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Vebemened TobaZ i STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS for HIGHWAY BRIDGES SIXTEENTH EDITION 1996 Adopted and Published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Inc. 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Suite 249 Washington, D.C. 20001 © Copyright 1996 by the American Association of State Highway and ‘Transportation Officials ne, All Rights Reserved, Printed inthe United States of America. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publishers. ISBN 1-56051-040-4 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, 1995-1996 VOTING MEMBERS Officers: President: Bill Burnet, Texas Vice President: Darrell Rensink, towa Secretary/Treasurer: Clyde E. Pyers, Maryland Regional Representatives: Regions: T Carlos I. Pesquara, Puerto Rico Hl Robert L. Robinson. Mississippi IM Patrick Nowak, Michigan IV Marshall W. Moore, North Dakota NON-VOTING MEMBERS Inmediate Past President: Wayne Shackelford, Georgia Executive Director: Francis B. Francois, Washington, D.C. HIGHWAY SUBCOMMITTEE ON BRIDGES AND STRUCTURES 1995 JAMES E. SIEBELS, COLORADO, Chairman G. CHARLES LEWIS, GEORGIA, Vice Chairman STANLEY GORDON, Federal Highway Administration, Secretary ALABAMA, William F. Conway ALASKA, Steve Bradford, Rey Shumway ARIZONA, William R. Bruesch, F. Daniel Davis ARKANSAS, Dale Loe CALIFORNIA, James E, Roberts COLORADO, Stephen Horton CONNECTICUT, Gordon Barton DELAWARE, Chao H. Hu D.C, Jacob Patnaik, Luke DiPompo FLORIDA, Jerry Potter GEORGIA, Paul Liles HAWAII, Donald C. Omelias, IDAHO, Scott Stokes ILLINOIS, Ralph E, Anderson INDIANA, John J. White IOWA, William A. Lundquist KANSAS, Kennth F. Hurst, KENTUCKY, Richard Sutherland LOUISIANA, Norval Knapp, Wayne Aymond MAINE, Larry L. Roberts, James E. Tukey MARYLAND, Eatle S. Freedman MASSACHUSETTS, Alexander K. Bardow MICHIGAN, Sudhakar Kulkarni MINNESOTA, Donald J. Flemming MISSISSIPPI, Wilbur F. Massey MISSOURI, Allen F. Laffoon MONTANA, Joseph Kalman NEBRASKA, Lyman D. Freemon NEVADA, Floyd I. Mareucci NEW HAMSPHIRE, James A. Moore NEW JERSEY, Robert Pege NEW MEXICO, Martin A. Gavumnick NEW YORK, (vacant) NORTH CAROLINA, John L. Smith NORTH DAKOTA, Steven J. Miller OHIO, Richard L. Engel OKLAHOMA, Veldo M. Goins OREGON, Terry J. Shike PENNSYLVANIA, (vacant) PUERTO RICO, Jorge L. Melendez, Hector Camacho RHODE ISLAND, Kazem Ferhournand SOUTH CAROLINA, Rocque L. Kneece SOUTH DAKOTA, John Cole ‘TENNESSEE, Clellon Loveall, ‘Ed Wasserman ‘TEXAS, Robert Wilson US. DOT, Stanley Gordon (FHWA), Nick E. Mpars (USCG) UTAH, Dave Christensen VERMONT, Warren B. Tripp VIRGINIA, Malcolm T. Kerley WASHINGTON, Myint Lwin WEST VIRGINIA, James Sothen WISCONSIN, Stanley W. Woods WYOMING, David Pope ALBERTA, Bob Ramsay BRITISH COLUMBIA, Peter Brett, MANITOBA, W. Saltzberg MARIANA ISLANDS, Elizabeth H. Salas-Balajedia NEW BRUNSWICK, G.A. Rushton NEWFOUNDLAND. Peter Lester NORTHWEST TERRITORIES, Jivko Jivkoy NOVA SCOTIA, Al MacRae ONTARIO, Ranjit S. Reel SASKATCHEWAN, Lorne J. Hamblin MASS. METRO. DIST. COMM., David Lenhardt NJ.TURNPIKE AUTHORITY, Wallace R. Grant PORT AUTH. OF NY AND NI, Joseph K. Kelly NY STATE BRIDGE AUTHORITY, William Moreau BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, ‘Wade Cosey USS. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. FOREST SERVICE, Nelson Hemandez MILITARY TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT COMMAND, Robert D. Franz U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS- DEPT. OF THE ARMY, Paul C, T. Tan iit PREFACE to Sixteenth Edition [Msjor changes and revisions to this eition are as follows: 1. The Interim Specifications of 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1996 have been adopted and are in cluded, (Note the 1996 interim, with commentary, were never published as separate document.) "2 Entte Division f-8, Seismic Design, was revised. Entire section of Commentary snd Sup plemenis A & B of Division I-A were deleted. 3 Section 17, Soil Reinforced Conerete Structure Interaction Systems, of Division { was revised 4, Section 26, Metal Culvens, of Division I was revised 5. Section 27, Concrete Culver, of Division Il was revise. 6. Section 29, Embediment Anchors, was added to Division I INTRODUCTION ‘The compilation of these specifications began in 1921 with the organization of Committee on Bridges and Structures of the American Association of State Highway Officials. During the period from 1921, unti printed in 1931, the specifications wer> gradually developed, and asthe several divisions were approved from time to time, they ‘were made available in mimeographed form for use of the State Highway Departments and other organizations. A complete specifiéation was available in 1926 and it was re- vised in 1928. Though not in printed form, the specifications were valuable to the bridge engineering profession during the period of development. ‘The fist edition of the Standard Specifications was published in 1931, and it was foliowed by the 1935, 1941, 1944, 1949, 1953, 1957, 1961, 1965, 1969, 1973, 1977, 1983, 1989, and 1992 revised editions. The present sixteenth edition constitutes re- vision of the 1992 specifications, including those changes adopted since the publico- tion of the fifteenth edition and those through 1995, The constant research and devel. ‘opment in stel, concrete, and timber structures practically dictates the necessity cf revising the specifications every few year, andthe 1996 edition coatinues this trend Interim Specifications are usually published in the middle ofthe calendar year, ant ‘revised edition of this book is generally published every 4 years. The Interim Speck fications have the same status as standards of the American Association of State High- ‘way and Transportation Officials, but are tentative revisions approved by atleast two- thirds of the Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures. These revisions are voted on bj the Association Member Departments prior to the publication of each new edition of this book, and if approved by at least two-thirds of the members, they are included inthe new edition as standards ofthe Association. Members of the Association are the 50 Staie Highway or Transportation Departments, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Each member has one vote. The U.S. Department of Transportation is 3 rronvoting member, ‘Annual Interim Specifications are generally used by the States aftr their adoption by the Bridge Subcommittee. Orders for these annuat Interim Specifications should sent to the Publication Sales Office of the Association at 444 North Capitol Stree’, NW. Suite 249, Washington, D.C, 20001, (202)624-5800. ‘The Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges are intended to serve as a stan- dard or guide for.the preparation of State specifications and for reference by bridge engineers. Primarily the specifications set forth minimum requirements which are consistert with current practice, and certain modifications may be necessary to suit local condi- tions. They apply to ordinary highway bridges and supplemental specifications may be required for unusual types and for bridges with spans longer than 500 fect. ‘Specifications of the American Society for Testing and Materials, the Americar ‘Welding Society, the American Wood Preservers Association, and the National Forest Products Association are referred to, or are recognized. Numerous research bulletins are noted for references. ‘The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials wishes © express its sincere appreciation to the above organizations, as well as to those univer- sities and representatives of industry whose research efforts and consultations have ‘been most helpful in continual improvement ofthese specifications. Extensive references have been made to the Standard Specifications for Trans- portation Materials published by the American Association of State Highway and ‘Transportation Officials, including equivalent ASTM specifications which have been reproduced in the-Association’s Standard Specifications by permission of the Amer'- ccan Society for Testing and Materials. tention i also directed to the following publications prepared and published-by the Bridge Subcommittee: Construction Manual for Highway Bridges and Incidental Sructures—19T3 Edition Guide Specifications for Fracture Critical Now Redundant Steel Bridge Mem- bers—1978 Edition, updated to 1986 Guide Specifications for Horizontally Curved Highway Bridges—1980 Edition, ‘updated to 1993, ‘Standard Specifications for Movable Highway Bridges—1988 Edition Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires ‘and Traffic Signals—1985 Edition, updated to 1994 Guide Specifications for Alternate Load Factor Design Procedures for Steel Bean Bridges Using Braced Compact Sections—1991 Edition AASHTO Commentary on ANSUAASHTOMAWS Bridge Welding Code 01.5-88— 1991 Edition Guide Specifications for Strength Design of Truss Bridges (Load Factor Desigu}—1986 Edition Guide Specifications for Fatigue Evaluation of Existing Steel Bridges—1990 Edition Guide Specifications for Strength Evaluation of Existing Steet and Concrete Bridges—1989 Edition Guide Specifications for Design and Construction and Segmental Concrete Bridges—1989 Edition Guide Specifications for Bridge Railings—1989 Edition Guide Specifications for Structural Design of Sound Barrters—1989 Edition AASHTO Guide Specificarions—Thermal Effects in Concrete Bridge Super- structure —1989 Eaition ANSUAASHTOIAWS Bridge Welding Code D1.S Foundation ts ssigation Manual—1978 Edition Guide Specification and Commentary for Vessel Collision Design of Highway Bridges—1991 Edition Guide Specification for the Design of Stress-Laminated Wood Decks—1991 Edition, Guidelines for Bridge Management Systems—1993 Edition Manual for Condition Evaluation of Bridges—1994 Edition Guide Specifications for Distribution of Loads for Highway Bridges—1994 Edition Guide Specifications for Aluminum Highway Bridges—1991 Edition Guide Specifications for Seismic Isolation Design—1991 Edition Guide Specifications for Fatigue Design of Steel Bridlges—1989 Edition AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications—1994 U.S. Units Edition, 1994 SI Units Edition Guide Design Specifications for Bridge Temporary Work—1995 Edition Construction Handbook for Bridge Temporary Work—1995 Edition Guide for Painting Steet Structures—1996 Edition ‘The following have served as chairmen of the Committee singe its inception in 1921. Messrs, ELF. Kelley, who pioneered the work of the Committee, Albin L. Gemeny, R. B. McMinn, Raymond Archiband, G. S. Paxson, E. M. Johnson, Ward Goodman, Charles Matlock, Joseph S. Jones, Sidney