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Game-based Training to Mitigate Three Forms of

Cognitive Bias

Conference Paper December 2014


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11 authors, including:

Benjamin A Clegg James E. Folkestad

Colorado State University Colorado State University


Adrienne Shaw Joanna Elizabeth Lewis

Temple University University of Central Florida


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LGBTQ Video Game Archive View project

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Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2014

Game-based Training to Mitigate Three Forms of Cognitive Bias

Benjamin A. Clegg Rosa Mikeal Martey Jennifer Stromer-Galley

Colorado State University Colorado State University Syracuse University
Fort Collins, CO Fort Collins, CO Syracuse, NY

Kate Kenski Tobi Saulnier James E. Folkestad

University of Arizona 1st Playable Productions Colorado State University
Tucson, AZ Troy, NY Fort Collins, CO

Elizabeth McLaren Adrienne Shaw Joanna E. Lewis

1st Playable Productions Temple University University of Central Florida
Troy, NY Philadelphia, PA Orland, FL

John D. Patterson Tomek Strzalkowski

Binghamton University University at Albany
Binghamton, NY Albany, NY


Cognitive biases are systematic errors that result from reliance on heuristics in decision-making. Such biases are
typically automatic and unconscious influences on behavior, and can occur in a wide range of situations and contexts.
Cognitive biases are generally resistant to mitigation training. This project adopted a novel approach to develop
computer game-based training to attempt to mitigate three forms of cognitive bias: fundamental attribution error, the
tendency to assume dispositional rather than situational influences account for behavior of others; confirmation bias,
the tendency to seek and remember information that matches or supports ones view; and bias blind spot, the tendency
to regard ones own decisions as being free from cognitive bias, even where one can recognize that bias in others.
Participants were randomly assigned to play the training game once, or repeated twice with a 7-10 day delay between
sessions (mean duration first play=43 minutes; second play=34 minutes), or to a control condition that employed a 30-
minute professionally developed training video. Effects of training were measured on external questionnaire-based
items, both immediately post-exposure, and at an 8-week retention interval. The game was intended to develop
conceptual understanding of these biases, and recognition of circumstances within which they might occur. Using
notional tools presented within the game, participants learned and practiced strategies to avoid decision-making
influenced by the cognitive biases. Results showed that the training game successfully reduced bias on the assessment
instrument, and outperformed the video both immediately post-training and at the retention test. Repetition of the
training game did not further advantage immediate post-test performance but significantly improved retention.
Validation of the key findings was confirmed by an independent group who used the training game with their own
novel bias assessment instruments (to which the researchers and game-developers had no access or content


Dr. Benjamin Clegg is a Professor of Cognitive Psychology in the Department of Psychology at Colorado State
Dr. Rosa Mikeal Martey is an Associate Professor in the Department of Journalism and Communication at Colorado
State University.
Dr. Jennifer Stromer-Galley is an Associate Professor in the School of Information Studies and affiliated faculty
member with the Department of Political Science in the Maxwell School at Syracuse University.

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Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2014

Dr. Kate Kenski is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication and School of Government & Public
Policy at the University of Arizona.
Dr. Emilie "Tobi" Saulnier is the founder and CEO of game development studio 1st Playable Productions.
Dr. James Folkestad is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Education and the Director of the Analytics
for Learning and Teaching (ALT) Center at Colorado State University.
Elizabeth McLaren is a Lead Artist and Production Coordinator at 1st Playable Productions.
Dr. Adrienne Shaw is an Assistant Professor in the Media Studies and Production Department and School of Media
and Communication at Temple University.
Joanna Lewis is a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at University of Central Florida and a NSF
Graduate Fellow.
JD Patterson is a Graduate Student in Cognitive Psychology at Binghamton University.
Dr. Tomek Strzalkowski is a Professor of Computer Science and Director of ILS Institute at the University at Albany.

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Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2014

Game-based Training to Mitigate Three Forms of Cognitive Bias

Benjamin A. Clegg Rosa Mikeal Martey Jennifer Stromer-Galley

Colorado State University Colorado State University Syracuse University
Fort Collins, CO Fort Collins, CO Syracuse, NY

Kate Kenski Tobi Saulnier James E. Folkestad

University of Arizona 1st Playable Productions Colorado State University
Tucson, AZ Troy, NY Fort Collins, CO

Elizabeth McLaren Adrienne Shaw Joanna E. Lewis

1st Playable Productions Temple University University of Central Florida
Troy, NY Philadelphia, PA Orland, FL

