Education News Roundup

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July 13th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew

Education News
had enough time to become entrenched but have plenty
Articles posted by five reliably interesting sources of of preconceived notions of their own about teaching and
news about higher education. learning.
“We have some barriers to break down internally,”
What does 'open' really mean? acknowledges Jonathan Gueverra, the college’s founding chief
executive officer. “Even if you have the luxury of bringing in all
new people, you have the problem of trying to present before
July 13th, 2010
them a blank slate and then showing them what we want done.
The one thing I know about all faculty is that they recognize
the need for students to succeed. Using data and knowledge,
we want to provide them with that springboard.”
Another article on open education hidden behind a journal So far, the community college has only 37 full-time faculty
paywall, but who cares when we have Tony Bates to provide members and well over 100 adjuncts. Many of them came
us with what is probably much more insightful analysis. And directly from teaching at the University of the District of
I certainly support his observation about the model being Columbia — the troubled land-grant that, for ages, was the
described here: "I think the idea of opening up classes to non- city’s lone public institution. Now, it is the incubation site for
registered students is a good one, but not just making them the new community college until it moves across town and
relatively ‘outside' participants of a class designed deliberately becomes a freestanding institution.
for face-to-face teaching. Wouldn't it be more logical to
Marilyn A. Hamilton, the college’s Achieving the Dream
open up classes deliberately designed for distance delivery
program coordinator and an early childhood education
to non-registered participants, and design them carefully
instructor, is among those at the new community college
for joint use?" Yes. This is what George Siemens and I
leading the push for data integration at all levels. Currently,
have done with the Connectivist-style courses. Bates also
she is working with professors across disciplines to infuse
says "our systems are unnecessarily restrictive in allowing in
technology into their teaching.
particular mature adults to access university programs. The
real problem is a lack of places in the system, and hence over- For example, she hopes that by finding a way to gauge
zealous admission requirements, rather than finding means students' work over the length of a course, instructors will be
to combine registered students with others." Too true. Tony able to identify the areas in which students are deficient before
Bates, e-learning & distance education resources, July 12, 2010 gaps in learning grow. Then, using everything from online
[Tags: Connectivism , Adult Learning ] [ Link ] [ Comment ] games to YouTube, students can walk themselves through
tutorials to catch up on whatever specific course material they
still don’t understand, instead of sorting through everything
Getting It Right the First Time all over again.
“Every discipline at the college is up for program review,”
July 13th, 2010
Hamilton says. “We’re helping faculty design their courses in
WASHINGTON — Starting an educational institution from a way that is more interactive and so that it is clear to students
scratch is a hard task. But it does have its advantages. Just what the expectations are. We want to embed that technology
ask the founding set of administrators and instructors at into the course delivery to build a culture of evidence. This
the Community College of the District of Columbia, which should be able to help students be even more successful in
wrapped up its first academic year a few months ago. discipline-specific courses as well as remediation.”
They believe the institution's relative newness — and therefore As part of the college’s curriculum review, each course’s
its lack of entrenched faculty and staff — give them the ideal objectives must align with its student outcomes. Hamilton
opportunity to implement the academic and administrative noted that for certain courses, this means a capstone
practices considered likeliest to improve student success. experience where there was none, or a new set of exams. Many
Though college officials hope to create an institution where of the courses at the community college were given in the
data collection is an everyday occurrence and nearly all first two years at UDC and so are now being adopted for the
academic decisions are based on that evidence, they have new institution. For her early childhood education courses,
to get substantial buy-in from faculty and staff, who haven’t students will now have to create a portfolio of their work

July 13th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
throughout the semester, much like their counterparts at the together. So, at the new community college, work force
baccalaureate level do. development is operating differently.
“It’s all about changing the mindset of people,” Hamilton says. First, the college shed programs like barbering, cosmetology
“It’s not so much starting from scratch, but introducing people and any unattached apprenticeship work — programs that had
to a new way of doing business. Some of them having been been offered by UDC — that did not result in an industry-
teaching the same way for 20 years, and they have their own recognized certificate or credential. Then, it began adopting
way of doing things. We have to be more data-driven. Some are stackable credentials for fields like nursing, so that students
already there, and others will have to be brought along kicking earn progressively greater certification as they go along. For
and screaming.” example, nursing students are certified as a home health
aide and then a nursing assistant while they work toward an
So far, though, Hamilton says the transition among faculty
associate degree in nursing. With this approach, students are
who came to the community college from UDC has been
guaranteed at least some credential if they have to stop out,
relatively smooth. And though two semesters' worth of data
or can work in jobs with advanced-salary potential as they
is hardly enough to make any concrete judgments about the
continue on their career pathway.
institution and its students, the initial retention numbers are
pleasing to Gueverra and his team.
For example, the college retained 70 percent of its 688
first-time freshman students who enrolled last fall to the
spring semester. But this figure doesn't tell much about the
institution given that most comparable data sets compare fall-
to-fall retention instead of fall-to-spring retention. Of these
first-time freshmen, 82 percent of them required at least some
Reforming remediation and further boosting this percentage
also depends heavily on data collection. Gueverra notes that
college staff members made over 400 phone calls in the past
week to reach the first-time freshmen who did not return
to the college, find out what happened, and adapt remedial Additionally, Spinner notes that all workforce development
coursework to future students’ need based on what they heard. students are now earning college credit for their work, whether
The same team of student support staffers is also blanket they are aware of it or not. All workforce development
testing all incoming students in need of remediation as well. programs at the college also have embedded basic academic
training, improving the students' reading and math skills as
“If we do this right, we’ll know at some point what we’re they learn job-specific skills, and eventually making them
doing to make a dent to stem to number of students in eligible for credit-bearing work. Washington State’s much-
developmental education,” Gueverra said. “We’re also going to lauded Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (or I-
assess every student up front, as early as possible, and alert BEST) program, an initiative aimed at helping “underserved
faculty members to begin to provide them with information students,” was cited as the model for this method.
about their students that’ll help them succeed.”
“I don’t want to sit here and say, ‘You’re going to have to
If Gueverra and company are unsure whether they’ve made complete four years’ worth of literacy work before you can take
an impact on the way their existing faculty and staff go about a job training program to assist you to help your family,' ”
their business at the new community college, then they will Gueverra said.
certainly leave their mark on all newly recruited professors to
the institution. A Promising Start

“All new faculty must be familiar with an assessment of Students who have been around Washington long enough to
student learning,” says Jacqueline Skinner Jackson, dean of see the ups and downs at UDC — whose graduation rate has
academic affairs. “They must be familiar with online learning hovered below 20 percent and is among the lowest in the
and must be familiar with instructional technology. We want country — are pleased with their time at the new community
those skills embedded into the culture to feed student success." college and believe it could have a positive impact on the city.

