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Africa-2nd largest continent

1.2 miliardy ludi

61 countries w islands
Nigeria 180mil. etiopia 99mil. egypt 88mil.
7 mil years ago first ppl , later influenced by migrations
Afr. Slave trade- 15th 19th century, 15 mil africans
Transported to be sold in america
Colonization 1880-1900 whole africa exploited and colonized
Strong colonizors- UK, France, belgium, italy
Over 2000 languages, arabic most used
1.Nigeria, lagos 9,9mil 2.Congo, Kinshasa 8,9mil 3.Egypt, Cairo 8.1mil

Asia 4,4 miliardy ppl

60% of world popul. 49 countries
Most populated-Indus, ganga, Euphrates
Tigris, mekong, huangh he, yangtze
Bangladesh-highest population density in the world
Tokyo 38mil inhabitants, ShangHai 23 mil
Mongoloid- southwestern, indian part
Caucasian- western, northert and part of south Asia
Negroid - Island part of south Asia
Religion- Hindus-largest group 20% of population
Muslims- major in southwestern and central Asia
Buddhism- east and thailand
Christianity- armenia georigia phillpines cyprus lebanon
Confucians china

lbania Tirane
Andorra Andorra la Vella
Austria Vienna
Belarus Minsk
Belgium Brussels
Bosnia- Sarajevo
Bulgaria Sofia
Croatia Zagreb
Czech Republic Prague
Cyprus Nicosia
Denmark Copenhagen
Estonia Tallinn
Finland Helsinki
France Paris
Germany Berlin
Greece Athens
Hungary Budapest
Iceland Reykjavik
Ireland Dublin

Italy Rome
Latvia Riga
Liechtenstei Vaduz
Lithuania Vilnius
Luxembourg Luxembourg
Macedonia Skopje
Malta Valletta
Moldova Kishinev
Monaco Monaco
Netherlands Amsterdam
Norway Oslo
Poland Warsaw
Portugal Lisbon
Romania Bucharest
Russia Moscow
San Marino San Marino
Slovakia Bratislava
Slovenia Ljubljana
Spain Madrid
Sweden Stockholm
Switzerland Bern
Ukraine Kiev
United Kingdom London
Vatican City Vatican City
Yugoslavia Belgrade
Armenia Yerevan
Azerbaijan Baku
Georgia Tbilisi

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