John D. Patterson Tomek Strzalkowski

Binghamton University University at Albany
Binghamton, NY Albany, NY

Although our tendency to use heuristics can lead to efficient and often accurate decisions (Gigerenzer & Brighton,
2009), cognitive biases are systematic errors that may result from these heuristics (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974).
Such biases have been considered automatic and unconscious influences on behavior (Kahneman, 2011). Cognitive
biases can impair optimal decision-making in a wide range of tasks within business, medical, legal, and military
settings (e.g., Nickerson, 1998). Domain knowledge does not overcome the effects of cognitive biases and may
increase the effects (Reyna, Chick, Corbin, & Hsia, 2014). In addition, these forms of bias are not systematically
related to personality attributes (West, Meserve, & Stanovich, 2012). Thus issues arising from cognitive bias exist in
many real-world contexts and are not likely to be eliminated through careful personnel selection or increased

A variety of approaches to debiasing exist (Larrick, 2004), including development of decision support systems
(Arnott, 2006), checklist procedures for decision-making within organizations (Kahneman, Lovallo, & Sibony,
2011), and modifications to the environment (Klayman & Brown, 1993). However, such methods typically invoke
external interventions into the decision making process. Cognitive biases are generally expected to be resistant to
generic mitigation training at the level of an individual (Fischhoff, 1982; Kahneman, 2003), and such training can
actually exacerbate rather than reduce the bias (e.g., Sanna, Schwartz, & Stocker, 2002). This project adopted a
novel approach to develop computer game-based training to attempt to teach individuals to mitigate three forms of
cognitive bias. It is important to note that we do not claim that the use of video games inherently produces benefits
over other forms of training and learning. Rather such a platform is one clear avenue to incorporate an array of
desirable elements into the training experience. Whether video games are better than other forms of training is a
separate question for future research. However, the current study does employ professionally developed video to
serve as a control comparison for benefits that can be derived from a more passive form of learning of comparable
underlying information.

The game used in this project aimed to train recognition and mitigation of three types of cognitive biases.
Fundamental attribution error (FAE; also called Correspondence Bias) is the tendency to assume dispositional rather
than situational influences account for the behavior of others (see Gilbert & Malone, 1995). Confirmation bias (CB)
is the tendency to seek and remember information that matches or supports ones view (see Nickerson, 1998). Bias
blind spot (BBS) is the tendency to regard ones own decisions as being free from cognitive bias, even when one can
recognize that bias in others (see Pronin, 2007).

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Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2014

A key element of our approach to training was application of Transformative Learning Theory (TLT; Mezirow,
1990) using the Observe-Orient-Decide-Act Loop (OODA; Boyd, 1995) as a core aspect of game design. This
approach leverages the dynamic and complex learning environment offered by digital games and allows us to
address bias mitigation better than other techniques, such as drill-and-skill. Transformative Learning Theory aims
for perspective transformation along three dimensions: psychological (understanding of the self), convictional
(belief systems), and behavioral (actions). TLT suggests that changes in these dimensions can result from both
instrumental learning, or learning through task-oriented problem solving, and communicative learning, or
understanding others values, ideas, feelings, and/or moral decisions. We apply TLT to bias mitigation using an
evolutionary learning and decision-making model, the OODA Loop, which posits that individuals: observe an
evolving situation; orient assessments via personal, cultural, and other filters; make decisions based on filtered
observations; take actions based on those decisions. The orient stage, during which individuals assess their own
perspectives and assumptions, is of particular importance to bias mitigation. Both the OODA and TLT emphasize
cycles of learning that lead people towards more self-reflection, resulting in enhanced assimilation of new concepts
that can be translated into actions (Mezirow, 1990).

Additional potential strengths for the use of computer-games for training include that they allow for experiential
learning, can provide a structured learning environment, an engaging and active learning situation, and the potential
to tailor learning and instruction based on performance. The game format also readily allows for the inclusion of a
range of phenomena known to enhance learning. These included spaced practice from the separation of encounters
with related material across the game (spaced practice, e.g., Melton, 1970), quiz questions and other types of testing
effects forcing retrieval of information that is advantageous compared to restudying information (testing effect, e.g.,
Roediger & Karpicke, 2006), and the active construction of information rather than passive reading (generation
effect, e.g., Slamecka & Graf, 1978). One further element of the design used was to teach a set of techniques tied to
notional tools within the game. For confirmation bias, the game provided a tool that was a set of scales and
encouraged participants to seek a balance of confirming and disconfirming evidence. For fundamental attribution
error, players used a set of goggles to use to seek potential situational explanations rather than accepting a
dispositional assumption. For bias blind spot, participants received a warning sign to remind them they were always
blind to their own biases, whether they felt they were acting with bias or not. Biases and mitigation techniques
were also explained using the tools as reference points, and integrating icons for these tools was intended to enhance

