Do Not Call National and State Protection For Ohioans

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Office of the Ohio

Your Residential Utility
Consumer Advocate

SHEET Unwanted telemarketing calls can be If a customer has an established business
a nuisance to consumers, and may relationship with a company, the
be a means for perpetrating fraud. company may call for up to 18 months
The Office of the Ohio Consumers after the customers last purchase,
Counsel (OCC) is offering this fact payment or delivery. This is the case
sheet to inform residential telephone unless the customer asks the company
customers of the protections against not to call again. If you receive such a
unwanted telemarketing calls available call, you may ask to be placed on the
to consumers. telemarketers internal Do-Not-Call list to
avoid receiving follow-up calls from the
Residential telephone customers can avoid company. A direct request to a company
receiving unwanted telemarketing calls is good for five years.
by placing their home telephone and/
or personal cell phone numbers on the If calls continue, you may send the
national Do-Not-Call registry. Registering company a certified letter, return receipt
a number is free and your number will requested, demanding to be placed on
Office of the Ohio stay on the registry until you remove it or its internal Do-Not-Call list. A copy of
Consumers Counsel change your telephone number. the letter and return receipt should be
kept as proof in case you decide to file a
10 West Broad Street
Telemarketers are legally required to complaint against the company.
Suite 1800, Columbus, OH
review the Do-Not-Call registry at 90-day
intervals and remove any numbers on the How to sign up for the national
registry from their call lists. This does not Do-Not-Call registry
apply to charities, political organizations, You may place your telephone numbers
political candidates and telephone survey on the national Do-Not-Call registry at
companies, however. any time. The registry can be accessed
WEBSITE: online at or by
calling toll-free 1-888-382-1222 from the
Continued on next page
telephone number you wish to register. When filing a complaint, consumers need
If you have more than one telephone to provide the following information;
DO-NOT-CALL number (e.g., a home landline number
and a cell phone number), you must
The consumers name and address;
National and State register each number individually in The telephone number the
Protection for Ohioans order to avoid receiving telemarketing telemarketer called;
calls. You can verify your registration(s) The date of the call;
online or by calling the Do-Not-Call toll- The time of the call; and
free number.
Either the name or telephone
If you change telephone numbers because number of the telemarketer.

CONSUMERS you move or for any other reason, your

Consumers also can file a complaint against

prior registration will not protect you
from receiving telemarketing calls at the the telemarketer at their countys small
new number. You will need to register the claims court. Individual consumers can
seek up to $2,000 in damages per violation.

new number to avoid telemarketing calls
at that number.
Additional rules for telemarketing
Once your number is registered, it can In addition to the requirements
take up to 31 days for it to be removed telemarketers must follow when telephone
from telemarketers lists. If you sign up numbers are registered on the national
online you will be sent a confirmation Do-Not-Call list, residential telephone
e-mail at the e-mail address used during consumers should also be aware of the
registration. You must respond to the following FTC and FCC rules:
e-mail within 72 hours for your number
to be added on the registry. Telemarketers CANNOT:
Make sales calls before 8 a.m. or
Complaint process after 9 p.m.;
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Use an automated system to call or
and the Federal Communications
send text messages to a cell phone;
Commission (FCC) enforce Do-Not-
Call laws, as do state officials. Ohio Withdraw money from a persons
does not have a separate Do-Not-Call checking account without
law, although the Attorney General has permission;
the authority to seek criminal and civil Use recorded messages for
penalties in federal or local courts against telemarketing to consumers who
telemarketers who call Ohio residents at do not have an established business
a number registered on the national Do- relationship with the company; or
Not-Call list.
Use a fax machine, computer or
CONS other device to send an unsolicited
HIO U Consumers who believe they are
O ad to a fax machine without the

receiving unlawful telemarketing calls



receiving partys prior consent.

can file a complaint by contacting any of

the following agencies:

Telemarketers ARE REQUIRED TO:

Ohio Attorney General: 1-800-282-


0515,; State the name of the company
they represent, product description
FTC: 1-888-382-1222, and cost;
Office of the Ohio; or
Consumers FCC:
Disclose their telephone number
and name through a customers
Counsel caller ID service; and
Your Residential Utility Disclose risk, liquidity and
Consumer Advocate earnings potential of investment
Continued on next page
In Ohio, telephone and mail solicitors must register with the Attorney Generals office,
reveal information about their products and the companys background and offer
DO-NOT-CALL refunds to unhappy customers. Solicitors who do not comply with these requirements
could face a substantial fine.
National and State
Protection for Ohioans
Tips to end telemarketing calls Tips to prevent fraud
Tip #1: Simply telling the caller If you choose to engage in a
that you are not interested should conversation with a telemarketer to
be enough. You can always say Im learn more about the goods or services
terminating this call and hang up the being offered, be sure to protect
telephone. yourself against telephone fraud. The
CONSUMERS following suggestions may help you to

FACT Tip #2: Be sure to tell the caller to

place your name and number on the
avoid telephone fraud:

companys internal Do-Not-Call list Tip #1: Do not rush. Allow yourself
and be sure to sign up on the national enough time to ask questions. Ask the
Do-Not-Call registry. Also, contact company to send written information
your local telephone company and ask on the proposed product, service or
to have your name removed from their charity before committing yourself.
selling list.
Tip #2: Get the name, address and
Tip #3: Add the statement telephone number of the company
Telemarketers need not call back and check out its credentials with your
to the recorded message on your local consumer protection office. You
voicemail or answering machine. can also contact The National Fraud
Information Center at 1-800-876-7060
Tip #4: Do not include your telephone to discuss the offer with a trained
number on the outgoing message of professional.
The Office of the Ohio
Consumers Counsel (OCC), the
your voicemail or answering machine.
residential utility consumer Tip #3: Never send money (cash,
advocate, represents the Tip #5: Read entry forms for contests check or money order) to anyone who
interests of 4.5 million and other prize giveaways that require requires an immediate payment. Do
households in proceedings your telephone number to make not give out financial information
before state and federal
regulators and in the courts.
sure that, by completing the entry such as your bank account or credit
form, you are not giving the sponsor card numbers or personal information
The state agency also educates permission to call you or provide such as your social security number.
consumers about electric, your telephone number to others for
natural gas, telephone telemarketing purposes. Tip #4: Remember that if you are
and water issues.
offered a prize, you should not be
For more information, please asked to pay for it.
visit the OCC website at




The Office of the Ohio Consumers

Counsel is an equal opportunity
employer and provider of services.

2014 Office of the Ohio Consumers Counsel. May be reprinted with permission. F-TELE-082214

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