New Take on Work Force Education Ricardo White, a 49-year-old who recently graduated with
an associate degree in early childhood education, says he
When C. Vannessa Spinner, the college’s associate dean for hardly noticed the transition of his program from UDC to the
workforce development, was told by Guevarra that he would community college last year, noting that his professors fully
like there to be no divide between the workforce and academic explained the change and helped students figure out what it
sides of the new community college, she responded with a meant for them. The new attitude of fellow students, faculty
resounding, “Hallelujah!” she recalls and staff at the new institution, he says, is a far cry from what
The way Spinner sees it, too many community colleges he saw two decades ago when he came to UDC right out of high
operate with highly bifurcated missions, pushing academic school to become a paralegal -- and eventually dropped out
and workforce development faculty, staff and students apart because of a lack of support from his professors.
from one another when they could be best served by working

July 13th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
“I just felt like I was given the cold shoulder,” White says of the like to see transparency applied across the board. I'd like to
faculty and staff he encountered at UDC in the 1980s. “People know what private schools teach, and what it costs them. I'd
are changing. There are so many highly motivated people and also like clear reporting of corporate and executive salaries,
there is so much more community involvement. Just being the contents of the reports and analyses they send each other,
here, you can tell the commitment the community college has holdings, subsidiaries, and agreements and cartels with other
to your success. This is where change starts. I think it can corporations. Once we have this information, we can make
change Washington.” an informed decision on how overpaid and underqualified
professors are, and how well public institutions compare
Michelle Adams, a 42-year-old community college student in
with their private counterparts. Leigh Minsil, Dallas Morning
early childhood education, echoes her classmate’s sentiment.
News, July 12, 2010 [Tags: Schools , Online Learning , Books
She, too, dropped out of UDC in the mid-1980s when she
, Academia , Private Schools ] [ Link ] [ Comment ]
enrolled there right out of high school, but now says her
experience is much more positive.
Adams says she was anxious about her program — which she Rev. Paul Locatelli, Key Jesuit
enrolled in while it was still part of UDC — moving to the new
community college, but says the change has helped her focus Academic, Dies
on her career goals. Source:
“When I first heard about the change, I said ‘What’s to become July 13th, 2010
of me?’ ” Adams says. “I had this fear that I was going to be too
old for a community college. I thought I was going to be the Rev. Paul Leo Locatelli, who was for 20 years president of
only 30-year-old here, but when I started I realized there were Santa Clara University, died Monday morning of pancreatic
a lot of people like me. It’s been great to be so focused and so cancer. At the time of his death, he was secretary of higher
open with one another.” education for the international Society of Jesus. Details about
his life may be found here.
Both White and Adams hope their success at the new
community college will inspire their friends and family to
attend and further their education. The opportunity for D.C. Online Learning and
residents to attend a community college in their own city, they
say, has been a long time coming. Traditional Universities
Keiser University is a regionally accredited, private, career
July 13th, 2010
university that provides educational programs at the
undergraduate and graduate levels ...
The purpose of Southeastern Institute is to offer quality
career education. Our programs focus on specialized skills and
knowledge needed for today's ... Online learning is making clear the contradiction between
equity and elite institutions. This contradiction is especially
Keiser University is a regionally accredited, private, career apparent when the things that define an institution as "elite"
university that provides educational programs at the have nothing to do with learning. The real objection is
undergraduate and graduate levels ... loss of faculty control, as University of California staff argue
that e-learning "not only degraded education but centralized
Transparency law for academic policy that undermines faculty control of academic
standards and curriculum as well as campus autonomy…
professors sets off academic a picture emerges of undergraduates jammed through a
mediocre education and ladder rank faculty substantially
freedom debate removed from both control over and involvement with
Source: undergraduate education." If faculty showed any interest in
July 13th, 2010 keeping costs down,reaching more student, or even making
academic papers openly accessible, I'd have more sympathy
with their desire for control. But the relation between the
professors and their entitled students is symbiotic - they
need each other, to reenforce the idea that they deserve
Professors oppose transparency. Or, at least, this is what
to be there, that they are better than other people. George
might be concluded from opposition to a new "transparency
Siemens, elearnspace, July 12, 2010 [Tags: Online Learning ,
law" in Texas. The law requires "universities... to post
Accessibility , Academia ] [ Link ] [ Comment ]
professors' syllabi, curriculum vitae, published works and
salaries. Attendance costs and departmental budget reports
also must be posted." Brian Leiter says , "this new law has one
and only one purpose: to make it easier for right-wing crazies
Protect Unpaid Internships
and ignoramuses to target and harass faculty." That may be
true, It doesn't make it a bad law, though. What does make
it a bad law is that it is aimed at state institutions only. I'd
July 13th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
July 13th, 2010 We all share the Department of Labor’s concerns about
Under new regulations proposed by the Department of the potential for exploitation, but the role of determining
Labor, unpaid college internships are preferable if the intern the educational value of an internship or co-op should rest
“performs no or minimal work.” with educational institutions. Colleges and universities must
continue their active monitoring of experiential learning
That’s right: Even as many colleges and universities are programs, and place students in secure and productive
expanding experiential learning, federal officials are issuing environments that further their education.
guidelines that would water down this powerful approach to
education. A sustained commitment to experiential learning includes
In April, the Department of Labor crafted a six-part “test” that developing a strong network of employers who regularly
employers, students and colleges must satisfy to ensure that provide employment opportunities for students. Through this
unpaid internships qualify as legal. Among the six criteria is network, institutions cultivate partnerships and work closely
the following requirement: “The employer that provides the with students to find the best fit for both sides. Schools can and
training derives no immediate advantage from the activities of should require employers to provide detailed job descriptions
the intern.” that set clear expectations. In addition, employers should
outline the learning outcomes students are expected to achieve
Whether or not the Labor Department’s proposal would have upon completing their experiences.
a direct impact on most college internships is the subject of
debate. Defenders of the policy argue that it is simply a more An interesting consequence of the Labor Department’s
stringent application of the longstanding Fair Labor Standards proposal is that it may create more demand for overseas
Act. Their goal is laudable: to protect students from being used internships. At Northeastern University, where we just
as free labor, particularly by for-profit companies. celebrated 100 years of cooperative education, we believe the
second century of experiential learning will be global. This
However, just the threat of increased regulation could have is vitally important for today’s students, who are more likely
a chilling effect on the willingness of employers to offer than previous graduates to live and work abroad. A co-op
internships -- paid or unpaid. With experiential learning on or internship in another country is, by definition, more than
the rise, through co-ops, internships and other approaches, the academic tourism; it is true global education.
country cannot afford to create disincentives for employers to
play a valuable role in the educational enterprise. But we don’t want international expansion to come at the
expense of what we’re doing here at home. In a recent letter
Why is American higher education heading in the direction urging the Labor Department to proceed cautiously, Sen. John
of experiential learning? The value proposition is clear: Kerry underscored the importance of experiential learning to
According to the National Association of Colleges and the country as a whole: “Be it through internships, fellowships
Employers’ 2010 Job Outlook Survey, 75 percent of employers or co-op programs, this symbiotic relationship helps foster
prefer job candidates with relevant work experience. More economic development and a competitive workforce.”
than 90 percent prefer to hire interns or co-ops who have
worked for their organization. As we invest in our future by investing in higher education,
we should look for ways to expand, not diminish, the impact
But the real benefits of experiential learning go far beyond the of experiential learning. We owe this to our students, our
practical advantage it affords students entering the workforce. economy, and our society.
Educators are increasingly realizing that the integration of
study and practice is a more powerful way to learn. This position is responsible for the coordination and
implementation of "Bulls Nite Out" programming, outreach to
Perhaps more than ever before, this generation of graduates commuter, non-traditional and ...
will need to navigate the unknown. They will need to be nimble
and responsive to change, and become leaders of change. A The Dean of Students is responsible for providing innovative
strong foundation in their field of study is essential, but less direction and overall management for the Student Life unit.
tangible skills will be just as important: confidence, poise, The Dean of Students is a ...
adaptability, and the ability to work collaboratively. These are While the Director of Learning Outcomes Assessment has
the foundations of leadership. the primary responsibility for implementing the college's
When students participate in well-developed internships or outcomes assessment plan, the ...
co-op experiences, they immerse themselves in professional
settings, ranging from multinational corporations to small
not-for-profits. They bring their experiences back to the OLNet Fellowship Week 2 –
classroom, enriching the curriculum for themselves and their
peers. They gain knowledge that will serve them for a lifetime.
Initial Thoughts on Tracking
Rules that encourage student interns to perform “no or
Downloaded OERs
minimal work” are antithetical to the premise of experiential
July 13th, 2010
learning. Under these rules, internships or co-op positions
would deteriorate into job shadowing, a pale imitation of true
experiential learning.