In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of training, testing incorporated two critical elements. First examination of
learning and mitigation was conducted outside of the game environment. The need for transfer from training to other
settings (Holding, 1991) should be a self-evident requirement of an effective process. Within the current study we
used an external survey measuring each bias to examine this transfer to outside of the context of the training.
Second, the inability of trainees to retain newly learned knowledge and skills is well-documented in the
psychological literature (e.g., Annett, 1979). Moreover, some forms of instruction and training maximize immediate
performance at the end of acquisition, whereas learning is best considered from the retention of knowledge (see
Schmidt & Bjork, 1992). Given this separation between what causes one to learn the most within the training
experience and what you actually remember in the future, knowledge and mitigation were examined both
immediately after training and at 8 weeks after training (with no refresher training between acquisition and
retention). Our independent variable manipulated a spaced repetition of game play in contrast to a single encounter.
Such a repetition, especially when spaced by 10-20% of the required retention interval (Cepeda et al., 2008), has
been shown to enhance retention with other types of material.

The current study therefore sought to address two core questions: (1) Can bias knowledge and mitigation for each of
the three biases be effectively trained within the novel computer-game that was developed? (2) Does spaced
repetition of the game provide advantages to retention of any learning obtained?

The game was designed as a Flash-based casual puzzle-style game in which players navigated a third-person view of
their avatar through a series of rooms encountering puzzles that teach about the biases and how to mitigate them.
Players also received infographics before each room to define and describe biases and mitigation strategies, and
short interactive quizzes followed each room to further reinforce the lesson of each room (See Figure 1 for examples
of elements from the game). A help system was available that provided additional instructions for players who were

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unable to advance, and hints occasionally

appeared at the bottom of the screen to
remind players of the task or to provide
key information needed to make progress
in the room.

The game consisted of nine modular

rooms. Each room featured a content
introduction for the relevant cognitive bias,
a series of activities to be conducted within
the room, and a door puzzle requiring
application of core content to exit the
room. Following room exit, participants
encountered a summary and testing
transition area before moving on to the
next room. Room 1 featured an
introduction to cognitive biases, the games
cover story, and taught an initial lesson of Figure 1. Example scenes from the game. Clockwise from upper left: An
bias blind spot. Room 2 introduced infographic teaching key information. A room with a puzzle for the
confirmation bias, with players learning player to solve that illustrates the bias and its mitigation. An exit
sequence requiring generation of core material. A quiz question testing
about confirming and disconfirming core knowledge.
evidence. Room 3 featured fundamental
attribution error and the idea of actively seeking all possible explanations for a situation, action, or event. Room 4
provided a puzzle involving confirmation bias. Room 5 taught mitigation of fundamental attribution error. Room 6
introduced balancing confirming and disconfirming evidence to mitigate confirmation bias. Room 7 examined the
fundamental attribution error mitigation strategy. Room 8 examined bias blind spot and its mitigation strategy.
Room 9 offered a final overall summary, and tested and reviewed core knowledge from the training.

To determine the efficacy of the training within the game a control condition with a training video was employed.
The training video supplied to us had been written with input from subject matter experts, was professionally acted
and produced, and provided the same core information as the video game with regard to the definitions and general
bias mitigation strategies. The video provided a series of vignettes in which people exhibited cognitive biases. Those
scenarios were then dissected by a "professor" who explained the interaction, the causes of bias and ways to mitigate
the bias. The video employed humor and real-world relevant examples to maintain interest and engagement.

Participants were recruited from college classes and psychology pools at three universities in the United States.
Participants signed up on a central website and were assigned a unique identifier. Participants were then scheduled
to come to a campus computer lab for 2-3 hours. After filling out a consent form, participants answered a
questionnaire (mean duration=32 minutes, SD=8.3) on the computer delivered via the survey software Qualtrics.
The items included university, internet/video game experience, FAE, CB, BBS, personal bias awareness, social
conformity, Need for Cognition, gender roles, Big Five personality assessment, and demographics. Participants were
then randomly assigned to one of three conditions: a single game play session (Single), two game play sessions
(Repeat), or Training Video (mean duration of the first play of game= 43 minutes, second play=34 minutes;
video=30 minutes). Immediately after completing the game/video, participants answered a post-session
questionnaire on the computer using the survey software Qualtrics (mean duration=17, SD=5.9). Items on that
questionnaire asked the following: university, recall of multimedia experience, transportation, active interpersonal
engagement, social richness, social realism, mental immersion, general engagement, usability (ease, attention,
stimulation, likability) perceptions, FAE, CB, BBS, personal bias awareness, and bias identification. A third survey
was distributed via email and administered using Qualtrics software approximately eight weeks later for each
participant (mean duration=34 minutes, SD=34). Questions included transportability (personality trait), recall of
condition assignment, engagement (short version), usability (short version), learning perceptions, FAE, CB, BBS,
personal bias awareness, and bias identification. Within this paper we focus only on the results of the bias
knowledge and mitigation items.