Poleynard, Jack Freidenrich, Henry W. Derthick, Robert C. Cassano, Clellon Loveall, and James E. Siebels, The Committee expresses its sincere appreciation of the work of these men and of those active mem- bers of the past, whose names, because of retirement, are no longer on the rll. ‘Suggestions for the improvement of the specifications are welcomed. They should be sent to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures, AASHTO, 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Suite 249, Washington, D.C. 20001. Inquiries as to the intent or application ofthe specifications should be sent to the same aléress. ABBREVIATIONS AASHTO —American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials acl American Concrete Institute AITC —- —American Institute of Timber Construction ASCE —American Society of Civil Engineers ASTM — —American Society for Testing and Materials ANSI —American National Standards Instiate AWS —American Welding Society AWPA — —American Wood Preservers Association cs —Commercial Standards NDS —National Design Specifications for Stress Grade Lumber and Its Fastenings NFPA —National Forest Products Association SAE Society of Automotive Engineers WPA —Westem Pine Association WWPA — —Westem Wood Products Association AASHTO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, DIVISION F DESIGN SECTION I—GENERAL PROVISIONS Ml 1 DESIGN ANALYSIS AND GENERAL STRUCTURAL, INTEGRITY FOR BRIDGES Design Analysis Structural Integrity BRIDGE LOCATIONS WATERWAYS General Hydraulic Stu Site Data Hydrologic Analysis Hydraulic Analysis CULVERT LOCATION, LENGTH, AND WATERWAY OPENINGS ROADWAY DRAINAGE, RAILROAD OVERPASSES Clearances Blast Protection SUPERELEVATION FLOOR SURFACES UTILITIES, SECTION 2~GENERAL FEATURES OF DESIGN GENERAL, Notations ‘Width of Roadway and Sidewalk STANDARD HIGHWAY CLEARANCES—GENERAL, ‘Navigational Roadway Width Vertical Clearance Other ‘Curbs and Sidewalks HIGHWAY CLEARANCES FOR BRIDGES. Width Vertical Clearance HIGHWAY CLEARANCES FOR UNDERPASSES Width .. : Vertical Clearance Curbs HIGHWAY CLEARANCES FOR TUNNELS Roadway Width . Clearance Between Walls Vertical Clearance Curbs. HIGHWAY CLEARANCES FOR DEPRESSED ROADWAYS - Division 1 CONTENTS: 261 Roadway Width 7 262 ‘Clearance Between Walls . 263 Curbs 27 RAILINGS. 271 Vehicular Railing 271.0 General tee Geomeiry 2713 Loads . oy 272 Bieyele Railing... 272.1 General 2722 Geometry and Loads . ceecteteteeteeseeteess 273 Pedestrian Railing ........ fl 2731 General : 2732 Geometry and Loads | 274 ‘Structural Specifications and Guidelines SECTION 3—LOADS PART A~-TYPES OF LOADS 3a NOTATIONS 32 GENERAL 33 DEaD LOAD i 34 LIVELOAD ..... 35 OVERLOAD PROVISIONS 36 ‘TRAFFICLANES ..... 37 HIGHWAY LOADS . 321 Standard Truck and Lane Loads... 3.12 Classes of Loading... 373 Designation of Loadings Site 374 Minimum Loading ..... pasaeeee 375 HLoading . 7 3.76 HS Loading 38 IMPACT. 381 Application 38.1 Group A 3.8.12 Group B . i 382 Impact Formula... 39 LONGITUDINAL FORCES 3.10 CENTRIFUGAL FORCES .. a 311 APPLICATION OF LIVE LOAD 3111 ‘Traffic Lane Units . : 312 ‘Number and Position of Traffic Lane Units . 3.3 Lane Loads on Continuous Spans 3.14 Loading for Maximum Stress... i 3.12 REDUCTION IN LOAD INTENSITY 3.13 ELECTRIC RAILWAY LOADS een 314 SIDEWALK, CURB, AND RAILING LOADING 3.14.1 Sidewalk Loading. 3.142 Curb Loading - 3.143 Railing Loading ... 3.15 WIND LOADS ...... 3.23 3234 332 3.3.21 3.23.2. 323.23 323.232 3.23.23 324d 3242 3243, 3243.1 3.2432 3244 325 3245.1 B24S.L1 3245.12 CONTENTS Superstructure Design Group Il and Group V Loadings « Group II and Group Vi Loadings : Substructure Design ....0..p.c0ctceeeee 7 Forces from Supersinicture Forces Applied Directly to the Substructure «.....- Overturning Forées ‘THERMAL FORCES UPLIFT... FORCES FROM STREAM CURRENT, FLOATING ICE, AND DRIFT CONDITIONS Force of Stream Current on Piers Stream Pressure Pressure Components Drift Lodged Against Pier Force of Tee on Piers General... fecteees : Dynamic lee Force Static Ice Pressure BUOYANCY EARTH PRESSURE EARTHQUAKES PART B—COMBINATIONS OF LOADS COMBINATIONS OF LOADS PART C—DISTRIBUTION OF LOADS DISTRIBUTION OF LOADS TO STRINGERS, LONGITUDINAL BEAMS, AND FLOOR BEAMS Position of Loads for Shear a Bending Momento Stringers and Longitudinal Beams General... Interior Stringers and Beams Outside Roadway Stingers and Beams Steel-Timber-Concrete T-Beams . Concrete Box Girders Total Capacity of Stringers and Beams Bending Moments in Floor Beams (Transverse) Precast Concrete Beams Used in Multi-Beam Decks DISTRIBUTION OF LOADS AND DESIGN OF CONCRETE SLABS . are : Span Lengths Edge Distance of Wheel Loads Bending Moment Case A~Main Reinforeement Perpendicular to Traffic (Spans 2 to 24 Feet Inclusive) Case B—Main Reinforcement Para Shear and Bond .. Cantilever Slabs. Truck Loads Case A—Reinforcement Perpendicular Tealfic Case B—Reinforcement Parallel to Traffic 226 +26 126 26 27 2 27 21 28 31 2 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 35 35 35 38 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 Division 1 Division 1 CONTENTS 32452 Railing Loads ‘ % 3.246 Stabs Supported on Four Sides 36 324.7 Median Slabs aes 3 3.248 Longitudinal Kage Beams 37 3.249 Unsupported Transverse Edges .. 3 3.24.10° Distribution Reinforcement... a) 3.25 DISTRIBUTION OF WHEEL LOADS ON TIMBER FLOORING . . 37 3.25.1 ‘Transverse Flooring a: - a 3252 Plank and Nail Laminated Longit 2 3.253 Longituc ey 3253.1 Bending Moment .........-- BD 3.2532 Shear 9 3.2533 Deflections i 240 32534 Stiffener Arrangement ry 3.254 Continuous Flooring 2 3.26 DISTRIBUTION OF WHEEL LOADS AND DESIGN OF ‘COMPOSITE WOOD-CONCRETE MEMBERS 0 3.26. Distribution of Concentrated Loads for Bending Moment and Shear ; 0 3.26.2 Distribution of Bending Moments in Continous Spans 0 3.263 Design «..... ey 327 DISTRIBUTION OF WHEBL LOADS ON STEEL GRID FLOORS 40 327.1 General ... : tee sees AO) 3272 Floors Filled with Coverete |... ite PE eal 3273 Open Floors . 41 3.28 DISTRIBUTION OF LOADS FOR BENDING MOMENT IN SPREAD BOX GIRDERS at 3.28.1 Interior Beams - i 3.282 Exterior Beams 3.29 MOMENTS, SHEARS, AND REACTIONS .. 330 TIRE CONTACT AREA SECTION 4—FOUNDATIONS PART A—GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MATERIALS 41 GENERAL. oe 42 FOUNDATION TYPE AND CAPACITY .. 421 Selection of Foundation Type -..........2.0-..- 422 Foundation Capacity : 4221 Bearing Capacity . ‘ 4222 Settlement 4223 Overall Stability. feseee 423 Soil, Rock, and Other Problem Conditions... 7 a 43 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROGRAMS .......... ‘ 43 43.1 General Regizements 243 432 jum Depth, aa 433 Mimo Coverage 245 434 Laboratory Testing ....... eves ce AS 435 * Scour aeiee feteaeceeeeee ee MS 44 440 4ALd 44.12 44.13 44a 44.1 442 443 44a 445 445. 445.2 4453 4454 446 47 44.1 4ATLd AAT 4ATLL2 4ATA13 SATA 4aTLS 4AT1L6 AATAAT 4ATALS 4AT12 44.22, 4A 4a lL 412 CONTENTS: PART B—SERVICE LOAD DESIGN METHOD ‘ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN SPREAD FOOTINGS General Applicability Footings Supporting Non-Rectangular Columas or Piess Footings in Fill Footings in Sloped Portions of Embankments Distribution of Bearing Pressure . Notations Design Terminology Soil and Rock Property Selection Depth ‘Minimum Embedment and Bench Width ‘Scour Protection Footing Excavations Piping Anchorage . Geotechnical Design on Soil Bearing Capacity .. actors Affecting Bearing ad Eccentric Loading Footing Shape Inclined Loading Ground Surface Slope Embeciment Depth Ground Water Layered Soils Inclined Base . Factors of Safety Settlement ‘Stress Distribution Elastic Settlement Consolidation Settlement Secondary Seitlement Tolerable Movement Dyaamic Ground Stabitity Geotechnical Design on Rock. Foatings or Competent Rock . Footings on Broken or Jointed Rock Factors of Salty Settlement . Footings on Competent Rock . Footings on Broken or Jointed Rock “Tolerable Movement Overall Stability DynamioSeismic De Structural Design Loads and Reactions ‘Action of Loads and Reactions . Isolated and Multiple Footing Reactions 237 45 4S 4S 45 48 45 45 45 48 48 4B 48 49 49 49 49 49 er) 50 30 ar 31 SI 31 35 35 37 37 7 38 38 61 261 61 6 62 62 262 3 8B 1B 83 “64 64 66 66 66 86 7 Division £ Division T 44.112 44.21 4AN22 44.113 44.113.1 44.1132 4s 44Nad 44142 44.115 44.115.1 441152 44.11.53 44l1sa 4aMss 4ad1S6 445.7 4416 44.11.61 44.11.62 4S 451 43.11 45.42 45.13 4514 45.15 45.16 45.17 DRIVEN PILES CONTENTS: Moments i Critical Section . Distsibution of Reinforcement. Shear Critical Section... Footings'on Piles or Drilled Shafts Development of Reinforcement Development Length Critical Section . . ‘Transfer of Force at Base of Column ‘Transfer of Force Lateral Forces . een aaet Bearing ‘ 7 ‘i Reinforcement... Dowel Size Development Length . Splicing 7 Uneinforced Canceete Footings Design Stress . Pedestals General Application Materials Penetration : Lateral Tip Restraint... Estimated Lengths H Estimated and Minimum Tip Elevation. Piles Through Embankment Fill ‘Test Piles ae Pile Types oo 2 ee eeeeeeee Friction Piles . End Bearing Piles. ‘Combination Friction and End Bearing Piles Batter Piles Notations : Design Terminology Selection of Soil and Rock Properties Selection of Design Pile Capacity Ultimate Geotechnical Capacity Factors Affecting Axial Capacity. ; 50 “Axial Capacity in Cohesive Soils 6. e teen eee IO) ‘Axial Capacity in Cohesiontess Soils peered ‘Axial Capacity on Rock 0 Factor of Safety Selection iu Settlement : aT Group Pile Loading .. PE erie a Lateral Loads on Piles : Uplift Loads on Piles ay carted ‘Single Pile Pile Group Vertical Ground Movement ae "Negative Skin Frieti 45.672 4568 437 4301 45.0.2 45.13 Asad 4575 438 459 45.10 43.11 45.12 A513 45.14 431d 45.142 45.143 4SIS 4515.1 4315.1 45.15.1 ASS. 45.16 45.161 45.162 43.163 43.164 45.165 45.166 45.167 45168 45.169 45.17 45171 45.172 45.173 45.174 45.175 45.176 45117 4S178 4518 43.181 45.182 45.183 45.184 45.185 45.19 4.19.1 45.192 45.193, 45.194 CONTENTS: Expansive Soil Dynamic/Seismic Design Structural Capacity of Pile Section Load Capacity Requirements 7 Piles Extending Above Ground Surface Allowable Stress in Piles . Cross-Section Adjustment for Corrosion Scour Protection Against Corrosion and Abrasion ‘Wave Equation Analysis, Dynamic Monitoring i Maximum Allowable Driving Stresses Tolerable Movement Buoyancy Protection Against Dete ‘Steel Piles : Concrete Piles ee : Timber Piles Spacing, Clearances, and Embedment Pile Footings . Pile Spacing Minimaum Projection ito Cap Bent Caps Precast Concrete Piles Size and Shape Minimum Area Minimum Diameter of Tapered Piles Driving Points Vertical Reinforcement Spiral Reinforcement Reinforcement Cover Splices . Handling Stresses Cast-in-Place Concrete Piles. Materials ‘Shape Minimum Area General Reinforcement Requirements Reinforcement into Superstructure Shell Requirements Splices i Reinforcement Cover Steel H-Piles Metat Thickness Splices : Caps Lugs, Scabs, and Core-Stoppers Point Attachments Unfilled Tabular Steel Piles Metal Thickness... Splices Driving Column Action “6B m2 B B TB B 33 B 4 mm m4 4 4 4 7 4 ry dS Eel 1B B 25 WB 18 73 5 75 B B 8 16 76 16 76, 16 76 76 76 16 16 16 76 16 76 16 7 n 1 11 n n 1 n Division | Division 1 CONTENTS xy 45.20 Prestressed Concrete Piles 45.201 Size and Shape 2.4... 