July 13th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
Scott Leslie describes how to track the use of learning with regards to BB and how they do things to those systems
resources, and deals with the objections to them. "I can hear that they acquire, or is it something more 'religious'?"
the objections already... does this infringe on the idea of Given the mistrust Blackboard has generated over the last
"openness"? What level of disclosure is required? ... I do want few years, it's not surprising to see disappointment over
to respect these concerns, but at the same time, I wonder how the latest announcement. And in Canada, as Tony Bates
valid they are. You are reading this content right now, and it notes , it's disappointing to see yet more of our innovative
has a number of 'web bugs' inserted in it to track usage yet is technology sold south of the border. But overall, with a
shared under a license that permits reuse." For the record, I do "well played" from Siemens and acceptance that it was a
not use 'web bugs' or other tracking software in OLDaily. I find smart move by Blackboard, the edublogosphere has been
it distasteful, like looking in people's living room windows. remarkably moderate in its response, and not really knee-jerk
Your mileage may vary, and I'm not making judgements. at all. Raj Boora, EDITing in the Dark, July 12, 2010 [Tags:
Scott Leslie, edtechpost, July 12, 2010 [Tags: Operating Connectivism , Canada , Blackboard Inc. ] [ Link ] [ Comment
Systems , Open Educational Resources ] [ Link ] [ Comment ] ]

New Programs: Leadership, Land Grants Are Selling Their

Homeland Security, Labor Cows
Relations, Taxation Source:
July 13th, 2010
July 13th, 2010

GF Education Group, Inc.

An education company specializing in the testing and
evaluating of college graduates is seeking to engage educators
in designing and writing test ...
Lansing Community College
REQUIREMENTS: - Bachelor's Degree required in education,
instructional design, instructional technology or ...
Brown University Fring's mis-use of Skype
This position works closely with academic departments and software was damaging to our
in alignment with CE strategic goals, this position develops
programs at the executive ... brand and reputation
Brown University July 13th, 2010
This position oversees a number of curriculum designers who
produce online course content and assist faculty in instruction
and students in course ...
University of Maryland University College It would be nice if web conferencing systems like Skype all
The Program Director, Criminal Justice is responsible for interoperated, but that seems not to be in the cards. Fring is
providing administrative and academic support for the MSM/ accusing Skype of blocking them . "Now that fring expanded
Criminal Justice and Intelligence ... capacity to support the huge demand for video calling for all
users, Skype has blocked us from doing so. They are afraid of
Anne Arundel Community College
open mobile communication. Cowards." Skype denies that it's
While the Director of Learning Outcomes Assessment has a block, exactly. "Fring was using Skype software in a way it
the primary responsibility for implementing the college's wasn't designed to be used – and in a way which is in breach of
outcomes assessment plan, the ... Skype's API Terms of Use and End User License Agreement."
And accusing Fring of doing the blocking . Either way, it's
pretty petty. Robert Miller, Skype Blogs, July 12, 2010 [Tags:
Knee Jerk Reactions Audio Chat and Conferencing , Branding , Conferencing ,
Source: Video , Interoperability ] [ Link ] [ Comment ]
July 13th, 2010

