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This lesson went good but a bit slow because of the pacing and the waiting

time. However, this is my MCT feedback on several areas and my reflection

on it.
Commitment to the Profession

This screenshot shows my good manners and attitude that reflected

positively on my lesson, students and me. Which means that Ive improved
and Im willing to do more.
Planning for Learning

Based on the previous evaluation and feedback, I needed to improve my

lesson planning and include more information, explanation and focus areas.
So, this screenshot shows that Ive been improved in my lesson planning. On
the other hand, the alignment of the lesson planning and organization need
to improve as my MCT recommended.
Managing Learning

So, in this area Ive shown a good skills implementation of my rules in the
class which helped me in managing the classroom and students learning.
However, based on my MCT feedback I have to work on the timing and the
lessons pacing.
Implementing Learning

To have a learning environment full of motivation and encouragement, I did

became more dynamic and flexible with the students in my teaching, which
has a strong positive influence on the students and their learning. On the
other hand, in one of the phases I used questioning a lot while I could use
other strategies, and that leaded to lose the students motivation to learn.

Assessment is an important thing to do while teaching. In my point of view, I

use scaffolding and observing during the lesson to monitor the students and
satisfying their needs. However, the recommendation is to use positive
feedback with using because to enhance learning and improving it.
Reflection on Practice

This screenshot presents my acceptance of any feedback that will improve

my teaching and learning. Which shows a good personality.

Next plan
1. Manage the timing and the pacing
2. Better arrangement and alignment of the lesson planning
3. Use different strategy with less questioning
4. Choosing interesting tasks which supports collaborative learning
5. Challenge the students
6. Giving feedback for learning

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