45.202 Main Reinforcement . 45.203 Vertical Reinforcement .. 45204 Hollow Cylinder Piles . : 45205 Splices 7 452 ‘Timber Piles, 45211 Materials... 45212 Limitations on Untceated Timber Pile Use 45213 Limitations on Treated Timber Pile Use . 46 DRILLED SHAFTS 461 General 46.11 Applic 46.12 Materials 46.13 Construction 46.14 Embedment 4615 ‘Shaft Diameter 46.1.6 Batter Shafis 46.17 Shafi Through Embankment Fill. 462 Notations .... . 463 Design Terminology 464 Selection of Soll and Rock. Properties 464.1 Presumptive Values 4642 Measured Values 465 4651 ‘Axial Capacity in Soil i 465.11 Side Resistance in Cohesive Soil. 46512 Side Resistance in Cohesionless Soil 46513 Tip Resistance in Cohesive Soil 465.14 ‘Tip Resistance in Cohesiontess Soil 7 4652 Factors Affecting Axial Capacity in Soil i 46521 Soil Layering and Variable Soil Strength with Depth 465.22 Ground Water .. 465.23 Enlarged Bases. 46524 Group Action 465.241 Cohesive Sol 465242 Cohesionless Soil. 465243 Group in Strong Soil Overlying Weaker Soil 46525 Vertical Ground Movement . : 46526 Method of Construction 4653 Axial Capacity in Rock . 4653.1 Side Resistance . 46532 Tip Resistance Factors Affecting Axial Consiy in Rock 3 Rock Stratification 465332 Rock Mass Discontinuties 465333 Method of Construction . 4654 Factors of Safety .... 4655 Deformation of Axislly Loaded Shafts 46551 Shafis in Soil. ‘ 4655.11 Cohesive Soil 4655.12 Cohesionless Soil 4655.13 Mixed Soil Profile 46352 46353 4636 4656.1 4656.11 46.56.12 4656.13 4656.14 4656.15 465.6.16 4656.17 46562 4657 466 466.1 46.6.2 46621 466.2, 46623 46624 46.625 466.26 4663 4664 467 4671 461.2 46.03 47 48 49 4.10 4101 4102 4103 4.10 4105 4.106 al ata aud 4is2 4113 alia ALLS ALLE 4ALL7 4118 SHLL9 CONTENTS: Shafts Socketed into Rock Tolerable Movement Lateral Loadi Factors fetng Lately Loaded Shas Soil Layering : Ground Water Scour Group Action Cyclic Losding : Combined Axial and Lateral Loading Sloping Ground ‘Tolerable Lateral Movements Dynamic/Seismic Design Structural Design and General Shaft Dimensions General Reinforcement Longitudinal Bar Spacing Splices . ‘Teansverse Reinforcement Handling Suesses .. Reinforcement Cover Reinforcement into Superstnucture Enlarged Bases ‘Center-to-Cenrer Shaft Soin Load Testing General Load Testing Procedures Load Test Method Selection tionally Not Used PART C--STRENGTH DESIGN METHOD LOAD FACTOR DESIGN SCOPE DEFINITIONS LIMIT STATES, LOAD FACTORS, AND RESISTANCE FACTORS. General Serviceability it States States ment : Load Combinations and Load Factors Performance Factors SPREAD FOOTINGS . General Considerations General Depth Scour Protection Frost Action Anchorage Groundwater Uplit. Deterioration [Nearby Structures 289 31 87 88 88 88 88 88 88 39 89 0 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 91 91 91 91 91 a 92 92 2 m 2 3 983 93 93 9B 93 93 93 93 93 94 94 34 95 Division ! Division | 412 413 4113.1 432 4133 434 411341 4113.42 4113.43 4a 414d 414d AMAL 41a 4a 41415 4114.16 4142 411421 411422 411423 4MA24 4142s 41143 alla 4s 4116 41161 4.11.62 4.11.63 412 4121 4122 4123 4123.1 4123.11 4123.12 4123.14 41232 4123.21 4123.22 4123.23 4123.23 4.123.236 4123.24 41233 4233.1 412332 412333 4123.34 412335 412336 412337 CONTENTS Notations Movement Under Serviceability Limit States General Loads... : ‘Movement Criteria Settlement Analyses Settlement of Footings on Cohesionless Soils. Settlement of Footings on Cohesive Soils Settlement of Footings on Rock ... Safety Against Soil Failure : Bearing Capacity of Foundation Soils... ‘Theoretical Estimation Semi-Empirical Procedures Plate Loading Test Presumptive Values Effect of Load Eccentricity . Effect of Groundwater Table Bearing Capacity of Foundations on Rock ‘Semi-Empirical Procedures ‘Analytic Method . . Load Test ..... oe Presumptive Bearing Values, Effect of Load Becentricity . Failure by Sliding Loss of Overall Stability Structural Capacity Construction Considerations for Shallow Foundations General Excavation Monitoring General . Notations Selection of Design Pile Capacity .. Factors Affecting Axial Capacity Pile Penetration Groundwater Table and Buoyancy. Uplift Movement Under Serviceability Limit State General ....e.e ees Tolerable Movement Settlement .. Cohesive Soil Cohesionless Soil Lateral Displacement... Resistance at Strength Limit States ‘Axial Loading of Piles Analytic Estimates of Capacity. Pile of Capacity Estimates Based on in Situ Tests Piles Bearing on Rock Pile Load Test ... oe Presumptive End Beng Casces ‘ Uplift Effect of Settling Ground and Downdrag Forces : 101 102 102 102, 102 102 103 103 103 103 103 103, 103 2103, 103, 103 104, 104 104 104 104 104 CONTENTS 4.123.370 Single Pile Uplift Capacity 41233.76 Pile Group Uplift Capacity 412.338 Lateral Load faut 4.12339 Baiter ile 7 4.1233.10 Group Capacity Cohesive Soil Cohesionless Soil cevteseeseeeee 4.1233.102 Pile Group in Strong Soil Overlying a Weak ‘or Compressible Soil : 4233.11 Dynamic/Seismic Design Structural Design Buckling of Piles Construction Considerations DRILLED SHAFTS General . Notations Geotechnical Design Factors Affecting Axial Capacity 4133. Downdrag Loads 4133.12 Uplift 4133.2 Movernent Under Serviceability Limit State... 413321 General 4133.22 Tolerable Movement 4133.23 Settlement 4133.23 Settlement of Single Drilled Shafts 4.133.238 Group Seitlement 413324 Lateral Displacement 4.1333 Resistance at Strength Limit States 413331 ‘Axial Loading of Drilled Shafts 413332 Analytic Estimates of Drilled Shaft Capacity in Cohesive Soils 4133.33 Estimation of Deilled-Shaft Capacity in Cohesionless Soils 413334 Axial Capacity in Rock 7 4.13335 Load Test .. 4.13336 Uplift Capacity 413.336 Uplift Capacity of a Single Drilled Shaft 4.133.340 Group Uplift Capacity 7 4.13337 Lateral Load 4.13338 Group Capacity. 4.133380 Cohesive Soil 4.133380 Cohesionless Soil ceveeee fee 413.3.3.8¢ Group in Strong Soil Overlying Weaker Compressible Soil. 4.13339 Dynamic/Seismic Design 4B Structural Design 4A Buckling of Drilled Shafts SECTION $—RETAINING WALLS PART A—GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MATERIALS 3 GENERAL 52 WALL TYPE AND CAPACITY tot 108 tot los Loe toa = 105 105 105 105 105 105 +105 os 105 106 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 2107 107 108 108 108 108, 108, 108 108 108 108 108 108 109 ut MI Division f Division 1 CONTENTS: xix $21 Selection of Wall Type al 5211 Rigid Gravity and Semi-Gravity Walls mmo Se ma BL om oy conn ARS ” 18 HIGHWAY BRIDGES Bu Live load (Artile 322 span length (Anicle 3.23.4) LF = longitudinal fore from live loud (Articte = moment capacity of dowel (Anicle 3.25.14) primary bending moment (Article total transterred secondary moment (Article 3.25.14 ‘numberof beams (Anite 3.28.1) ‘numberof teat lanes (Article 3.234) number of doxsels (Article 25.1.4) tive load on sidewalk (Article stream flow pressure (Aricle 3.18.1) total unitorm force required to cause unit horizontal deflection of whole structure toad on one rear wheel of tuck (Article 3.24.5) whee! load (Article 324.5) design whee! load (Article 3.25.13) 12.000 pounds (Article 3.24.3) 16.000 pounds (Article 3.24.3) fective ie strength (Amite = proportion of load carried by short span (Article dius of curve (Anicle 3.10.1) wrmalized rock response rib shortening (Article 3.22) hear capacity of dowel (Article 3.25.1) © primary shear (Aricle 3.25.13) = total secondary shear transferred (Article 3.25.14) lesign speed (Article 3.10.1) cil amplification spectral ratio. = shrinkage (Article 3.22) erage stringer spocing (Article 3.23, spacing of beams (Anicle 3.23.3) Width of precast member (Aisle 3.23.43) fective span length (Article 3.24.1) pan length (Anicle ‘beam spacing (Article 328.1) fective deck span (Article 3.25.13) eam flow (Article eriod of vibration remparature (Article 3.22) hickness of ice (Article 3.18224) jek thickness (Article 3.25.13) ariable spacing of truck axles (Figure 3.7.38) selocity of water (Article 3.18.1) combined weight onthe first wo axles ofa standard HS Truck (Figure 3.7.7A) width of sidewalk (Anite 3.14.11) wind load on structure (Article 32) total dead weight of the structure width of exterior girder (Anticle 3.232. overall width of bridge (Anicle roadivay width between curbs (Aricle 3.28.1) ind load on live load (Antele 322 ‘width of pier ordiamter of circular-shalt per atthe level of ice ation (Astcle 3.18. alistaace from toad to point of support article subscript dencting direction perpendicular to longicudinal stingers (Anticle3.25.1.3) 8 ppm Re a0 ange von nwuaenng 3 DIVISION I—~DESIGN 9 seduction for ductility and risk assessment (with appropriate script) coefficient applied to actual loads for service load and load factor designs (Article 3.22) y= Toad factor (Article 3.22) proportional limit stress perpendicular to grain (Article : load combination coefficient for buoyancy (Asticle 3.22.1) Bc = load combination coefficient for centrifugal force (Article 3.22.1) oad combination coefficient for dead load (Anicle 3.22.1) Joad combination coefficient for earth pressure (Asticle 3.22.1) eo = load combination coefficient for earthquake (Asticle 3.22.1) Bice = load combination coefficient for ice (Article 3.22.1) = load combination coefficient for live load (Article 3.22.1) q = load combination coefficient for rib shortening, shrinkage, and temperature (Article 3.22.1) Joad combination coefficient for stream flow (Article 3.22.1) load combination coefficient for wind (Article 3.22.1) Bu. = load combination coefficient for wind on live load (Article 3.22.1) bh = Poisson’s ratio (Antcle 32 GENERAL 3.24 Structures shall be designed to carry the following Toads and forces Dead load, Live load. Impact or dynamic effect of the live load. ‘Wind Toads. Other forces, when they exist as follows: Longitudinal forces, centrifugal force, thermal forces, carth pressure, buoyancy, shrinkage stresses, rib short ening, erection stresses, ice and current pressure, and earthquake stresses. Provision shall be made for the transfer of forces be- tween the superstructure and substructure to reflect the ef- fect af friction at expansion bearings or shear resistance at clastomeric bearings, 3.2.2. Members shall be proportioned either with refer- ence to service loads and allowable stresses as provided in Service Load Design (Allowable Stress Design) or, al- tematively, with reference to load factors and factored sirength as provided in Strength Design (Load Factor De- sign). 