Academic Outcomes of Study

Raj Boora asks, "is the edtech-sphere disliking the BB Source:
Collaborate announcement because of some real concerns
July 13th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
July 13th, 2010 out for any number of reasons, the researchers compared
In 2000, researchers began an ambitious effort to document study abroad students to a control group of students who
the academic outcomes of study abroad across the 35- had already persisted to the same point in college. They
institution University System of Georgia. Ten years later, also constructed the control group to closely represent the
they’ve found that students who study abroad have improved institutions the study abroad students were coming from (the
academic performance upon returning to their home campus, University of Georgia sends more students abroad than, say,
higher graduation rates, and improved knowledge of cultural Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, and the control group
practices and context compared to students in control groups. was created with a goal of reflecting that). “Our goal,” said
They’ve also found that studying abroad helps, rather than Rubin, “was to isolate the effect of study abroad and to make
hinders, academic performance of at-risk students. our groups as comparable in every respect except that one
group studied abroad and the other did not.”
“The skeptics of study abroad have always made the argument
that study abroad is a distraction from the business of getting They found that the four-year graduation rate was 49.6 percent
educated, so you can enter the economy and become a for study abroad students, compared to 42.1 percent for
contributing member of society,” said Don Rubin, professor students in the control group (and 24 percent for students
emeritus of speech communication and language education at in the University System of Georgia as a whole). Six-
the University of Georgia and research director for GLOSSARI year rates were 88.7 percent for study abroad participants
-- the Georgia Learning Outcomes of Students Studying and 83.4 percent for students in the control group(and
Abroad Research Initiative. “I think if there’s one take- 49.3 percent system-wide). The effect held across various
home message from this research as a whole it is that subgroups of students divided by gender, race and SAT
study abroad does not undermine educational outcomes, it score, but was particularly pronounced for certain groups
doesn’t undermine graduation rate, it doesn’t undermine final – most dramatically, four-year graduation rates for African-
semester GPA. It’s not a distraction. Americans who’d studied abroad were 31 percent higher than
for African-American students in the control group. Four-
“At worst, it can have relatively little impact on some students’ year graduation rates for other nonwhite students who’d
educational careers. And at best it enhances the progress studied abroad were 18 percent higher than for their peers
toward degree. It enhances the quality of learning as reflected in the control group. Nationally, nonwhite students remain
in things like GPA.” underrepresented in study abroad -- according to the latest
The GLOSSARI project is of impressive scope and scale, and data, from the Institute of International Education’s Open
not every finding shows a positive impact of study abroad Doors survey, 81.8 percent of Americans studying abroad in
-- self-reported knowledge of world geography, for instance, 2007-8 were white.
actually decreased across time both for study abroad students The GLOSSARI Project found that for students who’d studied
and for a control group, and researchers found no significant abroad, their mean cumulative GPA prior to going overseas
difference in knowledge of global interdependence between was 3.24 and the mean cumulative GPA afterward was 3.30.
the two sets of students. Rubin and Richard C. Sutton, director For the control group over the same period, the mean GPA
of the GLOSSARI project, executive director of international increased from 3.03 to 3.06. Researchers found a particularly
programs at Western Kentucky University, and formerly pronounced effect of study abroad on academic performance
assistant vice chancellor for international programs at the among students who entered college with the lowest SAT
University System of Georgia, presented these and other scores. Among students who entered college with a combined
findings in a “final report” on the GLOSSARI project at SAT score of 800 (on the verbal and math sections), those who
the recent NAFSA: Association of International Educators studied abroad ended up with a GPA of 3.21 compared to 3.14
conference in Kansas City. for those students who stayed stateside. On the other extreme,
Among their findings: for those students who entered college with a perfect SAT score
of 1600, study abroad had no effect on their GPA, which on
Graduation Rates and GPA: Researchers compared average was 3.25 regardless.
graduation rates and grade point averages for 19,109 study
abroad students, from across the state system (which includes “The conventional wisdom is that students who are at risk
community colleges, research universities and institutions in should be discouraged from studying abroad altogether,”
between), with a control group of 17,903 students selected to Rubin said. “But this suggests that study abroad can actually
match the institution, semester of study and class standing be an intervention to enhance the success for college students
of the students who’d studied abroad. “What we’ve tried to who are at-risk. Rather than derailing them, rather than
do in this project is to be very, very careful about who we diverting them, it actually focuses them.”
compare with study abroad students,” said Rubin. “There are Intercultural Learning Outcomes: In another phase of the
all these arguments that say the reason why graduation rates study, researchers administered a 29-question intercultural
are higher for study abroad students are they are of higher learning outcomes instrument to 440 study abroad and 230
socioeconomic status, or they may be more industrious, or non-study abroad participants from 13 Georgia institutions.
they may be choosing easier majors.” “There are so many different ways in which students are going
Study abroad students, in other words, aren’t representative overseas and we had to look at a way to assess that across this
of all students in the Georgia system. So, rather than merely variety of platforms,” said Sutton.
compare the study abroad students’ graduation rates with From pre- to post-test, study abroad participants surpassed
system-wide rates for first-time, full-time freshmen, who drop non-study abroad participants in measures related to
July 13th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
functional knowledge of cultural practices – the ability to say The GLOSSARI project was funded in part by a $547,000 U.S.
what’s funny in another culture, for instance, or take a train Department of Education grant, which expired June 30. Their
or bus to reach a destination. Study abroad students also grew data collection work completed, Rubin and Sutton are now
in their knowledge of cultural context – for example, in their making the GLOSSARI database available to other researchers
knowledge of how different cultural settings affect one’s own to pursue further questions.
reactions and interactions with others – relative to non-study Outcomes Research in Study Abroad
abroad students.
“What’s distinctive about the GLOSSARI project is that it’s
Again, on measures related to knowledge of global system-wide,” said Brian Whalen, president and CEO of the
interdependence and world geography there was no significant Forum on Education Abroad. “No other project really matches
difference between the control group and study abroad it, I don’t think, in terms of the scope and the coherence.”
students. (The general decline in knowledge of world
geography – the ability to name four rivers in Europe and three But there’s no question that there has been a huge increase
in Asia, or name six countries in Africa – was, unfortunately, in research into study abroad outcomes, as study abroad has
a common finding irrespective of time overseas). grown and as colleges increasingly emphasize the need to
assess student learning outcomes more generally. As the latest
The GLOSSARI project did not consider outcomes related to indication of this, a NAFSA task force recently issued a report
second-language acquisition during study abroad (although on assessing international education -- which should, the
lots of other studies have considered these questions). report argued, “be fully integrated into the broader assessment
Researchers did find, however, that time spent speaking of U.S. higher education."
