Observation 3 Reflection

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This is the last observation for me in year four from my MCT.

So, here is the

last feedback from my MCT on my lesson and me.
Commitment to the Profession

This feedback motivated me and did let me feel proud and honor. Thus, this
feedback shows my profession and my expert which is a positive thing to
have in the teachers personality.
Planning for Learning

On a hand, my lesson planning did improved. But, needed to improve more.

On the other hand, the phases of the lesson needed to be more detailed.
Managing Learning

Based on the previous feedback, my lesson should include collaborative

learning and feedback for learning. So, this screenshot shows that I did
improved from the previous lessons. But, this time my MCT recommended to
have feedback for learning for the whole class, which I usually use, but I
thinks I have to use it more to provide a good learning environment that
involves everyone.
Implementing Learning

Relating to the previous evaluation and feedback from my MCT, this

screenshot shows my improvement in several areas, for example: in the
pacing, transition, strategies and questioning, eye contact, my presence,
feedback for learning and my voice.

This captured screen presents my improvement in assessment.

Recommendations and Final Comments

Next steps
1. Checking the grammar in my planning sheet
I believe, throughout my teaching practices and experiences that now Im
ready to be a teacher that will teach any generation with enthusiastic. Im
ready to give all what I know and implement my knowledge. In addition, Im
more motivated to learn more and more, and develop myself in several
ways, such as observing and reading.

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