3.2.3 When stress sheets are required, a diagram or no- tation of the assumed Jonds shall be shown and the siresses due tothe various loads shall be shown separately. 3.2.4 Where required by design conditions, the concrete placing sequence shall be indicated on the plans or in the special provisions, 325 The loading combinations shall be in accordance ‘with Article 3.22, 3.2.6 When a bridge is skewed, the loads and forces car- ried by the bridge through the dec.« system to pin connec- tions and hangers shoula be resolved into vertical, lateral, and longitudinal force compo.ients to be considered inthe design 33 DEAD LOAD 33.1 The dead load stiall consist of the weight of the ‘entice structure, including the roadway, sidewalks, car tracks, pipes, conduits, cables, and other public utility 3.3.2 The snow and ice load is considered'to be offset by an accompanying decrease in live load and impact and shall not be included except under special conditions. 3.3.24 If differential settlement is anticipated in a structure, consideration should be given o stresses result- ing from this settlement. 33.3 Ifa separate wearing surface is tobe placed when the bridge is constructed, ori expected tbe placed in the Future, adequate allowance shall be made for its weight in the design dead load. Otherwise, provision for a future ‘wearing surface isnot required. 334 Special consideration shall’be given to the neces- sity fora separate wearing surface for those regions where the use of chains on tires or studded si0w tires can be anticipated. 20 HIGHWAY BRIDGES 33s 5 Where the abrasion of concrete is not expected, the traffic may bear directly on the concrete slab. If con- sidered desirable, Y- inch-or more may be added to the slab for a wearing surface. 3.3.6 The following weights are to be used in comput- ing the dead toad: leu. Steel or east steel ; we $90 Cast ion 450 Aluminum alloys 7 ve US “Timber (treated or untreated) 2 50 Concrete, plain or reinforced 150 ‘Compacted sand, earth, gravel, or ballast 120 Loose sand, earth, and gravel 100 Macadam or gravel. rolled... 140 Cinder filing . © Pavernent, other than wood block . + 150 Railway rails. guardrails, and fastenings {per linear foot of tack) 200 Stone masonry i 70 Asphalt plank. 1 in. thick 9b. 59 34 LIVELOAD ‘The Hive load shall consist ofthe weight ofthe applied ‘moving load of vehicles. cats, and pedestrians. 3.8 OVERLOAD PROVISIONS 35.1 Forall loadings less than H 20, provision shall be rade for an infrequent heavy load by applying Loading Combination 1A (see Article 3.22), withthe live load as- sumed to be H of HS wuck and (0 occupy a single lane without concurrent loading in any other lane. The over Joad shall apply to all pars of the structure affected, ex- cept the roadway deck, or roadway deck plates and stif- ening ribs in the case of orthotropic bridge super- ‘Structures may be analyzed for an overload that is Selected by the operating agency in accordance with Loading Combination Group IB in Article 3.22 36 TRAFFIC LANES 3.6.1. The land loading or staridard qruck’shal) be as- sumed to cecupy a width of 10 Feet. Lane width 3.62 These losds shall be placed in 12-foot wide design 37.1_ Standard Truck and Lane Loads traffic tanes, spaced across the entire bridge ronlway ‘width measured between curbs. 36.3. Fractional parts of design lanes shall not be used. Dut roadway widths from 20 to 24 feet shall have to de~ sign lanes each equal to one-half the roadway widtt 3.64 The (affic lanes shall be placed in such numbers and positions on the roadway, and the loads shall be placed in such positions within their individual waif lanes, so as to produce the maximum stress in the mem- ber under consideration, ene Twace\Vane 3.7_HIGHWay LOADS Sess 37.LL The highway live loadings on the roadways of bridges or incidental structures shall consist of standard tmcks or lane loads that are equivalent to truck trains. Two systems of loading are provided, the H loadings and the HS toadiags—the HS loadings being heavier than the cor- responding H loadings. Bach lane load shall consist of « uniforn Toad per linear foot of traffic ane combined with a single con- centrated load (or two concentrated loads in the case of continuous spans—see Article 3.11.3). so placed on the span as t© produce maximum stress. The concertrated load and uniform load shall be considered as uniformly distributed over a 10-foot width on 2 Tine normat to the ‘centerline of the lane. 3.7.13 For the computation of moments and shears. different concentrated loads shall be used as indicated in Figure 3.7.68. The lighter concentrated loads stall be used when the stresses are primarily bending stresses. and the heavier concentrated loads shall be used when the stresses are primarily shearing stresses. “Nowe: The system of lane loads deine here and iste 3:70) was developed in order to give a simpler method of eau ‘moments and shears than ha based one la ofthe trace “Appeal B shows the ick rain londings ofthe (935 Spoctetions of AASHO and the eoresponting lene lasing (94, the HS sre of tusks was developed. These =pprosieststhe fet of the soreegening 1935 tsk preceded and followed bate of trucks weighing weefounhs as mutha the Basie rat. BW 32.2 DIVISION T--DESIGN 21 37.2 Classes of Loading ‘There are four standard classes of highway loading: H 20, H 15, HS 20, and HS 15, Loading H 15 is 75 percent of loading H 20. Loading HS 15 is 75 percent of Loading HS 20. Ifloadings other than those designated are desired, they shall be obtained by proportionately changing the weights shown for both the standard truck and the corre- ‘sponding lane loads. 37.3. Designation of Loadings ‘The policy of affixing the year to loadings to identify, them was instituted with the publication of the 1944 Eai- tion in the following manner: H 15 Loading, 1944 Edition shall be designate HIS44 1120 Loading, 1944 Edition shall be designated, H20-44 H 15S 12 Loading, 1944 Edition shall be 2) 7\e + ‘(lransverse) 3233.1 In calculating bending moments in floor beams, no transverse distbuton ofthe whee! leads shall be assumed, 323.32 If longinudinal stringers are omitted aid the floor is supported directly on floor beams, the beams shall be'designed for loads determined in accordance with Table 3.233.1. 4 HIGHWAY BRIDGES ‘TABLE 3.233.1 - Distribution of Wheel Loads in Transverse Beams Fraction of Wheel Load 10 Each Floor Kind of Floor Beam Plane $ 7 ‘Nail aminate or glued laminates s “4 Toches i thickness, or multiple ayer? a3 floors mae than faces hick Nai laminate or ged laminated" s ‘ inches of moe in thickness z Concrete s s Se ri (less than inches thick) s 3 Seal gr ines or more) s Stel bridge corrugated plank (2 inches 8 minimum depth) 35 Nae 3 spacing of lor beams fe. “Fo fotnotes a theough ee Table 3.23.1 “4g excendsderorinsior. the fd on the Bean shall ete reaction of te whens loa astuming he flooring betizen beams fo aetasa simple beam, 3234 _ Precast Concrete Beams Used Tn Multi-Beam Decks 3.234.1 A muli-beam bridge is consuructed with precast reinforced or prestressed concrete beams that are placed side by side on the supports, The interaction be- toween the beams is developed by continuous fongitudinat shear keys used in combination with transverse tie as- semblies which may, or may not, be prestressed, such as bolts. rods. or prestressing strands, or other mechanical means. Full-depth rigid end diaphragms are needed to en sure proper load distribution for channel, single and ‘mulli-stemmed tee beams, 3.2342 In calculating bending moments in multi- beam precast concrete bridges, conventional or pre- stressed, no longitudinal distribution of wheel load shall be assumed. 3.3332 3.2343 The live load bending moment for euch see- 1 Shall be determined by applying to the beam the frac- of a wheel load (both front and rear} determined by the following equation Load Fraction =S. oan DB where, S_ = width of precest member: D = (5.75 ~ 05Ng + OTN — 02 when C= 5 G2) D =(5.75 —O5Ny when C > 5 G3) IN, = number of talc lanes from Anicle 3.6: C= KOWAL as) where, W = overall width of fridge measured perpendicular to the lovigitudinal girders in feet: L. = span length measured parallel to longitudinal dees in fee; for girders with cast-in-place end diaphragms. use the length between end dia- Phragms: K = (0+ lay If the value of VI exceeds 5.0, the five load distib- ution should be determined using a more precise metad. such as the Articulated Plate Theory or Grillage Analysis. where, 1 = moment of inertia; J = Saint-Venant torsion constant: = Poisson's ratio for girders In lieu of more exact methods, the following equations ‘may be estimated using For Non-voided Rectangular Beams, Channels, Tee Beams: (CUCL ~ 0463000)) the length of each rectangular component within the section, the thickness of each rectangular component thin the section, an 3.23.43 DIVISION I_DESIGN 35 ‘The flanges and stems of stemmed or channel sections are ‘considered as separate rectangular components whose values are summed together to calculate “", Note that for “Rectangular Beams with Circular Voids” the value of "J" ‘can usually be approximated by using the eguation above for rectangular sections and neglecting the voids. For Box-Section Beams: beta, where b = the overall width of the box, = the overall depth of the box, t= the thickness of either web, 1, = the thickness of either flange ‘The formula assumes that bot flanges are the same thick ness and uses the thickness of only one flange. The same is true of the webs. For preliminary design the following values of K may be used: ridge Dre Beam Type Maii-team Noovided recungularbeame oF Rectanguls beams wih ela voids os ‘Box sec beams 10 Channel, gle and muli-temimed tee beams 2.2 324_DISTI DS. 3.241 _Span Lengths (See Article 8.) For simple spans the span length shall be the distance center to center of supports but need not exceed clear span plus thickness of slab, Te sib -Westerzard” theory. Te following references a furished concern ing the sbjec of sl sin, ‘Public Roads, March 1930, "Compuaion of Suesss in Bdge Shibs srbution se forth herein i bad substantially on the angular Slabs Consus ver Penbl Sipprs” by Vernon P Jensen: Bullin 308, "A Diseibuton rocedue for the Aaal si of Slabs Con \Seuous over Flexible Beane.” by Nathan M. Newark: Bullets 315, “Moment in Simple Span Bridge Slbs with Sitfened Epes" by Ver. son P Jenteal Bulletin 34, “Highoray Slab Bridges with Cubs Labaratry Tess and Propaied Design Method: 32412. The following effective span lengths shall bbe used in calculating the distribution of loads and bend- ing moments for slabs continuous over more than two supports: : (@) Slabs monolithic with beams of slabs monolith ‘with walls without haunches and rigid top flange pre stressed beams with top flange widh to minimum thickness ratio less than 4,0."S" shall ke the clear span. (b) Slabs supported on steel stringers, or slabs sup- ported on thin top flange prestressed beams with top flange width to minimum thickness ratio equal 10 oF greater than 4.0. “S” shall be the dstance between edges of top flange plus one-half of stinger top flange width, 7 a (€) Slabs supported on timber stringers. S shall be the clear span plus one-half thickness of singer. 