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Three hundred thirty-five subjects recruited for partial, optional course credit were included in our final dataset. The
sample was majority female (67% female; 33% male), and 74% were between the ages of 18 and 20. One hundred
ninety nine people participated in the retention study (a 59% response rate). They were paid a $20 gift card for
completing this final survey.

A measure of recognition and identification of the biases, and individual scales to measure each of the cognitive
biases -- FAE, CB, and BBS that were the focus of study -- were developed. As described below, the bias measures
were scaled -100 to +100 with 0 indicating no bias in either direction (e.g. for FAE, -100 situational bias and +100
dispositional bias).

Bias Recognition. Bias recognition was assessed with six items on the pre- and post-survey, two items for each bias.
Items were definitional statements, such as believing you are fundamentally less susceptible to biased thinking than
most people. Participants were asked to select the correct corresponding bias from a list of five (the list included
distractor answers such as Apathy Bias). Recognition was scored by taking the sum of correct answers.

Fundamental Attribution Error. This measure presented participants with ten brief scenarios such as One of your
peers receives an A in a course that has a reputation for being hard. The best explanation for this students grade is
that the student is smart. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this assessment? Scenarios were based in
range of topics areas such as donating money, romantic relationships, and driving. Similar to the rating scales used
to assess attribution in Jones and Harris (1967) and Tetlock (1985), responses were gathered via sliders on a scale of
1 (disagree) to 7 (agree). The resulting rating was assessed relative to the center of the scale that was shown in other
work to reflect a rating of agreement assigned to good situational account of these items. Hence in these answers a
rating of 4 would reflect a dispositional account given no greater weighting than a situational one might receive. The
measure was scored as follows: Scale Mean (range: 1 to 7)=Mean of 10 ratings. FAE Score (range: -100 to 100) =
((Scale Mean 4) / 3) x 100.

Confirmation Bias. To examine CB, we tested how participants weighted information in relation to a known
hypothesis (CB), based on the paradigm developed by Cook and Smallman (2008). For the CB measure used here,
participants were presented with seven scenarios such as You are considering taking a trip to the country
Calzycoah. You dont speak the language, but you will not have to pay for airfare to this vacation spot. Then some
scenarios provided a hypothesis, others asked participants to decide between two possible hypotheses (Taking, or
not taking, the trip for the example above). Participants then rated six pieces of evidence for the importance of
asking the following questions in evaluating your selected decision. Three options represented confirming
evidence and three disconfirming evidence. Answers used sliders on a scale of 1 (unimportant) to 7 (extremely
important). The resulting ratings were assessed for the weight given to confirming evidence relative to the
disconfirming evidence. The procedures used to calculate CB items (two sets of ratings for each of 7 questions, 3
confirming and 3 disconfirming items) were: Question Mean (two sets, range: 1 to 7) = Mean of 3 items per
question. Adjusted Question Mean (two sets, range: 0 to 100) = ((Question Mean 1) / 6) x 100. Scale Mean (two
sets, range: -100 to 100) = Mean of 7 Adjusted Question Means. CB Score (range: -100 to 100) = (Scale Mean
confirming items Scale Mean disconfirming items).

Bias Blind Spot. BBS was measured with a variant of the method employed by Pronin, Lin & Ross (2002).
Participants were first asked to rate themselves compared to an average student at their institution on seven
different positive characteristics and traits. A second set of items then informed them of the Illusion of Superiority
(IS), the tendency to rate oneself as above average on these types of dimensions. They were then asked, To what
extent do you believe that you showed this tendency when you rated your [intelligence] on a previous question?
This was followed with: To what extent do you believe that the average student from your university would show
this tendency if he or she rated his or her [intelligence]? Answers are on sliders from 1 (not at all) to 9 (very much).
Bias blind spot would be indicated when ratings for questions concern the self received lower values for
susceptibility to the bias than an average student. BBS were scored as follows: Scale Mean (two sets, range: 1 to 9)
= Mean of 7 ratings. Centered Score (range: -100 to 100) = ((5 - Scale Mean) / 4) x 100. BBS Score (range: -100 to
100) = (Centered Score self-ratings - Centered Score other-ratings) / 2.

