic. Pit mechanics specialize in
outs. In top-level racing series, pit crews have either under-car or front-end setups. The
a full-time training regimen because every under-car specialist is concerned with the
fraction of a second is important and requires engine, transmission, and other drivetrain
preparation. components. The front-end specialist insures
Gas person. In longer races, cars need to that various parts of the car associated with
be refueled. A gas person handles the fueling tire alignment are properly adjusted.
of the car. Fuel is held in containers that keep Some auto racing mechanics also
an exact amount of fuel. After the pit stop, the have jobs in the workshop. Their tasks are
gas person measures the amount of remaining described in the section on shop workers.
fuel to calculate when the next pit stop must Scorer and spotter. A scorer tracks the lap
occur. times for the car to help determine speed and
Jack operator. This worker operates total racing time. The spotter stays in com-
the jack that lifts the car so the tires can be munication with the driver during the race and
changed. The driver knows it is safe to go informs the driver of any issues on the track,
when the jack operator drops the car after such as oil spots, crashes, and competitor
changing the last set of tires. positions.

Fall 2009 Occupational Outlook Quarterly 5

In the shop problems, tune the engine, adjust chassis and
wheel alignment, and perform many other
All racecars start in the workshopmore tasks that help performance.
commonly known as the shopand end Racing mechanics are often specialized.
up back there. Most shops have specific areas Examples include engine tuner and suspen-
dedicated to fabrication, mechanics, paint, sion specialist. Constant repetition with the
parts, and engines. Shop workers prepare same product allows mechanics to complete
more than one car for a race, because teams work quickly and efficiently. Their knowledge
need to have a backup ready for each event. and skills depend on the rules of the various
And teams often tailor car preparation to racing series. But diagnostic skills are impor-
specific tracks. tant for mechanics in auto racing to maximize
Occupations Fabricators. Fabricators create the
In-shop workers include mechanical engi- highly specialized pieces of the racecar, repair
neers, mechanics, fabricators, and paint- autobody damage, and make adjustments to
ers. All of them are supervised by a shop reduce the bodys contact with the track. By
foreperson. cutting and welding prefabricated parts, fab-
Shop foreperson. The shop foreperson ricators create the pieces a particular racecar
plans and coordinates all the activities of shop needs.
workers. The foreperson also acts as a liaison Body hangers. Body hangers attach
between the shop workers and the trackside the autobody shell to the cars frame. Strict
crew chiefs and addresses problems the chief standards apply to fitting metal templates to
notices during a race. specific points on the car. Manufacturers have
Mechanical engineers. Mechanical specialists perform this task for race shops,
engineers develop, design, and test new auto but some shops also employ their own body
bodies, engines, and tools. Using design hangers.
software, these workers create the plans that Painters. Painters apply the base colors
mechanics and other technicians use when and coatings to racecars. Almost every part
producing parts and assembling the vehicles. of a racecar is painted in a process that takes
Engineers consider every aspect of a cars about 2 days. A recent time-saving innovation
Shop mechanics may have design, from aerodynamics to engine torque. involves wrapping, covering all or part of
to repair car parts damaged They also factor in safety considerations. the car in vinyl. Wrapping makes it possible
Mechanics. Mechanics prepare the to change a cars color scheme in 4 hours or
during an event. cars for races. They diagnose mechanical less.
Photo: National Science Foundation

Employment and wages

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
does not have employment and wage data spe-
cific to occupations in auto racing. Businesses
involved in the operation of auto races
including racing teamsare classified within
the spectator sports industry. But this industry
also includes nonracing sports businesses. In
addition, establishments classified in other
industries provide support to the auto racing
industry. As a result, BLS cant determine
exactly how many workers are employed in
auto racing.

6 Occupational Outlook Quarterly Fall 2009

But many of these jobs are specialized education, training, and requirements vary
versions of occupations for which BLS does by occupation. Racecar drivers, for example,
have data. And because employees of racing must have highly developed driving skills
teams are classified within the spectator sports but do not need a college degree. Mechani-
industry, wages for racing-related occupations cal engineers, on the other hand, must have a
within that industry are the best approxima- bachelors degree. Advancement opportunities
tion of wages for those in the auto racing also vary.
industry. Median annual wages for selected
occupations are presented in the table below. Skills
Drivers compete professionally in ven- Familiarity with car engines, bodywork, and
ues ranging from rural dirt tracks to mod- mechanical technology is common among
ern speedways. Some are part-time drivers workers in auto racing. Strong math skills
racing for purses that barely cover their are essential for making calculations, such as
expenses; others get staggering sums that those for fuel consumption or for measuring a
they supplement with income from product cars clearance, during an event. And profi-
endorsements. Prominent professional driv- ciency in the use of testing and diagnostic
ers usually have a contractual agreement with equipment is useful for vehicle maintenance.
a sponsor or racing team owner, and they Communication skills are important
receive a percentage of the prize money. Top for most workers in racing occupations,
NASCAR drivers, for example, might receive especially for racecar drivers and shop work-
between 40 and 50 percent of the purse, with ers. In addition to communicating with the
team sponsors, owners, or members splitting pit crew during a race, drivers are expected
the remainder. to make public appearances off the track and
must be able to relate to fans and the media.
Shop workers need to interact with each other
Preparing for a career in to prepare vehicles for an event.