3.24.2 Kage Distance of Whee! Lv 3.2421 In designing siabs, the center line of the ‘wheel Toad shall be I fost from the face of the curb. If ‘curbs or sidewalks are not used, the wheel Joad shall be 1 © foot from the face ofthe ral, BMS Le ceeds 33422 In designing sidewalks, scbs and suppor ‘ing members, a wheel load located on te sidewalk shall bee I foot from the face ofthe rail. Inservice load design, ‘the combined dead, live, and impact stresses for this load ing shall be not greater than 150 percent of the allowable stresses. In load factor design, 1.0 may be used as the beta factor in place of 1.67 foc the design of deck slabs. Wheel "ads shall not be applied on sidewalks protected by a ttaffie baer. ‘The bending moment per foot width of slab shall be calculated according to methods given under Cases A and BB, unless more exact methods are used considering tire ‘contact area. The tire contact area needed for exact meth- ‘ods is given in Article 3.30. In Cases A and B: = effective span length, in feet, as defined under “Span Lengths” Articles 3.24.J and 8.8; = width of slab in feet over which a wheel load is distributed; P= load on’one rear wheel of truck (Ps oF Pa): is = 12,000 pounds for H 15 Josding; ay = 16,000 pounds for H 20 loading, E 36 HIGHWAY BRIDGES 3243.4 Case A—Main Reinforcement Perpendicular to Traffic (Spans 2 to 24 Feet Inclusive) “The lve load moment for simple spans shall be deter- mined by the follosing Formulas (impact not included: HS 20Loadings: (ZESANP || ean) S42 eth 2 ( +2 Je = Moment in foot ~ pounds” (3-18) per foot~ width of slab HS 15 Loading: S25 62 ed) (842) 4-78 Vio Gat) { 52 Jp = Momencin for pours 3-16) \2 per foot — width of slab In slabs continuous over three or more supports, a conti~ ruity factor of 0.8 shall be applied to the above formulas for both positive and negative moment. 32132 _Case B—Main Reinforcement Parallel to Traffic a (Ae NAL 97 OS 8) (Fir west ots ne dton wih sal be (4 + 0.065) bur shall not exceed 7.0 feet. Lane loses are distributed over a width of 2E. Longitudinal reinforced slabs shall be designed forthe appropriate HS load For simple spans the maximim five load moment per foot width of slo. without impoct, 8 closely approxi mated by the following formulas: HS 20 Loading: ‘Spans up to and including 50 feet: LLM = 900S foot-pounds Spans 50 feet to 100 feet: LLM = 1,000 (1.308-20.0) {oot-pounds HS 15 Loading: Use 3/4 of the values obtained from the formulas for HS 20 loading Moments in continuous spans shall be determined by suitable analysis using the truck or appropriate lane leadit 3244 Shear and Bond Slabs designed for bending moment in accordance with Anicle 3.24.3 shall be considered satisfactory in bbond and shear 32431 3245 Cantilever Slabs 3245.1 Truck Loads Under the foflowing formilas for distribution of loads ‘on cantilever slabs, the slab is designed to suppor the load independently of the effects of any edge support alone the tend of the cantilever. The distribution given includas the effect of wheels on parallel elements. 3245.1 Case A—Reinforcement Perpendicular to Trafic Each shel on the element perpendicular to attic shall be distributed over a width according to the follow- ing formula: eB T ANNSS E=08X + 3.75 ey ‘The moment per foot of siab shall be (P/E) X foot pounds, in which X is the distance in feet from lord to point of support 3,245.12 Case B—Reinforcement Parallel to Traffic ‘The distribution width for each whee! load on the ele- ‘ment parallel to traffic shall be as follows: E w 0.35X 4 3.2 but shall not exceed 7.0 feet 2o35K 4° Tne moment per Toot of slab shall be (PIE) X foot pounds oe) 2 Railing Loads Railing loads shall be applieg 7h accordance with Arti- cle 27. The effective length of fab esisting post loadings shal be equa to E = O.8X +3.75 feet where no perapet is used and equal toF = O.8X + 5.0 feet where a parapet is used, where X isthe distanée in fet from the cener of the post to the point undep investigation. Railing and wel loads shall not be apie smuitaneously. BSS BK +N 5th wy 3246 Slabs Supported on Four Sides supported along fouredzes and re~ inforced in both directions, the proportion of the load car~ ried by the short span of the slab shall be given by te fol- lowing equations: ot For uniformly distributed load, p = G19) e Pog For comeentrated load at center, p= Py 6-20) 08% SVS WH 3246.1 where, 1p = proportion of load carried by short span; 8 = length of short span of slab; ’b = length of long span of slab. 3.246.2 Whore the length of the slab exceeds 17 times its width, the entire load shall be carried by the transverse reinforcement. 324.63 The distribution width, B, for the load taken by either span shall be determined as provided for other slabs. The moments obtained shall be used in designing the center half of the short and long slabs. The reinforce ‘ment steel in the outer quarters of both short and long spans may be reduced by 50 percent. In the design of the supporting beams, consideration shall be given tothe fact, that the loads delivered to the supporting beams are not ‘uniformly distributed along the beams. 324.7_Median Slabs Raised median slabs shall be designed in accordance with the provisions of this article with truck loadings so placed as to produce maximum stresses. Combined dead, live, and impact stresses shall not be greater than 150 per- cent of the allowable stresses. Flush median slabs shall be designed without overstress. 3248 Longitudinal Bdge Beams 3.24.8. Bdge beams shall be provided for ll stabs having main reinforcement parallel to traffic. The beam may consist of a slab section additionally reinforced, a ‘beam integral with and deeper than the slab, or an integral reinforced section of slab and curb. 3.2482 Theedge beam ofa simple span shall be de- signed to resist alive load moment of 0.10 PS, where, 32483 For continuous spans, the moment may be reduced by 20 percent unless a greater reduction results from a more exact analysis. 3.24.9 Unsupported Transverse Edges ‘The design assumptions of this article do not provide for the effect of loads near tinsupported edges. Therefore, DIVISION I-DESIGN 31 at the ends of the bridge and at intermediate points where ‘the continuity ofthe slab is broken, the edges shall be sup- ported by diaphragms or other suitable rmeans."The di- aplragms shall be designed to resist the full moment and shear produced by the wheel loads which can come on them. 324.10 Distribution Reinforcement To provide for the lateral distribution of the concentrated live loads, reinforcement shall be placed ‘transverse to the main stee! reinforcement inthe bottoms of all slabs except culvert or bridge slabs where the depth of fill over the slab exceeds? feet. 324.102 The amount of distribution reinforcement shall be the percentage of the main reinforcement steel required for positive moment as given by the following formulas: For min reinforcement paral to afi, 300 5. Percentage = 1% Maximum 50% (= 6-2) For main reinforcement perpendicular to waffic, 22 0 121 Maximum o1%(24~) @-22) vs Mimi (ws) . s the efective span length inf Percenta, where, 324.103 For main reinforcement perpendicular to traffic, the specified amount of distribution reinforcement shall be used in the midale alf ofthe sab span, and not Tess than 50 percent ofthe specified amount shall be used Jn the outer quarters of the stab span. 3.25 DISTRIBUTION OF WHEEL LOADS ON ‘TIMBER FLOORING For the calculation of bending moments in timber ‘flooring each whee! load shall be distibuied as follows. 3.25.1 ‘Transverse Flooring, 325.141 In the direction of flooring span, the wheel Joad shall be distributed over the width of tire as given in Article 3.30 ‘Nontal to the direction of flooring span, the whee! load shall be distributed as follows PPank floor: the width of plank. 38 HIGHWAY BRIDGES Non-interconnected nail laminated pane! floor: 15 inches, but not to exceed panel width ‘Non-interconnected glued laminated panel floor: 15 inches plus thickness of floor, but not to exceed panel ‘widih, Continucus nail Laminated floor and interconnecied nail laminated panel floor. with adequate shear transfer between panels**: 15 inches plus thickness of floor, but not to exceed panel width, Interconnected” glued laminated'panel floor, with ad- ‘equate shear transfer between panels*®, not less than 6 inches thick: 15 inches plus twice thickness of floor, but not to exceed panel width. 3.25.12 For transverse footing the span shall be taken as the clear distance between stringers plus one-half the width of one stringer, but shall not exceed the clear span plus the floor thickness. 325.13 One design method for interconnected glued laminated pane! floors is as follows: For glued lam= inated panel decks using vertically laminated lurnber with the panel placed in a transverse direction to the stringers and with panels interconnected using stee! dowels, the de termination of the deck thickness shall be based on the fol- lowing equations for maximum unit primary moment and shear? The maximum shear is for a wheel position as- sumed to be 15 inches or les from the center line of the suppor. The maximum moment is fora wicel position as- sumed to be centered between the supports. M, = PCS logigs~K) G-23) R, =.034P -24) Thas, 3-25) te 2B whichever is greater (3-26) where, M, = primary bending moment inch primary shear in pounds per inch; inch-pounds per "The ce interconnected and nor iterconneced reer the jon ‘cence the indi eal laminated or sloedlamiated pars ‘This shear transfer ay’ be secomplished using mechanical fasten mciplnes or dowel ong the pal eit or other stable esas ‘The equations ae developed for deck pane! spss equal o ret than the with of thee ae specified im Artele 3.30), but nt greater than 200 neh x denotes direction perpendicular to lor stringers: P= design wheel load in pounds; fective deck span in inches: leck thickness, in inches, based on momest or shear, whichever controls: jesign constant depending on ‘desi follows: load as HIS K=047 H2 © K=051 = allowable bending stress, in pounds per scuare Inch, based on load applied parallel to the wide face ofthe laminations (see Tables 13.2.2Aand B), =.