Cronbachs alpha reliabilities were obtained for the three types of novel bias measures at pre-test (FAE=.68;
CB=.59; BBS=.59), immediate post-test (FAE=.91; CB=.67; BBS=.66), and retention (FAE=.89; CB=.73;

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BBS=.88). Pre-test scores also showed no evidence of correlations between the scales (all r<.1, p>.05), offering
some evidence of discriminant validity.

Twenty participants who were not part of the main experiment were given a pre- and post-test on the bias measures
with no feedback between administrations. The two attempts at the questions were separated by an intervening
distractor (mathematical problems) task. Correlations between pre- and post-test suggest sufficient reliability for all
measures of bias across the tests (test 1 to test 2 correlations, FAE: r=.94; CB: r=.69; BBS: r=.72). In addition the
test-retest data also were used to examine whether practice effects occurred for the bias measures (FAE: mean (sd)
test 1=10.4 (24.2), test 2=12.5 (25.6), t(19)=1.10, p>.25; CB: test 1=24.4 (13.8), test 2=24.7 (11.1), t(19)=0.07,
p>.90; BBS: test 1=13.2, test 2 =12.4 (12.3), t(19)=0.41, p>.65) . Thus all scores remained stable across the two
administrations of the instruments, with no evidence of significant decreases in bias from exposure to the bias
questions alone.

Thirty five participants who were not part of the main study were used to examine whether pre-test exposure to the
bias measures changed subsequent learning from the game (and hence post-test performance). There were no
significant differences between the groups (pre + post-test vs. post-test only) on any of the bias measures at post-test
(CB: t(33)=0.03, p>.97; FAE: t(33)=-1.16, p>.25; BBS: t(33)=0.61, p>.54). These findings show no evidence to
suggest that the use of a pre-test changes the nature of learning to an extent that would influence the findings within
the core study.

Participants were randomly allocated to one of 3 conditions, Single play of the game (123 participants; with 65 of
these participating at the retention test after 8 weeks), Repeated play of the game (93 participants, 57 at retention), or
the control Video condition (119 participants, with 77 at retention). All participants first completed the external bias
measures. Participants in the Single play condition then played the game before taking the post-test bias measures.
Participants in the Repeat play condition played the game once and returned to the lab 7-10 days later to play the
game again before taking the external post-test bias. Participants in the Video condition watched the instructional
Video and then took the post-test bias measures. All participants were contacted by email 8 weeks after their (final)
training session, and used a link to remotely access the Qualtrics survey for the retention test.

Immediate Bias Recognition and Knowledge (Pre-test and Post-test)
Bias knowledge and recognition showed a change from
training (See Figure 2), with learning demonstrated Bias Knowledge and Recognition
through a main effect of pre-post (F(1,327)=741.23, Pre-test vs Post-test
p<.00005, MSE=1.40). While there was no main effect 6 Pre Post
of condition (F(2,327) <1, MSE=3.10), some evidence
of differential effectiveness of the forms of training was
Bias Score

seen in a marginally non-significant interaction between
pre-post and condition (F(4,327)=2.66, p=.07). Planned
comparisons showed significant increased knowledge 2
bias for a Single play of the game (t(120)=-16.43,
p<.0005, d=1.49), Repeat play of the game (t(91)=-
15.31, p<.0005, d=1.60), and from the Video control 0
condition (t(116)=-15.30, p<.0005, d=1.41). The effect Single Repeat Video
sizes suggest substantial learning about the biases Figure 2. Bias Knowledge and Recognition by Condition for
occurred in all three training conditions. Examining the Pre-test and Post-test. Error bars show standard error.
post-test performance using the planned linear contrasts showed a difference between game conditions (t(330)=2.28,
p<.05), and a significant training advantage for the combined game conditions versus the Video condition
(t(330)=6.99, p<.0005) and a significant benefit for the Repeat play condition over the control Video (t(332)=4.66,
p<.0005). Thus when measured at acquisition, there was a slight but statistically significant advantage for the
Repeat game play condition.

Bias Recognition and Knowledge Retention (8 week post)

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Bias knowledge and recognition showed evidence of

greater change from the game conditions than the Video Bias Knowledge and Recognition
condition when assessed at the retention test (See Figure Pre-test vs Retention test
6 Pre Retention
3). Supporting the idea that at least some of the learning
seen at the immediate post-test had been retained, there