auto racing Management skills are a must for a fore-

person, who functions as the shop supervisor.
Preparation for a career in auto racing often In addition to their knowledge of shop opera-
starts with interest in the sport at an early age. tions, which they usually gain through on-the-
And that interest may be paired with automo- job experience, forepersons should know how
tive knowledge developed through exposure to direct shop workers. They need leadership,
to engines: growing up around machinery on problem-solving, and communication skills,
a farm, perhaps, or mechanical training during as well as the abilities to coordinate work, set
military service. priorities, and motivate others.
Auto racing workers sometimes have Athletic ability is necessary for pit crew
similar knowledge and skills, but specific workers. They need strength and coordination

Median annual wages for selected occupations in the spectators sports industry, May 2008
Automotive body and related repairers $54,750
Automotive service technicians and mechanics 51,160
First-line supervisors and managers of mechanics, installers, and repairers 67,960
Helpers of installation, maintenance, and repair workers 23,780
Machinists 45,060
Mechanical engineers 78,320
Painters of transportation equipment 52,870

Fall 2009 Occupational Outlook Quarterly 7

to perform their tasksincluding lifting and universities; a few graduate programs also
carrying heavy equipmentquickly, safely, exist. Continuing education courses are avail-
and accurately. Many crew members have able through professional associations.
participated in formal athletic programs in
other sports. Advancement
Opportunities for advancement for workers in
Education and training auto racing are often tied to experience and
Although students interested in auto racing networkingand, sometimes, geographic
often start honing car skills well before their location. But some occupations have more
teen years, by high school they should take specific paths for moving forward.
certain classes if they expect to make a career Most racecar drivers, for example, dont
in racing. Math is a must, but vocational- begin on the big tracks. Drivers might get
technical courses are also important. Post- their start racing go-karts and later work their
secondary coursework may also be required, way up from lower-level auto races. By gain-
especially where vocational courses are not ing experience and taking specialized courses,
offered in high school. drivers are able to control faster and more
To become a mechanic, students should powerful cars as they advance in auto racing.
take automotive maintenance and repair Shop forepersons usually work their
courses. Manufacturers specialty courses and way up from the shop floor to management.
automotive mechanics courses include more Through experience, they gain knowledge of
in-depth information about vehicles. These each shop workers job and then apply that
courses are valuable not only for mechanics knowledge to running the shop efficiently.
but often for drivers, fabricators, and painters Along with shop experience, though, fore-
as well. Technical preparatory schools, such persons need expertise in racing. They might
as the NASCAR Technical Institute, special- spend time on the track or as a crew chief.
ize in racing technology education. Other workers in auto racing advance by
Fabricators need coursework in welding gaining experience on the job. Many have
and metalworking, particularly specialized opportunities through family- or friend-owned
welding and sheet metal. Modern race teams businesses and projects. In fact, networking
often construct their own parts, so certification is an important element of advancing in auto
in specialized welding is useful. On-the-job racing. Workers should develop contacts and
training is also common for fabricators. be prepared to use them. By starting at a local
Painters may find it helpful to take voca- track and working their way up, they can
tional-technical courses in automotive body expand their list of connections.
painting. Some schools maintain facilities to Geographic location is a factor in auto
paint cars as well as to perform basic body racing, and achieving success may require
repairs. Many painters also learn on the job. relocating. In the case of NASCAR, for exam-
Drivers must complete courses to get ple, most team shops are located near Char-
licensed in operating high-speed vehicles. lotte, North Carolina, so workers who want to
In addition, drivers often take courses to rise to NASCAR ranks must live there.
maintain their driving skills or to eliminate
problems that develop. There are numerous
schools that help racecar drivers improve their For more information
skills. To learn more about careers in auto racing,
Mechanical engineers need to earn at visit your local library. Look for resources
least a bachelors degree, most commonly about the occupations described in this article,
in mechanical engineering, from an ac- as well as about the auto racing industry itself.
credited university. Programs tailored to the Many of these occupations have counter-
automotive industry are available at some parts outside of racing, and the Occupational

8 Occupational Outlook Quarterly Fall 2009

Outlook Handbook has descriptions of them. SAE International
The descriptions include working conditions, 400 Commonwealth Dr.
job duties, employment, wages, training Warrendale, PA 15096
requirements, and more. Find the Handbook (724) 7764841
in libraries or online at
Professional associations also offer career
information for people interested in racing.
For information about mechanics, contact:
Many provide news about drivers, racing
schools, and job openings. National Automotive Technicians
For general information and racing news, Education Foundation
contact: 101 Blue Seal Dr. SE.
National Speed Sport News Suite 101
P.O. Box 1210 Leesburg, VA 20175
Harrisburg, NC 28075 (703) 6696650
Toll free: 1 (866) 4552531
Universal Technical Institute, Inc.
For information about engineers, contact:
NASCAR Technical Institute
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers 220 Byers Creek Rd.
3 Park Ave. Mooresville, NC 28117
New York, NY 10016 Toll free: 1 (877) 2012597
Toll free: 1 (800) 8432763 Default.aspx

U.S. Air Force photo by Larry McTighe

Fall 2009 Occupational Outlook Quarterly 9

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