= allowable shear stress in pounds per square ch, ‘based on load applied parallel tthe wide faze of the laminations (see Tables 13.2.2A and B). we B.B] om Gm [Ro where, n= number of steel dowels required for the given spans; ‘on. = proportional limit stress perpendicular to grain (os Douglas Fir or Souther pine, use 1,00¢ psi): = total secondary shear transferred, in pounds. de- termined by the relationship: 3P5/1,000 for s<50 inches (3-28) cb (s~20) for s> 0 inches (2-29) Wi, = total secondary moment transferred, in inch pound, determined by the relationship, wet Me ~10) for s€ 50 inches 3-30) 7 ggg On1O Fors G-30) Ps (5-30), 5 & for s> 50 inches 6-30 30 s=10) "5? aan hear and moment capacities, respec- tively, as given in the following table: Ro and Mo Swear Moment SteelStess_ Dowel Diameter Capacity Capacty — Coetiiets Length efowel Rp Mp Ge Cy - Required Ee ee 05, oo “9 sas 5800 m3 471000 35 foo WB 111.50 7s 1360 ms 152 13.00 ro 1520 13 021450 Lips 1390 so TIS 15.50, 12s 200 49 sm 100 V37s 20 3m 32 180) S30 3302950 3.28.15 In addition, the dowels shall be checked 10 ‘ensure thatthe allowable stress ofthe sel is not exceeded using the following equation: CAR, +Cul) G32) where, o minimum yield point of steel pins in pounds per square inch (see Table —. 103214); 1n,R,M, = as previously defined; CaxCu "= stel stress coefficients as given in pre= ceding table, 325.2 Plank and Nail Laminated Longitudinat Flooring In the direction of the span, the wheel load shall be considered a point loading. 3.25.22 Normal to the direction of the span the wheel load shall be distributed as follows: Plank floor: width of pl: ‘Nor-interconnected nail laminated floor: width of tire plus thickness of floor, but not to exceed panel width, Continuous nail laminated floor and inter- connected nail laminated floor, with adequate shear tuansfer between panels*, not less than 6 inches thick: width of tie plus twice thickness of floor. For longitudinal flooring the span shall be taken as the clear distance between floor beams plus one~ half the width of one beam but shall not exceed the clear span plus the floor thickness. This shear vanser may be accomplished asing mechanical fens, ‘plies of dowels along the panel jon or spreader ears loeted tine ‘erals slong te panel reer salable meus. 3.253, Longitudinal Glued Laminated Timber Decks 3283.1 Bending Moment In calculating bending moments in glued laminated timber longitudinal decks, no longitudinal distribution of wheel Toads shall be assumed, The lateral distribution shall be determined as follows. ‘The live load bending moment for each pane! shall be determined by applying to the panel toe fraction of a ‘wheel load determined from the followirg equations: ‘TWO OR MORE TRAFFICLANES wo Load Fraction» —“2>- or =e. 378+ 2 . whichever is greater. (ONE TRAFFIC LANE y, W, Load Fraction = ——2>~ or 2, whichever is C 4254= 28 greater, ‘where, W, = Width of Panel; in feet (3.5 SW, = 4.5) L = Length of span for simple span bridges and the length of the shortest span for continuous bridges in feet 7 3.2532 Shear ‘When calculating the end shears and end reactions for ‘each panel, no longitudinal distribution of the wheel Toads shall be assumed. The lateral disuibution of the ‘wheel load at the supports shall be that determined by the equation: ‘Wheel Load Fraction per Panel Wy fy but not less than. For wheel loads in other positions on the span, the lateral distribution for shear shall be'determined by the method prescribed for moment. 40 HIGHWAY BRIDGES. 33 3.3 Deflections ‘The maximum deflection may be calculated by apply- ing to the panel the wheel load fraction deterrmined by the method prescribed for moment 3.26.34 Stiffener Arrangement ‘The transverse stiffeners shall be adequately attached to each panel, at points near the panel edges, with either steel plates. thru-bolts, C-clips or aluminum brackets, The stiffener spacing required will depend upon the spacing needed in order to prevent differential panel movement; however. a stiffener shall be placed at mid-span with ad- ditional stiffeners placed at intervals not to exceed 10 feet. ‘The siffness factor Ef af the stiffener shall nor be less than 80,000 kip-in® 3.254 Continuous Flooring the flooring is continuous over more than two spans, the maximum bending moment shall be assumed as being. 80 percent of that obtained for a simple span. 3.26 DISTRIBUTION OF WHEEL LOADS AND DESIGN OF COMPOSITE WoOD- CONCRETE MEMBERS 326.1 Distribution of Concentrated Loads for Bending Momtent and Shear 3.26.1. For freely supported or continuous slab spans of composite wood-concrete construction. as de- scribed in Article 20.19.1 Division Il, the wheel loads shall be distributed over a transverse width of 5 feet for bending moment and a width of feet for shear. For composite T-beams of wood and con- ‘rete, as deseribed in Article 20.19.2—Division Il the ef= fective flange width shall not exceed that given in Article 10.38.3. Shear connectors shall be capable of resisting both sentical and horizontal movement. 326.2 Distribution of Bending Moments in Continuous Spans Both positive and negative moments shall bbe distributed in accordance with the following table: 3.2533 Maximurn Bending Moments—Pereent of Simple Span Alome Marae Uniform Maimum Lie Dead Loud Morente Lod Morente Weal Compose * Concentrated Uniforn Subdeck___ Shi bead Lae Span Pon Neg Pos, Nop Pos Neg fon Ne incor 50-0 SSS Ea 7 @ 7 6 8 30 & 6 25pent_ 6508S DDS "Continuous beam of2 equal span. 326.22 Impact should be considered in computing stresses for concrete and steel, but neglected for wood. 3.263. Design ‘The analysis and design of composite wood-concrete ‘members shalt be based on assumptions that accoun, for the different mechanical properties of the componemis. A suitable procedure may be based on the elastic propeties| of the materials as follows: 1 for sab in which the net concrete thickness is E. Jess than half the overall depth of the compos ite section Er = 2 for slain which the nt concrete thickness at least half the overall depth of the composite section 18.75 (for Douglss fir and Southern pine) in which, E, = modulus of elasticity of concrete: E, = modulus of elasticity of wood: E, = modulus of elasticity of steel 3.27 DISTRIBUTION OF WHEEL LOADS ON. ‘STEEL GRID FLOORS* 3271 General 3.27.1. The grid floor shall be designed as coniinu- ‘ous, but simple span moments may be used and reduced as provided in Article 3.2, “Provisions in this ace sal ot aply to ontop brie super cy 3271.2 327.12 The following rules for distribution of loads assume that the grid floor is composed of main elements ‘that span between girders, stingers, or cross beams, and secondary elements that are capable of transferring Toad between the main elements. 3.2713. Reinforcement for secondary elements shall ‘consist of bars or shapes welded to the main steel. 3.27.2 Floors Filled with Concrete The distribution and bending moment shall be as specified for concrete slabs, Article 3.24. The fol- lowing items specified in that anicle shall also apply to concrete filled ste! grid floors Longitudinal edge beams Unsupported wansverse edges Span lengths 327.22 Thestrength of the composite sieel and con- crete slab shall be determined by means of the “trans- formed area” method. The allowable stresses shall be as set forth in Articles 8.15.2, 8.16.1, and 10.32. 3273 Open Floors 3,273.1 A whec! load shall be distributed, normal to the main elements, over a width equal to 1¥4 inches per ton of axle load plus twice the distance center to center of main elements. The portion of the load assigned to each main element shall be applied uniformly over a length equal tothe tear tire width (20 inches for H 20, 15 inches for HS), 3273.2 The suength of the section shall be deter mined by the moment of inertia method. The allowable stresses shall be as set forth in Article 10.32. 3.27.33 Edges of open grid stee! floors shall be sup- ported by suitable means as required. These supports may bbe longitudinal or transverse, or both, as may be required... 10 suppor all edges properly. //~ “Ape prisons of Aree 3.12, Reduction ia Lad Inte DIVISION I—DESIGN 4 3.28 DISTRIBUTION OF LOADS FOR BE! 32 HOMERTINGPREAD BOX GHDERS Z eK 3261 Interior Beams 32S ‘The live load bending moinent for each interior beam in a spread box beam superstructure shal be determined by applying to the beam the fraction (DE) of the wheel oad (bath front and rear) determined by the following equation: aN. +e Ne Di @-33) number of design traffic lanes (Article 3.6); number of beams (4 Np = 10); ‘beam spacing in feet (6.57 = S = 11.00); span length in feet; K = 007W—N,(O10N, ~ 634) W = numeric value of the roadway width between ‘curbs expressed in feet (32. W = 66). 26) ~ 0.20Ny ~ 0.12; 3.282 Exterior Beams ‘The live load bending moment in the exterior beams shall be determined by applying to the beams the reaction Of the wheel loads obtained by assuming the flooring 10 actas.a simple span (of length S) between beams, but shall not be less than 2NJN. 3.29 MOMENTS, SHEARS, AND REACTIONS ‘Maximum moments, shears, and reactions are given in tables, Appendix A, for H 15, H 20, HS 15, and HS 20 loadings. They are calculated for the standard truck or the lane loading applied to a single lane on freely supported spans. It is indicated in the table whetter the standard tuck or the lane loadings produces the maximum stress. a4 330_TIRE CONTACT AREA “The tre contact area shall be assumed a a rectandle with an area in square inches of 001P, and a Leth in -. Direction of Traffic/Width of Tre ratio of 1/2.5, in which Pe whet lead peti ee : : iy. nerenot . 1g for fatigue, the mini-/'/ ppied'in te development of te provision presmted in 328-1 and mum eycles of maximum stress shall be used. / A 3382. / pee Eee eee eee eter -7. lie ave? iat Section 4 FOUNDATIONS Part GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MATERIALS 41 GENERAL Foundations shall be designed to suppor all live and ead loads, and earth and water pressure loadings in ac- cordance with the general principles specified in this sec- tion. The design shall be made either with reference to er vice loads and allowable stresses as provided in SERVICE, LOAD DESIGN or, alternatively, with reference to load factors, and factored strength as provided in STRENGTH DESIGN. 42 FOUNDATION TYPE AND CAPACITY 42 FOUNDATION TYPE AND caPacr® 42.1 Selection of Foundation Type Selection of foundation type shall be based on an assessment of the magnitude and ditectiow of loading, depth to suitable bearing materials, evidence of previous flooding, potential for Tiquefaction, undermining or scour, swelling potential, frost depth and ease and cost of| ‘construction. 