Bias Score
with a main effect of pre-test versus retention 4
(F(1,192)=70.30, p<.0005, MSE=2.07). There was no
main effect of condition (F(2,192) =5.00, p<.01,
MSE=3.37), but differences between the conditions in 2
the amount of learning retains was suggested by an
interaction between pre-retention and condition
(F(2,192)=10.64, p<.0005). Planned comparisons
Single Repeat Video
showed significant increase in knowledge of bias for the Condition
Single play condition (t(63)=-3.31, p<.005, d=0.41), Figure 3. Bias Knowledge and Recognition by Condition for
Repeated play condition (t(55)=-8.70, p<.0005, d=1.16), Pre-test and Retention test. Error bars show standard error.
and the Video control condition (t(74)=-2.65, p<.05, d=.31). These show a large effect size for learning about the
biases from the Repeat play condition, and small to medium effect sizes from Single game play and Video
conditions. Examining the retention test performance using the planned linear contrasts showed a difference between
game conditions (t(196)=-3.74, p<.0005), a significant difference between combined game conditions versus the
Video condition (t(196)=3.17, p <.005), and a significant difference between the Repeated play condition, and the
Video condition (t(196)=4.81, p <.0005). As can be seen from these analyses greater retention of knowledge was
present from the Repeated play of the game.

Bias Mitigation
A DM MANOVA looking at all pre-test and immediate post-test with the three types of bias measures as dependent
variables showed that some level of bias mitigation was present as shown by a significant pre-post training effect
(Wilks =.48, F(3,328)=117.06, p<.0005). Differences in the extent of this mitigation between the conditions was
seen in a significant pre-post by condition (Single play game, Repeat play game, control Video) interaction (Wilks
=.77, F(6,658)=15.51, p<.0005). The same analysis for retention showed a significant pre-retention training effect
(Wilks =.41, F(3,193)=45.10, p<.0005), and a significant pre-retention by condition (Single play game, Repeat
play game, control Video) interaction (Wilks =.88, F(6,386)=4.23, p<.0005). These analyses suggest large overall
training effects in bias mitigation, and differences in the levels of mitigation attained from the different forms of
training, both immediately following acquisition and at the retention test. Follow-up analyses examined each bias
measure individually.

Fundamental Attribution Error Immediate Post-Test

FAE showed evidence of greater change in bias score Fundamental Attribution Error
from the game conditions than the Video condition (See Pre-test vs Post-test
Figure 4), with mitigation shown in a main effect of pre- Pre Post
post (F(1,330)=305.12, p<.0005, MSE=744), a main 20
effect of condition (F(1,330)=5.19, p<.01, MSE=1593), 10
Bias Score

and an interaction between pre-post and condition 0

(F(2,330)=17.28, p<.0005) suggested that FAE -10
mitigation differed across the conditions. Planned
comparisons showed significant reductions in bias for
the Single play condition (t(122)=13.37, p<.0005,
d=1.21), Repeated play condition (t(92)=8.27, p<.0005, -40
Single Repeat Video
d=0.86), and the Video control condition (t(118)=8.79, Condition
p<.0005, d=0.81). Effect sizes suggest large immediate Figure 4. Fundamental Attribution Error by Condition for
training effects for all three conditions. Examining the Pre-test and Post-test. Error bars show standard error.
post-test performance using the planned linear contrasts showed a difference between game conditions (t(332)=-
2.54, p <.05), a significant difference between combined game conditions versus the Video condition (t(332)=-4.14,
p<.0005), and a significant difference between the Repeat play versus the Video condition (t(332)=-2.17, p<.05).

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The Single play of the game induced a greater negative shift in bias scores than Repeated play, and both had a larger
magnitude effect on FAE than the Video.

Fundamental Attribution Error - Retention Fundamental Attribution Error

FAE showed evidence of equally effective change from Pre-test vs Retention test
the game conditions and the Video condition (See Pre Retention
Figure 5), with a main effect of pre-test versus retention 30
(F(1,195)=83.89, p<.0005, MSE=934), no main effect 20

Bias Score
of condition (F(2,195) <1, MSE=1467), and no 10
interaction between pre-retention and condition 0
(F(2,195)=1.97, p =.14). Planned comparisons showed
significant reductions in bias for the Single play -10
condition (t(64)=5.03, p<.0005, d=.62), Repeated play -20
condition (t(56)=5.76, p<.0005, d=.76), and the Video -30
control condition (t(76)=4.68, p<.0005, d=.53). The Single Repeat Video
effect sizes are consistent with good retention of all Condition
three forms of training. Examining the retention test Figure 5. Fundamental Attribution Error by Condition for
performance using the planned linear contrasts showed Pre-test and Retention test. Error bars show standard error.
no difference between game conditions (t(196)=1.02, p
>.05), no significant difference between combined game conditions versus the Video condition (t(196)=-0.82
p>.05), and no significant difference between the Repeated play condition and the Video condition (t(196)=-1.21,
p>.05). Overall the FAE data reflect substantial retention in all conditions. Potential ceiling effects may limit the
ability to detect differential performance across groups.

