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Form 3 Chapter 9

Stars and Galaxies

9.1 Analysing the Sun
1. Write True (T) or False (F) for the statements below to describe the characteristics of the
a. The diameter of the sun is 1 392 000 km.

b. The mass of the sun is 2 x 10 kg.

c. The relative density of the sun to the earth is 0.25

d. The surface temperature of the sun is 550 C 600 C.

e. The density of the sun is only a quarter that of the Earth

because it is primarily made up of gases.

2. Label parts X, Y and Z based on the information below.

Chromospheres Corona Photosphere




3. Label the diagram below to identify the phenomena occurring on the surface of the sun
using the words given.

Prominences Solar flares Sun spots

X : ______________

Y :_______________

Z : _______________

Form 3 Chapter 9
4. Underline the correct answer in the statement below to explain the effects of the
phenomena on the surface of the sun on the earth.

a. (Solar wind / solar flare) is a flow of gases from the sun that disturbs and shakes
the Earths magnetic field.

b. (Solar flares / Sunspots) often give off ultraviolet light and X-ray that heat up the
Earths upper atmosphere and can change the orbits of satellites and shorter their

5. Complete the statement to state how energy is generated by the Sun using the words

light hydrogen nuclear fusion heat helium energy

a. Energy is generated by the sun through _______________ in the core of the sun.

b. The sun is mainly made up of _____________.

c. Under high temperature in the core of the sun, hydrogen atoms undergo nuclear
fusion to form ____________ atoms and a large amount of _________ is produced.

d. The energy produced is in the form of _________ and __________.

9.2 Understanding the star and galaxies in the Universe

Complete questions 1, 2 and 3 using the words given.

red blue star sun Sirius Rigel

1. a. ______ is different from a planet because it can give off its own light.

b. The _____ is the nearest star to the Earth.

c. The coolest stars are ______ in colour.

d. The hottest stars are _______ in colour.

2. The brightest star seen from the Earth is _______

3. ________ is an example of a bright star that emits a bluish light.

4. Draw lines to match the various types of stars with the correct characteristics.
Form 3 Chapter 9

Giants very dense, small stars

Neutron Stars dim compact star

Super giants large stars

White dwarf large stars with diameters more than 100 times
that of the Sun

5. Label the diagram below to describe the formation and death of a star using the words

Neutron star Nebula Black hole Supernova Red Giant Star


a. c. e.

2. Label the following type of galaxy using the words given.

Spiral galaxy Elliptical galaxy Irregular galaxy

3. Complete the statements below to state the position of the Solar System in the
Universe and to describe the Milky Way using the words given.
Form 3 Chapter 9
gravity Universe Milky Way spiral-shaped

a. There are millions of galaxies in our ___________.

b. The Solar System is located in the __________ galaxy.

c. The Milky Way is a __________ galaxy and contains about 200 billion stars.

d. A galaxy is a group of stars held together by _________.

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