22 Foundation Capacity Foundations shall be designed to provide adequate structural capacity, adequate foundation bearing capacity with acceptable settlements, and acceptable overall sta- bility of slopes adjacent to the foundations. The tolerable level of structural deformation is controlled by the type and span of the superstructure. 42.21 Bearing Capacity ‘The bearing capacity of foundations may be estimated using procedures described in Anicles 4.4, 4.5, or 4.6 for service load design and Articles 4.11, 4.12, or 4.13 for strength design, or other generally accepted theories. Such theories are based on soil and rock parameters measured by in situ and/or laboratory tests. The bearing capacity may also be determined using load tests. 43 2 Settlement ‘The settlement of foundations may be determined using procedures described in Anicles 4.4.45, or 4.6 for service load design and Articles 4.11, 4.12, or 4.13 for strength design, or other generally accepted methodolo- fies. Such methods are based on soil and rock parameters ‘measured directly or inferred from the results of in situ andlor laboratory tests 4223 Overall Stability ‘The overall stability of slopes in the vicinity of foundations shall be considered as part of the design of foundations 42.3 Soil, Rock, and Other Problem Conditions Geologic and environmental conditions an influence the performance of foundations and may require special consideration during design. To the extent possible, the presence and influence of such conditions stall be evalu- ‘ated as part of the subsurface exploration pregram. A rep- resentative, but not exclusive, listing of problem condi tions requiring special consideration is presented in Table 423A for general guidance. ™ACE EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROGRAMS ‘The elements ofthe subsurface exploration and testing programs shall be the responsibility ofthe designer based ‘on the specific requirements of the project and his or her experience with local geologic conditions. 43.1_General Requirements ‘As a minimum, the subsurface exploratien and testing ‘programs shall define the following, where applicable: «Soil stata —Depth, thickness, and variability 4“ HIGHWAY BRIDGES 4a TABLE 423A. Problem Conditions Requiring Special Consideration Problem . Type Description Organic sot: highly plastic clay and high compressibility Sensitive elay Potentially large strength loss upon large staining Micaceous sal Potentially high compressibility (often saprolitic) Soil Expansive clay/sits expansive slag Potentially large expansion upon wetting Liquefiable soil Complete strength loss and high deformations due to earthquake loading Collapsible soil Potentially large deformations upon wetting (Caliche: Loess) Pyritc soit Potentially large expansion upon oxidation Laminated rock Low strength when loaded parallel to bedding Expansive shale Potentially large expansion upon weiting: degrades readi'y upon, exposure fo air/water Pyritie shale Expands upon exposure to air/water Rock Soluble rock Soluble in flowing and standing water (Limestone, Limeck. ‘Gypsura) Cretaccous shale Indicator of potenilly corrosive ground water Weak claystone (Red Beds) Low strength and readily degradable upon exposure to as/water Gneissic and “chistose Rock Highly distorted with iregular weathering profiles and sieep discontinuities Subsidence ‘Typical in areas of underground mining or high ground water Sinkholes/solutioning Karst (opography: typical of areas underlain by carbonat: rock strata Condition Negative skin friction! Additional compressivefuplift load on deep foundations sue to expansion loading. Corrosive environments Permatrosv/frost Capitlary water seitlemenvuplift of soit Acid mine drainage: degradation of certain soil/ock types ‘Typical in northern climates Rise of water level in silts and fine sands leading to strength loss Identification and classification Relevant engineering properties (ie... shear stiffness. permeability. expansion or collapse potential. and frost suscep- strength, compressibi ibility) © Rock strata —Depth to rock —Identifcation and classification 4. and sample recovery and RQD for rock stata, The drilling equipment and method, use of drilling mud. ype of SPT hammer (ie. safety. donut, hydraulic) or cone pen- cetrometer (12., mechanical or electrical). and any unusual subsurface conditions such as aresian pressures. boulders ‘oF other obstructions, or voids shall also be noted on the exploration logs Quality (ie.. soundness. hardness, jointing and presence of joint filing. resistance to weathering. if exposed, and solutioning) —Compressive strength (e.g. uniaxial compres sion, point foad index) Expansion potential © Ground water elevation + Ground surface elevation ‘* Lecal conditions requiring special consideration Exploration logs shall include soil and rock strata de setiptions, penetration resistance for soils (e-g.. SPT or 432 Minimum Depth, Where substructure units will be supported on spread footings, the minimum depth of the subsurface explo ration shall extend below the anticipated bearitg.leveba ‘minimum of two footing widths for isolated, iudividusl footings where L = 2B, and four footing widths for fo ings where L > SB. For intermediate footing lengths, the rminifnum depth of exploration may be estimated by li ear interpolation as a function of L between depths of 2B and SB below the bearing level. Greater depths may be re- quired where warranted by local conditions. ‘Where substructure units will be supported on deep foundations, the depth of the subsurface exploration shall ‘extend a minimum of 20 feet below the anticipated pile or shaft ip elevation. Where pile or shaft groups will be used, the subsurface éxploration shall extend at least ‘wo times the maximum pile group dimension below the an- ticipated tip elevation, unless the foundations will be end ‘bearing on or in rock. For piles bearing on rock, a mini- mum of 10 feet of rock core shall be obtained at each ex- ploration location to insure the exploration has not been terminated on 2 boulder. For shafts supporied on or ex= ‘ending into rock, a minimum of 10 feet of rock core, ora Jength of rock core equal to at least three times the shaft diameter for isolated shafts or two times the maximum shaft group dimension for a shaft group, whichever is, ‘greater, shall be obtained to insure the exploration has not terminated in a boulder and to determine the physical ‘characteristics of rock within the zone of foundation in- fluence for design. 43.3_Minimum Coverage Arminimumn of one soil boring shall be made for each substructure unit, (See Article 7.1.1 for definition of sub- structure unit,) For substructure un‘:s over’ 100 feet in ‘width, a minimum of two borings shall be required 434 Laboratory Testing Laboratory testing shall be performed as necessary {0 etermine engineering properties including unit weight, shear strength, compressive strength and compressibility. In the absence of laboratory testing, engineering proper- ties may be estimated based on published test results or local experience. 438 Scour ‘The probable depth of scour shall be determined by subsurface exploration and hydraulic studies. Refer 10 Anicle 1.3.2 and FHWA (1988) for general guidance regarding hydraulic studies and design. Part B SERVICE LOAD DESIGN METHOD “ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN 44_ SPREAD FOOTINGS 44.1 -General 4411 Applicability Provisions ofthis Article shall apply for design of iso- lated footings, and to combined footings and mats (foot- ‘ngs supporting more than one colurma, pier, or wall) 441.2 Footings Supporting Noo-Rectangular Columns oF Pers. Footings supporting circular or regular polygon- shaped conerete columns or piers maybe designed as- ‘ming thatthe columns or piers act ws squase members, withthe same ara for location of eitical sections for mo- ‘ment, shear, and development of reinforcement. 444.3 Footingsin Fil Footings located infil are subject to the seme bearing settlement, and dynamic ground stability con siderations as footings in natural soil in accordance with Articles 44.7.1 through The behavior of both the fill and underlying natural sol shall be consicered, 44.14. Footings in Sloped Portions of ‘Embankments ‘The earth pressure against the back of footings and ‘columas within the sloped portion of an embarkment shall be equal to the at-rest earth pressure in «ecordance ‘with Anicle 5.5.2. The resistance dve to the passive earth pressure of the embankment in front of th: footing shell be neglected to a depth equal to a minimum depth of ‘3 feet, the depth of anticipated scour, freeze thaw action, and/or trench excavation in front of te footing, whichever is greater. _ Distribution of Bearing Pressure Footings shall be designed to keep the maximurn soil and rock pressures within safe bearing values. To prevent ‘unequal seitlement, footings shal be designed to Keep the bearing pressure as nearly uniform as practical. For foot ings supported on piles or drilled shafts, the spacing be- tween piles and drilled shafts shall be designed to ensure nearly equal loads on deep foundation elemerts as may be practical ‘When footings support more than one column, pier oF ‘wall, distribution of soil pressure shall be consistent with of the Foundation materials and the structure, and with the principles of geotechnical engineering. 