Confirmation Bias Immediate Post-Test Confirmation Bias

CB showed evidence of greater change in bias from the Pre-test vs Post-test
game conditions than the Video condition (See Figure 40
6), with a main effect of pre-post (F(1,332)=120.58, Pre Post
p<.0005, MSE=181), a main effect of condition 30
Bias Score

(F(2,332) =3.63, p<.05, MSE=406), and an interaction

between pre-post and condition (F(2,332)=37.59, 20
p<.0005). Planned comparisons showed significant
reductions in bias for the Single play condition 10
(t(122)=9.14, p<.0005, d=.82), and the Repeated play
condition (t(92)=8.26, p<.0005, d=.86), but no evidence 0
of learning in the Video control condition (t(118)=-0.80, Single Repeat Video
p >.05, d=-.07). The effect sizes show substantial Condition
reductions in confirmation bias from playing the game, Figure 6. Confirmation Bias by Condition for Pre-test and
but no effect from the training Video. Examining the Post-test. Error bars show standard error.
post-test performance using the planned linear contrasts
showed no difference between game conditions (t(332)=0.78, p >.05), but a significant training advance for the
combined game conditions versus the Video condition (t(332)=-7.08, p<.0005) and a significant benefit for the
Repeat play condition over the control Video (t(332)=-6.24, p<.0005).

Confirmation Bias - Retention

CB showed evidence of greater change from the best game condition than the Video condition (See Figure 7), with a
main effect of pre-test to retention test (F(1,195)=42.57, p<.0005, MSE=253), a main effect of condition (F(2,195)
=4.38, p<.05, MSE=457), and an interaction between pre-retention and condition (F(2,195)=11.12, p<.0005).
Planned comparisons showed significant reductions in bias for the Single play condition (t(64)=2.48, p<.05, d=.31),
and the Repeated play condition (t(56)=6.80, p<.0005, d=.90), but no evidence of learning in the Video control
condition (t(76)=1.33, p>.05, d=0.15). Effect sizes show large mitigation of confirmation bias from the Repeated
play, a small to medium effect from Single game play, and a small non-significant mitigation effect from the Video
condition. Examining the retention test performance using the planned linear contrasts showed a difference between
game conditions (t(196)=4.09, p<.0005), no overall training advantage for the combined game conditions versus the
Video condition (t(196)=-1.58, p>.05), but a significant difference between the best game condition, the Repeated

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play condition, and the Video condition (t(196)=-3.44 Confirmation Bias

p<.005). Overall the CB data reflect the benefit of Pre-test vs Retention test
Repeat play for retention.
Pre Retention
Bias Blind Spot Immediate Post-Test 30

Bias Score
BBS showed evidence of greater change from the game
conditions than the Video condition for the omnibus 20
analyses (See Figure 8). There was a significant main
effect of pre-post (F(1,330)=12.96, p<.0005, MSE=73 ), 10
a main effect of condition (F(2,330) =5.01, p<.01,
MSE=176), and an interaction between pre-post and 0
condition (F(2,330)=6.53, p<.005). Planned Single Repeat Video
comparisons showed significant reductions in bias for Condition
the Single play condition (t(122)=3.51, p<.005, d=.32), Figure 7. Confirmation Bias by Condition for Pre-test and
Retention test. Error bars show standard error.
and the Repeated play condition (t(92)=3.10, p<.005,
d=.32), but no evidence of learning in the Video control
condition (t(116)=-0.95, p >.05, d=-0.01). Effect sizes Bias Blind Spot
reflect small to medium changes in bias blind spot Pre-test vs Post-test
following game play, but no evidence of mitigation 8 Pre Post
from the Video. Examining the post-test performance 6
using the planned linear contrasts showed no difference
between game conditions (t(332)=-1.30, p >.05), but a Bias Score
significant training advance for the combined game
conditions versus the Video condition (t(332)=-4.54,
p<.0005) and a significant benefit for the Repeat play 0
condition over the control Video (t(332)=-3.12,
Single Repeat Video
Bias Blind Spot - Retention Condition
BBS showed no evidence of greater change from the Figure 8. Bias Blind Spot by Condition for Pre-test and Post-
test. Error bars show standard error.
game conditions than the Video condition (See Figure
9). There was, with a main effect of pre-test versus
Bias Blind Spot
retention (F(1,195)=16.20, p<.0005, MSE=92), no
Pre-test vs Retention test
main effect of condition (F(2,195) =2.06, p=.13, Pre Retention
MSE=164), and no interaction between pre-retention 8
and condition (F(2,195)=<1). Planned comparisons 6
Bias Score