a target language was correlated with higher intercultural
learning more generally, Rubin said. Whalen, the editor of Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary
Journal of Study Abroad, said increased assessment activity
Disciplinary Learning Outcomes: Another phase of the study is happening on both institutional and faculty-driven levels.
considered student learning in courses taught on campus “Projects such as the GLOSSARI project, which are very
and abroad. Researchers looked at three case studies of comprehensive and are institutionally-based, are becoming
courses taught on the home campus and overseas – a more common as institutions are seeking to establish
Novels of Jane Austen class (taught in Oxford), a French very good benchmarks for international education,” he
Revolution and Napoleon class (taught in Paris) and an said. “Accrediting associations are holding those institutions
Intercultural Communication class (also taught in Paris). “I accountable.”
was disappointed that despite some vigorous efforts we ended
up with only three really good case studies,” said Rubin. ”And then you have another wave of research that’s coming
“There were a variety of reasons why. We insisted that the out of faculty members in disciplines” – many of whom
majority of the learning objectives had to be the same [in have led short-term study abroad programs. A recent issue
both versions of the course]… another requirement was that of Frontiers, for instance, included an article by education
they had to be taught by the same teacher.” Researchers also scholars on the role of study abroad in teacher education,
wanted the student assignments to be the same on campus and another article -- its first author a molecular and cellular
and overseas, as external evaluators looked at student work in biologist – documented changes in intercultural knowledge
gauging student learning. and competence as a result of international, undergraduate
research experience.
Students seemed to acquire more “fact detail” knowledge in
courses taught on campus -- in the Austen class, for instance, That same issue also highlighted the findings of the
students who took the course on campus cited more examples Georgetown Consortium Project, another major, cross-
in their essays. One external rater noted, of the campus- university study that which compared language acquisition
based class, “I saw more answers that demonstrated a deeper -- gains in oral proficiency, specifically -- and intercultural
understanding, not just of Austen’s body of work, but also of learning of students who studied abroad and those who
the political and social climate during the time of her writing.” studied the target language in U.S. classrooms. As the authors
In some ways, Rubin said, this finding is to be expected, as the of the latter study write, in outlining the context for their
duration of the study abroad version of the course was shorter research, research in student learning abroad has “increased
and students in that class read fewer of Austen’s books. dramatically. During the 1970s, 189 research studies were
published; that number had increased 675 by the 1990s.
“On the other hand the big-picture kind of learning, the more During the first decade of the 21st century, the number will
conceptual learning and the sense of why this is important or almost certainly exceed 1,000.”
why this is still relevant, clearly came across more strongly in
the study abroad classes,” Rubin said. For instance, students in The research on study abroad outcomes covers a broad
the French Revolution class “saw how the events of revolution range of topics and uses a variety of instruments in asking
are interwoven into contemporary France, which is something questions related to second-language acquisition, or changes
that students who studied it domestically never achieved. For in attitudes, beliefs or knowledge as a result of study abroad.
them it was just a history class.” Among the many tools being used in study abroad research
are the IDI (the Intercultural Development Inventory), the
“One of the implications that people who design programs CCAI (the Cross-Cultural Adaptability Inventory), the OPI
might think about is the value of what’s now being called (the oral proficiency interview), the SOPI (the simulated oral
hybrid learning abroad -- classes in which a substantial proficiency interview), and the BEVI (the Beliefs, Events and
component is done domestically,” Rubin said. Values Inventory). The Beyond Immediate Impact: Study
July 13th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
Abroad for Global Engagement (SAGE) project, based at the other have urged graduate programs to recognize that the
University of Minnesota Twin Cities, uses an instrument odds favor their students finding jobs at institutions that place
called the Global Engagement Survey to track long-term as much or more value on teaching as on research. Of the
outcomes of study abroad on dimensions including civic 41 programs with courses, 28 are required and the rest are
engagement, knowledge production, philanthropy and social optional.
entrepreneurship. The analysis then tried to determine which programs were
“There has been some outstanding research that’s already most likely to offer these courses. The size of the department
been done in second-language learning overseas, in personal and the size of the universities -- both of which could be
development, intercultural growth, and attitudinal and thought to measure the resources available for courses -- were
behavioral changes that occur as a result of study abroad,” found not to be factors.
said Sutton, the GLOSSARI project director. “But what we felt But there was an inverse relationship between research
when we began the GLOSSARI study was that there had been productivity in departments and the odds of offering such
limited efforts and attention paid to learning outcomes and a course. The relationship, while significant, had notable
knowledge acquisition and skill acquisition that we felt really exceptions in the survey among public but not among
needed to be addressed. private institutions. Some of the public institutions with
“We saw this very much as a first step, although it turned out strong research records -- such as Ohio State University, the
to be a very long step.” University of California at Berkeley and the University of
Wisconsin at Madison -- do have such courses. But as a general
Designs and maintains a Center web-site that promotes the
rule, highly ranked private university departments do not.
program and offers comprehensive resources associated with
all aspects of Vietnamese ... Over all, public institutions were seven times more likely than
private institutions to offer such courses, the study found,
This position works in concert with the Senior International
citing as a possible explanation “the public service component
Student and Scholar Advisor and other OIE staff to provide
of state institutions or the fact that public institutions are
student-visa advising, SEVIS ...
consistently faced with state-mandated programs to enhance
Responsibilities The Office of International Study Programs teaching generally.”
seeks a qualified candidate to work with the Director and other
The study notes that there are innovations that go beyond just
personnel in the Office to ...
having a single course on teaching techniques. For example,
The Feinstein International Center's goal is to develop and Baylor University, a relatively young doctoral program in
promote operational and policy responses to protect and political science, has placed an emphasis on the idea that it is
strengthen the livelihoods of ... training future college teachers with a “teaching apprentice”
program. In this program, grad students are assigned to work
with senior professors teaching an undergraduate course -- not
Bailout for Tennessee Prepaid by becoming teaching assistants, but by analyzing the course.
Tuition Program The grad students prepare an annotated syllabus -- different
from the syllabus used -- to explore various teaching issues.
bailout_for_tennessee_prepaid_tuition_program During the fourth year of the program, the grad students are
July 13th, 2010 “instructors of record” for a course, but then in their fifth
Tennessee lawmakers are authorizing $15 million to stabilize year they shift to a focus on finishing dissertations. The study
a prepaid tuition program that was supposed to be self- suggests that this approach provides in-depth exposure to
sustaining but that is in danger of falling behind on its teaching issues.
commitments, Nashville Public Radio reported. The bailout The paper on these issues was written by a professor (John
follows one in 2007 as the stock market started to decline. Ishiyama) and two doctoral students (Tom Miles and Christine
Balarezo) at the University of North Texas.