442 Notations ‘The following notations shall apply for the design of ‘spread footings on soil and rock: A x Contict area of footing (ft?) Effective footing. area for computation of ‘bearing capacity of a footing subjected to ‘eccentric load (f2); (See Articl= 46 baby by BT = Base inclination factors (dim); (See Article 4711.8) = Width of footing (fi); (Minimum plan di- mension of footing unless otherwise noted) = Effective width for load eccentric in direc- tion of shor side, L unchanged (ft) = Soil cohesion (ksf) Effective stress soil cohesion (ksf) HIGHWAY BRIDGES 442 E = Soil modulus (kst) F Talal force on footing subjected to an in- lined load (ky; (See Article 4.4,7./1.1) @ = Unconfined compressive strength of con rete (sf) FS. ‘= Factor of safery against bearing capacity. oveiturning or sliding shear Failure (dira) H = Depth from footing base to top of second = Reduced effective stress soil cohesion for punching shear (ks); (See Article = Adhesion between footing and foundation soil or rock (ks; (See Article = Coefficient of consolidation ((e/yr: (See Anicle = Shear strength of upper cohesive soit layer below footing (ks: (See Article 447112) = Shear strength of lower cohesive soil layer- below footing (ksf}; (See Article 447..1.7) = Compression index (dim): (See Article = Recompression index (dim); (See Article 447.23) = Compression ratio (dim): (See Article 4.47.23) = Uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock (ksf) = Recompression ratio (dim); (See Anticle 44723) = Coefficient of secondary compression de- fined as change in height per log cycle of time (¢im); (See Anicie = Influence depth for water below footing (fi); (See Amicle = Depth to base of footing (f) Void ratio (dim) (See Anicle 4.4,7.2.3) = Void ratio at final vertical effective stress (dim); (See Article 44.7.23) = Void ratio at initial vertical effective stress (Gim); (See Article = Void ratio st maximum past vertical effec- tive stress (dim): (See Anicle $. = Eccentricity of load in the B direction mea- sured from centroid of footing (ft); (See Ar- ticle 447.1.1.1) ‘= Eccentricity of loa in the L direction mea- sured from centroid of footing (ft: (See _ Article ‘Modulus of intact rock (ks) = Rock mass modulus (ks 44822) : (See Anicle cohesive soil layer for tworlayer 2ohesive soil profile below footing (fi): (See Acticle 442.117) He = Height of compressible soi ayer (ft) Hoa = Cfitieal thickness of the upper lyer of two-layer system beyond which tte under lying layer will have little effect onthe bear~ ing capacity of footings bearing inthe upper layer (fy, (See Article Hy = Height of longest drainage path in com- pressible soil layer (ft) #, = Height of slope (f0; (See Article i = Slope angle from horizontal of ground sur- face below footing (deg) = Load inclination factors (dim); (See Article 449.113) A = Influence coefficient to account for riigity and dimensions of footing (sim): (See Ani- cle $18.22) e = Center-to-center spacing between adjacent footings (0) L Length of footing (f) u = Effective footing length for load sccentric in direction of fong side, B unchanged (f) u = Length (or width) of footing having positive ‘contact pressure (compression) for footing loaded eccentrically about one axis (1). A = Exponential factor relating B/L or LB ra tios for inclined loading (dim); (See Article 447.113) N = Standard penetration resistance (blows/ft) N, = Standard penetration resistance corrected for effects of overburden pressure (blows! fy; (See Anicle NN. Ny = Bearing capacity factors based onthe value of internal friction of the foundation soil (diem (See Anticle Ne = Modified bearing capacity factor to account for layered cohesive soils below footing (dim); (See Article Now’ = Coefficient factor to estimste qu for rock. (dim): (See Article N, = Stability number (dim): (Sée_Anicle 447.114) rm aie % Qa o tt = Modified bearing capacity factors for ef fects of footing on or adjacent sloping ‘ground (dim); (See Article ‘= Tangential component of force on footing w = Maximum resisting force betwees footing ‘base and foundation soil or rock for sliding failure = Effective overburden pressure at base of footing (ksA) = Normal component of force on footing (k) = Allowable uniform bearing pressure or con- tact stress (ksf) = Cone penetration resistance (ksf) = Maximum footing contact pressure (ksf) = Maximum normal component of load sup- ported by foundation soil orrock a ultimate bearing eepacty (K) = Minimum magnitude of footing contact pressure (ksf) = Vertical stress at base of loaded area (ks); Gee Article = Ultimate beering capacity for uniform bear- ing pressure (ksf) = Ultimate bearing capacity of footing sup- ported in the upper layer of a two-layer sys- tem assuming the upper layer is infinitely thick (ks; Gee Antcle = Ultimate bearing capacity of a fictitious footing of the same size and shape asthe ac- ‘wal footing, but supported on surface of the seconé (lower) layer of a two-layer system ksf); (See Article = Resultant of pressure on base of footiig (k) = Radius of circular footing or B/2for square footing (fi); (See Article = Rock Quality Designation (dim) = Footing shape factors (dim); (See Article 4471.12) = Undrained shear strength of soil (ksf) = Consolidation settlement (ft); (See Article 44723) = Elastic or immediate settlement (f); (See Article = Secondary setlement (f); (See Anicle 44724) otal settlement (ft); (See Article = Time to reach specified average degree ‘of consolidation (yx); (See Article 44123) = Arbitrary time intervals for determination of S, (97) See Article 44.7.2) ‘= Time factor (dim), (See Article 4.4.7,2.3) = Depth from footing base down tothe high- est anticipated ground water Ivel (0); See Asticle 44.71.16) = Angle of inclination of the footing base from the horizontal (radian) = Réduction factor (dim); (See Anicle 44822) = Length to width ratio of footing (im) = Punching index = BL/(2(B + L)H] (dim); (See Article = Factar to account for footing, shape’ and Figiity (dim); (See Anicle = Tota unit weight of soil or rosk (ke?) = Moist unit weight of soil cf) ‘Angle o ition between footing and foun- dation soil or rock (deg); (See Article 447.113) Differential settlement between adjacent foviings (); (See Article Verical strain (dim); (See Anicle Vertical strain at final vertical effective stress (dim); (See Article Initial vertical strain (dim); (See Article 44723) Vertical strain at maximum past vertical effective suess (im); (See Article 447.23) = Angle of load eccentricity (deg) = Shear strength ratio (ey) for wo layered cobesive soil system below footing (itn); Gee Anicle 447.1.1.7) = Reduction factor to account for three-di- mensional effects in setlenent analysis (dim; (See Article 447.23) Poisson's ratio (dim) Final vertical effective stress in soil at depth interval below footing (ksf); (See Article 44723) = Initial vertical effective stress in soil at 5B): qn = CN. + OSYBN, + aN, 471-1) ‘The allowable bearing capacity shall be determined Qu = GalFS Refer to Table for values of N..Ny. and Ne. focal or punching shear failure is possible, the value ‘of qa may be estimated using reduced shear strength pa~ rameters c* and 6* in 44.7.1-1 as follows: (47.1.2) ct = 067 4. 1-3) oF = ta Oi67an g)~. ( + Effective stress methods of analysis and drained shear strength parameters shall be.used to determine bearing ‘capacity factors for drained loading conditions inal soils. Additionally, the bearing capacity of cohesive soils shall 50 HIGHWAY BRIDGES 442 TABLEAA7.IA Bearing Capacity Factors e Ne N Ny & Ne Ny Ny ° 5.14 1.00 0.00. 26 22.25 >. 1185 12.54 1 538 109 > 007 23.98 13.20 14.47 2 5.63 120 ois 25.80 14.72 16.72 3 5.90 131 024 27.86 16.44 19.34 4 6.19 143 03430 30.14 18.40 2.40 5 6.49 137 045 3 32.67 20.63 25.99 6 681 ina ost 32 35.49 23.18 30.22 7 716 1.88 on 3 38.64 26.09 35.19 8 753 2.06 0860-34 42.16 29.44 41.06 9 792 225 10335 46.12 33.30, 48.03, 10 8.35 247 1m 36 50.59 37.75 56.31 u 8.80 2a 144007 35.63 42.92 66.19 2 9.28 297 169 38 : 48.93 78.03 1B 9.81 3.26 19738 55.96 92.25 4 10.37 3.59 22 40 75.31 6420 109.41 15, 10.98 3.94 265 4 83.86 7390 130.23, 16 16 434 30542 93.71 95.38 155.55 " 12.34 477 35343 105.1 99.02 (186.54 18 13.10 53.26 407 4418.37 15.31 224.64 19 13.93 5.80 4684513388 1348.88 271.76 20 1483, 640 33946015210 1S8S1 330.35 rT 15.82 7.07 62000 4773.64 187.21 403.67 2 16.88 782 713 48 199.26 22231, 496.01 2 18.05 8.65 82049 29.93 65.51 613.16 4 19.32 9.60 944 50,266.89 319.07 762.89 25 20.72 1066 10.88 — - = — bbe checked for undrained loading conditions using bear- ing capacity factors based on undrained shear strength parameters 4A711 Factors affecting Bearing Capacity ‘A modified form of the general bearing capacity equa- tion may be used to account for the effects of footing shape. ground surface slope. base inclination. and inclined loading as follows: Ga = Nbc + OSYBN,S bi, + ANSE aati Reduced footing dimensions shall be used to account for the effecis of eccentric loading. ADIL: Eecentric Loading For loads eccentric relative tothe cesittoid of the foot ing. reduced footing dimensions (B" and L') shall be used to determine bearing capacity factors and modifiers (i.e. slope. footing shape. and load inclination factors), and to calculate the ultimate load capacity of the footing. The re: duced footing dimensions shall be determined as follows Bi=Bo2 | ATID Lieeb-2q 9 G47) ‘The effective footing area shall be determined as follows: Ae BIL! (474.113) Refer to Figure for loading definitons and footing dimensions. ‘The value of qa obtained tsing the reduced Foot mensions represents an equivalent uniform bear sure and not the actual contact pressure distribution be~ neath the footing. This equivalent pressure, may be multiplied by the reduced area to determine the ultimste load capacity of the footing from the standpoint of bear- ing capacity. The actual contact pressure distribution (i.e. trapezoidal for the conventional assumption of a rigid 4ATLAI footing and a positive pressure along each footing edge) ‘shall be used for structural design of the footing. ‘The actual distribution of contact pressure for a rigid footing with eccentric leading about one axis is shown in Figure For an eccentricity'(e,) in the L direction, the actual maximum and minimum. contact pressures may be determined as Follows: fore, < U6: Gon = OL + (Ge/LIVBL ( QE = 6c IBL 4.47 On 1-5) for Li6 0) (4471.13-1) DIVISION I-DESIGN 31 (aPIBLEN, (for 6 = 0) (44711.13-2) i= 11 — PUQ+ Ble cous) 441.134) =U PQ + BLecogyers 447.0134) n= [2+ LBV + LIB}cos*® F1Q+ BALA + BIL)sin?s Refer to Figure for loading definitions and footing dimensions. For cases in which the loading is ec~ ‘centri, the terms L and B shall be replaced by L' and B’, respectively, in the above equations. Failure by sliding shall be considered by comparing the tangential component of force on the footing (P) 0 the ‘maximum resisting force (Pya.) by the following: Pru = QunB + BLe, ( FS=Ppw/P21S In determining Ppay the effect of passive resistance provided by footing embedment shall be ignored, and BL shall represent the actual footing area in compression as, shown in Figure,1.1B or Figure 447114 Ground Surface Slope, For footings located on slopes or within 3B of a slope crest, ga may be determined using the following revised version of Equation 471141) cNasibde + 0.57 BN, Refer to Figure 44: for values f Na and Ny for fotings on slopes and Figures 44,7.1.1B for values Of Nand N,, for fotings at the top ofso2es. For foot- ings in or above cohesive soil slopes, the stability number inthe figures, N, i defined as follows: N= Hye 491.142)" vera stability shall be evaluated for footings on or adjacent o sloping ground surfaces as described in Ari ded, 4 Embedment Depth ‘The shear strength of soll above the base of footings is: neglected in determining Ga using Equatien If other procedures are used, the effect cf embedinent shall be consistent with the requirements ofthe procedure followed. *

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