Guidelines For FSSAI Requierment

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Guidelines for

Food Safety &

Standard Acts 2006
for License
OneCert Asia = Value

Disclaimer These Guidelines are made for developing basic understanding

only. Cannot be used or referred as standard reference. For the standard
reference please refer to applicable standards.

OneCert Asia Agri Certification (P) Ltd.

H-08, Mansarovar Industrial Area, Mansarovar,
Jaipur 30 20 20, Rajasthan, India
Phone No. +91 141 6541882 & Fax No: +91 141 2395481
E-mail:; Website:

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OneCert Asia is a nationally and internationally recognized Organic
Certification Agency accredited by APEDA under the National
Programme for Organic Production (NPOP-India) for Organic.
OneCert Asia is a branch of OneCert Inc; US. is operating from India
to serve Asian countries for various organic standards.
OneCert Asia is active in the area of Food Safety Management
System (FSMS/ ISO 22000: 2005) from last few years. It is accredited
from National Accreditation Board of Certification Bodies (Quality
Council of India). The division of FSMS is independent from OneCert
Food Safety & Standard Authority of India has notified One Cert
Asia as an inspection agency for organizing training progarames,
implementing system, devloping FSMS plan , auditing/ inspection of
food business operator under Food Safaety & Standard Act 2006.
What is FSS ACT 2006
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has been
established under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. It
consolidates various acts & orders which were introduced to
complement & supplement each other in achieving total food safety &
quality. Now it has been introduced with objective to overcome all
shortcomings & to give more importance to food safety standards.
Food Safety & Standards Act 2006 places primary responsibility on
producers & suppliers for safe food through Food Safety Management
System, HACCP, hygiene or good manufacturing practices backed by
regulatory control.

Consolidated Acts Are:

The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
The Fruit Products Order, 1955
The Meat Food Products Order, 1973
The Vegetable Oil Products (Control) Order, 1947
The Edible Oils Packaging (Regulation) Order, 1998
The Solvent Extracted Oil, De oiled Meal, and Edible Flour
(Control) Order, 1967
The Milk and Milk Products Order, 1992
Essential Commodities Act, 1955 relating to food.

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Licensing system has been laid down as two tier system comprising
State Licensing & Central Licensing depending upon food business
operators production capacity.

Food Business Operator Under State License

Dairy units - More than 500 ltrs milk upto 50,000 ltrs
Slaughtering units- Large animals : more than 2 upto 50
Small animals : more than 10 upto 150
Poultry birds : more than 50 upto 1000
Meat units upto 500 kg of meat per day (upto150 MT per annum)
Vegetable oil processing units upto 2 MT per day
All food processing units other than mentioned above upto 2 MT
/day except grains, cereals & pulses milling units.
Retail chains operating in not more than 2 states
Hotels3 stars and above

Food Business Operator Under Central License

Dairy units including milk chilling units equipped to handle or
process more than 50,000 litres of liquid milk/day or 2500 MT of
milk solid per annum.
Vegetable oil processing units and units producing vegetable oil by
the process of solvent extraction and refineries including oil
expeller unit having installed capacity more than 2 MT per day.
All slaughter houses equipped to slaughter more than 50 large
animals or 150 or more small animals including sheep and goats or
1000 or more poultry birds per day
Meat processing units equipped to handle or process more than 500
kg of meat per day or 150 MT per annum.
All food processing units other than mentioned under (i) to (iv)
including relabellers and repackers having installed capacity more
than 2 MT/day except grains, cereals and pulses milling units.
100 % Export Oriented Units.
All Importers importing food items for commercial use.
All Food Business Operators manufacturing any article of Food
which does not fall under any of the food categories prescribed

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under these regulations or deviates in any way from the prescribed
specification for additives therein.
Retail chains operating in three or more states
Food catering services in establishments and units under Central
government Agencies like Railways, Air and airport, Seaport,
Defence etc.

Kind of Business

Dairy Unit Solvent Extracting Unit

Slaughter House Chilling Centre
Oil Refining Plant Packaging Plant
Relabeling Plant Storage/Warehouse/Cold Storage
Catering/Club Distributor/Supplier
Hotel Restaurant
Retail Trade Wholesale Traders
Meat Unit Canteen
De-oiled Mill Dhabha
Export/Import Meat Shops

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License System

Submission of Application along with

Company Detail and Applicable Fees

If OK If Not OK

Notices from Licensing Authority for

Required Information

Submit Missing/Required Document

within 30 days of Notice No

Application Rejected

Issue of Application I.D. Number

Inspector will be assigned by

Licensing Authority
Alterations to be
made compliance to
Inspector officers
Inspection of Premises

Not Ok

Inspection Report will be submitted

License will be generated

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General Safety Requirements for food Business Operators
1. Location & Surroundings
Free from filthy surrounding
Emission & Pollutant Free
Direct Access to industrial area
2. Lay Out & Design
Floor should be suitably laid.
Walls should be of smooth surfaces and washable , preferably
laid with tiles up to a height appropriate to the operation.
Proper Drainage System.
Doors, Windows & Other openings should be suitably fly
proofed & fitted with strip curtain.
3. Equipments & Containers
Design should facilitate hygienic production & proper cleaning.
It should be of food grade material.
All equipments should be installed properly.
4. Facilities
Regular portable water supply.
Clean water storage Tank.
Adequate Cleaning, Disinfecting Facility for equipments &
Adequate facilities for washing of raw material.
Adequate No. Of clean toilets.
Proper Hand Washing Facility
Good Working Environment
5. Pest Control Measures
Food Material should be stored in pest proof containers .
Appropriate Pest control Measure should be adopted.
Pesticides should be handled carefully to prevent

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6. Personal Hygiene
No person suffering from infection or contagious disease shall
be allowed to work in food preparation establishment.
No person suffering from infection or contagious disease shall
be allowed to work in food preparation establishment.
They shall be provided with clean aprons, head wears ,hand
gloves and foot wear.
Personnel should refrain from smoking, chewing or eating in the
food preparation hall.
7. Storage
There should be appropriate storage facility for raw material,
Food Chemicals &finished goods.
Food & Non Food Item Should Identified properly
Storage should be clean & free from pest.
Temperature should be maintained according to requirement if
8. Plant Cleaning & Maintenance
There should be written procedure for cleaning.
Frequency of cleaning should be defined for every area.
Cleaning Chemical s should be handled carefully to avoid
9. Food Packaging
Packaging should be of food grade & non toxic.
It should prevent contamination & damage.

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Document Required
Blueprint/Lay Out Of unit
Food Safety Management System Plan/Certificate
List of Directors with full Address & Contact detail
Master list of Machine & Equipment.
Photo I.D. & Address Proof
List of Food desired to be manufacture
Authority Letter for responsible person along with alternative
responsible person for assisting inspection/sampling/analysis.
Analysis Report of water from recognized lab
Sale Deed/Rent Agreement/ Electricity Bill/S.S.I Certificate
Partnership Deed/Affidavit/ Memorandum of Article
Form B-Duly completed & signed by owner
NOCs from Municipality or local body or State pollution Control
Documents to be included for renewal or transfer of license
Information regarding any change in document or system of unit.
Certificate or FSMS plan
List of workers with their medical fitness certificate
Name, Qualification & detail of technical incharge of operation.

Sandeep Bhargava
Chief Executive Officer
OneCert Asia Agri Certification (P) Ltd.
H-08, Mansarovar Industrial Area, Mansarovar,
Jaipur 30 20 20, Rajasthan, India
Phone No. +91 141 6541882 & Fax No: +91 141 2395481
E-mail:; Website:

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