Teaching vs. Research Position Summary: The Liechtenstein Institute on Self-

Determination in the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
University invites applications for a ...
July 13th, 2010
Position Summary: The Department of Politics at Princeton
It’s common for many at research universities to say that just
University is seeking qualified candidates who can contribute
because they value scholarly production doesn’t mean they
through their research, ...
don’t care about teaching. But a new study of political science
departments at doctoral institutions -- published in the journal Position Summary: The Department of Politics at Princeton
PS -- suggests that there may be a tradeoff. University invites applications from senior scholars for
positions as tenured associate or ...
The study examined 122 departments at universities that grant
doctorates in political science to see which institutions offer a Position Summary: The Department of Politics is seeking
course for doctoral students on how to become good teachers. applications from well-qualified individuals for a position in
It turns out that only a minority of departments (41) do so -- the field of Comparative ...
even though the American Political Science Association and

July 13th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
Position Summary: The Department of Politics is seeking past. But, for some, the death of Dana might prove a cautionary
applications from well-qualified individuals for a position in tale.
the field of American Politics. ... Mulling a Merger
For many years, neither Dana nor Midland Lutheran took
Mergers and Survival the possibility of a merger or partnership seriously. A mix
Source: of passion, rivalry and ego led decision makers at the two
July 13th, 2010 colleges to see their institutions, though small and heavily
tuition dependent, as endangered only abstractly. They knew
Like so many small private colleges, Dana College, a small
in their hearts that alma mater would live on indefinitely.
Lutheran institution on the outskirts of Omaha, has long been
precariously close to its death. The most serious consideration of a merger happened just
a few years ago, after an Omaha World-Herald article in
“I’ve worried about the college as long as I’ve known the
December 2006 conveyed an ultimatum from a major donor
college,” says Myrvin Christopherson, a 1961 alumnus who was
to both institutions: no capital donations until the viability of
Dana’s president from 1986 until 2005. During those 19 years,
a merger was thoroughly studied.
not only did he weather several years of budget deficits and a
fire that destroyed the college’s Old Main, but he also increased On first glance, and at a common sense level, a merger
the college’s endowment from $1 million to more than 10 times would’ve been logical. Two small colleges, 25 miles apart, both
that. “It was always able to pull through.” struggling to get by on enrollments far smaller than their
capacities and affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church
And that was the mentality that many alumni, donors, faculty
in America.
members, administrators and residents of the small town of
Blair, Neb., maintained, at least until a few weeks ago: Dana is Upon closer inspection, though, a merger didn’t seem to make
special, Dana is strong, Dana can survive. sense to many of the parties involved. After the donor made
his plea, the two colleges brought in Presidential Practice, a
But now that the college is almost certainly dead -- after the
consulting firm staffed by former college presidents, to study
Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association
whether it would be possible to unite the colleges. “They
of Colleges and Schools denied Dana’s request for continued
indicated that they didn’t feel a merger was feasible,” says
accreditation after a change of control that would have put it in
Dennis Gethmann, president of Dana's Board of Regents.
the hands of a group of investors -- supporters and observers
“The culture of the two colleges was too different” and their
are wondering what else could have been done to keep Dana
resources were insufficient to make a merger work.
Had the colleges decided to move ahead on a merger, it’s likely
Again and again, they turn to the same potential solution: a
that one of the campuses would have had to close, he adds.
merger or partnership between Dana and Midland Lutheran
“Can you imagine the politics that would’ve been involved in
College, in Fremont, Neb., another small institution of modest
financial means and below-capacity enrollment.
Christopherson says that the colleges would occasionally
For decades, officials and supporters of Dana and Midland
consider collaboration, especially after they both became
occasionally considered joining forces, including when a key
affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in
donor to both institutions exhorted them to do so a few
the late 1980s. “Wouldn’t it be good if we had one Lutheran
years ago. But each time, the conclusion was reached that
college near Omaha?” he recalls many people at both colleges
a merger would be too expensive, or too wrenching to the
thinking. “As small private colleges with small endowments,
institutions and their towns, to succeed. "There's never been
we’ve both been really challenged for a long time. We were
a keen desire on the part of the faculties or administrations of
looking for savings."
either institution," Christopherson says. "We were both critical
to the culture and education and life of these communities." He wishes he had more seriously pursued a merger while
president. “In hindsight, maybe we should’ve come together.
At many other small private colleges that have considered
I probably would have preferred that there would’ve been
mergers, the story is the same. Their institutions are unique,
some way that Dana could’ve been preserved rather than
special, like no other place on earth. Backers believe that their
this tragedy.” He adds: “Of course you always look back and
institutions will be able to survive dwindling enrollments, high
wonder, ‘What else could I have done, should I have done?’ ”
tuition discount rates and rising costs. Though they've faced
scares during previous recessions -- as Dana and Midland both After rejecting the idea of a merger, and with the college
did -- they've been able to make it through, and with that teetering over a cliff, Dana's Board of Regents decided in
history and confidence in their institutions, presidents and March that handing over the college’s name, resources and
boards take the leap of faith that they will be able to continue history to a for-profit corporation would be the only way
on without merging. to keep the college alive in any form. The Higher Learning
Commission, though, threw a wrench in that plan when it
Even at a time when the business model of nonprofit higher
said it would deny the college continued accreditation under
education is perhaps being challenged on more fronts than
the for-profit owners. After scrambling for close to two weeks
ever before, it's not clear that the leaders of struggling colleges
since that denial, both the buyers and the Dana board have
are considering mergers more seriously than they have in the
acknowledged that the college is almost certainly dead.

July 13th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
The board held its final scheduled meeting on Monday in reasonable proximity to one another.” Even the 25 or so
morning, appointing a receiver who has authority over the miles between Dana and Midland may have proved to be too
college’s assets (owned by bondholders) and making plans to far. “Why would anybody want to merge with them unless
ensure that students have access to their transcripts. “We’re they’re close enough that they can actually make meaningful
wrapping up the affairs of the college,” says Gethmann, the savings by selling some buildings and integrating the faculty
board’s chair. An executive committee of four will stay on and administration?”
to “take whatever steps to cease operations” in the coming Alice Brown, former president of the Appalachian College
months. Association, wrote last fall in Inside Higher Ed that one small
The nonprofit Dana’s accreditation, he adds, will likely college that she studied (in a project looking at institutions
continue until next spring, so that students who would’ve that eventually closed) started off the merger process seeing
been seniors this coming academic year can receive Dana it as “salvation.” Within two years, administrators from the
diplomas after completing their coursework elsewhere. Many dominant institution had dismantled most of what was left.
are heading to Midland. Her warning to colleges in dire economic straits: resist "hope"
that the institution will make it through, or the precedent of
Benjamin E. Sasse, who became president of Midland this
other struggles it was able to survive
spring and grew up in Fremont, says many people at his
institution regret not doing more to save Dana. “A lot of us A senior fellow at the National Association of Independent
wish that [a merger] had been pursued more aggressively.” Colleges and Universities, Jon Fuller, says he doesn’t think
mergers are the best way for institutions to collaborate.
But the fact that there was no merger has been at least
Instead, he points to regional partnerships like the Claremont
a temporary boon for Midland. About 300 of Dana’s 550
Colleges in California and the Five College Consortium in
students, Sasse says, have enrolled for the fall, bringing
Massachusetts. Twenty private colleges in Wisconsin have
Midland’s projected enrollment up to about 900. Before the
come together to consolidate back office functions and have
recession, the college’s enrollment peaked at 1,100 but often
saved millions of dollars.
hovered, with relative institutional health, around 900.
But for colleges that have already passed the point of searching
“We’re being mindful that these students chose to come here for efficiencies, mergers are one final hope at keeping the name
but understand that Dana lives on for them,” he says. Former and traditions alive.
Dana students will be housed with the friends they planned to
Ekman notes that “there haven’t been too many where
room with, and one home football game may be played on the
two equally struggling institutions decide to join forces as
Dana campus.
even partners.” As in the case of Dana and Midland, many
Only time will tell whether the future applicants who would institutions of that sort that consider a merger do so once it’s
have headed to Dana will find a niche at Midland. too late, and neither institution is able to play a dominant role.
Can Colleges Merge? Lucie Lapovsky, a consultant to colleges who has done work
As the U.S. economy tumbled two years ago, some experts on for Midland and is a former president of Mercy College, in New
private colleges started to foresee an era of mergers. Though York, agrees. “There’s always a clear rationale why one college
there have been some mergers and partnerships, the killer is seeking out a merger with another,” she says. “Usually in this
wave hasn’t hit the shore and some experts aren’t sure it will. day and age, one school is stronger than the other.”

