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Question Paper Code: VCEME61

Sixth Semester
Mechanical Engineering
(Regulation 2013)
(Use of PSG Data book is permitted)
Time: One hour Thirty Minutes Maximum: 50 marks
Answer ALL questions Date: 13 .02 .2017
PART A (9X 2 = 18 marks)

1. Why are idler pulleys used in a belt drive?

2. Define velocity ratio of a belt drive?
3. State the law of belting?
4. What is meant by ply in a flat belt?
5. State reasons for V-belt drive being preferred to flat belt drive?
6. What are the different cross sections of a V-belt?
7. Back lash for spur gears depends on which two factors?
8. Define module.
9. What are the common forms of gear tooth profile?
PART B (5X16 = 80marks)
10. (a) Design a flat belt drive to transmit 20 KW at 900 rpm. The diameter of driving
pulley 200 mm and that of driven pulley is 600 rpm. The center distance between pulley is
1.8m. the drive is subjected to miner shock load is expected to work for 8 hrs/day. Take
coefficient of friction between belt an pulley as 0.28. (16)
(b) Design a V- belt to transmit 2KW for a grinding machine. The driving motor runs
at 1440 rpm with a speed reduction of 4. The diameter of driving shaft pulley is 100 mm . the
center distance should be at least 1m. (16)
11. (a) Design a spur gear drive to transmit 10KW at 1200 rpm. The required speed ratio is
3. The pinion and wheel material are C-45 steel and cast iron grade 30 respectively (the drive is
expected to work for 12 hours/day 300 days for a year and for 4 years) (16)
(b) Design a helical gear to transmit 8 KW at 960 rpm. The required speed ratio is 5.6.
the helix angle is 150 expected life of drive is 4000hrs. the material of pinion and wheel are CI
grade 35 and C-45 steel. (16)

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