showed significant reductions in bias for the Single play

condition (t(64)=2.71, p<.01, d=.34), Repeated play 4
condition (t(56)=2.14, p<.05, d=.28), and the Video 2
control condition (t(75)=2.06, p<.05, d=.24). Effect
sizes show small to medium mitigation of BBS at 0
retention. Interestingly, a training effect is now seen -2
also for the Video condition that was not observed at Single Repeat Video
acquisition. This may be associated with the Condition
contradictory nature of training people on bias Figure 9. Bias Blind Spot by Condition for Pre-test and
mitigation while presenting them a message about bias Retention test. Error bars show standard error.
blind spot that suggested they were still biased. Examining the retention test performance using the planned linear
contrasts showed no difference between game conditions (t(196)=-1.14, p>.05), no significant difference between
combined game conditions versus the Video condition (t(196)=-1.75 p=.08), and no significant difference between
the best game condition, the Repeated play condition, and the Video condition (t(196)=-0.87 p>.05).

Independent Assessment
An additional assessment of the effectiveness of the game was conducted by an independent lab (Bush, 2014). These
tests employed novel measures of cognitive bias, unknown to the research team who developed the game, that
featured different matched materials at pre-test, post-test, and retention test. All participants were recruited and run

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by the independent lab. Participants in the independent assessment engaged in the Repeat play condition (n=53) and
the Video control condition (n=58), and also completed a similar 8-week retention test. Game play resulted in
greater improvements on the bias measures than the control Video on all three biases at retention and for bias blind
spot on the immediate post-test as well (FAE: Post-test 24% improvement vs. Video 19%, Retention test 15% vs. -
3%, t-test reported p<.05; CB: Post-test 24% improvement vs. Video 14%, Retention test 33% vs. 16%, t-test
reported p<.01; BBS: Post-test 17% vs. Video 4%, t-test reported p<.05, Retention test 27% vs. 11%, t-test reported

Overall these results suggest highly promising performance from the bias training game developed for this project.
The game proved an effective training method to reduce bias in a durable fashion. Reductions in bias were shown on
the external questionnaire items, both immediately following training and when retested 8 weeks subsequent to
training. In comparison to the professionally developed video, the game shifted decision making further from the
tendency to affirm dispositional explanations in fundamental attribution error on the immediate post-test. The game
reduced confirmation bias on both post-test and retention test whereas the video had no effect. Furthermore the
game reduced bias blind spot to a greater extent on the immediate post-test than the video. These results broadly
align with an independent assessment of the games effectiveness that also found changes in all three forms of bias.
Such changes from relatively brief (~40 minutes) training that transfer outside of the learning environment to items
not just in a different context but of a different nature, support the notion that serious computer games can serve as
effective training tools. In addition the results suggest that this current game has potential value in training bias
mitigation within a wide spectrum of activities and jobs that that can be seen to be vulnerable to such biases. The
ubiquity of confirmation bias and fundamental attribution error means there are a wide range of situations in which
individuals could benefit from the type of rapid, generalizable bias mitigation that this training appears to offer.

The effect of repetition of the game was hypothesized to benefit retention, but this was only apparent within
confirmation bias. However, the large retention effects observed in the single play condition for both fundamental
attribution error and bias blind spot may have produced ceiling effects that limited the ability to detect differences
between conditions.

This study demonstrates the effectiveness of using a game to train higher order cognitive skills such as biases and
decision-making in particular. The design might also negate some other potentially valuable aspects of games as
training platforms, given that participants learning was precisely proscribed within the experiment. As suggested by
current scholarship, games tendency to generate intrinsic motivation may contribute to improved learning outcomes
(Deci & Ryan, 1985; Salen & Zimmerman, 2003), and these same properties may also critically influence the
decision to engage or re-engage in the training where the decision to attempt to learn rests with the learner.
Moreover, the interactive characteristics of games that include failure and replay, along with the potential to explore
different activities, paths, and outcomes, may contribute to learning, but also encourage participants to conduct
refresher training. Research suggests that enabling learners to have greater control over their learning experience
improves knowledge and increases motivation to learn (Reigeluth & Stein, 1983; Williams, 1996), which again can
be features of game-based training. The importance to training outcomes of a choice to participate in additional
training was apparent in the study of web-based refresher training for CPR skills in which Compton, Nafziger,
Brown, Ottingham, and Moore (2005) found that a mere 3% of participants even accessed the website. The extent to
which games can promote and encourage engagement in training remains an important issue for future research.

This work was supported by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) via the Air Force
Research Laboratory contract number FA8650-11-C-7176 (PI: Tomek Strzalkowski). The views and conclusions
contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official
policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of IARPA, AFRL, or the U.S. Government.

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