In August 2008, Richard H. Ekman, president of the Council Cases in point: the mergers of New York University and
of Independent Colleges, told Inside Higher Ed then that Polytechnic University, Fordham University and Marymount
“we may be in an environment in which colleges in difficulty College, George Washington University and Mount Vernon
are going to be willing to try more ambitious solutions, College -- all in the last decade or so. In all those instances,
such as mergers.” Between rising energy costs, institutions’ the more dominant institution has taken over. Marymount has
dependence upon tuition discounts to attract students and the been dissolved. Mount Vernon is another campus on the other
shrinking of donors’ wallets, “circumstances now are more side of Washington, D.C.
extreme than they have been,” he said. “How you merge two cultures is always very challenging,” she
Today, Ekman isn’t quite as sure. “Mergers are not the magic says. “It’s a series of compromises and that’s why most mergers
bullet for most of these situations,” he says. “Some of the places don’t work.”
that can’t distinguish themselves are likely to continue at low University of North TexasBudget AnalystDepartment
quality and in tough financial shape, and some of them are OverviewThe University of North Texas at Dallas invites
going to close." applications for the position of Accountant ...
David Breneman, a professor at the University of Virginia’s This person is responsible for shaping an integrated approach
Curry School of Education, says that while the start of this to planning and allocating financial resources, forecasting,
recession, like the start of previous ones over the last few developing financial models ...
decades, hinted at the possibility of mergers, there haven’t
The Director is responsible for directing and coordinating the
been nearly as many as some anticipated. “I don’t believe there
procurement of supplies, materials, equipment and services;
is a huge record of successful mergers in this country,” he says.
managing agreements and ...
“It’s just pure geography. No one wants to give up their campus
and I think to successful merge … you probably need to be

July 13th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
so complex and high-maintenance that they require dedicated
When Technology Doesn’t Help staff, thereby adding higher labor costs to the equation.
confessions_of_a_community_college_dean/ There are excellent societal reasons why that’s a good idea. I
when_technology_doesn_t_help like the idea of the rookie Nursing student making his first
July 13th, 2010 medical mistakes on simulators, rather than on people, for the
same reason that I like pilots to use flight simulators before
By Dean Dad July 12, 2010 9:36 pm they first fly planes. Fewer casualties that way.
Joshua Kim’s piece yesterday reminded me of a basic, but
widely ignored, truth. But the college doesn’t capture the gains from that. It’s saddled
with the costs, heaven knows, but not with the other side of the
In most industries, new technology is adopted because it’s equation. And in an era of declining state support, there are
expected to lower costs and/or improve productivity (which only so many places to go to find the difference.
lowers costs over time). It doesn’t always succeed, of course,
and the usual vagaries of faddism are certainly there. But by I agree that certain applications of technology can save colleges
and large, the point of adopting a new technology is to make money, and that colleges should take those opportunities
the underlying business stronger. seriously. But to assume that it will only be deployed where it
saves money, or even that it will be a net financial gain, strikes
But that doesn’t apply in either higher education or health me as reaching. We train people on the latest stuff because we
care. In both of those, institutions adopt technology to meet have to, whether it saves money or not.
rising expectations, whether it helps with cost or not. Much of
the time, it actually leads to increased costs.
For example, take the typical college library. Libraries don’t The New iPhone Audible App
bring in much revenue on their own, if any; they’re pretty Source:
pure ‘cost centers’ for most colleges. They’re central to the the_new_iphone_audible_app
educational mission of the college, to be sure; I’d suggest July 13th, 2010
that in the context of a commuter campus, that’s even more By Joshua Kim July 12, 2010 9:24 pm
true than elsewhere. But income is tied to credit hours, and Audible just launched it's new iPhone app. I'm so excited.
libraries don’t generate credit hours of their own.
I've played with the app a bit. Here's what it seems to do:
In the past, typical library costs included labor, acquisitions,
utilities, and not much else. Tables, desks, chairs, and carrels 1. You can see and download anything that is in your Audible
could be expected to last decades (and judging by some library.
of the graffiti I saw at Flagship State, they did.) Yes, you 2. Some advanced playback features.
might find microfilm or microfiche, but even there the space
3. The ability to Tweet, Facebook, or e-mail what you are
requirements were minimal and the purchases could last for
decades. (For younger readers: microfilm was sort of like
cassette, wait, you wouldn’t know was sort 4. A note taking tool.
of like movies watched really, not like dvd’s...ah, 5. News and Events - including featured customer reviews,
screw it, I’m old.) It wasn’t at all rare for the highest-tech thing YouTube Audible links, Audible news and lists.
in the library to be the coin-operated photocopier.
What am I missing?
Now, students expect/demand that the library offer plenty of
computer workstations with high-speed internet access, good As you know, I'm an Audible junky who loves audiobooks but
wifi everywhere, all manner of ‘assistive technology’ for the hates the website. For a list of my audiobook
visually or otherwise challenged, and access to proprietary collection click on this link. It blows my mind that I can't share
(paid) databases for all sorts of materials. There’s nothing my list of books with other Platinum Listeners and audiobook
wrong with any of that, but none of it displaced what had come freaks through either or the new iPhone app.
before, and none of it came with its own revenue sources. And I find continues to suffer from a
that’s before mentioning the price pressures that publishers poor recommendation engine, terrible integration with
have put on traditional acquisitions. (the owner of Audible and the place for a much
As a result, the library is far more expensive to run than it better book browsing and discovery experience), slow and
once was. It isn’t doing anything wrong; it’s just doing what awkward navigation, and a generally poor social features.
it’s supposed to do. The problem is that the technological What I do like about are the same things I
advances it adopts -- each for good reason -- don’t, and won’t, like about the new iPhone app - namely that I can see and
save money. download my whole collection in one place.
Something similar holds true in the health-related majors. One thing that seems to be missing from the Audible iPhone
As medicine has adopted more high-tech equipment and app is the ability to browse and download books. Will I be
methods, we’ve had to adopt them, too, to train the students able to do this from the Amazon iPhone app? Is this feature
on them. But we don’t get any of the gains from that. We have coming? Am I just missing something?
to pay for it, but the productivity gains, if any, accrue to the We should say thank you to the people at Audible for bringing
industry rather than to us. Worse, many of the purchases are out this iPhone app. This app will push me to put more books

July 13th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
in my Library, so they are available for download should I ever way off my shelves. This time I rethought their organization as
find myself bookless and without a computer. well. For years I’ve had literary criticism in one set of shelves,
Victorian literature in another, with another few devoted to
I hope over time the social features of both the
“other things I might teach” or “other things I have taught.”
site and the iPhone app develop. Us audiobook listeners are an
There are a couple of shelves of writing books, and several of
oppressed group. We have to endure air quotes when people
feminist theory as well. But it was the shelves of “things I might
ask us what we are "reading" lately. We want to connect with
teach” or “have taught” that were posing the problem, as they
each other. We want recommendations, we want to see each
threatened to take over my office. (And believe me when I say
others libraries and wish lists, we want to know when someone
I have ample shelf space — my office is in a former library,
(who has given us permission to see) buys a book.
with built-in bookshelves reaching from the floor almost to
Have you tried the new Audible iPhone app? What do you the ceiling along three walls. A window interrupts one set of
like? What would you like to see included in the next version? shelves but otherwise that’s pretty much all that’s in here.)
ps. I'm just finishing "reading" Sonic Boom: Globalization at I spent a full day at it. I climbed up on my desk to reach some of
Mach Speed, by Gregg Easterbrook - it is amazing! my bookshelves, moved the library ladder around to get to the
rest, and organized. Novels that had fallen out of alphabetical
order were sternly returned to the proper location. Children’s
Mothering at Mid-Career: books — the bulk of my teaching over the last ten years—finally
Organizing the Office got their own shelves, and their own organization. For at least a
day, I knew where everything was — I even tracked down some
books I’d loaned out, and got them back on the right shelves.
July 13th, 2010 This won’t last, I know. This morning I brought in a tote bag
By Libby Gruner July 12, 2010 9:14 pm filled with books from the fantasy series I’m now writing about
(My last blog post contained a spoiler alert—this one may need —they’d been on the home shelves for too long. But they’ll
a “book nerd” alert, for I fear that its musings are only of continue to move back and forth with me as I take notes on
interest to folks like me whose books threaten to take over their them in the evening (or at least as I imagine that it’s possible
living spaces. Consider yourself warned.) that I’ll take notes on them in the evening — some nights,
certainly, they will simply stay in the book bag and come back
A couple of new colleagues are moving in to their offices today. to the office the next morning).
They’ve just moved to Richmond, and are sorting out what
stays at home and what comes to the office. I see the piles of I can’t tell my new colleagues which books they’ll want here,
boxes outside the offices and know that books are going in — which at home. Perhaps instead I should suggest they invest
but which ones? How do we choose? in plenty of book bags, and get comfortable with the idea that
the decisions they make today can always be revisited. Again,
I was thinking about the question myself because I recently and again, and again.
reshelved the books in my office. This is one of those end-of-
the-year mindless tasks that I usually try to do in May, but
somehow I only got to it in early July this year. Over the course Compared to What?
of a semester (or, to be honest, the whole academic year) my Source:
books tend to scatter. Some go on the “teaching now” shelf. compared_to_what
Others make their way to the “consult for research” shelf— July 13th, 2010
many of these are library books, but there are also novels and
By Daniel Levy July 12, 2010 11:12 am
critical works of my own sharing shelf space with them. Others,
Hardly a day passes when we don’t read about poor
of course, were pulled off a shelf for a quick consultation and
performance in higher education. This is true for those who
didn’t make it back. And then there are the myriad books that
follow the international scene and it’s true for those who follow
seem to shuttle between home and campus, as I try to prep
mostly the US or virtually any other single country. The nearly
another novel at home, or get optimistic about working on my
relentless message is that we are not doing well in higher
research over a weekend. These tend to end up in tote bags
education. Modified, the message is at least that we are not
until I panic that they are lost for good, at which point I explore
doing nearly well enough.
all the shelves, bags, boxes, and flat surfaces around me until
they turn up. While in years past I have on occasion actually But compared to what? That should be an obvious and
used my home office for research (and therefore shelved a omnipresent question. Yet it is often ignored or left vague and
good number of books there) recently I’ve found working from inexplicit. Alongside many specific and valid gauges, the too
home too distracting, so most of my books have ended up in my common comparison is really to desires or goals. We should
campus office. But not all—for some reason, children’s fantasy be “there” but we are still “here.” We should be at performance
(my major area of research) is still mostly at home. indicator or benchmark x but we are at y. “Report Cards”
usually show “poor” performance. Even further, it is common
You’ll have gathered that my organizational strategies leave
to refer to higher education in crisis. Again, compared to
something to be desired.
what? Primary and secondary education, health care, higher
This summer, I resolved to do something about it. So when it education somewhere else, higher education ten years ago?
was time to tackle the office mess, I didn’t just reshelve the How long or often can something be in “crisis” without just
books that had, over the course of the semester, made their representing a reality, however lamentable?
July 13th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
There is of course nothing inherently wrong with desires and
aspirations. They can indeed have positive effects--reminding
us or our values, even our dreams, or exhorting us to larger and
better efforts. A particularly good rationale in international
comparison, is spurring via embarrassment: “our higher
education system is on a level with Ghana’s?”
But invidious comparisons to unrealistic standards can also
have negative effects. The economist Albert Hirschman
repeatedly pointed to such effects and failure syndromes.
Hopes, expectations, and goals that are dashed again and
again can lead to cynicism and a feeling that effort is worthless.
Politics and the policy process have dynamics that often
push to unrealistic goals: It is a way to “be for” grand
things, sometimes even without much invested effort or
resources. Common in UNESCO, World Bank, and many
other international documents and projects is comparison of
the developing country or region in question to developed
countries. “See how far country x trails Western Europe in
higher education access or expenditure” when more pertinent
is comparison of access or expenditure to that of a country
at a similar economic level (not that such comparisons
are non-existent). Similarly, comparison to invented and
declared standards can have pernicious effects. Leading
work on numeracy in Latin America shows on metric after
metric that country x or the region overall is way behind.
Proliferating higher education accreditation bodies worldwide
(which have vital roles to play) are demonstrably vulnerable
to the temptation to set requirements at levels of what
they think should be. Also tempting are metrics that are
inappropriately applied to certain kinds of institutions (non-
university, technological, private) even if those metrics are
appropriate for universities of high standing.
Comparisons are essential to good higher education study.
They can also serve useful purposes in higher education policy.
But many prominent and repeated comparisons are either
pointless or worse.


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